nr. nr. . ' Sl I Vvi-r Homo. One sweetly oleiin thought Comc to mo o'er hii l oVr : I'm nearer my Lome to-day Thau I've ever been beloro. Ni-nrr my FuiIit' io'i-Wln-ru Iho mnny manaien I Nearer lic great will" throne, Nearer 111 J!"" " Nearer III bound of l'f Whcra we ly our burden down J Nearer looting uiy crow, 'ia:'er weuriug my cruwn. Thr Fmr.iiDS. Tim firesiJi i ft smninn ry of infm'.to importance. It is important b?i;au-e it is universal, aid because ihc .education il bestows, bi ins woven with lhe wool' of cliilJhoO'l, (jivr firm and color to tlis whole texture of life. There are. few who can receive the honor of a c dleg but nil are graduate of the i-nrtli. Tb" learning of the ui.ivpr.iiy may fade from the recollection ; it clasio l"r ")' moulder in the hull of memory ; bit lirnple lesson of home, tnaincl-J upon tlio heart in child hood, defy t he ru.l of yean, and onilivo the maluru and less vivid pet urn of after day. So deep, to l.miiij, inleeM, aro ilie Im pressions of caily life, that yon ofeii fie a nun in iho imbecility of a.'e, liuMing fiesh in h!i rec'illpcii.m tle'Ctents of hi child bio I, w bile nil lbs wile pce between thai and the pive.ul hour ii a J and for gnVon waste. You hum p"rlnps seen an o!J and ba'f oblitera'ed poi trait, and ill at tempting lo linvo it cleaned und restored you have Men it fade away, while a bright er ami mill more perfect picture, painted beneath, is revealed lo view. Thia por trait, first diawn upon the cinves, i an npl illustration of youth; and ihooMi it may be concealed by mni after design, dill ihu original traits will tihine It roult the outer picture piviti' it tone w l.ilu frvh, and sur viving it in decay. Such is I lie fireside, the threat institution furnished fr our tdu caihn. Dl'IIOP llor.NE ON THE Nf.WSI'AI'BR. It a lii.slmp llorne'a opinion that tlicre thun a itewprper Heoayt: "The fulliea, vices and cone quelit miseries of inullitu les, displayed in n newspaper, are io many ueacins conlin ually bur ii in'' to turn others from lite rock on wliL-h ihey have been sliipwreckecl. Vhal mure poweiful dlssualvo I rum piciuil. joalousy and unjer, than the atory of one frii-nd murdorud bv nnotbrr in a duel. What caution niuru lik. ly to ho ef- feclivo n'munt (ratiiblinp; nnil profliancy than thti iii'Hirnfiil n lation ol'un exicmioii, or the f.ilu of a ih-spairiu; suicidv i Wliui finer lecture on the nncei'y of ecoiiuiny, ihau the auction of estates, houe and furniture I Only lak a nuwapuper, and consider it well, piy for it, and it will in atruct ihcc." DniVB Aiikau! "Jrivo, hovs." was tho u;;e advice of omi my who knew the necessity of constant exertion in the nceomplishtiienl of the designs and pur poses of lifn. Drive ahead, keep about your business, no mailer what il may be, so long ns it is honest, and you nto sure of coniinj out riylit side up iu the luio run. It is not lh man who is all impulse, today, nud petrifeciimi to mm row, who succeeds iu life, bul the constant tlinuejli hlow laborer in tho n-nrld'ti vineyard. We liuvfl quite too many fust men iu the world for its good. They nru of no spetiul ben efit Iu themselves, and certainly lint to anybody else. They aro us unstable as water; today ono thing, and tomorrow gnnielhiii"; else: always doing soinclliiny; bul nccomplisliiug nothing. Tho slow, un deviating worker is the drive. ahead man uflcr nil, and whose labors, because col) slant, aro productive, beuelicent, nud tiacfuK CuMTitni.LtN'i Heii Tkmi'Er. The hua hnnd of a ludy of fiery letnper, says ba fore iiinrriagp, he was "allied of her fiery temper. To teiilin accuracy of the in fui'mniion, one evening, as hu snt next lo hor hi dinner, ho inanngid cleverly lo ioi tbe servant's elbow, as n lilute of muck- uirilo soup was olFered lo her, which, of course, was upset over llin young lad) white dreBS of lullu lace. No eoniplaint, not even n frown, being evinced, tho de. lighted sui'or concluded lliut whut ha ha I ' heard was a mistake, and ihn marriage look place. Uut soon ihc lady's real char neler displayed itself as is always the cno nfter marriage, but never before nud his wife, liken human Stroinboli, was sub ject lo fiery eruptions every ten minutes upnn an average. " How is it my dear," aaid the happy husband, " that having sue!) a bad temper, you stood iho ordeal by soup so well i" " Whv," said tho lady, "I may have appeared indifferent nt thu time, but, good heaven I oti should have only gona into my room n littln whilu afterward, nud seen the marks of my teelh on tho boil post I Kevivai. in a Pkintino Ofi-ios. Pray er nieolings have been held dayly at ono of tho larger printing offices in this city since the Gib of .March with iHcrciising interest, At the commencement there were bul four or five converts, with vory few particip ants, and now the number ranges as high as twelve or fourteen. I lie interest main feat ud at ihosu meetings is very jjreat. One of the recent converts says : " What are we to expect when printing offices are converted into re1igiou chapels ? It is, as I'.irastnv knowledge extends, unprvecden ted in the history of any country, and will no doubt, nstutush many a reader," A the meetings are held between tho hours of 12 and 1 o clock, soma of iho men go with out their dinner for the sako of attending them. V. 1'. Tribunt. . , (WSiJnev Smith savs : ''It is not true that tho world hates piety. The modest and unobtrusive piety which fill? the benil "ill human c!iuritie, ami makes a man gentle lo o'heis and severe to himself, is un olijiCl uf uiiiersa love and veneration. U it mankind lute the lust of power when it is veiled under thu grub of piety. They hate cant and hypoc risy ; they hate advertisers and quacks in j.ivty ; they do not choose to be intuited ; they love to (ear folly aud impudence from the place which would only be sanctuary for the righteous and good." 05 A young Irish girl w bo ren Jer. ing tesiiinony ajaiost a certain in.litidna! in court of law said: "I am sure he sever madn his mo: her andle." There is biography of urkin lues in that one .anUTt W.C. JOIIXaoK. Matlock Ci J ohnnoa, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAM', And $"!!cilir in Chancery, WILL promptly attend lo any business which may be committed to llieir professional clmrffi- Mow ill District and Supre u Court lU.-e iu II gMiiM'i bnildiin, iiiitned.uUly cp- pwite III M iiu Mirfl ItuUw. Orou City, MirJi 7, 1j57. 4;y JOHN R. M BRIDE, aTTORXKT AXO CUVIIIIIOI f tW, Lamrtlr. Viim'.i'll Ceunlil.O. TH ILL faithfully nttt-iiJ to all balnea eu- Irurti'd U In pi(irninnI car. V7m. 0. Dement & Co., tlTllul.KSAI.KanU n-tall DmIit in Orocr. 11 lea, I'ruvUinim, Pahiln, Oii, Ilwit mii Sbon, CrK'kry, tcv. lpoite the Land itriire, Main SI. tr. gn Chy. Jmie 1, 135. CHARLES POPE, JR., DKA I.KU in lUnlwuro, Orweri. a. I )ry Coil, t'lflliin0', lluuli Si. Shot-, .Mediciuea, Ituoka . - and SuiiiHierv. ... -, -Main.t.,rjoB City, April'2t,l857-llf D. ErXilwnin, M'tnufaclurer, H ht'.emle and Kftnil Dralrr in COOK AI IMKMJH HTOVKH, tim k c-ornca w nt, iiARinvimt, Ac, MaiaSt, eppoiite lilain Street ilolel, , ORVGON CITY, 0. T. -Ktdinibout and jobbing work atleaded to w'ih di.-p.itdi. Uideri from lie country promptly filled. j'7 TImo. -r-w t t. iiiniii'i et n VV. ' WATCII-MAKER. M IVn-ona deairoua of getting goixl work dona mil do well to eive me u cull, an my whole liuio i du voted to iho rejiairinj of Cbroiioiaeter, Lever, Duplex, ami llorizontul watvlie. An aamirlinent of Jewolry on hand. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. I'ncea lo tuit the lime. I am thuukful for paal favoia.nnd liojieto g'.ve autiKfuction In future. . IT Located at the old atund, opjioaile the Tel egraph Ollieei OHV.OON VITy. - Keb. 2. .?Drug3, Medicines, raints, OUs, 'f and Syc-statfs, attheOKUiON C 1 I V DKL'i; STOKi:, icepli Ma n Street. reenCity,IJ.T. JOHN P. P.ROOICS, Wh.iUmlr - ' 1 Deahr in (Jruc'rU t, Vrn luce, yVoiuiaM, ij-c, Miiin Hli cut. ' A Ceueral Aorlmeul kept up uf Selected (!ooJ Caneinali, M.irch SS, e37. ', ' i GUN SMITHING. . . I'.IN'fJ permanently locaUd in Oregon City, utii prepnreil to carry vu the Luincs ul (iL'N S.MITlllXc; .V ALL rfS BJtAXCJfL'S. , 'l how who luvoruio nllhlhrir patronage, mny ixp ot Iu have thi-ii work done tight. Those who hnvt GUNS at my 5i";))r repiirs, and do not call for them witluu mint. Hon rtiH of tho lime njt for he walk (Ion-.-, iv expect lo h ive llicin sold l pay ehaigrs. l-liRDIA'A.ND WILDH. June 27, 18.17." ' - 1 ImM Vell3, Farso 1- Co.'s Expross, . Between Oregon, Cafi'ornin, the A'lMti' Suite an I Lnrie. -j. ' HAVING inadcutlvantiiijeous Js.J 'jR arrangements willi Uic Uu'.lvJ t'.t'l!' ) rUvli States uuJ Paeilic Mail Steam- ZLa ehip t'mnpaiiles I'orHnnp'irtulion, we are uow pre- puied to loiwurd Until uum, million, cicci. I'aebmre, I'areelt, a ml freight, to and from N Voik. A. Oilcans Sail I luucaoo, loriianU, unJ principal towns of Carf!iru!u u 1 Oruui. . , , our regular Senu-nionttiiy I'.xpnss neuveeii. Portland nud San Francisco, is dispatched by Ilie Pacific Mall Stemnshipl'o.'s stcaiimlup tolimib a, -oiniccting at Sun rraucisco wiluonr senii-iiioniii. ly KxpruKstjt AV 10 'nrk and NrK (mean, which in dispatched regularly on the 1ft and 1 filli of each iiiunlh, by tlie mail eteainer nna in cimrge oi our own ineieiij;oia, througli lo diminution. Our K.xprcsB frmn Acw lorn leaves regn:uriy on the 5th and 2(Hh or each month, also iu charge uf ineBaeugor. I'rcabure hiaured in the best Aew lorn com panies, or at Lloyd' in London, ot the option of ishippers. Ot-Frcrs New Voik, Xoi Ifl, M'all si ; New' Orleans, No. II, Exchuntw placiu Sail I'raacisco, vt . m .... .. ill). 1 l-l, iUOIllgeuKIJ Plieri. . A. II. I l l l-li, AgCM. nrcgon City, April 21, tSi.-llf ; Reading for tho Million. ' S. J. McCOKMICK HAS CONSTANTLY ON IIANU AT TUB NIASKLIN I'OOB a-ioKi:, rsoNT-sr, roi-.TLASii, orkiion,' A ( Choice selection of Popular Docks, News- i'A. paper, Masru.ines untl Fam-y Slalioncry. Anmnir llio books ou hand will bo fonud Work on Teiicraiicp, Agriculture, Horticulture, I lis-; tnry, l'oclry, iiiograpliy, aiciticiucs, nougion, Science, School hooks, uonuinccn, wc, ac. P'Subscripliuiia received for Ilurpcr, Orahttin, liodey,. Leslie's, or 1'utuiun, at tji-t a ycar.ioW ape Jree. ST Subscriptions reouived for any newspaper published ill any part of tho tuina. , lieinem'ier ill Frankliu Hook Sloro aud News paper Agency, Front street, l'orlland Oregon. HAVING leased the MAIN ST. lj HOl'SIC in this city for a term of fc - J years, wo have opened tho same under IhecUAaL name of the YMTEB STATKi IHVtF.l., and, utter u Tiioiioeuu fittino ur AND rki'AIBinh, so as lo render it ovcry 'ny ad-ipted to securing the comfort of the Iravcling comimmity, we are now prepared to wait upon all who may favor us with a call. - OUR TABLE will be fin uished with the host tho market afTords. Heme for Mule Vamltles . , can always be had. HOOD STABLIXG con nected wilh lhe catablialiiin nt. Turin moderate. VM. MA VMS, ' , . , . J. L. IJKOI'HKV. Oregon City, October 31, lti7v , "illiiiO CANEMAH HOTEL, ,c.lvaviu7,,p, rvi , T IIAVli opened tho alwvo Uoin in j X Coiieiuah, where I wiU be niosi nappy lo wail uuoa nil friends ail d lhe public jeueraliy. , ... KOUI'. CO.NNOLLx Jos. Barstaw . , ,. IS by himself, and would respectfully say to his frieuds uad iho public uouerally thai he is thankful for put pationago, and Wtllcontiuue busi liesaal lhe old aland, and will ever be ready l tliow bia Coed.! to lho' w ho may favor him w ilh a cull. . Coma one, come all, both great and small,' and Kivalum a cull before purchasuu elsewhere, and exiiuuue lor younK-IVealils splcuU.J aud select stock of . . , DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH- l.ti, DOUTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Ci.flee, Spices, &c Sic, 11 its. Nails, llrooms, te., and almost every thing periaiuiug to a general line of business. A II kinds of country prcsluc taken in exchange. Country friends will find It to their ndvuutage lo give me a cull. ' CauemalliSept. 6. , 1)RKSTON"S Sectional and Countv MAP of OK KHUN and WASHINGTON TER KITORIl jS fcr sale b " ' auglo' CIIARI.K.S rOPR.Jr.; Hellin? Off! A VALCAUI.K u-o.iiueiii of BOOKS ami sUlionarv. Tcaehci aud dealers anil all crreatesl are Hivilnal lo rallnd exam'ne. Manh ii. t-.5T. ' FOPH. Jr. T. Hi rwe. : FACIflO UWIYCRSITy, t Furvil On.', ' V'ii'linvjUvi Co., Oftpm, Kov, R. II. Mahj-h,. A. M., Pn'ii iit, Uev.ll. Lyman; A.M,iVi. Malhtmulici. f lAUi: collriulo yi'ur, conilin of une term of Yvdnlay "f iS'uvemli t. ' Il Ii III divlu'ii vf llii Iiniitul'on to rurnUli a llioinntli and eviiiploto colliiiule tdii(.-.ilin- i itar la a i. uiaiy wt iuuv fuiuuwa iwruio ubv ) ,.r ii . J,,.ii. mi , -i .e I iiui ... ! ..... . ,itiluiiul for n'liiiini In college mint have a knowld(ii ef lb common fcngllali bnuth.i, and Iihv tlit'lied Ilia aiieient Iniiii3;a ai f ir aa to li'ive wad portion of X'anar and. t'iooro and tli (reck Keuiler. TU luiliuu f i S'l 3 Pr annum. - , - . i '. l t - ' 1 i v - i i i ', 'Student filling for culk-ee, aa well aa other wiliini lo iurue cullrUta "Ibdiea w itlionl enter Uig iiki tli tolleje court', will bv unlr Ihu in- atinriuMi of IbecoMeirt li-iuiliera. Tb-j lull term of II week in the preparatory d'-partment commence oil the 2d W'tJueailny of September. Tuition, iti per irrm. Tualatin Acadoray, I'ortst Grow, Vahhiiifrn Vo , Oregon, llv.v. Cf: nt.N'j EtLLS, Principal. ; Tli- l!dt i erm iviU coiiiinehce ou tlie firat Vid aeiuliiy of Noeeniber. Tiiilioii In tho eomTion bran"be, $0 In the higher bruiicheii, fil fT Tiarler. ' tl'ly Jl'ST KIXK.iVi:i). atlhaOhgna Oily Drug Slow, direct feoni Ne Yorkuud 8aa Fran oiioo, a large asaorlment of ' i ' Clinaic.iU, .. J'iitcitl iinJ I'mnilij - 1 MiJieine-f, all of which will be fold aslo,- or lower than they can bo hud nt auv oilier place in the Territory. i Coiuilrr merchants will Hud it to their interval to buy here instead of I'orihiii I. CaH and tee. ; Oregon C ity, May 3, 1 f-A7. ' Ei'o Grscf.-irtcro; Compa-ay. rpillri INS'liri'l'IO.N' (iuu rporatcl by the JL LegVlaluic uf lhe Siato of Ni w Voik, cap. ilal 'SluO.oUU), was founded for the purpose of Mipplyiiii th pul.lie with the celebrated ('!! A I'F F.NIIKlF'J M!-:i)ICIi:S. The wr'es comprises miH-dies for pearly every disease, iidajiicd ly ev ery ciimufn. s For families, trawler, M-smcil, and miners' use, Ihev me nneq iule l. All lhe lyedi aims are I'l'KI.I.Y VWiHTAIiLK, uud War ninleil to care 111 iliseascs fcr whiill ihsy aro rev uiailv ri'C'iuimcnde.l. r ' Tlie (iraefenherg Company does not profess In ouni all diseases w til o-io er lvvo ined euies. Our srlieauonsislaof LLLVIZS dili'.-reiit kinds, ud apled lo the vari .us diseases iiicidout to the tem ne rale and ch.imte. The following com prise lhe scries of 1'racl'eieicr Mediciiu : This Uravreiilitrn Veselabte Pitts Ate ceiisilcred the stiniJard Pill of ilie'day, an 1 nrc iulinilcly superior lo any Fill before lhe public. They opcralo without irritation on nil Iho exnre. lioni, pinning Iho blood by the bowels, liver, kid neys, uud skin. , ;t ;. i ' f2nr1iiill'a I'lciiiio Cnlisollcou, Aa infallible r incdy for ull diseases of the womb and uiiuury orsjuns, weakness in the bauk, pain iu breast, nervousness, 'dvbility, etc' In California and Oregon, out of mora linn a thousand cases where this medicine has been used, it bus in uo single Instance failed to give liorinaueut reliefer to (t n eertinu, cure. , VRAElT.SBF.lUi SARSAPARU.LA, A powerful extract. Oao hollle crpial to ten of the ordinary nomap irilln for puritVing the blood. A sure cure lor scrofula, i heuuialiaiii, ulcers, dys pepsia, salt rheum, mercurial disouses, cutaneous eruptions, &c. 1 The tlvecn Mountain Ointment, Invaluable for bums, wounds, sprains, clrlbla'ns, wires, swellings, scrofula, etc. As a pain extract or, it cannot be excelled, nll'orlin! immediate re lief from the most excruciating pains. ii . y ; I " "" TUB GltAUFK.NUKRO ' ' 1 ' ; d v s a x t e n v i s y n up, Thiaexlraordiinry article Ib a sjieedy and infallible remedy In dinrrluea, dysentery, cholera morbus, ehnlera Infantum, und the Asiatic cholera, if taken Willi the first symptoms of the disoate. . It is pure ly vegetable ia ils compound. ., . .. tiracrenliPTB I'.litlilren'a Vanaeea, For summer eoniplaint, and disosse to which children are subject, lis true wni-lh can never be set forth in words, but It can bo felt and npprco a led by parents whoso children have been saved. No mother should be without it. tiraercnlierg Pile Tfteineily. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. With the Oiutiiieiit, there aro very fcw cases wh'ch cannot bo radically and perinnionlly cured. A surgical operation for -Piles and Fistula should never he resorted lo until this ointment has boon thoroughly tried. It ueyoi fails. ; : uiwKVUNnEKvi r.u lAvtrirtJi. . For diseases of lhe eye, this Lotion has no erpml, ll Is tpcedy and posiuve cur for iiillammntion ot lhe eves, weaknesses, dimness and failing of sight. It wiil nlwnvs he beneficial ill acme iiitlaniiimlion f the eyea.und also as a wash on intlamed surfuces, ; .'..-'! GRAKFBrtnRRO ' " i '"'' FEVER AND AQOE PILLS. I A snvedv and piwilive cure for this dislressiua eomplsiiit. These rills are composed principally of Quinine, with other vegetable ionics, anti-scos. niodie and frhriuije articles, lhonrands havo been permanently cured by (he'tt use. ' 'ntcfcitbci'a C oiisiuaptivc's Hal in Sovereign iu ull li.uuchial.mid Pulmonary Dis ruses. It is, beyond all iucslion, true that con sumpllou ia a curublo disease, and tbe Coasump tiva'a Baku is the beat curative ever used. ; j , t-.l-nfeubcrs Uealtll UlUers. These hiters are skilfully and eleganily prepared Irum a liumbor of iuvigoruting, beullhy roots, baiks, herbs, und vines. Au iuvaluuble tonic alia health rotoicr. - t.ractenbevg Mauual of Henllh. .1 huiidsouiely printed vuamie of .'IU0 pages, cou- laming couulsa and evlremeiy plain uesenpiioos oi I all maunerof disvuses, llieir ayniptoms and treol- imnl. I.very lun.ny aiiouiu nave one. only i OtiiltaV. It will ba sent, post paid, to any post oilu e in California or Oregon, ou lhe re ceipt of 25 cents by mail or express. ' Address llrsliugion & Co., Sail Franc's, o. The Oratfeubcrg .Medicines are for sale by all Druggists and npoiheoari. a throughout thucouulry. A. 11. S TEISLK, Aent, Oregon City. Ceueral Agents for California aud Oregon i KliOlNOTON ot Co., t Ml, . Wholesale Druggist, . . ' No. l'7 Clnvatrefl, Ssn Frsneiaco. ' lMFS just received aud for s.ile bv J H.y;iu K. C IIARMAN'. OURIS" P s tical U'e-lt for sale bv C. A Jr. fey la vw-v h rurnUuro. t VV. aubwribrrliui jni '',:'-fjrfKVT -L oil laiiiM'lyol i "CKNI-j-- 'I UUK of all ilranriiiioiM, rullilW Inj iu purl aa fullo Hofaa, nmliiiriiy and black walnut) Chamber ui Jturruu", Willi or without marbl tnpa) OllWdevkai llockiiii.'liuir', alufTrd In liair, varpet, and wllli enn and wod aenii I)niini;cliiiirK, can and wood aeata; (Mlica vlinira, do do do . - , . , ,. . , . Cliildwn do, lnb dimiig and rwkincj UeiUtuad. various kiud; 'I'abli:, center, curd, and dining! Wulintf deak't Sideboard; Parlor chair; Hrtlcea; Iteadiug, toilet, sad wuik table; Looking-glasses; Mattrcas-a, hair.uiosa, and wool; Window shade; Kcatlii-r; Paper bunging, of every style; Oilcloth; Chinese iimttin rt lluid lamp, and bum. iiigrluid; with a variety of other article loo ounieroua lo nienlion. 1 Persona wishing lo purchase will plea cull and examine for themselves. All kind of country produce taken In exchange for goods. T110S. JOHNSON. March 22, 1S.1C. dlllf I7cw Books I rplIH mhaeriber has just received a large in. .L sorliiienl of HOOKS, direct from New Voik, among which are lbs following: Alison Uikt.uf Kuropa, American lualitutions, Sillimau' do. Live of the Signer, Iiemocracy ill America, Dahvlnn and Nineveh, 'Land and Lee," v h'Ucek and Port," "Sea and Sailor," 'Ship and Shore," Three Venrsm Culuor.JIIoine Cyclopi-dio, Cyc. of Literature, iKgyptaadlho llolyLund a'u .iLardueronSt'ni Kiiglue, lliichan r am. rnya Manual of Fine Aria, Lecture on the Aria, Travels in i'erih N Polar Itegions, .M.ihnn'a i'liiloseidiv, Auc't .Momuiterii- Choice Iliotfr.iphy, Peruvian Auispntk, Choice I'.lru ta, A variety of 1'oet. , SOU cop-e of and rs' p-tier, MiO ' " Leader, S.M) " McCulTcy' do. 2o0 ' " Webster's Dielioii uie. Davies' Alfebra, Newinau' Khelojate, -.., (ieomolry, lay' de. llourdou, Parley' L'niv. History, " Siirveviu, Ooodrich Fiet. V. S., . l.egeudre, Moiileilh' lieogruphy, Arithmetics, -'Link-Speaker,'1 . Thoiupson' do. M. Ainericau Speaker., A TreOi Bunnltr of Stationcrv. Hay Hooks, Joiirnuis, ledgers, Kceonl llo.iks, Meinoiaadimi, of all sizes,, &c, Note and Letter Paper, l'nvloe, Pens, &.C, &c Lrus.-r Knives, Krasivo Uuhber, tliiiiinied Labrla, l uber's lVucils, IN h, ill quart and pint boiiha. WJIOI.I.SAI.K AMI KF.TAIL. CIIAKLKS ron:,Ja. Orogoa City, August IS, leoll. . ladles ! 7"0U will find nil excellent assortment of Pi-m JL and tltmuct Sill;; Saliiis and IV.'refs; ul i Homier Trimming, Ufitru, (Hurt; hn'e und I HMioiit, Taliie Vtotim, t'oMiierianes, clr;., ul lhe Kt.irn of CIIAU1.LS I Ul'1-., Jr., (.M iin-st.. opposite Abcrnethy's store,) where may be l'ouiid ulinost errrylhiiig ill the line of Ii y ts(orS: Such as Prints, tiinghsnis, Alpucas, Mnrinisj. Plaid l.insejs, Mmlins, Saltiueils, Jeans, Flau iicls, Sheetings, llej T.cking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Hatting, i tc. Oregon City, April 21, 1?S7-llf Medicines for Sale, By '1 CHARLES POPE, Ja. ' k ' 4 ANI'S' Sarsupaiilla, IVck'a Wild Cherry Lit ?3 lers, Ilalemau's drops, llraudrelh's pills, Lee's niils. Pen-v's vcnuifiiic, Opodeldoc, (iom Cam phor, Cium Arabic, llriiish oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye baisom, I (alley's pain extraclor, Luudauum, Paregoii", Oil of Pepper mint, Fssenees, Coinpoeilioii Powders, Curler's l'ulinunarv Ualsoin, Sulphur, F.psoiu Sails, A:e. AprilSl, I!ii7-llf More XI o w Bools," AT C1IAHMAN k WARNER'S. IN ADDITION TO OUIl USUAL STOCK, we have just received, direct from Sun Fran cisco, a good and auitublo Biipply of jChodnfur this 6'eason of the .Year, , which we oiler for sale ot prices which cannot be beat in this market. ' Our i,tock consists iu part of 400 Ihs sal soda, ,'i0 boxes F.nghsh soap, fU " Cbas. Hill's suap, UO doz coru sbireb, cases p:e fruit, 15 " pickles, 8 dot honey, 8 " lobsters, . 13 " oysters, 21) blf bbla N 0 sugar, 4 b'.ils Sandwich Island syrup, JO It IT bbls dried apples, 8 rits mackerel, 2000 lbs stick candy, ;600 " fancy Id ..7.'. ' - ' - --' 1 caso ISullipislier toys, 1 " tiennaa "toys, 400 lbs almonds, ,12 blf boxes raisins, . C whole boxes do., .. .. 18 prs good Mackinaw blankets," S00II yds browu sheeting, ' 2000 " calico, - .i . ' Hoots and sines of every description. The above, with our usual assortment, we Ihink renders our slock complete. Call and see us Terms cash. CIIARMAN .J- WARNER. December 20, 18.',7. Dxpt-rionco ?l;iks Perfect. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goods? "TTT'K wish to inform our customers and the V public generally that wo have now on hund, iu addition to our usual Heavy siock ot wo Cei'ies and Dry-Goods, one of lhe largest and best' selected slocks of , . , READY-MADE CLOTIIIXG ever offered iu this market. VA'a also wish lo suy that our saadt are of excelleut nualliy, nud thai we will sell . . - i AS CHP.AP AS ANY oTURR Itftfr-E IN PltHCON, . '' Portland not excepted, Our old motlo still verns oar trade " Quick sales und small profits." Our tock of good is now op;,i jor mspeciion to ull who will luvor us Willi a call. Cull and ace, and let experience then sienk lor itself. We sell as low us any in the Teriiioi v, for ossh,or produce ul market rates. CIIARMAN & WARNF.R. Oregon City, Muy i!3, IcSjT. Win. C. Bcmcnt tft Co., WHOLESALE &, ItETAIL Dealers in Groceries. Hardware, EooU & Shoes, Crockery, &c, . rnKXDEIt their thanks, to their numerous eus i. loniers for their p ast liberal patronage, and so licit a continuance of the same. They lake pleasure in informing the public that they have now on baud a larre and d'irahle st.'ck of VraCfrim, llmdaare. Root and Shorn, Cnu-kerf, and Bmt Store; lo which ihey are nuking constant additions Iroin New York and San Fraucisco, purchased for cash ouly, aad are enahled to sell at lower prices than any other store ii Oregon City. Jan. 31, lSi7. DIARY' and Correspondence of Anew Law rence for sobs by C I'OPE, Jr. "I UTAHAGA ieed-fcraleby 1 mar-.N C. I'OPK.Jr. 1 1 Si' RECEIVED, a new sopfdy of Itw aad el Jam Collee, Lice, Sugar, Sal ."ia. c noviil C. FuPE, Jr., Ma.ust. 1 N assortment of Bibles and Testaments for J Viile at the Repository prices by w C. POPE. Jr. ) niH1 11)11)11 1 uUtljlliUUIiLil. For Purirying tho Blood, anu ma tiik ci'ri or Kerafsln, Itlrrrarlnl IH.ensca, Itbrumnilini, ( iilsliroua KrurilUa", Hlubbara I lcra, l.lvrrCnntnlNlnl, l,airiala, llrnHrkllla, hnll l(haiM,l.auibHK, While rrll loaa, llli llcoe, fever Harea, I'ciniile Camilnlnla, Mrralurlna, I'lmplra, llllca. (lid rsorra, lieurinl 1). bllltr, ami A A CEXERIL TOXIC FOR THE SYSTEM IT IS UMtlVALM'.n. Tli varl.sia dlvs a wlilrli hv tlislr linprlnla im IIm aiirtn'-e t,t Ilie ImmIv, mar be eoiiinrtst In alsnala ul .ftlr,-a tlir,,li .Mil l.r N'.Mrr In II.. Ileus llial Ilia tllal vmallia tlell alllilll lli-e.l I lealolliij anil purl'vlutf. '11.0 aerbnia t.' II. si si.lii.itl lira Misl In Ilia tl.-ej. Il la Si leul irrlalll llmt HEALTH DCFEND3 C.n lbs eeaiT nf Hull. If Ilia (It la In as un st-Cr, a In H.-mfula. f'prtHiy, and all 1' rehcia I fun-, a l nl.ti-t.i Itiol lb trsaela wljieli ramtrr aver Ilia tnf.,e nl ttaaa IsnIv tnu-t l rllnrL'nl Willi (Um-hm-.I I.i.mnI ; ami II an, tlie wiiol voIiiiimi nf I.hsmI. veiioil, ai.U aiterlal, la loi.ira. Ilel-ira a eona ess .a erTi-eu-il ll'.-re iiiihI l a enn les ion uf ill t Hivum. 'J lie f renl n',. jeel,, h l.i a?olstn ahil ramtit ea Hill sel ne-l .tlreel.y nMin lln riLi'illiooila of Ilia I.I.smI when In ilie act i.f i-iitiil.liialMin. K'rli-lns., olsMTVatlnn, slot a I of wIiim-m-., e.liil 'l-li Ilie fail Ibal irr.a-.ill'i I- a' ttia very In lid of lt,ls ett.s, and will rlon- Ilie i-iri-.o In .un Is a Ileal, lit auta it criulleailna Ilia rliiueni el 6Till ruR-ir.n ttgtimony. V.' SIT Kll MSUI.V. ('nils., lime l.'lll. 1' t. M.ra A. a A It. iasi: llnilanir,- Tlie faWns eas i-atiie un 1. r my uti-erv alloo. in alilili V i'ir Sir,i(s fit a ail.-, tut die e;ir." of a sevaru eav uf i'm ilOC l.ll.- n.ia hi. Ti.r nHeii'. Mr. J-mm-i.Ii K. Ori i-n. lis- l-eeti .1 mill rhutii-itoin Sir jrss- hjr tnrnv whl.-li Mimellinc w !t relet ritb fi-tt-r. ul d p-il on an a. ice foiio In a f lit vnrlnus ri mnilU.. tinJi-r i!h dtl'-mil III. .l.y. Ijii, Kill h Tiatiiend bul hsrll-il relief; an. I In r.ily In lit-leijil IV. If -nliielMitx en ll.t not lia it'.he to eff.-.-l a iM'riiemi'i.l e'ir I tut.U- l I. lot lo ii"r your m.iuii a. lis ai-iiinllsi:lv rnienn-n -eil lt um. ainl Ilia i fleet sis mi lliarke.l lliSI lie wsaali.e to al-eli die lll-.t lo.-lll 1hiiiiih- tie,-!) fm- friuii .i!n. II" c.-ulli I II. Met lef re hi- Il 1 1 lalieii ItteKa b-itll.-a Ii enliri'le fi.a frmn lhe ilis.a a anil lei r.-tn Cm-it mi ioi. av Mi.- slila In .iir,ne ! l'ii. lis-., r. i.t I ii. ia a r, ii.e-e' iuli w I'.ir Ilia liei n ul Ui..nk'J"' la um I. Very r ..... ifiil y ymus WM. A. l.ltKWM'I'.i:. M I). Prrpare I aiet -ol bf . II. iV l. H V.'le.'. :i!a Inujjl t-., U0 l a inli-JlUvl, eorui-r ul WilUi.ui, Ne Vork. Kne sl. by Iir.H ITT Kl fTLK Co.. It. JOHN'. N A I n. iim.I IlKIMSil I'nN . 1'n., His Kranei enl Itli'K I'OKKIN. MutysOl': It. II. Mel) N.LU V Iv , r jciaioaino i a i l by l)i ik( lis (aiiaraU. CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS. Hew who tiave r.-'l lbs l alnM ihrnliMns and ecernel aliln! pni'lls nf a nwli'J tis.lluielie sIlisiln-K Ibroush llieir Js. an.l lie ul l Ii ill" neeJ loroienliiii! .ei..venoii. ami as l.iiflt-n Itw es-e. Inve n-rvlvcd Int li'lle sympa'liy Irmil frl la. Ml I no doida l e mie Ii .'ei-i-. In know nl a rein ed) u ill moiT full In lldel Ilie lllonereln.l iifTeuiliT. an-1 leaa the U etli. wli.'K- lln'.v stimeil reinaln. In tlie li.-s.l Tlie liunuwila cures II has bassoii.I.ii I nr.- ell alirstsl. am! II lei .ml v In liu'iem- si-liars1!! knnw ii In .e a ti' Iv Ilie nt.l' Il lm lmi been by llinll.m, 'I lie fi.lliiol'ne te-ltnii'liY Is rrnni niie nf ilia iiio-t il!l,i. Sul-lio l prsi 'Ileal Ui-illisui In Ilia city ul Naw York: Me,an. Hash: fleiiltemen In Ilia isnirse of niAiras. tlee, 1 tl:oa exienslii!) u-d VHiir I ova Amstyiie will, ntieli -ie.v lor Ilie le'l -f of ilie T.i. itmeli,. ; ami as I enii.l-.ntlY rrCintttr.. nd II to llir Inllell I deem ll lull jnM In liiC.nii tint id ilie Itkh opliiliei I havo of It over ' . .. .. 1.. t .n.. Killer rcIUOIKflV. 1 U'O V'io. on ii-H" ii'ii'.. M. LY. 1.11, 12 Waverl.y fiace. rri-nnra.l and ulillv . II.. A- II. HAMsi, Wli.i! s:iH irtici;iela, o. )K1 I'lilton-slrcut, corner of Willlsm, fti'W lnlK. - For nvta l.v PFWITT. K1TTI.1! Co. It. .lOIIXSOS A Co. ai d ItKlllNIIToN Co., ami Krstlclaeo: llll'K Al'llll IN. Marrivllle: It. II. McllUM ALU fc LO, 60 ranientn; anil l.y'DriijUU tjeherally. Hj" Ha. STEI-XK, of the Oregon C'uy Drug Sloi-e, ia aueul for llnso iiudic aea. jyl 1 LINN G1TY ST ORE. milE subscriber would respectfully inform the -tin'ilie Hint ho bus token Ibe slore lately oc cupied by Mr. Ilnocniirn. nl LINN Cl I , w ill lhe design oi conl lining the (it'iio-il itlen Iiau!!e Ilnslocss. Ho will keep alw ays on haml a good assortment of GH0CEP.IE3, UEDICIKE3, Crockery, Iltnlirnre, Culhiim, Boots ami Shots, Conffcl onerg, Lignrs, Stdtiuucrii, ike. i The above will always be oll'srcd nt the LOWEST PRICKS! For Cash or Country Produce. jj lMease call and seo for yourselves. mg THOMAS BAII.KV. Linn Ctv. SepL atl, lt37. 21 rT HAS BKFN HVIDUNP TO ALL L for some li.ue past, that MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed ut tho LINN CITY STORR, to meet the demands of its constantly increasing custom. These additions have now been made Iho store is enlarged, and Iho stock lias just beeu replenished with u laro ussorlmou. of ' Groceries, Dry ioo;ls, &,c., .' among which are Panama TLtls, Guitrm, Crncals, Parasoh; Ginghams; Rihbons, Mackerel, RiiiaiiiH, Jvmji, And a oukvt pnr. Moar:, At iho 'LINN CIl'V STORE.' Mutlo "Small profits mid quick returns." ' April 11, 1S57. . ' Harness and Saddlery. Til F. un 'ersipned having opened anew in F.UTri'.VlLLi:, Marion county, O. T., is ready to in iniif.icture nud furnish at short notice, uud in the best un I must sulntnn l al stvleof the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Car riage Trimming, ij-c. March 28, 18."i7. A. COOK. Mc OFFAT'S Life Hitlers and Fills, Bernard Dysentery Svrup, Wistar's llulsain ol' ''ild Cherry, at llio a ORKGON CITY Dl'.IiG STORK. Central Produce Depot. CAN U. MAIL 0 CONSTANTLY', fresh from ranch, wheul, outs, bacou, laid, butlor and polnloe. Apiil l, 'o. JOHN F. BitOOKS. ' W. V. Burns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKLR, , ' : OBESON Cllt, O.T. CT Strict attention paid to repuiring'and aali faclioa to patrons warranted. feb9l3 - 5 DOZ. thumb latches, cheap, for sale by W'.M.C. DKMliNT co. Sarsaparillu, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. TAlARlES for KS57 for sule by U C. POPE. Jr. Dll. Osgood's ltidiaCholagogne,and Dr.Jone' Amerieuil Cholagogne, at tbe ' OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Itavard Taylor's CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swan's Three Y'ears' Rcsideuce on the North Wist cast for sale at lhe CITY BOOK STORE. MLAX SEED lor sale at C. POPE'3. r ilt MOULDING for picture fmmes, for VJT sale by I'll ARM AN St WARNER MULL assortment of Yankee Notions at V nihil CIIARMAN & WARNER'S. s ANDS Sarsaparilla, in anyipranlity, at the OREGON til I uiau aiut.i. 16 DOZ. Ovsters. ' LHARMAN d irjJAi?. -IT7-K WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for mod WHE AT at the market prwe. uevlV C.1J.V.1.V d WARNER. tt a TiravT - . . waul lilSL ' ' Oretnn Vil,j,tnl Portland Daily TJX'. 3 sTcanle OUrk, ' ..,1 - at.. JliMl.ll Vlu. Will run daily, (Hunduy eiccnled.t In ib. .. ' - ', Jlutrf,, liamtol Iroal. leaving treK..n City a very da, u' a oV.x:k, . m. Ui luiniiiK, will leave PoridaiT a r. u., tom bing at all intermedial.- poiuta, W For freight or paasaife apply on board. D 1 1 yLino ; Bitiftm PortliniU uud Oregon Ci'lt rplli; new stem. wheel steamer i .L 11 S FRESH, JaSrJj Vim. Isviau, Maaier, will run between PonJitj and Oreirmi City daily (Sundaya axcenUi u.. iii4 I'Olti'LANl) at 10 a. at., aud OllPtoW CITY at 4 t. m. U. S. MAIL LINErT7, I'ortlnnd nnil Aalorli ' The Splendid Steamer ai-rwi ZtSnltnouah Z$ Wl LL conlinu to run reoularlv belt, fc land and Aaloria, n' Vaucouvar, twm wk, leaving Portland on Monday and TtnL, niiiruiiiff of each week for Astoria and for I'crllsnd na '1'ues.lny and Fiida morals.. " touching VAKOOUvaa.ST.IULrsa, ItAlsias.Cataa lahkt, Aro., ea. h way. Km- frciuhi or paaaan apply t. It. IIOYT, Shi!TPl jelC Oral llnyt'i Wharf-biart, porUtD(, Now Arrangements. . i I HAVK bought out th IIAKKRYrtabla tie nt of Vtarman it. Warner, wlrcli I bin now on-iied under lhe most favorable etreara! atuiicea to all old patrons, and a many neat ears as mny chooso lo give mo a call. ,y fa. .rf he well supplied Willi . ' r Bread, Cttlei, Pirn, Craekrrt, Ati f0 die, Rainim, Figa, Ciijari, Tom, und almost almost every other variety of knick-loaik' invented by Yankee ingeuuily all af kc, vet w ill l uil'ordcd AT TUB bOU EST I'DSSIUUS RATES! I aball ureuaionally receive supplies frars lLi trojiical latitude, which will be duly aoaouae) upou urrivul. All are invited to give ni s call ITiKliFIill'K CHAUIIAN. '' Oicirnn City, April L'5, IS.',7. j , J I' ST UFCF.IVF.D ut Ilia Uregoo Cily Drug' J Slorc, direct from New York ami San Kria. nioeo, a fresh supply of DRl'tlS, NEDICMKS Patent Medicines, Family Medicines, 4c, otey which will be uld a lute fur eatk at laVy caa i procureI in the Tcrritunj. Call and eianiine fcr' yourstdves, and et an Almanac for Iti7, gratia, JAYNK'S Altei-alive, Uiwctoraut, and Pitla Cod Liver Oil, Castor O.I, ami Sweta the OUEliON CITY DKL'U STORE. f KMC A N Mustang l.iinnifiil, G. W. Mer aiL chant's tiarubng Oil, at lb OlIFtiON CITY DUUG STORE. r IMU'SSKS, rulit and left and double, and Ak. X. doininal siipporlera, at th OUF.UON CITY DRUCSTOUE. . 1)1' UK While Lcud, raw aad burned Umber, Croinc, Orcca ami Yellow, and other paiats, ul the OUUtioN CITY DRUGSTORE. 1)F.RFL'M FRY. nl the UI'.FUON CITY DRUG STORE. RAF.Fr.NIIF.RG MKDICINES: (irnefetibergSarsnparilla, UleriueCalholiruBi " Dysentery syrup, consumptive balm, . i ' " Pile Ointment, , . 't " llenllh llillera, " Fye Ijition, eke., Ins., To be found at Ihc iiencv of lhe Corapinv, si Iho OIIFGON CI I'Y DRUG STORt " . i UAYMANS Dyspcplio Klixir nirrasll to cure the dispeosin just rereiveil nnd for sal. ul lhe OREtiON CITY DRUG STORE. a 1U. Cuysoll'scompoiind extract of SaiaapiriUa U and Yellow Dock, ol the , sepl j ORKGON CITY DRUG STORE. OLD Dr. Jacob Townseiid's Sarsaiarills, st Urn ORKGON CITY DRUG STORK. nll.J. Ayres' celebiated Cherry Pectoral W ..iiiinlis. eolils.niid consnmntioa, at Ilia ' ' OitliUON CITY DRUGSTORE. McLAN Pills, cLANE'Scclelealed Vermifuge and Livef ORICGON CITY DKLU Siuiio. IT 11. Townseiid's Sursamrilla, at the ORliGON CH Y DKL USlUtlos -w -k I.-1 1 1 V I VN Kehril'mrc. for lhe cure of fve L oad ague, 4c & c, just leceived and forsale ut Iho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. eiariicss .UnHvr & Snddler. rnllK subscriber bus bought out the eiliblidi X meut formerly owned by A. K. now carrying on the HARNESH and SADDLE. RY business iu all it brunches lb IdVr.BI STABLE belonging to the establishment, I W kept up, where horses and carriagesnre coasUntly kept for the accommodation of the public. Hra loft at my stable, will alwav bo treated w.lh par licular attention, and irdlM I have beea eoa. ncctcd w'.lli th.s estubiishineiil for some W Jttn. and a ow peruiaiiently loc.te.l, where I aall u :uh9a;rp,'y",Wtt 'to,wTpA..o.v.. Tlii best of TIMOTHY II AY kepi couitaaf ly on hund. Oregon Cily.Oct.18, 13oG-i!iy. '.' ';uum)i:i!i, April 11, 157. rV hand mid for ule, low, lortasli or J Paints Si lead, hliromecwn, white lead, prussian Wu obroni yliw blue pa"" red do ia oil. blk. di' .! I:. I.. "o..ige, Coniiuen and permanent irreen putty.gW Sic. JNO. V. liiww"-"1 , T7.ntiADl.EV. U0MERH0U- BRADLEY & CO., ' a BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS OREGON CITY, 0. T ' TJ'EEP constantly on Land a ffjjfi IV gen-ral assortment of ,Ve MISCELLANEOUS andidUW SCHOOL noo-i v ; also, a fine assortment of sr,lTO.Vr, d EVERYTHING EISS generally kept in their liue of biuia 1 CALL AT TUB SIOS OF TIlR , -CITY BOOK-STORE, -Opposite Holme Brick Store. Sept. 5, 1S57. ; ' ' For Sale at the CllfioOKST,01 milE following work . ., Magic Slall', by A.J. P;! . Great Iron Wheel, by y nlSuwti Dred, in 2 vols, by Harriet Bceher Stow, p The Home CvrloH?dia a, . .... .j. of lhe World' Progress, ' " Useful Arts, .; ' " Europe, " Gcogruphy. . ' Fin Art aoJ Literature, . Biography, An. ! - Groceries , FOR SALE BY CHARLES POP UGAR; Salt. ee,Te.,Syr2.Ch Starch, Saleratn., Cream T.rtsj c Carb. Soda, Tcpper, Spice, Ah. "1, SALE BY CHARLEi J FOR RASS and lion BT'.,:,"h As-. - SPB ... I It Latches, Hammer Hammer, auo vtm Drawing-knives. Handeaw. y n.t. " -j onta. (inn I.ocM. --r Cards, ( heat llarMesFAr r A BBLS. fresh "Santa CmtU ? ,!a hy w.ii.i.'- ',' 'i