I "Duo Ymtwdav." Ecry dj It writ ten ibis liUleintDO-"Did rwurdiy," so' nod to. Every tls; flower if plucked from wme euony home j breech mxde iaeomeheppyclrolej "l"' trom soms ireeiury of lore. Kuch day from the eummerflclde of life, some liarveslor (lisnp. oeeri ie erery hounome eentiuol fall from Li pot,na isinrown irom unnm . . . . .1.. carts of time into the irginj; waters turniiv. Even at we write, tho funeral cf one who "died yeeterday" windi like winter khadow alone Ihe itreet. "Died VeiterJay." Who died! Pe lisps it was a gentle babe, sinless ai an angel, pure ai the rephyr'a hymn one whose laujrh waau thegiuh or the shut mer rille loitering in the bower of roses whoe little lite wm but a perpetunl litany a mavtime crowned with the pniiion oW flowers that never fade. Or, maybap was a youth, hopeful and generous whose path was hemmed by flowers, with not serpent lurking underneath one whose soul panted for communion with the great and eooJ, and reached forth witu earnest struggle for the gaerdon in the distance Out that heart is still now, he "died yes. torday." ' 'Died yesterday." A young girl, pure as the orange flowers that clasped her forehead, wai stricken down as sho stood at the altar; and from the dim aisles of the temple, sho was borne to the "garden of the slumberers. ' A tall, crownid man, girt with ibe balo of victory, and at the day's closo undoi his own vine nnd 6g tree full to dust even as tho anthem trembled on his lips; and he, too, was laid "where the rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep An aged patriarch, bowed with age and cares, even as he looked out upon the dis tant hills for the coming of the angel host, sank into a dreamless slumber ; and on h door post is written, "died yesterday ." ''Died jrestcrjav." Men, women, and children are passing away ; nnd hourly in some graveyard, the soil is flung upon the dead. As often in the morn we find some flower that blushed sweetly, In the sunset has withered up forever, so daily, from, the bivouac to stand against our post we miss same brother soldier, whose cheery cry in the sieges and struggles of the past lias been as fire from heaven upon our LearU. .... Euoh day some pearl drops from tho jew el thread of friendship some lyre to which we have been wont to listen has been iiushed forever. But wits is he who mourns not the pearl and musio lost, for life- with bim shall pass away gently as an eastern shadow from Ihe hills, and death be a triumph and gain. Chieayo Journal. Tub Word Sehh. Toe translators of the Bible have left the Flu brew word Sclah, which occurs so often in the I'salins, as they found it, and ofoourse tho English render often asks In's minister, or learned friend, what it means. And the minister, or learned fiicnd, has most often been obligod to confess ignorance ; because it is a matter in regard to which the most loomed have by no means been of one mind. The Targums, and most of the Jewish commentators, give to the word the meaning of ' eternally forever.' llubbi Kimchi regards it as a sign to elevate the voice. The authora of the Seutusgint translation appear to have regarded it as a musical or rythmical note. Ilonder re gnrded it as indicating a change of note; Mathewgon as a musical note, equivalent, perhaps, to the word repeat.' Accord ing to Luther, and others, it means 'Si lence 1 tieseniu explains it to mean, ' Let the instruments play and ihe singers stop.' Wochcr regards it as equivalent to 'sursum tordanp my soul 1 Sommer, after ex. nmiiiing all the seventy-four passages in which the word occurs, rocognizes in every case an actual appeal or summons to Jo hovah. They are calls for aid and prayers to be heard, expressed either with entire dircolnoss, or, if not, in tho imperative, Hear, Juhovah!' or 1 Awake, Jehovah I' and the like still earnest addresses to God that he would remember and hear, Ac. The word itself he regards as indicating a blast of the trumpets by the priest. Se lab, itself, he thinks an abridged expression, used for Ilipgaion Solnh Iliggaion indi cating tho sound of the stringed instru ments, and Seluh a vigorous blast of trumpets. Bihliotheea Saera. "Editing a newspaper or magazine is a good deal like making a fire. Every body supposes he can do it 'a little better than anybody else.' We have seen people Uoubt their fitness for apple-peddling, driv iug oxen, counting lath, and hoeing tur- nips, but in all our experience we never yet met with that individual who did nut think he could 1 doable tho circuit tion of any paper or periodical in two months-" , How cams it therbi An exchange saya a copper kettle has been found, s.ven teen feet below the surface, firmly imbed ded in a coal vein, near Ottawa, Illinois When found it was bottom sido up, with coal firmly above ai 1 below it. The ques tion is how could ji come into a solij l ed of Coal t IIorkirlk Strychnine. The physi cian in the House of Correction, at Law fence, Mass., reports it almost impossible te treat delirium tremens successfnlly now, in consequence of the utter prostration of the nervous system of drunkards by the strychnine segenerally used ia the manu factory f various liquors. I , Jackson's Sumtum. Soma time in 183S or 1830 a gentleman in Tennessee became involved and wanted money; ha bad property and owed debts. His prop erty was not available just then, nnd off he posted to Boston, backed by the names of sererul of tho best men in Tennessee. Money was light, and the Boston bankers looked closely at the names. "Very good," said they, "but, but do you know General Jackson !" "Certainly." "Could you get his indorsement I" "Yen, but he is not worth one-tenth as much as either of these men whose names I offer you." "No matter, General Jackson baa al ways protected himself and his paper, and we'll let you have the money opon the strength of his name." In a few days the papers with his signa ture arrived. The moment these Boston bankers saw the tall A and long J of An drew Jackson, our Tennessean says he could have raised a hundred thousand dol lars upon tho signature without the slight est difficulty. So much for an established character for honesty. If men have differed with An drew Jackson politically, do man could deny him the merit of being an honest man. Rigut of Suffrage. The following is too good to be lost. It is often made a subject of complaint that ministers of the gospel participate in political matters. An anecdote of a Mr. Field, who lived in Vermont several years ago, contains a good reply ; . As the reverend gentloman went, at time, to deposit his vote, the officer who received it being a friend and parishioner, but of opposite politics, remarked, " I am sorry, Mr. Field, to see you here." "Why!" asked Mr. Field. "Because," said the officer, "Christ said his kingdom was not of this world." " Has no one a right to vote," said Mr. Field, " uules he belongs to the kingdom of Satan t" This at once lot a rny of light to the darkest chambers of tho officer's cranium which he had never thought of before. JtF Everybody has beard of tho rann who, not quite liking a certain article iu a newspaper to which he waa a subscriber, went in and curtly slopped his paper, and then stepped across the street as quickly as he could, to see if the building was tum bling down; and, being disappointed in not witnessing such a catastrophe, watched every morning afterward for a long while to see if the proprietor did not suspend the publication of his paper. ! A Dead Shot. In his "CycloprcJia of Wit and Humor," Mr. Burton quotes from a work published in 1790, entitled "Mod ern Chivalry," the following reply to a challenge : "Sir, I have two objections to this duel matter. The one is, lcit I should hurt you; and the other is, lest you should hurt me. I do not see what good it would do me to put a bullet through any part of your body. I could make no use of you when dead, for any culinary purpose, as 1 would a rabbit or turkey. I am no cannibal, to feed on tho flesh of men. Why then shoot down a human creature of which I could make no use f buffalo would bo better meat. For, though your flesh may be delicate and ten der, yet it wants that firmness and consist ency which takes and retains salt. At any rate it would not be fit for bag sea voyages; you might make a good barbacuo, it is true, being of the nature of a raccoon or an opossum ; but peoplo are not in the habit of barbaciting anything human new. As to your hide,' it is not woth taking off, being littlo.bolter tliau. that of a year old coll." ... Very pretty and philosophical is the fol- lowing from the Chicago Journal : , If a man die, shall he live ajriiin I And oncoa year hnve daisies answered it. snd spring s little infant" civen its fracrant testimony, ami every day has the mornincr testified, and yet the world is murmuring still, "if a man die shall he livo again!' Custom is a great tyrant ; let anything the moct absurd get into common vogue, nd it is a perfoct go. If smoking were not the custom, it would take years, and mnst centuries to bring so atrnnge a habit into common use. ftjr Vain glory blossoms, but never bears. : i , . J" T RECEIVED, a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SHOES, ' and ' Dry-Goods of all Descriptions. We can now fill almost any bill a farmer may call for. Call aud see March 14. CHARMAN & WARNER. 1AM ex. quality ciyir. J-V C11ARJ1AN& WARNER. 9flflf LHS. aJwoned candy. JJJ CHARMAN $ H WARNER. 1 ft POZ. Oyrtera, CHARMAN $ WARNER. Vounj'a Zmproved Smnt Mills. T11REK of theea SUPERIOR mut mill, now on bond and for aale by Oregon City, Morob 21, 1857. What'a the Uia of Groin? SanibotT rTUIE lubxcriber ha ooened a hoot mA -k- J. ib thi city, where making and mendinf wiS be done tt trier oh euoT none-. I alo knp conatantly oa hand ready made boots and ahoel which J will sell oaraaaoaabla lerma. Thankful forpaal favor, atiU solicit a reaasnabk) ad.. r patronag Call and try a anyhow. Orejoa Cfy, A . J, 1856.-1 7m ZTotlet. WE Uk pleasure In informing our customers sad lb public generally that Ibe AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carpenters' Tools, which we advertised to arrive about the 1st of May, art now bare, aud ready fur delivery. They coneiat, in part, of Ibo following, vis I Cnmbiurd reapers and muwera, Tlireehera aud cleaners, from 9 to 6-borae power, Horey's 6 knife straw cutters, (irope-viue grain cradles, Talent scythe snathe, Grain scythe, grans acylliei, scythe stones, Smith's bellows, anvila, Collina' aire, bandied, do do without handles, Rroed axes, hand axes, hatchet, Draw kuirea, xcut aitwa, curry combe, Wool carda, shovels, spade, planter' hue, Poluto diggurs, grind-stoues and fixture, Spoke ahavee, monkey wrenches, saddle-begs, $00 pairs twisted liuk trace chaina, 1000 log chains, chain pumps, Mill-saw, flat, and hit round fiira. ... carpbntkrb' tools: SO telle premium bench planes, Match plane, hollows aud rounda, Sain do bead, plows, Ovolo and fillet, try, square, bevel, and mitre, Draco and bit, rule, compasses, Hand viae, measuring tape, Auger bile, guagoe, hand-saw file, augers, Hand-saws, back -saws, lirmer aud socket chisel. BUILDING MATERIALS! 300 kegs asa'd nails, Door, windowa, window -glsas, putly, Paint red, green, and bine while lead, Linseed oil, apirita turpentiue, door locks, Strap hinges, butts and screw, cupboard leeks, Santa Cruzliiue, caluiued plaster, Ac, &o. . I GROCERIES: Coffee, tea, sugar, ayrup, drieJ apples, Khikiii, pio fruits, rico, pepier, ginger, mustard, AlUpice, clove, 300 bag Liverpool salt, 2i kitta No. 1 mackerel, &c, etc. 1 CHOCKERV AND CLASS-WARR, a general assortment. DRY-GOODS:-2000 spun cotton, assorted sites. 5000 yds bro drills, 6000 " " sheeting, , 300 " satinets, .100 prs 3x3) pt Mackinaw blankets, -' -' SO " 10i bus bed blankets, -Jeans, also Clothing, ami Scots and Shoes, together with cordage (maorlsd), oakum, tar, ros in, blocks, and many other articles too numerous to mention. . We would at tho same time inform the formers and ethers that wo will keep on hand constantly a J;ood assortment of agricultural Implement, hav ng made arrangement with manufuoltn-er in the Kut to furniah us with such article, and we feel Confident that we can furnish the farmers here on such terms as will be satisfactory. i We hnve now on the wsy from New York a lot of Threshers and reapers, to arrive early in ine seaaon. WW. U. lE.UliHT fit, CU. i Oregon City, May 2, 1857. . To tho Farmers WE WOULD say, cull at our store; we will pay you as well for your produce as any other huuso in Oregon, and will endeavor to niako you teel as oonuortahle as we possibly can, I no24 . , CHARMAN d MARKER. ! FOR Pl'RIFYIXG THE BLOOD. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARTICLE, ' srsnrrrnris celeeratsd roit tiik nr.Mof At and pkhmanknt cuhe of ; ALL PISKASKS AlilSINO FltOM AN IMPURE STATE OK THE DLOOD, 02 If ABIT - OP THE SYSTEM. " ' Since tlie flrt IntriMiictlon ot llth Medicine, nnmernni ItnlUtlonfl bave Rprim Into exhtencp, fuumlin? tlivir olitlms to the Ctfiitllincu of the community on tliu curative power ciintalncd In Snr.-n.irll!a Hoot, tbo (rrcat rcniitiittoti anil extotulcil imp of which hna been mainly uttributttble h Uj many wonderful cures etlucteil by III . i ' ! Use of this Preparation. ' 1 While Saruparllla Root forme en Important pert of Its eomblnatlon. It In at the tamo Uine, eomiKiumleil with other vegvtaMo reine.llca of great power, anil It la on the peculiar coinblimtliin ami ftciuntiflc inaiiniT of Its jircpnra tion, that ItA rcinarknhlo euecom In the rnre of itieae (tepnill Other preparation! imitate It In the etyle of put tin op, anil In Waring tho imino of one of lu logrcdluiita, ami hire emls thulr resemblance to it. Tlio-o ncciliny a renieity ami puriller like this, are n-qile-teil to note where tliia ilill'vrence einita, ainl In limklnic cuolc of whit ihvy will use, not to take any othfr Lut that one entitled to their eouQilenco, from the long lUt of otirea tt haa etfected, HEDI0AL TESTIMONY, , . CiMUulDiir, M.I., Oct Mh, 1950: Meev. 8axt: Gentlemen. My little ilauhtcr waa afllieM for a Ions; time with Soro lleail ami Kycs, and by O-ilng your ttarsnpnrilla was perfectly cored, other meili eince and Snreaparitlas havlug hiiloil to ruliove her. Having need It and tested ita elllcncy, I now confidently recom mend It In pnifureneo to any other, as It seems to posse Sroncrtlee not contained in any other preparation ; and I nd that purchasers, after they bnvo uned li. Invariably -want Uio samo article n?nln, whenever they require a nieUlelno air which this la reooiuuicuiled, - Beepeetfuliy yours, j. FLINT, M. D. 1 Prepared anil sold by A. II. cfc B. ft AMIS, Whole aala iWxista, uu Fultou-sueel, corner of William, New York. , , i For tale by TiEWITT. KITTLE Ss Co., n. JOHNSON A Co., and KKWNOTON Co., lsn Kranclacoi KICB COFFIN, Marvaville; K. II. MrDOXALl) A Co., Sno ramenU) ; and by iiruggista geuerally. ROMAN EYE BALSAM, For Weak and Inflamed Eyes. . This Balsam was need for many year In the private practice of a celebrated Oculist with the greatest success, In ease where the EYELID8 ARE INFLAMED, ' or the ball of the Eye thickly covered with blood, II acta almost like mate, and removes all appearances of In Saratnetlon after two or three appilcanona, There is a aumeroua elasa tt persona that an peculiarly u posed to aceklenla or dlaeaaea thai weaken and intlaui the Eyas, and perhaps destroy the eight, auch aa ! HINXSS, MEOHANICS, and other operatlvea In metals, who, from the nature of their employments, ara compelled to work In a eloud of duet and grit, Bach should never be without this Balaam. Prepared and sold by A. II . V D. HANDS, Whole sale Druggist, No. 1110 Fulton-street, New York. For sals by PF.WITT, KITTLE h Co., II. JOIINS05T -Si Co., and BKDtNUTGN It Co, San Francisco; ElCg at COr FIN, MirrsTllle ; K. li. McooKALU fe Oa,Ba nunenUi ; aud by Bruggbta generally. ID" Da. STEELE, of the Oregon City Drug Store, is agent for these medicines. jyll So Tcachors. THE Trustees of OREGON CITY UNI VERSITY ore desirous of obtaining the ser vices of a first class TEACHER to take charge of the school under their control ,'n (ha " College Building" in Oregon City. Ths school 1 left in a nourishing condition by ths teachers who bave jnst closed their engagement, and the JWd are anxiou that their place ahould be filled in season for the fall term. Liberal arrangement will be made, so that good teacher eaunot fail to be amply rewarded for hie service. There is room in the building for the accommo dation of a small family, and several boarders. Let immediate application be mads to either of the undersigned. I W.C. JOHNSON, T.J.CHASK, , L. D.C. LATOURETTE, I ' Ex. Com. Oregon City, Ang. 8. ISi7. I7w3 DR. 0pd'slifcliaChoIgoyu,,Bai)P.Joneaj' Amcricaa ClralAgngur, at the OREGON CITY PRI G STORE. ! ill , filv Garniture. . fllllE subsiriuerbasjuatreceirY X e.1 a large supply of If UKNl l T 1 CUE of all deaoriiHiona, eoiuHai-Ssr inf In part aa follows Hofoa, nialiojany aud black wlnul . Chamber set) lliireuu, with or without marble top) Offlre deki llocking chuira, stuflrd iu hair, oarpet, and with cun and wood seal: Pining chain, cane uud wood seat; (Mice chain, do do du Children' do, bili diulng aud rockiugj lledak'ads, various kiuda; Tables, center, eard, aud dining; '. i. .. Writing desks; Kidtboard; Parlor cblr ' : j 8eltes; . Reading, toilet, aud work table) ' tadting-gtse; Mattreaav, liair, mow, aud wool Window shades; Funthcrs; Paper hangings, of every style; Oilcloth; Chine malting; fluid lamps, and burn. ing fluid ; with s variety of other articles too numerous to mention. , Person wwliing to purchase will please call and examine for llienwelves. All kinds of country produce taken In exchane tor goou. muo. JUII.BU.. Alnrcli 'J'J, WHS. 41)tf T U 8 T RECEIVED V 70 bbl and lilf kbls N O sugsi . 30 ' s crushed " 4000 Ih No 1 Chins. . . . " 10 hir bb!s Carolina rice, 15 " " dried apples, 15 kegs . ' 10 hlfbbls " peaches, 10000 lbs Liverpool salt, 10 cases table salt, SO bbl Santa Cruz lime, 5000 lbs mauills rope, aae'd (til's, 100 kegs nails, " " 5U00 qr flour sacks, ' C bale drilling, 12 caaes oiar'd pie fruits, 12 " " picklv. SO bundles window suih, asa'd sizes, ' 21 piiniicl doors, si - . 2 doz pol. grain scoops, ' 100 sacks Rio coll'ee, 10 mat hlae;k runiur. 'A i . , 10 bales oaknm, - " 100 single and double blocks, ass'd sizes, t gross r & AI ycart powders, 10 diiz lino woali boards, 500 gut S. I. syrup, 4000 lbs white lead, pure, 500 " red " " , . 40 gals copal varnish, . , 15 doz paiut brushes, as'd sires, , -15 "3 hooped buckets, 200 gals boiled linseed oil, ; i 100 " raw " Together with a good asaortment of HARD- nAKB ana VAKflsNTtSRS' TOOLS. All of which we propose selling at prices to suit the uiuoa. . iwuu nuu see lor yourselves. W. C.DE.MliNTotCO.. Muia St., opposite the Land Office. , uregou viiy, April iu, 1H37. . , . , . Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, J, RANDS' Ssrsaparillu, Pick's Wild Cherry Bit PS ters, Datemau's drops, Brnndreth's pills, Lee's pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drone. 3d preparation, Roman eye bulsom, Dnlley's pain extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric. Oil of Popuer- mint, Esaences, Composition Powders, Carter's I'ulmonnry Ilalaom, Sulphur, Knsom Salts, , April 21, 18i7-ltf , i . i - New Books! . . rjlIIE subscriber has just received a large as- sortmenl of BOOKS, direct ftom New York. among wnicli are the following: 1 1; IT:... T" I a iVIison's Hist, of Europe,! American Institution, Sillitnau's do.. . Democracy in America. Lives of the signers, Babylon and Nineveh,. "ijand and Lee," "Sea and Sailor," Three Years in Culifor. Cys, of Literature, I'Uco. and fort,'? . 'Ship and Shore," Home Cyclopedia, Egypt aud tli Holy Land Huclian s t am. Pliya n.J LimlneronSt'm Engine, Anc't Monasteries, Aluuuul ol 1" me Arts, Lectures on the Arts, Choice Biography, O . r y ' Travels iu Peru, Moravian Antiquities, Polar Regions, Mnhan's Philosophy. Choice Extracts, A variety of I'oets. 1 500 copies of Sandors Speller, 500 ' Resders, 2.')0 " McGuflev's do. 230 .' Webater's Dietlonarle Duvics' Algebra, Newman's Rhetoric, Day's . do. ' ' , " Geometry, " . Bourdon, , . i " , Surveying, , " ,: Legendre, " Arithmetics, . Parley's Univ. History, Goodrich's net. U. ., 1 Monteith's Geography, "tiiutu epeaaer, ' , Thompson's . do. N. American Speaker. ALSO, A Fresh Snnnlv of fitatlonerv. Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Record Books. Memorandums, of all sizes. Diaries. 4c. Note and Letter Pitper, Envelopes, Pens, Ace, &c. Eraser Knives, EniHivo Rubber, Gummed Labels, Faber's Pencils, INK, in quart and pint bottles. : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , , CHARLES POPE, Ja. vregon tity, August IB, lBiiu. Ladios ! "7"OU will find sn excellent assortment of Dreu and Bonnet Silkt, Satin and Vehef: also llonnet J 'nnvun, Honery, CUovel, Lacet and nwonn, lauie vuint, uounttrpanet, ere., at ths store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Main-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) where may uo iounu almoin ercryifiiHg- in tlie line ot Dry tiooiis: , Such ns Prints, Ginchams. Alpacas. Merino. riant i.uiBoys, muslins, snttlnetts, Jeans. Fan- nsis, Sheetings, Bed; Ticking, Hickory Stripe, unuil aiiiuy, in. uregoa Uily, April 21, 1857-ltf More New Ooodi at ciiAnjiAN ii Warner's. 1 N ADDITION TO OUIl USUAL STOCK, we nave just received, direct from San Fran cisco, a good and suitable supply of Goods for this Season of the Year, which we offer for sale at prices which cannot he beat in this market. Our stock oonsists in part of "suo id ai oaa, ' i - . i t 1 30 boxes English soap, . i ' ' SO Chas. Hill's soap, 20 dos corn starch, 20 cases pie fruit, '.'!! ' ' 15 ' - pickles, . 8 dot honey, . , . . ' 8 . lobsters, ., 13 " oysters, 90 hlfbbls NO sugar, ' 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup, ' 10 hlf bbls dried apples, : , 8 rit mackerel 2000 lb stick candy, ' 500 " fancy do. 1 caas Gollipieher toys, 1 i 1 " German toy, ? ( 400 lbs almonds, 13 hlf boxes raisins, " ' ' ' 6 whole boxes do., v on,1? P? good Ma,:'"' blankets, 2000 yd brown aheetine. 2000 ' calico, , '. ; Bool and shoes of every description. The above, with our nml mm rendera our stock compMe. Call and sea ns. 1 erma cam. VHA KM AN A WA RNER. December 20, 1856. ; . .' JUST RECEIVED, at the Oregon City Drag , ,.w ra ana can f ata coco, a large assortment of Drugs, ' Chemicals, ' ' Patent ami Family , Medicines, ' all of which will beaold Country meeeUriU wiU find to their lattTtt to buy hens instead of Portland. Call ..d . Oregon City, May 9, isj;. ZTew rirmNcw Oooda. nvitt nndoreignen law una nietnoe of iniorm. J. Ing Ihe puulo that lli-y have taken Ihe I.oum and have nurchaaed Ihe entire slock aud Aaturna h.vo nurc liaaeil llie enllro el:k aud tllllllr fiiruierly need by r . n. ihm.i..im, anu mie ny strict attention tu bualmas la rtlln Uie patmueg uf the old cualuiuer aud gaiu a many mure a waaible. , - W are ooiiatanlly la receipt of GOOI'S ol,tt. ed with the grimiest cam, (aa tu price end quality J aud are evuuvleul that our facilities will miablo u to oiler greali-r induoiiiieiiU to all who want Ilia worth of lliuir money tliau any oilier liuuas iu Ui city. W have, aud are jnat receiving, iu invoice of DRV GOODS, eonaiating In part of the following articles Cliche, co, I'aclllc, lladli-y, C.inetrgo, Philip All. n. Full Itlvrr, Merriman, snd iiuiiwrous otlwr 1'KINTH, all late styles Englialt and Kreurli ni. rlnu, Ly on cloth; black, lilue, purple, and pink alpacas, jaconet, book, and Bwiaa iniielin, a fine aawriment of laces and edging, velvet trlinmliijrs, &o., do meatie gingham, blue, mixed, and gray satinet, sheep's gri-y and fancy cl.nh, Milfnrd and Hunker Hill ieaus, bleached and brown sheeting, brown aud blue drilling, denims, hickory shirting, bluck Velvet, also S fine lot of pluid drew goods, Urussel carpet, Axe, oVe. ' MEN d BOYS' CLOTHING. Dluc, bluck. aud brown cloth coals of tlie Hunt quality, tweed buineaa do., black cloth vest, a fins lut ef blk dooakin and aatinet pant, all quulilies and size, rubber juckeu, gmy over aud under shirt, white and hickory shirt, lists and eaia, - II O O T tt aud 8 11 O li S-iiien'., boys' aud youths' bout, Utilisw', niiaaua', aud cliildruu'a mo rocco, goat, kid, aud eulf boots aud shoes, , GROCERIES: Rio coflee, green and black tea, New Orleans, liatavia, and crushed sugar, East boston, Stew art's, and Cbinii symp, salt, IU snd rJO lb, sacks, nails, aasartod sizes, soap and soap powders, pow der and lead, cream tartar, yeust powder, aalera tus, chewing add smoking tobarao, oysters, prunes, pepper sauce, oil, spices, starch, nnd cotton bat ting, with a variety of other groceries uaunlly kept. We have akto s Splcutlid Assortment ot Eooki In purl ns fullowat -Washington 4. bislicn- MeKeiite's Receipts, ' ornls, . , ,i . . , i Ue'iigiou Eucyclopedia, Napoleon &. hi marsli'lt Dible HuUiry, Rollins' Anoieut History, Hketehes and Skeletons in 4 vois., . of sermons, -v Bolder Wart, Wickhain's School Keg' Life on the Plains ' r later, :V Frontier Life, Dick WiU Stevrns' book of Ihe farm. son, United Stntva' Ilnlury. Fruit Culture, Land Measure, American Debater, Mapping plate, Railrond and Itunds, Tcaohing, Fuller's Works, rrnctirul LnudbCape Curdening, Natural History, , Parley's (jleegrnpby, Stotldurd's McnLiI arilh. Towers' algebra, TIioiiimoh' high acliool and meiitularithmatica, Velter's uud Sander' new series school books, Vebter's lurge fuuiily Boyhood of Ureal Men, Uietionary, Archbiebnp, . Irviu's cyelnpedia of Mercantile Morals, ' moral ami religious. Youat, horse nnd cattlo anecdotes, doctor, Mechanic' coniiU)ioii, , Small agricultural work", ltil.lce, of all sizes, i . With many other valuable books. ( ALSO PRESTON'S MAP OF OKECON aud WASH INGTON. . . . . i . A Fresh Supply of Stationery : Dny-Books and Journals, Mnmoraudums of all sizes, note, letter, cup, and bill paper, envelopes, pens and pencils, slates, writing hooks, ie tt'w DlklMinRPi? J. -- ' r.S. GOODS exchanged and the hlirhest market price puid for butter, eggs, bacon, chick ens, flour, uud almost anything tlio farmer has for sale. WM. V. & CO. Oregon City, October 4, 1856. y j1 i ' Ureal JiiditccHit'ntv : -" THE PROPRIETOR OF - TUB FRENCH STORE ' . ; iu this city, takes this method to iurits Ih publio to call and examine hi stock of GOODS. He haa now on hasul, and will continue lorevcive by almost every steamer, a fine assortment of the beat UUulltV at iroiKlri. wlilr.li Im im dHhirmiiiil h sell na chenn rut-' anvlinrlo mIma ir m,t n linL cheaper. . . , ! , 1 ,.,, , ... ' ! Mnv u"u," -""', a.. BuHnaLj ifl II.... .'II f..l .1.. I i v cjuton.u iu sjuuia wiici v niejf win mm inc iki and LATEST FASHIONS of Dress Goods, of every description, 11 has, end is constantly receiving, DRY GOODS. coimisliiiL' iu nart of tho followitiu articles Cocheco, Vacillc, Hudley, Concstcgu, rniup Alien, rait mver, fliommac,ana minicrotis other PUIN'1"3, nU 1st stylos; English and French meriuos, Lyons cluth ; black, blue, purple, aud pink alpacas, jaconet, book and Swiss imihlin, a tine assortment of laces und edging, velvet trim ings, lie., duraestic giughanis, blue, mixed, nnd gray satinet, sheep's grey and fancy cloth, Milford and Uunker Hill jcaus, bleached and brown ehoet ing, brown und blue drilling, denims, hickory shirt ing, black velvot, nlsouflue lot of plaid dress goods, Brussels carpet, cto.,&e. .. Mcu Sc Koy'n ClothiiiiT. Blue, black, and brown cloth coats of the llm at quality, tweed business do., black cloth vcsls, a tine lot of blk doeskin and satinet pants, all Dualities and sues, rubber jackets, gray over and under shirts, wiiuo aim iiicKory sniris, nuts una caps. BOOTS & SHOES men's, boys' ami youths' boots, ladies', misses', and children's morocco, gout, kid, and calf boots and shoes. ' ' ' It is no- trouble to show foods, and ho will ul. ' De happy to see Ins customers, whether thev Pu"ao or not. EUGENE Li FOREST. Oregon City, Dec. 6, 1b3(1. ; 3 lm7 IMPORTANT '. ; To Norllici-ii Caliloruia A Oregon. THE MERCHANTS and TRADERS from these sections of the country visiting tlie city SAN FRANCISCO, will find it to their advantage to ; , j- Call, Examine, and Purchase from t -''' the Immense stock of ' , ' J HUGHES & WALLACE, . (105 it. J07 SACSAMENTO ST.,) , .' i ( "' comprising every quality, description, and variety pf Goods in their line of business. ' "uaHE walmci, V White Goods, Linene HUailES & WALLACE, iiaces, bmbroideriet, ,, ; Millinery Good; Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Glotes,. Combt, Brushes, c., ' ; Yankee Notions, &c, ; Perfumery, Cutlery, ' French Fancy Good, - German Fancy Goods, Agent Clark's Cotton, Ill'OllES At WALLACE, r IIUOHES t WALLACK, liiraucs J WALLACE, , IIUOHES I, WALLACE,. BUGIIES . WALLACE, HUOHES L. WALLACE, IIUOHES t WALLACE, . ' HUGHES 4 WALLACE, HDOHES It WALLACE, IIUOHES St WALLACE, ' " MarshaW Threads. 105 & 107 Sacramento st..S.F. N.B. Our immense and wrfi.anrij .ih :. f our own direct importation. jeairn.i uuuhks WALLACE. Central Produce Depot. flAYPYf ATT CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, y wheat, oats, baoon, lard, butter and potatoes. Apiil4,07. JOHN P. BROOKS. Trnn - ' JUST received, the following sizes : . i. I. & . round, ' ' lHxf, ' , : " ' lx3-162ii-3xi, , 1250 lbs Norway shoes iron. April 4. - G. AHERNETIIT &. CO. ' VT.T. Bnrna. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, ; 4 OlSBOIt CltT. O T. CT Strict attention paid to repairing, and aatia- 1 faction to patroaa warranted. rebO-43 ' sTIILT MOULDING for nJctur. fmm.. fri l-sr i. v .......... v - 1 vjs raie dv iHAKi , v .v. u Kk-R TUST RECEIVED, a new suDDlvof Rio anJ i J Java Coffee, Rica, Sugar, Sal Soda. ie. .. O ILVKER Sararrilla, al lha '. nor) C. Port, Jr., Main st. ' J OREGuN CITY DRIUSTOBi' U. a MAIL LINE. , n.s,.lm ,, ,! h-..; . ,, ' 1 an'' J "'" 1), tJ-ortlatui Daily Ptti ! Olirh ' 0. AINMWdBTli ,. ' il ,L. AV 1 "sil u .trjT7ani . J.O. AINftwOBTII. v ' ,U run daily (Humlay. k , nimied trsde, . iinguirg.in ( it, , iU. V. ; 7 K " ,uu,"nilliUe poinu. -r or fre ulit or i,mn,r ..,.!., .... i , .... , . mt,r,J ,m vmlil ily Line JSi tteeen runlaua , vrnl Or yon fplIE new utorn. wheel (eamar X k x p h e a a . r.tir u. s. mail Lmi7l Portland and Astoria The 8.l-n.l id Steamer mm. ' Multnomah WILL continue to run regularly beUwuTp? laud and Aatoria, tin IT, ! wars, leaving Portland on Mouday and '-uS mornings of each week for Astoria i and aT. tor Inland oaTuetalay .nd fJ.?' ,.i.... , :..."' 3 touching VAn0ev...STriUl.a,VZ,S LssiET, Ac., each way. Kor freight JelC Or at Hoyts Wharf-botU, J'ortland. Wow Arrangcmonts. ' - TII.VVE bought out Ihe UAKKRV .-.n i mentof CAan . WarX, Ctlt now opened under lha moat fororsblt eircus. stance ti all old pnlroua, and ss many g Jl as may ch.o te give me a call. My rimji be well supplied with , ( Bread, Cuke; Dittl Cracker,, Nut,cdl dte$, Ram,n$, flgi, Ciyari, Toy,,i and almost cvory otlnr variety of Vnii:k-knaiU yet Invnled by Ynnkoc Ingenuity-all aTeir'ca. will be sllbrilrd AT THE LOWEST rOSSIBUf UTS '"I' I shall irooaaioually receivo anpi4i, (,1 J. tropical latitude, which will be duly UUouJ upon arrival. All ars invited to eive me a - I; Oregon City, April 1 857. ., , 'Tl'ST RECEIVED atuTooTiZ fj Store, dTect from New York i, ?J clco, a fresh supply of DRUGS, NEDlCIXPv Patent Medicine. Family Jledicines, 4 which trill be mill aa low for titth as ier U procured in the Territory. Call snd examin, f yourselves, and get an Almanac for 1857, piuv JAYNE-S Alterative, Expectorant.' and pill, Cod Live Oil. C.tor Oil, ao, 8.M 0! T the OREtlON CITY DltUO STORK, MEXICAN Mtietang I.iuiiueul, U. W. ilL ehant's Gnrgliiig Oil, at the . . OREGON CITY DRUG BT011E. . rpr.lTS.SIiS, ri-blandlun and doubh ud Ai- domitiul aupiiorters, at t!i OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. I JURE While Lead, raw and bnmed L'nM . Cromc Green and Yellow, and mIit paints. at lha UKUUON CITY D1IUO STORE. PERFUMERY, at the - -OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. n RAKFKNBEUG MEDICINES VT Grnefenberg Sarsaparilla, UlerinaCatbuh'ooa. i i'i - Dysentery syrup, coutusiptivi balm, ; " Tile Ointment, r j " .. ., Health Jlillera, , " ,' E ye b.f.,n, lc, 4c, . To bo found til the aueiicv of the Comianv. si tho ' OKEUON CITY DRUG STOIt'i: HAYMAN'S Pj-fpepllc Elixir warranted te cure llm dvstienaia itist reeelred nnrl far suloul the OHEUON CITY DRUG STOR' 4- TR. Guymtl's on.ntxxiiid extract of Sarntaailii a ana i enow jjocs;, nitiie . i ii seplS OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE, i OLD Dr. Jacob Tuwiisend'a SuieuiariUa, II . the OREGON CITY DRUG Sl'URfi ., DU.J. Ayres colebruled Cherry Pecluraldr coughs, colds, aud consumption, at His ' OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. McLANE'S celebrated Vonnifugs snd Lint Pills, OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. Ii. Townsend'sSursaparilia, at the 'i , ' 1 , , , OREGON CITY DRUG SIOKB. I IEUUVIAN Febrifugo, for the cure of ferof . and ague, die, Ac , just received nnd fornlt at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. , t IJm iiesi .linker & Smidlvdi tJ THE subscriber bus bought out (lie establish ment formerly owned by A. K. Poet, and k now currying on Uie;.iyiiV4SutidSXW;ii AYbusiiKSH iu nil its branches; ths LIVtKlf STABLE belongiugto the eslablWimtnt, is sis? kept up, where hones and carriages are Ounstaslly kept for Ihuncconimodutiou of the public. Unreel left at my stubln, will always be treated witk par ticular nllemii.ii, nnd well fed. 1 liar been oust nected with this establishineut for some four yean, and am now permanently located, where Iaiiall al ways be happy to wait on all who may favor m with a cull. " ' W. Ii. I'AUTLOW."' The best of TIMOTHY HAY kept oonatonl ly on hand.'''!'.-. .. I 1 '"'' Oregon City, Oct. 18, 185G-27y. Cuuomuli, April 11, I"- VN hand and for sale, low, for cask or prodaes J rainta&lead, chrome green, white lead, . ' 'S.vt'.; :: red . do , in oil, blk. i, do I. ",., , . lithorm.. . . .. . Prussian blue blue paint,' I. - ' . - b r 't ,. ,. , Comniou and pcrinaneut green putly.eia! &o. ,,. .. JNO, P. BROOKS. " j-.,, 'iJONAS O. CLARK & C0- " Furniture Ware-Room, Washington Stmt, SAN FRANCISCO, And'49 and 51 imrfA ., tefwess J i I "fr SACRAMENTO, A Importers, Manufacturers, . Whblesule & Retail .. .. DEALEBS IN EVERY DESCRirTIO.t OF- FURNITURE & BEDDING, Hove now in Store the wsaiw s i d mart complete assortment ' J' n - 'wk. ji - . ever offered in this State, consisting is r" , Fine Rosewood, Walnut and MahoW Parior' and Chamber Sets; Softs, Ottomans, Lounges, and Easy , , Chairs, Bureaux, Whatnot,.. p. e T" ..Mirrors of all sizes; I UU( OFFICE AND KITCHEN FVRNITVRS In great variety. ' .'' '' . . r J" We are now mauufacturing from onr ss tive woods, also from walnut and rosewood, saosi of our finest furniture, and can produce sn srlicle superior for strength, dnrability and besttty, anything imported from the East .1 We have constantly on hand snd sre is regal" receipt of full and complete invoices of Gootfr adapted to the interior and oasl trade. tW TO WHOLESALB DEALERS would say( your orders will receive, SS "?'' our careful and prompt attention. prJjnu I frTVlPAriASl - FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, it. SUGAR, Salt, Coffee. Tea, Syrop, Ch Starch, Salcratu. Cream Tartar, bf T" Carb. Soda, Pepper. Spice, AhiD. Borax, Vr Kra,etc. , Apriiiil,l-", " ' Hardware t FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE. Ji BRASS and lion Bolts, Screws, kU Latches. Hammers and Ualchels, A Drawinz - kaive. Hand, Corry Comna.'' Bruihr snd Card. Gun oruanea ana 1. aria, una 1-, n , r i- lionLaa." 1 Cards, Chest Handle, Plane. e as L