The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 24, 1858, Image 2

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    l)c rcgott SVrgus.
W. L. A OA MS, BltlTOS AND MlirllKTOt.
SATURDAY, Al'lilL 24, 1858.
Stato Ticket
rot asrslSKMTATIVS TO enNOSEaa,
J. R. McI3niDE, of Yamhill.
John Denny, of Marion.
Leandeii Holmes, of Clackamas.
E. L. Applkgatk, of Umpqua.
D. W. Ck.uo, of Clacknirm
HUaA ky )ur l-.Jor
The present it (lie most exciting pil iti
cal campaign we Lave yet witnessed in Or
egon. After I lie smoke of llin conflict lifts
from the tattlo field, and the reaull of the
June election ilmll be known, many who
ore now wavering but ween duly end poli
cy will see much mote plainly whet thry
should hove dune, than they now ice tsliat
is lent to do, Men tvho are now Lulling
between n perpetual and lifelong ullc.
giance to the ReimMictn parly, and a tem
porary alliance to a mushroom democracy
in hopes of striking nn rff c'ive blow nl the
rotten dynasty nt Sulctn, will then login to
soe the moral influence of a united effort
on the part of Republicans to bear their
banner onward to victory, unsullied by uV
vicei suggestive of caucus sovereignty,
and untarnished by symbols of despotism,
whether borrowed from the ensign of Aus
tria nnd Russia, ur tho escutcheon of such
liberty-bating demagogues at
and Jo Lane.
Let men once unrlursluiid that the present
strunglo is but the beginning of a series of
conflicts which nro to decide the futo cl
the million of white laborers ho wiih
their posterity lire eventually to possets
every foul of this continent, except whore
black serf, as tho labor capital of a mo
neyed nristucrncy nl present, monopolize
tho field of industry let them appreciate
the fact that this Ntrii"glo W to decide
whether tho beautiful leiriplo of huiinin
liberty, the foundation of which was laid by
tho heroes of the Revolution, is to be fin
ished even to tho belfry, or wla-iher it shall
be razed to the ground, nnd the very soil
under its foundation shall be dug up by a
co file gang of bended slave, u hipped on
by so mo democratic muluito overseer, to
digging a grave for the Constitution, and a
place to bury the Declaration of Indepen
dence out of sight let tbrm understand
thnt tho sectional democracy that now holds
tho reins of government has made up the
issue and arrayed itself on the side of des
potisin, fraud, tyranny, And a slavo-breeding
aristocracy thnt it is the sworn enemy of
tbohaid handed Anjlo-Saxon pioneer, who
lias a natural tight to enough of God's
lierilugo to support himself and little ones,
and who has a right to be protected by
government against a ruinous competition
of nigger labor capital that reduces his
wages, robs his children of bread, nnd
drives him from the country that this
Administration is in league wiih secession,
fire-eating, slavery propagandists, and has
taken the humiliating position that the
Constitution carries the black tide of slave
immigration to the vrry doors of every poor
man s cabin in a Territory, nnd is now
using all its influence and patroiiogo to
crush out liberty, and inaugurate slave
breeding among a people w ho abhor it
an Administration which has removed
Stanton, forced Walker to resign, and rend
Douglas, with every decent Democrat, out
of tho parly, for daring to stand up for pop
ular sovereignty, ami is now only supported
by Southern secessionists and suuh un
principled Northern driven-niggers as Jo
. Lane J we soy let men (wo don't mean
things) understand these great national is
sues between tho national Republicans nnd
tho sectional Democracy iu the Stales is
sues which are yet to be tried before ihe
American people issues of more trans
cendent importance than have ever L. fore
divided political parties issues that now
rise, and will conlipuo to rise, above nil
thoe that in like up tho creeds of little de
tached political squads issues that stir tho
heart of tha great American people, and
rock the whole Government on its basis
and then let men remember that the only
parly in Oregon that joins issue wiih the
sUve-brecding, secession, and amalgama
tion Democracy of the East, headed by
liuuhnnnn ami tailed off by Jo I.ano, is tho
Republican party; and that both wings of
the Democracy in Oregon claim to bo mere
ly excrescences of the rotten carcass al
ready alluded to, both claiming to love
Jo Lane very dearly, and to have un
bounded confidence in the corrupt Admin
istration at Washington, both alike asha
med of Douglas ami his co laborers, the
only men in the party who can lay any
claim to democracy both agreed to en.
dorsing scoundrelism and fraud generally,
and in denouncing such doctrines as those
I by Clay, Crittenden, Jefferson, Mad
, and Washington as "abolitionism"
while tho great issue that divides those
hard shells and sofi shells is simply this
The hard shells believe that If a loerfoco
goes into a caucus, or stays out of a caucus,
it is bound by the action vf the caucus."
Tho soft shell' creed is a linlit shorter,
(the reason why tome old lino Whigs have
fallen in lovo with it)" A hcofoeo is not
bound by ths action of at Caucus, unless he
goes in," Well, isn't that ft tremendous
issue I No wonder they hid no room for
such minor ones as the Douglas end
Buchanan policies. We cannot conceive
hew any Republican can be very much
interested in settling that issue about the
binding obligations of locofoco caucuses.
If Republicans will stand firm for princi
ple, slick to their Siate ticket, and work
for it by giving it R heavy vote, they will
secure aonoihiug in the way of a moral
influence that will tell for Republicanism
in the future. Just think of the moral in
fluence of ihe vole given for Lawsnn lost
year. It has been the real cause of ihe
split among the democracy this year.
Let Republicans work for iheir ticket from
this till the election, and lay a sure foun.
dition for the future. Tha salvation of
the country rests with the success of no
other parly. Remember that.
03" When do our Republican State
nominees propose to address the people I
We would suggest to them the propriety of
wailing on K. M. Darnuni at his appoint
ments. Rarnum speaks in this city on
next Tuesday (April 27), al Champoog the
28th, Silverton 20ih, Salem May 1st, Jef
ferson 4 ih, Albany 5th, Thurston Gih,
Brownsville, 7th, Corvallis 8th, Eugene
City 13ih, Applegate's 10th, and so on
Souih, ending at Jacksonville June Sth.
03" New Ilampsh'ne has gone Republi
cs by about 0,000 majority. Al the re
cent election in all the towns in York Sinle,
a large majority of ihein went Republican.
In many places " Douglas deinocratio tick,
eti'' liavo been beaten by the Republican
tickets. Democracy is beginning to have
such a bad odor in the Siates that ihe peo
ple ore afraid of every thing bearing the
name. That is right li t men vote for
Republican, and then they may al.ep
sweetly, believing that they have not en
dorsed despotism, fraud, or dishonesty, in
any shape.
03" The Kansas debate still continues
in Congress. Tho Senate had agreed to
closo nil debate and take a vote on the mat
ter March 23d. Tho Lecomptnn Consti
tution will pass the Senate, but will no
t'oiibl fail in the House.
fV To a man up tree, it looks like
mixing thingi mightily when he looks
down and sees ihe ''Nuiionals" on Jo
Lane's back, when Jo Lane stands on ihe
Salem platform, and the Sulein platform
stauds on Czapkay's agent and Lane's
CO" Tho Standard tells the Times thnt
tho IDugrno convention has "expressed its
confidence in iho Democrntio Administra
tion of tho Union." Will the Standard
please to tell us whothur that means ihe
Buchanan Administration, or not t
Let us have the truth and no dodging.
bold Mines.
The ruget Sound Herald of April lOih
says that several persons havo returned lo
ISellinghnm Day from the new mines on
Frnzier's river to obtain supplies. They
report gold abundant and easily obtained.
Several persons on the Sound have rccciv.
cd letters from their friends in the mines
corroborating tha above statement. The
hands at ihe mills, tho crews of vessels,
and tho Regular forces about the Sound
have genornlly dropped their work, left
their employers, nnd rushed for the new El
Dorado. We have heard patiently all the
arguments in i'uvor of the different routes to
the mines, nnd wo are inclined to believe
that by way of the Dalles is ihe best.
Wood, water, and grass arc said to be abun
dant the entire route, which is some 375
miles from iho Dalles.
t& In turning over Iho pages of the
Spiritual Telegraph this week, we noticed
an article headed " The Great Revival."
Being curious to know what a spiritualist's
notions of "revivals" were, wo read it.
The editor states that he visited the "revi
val'' with a desire to unravel tho great
mystery, and came away fully satisfied
that the house was full of spirits, as he had
no doubt he felt some of them himself. Ho
"If the writer of this possesses, as he
thinks ho dues, those mediatorial powers
which render him sensible, at times, of the
presence of spiritual influences, then there
was certainly a most powerful spiritual in
flux at the 01 J Dutch Church nn Thursduy
last. It seemed to come down like a cat
aract of spiritual fire, warming and vital
izing; but not burning, and taking effect up.
on each and all according to their several
degrees of susceptibility.
83" The Louisville Journal complains
that at the revival meetings in New York
city thoso who speak are confined to five
minutes each. Trenticr thinks thai the
New Yorkers ought to have sufficient time
in confessing their sins to make a clean
breast of the matter, and that the "ten
hour ruin" would be more appropriate.
Imagine for instance Bennett of the N. Y.
Herald trying to confess all of his sins in
five minutes the idea is ridiculous.
, Dement fc Co. have some
' most complete two horse power thrr-shJ
er ct P 'l w vr " Tltey'l
Mfloonnu to go on line not exes'
fW Those who would like to avail
ihrmsaivai of an opportunity to learn in
strumental music, will refer to Professor
Allison's .i.!-.f r:iement. .
taming sal ef UabyUa,
The following Is from the hand of one of
(be "Nationals" of Clackamas county,
whose stomach heaves at the thought of
swallowing Buchanan and Jo Lane, There
are many oilier good men in the democrat
ic party (falsely so called) who are becom.
ing disgusted with the corruptions ol the
parly and have half a mind to bolt every
thing calling itself" democratic," and join
ihe Republicans. There are others who
still adhere to l he Nationals, believing
that the Eugene Platform doe not endorse
Buchanan. We are at a loss to see how
any man can make a fuss at swallowing
Buchanan, and at the same lime gulp
down Lane, who possesses all the political
vices of Buchanan without his virtues.
Rock Creek, O. T.
Mr. Adams W had supposed from
the first I hat ibo split in the Democratic
party was one of principle and nol merely
for the spoils of office. We hud supposed
that when Jo Lane mounted the Salem
platform that those who were opposed lo
thai platform would net eulogize or in
dorse him until ho had acknowledged his
error and embraced the Iruth as advocated
by I hose who were opposed lo the Sulein
Resolmions. But it now appears that we
have labored under a delusion. We had
looked to the Eugene Convention with
great interest hoping that it would indorse
the National Platform adopted at Cincin
nati, and with that be content. But
what is our mortification lo find them in
dorsing President Buchanan, who, every
person that roads knows, has left the Cin
cinnati platform to force slavery upon the
people of Kansas against their will.
Now it is true that the first resolution of
tho Eugene Convention does indorse the
Cincinnati platform, but the second iudors.
es Buchanan's Administration, whieh is as
far from i he Cincinnati platform as the
present Democracy is frmn JcHcrsoninn
principles, (and you know that is quite
a distance.)
Had the Eugene Convention only passed
the first resolution, we as free State demo
crats would not have entered a complaint.
But if they must pass another, it should bo
in accordance with the first, nnd this they
could have done by approving the acts of
Mr. Douglas in his present efforts to carry
out the principles of tho Cincinnati plat
form. That platform plainly indorses the
Kansas-Nebraska bill, which bill slates
thai its object is not to legislate slavery
into or out of the Territories, but to leave
the people thereof free to form their own
local institutions in their own way. Now,
sir, there wus not a delegate in the conven
tion at Eugene so ignorant as not to know
hat a large majority nf ihe people of Or
egon are opposed lo slavery, and in senti
ment and sympathy are with Mr. Douglas;
then why compel free State Democrats lo
indorso Buchanan, who is using nil his in
fluence to spread ihat institution over this
land of liberty f Did they wisli to force
free State Democrats to vote the Republi
can ticket ! Their actions say that much.
If thry should, can the Nationals complain !
Wf think not, if principle is to govern.
There is no doubt but Mr. Douglas is still
acting in accordance with the principles of
the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and, if so, why
no: indorse Mr. Douglas, at least ns soon a-t
the President ? I would say, with all can
dor, lo Free State Democrats, How can we
indorse Buchanan while we are opposed lo
the measures he advocates I In doing it,
wo throw our influence against Mr. Dou
glus and block iho door against Freedom
and Free Slate principles. Was there no
sincerity in the adoption of the Cincinnati
platform, or in those who professed to be
governed by ill or was it to be used fr
the promotion of certain individuals, and
then to be forgotten or thrown aside at
pleasure I Is it true thai ihe opposition to
the Jubilee Resolutions and the Salem
Platform was not real, and the opposition
to Jo Lane while ou that platform (and he
is still on it) was for no other object but to
displace those corrupt office-holders w ho are
in office, and place others there who are ns
void of principle as they are I If that is
all that is intended, the Eugene Convention
has produced but little reformation. The
only improvement en hushocracy that I
ran find is that the will of the people U
supreme and it may be that this election
may prove that same fact.
For one, I shall support neither Bush,
Jo Lsne, nor Buchanan, nor the men who
do support them iu the present struggle for
Freedom. A Voter,
03" Mr. E. Brigg, from ilm folks of the
Willamette, brought down 150 barrels of
flour on a flat boat last week, which he man
ufactured at ihe mills bearing his name.
He sold his flour to Charmnn & Warner of
this city, but like a sensible man he firsi
brought down a sack and contributed it to
the printer.
Long may he wave!
03" We see from the New York papers
that an opposition line of steamers has
been put on ihe route fom New York lo
Panama, and passengers are buying tickets
as follows steerage 9-15 to $00 ; second
cabin 975; and first cabin $100.
03" We are under obligations to Hon
Jacob Collamer, U. 8. Senator frm Ver
mont and Hon. W. P. Fessenden, U.
S. Senator frem Maine, for documents.
03" The present prospect is that Ore
gon will not be admitted into the Union for
nine lim vet.
03" The Lawion blackberry which Is
having a great run In the Slates, has been
introduced Into Orrgun by David Brock
in tho Waldo Hills, who will have a good
many shoots for sale next fall. We ate
soino of ihe berries mined by George Wal
ling last year and consider them a great del
icacy. Thoso who urn propagating them
in the Slates assert that ihey were first
found wild at New Rnchelle, New Yoik,
and have never been seen in any other lo
cality. This a mistake. We ate the
same berries In the woods of either 'lVnni-s
see or Michigan, we are nol certain which.
The berry is so popular thnt plants have
been sold in York Stale al one dollar ach.
They are now worth in the States about
fifteen cents each.
03" Will the Standard inform its read
ers why tho Nationals have rr.ountid Jo
Lane as a platform, when Jo Laun Has
last year, and now is, on the caucus sover
eignty platform, and stuted in his letter o
acceptance l.'iut it was Ihe right and duty
of the Salem conrenlioit to condemn and re
pudiate Ihe Standard's course f Let u
have the honest sec ret of I his new love for
Jo Lane. Dare you speak ?
t3T Advices from Utah state that the
Mormons are making every preparation lo
resist ihe troops. Chief Justice Evkles is
holding a court nt Camp Scott, liriglmm
and other Mormon leaders have been
indicted for high (reason. A Mormon pris
oner now wiih ihe army has been put upon
trial, but his case was adjourned to give
him lime to procure evidence.
03" Tho slave Arehy cuse in San Fran
has not yet Wn decided.
OCT The ne.n foundery in this city is
progressing rapidly and promises to be a
mugnificeiit affair.
03" Our meridian's nro selling good
low, and doing a brisk litisiiies.
03" Tliere is a general disposition in
this cilv to brush up, and improve the up
pearnnce of real painie.
03" Mr. Binoks of C.ineniah has our
thanks for a piece of a numiinoih sturgeon
and samples ol the " wnpntoo," the Indian
shunless nnd infatuated efloils of ihe l'ies
idi'iil to impose minority rule upon the peo
ple nf Kansas, have ul ready produced a
feeling in Congress which promises in ie
sail in a degradation of the 1'rexideiilial
office, thus far unprecedented in ihe history
of Iho IIi-pub!ic. It is freely nllt-ged at
Washington thai Executive influence; has
been corruptly used lo secire voles in ihe
House of Representatives for tho Lccomp
lon Constitution. The justice nf these sun.
piciors is grounded not only upon the under-current
of conversation in Washington
circles, but upon the practical admission of
iho Administration parly the o'hi-r day in
voting aymine facto against Mr. Hoard's
firoposal for nn investigation, that the facts
ie sought to expose- would not bear the
light. The only ground taken for resisting
the motion was that its author would not
himself make specific charges of corruption,
the specific charges of newspaper corres
pondents not furnishing necessary aliment
for an inquiry as a qo-stinn nf privil
ege. Tim fate of Mr. Hoard's proposition
seems lo hnvc been unexpected, and In have
inflamed Ihe feeling which alreudy existed
against the President.
There is now a strong conviction that
Mr. Buclinnan bus laid himself open in an
impeachment, and some of the most pru
dent and farsigh'ed men in Washington are
seriously considering iho propriety of mak
ing an example of him. Should he persist
in his policy, and in using the patronage
of his office in the way he hns been usinf
it, we should not be surprised to hear of a
motion for his impeachment being moved,
any day. It will not pass, of course, for
when a majority nf Congress is dblijed fur
the sake of its own reputation wiih the
country, lo resist an exposure of alleged
corruption among its own members, it is
not in a condition to make an example of
the allpged corruptor.
Whether impeached or not, however,
'here is sornelhini; mortifying, not lo SBy
alarming, in the mere fact that a President,
in l lie first quarter of his administration,
should so indiscreetly we will not snv cor
ruptly exert the influence of his office as
to compel his political opponents to look to
nn impeachment as the only available
means of preventing our government's de
generating into an oligarchical despotism.
63" In private, we must watch our
thonghts; in the family, our tempers; in
company, our tongues.
03" Good breeding is aguaid upon ihe
tongue. Mind that.
03" Tim edi'or of a newspaper down
east has been bled. to improve lite circula,
lion !.;. tinner.
Small Men Small men console them
selves with the old saw that the best goods
are put up in ihe smallest packages, and the
maxim holds good in very manv cases. It
is particularly the case wiih lenl medi
cines, such a sarsajiarillas and panaceas.
Bvware of nos'rtims in quart bottles, and
buvnnly the !raef, nln-rg Sarsapnriila, a
half pint bottle of which contains more real
wirniciiii virtue man a gallon ol any oilier
kind in use.
IW Dr- UnyseU's lasrave extract or
Yellow Dock and Karatipnr.lla is ihiw put up iu Ihe
largist sized (quart) bullies, and is acknowledged
lo be the best tsampu Ha made aa ia certified by
the wonderful rurrs it lias prnonned, tin original
Copies of wIin b ar in the hands of the proprietor.
Itemember, thia is Ihe only true and urigmal arti
cle. The medicine, if need according lo direc
uta, king's ed, cancers, tumor, eruptions of the
akin, eryaiprku, chn.aie sure ejea, ringworm of
tetters, rheumaliain, pa in the bouea or ioinla.
old sore and icei, swelling of Ihe eland, yphi-
I". )prpa, aan meom, uix-ane or the kidneys,
loss of appetite, diaraao arwi.g from the aaa iT
mercury, paia in tho aid and sbuaJden, general
debility, jaandico and cativeoes.
ty" 1 he genuine ia put op in quart bottles,
13J Wtkingtn it. Ham Fmrisn.
r-aj- wiMar'S Ui"i m win s.wtrrj
A cure Tor coiiuniiliuii, brmu-hilis, siiut, (it
liiiff nf blood, euiifli, coMs, croup, lion.ii
euiik-li, Influeiua. Inrni lie, pains in His M and
breusl, sorriirM of His brru.t and Inns. ililliiio,
wsmiiiR nf Ihe lloh. n'g'it sweats, iiillmiwiuliuii
of tin) llljS Mild III'""!.
None genuine without lli lisins of fissures a It.
Pass rnvrsvi d on llis outside wrHwr
Ds.A. II.HTHrXK. AgtHt.OrrgnaCily.
I'AltK & Willi K, Suit Agl;
2ni3 l-'W Wmhiuglvn !, San Francisco.
Is hereby given llist tho annual mealing f Iho
Oregon Tcmprrsii o Aaweialiuii will be hM al
Punluiid on Tuvxluy llis 1 Ills of Mat, ItU), at
10 o'eliick a. h.
The executive comin'ltes of this Society at Ihs'r
last mevling, March 2'Jlli, propuwd llis fullowiiy
subjects us worlliy of diseuwiun by Hie friends of
Tempera ncf, vixi The sllainnn nl fnun our Legis
lalure of audi a elisngs in our preaeut lice nw Inw
I lint inslrud of Hie petitions for and reniouslruaees
against lieonse. titers ihall bo a vote annually in
each pnciiicl wln-llier liiUur shull be vended sa
bevarnijtt in lhal precinct ) nnd 3d, whether Car
sun Leagues ought nol bo formed In our cities and
prseiueta lo tufores our present licence luw.
). Dickinson, Sec'y
neltllUus Notice,
The next aiimiul mei tiiiji at the Oregon Dible
r'ocieiv w.ll b- held at 1'nrtlaiid uii Ihe ISih of
Mai iiexl.ciiiiiiueiiciiig at ID o'clock A. M.
D.t.MKL, Stc'y.
April 24, a:.i.
ty The Oregon Auniliury Tract Society will
hold its tenth unnivemury nl Furtluad .Mat 1 jlln
at 10 o'clock a.m.
U. II. Atkiksom, Sec'y,
Marlon County Itlblc Hot let y.
The unnuiil meeting of this Society will be held
at the M. K. church, Salem, al 7 J o'cl'k Wedues
day evening, May 5lh, 1833.
We earnestly invite all ministers of the Gospel
of all denominations ill the county tube present
with ns many fiiiuds us lliey can indue to come
wiih Ihriu. J. It Mr.,
S'e. SI Co. U. S.
luilct'Udrnl l.ailt.Ute.
I annoii.iee n.)elf as an iiidependeiil eandidule
fur Iho Stu.e and Teriilorial Legislnluie, subject
lo tlin il.citiou of the voiera of Clackairu.a county
at the poll"- JAMKH ItAltLOW.
137" We am rqu.kd lo announce W. T.
.MATLOCK as a candniale lor Supremo Judge in
I lie dill Judicial District. He exptcls lomeel and
addrna hia d lli'.cili us, ill c. iijunclion will. Mr.
Wait, previous to the June eleelinn. April 111.
Professor R. IIS. ALXiZ3023
BKCis le to in In hi i lie Indi-a uud t"-nile-men
ol' OlIKliu.N t M Y an I lis vemiiy
.tint having now permuti' ully etl!rd i. (Irer-n
City, he in piepure.l to give INS I Itl'C I'lU.N iu
ivratuui:T.i. !Ui'ic,
By hia long exper encw in lea.-liiug ill ihe At
l iulie St .lev, ho Ilnlti ra liiimelt thai he can ive
ent re sulisluciiou to all who may pl-aso loputr.m
nt him. Juslrunieiits and iinuie lUi nislu d, if de
sired. N. B. Uamls taught, and all kinds of musie
(3f Impiire ut tin' City Dook Store.
April !4. IS.".8. 2fi
Charuun t Warner,
Dealer In Dry 4ol,
Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glassware,
Boots, Sliors, Paint, Oil, tfr.,
In their Fre-pionf Brick Main street,
SlllNGLtS IiHl.tlll lor eiilr, by
OKI.CiO.1f ttAliKIr.
1VL CAMl'lllil.L
dt-nire to inform tho iiihub.luiits of Oregon City
and vicinity that Ihey havo lul-dy KE.MOVliU
their market up Main street,
Nearly Opposite the Tost Office,
where they will keep coiulnntlv nn huud Ihe best
iil Corn Beef, Bncon, Butter, Egii, and ull
kinds of vnoKTASi.r.s to be had in lite country
all of which will be offered at the lowest market
roles. Cash paid fur all the abovt-im ntioned ar
ticles. April 4, JtOd.
TUC ItUCULMt Summer Term of this In
stilutinn will commence on Wkunksiuy, Ar
an. Slirr, 18.')8, and emit aue twenly-lwo ueeka.
The desii;n of Ihe Institution is to teach young
men to think independently and correctly. We
serk the rivif inn ILctnul and moral improvement.
It is expected that ull who repair to this pca to
spend a season ol' comparative retirem. ut from Ihe
world, will hare the design of Ihe liHUuliun dis
tinctly in view,
'The Fucttlly ennnialsof die following p-rsons:
lis. Cf.o ('. (", D. D-, President, nnd
l'rof. of Morn I and Intel eetiml I h Ineophv.
J. D. I'ost. A. AL, Frulebsor of Lut.a nnd G.eik
C 11. Mattuon, Professor of Mathematics.
J. A-Post, TrloterJL
U. L. ItU8t,KI.L. )
Mr. Mutioou tr.ivels during ihe summer (ufter
July 1st) fur the purp se of securing nn endow
ment for iho Insiiliitioii, but lakes his post as
T.-arhrr nl Ihe commencement of Ihe f.dl term -Mr.
Pot comes mm tha liir-tiluliou as roon as the
Profesmrslep is endowed.
TEUMS. From $6 to $10 per quarter, ac
cording to the advancement of the pu il to be
paid in adrance. Hoard nnd other accommoda
tions can be ohlnined nt low it IV'Ht ''.'.'),
stationery furnished nt ihe Inst luti u.
It is double ihat all shou'd eomm.Sie at the
"?T"K o. ill.- ti r- - b
I lie College is l.ic-uled at .MuMinnville, one of
Hie mon sin uiio stnOrrgnu.nn ihe a. nth
Fotk of the Yamhill Kiver, ubout four m.lea fr .in
l.a!u)elle (ihe county seat), and in the midst of
uu en.rrpi imiij and religious rommuuily t nnd, it
is thought, presents trry mperior acco toiiod .tion
tor ueh oa desire a thorough nnd uieful edm-a
lion. IIKNKY WAKItli ,
lw3 Pioident of Ihe Hoard of Trjstees.
25,000 for sale by
Cauemah. Apt 1 7. JOS. BAKSTOW.
I HAVE jnat opened an txl.iu.ive Masset
Home & HvTCiiKa's Shop iu the hu Idimr wit
door b. low the Posl Ullicr, where 1 slial. kcepceu
tiuitlt on hand a y of
and other kind of kr.t, as well as Vegetable!,
Butler, Lard, and ev.ry Ih ng co. m lo a mar
ket house. 'The meat d. purtineni will be kepi in
a style eup,rior In aiitihing hen-lofure seen iu Ih a
city, a-:d palrona will bo aceoiniuodaled as lo
teruuL Call and tru me.
Oregr.n I "itr. April 1(1. 18.,8. .Wtf
Probata TSntinm
V"OTICE M hrn-b. that 1'lwbe Pendet
1.1 ton, admiuwlrutrix of ih etal of Cliam.
peny Prmlelton, hue of Clackamas county, de
ceased, has rendered her account f..r final settle
ment 10 the Probata court of said county, and Ihe
first Tuesday in May nest is aptmuird for Ibo ad
justment of tho same at Oregon City in said
Apnl 10, 1S48-;.8wJ Jmdgi aj 'rof.
('linruiiiii A Wnrsier
HAVK UKMOVKI) .. thai, Drlek D.iUi
ou Main il formerly ,.. J t , TH
Holme. Co., whort ihey art pr.,Mrtd IoIl?
new on Ilm sain old plan.
W hovs ou hand a nl . -
Woods. U.oe.r w. a WUna, a.d nmJSZ in .armor waiiir,
April IU, 8i,
Wi hkloi'a i'nitbrltlaeal
DICTIOXAnY-nevUed .d ,nl.rH
lion for sals al Ilia
. CITY HOOK BTortlt.
Aiiuou rii Dii itDOBrr
Iiimls d) Shore, and Crockery,
In llis new Fiio-proof Uriek Mais trait
mov.d to tho NEW FlKH FROor
BRICK, nest d.siri.1 lha brick forawrly owued sv
lluliuva. Ths firm will hereafter be kawa m
IX Till
Slow rirc-Proof Stitk,
Feeling p. rfeetly occurs against fire, wt will aw
Offer Greater Inducements than tm
to the public. We me constantly N rsctisl af
e'eclrd Willi the grestest cart (as tnprknud
qimliiy), and lire eo.ifi.leul our facilities wj
enable us lo offer and tell foods
(fi rights on), and would advise all lbi imi'm
Uii city lo pu'clia-e gool, lo eiant.M aurstaaa
uii.l prli-rs Iwfnre puiehuiiigr!a.whefr.
a huve, and a.e jiwt receiving, as iareitt of
co.iMstinc iii part of Ihe following articles Cibt
eo. J'a.-.r.c, lludl.-y, Coueslrtf.,, Spratk-, TliUip
Allen, Kali Itiv.r. .Mrrriiuae, Hi i,(gs, aiid auuuc.
no nilirr choice Pitt NTS, ill lite iisltii Kag.
I eh t: Fn-ncli ineriooa. LuiifMn lo li,iihiiif and
...her Debuxe i hiuie, wiaH, it muslin de kiaes,
M..i:k, blue, pin pie, ,V pu.k lueiiuns, laney plaajs,
j.iconet, Ikiok. tw w, tV mull nnn.,u, luasi icuik.
ei, eoilars, I. ikf i skirls, drrsa de bonnet trim
ini.igs, l'ir.ii'li V -Joio.-si c g, Krrai-h
laivua from U'J lo !25?, blue, niisrd, A grryssil
net. Wool A: cuiiou j. uil , c.'lli.uade, bleaclHsl sad
blown shreliug Iron. 3-1 In 1 11-4 w de, brow a and
Ihei.ched dnlU, den ui-, luckvry sbirling) Alraa,
iniiiine, hrnwu. und liisli linen, naiikctit, daprr,
and crush, a lurge loi ul linen and thread laces
and nhliug, li.i. rr, tVo,
Blue, bluck, uud brown cloth ctuls J 10 dot blk
elolh VislB, 5 ilos white and bull1 Maiaedle de,
vrlt et i.nd sal. li do. ; .'III col ..l;nel pants,
ami lancy cursinn re do, 3l dus uienu-i auj csiaa
uiiilervliuls, g.ey, Idue, Si bliieK clo.h over coats,
with a g. ii. uuiuroiKol of geula' fujbio
BOOTS . SHOES - Men', brs', awl
yoiitlsa' Udrs', msn a', and chiMieue' aie
r.icco, oul, kid, and cat. CougieHi boots, with 4
wilhuitl heels; ladies' kid sl.ppers.
012 1212 8,3
Poo and Javu cdn-e, bluck und green lea, N. 0.
Cliinn, Uuiuvia IsIun.I, CbI. retiiwd, an.1 eru-hsj
migiir, K.u.1 llusi.iii. tal , sugar Isaiev, and golden
nyiup; sull,5lollt) Ibeka; 100 kga nnila, aaa's)
sizes; II II 'm pa, i-hriuieal and Entrlisli soap,
soap powu. rx, puivder,, and lead, yeast pw
iter, sa eiiiliis, cr.-niii lailar, siwa ngumletiewing
to .uc co, green corn, peat, ttimatitc; ttram i4
bluckbet't tcH, iu 2 lb line ; spice, prpp. r, and onssia,
H-url barley, mucurooi, vrrtnt-eik, earn starcli,
ultnoud.. wiilituls, mils, raisms, Chifi p-.-k-
es, ill' e. fril l mackerel, III qr a. hlf bbls, sardines.
A hue atMirlmetit or
20 crates uwoited ware,
411 dur. Hleel p.cks,
SO Dutch ud IM!a bars.
White Lead, Oil, and Window Glass;
with a variety of other articles usually kept.
O We will pay c.s:i lor w heut, dour, bieoo,
butter, rgs, und a.iousi everything the former has1
lor Nile. A. k 1)'
Oregon City, April 10, 1H.',8.
J US T ItKCEIVKD, the latest ttytt ol itu Si
satin ItON.NIi'l'S, Leglioiu ti straw Hals.
Land for Solo.
A HALF RKCTIO.N et gout lino
IX. is
for sale, s tuutcd on fitl
miles N.E of Oregon City 1(1 w-reaas JUSiM
dor fence, half of w hich is under ctrltiveun r
wild a young oitviiAiioof about 15U trees, nan ef
which ure heuriag j besides a nnull tram Hotant
and .nil-buddings.
The property will be sold for cash, or traded for
properly in Oregon or Portland. For further
particulars, enquire uHhe ed.lorof the Argus. Ht
Columbia Dining Hall,
rollTLA.ND, O. T.
milE proprietors of this favorite Eating '
X lithmeiit re. iiecl ullv iiiioiin all wheal ileea-
ceitis, that they huve leused, and are no engagea
III reiairtng, dimming, cleansing, ."eniwng, aaa
ImproviiiK Hie building on llis corner af Frost
Wushiuuioii sts , formerly known as the 1,'ULUM
U1.N, slid r. ceiitlv us the CA It'TEIt IIOWE,
lor Ihe better acrtoimnodut.oii of the traveling esnv
mimily wiih board and lodging. 'The Iino will
be comploteil. and r.chlv furnished wiih WO
best bedi in Or. gnu, uud leady for the accommo
dation of travelers und weekly b .orders ladies
gents by the 20th March. When opened, i
w.ll be kiimvn as the " COLUMBIA." and kept
iu manner and style seeoud lo none iu Oregon.
.... ' I IhA
rriees w.ll always be llio lonvsi, anu
. - Wf3 I oreioinr...
Divorce Notice. .
Drif Zmi, Tirritor if Orifen-"-
Judicial P;l(ifl
M. E. Overly J
. ' I
J. C. Overly. )
rpilEdeleudantisnolified that sossptsist na
JL beru filed iu ihe olHeoul th e"k aC ssi
court for Clackamas couuty in aid JJustrkl, pray'
ina for n divorce from lb bonds of inatrinwar,,
and Ihat a hearing will b bad Ihi-noston the firsti
day ot the nrjilirriaraestWiWhslcai',sllassf
iu suid Dmtr cl ou tho tirsi Alouaay el May Mi
and uulesa he thru and there appe" ""Jr
tho said compia.iil, it will be lakeu aa cuufssdr
and ihe prayer thereof be granted by tbatourW
April 3. 18.-.8 51w5 PilIT Ait'y-
THIS is to certify that my wife LsTiissAleft
my lw.l uud board in, rr04, ad sssbsr
ia now I v itg w ill anoilH'r muu, I hate lhg
lxl 10 slale lo lha pnbl Ikat ah Ins n',mlZ
been divnr!rl from me, cocseourinly bef steoBo)
marriu.e ia illeifnL
Oregon CHy, Apr.l 3. 1H5S. 5,"
just reveie.d by tirseaa al Iho
IIKI-.l.U. uuvxt o
March 27, letfd.
rHOSE who wish to get Iheir II O R8 E S
teell ihod, and Iptedilf
sk.. rn .n rif.ll DICK, at tbo sew tflsca
I amHb aboa opoesjio Ailah McsOwr'sslsr.
I r. .r 10 ij-.a
vrtgoa iiry, -narca ., ic