WELLS, FARGO ft, CO., XVKK, ORKGON AND CALIFORNIA EXP. ES8 k EXCHANGE COMPANY, ' CAPITAL, . . . $000,000. HBawsas EXPRESS FORWARDERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ship Treasure nl ih,. lowkst saths, and iusure uuaer our own open -licies, held wilh the beat English Companies, vis t ' - Indemnity Mutual Marin Murine lusursucs; Royal Exchange Insurant and Loudon Aasurauce. Forward Freight and Parceli Tl) All PARTS OF THE ATLANTIC STATES, CANADA, AND EUROPE. EXCHANGE ou Iho A TLANTIC STATES ami EUROPE aud checks on SAN FHAN CISCO procured al tha Ati-uey. KT For (bt boiler security of ourac Ivea and llio public, Agents lu l-amoruia, Oregon and ash li (ton Torriloriro, are furnished wild " Appoiul Mala" or Commissions, specifying iheir power as our Ageuts. ouch Appointments they are re quired 10 keep exposed lo lb public view in llicir place oi buMueee. Office at tb CITY DRUG STORE, Origin iiiy. June 1,1658. A. II STEELE, Agent. XTotiM. rpiIE undersigned being about lo wind up llieir -a. uiasurei m ursgon, request all Mo who kuow tbcmselve indebted to them to make au immediate armament of their veeouuta, to aav legal casta. ALLAN, McK INLAY A. CO. . Oregon Cily, May !W, I Sis. 7w8 Za JProbat Court, Kay Term, ItSS. Order J or Appearand. WB. TOltRENCE and William Collins, exeeulore of die lax will of Lot Whit couib, decerned, have Uiia day filed their elitioii la the Probate Court for Clackamaa counlv orav- in( for an order I oell a portion of llie rial prop, onv belonging to llie ealalo of aaid deceaaed it ia therefar ordered that all (.erauiu interested la aaid eelale appear before the Probate Court ou the lint Tuesday in July next, at the usual place of boldiui-courts in Clackamaa county. O. T- and ahow catue, if any Ihey can, why an order ahould Hot be granted lo Iho aaid executor lo oell the properly aepra)ed for in their petition, lo pay the uuoio ana cnargee agamsi the eelale or aaid de ceased. KUBh.lt i CAUHELD, : .Muy Id, 1854-7 Judge of i'rubate. Hzecutor! Notice. FTilIE uiidera.gued named aa exeeulur in th X hurt will and leslanient of James I). Ilreuu, deceased, late of Clackumas county, U. T., has received letters lestaiiieuiary ou tiie cutatu from tna rrubatu court or said county. All pereoiis iu dekted to aaid estate are required lo in .ka inline dial payineul, and all erwne haviug claims against llie estate aru requested to exhibit tin m, run lb necessary vuiichers, within one your Imu tni daleatuiy residence in aaid county. UliMlY l.M.ELS, Miry 1S,tfe58-T'3 Execuuir. Executor1! XTotice. rpHE uudei'siued, liuincd us executor ill the JL lat will aud teataiueiit of John Kiiinmel, de tteaeed, late uf Clackamas county, U. '1'., has re ceived Jelters testamentary on the estate from the Probate court of said -couiny. Ail pvrwna iudrbl id lo said estate are required to make immediate payment, and all per lis having clmms .iga list th stale arc requested is exhibit them, wnh the ne cessary yuuehers. within one year from this dale, to me al my residence iu aaia cuuntv. A.T. U1USOX, May 29, 1858-7w3 Executor. W. WSAXBEATOBS, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, CKALKR IM DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, Trusses, Supporter, Shoulder Bracn, Window Glum, Glassware, in oil. Paints, ground, coined, dry, of Linseed Oil, Nmlsfool Oil, Tanners' Oil, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Marhine Oil, Turpentine, Camphrtity Polar Oil, Burning Fluid, Furniture Varnish, Japan Varnish, "' CrxicA Varnish, Brushes, a large, variety, Artist Materials, Perfumery, Alcohol, Gold Lenf, American, Bronzes, Vermillion, French, Chinese, and With a full tttortment ORAEFENBERO MEDICINES; r iu a word, I am now receiving a large assort ment of tii. above, with a thousand other articles ue aameroua to mention, (purchased last winter in New Yark very low for cash,) in addition to my faraaer atuek, comprising on of th Latrgaat Mast Camalela AsrtaeaU On I is Cooel .' W. WEATHERFORD return thnnk for the liberal patronage hitherto received, and respect fully asks a conunuaoca of the same, as he will sell gaa Fraaciaoo price. Dealer and consumer will find it I their advantage to call, aa the good must b sold lo make room for more soon to arrive. PORTLAND, Oregon, May 23, 1858. CROWELL'S CaaiawmmA Extract f HarupaTllla, el law Dock, aai 1114 af roiataa t AN invaluable remedy for impuritiee of the blood, scrofula, king's evil, eryajpelae, salt rbeum, cuotivenees. jaundice, dyspepsia, syphilitic ' symptoms, swelling of the glands, teversoree. paiua in the boon, rlieumabsin, pimple on th lace, neuralgia, and all chronic and long standing die- Tbi article, in its strongest and moat perfect form, contains all the active and well-established medical properties of Sarpvill, Fellow Dock, ad iodide if Pit, a comb) nation anequaled ia Ha curative and strengthening effects. Thou sands af certificate eouid be furo sbed of it pow rlul effeCU as on exeellenl medicine. Far sale by Dr. CROWELL A CO., Druggists, 131 Commercial aU. San Franeisea, and by W. WEATHERFORO. Portland, Oregon, my 22 rUnot and BCelodeons. EL. BRADLEY A CO. will be ia receipt a af a few of Gilbert A Co. PIANO FORTES and Priaee A to ' MLLOUEONS, ea or about tha 1st of Jaly, which tbey wiU aell at Saa Fraacamprieaa. Oregon City, May 23. CjAfa ACRES OF GOOD LAND withia artUU three milea af Oregoa Chy, for aala. Tana allowed oa part af purchase aaoaoy. For pvtiealara ioqaira st the CITY BOOK-STORE ilOwrnritr M-r- rpilKRE FINK COVERED BUOUIES -a. sai by AINSWORTII DlERDOnrr. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OR KG OS cm. j. n. bi.apii:d v ro. "ITTOULD npeelfully Inform the public thai v T liny hare uow on hand a larvu and well' Selected stock of hailv.ma.la It 1 1 1 1 T al J. SHOES, which Ihey offer fur aalo ou reaaunable lenna. MJ k'lXff AND JiRP ATM V7J " . , " ,v Don lo order, ou iliurt nolle. May e, 10.10. 4. j Ho, tor the Mines ! 4 LL Ihueii iu.l. bird to the lata firm of J. D. il liLxnriio will pleaa ouumi furwnrd and eel. lie roaTiiwmi. May 8, IH58. Territory of Oreron. Ditlriet Cturl, Sted Judical Viilriel, ti. May Tian, 1858. The Tualatin River Trauapurlation A navigation lo. ti. a Equity. A HHrlre at Galbmalb'i Ferry in " aaningion county, W XT .1 .... ti una oaueo, n oeing rvpreaenied inal ne per A eon claim lo own the bride- comidained of. h ie arucrta, mat niainiina Hire notice I all oar tiea interned, thai a bearina will be had on the petition uf pluinlilta, on Ih firat day of Iho next U rm uf aaid Court to b held at Portland oa Hie third Monday of Juno next, when and where al peraone objecting to Iho removal of aaid bridge, aa uruyru iw uy piauiuu, may appear and Be heard : and that aaid uotii- be given by publiehing Una order in I lie Urrou Argue, printed at Oregon City in aaid Dietricl, for four week aucceaaivsly, prior to eaiu term A. Holbmooi, rilff'a Attorney. Taaairoay orUaxooN, ) Multnomak Count!. I I, Jab. W. Duvuj, Clerk of th Sd Judicial Dis- tricl ('ourtof Uregni, hereby certify the foregoing i!?i5 nleredin , as th. in De a true copy oi in order oi Court entered aid cauae on llie 3d day of May, a. D. 1858, aamo appear of record in my offio. WlTNxaa Jaa. W. Davi Clerk, and Iho eeal r. of aa'd Court, affixed th 4tb day of Hay, a. o. i o jo. JA& W. DAVIS, Clrk. may u, is.e. 5wj Hotice to Stockholder. ml IE stockholders of tha Tualaliu T. A N. Co. X are hereby nol.ficd lhal an installment of ten per cent on their stock will be called for twen ty day after the cat uf this notice, and an in stallment of ten per cent, every twenty days ihereatter until ine stool is all paid, lly order of the President W. V. J Johnson, Rec'y May 3, 18.i8-44 of T.U.T. A N.Co. Sethol Znititute. THIS School i under the personal control of Prof. iiaLtr, uf Uethany Cllege, aud ia in a uuurisuiog conailiou. TKBMB Of TUITION, Common Enulish branchee i nn npa I.Wprqr. Higher brunches in Mathematics A History 6.00 Latin, Ijrerk, Ac, 8.00 'I'll res.deuU of the district tint uow livo in it free. Hoard can be had at the usual price. JAMES L. LADD, Afay I, IS."8. Cknof Cm. oasaozv cits' nxmxiAxz. rpHK Trustees of litis instilution are h.ippy to I announce that a school will be opened about (he 20th or Mat. Under th direction of Key F. V. HODUS N, recently of Fhilndeluhia, an experienced and competent teacher, who intends to make his residence here and hut connection with the Seminary permanent. The first term will continue fur eleven weeks. Tuition, from six lo uiue dollars, according lo llie grade of atudies pursued. Heard can be obtained in good familiea in the viciHitv nl reuMMiuble rule The public may be assured that no pains will be spared on the part of the Principal or Trustees lo make this sch'ol count lo any in Oregon, aud esprcally deserving of the patronage ! parents iu llns vxiuity. A. I1ULUKIHIK, May I, IK.W-JW4 (or the Trustees. ATTENTION, FARMERS AND MERCHANTS! TTTE ARE NOW RECEIVING direct from y T the Kasteru States the following aitielei of MERCHANDISE, which we Will sell chiap roa cabu at wholesale or retail: Tb ret hers nud Reapers Revolving hay and grain rakes, Hay preset, hay rakes, hand, liay 101 k, scythes dr. souths, Gtaprviiie grnin cradles, Gram's five-fiuKered lira a cra llrs. Straw A hay cutting boxes, Gruiu Beoops, seamless sacks, Hoes, Ames' spades, No. I) manure forks, potato hooka, X 8 steel plows, X 1 steel plows, Ni 6 dc 7 Peoria plows, Exteiieiou cultivators, steel teeth, Hunt's axes, with A without hdls, Ilickux cider mills, grindstones, grindstone hanginga, cow bells, thermometer churns, eelf'Bruliug preserve jars hoise brushes, horse cards, curry combs, horse covers, sheep shears, pruning knives, Smiling shears, red clover seed, ly blue grass seed, apple-parers A slieere, ox and log chains, cable and trace do., ox bows, slap hinge, oell-closiiig gala do., sheep bells, patent rat Imps, sieves, wire for sieves, spun Cotton, all stxas, bark mllie, lanuera' tools, curpenleis' tools of every description, boring machines, wilh eetts sf augers, Fairbanks' platform scales, carriage banda, wagou boxes, pipe ditto, iron axles, carriage aprings, bolls A bands, children's carriagee, doors, sash .looks, lalobss, catches, butts, screws, paints, ails, mill aawa, cross-cut do., lime, plaster, trowels, paint brushes, shoe do wheelbarrows, store trucks, steamboat da., clocks, coopers' tools, Ires hoop, spring clothe pins, smiths' bellow, anvils, screw plates, riveting hammers, smiths' da., breast drill, lever drills, horse -shoe nail, smiths' tongs, beeswax, rosia, ladia rubber boiling, do. packing, rope, nails, oakum, pitch, tar, spikes, and many other article aot her mentioned. Remember all to ii bold Low sua csaa. liettcr call and se us before purchasing else where. Wm.C. DEMENT k Co.. my I Opponte Land Office, Oregon City. ORliUU.i TI4UKUT. MESSRS. N N. MATLOCK ADD 8. L CAMPUEl.L deair to inform Ih inhabiunt of Oregon Cily and viciuiiy that Ihey have lauly REMOVED their market up Maiu street, Nearly Opposite the Post Office, where tbey will keep constantly en band the best quality of tRESH BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, abu Cora Beef, Bacon, Butter, Egg; aad all kiuds of vaocTABL to be bad ia lit country II uf which will be otiered at the lowest market rales. Cash paid lor all the abovs-mcauoewd ar ticle. April 4, 1858- . U 8 T R E C E I V K JJ, J a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS f SHOES, ad DraGads f sill Deacritlaia. We can sow fill almost any bill a farmer may eall for. Call and see. Maren 14. CHARMAN A WARNER. 'HOYS, of different kinds, for sale by IIERRINU'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PBOOF SAFES, With Hull's Patent Powder Pm Locks, the same that vere awarded separate medals al Ih Worlds Fair, Lo-don, iis.li, ana me Worlds Pair, Ktw York. win u iric uhiu jimerirnn .saret . , , ", , ... ' t." mtaait at IM Lonton "wm imn I rpHEMl5 Sara form the moot perfect eeeurily l mm rtnH ijuru tans, oi auv aera iva I mlu ii i Jt t ,lli!r,d lht l)uolie' aua ' "' bt had of Iho sub . "-a-.. eriber and their agents; whohavsoa hand and make to order, all II kinds of lioiler and C'lilled Iron Dx Ciiaer tut Viutre, Vault Duoae, A money iioim, or I'heele lor llrokere, Juweiere, A PrltmlA lM...iliu III... I.: I. ... . iifi i isiin jiaiituiiui, ana oilier atV1" lb ,",tch-, loaae' rTiT ruTTio itnt lock. 8.C. IIKURINU A CO., JV.25I Brndwa. nr. Slam, it . N. V T AGENTS K. FiTtuMti.n . Co.. A W. o. WaauKLL, San Framcua, Cat. 3m3 Ti?Jti I u)' evrninpof each month at 61 'clock, at ..mn, roieai urore,uregon. ..irmuer oi tne unier in good standing are in -tea id visii mm leuipie. U II. SPENCER. W.C.T. w. ii. n XLaca, n. It. 32 T.CHAIMAN. 4. WiSNKR. Oharman 4l Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLCBALf k BXTAIL Dralftn la Dry Good, Clalhing, Hardware, Crockery, Glaweare, Home, bhoti, ramie, Otli, de., In their fire-proof Brick Maw btbixt, ORKOOKCITr, 0RI00N. UNION MARKET. T "AVE jnat opened aa extensive Maikbt M Hove A Butch a 'a Shop ia th building nxl do,, tb, Vom uffie wh , (,kM . stoutly an band a supply of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL. and ether kinds of xuat, aa well as Vegetables, Duuer, gjaru, sua every in ng common lo a mar ket house I he meat department will be kept ia a style superior t anything heretofore seen in this city, a'id patron will be accommodated a I trm. toil and try aw. WM. NK8DIT. Oregon C ity, April 10, 18i8. 52tf JiM Rcrt'lred, A LOT of superior BED BL ANKETS and 1Y Htocxiko Yaan. from lb WillamiUi H's. lea Manufactory. my I w. u. UE.MKNT fc CO. IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID 1 1 ANO Chnrtnaii V iVarner I -WV tt'tl DI-Urvt'Eil .... . n .. .. I II u ncuui cu io inoir urics uuiidins I - . .,..,,. .... . " Holmes A Co., where Ihey are prepared lo do busi -" .... . ..ww.j wvvii'i J lies ness on in sain old plan. vt e hav on hand a general assortment of Dry Goods, Uroceres. A Provisions, ami every other tuiuu; ine tanner wniitr. April IU, IS.iH. Ws-tniei'a Unabridged TICTIONARY Revised aud enlarged edi- M-r iron lor sat ai ine CITY BOOK STORE. J C. AI.N.SWORTR. WM. DIEROORFr. AIMSiWOUTII 4c DIERDOBFF, Ti'HOI.ESal.R AMD RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. Boots fc Shoes, and Crockery, In the new Fire-pronf Brick ....Mambtiet, OKF.OON CITY. 0. T. "lir.M. DlliltUOKrl A CO. IIWE RE TT muv.d to ih NHW FIRE-PROOF BRICK, next d.r to the brick formerly owned by Holmes. The firm will hereafter be known as AINSHOKTII A DlKUDORFF. AINSWORTHOIERDORFF. WT E ARE NOW OPENING II IN Till New Fir 0 -Proof Brick, A LAIGK AND WILL - ABSORTKD STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure against fir, w wiH now Offer Greater Inducements than ever to the public. We ar constantly in receipt of lected Wilh the greatest care (a t prices and quality), and nre confident Ihut our facilities will enable aa lo otter and tell gouts AT PORTLAND PRICES ! (freights on), and would advise all lliuae visiting this city lo purchase goods, 10 axamins our Block aud prices belore purchasing elsewhere. Yt have, and ar just receiving, an Invoice of 9IT-OOOSI consisting in part uf the following articles Coehe. co, 1'scihc, tladley, Uouestego, Aprsgue, fliihp Allen, Fall River, Merrimac, Brieirsaud uumer- ous other choice PRIM'S, all late stylet) Eng lish a-, rrench merinos, Lyoues cloth, mohair and other Debate ) brate, wool, A muslin de laines, black, blue, purple, &. pink merino, fanoy plaids, jiieuuet, book, awias, A. mull muslin, ladies einb. ts, collars, bdkfs ex. skirts, dress & bonnet trim mings, rrench at, domestic ginghams, rrench lawns from lJ to if5;, blue, mixed, A grey sell nal, Wool A cotton jeans, eottonade, blsauhed and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 Wide, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting; Silesia marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankean, d apcr, and crash, a large lot of linen aud thread laces aud edging, hosiery, Ac. MEN'S 4 BOYS' CLOTHING: Blue, black, aad brown cloth coat : 10 dot blk cloth vests, 5 dot whit and buff Marseillee do, velvet and satia do. ; 30 dox satinet pants, doeskin and fancy caasimere do, 30 dot merino and eolten nnderahirl, grsy, bin, A black cloth over costs, 11b a general aasortmeat r goal furnnbing goods. BOOTS d SHOES - Msn's, boys', and youths' boots; lad.e', missus', and children' mo rocco, goal, kid, and calf Congress boots, with A Without heele; ladles' kid slippers. Ria and Java coffee, black aud green tea, N. O., China, Batavia Island, Cal. refined, and crushed eugar, East Boston. Cal.. sugar bouse, and golden eyrup; salt, S lo 400 lb sks 100 kgs nails, aaa'd sixes; Hill's pals, chemival and English soap, assp powders, powder, shot, and lead, yeast pow der, saleralus, eresm tarter, smok.ng and chewing tobacco, green torn, feat, tomatoee, straw nnd Uockberrut, in 9 lb tin ; spice, prpp. r, and cassia, psarl barley, macaroni, verm celh, corn starch, almonds, walouls, Bratil nuts, raisin, Chili peach es, dr e.l fruit ; msckerel, in qr 4 blf bble, sardiae. A fine assortment of CROCKERY d TABLE CUTLERY: 30 ersies assarted ware, 40 dot steel picks, 90 Dutch and Ildla hoe. White Lead, Oil, and Window Glass; with a variety af other article usually kept, CT Wa will pay cash for wheat, flour, bsena, butter, eggs, and si most svsrylhuig th farmer has (or sale. A. A D. Oregoa City. April 10, ISifi. JUST RKTE1VED, the latest Kyle af sos SATIN DON NETS, Lrghara . straw Hal. AIM WORTH DIERDURFF. Caldron KtUi SX F from sixteen to tixty fiPoa, si SatroaiM Homo Industry I T HAVE now ia full opsretloaa CABINET j. anur to llila i-iiy, near Ih Coogrsgalional church, where I am manufieturinr BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TAttLES, our as, and auch older furniture aa i wanted by the M uunmiiiilta mmamJIm Tk u I- . J .1 , m aiioo a I uhminii.i.atiik. i f r . . "" ra oi luraingcaa n d..a. Irg, i . . v . 7 . . I am inakinf a belter article than ImnoneJ fur. - raw. ir wo call yu will lua nothinz by L UKLA.VlN) BIDWELL Ortgn Ciy, Mtrck 37, 1858. &0m6 ARUXmOir, TAJtfXBMM I (apaiiBa THRESHERS, REAPERS, WE bay now on the way from the Eaetera Slate. Arrive.!,.., ,M .... . A,rH, m ovrnniun i.ui of III Bbeve-menlioncd machine. They combine all of Ih latent iinpruvemenla, and wa bare no hesitation iu Baying that w believe them to III BowbrMirhltolliiacsaat. They were ceuetrueted under our own euperviaion, having all the altera tions neceaaary la render them euiuble for Ih country. Th THRESHERS eonaiat of two. four, and aix-hre powere (railway aud aweep), wilh eleva lora aod every rneutial eouvenieuca known U Ui machine. Our REAPERS and MOWERS are combined mavhinoa, suitable fur either mowiur or reanine. They work from two lo four hone, with and without rakes r, in ether word, an I a self raker. Xa Addition to the Ahavt. W bay, to arrive al the ea.ne lime, the following , . ,.,,.... AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria Plows, X 8, Boston Clipper Pious, Extension Cultivators, Qrapenine Grain Cradles, Scythes and Snaths, Straw Cutters, Jlay Presses, Hay Forks and Rakes, Ifarse Rakes, Wheelbarrow, Shorrls, Spades, OX9HR XsXXS&S, BARK MILLS, TANNERS' TOOLS. Also, a select assortment of SMITHS' AND CARPENTERS TOOLS, Wilh mauy other arliulu not hur mentioned. Wt would say la our customers and th public generally, if they are in want of any of Ih above mentioned article, Ihey will do well t eall and see our before purchaaioR elsewhere, aa we are deter mined lo sell LOW rOK CASH. We would also add that our Machines are beinv rapidly sold t arrive, better call and secure one of Ihem before too late. If prvlerred, Maclnue delivered iu Portland, if eug.iged before arrival. Wm.U. DKMENT A CO.. Oregon City, Jan. 30, 'A8. Opposite L ta.i OJHee. WM C. DEMENT & CO, OFFIOR for sale the loll.wing goods: I dot mill saws, 7x8 feet, 3 " Xcut do 20 cow bells (superior), 10 " handled axes, 10 " without do 10 " handled do. aas'dsix, . 10 potato digirera, 10 " Aimes'epadeB, 20 " curry combs, 500 lbs wrapping twiue, 100 1 R packing, 500 feel I K beMine : iiVi4 RUBBER GOODS af all descrip tions. Uiegnu City, Jan. 23, 1808. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A HIAVV ABBORTMINT Of and Have tvt Ptices Down tntht Lowest Figure! Come in, those who want foods chbaf. nihil CHARMAN A WARNER. India Knbbcr Uooda. JUST RECEIVED, direct from Kew Yark, Hospital cloth. Jtreast purriis, Nurainx bottles, Ae., Ac at the Feb. 6. OREGON t ITY DRUG STORE. T Ibe Afflicli'd. IIDTCIIIN'S' CELEDKATED BAL m of Wild Cherry, wilh a Variety of his other populsr Botanical Medicines, are now fur sale at CHARLES POPE'S, Oregea Cily, aud atJOSKfll BAIISIUW'N, OusrstuA. 47y Nt'.HUUL, HOOIsHI HCHOOti BOUkVHtl I.1 L RRADLEY A CO. have, in nddiiien A.J J lo their well-selected stock of SVHOUIt BOOKS, just received the following direct from the publishers t 9j0 dot. Ssndera' Series School Hooks, among which will be found bis primers; 1st. 3d. 3d, 4th. A 5th Youni Ladies' and lliirh School Readers ( also 'S dox. 1 liomnaon s rrsc tieal Arithmetic, 35 dm. Willaon'a U.S. History, school edition ; 'J5 dot. Parley's Universal History, school edition ti) dot, Intelligent Headers, oU dm. slates, together with a large assortment of stationery, Ac., dto. Send your orders to the UiK BOOK-HTUKC, aad Ibey Will be attend ed lo without delay. Jan. 33. 1857. Tor Bale. ACRES OF GOOD LAND on Ih Aw i U Upper Molalla Prairie. Fur particulars enquire af E. L. BxadlxV, at the City Hook Store ia Oregon City. Feb. 0, If 38. HBAVDlO, HBAMPOOIXO, ebe. TIIE public are respectfully informed that Ih undersigned have opened t SHAVING SA LOON opposil Messrs, Gibson A Patter's Bill iard Saloon. Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, j-e dun in th latest and most approved style. A urn, Beot-blacking, light jobbing. A. Genlle men's bed rooms Iskea Care f and all at her aniall jobbing doua oa the eheapeal and most x edition lerins. JiJtlli tt l nun A w.ki, Jan. 30, IH58. Main St., Oregon City. SAVE YOVH DOLLARS! As welt as your Dimes ! IF yon want GOOD articles al the lowest pos siMs prices, csll at I'll ARLES POPE'S tore, a Msin street, where you will find a large aasorunent of GOOD.) as cbesp as Ihey eaa be bought al any store ia Oregon City. 1 eo 0, 57. 6DOZ. grape-vine eradlea for aala by WM. C. DEMENT A co. Uom4 WkMl Waalfd. FOR which Ih h ghet market pne will b paid ia cash ar trade, at the Sept 34. LINN CITY STOKE. BOAT STORES, all kinds, wholesale or re lail.al BAILEY'S, Linn City. LADIES' aod gent KIO GlX) ES. at BAILEY'S, Unn C.ty. GOOD kiaek and greea TEA, at BAILEY'S, Ltnn City. CHAIN PUMP3 price reduced-for sale by rrr! C. POPE, Sr. AN V WSaaTtX. Farm for Sals for $1,600. T OFFER for oal a half eeoiioo f iano annate about hi mile eartofl"-' McDonald'i ferry iu ForkaHaaliam.Linni!J counlv. and ahoul twenty mileefnun Mln 1 he efiap of Ih land eu.ia H well for ordmare ! J I I - ..... in the country. Th improveinoiK tncludea ou . onoin IH baudrrd and twenty appl tret of improved fruit ..d ,ho peach, plum, and cherry trtee. all of which i win auoa do ii fa plentiful bearintf. Th loealioa i favorable I health. I beautiful and raVeaaat. Tim will be fiven en a part of Ih nieuey al mnleral iulereel, or good Block taken for a part. For further particular call en tue at the ' Union Store, Salem, or addraa by letter. Information concerning 11 can alao be had by Calling on W. L. Aoame oi me uregoo Argue. rev. ,isos-4m V. MUEI HVKCIMtTY COIXKUE. MR. MILTON WRIOHT, Tracarr, "TtTILL enter np.,n his tint term in the Prl. f T mary Deparlmenl of It.e Sublimit eolleee S I .L nJ . . . ' un .numiay ine uu nay m noveinuor. I UHMn nor Urm of twelve weeks, $.', 00 For each additional branch ibore Ih primary, fifty cent more. ny order 01 IU Trustees, Dec A ALLEN J. DAVIE. 8m OREGON HOUSE, CORNER Third and Water streets, J oppoMt the rerry I judinf. OREGON CITY. r.!.1; .. sne vnr,uu.i iiiyLinnj M In most plea. TJ'S" on ol llie most commodious llouae in Ih Terri tory. Th table will always be supplied with Ih ocn mat in muraei anorus. (ioad accoinmodaliun for ladies and familii Uuod ftablmg and feed for hum, with proper eiu-naanfo. tV The staff -coach to and from Salem atop uie vn-gon none. raiCRBi-a Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Beard, without lodging, pet Week $ HO Singh) meal , SO Kighl'a lodging , (0 J. B AHM, Aug. 8, l857mS Proprietor. W. 9. Hutchlns, M. LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFFRS TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio; tnt. J. Kost, Prof Courtney, La Fayette, Iud. Dr. W. Annstronir, Findley, Ohio: J. Fisher, M. D.. Tiffin, " J. Chamlierlin, M. I)., Tiffin, " Dr. II. A. W right, .Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pon. rroi. J. iirawo, N. J.J Dr. U. KelloKg, Milwaukie, O. T. W. P. Ilutchins' llalsam Wild Cherr Al 9.1 Jayne's Expectorant 1 25 " Alterulive 1 i: Ayre' Cherry Pectoral 1 25 aud a general assortment af BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all times. And I am making arrange ments to manufacture my lialsuui for Ih lungs, iroin ine uregou cherry. augla BEAT T H E MI WHO CAN I STBBL VIOV7I, OF ALL SIZES, ARE now being manufactured and offered for sale 111 Oret'on City, at the Blacksmith shop near nir. 1. amir id s store. The uuders gued, having had Ava years' exne rieuce in the PLOW buaneat in Oregon, ben leave la inform the farminc communilv thai ho is comment 01 being able to aupply their want iu the How lino, 11 Ihey will give him a call. ueo. '.'tl, IH37. J. W. LEWIS, Kane's Arctic Bxpedition. TJ USSkLL'S t KIMKAN WAR, and other XX lulerestiug works, for sals st Ih rep 12 CITY HOOK STORK. BRICK 100,000 ro"SjU aep!9 ' WM.C. DEMENT, 4 CO. A l-Vw ;uH4t fV that superior GREEN TEA just received J by WM. C. DEMENT Sl CO, ? CASKS "Crumpton's Medal" Tobacco at fj Sep U WM. V. DEMENT & CO."S. SETS hollow augere, for wheelwrights, for tmfj Bar by WM. V. DKMGNT &. Co. land TsTxuTAtnta 13UlU:il 8i.L UY A Jan. 94. WM. C. DEMENT A CO. QAAA SEAMLESS sncka for mle by JjJ WM.C.DEvlENTAco. YAMHILL TRADE. TplIE new and fin steamer X. 12 nti Bdav. at built einresiv for th Yamhill trad, will leuv CANEMAII 011 Mnuilaya and Fridays for La va virrx, and Wednesdays for Davton al 8 a. at. Nov. SI, '57. C.E.SWEITZER, Master. Xfotiee to aUiipperi. ON and after this dale, FREIGHT Will be corned on the ateamer XUa by tho rule of "Ship's Measurement." Nov. 31, '57. C.E.8WEITZER. NEW GOODS TUST received, a lurtre and well-selected as- sumiieui ui uuuifli ouiisisimg oi Ftenth and English Merinos, Plaids, Sheeting, Canton Flannel, Table Linen, Velvet Trimmings, Artificials, and other fancy aittclea, cheap for cash or pro duce. CHARLES POPE, Jr., Dec. 5, 1857. Mainst. E. L. BRADLEY t- Co , ARE agents for Fowler A Wells' Life Illustra ted, Water Cure and Phrenological Journals. You that waul a good fumily pspcr, send in your names aioa. bubecr ptiotis also received for Godey's Lady's Uook, Graham's Majruina, Hariier'B do., H.ir- per'a Weekly Journal, Ac. Send on your names with Ih cash, and you will ba attended to. t tinriuHii dk Wursitr HAVE ree'd a largs assortment of SHOES, embracing children's and ladies' shoes, and Gaiiers, liuskius, snd ISootecs : also geals' J loots and shoes, and g.nlers of all deacr.ptiaus. ALSO, Craille and cythes, snaths, hoes, rakes, forks, spsdis, and shovel. rOR SALE, ASETofeeeoad-hand TINMAN'S T00L8 and MACHINE complete, by od.3,lHi7. E. MILWAIN. LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMBER can leave their bill with Chabbjab A Wabbbb, which I will fill, aud deliver tha lumber in tlregou I'i'.y, if desired. II. 8. BUCK. Oregon C Hty, Jaa. 1 6, 1 8."8. 4nf 0 sale by F. CHAUMAN MACAL'LAY'S History .(.by of Englsnd fur C. POI'E, Jr. A Kaiddlci llwr F OR SALE. Apply to. C. POPE, Jr. WE WILL PAY CASH of IrlADE M food WHEAT at th market priea. laiiiuiif , ana 11 aieo one r im mr nor I larmi okegon cirr Wholesale Trleei Correal. nay oooix. I pauua A mihicinc Mlieeling,4-4....lalSi 5Upr.ol.orer N. Y.coal Drilling- I'.'i rauuica. UleacheJ drilling IJ Wliral, jir. uu figS lilrling, I JalGUeM do 13af Hlrlmd do I ill Polatue do 75 ricking Oefiina ..U.HmOii.oiu do fJ DO IV, rluur VJil4 N;Cora Meal, fie.li 5 ..Iea2( rauir. , . 70a9H Appl. a, dried 1 6al 8 ....'a4A'eaehee, dried Mi ..4ie7l) " doprahd Blue drilling I'laid liuaey Kali net Kentucky jeaua Tweeda raiNT. ) " Chill, dreU.t'a.S nlns and white....... I raovwiuaa. Hlu and orang l'jl'urk, clear none. Kaney llleaa (Wall ....KIbIHbh J wide.lU'eun V5 ,...Ha3U Hull" 'JO ...I5aait.p. 3U ...llialidt ruwuaa. Kurnllur do, do. M. de lalnea. (JiuKliBin. Ituia...... I Table damask 50a75i"ur'i I" " cloth 65al " pr k.g.. Irish llueiia.. alia ft I biiut. . un toman aim... w i, Sheep gray pants Sla3,'Ml:" Haliuet do. . H'JtuSJ.. VaiHMv . Aa. ... at Jm.' "UF Hlack caaa. do. 85a7:w'''i, ''' ' I...IH Radflan'l shirt Nalb,',, "''u' llluedo. do. ai.'IS . "". email.. ... 95 S lUelS Ciioo d. tuaij:"-P I .nore A. aiioes CAIiuiae. Men', kip boot. a..l:A.I.,uU... .3(1.37 Ailatij sunor do. do....U nperiu.. Au wed '. v.-.. it...' k k..i. vi Havana V i"uw " he'vy w'x dol J.,!jiriu.n Alo.iiK. Metia' brir's pr. dox. . ft 1 7; ""'"u . . r I a A. ... MasUll. u LI. k..'. l Ol.Ub TOBACCO. caTfaew.d do.. Si I i mi Womeu'e h'yy ab'a.ftl3;:u" ; 3Uji:I5 fiue do Al.V t.naa...., aaociaiaa. NABOWAB. CofTe Tea Sugar, ne. I Chi'a list vthoveU. jJHali UUa7S;,il,,uV ... laj-" Ol'MlllsBWB... . IMalti ilVaJil ..IBI crushed... , Maleralua in.is'Xcutsaws 7.r.aUj Starch 14; laweouiisty, aa . ' 9j ad vane ou N. Y.coal ..... ! advance. ' aa'lllher anicle of hard- Sa U ware from ilO to 50 pr I. Jj,a et advance. .jj;Nails,B,dsiAi,prk SO yv k bur, shoe. ..354J .OHaHO? "LB. . Sail Lamp IJ.2 Syrnp E Boston., do. a laluud ... N U Molaate Liv. Salt Table Salt Saudwich 1. Salt Peper Allspic Ciuuaiuon Soap To Oregonlans la Bad Health. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO TIIE SICK I It is awltil to note the hagirnrd, sallow, ca- dsrous faors and waated skeleton forms we meet! This is not confined In the old, but we see the younir, able-bodied, and Ihoss in the prime uf life, uomplsin alter beiug here some lime of illness ; some grow unnaturally ful suddenly ; others waste aud grsw tbtu Ihey eatiuut localise or describe Uieir disease, yet they leel uuiverauy unwen, meulally aud physically some have paiua and we.ikueaa iu llie bivasl, I nibs, or body ; Ihey feul a want of muscular and mental energy, a waul of amin.iiiou, and have fearful lorebodmga Tor llie fu lute, poor appelile, nervous irritability, and sleep, lessneas; their skill ia dry. and occasionally flushed and heated, thin, pallid, mid yellow. Now sud leu deaths, lunacy, and universal de bility ia loo, loo prevalent here 1 nnd who wonder, when combiucd with a climate like this, a dry air impregnated with electricity ami galvanism t Wa have many who have passed through sicklies, whose life ia iutemperale and debauched, or huva seen others who have been nearly doctored to death by quack medicines, or by tha advice of The Faculty," who have impregnated them wilh mercury, calomel, Ao. For nil such cases is Or. Jseob Webber's Invig oral ng Curdial Snuguilier most especially adupied, iu snfticli aa the above cases and symptoms did Dr. Webber minutely study in adapting his cordial lo their cure. It enlivens the torpid liver, ejects ail billious matter from llie system, cau.rs eudaiiou, ar free perspiration (so necessary to health), purifiea and eurichea the blood, give strength to Ilia limbs sud body, and is positively infallible in all nervoua diseases, trembling, or wakefulness. There never was a remedy which gave sticti de light to the siihorcr as this. The Ageut can, rrnm . his owu knowledge of euros effected by It, con so entiuusly rccommeud it in any of the following diseases t Nervuusueas, weakness, bingtior, Uoaut appetite, sleep, or strength, trembling, low spirils, decay of llie natural functions, pains iu llie head, limbs, or body, neuralgic or rheuiiinUo, nnd il ollen restores those to health aud strength whose oonsli- lulious are almost broken. Dxsilitv raoM diskabh, climatb, DtssirATioa, oa obbauciikbV. Strength, vivacity, nnd vigor la the limbs, body, and mind, ie given by Dr. Jacob Webber's Inviiroralint Cordial it sends all eleo- trie thrill of life through the worn-out body, Weak limbs, and broken-down conatitutiona 1 gives an up- petite, removes dyspepsia, calms irritability, causes quist sleep, and is indeed the finest Ionic, nervine and aungifcher, ever msde. II is purely a vegeta ble compouud, and can be used by llie m l deli cate female, i'ho reader ia consciutiliously aasursd it is all il ie represented. ITT Iu quart bottles price J.I or two rm f J. Wholesale Aaent, T. JONES, IH.'i Montgom- ery IL, Sun Franuisco, to whom all orders can be addrasied. Feb. 37iii3 Viae Teeth, Malr, and Hkta, fur A rt. Lufnitt's West India Soap Tooth Root it a an- perb dentifrice, Inthera iu tha mouth like soup, ia lei cious lo tho lasts, winiuns ine teeth, poiistiss without injiirinir) the enamel, purifies the breath, and by its lathering property demises the mouth, tiiiiue, and throat. r or dressing and rorcing the growth ol the nair, Junes' Coral lliilr Restorative. These are ile iualilirs; It will force the heir to grow durk, slop ts falliuir out, cure a.un, or uatiurull, dress ins hair beautifully dark, eon, silky. Price 35 A 50 cents pur bottle. r or cumin eruption, pimples, freckles, smitiiirn. tan. ami discolored skin, the benutilul effects of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap delight all who use It makes Hi most coarse, red, and yellow skin while and clear as a yuuug oh Id's. It is emollient and softening for infants, and ia th best slmviug aosp mad. Pricu 35 cents. Hold st the sbovs prices al every resprctaDio drug slor iu California aud Oregon. Proprietor, T. JO.NES, Irjj Montgomery St., San f ranciauo. Ziand Ibr ftalo. A HALF SECTION of good uno is for sale, a.tuated on Clackamai. .'it ss miles N. E of Oregon City 10 a-reeim V der fence, half of which ia under cult vetiou i wilh a young oaciuauof about Uu trees, some oi which are bearing ; beaidv a small Iraine house and out buildings. The property will be sold for cash, or traded for proper!) in Oregon City or Portland. For further pirticulara.eiiqtiire ol the ed lor of the A fir. .V.'tf DR. CARTER'S PULMONARY I1ALSA.M just received by axrsaas at the OREGON CITY DRUG BIVU.B.. March S7, 1H5S. HORS ES HOEING. 11IIOSE who wish lo ifel the'r HORSES well tkod, and speedily dune. please csll oa OL.II 1)K K. al tne new Diaca smith sliopopio-iie Allan Ac McKinlav s store. Oregon Vtty, March w, ID.is. IIINGLES 1011.00 i lor sal, by 5 CHAR VAN 4 WARNER. 10 51 ex. quality eigara. CHARMAN A WARN EH. 2- fff FEET OF HR LUMBER O.UUU for sale by Caasiaa. Apt 17. JOJs. B A LSTO W. ALL who are indebted I the firm of Ciiaa A Wstaaa ar requeeted to eall al Ibeit ator aud euh by cash or ns forthwith. CHARMAN A WARNER. .915 , (till s,.s IS 37