The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 22, 1858, Image 2

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    !)c rcjjon Clrju
oanaoiff citti
SATL'ltDAV, MAY 5-'. J8A8.
Btato Ticket
E. L Arn.i:oATK, of I'mpqun.
1). "W., of Cliwkniniw.
For Judge af Suintiu Court, 3d Dillriel,
J. Ji . Condon, of Linn,
Fur Pros. Atlornry,
G. L. Woods, of Yamhill.
nuuc Mrr.vtmu.
The nationals have rnnde thrir Appoint
msnts fur public speaking in this county
TL Ilepublicnn candidates will be along
wiih them, and probably liin bushilrs a!s.
The oppoinlnienis are as follows:'
New Sclioi house, near Vincent's (Lner
Mohilln). Tuesday, Mny 25 Alvis Mil
liants', N'scVsdsy, SOili j L'npcr Molulla
.School borne, Ihursdav, Call! Arm
p'icsi's Suhool-huiKe. Friday, 2Sih ; Mat
toon's, Saturday, 29 It ; Joseph Younjj'j,
Mon-lay, 3 Mi ; Union School fmne ( Itock
Crrk), Tu'wl.iv, June 1st; Milwaukie,
Wednesday. 21: Oreeon Citv. Thursdar.
3d ; near NTuibariiel Robbim' (si place of
voting, r riday, 4th,
Wo hope I b:il everybody will b on tL
ground, and bear the discussion.
ftjr Wo are sorry to publish iho card
of kl'DriJs and Denny, withdrawing .from
the contest. The more was deeidedl
against our own convictions ofripodicnry,
end we think the result will show ihnt we
were ri;ht. ATc buvc not, however, been
dogmatical in urging a policy dictated by
our own judgment. The candidates
thought ihnt in withdrawing they were
acting in nccordnnco with the wishes of
many friends who felt as tlio'igh just at thit
particular crisis they w0uld prefer Mo
have the field open lo oilier contestant.
Every Republican agren that hereafter
the Republican ticket must Le adhered loin
full every year till victory perches on our
t'.ol 1llnc Present Fresnetls.
Nearly 300 passengers came up on tho
last steamer from California, en route for
tho Frnzier's river gold mines. Ourc'ty
has been visited by numbers of them who
.are "prospecting" for an outfit to the mines.
We conversod with one man who is hunt
ing work, lie said he bad been to Pugct
Seund, and found the difficulties so great
in gelling to the mines by that route, and
the prospects so bud for gathering gold be
fore the water full be had concluded to go
to work in Oregon. Another old man roll
ed into tewn on foot, diiving bis pack horse
before him. Hi said he Lad mode bis
way from California in this manner, a dis
tance of 000 miles, and nfier going as far
into tho mountains towards the mines as it
was possible to grt he bad called a halt at
tho Cascade, and after advising with those
best able to giro a correct opinion, ho had
conc'nded to forego the dangers ami diffi
culties of the journey for the present, and
wait for bolter prospects:
The ruget Smnd papers publish letters
from " reliable nin" in the mines ho are
making from $5 to $ 8 00 a day on tho river
bars. The gold is very fine, and quicksil
ver is needed to save it. The Indians
showed them coarso specimens weighing
two dollars each that they had procured
high up tho river. Those who bud gone
up the river had been driven bck by the
Indiana, and the miners had all got togeth
er on a bar and gnno to work, wailing for
an immigration before they could venture
further. Provisions weru very high and
scarce. They nil think that when the
water fulls the mines will pay, but that will
not be before August or Seplrmber. In
the mean time, lot Oregoninns attend to
their business (if they have any) and wait
for something farther to turn up.
05" Grovor, Kelly, and M'ltride, can
didates for Congress, spoke in this city last
Saturday, also I)elnnn Smith, n gouge r
for Dusli. The audience was middling and
the enthusiasm of the democracy moderate.
M'llrido ninda tho most argumentative
speech of any, and did credit to Liinsclf
nd the cause. The result of the speeches
here, as nearly every here eUe, was an in
jury to the busbiie faction. In Portland
they spoke last Wednesday. Dryer re
plied to Delaznn, and they bad a stormy
time of it generally.
(KT Tho Sieamer " Venture," owned by
Thompson and Coe, a boat that bad been
just built to ply between the Dalles and
Walla Walla, wont over the Cascade Falls
last week with thirly passengers. A man
by the noma of Thompson jumped over
board as the boat was taking the chute and
was drowned. The boat lodged upon
rock below the Falls knocking bole
ia her, but she will neon be repaired.
The accident was occasioned by ventur
ing from shore wilb to j Utile steam to stem
the current.
(XT Twelve o'clock is the hour fixed np
on for public speaking to commence at the
appointments published at the head of the
first column on ibis page.
G3 The busbites of Wasco county
have nominated the following ticket State
Senator, J. S. Ruckle; Representative,
Vie. Trevilt; Territorial Representative,
. H. Gates.
News from the Atlantic States.
The steamer I'aciflo reached Portland
last Tuesday, bringing New Yoik deles up
(a April SO. We are Indebted lo Wells,
I'Vgo it Co , and to their gentlemanly
gent, Dr. Steele, for files of papers.
The death of Col, Denton at Washington,
Apiil 10th, will bo received by bis nu
inerons founds on this coast with profound
regret. Senator Douglas reported lo the
Senate, April 5th, a bill for the admission
of Oregon. A committee of conference in
relation to lh Lecomplnn constitution lias
b en appointed by bulb Houses, but there
it at present no prospect nf getting the
lower House to recede from their determi.
nutiou nut to force Lecompton on the peo
ple. Kanas s in pulled blaze of glory
on the receipt nf the news of the defeat of
the Adminiiration.
The Senaie has postponed ike Pacific
lUilrc-adbill (ill next IVcember. Senator
tjwin isniiglitily down in the mouth about
it, and declared that (he Administration bad
ti-.Utedal its pledges, and, by postponing
the mutter, has plainly indicated its pur.
poe to give the pr,.j.-ct the cold shoulder.
Preparaiions are still being made to send
more troops lo Uiah. The IV pnrlinent has
rut runner lo the Army instructing John
ston not to move against the Mormons till
he can send on " peace commissioners," to
iit.ikf terms with ibe Saints, The whole
Moimon nar will wiihoul doubt prove a fii
lie, as we have all the lime predicted.
1'hc Senate lias pa-soda bill for tho ad
mivinoof Minnesota.
In the elections which have taken place,
the Republicans have swept everything.
St. Louis has elected a Free Soil Mayor
by 1,300 majority, and JefTorson City by
01) majority. and KansnsCity,
lo' h Missouri town, have also elected I be
free, soil ticket.
On boom Citt, May 13, 1953.
Mil. Adams 1 buvewmT been, am not.
nnd never shall be, in favor of Lecmnptwt
or of any man who may wish to forco it
upon tlio peoplo without Winr consent.
1 ours Iruiv,
J. D. PuiT.
KT The great nnd probably unpiece-
denied religious revival which bas been for
some time sweeping over the whole north
ern vineyard cultivated by " political par.
sons" is still going on. We also see by
the San Francisco Yiincs that it ha reach
ed California, and many conversions ore
reported in Sao Francisco as the result of
stated nice-tings which have been kept up
mora than fortnight. The democratic
papers cast seem to think that I lie great
revival and tho defeat of Lccomplon have
killed ihe democratic par'y.
QiT Tho San Frnnciso Herald says that
if n t. Mullen had reached that c'ny on bis
way to Oregon, to organ iae a company and
proceed to op-n nn emigrant route from
le Columbia to the Missouri river. This
is just hat wo need. Give us a gnod and
itb route overland nnd we shall have a
eavy emigration from the western States.
unsas is nearly full, and the next noint
attraction west will bo Oregon and
Washington Territories. We fee by our
easiern exchanges public atteution is being
turned this way nt lust.
The California papers seem to be under
terious apprehensions that that Slate will
bo almost deserted if our new mine turn
out well.
03 Thero bas been soma sickness
throughout tho country this spring. Kid.
J. E. Murphy writes that five members of
his fumily have been prostrated wiih the
typhoid fever. Dr. M'Drido also informs
us that tho whooping cough is now preva
lent in Yamhill.
Why 1 Wave l.etl (he Democratic Tarty.
Silvehton, April 27th, 1858.
Ed. of Ahous As 1 have always here
toforo acted with the democratic party,
and been a strenuous advocate of its usages
lam fiequently asked w by I do not now
support ii. In giving a few reasons why
I have Irft Iho parly, 1 wish it distinctly
understood that 1 cherish the greatest re
spect for such conservative, men as are yet
honestly supporting t lust parly under the
erroneous impression that itisstill the same
conservative organization that it w as years
ago. The leaders of tho party in my hum
ble judgment have beenme arrogant, tyr
annical and corrupt, they aro constantly
cenniving at corruption and frauds upon
election, besides upholding and supporting
men in office who are tyrants at heart, men
who by fraud and ballot box stuffing have
onjeavored to wrest from the bands of the
people their dearest and most sacred righif,
and have then refused lo enquire into
the ground of the people's grievances,
when petitioned. Like ancient Tyre, the
democratic parly bas nothing left of its for
mer greatness but lb a name. Where are
Jefierson, Mailivon, Monroe, Jackson and
along lino of other patriots and statesmen,
once the ration's prido who supported the
doctrine orequal rights the greatest good
to the greatest number, nnd that the peo
ple bad n right to say what sort of govern
ment should be instituted among them I
Their principles and practices seem alike
lo bave lost their influence over the modern
leaders of the parly. These old states
men woulj never have abandonded the
" time benored" policy of the government
ia regard lo tbe territories to accommo
date either the petty whining! of abolition
ists or the silly bluster of secession slave
breeder!. These patriots nre dead, nnd the
principles of tUmecraey have been byried
with them by tbe leader of modern democ
racy. That the modern democratic party
is n sectional party Is almost too plain for
argument. Up lo within few yean eg
the party was careful to keep clear of all
entangling alliances between the ext rem
ikta both of the North and Sitmh upon tbe
slavery question. About the time (ho old
Whig party was discovered to be on the
decline great controversy a'osc upon the
slavery question, over new territory which
had been acquired. During this fearful
conflict the northern wing of the democracy
gave in lo the southern wing. Thus the
democraiio party becumo an exireina pro-
slavery parly, and proceeded lo tear down
the compromise! and foreshadow political
judicial oniniwns that would render nuga
tory nil of the old slavery resiriclion enact
ments of the founders of the government
Tbe conduct of that party towards ibe peo
pie of Kansas is all lint could have been
expected from any foreign desptt in n
bloody crusade against popular rights.
Freedom in its conflict with the pro.lnvery
party led by Southern firs eaters and as
tisted by Northern doujthfuoi! ns their al
lies, come well nih losing everything
in Kannas, and even our fire sides in the
tree States are threatened by late ominous
"opinions' of tho Washington Union and
oilier dimocralic papers. Our conxtitu
lioual rights nre lobe trampled upon, and
popular sovereignty will bvceinen byword
unlets the friends of fierdom of all parlies
unite nnd hoist a banner inscribed with
" Death lo politicul tyrants everywhere."
Lei slavery flourish as best it can wbero ii
already exists, but let free territory be sa
creu lo the white laborer, ihe present
Administration in in b'iud zeal le prove
itself a proslavery party has even removed
men from office in Missouri who favored
tho emancipation project which has recent
ly been set on foul in that Slate. Post
masters in every part of iho North have
even been removed for as-tertinir with
Douglas that the people of n Territory
ought lo bo allowed le vote on their Con
siitulion. The party baa declared that ii
is "neither slavery nor anti-slavery" but
al the same time Judgu Williams kille
himself politically wiih bis own party by
publishing a strong, outspoken, manly free
State ariitle. The platform on which their
candidates are now runniiit; ia as ultra
pro slavery as any fire cater could desire,
and yet tho wool so completely covers tbe
eyes of some pretended democrats that they
cannot see it. Their candidate for Gov
ernor toted for slavery, and declares his
wish to bo able to buy and aell his fellow
men. (J 'over, who pretends to be a free
State man, would have about as much in
fluence among the fro eaiing democracy
in Wahington as thai much lir bark
Their Senators fiom Oregon, if they should
succeed in electing llieni, will bow down to
the lash of their Southern drivers and do
everything they are commanded to do, to
nationalize that institution which Henry
Clay deemed tho foulest blot on our nation
al character.
These, Mr. EJitor, aro a few of tho rea
sons that bave induced me to wash my
hands of tho foul stain of modern democra
cy. Respectfully Yours,
J. II. Ciiitwood.
Far the Argue.
Oregon Tract Society.
Mn. Editor As many friends of Tho
Oregon Tnicl Society read your paper,
they will be gratified lo learn thai it held
its tenth annual meeting nt Portland, May
IDlli. Amid nil iho changes in Oregon
this society bas continued to bold on its
way, changing only to progress.
During the last year more than a mil
lion of pages were sent forth from the de
pository to their numerous readers over iho
Territory, from the Dallsof the Columbia
to tbe mouth of the great Canyon. The
supply of publications is now happily suit
ed io the increasing demands, and we may
hope to increase our circulation for the
year to come. A atep in reference to per
manency has been taken by ibo society, in
resolving lo locale the depository at Ore
gon City, whore a balf lot has been pur
chased for the purpose.
Mention wns made of the death of one of
ihe founders of ihe society, Rev, Harvey
Clarke, and appropriate resolutions were
The following officers were chosen for
'be ensuing year :
President Rev. E. Walker.
Sec'y., TV., and Depositary Rev. G.
II. Atkinson.
Executive Committee P. II. Ila'ch
Rev. J. D. Post, W. C. Johnson. Rev. D.
Bagley, Rev. P. B. Chamberlain, M. K.
Perrin, Rev. C. Eells, Wm. Whitlock
W. C. Johnson, Auditor and agent for
tho Messenger and Child's Paper. Any
one wanting these papers can call upon or
send to him at Oregon City, and their wants
will be attended to.
Tbe next annual meeting is appointed
at Forest Grove..
G. II. Atkinsox, Soc'y.
W Col. Iloe, of New York, ia in Eu
rope, putting up iwoof his monier presses
for the London Times, two for Lloyd's
Newspaper, and one each for four' other
English papers.
A Hit at Rcchajcan. During the last
Presidential campaign, in Pennsylvania a
western orator opposed lo Mr. Buchanan,
came down upon bim very severely. Says
he, "he is n tolerable goad man so fur as
intellect i concerned; he has a pond
mind and a clear judgment, but be hain't
got no heart nary n bit of in'ards of that
We kind," - - -
Crridrs Ike N. Y. Tribune)
W a ill l no to, April 0, 1PS8
Colonel Benton is dying. His disease,
cancer of the bowels, has made such "o
grrss llial he cannot survive much hxipe
lie suffers extreme pain, and in exhausted
to almost ihe lait degree of physical pre
tration. Bui his mind is a cl ar and as
powerful as ever, and the high, resolute,
Hunan spirit of ihe ulJ sinw-srniin slrug
gins with indomitable energy nnd fortitude
against sickness and weakness, and th
awful presence of ihe king of terrors.
He dies in harness, working lo ihe lnt
for bis country and mankind. An old and
in'iuiate friend, from Mis-ouri, coll
upon him this morninc, Benton ws In
bed, scarcely able to move hand or foot, and
notable to speak much above n whimper
But he was hard at work, closing up hi
Abridgement of the Debates of Congress,
which be has brought down to 1 850, to the
passage of iho compromise measures, . II
was dictating iho clm-lnc chapter of th
work. His daughter, Mr. Jones, sitting
besiJe the bed, received it, sentence
sentence, wbiipcred in her ear, and re
pealed it aloud to her hukband, who wrote
it down. It was then read over lo Colonel
Bvutwn, nnd received his correct inns, made
wiih aa much anxious particularity ns if it
were the maiden-work of a young author.
Resting n few minutes from bis tank
Col. Deiilon entered into conversation with
his Missouri friend. lie told him that, in
reviewing l be events of 1830, he wns glad
to find that the animosity of the past bad
died out in his heart, nnd he was not only
ready but eager In do justice to his forme
rivals and opponent-. He spoke with
much feeling of Mr. Clay, to whose merits
and services he bad awarded the highest
praise in what be was writing about ill
compromise period ol IS5 1, lie dwell
particularly on the service, the great ser
vice, Mr. C. had rendered to the Republic
at that time by baflling and putting clown
the traitorous secessionists of the Sou'li
who were seeking to des'rny the Union
and plunge tbe country into cuil war for
their own selfish and Hinhiiinus purposes,
The inspiration of this theme fired the
languid blood and reanimated for a mo
ment tbe failing frame of ihe dying patriot
In energetic whispers, he told his vUiier
that the same men who bud sought lo de
stroy the Republic in 1830, were at the
bottom of this accursed Lecompton bui
ness. Among the greatest nf his consola
tions in dying was iho consciousness that
ihe House of Representatives had bsflled
these treasonable schemers, and put the
heels of the people en tbe net-k of tho
traitors. Few events in our history had
given him so much satisfaction as tho de
feat of Lecompton. He varmly praised
the intrepid nnd incorruptible Douglas
In taking leave of bis fiiend, Col. Ben
ton said that, although there was much in
lis life that he regretted, he could hnn
estly feel proud on his death-bed of his de
votion to his country, in wheso seruca he
had never been faithless or negligent
His Drath Prematurely Announced.
Friday, April 0. An unfounded rumor nf
Col. Benton's death wns circulated this
morning, upon the. strength of which the
House adjourned. His condition is about
ihe same as heretofore, though he is evi
duntly sinking. He is extremely weak,
having sob-dated on milk and ice cream for
weeks. lie dictated several private let.
lure in tho forenoon, and this afternoon
was tranquil and easy. He bad been at
tended all along by his daughter, Mrs. Ca
rey Jones, who resides with him. An
other daughter, Mrs. Jacob, of Kentucky,
arrived yesterday. His two remaining
children nro not here, Mrs. Fremont, hav
ing gone to California, afier parting wi'h
him a month ago, not apprehending that
he was in a criiirul state, and Madame
Bnileau, being in Calcutta, tbe wife of the
French Conaul-Grnernl. At this time, his
grand child lies in the room overhead al
tbe point of death. Thus exiremes meet
Before ihe members separated a le'ter
was read, dated yesterday, written by Col.
Benton to Senator HouMon and Mr. Jones
of Tennessee, saying that in the event of
his death ho exprcss-ly desires no notice to
be taken of it no rule of either House
would justify such a proceeding, and, be
sides, ii was contrary to his convictions ex
pressed many years ago.
Ill Dkatm. Saturday, April 10, 1858.
I Col. Benton's spirit look its flight gently
ami tranquilly this morning at about thirty
minutes past seven o'clock. He was con
cious and calm. He was 78 years and 27
days old when he died.
The supposed time of Mr. Benton's
death was 7 : 33, though he glided off so
gently that it may have been a few minutes
earlier. Last evening, when Mr. Apple
ton called, he was too exhausted lo con
verse, and merely signified " lo morrow."
At times through the night he was seized
with spasmodic pains of great violence,
otherwise he rested gently. His last con
oected words were about 2 th's morning.
when Jacob, his son-in-law, who was sil
ling op," asked bow he felt, lo which he
faintly whispered, 'Comfortable and can-
About 4 o'clock this morning, Jones, an
other son-in-law, relieved Jacob, and in an
hoar afterward his children and familv
era nt the bedside till ihe final Simmons.
A few minmet Ufere hie death the nurse I
applied ice to his lip-, which were con
sciniinly moved fur the acceptable refresh
His sustenance for three weeks past was
hardly sulliciriil far an iufuiil.and il may In-
that his life was prolonged by the effort of
the will onlv. His con. liiui'ion was sound
in every resj-ect, nnd tho disease which
precipitated his death was strictly local, be
iug cancer of the rectum.
The body will be immediately conveyed
to St. Louis. The youngest urandchild,
snu of Mr. J jnes, died early this morning
( April llth.) Thus auo and childhood go
the lung journey together.
Mr. Huclmnan culled lust evening lo pay
a visit cf condolence to Ibe family, tinting
bad n brief and gratifying inter iew with
Col. Benton on Friday afternoon, iu which
he hitter assured the President thul be
died at peace with nil ihe world.
Mo.ndat, April 12. Mr. Renton's fune
ral service was simple and unpnAin,
There was no pageant nf any sort. The
President, members of the Cabinet, Judges
of the Supreme Court, ihe diplomatic
corps, a Urge representation from the S a
atO nnd House, dinliiigiiished oflieers of the
Army and Navy, and eminent civilians,
During the interview wiih the President,
Cd. Renton exhoried bim iu rely upon ihe
Divine support and guidance, and not upon
that of men, who would deceive him.
(Cr During the late revital al Lagrange,
Mo. n boy aevenieen years old, somewhat
noted ns n theatrical performer, united
with the church and commenced preaching.
He preaches without notes, nod frequently
neglects to select his text till be reaches the
pulpit. In lwu months he hits delivered
over fifty discourses to crowded houses.
and two hundred and forty persons have
been converted under his preaching. He
is called the Spurgeon nf America. Peo
ple every where flock lo hear him, and the
oldi-st veterans say I hey never heard such
limiting eloquence from the lips of man
fore. NoUouf his discourses have yet
been alike in point uf argument or cornpo
To Ibe Republican Voters or Orrtnn.
The undersigned having been nomina
ted by tbe Republican Slate con vent inn re
speciivcly for the nflices of Representative
to Cmgrea and Governor, under our Slslr
constitution, nnd bating come to the con.
elusion ihat ihe continuance nf our names
as candidates was, in the present cninliliwi
nf our local polities, inadvisable, luke lhi
meihod of announcing that fact, and nc
company ing it wuh some of the reasons
which superinduce this course. Attention
to matters of personal cuicern prevented
our participation in tho cnuvuss before the
euple uctil recently, and upon entering it
wu found that the impression bad become
general that a portion, if not nil ihoe com
posing the R-quiblican ticket bad, or weuld
be, withdrawn. This iinpress'on has been
so industriously piup'iguled by interested
pariies, especially in Southern Oregon, as
no doubt to deprive, the ticket of its princi.
pal support in t hut section.
Questions of temporary import nnd local
consequenoe have in other portions of ihe
country almost wholly engrossed the pub
lic attention, nnd many Republican sir m( il
disposed to postpone tbe enntHst f princi
ple until some more pressing and iiumedi.
ale evils existing in mir lot til politics shall
have been redressed.
To continue in ihe field under these un
favorable ciicuiiisiatioi-s, would, in our
pinion, by presenting nn unfair iinlicuihjii
f Republican strength, lie injurious to the
future interests of the nariv. while. ib
rengtheuing and consolidation ofthe or
ganization the principal object lo be ob
tained at the present time iu il.e differ.
cut counties, may bo as fully accomplished
by the proper diligence as by the cnlin.
mce of our names before the people.
With no abatement of iiilereM in the
Republican cause, with the same desire lo
d the final triumph of Republican urin-
ples w hich induced us to advocate the
necessity of the organization, nnd nccepl
nominations made by it; wiih an uttler
loathing of Ihe avowed principles of the
Oregon democracy, with the hope thai Ri
iiuuiiimin will preserve lllelllM'lves iree
from all connection with these corrupt prin
ciples; choosing when they desire lo vole,
and have en candidate of their own, those
men in whose hands they feel they can niot
safely entrust the responsibilities of gov-
eminent, and with the faith lhal another
contest will find all who earnestly desire a
reform in our politics local and national
rallying under the Republican banner to
the support of Republican principle, and
our sincere thanks to tboso who bonor.-d
us with their confidence in giving us riotn
inations, we decline lo b voted fur in ihe
coming election.
May 21st, 1858.
I Fayette Tewn 8tle.
In order that the voters of Yam Hill
County be not deceived and led to cast
their votes contrary io their own. wishes,
from the fact of seeing the county flooded
with "posters'' purporting to set firth ihe
final adjustment and settlement of the title
to the La Fayette townsite, and also con
taining the purchased legal opinion nf G.
W. Lawsen, Att'y, in the case ; I deem it
my duty to impart the fact lo the voters of
Yam H ll County that the title to said
Towns ite of La Paretic if not finally set-
tied and edj.t,d. Thai a pMlo.luf"J
Tnwn.ita I. .healed upon claimed
by mo ns ndonmlon right, (about on.
dred acre of I be anine). That 3?ll ,cr '
ool of lbs 040 claimed by nie, ws. ,;;
upon by me, for and in brhslfuf Bli,w
heirs, and on account uf tnnirners
between different dun.iU claims.,., ,
being ,,ti,l, the said minor heir, fc,,,
not had thai portion actming to tbsm ,
apari by the Renter nnd lUoeivor, ik,,,.
fore are holding a Joint Interest In '
whole with me; wt u final proof 0t fa,'
years' re,id nee and cultivation has as v,
been pr-s-nted by me te ihe Regl-ier ,,
Receitirnfibe Land Office, bet un
prepared lo 4c presented to the Rej-ln,,
Receiver at Oregon City, and fuf
final adjustment before the Con.niU0,tr
of the General Land Office at, Wasbiagte,
I will ihr.-fore tay to yen thai if ,
case has been "finally a'tjutttj" ty (k
attorney for 'the tiliutu of La Ftytttt and
others interested in the title;' mu.i eetj.
re lhal il has been dune by some super,
human power beyond my percrpiiua.
llep. ifully,
La Favettr. May 17, lS9.
Trusses, '
Shoulder Braces,
Window Glass,
Glaturare, sil.
Paints, ground, colored, dry, at
Linseed Oil,
Neahfoot Oil.
Tanners' Oil,
Sjierm Oil,
Lard Oil,
MnehiHt Oil,
Peae Oil,
Burning Fluid,
Furniture Varniih,
Japan Varnish,
CoorA FiirirA,
Brushes, a large variety,
Arn ft Materials,
GM Leaf, MwrtViiir,
Bronzes, Vermillion, French, Chinese, uiJ
H'iA a full aitnrlmmt if
In a w.ird, I m now rrceivins; a la-r assert
mrutuf the above, Willi a ilimmiiiil nilirr nreln
loo numerous to mention, (purclnsed winter ia
New York very low lorcli,) m sdilinon Hay
former stuck, eomprisin; on of Ilia
Largest ana Most l.omstets Assarlnssnts
On I hit Coast !
YV. WEATi:F.IU:ortD returns thanks forth,
liberal p.itiii.-iiifce II llirrto rrerivid, slid mptel
fully asks a eouitiiiiaiK-e of llie ssuie.ssli snlissll
utfmi FmiicMfv priefs. Pe.ik-r andeonunMri
will lind il lo llieir silvantage to call, as the foo.n
must be avid in niuk,-rMiiii fur more soou tuarnvi.
I'OK I LAM),, May 'ii, l5d.
C.nmpooail Extract of Karssssrtlls, st
tow Dock, anil toillis sf Palassa I
AN invaluable remedy fur impurities af llis
blwri. KCl.-ful.-i, king's evil, erysipelas, null
l lit mi), ctuitiveueKS. jaundice, dyspepsia, aypliiliiitt
ayiiipioina, swi lliii;iil' the r!anU, lever sun, pains
ill tile bund, rlirumut sin, pimples ml Ihe lace,
iii-umliu, sud all clirouio ami uvg sisudiag dii-
This article, iu ila strongest and most porfrrt
firm, com aim all llie aeliva and wrll-t-ststilulnril
nn die d nrnperlias ol' SariauilntU, riM Dees,
and Iodide of Potasta, u cninbinntinn uneanskd
iu its eurativi! and strengthening- eflVcls. Tha
sands of certificates could be furnished of ila pow
ertnl ebTeels as an exeellent medie us.
Foi sale by Dr. UKOU'ELL A CO., DniBpsts,
IH I t'uminereial St., San Franeiico, sud J W.
WEATIIEUFOKD, Portland, Oregon. mj5J
Pianos and Melodeona.
37 L. UltADI.l'.V II CO. will ns ia rtesipt
lit of a few or Gilbert II I'o.'s PIANO
KuliTES and I'rlne.. &. Co 's MKLODEONS,
on or about the 1st ol July, which they will sell si
San Fiaucisco prices. Ungon City, May f2.
J J thiee miles of Oregon City, fr aW.
'I illlH ttlldmr.wl ..n hurl nt nuri.tiiiu IIMHltV. ff
particulars inquire at the CITY BOOK-STOKE'
iu Oregon City. May 23, ISj.
"try wlfo, EM KKrri', having kft mybsd asa
IT J board, wiihutil jnat eniwe w provocation, this
is lu giro nonce that 1 will pay ns sbn of ef
contracting alter this date. 11 i. MLES.
May 14, 1858.
With Hall's Patent Powder Proof Iek,
Ihe same that were awarded separatt
vied all at th World's Fair, Lvd,
1851, and the World's Fair,Ne Trk,
1853, and art the only American Sas
that were awarded medals at th LondaK
World's Fair.
THESE Safes form the mostnrrfeet ssesnty
sgainat Fire and llurglaw, of suy ssrs er
ou'ered the public, ami can only be had of the sub
scribers and their sgeuts; who hsvsoe nsnd see
make lo order, all kinds of Boiler ana t
Iron Bank Ciikts and Vaults, Vablt Dos.
M.aiey Hoses, or Chests for Brokers, Jewskn.
Private Families, for Dare, Diamond. aadta
valuables. And are also Patentees (by purvbass
snd manufacturers of
jos is' e atent raanoTATioa sax ic.
8.C. I1KKRIXC'0.,
Km Oil SJ... rmr MurrMW jf- N- T.
ITAukxTS lu FiTioaaAta C, J-0
WixDiLL, San Francisco, CaL "
fPEMPLE OF UONOK. Tualatin Ttaiftost
X Honor, IMa. 1, meets asi ino im aaa
aiday eveningsof each month at 6J clscB am
Ibeir Hall, Form Grove, Oregon.
.Members of Ibe Older in good suaatag -
ited to visit IbatTampla. .
u. ii. srtM-t,
C. n. Waues, W. R. M .
SMved to Ihe corner Third sad Ha .
fcnrr!ye-ejrVIeS. M3r.,C. Sep 13.