I tTUnuri Hil (Leenartl W,ii.) navigator ov iht .par wuainrt Hiver an. out) hlni-if t DrpanUVnt kmliji for Governor ov Oregon at the nrtijnn alaolien, subject to lb laJeplndenl Volar of Orotfoo I I ra for tho imprormtnt o our Riv rt and Harbor, the Pmifik it I Rod, a mora exWntiv siatem of kouim skonk rkononii in afitir o Uuvernmeol, tlx niprealnn of gnblinir, tL'enrral reform in our Wen and Mmum, tnUo in vur iriit Urlhojran, and thiiro Diseininasliun ov ihn refurin In th Divine) Lawsriv Naiuro. Wilanit Rivkr, April 35ib. 9b. Katie b hrtby givca that lit annual moling of the Oregon Tempcrau ABMuialion will be held (I Portland m Tuesday tbt 11th of Mir, 1858, al 10 o'clock a. m. The xcutiv eomm'tte of (hi Swift t Iheir Um meeting, March 99lh. arveed the fuUowina object u worthy of discussion by llit friend of 1 tmperane, Tin 1 h attainment rrum our kgi. latur of such cluing in our prvseut been law Ihe inalrad of the petitions for and rsmoustrsncee against Ilea um, thara shall ba a vole annually in ach preciuct whether liquor shall be naU aea bevorag In thai precinct) and 2d, whtlliar far. ooo Leagueo ought not ba formed in our eitiroaud precincts to enforce our present license law. O. Dicaixsoa, See'y. xUltileat Nolle. The nail annual marling of the Oregon flili'e Society will bo held at Portland on Ilia J3tu of Mar aexl,ouninifociug at 10 o'clock a. u. Dasiil Iligi.tr, Sec'y, April 34, 18:8. t9Tho Oregon Auxiliary Troct Society will hold its tenth auuivsrsary at Portland Mar I3ih, at lOe'olockA.xi. G. H. Atkikbo", See'y. ouaozr oivv nmaxNAxr. THE Trustees of tliie instilut.uu or happy te announce that a school will be opened about tlw Sirrn or Mar, under tho direciiou nf Rev. F. L. HODGSwN, recently of Philadelphia, an experienced and competent teacher, who intends to make hie reatdeuce her and hia couuretiun with tho Seminary permanent. Th first term will eominua fur cleren weeka. Tuition, from au to aiua dollars, according lu the grade of etudiea pursued. Board can bo obtained in good families in tho vicinity at reannab.e rate. The publ c may be assured that no pains will bo pared on the part of In Princ.pal or Trualrea to uaaa Una school equal la any in Orr iron, and especially dooming of Ilia patronage l parent a inisvciuny. a. I1UL.UUUUH, May I, Ib'5d,-3w4 for the Trustees. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PBOOF SATES, ITfA JIall'i Patent Powder Proof Locks. th same that were awarded separate - medals at the WarltCs f air, Lv don 1851, and the World's Fair, New York, 1653. and are the only American Sats that vers a wanted medals at the London World's Fair. milESE Sara form the moat perfect security JL against Fir and Burglars, of any safe ever Herod the public, awl can only be bad o the sub. aeribers and Iheir agents; who havoon hand and maka to older, all k;nd of Dealer and Culled Iron Bank Chut two Vaults, Vault Dooaa, St Money Boxes, or Chests for Brokers, Jewelers, ot Priest Families, for Plaits' Diamonds, and other valuables. And are also Putuuteee (by purchase aud mauuraciurers 01 jokes' mtknt riuuTiTioi iank lock. 8.C. litKKINU A.I.O., AVJ.M Broadway, nr. Murray it, N. Y. IT AGENTS fc. FmGiaAi.o it Co., oi VV. G. AVinokll, San Franciuo, Cat. 3m3 To Oregonlans ia Bad Health. TTIGIILV IMl'UKTANT Ttl THE SICK! JL J. It is awlul to note Ih haugard, sallow, ca elatarous faces and wasted skeletou forms we meel! This is not confined lu the old, but we seo I lie youuir, able-bodied, and Ikaae lu the prime of I ft- complain allur being krn sauie time of illness ; aome gnitr unnaturally fat suddenly ; others wunie aerd raw thin j they eaniint Incnl.zo or describe their disease, yet they feel universally unwell. mentally aud physically ; aome have pains ami wenkneasin Ihe briaul, luiba, or body: lln-y feel want of munciilar and mental riivrgr. a want of ininiiMiaj, and hare fearful foreboding for the fu tun, poor afth'irte, nereuua irr.tuejility, aad uleep leasneas; llieirskiu is dry, and occasionally fluli,d and heated, thin, pnllnl, ami yellow. Now sudden deaths, limncy, und unirvrsal de bility ia too, too prevalent here aud who wnmlers, when combined with a climnie l.ke this, a dry air impregnated with eleclnoily and galvauisin T We elnve niary who hn passed lliroilh aiekness, w hose life at inleiiiperare aud debauched, or have seen others who tiave been nearly dociored to death toy quack medicines, or by the advice of " The V acuity," who have impregnated them With mercury, calomel, &c. For all such casea ia Dr. Jacob Webber's Invig orating Cordial Sanguifier most especially adupted, inasmuch as I be above eases and aymplmnadid Dr. Webber aaimrely study in adapting his cordial In their core. It eiiiivens the torpid liver, ejects all billioue mailer from the system, causes sudation, or free perspiration (no necessary to health), purifies and variclrea thn blood, gives strength to the limbs and body, and ia pneltively infallible iu all nervous diaeasaa, Irembliiig, or wukefulneaa. There never was a remedy which gave such de light to the sufferer aa this. The Agent can, from his own knowledge of cures effected by it, con oeiontioualy recouunead it in any of tho following otiaeoaes; Nervousiiesa, weakness, languor, lose of ppotil, sleep, ot strenjih, Irembliiig, low spirits, decay of tho natural functions, pains iu the head, limbs, or body, neuralgic or rheumatic, and it olleu restores those to health and strength whose consti tute ate almost broken. DiaiUTr ro nuui, clinatk, DinrTior, oa MBAVcitKar. Strength, vivacity, mid vigor to the limbs, body, and mind, ia given by Pr. Jacob Webber's latigonting ConiuU itaeuusaa elec tric thrill of life through the worn-out body, weak limb", and broken-down oonrtilutiono t gives aa up petit, removes dyspepsia, cahns irritability, eansea qaiet sleep, and is indeed the finest ionic, nervine aad songti fier, ever made. It ia purely a vegeta ble compound, and eau be used by Ihe in t deli cate female. The reader ia cousciviitiously aasared h is aH H is represented. CT In quart bottle price $3 or two Aa $5. Wholesale Agent, T. JONES, 185 Montgom ery at, 8oa Francisco, to whom all orders can be addressed. Feb. 2Tui3 Tla Teeia, alr, aa HVIa, for tS ct. Lafout'a West India Soap Touth Root ia a su perb deatifrico, lathers ia the mould like soap, ia del eioue to Ihe tnate, whitens the teeth, polishes (without iojuriog) tho enamel, purifies the breath, and by ita lathering property cleanse the mouth, too rue, and throat. fat dressing and forcing the growth of Ihe hair, Jones' Coral Hnir Restorative. Thee are ita qual.tis: It will force the hair to grow dark, atop iu falling out, cure acurf, or dandruff, dress lha bair beautifully' dark, aoO, silky. Price 2i & 50 ceota per botllo. For curing eroptioaa. pimalea, freckle, sunburn, tan, and discolored skin, lha beaatilul effect of turned Italian Chemical Soap delight all who oao it. Itmakeaihemosteaarse.red.ondyellowakin whit and dear aa a yooug child's. It ia emollient aaa) softening fur infants, and ia the beat shaving ap mad. Price 35 ents. Said at lb a dots price at every respectable drug store ia California aad Oregon. - Proprietor, T. JONES, 185 Muoigoawry at., tjaa Franeieco. I V 8 T R E C E I V E D, J a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS If SHOES, and Drr-CaMMJt l all Derlt)lia. We ek wtm fill alaoaf any kill a fanner may call 1st. iaii aaa see. March 14- CHABVAX k WAXJEK. ATTENTION, FARMERS ANDMERCHANTS TTTE ARB NOW RECEIVING dirael from IT Ihe Eaalarn Slat lh following ankle f MERCHANDISE, which w will ecll cuaar roa caas) at wholaaole or retail Th reassert aa4 Iteapera, Itovolving hay and grain raks, Hay prvw,liay rakes, hand. Hay loik", seyih k, snaths, Graprviu graia cradle, Ciianl's He.lsgred graia cradles, Straw 4 hay auiling buses, Uraiu seoops, asamhws sack, lliwa, AiikV Im, No. I, maiiur forks, potato books, X H sleel plows, X l steel plow, N. 6 7 Peoria plows, EtteiMuou cullivaiurs, sleel teeth, Hunt's sirs, with at without hdls, liickoi' eider mill. grimhOousa, grind.lon haneinn, eow bells. lhsriiHimelerchurus,sslf.saliugprsrvo jara noi a uruuraa, iiotm eanla, curry combo, horse covers, sheep sliesrs, pruning knives, Eruu.ng sheara, red clover seed, iy blue grass seed, apple-parers A slicera, i and lug chains, cable and trav do,, I bows, slap hinge, self-closing gal do., sheep bells, paleut rat Imps, sieve, wire fur sisvea, spun colluu, all aiia, bai k mills, lauuera' luuls, carpeuieis' liuls of every description, boring niavhiues, with arils of auger, Faiibank' plailurm scales, carriage bauds, wagon bona, pip ditto, iron axlra, carnage springs, bJlu at bauds. children s carriages, doors, sash Jocks, laic hi a, eaien,, bulls, screws, puuU, oils, null aaH,irusH-ul do., lima, plaster, truwels, paiul brushes, sliu do., whrelbarniws, slur trucks, atroiubuat do., clucks, coop. rs' tools, Irasa li'', S r ug clmliea plus, smiths' bellows, anvils, a. rew daios, rivaling hainiiiera, Miiitli' do., breast drills, lever drills, huraa.aho nails, milli' Inngs, beeswax, ma n, ludia rubber boning, do. packing, rope, hails, oakum, pitch, lar. siiike. and many other artic.es not here inenlioned. Keiueiuuer ail lu aa a.,to u..w rua cash. lietler call aud sea us bsfur purvbaamt- sb where. Wji. C. DEMENT ic Co., myl Oppatiti Land Office, Oregon City. JUI llfCt'iVt'tl, A LOT of superior UEI) HLANKETS and bTocumu aaa, from Ilia WMamette Woof. Un Stamijaclory. my 1 W. C. DEMENT aV co. Sheriff'g Bale. TIY MUTUb of au executioa issued out of At Ihe United blele Dislriet Court for Ihe Sec uud Judicial Dislr.ct of ilia Territory of Oregon, ana cuuuty u wnuikamaa, lu I. vol oi U. C. Pratt agaiust Lowel L Peck, to me directed, and com maud ug me tu make out of the property of the said Lowel L. Peck the aum of one hundred and nil). seven dollars uud Iweniy-f.ve ceuia judg nwut, and interest Ihereou amouuliug to one bun Uredaud I luce dodurs, lojjether Willi forty -eight uouars ami eigniy cents costs and aoeruing casta, aud lor want of personal property beloinrinir to said 1'rck to salisly said execution, I have levied upon aud shall proceed tu sell al publiu vendue to Ihe higliinl bidder Tor cash all the right, tille, and in teicst which Ihe said 1'rck now has or which he had on or since tin- 4ili day of April, Ioj7, iu and lo lha following described real ealale, to wit : A part of the laud claim kunwu and desigualed ou Ihe pluieuud mupsof Hie L'.S. rjurveya aa claim 51 m T. 3 S. It. U E. of Ihe WilUmeite mer.diaii, beginning at a point IU die. 70 Ike. weat of Ihe eoulh-t-nel corner ol Ihe south-west quarter of sec nun nve (.i; lu I J s. It. !i r. , llieuce auuth aeven clis., ttieiivo snuth 4'J d. g. K S uha., theuce north 7-1 deg. 15 nun. K. twenty-two ch , thence uor h 3J deB'. W. iwenly-two t-hs. aeveuty Ikt. In the place ol beginning, ciililaming tweuly and on luiinli acres, mure or less Also, lots numbered live dS six (5 & 6) iu block uuinb. red forty-eight (4H) iu Oiegou Cny, iu said cuuuty. Sale tu lake place at the Court-1 louse door iu Oregon City on Wr.iiMjsiur, the Hit invorjuxa, lh.8. at U o' clock r. M. ALMOND 1 IOI.COM B, May 1, 1653 35 Sheriff Claekamai Ct. 3JsI Professor &. TO. ALUSON T EUS leme lo iiil'onn Ihe ladii a and geutle XJ men of OREGON CITY ami ita r.cniity that having nnw permaueiilly settled in Oregon City, hu is prepared to givo l.S'S'l RUCTION iu l.STIClJ.li:TAI. fll'.aK, Viz: GUITAR, FLUTE, CLARIONET, fc. Dy hia long exier.ence ill leaeliing in lh At lantic Stiles, he llnltera hiimelf lliat he can give eut.ro salislaciion to all who may please lo patron ire him. Iusiruineula and musiu mruished, if de sired. N. B. llands taught, and all kinds of music arranged. fjT Inquire at Ihe City uook Store. April 34. I8.'i8. S6 McXaXIXmVZIsLS COLIiSOB. milE UEGUIiAlt Siiiiiiner Term of this In jL stiluiion will cominenea ou Wtcu.nxsuAr, Ar an. 31st, I8.18, aud continue twenty-two weeka. Tim design of Ihe Institution ia lo leach young men lo think independently und correctly. Wo seek Ihe real intellectual and moral improvement. It is expected that all who repair to tins pince to spend a season of onmparulive retiremeut from ihe world, will have the desigu of Ihe Institution dis tinctly in view. 1 lie f acuity consuls of the following persons : Riv. Uko. 0. Ciianul, O.D., President, and Professor of Moral aud Intellectual Philosophy. D. Pr, A. M., Professor of Lutiu aud Greek Laatruugea. C. II. .Uattuon, Professor of Mathematics. A. Post, I , G. L Russell. l'"- Air. .Mattoon iravela during ihe summer fnfu-r July 1st) fur the purp-ee of securing an endow ment for the Iniiitiition, but takea hia post aa I eaeher at the commencement of the fall term. Mr. Post cornea mm the Institution ua soon aa th Profeasorsh p ia endow. J. TERMS. From $6 toQIOper quarter, ac cording lo the advuiiceinenl of the pupil lo ba puid in advance, hoard and other accommoda lions can be obtained at low rate. Book aud stationery furnished at lh liist.luli n. It w desirable that all should commence at th beginning of Ihe term, rt possible. The College is located at MuMionville, one of the inoatpleasautsituaiiona in Oregon, on theS4ith Fork nf the Yamhill River, about four mile from Lafayette (Ihe eounly seat), and ia the midst of an enterprising aud religious community; and, il ia thought, presents tery euptrior accommodations for such aa desire a thorough and ueeful educa tion. IIKNKY WAKHK i, lw3 President of the Board of Trustees. OREGO.1 MARKET. MESSRS. N. N. MATLOCK AND S. L CAMPUbjl.L desire to inform tho inhabitania of Oregon Cily and vicinity lhat they have kuly REMOVED their market up Maiu el reel, Nearly Opposite the Post Offic, where Ihey will keep constantly on hand Ihe beat qualiiyof FRESH BEEP, FORK. MUTTON, also Cora Beef, Bacon, Butter, Egg, and all k i uds of vaotTABLu hi bo bad in tho country uf which will be offered at Ihe lowest market rales. - Caaa paid lor all in auove-mrnuoued ar ticles. April 84, 1650. 25,000 fb7F,R Ctitmak, Apt 17. JOS. BAKSTOW. ALL wh arc iodebted to Ihe firm of Chabmas) at Wasmxs are requested to call at thoir tor and aeule by cash or noe forthwith. t IIAUMAN k. WARNER. Oregon City, Feb. 6, 1958. Caldron KetUet 0 F from rite te irty pPoea, at .MIIWAl. . T.CBII. A, W4INSI. Ohatfnaa ti Warner. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLiasLa atVAiL Dralrr lu Orr Gaoda, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glassware, Unms, ohoee, faints, Oil, dr., la lhir Drt-prof Brick Main iraur, oir.o.i cirr, oikooi. UNION MARKET. Iii.wri j nst epened an extensive Masiit lions It UuTcHsa Siior in lb bo Mint next Quae o low lh real unice, whr I shall kei0ou stoall) on hand a supply of BEEP, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, and ether kind of ax at, a Well aa Vegetables, oniier, ijr. and en rv lh nf eotnnuia lo a mar. kel house. Th meal d. partirwut will be kept in a sty! superior lu anything heretofore a in lb ity, and palron will be aeouuiinudeled aa lo Isrms. Cult and try mi. WJI, NEURIT, Oregon I ity, April If), IR.' 8. 5'Jtf IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID II AND Cbnrtrmi St Warner HAVE REMOVED to their Brick Building ou Affli it., formerir eeciio ed bv Wm. Holme dc Co., wber Ihey are prepared to do kusi. ss on me same o:u plan. We have on baud a lensral aaaurtment of Drv Gooila, Grow r e, ot I'rovbwua, and ever)- nlher uing in lariusr wnnir. April IU, 1858. Wi b-li'i'i I'liabrltlgtid DICTIONARY Revised and aularged di lion fur aal al the CITY BOOK STORE. i. C. AINSWUBTH. WM. DIERDnHFF. AI.XSUOUTII A DICRDOUFF, Wnoi.ESAI.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY . GOODS, CLOTHING. Loots ct Shoe, and Crockery, la lb new Fire proof Drick Mala rraxxr, OREGON CIT7. 0. T. DIERDOIIFF A CO. IIAVK HE- mov.d to lh NKW FIItF.-PROOP BRICK, next door tu Ihe brick formerly owned hy Holmes, The firm will hereafter be known as AINSWORTII it DIEItDORFF. AINSWORTH&DIERDORFF. w ARE MOW OPENING IN Till New rire-rroof Brick, A LA SO AKD WILL ASSUBTKD OC Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure against fire, we will new Offer Greater Inducements than ever lo the public. Wa are constantly In receipt of selected with Ihe greatest care (aa l price and quality), aud are confident that our facilities will suable ua lo offer and foods AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freight on), and would advise all those visiting this cily to purchase goods, to examine our Mock and prices before put chasing elsewhere. have, and are jnt receiving, au tuvotce or B&T-O00B8, consisting iu part of the following articles Cochc co, Pacific, lladicy, Couesteg", tiprague, Philip Allen, Kail River, Merrimac, Briggs.aud numer ous nlher clinics PKINT8, all late etyle; Eng lish a. French merinos, Lyoneio cloth, mohair and other Debaxe ; braie, wool, it niuahn do luiues, black, blue, purple, it pink meriuos, fancy plaids, iaeonet, book, awias, tt mull muslin, ladies einb. sets, collars, bdkfs It skirts, dtraa it bonnet trim mings, French It domestic g nghains, French lawns from 131 lo iSt, blue, mixed, A grey eati- net, wool ct cotton iraiw, eoltonade, bleached and bruwu sheeting from 3-4 to IU-4 wide, brown and bleached drills, den ins, hickory shirting; Silesia, marine, brown, aud Irish lineu, nankeen, d aper, and crash, a large lot of Itueu and thread laces and edging, hosiery, dee. MEN'S d BOYS' CLOTHING: Blue, black, and brown cloth coats : 10 dot blk cloth vests, 5 dm while and buff Marseilles do, velvet n ud aatiu do : 3U dux aatiuel uanla, doeskin and fancy casaiimre do, 3D dot merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, St black cloih over coats, wiih a general assortment of reuts' furnishing goods. v BOOTS SHOES Men's, boys', and youths' hoots ; lad.es', misses', and ehildrens' mo rocco, gual, kid, and call Congress boots, with At without heels; ladies' kid slipper. Rio and Java coffre, black and areen tea, X. O., China, Balavia Island, Cal. refined, and crushed augar, East Boston, Cal., sugar house, and golden syrup; ra!l,5lo!tOU lb sksj 10U kga nails, aaa'd sixes; IMI's pale, chemical and English aaip, snap powder, powder, shot, and lead, yeast pow er, saleratua, cream tartar, smoking and chewing tobacco, green corn, pent, tomatnte, etraio and Uacklierriee, in 3 lb tina ; spice, peppi r, and cumin, pearl barley, macaroni, vermcelli, corn atarch, liiiond", walnuts, urnxii auta, raisins, Chili peach es, dr.ed fruit ; mackerel, in qra hlf bbla, sardines. A nun assortment or CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY 20 crares assorted ware, 40 dox steel picks, 30 ' Dutch and Ildla bees. While Lead, Oil, and Window Glass ; with a variety of other article usually kept. ILr "0 win pay cash lor wheat, Hour, bicon, utter, eggs, aud almost everything the fanner has for sale. A. is D. Oregon Cily, April 10, 1858. UST RECEIVED, the afef ryr nf bilk satin liONNETd, Leghorn At, straw flata. AINSWORTII & DIKKDORFK. Land for Sale. A HALF SECTION of good land ia for sale, ( tuated on Claekamai. 51 miies N.E of Oregoii City 41) acres uu-Jii der fence, half of which ia under cultivation y wtlh a young ubchabd or about 15U trees, aome uf which are bearing ; besides a small frame house aud out buildings. Th property will bo sold for cash, or traded for property in Oregon Cily or Portland. For further iiriiculara,rmiiireuf the ed tor of the Argus, bill DR. CARTE ICS PULMONARY HALS AM just receivtd by axranaa at ihe OREGON CITlf DRUG STORE. March 37, 1858. B 0 R S ES HOEING. HOSE who wish to gel their HORSES well ehod, and ipeedilu done. please call on OLD DICK, at the new Black smith shop opposite Allan It McKinlav'i store. Oregon Vily, March 37, 1858. ..-, r-c ,,., , e aaaortment of GOODS a cheap a they can be gHINGLES-O.or-le.b WMght .t tpy tlof. ia Qreg City. Dec. 5, '57. FULL assortment of V alike .Notions at DOZ. grape-vine eradlee for aale bv mh21 CHARM AN A WARNER'S. D WM. C DEMENT Ir. co. SANDS' Karsaparill. in aay qnanUty, at lha Good Vheat Wanted. OltEGt IN CI T f DRUG STORE. . Tf" " , T TtOR which lh h gheet mrael pne win be -a n nn7 n,-. A V iB h or trade, at th 16 'HhARMAN a WARNER. Sea. IMS CITY STORE. FYS, of different kind.. sale by "R A?" 8TORES' tf, , i.Z'V" CHARM AN at WARNER. 1 "" " BAILKY'S, L.aa City. 10 LiWffSSSeX. ORRIS' Poetical Work for aal by fH AIN PUMPS prie redoe-d-for aale by C. POPE, Jr. J avrM C POPf, Jr. Iatronls Bom Xndnitrr ( T II AVE now ia full opraiion a CABINET X SHOP la Ihla city, near Ih Cougrrgalioual eliurah, where l am manufacturing BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, B0PA8, and such other furaitur aa i wantad I by ih rf commuuily generally. There ia connected with mrahooa TUK.VING-LATIIK, where all sorts of lurniugean be dou. Large and small Upinntng'Wheel made la ardor, I am making a bolter article than imported fur' nilure, and selling it it a leas coat. Giv m a call jou will lose nolhiug by It, Oregon Cily, March 117, 1858. (OniS Amamox, rAJLaxsjui i THRESHERS, REAPERS, Alt U WE bav bow on the way from the Esstern State, Te Arrive aboiil the laal ( Aprils A SUPERIOR LOT at th sbovs-meulioucd machine. They combine all of Ihe latest Improvements, and w have no beeiialion iu aayiug that we believe them tu be the mot rEartu.T macuixk aow brought lo this coast They were constructed under our ewu supervision, having all lh altera- tiona aeceasary to reader thein suitable for lh country. Th THRESHERS consist of two, four, and ail-horse power (railway and sweep), with elcvo tors and every raseulial convenience known lu the machiue. Our REAPERS and MOWERS are combined mach ues, suitable for eiihsr mowing or reaping. I hey werk from two lu four horses, with aud without rake or, iu other words, on Is a aelf raktr. Xn aAddltion to the Above, W have, to arrive at lh saina time, lh following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria Plows, X 8, Boton Clipper Plows, Extension Cultivators, Qrapenine Grain Cradles, Scythes and Snaths, Utraw Cutters, Hay Presses, Hay Forks and Rakes, Uorss Rakes, Wheelbarrow, Shovels, Spades, 0XDS& MILLI, BARK MILLS, 4 TANNERS' TOOLS. Aim, a select asaortment of smiths' and carpr.nters' tools, With many other article not here mentioned. We would say to our customers and th public generally, if they are In want of any of Ihe above inrulioned articles, Ihey w ill do well te call anil are uure before purchasing elsewhere, aa we are deter mined to sell LOW FOR CASH. We would also add thai our Machine ire being rapidly Bold to arrive, lietler call and secure oue of them before too lute. If preferred, Machines delivered in Portland, if engaged before arrival. Wm. C. Lfc)MENT & CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, '58. Oppoiite Lmd Office. WM. C. DEMENT & CO , "VFFER for aale the following goods: ER for sale the following dot mill sawa, 7x8 feat, J dot null aawi 9 " Xcut do SO " cow bells (superior), 10 " handled axes, 10 11 without do 10 '' handled do, ass'd sixes, 10 11 potato diggers, 10 A lilies' spades, SO " curry combs, 500 lb wrapping Iwine, 100 14 I It packing, 500 feet I R heUiug; INDIA RUBBER GOODS of ill descrip tions. Oregon City, Jan. S3, 1858. HAVE JUST RECEIVED a iiaAW AssuRTaa.NT or JVISV XS-4 AS, AND UAVK rUT Prices Down In the Lowest Figure t Cum in, those who want roods cheap. nib 13. CHARM AN & WARNER. Iiidlit Rubber Good. JUST RECEIVED, direct from New York, Hospital cloth, Ureas! pumps, Nursing boll lei, lrc.,&c, at Ihe Feb. 0. OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. To the Afflicted. DR. HUTCI1INS' CELEBRATED BAL aam of Wild Cherrv, with a variety of hia other popular Botanical Medicinei, are now for sale al CHARLES POP ICS, Oregon City, and al JOSEPH BAKSTOW'd, Caneeio. 47y HCUOOls DOOaVNt SCHOOL BOOoVHlt EL. BRADLEY St CO. have, in nddiiion e In their well-selected Block or SCHOOL BOOKS, just received the following direct from the publishers: 950 dox. Sander' Series School Books, among which will ba found hia primers; 1st, 2d, 3d, 4lh, At 5th Young Ladira' and High School Render ; also 25 dox. Thompson's Prac tical Arithmetic, 95 dox. Willsou's U.S. History, school edition ; 25 dox. Parley's Universal History, school edition ; 90 dox. Intelligent Readers, 50 dox. slates, together wild a large assortment of slationerv. A'c, etc. Send your order lo lh CITY BOOK-STORE, and they will be attend, ed lo wilhnut delay. Jan. 93, 1857. Tor Bale. Ckf ACRES OF GOOD 4ml VI Upper Mnlalla Prairie. For particulars enquire ef E. L. Hbaoliv, at the Cily Rook Store in Oregon City. Feb. t, IP58. Hit AVIXG, HUAMPOOIXO, VC. THE public are respectfully informed lhat the undersigned have opened a SHAVING SA LOON opposite Messrs. Gibson V Potter' U.ll iaid Saloon. Hair Cutting, Sliating, Shampooing, tfC. done in th latest and most approved st; ls. Alan, liooi-blacking, light jobbing, Ac Gentle men's bed rooiiia taken care of. and all olher sniall jobbing dona ou Ihe cheapest and most exredilious tenna. JOHN tt THOMAS WARD, Jan. 30, 1858. Main it., Oregon City. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS! Ai veil as your Dimes I IF you want GOOD articles at Ihe lowest po. Bible price, call at CHARLES POPE'S slur, on Main street, where you will find a large Farm for Sale for $1,500. T OFFER for sal. a half socllon of JL land situated about six mile east of is.. II . II.... .11'. r. 1.. L'.-b.B.nli.m I !.. I!' HIVWW.I. V I.I WHH.HIWHtV.ia, eoutiiv, and about twenty mils from Salsm. Th (hip of Ih Und suits it well for ordiniry farming, and il I alao ne f th keel stock farm In Ih country. I h improvement include an hundred and twenty appl tree nf improved rruil ; also peach, plum, aud cherry Ire, all of which will soon be ia plentiful bearing. The location i favorable to lieallh, i bosuliful and pleasant Tim will be given en a part of th money al mo.leral inlerest, or good dock taken tor a part. For further particular call aa ma al lha ' Union Store," Salem, or address by letter. Information concerning il can alao bo had by ealliuf aa W. L Adarna of Ih Oregon Argus. rets, SI7, IMtMolllO M. IIOCU HtVCIMITY COL.I.EUE. AfJ. MILTON WRIGHT, Teacher, TTTILL enter upon hi firrt term In Ih Pri f V niary Dsparlmenl of lh Sublimity coller on Aloodiy lh VJd day or Aovember. 1 union per term of twelve week, 15.00 For each additional branch above the primary. nity com more. - . - Hy order of lb Trustee. Deo. 5. ALLKNJ. DAVIE, S.c'y, OREGON HOUSE, CORNER Third and Water atreels, eppuail Ihe Ferry landing. VKEVUH CITY. The traveling public are mpeclfullr lurlted lo give me a call. Ihe uur.uua IIOUSK Is th most plea, nlly located hotel ia the Territory, aud has been ao altered within lha last few week as to muke il ou of the most commodious Houses in the Terri tory. The table will always be supplied with th bed that lh Markut affords. Good accommodations for ladies and familie. Good stabling and feed fur horses, with proper tendance. tf" The stage-coach to aud from Salem atona at Ihe Oregon House. riictai Board and lodging, per week (7 00 Board, without loJgiug, par week tt 00 Single meal SO Nigbt'aludgiug SO J. 11AIIM, Aug. 8, 1857m6 Proprietor. W. 9. HatdUns, JSC X., LAFAYETTE, O, T. REFFRS TO Prof. A. Curlis, Cincinnati, Ohio; Prof.J. Kosl, ' Prof Courtney, La Fayette, Ind.; Dr. W. Anniirong, Findley, Ohio; J. Fisher, M. D.. Tiffin, ' J. Chaiuberlin, M. D., Tiffin, " Dr. li. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, renn.t Prof. J. llruwn, N. Y.j Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwaukie, O. T. W. P. Ilutchina' Ilalaain Wild Cherry il 95 Jnyne's Expectoraut 1 95 " Alleralive 1 25 Ayre' Cherry Pectoral 1 95 aud a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all times. And I am making arrange ments to manufacture my Balsam for the lungs, from the Oregon cherry. auglS BEAT THEM! WHO CAN! grranL plows, OF ALL SIZES, ARE now being manufactured and offered for aale in Oregon City, at the Blacksmith shop near Mr. Caufirld'a store. The undersigned, having had fire years' expe rience in the PLOW business in Oregon, begs leav to inform the farming community that he ia confident of bring able to supply their wants iu the Plow line, if they will give him a call. Deo. 86, 1857. J.W.LEWIS. Hano's Arctic Expedition, RL'SSKLL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and olher interesting works, for sal at lha rep 19 CITY HOOK STORK. BRICK. 100,000 roR8S;. epl9 ' WAT. C. DEMENT, f CO. A Few Cust-a OF that superior GREEN TEA just received by WM. C. DEM EN T St CO. 5 CASKS Crumplou's Medal'1 Tobacco at scp 19 WM. C. DEMENT & CO.'S. SETS hollow augers, for wheelwrights, for sZO sale by WM. C. DEMENT It co. Land Warrants PURCHASED II Y Jan. 91. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. 47) A A A SEAMLESS sacks formic by aSUUU WM. C DEMENT It co. YAMHILL TRADE. THE new and fine steamer ml aTi HaV built expressly for the Yamhill trade, will leave CANEMAII on Mondays and Fridaya for La rAVRTTt, and Wednesdays for pAVro nt 6 a.m. Nov.9l, '57. C.E.SWEITZER, Master. Notice to Shipper!. ON and after thia date, FREIGHT will be carried on Ihe strainer ELK by tho rule of "Ship's Measurement" Nov. 21, '57. C.E.SWEITZER. NEW GOODS, JUST received, a large and well-selected as sortment uf GOODS, consisting of French and English Mermns, Plaids, Sheeting, Canton Fiannel, Table Linen, Velvet Trimmings, Artificials, and olher fancy aiticlea, cheap for cash or pro duce. CHARLES POPE, Jr., Deo. 5, 1857. Main at. E- L. BRADLEY Co., ARE agents for Fowler St Wells' Life Illustra ted, Wa'erCure and Phrenological Journals. You that want a good fuaiily paper, lend in your namea Boon. Kubecrptions also received for Gndey a Lady a Book, Graham's Mar-uine, llariier's da, Har per e Weekly Journal, Ate. Send on your names ilh the cash, and you will be aitenato to. ChrtriiitiH dk Wartit.r HAVE ree'd a largo assortment of SHOES, embracing children's and ladies' shoes, and Gaiters, Buskins, and Bootees : l0 gents' iioots aud shoes, and gaiter of (II deacr.ption. ALSO, Cradle and scythe, snaths hoea, rake, forks, spades, aud shovels. TOR SALE, A SET of second hand TINMAN'S TOOLS and MACHINE complete, by Oct. 3.1857. E. MILWAIN. LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMBER eaa leave their bill with Chassis Il Wabkxb, which I will 611, and deliver the lumber ia Oregon City, if desired. H. S. BUCK. Oregon City, Jan. 16, 1858. 40lf ORANGES a fin let just reneived and for sale by F- CHARMAN. MAJS ACAULAVS Hurtory of F.ngland for C. POPE, Jr. I by tTTK WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for good WHEAT at the market price. aovIS CHAKMAH nAUICK. - A Saddle Hart OR SALE. AppV C. POPE, Jr. OREGON CITY Wholosalo lric)i Onrroat. aoaascTau wbsxlt. var oooua. ) saw It Hxoiciaia. Shstlng,4-4....11sl91 50pr.cl.ovsr N. Y.ccat Drilliug 13' raouica. Bleached drilling 1 i Wheat, pr. bo.....J,Ji " thirling, UaUOaiB do ...75aHO Striped lie 12J Potatoes do 7 Ticking 14albOnion do...... t IH) Uanln 121 Hour t.-el Blue drilling H;Cora Meal, freab i plaid linaey 1 Ga.4f rat it. Salincl 7Ua9U;Appl, dried luaia Keutucky jeans... 95a4S'I'eacbee, dried Ma Jweed SS70) da p raiaT. ! " t-um, tinra.xvaa Blusand whit 191 raoviaioa. Blu and oraug 19! Pork , ehrer a"". Kaney eal ' a-o-- L...-Hiins. Am tf)al4:Ilanairf m do, wlda.lVi uacon ..18a3U.Bultr ....ISaliltEggs ....83abO! ruwtiaa. ,...50a75 llaard, pr ca.... M. do lalneB.., Gingham Alpaca Tab! damask. cloth... ..6Sa$IK " pr aeg.. I.;.l.ln.n JOaftlt "T, .,..m.s .Small cixa 82J.S 3.3, IS Sheep gray paul 823;Buok Satinet do. .$2B3 iaa. t- - - A. mlmZ'Hat Black caas. do. f 5a7;Whit lead, iu til...J R.dflan'1 shirt. 14al8! . . p... Uluedo. do. $l5al8;oianill. am. Hickory ahirt. Sa7' " ... t 9S lOalt ruiino do ntfaiat'CnP boots St aiioxa. esii.-s.-. Men kip boot f iJaliAdmanlin 3" nitr ov uo... e-wrw'"' fin. a.wcd 04 . ""'ss.A... it..-.1 kin hn.,i. ai.llavana ha'vv w'x doSUn9.0erinan ,tl0a9 Mens' brg's pr. dox.. 8 1 7; A mcricaa, am nra a pr uox.Bj.ut ... . Ami MIIDCD. calfaewed do..$JI Prideofthe U Women' h'vv sh s.8I3 Sun 30.35 37 ' 8ndo. RlS'liUae souaaixa. . llaDWAa, : 1814 i m 1 , 1 K tJImVAlB Tea C0a75jSpadea Sugar, no. lChi'a.... 15! Axe ... $!4al ,...12a90 90al ...75aU crushed gi;.viiiis- Saleratua lOaloIX omaawa. ....14'r.Wecullery, 35 parat ... . 95 advance oa la . a 95 aorat Starch Syrup E Bostou.. .. ,75;Pockel cutlery,- prtl do. s tainna.... N O Molasses anvaucs. ... . aadi'Olher rticV) .. 9a3 war from 30 laSOpf .. liiSR cl advance- oi N.ila.aaa'dBixc,prk iiv. Salt Table Salt Sandwich 1. Salt Pepper .'.'."!-4o " hori-Bhoa...35a4t '.V.OiValBisf oil ... 8all'Lamp I' Allspice.... Ciuuamon Soup Pnblio Notice. THE undersigned, composing the "Willamette Falls Railroad Company," Incorporated by n act of the Ugislativ Assembly ol uregoo Territorv, eulitled " An act lo incorporate lha Willamette Falls Railroad Company,' hereby ve nalic that Ihey will meet at lh units Slute Hotel in Oregon City on WaoNaenav, th 5th of Mav, 1858, at 1 o'clock r. a. of eaid aay. and open subenriplion book lor in sines, oi saw Company, and that Ihey will keep said booka open until at hast twenty-five thousand dollar of capi tal atock of said company ia laksn, purauaut M th 7th KOlioa of sa d act DANIEL WRIUIIT, CP. STEWART, May 1,1818 3wl THOMAS WRIGHT. Qolnr to the Statei. THE anderaigned will sell hia claim nf y.lil acres, situate five mile W. of I Lafavcite and four milea N. W. of Mo-J Miimville. Twenty acre of land in superior cul tivation, and bO in pasture ; well watered by aa mrroua springs and a living etream, lis faoilitie for irrigation are unaurpaawd. Il location at lha Toot of th Coast mountaina make it an excellsal slock farm. For beauty of aituatlon, iu dwalliag aite iB unrivalled u( wear enough ta a public thoroughfare, and within a m'le ef a good ecbooL Terms, ft 5 an acre cash. Also for atile a nrfw dwelling-house and two lot ia th village of McMinaville. A. DUNNING. March 90, 1858. 49tf Look Here, Friends. ALL Ihose who are Indebted te me are most respectfully invited to settle up their accounts, aa 1 need the money. EUGENE La FOREST. Oregon City, March 90, 1858. 49tf FARM FOR SALE. T OFFER my LAND CLAIM on th X Clackamas, twelve milea from Oregon 1 Cilv. on such terms aa will justify any. muu in purchasing who wants a good ela in ef 640 ACRES, having about SOO acre under fence, a good nr. eliard, flrst-rate barn, and good house. Faming utensils, and everything necessary to carry on Ihe place, will be aold with it- Time wMI be given aa part of the money. Fur terms, apply lo Charman & Warner. THOS. WATERBKRRY. December 26, 1857. 37w Circuit IndHcemente. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE FRENCH STORE in thia cily, takes this method t invito Ihe public to Call and examine hia atoek of GOODS. He haa Bow ua hand, aad will continue lo receive by almost every steamer, a fine assortment of lha best quality ef gonde, which ha is determined I aull aa cheap as anybody else, if not a little cheaper. The Ladle, lu Pit liculnr, are requ ited to corns where they will find Ihe beet and LATEST FASHIONS ef Dress Goods, of every description. lie has. and la constantly receiving, u n i GOODS, consislim; in pari of the following articles Cochceo, Pacific, Dudley, Oonealrgo, Philip Allen, Fall River, Merriinac.snd nuineroue other PRINTS, nil late si) Ice; English aud French merinos, Lyons clolh black, blue, purp e, and pink alpacaa, jaconet, book and Swiss innslin, a fine aaaortment of laces and edging, velvet trim, ings, kc, domestic gingham, bin, mixed, and gray satinet, sheep's grey and fancy cloth, Milford and Hunker Hill jeans, bleached and brown sheet ing, brow sad blu drilling, denims, hickory shirt. ing, black velvet, slsnafine lot of plaid dress goods, Brussels carpet, A c , 4c. net alt Boy' CUthlag. Ttlue. black, and browa cloth coals of the finest quality, twead business do., blsck cloth vests, a 6a lot of blk doeskin and satinet pants, an euaiiue and sixes, rubber jackets, gray over and under ahirt, htte and hickory shirts, Data aad cape. BOOTS k SHOES men's, beys' and youths' bouts, ladies', misse', and children's morocco, goat, kid, and calf boot and ehoee. It w no trouble to show goods, ana no win at waya be happy te aee hia customers, whether they purchase or not. EUGENE La FOREST. Oregon City, Dee. 6, 1 856. 34m7 selling orr AT GREAT INDUCEMENTS! I AM aow selling erT my ENTIRE atack of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Dry Good, Itoola, Shoe, Jlc, oVc. I have now a heavy atock oa hand of the very best quality sf good, exactly suited to Ihe wanla of thia market, which I am determined to sell very low and a mistake, ia order to okas oat th concern, prepar atory to leaving Ibia country, as my koaltli eosa. Lele me lo go back to France. Come oao, eoaaa all. and buy. EUGKN K LA FORKST, Oregon City, Aug. 99, 1857. lta JUST RECEIVED, a aew eopply of Km aad Java Coffee, Rice, Sugar, Hal Soda, Ac. smt99 C. POPE, Jr., Maia at AN aaaortment of Bible d Ttaal Is !. at Ih. R.7 prw by C- rOTE. J ..95 3 30