Uh cty waafeittaa Hkii. Tb Republican candidate of Lina ooonly wi addrsss th ppl al lb liiucf and plac au Buned MlM, Th esndidtles f th apposing parties ire r spectrally Invited to meet III Republican nominee I lhirevral appointments, tod discuss political timu amp men or srsASina. Sciota LlSAMM Ctiaroou TaussTon Pfoau Amur Monday, Mijr Tussday, Jus -Wedud;, Tburdy, Friday, Saturday, " By trdtr if C. Cam. tTIa raaaarkt BmIa af rials a at 11 lualratad Counterfeit Detector for 185f. ho save Uaatallar'a Hitter am it-ally what Ihalr aaiua impti, a lonio and gantia timulaul, calculated lo Mi upon Ilia ayattin aa a medicine, and not, a te ofis lb cat, a mere invention under whic lo Indulg ib tippling. W would nut ventur lo mk lliia Milemeul, diJ w nut feel aura il would M oorroborek-d o tha williu testimony of thou aaad all vr (In United State, and especially throughout th waateru and aoulliaro parts, where eeriaia aiaanlvr pravail, which require such a pr enpuva. w ar aaauroa ny a gentleman larg eiperieueo, who la ' traveled man' aud whes judgment ai'd impartiality may b relied upon, thai Hosteller' Biilen' ar a nir tiling on raw ana Ague, mat ourg t our newly set, Had regional which, iudead, baa Within the natal jraar, prevailed to an alarming xtcnl iu tedious generally exempt.' Aa there are aeveral imitations, be cautious aud bay one but I ha Venuin. bold by Pn. A. II. STHELR, Aqent, SMITH & D.W I A, Portland. I Oregon City, r .inn oi in i c, uenerat Agenli, 4m3 13; Wiingtan it., San Franeiico. . tW ayU,s Impraved Extract f Yellow Dock and Harsiiparill la now put up in Ihr large! lixed (quart) battle, and ia acknowledged to tie the beat Saraapenll aaada aa ia certified by in wuwteriol turn it hai performed, the original cupiea of which am in Ilia bands of the proprietor, Kemember, lliia the only true and original an cl. 1 he mediotne, n need according to dm lione, WILL CUKE, WITHOUT FAlScof. ula, king evil, eancera, tumor, sruptiuo of th akin, erysipelas, chrunic or eye, ringwoim or toiler, rheuinaliam, pain in the buura or Joint, old sores aud ulcvn, swelhur of Ilia elands, svnhi lis, dyspepeis, aalt rheum, diaraeea of the kidneys, loea ol aiielile, diaeaae nriaiug from the um nf mernury, pain in the aid and shoulders, general aeuiutv, jautiilic and coalivenea. ' tST The genuine ia pill up in quart bottles, PARK A WHITE, Soli Ax tut: 132 Washington it., Sun Franeiico. Da. A. II. SI bhLK, Ag cat, Oregon City. IT W latar'a U a Waul r Wild Cherry- A cure for consumption, brouchite, asthma, spit ling of blood, coughs, colda, croup, whooping cough, influenza, hoaracneea, pains in the aide and roast, orenea of the breast and lunge, phthisic, wasting of tha flesh, night aweata, nitldiuinuliou t the lunga and lliroat. None geuuine without the name of Saxoroan A raaa engraved on the outside wrapper Da. A. II. STEELE, ,4nl. Orrgtn City. I'AIIK & Will IE, Sole A git, SinJ 13' IVaaainloa it., San Frantiieo. aropllla for the l.oralloa of County Heal la Yaaaktll Couaty. It U ordered by the Board uf County CnmmUsionert of Yamhill County, lliat I h following proportions innJe by lite towns ot Lafayette, .ucMinnville, ami Day ton, for ihe locution of the County S?at at tha next ajune election, be published iu three inewspapw af general circulation in aid county. On behalf of Lafayette iha entry by the County (ihruugli the Land Office) of one hundred and sixty acre of land, includ ins the town plat of said town, aa at prea enl aurveyed and laitl oil. The public qua re and unolJ blnck and lots and the unplittted anil unncciipird poriion ol said 160 acres can be appropriated, bv tha County Itnard, for the erection of a Court, llouie, J.iil, anil County ofTiiias. On bnhnlf of McMiim ville the dm a linn by Win. 1 . Nnwbv of five cni of land for a public square, and one hundr-d and flirty lots, to li laken blternaiely ; with the following reatriui ion that if alco holic drink be dealt in, sold or given sway, as a beverage, on the premises, the title Khali be forfeited to the use of School Dis trict No. 40. The above donation U upon condition that the County Seal be located at MoMinnville. On behalf of Dayton the donation by Gen. Palmer and other of one entire block of ten lota (lioinj the block known as the publio square tn 'he town of Dayton) and thirty lots and eleven hundred dollars in money, for the erection of County build. inp;;--cnndilioned that the County Seat shall be located at Dayten. J. W. Cowls, Auditor of Yamhill Co. May Slh, 1858. THREE FINE COVERED BUGGIES far sal bv AINSWORTII & DIERDORFF. Territory of Oregon, Diltrict Court, Second Judicial Diltrict, it. Mat Tm, 1858. The Tualatin River Transportation tc 1 Navigation Co. I e. In Equity. A Tirldge at Ualbrealh a ferry in Washington county. IN thh cause, it being represented that no per son claims to own the bridge complained of, it il ordered, that plaim ill's give notice to all par ties interested, thai a hearing will be had on the petition of plaintiffs, on Ilia first day of the next term of aaid Court lo be held at Portland on the third Monday of June next, when and where all persons objecting to the removal of aaid bridge, as prayed for by .plaintifis, may appear and be beard ; jwal that aaid notice be given by publiehing this enter a the 'Oregon Argue, printed at Oregon City in aaid District, for four weeks successively, prior to aaid term. A. HoLsaooc, PluT's Attorney. TtwrreiiT or Watson, i Multnomah Ciunty, ( ' I, Ja. W. 0vi, Clerk of tire 3d Judicial Dis trict Court of Oregon, hereby certify the foregoing lo be alms copy of the order of Court ontertd in aid cause a the 3d day of May, . D. 1808, as the asm appeara f record in my office. Witness J as. W. Da via Clerk, and the seal b a of aa d Court, affixed th dlb day of May, . 0.1858. J AS. W. DAVIS, Clark. May 15, 1838. -5w5 BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. J. B. BLA.1PIED CO. WOULD respectfully inform the public that tbey bavo now oa band a large and well elected stock of ready-mad BOOTS t SHOES, which tbey offer fur aala oa reasonable terms. MAKIXa AND REPAIRING Don I order, oa short neticfc jTy 8, 1858. 4-7 So, for toe lKinei I ALL tbos idebted Buxnsa arfll piei tfc vwarawrra. toot fsnrard sad t tW Having no doubt that (bo most of our readers would like to see correct txr trait af Cwpkiy's scent, now candidate on tha lushite ticket for Stale Printer, w hsrs bad our artist try bis hand on lb job, Th picture ia said lo be tftic limilr of th poor creature as be appeared on th morn Ins after tbe "Jackass Jubilee" at fialem Any person upon anilning it will at one recognize tha ' sound and reliable democrat sticking out in every wrinkle of ihs count nanc. Tbe real aentimeuts and n-itinit f ib man are happily expressed by lb mouth and eyes. ozArzA'ra Aasirr, And Clique Candidate for Stale Printer, Xfotice to Btockboldere. milB aluckhuldrrs uf ihs Tuslaliu T. li X. Co. X aie hereby not uYd I lint au iiiatallnienil of leu M-r cent on their stock will be called lor Iweo. y day after the data of this notice, and an in alallmrut of ti u per cent, every twenty days llicreuller uuut me stock la all paid. Jl) order 01 III rresidruL W. V. J JoiixanN, fttc'y May 3, 1858-4w4 ofT.U.T.aVN.fo. Setbol XniUtate. rpiIIS School I under the pemonal control of X I rnf. llALxr.of lieihany College, and ia in a uouriaiung couuiuon. Ttana ar tuitim. Common EukIhIi branches ft 1,00 prar, iiigncr nrancnra tn mathematics & History, COO Latin, Greek, Ac. 8.00 1 he reaideula of the district that now liva in it fret. uoardcanbe bad at the nsnal price. JAMEd L. LADD, Afay 1,1858. Case Com. om. m CON CZT7 SSMZIvTAA' Trustee of this institution sre h:iay t noune that a sellout will be unened about the 2Uth or May, under lh direction M Kev. r. D. UOUtiSoN, recently of fliihidelvhia, an esperienced and competent ti-acher, who intends lo mske his resilience here and bi connection with Ihe Hrminury pemianinL 1 lie tirettcrm will continue fur eleven week. 1 fU" trom six lo niue dollars, accord.ng to the gifPtjot studies pursued. Ilourd can be oiiluuied In good families in the vicinity at reasonable rate. The public may be ami red that no pains will be spared on the part uf III Principal or Trustees to make Una school equal l auy in Oregon, and especially deserving af Ilia patronage of parents in llns vicinity. A. IIOLBUOOK, May 1, l5S-3w4 for the Trustees. ATTENTION, ARMERS AND MERCHANTS! W1 E ARK NOW RECEIVING direct from th Kaalern Statea the fullowing articles of MERCHANDISE, which we will sell ciiiaf ros cash at wholesale or retail: Threshers nuri Reapcre, Rwolviug hay and grain rakea, lluy pressts, huy rakes, baud, Hay forks, rcytlies & snaths, Grapevine grmn cradles, Grant's live-fingered grain cradles, Straw & hay culling boxes, Grnin sciiom, seamleiw aacks, Hoes, Allies' spa.les, No. 1, manure forks, potato hooks, X B steel plows, X I ) steel plows, N. S it i Peoria plows, Extension cullivaiors, aleel leclh, Hunt's axes, with Sl without hdla, Hickex's cider mills, griudatimea, grindstone hangings, caw bells, thermometer churns, self-sealing preserve jars horse brushes, horse cards, curry combs, burse covers, sheep shears, pruning knives, pruning shears, red cluver seed, Ky blue grass seed, appleparers dc slicar, x snd lug chains, cable and trace do., ox bows, stop hinges, self-closing gale do., sheep bells, patent rat Imps, sieves, wire for sieves, spun col too, all sites, bark mills, tanners' tools, carpeuteis' tool of every description, boring machines, with sells of augers, Fairbanks' platform scales, carriage bands, wagon boxes, pipe ditto, iron axlea, carriage springs, bolts it bands, children's carriages, doors, sash Jocks, latches, catches, butts, screws, piiinls, oils, mill saws, croMs-cut do., lima, plaster, trowels, paint brushes, shoe do., wheelbarrows, store trucks, steamboat da., clocks, coopers' tools, tress hoops, apring elothes pins, smiths' bellows, anvils, screw plates, riveting hummers, smiths' d., breiisl drills, lever drills, horse-sho nails, smiths' tongs, beeswax, rosiu, India rubber bolting, do. packing, rope, nails, oakum, pitch, tar, spikes, and many uthcr articles not here mentioned. Kemember all to si solo low roa cash. Batter call and see us before purchasing slas hers. Wm.C. DEMENT & Co., iyl Oppoiite Land Office, Oregon City. 71 Professor XL M. ALLXBOX EGS leave to inform Ihe ladies and gentle men af OREGON CITY and its vicinity thai having now permanently settled in Oregon City, he is prepared lo give INSTRUCTION in INSTRUMENTAL nCHIC, Fi.- OUTAR, FLUTE, CLARIONET, eje. Bv his long experience ia leaching ia Iba At lantic Statea, he Hatter himself that ha can give entire satisfaction I all who may pleas to patron ize him. Instruments and music furnished, if de sired. N. B BsnJs taught, and all kinds f music arranged. ty Inquire at the Oly Book Star. April 9t, 1858. 8w6 OREGON MARKET. -fESSRS. N. N. MATLOCK AND 8. U 1X CAMPBELL desire lo inform the inhsbilanta of Oregon City and vicinity that they have iauly KEMUVfiD their marks! op Main street, Nearly Oppotite the Pott Office, hers Ihev will keepeoastantly on hand tb beat quntityot MESH BEEF, FORK, MUTTON, also Cora Beef, Baton, Bitter, Eggi, aad all kinds of vegetables to bo had in the country all of which will be offered at III lowest market rale. Cash paid for ail tb above -mentioned ar ticles. April 34, 1b4& U 8 T R E C E I V K D, a splendid let of CLOTHING, BOOTS 6 SHOES, and DryCwod f all Dcripiie)ae. Wt ea sew fill almost any bill a farmer nay eaJI Call aad see. March 1 i CHA R XA A 4. WA RytR miiHs I an HERRING'S rATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PR00F 8ATES, II7A Ifull't fattnt Ponder-Proof Loth, Ihe eame thai vrre aicnnltd trparate mraaie ai im worli'e f air, Lo-rion, 1851, and the World'e Pair, New York, 1833, and are the only American Safee that ttere aieardtd meduli at the London World'e Fair. THESE Bares form th most perfect security gainst Kir and llnrelars. of auv safe avr Mlered lh pubhe, and can only be bad of th sub scribers and Ihsiragi-ntsi who have oa hand and mako I order, all kinds af Boiler and Culled Iron Dam Cheats and Vaults, Vault Doom, sV Miaiey lloxe, or diesis for Hrokrr. Juwlr. At Private families, for Plate, Diamonds, anddher vslusble. And ar also Fatrnl (by purchas nd mauufactureis of Jonas' r ate st ritasjuTATio iakk urn. B.C. IIKKKINUJtCO., AV 2.11 Broadway;, etr. Murray it.. N. Y. IrAtiENTS E. FinuasALD tX Co., 4 W. G. WsauaLL, oa Eraneiico, Col. 3m3 fPKMPI.E OK IIONOUTuslalin Temple of -au Honor, r. 1, meeU ou lh ,sl and 3d Hat urnay evrningsof each niomh at C) a clock, at their 1111, roieat Grove, Oregon. .ti emuers or the Order in good (landing ar ia, filed to visit ihisTsinpl. U. II. trt.ctK, W.C. T. C. II. WAur.t, W, It. 39 T. CHARMAN. i. WAR.ItS. Charm an & Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLKAALS SSTAIL Dealnra la Dry Good, Chilling, Hardware, Crockery. Glatneare, IStHiti, bltoct, J'amti, Ode, dr., In their fire-proof Drick Main rrsxsT, OREGOM CITr, 0RE005, UNION MARKET. I HAVE just opened an extensive Masxit llous &. HuTciiaa'a 8uor in the huil.ling urxt r below th Post Office, whera I shall keep con- stuutlven hand a supply of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, snd other kinds f mkat, a well aa Vtgetablei, Butter, Lard, and every thing common to a mar ket nous. The meat department will be kept in s style superior I suyihing heretofore seen in Ibis eily, and patrons will be acoounnudutad aa to terms. Call and try mi. WM. NESDIT. Oregon City, April 10, 16j8. &3tf V Jual Received, A LOT of superior BED DLXNKKTS and 8tik-ino Yasn, from th Wiltnmitti Wool- ten Manufactory. my 1 W.C DEMENT aV Co. IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID 1 1 AND Charman V Warner HAVE REMOVED to their Drick Building ou Main it., furmcrly occupied by Wm. Holmes & Co., where they arc prepared lo do busi ness on Ilia same old plan. We hav on hand a general assortment of Dry Coods, Groceries. & Provisions, and every other iinug ins lannar wanir. April IU, 18 jo. Webstcr'a Unabridged DICTIONARY Revised and enlarged edi tion fur sals at lh CITY ROOK STORE. J.C. AINSWORTH WM. DIERDORFF. AINSWORTII tfc DIERDORFF, WII0f.ESAI.lt ANO RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY - GOODS, CLOTHING. 2?oof C Shore, and Crockery, In Ilia new Fire-proof Brick Main stsxet, OREGON CITY, O.T. UlKUDOItKK & CO. HAVE UK- moved to lh NEW FIRE-PROOF BRICK, next door to the brick formerly owned by Holme. The firm will hereafter be known as AINSWORTII &. DIERDORFF. AINSWORTNV& DIERDORFF, WE ARE NOW OPENING IN Till ZVew Fire-Proof Brick, A LASOt ANO WILL ASSOATSD STACK Or GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure against fire, w will new Offrr Greater Inducement! than ever I the public. We are conslaully In receipt of selected wilh Ihe greatest care (aa la prices and quality), and nre confident that our facilities will enable us lo offrr and goods AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on), and would ndvise all those visiting this city lo purchase goods, to examine our Mock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have, and are just racsivtng, an invoice of DAV-OOOBS consisting in part of the following articles Coche- ravine, iiadlry, (Joueetego, sprague, rlnlip Allan, rail Kiver, Merrimac, lirirca, and numer ous other choics PRINTS, all late itylei Eng lish av French meriuos, Lyonsae eloth, mohair and her ilebaxa : lireze, wool, dt muslin da lames, black, blue, purple, eY pink merinos, fancy plaids, jneouel, book, swiss, At mull muslin, ladiea' emb. seta, collars, hdkfs ox skirl, dress at bonnet trim- ings, French or. doineslie ginghams, French lawns from 121 to 35c, blue, mixed, & grey sati net, wool & cotton jeans, collonade, bleached and brown aheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting; Silesia, marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a large lot of linen and thread lacea and edging, hoaiery, dec. MEN'S Sf ROYS' CLOTHING: Blue, black, aod brown cloth coata ; 10 dos blk cloth vesta, 5 doi whit and buff Marseille do, velvet and aalin do.; 30 dox satinet pants, doeakia and fancy cassimere do, 30 dox merino and cotton undershirts, gryjslu, sV black cloth over eeata, lib a general aawrlmeert of gaaw furnishing goods. BOOTS s SHOES Mob', W, and youths' boots; ladies', misses', and ehiMrena' mo rocco, goal, kid, and calf Congress boots, wilh sV without heels j ladiea kid slipper. Rio and Java coffee, black and green tea, N. O., China, Balavia Island, Cal. refined, and crushed sugar, East Boston. Cal., sugar house, and golden syrup; salt, 5 lo 200 Ib sks ; 100 kgs nails, asa'd : Hill s pals, chemical and bnglish nap, asp powders, powder, shot, end lead, yeast pow der, saleraina, cream tartar, smoking and chewing tobacco, green corn, peat, tomaloti, ttrau) and Uaekbernet, in 2 in no ; spice, pepper, an cassia, pearl barley, macaroni, verm celli, corn March, alamads, walnuts, Brasil aula, retains, Chili peach es, dried fruit ; mackerel, ia or a hlf bbia, sardines. A fine assortment ol CROCKERY s TABLE CUTLERY t 20 era las asserted ware, 40 dot steal picks, 30 Dutch and HJIa bee. Whit Lead, Oil, and Window Glut ; ( th a variety ol tbr articles usually kept. IT We will pay cam fee wheat, flour, baeoa, butter, eggs, aod almost everything the farmer ha tarsal. A. at O. Oregoa City, April 10, 1R08. JUST RECEIVED, th late Hylt at ils a ATM KONNKTrJ, Lrgtwra Y straw Nat. AIASWUKTU st VIKKLrUKf r. Caldron Kettlec Of from ixleB lo ixv garows, at I MILAlNf 1 rs., sfatroniM Bon XaUastr! T H AVE new I full optraiioaa CABINET X Blivr la una city, near tb Congregational snuren, where I am manufacturing BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, SOFAS, and such other furnilur aa is wautsd by lh cominuulty generally. Tbi-r k) ewtoeeU-d Wilh say slioo TUKNINU-LATIIK. where ll sort of turning esn be de. Large and email nptnning- ntieto ma us I rilr. I am making boiler arlicl than imjwrtd fur nilur, od seifing it at g la est. Giv to a call yoa will lot noihini by iL OKI.AN1M) I1IDWEI.U Orrgea City, Marrk 27, 16i6. 50ni ATTBHTioar, rutnu i THRESHERS, REAPERS, A X U LVJG3 VTTE bavo bow on tli way from Ilia Eastern v T Blaiss, To Arrive aboMl Ilia lnl of April, sl SUPERIOR LOT ' of Ihe above-meaiioncd machines. They combine all of tha latest improvements, and w hav no bssitatiou in saying Ibat w believe them lo be the OUT rr.KtK.UT MM.aiSK.ls new brought to this coast. They were const ruetvd under our ewu suprvisin, having all lh altera lions necessaiy to remhr thrui suitable for lh unlry. Th THRESHERS cons st of two, four, and sil herse powers (railway and aweep), wilh eleva tors and every reteulial convenience known to Ilia machine. Our RICA TICKS and MOWERS areeombinad mavbinee, auilable for either mowing or reapiug. Tbey work from two to four horses, wilh aud without rake or, ia other word, u is a self, raker. Zn Addition to tbe Above, W havs, t arriv al Ihe same lime, Ilia following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria Ploiee, X 8, Boton Clipper J' lout, Eztention Cultivatare, Grapevine Grain Cradlte, Scylhte and Snathe, Straw Cutter, Hay Prettee, Hay Fork and Rake, Harie Rake, Wheelbarrow; Shovee, Spade; OIDBR XaXX&LS, BARK MILLS, 4 TANNERS' TOOLS. Also, a select assortment of smiths' and carpenters' tools, Wilh many other articles not her mentioned. W would say to our customers and the public generally, if they are in want of auy of lh above mentioned articles, they will do well ta call and see ours before purchasing elsewhere, a w are deter mined lo sell 1.UVY rUR CASH. We would also add thai our Machine ar being rapidlv sold l arrive. Better call and secure one of llirm before too late. If preferred, Machine delivered in rortland, if engaged before arrival. Wm. C. DliMENT 4 CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, '68. Oppotite Land Office. WM- C. DEMENT & CO., OFFER for sals tli following goods: 1 dos mill saws, 7x8 fret, 9 " Xcut do SO " cow bells (superior), 10 " hsndled aice, 10 11 without do 10 " handled do, ass'd sixes, 10 " potato digger, 10 ai A imes' spades, 30 " curry combs, 500 Ib wrapping twine, 100 1 K packing, SOOfeel I It belling; INDIA KUUUEK HOODS of all descrip tions. Uirgnn Uily, Jan. 23, I HoS. w E HAVE JUST RECEIVED a inAvr assortmknt or AND HA VK ri)T Price Down to Ihe Lowetl Figure I Com in. those who want roods chka. nihil CHARMAN & WARNER. Iiidlu Rubber Goods. J 1ST RECEIVED, direot from New York, Hospital cloth, lin-ast pumps, Nursing bottles, Ac , Ac, al tli Feb. 6. OREGON CTiT DRUO STORE. To tbe Afflicted. TAR. HUTCHIX'S' CELEBRATED BAL- AJ sam of Wild Cherry, with a variety of his other popular Botanical Medicinet, arc now for sale al CHARLES POPE'S, Oregon City, aud at JOSEPH BARSTOW'S, Cnnssia. 47y MCUOOL, BOOlVNt 8CHOOL, BOOkStt T.l L BRADLEY Sc. CO. have, in addili Alio lo their well-selected Meek of SCHOOL BOOKS, juM received tha following direct from tbe publishers: 230 dox. Sander' Series Schoel Books, among which will be found his primers; 1st, 2d, 3d, 4lh, at 5th Young Ladies' snd High School Reader ; lso 35 dox. Thompson's Prac tical Arithmetic, 25 dox. Willsou's U.S. History, school edition ; 25 dox. Parley's Universal History, school edition ; 30 do. Inlelligeut Readers, 50 dox. slates, together wilh a large Saorlmahl of stationery. Ac, Ac. Send your orders I th CITY BOOK-8TOKE, and tbey will be alleud ed lo without delay. Jan.33, 1857. For Sale. eyjn acres of good land m 11 O Upper Molalla Prairie. Fur particular snquir ef K. L. Bsablsv, at Iha City llook Slot ia Oregoa Cfty. Feb. S, 1858. BBAVlXft, BBAMrOOINtt, kc THE public ar respectfully informed thai th uadersigned have epeaed a SHAVING SA LOON ppote Mem. Gibs sV PMter' Bill iard Salooa. Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, Set. done ia th latest and mast approved Myl. Also, Boot-blaeking, light jobbing, A. Gentle, men' bed room taken car f. and all tbr small jobbing done on th cheapest and most exreditioue rms. junn ox I hum An vvakiv Jsn. 30, 1858. Main it., Oregon City. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS! A Hell a your Dime f IF you want GOOD article at th lowest pn. eibl price, call at CHARLES POPE'S More, a Main street, whera you will fiad a largo assortment of GOODS aa cheap aa tbey caa be bought st any atert hi Oregoa City, llte i, '57. 6DOZ. grape-rhw cradle for sal by WM. C DEMENT A ew. Good Wheal Wanted, FOR which Ihs higheM market prie will b paid ia cash or trade, at tb Sept 26. LINN CITY STORE. T)OAT STORES, an kinds, wholesale r re- AJ teil, st BAILEY'S, Linn City. LADIES' and Rente KID GLOVES, at BAILEY'S, Linn City. GOOD black and green TEA, at BAILEY'S, Unm CUy. aOHAIN PHMIi-pric reduced for sjsls bj V wr2 C fPTf , tr Farm for 8al for 91.500. I OFFER far sals a half ila of land situated about sis mil ssst f MuDouald'a ferry la Forks Sauliam, Linn JH, county, and about Iwanly milea from Halsm. 1'h sliap of lh land nil It wsll for ordinary farming, and it I aha em of Ihe keel iloek ftirmt in lh country. Th improvement tnelude on hundred aad Iwsnly apph) Ifse of imyrsrsd fruit also peach, plum, and cherry trea, all f which will sou b ia plentiful bssrfng. Th letilimi it favorabla to health, li beautiful aod plessaal Tim will b girsa a a part of lb mettsy al mjrt lalsrest, or goo slocR taks rr a part. For farther particulars call m at tb " Unia Slr," Halm, or address by klter. lformlin eooearaing U caa also bs had by calling a W. L. AOsm 01 in ITS goo A rgM. rea. 7,lNotMom V. HULL HVMLIM1TY CUI.UEUR. MR. MILTON WRIOHT, Titthir, TTflLli snterupnn hisfirrt term lath Prl f T marv Denarlmenl of lh Suhlimiiv callers v .iivhubj tuc ms umy vi ivTwniner. - l- I .1 O'JJ .1 V L 1 union per term ol Iwelv weeks, .fi.00 For each additional branch tbarre th urimsrv. fifty cents maru. Hy order of lb Trustees. Hee S. ALI.KV J. DAVIK, 8eo'y. OREGrOlt HOUSE, pORNEU Third and W.Ur (tresis, V eppeaat tn rarry landing. VKEUVN CITT. Tb traveling public ara respectfully Invites lo give me a call. Tha OREGON HOUSE ia th most pleas- anlly located hotel in the Territory, and has been so altered within tha last few weeks as la make II ana ef Ihe most commodious House in lh Terri tory. Th tahl will always b supplied with th best Ihst the Market affords. (iood accommodations for ladies and fsiniliss. Good (tabling and feed for horses, wilh proper (lU'ndanc. far Tha stage-coach lo and from Salem stop at Ilia Oregon llous. rates: Doard and lodging, per week , Beard, without lodgiug, par week Single meal ..$7 00 ... 00 50 50 Aighlaldgtn( J. BAI1M. Aug. 8, 1857m6 Proprietor. VL7. 9. naUhina, M. 9., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFERS TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio; Prf. J. Knst, ' Prof. Courtney, La Fayelt, Ind.; Dr. W. Armstrong, FmJIsy, Ohisi J. Fisher, M. D., Tiffin, J. Chamberlin, M. D., Tiffin, " Dr. 11. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Johnson, I'hilsdolphia, Pna. t . Prof. J. lirown, N. Y. Dr. G. Kallogg, Milwaukie, O. T. W. D. Hutchin' Ilalsam Wild Cherry tl SA Jayue's Expectoranl I 35 Alterntiv 1 85 Ayres' Cherry Pectoral 1 35 and a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all limes. And I am making arrange ments lo manufacture my Balaam for Ihs lungs, rain tli Uregon cherry. atig!5 BEAT THEM! WHO CAN! t&sl riowi, OP ALL SIZES, ARE now being manufactured and offered for sale in Oregon City, al Iha Blacksmilh shop near Mr. Cauhelde Mora. Tli undersigned, hsving had live years' expe rience ia lh PLOW business in Oregon, beg leave te inform tbe farming community thai he is coafiileul af being abl lo supply thsir want ia lh Plow tin, if ibey will give him a call. Dee. 36, 1857. J. W. LEWIS. Kane's Jlrctie Bxpedition, RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and oilier interesting works, for sal at the sap 13 CITY HOOK STORE. BRICK. 100,000 FOR SALE. A nnly In sepia WM. C. DEMENT, CO. A Few t'MMa ov F that superior GREEN TEA lust received WM. C. DEM KIM T A CO. 5 CASES "Crumpton's Medal" Tobacco al scp 19 WM. C. DEMENT CO.'S. 4")r SETS hollaVr angers, for wheelwrights, for &Q sal by WM. C. DEMENT A co. Land Warrants PURCHASED BY Jan. 34. WM. C. DEMENT 4 CO. OA A A SEAMLESS sacks for .ale by 5UUU WM.C. DEMENT At co. YAMHILL TRADE. rpilE new and fine steamer . rtrv X o23 xrs av .td'taiiTr built ciprewly for the Yamhilf trade, will leav CANEMAll 011 Monday and Friday for La- rAVrrrs, snd Wednesdays for Davtoi sib a.m. Nov.21, '57. V. E.SW KH Z EK, Master. XTetiea to Sbippers. fS and after Ibie dale, FREIGHT will b carried an lh steamer by Iha rule of " Ship's Measuremeat" Nov. 31, '57. C. E. SWEITZER. NEW GOODS JUST received, a large and wall-eleeled as sortment of GOODS, consisting of FrrneA no? Englith M'nno, Platdt, Sheeting, Canton flannel, Table Linen, Velvet Trimminye, Artificial!, and ether fancy articles, cheap far cash ar pro duce. CHARLES POPE, Jr., Dee. 5, 1857. Main st. E. L BRADLXY Co, ARE SgeaU fr Fswler A Welts' Lira Illustra ted, Wansr Cur and Phrenological Journal. Yoa that want a good family paper, send in your smes soon. Subscription also reeeived for Godey'i Lady's Bosk, Graham's Magasin, Harper' da, Har per's Weekly Journal, Vo. Send 00 yat aamaa wilh th cam, and yoa will b attended te. Cbarsaatj dc Warsttr HAVE ree'd Isrgs assert menl f SHOES, embraciug ehildrca' and iadie eh see, and Gaiters, Buskins, and Mooters s also goats' 1 loots and shoes, and gaiter of all desenptieas. ALSO, Cradle aael nylbe, maths, boe, rakes, fstka, spa oca, and stiovsls. rOR SALE, A SET of second-hand TIN MAN'S TOOLS A. aad MACHINE npit, by E. MILWAIN. Oct. 3, lrJ57. LUMBER. ALL thoee wh waal LUMBER caa lv their bill with Chasuai A Wabnss, which I will AH, and deliver Use lumber in Oregoa CI, U desired. H. B. BUCK. OregoaCity, Js. IS, 1158. 40lf ORANGES a fin kM just received sod for Ml by F. CHARMAN. A f ACAULAY'S Hwwry af England for C. POPE, Jr. JL sal by A Saddle Iloroe F B SALE- Apply te C. POPE, Jr. w Uj rv 4 ivL. rns w . " " -md WHEAT at tha rket pnee. 5 ClftlS.f AN WARNER Brl i.i,i,iii .t .-..a. , m..m,Vf OREGON CITY Wholesale Prleee Onrreat. bams sV MSiiiciaxa 8rieling14-4....ll1ul!l 50pr.el.ovsr . Y.ccM Drilling K'J rsouitt. Ulsschsd drilling Ill Wheat, pr. bu.... . S2,S( 11 shirting, 1 1 a I o Oats do 75abO Striped d 12) Potato do 75 Ticking...., 14s If. Onions do A2 HO Duin I9f Hour tl2.fl4 Blu drilling l4;Corn Med, fresh 4 Plaid linaey Ifia24f rsviT. Saline! 7Us9ia A pph s, diied 1 Cs 1 8 Kentucky jaus...3i45U'aelis, dried 85 Twssds &5a7ij " do pealed raiBTS. ! Chili, dried. 2024 Bin aad whit laf raovmoN. , Blue aadsrang l'JPork, clear. .. .nnn. .S'-.'(a30 IS 85 30 .. . 30 ....SI& ... (iio .fjtffJaS 3ai, Kaaey .....rial " mua Fnrnilur do 10l4rllm do. wids.I2.:Hacon M. do lin.....j..l83UlButler Gingham 15.2., Alpaca 85afi0j Table damaak 5075 luxnrd, r c... eloth C5u8l,f " l"ag- Irish linens 4Uslf clotiiino. i""""" Sheep gray pent 82Ja3,Buck Satinet do. .$2(a3 "- v .. j. ai.vFlsr Black cassi do. 5a7;Vliile lead, inoil...l2, RIA..'l ahlrla fllialR! VoSVAOS. Itlue do. d. $IJl8;M""la, sinsll. ... Vj 35 lUali .3lla7 fiOutij Hickory hirls 67! large..., Calico da Uaia;lv"'P soots St snoss. i . canulx Men' kip boots S'.is4;Admulilie super dd.d..i.B4iP'"D fin s wed 4i cioass. Boys' kip boot j;ilavuns sumcv " ha'vy w'tdos)IJ.iU.U'riiiail ',,u ! Msiis'brg'spr. dox.. 1 7; American flUuM k nkrir nr dm a-.'IM TOBAlto. calf sewed da..2l;l,rldeoftlie Union. lOali Women' h'vy ab'a.ttl.lun... fiuedo ai.vLuke' 37 sockiiks. 1 uAsnwAsa. Coffe I41.VSI"," i T. 60a75;l'idea $' Sugar. na. I Chi'.... I.', A. S Jf crushed.. gi;niniewa T. nl Sslaralu 10a I H I c ' ' ' Starch 14:1 utile cutlery, i y " Syrup E UoMou 9S1 dvance on ft . 1 cost HO. a llund...,i. ,,l'l r- NOMolnsses I advance. Liv. Sail o.jllOther article of hard- Table Sail 2a:lj wr from w t J" P Sandwich 1. Salt.. Ua5 el advance. Pepper 22'Naila,iissdsiis,pr .4...4tij " hoifcshoe.. .3540 6iluHi) oil. , 8aU'Lmp $liS Allsuu Ciuuamort. Soap...!..... To Oregonlans ia Bad Healih. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE SICK I It is awful lo note Ihe haggard, sallow, ca- daieruus faces and wasted skeleton forms we meell This ia not confined In the old, but We see lh ydurig, able-bodied, and those iu the prime or life, oomplsin alter being here some lima of illness seme grow unnaturally fat suddenly ; others wane and grw thin ; they cannot localiia or drscriha their disease, yet they feel iitiiverealiy unwell, mentally and physically ; eiins nave p uns ann weakness in Ihe breast, limbs, nr body ; they feel S want of muscular and imiilal energy, a want of anim ilion, nnd have fearful forehoilingi. for the fu lute, poor appetite, nervous irnlubility, and sleep. leasuesH) Iheir skill is dry, and occaaioually fluiditd and heated, Ihiti, pallid, and yellow. Now sud.leu deaths, lunacy, and universal de bility is too, loo prevalent her ; and who wonder, when combined wilh a climate like this, a dry air impregnated wilh electricity and galvanism T Wa have many who have passed through sickuaas, whew life is intemperate and debauched, or hav seen dthers who have been nearly doctored I death by quack medicines, or by Iha advice of 'The Faculty," who have impregnated Iheia with mercury, calomel, Ac For all such cases is Dr. Jacob Webber' Invig orating Cordial Sungiiirier most especially adupted, inasmuch as the abuvo canes and symptoms did Dr. Webber minutely Mudy in adapting his cordial to their cure. Il enlivens lh torpid liver, eject all billioua inatu-r from Ihe system, cauxes stidation, or free perspiration (so neceiaary to health), purifie and enriches the blood, givue strength to the limbs and body, and is positively Infallible iu all nervous diseases, trembling, or wakefulness. There never was a remedy whicli gave sucti na light Iu the uH'crcr us this, The Agent can, from his own knowledge of cure t-H'ected by it, con se enllouslv recouuneu.l it iu any of th following diseases ; Nervousness, weakness, languor, loss of appetite, sleep, or strength, trembling, lew spirits, decay of Ihe natural functions, pains in the head, llinba, or body, neuralgic or rheumatic, und it otten restores those lo health nd strength whose consti tutions ar almost broken. I)asii.lT raoa Dumas, cumatx, dissifation, oa pxsAUCUKkr. Strength, vivacity, and vigor la Ihe limbs, body, and mind, is given by Dr. Jacob Webber's Invigorating Cordial il sends an elec tric thrill of life through the worn-out body, weak limba, aud broken-down constitution ; gives an ap petite, removes dyspepsia, calms irritability, cause quiet sleep, and ia indeed the finest touio, nervine and mngU'lier, aver made. It is purely a vegela bl coiupoundv and e.in bs used by the 111 ml deli cate female, i he reader is conscientiously assured il is all il is represented, 17 In quart bottles price $.1 or two foi $.". Whslrsale Agent, T. JONES, 18) Montgom ery st, Sun Franoiwo, to whom ill orders ran bs addrsawd. Feb. 3iiii3 Flae Teeth, tlatr, aa Hkta, for Ti rt. Wont's West India Soap Tooth Hunt is a au psrb dentifrice, lathers In III mouth like soup, is delicious to the taste, whitens Ihe teeth, polishes (without injuring) the enamel, purifies the breath, and hy its lathering property cleanses the mouth, tongue, and throah For dressing and forcing the growth ofilic hair, Jones' ('oral ll.iir Restorative. These are it qualities: It will force Ihe hair lo grow dark, slop its falling out, Cure scurf, or daiidrutr, diess lh hair lieautirulty daik, soft, silky. Price Hi Si bit cents per bottle. For curing eruptions, pimples, freckles, sunburn, tan, and discolored skin, the benutilul ell'rcl of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap delight (II who us it. It makes the most coarse, red, and yelluw akiu white and clear as a young ch Id's. It ia emollient and softening for infants, and ia Ihe best shaving soap made. Price 35 cents. Sold at tha above prices al every respectable drug store in California and Oregon, Proprietor, T. JONES, 185 Montgomery St., San Francisco. Land for Sale. AllAl.r BtL IIU 01 good LAND a ia for sale, situated oa Clarkamai, b ' ' miles N.K of Oregon City 10 acreeun-ui der feace, half af which ia under cultivation r wilh a young oacnaaD of ubout 1 50 trees, some of which ar bearing ; beside a smsll frame hous aad out-buildings. The property will b sold for cash, or traded for property in Oregon Cily or Portland. For further particulars, enquire of the rd lor of Ihe Argus. 5jtf IU CARTER'S PULMONARY BALSAM just received by sxrarss st Ihs OREGON CITY DliUG STORE. March 37, 185b". B O R S S-S BOEING. THOSE who wish lo gl their HORSES well Ad, and speed iy done, pleas eaO on OLD DICK, at lh new ItlaeU smith shop opposite Allan A McKinlav's store. Oregon CUy, March 37, lPor). SHINGLES 100,000 for s.ilr, hy CHA It Mi V ef WARNER. 10 u - qaality cigars. CHARMAN WARNER. 25,000 KLgrm LUMB" Canemuh, Apt 17. JOS. BAKSTQW, ALL who ar indebted ta th firm of Chabma St Waaaxa ara requested lo call at Iheit ater and seUl by eish or not forthwith. CHARMAN A WAR.VEH-Or'g-a r ty, Tab . IS