Kl)e 0m SVrgtw W. L. ADAM, IUITOH AMD riOrtltToa. .OJLSOOZT CITY J 'SATURDAY, MARCII 0, 1858." REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Thar will be a Republican Conventl of Delegates from ill the countiea In tht Territory for tht purpost of nominating candidates to bt supported at tht election neat June, if it te thought Draper, -and of inncuu aucu oiner nusioasa aa muj carat before lut Convtnttun., Too Coo vcDtion will Lo Luld on . ...... FRIDAY, THE SECOND OF APRIL, At Salom, S&uion County. The Rtpublicaaaare urgently requeued lo organize in every county where an or ganizslien waa not nude laet year, and aend up Delegate! lo the Convention. - Tht coromiitet would tuggest that tba following apportionment be adhered lo in electing Delegates : Curry 1, Coot 1, Jaokaon 4, Josephine 2, Douglat 4, Urop qua 3, Lena 6, Linn 0, Denton 4, Polk 4, Yamhill 4, Marion 7, Clackamaa 5, Waah Inglon 9, Multnomab 4, Columbia 1, Get top 1, and Waeco 1. T. S. Kendall, . ',.. Cb. Rrp.Ter.Com. Feb. 0, 1SC8. . . D. W. CtAio i tuthnriwd le do any bus inett connected with The Argue Office during my abeenee. , . W. L ADAMS. . (ftT Vi't hope our friendu in thit county will , re'pond to (lis call fur a , Republican convention in thit city on the SOib. Lot ev ery precinct bl represented. 1 ' ' ' In a recent trip to Yamhill County we found the friend of a purt government fully arouted aa to tht imperative ntceaiity of immtdiato action. Indeed, from all parti of the Territory we hare private assurances that f the friende of tba good caute are really enlisted in the great and good work of disteminatiug trulb among tho ma nee and in preparing material for the noble edifice which the Republican! will tooneror later roar in our new State upon the ruint of the p relent dilapidated, wind-khaken and rotten fabric of black democracy. ' That fabrio it now in really a worie condition than tbe Augean liable after Elit bad kepi three thousand caul in it for thirty yenrt without once cleaning it out The ttench la becoming to intoler able thai theme who poteen moral olfacto riet are making a ruth fur the open air, declaring that by busking themitlves in the aunshine reflected from a i'eet grany eminence thty will enjoy better health, and have a more extended or "national" panorama spread out before them! Others are ilill wallowing in tho mire of the old edifice, thinking , they are laving the Union by staying in to keep the flic oft" the atal! fed durhamt who occupy every inch of the rnctc. ' Every now and then one of these poor emaciated fallows de. claret hie , intention to leave for better quarters, but wo to him if one of tbe ttall fed bullocks gets after bim.' He it either horned, kicked, or lashed with rather an unclean bushy tail, overcome by a mouth ful of provender, or with a promise of a future place at the rack, till he it willing to "sign a paper" and sink back to his old post. One of these poor fullowa in thit county who waa formerly one of the stall fd himself, but who is now in the mire aa an attendant, lately told us that the old edifice had become to foul that the people were bound to leave it, and that they might as well go under Kelly's lead at any other way, for they ' would go sooner or later. Some of them are contented to bask on the hill top which aervet during fair wttlher ai a kind of "national'' observatory, while othtrg who can't endure the old menagerie, are disincline d to camp out under the open canopy. Tbey think they see in the po litical hiavena omens of a storm ahead, when a comfortable building will be desir able. They look upon all structures reared on middle ground between the old menagerie and the Republican palace as more temporary shanties that tooneror later must be abandoned or razed lo the ground by the heavy cross fire from (he two great batteries , that art lo decide the conflict between wrong and oppression, and true democracy aa advocated by the saint. )y founders of tbe government.' , Let the Republicans, then, put their house in order, and make preparations ' for ' comfortably housing those who1' after escaping from Babylon will want a ! Jerusalem to flee to. Republicans never need look for many de serters from the ranks of tht foe at long aa they have , no more comfortable quarters to invite them into than an area covered by a few slab seals under a fir tree. 0 jT" A gentleman 'who has been out in the east part of this county on buisineta, informs us that lie diJii't tee a single bush its on hit trip, lie heard of one, tut dodged him somewhere in the tall H ferrin," The fact is, the more the clique officials electioneer, the more they lose. We fear that by the time -the election comet off Delazon will hardly be able to bring thit lone' straggler out of the a-rein" with that favorite H Munchausen trumpet" of bit. Yamhill. Tht Republicans in Yamhill lold their county convention today. The rate high wten prevented our receiving a otict in advance of the convention. 1 - OCT We learn from Post master Fleming that the Cumberland Prebyttriae college at Eugene City was burned dew oo the 28th ult. A porlioa of tbe books and fur niture wat tared. Thit h the second lime tbit lailding htt'tffo, toimf. ,,' Jaatelil PatlsWa. . Tht "Dreadful Bcott decision wai thrown into the tbade by decision made by Judgt Williams oa tbe Hump in Port land last Saturday.' Il teems lhal a quet lion had arisen among tbe democracy of Portland at lo the validity of the claim aet up by the bushitet to tht democrtiio lam pit and appurtenances. The "ntiionalt" disputed their right, and the Chief Justice of Oregon volunteered to take Ihe stump and eive his opinion on tbe cttt. Hit speech it said to bava been pretty much the same be made al tbe Jackson Jubilee something mora than a year ago, Is made it very clear, In a lengthy, heary, clumsy speech, characteristic of a man of coarse sensibilities and plebeian associa tions, that the clique wai the real embodi. meal of democracy. He It ttid lo have labored hard to convince hit beareri that he loved ihe Territorial Printer, and the 6alem platform, which makes tbe caucus sover eign over tbe people. Much lime wat alto takta up in ridiculing tbe "nationals," whom he ttigroaiiied at " possum demo crats." ' Tbia name It understood to be applied in derision of Dtlazon, who wat tbe founder of possum democracy in Iowa. Delaioa it figuring for tht Senate, and any little ad captandum argument the Judge can throw in that will act against Delazon, while he it legging fur busbism, is probably considered at so ranch negative capital made for himself. Tht poor mistaken man bat really been going down hill ever tincc tht memorable drunken row of the Jackson Jubilee. Before that lime, he bad a respectable ttanding aa a man of some personal dignity, and one sensible of ibe obligatloni of hit position at tht head of the judicial department of Oregon. Hit impolitic course, as exhibited in an over weening anxiety to further his own Inter- estt by mixing with ibe debauched and drunken rabble on jubilee occasions and caucus assemblages, where be has dealt in speeches made up of coarse abuse of po litical oppooenta and lachrymose appeals in behalf of caucua aovereignty, betidrt hit constant association with vile charac ters have til tended lo alienate the affec tions of the virtuous and the good from him and he bow occopiea an unenviable portion before the people at a judicial offi ear whose official rebel have been trailed in slime till they are loo much soiled to give much dignity to the bench. While he it without tht respect of the opposition, be it really without influence with hit own party, and time will show that after they have raked their chestnuts out of Ihe fire with his paws, they will abandon the poor man to ihe fate of Ihe plantation horse, who after he bat been worked duwn will be turned out lo shift for himaelf. The Standard relate at a striking instance of heroic daring thai a sob of Col. Jennings lately came through tbe Rock Inland chute in a canoe. The boy referred to lufi hit ; canoe above the island and came to this city on foot. If the Standard wants an item of the kind he may just state that we, in .company wilh J. R. McUride, Esq., came through this chute in 1849, in a canoe, when (he river waa higher than it ia now, and didn't think we were doing anything extraordinary either. Why, friend O'Meara, we crossed Yam hill river during tht highest flood known fur ten years in "Chick Smith V hog trough only Ave feel long. Although the trough leaked like a riddle, and Ihe river was as wide aa the Mississippi is at a com mon stage, an old Oregonian thought no more of audi an exploit than he would have done of any other common oc currence. ' 1 ' tW The Clinton, in coming down the river laat week, picked up a Hibernian on an island near Fairfield. : The Irishman stated that in ooming down the river wilh a partner in a canoe they got afoul of a pile of drift, when, in trying to get their canoe offbii companion went under the drift and atayed there. . lie succeeded in reaching Ihe i'land himself, where, after spending two days and a night without food he was rescued by tbe Clinton. . We are indebted to Cupt. Leon. White for tbe item. ' We were not able lo learn (he names of either of the adventurers. v y,We notice an article in Czapkay'a organ signed "Miller," and dated Sublim ity, ia which the writer aaya that after fighting the Salem clique for years he ia now going to support buahiam, at he does not like ihe "nationals," and thtnka ihe Republicans have too much of tht abolition element in their creed. We know not the author of tbe letter, but can guest very closely at to hit locality. The idea of the " abolition element", has of course been drawn from locofoco organs, at he never got it from Republican papers. Some of these men, who are now joining a party which they despair of ever vanquishing, will toon find themselves ia a minority par ty, badly disgusted with ihe hated thing they embraced In hopes it would pay, and regret that they ever deserted their friends. While we are sorry to lose any of our old assoeiatea, We are glad to tee men thow their (rue colon and and take a stand tome where. A man might about aa well join the oorropt caucus sovereign wing of the black democracy, aa to etsrod out in the old by himself, doing nothing but snarl at everybody that would do something. The clique it bow and thtn gaining a weak, timorous, india-rubber-conscience tort of a fellow,' while it loeet twenty who have fleagb real patriotism end manly utdepee- dtnee lo induce tbera to stand up for prln clple, no natter against what oddt. The man who steadily and pertinently ngnit onwtrd and upward, all the tine exerting bit whole influence for right, It a jewel in society. Tea such men in every county would give the Repubilcana the Stale in leu than three years. ' gsr Tbe ejique organ of (hit week tayt that Clackamaa County ought of right lo have but one and a half representatives in the Legislature, Instead of tbree. . If ibe buthilet carry the next Legislature, we expect lo be cut down to thit reprtteota lion. The Legislature will probtbly per mil Hibben to go in and make two speeches in favor of it, at the " central committee" did in favor of the new apportionment. In tbe mean lime, Clackamaa can conform to tbe tpirlt ef instractiona from head quarters, by tleoting three bushltei that certainly wouldn't be equal lo more than "one and a half men. $3" The Oregonian aaya that in conse quence of ibe recent elongation of the ftcet of the buthilet, the barbert in Port, land charge them double price for shaving . Tbe tariff must also have been Increased up this way, at we notice most all of them have quit tbaving. By ahaving them " free," enough red wool eould be got in this city to make a mat trait or two, (Kr The reputed nationala in Marion County have united with the butbitee i their precinct meetings. The speckled ticket in Marion promisee to be a fusion of " nationals," " bushitet," and "old lying wbijrs." OCT A. S. Watt, Instead of attending lo the woollen factory at Salem, it needed in Yamhill, where hie wooling factory for getting up bogui precinct meeting! has suspended operations aince tht "national crisis.' We learn from Mr. Moore ibat the drift has all been removed from the Tuala tin river, and that the Hoosier, which it now being painted and repaired, will soon make a trip to Hillsboro' or " thereabouts." J3T The late high water swept awty a portion of the bretk water above the Linn City Mills, which hat rendered il danger ous for ihe boatt above the falli to go into the basin till wilbio a day or two.. JlJmr fU 7Charman and Warner have ght Holmes' fire-proof brick building' n thia city and will remove their effects into it toon. ' The ttr-ck they tre required to keep on hand by their present heavy trade renders it necetsary that they should take every precaution against danger from fire. ' OCT The San Francisco lie raid aaya that Joseph Spaniel and John Edwards, Iwo accomplicea of W. N. Walton in rob bing Trevett fc Co.'s store in Portland, have been arrested in California on a re quisition from the Governor of Oregon. (ttr Wizard Martin, the renowned ven triloquist and magician, baa been holding forth lo the astonished people of rortland He gives an entertainment in thia city to night. 03r Mr. Neabit is about opening an other butcher ahop in this city. There must be a groat rush of settlers to this city looked for soon. OCT Is that railroad from Caufleld's landing to Cenemah to be built, or not I Doct any body know f , . 63" The weather hat been to warm this week that the grass bat ttarted, and people generally are turning their thoughts toward gardening. fcj- The Woollen Manufactory at Salem is now manufacturing blankets. There are 480 spindles and fifteen looms in ope ration. . , . .. , i : , , 03" It is said that more stock died in these parti during last month than during any winter before for several yean. . OCT One of the vessels from New York containing Dement's machines, reached San Francisco two weeks ago. . ... ., ( ; . San Fbancisco ' Maiiets. Flour ia quoted, by the latest dates, at $18 to 120. fT Jo Lane has our lhanki for public document!. , . . . , Bute vi lie, Ma rch 1, 1858. Friend Adamb : About a score of the harmonious met in this place on the 27th inst., and after paying their respectato Drew's establishment, went into caucus. During their titling mine refreshing scents transpired. They appointed one of their present representatives chairman, aelected five delegates to attend the county conven tion, and then proceeded to inatruct them as to whom they should support in conven tion fur certain offices. Among others, the chairman waa proposed for re-election aa representative from thit ptrl of the coun ty, but he informed them that he " respect fully retigntd being a candidate." The lead wai taken by a certain doctor, who expressed himself in English tufficiently bad to make Lindley Murray tura in hit gravt, much to tht edification or the faith ful who listened with upturned phizxet, wondering all tbe while what great man had come amongst them, but not under tttnding a syllable of what he meant. He spoke often " for the information of gen tlemen, making a desperate nee of verbs and pronouns. Several etheri apoke, but aene were able t make themeelret under. stood. Several persons prttenl were P'o posed for dinVeat offices, aW of whom very modestly and truthfully ei pressed tbem selves aa being lacomptteal. A drunken paddy took tbe floor, and proceeded moot fluently lo expound dimocratblc doctrines and principle! : and among other things contended (very aeniibly) that those who tcknewltdged ihenuelvet Incompetent hould not b proposed in convention, ai they were doubtless right. . lit woe called lo order by one mere drunk than himself, but whe look a very prominent pari in the proceedings. Paddy refuted lo yield, say ing he was a paceable citizen, and a good dimocrat, and had a right lotptkt hit tin. llmenla in any dimicrtthic mating. C, iwort that if be didn't tbut bit d d jaw, he would maab lilt mouth. Paddy dared htm lo do it. C. midt al Lim amid a gen oral melee, wilh oaiht sod Imprecation! on all lidei: but with ihe asiittanct of two justicel and a constable, the combatant! were lepa rated without tbe ipilling of dimocratblc blood. Much wrangling look place between the Occidental and Statesman ftctiont, tbe formtr having decidedly the advantage, aa they had Uuohanan and tbe Dred 8cott decision on tbeir tide, tupporting them in their right to hold niggert any where with in the litniti of the United States. Tbey kept il up until late in the evening, when they dispersed full of democracy and bad wbisky. Yourt, ' Libebtt Hill, Marion Co., Fed 20. Mr. Editor : The good weather we had during laal month and ihe first of ihis, " fooled" a good many of the farmers, at they tuppeted the winter wat over. 1 But in contcqueuce of the tnow storm a few days tge, end the general tcarcity of feed in thit part of tht country, then it a great deal of ttock dying, and almost every person loses tome. This stormy weather hat put a good many of the farmert back about towing wheat; consequently there . will not be to much wheat raiaed here at wai supposed a month ago. But of oate there will be a plenty. , If farmers would tow their wheat during the month of June they would be safe such weather aa ibis, and also have a large yield. June ia the lime to put in wheat The Republicans are wide awake : up Tiere, and are taking steps lo perfect an organization in thia county. Yours in hatte, W. R. W. D- Territory ef Sierra Ntvaea. The Washington correspondent of the "South" writes:- , Tbe Mormon discussion ia oppottune for ihe consideration of the bill to erect a new Territory in Western Utah. I learn lhal within the limits of the proposed new Ter ritory of Sierra Nevada (which will be bounded on the east by the Goose Creek Mouotaina) ia a population of about 7,000, whom this man Bernhieel claimi to rep resent, but who, in fict, have no protection or representation at all, the Utah Legisla ture having even gone to far as to break up the county organization under which they had been living. By ertablishing a Territorial Government in this country, a large increase of population, to ihe extent of 40,000 or so, it is aaid, would come in from California and aetist most materially in breaking up the stronghold of Mormon ism. The resource! of the coun'ry of Sierra Nevada, with its rich, magnificent valloy, stretching almost hundreds of miles, are deicribed at vanly inviting to Ubor and enterprise, and calculated to gather a large American population in the great basin of the continent. Losses Br Fire in tiie United States. A tabular statoment of the fires in the United States, where the value of property destroyed exceeded 920,000, in the New York Herald, ahowi that up to tho 23th of December, there had been 230 of these fires, and the aggregate leas wat $15,762, 000. In 1858 there were 227 fires, aggre gate lota 936,150,000. The loss in De cember thut far hat been much lest than in any other month, namely, 9433,000, Add to tho above the amount of property deatroyed by fires whore in each instance tbe loss waa lest than 920,000, and the aggregate would be increated le probably twenty-seven million! in . 1858, and to twenty millions in 1857. Cost or Public Buildings in Wash ington. The latest estimated cost of the capitol extension is 95,501,163, leaving lo be appropriated the aum of 91,185,153. One million will be required fur the next fiscal year. There was a balance on hand, on the 1st ult., of 1504,225. ' The construction of the general post of fice building was estimated to cost 9650,000, but 1600,000 have been appropriated al ready, aud another hundred thousand will finish the work. . The dome of the capitol was estimated to cost 9045,000. There has been bo in crease on this estimate another appropri ation of 9249,000 will complete the work ; but there is money enough on band for the next fiscal year, and no furher appropria tion is asked for at present. A nan by Ihe name of Smith waa recently convicted, by the Lexington (Mias.) circuit court, of whipping a negro woman to death, and waa sentenced to thirty year'a labor and imprisonment in ihe peniliary. tW If the white man surpasses the black in tome points, the savage transcends the while in others. Take an aboriginal blindfolded into the densest forest, and on being nnhooded be will at once point out tbe cardinal points of tbe compass. Sir Isaac Newtoa could not have done that. The New Smaexi. The Union gives the following biography f J. LOrr, ihi Speaker of tbe Thirty -fifth Congress I Mr. Orr wat bora at Cratonvlllr, 8uuth Carolina, on III" IStb day of May, S22. and ia now consequently la Ihe 86th year of hia Bge. Ha graduated in 1840, at ihe University of Virginia, ano immediately de voted himself lo ihe aiady of the law, in the office of Judge Whitney, then Solicitor of Ihe Western Circuit of Ins naiivt stae, and wat admitted to tht bar in may 1043. When but little more than twenty-two rears of aee he wat elected br the rgel vole ever given in his distriot a member of the Legislature, In which booy he soon ats linguished himself and became a leading member. In 1848 ha waa elected to Un great, and haa continued to represent hit district lo the prtient lime, Wild Silk. Tht depths of ibt Central American foreala will probably yield aome new article! of commerce. . In ibe Olan cha Ibare it found hinging; from the trees a tort of tack, tome Iwo fett in depth, which ia the netl of a tpeoiet ef silkworm, The ailk it woven over the inside of this sack. In 1844, lis pounda ware tent lo England, where il waa made inje handker chiefs of excellent quality. . A profitable trade in thia article, might, perhaps, be ea labtiihtd, at ibis malarial can bt gathered in any required quantity. An old Mexi can author apeaktof wild ailk at abundant in tht Isthmus of Tebuantepco, and atatea that the natives were accustomed to gather it for exportation Death Bed Follies- Tbe Charleston Mercury belabor! the practice of manu milling alavea by will ai a " death-bed fol ly," committed only by men in tbeir "iec ond childhood," (such," fur instance at George Washington,) tod thinks the south em ttatet ought to interfere by legulation to prevent such thins. Slavet manumitted are to many men removed "from ihe in duttry of tbe stale," it says, and it regards their manumission as " a wanton destruc tion of properly." ' It seems, then, accord- ing to ihe extreme southern code of morals, that a man hat no right to du with hit properly ai he pleases, OCT A Canadian gentleman, Mr Isaao Buchanan', who hai just been elected a member of the provincial Parliament , ere ated aeensalion among hit constituents by declaring himself iu favor of the form of government existing in the United States, and this avowal of republican sentiments did not in the least diminish his popularity How "Old Bullion" was Made. Thomas H. Benton, in a speech in New York, turned to the ladies, and, referring to his mother, said: "My mother akcd me never to tins tobacco, and I have never touched it from that limo lo the pr 'lent day. She asked me nut to game, and I have never earned : and I cannot tell lo this day who is winning and w ho ia losing in games that can be played. She admon ished me, loo, against hard di ink ; and whatever capacity for endurance I may have at present, and whatever usefulness I may attain to in life, I attribute to having complied wilh her pious and earnest wishes. 03" In treating diseases of the mind, music is not sufficiently valued. In rais ing the heart above despair, an old viol.n is worih four doctors and two apoihecary shops. 1 ' " CO" The amount expended by American travelers in Europe ia estimated at 910, 000,000 annually. 1 03" The mind of a bigot ia like the pu pil of the eye ; the more light you throw upon it the more it contract. Tbur or Kisses and Umbrellas. "If a man steals my umbrella," says Hunker, "it's no use makiu' a tuss; it only shows that umbrella equilibrium has been broken 1 Now if I take from some one else, that re stores the equipoise there is, really, no umbrella lost ; and an umbrella is only lost when it is used up." Horrible.-An English lady, in full dress, lately got wedged in a narrow pas sage in Sutherland House, and had to be cut out by garden shears in the hands of an intrepid milliner and her aasistants. Punch says:" The difficulties they encountered in cutting through the innumerable strata of ailk, whalebone, guimpu re, foundation, muslin, gauze, stiffening, calico, flannel, caoutchouc, and crinoline, would, we are told, if minutely related, aend a thrill through the bosom of the atoulesl engin eer! The lady, considerably curtailed of her fair proportion:, waa . carried home, more dead than alive, in a sedan oliair. The ruint of the dress were removed in a cart, The ataircase ia to lie enlarged.". Arsenic Eatino. In Lotnbirdy and Switzerland the young people of both texea are in the habit of rating arsenic in email quantities, to beautify the complexion, and given roundneeand fullness to the features and limbs. Audubon, the great ornithologist tnd traveler, notices Ihe same freshnesa ef complexion and plumpness of form in tbe people of tbe weatern part of our own conn try, and attributes it wholly lo the general use of the Graefenberg Family Medicines, which give roiness to the face by purify ing the blood, and plumpness lo the figure by assisting appetie and aiding digestion. Una Ceaaty fAtfakiieaw Ceaviatlea. Tho Republicans of Linn county are requested to meet in County Convention at Albany oo Saturday tbe 27 ih of March, 1858, for the purpose of selecting dele gates to attend the Republican Territorial Convention ai Salem tbe 2d of April. The various prvcjocU are requested lo hold the precinct meetingaon Saturday the 20th, to select delegates lo attend the Co. Convention. ".. V ' By order of the Co. Committee. Mareh ' 1 " UaiweBM . mvMitta CeaveMiMi - inert win do a uepunnean CoBeriife O'eaoff Cit Oil AstllirHtiar ik. Aa.l in ., rvim pwrpoee sr emetine fey. dekgeiei lo attend the Republican Sii( Convention to be held al 8sl.m on Pltar of April Jd, All the precincts 1 art re. quitted to hold meetings isd tend q e,' egalea to I hi County Convention. ." - . , .. L. D.C. Latousitte, March fl. - CirnCo.Com, Clat Rttahtlcaa Cewveatiea, Tbe electors of CI a nop County ,,,,' are in favor of bunging tht tdinioislraiiea. of each Htale, as well ai ef Hit ..n,, government, back te ihe policy of ihe Paihert of ihe Republic as tnunoialtd ! Ihe Declaration of Independence, and m, antied in the Constitution of ihe UnliedJ States, and aa followed out and adhered to, very generally, up to iht pitaaRt of lU Kantii-Nebraska bill, are respectfully re. quieted to meet at the court bouat in As toria on Saturday, ihe 0th day of March next, at lOo'olock, A. M., in mast coavia.' tion, for tht purpose of electing a dtlegtity lo Ihe Territorial Republican Convettioa to be holden al Salem on Friday, the U day of April next ; and also lo nominate candidate! to be eupporled al the eniuiae June election fer county and precinct edf.." eers and to Iraniaol n .il... k...i vine, vuiHneae- lhal may properly come befiirt ihe Cea. vtnlion. W. V p..... John Jewett, 1 Chae. Stevens, Couny Commiltti, - Astoria, Feb. 16, 1858. Te I ho Allllcled. DR. IIUTCHINS' CELEBRATED BAL.'' sam of Wild Cherrr, with s variety r hi.' oilier popular Botanical Meditim, are tew fc. sale al CHARLES POPE'S, Or,,,n Cit Z at JOSEPH BAK8TOW8, Ceatanj. ' JtJ Farm for Sale for $1500. ' I OFFER for sal half Helloa .' land situated about six milts tut af M. Donald's ferry in Forks Sanlism, Liaa JSjli county, and about Iweuly milrt from 8altm. Tht shape of Hi land au.ts It well for rdiaar firming-, and it ia alto en tkt itt tin iu tho eounlry. I he improvement mcludtt tat hundred and twenty apple lr.pt of Improved fan . alt pvaeh, plum, and cherry Inn, all ef waitk' will tuon bt in pltnliful bearing Tht lociiitt It favorable to health. It beautiful and pli-atanl. Time will bo given on a part or the nttwyai moderate inttrmt, or good alock liken for a part. For further particulars call on mt at Ihe ' Uaiea Slort," Salcin, or addrnta by Ittler. laftrantite concerning II cn aleo bn had by ejilliot to ff.L. Adamt of Ihe Oreg-ou Argue. Ktb.a7, l8i8-46rn6 C. IIOEL''" To Oregonians in Bad Health. .. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TlIESICKr ' It is awful to note the haggard, tallow, ea datorout facet and watted skrlelon forms wt nitil! Thit is not cunfinrd In tho old, but wt tat tht '' young, able-bodied, and Hiom iu the prime of life,,., complain after being her tome tint f iltnttj. . toniogrow unnaturally fat suddenly ; ether wwtt and grow lliiii) Ihey canunl local u or dtterib their disrate, yet tlicy feel universally unwell, mvntally and physically; Kme have paint tod' weakueat in Ih brvaet, I oib. or btdv: Ihe UA a want of muscular and nn ntal energy, a want of animation, aud hav fearful foreboding! far tb fa. luit, poor appetite, nervuua irritability, and alert. Itttnrtt) tlwirakiuiidry,aiid occaiioutlly iWd and heated, thin, pallid, aud yellow. Now sudJen deaths, luiiuvy, and uuiversal 4tt bllity ia too, loo prrvaleut here j and who wnadirs when combined wilh a dim: I ke thit, a dry tlr ' impregnated with electricity and galraniamr We'' hav many who hav pasted through aivknetj, whose life is intemperate and debauched, or hav teen oihert who hav been nearly doctored to . death by quack medicine, or bv the advict of 'The Faculty," who hav impregnated Ihtai with mercury, calomel, 4u. i For all tucn cant it Dr. .Jacob WbUr 'slovig orating Cordial Snnguilier miat especially adapted, iniumuchaalh abov cal l atidtymptomtdidDr. Webber minulrly ttudy in adapiing hit cardial If their cure. It eiilivona Ih torpid liver, ejtcU all diiiioui mailer irom ine ayttem, cauwi audatioa, tr ' fret perrpiration (o necetaary to health), pariaVs and e uric net the blood, give ttrength to tht limbs and body, and is positively infallible ia all nerrttt discaaci, Ircnibliug, or wakefulnta. r There never wai a remedy which gavt tuch de. light to the tufferer as this. The Agent eaa, from 1 hieowu knowledge of ourea effected by h, eta. sc'enliously recommend it in any of tht folktwisg d eeitet: Nervousness, weakneet, languor, Imi appetite, aleep, or ttrength, trembling, low apirila, decay of the natural fuiiclioni, paint in tht head, lintbx, or body, neuralgic or rheumatic, and il tltfa retlorei Ihote to health and strength whs ooatttV tutinnt are almost broken. DlBIMTT FROM DIIKAtt, CLIMATE, HitlHTItS, on oedaucuksv. Strength, vivacity, and vigor t the liinba, body, and mind. given by Dr. Jaetk Webber's Invigorating Cordial it ernde in elec tric thrill of life through the worn-out bndy, weak, limb, and broken-down conalilutioni; gives aa ap petite, removet dynm ptia. ealma irritability, caueee quiet sleep, and is indeed the fitieat ttnio, ntrriat , and tnnguilier, ever made. It it purely a vtpia , bl compound, and can be U'd by Ih dtli cat female. The reader iacoutcitiitioutlyasiaret) it it all il it represented. Er In quart bottle! price S3 or two rm a 1 Wholesale Aunt. T. JONES, 185 Montgoav, ery it., Sun Fraucitco, to whom ill order eaa b addreated. 1 Ftb.87aiJ V J Ftae Teeth, Hair, awa ttkla, far IB eU. Lafout's Writ India Soap Tooth Root is est.) perb dentifrice, lathers in the mouth like test, is delicious to the tatte, whiteut tht Ittth, ptlitbts (without Injuring) the (named, purifiet Ibt brettk, and by ita lathering property cleanses tb mttia, tongue, and throat. . . or dressing and forcing the growth otine aw, Junta' Coral Huir Realorativa. Then an qualitirs : It will fore the hair to grow dark, tttp itt railing out, cur n-urf, or dindrun, araaw hair beautifully dark, toft, silky. Pries 85 i centt per bottle. , For curing eruptions, pimples, freckI,SMrti tin, and discolored tkin. Ih beiuliiul flbtls ef Jonri' Italian Chemical Soap delight all wh ass it It make Ihe moateoame, red, and yellw mm whit and cltar aa a youug child' It is """J" and toftening for infanta, aud it tht but shsriBt; toap made. Price 35 cent. -' " ' , . Sold at Ihe above trie at vt7 rwptetaNt drug ttore iu California and Oregon. Propn T. JONES, 185 Montgomery St., 8an Fraacise. 8 HEREBY GIVKN tlul a meeting fCts . miMiuneri of theKoriaand tVillaiaeU VJ- lev Railroad Comnanv will b held al 8Ai.ll" .nitroao company win o -- - - , oa th 16th or Mac 1858, (or th. per-. f electing a Prcadeut, Sterttary, tad w Treainrrrt and providing for spe"1Bl, v. 1., on me i pea of electing more for iu ibicrlption of ttock as provided by ""J granted I to said Company ia jmowji "TV-V interested in a Railroad frtm itna Stat. lem and Eugene City, are requested t attcae,. , " LOUIS WESTCOTTi . ' 1 J.R MOORES. - , !,r-. ... , JOSEPH HOLIHiS, ' , 1 JAMES WELCH. r.k9n.'iR5A.r'f ' 5w4 O ANEM AH .HOT". C! AN KM AH. O. T. r. I HAVE opened ta abot Ht - Ciemah,wa.rwtialbmoatbappy;; ta wait apo. my TTyT generally. sum. " . So AM . dm a wit line, at ". K"'" 7IL now aenint; " w . - tariatr at CJGABS. d ZXUUlw choice! el brad-ltw. riria, Tea Oregon Otv, Feb. 13, It"- . a"4 .