I . Llaa Coaaiy aViaaiicaa ttpeaklai, Th Republican aandnlaltfs of Linn county will address III peopl al lh limit and places an nounced l low, Th candidate, of opposing p.irties in re pcelfully Invited la nil llit lteULliouu nominees I thslr several pjKiiulintuU, and discus political TIMM AND niCM Of SrXlklNO. Monday, Muy 31 8clOTA LsSASOX... CiUroou.. Tuuarroa... PUSIA ALIA Turtd.it , June I We.lue.dy, 3 Thursday, u 3 Friday, " 4 Saturday, " i By order of the Co. Com. cria r4ck i tuou or riiu 11- lusirsled Counterfeit Detector fur 185C, lie ; "Hosteller' Itiltara aro really what Iheir nuinu IropliM, lonio and gsuli stimulant, calculated la el upon Hi system a meJiciiio, itnd not, is to often Hi oiu, mere iuvciitin under which lu Indulge ill tippling. Wo would not Venture In make Hint statement, dl I w lint fori sure il would b aur.vburaud by Hi willing testimony or thou sand oil over Hi United Stult), and especially throughout th wenlerii ml mutherii p iris, wheru certain disorders prevail, which require audi pre cr ption. Wo aro assured by friilletnun of Urge experience, who i ' traveled man' mid whose judgment and Impiirliiility muy be lelicd Upon, llial ' Hosteller' Uitlen' at a sure tiling on Few and Ague, llmt scourg of our uewiy Mi lled region) which, Indeed, hue w thin I he put year, prevailed In an alarming extent iu sections generally exempt." Ai tlier are eevt-rat imitation, be coutioui and buy Bona but the Oenuine. Suld by Dii. A.il.STKKLK. Agent, SMITH A DAVIS. Prtlnnd. Oregon City. 1'AltK dc WHITE, (Jeueral Agents, 4in2 132 Washington el., San Francisco. YtT Or. Uaysoll's Improved UMract or Velkiw Dock and Sunapirill i now put up in the VargiSl ird (quart) bullies, and i acknowledged to be the bret Sarsapardl mude u i certified by the wonderful rum it lia prrlornird, 111 original eopie of wliii h are iu the hands of Hie proprietor. Remember, this is Ihu only true a. id ori(iual arti cle. The medicine, if lined according lo direc lion. WILL CURE, WITHOUT F.vlL,Kcrof tila, king' ceil, cancers, lumora, arupiiona of III kin, erysipclss, chmnio sure eyes, ringworm oi teller, rheumatism, pa n in Hie bom- or jointi, old sorer aud ulcers, swelling of the glands, syphi IU, dyspepsia, tall rheum, discuses of the kidney, lost of appetite, disease arising fro.n the um of mercury, pain In the tide mid shoulders, jeueral debility, jaundice- and eoslivenese. gjf" The grnuiire n put up ill quart bottle. PARK A, WHITE, Sole Ageuts, 13 Washington et., Sun Francisco. b A. II. STEELE, Agent, Oregon City. . if WUttrt UaUam af Wlla bnrrry- A cur for teonsumplion, brencliits, aatlnna, spit ting of blood, cough, colds, croup, whooping Cough, influenza, lioaiauneHi, paina in the "iifo and breunl, (ureuea of the breaal and lunga, phihiic, . wauling of the fli-i.ll. li ght aw eala, uifUiuintiUuli f the lung and throat. None genuine without the name of Sndkod Sl Fix nigra vi d on the outaide wrapper Da. A. II. STUKI.B. Ajmt.OrcgoaCity. l'AUK & Will IK, Sal, Agte, 2m9 Waskingtm el., Snn Francisco. lrMttlaa fur Ike l.mutlon of County Heal la Yamhltt County. It in ordfri'd by tbn )uird of Cuunty Cmiimiitiiiuncra of Yamhill Cnuiily, thai lite fiillottiii)! iro'o-iti(itii mmlo by 1 ho lowmof Iafaye)iie, MuMinni!) anil Day Jon, for to location of the County S-iit nl the noxl June tleciion, bo ml)liliod in Vhree newpuK'f of general tirculation in aid ciuni v. On M111 If of Lafaylle lli" rnlry by the County (ilirnuyli the I.iuid OlKc.-) of one liundrPil and Wy acre of liititl, mcluu ins the town tilal of mid imvn, hn al pr-a enl surveyed and laid tT. 'I'lio public aqnare and unsold blnck and lots mid the Unpin tied and unoccupied pur'inns of aniil ICO acre cun be Riiironr.iicd. bv llio County Board, fnr ilia cicciion Of h Omi'l Home. Jail, and Cuitniy olliue.-i. On btjlialf of McMitnivillt the dona tion by Wm, 'I'. Ne by ol five wcrca ol land fur a public oqunro, and one liiiii(lt--.-d and forty luia, to be liiki-n nliernHltdy ; ilh the followino rmlriciton that It alto li.illouritikH Uu di'Mlt tn,olU nrptven away, ai a bevpmoK, on the premises, the title Khali be forfeited to llie use of School Din tr'uil No. 40. The nbnv donation is tipnn condition that the Cottiiiy Seal bu lucated at McMinnville. On buhalf of Dnylon the donation by (iu. Palmer and other, of one entire bloek of ten lots (hoinji the block known a the public unuaro tn 'he town ol )ytriiii and thirtv lot and eleven hundred dollar in money, for the erection of County build int's; conditioned that ilia County Si. at iiull be locatiid at Dayton. J. W.CnwLS. Auditor of Yamhill Co, May bin, t53. rpllUF.E FINE COVEUED BUGGIES for X sale bv AINSWORTII & DIERDORFF. Territory of Oregon, District Court, Second Judicial District, St. . . May Ts, 18.18. The Tualalin Uiver Transp-irtation at 1 N'awirratioii Co. I r. i In Equity, A Bridge at Galbrealh't Ferry in . Yaahington county. -rv ui. ua. it beincr rroreaented that ho per JL a eraini W own the bridge complained of, it it ordered, thai plaiinilla ffive. notice 10 all mr i.irrated. thai a hearing will be had on the petition of plaiulifik, on the linrt day of the next term of id Court 10 be held al Portland on the third Monday of June next, wneii . ... per, objecting to , th. r-mal of ,d bridge ana wi m a "- -i r- rde to ibe Oregon Argu. printed t urrgoui-ny Ksaid Dunrial, tot (out week) U0Oesively, pno; ia tsrtrl. A-. HuL.aooa, Pltff' Attorney. Tkaarroar or iJasboa, , tiUtnoisuk County, ' I, JaI. W. Dlvli, iTerk of the !d Judicial D triet Court of Oregon, heh-by certify lhe!bree.n og U be alma copy of lb order uf Court entered m aaideaunon the 3d day of May, a. 11. 1808, a Uie am appear of record in my office. YVitkcs Jas. W. Davis Clerk, and the real L a. of aid Court, affixed ihe 4lh dy of May. A. D. 1858. JAS. W. DAVIS, Clerk. May45.j858. 5w5 SOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. m. n. BLAiPiED v co. w rOULD respectfully inform th foktic tht lb- have new o nana a larire a 1. .J .Hv.msde BOOTS 1 sHUN. ashieii the offer for J oa reuDie term. KAKISQ AND REPAIRING Den to order, oa (hurt notic. '.Jf 8, 1858. T ttff Hating no doubt llial I lie mnl nl our ri'mJ. rn would liku to en correct i"r. Iraii of Czn'kny'i ient, now caii'lidrite on ilia Luiltiis liiket fnr Smta P inter, wa havo lind mir nrliat Iry hit hiinil un lit job. Tin picltirq in au ill to bo timilf of llio I'Oir crmiura rhIik appPHicilon llie tnorn lii nflfr tlio ' Juuknaa Juliilna" al Sulrni. Any nrun upon exHiiiiiiinn it will al mice recognize tlio 1 aound and rclinblu dt-morrnl' tickinu mil In every writiLI of t lie counle. nnnco. The) rrnl urntiitietiln anil in ilinks nf;ho man am linptiily evirced by lliu moutli and pyi. (4a Ami Clique Cuniihlatr fur State Printer. Notice to Stockholders. rpllK luckholdrn ol lh Tualatin T. & X. Co. I aie hereby- notfi.u llmt mi iiiatallnieinl of teu per cent on their flock will be culled lor twen ty day alter the dale of this notice, and all iu a'lallmriil of till per cent, every twenty dayi Ihereuller until the alonk Ur ull paid. Jiy order ol llie rieaideiiL W. V. J J011KWK. Hcc'y My3.18:.8-4w4 . of T.U.T.4. N.Co. JJcthol Instituto. rpiIIS Sc-hool 1 under the prraoiial control of X I nil. II alky, 01 Uetliauv Colleue, autl u iu a fluuriahing coudiliou. TtaM or tuitio.i. Common EntMi brauohra.. t,00 pr qr. Higher br.mclie in iMiilheuuilici Ai lliatory B.OO " Latin, lire.k,&c, 8.U0 I he ret.drula of the dutnut tlut uow live in it A''- Hoard Club hud at the nminl price. JAMES L. LAUD, Muy 1.18."i8. ChnoCom. oaxoow citjt ssmzh'as.t. Til K Trustee of this institiiliun are happy to announce that a school will be opened about the SUni or May, under the direction of Ketr. F. D. IIODOSi'N, recently of I'liiludeluhia, an experienced and competent teacher, who intend In make hi residence here aud 111 connection Willi the Seminary pc-nnitiu-iit. the hritlerin will continue for eleven weeks. Tuition, from six lo nine dollars, accord. tig 10 the grade of aludies iiiii'sticil. Ur.uid vau be u'lluiued in good luin lies in llie riciiiitv id reuMHiub rates. The pnbl c may be awnred that no pain will be spared 011 the part of Ilia I'riuc pal or 'I'rusteea to make this school equal to auy 111 urejrou, and especially deserving of the patronage of parents iu this vcimiy. A. liUL.uuui'11, Muy I, IKU8-3W4 fortlie trustees. ATTENTION, FARMERS AND MERCHANTS I WE ARE NOW RECEIVING direct from the Kasieni Stules the fulln.viMjuitkWsof MERCHANDISE, which we will sill citXAf roa cash at Whofesalc orreluilt Tlii'cilieri nud Rcnperi, Revolving liny and grain rukes, Huy presses, buy rakes, huud, Uuy toi ks, scythes & snulhst Grapevine gruiu cradles, Grant's tivi-tin)tered i;ru 11 crudles, Slruw & huy cutting boxes, Gruiu aiMiops, seuinlees sacks, lines, Ames' spades, No. 1, manure forks, potato hooks, X 8 slei-l plows, X I steel plows Nm. 6 os 7 iVona pluws, Evleinnoii culliviilors, slei-l teeth, Hunt's axes, with Sl without hdls, lliekux's cider mills, grindnloues, grii.dstone hangings, cow hells, thermometer churns, self-sealing preserve jars lioise brushes, horse curds, curry combs, horse covers, shcVp shears, pruning knives, prumhg sheurs, red clover seed, Ky blue gran seed, apple pare Jt sheer, ox uud lug chains Cable uu.l trace do., ox bows, slap hinges, self-closing gutu do., sheep bells, (intent rut triips, nievi-S, wire fur sieves, spun cullou, all sites, baik mills, tuiiiiers' tuols, cirpeuteia' lisila of every description, boring muchines, with setts ol augers, Fairbanks' plallonn sculcs, carriage bauds, wagon boxes, pipe ditto, iron axles, curriuc i-priugs, bolls & bauds, children's carriages, doors, sash,locks, lulchts, catches, bulls, screws, l tints, oils, mill sums, cross-cut do., lime, pluslcr, trowels, paint brushes, shoe do., wheelburrows, store trucks, steanibout do., clucks, coopers' tools, tress hisips, spring cloihe pins, smiths' bellows, anvils, screw plates, riveting hummers, smith' do., breust drills, lever drills, horse-shoe nail, smiths' tongs, beeswax, rosin, India rubber bolting, do. (Kicking, rope, nails, oakum, pilch, lar, spikes, and many other articles Dot here mentioned. Kerne niber all to 11 s. ld low roa cah. Belter call and see us before purchasing else where. Wjt.C. DEMENT & Co., myl Opposite Land Office, Oregon City. Professor K. M. AXsLZBOXvT B EGd leave to inform the ladies and gentle men of OREGON IUY and it vicinity p,rma.nn.ly settled ,n Oregou J s prepared to give 1 8i KUC TluN in , . r ,e r r ,oinxrr jl. ,x: jLiiAn, rwi s.. . , y. K. his loni expe.'-'nce in leaching in the At si he Hatters liiinvelf mt M can give .ui.r aalulUoii to all wliomay p!.. .0 patron ra hitn. lustrutneul aud mwio lumished, 11 de N. D. Hand lauL'hl, and all kind i music arranged. Inquire at llie Uty uoo oioro April 24, 1 HiS. 26 bntOOH .TJAKKET. - rPSsiRd. K. N. MATUHJK. Altu 8. L. Jl CAMPBEl-L in irnrm llie inhabitant of Oregon City nd vicinity that they hv UUly K6.uJr-i their market up .Muiu sireei, Nearly Opposite the Post Office, where Ihey will rjrllVn- al, Cera Beef. Bacon, Batter, Eg go. and all ktuds of vxoiTA.i. to oe naa iu uie cwiiuj ill of which will be offered l Ihe K.wft nwkel raiee Cash paid for all th above-mentioised ar - n r I' v I V E D .1 a soleadid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS lr SHOES, and rrr.God el nil Decrlpliona- Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of au exeuuiimi Isauarl ou of lh United Ulales Di.Lru-t Court fur the Sec. ond Judicial District of llio Territory of Oregon, and county if Cluekaiuaa, in favor of O. C. I'rall agaiiut Uwel L I'eck. to in directed, and com. maud ng me lu make out of lh pmpeily of the aid isiwet L.. reck th ruin of on hundred and lilly-seven dollar ami Iweiily.Cv cents judg ment, and hilereal thereon amuuiiling lo on juu- dred and throe dollars, loirt lher with f.irly-eight dollars and eighty cent coal and accruing coals, aud fur want of personal properly belonging losaid I'eck losatisly saidexeculiou, I huva levied upon and shall proceed lo sell at public Vendue to lh highest bidder fui cash all th tic. lit, title, and lu lerrat winch th said I'eck now has or which he hud 011 or since ihc4ih duy of April, 107)7, in and to lh following described real estate, lo will A part of the luiid ciaim kuown and designated ou the plalsaud inunsof the C-H. Hurvevs a claim At in T. 3 S. It. li E. of tlio Willamelt meridian, begiuuingil a point ID chs. 70 Iks. west of lh oulh-casl corner of Hie south-west quarter of sec lioufiv(S) iuT.3 8. It. 3 K., thence south "even chs., thence south 49 dig. 11 6 chs., llieuc north 74 drg. 13 nun. E. iwenly-lwa chs , thence uonh 33 det. W. twenty-two ch. seventy Ik, lo llie place of beginning, eonlaiiiing twenty and on liiurth acres, mure or less Also, lot numbered five it six (5 & C) in block numb -red forty-eighl (48) in Oregon City, iu said county. Sal lu lake placo at the Court-llous door iu Oregou City on Wkiinxsuav, llie ilu iiav or Ji'M, h:8. at VI o' clock r. u. ALMOND IIOI.COMH, iUiiy 1, 1858 3.4 Sheriff Ctaciamai Co. T. CHASMAM. a. WiRMEK. C barman tk Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOLHBAI.I 4 aKTAIL Dcnh'r iu Dry soods, Clothing, Ilardieart, Crockery. Glatticart, Bool 1, Short, Paint a, Oil, dr., Iu thir fire-proof Brick Main rraiiT, ORECON CITY, ORKOON. UNION MARKET. I HAVE just opened an extensive Masxkt Home &. UUtciir' Snor iu the building next door b low the I'oel Office, where 1 shall keepcou staully 011 hand a supply of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, and other kinds of UK at, a well a Vegetables, Butter, Lard, and every Ih.ng common 10 a mar ket house. The meat department will be kept in a style superior 10 anything heretofore seen in this city, and patrons will be accuuimudaleJ a lo term. Call and try me. WM. fcESBlt. Oregon t Ity. April 10, 1808. Mtf J list KiTclvt'd, A LOT of superior BED Mi NKF.T3 nd Stocsinu VASN.froni tlio. Willamette Wool ten Manufactory, my I W. C. DEMENT At co. IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID!! AND Chnrmnii cV Wnriicr II AY E REMOVED 10 their Drick Building ou Aiuiii formerly occtip cu bv " 111. Ilulinrs Sc Co., where they are prepared lo do buti. ntsa on the same old pluu. We have on hand a general assortment of Dry Goods, Grocer es. & Provisiuus, and every oilier thing the farmer wuntr. April IU, I8.1B, Wi bnlei'i Unabridged TICTIOXARY Revised and eularged cdi- XJ Holt fur eule at the CITY BOOK STORE. J. C. AINSIVORTH. WM. D1ERDOHFP. AI-HSHOHTII cV DIL'RDOKFF, WIIOI.F.SAI.K AND RRTA1L DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Bonis at Short, ttnuf Crockery, In the new Fire-proof Brick. .-.n.... Main rracar, ORRGON cm, b. f. 1TTM. DIERDOKIF & CO. HAVE KE- V mod In the NEW FIRE PROOF BRICK, next door lo the brick formerly owned hy Holme. The firm- will hereafter be known As AINSVVORTII It DIERDORFF. AINSWORTHJDIERDORFFi w C ARK NOW OPENING IN Till ZiTew rire-Proof Brick, A LAItrJC AND WELL ASSURTKO STOCX Or GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure against fir, we will now Offer Greater Inducements than ever lo the public. We are consluully in reci'pt of selected with llie greatest car (as In price and quality), aud lire confident that our facilities will liable us lo otter and tell goods AT PORTLAND PRICES ! (freight on), .ind would advise ull thus visiting this city lo purchase goods, to examine Our stock auri prices belore iiuicliasing elsewiiere. e have, and are just receiving-, an invoice ol sav-aoosi. consisting in part or the following article (. nche co, l'aciric, lladley, Cotiesteyu, Sprague, I'hilip Allen, Fall River, Merrimac, Brigga, and numer ous other choiu PRINTS, all late stylet; bug- lish v French merinos, Lyonese cloih, mohair and oilier Debaze ; braze, wool, & muslin de luiues, black, blue, purple, & pink merino, fancy plaids, iconel. book, swiss, ex. mull muslin, ladies emu. es. collars. Inlkfs dr, skirt, dress & bonnet trim niings, French St doineslio g nghams, rrench lawns from 12 10 blue, mixed, At grey saU uel, wool & cotton jeuiis, cottoiiadc, bleached and brown sheeiiug from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, den m, hickory shirting; aitesia, murine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a large lot of linen and thread laces and edging, hosiery, ice. MEN'S d ROYS' CLOTHING: Blue, black, and brown clolh coats ; 10 doi blk cloth Vests, A dm while and buff Marseilles do. velvet and satirj do J 311 do online! pants, doeskin and fancy eawimera do, Jit dot merino and cotton undershirts. Kiev, blue, or- niaca ciotn over coal, wilh a geuerul assortment of gent' furnishing goods. BOOTS t SHOES Men's, boys'; ahd Voulhs' boots: lad e', miases'. and children mo reo, goal, kid, and calf Congress boots, with at without heels; Indies kid slipper. r: nt Java coffee, black and green tea, N. O Chin, Batevie Island, Cel. refined, and crushed sugar, East Boston. Cat, sugar house, and golden syrup j sall.Sloauwiasaa; iuu ags nana, sires; ll.ll's pale, cheuiival and Eughsh ttup, soup powders, powder, shot, and lead, yeast pow der, saleratus, cream tartar, smoking and chewing tobacco, green corn, peat, lomaioes, siroar u klackberriee, in 8 lb In i spic. pepp. r, and eaasi. pearl barley, macaroni, verm ceihj corn starcn, ahnonds, walnuts, Brawl aula, raisin, Chili peach es, dred fruit ( mackerel in qra hlf boll, sardine. A fine aawrtineul of . CROCKERY TABLS CUTLERY: ill) crates sorted ware; 40 dox steel picks, 20 Dutch and Iltlha hoe. While Lead, Oil, and Window Glatt ; with a variety of other articlea uully kept T We wdl poy cash lor wheal, 8ur, baena, buller, egjrs, and almost verjrlbiog lh farmer haa for sole. A. D. Oreiroa City, April 10, 1838. JUST RECEIVED, th Ustett ttyle of ML a ATI BONNETS, Leghorn sX straw Bel. AINSWOHTH dr. DIERDORFK. Caldron K)tUel afatronlse Homo Xndaatry! T II AVKnuwin full upsratloa a CABINET X. Bltur In tin city, near lh loagrigaiiunat church, where I am manufacturing UEDSTEA OS, CHAIRS, TABLES, SOFAS, and such oilier furniture a 1 wanted by III community gensnillv. Then I connected w.lli Wyshopa TUkMNG-LATIU, where all sorts of turning csu be done. Large and email A'iinm'iif W keels mad lo order, I am mnkiug a better ailicl than Imported fur nllur. and selling il al a Irs coal. Give m a call you will mm nolhiiiK by II Ulll.AMMJ UILMVM.U. Oregon City, March 97, 1808. iOmO ATTENTION, fAKMUM I THRESHERS, REAPERS, AH U MOmW'JalSMI.M WE have now on th way from lh Eastern Stales, To Arrive about llie lul of April, A SUPERIOR LOT f the bov-mnlioiu'd machines. They ecmbin II of lh latest improvements, and w has no hesitation iu saying thai ws believe them lu be th MOHT rtRVV.CT MACtltXKM now brought tolhia coast. They were comlruoled under our owa supervision, having all Ihe altera tions necessary 10 render tlitin suilubl for lh country. Th THRESHERS consist of two, four, and six-hors powers (railway aud sweep), wilh eleva tors and every raseiilial couveuieuc Known lo in machine. Our REAPERS and MOWERS are combined mach.ues, suitable for sillier mowing or reaping. They work from two lo four horses, with and without rake 1 or, in other words, u I a self raker. Zn Addition to the Above, V have, to arrive at Ihu sain time, lh following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria rioiet, X 8, IJotton Clipper Plow, Ettentivn Cultivator, Grapevine Grain Cradlet, Scythet and Snathe, Straw Cuttert, Hay Prettrt, Hay Forks and Raket, Horse Hakes, Wheelbarrow, Shovr.lt, Spadet, ozsas. ittiLiiS, BARK MILLS, 4 TANNERS' TOOLS. AW, a select assortment of SMITHS AND CARPENTERS TOOLS, Wilh many other article not here mentioned. We would oav to our customer and lh public generully, if they are in want of auy of the above tneutioued article, Ihey Will do well le call anil sc out before purchasing elsewhere, al we ar deter mined lu sell LOW FOR CASH. Wo would also add thill our Machines ar being ranidlv sold lo arrive. Keller cull and secure one of Ihem before loo lute. If preferred, Machines delivered in Purllaud, if engaged before arrival. Wm. C. UliMKNT UO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, 'ad. Opi0tite tVind Office. WM C. DEMENT Si CO., OFFER fur sale the following goods: 1 dux mill saws, 7x8 feet, 3 " Xcut do SO " cow bells (superior), 10 " ImnJkd axes, 10 " without do 10 '' handled do, aae'dsiie, ID " pilalo diggers, 1(1 Aimes' spades, 30 " curry combs, 500 lbs wrapping twine, 100 11 I R packing, SOn feci I R belling; INDIA RUBBER GOODS of all descrip tions. Oregon Uily, Jan. V3, I Bj8. t-K HAVE JllBT RECEIVED A IIEAVV ASdiaTMRXt OV AND HAVK ri'T Price Down In the Lowest Figure J Come in, lltos who waul good ciiEAr. mh 13. CIIARMAN& WARNER. I nri in Rnbbcr Good. JUST RECEIVED, direct from Now York, Hospital clolh, Ureas! pumps, Nursing bottles, Ac. etc., at the Feb. 6. OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. 1o llie Allllrlt'd. DU. IHJTCIIINS' CELEBRATED BAL sam of Wild Chcrrv, with a variety of his other popular Botanical Medicines, are now for sale alCIIAHLES fUfl'-S, uregon uuy, ana at JOSEPH BARSTOW'S, Canemo. 47y HCUOUL. BOOKS t Hl.llOOI. UOOIiHtt 17 L. BR ADLEY &. CO. have, In addition Id, lolheir well-selcfcled Mock if SCHOOL BOOKS, just received lit following direct from the publishers: 350 dox. Sander' Series School Books, among which will be found his primers; 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, Sc. Slh Young I.adie' and High School Reader j also 35 dot. Thompson' Prac tical A rithinelic, 35 dox. Willson U.S. History, school edition ( 25 dox. Parley's Universal History, school edition I 30 dox. Intelligent Readers, 50 dox. slate, together wilh a large assortment af stationery, ice, &c. heud your or.iers 10 in CITY BOOK-STORE, aud Ihey will be attend ed lo without delay. Jan. 33, 1857. Tor Sale. i-iw ACRES OF GOOD LAND on Hi U I O Upper Molalla Prnirie. For particular enquire er . L. liaAULxr, Slore in Oregon Cily. at tne iiiy noua Feb. 6, If 53. rtHAtU, HHAMPOOIXO, eke. THE public are respectfully informed thai th undersigned have 0ieneda SHAVING SA LOON opposite Menra. Gibsoa Sl Potter's B II- idd Saloon. air Culling, Shaving, Shampobiruf, de, dub in lh latest and must approved style. Also, lioot-blackintf. lisjlit jobbing, A a. Gentle men' bed rooms taken care af. and all other small jobbing done oa Ihe bhcepi-sl and most expeditious terms. jMlia OL 1 111J.QA.1 n awij. Jan. 30, 1858. Mun it., Oregon Vily, SAVE YOUR DOLLAHS! At well at your Dinxei I T? you want GOOD arllole at th loweet po sihla Dri.es. call at CHARLES POPES store, oa Main street, where you will find a larg ssortrnent of GOODS a cheap H lliey cn oe bought at any star in Oregon City. Decs, j7 6DOZ. grspe-vine cradle ror sate ny WM.C. DEMENT c. Oaod Wheal Wonted, TOtt which th h ghet mrket pric. will b I paid in cash or Irene, at lh Sept 36. LI5N Clf T STORE. BOAT 81 tail, at IOAT STORES, all kinds. whdel ar r HAILKY s, Linn Oily. LADIES' aad genu KID GLOVES, at BAILEY'S, Linn Cily. C1 OOD black and gree TKA, at JT BAILEY'S, LinnCUy. Farm for Sale for $1,500. T OFFER for aal a half Motion of Unit silualsd ahoul si mils ast jf McDonald's ferr la Forks Seutisin.IyiuuJli count v. and about I went v mile from Halsm. Th hsp of lh laud so.'ts it well lor ordiuary farming, and il I ! of the best stock farms lu lh country. Th .mprureinein tueiuue on. hundred and twenty appi tree of Improved fruit t Im peach, plum, aud cherry Iras, all of which will soon b la plentiful bearing. Th location b favorebl to health. I beautiful and pleasant Tim will be liven ra a part of th money al molrral interest, or good slock lakan for a pan. For further particulars call oa m al lh ' Union Hlor," Mtlcm, or address by Utter. Inleruioneii eoiicerning it cad also b hd by flslllug on W. L Adam of lh Oregon Argu. tab. 7,liB-4mli M, MUM HVVI.IMITY COt-lXUR. MR. MILTON WRIOHT, Teacher, WILL nlr upon hi firrt term iu lh Pri mary Department of lh Sublimity colleg on Mouday Ihe 83d day af November. I union per lenn of twelve weeks, 9.1.UO For ench addiliouol brauvb above lh primary, fifty cenla more. fly order of Iba Tmslee. Ilea. 5. ALLEN J. DAVIE. Seo'y. OREGON HOUSE, CIOKXER Third and Water streets, J omiasii ilia Ferrv Ijiudiu. VKEUUil VITY. mim The traveling publio ar. respectfully Invited I give me a cull. Th OREI.O.V HCL'SK la th most pie aally located hotel in the Territory, and has been so altered within lh list few week as to make il ou of the most commodious House in lh Terri tory. Th labia will alway b supplied wilb lb bcsl Ihsl Ihe Market slWds. Coud ccutnuiodaliou furladieaand faiiiilie. Cood stabliug aud feed fur horses, with prolier atteliduil.-e. ray- The dsge-coacb to and from Balcni slept al lh Oregon House. raie: Board and lodging, per week S7 00 Board, without lodging, pr wck HO Hingle meal 50 Niaht' lodging 50 1 J.BAII.M, Aug. 8, 18i"m6 Proprietor. W. S. Hatcldns, ZkX. LAFAYETTE, O, T. REFFRS TO Pmf. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio J Prof. J. Koet, ' Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, Ind. Dr. W. Armstrong, Findley, Ohi J. Fisli.r, M. D.. Tiffin, 11 J. Chsmlierlio, M. D., Tiffin, " Dr. II. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Juhnsoti, Philadelphia, Peun. Prof. J. Hro.ni, N. Y.t Dr. G. Kellusg, Milwaukir, O. T. W. D. Ilutchin' Blsin Wild Cherry.... Jin lie's Expectorant " Allerativ Ayrv' Cherry Pectoral I '-'5 1 s.-i 1 !25 and a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all limes. Aud I am making arrange- meuts tn manufacture my Balsuni fur th lung, from th Orrgun cherry. ugl5 BEAT THE Mi WHO CAN! ITSUL rLOWS, ' or ALL SI2RS, k RE now being manufactured and a.Terej for J. sal in Oregon City, al lh. Blacksmith shop uear Mr. Caulield' store. The undersigned, having had five years' expe rience iu the PLOW business in Oregon, begs leav to inform the farming community that ho is confident of being able lo supply tlisir want iu ihe Plow line, if they will give him a call. Dec. 36, I8i7. J. W. LEWIS. Bane'a Arctic Bzpeditlon, RUHdKLL'8 CRIMEAN WAR, aud oilier interesting works, fnr sal at Ihe rep 13 CITY HOOK STORE. BRICK. 100,000 FOR8aS,o sepl9 7 IVih. C. DEMENT, d CO. A Tew tusti OV F that superior GREEN TKA just received WM.C. Dfc.UlifW ot tu. pr CASICS "Crutnplou's Mednl " Tahnc'bo al tj aep 13 WM. C. UL.MWX 1 it W C)pr SETS hollow augers, for wheelwrights, for dJ sale by WM.C. DEMENT Sl co. T.Mrl Warrants PURCHASED BY Jan. 34. W M. C. DEMEJIT & CO. 2000 SEAMLESS sucks forinleby WM.C. DEMENT St vo. YAMHILL TRADE. T MIE new add fin stoaincr . .4Ts IS . dtaiiaSlsaiiia built exnreaslv for lh Yamhill trade, will leave CANEMAH ou Mondays and Fridays for La- rAVr.rr, and Wednesdays for Davto ai 0 A. a. Nov.31, '67. C. E.8WEITiil.It,aiasler. ZVotiee to Shippers. ON and after Ihi dt, FHKIUIIl win ne carried on the steamer SUE by tlio rule of "Ship' Measurement" Nov.3l, '57. li.fc,sni.iiiriu. NEW GOODS. JUST received, a Inrg and well-seleiled as sorlilieut of GOODS, consisting of French and English Merinos, Plutdt, Sheeting, Canton flannel. Table Linen, Velvet Trimming, Artificial, and other fancy atticles, theajl for rash ar pro duce. CHARLES POPE, Jr., Dee. 5, 1857. Mam al. E. L. BRADLEY d- Co., ARE agent fr Fewler at Well' I-ir lllustrs led. Water Cure aad Phrenolocioal Journal. Yuu that want a good family paper, una in your namea soon. ; Subscription, also received for Godey . L,dy . Book. Graham'. Msgmin, IIrpei' do., Har per'. Weekly Journal, Avo. Send on your names Willi the cash, and you will tie aiienusu w. C'hnriiiiiii V Warner nAVE rce'd a larg assortment of SHOES, .inhrai-iiir children's and ladle' shoes, and Uaiiers, Buskins, and Itoolscs : also genu' Hoot and shoes, aud gutter of (II description. ALSO, Cradle and scythes, snaths, toes, rake., forks, spades, and .liovv.1. FOR SALE, A SET of second-hand TIN MANS TOOLS il and AfCfiViS complete, by Oct, 3, 157. K. WII.WAIJI. LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMHKIl ean leave their bilU with Chasa 4c Wxaaaa, which I will fill, and deliver lb lumber in Uregoii t-i-y. if desired. Jl. S. UULIl. Oregon City, Jan. 16,1 858. 4Qtt "I RANGES a flu lot imrt received aud for J , by r. CHARMAN. -1 r ACAULAY'S History f E"'aad - for 1TTE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE ti V V oi WHEAT t ui mntel nnt aovli CHARMAN 4 WARNER. A Mle IIur oueuon err r Wholeialo Prleei Onrront coaaacTan WKtxi.v. oat noons. pauoscV nsnnuits. Hheellng,4.4.,..ll JnlSl iu pr. el.over N. Y.iosl Diilliug I'-'i rnsnics. Bleached dr.lling Id Wheat, pr. bit SIMS shilling, 1 116 Oais do 7io"U Hlrimd Ticking.. da I'.'l I'olulo do 1 J .14a lb Onions du il 00 ....l!fi Flnir tltl l 14 Com Meul, fresh 5 . !6aS4 nil' rr. .7lia!Hi:Api.lis,Jried ICsl9 Ileiiine Bin drilling I'ltid linsey. Halinul Kentucky Jli...2.'4o,TrcIis, dried 'Ji '1 weeds Siaili) " riopenhd ratal. " Clrli, dr.ed.JUuiJ lllu and whu J'av rsousioss. Blue audorang lPork, dear nu. k,ney al " mesa xj.ro Fuiniltii do lUal Ullam "J do. Wide. IV iiucoii M.du Ulue I H.3II. Butler J" Ciiighin....ii..i . 1 6a3!; fcdgs Alone xaumi 'I able dniiiask 50a7S Hazard, pr ra... (13 910 olollis bsasiei - l" Irish ii lie 11 .401 . SHOT. CI.UTIIIHU Small aura IR'.'jiiJ 8hep gray pauls $!?a3'Buck.. &3as' 2i..1; LtAI. l ... .! aiu'eltir 'J Black rum', do. ' 'fSa7;WIl l'J. ..Aih Redllan'lshlrls I4I' ."' Blue da. do. I i is; Manilla, .mall.... ... S5 Hickory aliina 5u7if '"'IF S4 lllall Calico do $'Jal'"p annra Af. atllData. a I, ..30a37 JUabJ Mn' kip boot 8 Ja4;AdiUttlitiu sniHir do. do....4loieiiii fin.Mwcd I'.: . C,U"'-1U,. Boys' kip boots Havana 9 "7 he'vy w'ido8l,..U.O.rm.i .V u Mens' brx'a pr. dux.. 1 7; American tf.Jajti Women's li'vy sir.l3"tt-; llu do 815; Lukes aaootaiu. . I"VA".14., . CetT. l4.i:.:.Mlyet. T.a tiUa7.W..adc. S 4.IH Sugar, n. I Chi'..... ''."u cruslied 'no"""- . Saleratus 1 Oa 1 VX out saw Sfreh Uiluhlecull..)'. Hyrup K Boaton UM advance 011 N. .a do. 8 i.i.iua ,,.i,wi.e.-.-.J. . NOMolnase advance. Liv. Kail 23i.Olher nriu ies u ... T.bl.Salt ol wure ironi c Saudwich I. Hall.. H5! ' advance. I'elilier.. :i'l .ai s,iias uw"'i" - Allspice Jn liorai-stiue. Cinnamon.... .(j"sMHj .. Hall Lamp.. Soap To OregonUM la Did IlsaUh. nlGHLY IMPORTANT TO illKSit iv 1 It i. awful lo aula the huirirnrd. sallow, ca- dAerous faces and wasted skeleton furms we mud! This is not confiued In Ihe old, but we see the young, able-bodied, and those in Ihe prune or lite, complain alter being her some lime of illness some grow unnaturally lal suuuemjr , oun-i.".-. and grew Ihiu 1 Ihey cannot locslixe or describ their disease, yel lliey leei iiiinen.uv ti mculally and physically i so'nc have pains and weaknes in the breast, limbs, or body 1 they fed a waul of muscular and menial energy, a want of animation, and have fearful forebodings for Ihe fit lute, poor appetite, nervous Irrilubi'ity, and sleep lessiiess; Iheirskiu is dry.lind occasionally hVhcd and heated, Ihiu, palli.l, and yellow. Now auddeu deaths, lunacy, and universal de bility is too, too prevalent here and who wotnleis, when combined with a climate I ke litis, a dry nir impregnated with electricity and galvanism f W liave many who have passed through sickness, whose llfo is inltmperale and debauched, or huv seen other who have been nearly dontored to death by quack medicines, or by th advice of "The Faculty," who hava impregnated iheul wilh mercury, calomel, &.C. Fur all uch case, is Dr. Jnc A W'Mmr s Invig orating Cordial Sangililier most especially aihple.l-, inasmuch as the abuvo cases aud symptoms did Dr. Webber minutely study in adapting hia cordial in their cur. Il enlivens the torpid liver, eje.-ts all billions mailer from Ihe system, caifes sudaiion, or free prrspirution (so uece.-aiary lo health), purilie and etiriche Ihu blissl.givi strength to Ihe limbs aud body, and is p-arltively infallible iu all nervous diseases, trembling, or wakefulness. Theto never was remedy which gave such de llgltltu the ull'crer as Ihi. Thu Agent can, from his own knowledge of cures off cied by It, con sc etitiously n-commeu.l it in any of llie following diseases t Nervousness, weakness, languor, loss of appetite, sleep, or strength, trembling, low spirm, decay of Ihe uatural functions, pains iu the head) limbs, or body, neuralgia or rhauuintlo, and it often restore those to health and strength whuse outiuli tutionsare lmot broker). Dxsilitv raoa oiskask, cliiiatk, iiissii-ation, oa uxsAUCiitar. Strengllt,vivuciiy, nnu vigor 10 the limbs, bedy, and mind, is given by Dr. Jacob Webber' Invigorating Cordial il sends an clco trio llirill or life lltrough the worn-out body, wcuk limlK, and brokni-down ionslilittions t gives un npi petite, remove dyspepsia, onhna irritability, cause. quiet sleep, and is indeed the hurst Ionic, nervine and siingu.lter, ever maae. 11 is purei) a ri-i-ble cAnisiiindt and cml be used by the lit. -sit deli cate female. The reader is conscientiously assured it is all II is represented. Iir in quart bottles price, fcl or two rot ?.). I Wholesale A runt. T.JONKS, IH5 Monlgoin. ' ery tl., Sutl FrauciscO, lo whonl all orders can be addressed. I'tb. 37mJ rtae Teeth, Matr, and HWtn, fnr 'Wrtsi Liifollt's Wesl India Hoop Tooth Kind, is a su perb dentifrice, lathers in llie mouth hko s.i.ip, 1. lel.eioii. to the taste, wnuens me leein, ymm without hiiiirimr) llio eiiam -l, purifies the brenlhi and by its lathering property clcunsts the moulli, tongue, and throat. For dressing and foriMnf the gmvtli dfllte huiri Jones' Coral lluir lleslornlivn. These are its qualities: Il will force the huir to grow dark, slop iU falling out, cure scurf, or duiulrufl', dress the hair beautifully daik, suit, ilky. Price 35 Sl 50 ents per bottle. J-or curing eruptions, pimpu s, ire , aies,ooooi i tan, and discolored kin, tne ne.iutiiiii enema 01 Joltel' Italian Chemical Soap delight all who lis it. It mnkesthe inoslcourso, red, and y. now skiii whit and clear as young child's. Il is emollient and softening for infants, and i the best shuvitig soap made. Price 25 cents. Hold at In IK)ve price 111 every rrspeciao.e ilrug slore iu California and Oregon. Proprietor T. JONES, 185 Montgomery si., Han Francisco. Land for Salo. A HALF SECTION of good Lanii aa is for sale, situated on Clnrkamas.H :"' miles N.E of Oregon Cily 10 acres ui.LtH. der fence, half of which is under cultivation ; with a young usciunuot auoul l.iu trees, some ui which ar bearing J beside a small frame house nd out buildings. The property will be sm tor cash, or irnueu prnierty in Oregon City or Portland. For further pnilicuiars, enquire uf the editor of the Argus. 5tf D R. CARTER'S PULMONARY BALSAM iut received by xrsrs at llie OUK.GO.N CITY DRUG STORE, March 27, lb58. HORSE-SH OEINO. 11IIOSE who wish lo get thsir II O R S E 8 veil shod, and speedily done. Dleasa cad on OLD DICK, at llie new r.isr.K- smith shopopposii Allan Sl Mr KisLA'storv. Oregon VUy, narcmn, ih.ici. s HINGLES 100.00J for sale, by CHARM Ay f nIKnr.K. 10 M naality cigars. CHARMAN & WARNER. W AAA FEET Or 20,000 for le by Courma., A pi 17. FEET OF FIR LLMBKR , Apt 17, JO UAK-STOW. ALL who are indebted lo the firm of Cru, 4 Waaaxa ara requested lo eall at their ..04 -til. .7.a J Ore-ea City, Feb. a,!. ITa. for the Mine I W. ea aow 611 almost aay bill a fanner may call iIIAW PUMP3-rk rwloed-for els by 'OH SAU- Apv7a A LL sm ixirbted Is th his firm of J. B. 0 F from xlei lo sixty gal'is. l c Ton.Jt Buanaa will idea come forward aad t '"kCIIARMAS 4 WARSE .Ua." a-