I.laa Cawaljr UrWIt ttpsablag. Tb Republican eaudulat nf Liuu county will addles tilt peopl t liuir all I place III ouni'td WIew. Tlx udidaiet of th epiiig panic in re spectfully iuviled la ni'fl lli Republican uuiuiuev ( llieir vral ippoiulmenl, mid discus plitieul isu. Tiurt and flack or trstxisg. Sciota Moudy, May 31 I.BtANON TuredsV, Jun I CUMH WollirMl')', " 3 ThcsstuN Thursday, " 3 PBIA . Friday, " 4 Alias? Saturday, " i fly tnlrr of A C. Com. I . . -..'. mrl Paadotk'a Hook of Plaint ana II lusiraitl Coinicrfrit I Mentor fur leif, lie )( llasletlcr' Hitler aru rmlly what their llama Implies, a lonlu an I gent ia stimulant, ctlriiUta.l lo ol uauu Hi system us a mvilieiiiv, and not, a ia leer oflea lb ens. I uier.' Inv. uii.ni under which lu lndul iu tippling, V would nut viilur I" malt Una slateiiKUI.dil we not feel sure il would b eur.ubvraud by lit wiling is.l.mony of ilnni and all vrr Ilia United Sisies, mid p. dally throughout lli western auJ southern pnl, where e. rum disorders prevail, hich re.piirc sir h a pre ecrlpliuu. V aru assurrd by a geulleiuuu ol (urge experience, alio ia M'uvrlcd man' and wlioa judgment and impartiality liny be lelnd upeu, dial Hosteller's llillria' ait I fur thing on Fever ami Aim, dial c..uru,e o. our newly eel. tied regions whirh, iudeed, li.i w ihiii llie pal year, pr.v.iil.d to an ulaiiniiig ciuui iu arcli-'iia generally exempt." Aa Ihrre are several im'lalioii., be eautiuus and buy nou bul ilia Genuine. SnIJ by Pn. A. II.STHKI.K. A'rnl, SMITH V DAVM. jrff.iiirt Oregon City. PARK Will riC, Utntral Agent; Ami 13 J Wuthinglnn It., San t'tanciico. UP Br. Uaysall'a Improved V.xlrarl of Yellow Duck an I S.ira pirdis ia nut pill up iu llif larg.st lined (quurl) bti lex, und ia uckuuwlr.lgcd lo be lb best Sursupur Uu inude aa ia certified ly Iho Wonderful rurra il baa pei'Iiiimrd, lb original copies nf whu h are in the liand ol ihe pmpneiur. Kenieinlwr, lliia ia lite illy line ami urigmul arti cle. 'I'll" medicine, if neil accord ng Id direc tions, W ILL CURE, wi ,'IIOUT F.tlUiW Hla, king'a avil, cuikt r, luinora, erup-iuiia of lb kin, ryaipelaa, chn.nic anre etea, ni.KWunn or lellera, rlieuin4lia:u, pa u ill Hie huiii-a or jaiula, oldaorurand ulcra, awrllingnf the uluiidn, nvlii lie, ilyiprpaiti, tall rlieuiu, ilinwi of lb kidnava, loa uf aiNtile, il.neiuxi nrininj fro n tlie ue nf uierrury, uiu iu llie til hinl huuldrra, general debiluv, j.uiihlue und mtirruet. The yeuiuue ia put up ill ipiiirt bottles. P.VKK St WHITE, S..U Agent, 13 i iVHthington ., Sun Fi un-ineo. I) a. A. II. SI'Klii,L. Agnil, O.egm Cilij. -y WUUr'a Uuloitm nf Wild C.hrrry A cure for eoioninpliiiii, bromliil a, ailnn t. tp . tint "f blood, cuuglia, culiia, croup, CoiijIi, inflnrii.a, li'Mi'iu .j, pnhu in llie ei' and breiMt, wur of llie lirentl and lung". plilliiiR, watii.( nf ill" tl.ali, U'ifltt aueali, iiilljiiiui.iliuii of iho luuj and lliroat. None uruuini' wiilioul llie Hume of SAXDroliD i. TinK euifruvid on llie ouiHide wmpier l)a.A. H. ISTKKI.K. A 'tHt.OirgxaCity. I'AllKiV Wlili K, Sale Agl: 2ni3 131 WAiiii'fii '., San t'rancitco. Vrouoattlna fur I We l.nraltna af V.nunly Heal In Yamblll ('.aunty. It - ordVruJ liy ilio Itoinl .,f CiunHy C'iinniiHiuin;rM uf V.iinliill Cuiiiiiy, ilnit lh fiilliin; jtrnpo-il ions intili ly tin' lu n of L ifuyeiti', Mti.Mititivi'l , mu' liny ton, fur ill'- l uMliii'i "I ill- C;inty S-nt nl ilia ni-xt Junu I'liciiiiii, be .iilili-lif.l in three iiHrt"n-ls uf guiiuiul circiilulinn in :ii count V. On U-ImII .if LHfuyrtin llie rnlry liy Coimiy (ilirimoli tin- LiiiiJ Ollic. ) uf one liuii'lreil uii'l -ivy nor-'Huf liui'l, iiicltnl inrj tlie town ilul of nuiil l"n, as nl pre- till aurteyvil hikI Ih'mI nil'. Tlio public ipiari) und unwil l bl"i lit tiii'i lulu ntnJ l' iinplatifil iiiiil utiricuupii'd puriinim of xniil I Gil nurea cull hn iipripriili'il, It v I lie County Itnnnlf for tliu rrcctiiin of h C'urt House, J.iil, ati'l Cuiiiiiy ullioi-t. On bflmlf nf McMiim ville tli? d"im lion by Wm. 'I'. Neby ol five cri' ol Imul fur n public aqunrc, hiiiI imu Ininrlr-iJ Hinl frly IhIh, to bj titk-ti nhfrmiti-ly ; with the fulldwiiis! rririciiun ilmt il'ulcu hulio drinks bo d.'iih in.Kukl or "iivn nnnr, n bfivernj,'!-, on llie premUrs. the title nhnll b forfeited to I lie nf School l'i triul No. 4!l. Til" nbove il-imtioii i iipf'ii condition ihnt iIih Coiimy Si hI be luc.ili d nt McMinnvillii. On behalf of Dillon l In rloiintiun hv (Jn. I'lilmer nnd olden of nnu rntire block of ten lot (lirio-r ilw block known H the public aquiire tn 'he town of p.iytoii) and thirty lot and eleven huii.rjd dollar in money, for tlx-erection of County build, inga; eondiiitmril tlmt llm County Sr-al hall bo lucalei at D-iyt"". J. VV. Cowr.s. Auditor nf Yamhill Co. Mv fctl'i, 185 T illtEE FINE COViCltED BUGU1ES for atre fev AINSWORTII & D1EP.D0UFF. Territory of OrJjron, Ditlrict Court, Second Judicial Dittrict, it May Term, 18f.8. The Tultin River Traiiinrtalion i Navigation lo. . a t.:.i- r.lKpMihB Farrv in Ia Equity. A 1 1 1 -H n" 1 " " " - - . - Waahinglon county. J IX this cause, il bvlnjj n prenenled that no per son claims to own llm hrid; mnt 'lained uf, it is orieretl, that plaimili'n L'ive in I ce lo all pir li interrMeil, that a he.irimr will he bad nil llie petilion of pl.-iitttifla, on Iho first day ol the urXl term nf aei.l Court lo be held at I'mllaii I on the third Monday of June next, when and uli-re all persons objecting to the remoial of said hri ge, aa prayed for by plninliflj. muy appear and be heard ; and that uid notic I f vea by pulilUhiug ih.a rder m uVUregon Argus, printed at Orefiou t'ity in said D.strict, for four weeks successively, prior to said term. . . -, A. HuunooK, ritffs Attorney. TiaarroaTorfaraoM, jw Multnomah County, ( I.Ja. W. Davis, Clerk of the 2d Judicial Dia trict Court of Oregon, hert by certify Ihe fori K" t In lie alnro riipy uf the order uf Court enter, d in aid cause on the 3d day of .May. . o. I8i8, aa the same appears of reiril in my otfive. rrtrss J as. W. Dvi Clerk, and ihe real l uf ovt C-art, affixed tb 4ih day of May. A,vk8. . . J AS. W. DAVI3, Clerk. MayI5,l6i8. 5W BOOT AND SHOE STORE, : OREGON CITY. J. B. BLASPIED cV CO. WOULD rcipeelfolly inform th public that they have note ou hand a lar,re and well elorted t:k of ready-road BOOTS 8HOE.-V. whicU tbey offr fur ar ou raauabl MAKING AND REPAIRING- Don to order, on short notic. Jf.yl.J8j3,.. J ' Bo, tot the Sttine I ALL Luce, indebted to tb late firm of J. B tSunrit will piaaM com forsrard (ad art rirT. y8, IJ9. im. v.:. . ."- m.. v..- ilT li ning no doubl thai liu inoM ol our rendi m woulJ like lu o cwrnfi or. Irujl of Cnpky uj.'elit, nnw candidal oil lh bil.liii lickrl (or S'NiA Pi inter, we hmu lind our nrii.t My hi hand uti the job. Tim piuiure i laid In ho niie iiniln( ill' ii'ir eri'niurn nt hr appeainl ou the innin H lifter the Jut ka.a Jitl.ileo" at Snlem. Any peiaon upon rxniiiihin;! il ill l onue reco'iiiie lha ' aound and reliitlilu deuiocrnl' kliukiiir nut iu every wiliiM f li coiiiiir. unite. The: real aenlitueiit mid in.iiX nfihii niuii aru h.ipjiily e.tproitrd by llie mouth II nd vvea. czatuavs Aamm, Ami Ct'ij'ie Cnidi'iiitrur Hlale Printer. Notico to Stockholders. rpHK aiocklioidrra nl Ilia Tualatin I . dcN.ro. I ai berel.y nolfini I li.it nil iiifa!lnieiut ol tell per t-eul ou llieir alock will be called M Iweii. ty iluy alter llie djie uf lliia tiul ce. and an in. Mailmen! of t n per cent, t very Iweniy dj) lln reutier mini in ainea wan pant, li) ordel of lb PieiilenL W. V. J Jonsaon. fl, e'y Mav 3. 1813"tw4 ofT.lt.T.ot.N.l'n. Bethel Znstitato. 11HIS Si'livul I under tbe ieraonal control of . I'n.f. Iialkv. uf Uediaiiy College, and ia iu a fluuiiibing I'omliliftu. Tunua or tvitio. rnmmon Fni-lmll branebea 9 1,00 pr lr. Ilibrr br.nicliea iu Mulheiinitica it lliatory 6 00 I.al.ii.liri.-k,c. 6.U0 " ' Tb re di'Ula of lb diatrict lliit now live iu it " Hoard ean b haaai in nmoi price. JAMES I I. ADD, .Uiy 1 . 1 8."i8. CknoCom. os.saoi7 crrr sesuntaot. rpilK I rimire of lliia iinJ Iul oii are h ippy to 1 uhiiniiiice tlml a at'liuol will be npelled about Hie SUi u or Mat, under lli d,revlion uf Ho. K. U. I1UI)(JS"N, receull) uf Pliiladelpliia.au experienced and cumietet,l teacher, who iulenda In niuke lua reaideiica here all. I hi csuutrctiou Willi llie Sriniuury prriiiauent. The tirm term will coniiuue for eleven ek. Tu'iiuti, fruiii aix lo nine dollar, accord. ii lo lb jji n.le of aludiea p:iru'l. Il.uid i uu lie u.naiiir.l ill good families in the vicinity nl n'luoiiub.e- rule. '1 be pubi c mar be usurrd that no paint will be amred uu the purl uf Ilia I'riue pal or Trnaleea lu make lliia acli l eipml lo any in Oreg mid reieuially uewrviug of tlio puironnge uf parents iu ihit vcii'.iy. A. llULUUuiin., May I, Ii5d-3w4 for iho Trustees. ATTSIITIOIT, FARMERS ANDMERCHANTS ! TTTE ARE NOW nECEIVIXO direct from V tbe Kasterii Slates the following aitlvles ol MERCHANDISE, which w w.ll soil ciiiaf vox casu at wholstale or retail: Tlii-cilicri and Itcupora, Hevoli'iug hay and (;roin rukes, Hay prewts, huy lakea, han I, i!ny lurkr, tcyihea tc tnulhs, Urapeviue grnili crndlen, Uruui'a Kve-tiiiitrred vra'n cradles, Siruw Sl hay culling box.-", Gruin srooM, teunilef aaeks, lines, AuuV aiw les, No. I, manure lurk, poluio hooka, X 8 mei'l plows, X l( aleel plows, No, (i it 7 t'eiiria p.ows, lxlenxiuu culliviilurH, aieit ti'lh, llmil'a axra, with Si wiilioul hdla, llkkox's cider inllln. griudMie, griiul.-ioiie hangingi, cow hella, thermometer churns, self-si uliiig prrserve jars ho: se brushes, liurre curds, eurry comlis, linrse voters, sluep aheurs, pruning knives, prim Hi! theiirs, red clover eed, Ky blue grat seid, apple pArera & sliceis, ox iiinl lug ehani, cable ami troee do., ox boivs, slap hinges, sell'-cliwiug g.itu do., sheep bells, pulriit rut lniw, aievus, h lie lor sieves, spun Cultuii, all sites, bulk mills, tanners' tools, curieutia' tools uf i vory ili acription, boring muchiues, with aettsuf augers, Fail banks' plullurui scules, carriuje bainlM, wagon boxes, pip dilto, imu axles, cariiao pritii. bolts Ji bands, children's earriuges, doors, ah,lucks, latchsa, calches, bulls, screws, piiuls, oil, mill saws,eriMa-eut do., liui. pluatar, trowels, paint brushes, shoe do., wheelbarrows, sluru trucks, sleuiuooai da., clucks, coop. rs' lunls, tress hoops, S r.ug chillies pills, smiths' bellows, anvils, Si-rew plates, riveiing Ininnriert, sinillis' do., breast drills, lever drills, liorse-sho uaili, smiths' tngi, brrswux. n n, India rubber boiling, du. puking, rope, li. ids, uakum, piteh, tar, pikes, and mu ny uthor nriicles uot hi re mentioned. Ke member all iu sk s i.d low rua cash. Ueiur call and see us before purchasing ele. where. Wm.C. DKMENT i Co., myl Oppoiitt Land OJjic; Oregon City. ivje -aCJ ma Professor XL M. ALLISON TlEGS leuv to infiinn llie ladi.t and gentle l .t iilil'iiliN I ll'Y ami its viuiuitv Unit haviinr imw permaui nlly Killed irt Oregou City, he is prepared in give i.oinevnu., o. isntku.tie.tai. nvt-ic Vix: GUITAR, FLVTE, CLARIONET, fc. By hia loug experience in leaching in lha At lantic Stiles, he Halter liinneir lhal It can give .... ..ii.r.Ml,m ii, all who urn v Dlase to natrou- rae him. Iiistrumeiila and musiu luruished, if de sired. N. B. Uaud taught, aud all kind f music arrang.d. I3f Iieinir al ihe City Book Str. April 2 1, 1848. 26 OttrUOis JIAKKET. rEssRd. N. X. MATLOCK AND 8. L. il CAMPBELL derire It inform Iho inhabitant of Oregna City and vicinity ibat Ihey bars latily REMOVED llieir niarael up .tlaia atreet, Nearly Opposite ihe Poll Office, i ,i .. II k..n .., anttv n. hanH ihe heat oualiiy of FRESH BEEF, PORK. MUTTON. T i. r u 11.. ....I .11 alai, Lora ireer. ouvn, -a a - - kiuds of vKOKTABLK lo be bad in llie country ail of which will be oSered at lit kiweat niarket raie. Casu paid for ail lb lw -mentioned ar ticle. r .UST RECEIVED, tj a spieadal lot tf CLOTHING, li 0 0 TS Sf SHOES. and nrr.GssaxIa t all DeaerlplUaia. W, eaa aow fill alrooal any bill a farmer aiayeaJl MaTrtlV CBJL9XA berlff'i Sato. T)Y VlltTL'E of au sxsuuiiou Is-uad out of J) lb Uiiikd tilales Ditlriet Court forth Sec nd Judicial Dbiii ct of tlto Territory uf Oregon, and county if Ctoekeiim, la favor ol O. C. Prall ans u.l Uowsl L. Peck, to hi directed, and com mand ug iih-to make out of lb pfupeity of lha aaid Luwal I.. I'eck the sum of on huudred and Kiiy-arvsu dillaia mid twtuiy.P.v cauls Judg. nwut, and inlrrasi ihereou ainouuliiig b on hun dred and Hire dollars, toolbar Willi furl) -eight dollars ami eighty wriiis ciJs and accruing eosia. ami lor wnul of perMio.l property belouging tusaid Peck to satisfy saidvxeculiou, I line levied upon ami .hall proceed lo sell al pnblio vendue lu III higher tml.lvr fur cash all lli riulit, liile, and in leie.l whii'ti lha anid I'rck now hue or which he bad ou or sines ih.-dih day uf April, 1847, ill and lolli following described real estate, I win A part of th laud ciaim kisiwn and desigualed on lb platsand maps of the L'.S. Surveys as claim .M in T. 3 S. II. il K. of lha Willainelta meridian, beginning al a point IU eiis. 7U Iks. wsl of lli south t-nsl corner of the souilcwesl ijiuirteruf aeO' lion fivt (4) iuT.3 U. K. il K., ihe nee suiitli seven clia., Ilieneo xhiIIi 411 d. g. E 0 ubs,, llieuct nurlll 74deg. ISinin. fc. twenty-two clu, llieuc uunh 33 di(. W. twenty-two eh. seventy Ik. I th plae uf bigiuuing, eoniaiiiing twenty and on fuurih ai res, nmr or less Also. Iota numbered live & six (J Sc 6) iu block uiiinberad forty-tight (4ts) in Oregon Cily. in aaid counly. Bale lu lua place al lha t'ourt-llou-s door in Oregon City on WaiiKtiauAr, Urn Uu iiav or Juaa, Ih.'iS. at W o - lock r. sj. ALMOND IIOI.COMD, .tf ay 1 , 1 6iS 3 i Skerif CUukamu, Co. T. CltAUMAN. A. WABNEK. (7hannn th Warnor, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS wuuLnaALl t sxtail Deatfra In Dry diooils, CeAinJ, Hardware, Crurktry. Glaetware, liimli, bhort, Pamti, Oil, dr., In their fire-piouf Drick Main rrikt, OHKf.ON CITY, ORr.OoM. UNION MARKET. Ill WE just opened an extensive Mabket llouar. & llfTcima's 8uur in llie bn'Ming next door kloAr Hi Post Office, where 1 ehall keep con stantly on hand a supply uf BEEF, FORK, MUTTON, VEAL, and tiher kind of at rat. as well a Vtgetablee, Batter, Lara, aud every th rig common to a mar ket house. The meal rtfbartineiit will ba kepi in a sly! superior lu anything heretofor seeu in this oily, a:d patron will be acouminuduMd as to terms. Coll and try me. H'M, NESBIT. Oregon Ity. April 10, 1848. Mi( Jllat ltT!lV1, A LOT of superior DEI) HLANKKTa and A. Htik.kino Yaain. from III IVifiaiMMr IVuof- Irn Manufactory. my 1 . v. uiv.n i a. co. IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID!! AND Cli ti nit it il dc H'urncr HAVE REMOVED lo their Brick Duildiug ou iVrtin it., formerly occupied by Win. Ilonnes oc Co., where ibeyare pre)iareJ lotto busi ness on th won old plnii. We have on hand a general assortment of Dry (ioo.lt, (j root r es. iz Provisions, an I every iither thing lb tanner w.intr. April 10, loor). VfbKl'i,a t'liubrltlafd pvICTIONAIlY neviaetl and enlarged cdi- XJ lion fur aale at th CITY HOOK STORE. J C. AINSIVORTII. WM. DIERDOKFF. AlXftWOUTM & DIUItDOKFF, Wltnl.ESAI.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boot t Short, and Crockery, In th uew Fire-proof Brick Main strut, OREGON CITY, O. T. "11TA1. DIEIIDOUFK St CO. HAVE KE VV muvid to th iVilV FIRE-PROOF BRICK, next d.r to the brick formerly owned by llolniea. The firm will hereuflar be known as AINSWOKTII St DIERDORFF. AINSWORTH&DIERDORFF, XXT E A HE NOW OPENING 1 IN TUB New Fire-Proof Brick, A LASCiB AXO WELL ASfUBTKD STOCB OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Feeling peifeetly secure ugiiluil fire, wa will now Offrr Greater Inducement than ever to the public. We are constantly in receipt of Z2. CT C9 srirclrd with lh greatest eara fas U prices and quality), and tire euufi.leiil tlmt our facilil'ra will euabie us to ouvr una u gooai AT PORTLAND PRICE3 (freights on), and would ndvise all tlnae visiting this city lo purchase goods, lo examine our slock aud Prices More luiichasiiig elscwhcrv. have, and are jusl receiving, an iuvoice ol 9B.V-OOOS8. consisiinr in part of Ihe following articles Coche co. Pacific, lladli y, Coliestego, Sprague, Philip Allen, Full River, Merrimac, Briggs.iiud numer ous olhrr choice PUIN'l'S, alt late itylie; Eng lish a-. French merinos, Lyonex eloih, mohair aud mher Debaxe; bruze, wool, Sl muslin de laines, black, blue, purple, & pink menuos, luilcy plants, j icoiiet, book, swisa, St mull muslin, ludica einb. wis, collars. Intkls at mini, ureas es oounei irim- iiiings, French St domes! o g nghaius, trench lawns from U'J lo Hit, blue, mixed, & grey aali uel, wool iS coiiou jeans, cuitonade, bleached and brown sheeting fruiii 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown und blenched drills, deli nv, hickory ahirling; Sileain, marine, browu, and Irish luieu, nankeen, d apcr, and crash, a large lut of liuen and llirrud luces aud edging, liosicrv, ic. MEN'S !f HOYS' CLOTHING : Blue, black, and brown cloth coats ; 10 dot blk cloth Vesta, & dint while and bull' Marseilles do, velvet und satin do. J 30 doc satinet pants, doeskin and laticy cassiincre do, 3u dux merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, & black cloth over coals, with a general aaeortincat tf genu' furnishing goods. BOOTS t SHOES Men's, boys', and youths' buois; lad ra', nixes', and childrene' nio ten, gual, kid, aud call I'ougresa boots, with tt wilhuul heels ladies' kid slipper. rt:- ..J 1... M.ar . Urlr aii irren tea. X. O.. China, Balavia Island, Call, refilled, and crushed sugar, li.na. IKxton. Cuu, sugar nouse, ano gixuen .ynip; salt, Jloi'OO lb ska; 100 kgs nails, ass'd aixes: II. Irs pale, chemical ana biigusn so-ip, snap powders, powder, shot, and lean, yeast pow der, salerattn, cream tartar, smoking and chewing luhaceo, greea corn, pen, tomatntt, Urate and Uaekberriei, in S lb Insj ; spice, pepp. r, and caaaia, pearl barley, macaroni, verm celli, corn March, almonds, walnuts, Bntti! nuU, raisins, Chili peach es, dr ed fru.l ; mackerel, in qr a. blf bbl, sardine. A fine aMunmeut of CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY t 20 crates assorted ware, 40 dux steel picks, 90 Dutch aud II.Ha hoe. White Lead, OH, and Window G'tu ; wilh a variety of Cher article usually kept. CT W will pay cash tor wheat, flour, bteon, butler, eggs, and almost vryibiug Ui farmer haa tor sal. A. l. Oregon City, April 10, 1848. rUST RECEIVED, lh Ulett ttyl 4r Lal a I BATin BONN ETS, Ugbara fc trw litis. AINSWURTU DIERDORFK. Caldron KttUes 0 r from tixlcra to iity pPoeas. at Jill.'' ALT' Patronlie Xlome Zndaitryl T HAVE now in full upsratiuu a CAHISF.T X. SHUr in Una city, near Hit l ouorigaiioum churoh, whsr I am manufacturing; BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TAMES, SOFAS, and such other furnilur as is witnlod by III comniiiiiily geusrully. Tlnr I eonnsctcd w.th mv .bona TUn.VINU-I.ATIlU. where all sorts of iiirningcau b d..u. Large and email Spinning- It Ar mid to order. I am making a better arlicle than imported fur. Iiiluro, aud sell.ng il al a lea coat. Ciiv III a Call jou will lua uulbiii' by il. OlU.ANDO III DWELL. Oregon Cily, March 117, 1848. iO'"i ATXJ3NTI01V, rAZLSHSB.1 1 T H R E S H E R"s7 REAPERS, A N U tV.'SCII WE hart now on III way from lli Easteru States, Ta Arrive uboiil Ilio lnl of April, 4 SUPERIOR LOT f III bovs-menlHiucd miiclunes. They combine II uf lh latest improvements, and w hare no keallaliuu ill saying lhal we holier tliein to b lbs MOST ri&UVtXT nACUIMUH now brought to Ibis coast They wer coiitlruclcd under our twu suMirvision, having all lha altera tions necessary to rend. r thclll suitable lur III country. The THRESHERS cons' sl of two, four, and six-horse powers (railway und sweep), whit eleva tors and every eartiilial convenience Known lo in muchine. Our ItKAPERS aud MOWERS arc r.,mbind mucli.iie. suitable fur either mowing or reaping. They work from two lu lour horses, with and without rakes or, iu other words, oua is a sell' rakar. Zn Addition to the Above, Wo have, lu arrive al Ilio sain lime, lh following 'AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria Plawt, X 8, Iioton Clipprr Pletwi, Exteution Cultivaltrt, Graperine Grain Cradlet, Scythct and bnalht, Straw Cullen, Hay Prrttri, II ay Forkt and Rahti, Horse Rulccs, Whcclbitrrcict, Shovr.h, Spadci, OXDSXt MILLS, BARK MILLS, f TANNERS' TOOLS. Also, a select assortment of smiths' and carpenters tools, With ninny oilier artiolca not her mentioned. We would say to our customers and th public generally, if they are in waul of any uf th above mentioned articlca, they will du well to vnll and see ours before purchasing elsewlirre,aa we are deter mined to sen low roil CASH. We would also add thai our Machines are being rapidly sold lo arrive, lieller call and secure ono of them before too lute. If preferred, Machines delivered in Purllutid, if engaged before arrival. W.m. C. DKMENT & CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, '48. Ofpotite Lnd Office. WM C. DEMENT A CO., OFFICII fur sale llie following goods: 1 dot mill saws, 7x8 fret, 3 " Xcut do SO " cow bell (superior), 10 " handled axes, 10 " without du . 10 " handled du, sst'Jsiiss, 10 " pilato digger, 10 " Aimes' spades, SO " cun y combs, 5(10 lbs wrapping twine, 100 " I It packing, 5(11) feel I It belling; INDIA RUBBER GOODS of all drscrip. liiuia, Otegou City, Jan. S3, 1848. w E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A HEAVY ASSOBTIIENT or AND HAVE TOT Prices Down tnlhe Lownt Figure Come in, thus who waul gmvis chkap. mil 13. CIIARMAN WARNER. Indiit Rubber Good. JUST RECEIVED, direct from Xew York, llwpilal cloth, Breast pumps, Nursing bottles, V., Are., nt the ' Feb. 6. OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. To llie TR. IIUTCHIXS' Afflicted. CELEBRATED BAT.. XJ aam of Wild Cherry, with u variety f his other popular H itaniral Medicinri, are now fur tile al CHARLES POPE'S, Oregon City, and at JOSEPH BAllSTOW'S, Conemn. 47y MtnOUL. nOOaVMt HCQOOL. BUUWMtt T-y K 1IRADLEY Si. CO. have, in addition I V lo their well-selected slock of SCHOOL BOOKS, iust received Ilia following direct Hum the niibliahers: S40 dc. Sanders' Series hchuol Hooka, nnionu wlncn will us inline uia unuieia, 1st, Sd,3H, 4lh, At. 5th Young Ladies' and High School Renders ; also Sa dnx. 1 hompson s True tienl Ariihmetic, 85 dox. Willson'a U.S. History, chnol edition ; 25 dux. Parley's Uuivemal History, aehool edition : SO dox. lutelligent Ui aders, 50 loz. slates, logelher wilh a large assortment ol stationery, ore., otc. nenu your oruers 10 oie CITY BOOK-S IOKB, and lliey win oe biioiiu- ed lo without delay. Jan.a'J, 18a. Xor Sale. na.rt ACRES OF GOOD LAXD on the ZO Upper Mnlalla Praiiie. Fur partieular nquiro ef E. L. BkAOLET, al th City Hook Siore in Oregon City. r eo. o, icao. HUAVlsa, SUAJIPOOIXC, Ac. THE public are respectfully informed that the undersigned hav opened a SHAVING SA LOON oppiaute Messrs. liiDsoa oc roueri v.ii iatd tfaloua. Hair Cutting, Shoeing, Shampooing. . dune in the latest aud most approved style. Alan, lioot-blackintr. light jobbing, Ac. Gentle men's bed rooms tuken care f. and all other small jobbing done on the cheapest and most exfedilious . I.tll V . 'IMIIllt Atal UI t Oil term. auu.s n. Jan. 30, 1848. It; Oregon City. SAVE YOUR DOLL ARII A well a ynur Dim.ee I IF you want GOOD article at Ihe lowest po. aiblo price, call at CHARLES POPE'S store, on Main street, where you will fiud a large assorlinrut of GOODS as cheap n Ihey ean be bought at any store in Oregon City. I've 3, .i. 6 DOZ- grape-vine cradles for sale by WM. C. DEMENT 4. co. f.d t heat Hunted, T-,OR which Ihe h'ghe market prie will be I paid ia cash ar traae. at Ihe rp7sd. LINN CITY STORE. BOAT 8 tail, at OAT STORES, all kind, wholesale or re- HAILKV n, Ltnn Vila. LADIES' and geDU' KID GI-OVES. at BAILEY'S, Linn City. GOOD Mack aud greea TEA, at BAILEY'S, Linn City. ZlUAlX PUMPS pr radoeaal-fae sal by J Vtfl V- rvTr., ar. Farm for Sale for $1500. T OFFER for sal a half asciiim of 1 laud situated about MX miles sal tf l-- I l. r...... I.. L'.uL.ti...li..n MumJI riici'uiiiiiu a laiij a m.hhh count v. and about twenty m li-sfiom HaleiiL Th shape of the land wit il well for ordinary farming, and il I ls one tf Iki keel itoekarmi iu Iho country. Tb improvement tuoliide on hundred and twfiily apple tree uf unproved Trull Imi peach, plum, and cherry tree, all of which will won be in plentiful bearing. Th loealioa is favorable to henilll. is beautiful and pleasant. Tim will be given an a part of lli money at mo lerste Interest, or good aioca laxsn iur a pan. For furthar particular rail on me nl ihe " Union Nlnre," raieni, or ad ires uy loner, inionuanuu concerning II can also be had by ealliuf ou W. L. Adam of lha Oregon Argus. Feb. 7.l58 4liiii C. IlUtl.. Kl'Ul.iniTY I'.Ot.l.ttilU MR. MILTON WRIGHT, Ttacker, WILL ruler upon hit tint term iu th Pri mary Department nf it. rlillilimiiy culleg un Mon.luy lh If.'ld day of Xovmbr. Tuition er term or twelv weeks, g.i.UU For each additional branch above Ihe primary, fifty cents more. Hv order of lli Trustee. lire. 5. ALLEN J. DAVIK. Heo'y. OREGON HOUSE, ORNEIt Third and Water slrtslt, a j opposite me rerry laauinur, VKLUVi I II X. The traveling publio are resptclfully invited lo giv m a rail. The OltKCiON IIOI'SE I lh most pleas antly located hotel in th Territory, and ha been so altered witlen the last few weeka aa lo inaku il one uf Ihe most commodious Houses in III Terri tory. The table will alway b supplied with lh beat Unit the .Market allords. (iood accommodations for IsdiesanJ families, laiaal alabluig and fovd for burses, with proper ttt. liilunco. tDT Tlie slsoe-coach to anil freiu Salem stop al lb Oregon House. raiCBs: Buard aud lodging, per week Board, without lodging, per week Single meal Nitht's lodging ,$7 00 HO SD SO J Aug. 8, I847n.6 , B AIIM, Proprietor. W. 9, nutchins, M. 9., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFKRS TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio ( Prof. J. Koat, " Prof Courtney, I.a Fayette, lud.) Dr. W. Arinstroti, Km JIey, Ohio ( J. Fiaher, M. I).. Tiffin, " J CIminlierlin, M. D.,Tinin, Dr. It. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio) Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Psua.) Prof. J. Brown, N. Y.J Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwaukie, O. T. W. P. Kinchins' Balsam Wild Chrry 41 S4 Javne' Eiiectoraut I SS Alterative 1 o Ay res' Cherry I'eclotal 1 34 and a general assortment ol BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at nil limes. And I am making arrange ment lo manufacture my Ualtaiu fur th lungs, from the Oregon cherry. aiigla BEAT THEM! WHO CAN! STEEL PLOWS, OK ALL SIZES, 1 RE now being manufactured and ottered fur sale iu Oregon City, at the Blacksmith shop uear Mr. Caulirldsslur. The undersigned, having had five year txpe rience lu tlie rl.uw buainese in uregun, beg leave to inform tho farming community that he it confident of being able to supplv their waul iu the Plow line, if Ihey will give h in a call. Dec. 2b, IS.). i. w. I,L 13 Kane's Arctic Expedition, TCSSEI.L'S CRIMEAN WAR, and oilier XV interesliug works, forsu at Ihe tep 12 CITY BOOK STORE. BRICK 100,000 ""!.. sepiu it in. .. UKtM I , Vf JM. A lv 4'ttNcs fF that tupet.or GREEN Ih.Vjnst recoived J by M. C. IJUMbN I St CO, a r A SI'S iTrumnlnii'a Mr., Id'' Tohaecn at O aeplS WM. C. DEMENT Si CO.'S. 25 SETS hollow augers, for wheelwright, for sal by WM. C. U b. I it co. Land Warrants PUr.CIIASEU HY Jan. 94. WM. C. DEMENT eV CO. 2000 SEAMLESS suck for tale by WM.C. DEMENT &. co. YAMHILL TRADE. THE new and fine MIK new and fine etcamer taouaaaSaa built expressly for the Yamhill trails, will leave CAXKMAH on Mnudaye aud Fridays fur I.a- rATKrri, and Wednesdays for Uavton al 0 a.m. Nov.SI, '57. C. E.SWKlTZKK,niaster. Notice to SMpsori. OX and afler lliia dale, r KMUIIt will be curried on the strainer BLK ")' thu rule of " Ship' Measurement." Nov.M,'57. C. ti. sit r.ii.t-ii. NEW QOODS. TCST received, a large and well-selected ai- rj sorlment of GOODS, consitting of French and English Mermen, Pluidi, Sheeting, Canton Flannel, Table Linen, Velvet Trimminyi, Artificial', and ether fancy ailicles, cheap for eah er pro duce. CHARLES POriC. Jr., Dee. 5, 1857. Main at. E L. BRADLEY & Co., ARE ageuufor Fowler & Wells' I.iro lllusira led, WaierCure und phrenological Journals. Yuu that want a good fumily paper, en iu your names mmn. SuUcription also received for Godey'a i.ady Bk. Graham' Magnriiie, Harper' do., Har per' Weekly Journal, etc. Send on your names with the cash, and yuu wilt be atienosa 10. Cliitrmnu A Warui r HAVE ree d large assortment or aliuaa, einbraeiug children's and ladies' shoes, and Uaners, Buskins, and lloolee: alao geal' Boot and shoes, and gaiters of all deacrptien. ALSO, Cradle and aeythea, snsths, hoes, rake, forks, spade, and shovels. FOR SALE, A SET of second-hand TINMAN'S TOOLS i. and 67.e complete, by uci.3.lN47. E. M ILW A IN. LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMBER ean leave their bills with Chasma. St Wabnkb, which I will fill, and deliver the lumber in Oregon City, if doired. 11. S. BUCK Oregon City, Jan. 1 6, 1 856. 40tf i-v RANGES a fiue lot just received aud for V sale by r. L-IIAiinA. f ACAULAY'S History of England fur C. POPE, Jr. HJL aal ale by A Hsiddle IforM tOR BALE. Apply to C. POPE, Jr. AN aaaortment of iws ale .1 lb JUpraswry prreee by ,artmet of Bibie. and T-Umot tor C f OTE, h. OREGON CITY Wholesale Prices Current. vuaaatiau wxtAur. liar ttuuiis. I bSL'nAt uriot'isr Hhellng,4 4 ...IIJil?i .'.Opr. cl. over N. Y.eust Drilliug IV j- rssiutt. UleathsJ drilliug I I Wheat, pr. Lu.... .li.tJ sinning, I laid Oat do 75acO Striped do I'. J PuIuImu do 75 Tickili'f l lall. Omui do 3 t o O.nl... U'lHur tltf.-.l4 lllut drilling 14 Com .Meal, deal 4 I'laid husey l"-t5 'a"T. Snlin. 1 7l':i'7 A pp'i a, Ji ird Its 14 KsuliieLy jeans... 24 ISjI'tachis, tliitd W."i Tweeds SrfUiH) " do peal, d raisrs. i " I . Il, llue.i.iva.a lllut end whitt I rsotisiox. Ulu andorang lalPeik.flrur. mm. Kanoy faU ' ltn 5'.'1u30 I'unnlur do.......nal altunai t18 do. Wide. IV I'acui M.dii lalne I Built Mutter 30 . 3U .13 I0 Gingham I5J;I.;U' A naca '-'"" .. . """"" Takla dainaak .'.0a7.Vllwitd, pr r... eloil.s n.luwi; - I- Irish 'iiieua ...lO.Sif. CI.OTHINO 'Moult si.sa -! Mheso ersv l.uills 8C Ja.Ta W Satiuel do. .8'- .3' " Fancy rasa. do. Black raw. do. $37: lute on u..ld..'l Jiirl, AUalH! ookUAUB. .in ..Ca Blue do. do. SI4nlKMa""lie, small. ii:..Lmw at.irla luigr Calico do 8'Julsi""P "'""I 1" . .. 10, ll lonr dr. note. , " Men' kip bla $JJ,i;Admuiine ,.3a3T . iUabi S lOusr KlOa'Ji super du. do... .efW'V0"" liu awed I'Jt . Boys' kip boot M-i.iIuvana ' ha VV S I duif 1 j lain-iiie". Metia' brg's pr. dux. . H 1 7; A m. riean V kiphrgaprdux.iSl.'IK Tust.vu. calf sewed do.. fciljlViuW.hu Luieu. fcjuaae Uuin.40att Womcu'a h'vy ah'.!:!;'"' fill do Sl.vl.uI.e s 37 aiioccsics. iuaa. Cofiee l4al.VS!ivela.. :0sl4 Tea... bUaiipad,-. &ug,r.n..il;.i...... 90.11. onishe.1 81 '"" r..i Saleratu Starch Syrup E lluetou.. lOalrT ciitsawa ''- .MlVablecntlery, aa f V !).'. aJvaue ou i.c". du. a lalatia.... .. Pot-kel cutlery. Ja prt N O Molusse .... I u I a "iali .)ihr nini'lei f hari . S 4 warefraurJO tt P . IJ.31 el advance. o,!a'l, uu'd ifs." .1...4' j " hursishoe...34a4i , bait Lamn Lie. Sail Table Suit Sandwich 1. Salt Pepper Alispice Cinuamuu Soap To Crcsonlaai li Eld noallh. nlGIII.Y IMPORTANT TO Til K Ml It I Il is awful to note the haggnrd. sallow, ca- daterous face and wasted ekeletou forim we meel! This is not coufiued In lh old, bill we e lh youn, able-bodied, and thus iu Ihe prime nf life, complain after belief hre some lime uf illnesa ; some grow unualiiruliy lut siiu.ieuiy ; onion. w... und grv mill; lliey euniini localise "r u--i.i. their disease, yel ihey feel uuien.u'.ly unwell, mentally aud physically ; somo nave pnu ao i weakness in the breast, liiuha, or boily, lliey feel a waul of muscular and mental energy, a waul of aiem itioii, aud have fearful forebodings fur Ihe fu- luie, poor appetite, nervous irr.luuiuiy, anu sieep. lessneast Iheirskinisdry.nnd oecasioually llu.liod and heated, thin, palli I, mi l ycllsw. Now aud leu deaths, lunacy, nnd universal de-. bilily is loo, loo prevalent here t and who wonder, when combined Willi a climul l.k tins, a dry air impregnated Willi electricity and galvanism J Wa hav many who have passed through aiukuaas, whose life Is intemperate an t ueiuunneu, or ua.. seen othort who liava neon tn-ariy uoc-.ureu death by quack medicines, or by th advic of "The Faculty," who have intpregnalud llieux wilh mercury, oalomrl, A-c. For all such case is Dr. Juta'a Webber' Invig orating Cordial Stingtiiiier moil esiecilly adapted, in.'iaiiiuch as Ihe above cases ami syinpmius oiu it. Webber minutely study in ad ipnng his curdiul to llieir cure. It enlivens the torpid liver, eje.'ls all billions mutter from the system, cuu-es sud itioii. r free perepirutimi (no necessury to linallh), purities and enriches the blood, gives slreiiglh loth limbs and body, and is positively infallible ill all nervous diseases, trembling, or wuksfultica. l ucre uever wus a remedy which gava ucu u lig'nl tu llm sufferer aa I his. Tho Agent can, frn hia own knowledge of cure fU'ected by il, con scientiously rceomniend it in any of lha following diseases: Norvuusueas, weukness, languor, los of appetite, sleep, or strength, trembling, low spiius, decay uf Iheuaturul fiiiictiuns, puius iu the head, limbs, or body, neuralgic or rheuiiiiiilc,iind it o'.leu restores those to health and strength whose oousli tutions are almost broken. Dkbilitv raou iiiskask, ci.imit, iiissirtTina, oa BKBAtciii:v. Strength, vivacily, nnd vigor lo tho limbs, body, and mind, is given by llr. Jacob Webber's Invigorating f.Vdi'al it sends all elec tric thrill of II To Ihruugh Iho wornoiiit balyawoak limb, and broken-down constitutions i gives uu np nelite, removea dyspepsia, cuhnsirrilubility, causes quiet sleep, and is indeed Ihe lineal tome, nervine and saiigiiiher, ever mane, it is purely a vegr, ble ceuiKiund, nnd call bu used by the m art deli cate female. J'ho reader is conscientiously usaursd il is all il is represented. Uf lu quart hollies price .l or iwn tot .. Wholesale Agent. T. JONES, 185 Montgom ery at., San Francisco, to whom all orders can be addressed. rtu. aiuu VlaeTtetti, llalr, a art tsuta, for S el. Lifout's West India Soap Ttsdh Rnnl i nerh dentifrice, lathers iu the mouth like soap, i dolieiotn to the taste, whiten. Ihe teelh, polish (without injuring) tho enamel, purlin s llie brrnlli, and by its lathering properly cleausis the moitlh, tongue, and throat. For dressing and Torcing 111" growm oi inc nair, Jonea' Coral Hair Restorative. Th"e ore its nudities: It will force the huir to grow dark, stop it falling out, cure ourf, ur daiirlrull', dreaa Iho hair beautifully d.wk, soil, aiiky. Price ii5 4. 40 cents per bottle. l or curing eruptions, pimpies, ire, i..s,nuourii, Ian. ami discolored skin, llie nnauiinu eiree.is m Jones' Italian Vkemiral Simp del;ght all wlio use it. Il mnkoslhe most coarse, red, and yeiiuw sum white and clear us a young child . It ia eniulhenl aud softening for infant, and is til best shaving soap made. Price S5 cents. Hol'l at Ihe aliove prices nt every r"pecino, drug store iu California and Oregon. Proprietor, T. JONES, 185 Montgomery sl., Han t'raanite. Land for Sale. A HALF SECTION of goad i.i.n il. it for sale, s.luateil sn itaramas,ii mile N.E of Oregon Cily 40 ai resun-, der feuee, half ef which Is under cull.va'.ieu ; with a young oat'iisao or nbout loll trees, some or which are bearing ; besides a small frame house and out buildings. The prowrly will be sold for cash, er traded for properly in Oregon Cily or Portland. For further particulars, enquire of the ed Inrof Ihe Argus. friMf D R. CARTER'S PULMONARY BALSAM juht received by Bxrsrsa nt Hie iiio.i.MV rri'V I, !!: OREGON CITY DilUG STORE. March 27, 1848. HORS ES II O E I IT O. milOSE who wish lo r4 the r HORSES I teell ihod, and inetdtly dune. please call oa OLD DICK, at the new Black smith hop oppose Allan Sl M'.KiNLAr'ssioi. Oregon City, March 'iT, 1858. C5II1XGLES 100,1)01 for sale, by O CIIARMAN rf WARNF.n. 10 M ex. qsahty cigar. C1IAKMAX & WARNER. 25,000 K.byFm LUMflEa Caa'aua, Apt 17. JOS. BAKSTOVY. ALL who ar indebted to the firm nf CnAtxtA. it Wassxb are requested lo call at thai; tort and Mill by cash er ins fatthwith. CHARM AN' Ar. WAK5TS. Oregei Oly, Tea ,I8-.i '