The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, May 08, 1858, Image 1

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, rutusmu icui juruor Mussisa, -BT
TERMS Tkt Aou. i Jurni,h,i al
Tkrtt Dillart ami fiflo ftnlt ur ammm, in
' tdoanet, It liujili tHktmkrrt'fkrti Ihiltart
tath It tlaht of It it oat ojfietia ailennet
Yfktn Ikt moaia it mil paid in mlrumt, pour
Dillart will It tkargrd if paid teilkia iu
. maalkt, on J Pin dtllnrt al Ikt tad f tkt year.
3T Turn UulUrt fur tit monlktNt tauter if
liuat rtctttedfur a Ittt periud,
Uf" No pap diteoaliautd unlit all arrtnraget
art paid, anlnt at Iktnplioaof Ikt piMxtktr.
Out square (13 line or U) on iiisnia, l,d
up n
" " iwu uuertuius, 4,1(1
" " iJirvu Insertions, Mm
l'uch ukiiucnt insertion, ),c(J
Koatonabl dtJuctiwn t iIium wliu stlvenus !
. ... . . uiii year, j
Tin MorimTot or tiii Ar.Gl'H 11 Hrir
to Inform the public that li lian juit received a
f ... 1. . I.. II ri'VIH ..I... .T..
Weekly iNcw8jm)cr, Uvvotcil to tho rnnciplcs of Jeflersonian Democracy, and advocating tho sido of I ruth m every issue. iniriimuraii.anj win te imhe ajmiy u.t
eal.iv. 1IAXDI.II.IH, 11.STKIW, lll.A.VhS,
(IlKlHIUIlB Kllliru iu mi hid r nuiirmiiiiB kii n
Vol. IV.
No. 4.
CAKDH, ClUCLXAIW, l'AMrill.kT-WOlllv
1 1, n J other liimln. duiie to order, on tliort notir.
Ata y U tVrvahllraa MIU l.oivca
T Mas, April Id, l5H.
Resolved, 1 l, Hint ihfl Republican
party, true to I lis principle llml f r 1 1 ilie
bti of our free nml democratic: system of
government, reaffirms la them 1 unnlter
able devotion, a laid down in the blood
bought charter of American liberty, the
Declaration of Independence, and devel
oped in the Cotis'iiiition of ilm Uniied
Stale, and ihnt tbe pru;urity and perne-
tuily of our Union depend upuii strict
aJhermce 10 tlm doctrine taught, iii the
right guarantied in thute honored repo
ilorie of republican fniili.
Reolvd. 2nd, That in relation la 1I10
institution of domesiio slavery, we remain
wuer tho patriot who funned our Insti
tution plumed themselves, and where the
leading statesmen of nil parties, tinlil with
in a recent period, lima harmoniously
stood that it i a purely local, mil genur-
nl, State, and not nuiional, iusliiutiun
determinable by ihn Sia'c, each fir itself
-over winch the other btalc luivo no
control and for which tin responsibility.
It-solved, 3'i, That with Washiugoi:,
Jetf'rsjn, Madison, Franklin, und lh.-ir
compeer and eotcniporarics, who in the
framing of the Constitution made e tF'Ci hhI
provision for the annihilatioii tifihe iraXiu
in slave, and who were especially anxious
that that instrument shoo'd contain no ad
minion of the rihtof una man to hold
property in nnnihur, we believe slavery to
be a political, social, and mural evil; and.
wliilo we disoluiui till right and inclination
to interfere with it ana municipal regula
tion of nny f llio sovereign State of the
Union, we believe llmt the organic net of
1747 for the government of all the territo
ry then belonging tothu Republic, peiim-d
by the tag tcious J.-lH rson, nppniveil hy the
imnioriul Wanlinifiloii.a'id utriclly adlierr
luade by the bendiiij; of the nrmn and be-
Thi i done to nccuttotn
ofrivvr and harbor of a national iliar-l Tub Sici.ims or William II. I'aes
, ,.,., cnTT. Tlii di.tii''ui.liod bi-iorinii lie U'oen ihe fecL
UufAllI lTlll. T ill lit. n.. I ... .1... I 0 I
n.u .li.'rec; Zy Z be VubliXd ilV I "P"1'" " l'"' " ' &
a pHity mylittif iliem-flvfv ),.imxTi j'n ' I'wrtalj'ttc nature, anil of Mich a character him more confidence and make him feel
ihi Territory, which utert the dntv of. l'"'1 f"' ome hour hi life w'a alutont de. ' at eime. Prom uhut we have icen, he
a repreeiiiiiiive or del.-j.uie in ome in-ptiired of. Ily prompt and akillful nivdi-' pnni-eMet all the nerve reqiiiniie to the per.
.laiite lobe to ub-yihe in.iruclion. ofLj lroutlIIP(,t , , , h,, however, been -o far' fed aocomplUhnient oflhi. tno.t cxtraor
lit c'li.liliHMita uIuIh inoiliur. uecihd he I . . , ... . I .. , ' v. .. , ,
ii Unnd lodi-reard thwn and U,w lu (! r"turid. 'l ii" 'k forwitrj lo d.imry A Ht. The little fellow i a native
a peni'Li recovery M ni literary power. 01 L,)iiniviiie, nnu m iiimncr i niwayi
Ho, hiinelf, however, il it aid, view the' present (luriiit! the praciiins. Sho i en-
(overnmeiit from that limn down to
einb'diea ihu duly of Cugr.-n in friimiiiif
overiiiiieut for ilio Territories I hat U,
the noii-exieiiiiion of ahivurv.
ltoxolvnl, 4th, That tlio iiul'irtiiniit(J
depdr'urn from thai pniioipi in thn latu
aut oruaiiizin iIih Torritury of Kanu-i, to
which wh directly tracfl ihn bitter niin
lion which has destroyed the police, mid
reddened with the Ido'ul of lir.iiliim the
viiyiu noil, of that fair land, lias proved bv
it bitter fruit the wiadum of tlio aiicirnl
policy which it lias mipplanted.
ib ! veil, !lli, That ue stand by and
maintiiin, a did our fur'TutlnT-i, true pop
ular Sovereignty, and tlm itiulieualilu riht
of the penplt) lo govern lheiu"lves ; hot
wu deny that a man U di'priw-d of ihe
unlena he enjoy the , i v i.-yo nf eiuhiviu
otlierw, and allirin tliutiha result of Mich u
doctrine would bo lo limnd lh liberty o!'
the ui'iz 'ii upon a li.n-i of li-suiiriiii.
, U-ulved, Oth, 'I'hat llin atteinpl upnii
the pari of ihu present iK-mot-ratio leluiin.
ioraiion in foicn upon the people of Kan
a a eunsli till ion abhorrent lo a larnrn
in ij irity of in citizen, ami to MiKlain in
power a usurping utnl tyraunicul ininoriiy
aaiuil tht known will of I lie remainder,
i mi outrage, imt to be lioma by a fiea
people, mid we hope that, pliiulin I li'-ni
aclve .irmly upnn tint iiiiuini'inl truth lust
enunciuted by the Ueclaraiiou of lurlepeuil
encfl, " that all "overumeiit.s derive tlioir
jiHt powers from the eonsenl of ihu giv
erned," I hey will bo able lo wrest I ruin
their oppressor that wliiuli is iintiinulile
to a free people and forinidablu to tyratu
only the rielit to compid l he ruler to con
form to the wislie nf ihu ruled.
lUsutveil, 7'h, That we insixt that tlm
riy lit to govern necessarily follows tire riilil
to auqtiire and hold territory, and that in
providing a !uvernmiit for a Territory
under this riht itnliould be busud upon
the inalienable ri'lit of the people, and w
arraign the inoileni sysleni a praclicully
carried out in Kansas fur i'. ullei and nioss
violation of lliege priucile, and ullirin llial
the dark catalogue of wrongs and crime
committed by ilia la'.e and existiii"; Ad
mi uit rations against popular rights in that
Territory deserve the execration of every
lover of freedom of the present dy, anil,
a their jut reward in history, mi immor
tality of infamy.
Resolved, 8lh, Thai lltfi late partisan
decision of the Supreme Court in the case
of Dred ScO'l, which makes the Coiiliiu-
ttona uraiiil tulo ins' rumen t to every
will of other, it d'tnviou and anli-reiuih.
Mean in it lenduncy, and worthy to he
iktained only by a parly (hat every where
I known a llieallv orpertoiial vaulge
ami ihu advoeate of parti -an deoliiii.
IteauUril, 1 lih, I hut we liclieve in the
iilitrainmeled right of the citizen to lliiuk
and vote n he plcasos, nnd wo utterly de
ny the rilil of any reprrnrnlaiivo under
any circiiinviniice lo viulute the instruo
tiinisor known u ill of the people bo rep-rent-lit.
ItpaoUeil, 15ih, Th it (he present y:eni
of voting ftVi voce, introduced by I hat
party in mibji-ct ilia siiflVage of thuci'izen
to the mrveillunee of uniaii inp. ctnrs,
and awn him, under the teiialiy of lieiug
brimded a a traiior, into abject iibuiiioii,
is a relic of, which finds fu
friruds in n party mI'iip nlmle oignuixatioii
i devoted lo the extihguialiiiienl of eve
ry vpark of peittonnl freedom, and Mihjects
il uieiulier to the entire control of an ri-
literacy of leader; and that with Mich a
parly w are prnu I to liuve ncilher nym-
pnihv nnr commuiiioii.
Til B S'.-a S::bpkxt Onlv Ska N'bkd.
A few weeks ago the London Timet pub
lished a tiateuieiit, apparently well omlien
tiuuted, of a mnnn or tea crprnt having
been teen near St. Helena, whereupon Mr.
Fred. Smith, of Necntle-on Tyne, who
cniiinianded a vessel in 19-18, write to ilia
to in tho formation of every lerrilui i.ffl journal an account of what he nnd hi crew
saw near the same locality in December of
I ha I vcar. llt navs :
" Willi I he li I'ncupo we could plainly dis.
cent a Iiiih head nnd ieck, cotend with
a Ion.' Iiag'jy I iling mane, w hich il kepi
lillnig nl inierv.ils out nl he water. Ihis
was seen by nil linn 's und ili tlu ed to be
the (.'rent Heu seipcnt. rletermined on
knowing soiiielliino- about it, nnd aeconl-
iii'jly lowered a hunt, in which inV chief
ollici-r and four men went, taking with
thein only a mnall line, in case it tdiuuld be
requited. I watched them very anxiously,
and the moiiilrr oeemed not to regard
i heir approach. At lengih ihey got close
lo tho head. They M-rmed to lie-ilate,
and then bii-y themsi vps with the line, the
in,, nster all Hie time ducking it heud ami
showing its great length. Presently the
boat lieo.-in -ll ' I: IILT loWitld I lit ship, the
monster following alonly. In about half
an hour they gul alimg-ile; a tackle was
t;ol on the main yard, und it was hoi-ted
on b ard. It appeurcd suinnula' tnpi-le
when haiiin-;, ,ut -o completely covered
with snaky. lo. k'ng bnniaele, a'mut 18
iiii hes loi.g, that we lind it some lime on
board befme it "as !i covered lo be
pie-e of L'igantio sen weed, 21) feel lung
and 4 inches in diameter, lie' rout end of
ivh'eh appeared when in the water like the
heud el the aiumil, ami tlm mot inn giver it
by the sea enmed it lo cem ulive. In a
few day it riii'd up to a hollow lube and
as it had a rather ofilusite smell, was
thrown ovmb'iurd.
I had only been n short time in England
when the Dicdalus arrived and reported
having seen the great sea serpent to the
best of my recolleoilun near the same lo
C.ilil.V, ami hieh I hnvo no doubt was f
piece of the same weeil. So like a huge
living monster ilnl it appear, thai had cir
cuiitsiances prevented my sending a boat
lo it I should certainly bav believed I had
seen the great sea Miake."
nutli-r differently, and regard it at a warn
ing that he is very toon, if not immediately,
to hav the Ink left lo dry forever in a pen
I lint ha contributed the most lusting ben
efit to hi age and glory to hi country.
lie i one of the few men which the
United State ha produced who hate de
voted their live to literal are, not with any
lirrly tntUucd llmt it will result In nufely
to her ion. LouinvUle Juurnul.
fKBuR. The following extract from a Par
is letter lo the X. Y. Herald thows the ter
rible nature of the danger that nicuace
the French Emperor:
That ihn fear of repented nl tempt on
. , , t ft".! llin lini. w. ll-l'lllfcVU IlllCllllJt Ul
lew to immediate gam, or ilia supply of U,n,,t.ror', if., ,ra noi lnurPy chimer
daily necessiliet, but f'Oin a desire o pro
duce Work of imperisliublo merit. When
quite a young mar:, and a graduuie with
high honor at CambriJc, he devoted him
self to illustrating the History of the
American Continent. Spark and Dun.
ciofi have done the crime, and have both
published far more. Spark ha collected
and preserved voluminous material and
thrown great light upon the Revolutionary
period of our Country, nnd the biography
of tho chief actor in that giganlie struggle.
Bancroft ha commenced further bock, and
with a vigntou pen and a more glowing
and gorgeous stylo of coloring, paiuted the
early ,lt lenient of the inf.uit colonies
from which this country was formed,
I ! ut Mr. I'retcotl has taken a still wider
view of i lie province of history, and by his
I' ul. some of the circumstances which lit
tended thp event of the 14lh sufficiently
atteit. The instant il wa known I hut
the attempt hud proved abortive, a long,
low wliisllo wa distinctly heard by many
terson, taken up and curried on through
out the whole line of the Doulevurd tip to
the column in the Place St. Antoine. No
elForl of the police, have a yet b 'cn sue
ten.ful in tracing the author concerned,
but ilia of itself an evidence of a fearful
system of organization. Again, when ten
day afterward the Kuiperor audKinpres
paid their visit lo the English Ambassador,
on account of the marriage of the Princess
llovul with the l'rinca of Prussia, it i
whispered that on quilting the hotel,
uhuiiitwo o'clock in the morning, just a
they had entered llm carriage a man fired
a tliol klruight ut the Kmpeior from n ro
vnker. In on instant the short swords
fl i-lied from the scabbards of a hundred
pulicn who were on duty, ami i ho Einres
on the windwaid sido by the cold, duo to I Far Ikt Argut.
the increased vertical higlit, and it finally I ' Minio-N Coi'KTtr, April 1st, '59.
passe over and strike tlio plain at dry a I Mk. EbtTon In thee exciting political
a snonee which hnt been tlinrouirMv I t:in-t it I common for Moit every nerton
queezed. Without inoi-lu ro there can be I to bare hi particular candidate picked out
no fertility, and without fertility no tigrl-1 as the one ho wi.he to elect.
culture ; and a great portion of thi nil- Allow me lo introduco to the niimcroui
dernusH, according to Prof. Henry, is a I render of tbe A rgu the name of the lion.
sandy as the deaer' of Africa. Truo or Klia Frost Colby 1'sq. (ox-repreeiilaiite
fabe, tho theory i worthy of attention. I of Mirion County) a my choice for Stale
Tut Dnmri. o P1Btv TI,. n.U S''"r (HV"r '0"rll' UY) f'"" tl.O
I... learned by sad experience that a Und cou of ,M,,.rion- Mr; Crlb' V0.r.
of tvrant. under whatever name. ... fur "f" w""y
" Ferdinand and Inlkllii," his "Conquest of seeing the fact, nnd forgetting the nuture
holder of slaves, js a disgrace to the Ju
diciary of the nation, nnd a stain upon the
character of our country, whose proudest
boa si i it love of liberty in ii largest
sense and il hatred of tyranny in every
Resolved, Oth, That we congratulate
.ourselve and the people of Oregon upon
the result of the late election upon lite
:qnetion of slavery as a triumph of the
Kpuhlican doctrine of uou-exteiisinn, and
wo ouly.iuMil that we ouht lo use our
iniiaetfte wherever it cm be legitimately
done ro secure toniher Territories the same
ji'iueleS blessings of freed un which by
uuh a grAti'-ing majority we teem o
filly to apprevtatn for ourselve.
Resolved, 10th-, That the n-ckless prodi.
gality of national treamire which has char,
eolerizeil the la'ft and present Deiiiuciatic
Administrations, bringing to bankruptcy
a tieasiiry whose vault have rtsieivi-d $:;(,
0no,93! per annum, and necessituiing a
loan in a lime of peaoe, is a clear and le
mo:i,tratie proof of iliat wa-tefnl extrav-ai;ane-
hie h plutirlered the nation
and turned it treasury into a shinplaater
machine. . with nothing but it credit to
sustain : finances.
Kfolved, Uih, Tliat thn Pacific Rail
road i no longer an enterprise of doubtful
expetliency. but ha become one of imper
alive eomniercial and national necessity;
and we favor its construction on any cen
tral anl practicahle mole by thn aid nf the
General Government given in such a man
ner a may b best calculated to effect it
eety completion.
Resolved,' 12lb, That e favor appro
priitioinby Confre for tbe improvement
Mf.rcantile Statistics. A mercan
tile agency in New York say the number
of firms in the United Slatis, with the ex
ception of California and some of the small
retailer in tlm larger cities, is 304,001,
giving n More to tvery 123 of our inhabit
ants, or to every 25 families. During the
recent financial crisis there was lost by 337
swindling hiu1 absconding firms 85,222,
50(1, and by 512 firms that will pay noth
ing, their losses and confidential debts ab
sorbing cve'y thinj;, 820.3(10,00(1. There
are 3,833 firm owing l97,05(,!i03 ihst
will nay from 40 to 50 percent., and 41)5
owing 877,199,00!) which will probably
p;iy in full. These sum's deduced from
the total indebtedness of 121)9,8(10,000 of
the 5,123 firms who failed, leaves a final
loss of 81 13,780,000. Tho liahilitie of
merchants who buvo faihdin Ureal Brit
ain are estimnted at 8400,000 000, and
their asse's 880,000,(100 ; those of mer
chants on the continent of Europe at 830,-
009,009, and their nssels ut 8C0, 009,(100
Important DtscoyEity. A Frenchman,
M. Collungue, announce from numerous
experiments, be has discovered that imm
diately after death a mnrinuring sound is
heard in the bo ly, lasting five, ten, and
even fifreen hour. It diminishes gradu
ally, anil censes first in the pur's of the
b-ttly which are furthest from the heart.
In an amputated member the same sound
is heard fir everal minutes. The non ex
istence of this sound may be considered as
a sure sign of the total cessation of life.
M. Collongue call this branch of auscul
tation dynameienpia.
Dkao Letters. During 1957 there
were 8,853 letters containing t49,293,
opened in the dead letter office at Wash
ington, nine-ttnths of whioh wtre fafdj re
turned to their writers.'
Mexico," and hi ' Conquest of Peru," has
placed hi mime among tho very first hi
lorical writers, tint only of the present age
and of ti e Engli.h tongue, but of all ages,
and cvt ry lai'guogc
Possessed of an independent fortune, he
ha devoted capital, a life, and a thousand
labors and contrivance to surmount the
difficulties of hi position and hi underta
king. For a large part of his life he has
been almost blind, and every ray of light
that entered hi room has to bo tempered
to tho delicacy of un eyesight which even
then did not allow him cither to read or
Yet he hat thoroughly ransacked the
Spanish lilern'lire of three cemuries for hi
materials, procured ordinal documents from
Eur,, p un government and ecclesiastical
archives, and renewed them with such n
br a lib ami compass of mind a make them
unfold more knowledge of I ho custom of
tribes and nations now extinct than any one
of the writer alone was able to gather,
though a cotemporary and eye-witness.
The skill wiih which he has reconstructed
thn social system of the Aztec and I he
Peruviuns, and the bold and grapliio pen
with which he has sketched thn outline,
the origin, and tho effects of their peculiar
institutions, is only exceeded by the skill
with which ho ha filled in the detail of
hi narrative.
If he has not nidinarliy tho energy and
terseness of Tacitus, it it only because he
deliberates tu make his narrative more flow
ing, simple, and lucid. Hi writini; i
quite equal to that of Hume in a certain
pnrily and elegance combined with dignity,
but he bus spent hour in study ing and
weighing every authority where Hume
would have been too idle to open book in
bis own library, even lo correct the gross
est blunders, lie i never cumbered with
partisan detail like Alison, nor does lie
like Macaulav, allow the vivid sketches of
such deluil to divest him from the flowing,
mutest ic current of history. Where to
look for a more pei f ct specimen of histori
cal riling, we do not know. Certainly
no) in the English language, and hardly
nmong the ancient. Pliila. Ledger,
Tub Novel Match. It ha
been announced that Cap t. 1 ravit has ac
cepted a wager to shout, at three oranges,
placed upon the head and bands of a boy.
Capt. Travis i a man of medium
li iiiht and size and well formed. lie has
a mild blno eye with a very earnest ex
nresston. I he pistol which he intend to
use on this trial shot is one made by Mor
gan James, of Uric. New York, who has
no superior in such workmanship. The
oranges a re each lo be 2 inches in diame
ter one i laced on the top of hi head,
and one on the back of each hand, the
arm being extended. In tbi position, at
he distance of ten pace or thirty feel.
fating the shooter, and with no intervening
object. C.iptain John Travi propose to
hit each orange, and hat only three shots
to hit the three oranges. The feat I lo be
performed in ihiscity in June next. The
boy who is to support the oranges is ten
years of ajre, and a bright ind sprightly
lad. He has every confidence In Captain
Travis to hit each object, and has equally
much in hi own nerve which cannot be
surpassed. He is bow onder daily train
ing. Tbe boy's feet are placed twelve
inche apart and hi band upon bis hips.
Tin Captain shwV through tba angle
of the body that surrounded the carriage,
and believing a band of desperate assassins
were prevent, ready lo complete the work
which the pistol shot had missed, flung
herself on the bosom of tho I'.mperor, ex
claiming, "Mourom tnsentbUy
A to the British Embassy itself, such
was the atn'e of terror lest anything should
occur, that the Ambassador decla ed Im
would be responsible fur their Majestic'
reception and safety on condition that the
house should be placed several day before
in thn blind of the police. Only one or
two of t he ordinary domestics were rotained
on duty, and the hotel wa accordingly
fairly invested by the agent of M. I'iutri.
The very serving men, arrayed in gorgeous
state liveries, with powdered perukes,
white kerseymeres, nnd long silk stocking,
were thee gentry in disguise, and probab
ly accounted for the incompleteness nf their
wailing, which was complained of, notwith
standing tbe vast number of uttendunls.
more In bo dreaded thin a tingle despot,
however irresponsible he may be. The for
mer, stronger by combination and the con
centration of bad passions upwn bad
ends, are general ly as destitute of a
conscience a a corporation i reputed
to be, while the latter, if ho be inioibiMo
lo moral appeals, may yel be held In check
by fear. The most uotiihlo form of popular
tyranny wa exhibited iu the first Freuch
Revolution, when, under the sacred name
of Liberty, crimes were perpetrated llmt
will make the world shudder while history
snail lust, lo me intolerable rule of liubet-
pierre and hi bloody-miudcd assuciute
succeeded tlio military despotism of Nupo
leon, which, stern as it was, wu infinitely
preferable to the former.
It i also a matter of bialory that politi
cal purlies a well us governments may degenerate-
into despotism j and we need not
the winter of 'S3. It is reported that l.o
labored very hard for the good of his con
stituents; one thing i certain, however, ho
got " hi name in tho paper" by making
a motion lo adjourn, and another lime mak
ing ft motion to elect temporary officer for
Tillumook County. Hut to tho point. I
Lave alway been " kinder a Know No th
in," oud this is the reason why I support
Colby (over tho lefi). He gors a litllo
farther than the most ultra Know Nothing
ever claimed to go. In a conversation
with him a short time after tho election on
the Coiitlitulion, I gavo as my renion for
not entirely endorsing that instrument that
il prohibited Chinamen from ever hold
ing any real ostute or working any mining
claim within the limit of the Slate, utiles
lio was a resident of tho State at the timu
of the adoption of the Constitution. Colby
remarked that that was tho reason he liked
it, nnd said that he would go even farther,
OiT A correspondent of tho New York
Tribune, who writes himself UA European,"
say ihut the secret of the attempts made
upon tho life or the riencli Emperor by
Italians, is that Loui Napoleon, while a
wanderer, was a sworn member of a secret
society known as I ho Carbonari. This so
ciety never forgive a renegade member,
and " Louis Napoleon ha heen tried by
ihe chiefs of the society, formally condemn
ed to tleuth, snd received notice of the doom
which surely nwaitw him.
GCrOriini, the Italian conspirator ar
rested for tho recent attempt on the life of
the French Emperor, is a man of remark
able personal appearance. Pietri, the Cor
Mean I'r' fcct of Police, alluding to him
after his arrest, said : " He i the handsom
est mun in the world ; I never saw any.
thing to equal the beauty and grace of
this monster.
Worth Thinking Adout Prof. Hen.
ry, of the Smithsonian Institution, under
the bend of ,l Meleor.ilogy, in it connection
with Agriculture," has stated a number of
fuel, in the form of a report, which will
make a deep impression at Washington
when they come to be known and under
stood. Thn inference from hi fact may
be stated in a simple manner. The result
is, that I lie entire region of tho Uni'ed
State west of the 99ib degree west lon
gitude (say the wcsiern boundary of Min.
nesota), with tho exception of a small por
tion of Western Texa and the narrow
border along the Pacific (including Culifor
nia), it a sterile waste of comparatively lit
tle value, and which cannererle valuable
lo the agriculturist. The statement will
astonish the reader when we direct hi at
tention to the fact that the line of Prof.
Henry, which extends southward from Lake
Winnipeg to the Mexican dulf, will divide
the surface of the United State into two
nearly equal part. If this be true, what
become of the great national drama lo be
played on the North-Western Empire of
the American Continent, of which politi
cian have harangued and poets sung I
The intense heat and extreme drynen of
this region, which will mako the Ureal
American Plain a barren waste forever,
are caused to a large extent, according lo
Prof. Henry' theory, by the fact ihalthe
returning Trade Winds, weeping ovr the
elevated masse of the Rocky Mountain,
are deprived of their moisture; in other
words, th btated air which ascends at the
quator, aatorated with inoisiuje it hssab-
tractrd in its passage over the ocean, after
epositing portion of it vapor in the
tropic at the "rain eaon," is farther
desiccated by tha ridge and mooeiain
which it meat, ib Taper beiag condensed
ifn linvnnd tlm Iidiiiu! if nnr nu:n -,,mt,lri-
to find one thoroughly Imbued will, the n,u.'J H,ibil 'T! "l T"?
principle of tyranny, us the hentt of nny
single tyrant thul can be named. Wbul
one element of freedom is discoverable iu
the rule of tho present Adinjuutiaiion or
of that which preceded it t Instead of be
ing tho exponent! and executors of tho pop
ulur will, they have been f..Ue to their tiusl
in both these particulars, to far as tho ouly
vital question nt issue is concerned. The
repeal of tlio Missouri Compromise was
clearly efficted in opposition to tho will of
a latge mojority of tho nation; nnd tho
subsequent war upon tho people of Kan
sasinvolving many atrocities no less sav
age nnd bloody llian those which have- made
ihu French Involution infamously memor
able. ha been even mora opposed to the
popular sentiment of tin) country. The
evidence of the latter fact is unmistakable,
yet tho Administration doggedly persists iu
coiisumating il iniquitous work by forcing
upon the people of Kansas a Constitution
which they have indignantly rejected in ev
ery form in which it Was possible to make
their wishes known. It tyrannous appe
tite ha to grow n with what it fed on, that
now it nut only deficstbe people, but deiioun
ces vengeance against nny official ho bhull
dure lo questiou it iufallihilily. To tin
meanly subservient its promises aro gra
cious nnd it reward liberal; lo the lion-
eslly stubborn it deals out swift punishment
The President and hi Cabinet, like Louis
XIV. of France, ass u mo to bo the " Slute,"
and have a fur us possiblo monopolized all
Ihe power of the Government. What
need have we of a National Legislature if
they, by the President nlone, can dictuto
and carry measures in oppnsiiion lo the
will of the people 1 What need of a Court
of Supreme jurisdiction, when, through the
tyranny of a rccklcs party, il can bo
dragged down from it high position as a
dispenser of law, and a tribunal to deter
mine the highest constitutional questions,
and converted into a mero instrument for
confirming thut tyranny ?
The great strcngih of parly despotism,
a now exhibited by the Administration,
lie in tho vast dispensing power of the
President, which, unfortunately, become
vaster with every passing year. This is
a subject over which the patriot may well
pause, and fearfully ponder upon tho fu
ture of hi country. If, as wo soc, the Ad
ministration now, through this power, feels
itself strong enough to defy the will of the
people, what act of tyranny may not a fu
ture one dure unless the peoplo shull in
lime assert their proper sovereignty?
Chicago PrcM.
Preparing rort the worst. The editor
of the New York Courier it Enquirer, who
claim lo know all about the Emperor of
France, in 1851 reported a conversation
of Loui Napoleon' a follows;
"My life present four phase. The
first comprised tho follies of my youth,
such a the expidition of Slrasburg and
Boulogue ; t lies served lo make me knor n.
Ihe t-coud is my Presidency; the ihird,
my Dictatorship ; and tbe fourth will close
wiVA my fall beneath Ihe asiastin't blow."
A Lowo Wise New York city and
New Orleans were connected by lb wires
nf tbe National Telegraph line early in
January, and a number f me'sages were
transmitted to and f'om esch city direct,
without repeating at any point on the line,
a distance of sboul two thouisnd mile, a
feat never before performed.
r One hour's study daily would make
an ignorant man wise in tea yaari, acs
brighten op bit rusting faculties.
this right until they had made this their
permanent home, remarking at tho same
time that none of tho Jews hero ever in
tended to muko ihi their permanent home,
thut uon of tbetu ever died lidre tint,
when '.hey got whit chink they wanted
they left for the Old World uud cared no
t liing fur tho United Slates.
He made tho same statement in substance
to one of my neighbors at a different timoi
Now I wish to see if nil ihe democratic for
cigncrs (including the Jews) will gulp Ihi
gcutlcman dow n nt tho Juno election with,
out greasing. He may attempt to deny
these statements, but they can be proven
on him. Your', w.
The Faculty op FistaNiNQ Dbath.
Thero aro cases on record of porson who
could spontaneously full into a death trnncr.
Monti, in n letter to Hallcr, mentions sev
eral. A priest of the name of CVIius
lthodagiiius bad tho same faculty. But
the most eelebrnted Instance is that of Col,
Townsheud, mentioned in ihe inrgicul
woik of Oooch, by whom and by Dr.
Cheyne and Dr. Ueyuard, the performance
of Col. Townshcud wa seen and attested
They hud lung attended him, for be wa
an habitual invalid and ho bad often in.
vilod them to witness tbe phenomenon of
his dying nnd coming to life again, but
they hud hitherto refused from fear of the
consequences to himself. Accordingly in
their presence, Colonel Tuwushoud laid
himself down on bl back after a few tec
conds, pulse, breathing, and the action of
tlio heart were no longer to bo observed.
Each of llio witnesses sutUfied himself oi
tho ontiio cessation of these phenomena.
When the death trance had lasted hulf tin
hour, '.he doctors began to fear that thoir
pniietil had pushed ihe experiment loo
fur And was dead in enrnust J and limy were
preparing to leave tho house, when a slight
movement of the body atroctcd their al
tcntion. They renewed their routine of
observation, wheu ihe pulse and tensiblu
motion of the heart gradually returned,
nnd breathing nnd consciousness. The se
quel of tho tale i strange. ; Colonel Towns
bend on recovering, sent for hi attorney,
nirtdo hi will, and died, for good and all,
six hours afterward.
Sthesoth (if the army. The effective
force of the United Slates is, according to
the latest return received at the Adjutant
General' Office, as follows, distributed
among the military department; Depart
ment of the hii't, 8o9 ; department of I' lo
rida,837 ; in Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota
and Arkansas, 3,000; department of Texas,
2,045; department of New Mexico, 2,254 J
department of the Pacific, 2,517 ; army of
Utah, 1,897. Total, 13.S75.
03"The Daplist Almanac for 1959,givea
the number of regular flaplists in tha
United Slate At 697,718; in the British
Province at 29,912, and in tho West India
Island at 30,050; total in North Amer
ica, 902,580. Tho total number baptized
in 1850 wnk 05.159.
Or Prince Tzi Kuen, nephew of tha
emperor of Japan, on hi way to this coun
try, with a corps of Japanese aivil engin
eer, to examine our railroad and other
iinprovtroent. The model of tbe railroad
aud telegraph which Coin. Perry took out,
have evidently set the Japanese to.
Legal Pathos. In a suburban court
in a case of injuiy to a cow, somewhat too
hastily driven into a pound, the counsel for
the plaintiff made the following eloquent,
deels ration: "A parish pound should be
an asylum not only for lb roaring bull(
but for the tender heifer."