PUBLIC SALE. BY erJr of th ProUl cturt of Clackama Bounty Ih following property, belonging la tin inUK or Kotwri nirura, will b sold II puulle aul oa SATURDAY, th3lr INST., on 111 premise of th deeaed, In LINN CITY, vii i Nine head of Cuttle, four of which are Lout, A lot of Jlogt, One Side Saddle, and one Man's do., Two Wutchci, one of which it gold. A credit of ait moulhi will be given on sums over flu, ny giving approved tecumy. titi to ooinmenca nt 10 o'clock on wid dy. P.J. SC'IINEIILY, KENAl.D f-'RAWFORD, J.T. AI'PKttSON. Linn Cily, October 17, 1857. 87w3 Notice! I WILL SELL TO THE HIGHEST BID der, on tb Moond Monday of November next, (the day of election,) at McMlNN V1LLE. O.T., on three and six mouth llinc, 40 Town Lott and 0 five acre Lott. Thoa wialiing to local near the McMinuvill College, would do well to attend. W. T. NEWBY. ' McMinnville, Oclubur 17, 1857. 27 w3 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest- Orove, Washington Co., Oregon. Kev. S.1I. Marsh, A. M., President, Rev. II. Lyman, K.U.,Prof. Mathematics PTMIE collegiate year, oonaiating of on term of X nine montiu, will communoe on the first Wednesday uf I ovembor. It ia Ilia design ut lliia Iiutilulion lo furnish a thorough and complete colk-Vinto cduoutlon. There ia a Library of 1001) volume fur the uao M Ui attidonla Applicant fur admission to collect mutt have Itnowledgo of Ilia common English branebe, and iav Mudied the ancient language au far u to liavo read portion! of CVsar and Cicero and the ureek Header. The tuition fee ia $33 per anuum. Students fitting for college, aa well a other wialiing lo puraue collegiate studies without enter ing upon the collego course, will be under the in tiualion of the college teacher. I'll., full tMpm i.t I I WAnlf tn lliA nMiMMlmv .......... ...... v. -- r.r..,..v.7 department commence on the 2d Wednesday of Depicmoer. i union, $o per term. Tualatin Academy, Forctt Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, Rev. Cusiiino Eells, Principal. The full term will commence on the first Wed nesday of November. Tuition in the common branch, $6 in the higher briinclie, $3 per quarter. 2by For Sale at the CITY BOOK STORE, THE following works Magic Stalf, by A. J. Davis i Ureal Iron Wheel, by J. U. Grave; Drcd, in 2 vols., by Harriet Bcecher Stow ; The Homo Cyclopedia, of Ilia World' Progress, " " Useful Art, Europe, " Geography, " Fine Arts and Literature, 11 Biography, Jen. Oct 3. Notie. TTTE take plcnstire in informing our customer T V and the public generally that lha AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carpenters' Tunis, &e., which wo advertised to arrive about the lit of May, are now here, and ready for delivery. They consist, in purl, of the following, viz: Combined reapers and mower, Thresher and cleaners, from 2 to 6-horse power, Ilovey's 6-knife straw cutler, Grape-vine grain cradle, Patent scythe snullis, Grain scythe, grass scythes, scythe tones, Smith' bellows, anvils, Collins' axes, handled, do do without handle, Broad axes, hand axes, hatchet, Draw knives, sent sawn, curry combs, Wool cards, shovels, spade, planters' hoe, Potato diggers, grind-stones and fixture, Spoke shaves, monkey wrenches, saddle-bags, Slid pairs twisted link truce chains, 1000 log chains, chain pumps, Mill-saw, Hut, and hlf round riles. carpenters' tools: SO setts premium bench planes, Mutch planes, hollow and rounds, gash do beads, plows, Ovolo and fillets, try, square, bevel, and mitre, Brace and bits, rules, compasses, Hnud vises, measuring tapes, Auger bits, guuges, hand-saw file, auger, Iland-suws, back-saws, firmer and rocket chisels. BUILDING MATERIALS: 300 kegs ass'd na;ls, Poors, windows, window-glass, putty, Faints red, green, and blue white lead, Linseed oil, spirits turpentine, door locks, Strap hinges, butt and screws, cupboard leek, Santa Cruz lime, calcined plustor, Ac, Sus, GROCERIES: Coffee, tea, sugar, syrup, dried apple, Raisins, pio fruits, rice, pepper, ginger, mustard, Allspice, cloves, 300 bags Liverpool null, 25 kilts No. 1 mackerel, ifcc, &o. CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, o general assortment. DRY-GOODS: 2000 spun cotton, assorted sizes, ' 5000 yds bro drills, ' 5000 " " Bheeling, 300 " satinets, 100 prs 3x3 pt Mackinaw blankets, 30 ' lUi Hue bed blanket, Jeana, also Clothing, and Boots and Shoes, tog ;'.!:'"' with cordage (assorted), oakum, tar, rot in, blocks, and many otue." :.'!.ic'e too numerous Jo mention. AVe would at the same time inform the farmer and ether that we will keep on hand constantly a .good assortment of agricultural implements, hav ing made arrangements with manufacturer in the furnish us with auch article, and we feel .confident that w can furniah the farmer here on ,auch term a will be satisfactory. W ktae now on tht way front New York lot of Thresher and reapers, to arrive early in b season. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. .Oregon City, slay 2, 1857. IMPORTANT To Northern California 4c Oregon. THE MERCHANTS and TRADERS frm these lections of the country visiting the city e SAN FRANCISCO, will find it to their advantage to Call, Examine, and Purchase from the immense stock of HUGHES & WALLA E, (105 4 107 SACXAMINtO T.,) comprising every quality, description, and variety of Goods ill their line of business. Hcoiies k Wallace, Wkite Good, Linent, venn a Wallace, Lace, Enibrbiderut, Hvauu k Wallace, Millinery Good, hughe a Wallace, Furnitking Good; VPGHE k Wallace, Hosiery, Gtme; boohe a Wallace, Cmo, Brntke; d., HUGHES Wallace, Yankee Notion; 4C, KDGBES k Wallace, Perfumery, Cutlery, peons k Wallace. . Frentk Fancy Good, srcoHcs k Wallace, German Fancy Ooodt, hughe k Wallace, Agent Clark3 Cotton, hughe k waiXace, Slarikalft Thread. 105 & 107 Sacramento (1,8. Ft N. B. Our immense and well-aasorUd stock I at oar own direct importation. je27ni3 UUUIIliS ic WALLACE. RARE CHANCE. rpiIE subscriber oflitra for sal hi ruidvne In X OregooCity. Then art Iwo full lot, wall fncd, with bear log fruit tree, and shrubbery of lb moat deaira bla kinds, together with alalil and well. Th house I on nnd half storie, well pla tared, with even rooms, pantry, closet, drain, and cellar. Tb location I on of Ih most daairabl In the city, nay of access, nnd oouimandiug beautiful view oi in nver. Poateasion will b given In February, 1'rlee $2000 1 or 1500 for Die house and on lot. Approved aorlp will b rroeivea in pay at 4U cent on Ih dollar. t HUM AO rUMS. Oregon City, Sept 36, 1827. 24w8 ANOTHER CHANCE. mllE subscriber offer for aala lh follewlng JL. propenv, namely 1 city kit, drtirabj location, 1 valuabl American horse, U melodeons, 1 akiff, with oar nnd sail, 1 lady's saddle, 9 genl'a aaddle, 2 ahot guns. The above will b nld fur eaalt, or for approved crip at 40 eentaon Die dollar. TKOMAS POPE. Oregon Cily, Sept 26, 1SJ7. S4w8 Notlee. THE undesigned design leaving Oregon fur Ih St-.te, Hi February. piireuosaa to be made, in any of lh Northern or it eaiem Dial, can nave their Dusinea uauaacled by applying to mo before I leave. THOMAS POPE. Oregon Cily, Sept 36, 1857. 24w8 FOR SALE, A SET of eecond-hand TINMAN'S TOOLS and AMCMiVf; complete, by Oct. S, 1857. E. MILWAIN. Webftcr'i Uuabrldued DICTIONARY Reviaed and tularged edi tionfur aala at th CITY BOOK STORE. Bayard Tujlor'i . CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swan' Thre Yean' Uasidanc on the North West oo ait for aid at Ih CITY BOOK STORE. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. J V.. DLANPIED would inform th public that he ha nw on hand a largo and well selected atock of ready-mad BOOTS and SHOES, which ha oner for sal on reasonable term. Alao, Water-proof Faite Blacking. MAKING AND REPAIRING Done to order, on short notice. August 8, 1857. 17-y LINN OIH STORE. rpiIE aubaoribcr would respectfully Inform the A. public that ho ha taken the store lately oc cupied by Mr. Ubououton, at Liyci Ull I, wun the design of continuing the (ieneral Mc'rcliandlo Buaineta. II will keep alwaya on hand a good asaortmint of GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardware, Clothing, Roots and Shoes, Confectionery, Ltgart, Stationery, etc. Th above will always bi offered ait th LOWEST PRICES For Cash or Country Produce. t3T Tleaao call and see for yourselves. Jgi THOMAS BAILEY. Liun City, Sept 36, 1857. 84 Uood Wtaeat Wanted, FOR which th highest market price will bo paid in cash or trade, at the Sept 26. LINN CITY STORE. Probate Xfotice. NOTICE ia hereby given that the Second Mon day in October next ia appointed for the ex amination and adjustment of the accounts of James bmilli, administrator of the estate of rat- rick Callahan, lute of Clackamas county deceased. ROBERT CAUF1ELD, Septl9,1857-S3w3 Judge of Probate. Removal. milE OREGON CITY DRUQ STORE ia re jL moved to the corner of Third and Main St., formerly occupied by S. Mark, & Co. ep 19. BRICK 100,000 F0RSW ep!9 7 WJIf. 0. DEMENT, d CO. j 110 BUS.0 ATS SACKED. For epl9. WM. C. DEMENT, d CO. THE CAPTIVITY OF THE 0 ATM AN GIRLS ! TTtOR SALE AT THE THE CITY BOOK STORE. JL eug 22-19 Xane'i Arctic Expedition. RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and other interesting works, for sale at (lie sepli CITY JJUOK STOKE. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. ARE NOW RECEIVING, per bark Na humkeag and brig Francisco, the following goods, all of which they otter at reduced price ; 15000 lbs ISo I China sugar, 15000 ' Rio coffee, 100 boxea Hill's and Colgate's soap, 100 kegs syrup, 5s 1 8s gal, 40 case pickles, SO " pie fruits, ass'd, 10 bbl crushed sugar, 20 cases tea, 20 nest willow basket, 100 gal sperm oil sept 12, '57. PLOWS JUST RECEIVED 25 cast steel plow for ale by WM. C. DEMENT & CO. A few auef 0 K that wperior GREEN TEA received by V in. l. vrn l;u a To Arrive Within Ten Sayt, DIRECT FROM NEW YORK, 1 f FAIRBANKS' cle, weighing fram .J 1000 to 3000 lbs, 6 Hickox'a cider mills, Blacksmith's viae, anvil, tc, Mill and X-cut aawa, ' Drawing knives, Pruning do., Budding do., Shears and aawa, 3 dox steelyards, weighing from 300 to 400, 6 14 Ames' spades, 50 Beria grindstones, 10 dox Collin axea, handled, 10 " do do without, S " hand axea ; for aala low by aep 12 WM. C. DEMENT fc CO. CASES "Crumpton'a Medal" Tobacco at aep 12 WM. C. DEMENT A CCS. WE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE tut good WHEAT at the market price. ovlS CHARM AN WAHNEB. g di GALS, sperm oil (superior quality) JL W far sal bv WM. G DEMENT . rnOYS, of different kinds, for sale by J. CHAR.MAN h WARNER- HOMES HOLLAND, BRADLEY ic GO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS OREGON CITY, O. T 1 KhLf coiulantly on band a fgiafm (ontral assortment of Ja& MISCELLANEOUS nniZJLJLaT SCHOOL HOOKS also, a fin assortment of STATIONERY, d EVERYTHING ELSE generally kept in their line of business, CALL AT Till SION O Til CITY BOOK-STORE, Oppotitt Ilolmet't Brick Start. SepL5, 1857. Sitf SMOKERS AND CH EWERS, ATTENTION I HAVE opened I cigar and tobacco etor in this cily near th market house, where I offer The Bett Quality of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO AND CIGARS ever offered In this market, by the wholesale or ratail vary cheap. I have almost every brand of tobacco that can b called for, also the best cigar ever offered in Ihi market, consisting of 10,000 Opera, 6,000 Henry Clay, 10,000 El Levillanor, 0,000 Black Sea, 20,000 La Flore de Aranco, 20,000 Flore de Cubano, 50,000 City Hall alao of TOBACCO W eases Sun brand, CO do. Pride, of the Union, 10 do. Young America, also, large assortment of natural leaf, with funcy clay and German canister ; m atu 9 together with a general assortment of OB.OCBB.XE0, SUCH AS TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, fe., de., a well a vast amount and variety of other Jt x2 or m. em loo numerous to mention, Which I am determined to sell on terms that will justify everybody in giving me call. 1 can al waya be loinw at my post nearly opposite the Main Street House, where I shall be pleased to wait on auch a either wish to buy or look at cheap and good article in my line. E. ACOBSON. Oregon City, Sept 5, 1 857. S 1 tf Notice. WHEREAS my wife Hannah Dauiela, for merly Hannah Pcuueltou, has left my bed and board without provocation or cause, and tuken wild her, without my knowledge or consent, a child one year old, I hereby give notice that I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by her, or in any manner on ber or the child's account, af ter this date. A.C.DANIELS. Clackamasco., Sept. 13,1857. 22w3 OREGON HOUSE , CORNER Third and Wuter streets, J opposite Uib ferry Landing. OREGON CITY. Th traveling public are respectfully invited to give us a call. The OREGON HOUSE is th most pleas antly located hotel in the Territory, and has been so altered within the last few weeks a to mako it one uf the most commodious Houses in the Terri tory. The table will alwaya be supplied with the best that tlio Market affords. Good accommodations fur ladies and families. Good (tabling and feed fur horses, with proper attendance. K3T The stage-coach to and from Salem stops at the Oregon House. faica: Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Board, without lodging, per week 0 00 Single meal 50 Night's lodging 50 A. SCUOLL & J. BA1IM, Aug. 8, 18i"m(i Proprietor. LIVERY STABLE. TTTE are now keeping a Livery stable in Or. YV egonCity, where HORSES can always be obtained ON LIBERAL TERMS. We are also prepared with excellent stable, well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horse by th day or week. Those who call upon u may feel assured that every attention will be giveu tu horse left in our charge. GIBSON cV. POTTER. July 18, 1857. 14m3 Estato of John McLoughlin. NOTICE ia hereby given that the subscriber ha bven duly appointed executor of the will of Johu MuLoughlin, late of Clackaina county, deceased. , All persona indebted to said estate are required to make payment immediately, and nil persona having claims aguiuat the deceased must exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within one year from date, to me at my residence iu Or egon City, or at the office of A. Holbrook, my at torney in said city. DANIEL HARVEY, Oregon city, sept, vi, laav-w tx r. Titag Andronicas. I HAVE made arrangemenla for open- innr the " Titus Audronicus" on a more lUiLextended and improved plan. Additional rooms have been secured, and I shall now be able to lodge, and also furnish room for one or two private families. Thankful for the liberal patrou- aga heretofore extended to me, I still solicit a large share from the traveling public. Every at tention given to the comfort and convenience of those who call on me. TITUS G. CLARK. Oregon City, May 30, 1857. 7m6 Water Power to lease. THE undersigned is ready to lease part of the Oregon City Water Power for manufacturing purposes. Da. JOHN MacLOUGIILIN. Oregon City. July 4, 1857. 12 Garden Peas. I7ARLY May and Victoria Marrowfat, for sale ll by C. POPE. Jr. CHAIN PUMPS price reduced-for sale by mr28 C. POPE, Jr. M ACAULAY'S History of England for la by C. rOFli, Jr. "TMARY and Correspondence of Amos Law Jj rcpcc for aala by C. POPE, Jr. N assortment of Bible and Testaments for L sal at the Repository prices by C. POPE, Jr. M ORRIS' Poetical Works for sals by U. POPE, Jr. D IARIES for 1857 for sale by c. runs, it. Land Warrant! PURCHASED BY Jan. 24. WM. C DEMENT 4 CO. "I f f SETS wagon boxes, for sale by 1UU WM. C. DEMENT It co. 25 SETS Ires hoops, asa'd iie, for sale by WM. C. DEMENT 4. co. 2000 SEAMLESS mcke forialeby WM.C. DEMENT co. 6 DOZ. grape-vine cradles for ssle by WM. C. DEMENT A. co. f5fl BBLS. freah - Santa Crux" LIME; tjJ 5 do. calcined planter received and for eale by WM. C. DEMENT ic CO. 50 Kg DOZ. thomb latches, eheap. for aale by T .Ti.u. yr-.nt-.T I a. co. I, L. BRADLEY. 25 " gETS bellow angers, for wheelwright, for asks by WJL C.PEMLIi i aw Public ZZouie. aa HAVING periuaiicutly located In Oregon City, where I hav opencdiLL! a Public House, which will bo kept a such a house ouirht to be Kent, I Invite the traveling pub' lie lo give m a cull. My table will be furnished with th best Hie market allorits, and every alien lion will be given to lh cumfurt of my putrons. Call and try me. My home i alongside of Dr. McLoughlin'. It (Jul. CONNOLLY. May 30, 1857. 7lf I'robate Notice. NOTICE ia hereby given Hint Jiimc Officer, administrator on the festal of A. J. Culling, lale of Clackamas county, deceased, ha rendered hi account for final settlement to the 1'mbata eourt of sa d county, and th third Monday iu Oc tober uext is appointed for the adjustment of Ih same at Oregon City in said county. ItOllEUT CAUF1ELD, October 3, 1857-25w3 Judo? uf Prubato. Estate of Robert Moore. NOTICE I hereby given that Ilia undersigned have been duly appointed executors of the will of Robert Moore, late of Clackamas comity, deceased. All person indebted to laid estute are required to make payment immediately, and all persons liav nx claims against said estato must pre sent them with the necessary vouchers to us at lbs residence of R. C. Crawford in Linn City, wilhin one year from date, or they will be forever burred. 11. O. CRAWFORD, D.J. KCHNKULY, JOHN T. A1TEUSON. Oct 3, 1857. 25w4 Administratrix'! Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letter of ad ministration have beeii grnuled lo the under signed by the Probate eourt uf Clackamas county uu the estule of George Irvin, deceased, lute of said couuty. All persons indebted tu said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against suid estute are requested to present lliem to me within one year from the date uf this notice at mv residence on Pudding river. MARY ANN IRV1X, Sept. 20, 1857-24w4 Adm'x. Won-rcsidcnt Notice. Abel Eudey, vs. Mary Hunted, guardian of the minor heir of L. W. Saunders, deceased. WHEREAS, iu thi causa a bill ha been filed praying a foreclosure of a morlgnge upon lots numbered one (1), seven (7), and eight (tf), iu block numbered nine (9), and lota num bered four (4) and five (5) in block numbered twenty-two (92), in the town of Oregon City, in Clackamaa county, and Oregon Territory, fur the sum of four hundred dollar and interest, and whereas an affidavit has breu tiled therein show ing that defendant is n non-resident : The defendant is hereby notified that unless she appear in tho District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory uf Oregon, on the first day of the term to be hidden in Salem on tho first Monday iu April, A.n. 1858, and answer the bill filed in thi cause, the same will be taken for con fessed, and a decree of foreclosure entered up. E.J. HARDING, Cl'k, By Homer Holland, Deputy. Matlock it Johnson, Solicitors for couipluinant. Sept. 12, 1857. a2w8 W. X. Hutchins, IV1. D., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFERS TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Prof. J. KoBt, " " Prof. Courtney, La Fayelte, Iud.j Dr. W. Armstrong, Find ley, Ohio : J. Fisher, M. D., Tiffin, " J. Chamberlin, M. D., Tiffin, Dr.H. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Penn. i Prof. J. Brown, N. Y.( Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwuukio, O. T. W. D. Hutchins' Balsam Wild Cherry"...i4t 25 Juyne' Expectorant.....! 1 25 " Alterative : 1 25 Ayres' Cherry Pectoral..... 1 25 and a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all limes. And I am making arrange ments to manufacture my Iialsam fur tho lungs, from the Oregon cherry. augl5 SELLING OFF AT GREAT INDUCEMENTS! T AM now selling off my ENTIRE stock of X lit! All I -MAVIS CLOTHING, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoe, &c, &c. I have now a heavy atock on hand of the very best quality uf gooila, exactly auited to the want of this market, which 1 am determined to sell very low olid no mistake, in order to close out tho concern, prepar atory to leaving this country, as my health com pel me to go back to Franco. Come one, come all, and buy. EUGENE LA FOREST. Oregon Cltyi Aug. 22, 1857. lfltf Cliitriiiuu &, Warner HAVE ree'd a large assortment of SHOES, embracing children's and ladies' shoes, and Gaiters, Buskins, and Bootees : also gent' Boot and shoes, and gaiters of all descriptions. ALSO, Cradle and scythes, snaths, hoes, rake, forks, spades, and shovels. To Rent. A STORE ROOM, situated on Main Street, opposite Ihe Main Street House quite a desirable part of towii. Apply to May 23. CHARMAN 4. WARNER; Pottery. WE have now permanently located in Ore gon, and will give our whole attention to the MANUFACTURE of EARTHEN-WARE, in which business we are now engaged, at the old Saw-mill, hall' a mile above Cuuemah. We are now making the best ware of the kind ever before offered in Ihe Territory, and shall keep a constant supply, such a will enable us to fill any kind of an order upon short notice. Up country merchants and tho farmer gener ally are iuvited to give us a call. S. M. HARRIS & BROTHER. Oregon City, Moy 10, 1857. 5tf Administrator's Notice. NOTICE ia hereby given that letter of 1. ministration have been granted co the under signed by the Probate court of Clackamas county on the estate 01 Peter Johnston, deceased, late of aid county. AU person indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all person having claim against said estate are required to present them to me within the time prescribed by law at my residence in Oregon City. . Sept. 10, 1857-2i)w4 A. II. STEELE. IT HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL for some time post, that MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed at the LINN CITY STORE, to meet the demand of it constantly increasing custom. These additions hav now been made the store is enlarged, and lh atock lis just been replenished with a large assortment of Groceries, Dry Good, Ac, among which are Panama Halt, Gaiters, Cravats, Parasols, Gingliams, Ribbons, Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, Alld a oiiit DHL Mom, At the 'LINN CITY STORE.' Motto "Small profit and quick returns.' April 11, 1857. LADIES' and gents' KID GLOVES, at BROL'GHTON'ri, Linn City. OAT STORES, aTl kinds, wholesale or re tail, at BP.OL'GIITON'S, .ia City. GOOD black and green TEA, at BROLGHTON'S, Linn City. JUST received 30 bbi. Santa Crux LIME, and V) fks PLASTER PAW. myl3 CHARMAN f WARNER. Wm. O. Doment V Co., WIIOI.KSALE it RKTAIIi Dealers In Groceries. Hardware, Boots k Shoes, Crockery, Uc, TENDER liicir thank to their numerous cus tomers fur their p is! liberal patronage, and o lieii a continuance of lh same. They luke pleasure in Informing tho public, thai they have now oil hnud a large and dcsirald lock of Grocerie; Hardware, Boot anil She; Crockery, and Boat Store; to which lliey are makimr constant additions from New York and San Francisco, purchased for ea.h only, and are enabled to sell at lower priot than any other store iu Oregon Cily. jna.Ji, in.ii, Eipcrlcncu Muko Per for I. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goods? WK wish to Inform our cuitnmcr and Ihe pnblio generally that wo hav now mi hand, in additiou to our usual heavy atock of (tra ceries and Dry-Goods, ouv of the largest and best selected stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered iu this market. W also wish lo say that our goods are of excellent quality, and that we will sell A8 CHEAP AS ANY OTIIKR HOUSE IN 0BKG0.V, Portland not excepted. Our old motto still govern our trade " Quick sales and small profits." Our atock of goods I now open for inspection to all who will favor us with a call. Call and sec, and let experience then speak for itself. We sell aa low as uny iu the Territory, fur cash, or produce at market rate. I II . It. M AIN es. WAIl-M.ll. Oregon City, Muy 23, 1857. Reapers Thrashers. OUR Reapers and Thrukher hav arrived lYrsniiu who purchased of us will plruso take notice, and call fir their machines. Also TWO g-HORSE THRASHERS on hand and for sale. J mie 20. G. AUERNET11 Y & co. Grain Cradles. DO. iiVM.Iinmrfrl flininrinr ifTnin frittHs-a fill O ale by G. ABERXETHY & co. Boots & Shoes, s UITED lo summer weur, ou hand and for ale by G. A 1IERX ETH Y & co. Tobacco. CASES superior brands just received aud m " for sule by us ; 5 cases Pridu Union, 5 " Alliance, 5 " Cockade, 5 " U l'ai adi.'O and Grune. June 20, 1857. G. AUEUNETH Y & tin. Nails. KEGS N'ails, assorted sizes, for salo by G. ABERXETHY 4. co. 40 SvniD Lime. fWt. KEGS syrup; 93 7 50 bids lunet for sule by June 20. 1857. G. ABERXETHY c. Land Warrants Wanted. THE HIGHEST PRICE will be paid by the undersigned, in cash, or draft ou Atlaulio cities, lor Laud Wurruul. i . J. .uciAiu r.u. Oregon City, June 13, 1857. Olf At War with Hard Times! HARD TIMES DEFEATED! BY c IIARMAN & WARNER, who, In additien td their usual LARGE STOCK or Dry Good and Groecrle, are about receiving per bark Metropolis and Mat thew Vnssar, the following new supplies, viz: 100 boxes English soap, 100 " American do., assorted brands, 50 " adamantine candles, 25 " sperm do. 10 " wax candles, assorted colors, 3000 lb No. I Bulavia sugar, 4000 ' No. 1 Manilla do. 4000 1 Costa Rica, Rio, and Java coffee, 100 ' Booce'a domestic ground do. 50 tluz assorted spices, in bottles, 6 ' English ass'd sauces, 0 ' do do pickles, 10 ' American do do. 20 cases pie fruit. 50 boxes Windsor glass, ass'd size; 100 kegs nails, alt sizes, 600 lbs codfish, 6 hlf bbls mackerel, 10 bbls lime, 1 case tobacco, 'Pride of (ho Union 1 do do 'Commercial,' 1 do do 'Honey dew,' 1 do do 'Natural louf,' 0 gross smoking tnbaccd, 6 aoz tomato ketchup, 0 ' pepper auce, 10 kegs dried apples, . 2 bbls plaster pane, Together with a well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, and ready made CLOTHING, which we offer a LOW us uny house in Oregon, either wholesale or retail. tT'enns cash, or produco tuken iu exchange at the highest market rates. March 21, IH57. Harness and Saddlery. THE undersigned having opened anew in BUTTEVILLK, Murion county, O. T., is ready to manufacture and furnish at short notice, aud in the best and most substan tial style of the craft, all kind of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Car riage Trimming, J-c. March 28, 1857. A. COOK. Wow floods. JUST recoived by the subscribers, 8200 yds Morrimua and Coelieco prints, 1700 ' satinets, blue and ntiXcd, 130 ' cotton warp, 50 coils uianilla ropo; 124 bund'es map pagier, 55 cases Kentucky rille powder, FFF.G. March 21. G. ABEKNETHY &. CO. Straw Outers. DOZ. Straw culler just received and for ule by G. ABERXETHY & CO. B. B. Syrup. KEGS, 8 and 5s, for sale hy G. AUERNETHY 4. CO. 30 500 LBS. pure Beeswax for sale low by ja3 1 WM. C. DEM EN T i CO. MOFFAT'S Life Bitters and Pills, Bernard's Dysentery Syrup, Wistur Balsam of Wild Cherry, ut tho ; OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. IJRESTON'H Sectional nd County MAP of OREGON and WASHINGTON TER RITORIES fur sale by auglO CHARLES POPE, Jr. Soiling-Off I V VALUABLE assortment of BOOKS and stationery. Teacher and dealer and all interested are invited to call aud examine. March '26, 1857. C. 1'OPE, Jr. II UTABAGA seed-for sale by niar28 C. POPE, Jr. I HUB ARB or pie fruit seed for sa't i Li mar2S C. POPE, Jr. 0 REGON timothy seed for sale by marju u. rurr., jr. 700 LBS. whit cossipore sugr for salo by marirtl C. POPE, Jr. 2 SETS coopers' tools for sale by WM. C. DEMENT de co. 4 DOZ. polished cat-eteel grain scoop for ssle by WM. C. DEMENT & co. Ft' LL amort rm-nt of Ysnke Notions at mh21 CHARMAN dc WARNER'S. s AXDS' Kanaparilla, ia any quantity, at th ORbG?i C11K DUl'U b i OKK. OREGON CITY Wholesale Pricei darreat COaUKCTXU WKKSLV. nv onons. i naiiot Sl tjaiiiciKsa, Sheellug,4-4....1l, N. Y.eost Drilling I-'i MoiH'csj. Bleached drilling MWheal, fr. bu.....)l,25 " shirting, Haiti Oala do 0575 Striped do I '.'J Potato do 75 Tickin? I4alb'Onion do 12 1") Deuiiia I'.'iFUir T,00 Bliia drilling 14 Cum Meal, fresh S Plaid linsey I24' Ml'IT. Satinet v. .. 70a!lll AppN , Jried lCalS Kentucky leans.. .2'ia 15 I'euehr. dried Ill Tweed 55a70 do paled i-aiKT. ; Chili. 2025 Blue and whit Ij rnunsiuxs. Ilhis aud oraiiti 13 Pork, clear nun. Kancy Haiti. ' lues T.'MaSU Furuilur do lOu 1 1 Hum 2" w iIh. 1'J A line-Hi IS M. de laille Ifullu llullrr 40 Giiighuuu 15u-'-.' Egs 3i Alnuca 25uli0 'iiwnica. Tubto damask... i.5tlu75 llawird, pr ea 916 cloth 0'il4 " !" Irish linen 4u.JI ot. CI.OTIIINO. ''Small Kite 8"i3 Sheep gruy punt 82Ji3 Buck $ju3 Satinet do. .fr'ii.l WAV. d Fancy cuss. do. ...jlUS Bar ! Black cuss. do. $5u7 White lead, luuil...!:', Redlliin'l shirt 81 lain cao.toa. I lino do. do. Sl.'mlS Manilla, small.... i.. B.l Hickorv shirla 5u7 " large 24 Culico do glial'.' Hemp lOalJ oot Si iioi:. CAKUtt. Men' kip boot $'.i4 Admautin J3a37 ' super uo. U0....9 I wrm uuuuj 11 it,.. u.u. l i'.i viUAaa. Boys' kip boots l J Havana f lOaHO " he vy w X j u-nnan bjiwu.i Mens' bnj's pr. dox.. 1 7 American '1050 " kip lirg pr dux.? .'ll' tx-o. " calfseu'ed do., ft'.' I Pride of tho Uuioil.i0a43 Women's h'vy (b' Sun... 3031 ' tin do yi. iUKe 01 m.n.'HHK.. : HABUWAKK. Coffee Mai.". Shovels : 8l4 Tea Ii0ai5 .spade Sl-taiu I Clii'a.... 13 Ax fJlSaan " cru.lird ill MiIIsuhs U(la$ll Salerutuj 1 0a I ti X cut saws.... i. . Ja5 1 ,23 Slareh 14 Table cutlery, U3 percl Syrup K Boston... l,20 advaue on N. Y.eost do. 8 Island ,00 Pocket cutlery, 83 prc NOMolnsse ! advance. gut 2a2J Other article of hard- Table Salt 3all J wure from 20 to 5 pr Sandwich 1. Suit. . 1 J i2 el a Ivance. Pepper 2'.' Nuils,iis'd siic,pr k 9" Allspice 4H " hoi.lioo...35a40 Ciiinainon (!uH: oil jjoup ball Lamp tliat2 Orctfoii aud 'iillIoiulu Packet Li:ic. rnilE following vessels Will run In con- . I ....,:.. ... t.'CI' I. A It I.INEbe- luecii PORTLAND and 8AM rKAA- CISCO: Clipper bark J AXE A. FALKEXBERG, , Hahukr, Master) Bark OCE.VN BIRD, Wiouins, ' " CIIAri. DEVENS. IUalct, " ' NA1IUMKEAG, Williaus, " Brig 1. 11. LUNT, Richausox, " The Bark have all been ooppered recently, and are in liist-mte order, commanded by experienced captains. Freights w ill he carried nt the lowest rater. Produco sent iVom any part of lh comilry td Oregon Cily, or to tho Liun City works, will be rei ceivednnd forwarded lo San Irancisoo. Auknt GEO. ABERXETHY & CO., Oregon City. ABERXETHY, CLARK & CO , Nov.23,'5G-32tf Sun Franoiscol Tho -Hew Eiitflaud .Tlntnul LIFE INSUItANCB COMPANY1, Bustos, Mass., Organized in 1843, and having a capital and accumulated premiums aiAdtint- 3 ing to over 9 1,090(039. WILL take risk In Oregon, for a teriri of . yours or for life. Dividonds of profit to ii.,o l,..,.,l am ileelared everv live veura. In surance may be effected for the Iwuclit of married . ... 1 .1.- I. .u.l!. women and olnluren, ueyonu in reueii ui jreu,,. or of the party insured. Creditor may Ituurd the livesof d. blois. Rate iu Oregoti will be the same as iu New England. This is the oldest American Mutual Insiiranc Company, and is one of tho most reliable and sue ccssfiil, uuil insures on tho most favorable rate. Information muy be obtained from, aud upp'.ic: tion for insurance made Id, A. HOLBROOK, Agent for Oregoil. Contulting Phynicians Forbes Barclay, M.D.J Oregon City, and R. B. Wilson, M. D.f Portland. Oregon City, dun. 31, 1 t)j7. 4i Jo's. Darstow IS by himself, and would rospeotfiilly srty td hi frionds add tile public generally that lie i thankful for past putrouuge, and will uonliuu busi ness at the old stand, uud will ever be ready to show his timid J tu those who may fuvor him with a cull. Come one, come all, both great and silialli and give him a cull before purohasiug elsuwhere, uud examine for yourselves iiis splendid and select stock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spice, 4i.c, Ate., Hut, Nail, Brooms, &.O., and almost every thing pertaining td a general line of business. All kinds of country produco tuken in exchange. Country friends will lind il lo their advuutugo to give me a culh Canemah.Scpt. 0. FURNITURE! AT THE FUIlNITUZVa SALH3 ROOM, (Oue door below L. Suow & Co.'s, Frunt at.,) PORTLAND, OREGON. Constantly receiving, aud on band, THIS BEST ASSORTMENT Ever Offered in Oregon'.l Having had severul years' experience, I nrrt pre pared to roll AS CHEAP A3, IP WOT Cheaper than has ever hereinore been offered 011 the Pacific, coast ! 17 examine ton vovsski.ves. .J A.J. STURTEVANT. Portland, January 10, 1.'.7. 10m Our Motto! 'BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE.' rplIE old friends and customers of O. Collie A. RoiioiKS will be pleased lo learn that h ha se cured the services of Mr. A. V. WILSON, Pracli cal Watcliiuak.-r, w ho will at all time be found at thi establishment. G.C. Robbins trusts that through the combined exrienc now employed, together wills hi untir ing exertions lo please he will continue to rtcoiv the approbation uf his numerous customer. The JKWI!I.V MANUf ACTIlfclNO l)Kf artmknt of my business is in charge of CH AS. F. KEUHN, Practical Jeweler and Engraver, and every person who has had work of this kind done for th past five years, can testify that he is sujierior workman. Watclic and Jewelry. Having made arrangements with my bro- J Iher, at home, who is a Watchmaker, and ALaf engaged in the biuinem, to select aud purchase Goods for me in Nw Yurk, 1 shall hereafter re ceive my good Direct from the Importers -Manufacturers nd will sell a low a any ether establishment oa the Pacific coast. G. COLLIER ROBBINS. Portland, June 20, 1857. lbmil M OUE NEW GOODS, at CHARM A. WARNER'S. O RANGE: fine lot jmt received and for F. CHARMAN. M'e by