Hlahai lUlcr. Jews were wrought la cruel mslnsss, Christians lied in fr end m.lnru, Mary lod (lit eros beside. At ll foot her fool h pUnti'il, By Ih dreadful seen uiidauu'rd, Till 111 geulle suli'erer died. I'o In eft h iv ung her itory ) rainier decked lief brow with glory, Prim her nun hav clniflcd Rut no worlilp, mig, or ilury, 1'ouclioa lilt llitl impl story, " Mry stood ill erwi braid.' And when, under fierc nppremon, Godnew sutlers like lrsugreftion, Christ again i crucified. Hut if Ioto b tlier, true-hearted, II jf no grief of terror parleJ, .Mury aland Ilia eroaa besiJ. sVkT Beautiful is the eitwh of 'Ellen Aslure' : ' r.r4 llii email lublel 'r. Thai holJ mv epitaph upon it cheek f pearl: Jlr lira e.inol girl, Who died Like a pale flower, nipt in it tweet eprin tide, life ii nau utuomra no mure. tT As silently as 'llie glw of the Alps' leaves i li snow palo as il fouri'l thciii, the year jri,fl forever away. Did ' mournful nniaic or tollinr bell inn'k their going, the World would wear weeds; it would teem like a great dying, and the iinilo for the new-born would ho blent with the siy.li for the shrouded rear. But if time has no surge, there is in its current's silent flow, a power that forever brings the new and bear away the e!d. We sih over lh change that irnnsforms lite lanuicape, like snow-drifts slufunir w'uh the wind, when time itself n change, and the third best gift that lies Ten had siipu on man. Circumslances, like aallers. n.ako most men, hut there ere a few gallant hearts who have made circumstance. Gallantry does not always. wear sword or grasp h riflf. fie it a gallant man who does not shrink from ceaseless, earnest woik, riihcr of head or hand, and be lias won a Lilcn. heitu battle who decs not fear to morrow. Chicago Journal. t3T Here is a little passage from EJ- wards' History of linger, rings, which is eminently suggestive : A circle, know n as a fiiiger-rin", has been an object of ornament and of use for thousands of years. Indeed, the time when it was first fnhioned and worn is su fur in the past, that it alone shines there ; it around is ashes or darkness. This little perfect figure inav seem lo be a trifling nmttur on which to fuiiod mii essav, ami yet we shall find it connected wilh his tory and poetry. It is, indeed, a small link, although it ban hound many, for bet ter, for worse, for richer, lor poorer, more securely than could the shackle wrought lor a leinn. An Impression Irom il tnuy have saved or lost a kingdom. Il U mudo a symbol of power, und lm bnen a muik of shivery. Love lias placed it where a em was sttppnaed to vibrato in the Lrarl. Afluction and friendship have wrought il Into a remembrance ; and it has passed into lh grave upon the finger of the be- iora one. j uk otwi.iu jiachi.ik. iiivre the v.... e if .... . .. bcwino; Machine, a skeleton tLins, I hat looks like an anomalous spider, or a Inie devil s diirniiig needle,' that stitches away upon nnjihing nnd everything : a mainsni or a ribbon, a shirt or a shroud, it U all the same ; throujli and ihroii2h,and over and over, nnd up and down, never wearying, never resting; and this so so nlFuir U brouplil in, as if it were some trnphy, and et flown by the fireside, us if it were b member of the family, aud we nro bctind to to grateful ! Just as if the sweetest Sowing Machine we ever saw did not wear aprons, and had not the finest pair of hazel eyes in the world, and a voice like a song bird, anjj a complete set of the fairest and uirablest of fingers, mid a gentle heart wit hall siiine racy remarks ujon dan cing, The Di'Bton Courier reels off this yarn: We are reminded of a story we have somewhere read f a youth who uos brought up in entire socIumoii, where bo never saw a Woman till he came lo man's estate. Ilo was then taken out into the world under charge of a reverend puidiv j.robably much such u man a tho A blip liulot. When ho first saw a company of women, ne eagerly AKked what Hiomb were I To which hi mentor replied : " My son, tnoso are ueviia i Alter a win o thev went b.tck lo thoir solitude, and the philosnpher a:Keu nts young charge what ot ail the things bo hud seen he liked best! To which tho young man repliud, with some lieximtion and confusion of face, "Father, i UKeine devils Icsll ' A Solum 1 bought. It hns been ob served with much significance, that every morning wo enter on a now day, carrying sun an unknown tutura in us bosom. - How pregnant and slirriug the reflection I llioughts may be born to-day which may never be extinguished, Hopes may bo excited to day which inav uver expire. Acts may be performed the consequence of which may not u realized till eternity. Thb Lump or Salt. A lump of salt is dissolved in a basin of waler ; the aali is gone, but its savor has ranched the remo. test atom in tbn basin. tur own life j like thai lump of salt ; gradually il ia melt itiS away, and in a brief season it will be gone ; but its aavor will reach tho remo test hour in the eternity to come. A Gb.nti.bju.v. There have been many definitions of a gentleman, but the prettiest and mol poolio is that given by a lady. "A grnihiinan,niaid she, "is a hu man being combining a woman's tender, nesa with a man's courage. 0?" Joseph Stokea says that when be was drat married he loved bis wife hard enough to eat her up and now be says lie shall always b sorry he didn't ! Sivkf is a man, too, thai npara to understand pretty well what he is about. OCT When we record our annrv feelings, let it be dona on the snow, that the first beau) of suasbine may obliterate tbem for ever. fejr Make truth credible, and children will believe it; make goJscs lovely, an) they will love it. .. . BUSINESS CARDS. W. T. MATLOCK, w. a. joiiaauN SSatlock ell Johnson, ATTORNEYS ic COl'NSKLOltS AT LAW, And Solicitors In Chancery, W1 rilX promplly ellrn I lo any huainraa which may b comiiiiHrd la llieir profrsioiil chare b fur the )irl and Supreme Court. ( Dice iu H gliheld a bu Mini, iinmrdiak ly op. posil III Mailt Hirer! I loin. uregun cny, .tiarcii , i pa. .y JOHN R MB RIDE, ATTSISKf tD COVNSILOa IT LAW, Iafayetts, Yamhill County, O. T., WILL fttiilifully attend lo all buines en trunterf to hi professional ear. Wm. 0. Dement di Co., WHOLES A l.K and Mail Dealer in Grocer, iea. Provisions, Faints, Oil, lloota and Shorn, Crockery, 0V0. Opposite III Land Office, Mam Hi. Oregon t.'ity. June I, 1655. CHARLES POPE, JR., DEALER in llurilware. Groceri.-s, Dry Goods, Clothing, Uoot 4. tShoe, Medicine, Uooka and MlaUonery. Msin-l.,Orsgou City, April 21, 1857-llf B. ZVXilnrain, Manufacturer, Wholesali and Retail Denier in COOK AND IMKLOR STOVES, TfN II COrrKt WARC, IIAROWASK, C, Main St., oppoaite Main Street Hotel, OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamboat aud jobbing work attended ta with dirpatch. Ordrrs from the country promplly filled. je7 Time. HIGH FIELD, J WA TCH. MAKER. iYV w. Poisons desirous of trcllinir soud work dona will do well to five mo a call, aa my whole time is do voted lo the repairing of Chronometer, Lever, uuptcx, and lloriznntiii watches. An smortinenl of Jewelry on hunj. Jewelry made loord.r, and repaired. Price til unit the limea. I am lliniikfut for naat favora, and hopv lo Rive aulifaclion in future. U" 1-ocated at the old aland, nnuoaite tliuTol. mph Ollicc, OHEOON CITY. Feb. 2. ? Srugs, Modicinca, Paints. Oils. S (it the OltKUON CITY Dlt'UG STORE, aepl5 Main Street, OregunCily.O.T. JOHN P. BROOKS, W'hulctale f Retail Dealer in Orortriet, Product, 1'rovfioii; Mam Street, A Orueral Autorlmenl k. ptnpof Selected Good Cnnrinnh, March 28, .')7. GUN -SMITHING. . I KING pernianrntly lucutid in Oreoon Cilv, A r lam prrparrd lo carry on the busiueas ol UlUVB.Ul I iii.vu IX ALL ITS BRANCHES. Those who favor ine with their natrounce. nuiv expi ci io nave ineir worn (long right. Thou who leave GUNS at my Shop for repairs, and do not call for them within Nl.vit M)N mi of 111 lime ml for the work to be done may eiect lo have Ihrin lil lo pay cliarifm, 1L.111JIAA.NU WILDE, June 27, 1947. llnild Wills, Fargo ic Co.'s Express, Between Oregon, Calilnrma, the Atlantic vales ani Europe. II t IT Ti , . .mtiin.m.iilu uiiil. ,1... I .Sluli's and I'ucific Mail Steum-. ahip Conipanirs for hunsn.jtlaliou. we are now ore purrd lo forward Gold Putt, bullion, Specie, Packages, Parcels, aud Freight, lo and from N lorn, a. urleauti, Bun r ranc.aco, fortluud, aud priuripai loivua ol l-ul lorum an I Ureou. Our regular Semi-monthly Express between Portland uml Sail Fraiivisco, ia dispatched by the I'uuilic Mail SleaniKliipCo-'eateaiiwhip Columbia. coiiiieciing ai un r runciaco Willi oiir aemi-inonl li ly Lxprrna to New urk and New Oi lcans, which ia dieputchrd regularly on the 1st and lu'ihofranh mouth, by the mail aleamer and iu churgo of our owu iiiriweuirer, inroiiRIi to avslinulion. Our Kxpri'ss from JS'cw York leave reuularlv ou the Slh nnd 2Utli of each mouth, alao iu chure ui nu'stu'iigeni. 1 reusure insured ill the beet New York coin pauiee, or at Lloyd' iu Loudon, at tlin ouliou of ehippere. DKFrcrs New Tmk, No. IC, Wall t : Now OrleuiiK, No. 1 1, Exchange plucv tiuu Francisco, .o. Ill, AlolllgoliK-ry atirrt, ' A. II. H I liliLli, Agent. Owgnn City. April 81, lH-7.-llf Beading for the Million. s. j. Mccormick US CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT TDK ra.tNKLIIt SOOK STOKE, fROST-ST, rur.TLAXU, ORKGON, 1 Choice selection ol' Popular Books, News. B. puiier", Majruiines und Fancy Miutinnerv. Among the books on hand will be found wnrkr on temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, II tnry, roelry, lliogrnphy, Medicines, Iteligion, ru'-ence, ncnooi uuoae, uoiuanoe, &o., Sc, ate O feuuscription received for llnruer. urahain, Oodey, Leslie', or Pulnum, al J4 a year, post. age free. lu' hubccription n-celven for any newsnaner piioiiMira in any pail ot me union. IlKini'inlier the r raiihlin Hook Store and New paper Agi ncy, Krnnl slieet, I'orlluHd Oregon. UNITED STATES HOTEL. TTAVJNO lossed the MAIN ST. PI HOUSE ill lliinxilv for a lenn of years, we have opencil the name under the J name of the VMTV.D HTXTES and, after a tuosouuii nrriNa upa.no asrAiniNa, to aa to render it overy way adapted to securing ine conuori oi mo iruvcimg community, wo am now prrpored to wait upon all who may favor ua wiui a can. OUR TABLE will be fin mulled with the best tho market afiords. Rooms tor Private Vanities can always be had. GOOD STABLING con. nected with III ealablishiiH ut. Term moderate. WM. MAYES, J. I HROPUKY. Oregon City, October 31, 157. 29m6 CANEMAH HOTEL, CANEMAH, O.T. I HAVE opened the above House in Caiiemah, where I will be most happy lo wail iiimiu my friends ami I lie public, generally. KOBT. CONNOLLY Jos. Barctow 18 by himself, and would rcKprctfuHy say lo hta frienda and the public generally thai he i thankful for pisl patrouage, aud wllloontiuiie busi at Ilia old aland, and will ever b ready lo how his lioodj io ihose who may favor him with a call. Come one. eome all. bulb s-real and amall. and (ive him a rail before purohaaiui( elsewhere, and esaiuiue for yourstlve bis splendid sad select slock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, ROOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, JLc, Jtc, H.iis,Naib, Hroonis, e., and almoat every thing perlaiuiug lo a nenerol line of buaineHa. ' All kind- of country produce takeu in xclunge. Country fr ends will nod it to Iheir advantage to give uie a call. Ciiueinah.Sepl. 6. PliESTON'S Sectional and County MAP of ORKUOX and WASUIXUTON TEK klTOKIES for sal by iiflG CHARLES POPE, Jr. BeUiag OSl 4 VALL'AULrJ aawiawui ot BOk3 and X. atniMMiery. 'leacbars and dealer aad a" iuierestrd an invitsd la call and mam Msrcb 2ti, 1857. C. IVl'E.'Jr.' PACIFIO UNIVERSITT. forest Grore, Wmtunyton Co., Oregon, Rev. 8. II. Marti. A. M., rrtthhnl, Itev.II. Lyman, ..,Prof. Malhcmalict, rplIK eolleaial year. conlliiif of on term of X li'iit' liiouina. will I WidiieMluv of November. It I the d Inn of ih lintltut'on lo furnlah a ihormich and euiiipleU1 wlleilul doom ion There ie a Library of lUOO vuliiiiir forth UN of llio uludenta Applii'iiuta f.ir ailmiiainn Inpollrie mini have a klin irlLo of Ih cnmmoii Kiielieli brancln a, and hav ,lii.lifil Ih ancient huij(iirre n far oa lo have h ad portion of Lmtnr aud Cicro and Ih Uierk Kradrr. '1'h tuitiuu f i Q33 per annum. Student fittinz for collree, a well a other wwhiuu: lo punurcllefiHte alidii- without ouli-r. lug upon the (ollrgo course, will bu under the In- (tinclinii or Hie collrire tunclien, i'lie fall term i'f 1 1 werka In the prepuralory druirtinrnt coiiiiiirncre on Ih 2d Wednesday of September. 1 uiliou, $s per lerui. Taalatin Academy, Forest Grove, Wuih'nigtm Vo , Oregon, Ur.v. CisiiiMo Eklls, Principal. ., The full lorin will eommeoce en Ih first Wtd nexlay of November. luilion In the tomniio branuhea, 80 in the higher brunchrs, $4 per quarter. Utiy TUST RECEIVED, at the Ongoii City Druf t rjlore, iliieat rroin new XurKaud ouu rruu ciaco, a large uuoitmeut of Drugs, Chemicals, J'atcntand Fumily Medicines, all of which will be eold e low or lower than thev can be had at any oilier place in the Turritury. Country merchant will line it loilit-irintertatlo bay hrre inntead of rorilun l. Call and set. Urrgon City, Slay 9, If 57. Tho Oracfjnborg Company. mlllS INSTITUTION (iuc.irirate, by Ih X Lrg'alulure of the Stule of Net York, cap ital $100,11(11)), was founded for the purKc ol siipplrintr lh' pulilic wilh the celehraied bit ! ht KNUKKU MliUIC'IM-IS. 1 lie seres comprise remedies for nearly every uieae, adapted to ev ery climsle. For lamil rs. travelers, seamen, nnd miners use, Ihey aie iineniiuled. All Ihe inrd! ciura arc I'URKLY VICIJICI AHLK, and war ranted lo cure tli diseases fer which Ihey uronev- erully recommenilod. The (Jruefriil erff Company does not profess to cure ull diru?es w Hi one or Iwn mrd euirs. Our series unnHKts of ELhVEN dihVreot kinds, ail nplrd to lh vari nia diseuNes incident to the tem perate and li'i pieiil climate. I he following com price ihe series of Uruefeulier)i Jlediciiii: The GraefeDberc VegetanVe Pitts Ate enxUerrd the stanilurd Pill of :hs day. and nm inliuilely xui-erior In any I'ill before the pulilic. They opera' w ith nil irritation on all the rxcre. lion,, puruiu ih blood by tue bowels, I.vur, kid' ueys, soil skin. n:t rail it It's Cioriiin Cuthnllcoii, .4 n infallible n mrdy for all diNeam of the womb and uriunry orvuua, weukuos In ihe back, pain iu brras:, ncrvouiif.-s, deliiliiv, etc. In I uhforuia and Un coil, out of more limn a Ihou'Hiid cases where litis innticiuu has hem uxe.l, it has iu no siujrle in-tance fnilrd lo give permanent reliefer to eltei t a cerium euro. OR A EFENDERO SARSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. Ouo bottle equal lo ten of the ordinary sars.ipar.lla for punlying- Ihe blood. A ure euro lor scrofula, rheu iiatiaiu. ulceii), d.s- peiiHa, sail rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, etc. lbs UTeen Monatatn Ointment, Invuluahle for burns, wuumls, siirains, cli lbluins, sores, swolluiirs, scrofula, etc. As a pun extract or, it cannot be excelled, allunlinj immediate re lief from Ihe most excruciulini pains. TDK GKARFKNBKKO DYSENTERY SYRUP. This extraordinary article is a speedy nnd infallible remedy in ilii.rrlioua, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, and the Asiatic cholera, if taken with the nrat symptoms of Ihe diseuse. It is pure ly vegetable iu in compound. tlraefeabcrK Children's Panacea, For slimmer complaint, and most diseases to which children arciaibj. cl. Its true worth can never be set forth ill words, but it can be felt and uppree a- ted by parents whose children have been saved. No uio.lier shuuld be without it. Urarfcaberg pile Remedy. Warranted a certain cure for Ihia painful disease. With Ih Oin'iiisut, there are very few case wh oh cunnol be rudically snd pcruiiuently cur, d. A surgicul operation lor Piles and Fistula should never be ruaorled lu until this ointment bus beeu thoroughly tried. Il never fuil. UUEFEMlF,RO EVE l.OTIO. " For diseases of the eye, this Lotion has no equal. Il is a speedy and p a.uve cure for inflammation of Ihe eves, wcakncsnes, dimness aud failing- of siirht. It will alwava lie beurfteiul in acute iulhiiiiiimlhin of the eyes, and also as a wash on inflamed surfaces. GRACFRNBKRO FEVER AND AGUE FILLS. A speedy and positive euro for ll.in distressing complaint. Theao fills aie composed principally of tjutuiue, with other vegetable ionics, auli-spas- moaio aim iroriluge articles. Jlumsuuus have been permanently cured by their we. Grncf'iib-r Oiioiiitiptivv's Diilm Sovereign in ull Bronchial and Pulmonary Dis eases. It is, brvond all question, true Hist cou- sumptlon is a curable disuare, and the Couaump- Uve a Uslin u Ih best curative vvr used. Graefeaberg Uealtk ntlters. Then b tiers are killully and elegauily prepared rum a nuiuuer ol mviiriiraiiiig, liealtliy room. barks, herba, aud viues. An iuvsluab. tunic and hrullh restorer. Uraefeaberg Maaaal f Health. il haiidaoinely printed voinme of SUU png, eon taiuiug cuueiae and extremely plain descriptions of all niauner of dieeese, the r ryiuploms and Irrat ment Every family should have one. 1'rice ouly 'Ai ! Is. Il will be sent, a paid, to any poatiitUee iu California or Oreguu, ou lh re ceipt of '.'j cents by mail or xpres Ad Irrss Itrdingiou A Co., San Krancisco. The (inufeuberg Medicines or for sal by all Drugguis and iipmliecaries throughout the cosulry. A. II. 8 I'KELE. Agent, lri(Oii City. Geusral Agent f.vr ralifornlt and Oregon KEDINUTON ol Co, Wholeaals Druggial, TJo. 107 flay ireet. Xsn Krsnciarft. IIMrjj j received and for sal by A ' my' R CH.KM.. - M ORRIS' Povtic-J Work-foralby-C. rOFE, Jr. rnrnltaro. fpiIE auhsrribor he jiwl rm-eiy. X e.1 lare mipply of FUltNI- 'I UltK of all deaoriptions, couaial- liif in part as follows Hofa. mahog iny aud black walnut) Chamber seta) Koreans, with or without marble tope) OlHne deoksi Itookiiia chairs, stuffed In hair, carpet, and with cunr and woo.1 seals) Diuiiif ohairs, can and wood Mats; Oilier ehsirs, do da do Children' do, hiifh din ng and rocking; llrd.les.ls, various kind; Tables, center, card, aud dlninf j Writiiitf deks) S.d.'hoardsj I'srlor chuirtj Mellres; liesilinit, toilet, and weik tabic) Lonkinif-Khiiw; Mstirrw, hair, moss, and wool; Window shades; , Feat In rs; Paiier hanginifs, at every style) Oilcloth; I'liineM matliniri lluld lamps, and burn ing Hud; wilh a variety of other articles loo numerous In mention. Persons wishing to purchase will nleas call and examine for themselves, . All kinds of country produce taken In exchsngs lor rood. 1IIU3. JUll.u.. Mareh!29, 18S6. 49tf New Sooki ! rpiIR subscriber has just received a lares an- X sort me nl uf UOOKS, direut from New Yoik, among which are Ihe following: Alisnn' Hid. of Europe, American Institutions, Killiman' do. Lives of Ihe Signer, I irinocrucy iu America, llubylan aud Nineveh, "Land and Lee," ' 'Sea and Sailor," Three Years in Cslifor., I've of Literature, "Deck and fort," 'Ship aud Shore," Home Cyclopedia, Kgvpt and Ih Holy Land Uiichau s r am. t'liys n.,1 LurdiierouHl'm Eugiue, Manual of rui Art, lecture on lb Arts, Xiio t .Mnuaslerie. Choice lliogniphy, Travel iu Peru, . 1'eruvian Anliqituie, Polar Regions, Choice r.'tra'-ia, Jtluhsu's Philos4iphy, A variety of Poet. SUU cop es of Sanders Speller, iOU ' Headers, 3o0 ' MeGnffry' do. S.)0 " Webster Dictionaries. Davie' Algebra, Newinaa' lihetorie, (Jrometry, Bourdon, " Surveying, " Legendre, " Arithmetic, Oay s do. Parley' Univ. History, Goodrich 1'iet. U. S. Moiilrlth's Geography, Lillle Speaker, ' Thompeon's do. Americau Speaker. Af.Si, . A Fresh Snpolv of Stationery. Day UiMika, .luuruuis, Ledgers, Keeurd Uooks, Memoianiliims, of all sixes, Diar es, 4 c , Note und Letter Paper, Lnvelopes, Pens, 4c, ito. l'.ras.r Knives, hrnsiv Kuliber, Ouiniiied Labels, abar .acila, K, In quart und p ut baltlea. W1JOLBSAI.R AND H ETA II.. CIIAKLKS POPE, Ja. Oregon City, August It), lB.ib. Ziadics! . YOU will find an excellent assortment of Drest nnd Bonnet Silks, Satins aud Velvets: alio Bonnet Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloees, Luces ami Ribbons, Table Cloths, Counterpane: etc., at the store of CIIAUI.KS rWE, it.. Muin-st., opposite Abernelhy'a store,) where may bo lound almost ecerytlang in the Hue of Dry j!iodi Such a Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merirrsi, Plaid Liuseys, Muslins, Sattiiietls, Jeans, Fluu neis, Sheelings, lied Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Hailing, elo. Oregou City, April SI, 1 857-1 if Medicines for Salo, By CHARLES I'Ol'E, Ja. ANDS' Sarsupaiilla, Perk a Wild Cherry Bit- 3 lera, Batsman's dro, UraiKlrnth's pills, Lee'i pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor. Gum Arable, Urilinh oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, Jd preparation, Itoniau eye balauin, Uulley s pain exlraetor, Lau.luuum, 1'aregoi le, Oil of Pepper- mint, Essences, Coinporition Powder, I'urler'i Pulmonary Balun, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, &u, April 4, I3j7-llf More new Ooodi, AT CIIAIIMAN il WARNER'S. ADDITION TO OUlt USUAL STOCK, X we have jut received, direct I'ruin Sau r rau cisuo, a good anil suitable supply ol Goodi for th's Seas m of the Year, which wo oiler for sale ut prices which cannot be beat in thin uiurkeU Our "lock uonsuls iu part of 4Ud lbs sal soda, SU boxes English soap, SU " Chus. IMI'ssoap, 2i) dox com starch, 2(1 cuses p e fruit, 15 " pick lei, ii doi hoiiey, 8 " lobitlers, 12 " oyrlers, . . 20 hir bbls N 0 sugar, . 4 bbls Sandwieh Island syrup, 10 hlf bbls dried apples, R rils mackerel, 2000 lbs suck cuudy, . . 600 " fancy do. l- -1 ease Guiliplshcr toys, - 1 " Gerinuu toys, 400 lbs almonds, 12 hlf boxes raisins, 6 wholo boxes do., . j . 49 prs good .Mackinaw blanked, 2000 yds brown heeting, 20011 calico, Hoot ami shoes of every description'. The above, with our usual assortment, we think. renders our stock eomplnr. Call snd pre us Terms cash. CHARM AN 4 WARNER. December 20, lt).")7. Experleiicu iTIitkvs Perfect. Why Go to Portland lo Buy Goods t WE wish to inform our customer and the public generally that we have now on hand, in addition lo our usual heavy slock of Gro ceries sn.l Dry-Goods, one of the largest aud best- seiecled stuck of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever flerrd In thl market. We alw wish to say that our goods are of excellent quality, and thut we win sen AS CHEAP AS ANT OTHER TtOUSl IN OREGON, Portland not excepted. Our old motto still governs oar trade " Quick sale and small profits." Our dock of good is now open lor nipped ion to all who will favor u w ill a call, ('all and sec. and let experience turn speak lor itself. W sell low a any ia lue jerruory, for eaeli, or produce al market rales. I llAliM A.N & WARNER. Oregon City, May 23, IbV7. Wm. O. Dement & Co., WHOLKSALE it RKTAIL Dealers in Groceries. Hardware, Jjoou a Snoes, Crockery, 6tc. TENDER Iheir thanks to their numerous cn. tomera fur Ihe r p isl liberal patronage, and so- iK'ii a couiinusuee ol the same. They lake plearuro iu infiHniini the public that they hav uow ou baud a larie and d. sirable etk of Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, vrockerw, and Boat Stores, to which ihey are making constant addil oua from New York and San Fruncieco, purchased fur c-a.h ouly, and are enabled In ell al lower prior than any other store hi uregon City. Jau.31, 1857. 1IARY and Corrrspondeuce of Am Law. SJ reuce tor sale by C. l Ol'E, Jr. RUTABAGA aeed-foraale by mora C. POPR. Jr. JUST RECEIVED, a new (apply uf Rio and l Java tunee, Kiee, Sugir, Sl 8sl. dte. nor-y C. POPE. Jr., .Main at A N assortment of Bibles and Testament for oJ kt Um Ipository price by C. POPE, Jr. sands' nwmmiu For Purifying the Blood, and ros tiii ocas or (trrsfule, MnrcNrlnl DImos, nkrnmnllain. Cliars Krapllens, rlnlikr llrera, I.UerConiplalnl, Drspep.la. Ilram-Mlla, Mall Klirum, l,sniko, Wall well. Ih, III lllN-aw, Fever Mere., Veninlrl'einplnlHIa. Krralprlas, riMipIrs, llltre, Old Hartm, Uuaeral Prblllir, M) AS A ISCXER.IL TOMC FOX THfi SVSTC1! IT 13 UNH1VAM.KO. Ttif iNHoim .ti-rti wblrh h- Ihrlr ni'rinti ni the uirfmiHf T Hit InnIv, limy in titinrt (it Wtftml n ltrru h'siHtiKiti I'V Ntiirt ti linlU tltKt lb vtul urnmil Ut'M HMllMI slrejNlsi rlfKliaHiy ftittl llinh lll( Tlit unrlftim Irl'rt. il II. Mt milmftl lit txltlnl In ill. MihnL li at IrsWifrlalu ilm nEALTH DEPENDS 'sitii Il-r K-ttiiT f th'tl Until. If lb kln ( In m un nl -ml Ut'. jm Iti tfi'h'ftila. Iiiriw. ftiiil all I' vrtn tiMnM'. i l ttl(lni iht ilit wvbi wUMi ramtry u Im mirft of tim ImmIv inta-t it rhiftrnl with IIm-w. Ismh) : mit If mi, thr w hull vol hi im) if IriiMitl fin hi ant rft rtftl. U InifHir lUini a mni mi t rffviM lfi iiii i ajitirirtffiilitatrf ih tlttl trmm. 1bt vnat u iliwrvr-irf, I In MwrUIn whit fiiinl ia hIII net iiis-irvi-Vy it m m Id rut'MitiNli uf lh IimmI whi'ti In ill d f iiuilliiftti(n. Kviefrlfnt. b?rvtlim, aii'l a 'lu i whiif , riiilllh tin fa. t that tliW rrarnltMii l a liv try tit tvl ui thl tv. uml u lll m rttrr llir vrrt tm lm a bvalili)' italt b tratltcatiMy itw rlmriit l"tVJ. TILL FURTHEH T6TIMONY. Wsmt Kai.isui.rr, Citim Innr I'ilti, IsAT. Mrvn. A. It. II. Stsw: llvnllrlnrii. The (.llimln i-r . aiiir iin'l,.r toy eb-rrvMllon. In lreli your s.r.1141 il a r0 li-d ihu earv of ..vers i.f Olironla I:Ii-.in o. Ti.r pillefii, Mr. .tmili K. (Irrrn. lm. Iient ittl- lc illi r1iiiiiiit'ftii, sir ytf ly lorn-. lil-li hhiihIIimi w. M'-ii l.i w.ib lever. Mini pal on aa aea.-e Sniii In n t r l.iv. lit n r.1 rnrliei. rinir,Mtfs Mll'ler lh s tt. rof til v-l inn. will h pnnltiwl tint partial rt-tier; nimI rrp t, lit- iiiiory. if r.xiiiiilns noiil.l uot bs d.iar to i RV.-I ' -.-niinrienl cum. I Mtl.l.eil lilol to UN innr S iniiti,ril.ji Ir a,n-(iriltiL'lv rotMiinn'-r. lt nor. suit ilir rlTvel n. ih nnrke.1 that lie wim nI,iv iu Rl.'cp ilw SrU tia'iit mint,ii,- lrlv lim rrolu tiitln. li- Miillnitr t tt. nn.l lHr.,re li, lu,. . 'ikeri iwi.. b-eil hr w nil relv frrii frotii ilir tlik.-a4. . nl ha- rriMMMiril " in-'. Iteln nblr to niriir liU Im.l r-. ami l mw a rrlirmnlulvr Sr ll- low li uf Urnwkly.' war Li'ttblnlurs, Vry rrM-eiriill.v ynr, WM. .VUlCKWalXlt. U I). Prrpsrsl Mil o!il by t. II. V l. n IV 111. Wh..l, hI llriik'l.t-. I(HI Kuiluli-alrrvl. eiH'nrr ol WilllMiii. Nw Vork. Kur ls br flKW'ITT. KITTXR ft f. It. JOHN. l.N "Oil Itl.UINlH'HN A) Ol. bin Krunel-en ::K'K A C IKK IN. M.rv..ll.: IL II. M. Ihl.NALtl A To, SMisiiisnut; suit b llrasy.tu HtfiitrMll. CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS. TbiM wh" liav frit Ihe im lufnl thrnliMn ami Mrnifl- allnc imiiw of a ratflni tNihnrliv ihtNetintf ilimntrh iMt hwh tnil htd mii ilit nitMt iirntiitlntr isrrtfVfriniff. ami an l often fhv cit. hut? n-crlvnl Inn liflif m iiim by fruiti lrliii''ft, wl l nu ilmilil It iitih li (tlrnMMt t kmiw nl rem ttir f lint will iicvir fall t quirt th iiiiiiivrrtlnl nftVnilfr anl Itiv tb fr?lh. nbcrr tlicy liim'd rriiialiu In Ut hfatl TlirnnuifMim rnrmlt liacmiipli-tivl arr wi ll tffti il atnl It ban iinly t (Wvotiir avntta'ly kmtwii tu I a- b'ttnli afMtrts'hiiHl I y thr nilillf v it IiiIii bf n by It. nitMn. I lir folio Intr tiftiinnhv In lYwii on uf ihi mint ill- tin- ;tilniil rnrtical I itmiWii III Ibtfdty tf Nw York; Mfswm, Sakpa: flfntViitrn In tha ponritf mv prar- tliw. I bavi rf f Mlvily lui-il vmir TIuvh AmihIvhv with ntiicli anccsta fur tb rvllef uf the TiNtthaclir; am) aa I rimtnnllv rt'cmtur.. nil It t my ii tli-nt. I iUtiii It but Jmm tu liiHirm ytiu f thf blub iitnlun I bm of ti wttt wlliirr rruivdlca. 1 am ytmre, werv rrfiwtf.iliy. M. LtVKl T, 13 Wavi-rby riaex PrFiMrftl an1 )y . II. iV f. MA D. Wlmfe aala hniifatlU, Na 1U0 Fulton -it nut, corntr uf Wullmi,, Htw Yurk. FnraalfW PKWITT. KITTLK A Co. If. ,10IIX!V.N V Co.i'i.l HKIrlNUToN Co. rbn Km n IUCE St VrX. Mnryirlllf ; It. II. MrDONALU v Co, bno ratiirntii; and ly IVtitrjfUU yanrally. (HT ln. iSTEKIsti. ol the Oregon Cily Oniff Store, if ufftiut fur llu'iu medic it jyl I LINN C lTJT STORE. THE; mWriber would respectfully Inform the pulilic that ho has taken the stare lately oc cupied by Atr. llauuoiiToM. at LINN CI TV, w.ih the design ol continuing lha 4a'iiral iUi-r!liiiiitlio Busim. He will keep always on hand a ff l aMSorlnienl of GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Ilaritiettre, Clothing,' Boots and ishoes, Lonfert onery. Cigars, Stationery, (be. The above will alwavs be off-red at Ihs LOWEST PRICES! For Cash or Country Produce. ' Please call and see fur youieelves. Jjgl THOMAS BAII.liY. Linn City. Sept. 20, 1857. 24 r HAS 15KE.V KVIUKXr TO ALL for some ti lie pail, thai MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed at the I.INN CITY STORE, lo meet Ihe demands uf il constantly increasing curl .in. Tht'M! aildilious have now been nuda Ihe atura is enlarged, and Ihe slock bus jusl been rrilcnirhed With a Isrueassortuiru'. of tirocerh's Dry Goods among which are Panama Ilatu, Gaiters, Cravat, Parasols, (jinghams, liibbtm. Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, , , And a onr. it dksi. moss, Aliho'LINCIl'VSToni!. Motto "Small profit auj quick rolurus." April II, 1857.. Harness ani Saddlery. Til K un lereigiied having opened anew in UUTTEVILLK, Marion county, O. T-, is ready to minufuclura and furnish at short notice, and in the best an I must riibnaii l al stvleof the craft, all kin. Is of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk und Car. riage Trimming, ij-c. march SH, lHol, A. COOK. TITOFI ItA. DyseiiU-ry Srup, Wistsr's llsl.aui of Wild Cherry, at the OKKUOM t-ITY DKUGSTOHK. Central Produce Depot. CANEMAH. CONSTANTLY rrceiv.iig. fresh from ranch, J wheal, oat, bacon, lard, butler and uotaloc. ApiiU, '67. JOHN V. BUUOK. UT. V. Barnfl. WAGON AM) CARRIAGE MAKER, OIIOONCITV, O.T. 17 Strict attcntioo paid to reoairiu'. and satis. facnou lo patrons warranted. frb9--t3 Kd DOZ. thumb lulche. cheap, for rule by 9WW WM.C. DEMENT Aco. SHAKER Hurxaparilla, at the ORKUON l li'Y DRUG STORE. DIARILS for 1857 for sale hv C." POPE. Jr. DIL Oi-gid' lu.lisCholagogue.andDr.Joue' Ainerieau t'holagogne, al Ihe UKI-.OON CITY DRUG STORE. Ravitrd Tiivlor' CYCLOPEDIA of Modorn Travel, and Swaus Three Years' Kea.denc en Ihe North Writ eooat for snl at Ihe CITY BOOK STORE. F LA& SttO-lorsale al T. POPE'S. ILT MOULDING lor pciure fr..m-. for ale by CIIARMAN &. WARNER FULL aswirtiwni uf Yankee AoUoiis at mliil CIIARMAN & WARNER'S. I Q AN Da' riarmparilla, in aoyipiautm , at ih . O OUKGiiN CITS' DRUG STOKE. 1 f DOZ. Oyslers. J.O CHARMAN s WARNER. WTK WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for ? V good WHEAT al lh markrl price. BOVlS CHARMAN WARN-ES. ! U. S. MAIL LIWn Oregon City and Portland Daily Tnni. curl, asnriTiMl?. Joauil Alvsiea'u.- Will run daily. (8iindnve..r. m. m. ., va -.-J .... ' non.d ir.de, leaving Oregna City ,Z jJtTV -era ., ,. . ,.U,(1(,, WM f,ml7 9 v.u., loiichliig at alliiiUrtnrdialerwiaujT rnrlrelghl or passage apply , Dally Lint Between Portland and Oregon City, rsiur. uew sieru-wlirrl slramer EXPRESS Wat Vst. laviao, Master, will run beiwrrs pllil nd OirgnnClly daily (Kua.iajs eswiarirT4 "7 . XT. S. MAIL LIltBi""77! Porlliiiid und Airi.' The Hulen lid 8teamr . Maltnomit Sps3 WILL continue io run reguUrty hrhrTTa? laud and Aetorl..,,'. VnJ,, waaa, leaving Portland ou Monday and TWa.' nmriiiiigi of each week fur Aatoriai and for I'crtland on Tueeday and Fildsv mu touching Vsacouvaa.ST.Haiaa.. IUiiiT"JP UMst, 4e., each Way. For freight or tmst. nolv la It IKivt .i rl , . tf '.. ,. aissies, . j .! Oral lloyf. Wharf-buat, rrdt, Wow Arranrementa. . I HAVE bought outllis llAKKRy.-.iiu. nu nl of Crma A Warmer. muTi,' now iipenrd under lh moat favors! J siuuer to all old patrons, and a mssr aetSI a may clnaw lo give in a ell. My u,?i be well supplied with Bread, Cukes, Pies, Crackers, NutC, dies, llaiiius, Figs, Cigars, Toss and almost every nthervnrietv of k.l.i l..' tj yet invented by Yankee ingeauity all f mL will b allbrded , m AT THR LOWEST POSKIBl.R lATtil I shall oncnsionally receive subhIIm t- tropical latitudes, which will be duly asnoasasJ upon arrival. All rs invllrd lo giv no) ell . KltKllKltlCK C1IABUAM :: Oregon City, April 25, IS57. ' , UST IIEUKIVKU atlheOregoaCii. iw' I Store, direct from New Ysrk an.l a.. y? elsco, a fresh supply of DRVOS, MHDlCtNBt. raient Medieiiim. Family Mtdieines, e !. which will be sold us lu for task ai A.. I? procured in the Territory. Call and iiaraia fa yourselves, and gel an Ahnanae for IHS7, gratia, JAYNIi'd Alterative, Evpreieraat, and fua ' Cod Liver Oil, Castor l., and 8wet0il oT lh UKEi.UX CITY UUUOeTlHE. MEXICAN Miiataug l.iniineul, (i. W. Utf chant's Garbling Oil, at lh OKKOO.N t il Y DRUG 8T0RB. TIIUMSES, ri-hl and left aad doubli, sad Ak duininal supporters, at the OKKtiO.N CITY DRUG STORE. 1)UI.E While Lead, raw and buraed Vmsoe, . Croine, tirern and Yellow, and Mker Saiats, at the OKEtJoN CITY l)UVlvt PEIiFC .MKKY.nl the OKEciO.N CITY DRUG 8T0RE. ...-.ii i Kubiiu iiir.uiV'l.ioai VJT Cruefeuberg Sarwipurilla. UleriusCslholiewj. " Jlyixmrry syrup, coaiuiuoure balm, H Fit Oioiaieut, , ) " Ileehh llillrw, , " tyu U'lieo, &c, lu., To b found st tho ngmcy of Ihe Comasav. sM tho OllKOO.X CII'Y DKUUbTURK. nAYMA.VS llyapeplie Elixir warrasled W cur Ihe dvapeiuia ;ut receivrd sad Car suleut the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE DU. Oiiyntt'i compound extract el Sarssparill and Yellow Duck, at lh rpl5 tjliECON CITY DRUGSTORE. , OLD Dr. Jacob 'ruwnwinrs eiarsaparilla, af Ihe OltEOON t:lTY DRUG HftiRK. DH.J. Ayrra' celebialed Cherry Peelers! M coughs, coliln, and ceiMiunplina.sllh ' " OltEliON CI I'Y DliUti (ITURE. 1 I cLANE it celebrated Vermil'ug snd Livar 1I Hnls, OREGON CITY DKLG bTOIIK. ( DR. TowiiKeiid'sSarsaparillii.at lh ' OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. , PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for ihe cure sf fmr aud ague, ic, Jtc , iimt received sad for ieJ ui ihe OREGON CITY VRL'G STORK. Mill-lit Tlukcr & Mttddlttr. fill Hi siilwonbrr has bnught out Ihs istsld'A J. mi-nl loi nmlv owned by A. K. IV, ssd now carrying nu ilie HARNESS and SADDLE' R Fhuninms in nil its branch! Ihe LIVKKI . I'AIILE brlouiiiiig lo lh esiablwhmtal.ii sis kept up, where liun-ea and eariiagesar onastsslly kept tor lhearcunniiuiluttoii of thr public. llsrsM lel'i al my stable, w II always b treated With par licuiur uitnitiiiii, nnd weU fed. 1 hav bees ss necud wilh III. rstubiishiurnt frsums (ssrjrrsn, and am now prrmauriiily leaned, wlier) lhallJ" : woys be huiiiiy lo wait on all who may with a call. W. i. PARTLOVr. The best of TIMOTHY HAY kptc ly ou hand. Oregon City, Oel. 18, l856-27y. ' ' CaiM-iuiili, April ll 1M' , ,N liand und for sale, low, for esh r prolse J Faints 4. lead, chrome gresa, white lead, prussisn U ehrom jrHi blaspaiat! red do in oil, hlk. do " Common and permsnenl green sstty.glsai &e. JNO. f. BROOKS. .. E. L. DRADLEV. HOMEB HOIUH BRADLEY & CO.. BOOKSELLERS ASTATCHl OREGON CITY, O. T KEEP eonrlsutly en naai a f" T general assortment f ' Jf J SCHOOL BOO Ktl ; iIa a fim nuMtrtmeai tt STATIONERY, d EVERYTHINQ generally kept in their lias et ". CALL AT THE SIOS Ot TBg CITY ItOOK-STOSI,- Opposite Holmes's Brick StM, Sept. 5. 1857, aitf Por Sale at the CUT B00X 8TC53 THE following works - ' Magic Staff, by A.J. Dsvi Greal Iron Wheel, by J. B- firsvis I Ured, in Si vol., by Uorrirt lk The Home t'yrlopedi', of lh World' Progress, " Uecful Art, Eumie, tJcogrsphy, Mo An and Litsrstor, j " ltHH,r.rJ.. Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES rOPB, c l'n i n c.i r-r. Ta. Su . ... " t' u ' 1- TmwM. 81 Card. y.la, Pepper, r r. r-tr, Anrtl l. - .. Hardware ' FOR SALE BY CHARLES POrMt . .. n ... Lacks Bkabs ana now nmw, laM. Latches Hammer. ad UmuMo, Drawing knives, Handsaws, Carry Ct . Brohr and Card. Gam Lack. t WP Cards h M - Phuje.e : ' j. . sub - f liBLS.Iresh -SnUt-rna -', ewswar 5 da eslciacd plaster recer wm. c. PEnuyra co- l by