.1 1 1 ..'' "Don't Tell lYnnul" Thera i tnin t good mollior who plans the ruin ef tlx child sua dearly loves teaching h lb first Imod of wrong-doing, bjr limply saying, 'Now, don't tell your father.' Surely, moilien do it thoughtlessly, inn. rantly, not considering that it is a first les son In deception. Not nt nil strange that f amblers, and liars, and tliievas, and liipo. sjfites, aad distrustful, evil niinded people so abound, when weak, loving mothers, with honeyed words and careers, Sweden ihs liitla toachinj tlmt so soon rijion into H kinds of meanness and unprincipled rascality. I lienrd a kind, we ll-mcanine mother say 10 the puny baby in her arms, Well, "birdia shall have its good candy every day ; lad papa shan't know it see how it loves l j' and I ho little thinpr, whose) reach of flifa haj not a whulo winter in it, snatched t (be bright red and blue-colored poison and made as many plaJ inoiions ns though it (oek lis whole body to suck it with. The poor liuhj thing had been fed on can dy, almost, and freitod for more wheneve htt inuutli wnsn t filled. Even the nour. rislirnciit oature provided diJn'l wholly sailify it, for it wnau t as sweet as candv, '1 thought it was no wonder, if children wer taught ercn in babyhood that papa "was bad and ugly and unkind, that in youth they should cull hi in a 'snob', and ih 'old man'; and the mother, whom they linl learned by experience had no stability of character, and was capable of deception, not strange they should so little raspset her at to call hor llie 'old woman, I shudder when I hear tho frequent words drop from young lips, ' 0, I must t let father know that!' The father may bo a stern, rigid man in his way of bringing up his children, but he hns a heart somewhere nud auroly, truthful, honest loving words from his own child will find that warm place. So it is best never to deceive him in anything, but keep his con ndence whole and unshaken, and the while. nest of the soul unstained by that loath some sin, deception. 'rather don't allow me to read novels,1 aaid a young lady to mo, lately, ' but mo therdoes, and so we two read all we can , get, and ha never knows it.' And she giggled as though they were very cunning and worthy of praise, for so completely oocaiving poor, good lather. My soul sickened at the idea of a wifo during to teach her children to disobey their father, of tho daughter, vain and unprincipled, with such a mother to teach and ctiido her, 'Better for tho world had she never been born. Ohio Cultivator. Tuojt National Skcoritv. Our na tional greatness is engrafted upon our re- . ligion. We boast no regal splendor, and no tilled nnd venerated nobility. Our glory is not so much in fleets, and armies, and military renown, as adornment. Just so fur as these are Christian, they are both our defence and glory. All other progress, if the religion of the liiMe does not stand . abreast with it, is progress in power nnd wickedness. We occupy too wide a space on the map of the world, already, unless we vigorously strive to elevate our Christ ian character to the same purulh.1 with our secular advancement. Thero is no fear thatour secu'ar advancement will lag bo hind our Christianity. It will be ro bloi upon our escutcheon that it is radiant with truth, and encircled with llio halo of pure . nnd undented religion. On the other hand, what would cost blood nnd treasure to control; what would demand diplomatic skill, and perplexing and doubtful legisla tion to ward off; nnd what would otherwise Jay under tho burden of degrading and impoverishing vices, is effected with com live ease by the more extended influence ef Christianity.. If wo would exlialt this land in intellect, und foster in her gene rou youth habit of thought, mental disci pline, and honorable character ; if the virt ues of our fathers livo in our prosperity; il Ilia popular clement which imbues ou inal . ! . . . ... t . uiiuiii in to remain our glory, and We re to attain the elevation for which God .made us, wo must have more widely dif fused Christianity. Would we bo respect- cd, and extort even from tho iron-hearted and mail clad nations," the homage due to tho wise and good f Such is the influ cuce of morul caus.es, procedure of a retri butive Providence, that vho wisestsUteaman will look for ilieatt rceulu, not sa much to hi jemmy of our soil, the abundance of our gold, and onr giant energy, as to a living nnd invigorated Christianity. Dr. Spring. ' "A Few Tiii.nos which Everybody ouohj to K.NOW-, A quart of peas, sown in a' shallow box, 13 inches wide by 18 loBg, at any time of the year, and cut when -about four or fivo inches high, and boiled like, spinach, with a little salt, makes a most delicious dish. The lops of Jerusa lem artichokes, cut oil about six inches long, and boiled like other greens, make . capital dish, which partakes, in some degree, of the flavor of tho root. Boiled water cress u!o makes wholesome dish. Jt must not, however, bo ovorboilod. In April and May late potatoes should al ways bo peeled some ten or twelve hoars, nd steeped in cold spring water before they are cooked. This is a great improve, man! it makes the potatoe nearly as good ns Uiom dug in October. The proper way to make cup of good tea is of (0ms im. foriance. The tea pot is at once filled up with boiiing water, then the tr U put iiito hi pt, and is r.!tW(d tt stand fiic '. i . s minutes before. It Is used, llie leaves gradually absorb the water, and as gradu ally sink to the bottom. The result is, tbi tea loaves are not scalded as they are hen boiling water it poured over them ; and you get all flavor of the tea. In truth, much lest it required io this way than un der the old and common practice. John Cuthill, London. Occupation. The want of propsr occu pntion is the cause of more than half of the potty frets of life, nud right occupation will be a medicine for half the minor ilia of life. A man without any proper aim in life, without moral inspiration, loo rich to be industrious, and a prey to the thousand frets of unoccupied leisure, sometimes sett himself to pray against hit troubles. Now a man might as woll pray against the par ticles of sand in the Sahara, as a lazy man ts pray against troubles. Therefore it happens, sometimes, thnl bankruptcy brings a man what all Lit wealth failed to give happiness ; fur Le hns real trouble, and trouble is a good me dicine for trouble. There it moral coun ter irritation. . Ward Betchtr, Sometiii.no to Think Upon. In Prof. Ilitchcok't late work on geology, lie hat a chapter on " The Telegraph System of the Universe," in which bo broaches the re murkablo theory tlmt "our words, our act ions, even our thoughts make an indelible impression upon the Universe." This pro position he endeavors to sustain by an ap peal to well established principles of sci ence, lie shows by the doctrine of mechanical reaction, that every impression which man makes by bis words, er his movements upon the air, the waters or the solid earth, will produce a series of chang es in each of those elements which will never end. Not a word has ever escaped from mortal lip, Le contends, but it is reg istered indelibly upon the atmosphere we breathe. And could man command the mathematics of superior minds, every par ticle of air thus set in motion could be traced through all its changes, with as much precision as the astronomer can point out tho path of the heavenly bodies. In like manner, the pictures of every occurrence propagato themselves through tho reaction of light on the substances on which it im. pinges. A New Language in I'kogress. It ia- rarely that tho student of philology can enjoy the treat ol discovering a language actually in the process of formation, grada ally cryslalizing, as it were, iato set forms and words, as it emerges from a chaotic state. Something of this kind is going on among the Liberian Settlements on the west coast of Africa, where, in the great inter mixture of native races, nnd settlers from America, a modification of each other' angunges takes place tho vocabulary of the superior race prevails, though submit ting to changes of construction and mean- ing based on the old idioms which fill the mind, while the tongue expresses itself in the Iato acquired words. For instance, nything thick is denominated " fat;" thus they say "a fat tree," or "the branch is it ;" a strong wind is " a wind loo mush saucy. It a man resides anywhere, it is vprcssed by "sits down." Our word "is'' they translate- by "lives;" they weuld say, "Master sit down here Dulwicb, him b at London, back come evening." " De duck lib in de pot, him boil." "Fader lib in do church-yard, him lib under ground." " Past dat one," means moro than that one. ' lliin ole past me." " Dis horse Land some past mark I" " You eye catch 'ero," expresses you see them. " I done do 'em," I have finished them. " Master send you plenty good how do's" brings yeur friend's compliments to yon, etc. All our modern languages derived from the Latin, as French, Italian, Spanish, &t, are the result of a similar process, and exhibited in their infancy thn same breaking down of tho inflections ef the mother tongue, and the same tendency to replace them by prepositions and auxiliary words as we find in the above. To the classic Roman of the fifth century tho speech of our Gothic fore fathers must have seemed as barbarous as this Anglo-negro dialect does to us. Mouet, Ba Appkal. "Judg, your time, I know, is precious, as must be the case wiih so valued a member of society, mis case, is periectly clear, and I know your learning and lucid intcllieence. For me to argue would be not only a waste of lime, Diit an insult to your penetration. Much might be said, but nothing is needed. Before any other judge I would lay down the rules of law, but here I know they have been deeply studied and wisely understood. ( look around me nnd behold an humble hoiue of loops, et see before ma the snirit of truth, the unpurchased distributer of law. and the old tenement rises before my men. ii vision prouu aim ueaulitul as a innjee tic temple of justice. Judge, I Lave a not tie of prime Monongahela in my pocket ; for the respect I bear your character allow ins to make you a preeent of it." "Verdict for the defendant " Judire. (&A. hundsoine and durable buildinc material "artificial granite" is now made of a composition of sand and lime. Thorough chemical tests have proven its indeslructioility. It is moulded into blocks five times the size of common britks, and in shape for building. Each block has a mortice through it, so as to pass a current of air through the centra of the entire wall of llie building, aud that prevent frost from enleriiirr. 1 i - ' "pvR. Osgnod1, IndiaC'holagogtie.audDr.Jones' Ann wen 1 notagnjoe, at the , , urtoon vjtt drit; storb Xfotieo. WE lake pleasure la iiifurminf eur customers sad the public generally that the AmtWirr.TVRAL IMPI.KMirXTS Carptnttrt lixilt, iVr., whivb w advertised to arrive about the 1st ef May, are now here, aud ready for delivery. Tlisy consist, in part, of the following, vis I Combined reaper and mowers. Threshers aud cleaners, from 9 to 8-borse power, nosey s o-Kiiil straw cullers, Urupe-riu graiu cradlts, l'aleut scythe snalhs, Grain scythes, grass scythes, scyths stones. Hm Ill's bellow, anvils, Colliua' axes, handled, do do without handle, llroad aies, hand aaes, hatchets, Draw knivea, aout mws, curry comb, Wool cards, shovi-l. spadis, a)ulrs' Ikhw, Potato iliggurs, uriiid-sloue and liatures, Kwk shavei, monkey wrtiichcs, saddle-bsgs, iilHI pairs twisted link trace chains, limn log eliaius, cliain pnmi, Mill-suw, Hut, and Is If round tiles. CAni'E.NTKRs' TOOLS t SO setts premium bench planes, Match planes, hollow and rounds. Hash do beads, plows, Otulo and fillet, try, square, bevel, and mitre, uracc aud bit, rule, compute, llnnd vise, meaauring tapes, AuL't r bits, guagrs. hand-saw fill-, supers. Ilaud-saws, back-saws, firmer and socketchisels. nnr.DiNO matbriai.s: 300 kegs ass'd uails, Doom, wimlews, wiudnw-g lav, putty, Paints red, green, and bluo white lead, Linseed oil, spirits turpentine, door locks. Sirup hinges, bulls und screws, cupboard Iccfcsv Santa Cruisltme, calcined piaster, Ac, tui. GROCERIKS: Ccffet, tes, sugar, syrupy dried apples, Kiis.ni, pie iruin. rice, pepper, (jiager, mustard. Allspice, cloves, 3UU ban Liverpool mH. & kills No. 1 mackerel, &c. &. CROCKERY AND CLASS-WARE, s general assortment. D R Y - O 0 0 D S:- 2000 rpun cotton, assorted (lies, MKIO yds bro drills, iUOO " ' sheelin;, 300 mlineis, )00 pre a:ij pt Mackinaw Maoiets, SO 1V rius bed blankets, Jesns, alio Clothing, and Boot$ and Shoes, together with cordage (assorted), oolwmrtar, roe iu, block, and niaoy other article sw numerous to mention. We would at the same time inform the furmera and ethers that wn will keep mi hand constantly a good sswrtinent of agricultural implements, hav ing mode arrangements with manufacture in the Host to furnish us with such articles, and we feel conimsni mat we cun rurniali the fanners here on such terms as will be salutfiictory. We have now on the way from New York a lot of Threshers and reapers, to arrive early io ins season. m. c. IJL.MrJ.NT & CO. On jon City, May 2, 1857. To the Farmers XfrE WOULD say, call at our store; w T V will pay you ns well Tor your produce as any oilier huuso la Oregon, and will endeavor to make you reel as comfortable as we pomubly can, m24 CHARMAN d WARNER. SANDS' miiSlPlRILLl. FOR FURLTYING THE BLOOD, AND FOR THE CURE OP Scnfula, Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Enpttaaa, Bhcnmattim, Limr Complaint, Stubborn Slceri, Dyspepsia, Lumbsgo, White Swellings, Hip Disease, Enlargement of the Sons a si Joints, Fever Sores, Bronchitis, Erysipelas, Sail Bhenm, Los f Appetite, Kmplei, Biles, General DsbiSty, AND AS A ' GEJEEAL tonic for the system IT 13 UNRIVALLED SdencetiM nvfr yl explained thiiMloMrlirofllrM tl'.n. We know itnt llir liilletnl TikhI Is Aral converted Ism the SH-ml-llnsrs callril chytnt, and aftrrwanU. bj ad mixture wiih thn billnrv recretlimt and otber AiihK Into chylt, a milky UhH, which. In In jinnee In the veina, tieuomee blood, But Itmo this U eftWted, we km not Now II li evident, that If tH vital tlutil be dleeaiwd ol Inionre, the tnt'rinnfes formed from tt eannol he heAllbjr, and ever? oruan, fll're. and tiwia of the body will be Ih an iniiialiilal state. 'J hla condition of the ayatetn ladevelnped In var,ie formi; loinetimee, outwardly, aa In scrofula and o her ulcerous and eruptive dlseiut: or Inwardly, aa In Mver Complaint, llyencpsia, Rwelilnas, and decay of the llones, it is evident, then, thai a medicine which wlU CLEANSE AND PURIFY the elements or Ilia Mood, will core these deplorable die orders: and practical exwrlence haa established the fact that Pani' b.sksapaim.a la that meeNcine. Uy expel ling tiie very seeds ordlacase, It restore to the stomach It tone; to tho whole (llfcsilvo apparatus, It vigor; and to the blood, Its healthful character. ASTONISH I NO CURE. Copy of a Letter addressed to onr Asests In Chlcajs, IIL euotiiiig Its value In cases ot fever Sore. Mcsira. J. If. ltD A Co. ! Gentlemen. I obtained from your store a bottlo of Casks' rtareaparllla, and was then runlliiMl to my bed, without sleep, for a week, occasions l y a violent pain from a repilar Fover Sore, of long stand lug. on my rif lit Us:. My physlolaus advised me to bav II. o limb ampstated, saying it was the only means likely to preserve uiy life. After using half of the bottle, the pahl betnn to euM.lt, and by lias time I bad need nearly three h'tttles, I was able to transact my regular business, and l,rl,.re I hail nnislicri the Filth bottle, 1 was a well and a sound as ever I had been. I most cheerfully recommend It to all my friends as most Valuable medicine tor la purifkaUun f the blood. Yours, most respoctfullr, JAUE3 MILMEB. Prrpwed and sold VyA.11. Sc D. SANns, Whol. ssla Drncglsta, Ko. luu Fulton-street, corner of William. New York. Kor sale by DEWITT, KITTLE k Co., II. JOHNSON k Co., and IlKDINOTON k Co., San Krarmlaoo: KICK k t'llKFlN. Marysvllle: It. II. McDUNALD is Co.,8a ramento; and by Druggist generally. ROMAN ETE BALSAM. FOll IVFLA1ILD EYELIDS, Tne ileHrate stricture of th eyelid renders It peeatatrre lensltiva anil liable to disease. When, from anjr eanee, II becomes all'ccteil, the Inuor membrane rapid lr IMIsmss, snd tlie eyelid evinces th slronnest prodlspmitien t attract ti Itwir humors from all nsrta of the body. Hus drerls of persons of serofulnns habit are dlsllnred by raw. nc or redness of tlie evcli.ls. enramonlv called ant and lortared with spprelicnslona ef Impaired vlslen, who, by using this Ualsaai, way obtaia almost liumediat lelief BEAD THE roIXOWINO E7IDEHGB. Kiw Toil, Feb, ISth, 18M. . Messrs. Oentlemen. I wa afflicted with dry acs'r ernirtlnn on niv evelkls for fifteen yearn, eommendne vrllh soisll slyeN which irradnally ran tofrether, and troa. hied in. very ranch. Vsriou remedies were resorted to, snd several eminent physician, preeenhsd toe m. I hose. ever received no permanent berMlil amll I iKcrttheKonsn Kve llalsam. The Ant aipllcatio reisned law --jtnassiil ff.'llnc and avinptotna, end tn one week 1 wae entirely cured. It had the aam arod rSed ra enrhif a wind, l whos 1 recommended It for aoee eves, lours, truly, 1I1UAM iVlfllOI.J, iUi Weal tVtb atmL Trepared and told hy A. H. & D. SANDS, Whelr sal lirueeista, Ko. 10U lulton-ltreet, corner of WUIiaat, Hew York. For sale hy TFWtTT. KITTLE A Co.. IT. JOlTHSfrw snd I!KI)1N0T0N st Cv. San Francisco;. BIC " (ryavuie; u. II. aiCUUDAUJ St VO, 60- rauientoj and by Drufjlsts jcnerally. BT Pa. STEELE, of the Oregon City Drug Store, is aieiil for these medicines. jyll What's tho Use of Ooinf Barefoot? Tl I E subscriber has opened a boot and shoe shop in this city, where makinjr and meuding will be done fo order o.n siiokt notics. I also keep constantly on hand ready made boots and shoes, which I will sell on reasonable term. Thankful for post favors, I slill solicit a reasonable share of patronage. Call and try us snvhow. J. B. BLANTIED. Oregon City, Aug. 9, 1956. 17m JUST R K C E a splendid lot of I V E D, CL0T1UXG, BOOTS tf SHOES, and DryGood of nil Descriptions. We can now fill amoaf any bill a farmer may caU lor. Call and . March 14. CHARMAN oWTARSBR. 1 f M ns'i'jr cigsra. 1AJ CHARM A MAN 4 WARNER. SJIAA LBS. naeoried candv. assVVV i HARM AX f WARNER. Tumltore. fpilE subscriber ha just recsls-je X ed a large supply of FUHNI-1 TUUE of dewripUoas. consist. " Ing in part as follows Sufos. inshoguny aud black walout) Chamber et liureaus, with or without marble tops; OlMne desksi locking chsirs, sttiffed In bslr, osrpet, and wilb can aud wood seats) Dining chairs, can end wood sal Office chairs, do de do Children's do, high dining and rockiug) Bedstead's, variuu kiuds Tubles, eenler, card, auddiuiug; Writing desks; Midi boards) I'arlur chair) Hetleeis; Heading, toilet, sad work table) Looking-glasses) Maliressvs, hsir,moss, aud wool; Window shades; Feathers; Paper hangings, of sverr stsbi Oilcloth; Chiui-a mattisui Hsid lamp, and burn lug fluid ; wiih a vanely of ether articles loo numerous to mention. Persuna wishing to psrchss will pleas call sad eiamina fur themselves. All kind of ovanlry produce taken In etohango lor gooa. 1UU3. JUIIAMJ.-M MnnbiS, 1836. 49tf T u ej 70 1 8T RECEIVED UbandblfbblsNOsiigai 30 s. h a amlti 4000 Ks No I China 10 klf bbls Candina rice, 15 " dried apples, 13 kegs 10 hlfbbls pescUs, 100OO lbs Liverpool salt, 10 rases table salt, 60 bbls Santa Cms lirt, SOOU ls manilla rope, aa'd !ies, 100 keg nails, " " 500O qr flour sacks, 6 bales drillings, 15 cases aas'd pie froil, 12 " " pickles, St bundles window sasw, aas'trsisee, 24 panni-l dours, " 5 dot pol. grain scaxip, 100 sacks Rio colTee, 10 mats black pi'pper, 10 bales eakunt, . 100 single and double blocks, aas'd sitae, 6 gross P & M yeast powdes, 10 din tine wash boards, 500 gslsS.I.ayrup, 4000 lb whit lead, pure, 500 - ltd SIM 40 gals copal varnish, 15 doipiist brushes, aas'd siies, 13 ' 3 hooped buckets, 200 gals boiled linseed oil, 100 " raw " 'i Together with a (rood assortment a HAKT. iVAKE and VARPE .ITERS' TOOLS. All of which we propose selling at prices le suit the veiii aiea are lor yourselves. W. V. DE.MKJIT (V CO., IMuin st., opposite the Land Oflice. Oregon City, April 19, 1857. Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES 1'OPE, Ja. RANDS' SarsapaiilU, Peck's Wild Cherry Bit r3 ten, Balemau's drorw, Brandreth's pills, Lee's pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cm- phor, Gum Arabic, Urilieh uil, Lobelia, Hot drop, 3d preparation, Romau eye balsotn, Dalley's pain extractor, Lutidanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Easence, Composition Powders, Carter's rulmonary Ualanm, Sulphur, Epsom Bolt, dee, A .:i m ,o-". 1 . 41JJIII 41, lOJI-ltl Wow Booki ! rPIIE subscriber has just received a larre as. sortment of BOOKS, direct from New York, among wmcn are the following: Alison's Mist, of Europe, American Institution, Lives of the Signers, Babylon and Nineveh, "Deck and Port," "Ship aud Shorn," Minman s do. Democracy in America, "Land and lxe, 'Sea and Sailor," Three Years in Califor. Cye. of Literature, Home Cyclopedia. Egypt and the llolyLnnd Uiieliuu a r am. f hys a. Manual of Fine Arts, Lectures on the Arts, LunlneronSt'm Engine, a.. at. Anc't Monasteries, Choice Uiogrnphy, Travels in Peru, reruvian Antiquities, Choice Eilraets, Polar lterjions, Muhsn's Philosophy, A variety ofroets. aliu copies of Sanders' Spcllr, 500 - Reader., 2.-.0 Mcsjiiffey's do. S50 " Webster's Dictionnries. Davies' Algebra, Newman's Uhstorle, " (senmetry, Days do. " Bonrdon, Parley's Univ. History, " Surveying, Goodrich's Pict. V. S., " Lrgendre, Monteith's Geography, " Anllimelics, "Little Sneaker," Thompson's do. I. American Speaker. ALSO, A Fresh Bwavlv of Statjonerv. Day liovks, journals, Ledirers, Iteuord Uoukft. Memoramlums, of all sizes, Diaries, 4c, Note and Letter Pnper, Envelope, Pens, Ate, &o. Krni r Knives, Erusive Rubber, Gummed Labels, Faber's Pencil, INK, iu quurt and pint bottles. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES POPE, Ja. Oregon City, Angitsl 18, 1B56. ' AuldiOS I WTnii '.:ii c..j .1, r, tvv w hi iiiiu un caueiicisi aasiuriineiit 01 avrcee and Bonnet Silk., Satin, and Vehet.i .l Bonnet Trimmingt, llotitry, Gltmet, Laeti and RMono, Table Cloth, Counterpantt, etc., at the store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Muin-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) where may oe iouua almost tveryinmg is tne Hue or Dry Csoods: Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, IMerimie, neia, Sheetings, Red Ticking, Hickory Stripe, motion willing, etc. Oregon City, April 21, 1857-ltf More New G- o o 4 s, AT CHAHMAN & WABMBHI. TN ADDITION TO OUR UUALSTOCK, JL we have just received, direct tresis owe Jt rajs-- eisce, a good and suitable aupply ef Goods for thit Season of the Year, which we otter for sale at prices which cannot be beat in this market. Our stock consists ia pari ef 400 lbs sal soda, 50 boxes English soap, 50 " Chus. Hill's soap, 90 dox corn starch, SO cueee p'e fruil, 15 " pickles, 8 dos honey, 8 M lobrtfw, 12 M oysters, SO hlf bbbi N O sugar, 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup, 10 hlf bbls dried apples, 8 rils mackerel, 3000 lbs stick candy, 500 " thncy do. 1 case Gailipisbor toy, 1 " German toy, 400 lb almonds, 12 hlf boxes raisins, 6 whole boxes da. 48 prs good Mackinaw blankets, 2000 yds brown sheeting, 2000 calico, Boots and shoes of every deacriptiea. The above, with our usual aasorlnvsut, w think renders our stock eomplele. Call aud see as. Terms cash. CHARM AN WARNER. December 20, 1857. JUST RECEIVED, al the Oregon Chy Drag Store, direct from New York and Ban Fran- oisco, a large assortment of Brtipt, Chemicals, Patent and Family Medicines, aR of which will be sold aa low or lower than Ihev can be had at any other place in the Territory. ' Country merchants will fiad it to Iheir interest t boy here instead ef Portland. Call sni eee Prfs Cly, Hay 9, 1MT, i mm ztrra .zxemr ooods. rpHE undersigned lake this method of Inform Ing the publie that they have taken the house and have purchased tho en lira slock aud Allures lormerly used by t . It. UUbUMl, and hope by strict attention to business le retain the pelnuiaif of the old customers aud gain as many more as possible. w ere eonstsniiy in receipt 01 uuuua seivct. I sd wilts the grraissrl cure, (a Is pr.ee and quality,) and ars Cuiifi.lenl that our facilities will snablu u to oA'er greater inducement to all who want the worth of llielr money than any oilier house in tho city. We have, and are j usl ret eiving, au invoice uf DRV GOODS, consisting In part of the following article Cneh co, Pacific, liadlcy, Oiueslegii, Philip All. n, Kail Itiser, Merrimsn, and numerous other I'I'IMTS, all late style Litglshand rrench mernios, Ly ons ckilh; black, blue, purple, and pink alpuca, jaconet, book, and Swiss muslin, a flue assortment of laces and edging, velvet liinnniiiifs, ate., do nn-stio giugliams, blue, nnsed, and gray wiliuet. sheep's grey sd fmiey elmh, Mil ord aud Hunker IIHI jeans, oieaclia aud brown sheeting, brown and blue arming, denims, hickory shirling, black velvet, also a line lot or plant dress gouds, lira carpel, tVc, Ac. MEXtr BOYS' CLOTHING. Bloe, black, and browi cloth coals of llie finest quality, tweed business de. black cloth veals, finu l of bia UoesS n aud axlnist punts, all qunlitie snd sius, rubker Juckets, gnty aver and undor hirt, white and h ckory skins, liuls and csp. BOOTS and 8 II O E 8-men's, bovs'aud yoeths bout, Indies', misses , and childi eu's nio rucessgoat, M, and calf boots aud shoes. GROCERIES: Rio coffee, greca and black tea, New Orleans, listeria, ami vrushed sugar, Lust lloeton, blew art's, and Chiau syrup, salt. 10 aud 80 lb, sitoka, nails, assorted sites, scip and snap powders, pow der nnd lead, cream turtar, yeast powder, salera his, chewing add annaing tobacco, oysters, prunes, pepper aaave, oils, spice, starch, and cnltnii but ting, w.lli a variety uf other groceries usually kept. W have also a Splendid Assortment of Books, lu part as follows: Washington tV his lien. MeKeiuie's Receipts, emit, Relioiou Uucyclouedis. Napoleon V hi marsh'ts, Oibl lli.tury, Ksllins Ancient History, bkcU-besand bkeleteas in 4 vola, ef sermons, Border Wars, Wickliaru'e School Reg- Life on the Plains, isler, Frontier Life, Dick WiU Stevens' bookof the oarm, sob, United Hlulea' History, Fruit Culture, Natural History, Parley's Ueogruphy, Sloddunl's Mcutul arilh. Towers' algebrn, Thompson's high school and mental arilhuietics, Webster's aud Kanders' new series school books, Webster's tsrge family Dictionary, Land Measure, American Debater, Mapping plales, Ksilrwid and Itoads. Teaching, r uller n ork, rrncliral 1-andscap Uurdeniuff, lls.tliund o" Ureal Men, A rchbishop, Mercantile Morale, Vomit, horse aud cattle Jrviu's cyHipedia of moral aud religions anecdidea, Mechanic's compnnion, duct or, Smart agricultural works, Uibles.of all axes, ) itb musy other valuable books. ALSO PRESTON'S MAP OF ORKUON and WASH INGTON. A Freeh Supply 0 Stationery : Dav-Buok nnd Journals. Memorandums of all sites, uote, letter, cap, aud bill puper, envelopes, pens and pencils, slates, writing hsulta, ic. U'm. DIISUUOKH' dt Co. P. S. GOODS exchanged and the highest market price paid for buller, tee, bacon, cluck- ens, flour, aud almost anything the farmer ha for tie. ill. V. & LU. Oregon City, October 4, 185G. y Ureal ludiiswiiiciits. TIIE PROPRIETOR OF THE FRENCH STORE in tliis city, take this method to invite the publio to enil aud examine his stock of G OO 1)8, He ha now on huml, mh will contintie to receive by almost every Meainev, a line Hnorlment ol the best quolrty of eouds, which he is determined to ell ns cheap as anybody else, if nut a liltl cbenner. 1 The Lndl", In Paiilrnliir, are retjuested to eutne where Ihey will find the best and LATEST FASHIONS of Dress Goods, of every description. He tins, and is constantly receiving, DRY GOODS, consietini: in part of tho following articles Cocheco, Pacific, Hndley, Conesleeu, Philip Allen, rail River, Merriiiiacund numerous other PRINTS, nil lute styles; English aud , French inerinos, Lyons clnlb; black, blue, purp'e, and pink nlpacns, junitiel, bok and Swiss iiiusliu, a Hue assortment uf laces ami edging, velvet trim, iugs. die, dnmeslie siiirrliuma, blue, mixed, and gray satinet, sheep's grey end fancy cloth, Milford and Hunker Hill jt-aus, bteuehed and brown aheet ing, brown uisd blue drilling, denims, hickory shirt ing, black velvnl, alwn line lut of plu.ddrtss goods, mussel cairpei, dec., sve. fffi-ii & Boy's Clwllihig. Blue, black, and brown elnlh coals of llie tint s! imlily, tweed bus iievs do., black cloth vests, u tine lot of blk dimkiu and sutiuet puuts, all quulincs and sies,rubberjackela.gruy over and uuder shirU, wane and ineRory slims, hats mi l cuiw. . HOOTS 4. SUOIC-j men's, b,ys and youths' ot , imaars ,auu eillluiea. IlluruCCO, gOUli I aua t'" 0"" l,a snoes. It is no trouble to stiow sonde, ami he will al. i ..,. . , , . Wa!.b b,W 10 '""""""". whether they purchase or not. EUGENE La FOREST. Oregon City, Dec. 6, IHjti. 34m7 IMPORTANT To Northern California & Oregon. mrllT VPDPtl a UTa l -r. r, nnnn - SAN FRANCISCO, will find it to their advantage to Call, Examine, and Purchase from the immense stock of HUGHES & WALLACE, . (IU.'i it 107 SACsins.no st.,) comprising- every rmnliiy, dcecrintion. and varittv ut asuuus in uirir flue Ul uurdllfla. i ' 1. "... .1 :... .. ? I... ' livones k wsluci, kite Omit, Lheni, iieonrs stuaci, Utcet, Jbmbroideritt, iicohks a WMxaca, - MitlinervQoodo. uuoiic a wUce, Fumuhinr Goodt. Htoiie a siiuoi, Horiery, G lor to, buuhe a wat,ics, Combo, Brorhtt, t buoiiis . waLUca, Yon.ee Notions, sj-c, huohks a wsluci, Perfumery, Cutlery, livoucs 4 wsllsoc, French Fancy Goods, huoiies 4 waLLACf, Oermon Fancy Goods, iiuoiiks 4 WAlxacs, Agents Clark's Cotton, Huaute 4 WAi.utca, ' Marshall's Threads. 105 i 107 Sacramento et.S.F. N. B. Our immense and well-assorted stock is of our own direct imrlalion. je?7m.i 11UUHK8& WALLACE. Central Produce Depot. CANEMAU. CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, wheal, oats, baoon, lard, butter and potatoes. AP"'''a7. JOHN P. BROOKS. Irein JUST received, the following sizes: I I, I. round. ljlfv, 2ii-i!ix. 113-10 -.'x-3x, 1250 lbs Norway shoe iron. APfil G. A KERN ETIIY It CO. W. P. Bonn. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OIEGON CITY, O. T. ID" Strict attention paid to repairing, and tali, faction to palrona warranted. feb9-43 G.ILT MOCLDING for picture frame, for s' hy CHAR MAN V WARNER JUST RECEIVED, a new supply of Rie aoj Java CofTee, Rice, Surer, Sal Soda. 4e. r'4 C. POPE, Jr., Main sv i U. & MAIL Xaiwn Ortpon City and Portland Daily -Ttiiiilt oi.rk ' WI'y.(8n.1.y.:cUdTte;iM named Irada. lea.i.-il rX hs iba,. Between Portland and Ottnni '.-. qiHE new slern-wheel ateanur 1 ts X P R e a s7 J- Wm. Isviao .Master, will run betw.Tr r,.? . iBTina, mailer, ws run betws.. , and Or..... fl, j-:i.. "w,ea PertlsU i.. pouplaXl CITY at 4 r. w. ' Mi GN ""rn. VT. B. MAIL LINE I'oriimid and Aslorl. The Spten.li.l Simmer .,1"'' Mnltbomsk VMl w.leav..,e Ponland on Monday and Th!12. mnniing. of each week fur Astorii i and a2T for Portland on Tunsluy and Kil.1.- i st, dec., each way Fo, hg? spply to R. HOY'P, AlaaW' , H8 Ort"oyt'Wh.,f-bJWi;' XTow ArranremcBfai. TT I HAVE bought out th. BAKERY eia.'bU nnnlof ftW... W.r.er, ,1 ?' ow opened under the most fayon,hl. . LI? stances lu all old palrona, aud ,, Bt9 , as may ch.s. Io give me a call. My shop til be well supplied with ' ' wu" Bread, Cakn, Pie,, Craekert, Rut, diet, Rai,iM, Pig,, Cigan, Ton. and almost every other variety of l!.v t.' yet invented by Yankee ingeuulty ,r -l? will be allorded . . ' aT TIB LOWEST POSS1BI.R BATES t I I' shall oeiensionully receive biimJ'.. u ' tropical latitude, wasicli will be duly anaooaeaT upon arrival, All are invited to give me a eallT VI, Vhl?niiiri, . l, Oregon City, April 23, 18S7. , 1 1 JUST RECEIVED at the Orejoo City tZ Store, direct from New Vsrk and 8rn Wuf mco, a fresh supply of DRVQS, NEDIClNBi Patent Medicine., Family Medicine, c, A.' which fill ie told e low favcttk raeJiT procured in Iht Territory. Call and esainlae yourselves, and get an Almanac for 1857, grata. JAYXE'S Alterative, Especterant, sad tU Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, and 8weel Oiliat the OUEUON ClTy DIIUB sTbp MEXICAN Mustang Linimeui. U. W. Uae. ckaut's Garbling Oil, at th UIM5GU.N t Try DRUG STORE. TRUXSKS, right and lett and dwbls, sari At-' dceainal siipporlent, al thv QKEGONcrry druostorr . PUItE While Lead, raw snd burned Umber Crome, (Jreen snd Yellow, snd other natal at the OREGON CITY DRUG8TOkit.7 PSRFUMKRY.nt the ' - -T OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. ' RAEFKNUERO MEDICINES: T'. Graefenberg Sarrapurilla, U(eriu.Calbolle " Dyaenlery yrup, eontaauatinr balm, " Pile Ointmest, 'A' " Ileulth Diners, " Eye Lotion, ie., Jr. " " io oe touna at me ngencv or the Uompsirr, at the vitcuvu ui I VIIUUSTUKK. ( HAYMAN'S D-apepiie Elixir warranted by cure the dyspepaia just received and far aule at the 0REV9N CITY DRUG STORE. DR. Gnysott's omiound extract of Sartipsrilut und Yellow Dock, as the a ;j. eplj OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, i . 0 LD Dr, Jnuob Townaeiid' Sarsnpatllla,' e the UllfcUO.N CITY DRUG STORE. DU.J.Ayrea' celebiateil Cherry Pectoral lei coughs, colli, and coanimmlion, at Ih ,' ; OREGON CITY DRUG STORE.n s. McLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge aad Lives Pills, OREGON CITY DRUG STOR1L DU. Tjwi)eniySamii).ir,llar the ' ' ' OREGON CITY DUG STORK. PERUVIAN Fehriruge. fcayihe enre of ftnt ;t asd itire. Sic, Ve , insl reesived and fortale , at the s OREUON CITY OHI O STORK.- Ilarm-M .llakvr k Sadiller c , THE subscriber has bouclil ont the establish-; meM fni inerly owned by A. K. PoU. assal is now carrying ou thei4iYiVS9wi9ili;a7iia. f Vliuiia an in nil its brnnebssi Ills LIVEUli ST AIHJ: belouttiiig l the estaUiahawal, k) skat -kept up, where hnraesand eurriatjeaiire eonsasaliy k pl fo IheticcouimoiUlioii of the puhtie. llersrS h-lt al my stubln, w.ll aiu-ays b treated with ear. ; licula alleniiim, nnd well fed. 1 have been coa '' necied wiih tbi esiablishnient forsoine IbnrysanVi nnd am now periiinnenilv bicated, where I skaN ak; ways be hupjiy tu wuit un all who msy fsror ne wiih a call. W. It. PARTLOW. The best of TIMOTHY HAY kept eusstsai ly ou hand. " f Oregon Cily. Oct. 18, 1956-27.. ' Cuiiciiiilli, April 11, 183T, fXti band nml for sale, low, for cash er prodse V Pamts Jt lead, chrome green, prussiau blue chrome yellow, whito lead, red do ia oil, blk. do " lilhnrsre. blue paint, ! l' Common and permanent preen petty,frTaa JNO. P. BKOOIW."1 fee. JONAS G. CLARK dr. CO, Furnilurt Ware-Roams, 28 Wathinjtn Strut ' SAN FRANCISCO, ' 1 And 49 and 51 Fourth it., lelween J sad f Sts SACRAMENTO, , n . Importers, Mannfactnrert, . i Wbolesul ic Retail DEALERS I.N EVEKT DtSCBlPTIO!! ef-"" FURNirUSE & BEDDlU'ff, i Have now in Store th usesartTos and most cnmiil. te assortineut of JWCIf ' and BEAUTIFUL FURNlTVMi ? ever ottered ia this Stale, consisting ia paitef-J'' Fine Rosewood, Walnut and Mahoyatf Parlor and Chamber Sets; Sofat, Ottomans, Lounges, and Easy ... , s Chairs, Bureaux, Whatnots, Mirrors of all sizes ; ' ' OFFICE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE In great variety. 1 tW We are now maunfactnrina from ear na tive woods, also from walnut and rosewood, . of our finest furniture, and can produce sa rtile ; superior for ttrcneth, dnrsb'lity and beaalys i anything imported from the East. W hav rnnatanllv ns hand aad ale hi ISfSlaf receipt of full and eomplele Invoice ef adapted Io the Interior and coast trade. ' ' f ' , fJT TO WHOLESALE DEALER would say, your orders will receive, as tormrnft onr careful and prompt attention. spr25r) Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES JW. SUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tc. Bvrsf. Clu-, Starch, Saleratns, C:M Tartsi, Sal 8 Carb. Soda, Pepper, We. Alask Boras, Cf pera. etc. Aneail. 18j7f Kartlwar FOR SALK BY CHARLES POPE, at ' BRASS aad horn Butts, Setwsja. Lswk" LaAdiM, Hamotsrs aad Hsass. DrawioB-kniv, Uandaswa, Carry Cast", Bnishaa aad Card. Co Lacks. Ga Cs, wawt Cards, Chaal Baadless. IU. aV . : SHAKER Sstaaparilr. at tfa Lli o'clock, . : it.iu;,,h ;:nT.,V7 I r. a, touching . at for freight or p.g. .,,p, Q1W- (