: 5 II if A, if: tljc rcgou SVrgus. W. L. .DSNS, XOITOS AND MlOfSIICTOa. OMOOW CITYi 8ATURDAV, MAY 15, 1858. REPUBLICANJNOMINATIONS. lute Ticket res asrinsxTSTivi to oinhiim, J. R. McBuidk, of YamLilL rOI GOVERNOR, John Dexy, of Mnriuii. rot STATE THKASl'RKRi E. L Ari'LKUATE, of Uinpqua. rot itat printer, D. W. Ckaio, of Clacknmiw. Ftr JuJgt Supreme Court, 3d District, J. D. Condom, of Linn. Fat Pro: Attorney, G. L. Woods, of Yamhill. KIUC HrKAtLtXU. The nationals have made their appoint mntt for public speaking io lliie county. The Republican candidates will bo along with ibem, and probably the bushitci alio. Tie appointments are at follows: New School-house near Vincent's (Lower Molalli). Tuesday, May 25; Alvii Wil Hams', Wednesday, !20tb ', Upper Molalla School I borne, Thursday, 27th; Arm priest's Scbool-houso, Friday, 29ih; Mat toon 'a, Saturday, 20th; Joseph Young., Monday, 3 1st ; Union School home (Rock Creek), Tueiday, June 1st; Milwaukie, Wednesday, 2d; Oregon City, Thursday, 3d ; near Nathaniel Robbiot' (at place of voting), Friday, 4th. We hope that everybody will be on lie ground, aud hrar the discussions. T Corretpoaacal. "Crack" of Wascopum is declined, you wikb to defeat Mr. Wait's election through our paper, you must attack bit principles. With personalities we have nothing to do. Such expressions as " moccasin water puppy glance peering from under bis cap," &c, are decidedly low, and besides tbey are not original we recollect to bave seen precisely the same words ap plied lo Mr. Wait by the Democratic papers fow years ago when ho was opposed the Salem clique. The Argus is not a medium for retailing second handed demo. cratic thunder. C, of Lion county, is informed that the State Central Republican Committee will not withdraw the name of a single candidate on the State ticket, if any one decline, lie will, like Mr. Holmes, do it entirely on his own personal responsibility. The evi deace grows stronger every day that Re publicans everywhere are determined to sink or swim on the Republican platform, If our candidates bad thoroughly canvassed the Territory, we should have stood a fair chance lo have elected a portion of the ticket. 7 There in an erroneous impression eul in regard to Mr. Hurliiigame'a with drawing from the Republican ticket. Mr, Ilurlingamo iuforms lis thut he had inten lied to withdraw, aud let Mr. Post take the chance of election, ns he had understood Mr. Post was a Republican, but upon con versing with Mr, P., end finding that b endorsed Buchanan's Lecompion policy, he at once determined not to withdraw. J3T Czapkay's organ makes great com plaint of the manner iu w hich the nationals are conducting the campaign. It com plains because the nationals were cheered while speaking, and many vociferous dem nitrations of approval were made by the crowd ; whereas, when the bushite candi dates commenced, the people wouldn't stay to hear. A painted caricature of the busbite candidates was nailed to the wall at Eugene City while O'Mcara was speaking, which caused great enthusiasm among the nationals, but made the pin feathers of the bushttes droop considerably. The hard down this way aro gelling so sick that there Is an evident disposition to disclaim all friendship for their candidate for Slate Printer. t3T The Times argues that because (he Washington county Republican con vention requested the Standard to publish their procerdings, therefore, the Standard is considered a " black republican paper." lhe Salem Republican Convention ordered their proceedings olRred to the Times: nd these, together with the procccdingsof the Linn county Republican convention, were sent to the clique organ at Salem. Does this fact prove that the Republicans look upon the Times and Czapkay's organ as Republican papers! Any man who knows enough to know "just how thick a negro' skull is," ought to know better. , If Lane's scribe evinces much more stu pidity, we shall withdraw our recommend ation of him to that Vancouver colony. The colored folks want better legic than that. The I'ngei Sound papers give ac counts of vast numbers of miners from Cal ifornia and Oregon who are constantly ar riving en ronie ior rue rraziere river mines. Those who have come io from the nines represent the miners lo b making from $8 to 12 a day. There is no relia ble news as yet from these mines that would justify Oregouians in (saving borne just al present. The Tioneer ds Democrat advises all lo defer tbeir mining schemes for at least three months by that lima the waters will be down, the trail opened, and reliable newt reach them as to the prwpect." LECOMPTON DEFEATED ! Tba steamer Columbia, with ihe V. 8. mail, reached Portland lal Monday. We are indebted to Dr. Steele, agent of Wells, Fargo & Co , for favors. The Senate passed the Lscompton bill, ad milling Ksnsas imder the bogus consiitu lion in defiance of the will of the people of Kantas on the 23d of March by a vote of 33lo 23. Douglas, Drodcrick, Stuart, and I'ugh were the only democrats who voted with the Republicans, while Crittenden and Dell were the only Southern men. Mr. Crittenden first offered a lubstilute for the whole bill, providing that the Le comptoo Constitution be submitted to the people ; if accepted, Kansas should be ad' milted as a State, by proclamation of (be President; if rejected, a New Convention should be called. This substitute was re jectrd by yeas 24, nays 31, Mr. Kennedy, of Maryland, voting for it. The Kansas Dill, admitting Kansas into the Union with the Lecompion Constitution, was then put to th vote. On the first of April the constitution was offered in the House, when Mr. Montgnnv ery (dem ) of Penny 1 vania offered a substi lute io substanco the same as Mr. Critten den's, and also making provisions fur a fair vote and punishing frauds severely. The Montgomery substitute was adopted by a vote of 120 to 112. For the substitute were 02 Republicans, 22 Democrats, and 0 Americans. Against it were 104 domo crats and 8 American. The House then adjourned. The Senate pawed a resolu lion on the 2d April to disagree with the House. LITorls long and violent will yet be made, by the Administration to get the (louse to recede from ita position, and many democrats are prophesying that enough democrats will yet be induced in the House to change tbeir vote, to carry Lecompton. We think not, though a good deal more such bribery as thai of Burns will no doubt be resorted to, Buchanan is said to fairly ''gum it with rage. The Southern fire-eaters, in stead of dissolving- the Union, as they threatened to do, are as quiet as whipped spaniels. Well, with ademoora'.ic Administration and a democratic Congress, Republican principles have triumphed. 03" Judge Douglas presented the Oro gon Constitution in the Senate, March 31st. It was referred to the Committee on Terri tories, and Ihe prospects in fnvor of our early admission are better than they were a short lime sines though what opposition may yet be made, it is hard to tell. Our private opinion is that the constitution will bo accep'ed. Dow Ss Tbey bo. The town elections in California have resulted disastrously lo the black democracy. Sacramento, the stronghold of negro-drivers and drivenniggers, bas elected the people's reform ticket over the "regular democratic" ticket by 1800 majority out of less than 0000 votes polled. In Oroville, the whole people's ticket was Iccted- In Benicia, a mixed ticket, com posed of Democrats, Republicans, and Am ericans, was elected. The Republicans elected their Mayor. The vote generally shows a tremendous falling off from the corrupt democracy, and a disposition among the people la vote just as tbey please. Ihe democratic papers are howl ing with rnge, and making nearly as much fuss about traitors, bolters, disorganize. and black republican allies, as the poor, miserable party whippers in are making in Oregon. The Pcnnsylvnnian, Buchanan's home organ, says the Democratic party is dead, and we aro glad to see the rank and fllo tak ing the hint. Like the old Whig party, it may be said to have pretty much stopped breaihing and a few more desperate kick will close its labors of fraud, ballot box slutting, and rascality generally. A better era is beginning to dawn, and the country will yet come out from under the dark cloud that has already too long been hang- ng over it. (r The slave Archy has been liberated in Sun Francisco on the ground that bis master bad forfeited bis claim to him by bringing him to California and hiring him out, instead of merely passing on business through Ihe Slate with his chattel. Archy's joy al the decision is said to have been unbounded. He declared that he would dio before he would co back lo lavery. The Mormons. Nothing new has reached us from Utah of much interest. The Department at Washington has received dispatches from Col. Johnston of such a nature that it was thought best not lo make them public. Tbo Mormons are building a fort about 100 miles north of Salt Lake City, which in duces the belief that they intend to evacu- ate Utah this summer and remove to a place in the Britiah Possessions already se lected by Brigham. 83" The Oregon Statesman, published in Salem, is denominated by its opponents as Czapkay'a organ. The Doctor ought lo feel flattered at having such an able ex ponent, perhaps, in h humane (.') labors! Siskiyou (Cal) Chronicle. Tbe Doctor may rest assured ihat bis cause will net suffer in the bands of his alio exponent," who has lately canvassed much of tbe Territory, hunting up de crepit drmovrefi." What ta Up f We are informed that Dr. Henrv made- a speech in favor of Re. publican arid Nation-wool fusion al Or- egon Ciiv lat week, in which he charac- terized Mr. O'Meara as a " mere political adventurer from California, without family, slake, or permanency in the country ;" and declared that ho would not vote fur him, and that be had no claims upon Or- egnnians. Ciapkoy ' Organ. Th.i ! a fi.ir .np.-i.nnn ,,f 1 1,. Ms-hond. .hi. -Li.-h this n.ner !. liler.llr ,r.mn.ed. ui. sacnr; i.i mor 01 .union io oicoi u.e national ticket, and at the same time de- Pouncing O'Meara as "a mere poliiical ad. -.....,.. from rviifnrni. nV!.rin., ' e that be "would not vote fo him W, iiiouitiu- w. ue.ru in. w..laui ma uociurs speech, and we heard him make no allu sion to O'Meara in any way, shape, or manner, neither did he say one word in fa vor of fusion. OCT Mr. O'Meara and Esq. Wait address ed our citizens last Tuesday, as represents tivesoftholwo wings of the buzzard, W were not able lo attend, but hear '.heir speeches well spoken of by their respective friends OCT The Stand ird suggests the idea that the funds which the clique is offering to bet on the election are Indian moneys or those dimes received at the sale of govern meat property, which wo believe has not Vet been accounted fur. , (ttr S. J. McCormick. of iho Franklin Book Store. Pnriln.d. ha. reiurn.d fr(im the Stales with a splendid assortment of ar ticles in his line. If McCormick's estab lishment keeps on growing, it will rival J W. Sullivan's. (Kr Tw0 weeks ago yesterday ihe Port- land Fire Companies brought up the Or- egonCity engine, which had been sent bo- low for repairs. The company made an imposing appearance as they paraded up and down our streets. The example of this company will probably stimulate our citizens to organize a similar one here. Speeches were made lo the " boys" bv E. Wait and W.C. Johnson, Esqs. Through an oversight we failed to notice this item hist Wet k. OCT G. 11. of Linn county is informed that the author of the article in the Argus respecting the exhibition in the Union Point School on New Year's day, is a young man who has frequently written for this paper from the South. He has no family and no permanent locntiou that we know of, but, happening to attend the ex hibition, felt enough interest in the exer cises to give us an account of it, just as a sensible- man of course wnuld. ssfclngton t'.o, Rrpubltcaa Coavewlton. The proceedings of the Republican con vention of Washington county of last Sal rJaf came lo hand too late for entire pub lication this week. The following- ticket was nominated : O Senator, f.,r Washington and Columbia, T. R. Cornelius, Representative Wilson Boulby. Joint Rep. Philip LalTer. County Judge W. S. Caldwell. " Clerk W. D. Hare. " Treas. W. H. Bcnnell. SherifT Hiram Wilbur. Coroner R. M. Porter. Surveyor Wm. Geiger. District Judga J. B. Condon. Pros. Att'y G. L. Woods. TERRITORIAL COUNTY OFFICERS, Representative Wilson Boulby. Joint Rep. with Multnomah E. D. Shattuck. Co.Com'r, 2d dist. L.L. Wbiicomb, Probate Judge II. V. V. Johnson. Sheriff-H. Wilbur. Auditor W. D. Hare. Assessor XV. V. J. Johnson. Coroner R. M. Porter. Surveyor Win. Geiger. School Sup't M. R. Barnum, Pub. Adm'r B. XV. Dunn. Messrs. Dennett Rllior. nrl TTIII u I nnnintw! aa n "..... T . .- , ,, clu "'.i'" " " v-'ouu.y iwpuoucan wm. ""iteei . I OCT The nationals of Multnomah held n convention lust Saturday, and brought out the following ticket : state organization. For Senator John A. Williams. Reps. R.J. Ladd, C.P.Bacon. " Sheriff-A.M.Starr. " County Judge W. M. King. " " Clerk- D. W.Lichtenthaler. " Treasurer Z. N. Stansbury. . territorial organization For Representative C. P. Bacon. " Probate Judge W. M. King. County Corn! J. II. Lambert. " " Treasurer Z. N. Stansbury. " " Assessor W.S. Buckley. " " Surveyor Israel Mitchell. " " Corner Levi Nelson. " Sup. of Common S-hoo!ar S Mngslev. Messrs. McCann, Nelson and Lichten thaler were appointed a Cummin, t.. ... fr with a like Committee from Washing- ion coumy, io nominate a Joint Represen tative under the Territorial organization. (ftT The bushite and national candi dates speak in ibis city to-day. CO Colonel Benton is confined lo his bed with cancer of tbe stomach. He is working on his Abridgment of th fin.. gressional Debstes as steadily as ever, and hoping io live long enough to fiaish iu The Louisiana LeeM.n.-. k.. pa-wed a bill lo prevent freo n,,n. t. holding slaves in that State. Th must be nait, common lo require an act of the Legislature to prere-t it. To Kepublieani. Gintlksun Tli undersigned, for rea ons set forth in this card, is Implied to decline remaining a candidate for the oltict of Secretary of Statu at Ilia t-nmiiiic elec tion. I regret the necessity which seem lo require litis s'ep. Being nothing eli than a Republican, and hating no sympa thy with red moulded Locofouoiain In any of lie phases, It may be right lo assign wnn ol tue causes mai nave ieo io mis de ' '"J " V'" if Ihere were any cerlainly of success, my business reistf0ni would require this step but as tbal certainty never existed, it is no reason. In ihe scend place, we are not uwroiiEWf uoiteu in acrion in mis canvass, i i ........!. i --.I ii ..... Llr,nBlbMj thu. , " mhwM, impression as lo our actual strength. By remaining in the canvass, nulhins of im pnrianco would be gained in behalf of Re publicanism. Those of us ho a re Rcuub Means in principle now, will be the same next year, or anv other tune. I be can vass has not been conducted as it should have been to call forth even our own strength. There is not a proper concntra lion or energy of action manifested. We have acted as if our duty Hi'led wiih mak '"V nominations. There is something ele to be done. Many of our political fritiid (honest though they be) are influenced more at this lime by jiolicy than principle, and will vote the national lickel, ami ihus Without doubt elect the dy natty. Lniie we mrgnt iriumpn over noin. me luea that Republicans generally will vole fur the nationals, at Ihty now tland, is Mmply ab uid. Tbey would prefer sliiyinif ni Imme, - ,. l rorineaoove reasons, gemii-iiien, i do not ,,ih to occupy a position lo sustain which an our iner.os are not wining 10 unite. believing the true Republicans of ihe Ter ritory will not censure me for this act. I re, main to our principles true. lkaniif.r holmes. Linn City, May 13, 1838. rt Caadldales U Joses.tae Ctwity. Josrphink Co., April 2lsi, 1858. Editor op the Anous Dear Sir: "Del lzon Smith and other distinguished Dem ocrotic speakers" (I quote llm notices addressed the citizens of Josephine county ' Kirbrville on tbo 10th, and at Alihou&H 00 'he 20th inst. I willingly concede to I tnc,n H be distinction imaginable for buncombe, gas, prejudice, personalities, mic representations and vulgarity. I mul, however, except Col. Kelly, who exhibited much moderation and courtesy toward his opponenls, avoided all indecent and offi'ii sive language, and conducted himself throughout as a gentleman. The Colonel occupied his time in ex plaining the causes of l he division in lb. party, in defending himself against charges of having accepted offices at the bands of the opposition, over the hea ls of the Sa lem clique nominees, and in showing that his ptrtonal interests were identical with those of Oregon in re Are nee to the Indian war. But I think that the Colonel failed to givo sufficient reasons why he should be sent to Congress as our Representative. Mr. Grover, notwithstanding bis inli mafe tnowledae of Orciran ami ll it. . - C "- - - F purtenances. had been DoisoneJ hv coninni If -with poison oak, and was therefore unable to speak much : I trust, however, that he may 6ml consolation in Ihe thought thai be has thereby avoided the very possible contingency of injuring bis own cans'-, as some of his colleagues certainly did. What little he did say, however, was what he might, could, would, and should do, if sent to Congress: promises and good ad vice wo know are proverbially cheap, and Oregoninns have littlo faith in the promises of politicians- Czapkay's Agent displayed his qtialifj. cations for that position, lo tbo Kntislaction of bis audience, by relating a choice selec tion of obscene jests and vulgar anecdotes. Whether he shall be public printer, is an other affair altogether, lie attempted lo clear himself of the charge of having pub- li.-thed correspondence and editorials, detri mental lo the interests of tbo people of Ore gon, which articles represented them as the aggressors in the lute Indian war; he might perhapj have succeeded with nme people, had he concealed his face : I should infer that there must be something awful ....... . . . . . I.. .. e b' Bl orK n il n u m. inn in ,-, :., tlie lie lo bis tongue. Poor Bush ! I used o dnsnisA turn nnu, T u: e . . . . r ..hi., ior ne is Pull"cally in his death struggle. Bv the nJ Bu8n w'i'e speaking of Jo Dre o.u iuat ue requireu a large "clerical force" in mauaL'ini? bis Quarter M ters accounts. IlUt do von unn.w- tlr. . Drew wants with a " clerical force." t J was of the opinion lhat both Bush and Drew were far beyond the reach of afcler ical force, from the Pope of Rome to Delu sion Smith, inclusive, O'Meara amused his audience, if he did not con-tare ihem, and also established a claim to Oregon Democracy, by a liberal sprinkling of obscenity. His remarks were aimed in defence of his political career in California, and in showing flush in his true colors. Upon the whole, I think O'Meara rather a superior specimen of the genus Democrat. Don Quixote, alias Delazon Smith, after the usual application of soft sawder" a la Joe Lane, undertook to prove tha' there was no 'Salem clique.' But this popular humbug, as be terms it, is too apparent lo be doubted, even on tbe leslimony of the Knight of the rueful countenance. H regretted that the opposition candidates had chosen lo carry on this canvass on per sonalities, as he would have preferred di cussing questions of National Policv. I dare aay he would ; I can think of nothing less iiaety io please Dm than personalities. He said he was a patron of every paper in Oregon, except ihe "abolition paper, the j Arj ": I hope and belie, never! !,-, 1 that the Argus may live and flourish with out hi patronage, long after be is forgot leu, Jle has concluded not lo read Ste phen A. Douglas out of Ihe Democratic Party, for differing wild Buchanan on the Kansn question, for which piece of gener osity, I hop Douglas may be duly grslefo If It were not for writing loo long a letter, I should like lo tell you bow ibis renegade preacher blasphemously quoted Scripture one moment, and the next uttered ribald and Indecent anecdotes; how he was limes condescending, and ag-iin sarcastic I will give you one instance of his sarcasm while speaking of Du.b he said that "all bis failings h-aned to virtue's side": now could anything be more bitterly sarcastic than tbal I fur of course Delazun would not have us think thai ha is such a foul as to Ulievs anything of the kind Buth lean ing to virtue's1 side, indeed! Preposter oust Again, I could tell you bow Quix oie strutted and spluttered, gesticulated aud declaimed, about tha "glorious Union t ho stars and stripes, blood of our forefu there, Marion o tbe Mexican war, lime honored usage,1' Ac., but I must leave all thai lo your imagination. Messrs. Whituker and Heath "being unaccustomed to public speaking," die had nothing particular lo say, and said nothing particular. Hence, I hey may be supposed to bo wouJerfully smart men. D lazon, however, said lhat talent was nol necessary tqt the office of Governor; and perhaps Mr. W hi taker was selected as can diddle for tbal office, on account of a tola destitution of thut superfluity. I must say in closing, thai I am under great apprehensions for Joe Lane. It ap, pears thut each wing of the Democracy claims him, and intends lo bang on to him to ihe last : now fur pity's sake, don't let them split the old man, as ibey have the party, if you can possibly prevent it. I am, dear sir, as usual, An Observer. lUrubllcan Mccllai la Jseksoa t'-saatt Piicenix, 0. 'P., April 10.1858, A convention called by the Republican party of Jackson county for the purpose of normua'tng candidates for county offices, met at Phoenix on Saturday, lOth inst-, und organized by calling L. A. Rice lo ihe chair and nominating D. T. Geiger sicro tory. un motion, a committee ol three was appointed by the chair lo draft resolutions expressive of the political sentiments of ihe convention. The committee reported tbe following: Whereas, the object of all human gov. ernni.nl is to eaiubli.sh justice and lose- :ure liberty lo the governed, and whereas our own is in a prominent manner based upon llns great principle, and stands forth lo the wor I.I as thn dfi-mler of it, and whereas in this, us well as in the govern menu of the Old World, ibis principle finds numerous nituoncnts. aud u ben as political aspirants have manag dby in irigun to obtain ihe reins of irovernmeiil. ana have prostituted its powers m crushing out ihe genius of liberty and of self gov. eminent and to the building up of the in stitution of human slavery timlcr the sa cred name of Democracy therefore, ikusolvetl, 1 tin t we are opposed lo tbe policy of the so-called Democratic nartv. and will by combined action do what we can to wrest the reins of government from tbeir bauds, and restore il in us operations to the establishment and development of uie nalloweil principles for which the Fa thers of the Revolution instituted il. Resolved, 'l hat the Republican rartv stands forth pre eminently as antagonistic lo the policy of ihe party now holding the reins of governm.-nl, and that we corrlrnlly adopt as our political creed the platform laid down by thai parly in the Philadelphia Convention. On motion, thn resolutions were adopted. The chair appointed a commiitecof five lo report candidates for the several offices of tho county. Cjintniltco reported the following; For Senator t. Constant. Representatives U, W. Itiod, T. B Willard, B. F. Myer. Sheriff F. (I. Freeman. County Clerk D.T. Geiger. ;' County Treasurer J. C. Davenport. " Assessor James Henderson. ' Judge-W. T. Lever. " Commissioner S. P. Taylor. On motion, the secretary was instructed to send the proceedings of this convention to ihe Argus for publication. L. A. RICE, Cb'n. D. T. Geiger, Sec' v. Republican Mass Hcetlai la Ltai f.euaty. Kendall's Church, Linn Co., April 28. I808. Pursuant lo previous notice, the Repub. liean mass meeting convened al ibe above named place, aud was temporarily organ rzed by calling Dr. John Perkins lo the chair, and appointing John A. Ambler secretary. On motion of John Marks, Ihe chairman and secretary pro tern, were elected perma- nent officer of the present meeting. On motion ofT. 8. Kendall, a commit- tee of one from each ol the election pre cincts represented, was appointed to nomi nate candidates for the offices to be filled in this county al the ensuing June election. On motion of T. S. Kendall, commit tee of three wM appointed by the chair, consisting ofT. S. Kendall, John A. Dun lap, and Joshua Brooks, to draft resolu. lions to be presented to the present meeting. After a recess, the last namej commit. tee presented the following resolutions, which after a prolonged discussion, were adopted without amendment alteration : m K Tho American been designed W secure lfetdom"((,"i,i e, le,,., and not io extend or irwitlt very a. w. Urn frm ifo'lfcU our nd.-prnde.ice, end the Con.il... growig oul of.ha. In.irument, M 2 and re.er. Ihr documents tmu J" nel.her .r. abstraction,, , .jj flourishes, but pMii, practical V,,lfl J fundamental in a .trurture truly lUaUi tan Hie bulaaik of our libe,, , !' Ing Mar of genuine Republicans frorr! i ili biril, of our great comuiouwealib, until ik! pieseut niouiriil. w a. A deparrure from these great as. Iional landmarks, in the repeal of iu, sou ri Compromise in lh 1st, deCi.U ,J Him Supreme Curt, which at-.mpt, to trouulix. slavery, and restrict the uni. alily offreedom. in 'he endeavor of ih,."' sent administration 0 force on frr. uL tory a system that defies (Jod snd lUL1 sir-pa are found, is alike unjust and ml lino ; and although dons under lhegJTf popular rights really tends to curtail ihJ rigbis J to concern rate p,,ar j )je jTJ of the few, and lo prepare ihe way fuf ,ri tocraiio or monarchical rule. 3. While republicans ihe'rtfor, f,M( ate ihe idea of mlermeddlieg wjt, ' ' as il exists in the alav.h0.li,,g.u.,of 7 Union, they claim it as their righi to,,, deaor to si Irui'U lo ll.e prng.e,,0f ,u luminous yiem-in chain the iiM' i bat il may no longer overran awl del crate lerri onal soil, that should foreer hallowed 10 freedom ; in doing ,jtB will labor to bring back Hie government I its pristine purity and integrity ; to , throw the reigning djnasiy, blackened by fraud, violence, and blood, and to reiii.ial l be fallen system lhal embraces, and euios to all its citizens every rifii thick each one can justly claim. 4. As Oregnnian-. .e feel dei.rmin.d lhat Ihe black flag of slavery, marked bv despotism and deaih, shall never be ' furled on our Pacific shore; and to accom plish ibis object, while weimiieioouror. ganixalion ciiizeits wiilioul regard lopant, name, or title, who will crmtcnrl for if,, sublime coiistiiutiunnl doctrines ami arse lices immorializyd by Washington, Frank, lin, Jefferson, Madison, Mi.nr.ie, and tbeir ' dralblesa eo.npat riots iu the cabinet ant) in the field, w will vole for no man liowj advocate tho extension ofslatcry into terii. lory yet unoccupie.l.or who will indorse ike views of the present admini.tra'inn in ri-l. lion to what is Ihe Ucmsion Curisliiulion, The committee on nouiiiiaiioiispresentid ihe names of the following persons as can didates, who were in sucus'i'v-a unani mously elected 1 For Slate Scmi'e or Territorial Coua. cil Luther White. For State Seriate J. P. Tate. For State or Territorial Legislature J. F. Iluckenstow, J. N. Per kins, J. Connor. For -State Legislature J. R. MuClore. For County JuJ-re David Gray, Assessor C. Brnnis.-- SberilT-O. C. Gallagher. Cleik-D. H. Bonine. rVcaMiri'r John Smith. Sur veyor David '1'hompsim. Coroner J, II. Bramwell. Superintendeiil Cuinmva Schools T. S. Kendall. On mo'ion, resolved that ihe secretary be requested In furnish the Argus, Si sirs man, and Oregonian, each with 4 copy uf tha proceedings of 1 Is is meeting, with s re quest to publish in the columns of ilitir respective journals. On motion, adjourned tine. die. J.N. PERKINS, Ch'n, J. A. Ambler, Sec'y. The National Dhunion Party. The Maysville (Ky.) Eagle makes the fallowing ' sensible remuiks upon the rant and fustian of Domncruts about their br ing the only National party, while il is in fact tin Sol- bud of disuniouiam. li is a true picture of nodern Deiuocacy 5 Il is a very common thing to hear Lot focos claim that lbs Democratic party i tbe only Nionn) pa t y in ihe country. and In iis success we owe Ihe prese'valiort of the Union. Now, we don't rrcollsct , ever to have heart) a-aybudy else fhrrsien a dissolution of tbe Union ctet-pf Members of that party, and il therefore hasshsjt sounded as strange logic to ns to bear then claim themselves lo he the Uuion-isvrrs, when they ulone time endangered il. The manner in which Ibey save lh Union is about iu thiswise: Tbey say to the balance of iho country, Oun l only party whoso primaVv r National and pntriotic, and unless, therefore., yon put the government into our possession, will dissolve the Union al onse. Their tbrents give ihem success, and atonoe lkey arrogate lo themselves all the credit of averting the dangor with which lbs try was threatened. . This resembles a good deal the conducl of a highwayman, who after demanding , the money of a traveler at the mouth of a loaded revolver, iben claim the gf",ua v, ,,ci j.iiiiiirrcil .llinui) r . 1 1 ..1 ..;.:. d victim, because ne not rake his life, t rake bts Itle. - 1 ti. ... .tu,,it n.rallel. ana lie i-u vitBU n-o I ... every one who will think about il for mV mem will see that it is just so and w .ka ruiimenl 1 eo I wm-fh, r . - ilressetl, that if Democracy has saved Uie country, 10 inquire who else has ever pro posed its dissolution. No Locofoco ca answer it successfully- CCTThe Repuplican National Executive Committee, of which Senator Lym" Trumbull is Chairman, have issued acir. cular calling for thorough organizatloa of the Republican party throughout the United Susies. T Rev. John M. reck, of the Fpu't Church, oae of the oldest and most widely known clergymen in the Mieswipj vs lev. is announced. He died at Hit - de'nce at Rock Spring, Illinois. VATihe United StaM Hotel, jj ' "'"iS less, by w.c. Joh . city "J r JAM Bsown lo Mrs. JH-ai -., - - L"l. thiseity. May 1-. by Rt Br fVliet, Capt Js Miarca lo M- L W .ad. Rsf. bmh f Oregon City. 9ZSB: - a sjsnoa eriy. May l,ef urn having lr.roac V. CinTws-o, Printer, aff yanv