The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 17, 1858, Image 1

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    J-jaJH-'-H1 ' "i? .! J...rj I . i'lll !U
Uno squsr (I) iiis r let) sw Itiewtlia, fjjto
" IWv uiMrt-raM, 4,00
- - time Itiaintuiis, ftnj
Koch tukwuDt iait!n, I so
Rsawoall JeJuttloai tu tln wbu advarti (jr
th year.
Th rsoraicTos ur tub AI'.lltM i um
lo Inform th public that lis has jwrt rviv4 a
:rgitrkof JOfl TVl'K and other arw trial
iuk, and will b iu lb Trly f
ud-litioiis tilled to oil tli n-ulreuirats of llii k
cnlity. IU.M)II1.I, lOxTHIH, HI.AKK8,
C AliUsl. (.lUCtXAUH, PAMI'lll.hT-Wt'liK
oiil uilier kin-!. duns lo nrdrr, on horl noli.
TBRMS-Tlu Aaou. mil ht furmtlnd al
Tkrtt PMari and fifty Cmli per miin, in
adeanci, I lingtt mbitrilitrt I'krn Vullar
inch tinlii af it at am tjieti advanct
Wkta Iki utility is nut paid in udtmii.i, Four
Dilturt mill lit elinrged if pud ailkin ai'x
- mitlkt, dud I'lCtilolt iriatlkt tnduf tilt year.
tlT Tma l iliitri fur nit moalis ..V tubtcriji
tioiti rt.eitcd fur a leti ptrind.
(If Ni paper ditenntiiiued Until nil arrt'irngti
art paid, alike npttou of I 'it iu 'ilifker.
xtu$ 11
A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Principles of Jefteraon'um Democracy, and advocating tlie side of Truth iu every issuc.-
No. 1
Aaaplet by lUs Itrpalillcaa Mtaia Coavtn
11, Aerll tl, ttS.
. , Il-lvjil, 'J lull lli Kepiihliosil
'puny, true to iIik principle Ihm frm the
bi of our free nnd democratic- system of
. frovernineiit, rwtlirnt lu Ihein i unultcr
t lte devotion, laid down in the blood
bought charier nl American libepy, tin-
Declaration of Independence, iiil'l ilevel
-oped in the Coim iwiioii of ih United
Stale, mid that the prusjierity hiiiI perpu
luiiy of our Union depend upon h strict
adherence to tlm diiclriiim taught, wid the
rights guarantied in iliunu honored rcpo.
itorie of republican f.illli.
' Resolved. 2nd, Thai in relation io llie
institution of domestic lnvrry, we remain
Where tlm puirint who funned our iusii
I utions planted themselves, and where ihe
leading statesmen of nil parlies, until w iili
'1n recent period, limn ' harmoniously
aloud I hut il i a purely local, nut gener-
'I, Slat', and nut iiu'ioiiul, iiili'nlion
determinable ly tin- S'livs, each fir ilelf
uver which tlm other Suite have tm
control inn! lor which no rep"iiiluli'y.
K-solV'd, .1 i, That w ith V Hi-liinr 01:.
,'Ji'ff"rji, Mudisuu, , Fiaiiktin, mid 1 li.-i r
'eiiiieri mil ciiciupururies. who in ' I lie
'frAuiifl! of til" (.'oil-ditu'iuil in idp elF 'dual
j'rei'Uioii llm annihilation ufilio iriilFiu
'jin slave, mii I who wen especi illy anxious
thai llHl in-lrilmenl sIioiiM contain nil Nil
mirtion i if Ihn rilil nf onn man in hold
iriiieriy In another, wo hclipve slavery In
bd h political. oiul, Mild moral evil ; iiiid.
while we (li-cliiiti u!l riht inu'iiiiiliini
In interfere iihilnu uiiniii' rr(uh.
linn nl Hny i' llie iuver l .'ll Sl ilenul' the
Unh'il, e lli'lievii iluil the cirt;(iiiii! net il
HH' fur I lie enveriiiiieilt uf nil tTl'e lerrito
ry llieii lieliiiiiii' luilie I 'piiMlu, ieiiii' il
by the utijj icinU J tr riiuii. n..rmeil liy lie
iinniorlnl tViishinijiuii, nnd -tiicily H'lliereil
to ill llm finn 'ti"ii "f "Very ii-rriluri il
piveruniPiit fin n llmt iini" iluw n in -15 I,
eiiblie the dn'y of t! .ijjn-iet ill lniiiiiii
uVi-rnnieiiM liir ilin T'Ti Horiin llmt i.
Hill iiuii-i'X'eiiiiini ol'hhi'erv., Thai il'i- niil'irtiiimie
Jeir'ure I10111 1I11' uinciie in the Idle
nut iruMtt:siMf! 'lie Tenilury of Kmiimh, iu
ullich we direutlv true" the liiller H'i'a
lion wliicll li ilestmyed llie pence, mid
reilileiieil with llm I'lu'id of liixiln rn the
viiyin soil, i.f thai I'.iir hind, Im proed bv
iinliilier fruitH the wi l of the unvii'iil
policy which il hiii 't'lintfil.
U nl veil, full, Thiit r k'uikI by and
. maitituiii, ha ilidi'lH fureliitliem, line pop
ular AiVerelirill.V, Mild the iniieillhu rihl
ofllio people. tufTuvern lliem"lves ; lil
w deny thai ni'iu i deprived of iIii'm
VkAli'M lie Ptijuy the privilege nf eiinlnvina
other, nnd iillinn tli i t titt n suit oI'miuIi 11
due' rill" would he '0 lim id Hit liberty o!
tin1 oi'iz ni iip'ni a h.ii of despuiism.
U'Milvrll, lilll, TIllH llm alteilipl II pull
h" purl uf Hie piv.ienl 1) inO.:rutiu ii'linin.
Svrii'iuii m foiun ituni the people of Kin
ri a 'ooiixtitiilion ulilmri-ein in n liirjre
unj irity of v citiz 'im, axil in mistuin in
povwr 11 iiMiirpin Hiid tyrannical miuur!')'
a.-tin-l ill - liicwii will of 1 lie remainder,
mii ouir 'ge nut in ho ho'iie bv a free
people, mi l we lm;ie ilia', plan inj ih' iii
',mlve lirinlv tlli'in the iiiiniiirinl liusli lii"'
Miillici.ili'd bv the :oclarniion ol nilep lid
eilce, "iIiiiImII "oveiiiineiits ilerive llirir
jil-t puvpr from the. coiiseiit uf llie g iv
vrneil,'' ihey w ill !e' iihle Iu w rent I ruin
tl-eir oiirenniM lln' whiuh U ineptiiniil'le
Ion free p-o;:e 1111 1 fo'iniiliible 01 lyrmi'x
Onlv llie rijibl 'ot'oiniid the 1 ulert lo con
form Iu llie winlie "f llie iiih il.
, ' llemilved, 7'h. Thai we insim that llie
right I" govern iiee-irily fiilluwi Hie li'jlit
v ncq'iire mid h ld territory, hii I iliat iu
providing 11 g.iveriinieiit fir u Teiriioiy
under lhi right ilnhouldbu bntitid upon
ill" inaliei'ilble right of I lie people, and We
Hrrnign llm mu lern nvsteui h prnolicall)
carried out in K.iusa for v. tittPi imd gtomi
viu'alioii of thi'e principle, and Htlirm that
thn dark c it.lloguP of w rongs mid c liiin n
eo'iimiltuil by tbn la'0 and existing AJ
niiniairnliniH agninsi popular riht- in that
Territory deserve the execnitiun of every
lover oVtreeiloui nl the present day, iiltd-,
a llieir ju-l rew nrd in history, nu iiuuior
lalitv of iiifniilV,
: Keuived, 81I1, Tlinl llm lal. partisan
deciio:l uf the SSuprein" Conrl in llie cno
of Dred &ii'l, which inaliea the Coiirtini
lion a grand title iiiii'riiiii-nt ' every
ll'dderof !ivr, U a iligrte 'n the Ju.
diciary ot'ihe nnti"li, niel :i -lain upon the
Character of ourcontiy, wli.ise prouilit
4xAt'iN love ul liberty in in largel
p,0 ami it hiitrad of tyranny in (very
j llpeidipd, O'li, That w e cnngratiil'.lP
onrm-l" ad Ilia peojile of Orejr'iii ii
hB result of lh! lu'e ehrtiuii upon ilif
4ilrlioil of slavery a Iriumpli of ihp
U"pUilicaM doctrine of noii..xtenioii, and
Wo Oilly l'iil 'ha' "ulil lo ue "or
inlueiioe wherever it em lie b-giiiuuitely
done I0ecure lO(iilierTerri urirtb"aiiie
pipe blessing, of f eed mi which by
audi t gratifying majority eem i
ullv lo appreciate f"r or lvi.
. fteiiuUfd, III If. Thn th rcklet prodi.
fality of national treasure which hanchar.
clrrize'l the l.-f and pre-nl U -niuoiatic
Adminitrati"li. Iirini'iiig lo
iiraury who taull luve received ti'i,
flt0,l)U!l per aiinnni, and !-ce.itatiiig'
.n in a time of peace, i a clear and de.
niooirative proof of ihai wa-tefnl . xirav.
0?ut4 wbirhhaa plundered the iia'imi
awi lamed t trea-ury into a hinplaief
JBchiiM, with 110 blii' bill il crediHo
io rinniwe.
J K-nolre.1. I Hii. Thai 1 h Pacific Rail
road is no Ut!r aa nUf pri of doubtful
(rf te-diency, bnl hit liecmiie one of inijier.
ljf comMrcil and national ni1 i
Hii wa favor il const root ion on any cen
tral a'J praciicalda nula by tli" aid nf the
General tioveriimenl given in micIi a man
ner a my b- bnl caicuUteJ lo elTcct it
r'y eompletion.
' Reoltfd, 12th, Thai w favor apprj-pr'n'-orn
t Co"e firib iTp-. ,-"t
ufiivur nud liiirbor of a national char
acter. Resolved, mil). Thai llie political d.ig.
na sought recently to Im esinblished by
a iniltv sivlini iheniselve Deuinerals in
this 'i'rrritury, which asicrl iheriulvof
n representative or ilelegnte m smno in
tiinui Iu be to obey the iiialriiclinim nf
his uniistiiupiiU while In others prtihVI he
a bound In disregard them nnd bow lo tli.'
will of others, is d itigeious and aullrepub
lican in it tendency, ami worthy to be
Husliiiuril uiilv by a parly that everywhere
is kn nm an lha a II v of personal vatalgp
anil hu advocate of parii-im desi olisiu.
Iteiolved, Htli, That we believe iu iIip
iiirriiinmi leil right of the citizen to think
and vote na he pleane, nnd we utterly de
ny thu right of any representative under
any circiima'ancea to violete llio i list rue
lions or known w ill of I ho prople lie rep-rm-iita.
Resolved, 15th, That the prcerl y'.pm
of voting rva vote, lu'rwluceil bv that
party lo sulij.-cl lha suft'iageof tin ci'istf n
in the surveillaiire of pariinn inspectors.
ami awn linn, under the penally ul being
b' milled us a traimr, into abject nibinis.ioii.
is a relic of hnrlwrUin, w bich findx lit
friends iu a party whose whole organisation
is devil il lo the exiiiglliahm-iit of eve
rv sp-iik nf ppisoiinl fr edum, nii'I hi' j'cts
lis lueiulM'r lo the entire control of all anv
lui-racy vt h adeis and lhal wilh such a
imrlv w are prim I lo have neither sym
im'hv n v I'oniiiiiiuioii,
trnisiMi of the DF.m.nt.v ix
lailtaaaUvai!ta Hvslalai-A I
The 1) uiocracy bad a larg- muss meet
ing iu Indiunapoli Feb 23d. $H-evhea
were made by II. It. Pay lie, late Deiiio
crsliu calldid.itu f r (iovrrnr ill Ohio, and
other oralurs. Letter were nUo Mid from
liov. Wise of Virginia and (iuv. W'nlkrr.
A ''ler slaving ihul he was in-lueeil In ac
eppt the ( invent" i iJhip f Kai in iijon the
ronsl solemn asuraucia finm the Preiil.-n'
that h should be backed by the Adtniuia
trillion Yl securing 3 the pie of Kaiisil'
a I'a'r vo e npn their conalitution, Cwv.
VH!ker procet (h :
"In iuv administration nf the affair nf
IC'insa, always ciiiimuuicateil frnni first to
list to, I fallbfiilly carried
out these views as regard the siihniisftimi
of I hp const it it t" l lie. vote of the pooiile,
and by Hii-fO in-nil", as the 1'resideiii
frankly admits iu lii l.iU- Kaii'm Mesiage,
prevented a simijuiniirv revululiuii ihere in
J last. This revnlu'inu wuuld have
covered Kauaas with blo"d ami desolation ;
it would have ben lua-ked by all lhn.e
!..i'rori which ever it' cn npany ciw! war,
which must have extended to Imiih'riiiL'
i.iiles and Territories, nnd involved, hut
ton pioha'dv, the t ti n of our beloved
country,. Ilnnr w:-t this dreadful cut a-"
trnjihe liveried I llv my mhlresea and
dispatches. iui'rd by the I'resideiil, advu
e-iling the submission of iho voiislitutioii
fur ratification or rejection bv ihevutenl
llm people. Indeed, my only alternative
was lo upite thi" reVoluro i by llie bv
unci, iV liv advocating the submisi'in of
'be cotisiitution n abiive t'aled, and pledg
ititr my bi'st exeniona 'O nbtnin a faireh c.
li'Mi fur the people of llie Territorial Le
lUutlre ill lie- llieVl ehSllii) ( c liber.
These , h d.irs, A'ml 'he nlone, it is con
ceded, prevented revolution and civil wnr.
" And why shoiihl they lint now l.e le
deeiii'd F"r nivsi-lf. lhee pledge Lave
b-i ii thus f ir m i-i f iiihfiillv inaintniiied.
and lliev will b. ri deemed bv ilie, it lie
ccsaM, wilh ihe last ih'op of my life's
blond, and lo the Isiesi nourol iby exit
eiice. I hese were pledges Well Known to
llie I'n si ! lit ami all bis Cuhiiiel. They
Were I'b dgrs giieli bv me in good faith.
ami h ii v ahaieloiiineul of them now on nit
pint, after the people had accepted ami
uc ed upn litem, would be to rover my
sell wilh in fa in v and dishonor. Whatever,
then, may b- the ac'iou of the wavering,
timid, or Currupi, nn-iiucu and prOM-ripliou
have ui terrors fur me. I will cnliniie
to tread the path where c..n-c:eiife air'
duly call me, re.i!anlle of all cmiseqneiices
or sacifices, prlsmm! or polilieiil."
' le reiliv we, and iu "IihI direcliou
are we drifting i Are we upon ihe hanks
of the lio'phoni or lainibe, or upon snil
cutisecriil. d lo Hipular auvereigntv by ihe
blond of Ihe K-tolutloii I- It hxeculive
edicts or Kovereign rights that coiililnle
Ihe lileriies of our country I Are wo
freemen wlitl khnwr nur rich's, mid know
ing dare maintain,' or are We vasseU, self.,
r slaves, palace slaves, that will cringe nr
change at the stamp i f Ihe f 10I ol'a ina-li rl
U it the people nnd the Stair, a ri pre
seiited in llie S"nate and House nf Ri pre.
sentntitrs, ho are to n curd lie il votes as
imlicatid by ih-ir unbiased judgment ; or
are iheV merely lo register Kxcullie
ediels, mi'ii r pnial ie' for refu-al of di ilini
elation and pro-i-rjpt on I Is ihe I'resi.leiil:
ihe mailer or the ' rwml of the e nple,
thai be should ihii ilictn'e iu llieiii or ifeir
r preen'alive. under threats of rxclu-ioii
fiiMii ihe parly of l heir choic" I U I'e
niucrMi-y a name and a i-haih.w, or a sub
stance i II mean ihe pnirtr of the p ople.
This is ils vital e-eiic-e. Ur lis II loi It
Into sigii'nvaliou. ur are we inoiing Irnm
i with viee ,ui rapid si' id- toward
depo ie jer, in make and lllimake the
rules of political fiiili under pains and pen
nl j - ahhorrenl lo Ihe M'Ul of frpeinen ?
Is lfi; ihe eighty-n C'iiid y af of our iie'.
podeiu-e. or i il the first year of A inert
can Monarchy, that i now dawning
i!ion u-1
- Iri the people-let ihe mase com
ihe Irae Keroucracv rose from
iheir slumh-r. Let 'bm break ihe chain j
which would feller tlielf free thought and
free opinion, and assert their blood-tmuabt j
right, and especially the great indefeasible j
sovereign right of Ml government,
- V' hava fallen iion evil lime ; the
liberties of ihe country ar is danger.
L-t te pop!e in every ron, rofn'jr, ani
dtalo tiso in llieir uiajesiy to ilm rescue.
Let the limid of lornipi falter as theV may ;
l-l the Democracy of Indiana, now in uia
meeting aeinhed, proclaim, in lone lhal
shall echo throughout our Republic, lhal
tha spirit of llie Revolution is not extinct
III their bosoms, bill lhal fmm l ie lake ol
the North lo the lovely valley of llie a
bash and Ohio, von. the Democ.acv of III
liana, will land, a one undaunted col
umn, bv iho great priucildo of popular sov
t-reigniy,susiaiued by ihenial the polls in
I "511, a-uinlio lied in ihe snbnil-ioo oTlhe
con-til uiiou for ralificatiou or reject inn bv
Ihe iiufeilerd vote of the people of Kansas
and of every oilier territory.
The following resolution, among oilier,
were adopted by the Hireling:
Thul all just powers of government nre
derived from ihe people ; that this principle
i recognised a fundamental bv all Aineri
can Cousiiliitioui, ud by iho Democratic
'I hat an application for the ndmissiun of
a new slate lu'o ihe mon can be known
Iu L'otigres as ihe bona fide eel of the pro
pie interested, only by the fid thai ihe
c"ii-tii"liii'i accouiinuiiig such applica
tion has been ratified by ihe people.
That the policy uf forcing Kan-us into
the Union upon a consiiiiiiimi ulirady re
jected al the b. I lot box by a large majority
if the people for w hose goveriliu-'lil il was
framed, is ruinous; lhal il involves an mi
of (Jni:greAiouid inlenciitioii nnd criminal
iiKiirputioii accumplista d, if al nil, al a
aoiificeof ihe pligh'ed fiilh of the na
tion, and in dfliaucp of the piiuciplr id
ell got eminent, to whu li the del, ga'e con
trillion uf the Sill uf January .ihi pl-dg' d
tbn Democracy of Indiana. The same
puny Now, iu mass conveiilioii, most nl
vimilv prnte-t against ihe llirea'eiied lien
son lo ils principle, and reptl'liale ihe au
lion of iho nieiiilirr of Congress from
this State who shall uj.pruv nf or vole fir
ilraegine Kaii-ns into the Union upon ihe
L eomplMii con-liliilinll.
That the i rgHiiiznioti ill favor of the omptoii movement us i's principles and
policy are developed, reveals H tendency lo
the distinctive feat in es of uncieiit I'nler
ali-in; thul llieir theory, in our opinion,
involves a cnmpleto ci n'ralization of the
political power of the Ciovermiiput ; thai
we fear liinl there i grint danger of a r.
piidtuiioii uf the principle nf ihe Nebraks
Aci as a uilc for the orgiinizution of Terri
tories. Thai primary nisriViljlV of the Demo
era tic party alone can with propriety erect
lea's nf party faith ; thai ihe foricliouaiie
of their crpiiti m have nA sndi Authoriiy;
that We have witiipsseil Willi nmignalion
the presompluoil's atteinpta tu read nut of
(he I) in "erutiu party many of il oldest,
nhle-t, mid iriie-t meinbera,
Tnal tin) lion. Stephen A. Doiil'Ius is
emiiled to the gruiitiide and applause of
llie Amenciii Democracy, for Ins hold ami
liitliiiphaul vindication of llie American
priucipla of self government ; and the l)e
uiocracy f lieliuiia. in ma ciivetitiou
us-l milled, . reby pledge In him ill, ir full!
and undivided suppori; a:id, furlhermnre,
thai weappruvp ami indorse the cuiirse, tip
to this time, of Mes-ra KuylMi, I'ohy.
Davis, and iNihlack, upon the Kanus ques
tion i:i Congress.
Thai the Indiana State S 'titiuel, by its
pre viirica' ions, uitarepre-ciitatioiis. Hiid in
iiiiiiieiicies, as well as by it betrayal nf
lA'iiii'craiio lu il II and us injustice lo inein
bers of iIip partr, has plscerl ilsplf oulslde
of i he Detiincriilicnrganiza'ion of the Stale,
and fuifeilcd the palronngo and respect of
Iip party.
Tlial we recommend in ihe National Dp
mociacV i.f ihe Nonb West the liuldiiig t
an eitrly day of n Maa Cnnveniiou at Chi
cago, or some other suitable place, and thut
a J"iiiliiii'eR of Coirespnndeiice of five he
ajiH'iitei. In cuiniiiiinicatH with the De-
iiiociuey ol o'her state relutlVe m llio call
ing irf such a Convention.
Ex-CIov. lir.BD Acquitted. Sometime
lustyearEx.GoV IJ. bb. formerly nfOhin,
hui now uf Illinois, shot d nd n rowdy n lm
was one of a charivari parly around hi
bniivp, at the lime of ihe marringe of his
son. I lie uovernor was indicted by the
grand jury for murder, and his trial, which
look place la'ely, resulted in n verdict of
acquittal. The Rockfurd (III.) Register
" VVe cannot tloe this report i'liout
aying a word nf approval of the verd'et.
We think it a mot lijlit.otis one; not
that we advocate the taking of life by ag.
gii.-ved parties, but in such caes a this it
is almost the only means of protrc'ion
agnin-t outrage and insult. CharWarL
in this nigh bniliouil, and iieleed in all nth
r r, are far worse limn ordinary riot, be-raii-e
they nre gi-neral'y got up mirier llie
gnin of fiieiirUhip, and are made an
cu-e f .r every decriplion of lawlessness
and outrage. Our and i lie adjoining
roun'iit hae been the scpiip of too many of
iloui we shall rejoice if the ac'ion of
Gov. lbbb ha ihe effeel of pulling a slop
to I hem. From llie evidence il will be
een ihe defense established three impor
tant facts, viz: 1. That ihe gun of ihe
parlv werelirid pointing toward the house.
'i. Thai ihe rioter were making a ru-b on
ihe Governor when he fired the nevond
shoi, and 3. That the Governor repeatedly
and iu a loud voice o'den d the rioters off,
before and after firing tie first shot."
OCT An exchange tell of a man, whose
sixer told him b had nut long to live, and
suggested that ha might Dot M altogeth
er prepared for that event. "Why should
I be afraid lo die P lie asked, I never vo
ttca Dctnyjut'e titket io my lifr.-
'JllR KAN Cii.NTKOVKKSlf. Say ih
Louisville Journal: Tli people of the
Soulh have been mo't cgregluiily misled
by llieir party demagogue and would be
repreaenin'ive in regard to this Kansas
qucalinn, and wo nr happy lo be ab'o lo
place before ihrni an article from ihe pen
of an a-lute writer upon national nfl'ir,
which, appearing in an hub pendent paper,
the I'hiladt Iphia American, speak the
truth and the whole tnnli iu audi word a
must command the attention it I least if not
the approbation of every Southern man.
The American ay a follows
" II il had been intended In finnl'y r.lo'e
the aeiie nf contest in regard to the ex
tension of alavpry, in such a manner a lo
leave ihe wrong side wholly in the wrong,
and lo deprive itof all dicuity and nil ie.
spec!, nothing c"ii!d have been conceived so
elf. cliie a this L' compiuli iiitqiiiiy. The
high piitiiin soineiiiues cl.iioie fur ihe
South, on questions like lids, it here wholly
gone Mil a sha'luw of right ur of justice
characterize iheir case, ami ibey are In
volved in Ihe fullest fiaud and Inli hood,
fur no tnluubl" urjaise whatever, even to
ihemselvp. Why, if I hey are nue men.
ieriuil llie good naiiie nf the South lu be
come dishonored for the shallow of a sou
Cess they can not pos.ihly attaint Why
struggle to make Kansas a slave Stale, by
ill-vices which make felons of al! who have
had a hand in lh"in, and diivc every man
of them from ihe Territory, lo save Ii its
I'ioiii inpriniiini'iit linger It la", and
from llm j'l-t indignation of people who
will uoi hear such outrage ai y longer, al
any co-tl The Siiit'li i a pari of the
Union. It peoplp have been proiuiueiil
for boiiortdile piihlio spiiit, ai d ii h the
grave and dilhcult (iieslii.ns relating lo
sluiery iu the Suites, where liiey are i oil)
pull'd to diul wi'h llieiii, ibey generally
deal wisily. Why cover ihemselve row
wilh the odor of ihe infamy which will for.
ever atti'cb to ' L'-Coiuplon,' and I hi not
tu add an element nf puwr, but lo make
their fall iu Kansas thn del per and tlio mure
signal I
" Mol of ihe cane for regret in this
ease lie with the rmuth, as Us own nnpnr.
lial observers must see. The mercenary
supporter of Hn administration policy,
whaletrr that may he, are at nil liinr nu
nieroiia enough lo nObrd a dozen or twenty
vote in the IJ"U.eof Representatives, mid
eager applicant for all ilm office in the
pu"i oflidsnnd ciistoim which are in the
market. Hill every body knows this clats
to he mercenary, nud not nil" in I lie puny
or Out of it is deceived, except, peihaps, the
I'resi lent. We are gratified ilia' these ve.
mil creatures can no-.t be maiki j n indel
ibly ns ' Lecoinploii' iiiinkii ibrm, a name
forever helic-fbi ill significHiil of a phase of
political snbservieiiiy heretofore unknown,
a d' p'h which will cut nlf all fn'ti e up
praratiie bef no the people a certainly a
if the mail had n leprnsy. Indeed, llie
DeiUn'criit tin ninlvi n will not reg'ei the
winnowing which put thu chuff of thai
parly nut ol any power to pes ilie'f ofl"
lor wheat in llie future, ur lo fill el-cuve
place nf honor and of truss. Time will
-how that (hi 'separating ihe chair fi"m
ihe wheal' is ihis limeefieclually ilnn, and
that hencef irlh the portion of the Demo,
cralic parly which we, honor, wh ldH'r
ing firuii it, will hold muli-putcd control uf
ilk elected representative.
' There are Southern stiileam"n frem
whom ihe whole Uni'Mi still expect Hales
miinship. S nulor liell, of Tr iinessee, can
nut bo hroti'.'hl to do moll uuf irliinnle
wiirk a this Lecumpion scheino requites.
Cluytoii and Clay would once have turned
llm tiitle of opinion in iho S' liute, even
iigiiiu-t tin ritiposiiig majority, on a question
lik" ibis. Who nnV would 'hue assert that
these great and gallant statesmen, lliniigh
Southern men, could, mi Her any circnnt
stances, have been brnughl lo support .u.
coinptoti I L'-l Keiiliickian ri-mamber
Clay' ileclarnlioiis in regard lo Texas, ami
llie cnn-cieiitioiis justice w hich closed only
wilh hi- life. Uiiderinch b-itdpra we boil
ond the South, we respected it pnsitioii
on slaiery, and deeply sVuipiilliiz-il with
II in all thai rela'rd to limt movt ilillicull
question. Are Kentucky mnl Teline-see
to ie.ceiiil from lb" position of lhal
day in order lo holster up pmcpi din'.' likp
thoae io Kansas lo get lasting ili-hoiior
fur no practical ailvauligc We nppeid
lo Semi'or Crilteirh it, ami 'o the reprr-M il
lative of Kentucky H' il Tennessee iu I he
House, (jov. Miituon, long mi honored
repieeiiluii from Hie la'ter Slate, has
inforineil them ha' the f,ic' iu the case
a'e, and ha h fl no pif text for mistake or
Now, if ilm Administration chooses,
let it push the L' coinp'on hill through by
-neb devirr n we see disclosed in ihe so
lion jnxt taken by the lhiu-e NiidSi nate
eiitumiltee. It is lint iinp"llile I lint the
offices jet io beloiv arc good for iIip two
or three majority agnuit il in llie limine,
bin we shall have Ihe pleasure of seeing
verv clearly where the specific operate.
Ivery day add facilities for the vlnsrsl cril.
icism, and boih panic are ahku keenly rb.
seriatit. )"iniicr' have resolved ihul
thi shall be the a-t collie of ilet apita'ioii
f "r theimpler Xeicl-e of manly eonsislpnry
in (usiiiiiiing iheir nii doctrines. We
-dioiihl do llie highest injii-'ice lo o la'ge
b-aly uf men not lo upio thai the ex
igencies nf llieir parly for a few years past
have fatigued llieiii not a little, ji'ew
llaoip.hire fell mil of line al the mumput
when a I'reKident was rli-peiiing official
kiugiloin in it representatives a ihe price
of allegiance to bis suicidal policy, and
Democratic represeiitaiive fiom that State
are known and in be known lo the country
generally no more. Maine ha since gone
the ssme falsi road, never to return.
Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York
are only le decided example, in which a
'Lecompton man will never come before
the people anywhere. In New York the
&Pfstf 'Sfirleiti'orl aft'rrls f;rfcieji,f
ihe ll'irnb'iriiers, which facile faCti'P will
horenfer be scarcclv le odious than llie
Lecompion faction simple. In all the
West, there ia no question and noihmbl;
Michigan ha followed !Nuw Hampshire,
and we come back lo I'i r.iiylvaiiia fur the
closing act of lha drama. Let those who
watched the d-cline nnd fall of New (lamp
biro and It President attend In the paral
lel phenomenon now in progress here, and
maik cur predic'ion, thai, I wo ) ears hence,
a into, n kweepiug will rfTsce the Lecomp
ton policy, ii men, and it memories, a
lhal w,lch nei.pi the Northern Slates thai
aw ihe Kama policy of the Dcmocrniic
pally in It truo light In 181(1. IVnw Is
iho lime lor member of the UoUso and
Seiiale In elect final retirempiit from legisla
tive or other official oarea, if I hey thin!; an
hour' official suiiihiue warrant such a
DiscxioNisTa. A correspondent of tha
N'ew York Tribune ihui writes from Phil.
adelphiu ;
(J')Verilor Vip,nf Virginia, Is turning
up a Union saver of the limit orthodox
sanctity. This niy acein a curious quar
ter of the compass for such news to kail
from, bul there are ilcini of intelligence,
some of them of prima rarity, floating
about hero fiom quarter very distant, and
sometime very confidential. Now be il
known to you that Giv. Wise is belabor
ing Ruchanan in a quirt way, entirely sub
roa, nheiit hi pcristeii detrrniiuulion to
drive Lecompton through Congress.
uNow, Mr. Wie wai the man who en
gineered ihe nomination at Cincinnati in
favor of Old Ruck, and opened the door to
hi final success by tukiug tha Virginia
KuoW-Nothiliga in hand and throttling iho
Oid- r ouliight. For nil these signal help
Old Duck show no tigns of being as gra'a
fill n ho ought to be, and hence ihe Govern
or ha a very hard row to hue. Notwith
standing it hardue, he continue not only
to hoe, but even to harrow Uld Duck, but
without convincing him. Tha facile old
man is the victim of a systematic demon
si rat ion nimbi by Hunter, Tooinb, Mason,
Jeff. Davis, nnd men tf kindred ol.ji-cti,
upon his credulity. They have made him
believe that if Lecompton i defeated, they
will dirsolvo the Union! Yet this weak
uld man klicvrs them, and under tha op
r ration of I his childish foar ia spurring the
men tiro through in hopes of thus saving
ihe Uniun.
'Gov. Wike.on the other hand, who fore
see that Lccnmplon whipped in will rnd
iu civil war, fomented by the black Drop,
ngiiuda. will end cither In disunion Or in lit
tr r overthrow of Shivery, ia brserching Mr.
Riit-hAnan to banish his fear and be jukt.
Rut so far in vain, for lie ia wedded to the
fire-eaters, b 'dy and soul. Meantime Mr.
Wise denounce the L'-compton fraud with
out s'int, and is ncatturing printed tO;iis
of life di'iiuiicluiiuiia by bundle! of thou.
rind, all over the Sunlh. In nnswer lo
(hi courageous appeal, he i ovrrwhelme I
with le'leia from Southern men aympnltii- with him in hi impeluou and cliiv
alrib dumnud, ihul justice shall be done to
Kansas, aid vowing to sustain him in his
demand. Governor Witeis immovable in
hi determination to (hi whut he can In
maintain the t'nion. Tlm imbroglio will
yet break out into an open quarrel, either
hefore or nf;er iho fate of Lecompton i
That Lake :. IovVa. Judge
C'ookhum, of b'scalnoiia, who own land
on the borders of llie famous " walled Uko"
in Iowa, say he has often walked rountl
il, has halhrd in it waters, and oarefully
examined it walls, a lid that no than who
umlcrlaiid philosophy, or common res.
sen, would ever think of pronouncing them
a wnik of an. Inn small portion efthe
l.i ko the water it from ten to fifteen feel
deep, aiid along about fify yard of the
sl.oie ihe wind hn blown the sand from
the bo biers, o that a very respectable
stairway U formed for the geese to descend
to ihe water. And this i all of that won
drous pi' Cu of mechanism which has so ex
cited llie cuiiovity of antiquarian.
Kkntcckt Miutaky Move.Mr.MTs. The
Franklorl correspondent of Ihe Louisville
Journal say thai the Legislature h just
pa-so I a bill unanimously, " authorizing
ihe (lovcriior of lha Common weslih lo
ruise a regiment of volunteers immediately,
and tu tender their ervic to too l'rcsi
dent of the United State lo aid in suppres
;ng the rebellion in Utah. GoV, More
heart ha a'ready approved and kigned the
Jlotv GaEtcr. Miout uatr ntix Aw
mxed to BS When the Grtek struggle
for independence was drawing to a close,
the Greeks made offer to a statesman of
this coantry, now in retirement, to end an
American over to Greece ss a dictator, the
Greeks having more sympathy wiiL, aoj
more confidence in American in-tituiion,
than in the interested policy i f Europe.
Had we been a avariciou of territory ihcn
as we ars Grerca might bate been
knocking at the rloos- of lha Union. fr
f nn. The inagularity with which tha
s'ars ara diiribuld over lha cilesiial
phi re, is one of the meat peculiar fret ia
comicctiuu with the constitution of lha a
irouomical universe. In fume region,
spaces of considerable magnitude occur, io
which rcarai ly a single alar is lo u seer,
while in othurs they are crowded together,
n a to present to the uiiaiiied rye lha
apparuuca of a confustd mam f light.
A grost and rapid iucresie Iu number I io
general perceptible- a wo approach lha
bolder of lha ' milky w ay, where tuejr
appear when viewed through a pcweiful
l leicope, to be crowded almoit beyond Iru
nginati' n. Dcsides the general inorekso
which lakes place towards this f'oni
there rro in several parts nf the heavens
patches and cluster of star:, where great
numbers nre cnuJcnicd iuto a very narrow
pace A telescope turned upon the Plei
ades ahowt fiftv or sixty large stars crow.
Jell lordlier within a small area, and com
psrstively insulated from tha rest of lha
heaven. Thoro arc many cluster which.
il is thought by astruuoiuers, must contain
at leaal ten or twenty thousand stars com-
pressed and wedged together ill a rouad
(pace, whose angular diameter dors not ex.
cerd tight ur ten inlnuiet thai is, in an
area net exceeding lha tenth part of tint
covered by the moon.
A StSTa'R OF ClIAttTY. The Richmond
correspondent of the Peteralnrg Express
write I
"It is lint, perhaps generally know
that ike tlou. Kdwa'd Hverett ha a aislrr
now per foi ming the taured duties of a Sii
ter ol' Charily J yet such is lha fact, and
he ia ftboat to take the position of Lady
Superior in tha St. Joseph'a Seminary in
this city. She will brobibly arrive heailr
al the same lime with Mr. livercll, who i
coming to deliver his grand oratiua en ll't
character of Washiiiglan,"
OT Hon. Edward Kvetelt has just been
elected a Foreign Curretponding hiembrr
of ihe Academy of Moral and Political Sci
cpC'S in the Institute of Franca. Tha at
l unl Foreign Associates af this Academy
which is lha fifth, in point of data, of lha
diiioiis of this Institute, having been re
funded by Loui Philllppo in are
livH in numbr, ofohnin two are Anitii
cars, the historians Prcicott and Raiicroft,
and three Euglishincn, Lord Broughair,
Mr. Henry llallam, and Mr. MeCnlloth.
Kr The Washington Republic regstds
the fact that during the year 1850, 3,000
school house wera built in Illinois, u meat
ominous to Dcmeerilio prospetie in tha
True fur rvery additional koliiolhoiip,
put down at least a dozen additional Re.
publican tutors among the "rising genera
Clay of Alabama lays he only ex
pects Io make oiin iliore speech in th Sen
ate, as disunion ia at hand; Tl a plan is,
on the rejection of Kansas, fur tha delega
tions of South Carolina, Alabama, Geor.
iria and Mississippi, la vacate their seat and
go home. It is tuppnied that thrse States
will at once call conventions for a dissolu
tion of the Union, and it is hoped that Tex
as, Louisiana end North Carolina tsill fol.
low suit. Strange lo say, South Carolina
i thu most cmiservativa of all these.
Their former trial at Nul'.iflrstiou makes
them cautious.
The Sr..NTiNc:vr is Alabama. Tha
(lunUville (Ala.) Independent inn (peaks
of the idea of the South dissolving the
Union, in the event of Kansas not being
admitted with the Lecompton constitution I
" The fire eaters of tha S"U'h and the
abolitionist of the North are in a terrible
-tewut this time, about Ihe admission of
Kanta into the Union. Iu Alabama they
ure rampant, and threaten terribly. Tha
Alabama Legislature put the ball in
motion by dr-claiing unaumou-ly that ft
rejection uf Ksnss under th Lecoinptou
Constitution would be a just esuse for a
disruption ul the Union. They provided
fur a State Convention to be called within
cern:n number of davs after such rejection,
(V ihe purpose of taking tha proper seces
sion at' p. From the light before ns at
the present time, we thiuk the earneMnesk
of our brave Legidalor will be tested.
Kansas will hardly be admitted, and then
we shall see w hat will be dune toward dis
solving tha Uni.'n. The Governor will of
roure call the Convention, hut we lliink it
will be like calling spirit from ihe vasty
deep. The proplt of Alabama will not
respond to the call. They are not prepared
lo dissolve the Union yet, nor will ibey
be until theV are satitfi'd that a lerri.
lory i refused au'miiun into the Uniun
bocause il present a slavery constitution."
Cot. Jub;w! Pbootd The fr.
ijeiii has nominatod Cut. Johatnu, com.
mandrrof the Utah Expedition, to tha bio.
rl of Brigadier General.
Time The difference in time between
tha extreme east and west points of the
United States, ia 3 hours and SO minute
and 21 seconds.
QtT The moral eourage neeary ta
stand op for right in so napapnlar w, (a
i qoaTfty Meh vtu fw piaa. - -
i'i ii