i Plorkxci Nioiimoiii. She it rather high of liure, fair in complexion nd llm in perton J Imr heir It brown, and li worn qtilto loin; litr ptivnionomy it moat fleeing; her eye, oft Llumsh lint, apcek volume, and re Uiyiirkliti(j villi In lelligetice ; lirr mouili it well formed, while Ler ii ocl in uu!t on, and ntuke known (lie lmrlon of li' r heart one cema the re lie of tin oilivr. Ihr viangD, ai regard xpretMon, i very remarkable, and one car, almoit aniitiputo by hvr counienar.ee nliat dm i about l auj j alternately, with mat I it i vf llio innet grave inijioit, a gjrntl auiil pici radiantly ot her count UJt.cc, thu pruvlng her erenne of torn pur, at oilier lime, when wit or a iKa-anl-rjr prevail, the; heroine in Iot in ilia liap T giol. nature J mnilu which pervade lior fc, nnd you recognize only the charming Woman. Ilt-r drc ii generally of a grey. ih or .uck tin' , he wear a aiinple white cp, and often a roujjlt apron. Soytr't Cu Unary Cam;a!in. Givr.hxoR Skwahd. From the Clarke ( Vu.) Journnl and Advertiser : The mo-Ul'Tiit, cluslo, mid atroiig pai. mij'-a of ti.iv. SuWHrJ' M-eche are apo ticn with hii armi rctinjj cu the railing nii I hia finura tayiii with hit "(I'ttacle if tin wn in eny eotivrntinn wih nn'e hotly. We never taw or hemd uf audi a man in t f reapec', U n mi trouble to him In talk iiittllitfunce, tt-ritcnesa, beauty, chgance, alrcnih 1 it nil apprare to be in print. I In ii prhpi the hnt informed ftnii inian in the Uuiu-il fcite. tic it kin l!ularly freo and enj in hi iiiterc'jiirae. and iinivernally popular inJihiut in hi sire, nut rvmarkabl. for mat.ivrneM of intrlli-ct, but Minor for the capacity of hit mind, lii menial neuteoeas, hi habit of mental labor, hi drill ho) discipline of mind, hia m.thod, hit system hi pleasant MS ofniind, an to apeak, Wkiny all the limi in sunshine, ni it were, and aceing truth in iti plmuant colon. COSjmi one y, ihnt aome men are acqnninti'd with a good many book ; oth er niili a good in. my wealthy people. Hut intercourse wjih the lutier dma not nuke them rich, and familiarity with the furmor doo not nmko them chthir. Ex-tt'D-ive and promiscuous intercourse with .mankind ha few adruntvgea for the man of llionght, Acccm it not thu to bo ob-taini-d In what I moat valuable in other. Bailor for the attidioaa, thinking men to U much alone, cultiiitir ac-tjuaiptnnco will the iu.iikt of nond Luukt and hiinarlf, than with the ouUidca of other people, however eminent. . . Tas Mabcii t. tiik Uuavk i.n 1057. "What a mighty proceasioii Iiha been inov ing toward the grave dining the pat! year -At tlin us'iiil Catiinate, nincetlm 1st of Jan uaiy, 1057 more than thirty-one million Jii'e hundred tltO'isamt of the wortd't popu Intion have gone down to the grave, l'lace them in long array, and tlmy will give a moving column of more than thirteen liun drrd to every mile ol the ciicuinf'rence of the globu. What a aprcmcle, at tiny ninve on, tramp, tramp, the "IVitd March" giving ita funeral nutes aa they go to tLc ; Unt ah:idi ! WTke Coiwuinptii'ii of enaila in Pari ha iucr;-aed to tuch an extent n to teri- ou!y injure the oynter trade. A whole aiJe of the new fi.-li marKei it devoted lo llitts dcliciicirt. KT The full ieiiiruiiieiiia uf a pn'iiling olTici' were hittly i-nt f'oui Parit to Kgyjt for the lite of ladle in the Imifin of a grand podia. The fuii Gvotgi.in and Cir t.i$iiiiis are to set the typen, do the prri work and all. KT " A lata, a Ium !" exclaimtd an oM bachelor, who wnnud tn mar'y. "Alan, .ulas l" he ciicj, af:c- he ha-J been murru-d aivliile. CO" Tho Norfolk (Vh.) !lra. j;ivp.i an account of the nU', by liuorge Cauna ly, of liu wifn, for $'t')0, and its uiorul tente ii eliui-ked by tlio transaction, although nil tho parties, it aye, w-ie well iati-fivd.. !t is fminoil iu Virginia In ai-ll other menV wive., w ithout to much a a.king the con ai'tit of citlirr, uhJ the Herald djoa tint con aider it nl nil bucking. Uory't UtMtDg. 'Rout a kiu A t ye ntkt IT me that can tell; Kurould a I'm now, I'm minting it e!l. When a epu'pien of ihref, wuli l,our mueh delight My niillur kiMiid Kofy uud lade liini gixnl nigUI. Put my mitLer ah died ami left Rory brliind, And the lawn I met bnniijht her to lo my uiiud, 'I'lial at kitting went, firsi ou and auiiher, licciuao ihey wr bounrle and ! lt. d like my ni'iher. At lat, would you think ii, twate Bri.lffet O'Fliun Ilud ecuicely bceu kiwed wbeu the kuaed U . ajjaiii, And tould me a prasle, way down in Ihe city, Would auy, if we'd atk liini, a bit of a dilty. A dilty, awat rtiic!g.-t, and what might It be?" Ne'er mind, my dear Uory. but come jiwi wid me!' We iru.lgedtn ihf ciiy, mil, aure aa my life, ileaaid a ahorlditly, auiltalleJ ber my niie. We j.U a wee etlHi;e, a p'tr, himI a apudr; Hi idet siekened i wo Irr. a lirr rinler fer maid ; '1'l.e inaiil I wiia ki!hg, h lieu, true aaye'rr liu re, J felt the ould Divil a (Milling my hair. " Bejonr, you ouhl vaniiint !" I yelled ia affright, And aorl ' turned muiul to be celling eight J Whaldi.l I i!iAivi-rf liwieadnf aaeif, ewate liridgrt O'Fiaherty there jiat herwlf. O C'lry !' ah lilulbere.l, Will pulling away, ' ' But nick my heart wid )er cuuduvi te-day ; A kilting myaiater h le I'm iu my bed, ,. Nor able lo ui froia the pillow iny head ! " Troih ! my Bridi;t,'fiya L'perhapeyceanmiDd Whea ye lo Ihe kiaaing were greaily iucl aed; Ye k aaed me and k -e J me al Uounj brook fair, Aad now, by Ihe jaliera, ye're pulling my hair! llrgoiM, ye oulj fool, w.d rumpiw I ke thii, I'm uly laraiug yer aialcr hw I kiaa!' GO" Th fullowing came oif recently : Two gentlemen fiahing. Sharp boy ap pfam. " Well, air, gii any bile f Lota of Vm." "V -, under VoOr hat." Kace hetween hey and ilivcro and tuutlry aef Ujr a litt.'e a !!, , . J fW lie Argni. ' meaaly. tV 4 KIIIKIL OIIL. , , , , , r Thrt't betuty In the bright tuurlte, , ' Tbi-rt'a iraudeur in lh itenn TUrn'e btauly brifhl in the mooe'e pale light, ' AuJ iu each enaled tuna, ' Tlmre't beauty in the IfnttJ rtoiid, v hrn frn tl eve twm "ur i There' beauty pmid iu llinjlonoml When deck d in nmny (lower. There " bstuly In lb ra.'nbow' liol, . Xllr'tbriHliliiriulliuual -i And wild and rrr i Ui beuudlet Aod (lariuut Uie lleunug mount . ' Tlmre ' beauty In th waving tree 'i'liat grow hy I he gtioniy fcn, ; ' ' 1 And U-Auiy dwo'.U in the tangled delle, Aud in lh liullow glen. ' v Itut there it beauty Mill more rare, Of a true and nubl kind, ' ' Aal br filler fr ihta Hie miming etnrt ' "I'm ill beauty of tli rtlttd. Tlil beauty will protect III hrart . Wben truublve o'er it roll; tl hu far more gru-e lliuu a haudtome ftic t ''lit lioblruMi of tout. M. M. C J" Human all'uctiont are tho leaven, the folige it our being they cmch every breath,aud in the burden and heat of the day they make mimic and motion in a tul try worlJ. Stripped of thai foliage, how unaighily ia human nature. How to Sjyb Your Shoe Soles. It tonsinti merely in melting together tnllow nnd conitfion ro-iin, in the proportion of two partatflhe fninr to one part of the latter, atd ap I) ing ihe preparation hot to the luler of llio bouti or ahoct a much of it a tho leather will absorb. Or.e substan tial farmer deelarea tbat hla little receipt alone hai brcn worth more than the price of live years' tubtcription to the newspaper publishing it. , , ' BUSINESS CAUDS. W. T. H.VTLOCS. W. 0. JOIINuN. v ZVXatloek eft Johnson, A1T0RNEYS ii COUNSELOK3 AT LAM', And Solicitor) in Chancery, WILL promptly atlen4 le any lnuiuew which tuny be enminitled to llieir prnfeuional eliargo before tli District aud Supreme Court. ' : OfJice iu U ghiu-ld'a building, immediately op poaile ilia Muiu tjlrert lloune. ORgun C:ity, March 7, 1857. 47y " JOHN R MBRIDB, aTToaaav tan cooNttio r uw, Lafaijettt, Yamhill County, 0. T., WILL faiilifully attend to all bunion ' trusted to bu proleational euro. Wm, O, Ocmcat Ol Co., WHOLESALE aud remit Dealora in Grocer iea, 1'iovinioiif, l'aimi, Oiln, Boots and Shoej, Crockery, &c. Opposite th Land OlHce, ,iui si. uregou tity. juu J, 1S53. CHARLES POPE, JR, DEA LEft in ilnrdware, Grocerie, Dry Good, t'lolliiiif, Boon St Shoo, Medicine, Booka and Stationery. Mainnt., Oregon City, April 2I,1R57-Itf B. BXilwain, Mimifaclurtr, W holt salt and Retail DtnUr ia COOK AXU PARLOR STOVES, ' tra 1 comt waiis, lur.DWin, r., MaiaSt, oppoiit Main Street Hotel, OREGON CITY, O.T. Steamboat aud jobbing work attended t with iii.-p.ikli. ;r . Uideni from the Country promptly filled. je7 ; 1 ; Time. ' 1 - ' WF..II1GI1KIELD, . Watch-maker. 2 Peraom dmirout of gelling good work done will do well to give in a call, aa iny whale time ! de voted to tli repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal watvhe. . : ,- An nssoi'tmeut of Jewelry oa haml. Jewelry mail to order, anil repaired. Prices to mil the time. I um thankful for past fnvor, aud hone to give lalitfuction iu future. , ID Looatrd ot the old utaurl, wpoalte tho Tel egmph tJflice, OREGON CITY, Feb. 2. j) Srugs, Medicines, Vatnts, Oils, Vaf aQd Uyc-atuffs, 1 at the OUKUOM CITY DUCO STORE, epl5-' J Ma'n Slr-.-et, Oregon City, O.T. JOHN P. BROOKS, WlulemU if- Retail Dealer in Groeerkt, Traduce, Provision, J tf . Main Street. , , , A General Assortment kept up of Selected Goods. Cimcmnh, March 28, 1857. ' GUN SMITHING. T EIXG permanently located in Oregon City. J1 am piepared to curry v:i the kuiiiirii of GUN-SMITHING IX ALL ITS BIIAXCIIS. ; Th'e who lavor m with their natronace , may rxpecl to have their work done right. Those who have GUNSal my Shnpfor ir'nirx, and do not cull for them within am hum rm of tli lima set fur the wuik tu be done, nmy expect I h ive tlicin mid to pay eliurgea. Jue27, 1W7. ; - llmlU . Wells, Fargo & Oo.'i Express. Bcttcten Oregon, California, the Atlaatk awl Lurove. ,,- HAVING made advautageou i'lV arrungamenu witn the United liistatea and facilie Mail Steam- aiiipComnauiea fortiunauortatioii, we art now tiro pared io lorwurd from liutt, Bullion, Sptci; r'r i-untie, ana freight, to and from N York, N. Orleans, San Francisco. Portland, aud priucipul lowin of Cal.fornia nuJ Oregon. uur regular feiiii-i)ioiillily bxpraa between Portland aud San Francisco, ia dispatched bv III Paoitic Hall Steamship Co.' ateamahip Columbia. connecting at San Francisco with our semi-monthly Expreas lo AVie York ni Neio Orlemm, which i diagiatched regularly on Ihe 1 st and 1 6lli of each month, by the mail eleumer and in charge of our own messengers, through to destination. Uur r.nprce from Hvw York leave rernlarlv en the Stli and 80th of each mouth, alto In charge vi iiieBseugrrv. treasure insured in the best New York com panies, or at Lloyd 'i in LvSdou, at the option of ehippere. Urncrs New York, No. 16, Wall at ; Now Orleans, No. II, Exchange place; San Francisco, no. i it, .Tionttouiery dreet. A. II. STEELE. Agent. Oregon City, April 21, 1857.-lif ... Beading for the Million. ' . J. M. COR.VICK . ha conrrxirrtT oa iiaud t tiii rataausj loo (Tuaa, raoaT-ar, rur.Tiaao, oaeaots, t Choice avleetion of Popular Book, New, papers, Madeline and Fancy Suiiouary. Among III booka on hand will be fouod works a Teeperoc, Agrieaiiure, llenwliwe, Hu tnry, Foelry, Jiiograpiiy, Medicioee, Keligro, Science, Selwol Books, UMiiaiicr, 4c, Ac, te. eVTSiibacript'oM rcecircel for Harper, Graham, Godey, Loue'a, r Putuan, at t4 a year, sual- mgt ft. - IT eiubaerlptioo receired (sr any Besrepapef publieiksd aa ay parte lie Uoio. RMnpnhf fits SVan k tin RmI ttfnM kaiV.M. r)"' kM'ermtuirt-?,i-gv'.. ' f ill i i WM, o. vtitaxiB X at ww. 1 TtK NOW ItKCtlVISO. per bark Na JX hunikeacr l brig Francieo, lh followiug goud, ll of which they oiler at reduces pneet I , 14OO0 Ibj No I China rugar, I50O0 Rioenflar, 10(1 bote I Ml' and Colgate' op, 100 keireeyrup, 6 a 8 gal, 40 eaiie pickle, 30 pi fruit, ue'd, 10 bill crulied eugtr, SO eaaee Ira, ' SO nel willow beekeli, " -I 100 gtlnperm oil. ept 13, '67. To Arrtro UTithln Sen Sajri, DIRItCTr'aON NRW YORK, 1A FAIUDANK3' Kile, weighing fr.ra JLJ iuuu io uinni im, 6 Ilickoi' sider inilU, IlluckMiiiih' viei-a, auvilt, Ac, Mill aud X-cul aawt, , - i Pruning do., Uudding do., Shear and tawa, . , 3 doi lelyai.l, weighing from 300 la 400, ti " Ami' paa, 10 Deri (;riiitletoiii-, 10 dot Collin' e, handled, 10 ' do do wilhvut, J " hind axe ; lor ul lour by tep 13 WM. C. DEM E.NT & CO. FLOWS JUST nECElVKD-iJci.titeH plow fur J by WM.C. DEMENT & CO. "I UALii. pmi oil (uptrior quality) M. W Tor ml by 1 WM.C. DKMENT&co. JUST It U C E I ' a ipleudid lot of V E D , CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES, ' and Dry-Good of nil Deacrlplloii. We e.in uow fill alnuwl any bill a farmer may oall lor. wan ana we. March 14. . CU ARMAS Sl WARNER. WVbtiia Vnnbrldscd TyCTIOXARY Rerhed and enlarged eJI. A tion mr ai ai in CITY BOOK 8TOUB. Tito Oraefonberg Company. THIS INSTITUTION 'incorporated by the Ie slaturo of tho Stule of New York, cap I al SluO.iKKI), waa founded for th puroae of upplviu; the public wilh the eelohrated GRAFF L'NB'RRO MEDICINES. The series comprise remedies for nearly every disease, adapted lo ev ery climate. - For familiea, travelers, seamen, nnd miners' use, they are unequate.l. All Ihe medi cines are PUItEXY VKGKTABLK, ami war ranted to cure the diteases fer wh'ch tliey aa-severally recommended. , The Graefenl.arg Company doe not prefea id cure all diseases w ill one or two med ciuet. Our erie consist of ELEVEN different kinds, ad apted lo llio vuriiiiia diseases incident to the tem perate and trnpicnl climate. The followiug coin priao Ihe series of Grat-fenlierg Medicine : The araefeaberg Vegtakl Plllt At considered tlie standard Pill af th day, anil am infinitely superior to any Till before the public. They operat without irritation on all th ejere tion i, purin4 the blood by the bowels, liver, kid neys, and skin. Uurahnira I'lfirhie CnUiolicoii, 4u infallibla remedy for all discuses uf the womb aud urinary organs, wcaknen in the back, pain in breHt, uerrousuesa, debility, etc. Iu California and Oregon, out of more than a thousand case where this medicine hu been used, it ha in no aiu(le iimluuce failed lo give periuauent relief or to efl'oU certain cure. CRA EFENBERQ SARSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. Ono bottle equal lo ten of the ordinary taraiiparilla for purifying I he blood. A sura our for scrofula, rheumatism, ulcors, dye plio, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cut in tum eruptions, &.O. T'ae (trees Mountain Ointment, Invaluablo for burns, wounJa, apniiiM, ehilhlaina, ores, swclliims, crofnla, etc. As a pain extract or, it citunot be excelled, oilbrdin? immediate re lief from Ihe mist excruciuting p.tius. I ' TUB ORAFFRNBF.R DYSENTERT SYRUP. This extraordinary artiele i a speedy and infallible remedy, in dii.rrlioea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, and th A.-iieiic cholera, if takeu with the first symptoms of the disease. It is pure ly vegetable iu it compound. Uracfcnbcrg Children' Paaacet, For summer compluint, and most diseases to which children arc subject. It true worth can uever be set forth iu words, but it can be felt aud apprecia ted by parent who children have beeu uved. mo mother should bo without it. Uraefeuberg I'll Remedy. Warranted a certain cur for this painful dicse. Willi th Ointment, thore an very few case which cannot be radically and pcrinmently cured. A anrjieul operation for Pile and Fistula should never be resorted to until thia ointm ut ha been thoroughly tried. " It uever fail. "; , w UREFEMlEtt EVE LOTION. ' For disease uf Ihe eye, this Lotion ha n equal. II ii a speedy nnd poaittve cur for inflammalion of the eyes, Weaknesses, dimness aud failing of eight. It wiil always be beneficial iu acute inflammation f the eye,and also as a wash oa inflamed surface. 1 , " v : . OR.lHFE.NDKliO FEVER AND AGUE FILLS. Asieedy and positive euro for this dietrem'ng complaint. These Pili are composed principally of (juiuine, with ether vegetabl ionics, anti-spus-midie and frbriluge artiele. Thousands have beeu permanently cured by their iwe. Gravfciibfrji Cuniiiiiptivc,i Balm - Sovereign in all ISrouchial aud Pulmonary Die asea. It ia, beyond all question, tru that cou Mimplton is a curable discare, aud the Coiuump live s Balm is Hie best curative ever uaed. Graefcaneri Dealth Bluer. Three b llers are skilfully and elegauily prepared Irani a number of iuvigoraiisjg, bealtiiy route, barks, berba, and viue. An iuvluab: tuuio and health returr. traefeabcrf Maauat r fleallh. A handsomely printed volume of 3U0 pag-e, eon taiuutg concise and extremely plain descriptions of all manner of diseases, the.r symptoms and treat, lent Kvery family should hav eu. Prw only 93r-Ht. It ill be sent, p paid, lo any poalattk-o ,a Cahlaruia r Oregoa, an the r. cvipt of Si cwrf by mad or expreaa. AdJraes Kediagiou ot Co., Saa Francisco. .The GretTeiiberg Med eiue ar for aaJe by all Druggkn and apo(itcarie throughout the coauuy. A. H. S I'liriLB. Agent, iWgon Cite. Csueral Ageat for California aad Oreron KFDINGTON h Co, u WfcalaaaJ Drogiriat, , , . ,Nw !C7 Hay ev, frareawss ' ronUtart. rnilB ub0Tibr bM lusl rwir.-e as. dalargupplyf FUKNI-I T TUUK ef aU deaanulieaa. stuwl. iJ lag ia part follows Sofa, inahoguuy aad blaek walaut Chamber mi Bureau, wither wilhaat marble lopai OfSe desks: llockiag ohaira, atuflee) in hair, earpet, aad with can auu woeu seis; Diuiug ehalra, cane aud wood Mats) OlDo chairs, do d d Children's do, high diaiug aad reckiug Uedilvads, vatiou kinds; Table, oenier, card, aud dining; Writing desks; Sideboard; Parlor chain; Settees; Reeding, toilet, and wik table; , Iokiu-glseses; .Mtltresd, hair.raoM, and wool; Wiudow shades; Feathers; Paper haneing, ef every sly!: Oilcloth) Climes malliiitri fluid lmp, and bura ing Hu d ; wilh a variety of ether articlea ice numerous Iu mention. Persona wishing lo purchaa will plea can aad examine for Ihemwelve. All kind of eouulry produce taken In exchange for goods. THOd. JOHNSON. March 83, 1 850. 43tr T u J 70 ST RKCEIVKD bbls and hlf bbls N O uga 30 " crushed " 40UO lh N. I China " 10 hlf bbl Cimlina rice, 11 ' dried appl, ' 13 keg " 10 hlf bbl peach, 100OII lb Liverpool salt, 10 cures labl salt, 60 bbts Santa Crux lim. 500U lb mauill rep, aaa'd aiie, 1U0 kegs uails, ' ' S0U0 u,r Hwir sucks, 5 bale drilling, 13 cases aVd pi fiuila, 12 " " picklea, CO buudie window sash, asa'd (iie. 24 paunel doora, " 2 Wt pol graius scoops, 10U aavks Kie , 10 mala black pepper, 10 bales oakum, 100 single and double blocks, aaa'd sixes, 6 griM P U M yeasi powdar, 10 A a lino wash board, SOU galsS. I. syrup, 40(10 lbs whit lead, pur, 500 " led " 40 gals copal varnish, IS doi piiut brusliea, ass'd aite, 15 "3 hooped buckels, S00 gala boiled linseed oil, 100 raw " Together wilh a mod assortment of HARD WARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which wa propose selling at price I suit Ihe liuM. Call aud are for youreeive. iv. V. DK.Il K.N 1 at CI) , Main at., eppnaite the Laud Office. Oregon City, April I!), I$."7. Medicines for Sale, By CIIAKLEd POPE, Ja. SANDS' Saraapatilla, Peck' Wild Cherry Hit ters, Dulcuiau'a droiK, Ur indrelh's pills, Lee's pills. Perry' vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Cum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, British nil, Lobelia, Hot drops, ia prepuralioii, Uoman eye balaum, Ualley putn xtraotor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essence, Composition Powder, Carter's fulmonurv Ualsom, Sulphur, Epsom Salt, ia April VI, lHo7-Itf Hew Sooks 1 mllE iubscriber has just received lure as X sortinenl of BOOKS, direct from New York, inoug which are the followiug : Alisnu'i Hit. of Europe,' American Institution, Live of thu Signer, Uabylon and Nineveh, -Deck and Port," 'Ship and Shore," eiilhinan do, Oemocracy in Am.ricaJ Land and Lee," Sea aad Sailor," Three Years in Califor.J Home Cyclopedia, I'yc. of Literature, Egypt and lb Holy Land Bucban' Fam. Pliya'u., Uir.l nor ou 61 m tugiue Manual of t in Arts, Auc't Mnuasterie, Lecture on th Art, C'huica Bie;riiphy, Travel iu Peru, I'eruvian Autiquilic. Polar Ucgiou, Malian's Philosnimy, Clinic Ktraela, A variety of Poat. oU cop.es of bamlera bpcller, 500 ' " Beadera, 350 " McGulTey' do. 2."0 " Webster's Oictioiuirie. Davie' Algebra, iN'ewmaa's Rhetoric, Geometry, Day a do. Bourdon, I'urley'a Univ. History, Surveying, Goodrich' Pict. U. S., Legendru, Mouleith' Geography, Arithmetic, 'Littlu Speaker,'' Thompson' do. S. American Speaker. ALS'l, A Fresh flmwlv of Btationerv. Day Books, douruufs, Ledirera, Itur.ord Uonks, .Memorandums, of all sizes, Diares, 4c, Note and Letter Paper, Knrelopea, Pen, etc., 4c. Erus.-r Knives, Krnsive Iiul.ber, Gummed Lubcb, Faber'i Pcuotls, K, iu quart and pint battle, WllOLESALR AND HETAIL. , CHABLKS POrE,J. Oregon City, August 18, 15G. i liadlej ! YOU will find an excellent assortment of Dresi and Bonnet Silks, Satint and Vt'.vctt; also Bonnet Trimmings, Hosiery, Clones, Laces aud Ribbons, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at tli ire of UtlAKLbS ft)fl, Jr., Main-at., opposite Aberne lliy'e store,) where may be found almost everything in Ihe line of Dry Uvd: Such aa Prints, Ginghauu, Alpacas, Merino. Plaid Liuscy, niuslius, baltiuetta, Jeans, t-l.m sis, Sheetings, lied licking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton batting, etc. Oregon Uity, April l, Itioi-lU More Nov Ooodi. AT CIIAKMAN t WAKNEr's. . TN ADDITION TO OUU USUAL STOCK, JL we have just received, direct Inuu Sau I ran cisco, a good aud suitable supply of Goods for this Scatm of the Ytar, which w oiler for aale at price which oannol be beat in thia market. Our stuck oeuiist in part ef 4UJ iba aal so.lu, ' SO boxes Euglmh soap, 50 ' Chus. IMI s soap, f 2J do coru sUrch, I SO cases pie fruit, 15 " pickles, 8 dox honey, 8 " lobster, W oyrters, 30 hlf bbla N O sugar, 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup, 10 hlf bbls dried apples, S rils muokerel, . 2000 lb elicit candy, 500 " fancy do. 1 oaae Gailipibr toy, 1 " German toy, 400 lb almonds, 19 hlf boxe raisins, . 6 wbol boxe do., . 48 prs good .Vlackiuiw blank!, 2000 yda brow sheeting, MOO " calico, Hoots aud ih.K- of every deaeripliou. The above, wilh our usual assortment, w llink render our alock complete. Call and see us. Term cash. CHARMAN WARNER. December 80, IBS". JUST RECEIVED, al the Orvgoa City Drug Sim, direct from New York and San Fran c'aco, a large usortmeat ef . Drngt, - ' Chemicals, T'7- Patent aad I'uuiily " - '- - ' Mtdictmt, lief whieh will b told as low or lower than ih. eaa b had at aay other plac in th Tcrnlorr. - lAjsjatrr iNtesMi.i. will (ad it to tbei, m,n 1 buy ber maraad f PrUaad. CU ,i. 1 Or. je,i Cf. !tay , my. mm. i 2 mm f W Ui a-s' I. - v. . . . W f OIt ri RiniVG THE DL00!. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, trxartriKitu cussitATitD fOR TIIK ItKMOVAl. AMI) PKIIMXNKXT n'ltK Of ALL IHUK tHh AktaiNO KIUIM AM IMI't'lIK gr.VTK UK TIIK Ill.O-itl. nit HAI1IT UK TIIK eVaiKV. ni- Ilia tr.t lnlrliill.,a ut ikU Hrdlrlne. eaiwmis litiltalMins Imis snrna tula ekl-trner, rnuinlti.c llieir el-l'H to law nHindsnrv ut llie e),nnlinly ,.a ll.e siir,ti,e power c,wlanr,l le er at-atll a BH, ib stmi rrfnuilon ami riMiW inr of lis. torrn ins n'jt alirltMtsli r M Ui uisiiy arotid.'rful rures t ilv.-lej by lae Vie of tbii Preparation. Wilts aswrilla ll-H ..rins n lmii.t part tit Us eJiilinRllM. It I, al Is Mate lon. ,iiinh.ii le.1 arnti aibf tr'Ui.la re exiles , "! wsr. an I H Is oa the perullsr mlt,biimH"a sml si-irnl'fls litainivr of IU hrrpare II.mu thai Iu reniaikMl-ts suecrw In ll.e i-nre or ill i-s e I, lien.la Olhar nnrslliins linlnds II in I lie sit Is m p il. ilu "t sml In h.-arlna Ihe iwuie af our of IIS IHKmlli-nt. sn.l brrv rnil tbeir nrniManre tu Iu Tbie ae.11 a rrm -ly "it tmritler IIU II.K are re,uel I i li. re UiUilUlrr-iiie an I In hukii'S ilolee of li,l t,r a-il. u-e. e-a lo isle any uile r tul ihai o -e mm r-l l ib.-lr euad'iruee. froiu the Uma li.t ut caiss II b4 sffrik-L MZDICAL TESTIMONY. Caoaln..t Ml., at Mb. Hit. Vm aaaii: 0ailnn. Mr Utile luii.-lil.r altl ekl f .r a lim lime I' sa dorr llrs.1 an. Kvi-s. S'M lr u-le year aNr.ss-l la wss (N-neitlr eiira.1, ttit,.T nir.ll eiam ami &ararUlw liarln h lul in raliete her, llsi l' uaril II ainl ir'r.l 114 effli'my. I ni' eontlilsiiiljr neoin-iih-0.1 ll ia prvfrrrnee U any .iih-r. a, II seoi4 li ni. la-ntH-nlM 4 e-inulnnlia auyiiiliw ifr..r lun: nil I A i Hist purrhe". aArr lury lioa a-el I'. hi,"aWjf warn His -sine siileta s;ln. aiiriwver U-y rnjuue a luvtlfclua whleli tins b rveinnim-aUe-L UihkKuI.; you J. FLINT. M D. rrrnarot anA sM by A. II. Ar II. HAM1H, Wl,.,lc tela Uruct su, .No. lou lulluii-irvt, euriisr uf Wll.uui, Nvw York. i'nrsalstiv DKWITT. KtTTLK A To., II. .lOIIXmiN A IV, sml ItklllNIITO.N I'o.Ssa t'rsnrlae: Kit K A COH'IS. M ,ry.v,llr: It. II. U. lioNALl) A Co, if ranwniu; an Uy'Urui'iil.l(piieilly. ROMAN EYE BALSAM, For Weak nnd IuQamed Eye. Th's IIsInho iivit fir many yrare la lh prlvsle rrscm-e ( a crlrl.raud Oeallat Willi the fririlMt lu.ws, n caa a Uvre Hie EYELIDS ARE INFLAMED, or Ihe tail ot III- fcvs tiiieXly ntvrrwl wilh I.U-1. n aria siiii.i-l las Hiaule. ait.l mn.,v,e ail ai.4raiiis tif tn Cnninsilon aTtrr lo or time aepllisiliuis Tbeie 1. a liuinertiiii rla-s ut Nn.tii ihnl aiv pretillnrly rxnte.) tu atuiitenu or illnasitss tint! weaken ami Inllsiue tlie K)'e4 anil terliaiS ilMiroy the sitrau sueli as MINERS. MECHANICS, ami oilier nierailvra In nuiala, wlin, Imiii ilia astnra of their einpltiviiivitt. sre rttntpelleil In work In a einuil of dul sml aiit. bmh lioalii never be w.tlmul ilils llalwio. rn-parrd ami m. l.v A. II. II. HMM, Whole sale liriicirlitia, Nut " Kullmi-itrnrt. Nw Ymk. Fur ssla l.y DKWITT. KITTI.K A IX, II. JOIIXiS A Co. sn.l ItKlllNGTllN a Co. fn Kranclsca: lcl at A CilFKIS. M .ryul: I. II. Mi".N.U.LI k Co.,8ae nunsnlo; an4 iv ln!,-,ti gtnersily. 17" 0. STEKLE, of tho O.cjou City Druj Store, in aent fur these medioiin . jy 1 1 Ureal liidiiiMMni'iita. THE I'KOPRIETOU OF THE FRENCH STORE iu Ibis eily, lakea lliia melhod lo invite Ihe puhlio lo call aud examine Ilia sloek of O O O I) S . He has ikiW i,n baud, ami will continue toreui-ivc by almost (very steamer, a line Hawriiueut ot lliu beat quality of gmls, which be ia determined Iu ell a cheap a unybody els, if not a I. class cbeiiper. The Lnrll', In Paillrnl.-tr, ar reauesled loeiune where they will liu. I ihe best and LATEST FASlllU.NS of Urea Goods, of every description. Ilu ha, and i constantly receiving, DRY GOODS, consisliui; in purl of llio fullowing articles Cocln co, Pacific, lludley, Conealegii, 1'hilip Allen, Full Itieer, Merrimac,und numerous oilier ritl.NT, all lute styles; English and French meriuon, Lyons cloth ; blaek, blue, puip'e, ud pink iiImiciis, jueoUet, book and Sw M inu-lin, a line asorlmenl of luces and edging, ve.vet turn ings, &c, domestic giughaiiiK, blue, niixeil, uud gray satinet, ahei p's grey un I fancy clotii, Milford end Hunker Hill jeans, bleached uud liruivu sheet iug, brown und blue drilling, denims, hiekory shin ing, blaek velvet, ulsnil Kne lot ofpla.d dreoa goods, Uruitselseurprt, lic.cVc. Mr u & lluy'ii ClnlhiilK- Tilue, black, and brown ninth coul of the lincet quality, tweed bus nes do., black cloth veals, a line lot of bik iloeakiu ami i-ulinet pints, all qualities and riles, rubber j iekela. gray over anil under shirts, wh te and hiekory shin, hut all'! cap. HOOTS St hllOiiS men's, boys' uml youths' bouta, ladies', niiMi s'.utid elnldrvu'i inuruouii, gout, kid, and eaif boots and sitae. It la no truublo lo show goods, and he will al way be happy lo ceo ha customer, whether they p'.irclmsc or uut, EUGENE L FOREST. Oregon City, Dec. G, Irioti. 34m7 SELLING OFF AT GREAT INDUCEMENTS! I AM now selling oft" mv ENTIRE stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoe, Ste., &c. 1 have now a heavy tloek on hand of the very bent quality of goods, exactly suited to Ihe wants of thia market, which 1 am determined to sell very low and no mistake, in order to close out thu concern, prepar atory to leaving thia country, as my health com- els me to go back to Franco. Come one, come an, and buy. E U ti KMS LA FOR EST. Oregon City, Aug. Si, 19i7. 19tf Central Produce Depot. CAM EMAIL flOXSTANTLY rewivng, fresh from ranch, J wheat, out, bacuu, lard, butter and potatoes. Apnl4. '57. JOHN P. BltOOKS. UT. P. Burns, WAGOX AXU CAR ItlAGE MAKER, OREGON CITY, O. T. ID Strict attention naid to rcuairiuir. and satis. faction lo patrons Warranted. frb9.43 tk DOii. thumb lulche. cheap, for aale by 9W W M .CUE M EXT it co. SIIAKKtt Samiparilla. al the ORK.GO.M I IVY DRUG STORE. DIARIES fur ISO, for sale bv C." POPE. Jr. DU. 0giiod's lu.liaChalagogue.audDr.Jone' Aniern an t'holagojrne, at Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Ravitrd Tiivlor' CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swan's Three Years' Ues.deuee ou Ihe A'orth Wist eoasl for nil at the CITY BOOK STORE. JjUAX StEU-loreale at C. POPE'S. ( 1 ILT MOULDING lor nietura rrm.. fur T aal by CHARMAN it WARNER JUsT RECEIVED, a new supply ,.f Kw and Java ColTre, Uice, Sur.ir, Sal Soda. cic. bo-)i C. POPE, Jr., Main st TTTE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for V T good WIJKAT at the market prim. imvli CHARMAN f WARNER. A taddle Hone F ?ALF. Apne I 17. s. Matt. t.tw Ortpon City und Punland Daily pmiV Waste Juauii t'uiJt'uL'1 Will run dally (Sunday. ,,..,,fd , , ', nsnied trad., leaving Oregon Ut, , " ,k"1 3 Ml., tuuchiug it ,11 Intertnedluie J,.,? ' f r or freight orpaa.aie apply o Uwid ,' lallr Lli Tt' Btheern Portland and Oregon CffTr rilUE new stern. wheel slenir ' 1 ii X P U E 8 S , 24 Vn. lavimi, Muster, will run belwie pZu . and OrrpmCily daily (hundaj. ,rew-Iiri!r Jllltt us J 4 u. s. Mail like." Portlniid uud AUrja Th Spl.-nrliil Steamer nxaltnonah WI LL eonlin.,. lo me regulaH, be'tw? land and Aslot i., VancouverT wrr, leaving Forilauden .Monday ,j inorningaof each wek for Astoriat and iL ' fur I'e.llanit n T.l.. ...j T AWV ..uehi,,gVacouv,,;ra.VZ,r.rTt LA 11 IT. iV'0..tkth Wmv. IimiV.i.1.1 ... ",VT, luT,e.o.,eh way. t or fh-iehl or bsJ... annlv lo j.lC Oral Hoyf, V,arf.b.t. I'onl. 1 Iff cur Arrano-nm I HAVE bought um lb UAKKIIY et.n;i." mentof .CA.ra.eji Warner, wlteh lintV IllallH lllltlr lliam a..a a. . " """" luvorauie ekiiini. lance In all aid patrons, and aa many IT, ill tnuif rhiMttn In nivm sa a.-il i 9111 bawelLupphedwrtu " 'W Brrad, Cukri, Pitt, Crackers, JfiiCaa diet, lluisiut, Figt, Chtri, Tea, kitsl ealllleMal SWttff aAllssaa u..:..a.. .... """ . , i T"f :""l,y amcakoaca ATTII8 LOWEST r0S.4BLK ttATKSl I ahull unonaiunultv mm. ......r. "..'1 . i i . .' '"(fin. i rout that tropical latitudes, which will he duly auiKiaiaial tipou arrival. All are invited io (irs m ttIL J-ltkJJKKICK C1UJU1AN Orsa City, April i!S, I Si7. , . t j ' TUsIT KKCEIVEO at lie. Ore.,, City rui f J Store, direct from New Yark and Han Kraip eiscu, a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES Talent Meilicmea, Family Medicines, fte.', 4c' which Kill be sold as lots for cask as theseas at procured in the Territorij. Cull ami examine for yourselves, and gel an Almanac for IH57, gratia. JAVXEy Allerulivo, E.pectornut, d ajl ' Cod Liver Oil, Custor 0,1, ami SweelOH.al. lh OKEGOX CM'y UllL'ti BTOBE. M MliXfCAN Miiatung I.iiniueul, C. W. iliuv chum's Garuling Hit, al lliu . i OltEGON C1TV UltUG STOHE. rpRl'SSES, riht and lell and duubla, aad A 2 JL dumiuul supporters, al the . , oiiEuoN crry diiug store. , 1)UKE While Leud, ruw anj burned Dmhcr,, Crome, (ireenaiul Yellow, and other paiutrj at Ihe OKEtiUX CITY UliU'j'KTOItE. , JEKFLWI KltY.nl the OltEGON CITY DPtUC STOIIE. .1 GltAEFKNOEKO MEDICIXESt - ' GraefeubetgS.niuparilla, llrriueCulhuliioru' " i)yru!cry rj'run, cuaamjHive balm, " Pile ttjitim nl, " ' lleultb Bluer, " " ' Eye Li lion, .Ve., le., Tu b found al the n!iti,ev uf Hit- Company, at Ilu OUKGON CI I Y DIIUG STORK. HAY.MA.YS Dysptie Elixir warrauled't cur the dvspepaiu jlfc-t reeeived and fie' aule al the OREGON CI TY DRUG STORE, r It. Goyrotl'e cniiiioiind e.xlruct of Saiiuim;iill and Yellow flock, al Hi .. . seplj oREiiOX CITY DRUG STORK. , 0 LD Dr. Jacob Towiiseinl's Sainuparilla, ar' th Oil tljO.N t 1 1 Y lHiLKi SIUKli D It, J. Ayrua' colrbialed Cherry Pectoral for couglia, cuius, anil cou-miipt.nu. al Ihe ' OltEGON CITY Ulll'U STORE. J' M cLAXE'S eelebriitrd Yennifiige and Liver 1'ilU, OREGON CITY Dltl'G STORK. i) K. Ttjwiwend'aSanujptirlln, al Ilia OltEGON CITY OKUGSTUKK. PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for th cure ef fav.r aud ngue. &c, Ita , just lecrived and for wla, at thu OREGON CITY DRUG ST0KH.. , lliiriii' ,TIiik;r A: Saildlor. . , THE subscriber has bought out the estalilsa mriit I'm inn ly own, d by A. K. Piaa. d "i1 iimv currying ou the HA UN ESS and SA DDLS- AYbusiiiiHi iu all ita bratielirst the LI V Kit If ST AULE belonging lo (lie csiabliJiminl, i alsi kepi up, where hw e and varriageaur cuitanlly i k. pi lor Hie .icoomiiiuiluiiuii or the publie. "" lell al my tubln, w.ll ulwava be treuled With ft" tioulur allKiillim, mid well Jed. I have beta . Iieoted with thia ealublisliment foranine 'j,""'' aud am nuw ieiiiiBllniiiy located, where 1 ""t " wav be hanjiy U wuit uu all who nmy with a call. W, II. J'AKTLOW. . The best of TIMOTHY 11 A V W 9ul'--!' ly o:i hand. - Oregon City.Oet.lB, l63C-57y. v Cu:iCii):i!l, April 11, 15 j. . ON hand iiti.1 for sule, loiv, for cash or prode i Paints it lead, chroinegrceu, -. I white leud, prussisu b!u . .. I red do in oil, chrome yellow, m blk. do " . blue paiut, ,. litharge, - ' ', , Common and permanent green putty. l"i etc. JXO. I'. BROOKS. E.L. BIlADLEy. HOMER IIOLLX BRADLEY & CO.,s BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. OREGON CITY, 0. T T"EEP oonnlantly on hnd a general assnriiueui 01 Mtsi'lil.L AXEOUS and SCHOOL 'BOOKfij- . .. . also, a nne aorimeiii 01 - -, 5 TA TIONER Y, .J E VER YTH1NG JSiSU' generally kept in llieir una oj uimuv ( CALL AT TUB I8 of Til . a.' -CITY DOOK-STOBE,-- 0aoi'f Holmes's Brick Sim.' -Jf Sent. 5. 1857. 2ltf For Sale at Ihe CIlYBOOKST0118' 1 THE following work : ' '" ' Magic Stuff, by A. J. Davis t ' ' , , Great Iron Wheel, by J. K- ray.. Dred, iu 2 vol.., by Harriet Ucechel Blew r Th IlomeCyrlupediai, - ", ' of Ihe Wurld'a Progrcs, ' " - " Useful Art, ' ' ' Europe, " Geo-'raphy, ' r . ... . . IT .... ' . . - fin Arts ana uusiaiu.c, liioempliy.ifco. . Oe V 'I ri.sAHiAa FOR SALE BY CHARLES FOPB.J'1 SUGAR, Salt, Coffee. Te.,Pyrup,cnro"" Starch, SnlcMtus, Crm Tartar, B' 4 Carb. Sola, Pepper, Sptee, Alum, ""::, i peraa. etr Apnm. ,1 Hardware ' FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPZ. I RAS3 and I.on Butta, SeW1"" i. T I .... M D 13 Latchea. Hammer, and Dr.ing-knire, H.naVaw, Curry Con" Iru.lie. uud Carde, Guu Lack. , Gua Laps. tarda. Chest Haiidiea, Plane'. Ac 'J BBLS. fresh - Santa Cm- LIMF7 ' ,5 J e.ed f-'Tjt WM. C. PE'lfcTT-T-- 50 C. rCFE, Jr. m by