The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, January 16, 1858, Image 2

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    ffiljc rcgou SUgu
wr. L. A da as, Burros aho rsorsiiTus.
If l. W. Cum Is authorise! lo do nny bus-
Inns eouueeted will) "I'll Argus (Mice during my
shames. W. L. ADAMS
2T AV invito particular ntiniion le
llie of llio Prcsi'lent's Mcssnge
which wo puMUli lo day, cpcciIly I ha I
part which relate to Kansas. It it drcid-
edlj rich document. It makes a finish
of "squalier uverciirnty," and bends tli
jilinnl knee lo dctjiotisin in ill blacked
form. R.taJ tliit ilocunirnl at llie head of
tho Amviiciiu arinv, and wo should nntu-
rnlljr suppose I lint every patiiot would in
stinctively lay Iii'm Land upon hi iword.
Kansni it denied (he rllil of excluding
slavery, nnd iht people nre mocked at in
ndvanco, tlioulJ lliey fail to vola for n
fret Sinto, by neglecting lo voio fur a con
a'ituiion which miikes porpctuiil lliodmn
t'o rt-Ia'iun already established. After
the constitution i forced upon llioin aiinsl
' ilieir solemn prutest, lliey nre coolly tnd,
the remedy II' in nltcriug the constitution
after they hfcume a Stale! We hardly
believe however that Congress will adopt
the lu'gfitiutM of tho Prekidciil, extorted
from him no duubt ly llio external press
ure of firr -eaters ; as Douglas, Richnrdion,
and many other prominent statesmen nre
opposed to it, and as a lar-ra majority of
even the pro -slavery men in Kansas are said
to dislike the constitution.
Whntovtr is done at Washington in re
gird le the matter, will bo the result of a
very nice mathematical calculation upon
political capital to be HJ up for use in
OT Quito nn exciting debate occurred
in the Legislature lust week, upon a rcso
lulion offered by Sinter, of Henton, tocxpcl
Penso fur reporting for tho clique organ in
such a manner as to hold up some of the
members in rather an unenviablu light, by
giving their speeches too literally. Shuck,
Allen, niul other" Softs," liavo been made
to appear rather illiterate by ihe use of
"git," "miring children," "committy,"
Ac, Ac. The motion to expel Tease wits
finally lost, Allen, Hill, and Shuck only
voting for it. An editorial in the paper
shows tho editor has taken courage from
the vole, and thus threatens lo continue
the practice :
' In conclusion we linve ( say, that if
tcnoramuses, chuekleheads, ninnits nnd
nincompoops get elected to ihe legislature,
by catluw themselves " democrat", nnd
inviting lo their support every fag-end if
" republicanism, witu a promise lo Jilt
the Statesman, and the " Salem Cli-que,"
they will IiiiiJ Hint the Statesman will reflect
them back to their counties and tu tho
eouulry in their true characters. It will
dress up nnd mnko no speeches for them,
but it will daguerreotype them as they
Now if this practice of" dnguerreolyp
ing them as I hey are," cxtendod lo all the
members of the Legislature, instead of
those nnly who are "anti-Bush," there
might be loss reason for attributing it to
personal hate, and more of an apparent ex
cuse tniuht be made for it. We doubt
whether there ever were in our Legisla
ture fivo "clique" representatives who
would nppear any belter thnn Shuck in n
literal report. In fact, few of the corres
pondents of thai or any other papor would
nppear to much literary advantage if the
"copy" was strictly followed. It will ho
recollected what murderous spelling nnd
grammar the original petition contained
that was sent on to Washington lertho ro
moral of Col. Gardner, a copy of which
we published, in which " rejuyced," "in.
tire," "paititen," " constitimnts," and
some other gems shone with Irue detnncnt
io luster. liven the editorials of thut pa
per have glittered with many such, as,
" where it Shoil, O'fiarn, nnd Shsug V'
Wo do not rupposo that ihe offence
charged was hardly sufficient lo justify nn
expulsion of Pease, hut for a journul that
does the Territorial printing to condescend
lo such means to wreak its vengeanco on
political opponents, must place our citizens
in a very unfavorable light abroad.
(&" Our fellow townsman J. D. Dement,
who wasa passenger on the Central Ameri
ca, arrived on the Columbia, to the great
relief of his friends, who had become quite
anxious about his safety. The Multno
mah in bringing him up of course broke
wheel, and was detained several hours
below tho rapids. John appears none the
worse for his ducking in salt water, but
looks as I hough he might live eighty or
ninety years yet.
t-F " Airgnose Hilly and Dryer both
stand on the Cincinnati platform, side by
side with the " National" gentlemen. (Soft
democrats." Cmpkiiy'i Organ.
"Airgoose Billy" never cither professed,
or desired lo " stand on ihe Cincinnati plat
form," unless ihe fact that lie once cam
very near being compelled to step upon it
for moment to transact a lit I 'o private
business with one who was comfortably
scaled there could be said to be "standing
ea the Cincinnati platform."
MST The Multnomah has been taken
from the Astoria trade and put upon the
one beiwcea this and Portland. W hear
that aha i carrying freight for tLree dol
lars a ton.
tO" Newtown Pippin applet are selling
in New Vork City for $7 and f s perlM.
Hewi from tho Atlantic States
The St. Louis Democrat of Nov. 27,
aava that tho river had already frozen over
below St. Louis, and that several steamers
were csuulit in the ice and frozen fust in
the middle uf (he river.
The New-Vork City election resulted in
the defeat of Mavor Wood. Tho vote
stood. Wood, (dem.) 4O.70U : Ticmann
foi.n.WM HM.
The citterns of Kansas are thoroughly
aroused aiiinst iho Lecotnntnn coiislilu
ton. I'uMio ine lines lisd b en held in
uieral towns, denouncing it, nnd repudia
ting the election to be held on the 21st ef
Uec. Severul pro Slavery papers in mm
ms have repudiated the constitution.
Juilne Douglass denounces it as in viola
lion of ovrcy principle of tho Nebraska
bill. Among the deinocrutio papers that
lake Iho same view ol it wo noln the to!
lowing : Chicago Times, (Dougla-a or
gaii.) Detroit Tree Press, (Case organ,
Providence l'ol, Albany Alias, I'lnluUu
nhia Press, Buffalo Courier, Rochester Un
ion and Sinncit Observer, while ninny of
the Nonhcrn papers of the party clitmo in
with fir eating organs in approving it.
tiev. Kichardson.of III., was in Mashing
ton Cilv, Dec. 4, and united with Douglass
in disapproving of ilia courso of tho Le-
compton convention, bonalor liiglor, ol
rennylvnniu, like Liuuhanan, warmly no
proves of it. Buchanan must either back
down from the position taken in hi inaug
ural, or there will be a beautiful muss
over the Kantn difficulty between hisiiiul
Douglass wing of Ihe democracy, unless,
which is not improbable, Douglass, Foi
ney nnd tho Northern journals of that
stripe, yield In the pressure of (he fire eat
ers, headed by ihe administration, and
conclude to ntlend the Congressional
christening of the consti'ulion of Kansas,
and adjourn lo the funeral of "Squatter
Sovereignly," which all must admit is
fairly dead, and ought to be buried out of
Walkeii Cai'TI-red. The Panama Star
end llurnld says that Commodore, Pnuld
ing, of the U. S steam fiigalo Wabash,
landed with 350 men on l'oint Arenas,
Dec. 8, and captured Walker, with all his
force, except some Torty-fire ot Ins men
who hod gone up the Sun Juan river, and
captured the rort of Castillo. 1 he oura
toga, having on board 139 of Wnlker'a
men, sailed for Norfolk, Dec. 12. Walker
himself was at Astiinwall at last accounts
lie surrendered lo Com. Paulding, with all
his force, on being summoned,
Ihe PrcMAenr Message.
When tho N. Y. steamer sailed, Congress
hod not organized, nnd of course no Mes
sage had been sent in, but five copies were
sent to California in advance of its delivery.
Wo find a synopsis in the California Chron
iclo. We give a few of its leading fca
IliiVE.Nl'E. The duties on imports have
been so reduced that the government may
have to make a loan soon.
The Banks. Great evils. The amount
of specie in their vaults, $.'8, 340,830.
Their circulation 8214,778,822. Deposits
$230,3ol,352. The States sheuld in
crease the denomination of bank notes first
lo twenty nnd then to fifty dollars, and re
quire the banks to keep nt least one dollar
in gold and silver for every three of their
circulation and deposits. A uniform
bankrupt law is needed, Applicable to bank
ing institutions, making a suspension of
specie payment their civil death.
Foreign Relations. All peaceable,
except n small bone to pick with Spain,
perhaps, as sho has not yot met our claims.
Tho President here no doubt remembers
the Osiend manifesto, nnd what a certain
section expects of his Administration in re
gard to Cuba.
China Affairs. Our Minister is in
structed to maintain n neutral position in
the existing hostilities at Canton, but ho is
le co operate with the Ministers of Eng
land and France in securing favorable com
mercial treaties for tho three powors.
Panama. Recommends Congress to au
thorize him to employ tho laud and naval
forces of the United Slates to protect the
Panama Ruilroud routo if necessary.
Fii.i.iui'sterino. The measures adopt
ed to prevent Walker's return are cited,
and thinks it our duty to take effectual
measures to prevent filibustering outrages.
Paraguay. The Paragnayanians hnve
outraged some of our citizens and fired into
one of our vessels. Ho intends lo demand
a redress of grievances.
Kansas. The principles of the Kansas-
Nebraska bill are lauded, and the Lecomp-
ten Constitu'ionol Convention is recognized
as legal. Tho election to be held will be
held under legitimate authority, and if tho
people do Dot voto it will be their own fault.
If her pro-slavery constitution is offensive
to tho people, they can niter it after they
become a State. Tho clause in the consti
tution which keeps in bondage forever those
slaves now in Kansas, is a just and reason
able one, as the Supreme Court has already
lecided that those slaves went there by
v.rtue of ihe Constitution of (he United
States. For the people of Kansus to hav
been permitted to vole slavery out ol Kan
sas cutirely, would have been an act of
gross injustice. When she is admitted
into the Union, sho will for the first time
be permitted to manage her own nffiiirs in
her own way, assheshould have done long
ago. Kansas has occupied too much of the
public attention, and it is lime litis should
be directed to far more important objecta.
Utah. The first rebellion in the Terri
tori es must be punished. W must go
there with such an imposing force as lo in
timidate the Mormons and prevent the ef
fusion of blood. By this meant, we shall
convince the saints that we are theirfriends.
To accomplish ibis, it will be necessary to
raise fvur more regiments. Very sorry,
owing to hard tiroes, to have to recommend
it, but hope Congress will support me, cost
what it may.
Axiz'inia. I recommend Congress lo
establish a Territorial government over Ar
izonia incorporating with it such slices of
New Mexico as it may see fit.
Pacific IUii.road. The ncceniiy of
this road is asserted as well as the const i
luiional power of (he U, S. to asil iu its
construction, or even to build it entire.
The fovornmcnt ought to umK-rlake the
work by its own agents. This ought to
be committed to oilier agencies, which Con
gross might auit by crania of land or
money, or both. The furnishing means of
transportation for troops and mails cooler
constitutional power, whilo the promotion
f powerful commercial interests of the
whole country, and llio formulinn of a bond
of Union, furnish auxiliu(ry arguments in
in lavorol expediting the work uy means
of uuvernmenl pA'ronago. The work itself
is elenrly wi-hiu the war making power.
Ihe distance rn the Arizoma routo ue
Iween the western boundary of Texas nnd
ihe cm-Urn boundary of California does nol
exceed 470 miles.
Treasury. Receipts for fiscal year end
ing June 30, lt)-')7, were 803,031,37I,7,
which added to what wus on hand before
made 88.532,83l),2t. Expenditures 870,
b'.'2,7'.'-l,85. Balance in treasury July 1st
1?57. 817,710,114,27. The estimated
revenue for tho present year when added
to this will muku $75,389,031.(10. The
estimated expenses are $74,003,..r8,4 1.
But the latter is liable, to be increased.
Navt. Tho construction of ten small
war steamera nt a cost of 8230,000 each
is recommended.
Indians. Our whole number of Indians
is estimated at 325,000. The system of
hiring them to be peaceable with pteseuts,
baa proven a failure It is recommended
to colonize litem on reservations and teach
ihem the arts and sciences.
Post Office. In 183" there were 50,
080 post offices. The net increaso last
year was 1,051. 1 ho expenditures of the
li-cal vcar were lI,oU7.o,u. i no rcvo
nue lor the vcar was 89,053,031. Rec
ommends the overland post route, and dos
ses by saying he is determined to igu no
bills without examining them.
The Message is very long, but we have
given the marrow of it.
OCT Buchanan has nothing lo say in his
Message about Oregon, or that " Indian nr
debt," and the probability is thnt thut the
present Congress will have enough to do,
with Jo Lane's assistance, in seining family
quarrels and fixing iho wires fur 1800, w i tlx
out bot luring with Oregon matters much.
I'l the mean lime, those who wish to reap
the reward of being sound black democrats,
will pli-aso lo subscribe for Jo Lane's Times,
and then call on the Surveyor General for
their "Talents."
(r Gov. Wulker of Kansas is in Wash
ington, and has had several interviews
with Buchanan regarding Kansas matters.
He, like Douglas, is in favor of permitting
the people to vote upon the constitution.
Tho organs of the black democracy which
fuvor Bucl.nnan's views, give it as their
opinion thai Douglas will not strongly op
pose tho Kansas villainy, but will keep quiet
while the Administration is riveting the
chains of slavery upon the new State by
admitting it with this bogus constitution.
Gov. Walker thinks tho people will not
submit to such an outrage.
OCT I he President it seems intimates
that the Pacific Railroad should run thro'
Texas and Southern California. . Just
about what we expected. But we prefer
even such a road lo none at all.
03r The Standard puffs the President's
Message as nn " invaluable national docu
ment." The Times ond Czapkay's organ
havo already echoed the sentiments of
Forney and Douglas, nnd claim that the
democracy of Oregon occupy the same po
sition. These papers of course must now
shift their position, or cease to lay claim to
" National democracy." Tho 'Softs' must
now take time by the forelock and mount
Buchanan's hobby, for subjugating Kan-
sas, and thty will be iheonly Simon pure
Nutionals." The Occidental already
stands upon it. Will Dr. Henry and Col.
Kelly tell us what Ihry think of" Nation
al democracy" now ?
(ttThe news from Utah is very mea
gre. W e learn frein persons just from the
Dulls that a " reliubU" Snake Indian had
brought word to Col- Sieptoe that a com
pany of Mormons had met a detaichment
f U. S. troops somewhere in Suit Lake
Vallev, and had a fight with them. The
Mormons had the worst of it, and after
loosing a good mny men took lo their
CCjr The wire.worksrs ai Washington
had fixed upon Orr, of South Carolina, as
speaker of iho House. Congress was to
meet Deo. 7th.
(r A correspomli-Bt of ihe Chicago
Tiibune who left Kansas on the same boat
with Walker, says I hat the Governor talked
almost incessantly about the constitutional
convention, anJ was horribly profane.
He declared ihey were "felons, and the
most beggarly, butcherly crowd of sots,
ruffians, and assassins ever assembled."
IHT Companies are being formed in
California and Southern Oregon for ihe
Mormon war, in case Government shall
call for volunteers.
The editor of the Standard says he
can't stand whisky. He, of course, will be
decapitated at ihe next " Jacksoo Jubilee"
at an n.Msound aad" tot-Tellable dem
ocrat." OCT We are indebted to J. W Sullivan,
Dr. Steel, and Wni. C. Dement for favors
in the way of exchanges.
ftfr W wish that everr " democrat" in
Oiegon hud a copy of I'orniy'a Press of
Due. filh. It is full of manly talk about
iho outrages about to be perpetrated on
Kansas, Forney has taken strong ground,
and says lie bat an idea he shall nol re
cede frem it. Every column of llmt jour.
nnl devoted lo this matter has ihe ring of irue
republican metal, and wo nre glad to be
able to say thai wo have found out man
who, in conducting a professedly democralio
journal, has not stifled his conscience and
smothered down every humane and noble
impulse in bis bosom.
OCT The Legislature has acted upon
our suggestion and changed the law so I lis I
judges ofelection are required to make their
returns in five days instead of ten
very good reform, savoring much of re
publican policy.
tZT We learn that Vancouver it Im
proving rapidly, and business it lively this
winter. Lots are said lo be going eff rap
idly. It is a lovely place, but we ihitik li
lucks a sufficient area of good country back
of it lo make it what il might be if heavy ad
j ii cent settlement could be calcu'ated upon,
OCT Tho cook on board lite Enterprise
in paving along the platform bv tho
Linn City Mills, last Sunday night, walked
off lite plunks into the water, bruising In
face severely, and breaking onu bone of
his fore arm.
(KT Tho steamer Express hat not yet
got off the rocks at Willamette City, nt litis
date (Friday noon). Capt. Irvin informs
us lhat nine inches more will float her, and
the late heavy rains will probably raise
the river so the will be nflou! toon.
OCT Tho steamer Commodore reached
Portlnnd last Tuesday evening. The Co
lumbia, which left San Francisco two days
before the Commodore, failed to cross the
Columbia Wowing to rough weather, and
went on lo the Sound. She however reach
ed Portland Thursday, bringing llio mails.
Tho Times editor says he ought lo
hnve been ticketed lo tho Mechanics' Hall
in Portland, because, having once ensnared
a hare, ho lays claim to belonging to iho
craft. We knew one of his " raco to scl
up a similar claim from the fact that he
had "saw'd wood for a gemman."
00" Wo see by thcCalifurnin papers that
some of llieiruftieiul.sDro well paid for be
ing sound and reliable democrats.
The Sergeant al-Amit of both branches
of the Legislature gets $12 per dayench.
The Assistant Secretaries 811, Flngrossing
nnd EnrollingClcrksand Doorkeepers 110.
All other Clerks 89. Chaplains 89, Por
ters 80, nnd Pages $5.
(FiT Wo see by the papers thut Gov.
McMullen has applied to the Legislature of
Washington Territory for a divorce from
the wife he left in Virginia, and has tb.
tained it. For a man to leave a wife in
the States, and come to Washington lo get
a divorce, seemt to bo in harmony with
many of tho unaccouulablet of this fast
JtiT The laiesi news from Wisconsin is
thnt the Republicans have elected their Go
vernornnd a mnjoiity on joint ballot in the
0O"A tremendous fire occurred in Down-
ievillo, Cal., on New Year's day. Loss,
fcT Stimpson, editor of the N . Y. Day
Book, is dead.
Hon. Horatio Sey inou r, of Vermont, died
at MiddL-bury, Nov. 2d.
San Francisco Makkets. Flour from
8l2to8l2.-rx); Butter 37; Potatoes 00;
Beans 83.10 ; Hay (20 ; Nails 84 ; Sugar,
No-1 China, SI 2.30; Bacon not quoted.
GO The toll bridge at Lafayette has
been relinquished by the stockholders lo
Yamhill county, and is now converted into
a free bridge. The county has made nn
appropriation of 81,000 for repairing it.
The whole top has been cut away, and a
new structure placed upon ihe nhutment,
which renders the bridge entirely safo.
Mr. Hawley, the noted bridge builder, who
made ihe repairs, has warranted it to stand
for four years.
Holnlloa Utlic Arithmetical Question of
Last Week's Argus.
The yard containing 8,000 q. ft. is 80 ft.
by 100 ft., nnd seven sixty-fourths of iis
urea is 87o ft., making a walk around the
ard 2 It. in width.
S. L Campbell.
Oregon City, Jan. 14, 1858.
Gold Exports. A commercial writer
in the Golden Era, estimates the amount of
gold annually shipped from this Stale nt
830,000,000. He thinks that nearly or
quite 830,000,000 per annum is taken
nwy by passengers and about 30,000,-
000 regularly manifested. Estimalingour
population at 500,000 which is about the
figure this wonid be 8100 for every man,
woman, child, Chinaman and Indian in the
State, and upwards of 83 50 for every
msn, woman and child white and black
in the United States ! We think (be
writer estimates altogether too highly
Cal. Chronicle.
India. The fall of Delhi ia confirmed.
The loss of the British is ascertained to
have been over 1,200 in killed and woun
ded in making the assault. That of the in
surgents is ibeught lo have been about I,
500. The king of Delhi ws captured.
Rats. The editor of the Peansylvanian
strewed petash around his rat boles, and
sayt il drove tbe vermio away.
Victonia axo I'.uoitNiK. One of the
Philadelphia papers speak Ing of I he tenden
cy of the American wom.ii lo run after
foreign fashions, &c, and alludinir o the
admiration full for tin Uinprrat Eugenie,
"Victoria, Queen of England, is a tafer
model for our women, if Ihry mu.l go
across the Atlantic and lido palaces for
their examph rt. Sha i a tound hearted,
well belmttfd, much beloved, kind woman.
She lakes an Interest in whatever is calcu
laled lo do good. She dres.ct with queen
ly almplicity. She tris lo make her sub
jects coiikHled and prosperous. She
sympathize with ihe poor, and binds up
broken, burdened beans.
Her children she rears wilh care, train
ing them In the knowledge thai ihey are
only flesh and blood liku ihn rest. Hut
i lien Vicloris is not fast enough, dashing
enough, dresy enough for our women,
She really don't set a single fashion. And
we firmly believe llmt some ufourmalions
and maidens had rather go with F.ugrnie
la a bull-tight than with Victoria to a eel
tajje, where i he re is suffering lo be relieved
and misery lobe driven away.
New Uai roa Rattlesnakes. The
Grant County (Wis.) IK raid of Ihe 17ih
insi. sayt thai Selh Maker, a curious natu
ralist, residing near Ihetown, has a spoi
of ground on his farm set apart for
melons, and nenr it there is a well known
den of rattlesnakes. lie bus tamed the
snakes, and. by some mysterious powers iu
i hi) spiriiuul department of science, is able
to cuijiire ihem at will Kilo lus melon
patch lo guard ihe same ngaiust uninvited
imrmler. The snak's have been in his
M-rvice all the fall, ami discharged iheir
duties Wisconsin Is going to
bo a great country.
Fearful Doings- It is estimated lhat
since Ihe revolution broke out in India, ihe
deaths by vielence have averaged, through
out the troubled leriitory, ovcrceAun
drtd lire daily, of both natives and luro
pean'I One writer from Calcutla gives
the aggregate, up lo the dale of his teller,
as aboul forty thoimaml, Ihe r.ngii
slay Ihe natives in cold Uloo.l, whetover
found, whether with arms in their bunds
or o'hertti-e, when ihey once commence
the. work of destruction in any given (lis
hid. Sources of Happiness.--!!" vou would
enjoy iho theater, pay your udiiii-.inn ; il
vou wnniij stand well Hh yur Iriemls,
uive them sood dinners, and ph-niy of
ihem: ll you are anxious lo spend a for
tune, publinh bouks at your own expense;
if you are tond ol scnnilul, live in a b anl
ing house ( if vou have a lle fur law,
buy horses, and be sum ton have a ar
ranteo with cm-hot them: it you would
sleep soundly, keep iho babv out of the
room; if you wuuld Iivh happily with
vour iff. never contradicl her ; ami
abovo all, ue tho Graefi iib -ig Family
Medicines if you would enjy perfect lu-alih,
which it the true secret of hiippiuets.
The Oak. To the oak is assigned the
chief rank among the trees of I he for
This maj'-stiu ttee claims pre-eminence for
Ihe grandeur ot its opnearance, its great
durability, and its consequent utility to
man, especially for building nnd sliippi
purpnee , II MO except the cellar, II it
perhaps the, longest lived of thu vetfctuble
creation, aitaining to the age of 0'KI, and
even 1,000 years. Thus generation after
generation is swept from the face of the
earth, dynasty subverts dynasty, nations
spring up, nourish, and decay, whilst the
monarch of the woods bidding defiance to
the fury of the storm, and braving ihn at
tacks of nine, outlives century upon cen
tury an unshaken monument of enduring
might. Its applicability to the require
ments of ihe shipwright constitutes thu oak
one of the most important products of this
country ; fur it is to her navy thnt F.nglaud
is indebted for her most sure and formula
blu defence. Our ships stutiuuud around
the island, forming at evi-rv vulnerable
point an impenetrable bulwark, nre' em-
phatically termed " tho wooden walls of
hug I u ti d . Spcra it t.
Our Best Book. Salrnuiii, one of
tho most consummate scholars of his lime,
horlly before he expired, said, ''Oil I I
have josl n world of lime time, the moi
precious thing iu the world I Had I but
one year more, il should bu spent iu peru
sing David's Psalms, and Paul's Epistle.
Oh, sirs," said he addressing ihose about
him, " miiif the world lets, and God mors."
In this singe of book making, we are in
hmger of torgelling the 1J ok of books.
I'liero are mar.y good books, but none of
them can aflurd a poor sinner solace in the
hour of death like : lio Bihle.
Congressional LtuHAtty. The Con
gressional Library nt ih'; Capitol now com
prises no less than 65,000 volumes, many
f ihem rnru and valuable.
Three Acres of Lanii. The words of
the widow of llelvet iu to Napoleon, are
worth remembering: "You cannot con
ceive how much happiness can be found
on three acres of land."
03" The only way to cure a boy of stay
ing oul at night is, to break his legs, or
else gel the calico he runs with to do ihe
0O What is stronger in oVe;Ii lhan in
lifet An old yellow-legged hen. If you
don't believe it, try lo dissect one alter
masting it.
UnteltcrH Cetehratt Htemaeb Bitters.
Three bottles of Hosteller's Vegetable Stomach
Bitters will cure llie Dyspepsis; one bottle wi.l
create an appetite, fores off the impure bile, puri
fy Iho blooJ and iuvigorule the system ; two bot
tles will cure the worst form of liver complaint j
one bottle will dissipate that weakness at the pit bf
the stomuch jive color lo the countenance, i,n.
part tone and strength te the system, and lend
cheerfulness lo the mind. Every family should
have Hosteller's celebrated S'omaeh U iters. JCo
article is s peculiarly adapted to our climate.
Sold by DruBgi.ts. Ii.,tel. and first class Saloons
throughout Caiifurnia and Oregon.
CACTioHrhnfraare particularly reqdret.d ti
beware of asparioua article manufactured andrrp
rceeuM to be HotfrUer's Bitters, amen all who
ell or use tbe geuuine article can detect, as it is
never sold by the galhw, but ia square boiilesoua
Umiug a full quart, with the o-rk covered with a
metallic cap, aud name on cap and boltie, with di
leclioaa for art.
Da. A.H.STi:ELR.e.
SMITH ADA VIS, Ptlnd. I Oregon Ciiy.
PARK & WHITE, Ceser.1 AgtmU,
13 Vhingttn Sin t-eic
I'-tty OraiaaaretT
ll.i It ordained ftMj ea,itsllU.d bv ih.
City Council of Oregon Ciiyj Thai t
person ,,nw employed ly ,,, vh- u
Or-gon L Uy, or any p.,on or person, U,
may be bereaHer employed at a i, .
waich. shall be, and is hereby appoluted . ', with power lo arrest all ,,
pieio.m persons, or any person or p,Mhl'
ri.gaged in any breach of lbs p, ! '
(mid them in custody unlit ihey ' J,
brought before tin, p.oper ofllcer for "
animation ; and thai said police officer si
have all the rights nnd do tie. ,f,.
within the limits f said corporation IIMI
shall take an oath faithfully lopeifu,ra ,l, '
duties of taid office,
R. WILCOX, Mayor.
Attesl, '
T. J McCarvrr, City Recorder.
Ho il ordained and established by tU
City Council ir Oregon Ciiy : That ,
Iheatricals, shows, nnd circus perfriit.
ances, are herel.y prohibited wiihin
cordate limit of Oregon City, under ibt
penally of fifty dollars, without a license
first had and obtained; nd
Ciiy Recorder Is hereby authorized to grim
such licet!u ipon the payment jfllo
Ciiy Treasury of five djllurt for each ft.
Adopted Nov. COth, 1857.
T.J. McCaiiver, Recorder.
f In Clavkamaa county, Bee. IO1I1. bv XV
Wooden, fcsq., Mr. Juiix K. Orncta to Miej
Sabaii Tsuli.isuss.
ALL those who wuut Ll'MIII-fl eaa
their bills with Ciusimx & WAanKa, ,hiea
I will fill, mid deliver thu lumber in Or. rai (V
If dmhed. H.8. DUCK.''
Orrtfnii City, Jan. IK, 19.'.8. utf '
litis commenced an action hi Ihe llairict
Couil ol the First Judicial B s:rict age ual (teem
(iruum, a iMiii-risideni debtor, for the recover; i(
jmlKineul on a proiuabuiry note fur sixly-niu, .
Inrs and evenly-live eenls. dulid March 8, 1 844
aud puyuble on or befuie tat Ut tuber, Iti24 tlu-rs'
To George Groom:
Vou aie hereby n.,tijrd thai m,:rM yna
in Ihe District Court uf the 1st -linl DiMnctrf
the Terr turf ofOrvgou, on the fint day of tin
term to be held nt Sulrm Ml Ihe !Hili day of Mar,
I S.'iS, and unswer the e.mip'uii.t of llie ud It'll
Main Ariiiii-:el, ihe same will be lakcu for cos.
frwrd, mid Ihe pr.ijcr thi-renf will be rallied by
Ihe court. WAIT & KKLLY,
Jun. IC, lejMihiiS Ali'ta fur Pit
New Discovery.
rplIH un lerl!iiei has opened ft
in Ihn ciiy in u bu il.iir bai t rxirrilv far (hit
purio-, just below Dii-rdiair'a wore. wh. r lbs
publiu muy eiet-l lo tin. I him at all tiaiw, for the
next ten ycura, ready Iu attend to all eustwmn
pmuiptly. and in a u uy that cannot be exrelU bf
any iimi of the craft. Cliurgr. reasonable, (the
mo a cull, it you (ileus.-.
Oreg 'ii City. Jun. 9, iSjrf. 39j
Tho Graefdnbcrg Company.
THIS INSTITUTION (iiicr.raird by the'sluttiro of tho Stule of New York, esp
iial SlUU.IlOII), was founded for the purpose ef
supplying tin-rrnldie, u-iili the celobrated UllAEF.
ENUKUO M1CDICIXES. The seres comprises
remedies for nearly every d!seae, adapted to ev
ery climule. For tuinihes, travelers, sesmea, sod
in. hem' use, ilicv nto imrnnuled. All I lie medi
cines are PURELY VEGETABLE, and war-
runted to care the diseases fer which llie? are sev
erally recommended.
The Uruefeiiberir Company does nol profess W
cure all diseases with one nr two mrd.cinea. Osr
series uoiisiUuf ELEVEN dirH-rent kinds, sJ
npled to the various diseases incident to the lets
perule and tropical climates. Tho following com
pri e Ihe scries of (iruefeubcrg Medicines:
Tbe Uraefealierg Vegetable Pills
A to considered the standard Till of the day, saJ
am infinitely superior lo any l'ill before Ihe puMie.
They operate without irritation on all tlieeien
I ion i, putuiatf the blooj by the bowels, liver, kid
neys, and skin.
.TI;irliairsH'rinc Calliollcoa), .
i4n infallible rcmedv for ull diseases of lbs won
and urinary organs, wcakaefs iu the back, pais IS
breairt. lmrvouaneita. dehilitv. etc. Ill Califoraia
and Uregon, out of mora lhau a thousand casss
where this medicine has been used, it has ia as
siuijle instance failed lo give permanent reliefer Is
eliccl a certain cure.
A powerful extract. Ouo bottle equal lo lea
the ord.uary saisaparilla for purifying Ihe bwos.
A sure euro lor anoliila, rheumatism, uicire, !-
pepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cuuaeoaa
eruptions, &.c.
The (ireeu Monatala Olatssemt,
Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains,
sores, awellnijfs, scrofula, etc. As a paia exirsei
or, il caiiuol be excelled, atlbrJin? innnediaie ia
lief from the most excruciating pains.
This extraordinary article is a s-cdysiMl iufull'W
remedy iu diarrhoea, d', feu'n-. i-ImIms asorbstv
cholera iiifantum, u-id the Amuc ebalera, if
Willi the lirst sy'.npioms of I tic disease. U stpare
ly vegetubie in compouiid.
O reftntatri t.blldrea.'Pwwaav
For lanniner couiiluiut, aiul tuoit diseases to waiob
children arc rulij. H. lia true worth eaa never be
et furih iu words but il cun be lelt nnaspprccs
led by parents whose children, base bees save
Ha uiO.iier shwdd be wiihout it.
tirrtrreabevs; Plte Kease4yr
Warranted a ccrtaiu cure for Ihie paiuful dieraie.
H'.d. ii. iii..i...i.t ihM-A xr varv law cases
Which caiiuol be railicallv and periiisuenllj ei
A surgical operation lor files and i
never be resorted to until this oiutOKUt baa
thoroughly Uied. Il never fails.
F A: - t ,1. .... , W,m r nlinn FlU M
rur 1 1 vsr a a i, -nv . , - -
Il is a speedy nnd pja.tive euro for inftaosuial"S sr
lh eves, wi akue, dirmiesa aud failing ef sight.
It wtil alwavs be beneficial in acute inrlaia"S
of the eyes,and also as! Wish oa inflamed sarfaess.
A speedv and pew lire com for Ibis """T"'
eomplaint.' The.' Pi'is are eomposW snecips .1