Tfca ttalrl Ualrt-Wlmi lady ur gen .1 .J 1.1 I - ,l...,ll. I jif Im tuill iTnl I......I .. llfflUBII WUUIU IWlt'l"""' ...milt in m hair, when, by Ilia umi of I.roN'i Katimiron u . .11.. U- 1. ...I f 'I' I. ' ft n Can Ml easily i nw I iiiucii va.ue ut Im placed on a linn h. ad of li ilr but, iilwi, intimated Kennecled wild th general health lb km))' fur Ibis connection it much closer III ii generally mipixwd. Tlio Katiiairok prcrv and beauiiilee III hair, inukiug il aoft. curly, m -t i. . k li. Hi.....-;. ....... i pmmj , nj iw im mttmiiifi mm iiiTiiiiiiiif pro iliM, giv tun ami eliiolty lo ilia whole ay KM. Sold everywhere fur 511 cents p.r boille. Il- . LI Hi' l.'f 1.1 . . tR. A. II. O I M'-blU, lgelll, Oregon Cily. 41n3 UMWUerH Celebrated Hlemacb Rlller. Threa buttles of llo.tettcr'a Vrgelnblo Stomach Billara will cure the Dyrpia i one bitlle will crest an appetite, lore on iliu nnpur biiu. purl fy tha blued and iuvlgorut ilia eyU ni ; two loi Ilea will cure (lit wont form of liver complaint i eut bottle iliat weakuesa al Ilia pil of lbs atemarh give color lo Ilia countenance, Im part tone anil tretigth ta Ilia system, and lend cheerfulness to ilia mind, Every family ihould have Hosteller's celebrated Siomui li B Her. Mo article la an peculiarly ndupiid 1" our ilimal. Bold by DruggiMs, Hotels, and Aral eleet Miami throughout Caiiforiuu mid Oregon. Caution. Buyers are particularly requested t beware of aapuriou article manufactured aud rep resented to ba Hosteller's li Mere, h Inch all who all or una the genuiuo article Call detect, at it ia ever told by the gallon, but insofar tiottiescon taloiug a full quart, with the cork cover, d With a metallic cap, auu mmo uu cup auu uuiue, n nu r reelioie for u. lit. A.II.STHKLR. Agml, BMlTIt A DAVIS. Pnrtland. Oregon Cily, PARK & WHITE, General Agents, 40ro3 13 J Washington St., San Franriseo. ALL who are indebted to the firm of Ciiarman ct Wahnkr are requested lo cull at llie'r Mora and aetlle by cash or noie forthwith. CHARM AN & WARNER. Oregon City, Feb. 6, 1858. THE 14 TB OF FEBRUARY IS CLOSE AT HAND I E HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE Assoirr.ME.vr of eoinpiicing iSZtf ttXASHH SP Al, Of the moit dolly and eplendid vurictiee and From grave to gay, from lively to sever. " rb. 6, 1838 ..CITY HOOK STORE. "yE HAVE OPENED THE ROOMS OVER MILWAWS STORE, I." ORKdON CITV, wber we are now ready to wait upon audi an w'wli AHBItOTYFK OtV PHOTOCnAPU lilUener. We are determined to furuUli u go-id work aanny artial in Ori-eon. Our p'ciureanliow for lh''in-elve. FAMILY GHDUt'S Inkeu, on liberal teruie Call In and get your whnlv funiily group lukon. You will never regret it, anil your children in fu ture yoara will lreuiirc the pulure aa a rol c too reciuuetu be bouirjil wild eil. Feb. 6-4Sif IllIfllTEL . HOLLAND. udlH Kii1t;r GmmI. JUST RECEIVED, direct frum New York, llnrpital cIo:h . Hn M pump, Nureinif hiililra, iSre.nto.. at llio Feb. 6. OUEtiON t ITF DIIUCJ STORE. For Sale G)7f ACRES OF CiUOD LAND on the JV U per Mulitlla I'l'iiliie, Fur parlicul in uquire ef E. L. IiRadlev, at tin- ('My Ho. k Hiare in Oregnn City. Feb B 1-58. Wanted. A place for an ORPHAN GIRL 10 year cf fX age, Khe la a Healthy, flout g'rt 01 Ruon babi:e, aild reared under Clirialiau influence- A gaed place ia deaireil by lur giiurdmn. All nppli calienead.lrooed to The Argua i.flice. Any de irable application U. II be prmnp'ly replnl lo. Feb. 6. IS.18. -liivl Non-Resident Notice. TO WILLIAM .L.USU!t: You are hereby notified I lint Genre Aliermthy hua cniu Bienced an aoliaii jnint vou in the Oieirid Court of Ihe First Judicial District of the 'IVrriiury of Oregon, to foreclose a m.rigngo, g veil by you In him upon Ihe north pm-t of l.ntio. 2, in I Hock Na. 3, in Oregon mi d Territory , ou the J Ai It dayef Sepiemlier, lr-18, to upcure Ihe piymenl of $184.10, with interest. You are therefore hereby required to nppear on the flr-t dny if the term of aaid Diatr ct Court lo be In I'l in Sitl. in en Ihe fourth Moiid.iy in May. A . and auawer the bill in laid action, or Ihe. auuie will be tuken as tonfeaeed. E.J. IIAIIDING, Clerk. Ry F.S. IIoi.lanii, Deputy. Matlock & Jonvaniv. Complaiiuiit'e 8ulieilore. Oregon City. Feb. fi. IH ,H. 42wH ATT2JNXIOW, FARMEBiS ! T H R E S H E r"s7 REAPERS, AND 2kke9 Tkwm: mkLss a WE have now on the way from the Eaatern Sialoe, T Arrive about I lie l.tat of April, A SUPERIOR LOT f the above-menlionoil nmclunci. They com'i'nc all of the luteal improvement, and we have no hesitation in saying that we believe them to be the M08T PERFECT MACHINES ew brought to lliia count. They were constructed vader our own aupervihion, having all the altera liana necessary to render the in auikibte for the country. The THRESHERS cons'st of two, four, and eiji-horse powers (railway und sweep), will) elevu fut and every eisonlial couveuience known to the ajpa.ehifl. Our REAPERS and MOWERS arc combined machines, juiuble for either wowing or reaping. Tney work from two lu four horses, and without rates ; or, in ettlcr words, cue il it sell' rake, Za Addition to the Above, yft have, to arrive al ibo aaine time, Ihe following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Ptoria Plowi, X 8, ' Sotton Ciipprr Plows, Extension Cultivators, Grapevine Grain Cradles, Scythes and Snaths, Straw Cutters, Hay Presses, May Forks and Rakes, Hctrst Rakes, Wlteelbarrow, Shurefs, Spades, 0I9B& MIL1B, BARK HILLS, 4 TJXXERS' TOOLS. Abo, a select assortment of IMITIIS' AND' TOOLS, With many other article not her mentioned. TTe would say to our eoatomen and the public garHy, if they are ia wan t of any of the above ejraMoed article, they will 'do well tc call and are are before purchasing elsewhere, aa we ara detrr miaealoeell LOW FOU CASH. We weaW ala add that out Machine are being rapidly eM u arrive, liatter call and iure eoe ef then before to hie. If preferred. Machines delivered ia Portland, if enraged beforo arrival. Wx. C. DEMENT fc CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, 'ji. Opfoitte Ltni Qee. Btockboldori' Mooting. rpiIE aiociiliiildcrauf ihe 'i'uaaiin UiterTran, A. A Niie. t'..iiiwiiy w II me. I at Iiamrkatii' mi NATL 111) A i , Frill. SU, al IU a. in , loe.ccl one Uiieciur, end IrniKacI oilier buaiuea. ' Uy order of Diieirinni, W.V.J. JOIlXStA'.SecY Feb. G, 18.18. 4!'i HU VMl'OOIXtl, Ve. rnllE niililir) are iepolfully lufurined Ihut (lie X. uiideieigued have oHiird a bll.VVINU HA LOON opp iMia Mvaani. OiUoii e Pulltr'a U II ia d efalimu. Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, de. dime in the luteal and iii'Ml aprtovcd alj le. Aim, llooi-blackin? , liulil jobhilig, &e. Gelille tneu'a bid rouina taken af. and all oilier miiiiII i .liliuig dune on llie chcah al and uiol e e.luwua . lllllV Mt 'I'lllttlA! 11' I III I IcrillB, rfuii.i , uw.'i . i .iitir, Jan. 30, iH.'id. Mnn il Oregon City, WM C. DEMENT Si CO., OFFER for aula Ihe following goods! I dm mill aaws, 7t) feel, 3 " Xeut do SU " cow lielle (auperier, 10 liamll-d ate, 10 w.ihout do a 10 '' bamllrd do, aes'd silet, 10 " p.lato diggers, 10 Aimea' spades, Sll " curry roniba, 6011 lbs wreppinu twine, UMI I R p icking, Allll feel I It belling; INDIA It V BULK GOODS of all dearr'n. ImiM. Oirgnii Lily, Jan. '.'.'), ISOS. muuiiol. nnou.Mt HL.uoou nuowvu 1 L. liRADLEY St CO have, In addition Je t Iheir well-aelecied slock of SCHOOL HOOKS, jiiat receiveil llie following direct from Ihe puulialicra; 'd'lO dm. Sunders' Series School Hooks, among h ch will be fmiiid lna pinners; lxt, Sd.S.I, 4:h. tAili Young Ladies' and High School Renders j also 2j dot. 'I himiMiu's I'rac ticnl Ariihiuelic, 35 dm. Willaon' U.S. Iliaiory, school edition j ii.'i dot Parley's Univeraul Iliaiory, tchool edition; 20 dm. lulelligenl Readers, 50 dot. slates, together Willi a Urge assortment of aiaiionrry. Ac, Ate. Send your orders lo the Ulil 111 IUK-S TUllE, aud they will he attend ed in without delity. Jan. S3. 1857. mo s She Oraefonberg Company. mills IXSIITUriOX (niRirir.,ie.i by Ihe X Leg Mulurc ol Ihe n:uie of ,N. w TOik, cap lal SinU.nllll), wns fnimded for the puronae of sui'p'viiig th ' iml. he wiih the c. le iraied OltALr LMW-Kti iMtUIOl.MIS. 'I he ser e fonipruwa reihediea for nearly every d ene, iidapted 10 ev ery climale. roi' until ea. Iravelera, seamen, mid niiiiera' line. IheV a e uneqiiiileil. All Ilia infdi aru PURELY VEIJEI AIILH, ami war rallied to cure ih" iliteusei fcr vh ell ihey areaev erullv reeniiiiiiended. The Uraefenl erg Companv does not profess l cure all dineu'ea w III (Iuh i.r IWn lil'd cinea. Our series eon-n-ta of ELEVEN different kiudii, ad- noted lo the vinioli .IUeues nirideiit IS the tem pera's unit Iropleiil cliiuulea. The following cOnl' j.Ti,v the te tea or Oruereu'irr .Meilicime: The CraffenbcvB Vegftnbla Pll Aie considered llie slundard Pill f ;lie day, aud are infiuiiely mj erinr to any Pill before Ihe public. They eperme wiilioul irriiuilon on all the excre lioni. puruiui; the bluod by the b'jwvla, l.vvr, kid neys, and akin. .ll:irli'iir ll'rliif) Cnlliwlicoii, Aw infullihle rtmrdy for all diseases of the womb mid Urinary organs, wcnkuei-a in Ihe hack, pain in breast, liervnuMiets, debility, etc. Iu California and Oregon, but of more than a thouauud vases where this medicine has been ueil, it hae in no single in.-tance tailed to give permanent relief or lo ell'e.t a ceraiu cure. GRAEFESBERO SARSAPARlLLA, A powerful extract. Otto bottle equal lo ten of the ordinary wiia.ipar.lla for purifying Ihe blond. A sure euro for scrufulu, rheumatism, ulcers, dys pepsia, suit rheum, mercurial diieuses, cuuiucuus eruptions, 4c. The Green Mountain Olutmemt, Invaluable fur bums, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swelling, scrofula, tic. As a piin extract or, it cannot be excelled, all'nr.lin; inimediale re lief from the must excruciating pains, THI! GHAKFKN0KRO DYSENTERY SYRUP. Thhtextruordiniry nrlicle is a speedynnd infallible renieily in dinnhoja, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, and the ylxiaiic cholera, if taken with the first symptoms of the disease. Il is pure ly vegetable iu us compound. Craefenbcrg Ctilliticn'i Panacea, For summer complaint, ami moat disease lo which children are suhj. el. It true worth can never be set forth in words, but il can be felt and apprec ted by parents whose children have beeu saved. No mo. her should be w ithout it. liwr.'-V.rig ?' Remedy. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disrate. Willi the Oi ent, there are very few casta wh ch cannot be radically and pcrumienlly cured. A surgical operation for Piles and Fistula should never be resorted to until this oiutmeul has beeu thoroughly tried. It never fails. UAACFEMlElia EVE LOTIOX. For disease of llie eye, lliia Lotion has no equal. It is a ap.edy und positive cure for inflammation of Ihe eves, weakueaaes, dimness aud failing of sight. It wiil alw.iys be beneficial lu aaule liiH.iminatii.n of Ike eyes, and also as a wash on inflamed surfaces. gbai:ff..nbkko FEVER AND AGUE PILLS. A speedy and positive cure for this distressing complaint. Theae Pills are composed principally ol Quinine, with oilier vegetable loiiica, anli-spaa-mdie nud Irbri.uga articles. Thousaiids have been permaneuily cured by their u-e. Grufft'iibi-rs t oiiiniipllv!'a Ualui Sovereign iu all lironchial and Pulmonary Dia eae. Il is, beyond all question, true Iliat con rumgitlon ia a curable diacire, and the Consump tive's Ualni is the beat curative ever used. Urarfenberg Uealta ItUtera. These b tiers nre rkilfuliy si.d elegantly prepared from a number of iuviorat ng, bealihy roots, baika, herbs, aud vines. Au iuvaluab.e luuic aud health reetorer. (iraefenberf Manual af Healta). A handsomely printed volume of 3U0 psge. con taining concise and extremely plain descriptions of all manner of diseases, the r symptoms and treat ment Every family shouid have one. 1'ric only 35 e-l'ilK It will be sent, post paid,lo uy post office in California or Oregon, on the re ceipt of ii cents by maii or expreaa. Ad.rei Rediugiou it Co., bau Francisco. The Gwifeiiberg Med c oea are for sale by all Druggiels and np.hec-ariea througliout Ibe country. A. II. S 1'KKLE. gt, tlre,joii Ciljr. General Ag-nts f. California and Oregon KEDlxVtiTOX 4 Co, WboJeaal Druggisia, Na 17 t'lav eliwt. plaa r''neeo. 10 M ea. quality cigars. CHARMASA WARNER. LUMBER. ALL Ihe he waul IX. Mil Kit can leave Iheir bills with CiusMAa II Waaata, hich I will fill, and deliver the lumber in On eon I'My, II Aiiril. II. ct, ULLH. (Irsiton Cily, Jan. Ill, IS'.R. 4lf New Discovery. flMIE uu ler-lgiieil lias iiieurd a 1 BA&BS&'I StltSp In I Ins cuy in a buoduig bmll eipreaaly lor thai purioae, juai below DicrdorfTe store, whera Ilia jmbli.i may expect la find liim at all limes, fur Ilia next lei, years, ready to attend lo all Culoimie priKopily, aud iii a way Ihui cannot be excelled by any one of the erafl. Charges reasonable, Cine me call, if you pleas... AXTOIXE ETIEXXE. Oregon City, Jan. 9, IHii. 39y TTTIIEIIEAS, WILLIAM AUMPRIKST T V has commenced an action ill llie D.alricl Court of the First Judicial I) si rial agaiwl Lirorg Groom, a non-nsideiit debtor, for Die recovery of jii'lgnieiil on a nromtssury noie for aixty-niu dol lars and snveuly-fiv cauls, dated March H, ISS4, aud payable on ur befoia lal Ovlvber, 1854, there fore. To Oeorf Oroom I You are berrbv notified thai miles rnn appear In Ihe District Court of Ihe 1st .lud District of Ihe I'err lory of Oregon, on the first day of Ih lenn lo be held ut Salem on llie 24ih day of May, lo.n, ami answer Ih couiplainl of Ihe aa d " il- ham Armpriesl, Ih same will be Inken for con fessed, aud Ih prayer thereof will be granted by the court. WAIT Si KELLY, Jan. IG, 1859-40.1.3 At I've fur Pitt FARM FOR SALE. T OFFER my LAND CLAIM on th L Llaekamas. twe ve mi is from Orecon I" Cily, ou such lerins aa will justify any man in purchasing who wants a good cla.m of 0 4 0 ACUS, hnving about S00 acres uud. r fence, good or chard, fir.t rote hern, and good house. Fainting utensils, aud everything uecewary to carry on Ihe place, will be sold with it Time will be giveu ou part of Ihe money. for term, apply lo (.barman & narncr, THOS. WATERUERRY. December JG, 1857. 37wtt E. L. BRADLEY Co., ARE ageuU for Fowler At Wells' Life Illustra ted, Wa'arCura and Phrenological Journals. You that waul a good family paper, send in your names Soon. Subscr p'iona also receive.) fur Godey's Lady a Rook. Graham's Mag nine, lluriier's da, llur- per's Weekly Journal, Ate. Send on your uainea with Ihe caii, and you will be attended ti. F Oil SALE al ihe CITY HOOK STORE, IIIUU qu na blank books, full and blf bound fcvery variilv. A few extra hound. 17011 SALE at Ihe CITY BOOK STORE, XV S50 reams Iviper, good variety, eoiiaialing of cup, bill, letier, uu'.e, ilc, &c., also 75 reams wiappng mp.-r FOR SALE at the CITY BOOK STORE, 1 10 dot IX K, hi qt., pt , A. cone bottle., S5 grosa 1'EXS. 110 It 8.4 LE at the CITY HOOK STORK, 75 copiea ' How to Write,' 1 lha to do Bus iness,' dc, rnini.lete in one volume, beuu ifully l.oiln.l price 15-'. 00. illso, a geuerul anorliiient or Fowler K " ells alioiH. illen, a general naortmetit of miac-cllancous fc SCHOOL BOOKS F OR SALK al the CITY BOOK 8T0KK. ihe Ore. ou St. Wiishingtoii ALMANAC, tor 18.)H. A, DIARIES for 1S58. Notice. ALL persons knowing Ihemselves t be indebt ed to E. L BRADLEY Sl CO., or ta E. L Bradl. y imliv dually, by book ncot., or other wise, nre requested lo call and settle up forthwith. Jan. U, iPftM. E L. BRADLEY f CO. B E A T T H E Ml WR0 CAN! SXBSL FLOWS OF ALL KIZKS, ARE now being fnanufuctiircd and offered for sale in Oregon City, al the Blacksmith thdp near Mr. Caulield suture. The iiiitlers gneil, having had five year' expe rience In III PLOW business In Oregon, begs leave to inform the farming community that he la confident of being able lo supply their wonts in the Plow lino, if they will give It m a cell. Dec. 2G, 1857. J. W. LEWI3. Kane'i Arctic Expedition, RUS.SI.I.LS CRIMEAN WAR, and other inlereatitig works, for sale at the rep 12 CITY BOOK STORE. TO FRUIT GROWERS. I HAVE been for some lima past engaged in the NURSERY BUSINESS, aud have now on my pluce lit SPRING VALLEY, POLK CO, a large assortment of the various kinds ef FRUIT TREES usually kept in the best nurseries in the Easiern S'ates. My trees are of the best selection's eVer brought to this I, being near the Willam ette river, I have every facility for supplying cus tomers North and South during the entire winter mouths. I have also an extra lot of PLUM Irees, all f which will be sold on reasonable terms. J.D. WALLING. December SO, 1857, m4 FEATHER BEDS. 6 FEATHER REDS, complete-just received and for sale by Dee. 12. WM. C. DEMENT & co. SAVE YOU U DOLLARS! As well as your Dimes ! IF you waul GOOD articles at the lowest pos sible prices, call at CHARLES POPE'S store, on Main street, where you will find a large assortment of GOODS as cheap na Ihey can be bought at any atore in Oregou City- Dec. 5, ol. NEW GOODS. JUST received, a large and well-selected as sortment of GOODS, consisting of French and English Mrrmos, Plaids, Sheeting, Canton Flannel, Table Linen, Velvet Trimmings, Artificials, and other fancy aittcles, cheap for cash or pro duce. CHARLES POPE. Jr., Dec. 5. I57. Ma n st 6 DOZ. grape-vine cradles for sale bv WM. C. DEMENT St co. Good When I WHiili-d, FOR which the h ghest market price will ba paid in cash or trade, nl the Sept2ti. LINN CITY STORE. 13 OAT STORES, all kind, wholesale or re tail, at HAILKY'W, .' L."y- ADIES' aud genu' KID GLOVES, at j BAILEY'S, Linn City. GOOD black aud green BAILEY'S, Linn City. 0 RANGES a fin lot just received aud lor nle by r- Caldron Ket'les 0 F from ritcen lo sixty gal'ona. at Mil. w ai.v 9. A N assortment of Bible and Testament for aula at lb Repository price by C. POPE, Jr. A Saddle ilwrwe OR r-ALE. Apc to C. POPE, Jr. VJ.1J. .".J.U.j. -'1 - - -'--Lll UNITED STATES HOTEL TTAVIXO baaed Hi MAIN ST. IX HOUSE in Ibis elty fur I term of years, ws hitvtnpeiird Ih same under llie name of the tMTKV fit AT EH IIOTKim and, after a Tiioauuon rrrrma vrmu atrAiamu, so aa lo render il (very way ad .pied lo securing lha eomlorl ot Ute Iruveling cuimnuniiy, wu uro now prepared lo wail ujioii all who liny favor us Willi a call. OUR TARLV. will be furnished with Ihe best Iliu market affords. Kawnra for Private Famlllr can always be had. GOOD STAttLltiO con necled with th wtablishin. ut. Terms moderate, WM. M A V KM, J. U liltOPIIEY. Oregon Cily, October 9 1 , I d57. SUiuG PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grore, Washington Co., Oregon Rer. S. II. Marsh, A. M., President, Kcv.II. Lyjian, A.M.,7Vii Mathematics. fTMl E collegia! yt-nr, conaiating of one term of I .. ... I .- ... ,1.. r.t M IIIUU nWlllH" VOI WHIIIIC1IW WH IIIV III. Wednesday of November. It i llie design of t li.a Institution lo furnish a llierourrli and complete collrgiule education. There la n Library of 1U00 volume for III use of Ihe student A pplicanl for admission to college must have a knowledge of Ih common English ursnch.s, aud have studied Ihe ancient languages so far as to i - -j .: r I ...j a.. II11VV reSV UUIIIVIIB Ul VU.MII UU VIIOIW H lliv Greek Header. The tuition ft ia $33 per annum. Students fitting fur college, as well as other wishing lo pursue collegiate studies without enter ing upon Ih college course, will be under the in struction of the college teachers. Ihe lull term of 11 weeks in the preparatory detainment commences ou Ih 2d Wednesday of September. 1 uition, 913 per term. Tualatin Academy, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rnv. CfsiiiNo Kells, Principal. The full term will commence en Ihe first Wed nesday of November. I uition In the common branches, So in in higher brunches, $S per quarter. 20y HVUEiniTV l.OI.I.EUE. MR. MILTON WRIGHT, Teacher, WILL enter upon his fittt term iu the Pri mary Department of ll.e Sublimity college on Monday the 23d day of November. 1 union per term or twelve weeks, UU For each additional branch tbove the primary, fifty cen la more. By order of the Trustee. Dec. 5. ALLEN J. DAVIE, Sec'y. OREGON HOUSE, fORNER Third and Wuler ilreels, J opposite llie rcrrv OREGON CITY. The traveling publio are respectfully invited lo give me a cull. The OREGON HOUSE ia lha moat plcaa sully located hotel in the Territory, nud has been so altered within the last few weeks as to make il one of the most commodious Houses in the Terri tory. The table will always be supplied with the best that the Market afford. Good accommodations for ladies and families. Good atabhug and feed fur horses, with proper stten.l nice. tff The stage-coach to and from Sulcnt slops at Ih Oregon House. f aicus: Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Burd, without lodging, per week 6 00 Single meal 50 Kiglite lodging 50 J. B A1IM, Aug. 8, 1857m6 Proprietor. LINN CIT)f STORE. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he has token the store lately oc cupied by Mr. Ubouciitom, al LINN CITY, with Ihe design of continuing lha U lit-ml iUttrclmiidiao DuxInrJaa. He will keep always oil hautt a gudd assortment of amlTaV" i TS ex JaCDJW, GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Confect ontry, Cigars, Stationery, Ac. Th above will always ba offered at the LOWEST PRICES! For Cash or Country Produce. Please call and era for yourselves. iJ THOMAS BAILEY. Linn City, Sept 5G, 1857. 24 BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY, JII. BLANPIED would Inform the public a that ho ha now on hand i large and well selected Mock of reailv-made ROOTS and SHOES, which ha ortnrs fof sale unreasonable tefin. Also, Water-proof Patle Blacking. MAKING AND REPAIRING Done to order, on short notice. August 8, 1857. 17-y BRICK. 100,000 FORS:S.o epi9 7 WM. C. DEMENT, d CO. A Few Cu 0 F thai superior GREEN TEA just received by " M- Ui jjci.ticia 1 at iu. CASES "Crumpton Medal ' Tobacco at s. p 12 WM. C. DEMENT & CO.'S. SETS hollow augers, for wheelwrights, for UKf sale by WM. C. DEMENT St. co. Land Warrants IURCHASED BY Jan. 24. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. 100 SETS wagon boxes, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT V co. 25 " SETS tress hoops, asa'd sites, for sale by WM.C. DKMKNi' . Co. OA A A SEAMLESS sacks for mle by ZUUU WM.C. DEMENT ot co. 4:liariniui dc Wiinu.r HAVE ree d a large assortment of SHOES, embracing children's and ladies' shoes, aud Gaiiers, Buskins, snd Hootee : also gents' Hoot and shoes, aud gaiters of ail deacr plioue. A I. SO, Cradle and scythes, snaths, hoes, rakes, forks, spades, aud shovels. Look Hfere, Friends! ALL those who are indebted to me are moat respectlully invited to aetlle up their accounts by Christmas, a I am preparing to leave fur France. EUGENE La FOREST. Oregon City, Oct 17, 1 857. 27tf FOR SALE, SET of seeoiid-hsnd TINMAN'S TOOLS and MACHINE complete, by A Uet. 3. 157. E. MILWAI.V. XLemoraL . THE OREGON CITY DRUG STORE is re moved ta the corner of Third and Main Sta formerly occupied by H. Marka. Sl Co. aep 13. B O O T SI V SPLENDID LO T jast re ceived, and for eale I. O W by Nov. 7. J. B K LAN PI ED. . Win. O. Dement aft Co., WIIOLKSALR it KKTAIL Coalers fnOroeerloi.H irdwaro Boots a Shoes. Orockery, bc, rpiCNDER Iheir tlmiike lo Iheir numerous cus X loinere fur Iheir p isl liberal patrunsge, and so. licit a coutiiiuaiic of Ih sains, Ihev lake pleasitru in Informing the public that thev have now oil It'ind a lures and d.sirabls slock of O'roeerir; llnrdware, Boats and Shoes, Crnriery. and Boat .Stores, to which Ihey are . . . 1.1: V V..L ...l inaaiiig cousiam auiiiiioiw irwui ."w ...u San Fruticisco, purchased for cash only, and are enabled to sell ut luwer price than any other store 111 Oregon City. uit. ji, ioj, Cipcrlc'ure .tfakt-t rcrKcct, Why Go to Portland lo Buy Goods t "If TZ wish to Inform our customers and the T publio generally that we have now on hand, in addition lo our usual heavy sioca 01 ur. eerie and Dry-Goods, 0110 of the largest aud belt, elected slucks of READY-MADE CLOTHING evsr offered in this msikel. W also wish to say that our goods are of excellent quality, aud that we will sell AS CHCAr AS ANY other hoi-sb IH 0RRG0M, Portland not excepted. Our old mono still governs our trade " Quick sales and small profits." Our stock of goods is now open for insieciion to all who will tavor lis with a cull. Call and tec, and let experience then speak for itself. We sell as low a any io the Territory, fui cnslt.or produce al market rate. t:l. MOI AIM Ot IVAK.MiK. Oregon City, May 23, 1857. W. 9. Hutchlns, M. 9., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. RCFFRS TO Pmf. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio) Prof. J. K.s!, " " Prof Courtney, La Fayette, Ind.j Dr. W. Armstrong, Findley, Ohioj J. Fisher, M. D.. Tiffin, ' J. Chamberlin, M. D., Tiffin. " Dr. li. A. Wright, Mexico, Oliio ; Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Penn.) Prof. J. Ilrown, N. Y.; Dr. U. Kellogg, MilWaukic, O. T. W. I). Iliitchius' llalsain Wild Cherry 25 Juyne's Expeclorant 1 1 25 " Alteniltve 1 v.i Ayrr' Cherry Peclorul 1. 1 25 aud general aasortmeni 01 BOTANIC MEDICINES kepi at all limes. And I am making arrange ment to manufacture my Balsam fur thu lungs, from Ihe Oregon cherry. aug!5 LIVERY STABLE. TE ore now km ping Livery stable in Or V egoii City, where HORSES call always be obtained ON LIBERAL TERMS. We ara also prepared with excellent stables, well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horse by the day or week. Thuso who call upon us may feel assured Ihut every Mleutiuu will be given lu hone left in our charge. GIBSON 4. rOTTEll. July 18, 1857. 14m3 Titus Andronicus. I HAVE mude arrungeiuents for open ing ihe "Tilu Andronicus" on a more extended and improved plan. Additional rooms have been secured, and I shall now be able lu lodge, and also furiiieli rooms fur one or two private families. Thinikful forth liberal patron age herelotore extt naea to me, 1 siui soiic.i a large share Irnm llie traveling piinuc. every ih- Iciuion given to t ie comfort uud convenience of those who call on me. TITUS G. CLARK. Oregon Cily, May 30, 1 857. "1116 To Arrive, Direct from Wow Tforlr, a tew Days, ITHVE PlANO-CASE MELODEON.1, with . the luteal improvements, which W.ll be sold cheap for cai li. Dec.5, '57. U11AK.UA. C4 VVAU.XK.ll. At War with Hard Times! W.4ftO tlMES DEFEATED! BT CHARM AN A. WARNER, M, id addition to their usual LARGE STOCK of Dry Good nud Grcrl, are about receiving per bark Metropolis and Mat thew Vaasar, the fulluwing new supplies, vii; 100 boxes Ciltghali soap, 100 American da, assorted brands, 50 11 adamantine candles, 25 " sperm do. 10 " wax candles, assorted color, 3000 lbs No. 1 llulavin sugar, 4U0O ' No. 1 Manilla do. 4000 Cosla Rica, Rioj and Java eofiee, 100 Rom e's domestic ground de. 50 dox nssortcd spices, iu bullies, 6 ' English asa'd sauces, G 1 do do pickles, 10 American do da 20 cases pie fruit, 50 boxes Windsor glass, ass'd size, 11)0 kegs n.Hls.all s zes, GOO lbs codfiah, G hlf bhls mackerel, 10 bbls lime, 1 case tobacco, 'Pride of Ihe Uuion,' 1 . do do 'Commercial,' 1 do do 'Honey dew,' 1 do do 'Natural leaf,' G gross smoking tobacco, 6 dot tomato ketchup, G ' pepper sauce, 10 kegs dried apples, 2 bbls plaster pur s, Together with a well-selected assortment of Dry Goods. BOOTS, SHOES, and ready made CLOTHING, wlrch we offer as LOW as any house in Oregon, either wholeaslu or retail. Terms cash, or produce taken in exchange at the highest market rules. March 21, 1357. Harness and Saddlery. P-jgk Til H un lersigned having opened anew f" in IUnTEVlLLK, Marion county, O. 'j' T.. is ready to manufacture and furnish at short uotice, and in the best and most substan tial style of the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Car riage Trimming, dC March 28, ISJi. wvr. -g 411 Wl BUS. OATS SACKED. For 11 MP II sal. by seplO. WM. C. DEMENT. 4 CO. 500 LBS. pure Heeawux for sal low by j31 WM. C. DEMENT it CO. MOFFAT'S Life Billcrs and Pills, Bernard's Dysentery Syrup, Wialar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. TlttESTON'S Sectional and Couniy MAP of X OREGON and WASHINGTON TEIv I'.ITORIE-S for sale by augl6 CHARLES POPE, Jr. cilintT OJI A VALUABLE aaM.uiueui of ROOKS and stationery. Teachers aud dealer and all miere.led are invited to call aud exam n. , March 2S, 1857. C. POPE, Jr. RUTABAGA seed-forsaleby mai24 C. POPE, Jr. St SETS eoopera" loole for sale by J WM.C. DEMENT A co. 4 DOZ. polished caat-rteel graia kv tat sab) by W M. C DEM ENT A co. mi.81 CIIARMAN A WARNER'S s 1 ANDS' JiarsaparilJa, in anyouaulity.attb OREGON Cll r Wlilto OIUKE.. 1G DOZ. Ovster. ' CHARMAN i WARNER, OREGON CITY Wnolesalo Friees Currents coaar.cTan wacatr. oar noons. ) drugs & nrnicisit. Slienting,4.4....1l)il2t' If. Y.ewsJ Drilling I'.'i U.eaolmJ drilling Ill; Wheat, p. bu f2,2S " shirting, llalli'Oai do . 7580 Striped do I'.'j PotutoM da , 75 Tickin' I la 1 1, Onions io J Deuiiis , li.'J'1'l..ur SI3fl Blu drilling 14 Curd Meul, frmli.. ..,.. Plaid liusey , Ifiu'-'l; rat'fT. . 7'irt!"; A ppl. a. dried I C 1 1 .'J.'ial.vrriiche, dried ...9 .55711; ' do pealed. ; Chili, dried. SOaJI 12; raovnio.t. 12; Pork, clear ion, Mulinel , Kriitucky jeane. Tweeds..... raia ra. Dili and white. Iliu and orange. Fancy ttalJI ' inns 828aJ0 Furniture de Ilia 1 4, Hams., .........It ..14 dov Wide. I llueini. M. do laiue I Ha.'lll, Butter "W Ginghams 1522' Egt .... t 0 Alpaca ...Vftaw raasaa Tabl damask 5075; Hazard, pr c.. cloths G5aSjiIJ; - ft aeg. ... SUr 3a3 Irish linens..., 40aSl! , i't. renTiilMa. i."lmall sies... Sheep gray pant 80 Ju.ljBuck Satinet do. tA. t'.nv,a. Hit. ...K4u5.llar IS Black cnss do. 4Ha7' Whil lead, IU I...IS Redrlan'IshirU HalttJ coaoAoa. Blue do. do. J 1 5n IS Manilla, small Si Hickory shift 5a" " large 9J Calico do $JalJ;IIcmp iui oot St iior. j CkfULtt. Men' kip boot. giJa4;Adnianiiue Joai auper do.d.....3l!',porin .. va.a .1 ... .......I r.K eiuxaa. IIIIV KUl. IJi Boy' kip boota $i Havana 810 aBO ' he vv w x doHl JVJIti-rmai i?' Mens' brg's pr. dox. . J 1 7! A ineriuait... ... . . JOaSIT " kip lirg pr doXtar.-IR TOS tnuu. calf sewed do.iSilTrideof the Uuion.40a4 Women's h'vy eir.il3:Sii.i 3J flu do jl.'ill.iiUe's J oxoceans. i riaowa. Coffo Hal.Vshovels Tea...., G0a7fl Spade niw I Chi'a.... I.V Axe ;t.a.a; crushed oilNt.ll.awa .....UOaSli Raleratu.. lOalll'S cut saw 75aMS iii.ll'l'ublecuilery, 95 perrt Starch.. Syrup E Boatou... $1,15$ advanc on do. 8 Islaud $ )0; Pocket cutlery, 45 pr NO Molasses ( aavance. ,iv. Bull 2a2i;Other article at nara- Tuble Sail SallJ ware Iroin W to oupr Sundwichl.Salt.. Ijt2 ct advance. . Pepper 1 a Allapice 40 " horsesho...3ja40 Ciiiiiamou 00a60 oil Soap Ball' Lamp $Ua2i Oregon nud C'lilifoiiiln Packet IjIIIC rriHE fullowing vessels will run in cn X nection as REGULAR LINBb., ..... t . a v Ss a SI tween I'OUlbAriy m OA-' HSCOi Clipper bark JANE A. r AkaKSBEllu, , Bauukr, Master, Bark OCEAN RIRD, Wmuixs, ' CI1AS. DEVEXS, llatuT, " " NAHUMKEAfJ, Williams, TI.:- I It I ITVT llinlliailaoa. " Th Hark llava all been coppered renanlly, iltdj 1 are iu firat-rate ordef, oomtnuuded by expefiettcM Captains. Freight will lie cartieil nt Ilia lowest rate. Produce sent from any part uf the country te Oregon City, or lo the Linn City works, will be r' Ceivrd and forwarded to San I' runuistio. Auim-s-GEO. A DM UN E I'll Y & CO., Oregnn CitT. ARERNETHY, CLAIIKA CO., Nov 23, '&0-3-M San Fr.tnciwa; TIip IVcw Uiisluiid Mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANT, J Hoeton, Mass., Organized in 1913, and having a capital and accumulated premiums uniount' ing tiover 81,030,000., WILL take risk In Oregon, for a term af years or lor life. Dividends of profit W the imurcd are declared every hvo year. In surance muy be effected for the benefit of married women and children, beyond the reach uf jredii; or of ll party insured. Creditor nwy iuaure die liveaof debtor. Kale iu ur.gon wm o in same as ill New England. This is the oldest Anv-ricun Mutual Insurance Company, and is one of tlio must reliable and auc; Ccasrul, alltl insures oil lite mnai lavoraoie raic. Inl'ormaliun may bo ubtaiucd from, aud applied tiou furiuiurauce made to, A. IIOLRROOK, Agent forOregoX. Comulting Phyicians Forbea llarclay, M.lij Oregon Cily, and R. B. Wilson; M. Ih, rortin; Oregon Cily, Jail. Jl, loa'. 42 Jos. Barstow IS by himself, aud would ros-clluliy say n in friends and the public generally that lie it thankful for past patronage, and will uoiltirtue Bttsis ness at Ihe old stand, aud will ever be ready la) . show his Goods lu those who may favor hiiri with a cull. Come one, come all, both grout and erttallj and give him a cull before purchasing eisewnerej and examine for yourselves his spleudid aud select stock of . DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS,. CWTIU ING, BOOTS, SHOES, and CHOCKERlt Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, Sta., &!., Hals, Nails; llrooms, ate, and almost every tiling penaiuuig a geuerul line of biisincss. All kind of country nrodllea tukeu in excliange. Country friends will Hnd it to their advantage l give nle a udlL Citneiiulli.sepL b TT HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL X for route lime past, that MORE ROOM A'D MORS GOODS were needed at tlio LINN CITY STORM, to meet the demands of ils pdnstarilly increasing custom. These Uddiliona have UuW Kecrt triad Ihe store is enlarged, aud the slock has just hl replenished wilh a laroe aasorlifien'. of Urocerlvs, Dry Gooda, Ac stndng which are Panama Hats, Gaiters, Cra!ats, Parasols, Ginghams, Ribbons, Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, Aud a Orkat riRAL aioai, At the 'LINN CI I'Y STORE.' Motto "Small profits and quick rstarn." April II, 1H57. YAMHILL TRADE. T HE new and fine steamer Mi2 JBi SIV. built einresHiv for the Yamhill trade, Will leuv CASEMAH on Mondays and Fridays for La rAVRTTK, and Wednesdays lor Dvni ot 8 . at. Nov.2l, '57. C. E.M'.V EH7.IIU. Master. WoUco to Shippers. ON and aer this date, FREIGHT will a carried on Ih stenmer ELH by thu rah of " Ship's Measuremeut." ov. 21, 01. C. E.SWE1TZER. To Shippers OS and after lliia dale, FREIGHT will carried en Ihe steamer HOQUKlt, T the rule of Hhip's Measuremeut." Nut. 21, '57. S. flSMITIL IUdcl Architect, 3 Tola.,. PRICE C;24. Aba,, Ljuimpleser Msebtnerr and Mid-Work, being Plan, Sections, and r.levalione of Work In several department f machinery, mill-work, aud general engineeriag, ate. Priee $12. For sale at th Oct. 31. CITY BOOK STORE: I7IVE HUNDRED two-year eld APPLK TREES, ol lli winter rre':ea, fee ear jr' Pee. 5. CHAKMAN st WARNER. P. F V E V.' GOOD i. I & ' b 3,. fi 1