AnvKitTisixa rtATw. On ur (13 Uiim er lit) en inwrllun, X)9 " two iiiMiiitais, 4Q - lim e insertions, !,!!) l'r lulswueul insert oil, Jbl) (tsssoasb's deductions lo tl,i- tike ailvuuM by lb year. tPrtUS-'l'tH A suits will In Jnrnitlieil at Thrtt OMurt and 1'ijiu Vtutt n,r annum, in a Jennet, la migli luutcribtri I'krtt JMUiri ion r It I N T I X (i . TirV rsoraia-ioa or tn AllCl'd is lurry to inform tin public llial li nu jest iwrlved a hop stw-k uf Jolt TYI'K aud eil.rr new print liiK nun. r si, sud will U in lli in.y iriVit v addition suited to all the n)uiien.eii's of lliis li. tack la emui oj Itn al oat office in adduce When Hit uniieij it nut p,nd in odeamt, four DilUrt Kill It churn id if paid within lix MoifSt, a id l-'ire dulUrt al the trnlnf Ike year. A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Principles of JcfltM'soniaii Democracy, and advocating tie side of Truth in every iiwue. I ff- I at liiujrt lur hm moulhtnn tuutcnp Hunt rtftioed fur a tett period. Nj piptr ditennli.iued nnlit all urrtmngn an paid, u ( al Ike nptiunnl On pulilither. eal.iy. IUNIMiIU. IWHW, II A.N KM, CAUIIM. ( HtCt I.AI1H, l'A.Mni.K.l.;K. Vol. IV. OREGON CITY, OREGON, APRIL 24, 1858. No. 2. sad iHlior kinds, dune le older, en short i.ot r. ,T11B OREGON ARGUS. hslisiiku imr stTustur uoahinu, BY WILLIAM L. ADAMS. Ik nt'.HOI.V'f MtSH Adoptra by lit tV-puliUrse HlaU l'.onvra Una, Avrtl ih:.. Iv-miIvihI, Isi, Tliui lha Kepuhliean parly, true lu tliu principles tlml form ti e basis of our free mid democratic ivli'iil nf government, reullirins to them i'a unalter bio tbtotion, as laid down in tbu blood bought cliiiiiur ill' American libT'y, llif Declaration of Independence, Add iletvl' oi'-J in the Cony iiiition of lh United Isiulon, hihI llmt the prosperity hiiI per pa luiiy of our Union depend upon it strict Ulllli-rullCU 10 llll lloCtlille tnllglll, mid the right guarantied in iho.e honored repos itories of rt-1 u Id iciin frith. ' Resolved. 2ml, That in relation to ihe institution ofdumcsiio olii very, wu remain where llm pulrioi who fofiiifil our insti tutions pldtiied themselves, and where I li u leading statesmen uf nil parlies, unlil uilli in a reePnl period, trim harmoniously t'hul Mint it U a purely local, not geiier III, .Stii'.", mnl not iiutionul, in-lii tti ion deti-riiii miUc by llic Slices, each for itself -over which tlie oilier State have, no cuntrul hihI lor which no responsibility. (..-solved, 3d, 'I'lmt with Wtniliiiijjftot!, Ji'tb-rsjii, Madison, Frank lin, mid their compeer and c'llelnporurii's, who in tlie framing of l lii Constitution matin effectual p'oiUion furtlio Hnniliiliitiuii oflliu iralfio -in slave, u til who were especially anxious lliul iliul instrument aIiouJ contain no nil mission of tho righlof one man tu hold properiy in another, w believe uluvpry to lu a political, 'cinl, u ml niuriil evil; and while wit di-cluim all right and inulinalion to interfere tviili il una municipal regula lion of any of the KoverciL'U Stale of Hip Union, believe I liiii Hip org.iuiu act of 1737 for the fovi'r piitofiill lln terriio- ry llieii heliijing In ilia Republic, penned by lli.iici'iUJ"iTi'rnoii, approved by the iiniiiorinl Washington, aud i-li icily adln-ri'd to in tlm f.jriii iii 'ii f every govoriimPnl fi'oitl 1 1 in I liimi down In l-'il, cmb djpi lllu only of Coor-sH in lutunii ".ovi-mnii'iii for ilm T' rutorips thai in, Hip iion-PxlPliioii of sl.ivprv. Kfiolviil, 4Ji, That tlie iinfortiinnip Oi'par'iirp fioin thai i incid in iIip latp mui orjuii'Ktnj; llm Territury of KaiHan, lu vlncli ! diri'i'tly tracp iIip bilipr ngiu llun whicll lias ilexlMiypil ilin p'iic-, and r.-ilil.oii'il wiih ilia I'lo.d of ltr..t I ! viiyin soil, of thai 1'iir land, him prou d lV in bilUT fruiiH th ui bun oT tint ancient policy which il has unppl'mli'd, K'ii!v,'d, Sih, Thai 'p iiind Ly and maintain, an did our fur.'1'alhprs, tme pop ular mnvrptjrtiiy, and llm iimliiMialdu rihl oftha ppoplv) to jjuvitii llii'iii lip ; bnl vn dpiiv tlrit a liuin is drpriwd of Iipm tmlfMi li pnjoy iIip privil.-tf of pnnlavini; olhprn, and allirin thai 'lie n oill ol'sncli a ilnciitiip would be to found iIip lilriy of Hip ci'iz''ii upon a baKiu of di-spoUsm. . UpmjIvpiI, Olli, Thai llm iiilPinpl upon the pan uf ilia presnnt IVmOLTHlio ndinin. iiira'ion in foiup upon tin- pcopln of Kan k:is a vuiiNti nil ion uhliotit hi to a lai'i;p in ij riiy of in ciliZi'im, aiul in mivtain in pov.-r a asiirpin ami tyrannical iniiioriiy naiiist tip. kii'in a will uf llm r.-niaindpr, is an uutragp lint to ho bonin bv a fre-p ppopip, an I wp hupp thai, plairin ib- ni hcIvps liniily upon lh iiinnorlal Iroili lirs! euuuc'ui 1 I bv iIip IX'claia'ioii ol ndpp'iid. piiop. " ihat all "ovcriiillcnta derive lln ir jilt povprs t!m coiikiiUI of iIih giv ernpd,'' !ipy will bB alilp lo wrr st tioin U'pir uppri-ssor thai hit: It Is inpniiinalilp to a fi'on pi-oph' and fu'inidablp io ty rutin only ilu-rihl locmnp.-l ihv nilcrs to con form lo I hi' uitdicy "filio ruhd. , It-sulvpil, Mi, That w tiwiat that llio li'.'hl in trnvertt nec-ssarily follows Hip riyht to nuq lirp and hold turriury, and l lint in providing; a jjuViTimiPlil for a 'lerriiury unjer tliii rihl il should bo busud tipou the iiialinnablti rilitsof the pPOdp, and we arraign tho modprn RVstfin as prai-iicully Carried uui in Kan.n for kit iiupi and C"os violalion of lliPH'- principlp, and alfirm thai Hm dark c Ualooae of wrongs and ciimeii cbmrnitlpil by tlm Ue and i xi-tiug Ad minis' rations against popular rights in ihut Tut liiury deip'rvo llm execration of every lovpr of frppdnin of I lie prem-iit day, and, us tliPtr jitt reward in history, mi iiimior taliiv of infamy. . Resolved, 8lh, That thn late parlisail decision of the SupreniP Court in ilie ease of Dred Sco't, which inak'-a ih Conniini tion a jtrand thin instrument lo every holder of i-!ivp, is a disgraca io tbu Ju dtciai uf tint nation, and a stain upon the i,'..,:.;.pr of our?"mi,rV wlitmu proudpft boartisiu love of libpriy in iw lurj:eM , bense and it iy"in,,y t'.rry f"lUolvpd, Oth. That we congratulate nrsve5 and The people of Orem upon the result or tho4ie petion upon the iiieslionof slavery asa triumph of Hie .Republican doctrine of non-extpiisimi, and wb onlv insist ihat we ouubt to use our itiflaeiice wherpver it can be pilinmlpy done to secure to olhpr TerrjiorionliP saine p.icpUs blpinaof fw'"" w inch by such a graiilyinu majority we aeem to fallv to appreciate for oors.-vetl. ftpS.dved, lOili, That the recklrns prol. jrality ofnaiionaltrp"ire which has char, icterized the Wo pr'm iVniocratic Administrations, brin-in to bankropt.-y a neasnry hoe vaults hv received 30, 000 UUI) per annum, and n.-ewiiaiing loan' in a lime of .pcp, i's clear and de mon.tralivR pr-ajfof thai waHefal extrav a..arIOrt "hichhaa plundered the na.ioii and turned iia treasury into a ahinpUster machiop, with nodiinj; but IU credit to usiain iia finances. Ji Wvpd, llih, That lha raciflc Rail road is no lonil-r an enterpri pxtx-diency, lot has bemuip one of mir. Mi e commercial and national neCewiiy; and we favor ita cuasiradion on any an tral and pradieable route by ill aid of the General Government given in och a man ner at miy bp bn.-t ealculatrd lo elTcct arly completion. Rpwlved, 12th. That we faror appro priafioot hj Congrew for tba iroproenit8t ofriwra und harbor of a national char uc I IT, Resolved, 10ih, That the political doir inasvonuhl rpccntly io be eslablisliPil by at party mylitl.; ilinn-elvev Dnnocrais in l It its I erritury, which nsafrl the duty of a representative or del. into in some in tancm lo be to obey I he iuslriiclions nf his cinstiiiiriiU while in others pecitiad he it bound to disregard iliein and bow to III? will of others, is dangerous and anthrepiih liuan in lis teiidencv, and worthy to be sostuiurd only by a parly that every where is known as the a II V of personal vassalage ami the advocate or parlan desHiiinn. Ilpsolveil, Ulli. I hat we believe in the nirriiuiineli'il rihl of the ciiixeii to ihiak and vote as he dease, mid we uliprly du ii v the rinlil of any reprekputaiivn under any ci'cunisiniics to viulute Hie uisiruo lions or known will of the people ho rep rPA.-iii. Rpsolved, 15th, That the present r!em or vol mi rro voce, tu'roilucpd bv that party loul.j. ct the siiI1Vjiji' of iheci'izen lo the mririHance of iMini-an inspectors, ami awn bun, under ll.e penalty ol beluii bumded as a traitor, into abject submission, is a relic of bnrliari.m, which finds fit friends in A parly whose uhnlp organization is devoted io the exiinttuiahineiil of eve. ry vpnrk of peraonal freedom, and siiljpcls Us ineniiiers lo Hip enlirp control of an aris tocracy of leader; and that with nidi a party we are prou I to have neither syin fnitli v nor coinutuiiiun. Hr. Mcwaril aa Ike Btavery QartUoat On the 31 of Ma'eh, Hon. Win. II Sew nrd delivered an elaborate speech in tin Senate, on the i-lavpry issues pern-rally the bill for the admission nf Ivatisns under the Lnvo'itpton cnnsiituiion bi'in under consideralioii. U'e can give no more than h biiif alistracl of this speech, which is pronounced the uUest ever niadti by Mr, Seward Mr. S, said that the question of slavery in the federal Irrriuiiies, which are the uurseric of future S'lites, indepeiideiilly of all its mural and immune elements, in volves a dynaslical struyln of two anta. o'lislical systems, the labor'of slates and tint labor of freemen, for mastery in the federal Union. One of these, systems par. Likes of mi aristocratic character; th other is purely democratic. Kadi one nf I lie existing Suite has slaked, or it will uliimutely stake, not only its internal we! fare, but also ita iiiilueiico in the federal c nincils on the decision of that contest, Such a atrnggld is not to be arrested, qui lled, r recompiled by temporary expe dient or compromise. (Io aaid that the admivsiuii of a new State is not necessarily. or even cii-lmnurily, attended by O'her or hl.irms. We hava al ready admitted eigliteeu hew Stales, with out s-riuus (.'ummotioiiR, except in the ca-a's f Misouri, Texas, and Califoinin, We urn even now admitting two others. .Miitui'suia and Oregon ; and these trans actions j;o on o smoothly that only close observers aru aware thai we are thus con- srilidaiitt" our dominion on the shores of Lake Superior, and almost at the pile of Hip Arelio Ocean. It is manifest that the apprehended difficulties in thn present case have some relation lo the disputp concern in;; slavery, which is raping jn the Terri tory of Kansas. Vet it mu-t he remem bered that nine of the new Slates which have been admitted expressly established slavery or tolerated il, and nine nf them forbade It. The pxcilernent, therefore, is lue to ieculiarcirciinistaucea. Up thought lliere were three ol them, nanielv ! KirM That whereas, in the beginuin';, I lie ascendency of the slave Stales was ab solute il is now being reversed. Second That, whereas, hpre'ofore the National (ioverniitelit f.unred this change of balance from Hie slate States to the free Stales, il has now reversed tbu policy and opposes the ehaiis.'e. I i.inj I lint Aiitinriul intervention in the Territories in U tor of slave labor and slave S ales, is opposed lo the na'ural, ao cial, and moral developments of the Re public. f .1 . . .if!iln ie .Q-w. I in nrfrmii'i nieHci u- .ttw-..., v.- ' ard said that Nebraska was resigned to fiee labor without a strupgle, and Kansa- became the theater of the first actual na tional conflict between slaveliolding and free labor imtniorants, who met face to face, lo oranize, lhrouh the machinery of rppublicau action, a civil community. In Ibis fir.l hour of trial, the new system of popular sovereignty signally faihd failed b cause it is impossible lo organize by one single ac?, in one day', a community perfectly free, perfeelly sovereign, aud perfectly ponsliiuted, out of elements un. assimilHled, tmarranged, and nnenntposed. Free labor rightfully won the day. Slave lalior wrested the victory to ilaelf by fraud and violence. In sakin;j of the opinion pronounced by the Supreme Court of the t'uited Slates in ihe Dred Scott case, Mr. Seward said lu this ill omened act, it forgot it en .tii.niir. which bad alway been maintained .r.i. ; i-dici! iealouT. TlieTfo'cot n,,tlp,c.of.CoUrtU dlccre! and not at all )u aare. i ry j rorgot, also. Ihat one 'fotil science dr.( more harm than many loul examples, fcr ,h.ltdo bat corrapt th. atre.m, bil ttoTJc l hey noil the President alike forgot thai judicial usurpation i nioro odious and in tolerable than any other among the niani fold practices of tyranny." Having traced, step by alep, the history of Kansas affair, Mr. Seward then gave a concise account of the national intervention in the territories in fatnr of slave labor and slave States since 1820, nddinv " No wender thai the question before us excites apprehension aud alarm. There Is al last a North side of this Chamber, a North aide ol the Clumber of llpprescutaiives, Noun slue ot the union, as well as a Souili side of all these. Each ofthein is watchful, jealous, and resolute. If it be t'ue, as has so often been asserted, ihat this Union cannot survive the decision by Con gress of a direct question involving the ndoplion of a freo Stat into this Union, which will establish I he ascendency of tree States under lbs Constitution, and draw af ter It the restoration of the influence f freedom in the domestic aad foreign con duel ol the Government, then the day of dissolution is at hand." The Supreme Court of the United States attempts in command the people of the Uuiied Stales to accept the principle ihat otin man can own other men, and that they must gunrnnty the inviolubility of that f.ilne and pernicious pinperty. The peo ple of the United Slates never can, and ihey never will, accept principles se uncon stitutional, and to abhorrent. Never, nev er. Let the court recede: whether it recede or not, e shall ruorguuizo the court, and thus reform its political sentiments and bring them into harmony with the Consti tution and with the laws of nature. In do ing to we shall not only reassume our own just authority, hut we shall restore thai high tribunal itself lo the position it ought to maintain, since so many alienable righls of citizens, and even of Status themselves, lepviid upon it impartiality and its wis dom. "If you," Mr Seward said, " attempt to coerce Kansas into the Union under the Lecompion Constitution, the people of Hint Territory will resort to civil war if neces sary, iou nro pledged to nut down that revolution by the sword. Will the people listen to tour voice amid the thunders of your cannon f Let but one drop f the blood ol n Tree citizen be shed thero by the federal army, and the countenance of every representative of a free Siale, in either House uf Congress, will blanch, and his tongue will refuse to utter the vole necev sary to sustain tho army i'l the butchery of his fellow citizens. "All parlies in ibis country that have tolerated the txtensinn of slavery, except one, have, perished for that error already. That last one, the Democratic party, is hurrying on irretrievably Inward ihe same fate. A pit, deeper aud darker, is still opening to receive ihis Administration, be cause it miis more deeply than iis prede cessors." OCT It is a fact which cannot be disput ed, says Hie New York Herald, with a just ness altogether extraordinary in ihat erratic sheet, thai American oratory and statesmanship, taking Congressional dj. bates n exponents, hnve been gradually declining within the past seven or eight year. Our first class men like the Web'ters, Clays, Randolphs, Durgcsses, Calhoun, ISentous, and llaynes are no longer found in Congress. They are in the law courts, or editing the journals, or writing ihe histories of the nation, tn the present House there are some clever tac ticians, hard. working men in cninmi'tee, and clever parliamentary dodgers thai is all. lu the Senate we find a higher order of ability) and could name half a men, not first rate, bui high among the second rales. Il is imjiossible lo deny ihat the Herald a estimate is drawn with per fect exactness. Louitville Journal. OT Tho American press of Kentucky a unit in opposition lo tlie Lecompion swindle, and the Maystille Kagle piedids thai Marshall and Underwood. th Ameri can Rpprispnlatire in Congress, will go against il on the final vole. Il says ihey voted against the investigation, b'cause they thought (he frauds so evident as to require no further eiosiire. During the late Ilaplis.1 prnlracled meeting m Lagrange, MUsauri, a young man of some seventeen years of age, named j. B. Fuller, who had gained considerable notoriety in ihat quarter as a theatrical performer, joined the bcfore-ineniioned church; and at ence set about preparing himself for ihe ministry. He has been li censed to preach, aud has entered upon his mission, and accounts say he is creating th greatest sensation wherever ha goes, proving himelf a most wonderful boy." With reference to his preaching, the La ! grange American says At the first, second, and third sermons, nnt M(TnlMB years or age to originate 1lih &IM.outMt m hlt 0WB brain. Each iU0ef.t ... an 'raeBt ih. Uf. ndpo. V the highest meed of praise. The oldest ministers prpscttl saiil that ihey had never before listened to such powerfully .delivered truths, and to such thrilling eloquence. The congregation hav been exciied to ihe highest pitch the church is crowded t overflowing Ilia greatest religlnua feel ing ha been awakened, nod the interest and iulluenct of the 'boy preacher' is rapidly spreading far around." CO" Al a meeting of ihe Democracy held recently in Hartford, Connecticut, to elect delegates to the State Convention, I)oulus Democrat were stlrcled, by a vote of I wo to one. This is doing pretty well, when it la remembered that every Democratic newspaper in that Slate i for Lecompion, nearly every proprietor ofj these journal holding Government of fice. (r The Washington State says: "In seventy or morn of the hundred couniir of Illinois, meetings have been held by the Democracy, nnd resolutioas unanimously adopted, disapproving, in ihe strongest terms, the policy of admitting Kansas witli the Lecompion Constitution. The Den ocrary of the remaining connties will hold meetings, and utler similar opiuioas. The Illinois Democracy are united on this ques tion." Srnatok Douglas Arouskd. The Washington correspondent of the New York Independent gives ihe following sketch of Douglas in the Senai: 'The power of hi logic is terrible against his opponents; and there are few in i ho Senate or out of it who like la wake ihe linn up. He is impulsive, and oo the least intimation of a brush from his oppo neti's, throws himself into the ring hurl ing argument at their heads thick as hail and with ihe force of trip-hammers. Upon seeing him in these encounters, with his opponents popping all around him, launch ing their questions as hunters would their spears al a lion at bay, I am often reminded of fit?. James with his back to the rock and his trusty blade in hit hand. When he has silenced and discomfited the host around him, he towers tip in all the strength and bravery of lha hero of ihe Alamo, w ho stood surrounded by hi wind rows of dead. He says he fought thai doctrine ef " popular sovereignly" through against theeniira North and west in good faith, and if for for his fealiy lo the doctrine he Is to be persecuted lo a political dea'h bv his Democratic brethren, he wives them fair notice that he shall die hard." Parso Urownlow on Fillibuster Wa!.kp.r and President Buchanan. Parson Utotvnlow.ofthe Knott ille(Tcnn.) Whig, is not choice in the selection of words, but " speaks right out." In a ro cent article on Fillibuster Walker's cap lure, lis sayst " When Walker was arrested, and held to bail in the sum of t'2,000 to appear at the Federal Court in New Orleans, Col. Slat. ier, a rich old bachelor of the city, went his bail. Sluiler is the owner of the City Hotel, and the New Orleans Arcade, two houses he rents fur about forty thousand dollars. lie has forty thousand in the Nicaragua enterprise, has been the friend of Walker nil lite lime. Ex Senator Soule also has large investments in Central America, nrnl both of iheso men went be. fure Buchanan, with Walker, and beard him promise Yixlktr not to interrupt him in hit expedition. Walker demands his trial, and both these men will be witness. ps, and will twear this in the Federal Court. What n fix it will place ihe old hypocrite in! It will place him where he stood lit years ago, in the affair of " bar gain, intrigue and corruption, " whicll he originated against Clay, hacked up by old George Kreemert It will show him up to the world, as a hypocrite, a two faced nnd insincere man, and grey-haired old dema gogue I " It is a disgrace lo any grocery Iceepet, to be delected in such duplicity. It is ua worthy of a common black leg. But ho much more disgraceful to the President of the United States! Th testimony nf these two men will be believed throughout the State of Louisiana, and upon their testimo ny, Walker will be acquitted by ihe Court, at the expense nf Buchanan's character." John Mirctui.L turned Know-Noth- ino. Our readers recollect an anecdote of John Mitchell, the Irish refugee, published a short lime since in the Gazette in which he is represented as having ssid to a dar key he own or hires "Sambo, we are going to open the African slave trade, and bring regular jet black, ivory toolhed, Gui nea nitirers into this country. What do you think of it I" Sambo replied" Well, matrsa, link it would be a gooJ ting, and keep all dese low (rish out." John seems to bat e been seriously think ing of th darVie's answer, and ha finally resulted to be guided by bis superior wis dom, for he i. now denouncing in the Southern Citizen -the p.per he publishes in Tennessee the naturalization law, and ! ft.trt l)lttf ,nfy ,r, tf pe,K(J, the .$ qJ , prium and " iU. r..,.,u ' lit Argot. rtaak ft la Ortisa. Tho undersigned, a committee appointed a a meeting of Ihe cilixensof Silvrrton and vicinity, called to consider tho best means of securing belter facilities for travel and traiisjioriation to Oregon City and Tort land, would call lie attention of citizens of Portland, Oregon City, the farmiug coin muuity, and all other directly or indirectly Interested, to the follow ing facia: Fioin July lo October, our roads are miserably bad, admitting lha cariisg of light leads only. From ihe latter period till June, tbey are, much of the lime, int. passable, or nearly so, with the lightest loads, aud difficult without load or .on horseback. During lee latter period, th continued rain render all effort at Improvement of the roads unavailiug and worse than use less. In sLorl, there are no means knowo to the committee f constructing a prscti cable road of earthy material. A few years' struggle wiib thn difficulties lias greatly discouraged the Oregon farmer. They have already paralyzed kia vigorous aim, and Hopped the plow ia the midst of the furrow. Enterprise, ia its primary chaunels, ha nearly ceasej lo flow. Wheat, the grnt tlsple of Oregon, lias been abandoned as loo cumbrous to psy transportation, even over the shortest dis tances. A simultaneous rush is mado to fruit growing, to avail ourselves of an arti cle of greater value in market, and of lighter transportation. Bui this relief, such a it is, must be of short duration. A brief period will awaken u to the fuel that our splendid orchard will produce only to cover the ground beneath them valueless for want of facilities to get them In market. Should our orchards produce fruitfully in 1800, we venture the prediction that aot more than one half of our apples can U taken to the seaboard. Our reasons are : The quantity is rapidly increasing, and prices as rapidly going down. It is plaiu to see, then, thai our best fruit will pay transportation only when our present roads are in their best condiiion. When, there fore, our present prices sink to, or below, one half their present rates, although the quantity raised may be doubled or quad rupled, th fust dash of rain will wind up the business for the season. The fact should startle every man that lha time is upon us, even now at our doors, ihnt tome thing must be done, and that, too, right speedily. Even now our energies are cir. cumscribed to their present dimensions, and cannot be extended until we have oth er and belter fkciliiies for reaching market tt a ask, W hat shall we do f Shall w at tempt a railroad, or construct a plank road? We cull upon you to consider. Make your estimates, and compare them with your ability. Send out your figure to the pub lic eye. Let the public be well informed of their wauls in litis matter, nnd of the meant of obtaining the desired end. We lay before you our view, and they are our only. However constructed, such road must exteud through our volley. A section, or several detached seel ions, could be of no practical use, and could never be put iu operation, if very expensive in their construction, because the limited business, if a railroad, would uot defray current ex penses. We estimate ihe personal property of Oregon at about 91 0,000,000, which, al 980,000 per mile, would be sufficient to construct only 125 miles of road, which road, if within our reach, would bo obnox ious to, at least, (wo objections t First, it would accommodate th couutry on one side of the river only, leaving, after rx- hausiing all tho means in Oregon, at least one third of tho Willamette valley not benefited. Second, all experience i rail, reading ia th United States goet to es tablish the fact that a single span of 125 miles in thinly-stlled cuuntry like ours, even when constructed at an expense of ne third the coat of ours, can scarcely keep itself in operation; consequently there can bo no inducement to invest mo ney in the enterprise. Hence wa may rationally tuppot that capitalist abroad will bo slow to send in their money when there is no probability of realizing a profit, and we believe Congress has got no val uable "alternate" sections of land in Or egon to give fur such purpose. Wo are driven to ihe concluticn that a railroad, however desirable, is not wiluin our reach at present. Let us then descend from the loftier con- lemplation of that which is clearly beyoad our power, to that which is practicable and entirely aud easily within ear reach an humble plank road, bettor adapied loour wants, and which can be carried to all parts of Oregon. A good plank road will cost not exceeding $4000 per mil, wilt answer all our present wsets will wke up tha energies of ihe coonlry develop ita resources and carry us speedily on io a suitable condiiion for ihe Ini reduction of railroads. Witkis two yearo liue of road cao be built, reaching f vui Oregon City lo Silvrrton vicinity, or Wsldt Hills, whicll would immediately be extendi') through the Valley, and the enterprise of I'urtland would carry it to their can door iu selfdcfens. Upon a good road of this k'nJ, an ordinary team could lake lo Or. egon City or Portland fioin fifty to seven!)'. 6v bushel ol wheat, any day ia ibuyetir. Fixing the rales of toll five bundled prr cent, above lbo usual io the Slabs, ll.ey ihey would ihea fall infinitely sLorl of the saving in tavern kills on our presrut roads, lo any nothing of lima saved, broken axlo tree, crippled burse, and smashed wag ons. OiegottCiiy would ooii bccontriled from its wintry desolation would soon show signs of returning life and auimalion. The llillucs of lli cburnel bouso ould give place lo the bustle and din of business. Long visages would be exchanged forotm tensnces flushed with animation and radi. ant with hup. Uutli day would the busy farmer grace tho streets with rslilin; had of wheal, pork, applr or cider. Nor would the country matron or her comely daughters, with their well-filled lub. of butler, g-, pearly lard, or dainty fiuits, bostiaagur io the busy scene. Portland weuld Lave bur full slaro of benefits front such an enterprise. Iu short, we would say, all would bo reciprocally beticljicd. In town, in city, in lhecuiry, tie should be able to (racoon every counlenanco tho Well-defined expression "go ahead," where we now so but loo viiiuly tho unwelcome " goner" I FAM L ALLEN, P. Cranpall, W. Glover, W. King, Cum. 0v A cpulleaiau of Cincinnati (savs, th Gazette,) just returned fioin a visit to Washington, and who possessed uiiunal fucilitie for obtaining a glimp.e of things behind the curtain, its well as having on intimate knowledge nf Buchanan person ally, any tho moracul lie laid eyes upon him he mentally pronounced him " a dead mnu." With a Ictiipcrnmenl ill adapted lo resist the harassing and consuming tares whicll beset hi in on every baud, his form and feature, give alarming and un mistakable evidence of tho ravaging ef fects of lha fierce conflicting element! which are now raging around him. A Disunion The Washington Star says t "Few men are heller informed than our. self upon the state of feeling among tho members (of Congress), aud we are sutUflud that were Minnesota, with all her disregard of ihe enabling act passed in her case, to bit admitted into tho Union, and Kansas, on account of the eontlilution with which she npplies, be refused admission, no ten South ern Representatives would retimiu a day hngnr in either Hall of Congress. Tho day for further compromises on ihetluvcry question is passed." Apropos of litis, tho Baltimore Ameri can remarks that Bacsn, in ono uf his es says, says ! " Been use half a dozen gnsshnppers tinder a feru make the field ring with their importunate chink, whilst thousands nf great cattle repose beneath the shade of llio oak, chow Hie cuu, aim are silent, pray do nol imagine that ihoso who mnka the noiso are the only inhabitants of the field ; tbtt of course they aro many in numbers; or Ihat, alter all, tbey aro other than the little, shriveled, meagre, hopping, though luud aud troublesome, insects of the hour." An Emi'ihe at tub North. An cflort is making lo uuilo the British American Colonies in one grand confederacy, contem plating ultimately an independent govern ment. A conference with tho Imperial Government has been hsd on iho subject, and the reply was that Her Majeaiy would be ruled entirely by the wishes of iho Col. cities themselves on this subject, and in pursuance of this intiinalion, Nova Scotia has opened negotiations with the other Provinces. Tito territory cmbruced in this contemplated confederacy U nearly ibree millions of square miles, and the pop ulation nearly three millions. This is good foundation for another empire, A Remoiou Pron unci am ento. Bish op Bayley, the Catholic liishop of New Jersey, has issued a manifesto, to be read in all lilts churches, in which he call at tention to drunkards and d?ulers in liijuor. Leaving to the pastors the psrticular mean to to used, ho suggest thot each should keep a list of ihe drunkards and, liquor-dealers in his church. lie say "I am determined lo make use of the most severe measures against nil who aro addicted to this tcrtndaluus and destructive vice; and if they continue in iie practice of it, they must do it as on.'.csst from tho Catholic church, who V.ave no right lo the naase of Calbolii) while they live, nor tq Cbriitian bur'al when they die." tO Wheat, although considered by some as a native of Sicily, originally came from the central tab! a land ef Thibet, where it yet exist a a graw, with small, mealy seeds. P.ico was first brought from South Africa, whence it was taken to India, I and thsace la Europe and Amsriea,