The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, January 02, 1858, Image 2

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    hi shall U iliuir Racial intliluiioii,
Thlt it the preal fundamental principle of
the act ofCungrest orjjmiiiinj that 'JVrriio
rv, aftirnicd by the Supreme Court of the
L'uiied .State, and accordance with
(he view uniformly expressed by mo
throughout my public caieer. I cmitem-
Iilste a peaceful settlement of this question
iy in appeal to iho Intelligence and pairi
oiiini ollho whole ponpl of Kniitn. who
should ill participate, freely ouil fully, in
Jilt decision, and by ninjority of hoo
volet the determination must be innde, in
the only proper and ciiiitu'ional tnodoof
In hit Inaugural, tlia Governor took ihe
am broad position thiit tho constitution,
ot at a part, but at an entirety, must ba
submitted to a full and Mr vote of all the
people. In hit speech at Toprka, on tho
Oth of J uiip, ho reiterated thlt position ttill
nioro strongly, and repeated tlio same at
Big 'Spring". Corretjiondeuce of the St.
Louit Republican. '
)t rcgou Clrguo.
w. u shams, toiTua txu raorniiiioa.
(9 U. W. Casui it eulhwid to da aity bus.
iocs couiKcleJ with llit Argus Office during my
.absence. . W. L. ADAMS.
Hansat. '
The Constitutional Convention of Kan
sas'' has completed tit labors anil adjourned.
The pcoplu nro not to ba allowed to vote
against the constitution. An flection was
to be held on tho 21st December, when lilt
people were to bo asked, "Constitution
with slavery, orConstiiution without tluv
ry." Tho Constitution makes provision
that if the pcop'o rrject slavery, lhoe now
holding slaves in Kansas shull be forever
secure iu their lights, and neither the Le
gislature nor people are permitted ever to
ibolieh it, or " rn:il-? any change in the
constitution which bhall iifiVct the tight of
- property iu the owuerl.ip of slave." The
. power hitherto vested in the Governor to
receive and canvass the vote of tho people,
is taken from him, and lodged in John
Calhoun, the President of tho Convcatiuu.
Me it to appoint Connty Commissioners,
who are to appoint judges of the election,
'which judges nro to appoint their clerks.
The probability is, that few Free State
men will feel willing to vote, when they
are compelled to swallow the constitution,
obnoxious ns it well ctuld be, if they vote
. at all. In this cuso, of course, the " Can
atitutiou with slavery" will ba adopted.
But, if by any possible exigency, the veto
should go for the "Constitution without
slavery," Governor Walker is out of the
way, and under John Calhoun's purely
black dumoornlio arrangements, any freo
State minority can ba easily swamped by
such fraudulent election returns as were
brought in from Johnson, and other coun
ties.' It is said that tho Administration
Cabinet it already committed in fuvor of
' the admission by Congress of Kansas un-
der tho Constitution. - Such villainy as
has been perpetrated by the " Kulionul
Democracy" towards tho people of Kansas,
has hardly a parallel in the history of iho
blackest despotism, and yet we find ilia
loco foes editors upholding it. . The Mes
senger lately denounced Gov. Walker for
rejecting the fraudulent returns'. ' Tho
.New York Day Doofc, with many oilier
black democratic papers, called loudly fur
his removal, whilo tho sniveling, lecherous
i scoundrel of. Czupkuy' Organ . deplored
the "result iu Kansas," when the news
came that ," freo Slute" hud triumphed,
over the most villainous plotting and in
trigue of border ruffianism. The man who
for party purposes is willing to seo a peo
ple robbed of their dearest rights, by thso
who hold tho scepter of power in spilo of
the people, would be willing to see tho
Cupitol bltuo by the incendiary's torch,
and the Constitution pitched into a sewer,
provided ho coi.Kl see some chance of
squeezing his nrm into the United States'
Treasury.' Kansas, with a pro-slavery con
stitution, and all the necessary machinery
of Legislation, for crushing out tho liberty
of Rpench, and of the press, will present a
fine specimen of the legitimate workings
of black democracy. Our Cabinets seem
to ba controlled by fire-eaters, our Judicia
ry is fast turning into a pelitical machine,
and things aro fast drifting towards either a
change of policy, or a revolution. When
the legislative, executive, and judicial de
partments of the government are turned
iinlo engines of oppression, and retain their
power over the people by ballot-box slulT
jog, there remains nothing left under a re
publican government but a legitimate up
Leaving of the sovereign masses, who are
.superior to all these departments, and
ven alt conventional compacts. - 1
The last Standard announces that
its past editor, Mr. Lelnnd, is to be suc
ceeded by Mr. O'Meara, recently trom Cali
fornia. The Standard, we believe, has a
larger circulation at present than any other
Jeniocratio paper in the Territory, whilo its
usual tone has been more like that mode
rate kind of journals which generally find
little favor among Oregon democracy, while
the ability that ha characterized it, though
presenting nothing striking, has been more
than a match for any of the clique organs,
nd its continual appeals in behalf of the
people's rights as against caucus sovereign
ly, a taught by the Salem factiao, has
tnsde slow but constant in reads upon this
black tockad federal wing ef the black
democracy, and caused tbf m an iaitntnse
amount of uneasiness. What will be il
churae'er under the management of its now
editor remains of courxo in the future, al
though Mr. Le'and asturet us that the" it
no doubt at all but lie it M perfectly aound
and reliable" on the miiU-aucut-eoweign
wing of the goose. Well, wa shall aee.
(KTThe Standard h-arii fiom a "Soft"
who leoked through a knot hole, that the
follow ing named persons aro select
tJ fur State officer : Governor Quartor
Mailer General Drew, of Salem. ' Se.Teta
ry of Stale Lucien Meath, of Polk. State
Treasurer C. N. Terry, of Salem. Chief
Justice It. I'. H'rise, of Polk. Suite Print
er Czapkey' agent, of Salem. Senators
M. P. IVa'ly of Douglas, and Deluzon of
Linn. For Congress L. F. Grover, of
01 the tight officers, just half of thfBi
reside iu Salem ; and Boise will be to
lundy i hat the clique can get up quorum
at most any hour of the nighl.
03" Tho Jacksonville Herald toys' that
P. II Murplo of Coos, known us Judge
Williams' partner in tho convention, ha
been detected iu compounding a felony wi'h
one Dodge, who was indicted for grand lar
ceny. Marple wa ol.o proed to Lave
uitcdin secreting a wiinrss iu the case.
Ho ha been suspended from practice nt
I he bar, and will huvo his iiuiiie blutled
fruit) the attorney' list at the next term of
. CT Dr. ileury is out almost weekly in
tho Standard, taking a hand in tho family
quarrel among the unwashed.: ilo calls
JJibben a " mercaary hireling," " toady,'?
Ac aud threatens lo reveal some .terrible
thing which he mw with I.U own eye
whi'e ho was in the employ of Capt. 1 1 .-J-gos
on I ho Reservation. The Doctor used
tu be entitled te some credit for veracity
when he was a Whig, nnd if. be Las not
became corrupted by his late company,
we shall bo inclined to believe him. -
, OCT The lal Staiidurd is out in favor of
a new organisation of the democracy in
Oregon, but seem puzzled to know how lo
get at it. It says "The masses of the
people wish it to be done. . Upon whom
then devolves the duty to suggest the plan!"
If the Standard will not think us selfish
in moving in behnlf of Clackamas, we beg
leave tenuuiiaato A. I''. Wail as chairman
of iho committee f Sofu, to call a csuvea
lion lo run Col. Kelh'y for Congress,
CO" The Enterprise, iu coming down
through the Kock . Island chuaual last
Thursday, was struck by a squall of wind,
which tlruvo her ngninst a rock, knocking
a hole in her, anal precipitating one man,
with considerable freight, overboard. No
lives were lost, mMieugh these en beard
seemed to think I hey were just about to
chango worlds. Ry means of a flat, the
steamer was soon lightened unti brought
down safely.' Her bulk-kruds saved her.
For tin Argut.
Komtlblnc aboil lUt lUAtl. . f
Mr. Editor It appears to bo tho par.
ticular province ef some uieu to fiud fault
with the motives and actions of others; and
the locating and laying out of roads is a
matter. which gives rise lo as much neigh
borhood strife and illfceling as any oilier.
Tlio laying out of iho Territorial road
from Oregon City lo the Chehaleiu Gap is
n fruitful source of complaint forsomo who
weru not fortunate enough lo be located on
or near thu township line where the petition
contemplated the read should bo luid,
ll Is a notorious fact that tho prime
mover of (he , opposition has spared no
pains in misrepresenting tho fact concern
ing nil the roads thai have been called for,
running west from tlio Fulls, in tho direc
tion of Lafayette. ' '
It is very natural forsomo peoplo to look
with displeasure at ull neighborhood con
veniences that do not occommndnte self,
nnd especially where they can show ttouio
of their animal spite, oven if in so doing
they injure themselves aud the public
geuerttlly, . . ;
The road undar consideration i a noted
case in point. ' Kver since he Ins been a
resident ef Oregon he has been bothering
the Commissioners uboul the roads.
To force the roads us he wanted ihcm,
he has hud himself appointed supervisor,
and marked the roads so as to best suit his
own purpose, and ufter their buiug opened
has fenced them up. ,
And new that the boat has left him en
tirely, he is driven te all maner of pre
texts lo cover up hi selfishness, aud justify
his malicious conduct.
Ilo meditates a visit lo Salem, to lay his
motion) before the Legislature. It would
be well for the members ol Clackamas to
ba ou the look out for tho imposition in
store for them. . r.
gilT To a disinterested person, w-ho is
acquainted with the circumstances of (hose
roads, it would be a matter of suprise thai
any person could be found who would be
w illingtoask the legislature to stultify itself
by tindain one of the best things it did last
winter. Wo gave our Clackamas repre
sentatives much credit at the time, for l hat
Territorial road from thiseity to ike heart
of Yamhill ; the only road, worthy of the
name, we have ever had in that direction
It is at least two or three miles nearer, and
as much as four miles better than the old
road through the Tualatin Canyon, over
almost impasable gulches, that never have
been worked of account, and perhaps nev
er would b ; besides subjecting tbt travel
ing publio to the expense and idcoovenicacs
of ferrying ilia Tualatin in whiter, in addi
tion lo the Willamette. The Hew road
eromr the Willamette about tho mouth of
Tualatin, where Dutch Pete list good
beat, and orote team for fifty cent
each. We have " traveled that country
all over" ulTand en fur lliu Inst nine year,
and have often wished that Oregon City
might bo made ccible to Yamhill by
meant ofa route where n man could haul
an empty wagon with safely at h;nt.
Tho history of our breakdowns on iho old
"infernal road" i familiar to thoso who
havo read the paper. Thu Legislative
bodie are always acting within I lie line of
their duty when tbey refer these little rond
difficulties back lo the County Commission
er' Courts, which nre fully empowered by
law to settle them, and which, being lo
cated in the vioiniiy of the petitioners, and
knowing nil tho circumstances, will be
most likely lo make a fair decision.
(CT On ouroutaido will b found on In
teresting letter lo the N. Y. Tribune by its
special correspondent, which that estab
lishment ha sent out with the nrriy en
route for Salt Lake. Tho letter coMtVin
the latest and fullest Mormof. news. ' '
OT We see by iho lilleuniul Harbin
ger, that W.T. Haley (now of Mounmulh
University,) procured nearly five hundred
subsciitr-rs for that pnbtieaiiun, without
iho hope of reward. lie U no doubt n
excellent solicitor, but we believe that our
fiiend Vundervort, of Lnao county, could
liav fiillaaedin lusiracks, getting ns many
more suUcriecrs, and seljisg a 1'irH rate
fanniugmill lo every other farmer on the
rood. f w had half as many Yanderverta
a the Advocate has circuit riders, solicit
ing for us, we should soon have a circula
tisu nearly equal tu the N. Y. Tribune.
pgr On the .st puge of this week
paper will be found a letter detailing the
massacre of live hundred U. S. troops on
the Plains, by Indians.' The account rests
cutirely en Indian reports, and is no doubt
grossly exaggerated. It probably
from the slanghier of a small detachment
of troops; as five hundred U.S. aoldiers
nre pot to be exterminated by linliun, as
this reperl states. '
Umpqua County, O.T., Dec. 13, 1957,.
Mr. ISdjtor The following question has
puzzled several persons in this vicinity, viz:
" A llirmer wisoes to hire (he digging of
one hundred rod of ditch, for which he is
willing to pny one hundred u'oHar.s. He
employs two men lo do the woik, loone of
whom he agrees lo give one dollar nnd
lweny-five cents per rod, nnd the other
seventy-five cents per rod. What pari of
the work roust each man do to get an equal
share of the money."
By the statement it will be seen, the
farmer pays twe dullars for digging twn
rods of ditch. ' Now will some of the " Ar
gus" readers figure il out,' nnd give us
the result in the ' Argus," or if it cannot
b". ifone, tell us why I k.
HUM Electta). i . . . .
Minnesota. We have St. Paul papers
of tho 3d inst. The Pioneer and Dnmocrot
claim to have heard from the Pembina
regon, and report seven hundred, mnjoiiiy
ihere for Sibley, electing him Governor by
200 majority. It claims also 3 majerity
in l l:a Senate and 0 in thu House. The
Times says there cannot be 190 legal
voters in tho Pembina region. ' Thut does
not prove, however, that a return may not
be sent thence giving Sibley seven hun
dred majority. Sibley will gel the certifi.
cute." " '"
Maryland. Complete returns of tho
Stale Election havo been received.' The
vote for Governor was 41,701 fur I licks,
(Am.), and 30,197 for Groomc, (Dom.),
making Hicks' majority 8,5G7. The Sen
ate will be composed of 15 Americans and
7 Democrats, and the Home of 4 t Ameri
cans nnd 29 Democrats. Three Americans
and three Democrats are elected to Con
gress. ' 1 '
Georgia. Tho State election is a per
fect Democratic triumph.' Toombs is re
elected Senator; Watkin-t Secretary of
State ; Tweat Controller j Trippa Treas
urer; Green, Surveyor , General ; nnd
Lumpkin, Judge ot the Supiema Court.
The official majority of Governor Drown is
10,072. ' ' ; ; ' ;; ' 7 ' '
Iowa. All ihe counties in Iowa have
been heard from, except two small ones,
and the Republican majority ia 2,956.
Poth branches ef tho Legislature are Re
publicanthe Senate standing Republican
Democratic 14 ; House, Republican il,
Democratic 30. This secures the election
ofa Republican United States Senator, to
fill the place of Geu. June. ' ' '
Onto. In the Legislature thu Demo
cratic majority in the Senate is 7, in the
House 18.
New York. The democrats have car
ried the State by majorities ranging from
13,000 to 20,000. ; . ' ,
A Ktw Cbabtut Campaign is Eur,.
land. A Chartist Conference, at which
Mr. John Frost ia to be asked to preside
is about to assemble in London, fur the
discussion of the reform bill, and the or
ganization of measures for opening new
Chartist campaign. '
Post Masters Responsible. The Post
Master General has recently decided, that if
the post masters do not give publishers of
newspaper notice when their paper re
main in the post office without being ta
ke out by the tubscribers witbin five
weeks, they are iiable for the pay I
(In frieuds ami patron of T" A noes all 1 ,
Tin I'rinter'a Devil makes bit suuual cat), ,
To wish ou lirallh. and tvtry nrlhly joy ,r ,'
Thut oau ba tliou(lit of by a Carrier Hoy, . -To
lung eslubl thej outni too I yield, '
Ami. mounted on I'egaiius, take Ilia fmld,
Oft lro.1 by poeli who hav left a name
Uf best 4 iniireon' on the scroll of fame
For KMllika limner waa I'egaMit Ibaled, !
And mail junt Mow ba gelling nillier old,
With windfalls ou hi leg uml here and Ihere
Such other murks a show him ' worn for Wear.'
When Homer pressed hi back, thlt noble Heed -llur
elf Ilia prw trum all tin eijuina breed, -Anil
god were pleiutd upoetslor of the fight, .
Aswiftrr than Jove's bolls he took hi ll glit
l-'riiiii old 1'arnaiMw' lp, o'er golden plain,
When pxllik lloinrr held tho flowing lain.
When llnmerdied, Pegami Wa ccill, ' '
Fiery and mettlesome and, If no doll 1 '
Or rhvniiiiff at, who thought liim-if juapiml
lly llmt w ill which old llonVi bread wuilired,
Had ever dared lo nioiuit ';, ,acruj l,.ick,
Ami nir hlin over sc. ,,le uiibeateu truck,
Where unlit but rtonkeyn coald iu safely go,
He'd lw Ilia trr(J IS WIU lonj year ago.
Urdenflliiion, and SliuU-p.-uie rod him well,
And Ify rou spurred litiu lo Ihe gate of brll -'
Vud twek gaiu, and never uiadv hiio pant,
Wbile Uiirus, and Monro, and uhitcmphio Dante,
Allelic y, CruMie, and llogera tried hi bottom,
Willi (Wian,Cuinpbe!l,oiid (but I've forgut 'in)
A hot of dtlien, puels much renowned,
Who left lilm a they found hini, hale and tnnnd.
Poor Wullcr Bcoil, who tlr ught ha fell the Or
Of poeHy, when Munition iu hi lie . up lira heie ot the Floddeu Field,'
And, mnuuled ou hi leiriK-.wilh iword andaliield,
Cuvorted roiind'iu nonu but knights can do ;
rk-ott tlioiiflil that he mint ride a little toft. ; '
The liubbliug poet lOuiinted Hoiner'a coll,
Aud durted after Marmiun like a bolt ' '. , . ,
From Jove's at lillery ; on the heroes rode, ' . 1
Thro' liauuled castles, rocks besmesr'd with blood,
And graveyard in arming with hobgoblin red, ,
Witches, and ghosts of all the murdered dead, '
Caverns and crater ventilating hell,
Till poor worn out Pegasus reeled and felt, school
Nesl nielli-capped Wordsworth, founder of the
Of poetry called ' Lake' fil t-liOuld ba Pool), t
Jumped ou his back, and puvhed him on hi knee
Through tun)- pulehes, tern, aud dwarfish trees.
Making ' Kxcursiuiis'ufler ' Unity Foy,
The idiot mother tt an idiiH boy'; -From
lowly object waking rhyminjr themes,
Aud, wautiug better, versifying dreums.
I know the world of critic to llic-e men ., ,
Awuid true grniua and a povt's peu :
Gi-niue of courxo I shan't dispute they had,
Out, in my humble eyes, ii eerie uvu bad, '
Alaa! ulus! why should I pause to paint : ' ' '
Poor (jruhume, luuou-sti uck, canting, puling saint,
With thrice three hnndi-ud other rhyming nieu,
Who.tliiuking they could soar wherrlloiner'd been,.
Qestrodo Pegasus, uud, with spur and whip,
Took for their por t-motto1 Let r rip.'
Knough ! Pegusus on this glorious mora
Is rode by one who was a net born.
The rider up, ho feels the youthful tire . !
That thrilled his nerves er yet (he fuu'iut pyre
Of him of Scio'a rocky ialu was reared,
And show lo-duy just a ho tlicn appeured j
lie's conscious full as you or I could be
lie's saddled up lo tuke a New Year's spree,
Aud, with Tub Ana us' Devil on lii back, . ;
I'm auru he'll ucver pant, or 'lly the track.' - i
All hail ! kiudfiieinl.VundfuesJbolh small and great,
Hull to tho new-born year of Fiftv-Kiuiit !
What ahull bo born of it, nobody kuowt;
Thr Aaous will announce iti weekly throes,
And will a true ami fuilhful record keep
Of what (nuirplrea ou land, aud oa tht deep. !
Uod grant thaiile revolving mooiia may being . ;
Mueh leaa to paiu the heart, fur kaa to Ming,
Than what I lie yeur thal'adeud and gone has doue
To every child ot wo beneaih the auu. '
Ah I who of us but what has felt his heart
Oil throb and bleed, as though a cruel durl '
Hud pierced it through, whs a in Ihe depth of wo
We've writh'd beiieulli some pence destroying blow?
Perhaps thy careless baud hath dealt thoatruke,
Which some confiding heart hath well nigh broke :
Perhups Ihine ads h uve not been just and true
To oihem, as you'd wish them towurd you. '
If such Ihe case, bust been Ihe cause .
Of uecdless siiC'eriug, and of ueedless woe. ;
Ilesolve henceforth that, through the coniiug year,
Thy hand idiall justice deal, thy voice bhall cheer
The drooping heart with sorrow overborne,
.-I ud none shall wantonly be made In inourn.
Think not by this that you must fail to chide
The wrong, or with love's mantle ever hido .
Tho Boreoress of vice, wherever seeu, , ..,
In splendid palace, or iu collage in-un. .
True charily rejoice not in wrong;
It loathes it, lashes it with pea nnd tongue,
And scorns the wretch who bends Ihe pliant knee,
To do il servile homage, to that he '
May thrive by fuwuing,' while Un honest man
Opposes it iu every way he can. ; : : I '
To plead for iruth, and udvocutc the right,-Bc-pciik
a noble soul, iu such us fi'ht
.-Igaiust a fearful odds, when whiter fame, '
Ni-r wealth, norease, nor other sordid gain,
Holds out its lure lo him who plods along ' : '
The uirrew way, shunned by the mighty throug,
Who walk by sight, and study well Hie way .
Their mathema'.ics iclls them's 'sure lo pay.'
Pure, noble, Mod-like Tai'Tii, wherever fouud,
Should be embraced, no matter on whul ground,
Whether in Christian, or in heathen land,
In polar suows, or tropics' burning sand. ..:
Though often crushed la earth, lime's rolling years
Will rake it higher lli.iu you shining spheres;
While ho who love it now will ever thin,
Iu yon bright firmament, a child divine.
And ' What is truth'? said Pilate lo the King ;'
II thought, like you, perhapx, it was a thing
Twos hard to find, tine all the ancient school
Of learning failed at much as vulgar fools .
Iu making for Ihf ntelvcs t unit creed,
Iusleud of such as sects nnd schisms breed.
Mistaken man ! error's as easy Kid
From truth, as black basalt from purest gold.
The maa who's bugging falsehood to hie breast,
Is not with iraly holiest purpose blest ;
He never had a heart sincere and true,
Thai from bis moviug motives shuts frsin view
Such arguments as sway the sordid mind,
With such as eyes of stiff-necked bigots blind.
Tliey llmt would know the truth, aud usshing lea,
That from the paih ef right wouM aot digress,
To please the world, or win Uienuelves a crown,
Who'd jutice male to all, despite the frown
Of tyrants, and their callous-hearted tools,
j4r fiubhed graduate of Ihe highest schools
Of true philosophy, and in the right
Of all new kouea, aeJdoni fail to fight
Such own ihe right are aniioa first to knew,
Before on either side they strike a blow :
That ouc decided, and their faithful steel
On giant wrong repeated blows will deal,
Till troth, TKlariou. wave its banner high ;
Or che they keep on fighting till they di.!ndfreB;.wt''d like to w
You all enlist for God and Liberty.'
lust try a Iwelv nioullm'cuiiipalgu from (hi dato,
Ani strive for right alone, through Flftjr-liighl.
Let not lh farce of enrly training guili
Nor afiar fornitr error turn aside (
Li t demagogues, who live by duping mfn,
II left to earu llioir bread aa but they eali t
While you, a freeinaa, eoutelom of jour right,
Defend your couulry'icnuso with all your might.
An honest mau'i Ihe noblest Wotk of (Jod, ,
Allheiiglt the moH of ihom thep'neulh the tod J
Yet her and there an humble aoul it found,
An true asihoe Iu tie beneaih the ground. '
You need Hot tot k them nt the public stall,
For publio favor on such seldom fall.
Unconscious of ,'lielr dignity Ihey stand, ( r ,
The only Iwrdsaud noble of the laud,
Scoring to elevate Ihemselvos by im ana
'iest known lo lhoe behind the caucus scenes
Of black doinocraey a blacker thing
Than any olVupring of Dahomey's King.
Its principles are black, yes, blacker Tut
Than mid.iibt wrapped in fog without a start
Yel midnight's all the sniue as nuouday skies, ,
To such as grope their way, devoid uf ryes.
Lnough of tli'sl Pegusu snufU th breeie,
Aai, snorting, paw the ground, whene'er he sees
His rider piuse to sketch uiilovely'viewt,
Oravea toroeord unwelcome uwt.
- Our objeoi is lo make our readers wis, '
Happy, and good, at much as iu us lies:
For tins we've worked nnd speut the midnight oil,
Aud gou each weekly round of uuvou toil.
If, by our v eils, ralrons have been blest,
If we've elieourugrd soma, and luughl til rest,
Content we'll toil throughout each gloomy winter,
At long a nil but try lo puy lliu I'liiner.
To llioie kind palroua who have by us too.I,
Through thick uml tliiu, lino' bad reports aud goodi
Wo send man hearty gritting; while w pray,
They'll bo our constant trends lull many a duy.
. Farewell, kind friends, until wo uwel again
UKin thu Burulday of FiItv-Nink. ..; . '
Uud up your loiiu for whul ia just before, ; ,
DutyVloud culls are rlugiug at your dour, -, ; -,
Aud.ere the present year hasjmeid away,
Let us be wise, aud all her ealls obey.''
Tli Printer' Devil bids you all good bje
Just trust 10 Uod and keep your powder dry ! '
. The Acquisition of Cuba. Th
iiitrlon corrt-Hiiuiideul of Ihu CouiLtt Si l-u-
ijuirur write llmt thu l'reaident is bui y
with the preparuliou of bis Message. :lt
is very likely that Lo .may disclose the
moat important pnoeeedings relative M
i i ... i '..r t'..... n... u. ,.H
ihu initiuu ui vuuilt , i iiv iwi -
that is to bo n Jailing olj. it with
Mr, Ituchuiiau' uduiiiiisiraliou, ami what
ever policy or sluii'smuiiahip can stiggeAt
lawn nl its trati-fur fiuin'pniu lo thu Uni
ted States, will be done, ard muth, it can
not be doubted, ha a already been done.
Ilu-iv much Air. Iluchuiiaii has this object
at lieiirt is shown by his very libcrul olli r
of Sloi),OUU,U(lO fur it, while Sex-tclary uf
Stute, and. by thu , terms of tbu 0li-ud
Maiiit'eto- whiuh was cardtilly pcajvil
by him. in such u iiiutim r us , lo juniity
ihe forcible seizure of the Island if Spain
should Obstinately colitinuo to 1 1 fuse uur
geiirrou o!rra for it. It is a it-murkablu
fuel, that the nearly inciedildu oiler of
more money for Cuba than has been paid
for the whole enormous quantity of our
publio huul", was cuiioenled fiom the
knowledge of ilu) public fur six years uf
ti-r it was made by Mr. IJueliuuiin.
This, however, was in vrfect uccuidunce
with the secretive chu'iicier of llmt nil-
ininist ration. Mr. l'ulk's first Message
disclosed many startling diplomatic move
ments on the Oregon and ntlier (juu
lions of which suspiuiou
existed while they weru under advisement
The President hus pissed several hour ol
every day lor a week past at the Stale
Department, preparing, us is believed, that
part of his Message cmceruiug our foreign
relations. Buffalo Commerciiil Advertiser,
Army Nkws. Odors have been re
ceived fur a detachment uf 253 United
States recruits from Governor's Island, N.
Y., to go in tho Northern Light on ihe filli
uf November. Tlify are destined lor the
4lh Infantry in Oregon, and 3d Artillery
in California and Urn-ion, and are tinder
command of Col. Cusey, 9th' Infantry.
The otlicers accompiinyiiig tlio detachment
aru Lieuts. St. Clair Dcaring, 4th Infantry,
aud James Howard, 3d Anillory. : ;
. 1
E.ncoukaki.n'u. A letter received at
Washington from nn eminent English
banker gives the opinion that ihe United
States will recover from the present de
pression sooner than Huglaml did from
the crisis of 18-11 '3, and that financial
matters in Uitohiiid will be improviij uext
winter by ihe supprussiun ol the mutiny
iu India, whiuh, he says, isccilain lo be
effected by Christ ttin. , , .
OvKRtAND Mail to Cilifornia. The
Daily Norib West says: It is new under
stood from the most reliublu source that
Posiinaster.tienernl Aaron V.' Browb has
closed a contract with Messrs. Butterfield
A; Co. for the conveyance of the entire,
loiter mail, ' semi-weekly, in four-horse
coaches, te California. The trip is lo hp
made in twenty five deya, and ihe expect
ation is r-troHg, from the reputation and
ability of the contractors aud their securi
ties, that the service will commence and
be performed according to the require
ments of the act of Congress. .' ;
The route, tays The Tress, hat two
ttarting points en tbe Mississippi one t
Su Louis, and 'he other at Memphis
making a junction at Little Hook, tbe capi
tal of Arkansas. i
. "From Little Rock it peases by or near
to rreslou, in Texas : thence to the tx-st
crossing en the Rio Grande, near Dunna
Anna or Fori Fillmore ; thence aUnc ihe
road now making lo Fori Yuma; and
thence through the best valley and pass
to San Francisco.
" Tbe contractors will tend out party
bj the nest steamer to begin iheir recon from Cilifornia, coming eastward,
n I (Csh
while si party from MeinphU and auoil...
one from St. Lnuia will siai t wcttwsrd te
tiieilihem. F.ueh pa'ly will pnst on, r.
viewing Ihe correctness of each other's
work, and dmng whatever may ba ihou-ht
necessary for Iho successful commence,
mout and Ojierniions nr the arrvice.'
F.I.RCTIO." Day in Nkw Yori Citt.-!
The New York Commercial Advertiser, of
the 4 1 h of November, any 's belitvs
it will bo cntict'deil hy all parlin tint net.
er since the oily of New York approtekee.
its present densiiy of populati'm hat n9
eb cl ion day pimmd off so quietly, er or.
ih r beim univernlly preserved at da.,
ring yestunlay. . Th paper of all ptr!'
lit olu.'erfully admit this,"
IfCT The Lomloii New nf Ihe. Hlh 0f '
OctoU'r ssys: 'Ml is impossible lu dit
guise ihe fuel Fiance is suffering under
a weight of flouting sr-cur'uir-M, representing"
undfitukiii(j ni-lily emen d upon, and of
whiuh tho other nxmelHry ciiler-i of Ba--rope
are iiiif.rniiiately uimble lo relieve,
her. We lo"k iimm hr'r, fliiauoially, m em.
inenllv un etainple. of' unstubln erjuilibri
tim,' and we drcail every ev ut ,it, ,,..
throw i hn balance on the wrong side."
, l.tvy Onltaaace.
He it ordain, d and Pslahlhed by lh
Ciiy Cuiiucil of Un-gon City: That all
iheiitrical!, shows, nnd circus perform,
iiiices. nr hi-rel.y pruhihiiuil withiu t,(
crpriite limii of legn City, under the
penally id" li fly deiilunt, without H ic,ns
lirsl had ami obtained therefor; and I In
Oily Uecordi-r Is rmrvny authorized to ;raat
such lit-ciKv np'xi tlii payment into
City Treasury' of fivu dullar fur eaclnx.
hibiiion. ..'j r:'3:?f
Adopted Nov. 2(lth. TB37.
. i' r. S: .wuCaiivru, RecorJer.
bcrubi i aenset j J
ThTnislei oflha Oregon City Uiiirersitr art
atilhoriied to announce that n school will be opined
in Ihe "College Duildiug" on Monday, the iihiif
ef Junnary, IS58. It will be tinder the charge sf
Mr. C. II. MtnuoN, late of Jtflcnx.u histituts,
who lias hud some twelve years' etierieuct ia
teaching. Charge per term of eleven weeks will
be six, right, oi ten dollars, according to the stiulia
pursued. ' . V. C. Jwixsus, Seo
j, lrTWrW-f.-f..J..T.1rTWrt.n
vc. -.'u. in eoustimpiiou, ul tAe rp.iiltn. r
uinu iveiio-.rg. i. lucsuaiiis county, Masuasi!t8.
uileof J.h.bu Kellogg, aged I!) years, IMmoutha!
and 11 d .ys. , low puperspleane copy.
Knuovto From our garden, by our Heavenly
Father, oar most love'y ioiuo-pluul',C.vuv Utli,
to b.iHiiu .a I'.in.d se uhove. ' Mio wus given Ions
July Till, IS.'i), and died, after twelve hoars' sick
nesa, Uee. 3Ulh, 18.57. (J. P. XswsiL
.. Kotice.
rpilE eoparsm mh'p heretofore exkmi betweso
JL A. ScuukL iV J II.vuh in the Oregon Hesse
is Ibis Aay dssulvrd by muiuul eontciit. illl per
sons iudi-bied lo in will selile Willi J. U.iiia, pres
ent pt'oprietor of the House, and ull iersuiis having;
deiwiinlsuu nl ns w.ll prineut lliesaaie tuluas
lo M-llleiuent, A. HCIIOLL,
OreimCMy. Jan.!, ISM. J. fll.l - .
' . E. L. BRADLEY A Co., '
AHF. aijents for Fowler &. U'ells' Lifs I.'luslr.
ted, tV'aier Cure uud phrenological Journals.
ou thut waul a good l.iunly paper, scud in your
liumes toon.
8ubsor'p:ions ulso received for Codey's Lady's
Hook, Graham's Magiriue, Harper's da, Har
per's Weekly Journal, &c. Send oa your nsnut
with the cash, and you will be atiendrd to.
IUU SALli at the MTV liOUK. STORE,
. 1 1-0(1 quna blank books, full and hlf bound,
hvery voiU-iy. 1 A few extra bound. .'
IOlt HAI.K. uA tho 1 11 V UUOK STOKE,
-'JU tea un uiper, good vaiiety, cmisisliug ef
cap, bill, Idler, nole, oJo., ice., ulso 75 reuun
wiopp ng paper. ;
.110 dot IN K', iu qt, Sl pt bottles.
A.m, 2h gross 1' E.N Si. ' :
Iuit s.ile ut thu firy liooTc store,.
7 j oop'cs How to Write,' ' Ihu to do B
irs.,' i r complete in one volume, beuu.ilully
beiin.l pru-e Jg J.UII. Also, a general tatortiueul
of rovtl.r o; V ells' putiliculious. . -
l.'sn, a geiit-rul as..urtiiii-iit of uiiscellaneosi 4
1710 11 SitLli at the CITY BOOK STOKE,
. tho Ore.un Si. VVnsliingioii ALHASAC,
lor ltfjrt. jli,o, JJ1AKJES for iSad. "i
o---t. - Notice. - ''
ALL person. knowing iheniselves lo be indebt
ed lo K. L BIUDLI-.Y & CO., or lt
L. Bi-adli-y Individuully. by iKiok ncot, or I'lhw
wise, are n q:ieled lo call and settle p fertlieiaV
Jan. 5J, luiiH. E L. BRADLKY 4 C-
J Clackamas, twelve inilis from Oreoa J!j!l
lilv. nn aii.-h iMrinM us 'will loslilv BUVaaAial
man iu purchasing who wants a good cuuia w
, , . , 040 ACRE S, ! ''
having alsiut 00 ncres under fence, a good or
chard, firfl-roie hern, and (food house. Fa-annf and everything ueceumry to carry oa uie
place, will be sold with it. Time will bo give a
pari of ihe monev. '
i Foi terms, upply to J.N. Prescott, Oregon Ory.
December 2C, 1807v 37w
...'.' "ok all sizt.s, . .
ARE no being manufactured and offeredhr
sale in Orenou City, at ilia lllaeksanln aMf
ueur Mr. Cautield'tsiore. , ':
The millets gued, having had 6vo yean jrp--rienco
ill the PLOW business in Oregva, M
leave to inform thu farniing community that aa
coufideut of beinjr able to supply Ilieir waaU
Ihe Plow line, if they will give n.m a eal I .
Dee.26,J857. - j. W. WitVIS-
;; . for the holidays! ,
. oiri no oSt'u.ttk
Of the choicest kiuds "JSnua
Pee. 19, '57. : CITY BOtJKSTORIl
mn vnmr rmntSTRS.
av ruuH .
I HAVE been for some time P '"V,
now on Diy puce iu !
.nriir.HDl of the various kinds of
F R U I T T R EE 2
.. . . . i . m the Ess"
nsuauy aepi w " ""' . . -i-iioos ever
S-nte My tree are of the bert se
bronght lo Ihi. eot, and.beiog near th ' "
otte river, I have every facility fo' wuU
tonirm North and South dnriug lh ;""'""
mouths. I hav. a la. aa e.u. W J
M .f which will be .old on ?.TZ0,
j, v. ,
peeember SOy I?57. .