r.Wtolkrik aetata tr. WIUCksrri Fw Dm taeUM lelief end rapid eefe of eeughe, eeMe, MWHMi mp, areaooiua, laaueaia, pill M tae mw or swe, e. IT Bi Cautious f m there ere manv eeaalar, Mm. leek well at lb aigaaturo before purchasing, -hh ata n ina name or " eooturd A Park" engraved M the outside Wrapper, as (U then) irt haa counterfeits. PA IK WHITE art Ihe etllV Agenta, to wnoai evotre srinuio M HUM 4. Alt", im portere, wboUoele idiJ Mull ageHM of til valuable Cum nseoiciae warranted gsumne.lja' Wash gltn rl, Bm Francisco. I . - , , Pi. A.H. STEELE, Agent, . M ' ' , ' , OtvgoaCity. Tke Batrt Tbe iirt-Wlui M ar tea tlNMi would be deprived of a beautiful hud ef air, wosB.oy lb aw or Lvoa'i KtliUlmm stkh eaetanaooaally bohadT T.m muoh value ran at ba placed oa a fine hud of hair but. al intimately aaanaalad with lha general health it Ave hadjr for ihia tonaeeliea la much clusrr iHaa Ie generally eappooed. 1 ha Katiuibob preaarvaa ad beetllUe the hair, making ii tuft, early, and erfaaajri aad, by iu eleaneing aad iiivlgoralioc prop. rtim, jtoee Iom aad elasticity to lha whole eya teat. . aouererywbera for SO eeuii I -nli Der bottle. Da. A.H. 8TF.SLE, Agent, , Oregon City. 411 IfcMUttant CalakraU4 NUmacb allien. -Thr bottles of Hosteller 'a Vegetable Sl.vnaeh WUenWiu ear Um Dyepepeiai ouo boll It will reeto ak aoeetlta. force off lha imoura bile, dui ! i A appetite, furca off lha Impure bile, put tv a i Mood aad ktvirerat the tyatcm two bar iw wn ara ina worn wrn 01 urar camouini i av.!M ... . - M I ., . at kattte iD diarianw that waakaaaa at tha pit of aa fin ctrar ia ino tovataunea, lm prttaa aad tttttttb to tha ajratam, and land Mifuiaaai to tM miM. Krary family ahauld kat llaitottor'a otltbratad 8rajab B.ttara. Na itialo ia ao pataltarly adapted to our elimatt. Md by DraftHata, llotata, aad Irtt eUaa ulaooa urwiooai c;anroraia aad Ortf oa. CiuTfoa. Buyara arc aartieaUrly raaoaatod to btwaraaf aapariaua arliela matttfartand aad rop raatatcd to ba Ilaatattar'a Bittart, wtiich all who all ar aaa tha (atuiaa arliela eaa datact, aa it ia tMtar aau by tha allra, but ia aquara baulaaeoo taiaiaf a full quart, with tha tark onarrd with I MMtolba up, aad aama m tap and baulo, with di fatuaaa tar aat( ' Pit. A.H. STEELE, Agmt, MITH D AVI8. PwlldRd. I OrtnnCitw. h I fl I. a HiiiiMill n . a " rA oe nnnc, ucaarai Aftnlt, 0m 134 Wukingt it., Franeitct. fl LL who ara iadablad to tha firm of CiuaiUN JM. Wmaaaa ara rcquaalad to eall at Ihair art aod-oatila by cah ar aala forthwith. , - , CHARMAN II WARNER. OrrftwCity, Fab. 6, J858. TXTE WAVE CfENED THE ROOMS TT OVER MILWAIWS STORE, . t ait aaf.soN city, Wf hrra wa art nw rudy to wait wpan tueh aa wiah AMtOTrc 0 rwToArm Ukaanana. W art deltnniard la ftirabih rand work aanny artiat la Orcvoa. Our pieluraathaw far ihrmiwhrM. FAMILY GROUPS tuk.n, oa hberellmna Call la aad (at yaur whola family rranp laban. jawwill navar rarral it, aud yoar hildran in fu tara ytari will traaaura tha pietura u a ralie too raeioaalo ba'baufht with rold. rab -rf IIUCHTEL 4. HOLLAND Indin Robber Gooda. JUST RECEIVED, dirtct Ikoaa Naw Vark, llaipital oloih, Brvaat pumpa, ' Nurainy kotlk-i, tVcdbe., at lha Ftb. (. ORE0 ClXr DRUG STORE. ror Sale. ACRES OF GOOD LANB oa i &3 Upatr Molalla Pruiri. For particlra quirt f G. L. Uaaacav, t lha Cily Baok I to Otasoa City. f ab. 0, IP58. Tffgn-Htfidtiit KTotit. TO WILLIAM GLASER: Van arc rby aotifiad that tiwp Aaarcvtlhy baa cum maaetd u aolim ajain yon tht DialriotOaan af tha tint Jadkiai Uialrict ef tin Territory of Ortfon, ia forte Inn a auriraga, t a by you to him upua tht aarih part af Lot H. 8, ia Block Na. 3, in Oreron City.ia aaid Tenitary, m tht 15th dayaf Saplambar, IttttMo aacura tht ptiymenlof 1B4.IU, with intvrrtU Ytu art therfor bcraky ratjuirad tt appaar an tha tint dy nf tht tarm af uid Diilrict Court to ba hrid in 8atrm an lha fourth Monday in May, a. o. I US, and aniwer tha bill ia aaid aeiion, or tha aama will be takva aa aonftand. JS. J. IIAKUINU, vtrk. By K.8. Hot.tNn, Drpnty. JVaTlei K JorfwaoN, (yomplaiaaut a oolicitura. Oraron Cily. Frb. 6, 18..8. )3w8 Avzasmosr, fausuuii THRESHERS, REAPERS, AND XTTE have now on the way from tha Eaitera ? tWalae, Tm Arrire about (lies Inat ef April, ' : 4 SUPERIOR LOT Tike above aaeatioaed maehuMa. They combine all of the lateet improvemenla, and wa have na heeUalioa in aayatg Ibat wa believe them to be the am rtRVECT macuixes bow brought to thia oaaal. They were eonitruelrd aader aur own auptrvuion, having all the altera- titaa ateeaury to render them amiable far the country. Tha THRESHERS eonaitt af two, four, and eiz-ben power (railway and aweep), with eleva tor and every eaaantial conveaieaca known to the machine. Oar REAPERS and MOWERS are combined asbiaea, euitable for either mowing orrraping, Thev work from twe lo four horeee, with and without faktt) or, in tther word, an ia a aelf- rakar.. ,. . .,, , . , :';3'V, . ! , : , , v Za Addltloii to the Above, Wa have, to arrive at the ume timt, the following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ftoria Ploiei, X 8, - ' ' - ' ' n Botton Clipper Plows, Extension Cultivattn, ' . ' Qraptrini Grain Cradlei, Scythes and Snaths, , - " Straw Cutters, ' Hay Presses, Hay Ftrks and Rakes, . Jlorss Rakes, ,3F,Cll ?s C . . Wheelbarrows, Shovels, Spades, OXOBX. MILL, MARK MILLS, e TANNERS' TOOLS. Alao, a atleet aaaortmaot af SMITHS' AND CAtre.1TERt' TOOU, With) many ethor articiea not hart meatioatd. Wt would aay to aw e interne r and tht public generally, i( they ara ia want tf any of the above meatioatd articiea, they will do well to call aad eea eon before purohaaing eloewhere, a wa art deter aahaadtoaall LOW FOR CASH. Wo wwkJ alee add that aw Meebmae are being rapidly eotd la arrive. Better wll and evewe taw af Uteca be for loo late. If prtforrod, Maehiatt delivered ia Pertlaad, if tugaged btforo arrivaL Wn. C. DEMENT it CO., Orrgoa City, Jan. 30, '58. Offitt Irtni Ofict. 10 DR. Uegoed'a ladiaCrMtiagogua.aadDr.Jaaaa Aaiericaa Chaiagogar, at toe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Baymrel Tsylcr's CYCLOPEDIA af Modem TraraL-aakj Swaa'a Thru Yum' Reaidoawt aa tht North kmAVINO, ftaAMrOOINO, ate, THE public ara toapeetfally Informed that tha undereigned htvt opaaad a SHAVING BA LOON oppaute Meesre. Gibeea dl Pettar't Bill. laia aaioon, fair Cut tin), Skating, Shampooing, dC. dune ia (ho lataat aad nuM approved elyle. Alao, Boot-blacking, light jobbing, A a. Goalie, man bod rooms taken aura of. and all alhar email jobbing dan an tha cheap! aad mart exreditioue lertn. JOIIJI I MUM An WARD, Jan. SO, 1858. Main St., Origtn City. WM 0. DEMENT 4 CO., fTVKR tot aala tha following J I dot mill aewe, 7x8 real, S Xeul da SO ooar bell (onptriar), 10 - handltd aua, 10 withwrt do 10 haadlad do, aaa'daiiat, 10 p-rialo dlnara, 10 AinWtpadn, ' 90 - tarry eamba, 900 Iba wrappint twlao, 100 m r puking, ftOOrutl K BM-MiMari INDIA RUBBER GOODS tt .11 Jh. Laaa. n. . . ' virioo vnr.jan. zj. ism. Mcaooti lHktit 17 L BRADLEY A. CO. hara, la additiM XJ In tbair ttall-aelaetad atook of SCHOOL wJ, IUM ravalnd lha follow no i n.1 Im. Uiapublwhani 151) dm. Baadara' tiariaa School tl.oka, mon( which will bo fouud bio primora) ai, tin, at am lounj Ladiaa' and High Hchool JRaadrra alao 33 dot. Thompaon'a Prae- tioal Arlthtialie, 95 dot. Wilbna'a U.S. Iliatory, achool tdilioa I 25 dot. Parlcy'a Univtraai Hlalary, whool tdilioa) 30 dot. lotallifanl Riadtra, 50 dot. alalaa, loralAar with a larp aaaortmanl of I ataiitoary. c, te. Band your ordara It Iba CITY BMOK-8TOKE, and lhay will ba ailaud. ad to without dehy. Jan. S3. 1857. The OraefeAajtYtlolBWaav. THIS INSTITUTION (raeorp..rutd y Iht Ir'elalurt ef the 8tatf KrW York, cap. iial tlUO.lKKI), waa fouiioVd for Mit urpeoe of tuppiyiur trie public with the Celebrated liKAKr- KnoEKU MEDICINES. The eerea comnrieea reenediee for nearly every diertw, ndapttd It ev ery cHwtale. For lamiliee, traveler, acanrea, and minora' lite, titer ara uncounted. All lha medi- cinea are PURELY VEUETABLE, and war. ranted lo curt the dieeaaea far which lhay are eev- erelly recommended. Die Graofentierg Company doe rmt refeaa to euro all diereeet with one r two med.ainM. Out aeriea canaieta of ELEVEN different kind, ad- aplrd ta tha varioue ditraiwe Incident to lira tem perate and tropical climate. The following etnr priae Iht aerie of Graefeuberg Medici nee: Tkt eiracfekktrg Vtgttakta Villa Ara enneiderrd the ttaudard Pill of tha day, aad era infinitely auuerior to any Pill before the public. They (ferule without irritation on all the eicre. lieai, purotao; vbt blood by Ibt bowel, liver, kid- Bey, and akia. raarahnlPt Vterln CtlH1leb, tin Infallible remedy for all drove iT tha womb and urinary ergene,weakiiere in Iht bvk pain in brunt, uervouiuew, debility, etc. In California aud Oreron, oat of mora lhau a thtoaand caaea 'era thia medasm baa baeu ueed, it hu in no iiifl inatamre foiled lo give permanent reliaf w to enevt a eertem mure. ORAEfBNBERO SARSAPARIttA, A powerful extract. One kottfe raual M ten of the ordinary eamiparilla far putiiying the blond. A rare care for ecrofula, rtieuniatbm, ulcere, dye pepeia, eait rweum, mercurial dieeaaea, cutaneoue erupuoua, etc. Tka rce ttenatatk Otalmeal, tnvaluaUa for barn, Woaflda, apmina, khitbiaina, ore, ewellinge, acrofula, etc. At a pain extract or, it cannot be excelled, affording imiemdiata re lief from tha moat excruciating pain. T8X GRAIFRNBERk D YSENTERF SFRUP Thia extraordinary article ia a apecdy and infallible remedy ia dixrrlraea, dyaentery, cholera morbue, cholera Infantum, and the Aeiatic cholera, if takea with the firat eymptoina of the diaaaee. It ia pure ly vegetable in in compound. eraerekkctf Chttdreai Paaacea, For eumrntr complaiut, aad moat diaeeaea to which children are eubjeek lie true worth caa never ba eet forth in warda, but it can ba felt and apprecia ted by paranta who children have beta aaved. Na mother thould be without it. Graeteaberf Pile Kamedy. Warranted a eertaiu oura for thia painful diaraar. With the Oin'nient, there are very few caaea which cannot be radically and perminently cured. Aanrgical operatioa lor rue and rietula ebauld thia ointment haa been . r.iu never be reeorted lo until I tuorauglily tried. Il never UoYA&rENB&na eye lotion. For dieeaaea of the eye, thia Lotion hu aa equal. It ia a epuedy and poeilive cure for inflammation af the eyee, wi-akneaaee, dimnem and failing ef tight. It will alwaya be beneficial in acute ioSammaiioa af tht eyee.end alao u a wuh on inflamed curiae. OIAEFKNBERO FEVER AND AGUE PILLS. A epeedy and podliva cunt for thb diatreming complaint. Theee Pill ara computed principally of Quinine, with tther vegetable ton ice, antl-epaa- mndio and febrifuge article Thouaande have beea permanently cured by their ate. Graefeaberf CoNsnMptlvc'i Bal Sovereiga in all Bronchial aad Pulmonary Die- eae. It i, bevond all queetion, true that eon. ramptlon ia a curable diacaeo, and tha Cooaump tive'e Balm ie the beat curative aver aeed. OraefeBbert alealtk Bltlera. Theee bitten are kilfully and elegantly prepared from a number of invigorating, healthy root, barke, herba, and vine. Aa invaluable tonic aad health reelorer. 6 Oraefeaktrf Haanal af Health. A handsomely printed volume of 300 pego, eon taiuing tonciae aad extremely plain deeenpliooe of all manuer af dieeaaea, tha.r eymptom and treat mrBk Every family ehould have ana. Price only 9i rMla. It will ba tent, poet paid, to any poet office in California or Oregon, oa the io eeipt ef 35 cento by mail or txproa. Addreae Kedington ot Co., Baa Fraaeaeo. Tbe Unifenberg Med cinee art for oalo by all Druggiata and apotnacariea throughout tht country. A. n. 9 1 K.E,L,K. A Hunt, Ur-glMi UHy, Goaaral Agenta for Californa and Ortgaa BED1NOTON da Co, Wholetalo Druggiata, No. 107 Cray etreet, (toa FraaeiaM. M ex. aaaliiy eigara. CHARMAN A WARNER. 0 1LAX SEED foraalo at C. POPE'S. ILT MOULDING tor picture frames far IT rale by CHARMAN tt WARNER TUST RECEIVED, a new eapety of Rio aad Java CHaVo, Kiet, Searer. Sti Soete, tVe. LUMBER A LL lhaaa who Waal LUMBER eaa laara XI tatw wnjwiik cattaia Wiaaaa, wbieb I will III, aad datiur tua lambar Ik Onrm Cltr, " n. o. aula, OrarukCily, Jaa. I, IIM, dOif New DiscoTerr. MUB J. t a a . A a&ii&'i mot la that any ia a buildiaf built tiprtaaly for that purpaaa, jut baltar Dwrdarf'a atora. wbrrt Iht publit may aiptti It lad him al all liaaea, for tha bait toa ynra, raady la allaod to ail euttomara promptly, and la a way lhal cannal ba txetllad by aay tat af lha eraft. Cbarrra raaataablo. Oira wo a au, u ja pwaaa. DAVID FRIEDBURO. Orrtoa Uily.Jaa.f, 1858. J9y WHEREAS, WILLIAM ARMPRIEST baa eommaaead aa actlu la tha Diatricl Caurt of lha Firat Judwial D Uriel aninai Cam Oroom, a nm-rraidaBt debtor, for tha raearary of ioornwni on a promioaory aota lor alily-alaa 4a. ra aad atrtntjr.fira oaota. dalrd Match 8, ISM, ana payawt ta or Btlara lal Octobar, 18M. tberf fart, o ddrf Orooat Yaa ara bartby aotittod lhal nltaa yta appaar ia lha Dulriot Court tf Iba lat Juditial Dialritttf Iba Tarrilor af Orrgoa, aa lha Irat day of tha tarm to ba held al Salam aa tht 34lh day of My, I8S8, aad aaawar lha tomPlalnl af tht aaid VVil. liam Armprioot, tht aama will ba tokta for aoa. faaaad, aad Uia prayer tharata will ba frantad by tha court WAIT KELLY, Jan. U, )858-40m3 Att'ya far Pill FARM TOR 8ALB. T OFFER my LAND CLAIM aa lha X llacaamae, Iwelte mlM from Oregaa City, aa ancb larma U Will juatify any. maa la purohaalnf wha waala a rood claim of 040 ACRES, hariaf about 300 acme aader fence, a pod of chard, firtt-rala bark, aad need boaaa. Faming aleaaile, and everything arcowary to carry m lha puce, win at etna witn ii lima will at tea aa pn ot me money. F or torme, apply lo Charmnn 4 Warner. THUS. WATERBERRY. Dtcemtier 36, 1857. 37wt E. L BRADLET Co., ARE agenta for Fowler dr. Welle' Life Illuelra. led, Water Cure and Phrenological Joumala. Yoa that want a good family paper, aeud in your aamee anoa. (iubecriptione alao received for Godey'e Lady'a Boek, Graharu'a Maratioe. Harner'a do., liar par 'a Weakly Journal, tw. Bead on your name with the caax, and yoa will ba attended to. OR SALE at lha CITY BOOK STOKE, WOO quirea blank banke, full and blf bound Every variety. A few extra bound. OR SALE at tht CITY BOOK STORE, 350 ream paper, rood variety, eoueietins af cap, mil, Idler, Butt, dec, etc., aleo 75 ream wrapp.ng paper. FOB SALE at Ilia CITY BOOK STORE, 1 10 dm INK, ia qt., pt , at ctot bottle. Alao 35 tvaaa PENS. FOR SALE at tha CITY BOOK STORK, 95 copitt Htm tt Writ;' ' Hew to it But im,' te., complete in tirt vwhrnit, ttautifully benad frive i.tM. Alao, a gewerei aaatrtmeut f f owlet as Wiie' publication. -dbw, a general rieiovteiierH tf orwacwrmBejeui A SCHOOL BOOKS. FOR 8 AXE t ho CITY BOOK STORE, ihe Oreaen l Waahingtoa ALMANAC, ror I oon. auo, UIAKICS Jot J8S8. ' ItoUce. : ALL peraona knowing rhenwelvta to ba indebt ed re E.b. BRADLEY & CO., or to E. L. Bradley iadividutlly, by bntk ot, or other wins art rrftteted tt call and aeitle up forthwith, j Jan. 1, 1858. E ft. BRADLEY 4 CO. BEAT THEt.ll WEX) CAN! OF AIL alZKS, ARE Bow being manufactured and offered for tale in Oregon City, al Iht Biackamith ahop near Mr. Cavfield dtore. ' Tht uudenigned, having had fir year' expe rience in tha PLOW bueincaj in Oregon, tragi leave to inform Ihe farming community that tie k) confident of being able to eupply their waala ia Ihe Plow line, if they will give him a call. Dee. 38, )S7. J. W. LEWIS. Baae'a afcrctM llxpedUtioii RU8SKLLS CRIMEAN WAR, tird other intweetiag work, foreale at rtrt aep 18 CITY BOOK STORE TO FRUIT GROWERS. I HAVE beea for enme time pant cagae-ed hi the NURSERY BUSINESS, and have J now on my place In SPRING VALLEY, POLK CO., a large Uaortrritnt of tha varieua k inda of FR U I T T R E E S uaually kept in the beet aunwrieo ia tha Eaneru S'atea. My treee ara of the beet eelectione ever krought lo thie eoaat, and, being near tha WilUm. tte titer. I have everv facility for luDolvinr ene. toniere North and 8oUth duriug the entire wiuter moutnt. i have anm an extra lot of PLU M traea, all af which will be told ok reasonable terma. J. D. WALLING. December 50, 1857, m4 FEATHER BEDS. (K THER BEDS, eampleta-juet received J and foraalo by Dee. 13. WM. C. DEMENT A ca. AVE YOIIR DOLLARI! , As wll at your Dimes I TF you want GOOD artielee at the loweat pne- JL aikia prK-ee, eall at CNAKLCS rOPE'S Mora, ta Maia etreet, where yttu Will find a large aaaortmeBt of GOODS aa cheap aa they eaa be nougnt at any item in uregen City. Dec. 3, 57. ltBWOOODS. JUST received, a large aad well-eorteted ae aortmoBt of GOODS, eoueietinf of French and English Mermos, Plaids, Sheeting, Canton Flannel, : Table Linen, Veltet Trimmings, Artificials, aad ether fkney artielee, eheap for each w pro duce. CHARLES POPE, Jr., Dee. 5, 1857. Main tt DOZ. grape-vine eradlea far aala by WM. C. DEMENT A co. Oawtl Wheal vVantetl, FOR which the kigheet market price will bt paid ia eaeh ar trade, at the Sept 36. LINN CITT STORE. TJOAT STORES, all kinde, wttoteeelo or re JL tail, at BAILEY It, Limn Cily. A DIES' aad genta KID GLOVES, at BAILEY'S, Ia City. GOOD bUek aad green TEA, at BAILEY'S, Unn City. f RANGES fiat lot joat received aad tor Weaieky r. wiahjbai. Oaldroa KeUlte F from aixteea to etxty prone, et MILWAITS. AN aaaortaeeat of BMm aala at tha Rrpeenery aaaortaeeat of Bibtoa aad Taataaaoato (ar ibr C TOtt, Jr. B A RtiAtlle Demo R BALE. Atytoto UNITED STATES HOTEL TTAFINO leaaad Ibt MAIN. ST. XI IIOUHE ia lha) city foe loria of joara, wt Bare opened the tame aader wtdim . . . .. ' amt of Iht VftlTftD TA.TB BOTKL, aad, after moiovoa nrriaa vraak aarAiaiao, at u to render It erery way adapted ta euuring I ue aemion oi ino traveling community, we ara aew prepared to wait apta all wbt may favor at wita a aaii. 1 OUR TABLE will befaraiabed wHh tha boat tht market aflbrda. aHM far Vrtvaia Vamlttea mb alwaye be bad. OOOD f TABLING eon ateied with the aatabliahmrat Term moderate. WM. MAYES, 3. L. BttOPHKY. Oragra Cily, Octobar 11, 18S7. 89m6 , PACU10 D"1VE2SITY, Forest Orots, Washington Co., Oregon. BwwwaaajBI rt ' Rtv. 8. DVMaiuh, A. M.. President. Rtv.ll. Lyman, K.il.,Pro. Mathematics. ftlHE collegiate year.eooetetior; of oaa tarm tf j. aine moBtna, will commence aa tha Bret Wediieeday of November. It ia tha dctJga of ihia lutltuttea lo fureUh a thorough and complete collegiate education. There ia a Library af 1U00 volumee for the aae or Ihe etudeBlo Applicanle for admiaaioa to college meat have a aaowieage at the eommea Kugllah branchra, aad have etudied tha ancient language ao far aa ta nave reaa ponioot of csaar aad Cicero aad tbt Ureek Reader. Tbe tuitioa fee la 33 per annum. Student fitting for college, aa well aa olhere wiehing It panne collegiate eltdiee without enter ing apea tha college couraa, will ba aader lha ia aliuctita af tht college teachtm. The fall term of 1 1 wreke ia Ilia preparatory department commence oa the 3d Wediieeday af September. Tuition, $8 per term. . ... Tualatin Academy, Forest Grove, Washington Co , Oregon. Rrv. CusHtrto Eells, Principal. The fall term will commence an lha firet Wad. aeaday af November. Tuitioa in tha oommoa braachtt, fl In lha nigner oraiicnr, Sri per quarter. V6y HVaLlMlTY COIXEOB. MR. MILTON WRIGHT, Tttehr, f, I TILL enter upoa hi firtt term la lha Pri T T mary Department of the 8ublimity college on monaay ine aay at Aovtmber. Tuition per term of twelve week. 8.V00 For each additional branch above tha primary, nny oenia mora. , , -.,.- , Byorder of Ihe Tnieteee. . ' it) Dec. 5. ALLEN j. DAVIE, Sec'y OREGON BOUSE, CORNER Third and Water etreet., V oppoMto the rerrv Landing, OREGON CITY. The traveling public ara respectfully invited give me a call. The OREGON HOUSE ia Hi moat nleaa. antly located hotel ia the Territory, and hu been aa altered within lha leal Tew weeke aa to make i one of the moet commodioua Houaea in the Terri lory. Tht tahle will alwaya ba aupplitd with tha Beet mat the Market attorde. Good accommodation furladietand familrea. Good atabling and feed for horaea, with proper aiienaance. fJT Thcatagceoaeh to and from Salem top ai uie vrrgou iiouie. nicae: Board and lodging, per week $" 00 Board, without lodging, per week w S 00 Single meal SO Night' lodging ., 50 ' ' - ,;,,), J. BAHM, Aug. 8, 1857m6 , Proprietor. LINN CITY STORE THE iubaoriber Would respectfully Inform tht public that he has taken the etort lately oc etrpiedby Mr. BaurtBVoa, at LINN CITY, with the detMrn ef continuing tha Gettttiral tteriiliandlae Buaineea. Ha Will keep alwkya ok hand a good aaaorrment of OrRGCERXES, MEDICINES, 'Crockery, Hardlbare, Clothing, Boots and shoes, LonfecVinerys Cigars, Stationery, tc. Th above will alWaye bt ortrred at tht LOWEST PRICES J For Cash or Country Product. Of Fleaae call and tea for ydunelveo. gl Thomas bailey. Linn City, Sept. 30, 1857 . , 34 tOQT AND SHOE STORE , OREGON CITY. T B. BLANPIED would inform the publie t k that ke haa now on hand a large and Well eelecred atock of ready-made BOOTS and SHOES, which ha offer for aala on reaaonabla terma. Alao, Wattr-prooJ PttH Bltcking. MAKING AND REPAIRING j Dana to order, on ahort notice. Anguat 8, 1857. 17-y f -! , BRICK 100,000 F0R8aaS,. aepl9 ' WAf. C. DEMENT, 4 CO. A Few Cittea fF that tuperior GREEN TEA j net received y wm.c. jjti.vitKi e.co CASES "Crumptone Medal" Tobacco at arp 13 WM. C. DEMENT A CO.'S. Off SETS hollow augen, for wheelwrighta, tot mwfj aala hy VVM. C Ur.Mc.rvT ot Co, XVklid WalTajatd . PURCHASED BY ' ; " ' Jaa. 34. W M. C. DBMBNT A CO. 100 SETS wagon botee, for aele by V ) WM.C. DEMENT A co. 25 SETS tree hoop, aae'd eitee, for aala by WM.C. DEMENT dt co. 2000 SEAMLESS aacka tonal by WM.C. DEMENT di co. CbnrauMBi dfc Wkratr IT 'AVE ree'd a large aaaortmeat tf SHOES, embracing children a and lad lee atioee, and Gaiiere, Buekiae, and Bceteea : alee genta BuoU and ahoea, and gartert of all deeeripliona. ' ALSO, ' Cradlea aad any thee, enathe, hoee, raket, forke, apadea, and thovele. Look Her, jTrlonds! , ALL tboat wha are indebted to me art meat reapeetfally invited toaettlt ap their accoaate by Chrielmaa, as I am preparing lo leave far Franca. EUGENE La FOREST. Orrgoa Chy, Oct 17, 1857. S7tf FOR SALS, ( ASETef ereond-head TINMAN'S TOOLS aad MACHINE eompttf, by uet.I.18i7. B. MILWAIN. THE OREGON CITY DRUG STORE ie re aaoved tothe tenor of Third aad Maia Hte., (rawtarlyeeeapied by W. Marha. Ar Ca. tf It. O O I 8 I SPLENDID L O T-joet re. aaved, aad far tale L O W by - A ' ' "" XTm. O. Demeat A Co., ' " WHOLKSaLt A 1ITAIL Deslen la 0 r o c r I e i . Hardware, Booti fc Shoei, Orookery, fco., fTIENDER thoir thank to their aumenme JL tomer for their put liberal patraaara. aad lull aautlnuauvt of in eame. ' - They lake pleaMira la Infurmlug Iht public Ibey have bow on hand a large and deainblt otik of Ortctriti, lliriutrt, ottts aaa 4A, Crtthtry, sni Boat Sttris, ta which they an making eouetant addlutaa from Htm York aad Sea Fraaciwo, purcbaaed for each euly, aad am enabled to aell al lower priaca than any alhar iter ia uregoa city. . sta.ii, tool. Eis-erlenco fflakce Perfect. Why Oo to Portland to Buy Goods t TUTB wiih to Inform our aaotomem aad Iht TT public renerallr lhal wa have atw ao haad, la addition la aur uaaal heavy itock tt G re eerie and Dry-Geode, oat af lot largeal aad beet. aelected atuck af . , i i READY-MADE CLOTHING avtr aflerrd ia thia mrkt." Wa alat wlah to aay that aur good ara af txoellent quality, aad thai wt win nit , , , II CRIAP AS ANT OTIIII ROUII IN OttSON, PtrtUnd not tsttjM. Our aid motto stilt saverna oar trade - Qalck talea aad email profit, " Our atook of Modi ie bow opea for iiwnectien to all who will favor Be with a eall. Call and boo. aad let aintrieaet thea apeak for ilaelf. Wa tell ae lew aa aay ia Iba Territory, fur each, or produce at market rate. CIIAKMAN WARNER. Oregon City, May 33, 1857. W. 9. Hatchlna, BS. LAFAYETTE, O, T. REFERS TO Prof. A. Curlia, Cincinnati, Ohiet Prof.J. Koet, " i Prof. Courtney, La Faytttt, Ind. Dr. W. Armatraug, Findlty, Ohitt J. Fieher, M. D., Tiffin. ' J. Chamberlin, M. D., Tiffin, Dr. B. A. Wrirht, Mexico. Ohiet Prof. H, F. Jobnaoa, Philadelphia, Pobb. rroi. t. nrawa, jv. I .) Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwaukie, O. T. ; ! W. D. Hutehina' Balaam Wild Charrv A 35 Jayne'e Cipectoraat... 1 g5 " Alterative 1 95 Ayrea' Cherry Peotoral.: 1 35 aud a general avwrtmant af BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all lime. Aad I am making arrange. menu to manufacture my Balaam for the lung. irom me uregon cnerry. auglj LIYERY STABLE. . WE are now kwpiag a Livery ttabl la Or. cgon City, where HORSES caa alway oe ouiaineq ON LIBERAL TERMS. We are aim prepared with excellent atablet, well nupplied with hay aud eat, to keep heraea by tha day or week. Thoet who caH upoa on may ffl aaeured that every alteotioa will be givea to none ivii in our charge. GIBSON A POTTER. July 18, 1857. . 14m) Titos AnareaieabS I HAVE made arrteternentj far oeea ing the " i not Anilronicut" on a man extended and improved plan. Additional room have been aecured, aud I ah.ill now be able to lodge, and also furnish rooma for ene or two private familiea. Thankful for the liberal patroa age heretofore extended to me, I etill aalicil a large ehara from the traveling public. Every at tention given to t'to comfort aad oonveaienoe ef theee who call oa me. TITUS O.CLARK. Oregon City, May 30, 1857. , - 7m6 To Arrive, Direct from Xfw Terk, ' ' In a Few Days, ' ' FIVE PIANO-CASE MELODEONS, kith the latent improvement, which will be eold cheap for caih. Dee. S, '67. CHARMAN A WARNER. At Wat with Hard Ttiaeil HARD TIMES DEFEATED t Bt pit ARM AN A WARNER, wha, ia addltiak J to tkeirkiutl CAKUE STOCK or Dry Coodla VXhA GlrwcKrlea, ar about receiving per bark Metropoita and Mat thew Vaaaar, tht following new eupplrer. Vial 1UU boxea bngliah toap, 100 " American do,, aaaarttd kraada, SO 11 adamantine candle, 85 " aperm do. 10 " wux candle, aatorted eolore 3000 Iba No. I Balavia eugar, 4000 1 Ne. 1 Manilla de. 4000 ' Coata Rica, Riot and Java eoflee, 100 Boore'a domeetiC gmulld tt 50 dm aanrted epicea, In bottle, 6 ' Engliah aaa'd taucea, C 1 ' it de pickle, 10 American do de. 30 eaaee pi fruit, 59 boxe Wiudeor glaat, au'd aixaat 100 kegs nuils, all aixea, 600 lb codfish, 6 hlfbbltmacktral, 10 bble lime, . 1 eaat tobacco, 'Prldt tt the Union 1 do do 'ComiBeroial,' 1 do do 'Heny dew,' 1 do do Natural leaf,' ( great smoking tobacco, 6 do ot tomato ketchup. ( pepper leuee, 10 krge dried apples, 3 bbll plaster peris, Together With a well-selrtitvd tttoftment ef Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, and titty ndi CLOTHING, wh thWt offer al LOW to any houae in Oregon, either wholesale or retail. term cash, or product taken In exchange at the Hlgheat market ratea. AUrCB 21, 1857. Swaeii Aad addlerrt C-fK Til Eumleraignedhavind opened anew in BUTTBVILLK, Marion county, O. V T, la ready tt) mnnufetur aad furaieh at ahort notice, and Id tha beat and moat aubetaa tial stvle of the eraft. all kinde af HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Ttnnktnt Car riati Trimming, de. March KB, IojT. A. COUK. 1 efkAWh BUS. OATS SACKED. Far lVVVnlit epi9. WM. C. DEMENT, e CO. 500 LBS. pun Beeewax for aala tow by jssi rrjej. i. vnmnnrss vv. "MTOFFaTB Life Bilton aad Pilla, Beraard'a J.TJL Dyaentery Syrup. Watar'a Balaam ef Wild cnerry, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. T)RESTON'S Sootiooal aad County MAP of JL OltfcUO.N and WASHINGTON TER- KITORIES foraaleby auglk . , CHARLES POPE, Jr. aaeUlBC Otl VALUABLE aaewimeBt of BOOKS aad etaiioBery. Traehara and dealen aad all uiierested ara invited to OaR and examiae. Mareh 3B, 1857. C. POPE, Jr. RUTABAGA aeed-foreeleby anaras C. POPE. Jr. SETS cooper' teoie fur sale by WM.C. DEMENT A i - I DOZ. peiiebed eaatteel ea eeenpefer aala I waj.t.litaxjiiacs. i tULL aaavtaM-at of Yankee Natioae al mh31 CHARMAN A WARNER'S. s AN Dry Haraapanlla, ia aaraaanlity, at the OKtUON CITT VHyii.Hi.'JK- 16 VOT. Oyeaera, CHAAMAJlf WARNER. hBPfiOW PIT - - Wkeleiale frlees Oarreat BavoooDe. " f pavoaA MtniciNn. ' 8heetlng,4-4.,..lllal'S0pr.et.over N. Y.ctat Drilling IS,i raoutci. Bltacbtd drilling 13j Wheat, pr. bu IS.SJ " abirting, Dalfl Oata dt 75aHO Striped da ISi'Potataet d IS Tlekiag IdalOnione da 9 VU Doaloa ISKkuir. I3U Bloo drilling J4;Cora Meal, freeb 4 Plaid liaaey 16a!4 ravir. a. lhal Saliatl 70a9U; Appti a, Jried... . . 16a 18 Kentucky jeaae...25a45;achee, dried 85 Twetdt J4a70( da pealed raiara. i Chili. dr.od.iiUert Blaaaad while 131 movjmon. Blue andtrange 13; Perk, clear Bona. Faacy 8al3i mee 38a30 f .'a J IA. I i'll a Farnilure do. 10al4!llama-. - do. wide.l,:Baeoa M. do laiaee ISaSUl Baiter , Gingham. 1 5aS'.'! Egp Alnaca ..S5Ct)S rewnxa. Table damaak 50a75'IIaiard, pr ea cloth 65aail! pr keg... Iriabliaeaa 4UBfl atitv. euiTHiaa. 8mll aire BSlaS Sheep gray panto 21a3;Bucb , B3a3 Saliatl do. .21a3j la. Fancy earn. do. ...fdaS'Bar IS Blaek eeat. do. $5a7; While lead, la oil...l2 Redflaa'lahlrto 1 4a 1 8 coaBaoa. Blue do. do. $l5al8;Manilla, email 85 Hickory ahirta 5a7j " large 35 Calico de SilalSjHemp I OalS boot A euoxe. ) cantiLaa. Moa'a kip boota $24;Admantlaa.... 30a37 aupar de.do....94jSparra 50a65 " fine tewed 6J! cieaaa. Boye' kip boot i Havana BIOaSO ha'vy w'xdoflJaXUerinao $IOa3 Mtna' brg't pr. dot. . f 1 7 A meriean fSOate " kipbrg'e pr doj.f iOi roaecco. ' ealfaawed de..2l!Prideof the Uuion.40a45 Wtmea'eh'vy ah'a.$i3'8"u 3035 " finedt fl.V'Luke'a 37 aecaaiaa. i Naaowaas. CulTee 14al5-Shovel ilaU Tea.... ...60a75Spadra 114815 Sugar.ao.lChi'a.,.. l5;Axea. $1220 cruabed si;rniiiaw wqi 8alaralua 10al6;Z eutaawe. 75I,S Starch MjTehle cutlery, 35 pert! Syrup R Beatoa... l, 15 advance oa N. Y.eeal do. Slaiaad t 0 Pocket cutlery, 35 prat NOMolaaeea. advance. Liv. Salt 3a9J'Other artielet tf hard. Table Bait SiS.J ware from 30 to 50 pr Sandwieh I. Salt. . 14a! et advance. Pepper.. XI naiia,iuaioauiea,prB o Allenico 405 " hareeeho...35a0 Cianamea 60aH0S oil Step Sall'Lamp $lt2 The Hew England nntnal LITE INSTTRANCE COMPANY, ., , . Dostox, Mass., Organised in 1843, and having a eapital and accumulated premiums amount ing to over $1,000,001, WILL take risks In Oregon, for a term af yaare or for lift. Dividtndt of profit to those insured are declared every five yean. In. auraact may be effected for the benefit of married women aad children, Beyond the reach ot jreatt n ef the party iasured. Croditore may iaeura the liveeef debtora. Ratea ia Oregon will be Ik lame aa in New England. Thia 1 the oldeat American Mutual Insurance Company, and ie one of the moat reliable and auu eceaful, and insures on the moat favorable ntre. Information may be obtained from, and applma lion fur iasuraace made ta, A. IIOLBROOK, Agent f.jr Oregon. Ctnsulting Phyticiani Forbes Barclay, M.I) , Oregon City, aad It B. Wilson, M. D., Ptrtland. Uregon City, JB. SI, IBS'. 4V . lor Saritow IS bykimaelf, and Would respectfully aay to hit frienda and tha publie generally that ha ia thankful for pact patronage, and willooatimnbuai nest at the eld atand, and will ever ba ready to show his Good to theee who may favor him with a tall. Come one, come all, both great eud smell, and give him a eall before purchasing elsewhere, ' aad examine for ytonolvoo hia epleadid and aaleet stock of DRY GOODS, PAOVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spioea, Ac., dec, Hut, Nail, Uroeme, Ate., and almost every thing pertaining to a geueral line of business. All kind of country produce takea In exchange. Country friends will find it to their advantage to give me a oalL Cnnemah.BepL B. T HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL for emt time past, thai MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were Beaded al the LINN CITY STORE, to avmt the demaada of ita constantly inoreaaiar custom, Theee additions have now been made the store It enlarged, and the atock ha just beea replenished with a large assortment ef tirecerlet, Dry Good, Ac, among which are Panama Hats, Gaiters, Cravats, Parasols, Gtngnams, Ribbon, Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, And a etatT dial moat, ,; At the 'LINN CITY STORK.' Mette-."Smell profile aad quick returns." April II, 1857. YAMHILL TRADE. THE new anJ Ana steamer -ML StV built eipreesly for tht Yamhill trade, will leave CANBMAH on Mondays and Fridays fur Lt- nrsTTa, ana Wednesday for Ujvtok at B k. at. Nov. SI, 'if. C. E.bWKl lZfcK, Master. Hetiee to Mlppers. ON tad after thia date, r HEIGHT will ba cniried en tht steamer B1VS y the rule ef "ship a Measurement." Nov. 21, '57. C. E. SWEITZER. To Shippers. ON and after thia data, FREIGHT will b. carried aa tha eteemer HOOKZZA by Ihe rule of 11 Rhip'a MeaaurameuL" nov.vi, 07. B. K. e.nl a 11. . fflodel Architect, 9 Vrate.,. PRICE $24. Also, Ecamplee of Machinery and Mill-Work, being Plana, Seetieat, and Elevation ef Work ia aavtra) department of machinery, mill-werk, and general aaguiMriags. etc. I'rrcelia. Fur aala at the Oct 31. CITY ROOK STORE. Netlce. TIIE eaparlncrahlp heretefor tabuing betweea A. Boiteu. dt J. Ha mm in, the Origtm fees ia thia day dioaalred by mutual com. All per son iadebtod to aa will entile VMlb J. Barm, pros eat praprietor of Ihe House, tod all pernios having dentandaagaiaat ue will, pteaaal Ilia aama tub m far settlement A', SVHULb, OrgeaOly,Jaa.8,l8Id.. J, BAHM. Aa VLttnt. A STOfiE ROOM, situated en Maia appeaito the Maia Street House - ouit a deeirabbi part of town. Apply to May citAJUiArs av v AKNK. TUST received 3ft bWa Saata Crux LIME, I sj and SO aba PLASTER PARIS. aay3S CHARMAN WARNER. T - elTg IlI'VnDETl .u isnr M .RtJSi- lh. wintor vVrittaTta -I. bt rv.. rtlABuiM a. wadvpo M ORE NEW GOO D S, at CHARMAN cVWARNER'l. TJU V,,LI 'AT CASII er TRADE for. I VV road WHEAT at tbe market prleo. a .14 40 30 IS 10 - CITY BOOJC STORE. f55 C. POfE, JrMaratt ; C.FCTar. No-. 7. . , , J. f. LANPrEP r15 Cf.1ffV4r 4t A" - ' 1 '; ---"f