! 1-J l)c rcgou Clrgtt0. W. t. AUAMa, SUITO IKU MoraiKTUS. OHPCK)3f ITT SATU1SDAY, MAY 1, 185S. REPUBLICANJiOMINATIONS. Stnto Ticket fO SKratSSNTSTIVS TS eoNOASSS, J. It. McBkide, of Yambill. FOR OOVIIMOt, John Dkn.nv, of Marion. ' FOH sncBUTAiiv or STATE, Leasdeu IIouiii3, of Clackamas, rot STATE TltKASURKR, E. L. Api-i.koatk, of Unipqua. TOt BTATK PRINTS, D. W. Ckaio, of Clackamas. Pros par Is A beat. The proceeding! of the Republican Con vention in Washington county, which we publish today, give evidence tint the gooj cause it progressing. Our friands in that county have hitherto fulled to organ ize, owing to circumstances ever which they at present have full control. We have not the pleasure of na acquaintance with any of the coinmittee on resolutions, excepting Dr. Juhnton, whom we have known for some time to bu sound Repub licin and a man of sufficiently good judg ment to see that Drilling short oft thor. ough organization of the Republican party, based upon immutable principle, can ever accomplish anything towards real, ll.or. ough reformation in all the departments of the Government. While we would be glad to have all men who have do sympathy with tho de mocracy, unite with us, we cannot of course expect every man who has hereto fore rallied under the temporary banners of "people's ticket," "law and order par ty," "Whig party," and "American party," to adopt the Republican platform unless he is a Republican in principle. The Republican organization is n perma nent one it oilers a sure foundation to him who cherishes the principles of Clay, Jeffer son, and Washington, in whole, so fur as they aro involved in tho issues of the pres ent day it is a party that is bound to wrest the scepter of power from tho clutches of sectional secessionists in 1S00 a party which will then hnve seine government pat ronage at its di.posul in this Territory or Si rite, no the caso may bo a parly which will then make a thorough reform in the postal arrangements of the country, dis miss dishonest and illiternte postmasters, and place meu in their stead who wi'l nei ther steal nnncy nor fuil to hand nut ell papers to all men, whether Christian or gans, Jewish, Infidel, Nnlionul, Pra-nlnvory, or Republican. Then even Czapkay'i or gan and tlio milk-ntid-molasscs Times will he punctually delivered to every poor crea ture who is unfurl unnte enough to bo la king them. The Republicans ill aUo overhaul our Land Offices, and see wheth er Col. Gardner was really the cause of the present "delay in issuing patents," mod whcthor.our honest farmers are all In pass away without ever having had thrir yea blessed wiih the sight of ihoso "put ents," or even a "certificate." Sinecures in tho shnpa of surveyors of ports, who liave now nothing to d but whittle dry goods boxes and pocket their salaries, will receive honorable discharges, accompanied with certificates of qualifications for good grubbors and coal-di'gors tho great Cen Iral Pacific Railroad will bo pushed through to completion, nnd tho iron horse will como snorting (Imwd tho Willamette valley, houling a train of enrs loaded down with hard-handed free white luborers, eager to sottlo among us to develope tho ngri cultural resources of the country, hew down our forests, dig out our mines, im prove our water-power, build up churches and schools, support Republican papers, scatter the blessings of civilization, art, science, and a Gad like philanthropy far and wido, turn our prairies into yellow fields of waving golden groin, our hills and valleys into fruit and flower gardons, be sides enhancing tho vnluo of lands, and annually pouring exhaustless wealth, the yearly product of free labor, down tho groat natural ouill, te be shipped off to Asia and the Lies of the Sea, to be ex changed for tea, apices, silks, cinnamon, and gold. Then, the polluted rag of sec tional Democracy will be hauled down, and wrapped as a winding Bheet around the carcasses of the narrow-souled leaders of the party, and in its stead will float to the breeze the Flag of our whole Union, glis lening with thirty-seven stars the Decla ration of Independence will be pulled out of the miro into which Breckinridge and Pettit hsve trampled it the Constitution will bo the acknowledged bulwark of free institutions the slavery agitation will be settled by rolling the black wave of nig- gerism back to its own dominions, and locking up nigger capital, and niggerwor sniping capitalists, in their own den, to "manage their own domestic institutions in their own way" President' messages will be devoted to more important matters than an everlasting song about niggers Congressional debates will pertain to meas ures relating to the advancement ol the interests of a hundred million freemen popular sovereignly will to looked ujwi as an American's birthright sod Lecemp toa will be remembered enly u the black rock on w hich modern democracy st'audrd ! The bones of Duchnnan, Jo Lane, and other driven nipgers, will be decently in t erred slung aide of limes of JelT Pavie, Tomb, Kelt), Orr, Brown, and other se cession lire-eairrs, in one common charnel- house down on some Islsnd in the swamps of Florida, where the ring of the hammer, the whliila of the Iron horse, and the merry song of untold millions of liappy fiee laborers will never dxturb their derj rrpoi; but where the screech of the owl, the howl hi the wolf, the hum of the m q-jjio, and the splash of the crocodile will mingle with no sound, ssv the crsck of the whip, the oaths of tbe overseer, and the shrieks of female cotton-pickers I Such are some of the objects and pur poses of the Republican party a party which any historian or statesman of any sagacity might see is bound to triumph, where a rapid augmentation of the popu latiun conies from the ranks of while la borers, who are all fiee and all permitted to vnte. When these great national issues have been forced upon the American peo ple, and when the great heart of the nation is throbbing under the omnipotent mean ing of iLese issues how superlatively silly for any Republican or any fre soil Drm ncrnt to close his ryes to the greet notional questions which rise above all others in importance, and run off with either one of two factions which loth agree at to Buch anan democracy, but are fighting about the tremendous issue as to whether a locofoco it bound by eaueut action, provided hi doesn't go into the eaueut 1 1 Let all factions, squads, grumblers, and outside skirmishers butt their brains out in quarreling over a bone without meat or manow, but let Republicans stand by their colors, marshal their hosts, and give their ticket such it vote as shall tell In moral influenco upon the next campaign. &TT Let it be remembered that tho na tional platform rests on Jo Lane, nnd Jo Lnnc is seated on the Salem platform, call ing piteously on nil Democrats to vote the busliiie ticket. Every man thereforo w ho votes for a single national, indorses not only Jo Lane but the Salem platform and Cznpksy's agent, with Lane's nigger. The "nationals, in getting up their platform, either thought that Oregonians were a set of asses, or else they were a set of very silly politicians themselves. While their platform has failed lo satisfy the fire caters by trying to steer between Buchan an and Douglas, nnd the dirl-eaters, by re fusing to endorse bushism nnd Lecomplon, it has disgusted all sensible men by its cringing, lickspittle servility to the figure hend of the clique, and by its Intended non committalism on the only really important issues of the day. It is a hotchpotch dish of national viondt, which really amounts to nothing more than bushism, Jo Lane, and Duchannniam served up in a different way from what it is set before the busbites. Democrat, whether nationals or Salem ites, aro much in the same condition of Peck's boarders. Teck kept a one horso hotel at Cairo, III., end proposed to feed his customers on "every variety the mar ket nfforded." The first dish served was catfish baked, the second, catfish boiled, lit') tliird, catfish fiied, the fourth, catfish stowed, tho fifth, more catfish, the sixth, rBtfih omelette, the seventh, more catfish. Poor Peck did the best he could under the circumstances, but it was hard tocotnitice his boarders, although they Imd dined on a great many dishes, that they had eaten any thing but catfish. If tho " nationals" ex pect to sot a different table from the bush- ites, they must give us something better than Jo Lane nnd Duchnnan. It's too much catfish for any but a bushite. (fcj Wo have not hoard a word as to how the battle goes on in the South since tho nationals nnd bushitcs went out ihore lo take the stump. We judge, however, from the lone of Czapkay's organ, that bad news for the csucus-sovereignites is com ing in. Its weak and snarlish tone forces the conviction upon its readers that the ed itor is either mightily frightened, or is en tirely prostrated by a chronic dyspepsia and another attack of the diarrbwa. It gives us unmistakable evidence that Gen. Barn u in is pouring some hot shot into the bushite camp, and stirring up the Snlem snakes with a sharp stick. 3 Czapkay's orgnn contains a letter from the " Mary Ann of the Mexican war," dated March 18th. The old granny slob, bers over the split in the locofoco pnrty, snivels about the dangers the Union is in by reason of this split, tells the people he would like to be elected Senator, and then winds up by begging every man who has a "single democratic drop of blood in his veins to vote for the " regular nomineet" (busbites). What Jo Lane means by a "democratic drop," we are at a los to de. termine. The only really "democratic drop" we can think of, is the "drop" winch Jackson threatened to use as a plat, form for Calhoun, the father of democracy. Calhoun was to have stood on it with a rope around his neck an excellent type of what ought to be the platform of the Salem clique as well as the position of the gentry w ho stand on it. C3 The circus of Uinkley St Kimbsll has been reorganized, and is said to be a great improvement on that of last year The skill exhibtrd by the actors last fall was such a we have seldom seen equaled ie tbe Stales. fJT listing no doubt that the most of our readers would like te see correct pnr. trsit of Cxaptay's agent, new candidate on the bushite ticket for State Printer, we have had our artist try hit hand on the job The picture is said lo be ue timile of the poir creature as he appeared on (he morn ing after the "Jackass JubiW at Salem Any person upon examining it will at once recognize the ' sound and reliable democrat' sticking out la every wrinkle of the counte nance. The real sentiments and in.stinks ef the man are happily expressed by the mouth and eyes, 05" The Nationals held their county convention in this City last Saturday, and brought out the following ticket. State Senator fur Clackamas tod Wasco, W. A. Starkweather. Stale and Territorial Representatives George Rees, V. A. Colls rd, Wm. Singer. County Judge J. D. Post. SherifT-C. F. liatie. Assessor C. Boy nton. Treasurer Capt. Johnson. County Clerk Sep. Ileulatt. Co. Commissioners J. 12. Taylor, Uaae Whealdon. Surveyor S. L. Campbell. (r The busliiles voted in the various precincts last Saturday fur county officers, There was little voting done in any precinct but this. In some of the precincts the men to wham the poll books were sent were so ashamed or litem that they stuck them away subject to the order of Czapksy's agent. The Oregon City officials, of course had the thing all their owe way. The vole of thit precinct decided who were the can didate excepting, perhaps, the sheriff. If there was any other exception we have not been able to learn it. Here is the ticket. Represent stives F. A. Hedges (Sub Indian Agent), Mr Jennings (Sub Indian Agent and Contractor), Dolph Hannah (candidate against Smith and Williams for U. S. Senate). County Judge Robt. Caufield (present Probate Judge). Sheriff A. Holcomb (present Sheriff, by the grace of I ho bushite). Co. Commissioners Bullies Holcomb (present Com. in consequence of having long tailed on lo the busliiles). County Clerk Frank Holland (present clerk, an agent for Czapkay's orgau and a sworn bushite for life). The rest of the ticket we have not learned but they aie, f course, all sound and reli able busliiles, selected for their love of the (i) nasty and their haired of the "nationals." 03r We had made our arrangements to visit the diHt-rent counties in the Territory in company with the Republican candidates, but having been nominated for an office in this district and put upon the course, (much against our inclinations), we shall be obliged to attend exclusively lo this pari of the political vineyard. We shall dtvo'e some of our time between this and (he elec tion to trying to hold some of the Ctnckn mas stumps down, after having put modern democracy under them. 03" Dr. Henry made a very lair speech in this city last Saturday, in which he took occasion to denounce the busliiles, pitch into Delazon, nnd declare himself as stand ing aloof fiom all parties. (In sympathized with Douglas, and retained his attachment for Henry Clay. The Dr., after trying pretty much nil parties, has become disgusted with politics, and will probably lay low, waiting for something to turn up. He as good as de clared, however, that he could support none of the tickets now out unless it be the Republican. 13T Tho Sentinel says that Grover, Kelly, Delazon, and O'Menra spoke at Jack' sonville, April lftth, to about 400 people. The candidates and ' Delazon spoke about nn hour each in the day time, and Del a nznn spoke two hours in the M. R. church after night. We wonder if that church would be opened for a tempcrauce lecture I 03" The Sentinel and Herald are both pegging away for the bushite ticket, lea a acts. We learn that Czapkay's organ refused to publish 12. M. Barnum's appointments for public speaking, even when the money was tenaereu m payment. Hits is a spe cies of meanness that probably no other paper but the clique organ and perhaps its little colored satellite at Portland wo"ldbe guilty of. Accident. Charles Jones, a single man, who was employed on the, new foundery in this city was seriously injured last Thursday by tbe falling of a doom bent, which struck him on lhe shoulders, crushing him down and severely bruising him. Mr. Love discov ered him soon after the accident happened, nnd came to his relief. The bent was hut about eight feet high, but of such w eight that it took two men to lift it so as to re lieve the injured man. Mr. Jones was en gsged alone at the time of the accident in nailing braces to the bent as temporary stays. Dr. Steele thinks he mav recover. 03" All persons who have any desire to subscribe for the Argus or to send us any loose change they may have about them will please transact the business with J. R. McBride, the Republican candidate for Con. gress, who will probably be around among tbe friends soen. , Mere Baa Keeks. We are glaJ to see that Fowler ti Wells, who are ever alive to the wants of the who's community, are about to try their hands upon eeconJ series of hand books, upon "lhe House, Hie Gardui.," "The Farm." and "Domestic Animals." We hsve no doubt but the hooks will exactly meet lhe wsn's of ninny of our Intelligent farmers who have often written to us for oiks upon rural architecture, practical horticulture and agriculture, besides such as offer valuable suggestions upon rearing domestic animals. These new hand hooka propose to give all this information, and the whole four will be furuished (muslin bound) for $1,00. We should like to see a thousand of these books circulated among our Oregon farm ers. We hnvr naturally the most lovely country on the globe, and if our farmers and gardeners will cultivate their tasles by the study of such books, and improve iion the suggestions mudo by them, they will soon find themselves in the possession of homes so attractive lo themselves and so di-ar to their families that they will never think of "selling out," besides finding their burthen of labor much lightened by what might properly be termed n few " Yankee conveniences." A man couldn't make better investment than by sending a dollar (with few stamp to pay postage on the books) to Fowler & Wells, 308 Broadway, New York city, for their Rural Hand Books. S3" In our advenising columns will be seen an offer of Herring's patent champion firs proof safrs to such as may wish to purchase. We once beard of a man who was written to after a big fire to know how Herring's safe stood the heat, who replied : " My safe was taken out nud unlocked after il had been undei a mass of burning ma terial for forty-eight hours, when to my As tonishment I found a turkey which my clerk had put into it the day before the fire leaning up against my ledger froten to death:' Gold Minks. Tho Herald (Sleilacoom, W. T.) of April 23d says that the news from the new mines is cheerirg. One In dian and one whiio man had come in from the mines. The Indian says he worked in the mines last winter nnd made n hundred dollars a day for six days in succession. At no lime did h make less than 85, " bile, much of the lime he made from fM) lo 840 a day. The whiio mint reports the miners lo be making from five to six dollars and in many cases thirty, forty, and fifty dollars a day. The rivers are said lo be too high for profitable mi ning at present. The " big raises" will not probably be made (if made nt nil) (ill next fall. All account from lhe Sound agree in representing the route to the mines by tho Sound as very difficult. Large numbers of Califomians aro inking passage from San Francisco for the new diggings. S3T The now foundery of llurly& Co. is in operation. It ia a splendid affair, and an honor to the City. It has already reduced tho price of castings to ten cents a pound. ft3" Capt. Ainsworth it Co. are building a new boat in this city. The boat of O'Loughlin Jt Co. is also rapidly progress ing on the Linn City aide. 03 Many thanks are tendered to those friends who are laboring lo increase our circulation, and lhe flattering letters of strangers aniLacquaintances in Oregon nnd tne States, which wo often receive, are duly appreciated. 03" James Barlow, Eq., has withdrawn Lis nattl a a candidate for the Legislature, as he is off for the new Wi, 03" Mr. Cranston writes us that Josepli Davenport is the Republican candidate for blierifT of Marion county, instead of W. Cranston. 03 Mr. Hall has left tho editorial charge of the Occidental. 03" We have more communications on hand than we can get through with in a mon'h. Several which we had determined should go into this paper are again crowd ed out. Of course we cannot publish a fourth of what wo get. We again respect fully ask all writers lo be very short, and, in the name of the patron Genius of Liter ature, do for Heaven's sake quit rhyming, and confine yourselves to prose. There are not to exceed five persons in Oregon who can write anything that is fit to insert in a paper as ' poetry," and not more than four of these ever try their hand. 03 We are under obligations lo our friend Dr. Hutchins of Lafayette for fa vors. That box of butler and eggs gave us very frequent occasion to remember the Doctor daily for several weeks. 03" Fulton applied svsiem to the rreat praclieal uses of lhe a'e ; Morse has bronchi electricity to be the dailv servant of millions; Newton unravelled the maze of the stars, nnd made their motions lhe mariners' guide on the trackless ocean. hat these men have done for scienee in their departments, the Ciraefi-nberg Com pany have dune fur humanity in the man- ufacluie of tbnr fxmily mrlicin. They have turned the grrat truths of science lo use in the cure of disease and have meda the occult discoveries of the great chemist available fr the wants of every day life. They have brought within the reach ol every man the best wisdom and skill of modern times. Uaeltsasas Ce. ttr-abllraa tjavtatUa. Pursuant to adjournment the Republic ans of Clackamas county met in mass con ventiun in the Court House in Oregon City on Saturday, the S li It of April, at I, P. M Joel Burlingaine, Esq., was continued President, nnd W, C. Johnson Secretary of the convention. Dr. A. O. Henry being present, was invited to address the meeting, which he did ; portraying the dangers which threat. rn the Union on account of the policy of Prrsident nuchsnan in Kansas, and urg ing lhe union of all honest men of all par lies upon the Douglas platform a fu.lon speech. On motion, Messrs. W. L. Adams, Max well Ksmsbv and VV. T. Matlock were constituted a committee on resolutions. The convention proceeded to nominate a county ticket, by ballot ; a majority of all the voles cast being required fir selec tion, unless otherwise ordered by the con veniion. Under tbe above rule lhe follow ing ticket was nominated : For State Senator, W, L. Adams. For Rapreaentaiives, C. W. Bryant, Maxwell Ramsby, and Jacob C. Rhinesr eon. For Sheriff, Jno. M. Bacon. For Treasurer, Thos. Charman. Fur Assessor, Win, V. Burns, Fur Surveyor, S. L. Campbell, For Coroner, Forbes Barclay. For Public Administ'r, J. T. flunsaker For Cuunty Commissioner in the 2d dis trict, Arthur Warner. For County Commissioner in the 3d dis trict, Parson Glesson. W. L. Adams, Capl. Rhinearson, and C. W. Bryant were appointed county com mittee for lhe ensuing year. Tbe committee on resolutions presented the following, which were rend and udopt ed with no dissenting vote : Whereas, errors of nerious nature tore held by many ofour estimable and patriot io citizens regarding the principle and de Mgns of the Republican party, therefore be it resolved 1. That w e believe the founders of this governmeiil, w ho were sufficiently wise lo set on foul a popular government which for the first lime in the history of nations has demonstrated the praclicittiili'y of a democ racy, were sufficiently intelligent to under, stand the meaning of the constitution they famed, and knew whether the legislative enactir.ents of their own time were constitu tional or not. 2. That we believe thai tho policy they inaugurated in reference to lhe government of territories, in exercising a guardianship ovcrlhein duriii'.' their minority, 0 as lo prohibit legislation recognizing wrong, is in no way inconsistent with true popnlir sovereignty. 3. Ihat republican hnve no confidence in the KanA-Ni'brnsku bill as guarantee, ing popular sovereignty to the territories. 4. I hat lliei ItepublicHi) parly, asaisti d bv Dottulas and his compeers, have hm stood up in Congress in defense of the rijj lit of the people of Kansas to vole upon their whole constitution, anri therefore the onlv quarter from which a real honest, perina unit di fense of popular right mav be look- ed for hereafter, is the National Republican Party. 5. 1 hat while the Republican party has no organ, and no member of lhe party, however obscure, thai is n disunionist, therefore it ia lhe only pnrty that canal present be relied on to rally around I lie Slurs and S'ripcs in defense of tho whole Union. 6. That in the history of congressional enactments fur lhe last two year we see abundant proof that Oregon need look for little favor from confess until she is rep resented in a republican congress by re publicans. 7. Jnat the triumph of repufdican prin ciples will alonu settle l Ik slavery auitation and bring peace lo Ihn whole country. 8. I hat the charge so incessantly made against the republican party by lhe organ of tho Latter Day democracy, that it is striving to elevate the black raca lo a level with the Atiijlo Saxon, is wilfully and ma. liciouslv false. 9. That the republican parly is lhe white nian's party, nnd to it alone can the teem ing millions of fr;K laborers that nre now struggling against a chattel labor ruitnl, which seeks lo inaugurate itself in ft'l lhe States and Territories to tho ruin of the poor whites, look for protection. 10. That we are in favor of principles a rid men, the lormer of w hich must be democratic, and the latter capable, honest, and faithful lo lhe Constitution. 11. That we are just as much opposed to Jo. Lane and the Administration of Buchanan as 'n are to the humble! tool of the Salem clique nnd lhe administration of the oalem dynasty. The following resolution wm presented and unanimously adopted : Resolved, That we recommend Tlon W. T. Mai lock to the voters of the 4th Judicial District as a suitable candidate for Supreme Judge, nnd as a man in whose ability and integrity we nave entire confi dencc. The Secretary was directed to send the proceedings of lhe convention to the Ore- gonian and Argus for publication. Whereupon the meeting adjourned sine die. JOF.L BURLINGAME, W.C. Johnson, President Secretary. Republics Meeltat la Washlaitew Ce. Io pursuance of a call, a mass meeting of the citizens of Washington county wa held al Hillsborough, on Saturday, lhe sev. enteenth day of April, A. D. 1859, when the following proceedings were had: On motion, Lawrence Hall was chosen chairnisn, and R. S. Caldwell, secretary. After discussion, on motion, a committee of five was chosen to draft resolutions ex pressive of the ene of the meeting. R. M. Porier, H. V. V. Johnson, W. D. Ilare, C. S. Silvers and A. Ilinman were choseo said committee, and the meeting adjourned for one half hour, at ihe expirei, of which, convention ni.n.J .. . .. port of said committee w, rPari .j . mnu iha ed, and finally adopted, as follow, . - Wiikrbai: In the formation of 'hif(u a decent nnd proper regard for theelu.' of mankind compel , l6 boldl. Ll. our principles, believing, as we L a, JMstgovornmenis derive their .,, the consent of lhe governed, .,) A."1 io ascertain the correct r.Wi . u7 pies oflhepeopl.,r,fWa.hlngin tW, we, the citizens of Washington c.ul,. !' inn com rn i ion asseiiinieit, on the Hit Jay of April, A.D.I 9fi8, do publi.h ,2 fhjj" l b" (",, ,,u f116" ' prill. mHMsl Anil I'steti I iitti .1.1. .J . Hesolved. Thy I In ll, -, I'HOIHIOUIIIIOM. veniion a thorough organization of i r! publican party is necessary sod hi,. T portsnt lo every lover of freedom, tBJ !T carrying into practice by the election sound and reliable men le office these t7 ciples inestimable lo a free people, n'm ly, lht of conforming the government." the wishes ef the governed. Resolved, That we disclaim all cenats. tinn or sympathy with the sbnlitiuu bo urthe Oarrisonian school, but giV , Mr hearty support to those iriilc,, nJ viens taught by Washington, JrlT,rm,s) Madiann, and their compeers, in reference' lo the noil extension of slavery, mil t, M dersiood lo be tho Constitutional provi.ioni as expounded by lhe ablest slausmea of our confederacy, leaving the question nfd,. mesne slavery where the coniiimi, leaves it, lu Ihe Mnica, each deterniiMLU for itself. On motion of II. V. V. Johnson, it wsj Resolved, That all opposed tothe Saltm democratic platlurm be Invited lo meet with us in precinct meetings on the Irsl Saturday in May, and choose delegsles te to meet in convention at Hill.boro' eg l( aecond Saturday in May, lo nominste a ticket to he supported at the next Jnnv election, each precinct to he entitled le three delegates, and in addition, 00e fa every twenty five voles oast in lhe preeiact, On motion, a committee of fivs was ss. pointed to cumuli with the different cosa ties with which joint nominations are to be mnde and report nt the meeting of ike nominsting convention. A. Uimnaa, C. S. Silver, W. H. Bcnneti, R. S. Caldwell and W. ). Har0 wi re appointed as said committee. Resolved, That a copy of the rreeet ings of Ihi meeting he furnished by the m-creiary to the Oregonian, Argss, and Standard, for publication. Tbe convention adjourned. LAWRENCE II ALL, Ch'o. It S. Caldwell, Scu'y. HINKLEY & KIMBAl'8 OLYMPIC CIRCUS! (fOH.MBtlLV Till ' MAMMOTH,') Reorgnnked with everything new aud erifi. nitlfor the teuton of 1838 1 New Pcrrarners. New tlorsrs. New Wsf ALL RKGARDLKS3 OP KXTRNIB ! I Will Exhibit in Oregon City, Wednesday t Thursday Eetningt, ' MAY bth 6 (Wl. Connected with Hie Uomi aiiy are the fnflowisf diMiui'ii slird and siiulur anutes, whsst prrf m auces aro ol' the iiiusl Hlrganl aud isliatd clue acter: Madame JEAXNETTE AUSTIN, The during, terrific, tight-rude Dansesse, Ams siuniil, mid E,iieiriemie, whose jirfforuMkcts are indeed incredible until sera. Mr. NAT AUSTIN, The great Shukrperiiin Jeter; aim eelebrsttd far his great act of Juuolino on Hossssacs. Mr. WM. FRANKLIN, The graceful nnJ during Equestrian, distiag aiiksi ia Ins incredible set ol throwing lour eaasrsstite summersaults on horseback, which has si Srt nounved by all other periorroers ss unevasiMt. Mr. N. M. HINKLEY, The secomnlihlwd Eauestrisn sad Ueacral re former. Mr. Hiaklsy ia uolsd ia a variety at ph-as.ug psrlornmiMe. Mr. J. 11. KIEV The great A rbbat and Gymnast. His fret s pearmico in the ring on the Pacific coast, ttgeiaer with Mr. J. L. Uinkley io a new perlorinauee se titled The Trappers, or swinging bars. Mr. J. L. HINKLEY, The renowned Gymnast, Aerubat, aaJ IqaflaV riet, ia his wonderful Globe Laperehr ael,l)ief a hia buck on the lop of a pile ii feet b'gh, sad ilmicmg a large globe on li s feet at Ihe saiaeusst, Ihe pC'" iu the hands of Mr. Ausna-a feat sever aliened by anj' th artistes ia lbs kwwa world. During the evening's entertsinment, Mr. Anitie will iiilrutluee his learned T'riek DofF"1' whese prrforinuunes are interesting. The evening's perfurranuce will oonoluds with s very interesting ailerpiece entitled Lubia and As nolle, by the whole Company, in spproprisle est. tumes. Accompanying: lW aiteMishmeBi ss HART'S ObFSAATKD liSASa BANK - . N. B.-Ureut attention has nsee paid te Ike comic department, and everything that "Witse suggestive of air immoral and immodest UadeaeT has been oarelutlt excluded. M Prices ov Awiiseioa llox $1,50 1 Fit Polite anil attentive ushers will be ia ansae sneer te seat ladies. ' . F. C POMEKOY, Afset 4 43 5 V7 CZAPKAVa AOSXTTf And Clique Candidate for Stale Prinltr. Bethel Institute. THIS School m onder the persoaal ewe " PmI Hst.av.or Beihaujr College, flourishiog coudilioo. 1 ' tcahs or -reman. CMwaon Enilwli branch ........tW f T Hi'lH-r anuehea in Matbomaties m . liaaonr Latin, Greek, &e, - B zv M The raadeaU of the district US aw " - - ' Board can be nal at ine F7V JAMES U LA DP. .V.y 1,1858. CaaeC"