1 1 I 11 - - m -i ; it. Sljc Oregon Slrjua. w. l. aoasjs, iditok and raorairroa. OKBCKIII PITT I SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1858. REPUBLICANKOMINATIONS. BUte Ticket rot SSMSSKNTATIVg TO eOrlOSISS, J. R. McBbide, of Yamhill, ron ooviasoa, Joiuf Denny, of Marion. FOR 8RCRETART OF STATI, Leandeu IIolmks, of Clackamaa. FOR STATE TRI1SURFR, E. L. Applegatk, of Umpqua. - FOR STATE PRINTER, D. W. Ciuio, of Clackamas. Ft Judgt Supreme Court, 3d Diitrict, T. Condon, of Lion, for Pro. Attorney, G. L. Woods, of Yamhill. Correct!. In our report of the proceedings of the Republican meeting in ibii county, of last week, the name of James Winston, the candidate fur County Clerk, was inadver tently left out. The name of Joel Burlingamr, Re publican candidate fur County Judge in (bit (Clackamas) county, was alto left out last week, through a mistake of the sec retary of the convention. In publishing the list of Republican nom inees fur Yamhill county, the name of Henry Warrbx, candidate for Sheriff, was accidentally omitted. Mr. Warren is the present Sheriff of Yamhill, an excel lent officer, and is now on the track fur re. election. (r We have been absent the whole of this week (horse bunting si usual), and have bad but little time to prepare editorial. Those people who " never read editorial" wilt have a feast of other matter, all of which, like Peck's fare, is " the best the country a flu r da." y Judge Williams made t busbite peeob in this city last Saturday, late in the afternoon. Tbo poor man seemed much weighed down under the conscious, neas that he was out of his sphere in doing dirty werk fur the clique, and one who had been forced to go through the motions as i condition of being elected as a busb ite Senator. His effort was rather a weak ne, and failed to meet the expectations of his friends ; but we thought it was on the whole about as good as any of the clique could have done for such rotten cause as he is enlisted in. Aa soon as the speech was ended, the judge and his friends made a great rush fur the door, as if afraid some body would reply. t3T We understand that Czapkay's agent has returned borne from the South thoroughly disgusted with campaigning. The people in J tckson and other southern counties gave him the cold shoulder, acd treated him as a womanlibeler will always be treated among the high-toned chivalry. The present prospect is that be will not carry a single county, unless it be perhaps Marion and Linn by small majorities. (&" The last Occidental suggests that in order to start the Willamette Woollen Man ufactory, which has just stopped for want of wool, that llio clique shear a lot of bush ile democracy, and suggests that by com mencing on the Times editor, colortd blan kets could be made without dye stufT. We would suggest thnt by mixing Ilib ben's and Jake Woodsidei's locks, a blan ket could be made which would be an ex cellent type of the amalgamation democ racy generally. (KT The Herald (W. T.) says that a colony of fitly negroes lately arrived at Vic toria, Vancouver's Maud, fur the purpose of establishing a colony. The recent slave Archy from California is said to be one of the number. Thry are said to be well off as to funds, and expect large accessions of pop ulation from the African race. They will no doubt soon have a press of their own, and, in addition to other machinery, will of course need an editor. We commend Lane's organ grinder to their favorable consideration. 0 The Circu Company of Ilinkley ds Kimbal performed in this city on last Wednesday and Thursday nights to uncom monly full bouses. The performances were a great improvement on those of last summer, and many of the feats of horse manship were truly incredible. The com pany holds forth at Hillsborough on the 10-th, at Tualatin on the lllh, at Lafayette on the 12th, and at Dulles on the 13th, of this month. (ttT The Sentinel says that Professor Sisson was shot dead at Ashland mills on the Sib ult. by a concealed assassin. No clue has bean had to the perpetrator. tT New gold mines (says the Sentinel) have been discovered about right miles north of Jacksonville paying fifty dollars day to the hand. " New gold mines" will probably be the order of the day from this on till fall. Don't let every body run at once. (fiT The Republicans have carried the Chicago election by 1,100 majority. The Germans did nobly, generally sticking to tho Republican ticket. Ft tho Argot. 0 rellltcat V-rUttst. YONCAILA, UmFQDA, ) April 20, 1858. , The political commotions in lbs United States bare been caused by two great an tagonistic motives of human action. And though to many the difference between these principles may appear slight and In. significant, yet a moment's reflection and reasoning upon ibe philosophy of cause and effect will show a biatns between them as wide as the globe and that the totions of men impelled by these different motives mast morally be as dissimilar as day and night. And a littlo labor to apply these principles to the late doings of the SJu premo Court, the Congress, and the lead, ing political parties of the United States, will clearly demonstrate that in actual principle there are bat two great parties now dividing the American people. And wben the fundamental principles of these are known, it is easy for a man to ascer tain to what party he properly belongs, by simply applying these principles as tests to bis conscience. When a proposition is made to a man act. ing from the first principle, or that which constitutes the civilized man, he naturally and as if from the force of an instinct in quires, Is it right t ought I to do it! while a person actuated by the second, or that of the uncivilized man, as nat urally and instinctively asks, Will it pay t can I do it t Now a man with the leaat mental acumen is bound to discover the incompatibility of then principles, and that persons who act from the first never can agree or consent to the settling of great questions, moral or political, by this second principle. From the action of the first principle we have evidence of the existence of the human soul, while the manifesta tions of the other are simply animal. This second principle is now extremely popular with a large class of the American people, who, by bowling demagogue, and light-fingered gentry editors that make it a paying business to reflect back to their subscribers the prejudices of their own ig norance, are apparently successfully taught that all higher motives of human action are ' radical,' o fanatical too theoretical ; or reform not prudential, practical, and sagacious enough do not keep the ryes sufficiently steadfast upon the all-absorbing number one. That this degenerate princi ple baa predominated in the politics of Or. egon, and in fact all over the United Slates, for the last few years, no one need for a mo ment doubt ; and that this first principle actuated our fathers in founding this gov ernment, all will as readily admit: for in reality it is the natural emanation of a seul capable of the emotions of patriotism while the second as naturally proceeds from a mind that is dead to everything that is generous or noble, and perfectly in capable of reaching beyond self. The first principle has reared every superstructure of government, or institution, that has ever arisen in the world expressly for the good of mankind ; the other is the element of their dissolution its natural tendency is to tear them down and erect over theii ruins systems of selfish oppression. This first principle is the prime element of the great Republican party : it consti tutes the great moral base upon which it rests, and, iu the very nature of things, is as immutable as the rock of ages. To an nihilate or crush it out, would be to anni. hilate or crush out the very element that yet prevents the centralization of the gov erning prerogative, or that ever rendered it poarible in any country or age of the world for liberal institutions of govern ment to exist. It is the spirit that gives the impulse to build and maintain patriotic institutions, and the opposition is the unpa triotic principle that they go down upon. And now, notwithstanding thnt this sacred principle has so lately been down in the mud and the mire, where it was being trod den under foot by contending avarice and corruption, every true-hearted and honest American, instead of being ashamed of it, as many persons seem, should be proud to own it, embrace it, and defend it: for whenever a people transcend ihis simple principle of action, they have passed be yond and sank below the elements of har. monioua existence, and can in fact no lon ger maintain a government as a whole peo ple consequently the tbrn existing government, no matter what external form it may possess, cannot be in reality any thing more than the will, wishes, and de signs of seme self-constituted authority just making it pay. There bas always been a mass of mean men in the world, and mad all the days of their lives, because thry knew there was immutably fixed in creation a higher prin ciple of action than the one they wished to use. Such are ever ready to brand as fanatical and hateful, and urge as fast as possible a popular prejudice against, hon esty, integrity, and truth. This decency constitutes a grade of existence decidedly loo elevated is society so much so as to excite the disapprobation of a democratic President (to-called). Feeling their nat ural inferiority to those who are actuated by the higher motive, they continually feel a burning animosity and hatred, so that scarcely an opportunity can pass without a manifestation of their leveling spleen ; and in fact a great port of the vulgarity, drunkenness, and rowdyism is but a bra vado to treat with contempt and trample down tbaae holding to the principles of hon esty and decency. This groveling greaser bravado disposi tion carried to its natural ultimatum, as has been loo often the case in Oregon, makes it an especial point to All the offices with per sons who are destitute of breeding, hoossty or capacity. Nor should any be surprised at this even ; nor will they wben tbsy re flect that It is an old and well known set hunting op their own kind, and that they long bave bad two importaet object! to continually labor for i first, by electing it to office, if possible, to make low-bred dishon esty dignified and respectable : and second to retaliate upon decency, truth and bon est industry, for bsing, In spite of all ibeir exertions to the contrary, still the roust honorable, dignified and respec'able. Ft the Argut. PreltcMve t'atea. Mr. Editor I write concerning the "Union," and trust that your readers will take no offense at my remarks, as I ahall leave them perf clly free (according to the Nebraska Rill) to form iheir own conclu sionsto adopt lbs Union system of trsds or stand by the old one, just as thry please. It is known by many that more than a year ago we commenced an experiment un der the " Protective Union," at this place, that last summer we suspended trade J and it was as generally supposed that our Division would not resume business ; that the "Union" had "gene under." Uut the pioneer Division fur Orrgoo is not dead yet. We boast not, however; life at best is uncsrtain : we may expire next week. We suggest lo some of our friends, the merchant-), who have prophesied all man ner of misfortune for us, that they " keep their eyes skinned," and be ready to abed a tear in case we meet an untimely close. It is not my present purpose to prove that the Sulem Division will succeed, tho' I remark for the information of the inqui ring that we have new a store-house of our own saving rent; that we are, con sidering everything, a thousand or fifteen hundred dollars better off than we were last season, with better prospects ahead ; in brief, it is the calculation lo succeed, whether we do or not. But, leaving our Division to work its way onward, and speculations concerning it to the speculator, it is interesting lo no tice the reasoning of some meo. Last summer the Division, it was thought, had entirely failed, and the conclusion was that therefore the Union system of Irsde is not practicable, and is of no account. Now this is simply silly. Suppose tbsl we bad " gone in" or " caved in" ao far as never to bo beard from ; or suppose that this Divis ion should yet fail ; that would not prove necessarily that ths system is not a good one; it might only show mismanagement, ignorance, or a venture into business with a capital entirely too small. Farmers fail sometimes; does it follow, then, thai farm ing is a bankrupting business? And it has happened in the world that merchants fail ; at least one or two have come short since the Flood and recently a wail comes over from the F.ast. An army of mer chants hare failed from an attack of a " commercial crisis." Unlike the " crisis" in water cure, it proved their ruin. Now, Mr, Opponent of Union trade, would it be imart in any man to argue from recent ex tensive failures that the idea of success in merchandising is an illusion a humbug t Certainly not. Let the man, then, who would conclude against the Union system from a false experiment, look to the settle ment of accouuts under the old system ; when they are squared, be may be prepared to look further into the experience of Union stores. Suppose that of the several scores of Union stores in the Stales not one of them failed during, and as a consequence of, the late panic, what would that show t Where would the humbug stand then I And yet I venture that such is the fact. Farmers of Oregon, would you know ths secret of this matter I Study I he simple throry of the Protective Union, and you will find it. It will be found some where about the bean, iiful truth that producers and consumers ought to attend lo their own business, and not foolishly give it away to others. Mr. Editor, let this serve as an introduc lion, and I will continue my rambling on other occasions. C. IIoel. Salem, April 25, 1858. far (At Argu. Mr. Editor. During the Presidential campaign of 1950, the Democratic papers all cried out against the Republican party because the London Times supported heir nominee for President the gallant Fremont. They tried to make the Amer ican people believe that the Republican party was the disunion parly, because they knew the great Thunderer of the English aristocracy desired the disruption of the American Union, and hence sup ported Fremont and Dayton. The supposition that the Times sup ported, and desired the success of the Re publicans because it was of the opinion ihey were disunionists, may be, and proba bly is well founded. Rut the Times made a mistake ; and now it sees that mistake. By evidence overwhelming it has been con vinced that the Republican is ibe Union party, and lhat the Democratic, under the head of Buchanan, is driving the Ameri can Government to destruction as fast as the people will let the thing be done. Hence that paper now brings all its ener gies to bear in support of Buchanau'a Lo compten Kansas policy, and winks approv ingly at the re-opening of lbs slave trade. D'ye see f Sna. Modi of Maeino Sugar from tbr Cm- niseSuoar Cane. At a lata convention of the growers of Chinese Sugsr Cane in Illinois, held at SpringoVIJ, a premium was awarded to Joseph 8. Loveriag, of Phila delphia, for the most perfect specimens of sugar maaufacturrd from the Chinese cane. He bas published a paanphlsl describing his mode of manufacturing, and the M lowing are bis conclusions: 1. That it is obvious there it a culminat ing point in the dsvslopment of tho sugar In ibe cane, which is tho best lime fr su gsr making. This point or season I con sider to be, when most if not all tho seeds are ripe, and after several frosts, say when the temperature falls to 25 or 90 drg. F. 2. That frosts, or even hard freezing, do not injure the juice or the sugar, but warm Indian summer weather, after the frost and hard freezing;, does injure lliein very materially, and reduces both the qusntity and quality. 8. That if the cane is cut and boused, or shocked in the field when in its most favor able condition, it will probsbly keep un changed for a lonr lime. 4. That when ths juice is obtained, the process should proceed cautiously and without dlav. 5. That the clarification should be as perf.-ct as possible, by the time the density retches IS d-g., when lh syrup will have Ike appearance or food branny. 6. Ihst although rgs ere used in thee small experiments, on account of their convenience, bullock's bload, if lo be had, is equally as good, and the milk of lime alone will answer the purpose; in me latter case, however, more constant and prolonged skimming will be required lo produce a perfect clarification, which is highly important. 7. That the concentration, or boiling down, after clarification, should he as rapid as possible without scorching shallow evaporations being the best. With these condi'iona secured, it ia about as eaxy to make good sugar from the sugar cane as to make a pot of mimh, and much easier than to make a kettle of good apple butter. 03" Everybody remembers the platform on which the great Stebbins planted him self, when be rsn for President of the Uni ted Slates. When asked how he stood on the Maine law, he promptly answered that he was "in favor of the law, hut against its execution." This admirable political position has been assumed in New Hampshire and other Slates by the Democratic party, in resolutions express ing unabated confidence in Mr. Buchanan, and pronouncing against the measure on which he has staked his Administration. Mr. Hale showed up the resolutions from New Hampshire, and said lhat the Demo crats of this Stale only meant to endorse Mr. Buchanan, and lo repudiate his acts. Providtnctt Journal. 0"Al a Republican Convention held at Crawfordsville, Indiana, one of the speakers, alluding lo the frauds which the Lecompton party are sustaining in the Kan ans election, said "That I lie Buchanan men had abandoned tho Cincinnati platform to stand upon the Cincinnati Directory." 03-Gov. Wise has written a letter to the Philadelphia Anti-Lecompton meeting, in which he combats the lame positions of Mr. Buchanan in his recent Kansas mes sage. What a spectacle is thi I A Southern bitter Pro-Slavery Governor is opposed to a gigantic fraud which a North ern President supports, and endeavors to force through Congress. Whisht Rrbrllion. The Akron (Ohio) Boacon states that the women of Cuyahoga Falls, a few days since, made an onslaught upon the drinking saloons in the place and destroyed all of "the critter" they could find. Thry made such a for midable demonstration in front of the Am erican House lhat the Mayor read the riot act, but his proclamation was treated with every feminine demonstration of disrespect, snd at last the landlord pledged himself to stop the sale of liquors. The leaders in the crusade are said to be of high respect ability. The only actual reair-tance made to their movements wa msde by a chap who caught Iiia hat full of whickyasil flowed from a bung-hole, and threw it upon the assaulting force, who were somewhat dashed by the bold act, but gallantly press ed forward. The Methodist Episcopal Church. The return of all the conferences and mis sions of die MethodU Kpiacnpal Church in the United Slates, forty-even in number, have been officially received by the author ities of that numerous and influential reli gieu denomination, and the result furnishes the following statistics : Number of traveling or itinerating preachers, 6,365; in 1855 there were 4,899; in 1854,4,814; increase over the previous year, 467. Number of supernumerary or retired preachers, 711; in 1855, 690; in 1854, 609; increase over the previous year, 21. Total number of preachers, 6,134. Number of local preachers, 6,71 8; in 1855 there were 6,500; in 1854, 6,149; increase over the previous year, 126. Number of members, 700,968 ; number in 1855, 692,265; number in 1654, 679, 282 ; increase over the previous year 6,062. Number of probationers, 110,155; in 1855, 107,176; in 1854, 104.074; de crease within the past year, 6,166. Total membership, 800,327; in 18"5, 799,431; in 1854, 787.358; increase over the previous yesr, 20,192. Includ ing benevolent contributions, amount con tributed for general missionary purpose, 9226,697 ; for the Sunday School Union, 14,852; for the Tract Society, $27,349. CO" The Cincinnati (Ohio) Gazette states thst a bill has passed the Seaaie of thai State prohibiting the intermarriage of first cousins. That paper says lhat public sentiment is in favor of tbat mevnre. fttr Col. Benton Is said to be preparing l.if. of Aodrsw Jackson, to be published by (he Appletons. Ilis Industry is won. derful for a man of bis ago seventy-three yrara. The abridgment of the Congress ional Debates, on wttiuli be is sun engagm, would be work enough for any ordinary man. How to Cct Glass with a Tieci or Ibon. The Boleniifio American tells us bow this can be dune. Diaw with a pen cil on paper any patient lo which you would have the glass conform place the pattern under the glass, holding both to gether in the left bend, (for the glass must not rest on any plain surface), then take a common spike or some other sim ilar piece of iron, heat the point of it to redness, aad apply it lo the edge of the glass ; draw the iron slowly forward, and the edge of the glass will immediately crack continue moving the iron slowly over the glass, tracing the pattern, and the clink in the glass will follow at the dis tance of about half an inch, in every direc lion, according lo the motion of the iron. Ii may sometimes be found requisite, how ever, especially in forminu corners, to ap ply a et finger to the opposite side of ihe glas. Tumblers and other glosses msy be cut or divided very fancifully by similar means. The iron must be reheated as often as the crevice in the glass ceases to flow. OCT The expenditure for the support of the military academy at West Point last vear. was $04,505. Under the law of the 3d of March, 1857, increasing ibe pay of cadets, the estimate for the current year amounts toll 10,736. Dr.Channino. An American 'ady lately visited the distinguished German author and theologian. Bunsen, who told her thai ho believed the influence of Dr.Channing's works was greater at this lime in France and Germany than lhat of any other man, either living or dead. fStr The web of our life u of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. Our virtues would be proud, if our faults whipped them not; and our crimes would desnnir, if they were not cherished by our virtues. Shak- tpeart. OCT There is a rule in a debating r-oti ety that we have heard of, which ia "that any gentleman wishing lo speak more than half an hour, shall hare a room to himself." (fT" A militia officer in Texas boasts, through the papers, that his men "would rally at the tap of the drum." Perhaps they would rally still more promptly at the lap of a keg. tW Nothing was so much dreaded in our school days as to be punished by silling between two girls. Ah! the force of edu cation. In after years we learnt lo submit lo such indignities without shedding a tear. 03r " Little boy, can I go through this gate to the river P politely inquired a fashionably dressed lady. "P'raps to; a load of hay went through this morning," was the horrid reply. 03" An author who can write a book that will instruct, and at the same time amuse, is a public benefactor, whose praise should br heralded throughout the laud. Unfortunately we do not know the name of the one w ham we now wu-h to praise, but the book, which is the main thing, after all, is the manual of health, published by the Graefeuherg Company of New York. It is replete with valuable information, and the astonishingly low price at which it will be sent to any part of the country by the California agent, places it within the reach of every one. Buy one, and our word for it, you will never regret the twenty-five cents. Ip-ls Paddock's nook of Ptalea ssd Il lustrated Counterfeit Detector fur 1 856, he says ; " Hosteller's Hitters are really what their name implies, a tonic and gentle stimulant, calculated lo act upon the system as a medicine, and not, as is too often the case, a mere invention under which to indulge in tippling. We would not venture to make tlim statement, did we not feel sure it would be Cur.tiboraUd by the willing testimony of thou sands all over the United Stales, and etpccially throughout the western and southern parts, where ctrtuiu disonlirs prevail, which require such a pre scription. We are assured by a grntlenmn of large eiperience, who is a 1 traveled man' aud whose judgmi-nt aed impartiality may be relied upon, that ' lluatetter'a Bitters' are a sure thing on Fever and Ague, that scourge of our newly set tled regions; winch, indeed, has within the past year, prevailed to an alarming extent in sections generally exempt." As there are several imitations, be cautious and buy none but the Genuine. Sold by Dr. A.H.STRELK. Agent, SMITH ft DAVIS, Portland. Oreea City. PARK & WHITE, General Agenti, 4m2 131 Wukington (., San f'raiuuc. Dr. GwysaWs lssrve Extract at Yellow Dock and Sarsuparilla is now put up in tho largt-st sized (quart) bottles, and ia acknowledged to be the best barsapanlla made aa is certified by the wonderful cures it has performed, the original eopiea at which are in the hands of the proprietor. Remember, thi is the only true and origiual arti cle. The medioine, if need according lo direc tions, WILLCL'RE, WITHOUT FAlUScruf ula, king's evil, cancers, tumors, eruptions of the skin, erysipelas, chronic sore eyes, ringworm or tetters, rheumatism, pain in the boors or joint, old sorer and ulcers, swelling of the glands, syphi lis, dyspepsia, salt rhenm, diseases of the kidney, lea of appetite, disease arising from the us of mercury, pain in the aide and shoulders, general debility, jaundice and coslivenes. OT The genuine is put up in quart battles. PARK & WHITE, SoU Agent., 133 Wihingtonit.,Sa Fnntittt. Da. A. H. STEELE, Agent, Oregtn City. rig- w Islam Balsa f WHS Cherry A cure for consumption, bronchitis, asthma, spit ting of blood, cwgh, cetds, croup, whooping cough, influenta, hoarseness, pain in the sid snd breast, serenes of th breast and lung, phthisic, waiting of th fltili, night sweats, inflammation of th luoga and thmat. Nmm guain without th name f SasorMS m. Pias engrared m the oulsid wrapper. Da. A. II. 8TEELE. Al. Ora Ciy. PARK A: WHITE, SU AgU, SmS 133 Watkimgtn , San Frantif. Ft ti, Atgtt, PolTLAND, O. T., May,8SSi At a meeting of the underal.j l .. ihis dsy, to confer together as friends of the persons named as candidates for Judg, of ibe Fourth District, aflsr an Interehsnt, of views, it was decided that W.T W.i tots snouiu wiincraw, and that Aorr Holbrouk should bo the candidate for Jud of raid Dial rict. . 1 O.Coixi.Kos..as, n.W.Dstsj. Z. K-BTsassvav, j cc F. M. Wi.... rri.,mi,:. ..ZlrJ' W. f. Bee... of Claek.L. n .J 8,,,. rrsswsllUw far the Ideation ef seat tan ..am c.m,. u"" , It is ordered by the Hoard of CoUil. r Commissionsrs of Yamhill County thi the following proportions made by ik. towns of Lafayette, MoMinnvilU, and DaV. ton, Tor the location or the County genii the next June election, be published ia. three newspapers of gensral circulatiea ia said county. n.. i . i. te . t j vii uviian oi iiiayeue ibe enlrv Le the County (through the Land Office) of one hundred and aixty acres of land, MU,. ing the town plat of said town, as al pre, enl surveyed and laid ofT. The psWit square and unsold blocks and lots and the "'T'"" "svpiin portion of said 100 acres can be appropriated, by to County Hoard, for the erection of a Coin. House, Jail, and County offices. On behalf of McMinnvileil,e inth lion by Wm. T. New by of fie, ,eWi rf land fur a public square, and one hundrtd and forty lots, to be taken alternately with the following restriction that if ilcs holic drinks be dealt in, sold or given suae as a beverage, en ihe premises, the tjif ahall be forfeited to Ihe use of School LHi. Irict No. 40. The above dnni'ion is anna . condition thai ihe County Seat be located at McMinnville. On behalf of Day toe the donation by Gait. 1'nliner and others of one entire block of ten lot (being the block known as the public square tn 'he town of Daylen) and thirty lot and eleven hundred dollar in money, for the erection of Connty build, ings; conditioned that Ihe County Seat ahull bo located at Day ten. J. W. Cowls. Auditor of Yamhill C, May 5th, 1858. MA&&III9: ' April 36, by Eld. C. P. Chapman, Mr. Wa. If. HasoaicK to Mis Lucv Jan TtrLos, 1Mb f Mariou county. didsi April liCtli. on Grand Prairie, Lane eeoaly, M.Sai.i.v McClubk, wife of Vincent 8. Me ('lure. '1 he deceaned crossed Ihe Pla.as ia 1813, She wa worthy member of th Christisa church, an affectionate wife, a doting mathsr, aad an humble Christian. Frieud of former days, thou art gone, In sacred joy, to dwell above To ioiu in one eternal snug, While we are 111 lo Werp and lot. BOOT AND SHOE STORE OREGON CITY. J. B. BLANPIED eV CO. WOULD respectfully inform the public lhat they have now on hand a large and Will-atle-ted sUiuk of ready-made HOOT Jr. SHOES, which they offr for sal on naauaasi terms. Also, Water-proof Patte Blacking, MAKING AND REl'AIRINO- Done to order, on short notice. Ahy 8, 18i8, 4-y Bo, for the Mines ! ALL thoae lu.Ubled la th lab- firm of J. B. Ulanmso will ptraae come fnrwi.rJ snd ist tie ruaTiiwrTH. JtfuyH, I8&8. Notice to Stockholders. THE stockholders of the Tualatin T. A N. C. are hereby not.fit-d Unit an inataHnwmt f leu per vent, on their stock will be called l twis ty days after the data of this notice, and aa ia etallmrnt of k-u per cent, every twenty sirs thereafter until the slock is sll paid, liy order of the President YV. V. J. Joiiksor, Scc'y May 3, 18.i8-4w4 ofT.ll.T.AN.C. Bethel Institute. THIS School is undor Ihe personal centre! f -Prof. IILr,of Bethany College, and is is a flourishing condition. nana or Tvmo.t. Common English branches (100 pr f. Higher brunches in Mathematics A History, 6,00 " ' Latin, Oreek, Ac, , " The residents of the district thst now litre is a fret. Board can be had at lha nsnal prices. JAMES L. LADD, JWay 1.18J8. Ck-aiJCt. 3T Having no doubt thai the nwt f ' our readers would like te see a correct pr ., trait of Czapkay's agent, now candidate on -Ihe bushite ticket for State Printer, we have had our artist try his hand on the job. The picture is ssid to be a"af iimiltof the poor creature as he appeared on th mom -ing after the "Jackass Jubilee" at 6sle. Any person upon examining it will ateaee recognize the ' sound and reliable demscral sticking out in every wrinkle of the coasts, nance. The real sentiments aad ia -. of ihe man are happily expressed y mouth and eyes. OZATXAT'S AMOitSTt, And Clique Candidate for State Pri mEMPLE OF HONOIt-TjaJ-f 1 Honor. No. 1, la " rfjek, t .day evening of each moa'h at . il,.ir Hall. Foieat Grave, Oregoa. ,. Member of the Order ia gd sUa-if - J . : ' iLTaieinla. mm " g' H. SPBXCM, W.C-1. C. XL Wauea, W. R. . TaE OREGO tXZ -a- mo"m : c w,-4 Co. sop"' formerly occupied by S. Mar, r