The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 24, 1857, Image 4

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    Caom iW trk Wa or loHi. Th
manner In which itljr caust-d (he war of
I S 17," was m follews: Two citizens of
I'roviJnnce, It. !, .boib of lb .''eflVral
choo of Jiulltiea, chanced to quarrel.
Tbey wera oij,, ami one of tliuin
owned a phj wltlch had a a invelnrate pro
penaii IOa perambulate in ilia git'di'ii of
Ilia other. Tho owner of lb garden coin
pTainmJ iba! his ifiglibor's P'tity was in.
sufficient to restrain ilia pi;r, and iha neigh
bur insisted that t!ia gifrdurt rrncra were
nol in good repair. Oua uiornln, aa ilia
ply; waa taking bla Usual ramose, be was
surprised in the' vary act of rooting up
aoina valuable bulbout root; ibis wee the
41 but leather," and the owner of the gar.
den instantly put the pig to deaili wiib a
pitchfork. At the coming aUdion, the
owner of ibe gardon wai a candidate for
the Legislature, and liia neighbor, who, but
fer the quarrul, would have voted fur bin,
voted for tbe Democratic candidate, wbo
waa elected bj a rrmjoritr ol one. At tbe
election of the United Si met Senator, a
Democrat wan chosen by a runjorii y of ono;
and when the question of war with Eng
land waa before the Senate, it was declar
ed by a majority of only one. It may be
a question, however, whether it waa the
pig or (he pitchfork, 01 the fuderalikt wbo
.sd (he pilchfirk that caused the war.
1'robably, if ibe federalists hud been at
jealou of the national righta aa llicie two
were nf their individual rights, the miijnri
ty in favor af giving the sharp end of 'ibo
pitchfork to the British pig which 'rooted'
in Uncle Sam'a garden, would have been
Governor Chase on the Umio. Gov.
Chase of Ohio, in reply to Mayor Swann,
at a grand banquot to the western visitor!
jeeontly given by the city of Baltimore,
" You lisve spoken eloquently, air, of
railroad as boiiila of union, and your ob
aervaiiona wereeajtiil as they were "! .
quenl. No man conversant wnli railroads
can be n'distiiiioiiiat. The social inter
course which they foster, the ties of busi
ness which iliey create, the mutual depen
- denes which they establish and exhibit,
miik disunion impossible. Theie must,
of couise, be difTtireiice of opinion on
some points. Reel grievances iny from
time to lime demand redress. Put there
is no evil of which disunion is the proper
cure. And the more we nee of each oth
er, the less likely shall we be to commit the
error f thinkinii otherwise!. The fact is
that wh who live along the line of the
American central railway don't mean to let
this Union be broken up. Maryland will
not consent to it, 1 think. Itrut Virgin
ia will not. Ohio am sure, will not.
Nor Indiana, nor Illinois nor Missouri.
Who, then, will t No. air. We may dif
fer henceforth, as we have done heretofore.
We wKI maintain our respective opinions
and positions with candor, courtesy, firm
ness and restitution. And wn will refer
whatever question may be botween us to
the great Amoricnn tribunal of popular
discussion and popular judgment. Dut In
time to come, as in .the lime past, we
cleave to the Union aa our ark of refuge,
and, under God, our surest guarantee of
prosperity and power and abiding glory."
OirTha Congregatiotmlist noticea a
newspaper which gave. an account of tbe
, degree of Doctor of Divinity upon a cer
lain olerpynmn by an eastern college, and
the same paper, in another column, pub
lished a lot tor from tho same clergyman,
. .of fifty-ono lines, containing nino gross
errors in spelling, nnd more than twenty,
eouullv cross, in tumctuntion I
fc5 Lablache, the celebrated basso, who
bad attempted to teach Queen Victoria to
aing, frequently lamented, that, from three
flight causes, ha bad been unable to make
ber anything of a vocalist; first, she had
no voire; next, she bad no tar; and last.
ly, alio had no application.
0" Dr. Gill waa-ptutor of the Baptist
Church, in Charter Lane, London, fur fifty.
four years, and was succeeded by Dr. Kip.
pon, who filled the office sixty. three years,
'That church, theiefjre, had but two pa-
tors in one hundred and seventeen years;
(&"The laat case of garroting that we
lave heard of ia this: 11 As a gentleman
was about leaving a house in the fashion
able quarter of the city, where he had
been spending the evening, a pair of white
arms mi re thrown around his neck,' and
Ms lips were stilVd. The suddenness ol
'ibe attack deprived him uf i ll power of re
. eisianoe. As usual, J no poica.nan waa to
beaten."' .
a" We are In nrmaeasinn lit an 'nf .l.
. lible rcceipe for making, a ludy's checks
red without paint. Fur their especial bene-
tit wn publish it without charge.? Iire
' i.:... it.. I.. u.i.l.iiii. ,:. i.
II in . A KliO " n.q'iiuu, Tlll HIT
. s'eevrs rolled up, anj hands full of dirty
clmhia. Then let her beau suddenly ea
ter, and her cheeks will be a glowing red
in an instant. Snooks aaya this reccipe has
nmor boon known to fail. Just try it la
ml if ii fails, lei lis know, that ma
may publish Sneoka aa unreliable authori
ty. Will you I ...
OT The ofiicitl vote of Missouri has
been declared a fi'lows : Slew art, lX'm.,
47 075; Rollins. Iudei-endent. 47.631 :
S ewnrt's majority, 334. No doubt is en.
lertaiiird that iho returns were fraulently
tinkered ap to produce the result aiirjounc
d above. '
OO1" An Irish servant gi'l was requested
by a lady to go lo one of our dry iHi
auTres s?qwsiw- i hhvii io-
Lr -.Aibr-ut; an "our altera: siia (
tttraed wi'h ottt cf tbe olaiki'.
A DisrvTKD Qi'KSTioN.Aa old toper,
after Multiine; quite freely in tils acuu.
touted beivrage, amused himself in let
ing a meliUsomo horse. , The animal no),
fancying hi familiariti, suddenly reared
and llis dici! of Hacthus found bimsi lf
sprawling in an adjacent mud puddle.
Gathering himself up aacompoe' dly aa his
situation would allow, be slmuted In hi"
son who was aianding near by : John,
Hid yu aee oie kick that 'era boss t
' Why, n,dad; 4he boss kicked youf
" I.ckn not, John. One or tother oa us
get badly hl.ted. 'Tuint tne, Jvhn, for
fm htrit"
03" The New llaveo Itegister copies
from the Cinoiiinati Commercial a recent
incident in relation lo a rebuke of certain
fsinah s who bad occupied the ai-ata of gen
ilemeu in a crowded railroad car, without
deigning the leasl acknowledgement fur
the accommodation, and appends thereto
i he following anecdote: '
The above good story reminds ua of an
incident which occurred on the New Yoik
Kail road some moil' ha sinue. Tbe seats
were all full, except one which was occu
pied by a rough looking, but honest Irish
manand at oua of the stations, a couple
of young ladiea came in lo procure a-ats;
but seeing liu vacant ones, were about lo
eo into a back car when Patrick rose has
tily, and olfrred ibeiu his seal, with evi
dent pleasure. " Dut you will have no
eat for yourself," responded one of the
young ladies, with a amile hesitating,
with true politeni-as, a to accepting it.
" Never ye mind that!" said the Uibcrni.
an, " yer wi looine to 'l I I'd ride upon
the coia catchtr till New York, any time,
fjr a smile from sich jintlcmanhj ladies!"
and retreated hastily into the next car,
amid ttini hcrs of those who had witness
ed the incident.
Change or Tone. There isno argu
ment so cogent as a strong vole. Since
i he Missouri election, the St. Louis llo-
publican, hitherto the most remoiseless of
border rufiian papers, has suddenly toned
down, and now n-buki-s Atchison for say
irlg that his only hope for Kansas is iu the
border couuties of Missouri. Says tho Re
publican: Wa do not believe Mi.wouriana will
lend themselves to any such lawless and
criminal proceeding. It will be sternly
ilUuftiinleiianufd by lh citizens of the
Missouri border counties. There is but
one coursn for Minsnurians lo pursue in
rxfiirencb to Kansna affairs, and thai is oueJ
of strict non-inierlnrence. J Ins calling
for volunteer voters in our S'ate, to go In
to another oil election days, ia outrageous
ly wrong." ' . ,
OO" A' lady foniM-rly a resident of Ocor.
Jin, very much discontented with Misn.
ippi life, and lunging to return lo her na
tive land, was shnutii:g at a camp meeting
'ast year, and became sn excited that sbi
exelainu'd, ". Glory lo God, I feel like I was
in Gcorgyl"
OCT I' is aimed that the work of cor
struoting the Minnesota and Pacific Rail
road will soon be commenced,, and that
from 500 lo 1000 men will be placed upon
the between St. Paul nnd St. A mho.
ny this fall. The ground will be broken
aa early, as October, and by summer the
iron horsa will bound across the pruiries
like the wind.
1 Kansah And Suvmtv. Th Columbia
Njuth Carolinian relues lo join In tun as
aiilt upon Gov, Walker for his Kansas
policy. It cnnniilly admits that the at
'erupt lo make Kansas a slave State is a
failure, and for the reason that Providence
has interposed an objeclioa. '1 be South
fighting fur Kansas ! it was like fiuhting
uuansl the winda of heaven and the pMwer
nf the elements. Climate seems to settle
i he question better than tbe politicians.
uaiumorc can, .
(&" A provincial paper mentions a ru
mor that the object of the Governor Gen
oral's visit lo Englsnd is to-consult on the
uroj.-ct of a union nf the British North
Xnierlcan provinces under a King, lobe
'upnlied from iha present bountiful royal
stock. . ; . ' ' 1 1
Southern Manufactuhes.' Many per
sons are unaware of tbe extent of cotton
manufactures nl the South. No precise
nnnnal returns seems to be made, but re.
cords pf the last census sho the followiig
as tha value of cotton goods mannfittnrrd
in live southern States in 1840 and 150 :
... .,VJl,".-lfl40 . . 85Q !
Virginia. . ; $44fi,083 tl,40,34S
North Carolina, 433.000 - 831,342
South Carolina, 356,000 748,33
Georgia, 804.303 2,135,044
Alabama, . 17.647 . 382,200
T V 8.T R K C K I V E D,
l a spieudid lot ol .
and,'. '. ' ,
' DryGoodaef tall Dcscrlptloua.
Wo cm now fill almost any bill a farmer may call
for. CiHamlaesv . ..
M ex. quality eiprs. '
90 HO LB iwel eaiiHy. ; ii t
f POZ. Oysters. :
Tooax'i Zmprored Bmnt Mint
TIIREK of Ikw fUPKIUUII smut mill.
Bow so hand am) fsr sale by -
'Ore'goa City, Mar.'b SI, 1857.
T71ut'i th TTsa of Coinf Eartibot?
rtM l (u ealMribor has aprnrd a bM sad shoo shop
X i this eitv, where aaakiof aad meadinf will
a 4UMaweWwa ssw awseea. 1 aieo kees
eomlenl'T ou baud rt ady mad htsMa aad alines,
a Inch 1 will st.'l wa -vaaoanblo laraas. .Thassklui
sir isnt msws,-4 sSih eis) rs-esnu-attc share nf
f .oar l aH and iry ua rivfowv- -A , -
Oregoa City. Aug. 9, !& 17m
Tt otloo.
WE lit ptsjrs iNlnfiirmlna'anreastoincrs
ssd llis (Mililu. f.n. rally that Iha
Carprntert' Twit, fa.,
which ws advurtiMid lo arrive ak-.ut Ilia 1st of
Mav, srs bow bsnr, auil maiiy fur drhvary.
'i'hey eouslst, 10 ail,of ilia lollowmg, visi
Cnniliinrd rrai-sra and numars,
Threshers sud cleaoi r, fiom 'i lo 6-horn power,
loy's 8 kuifa uniw eultars, .
(rauvia fralo eradlus,
1'aleul scylhv suallia,
(iraiu sojihaw, graaa acytkaa, scylhs sloavs,
Hni'lli's bellows, buviIs,
Collins' ssos, hsndlrd,
do do withiwl hsoilles,
Broad axes, hand axes, huichela,
Draw kni tea. xeut wiws, cun y combs,
Wool cards, hovi ls. siadi. planters' hues,
PoUio diggers, grind-alunes and futures, ,
8oka shsfoa, monkey wrsnclu-s, saddlsbsgs,
"nil palra laislrd link trace cliaius,
1000 log chains, chain pumps.
Mill-saw, flat, and hlf round files.
94 setts premium beuvh plsnos,
Match plaues, hollows and rouuda,
8ah do beads, pluws,
Ovolo sud fillets, try. square, bevel, and mitre,
Draoia aud bita, rulea, coniuu, ,
Uiind vises, messuriiig tapes,
Auff't bits, guagea, hand saw (Ills', surs,
llsud-sswi, baek-saws, flnnvr and socket cliiiela.
300 kegs asa'd uaila,
Doom, windows, window-gluts, putly,
Paiuta red, green, and blue while h-ad,
LiuH-rd oil, spirits turpentine, door locks, '
Hlrnp bin ra, bulls and screws', cupbuird locks,
tSunta Crux lime, c.iUiutJ plaster, 4 e., eVe.
CoUao, tea, sugar, syrup, d-ied apples,
Raisins, pis fiuila. ner, ki, a uger, mustard,
Allspice, cloves, 3IIO bags Lverpoul salt,
35 kills No. 1 mackerel, 4c. cVe.
' a general asaurtun-nt
D R' Y - 0 O O D S:
8000 spun eotlon, assorted siies,
5U0U yds bra drills,
5IKI0 " sheeliug, '
300 saiineia,
100 prs 3i.SJ pt Mai-kinaw blankets,
80 " 10 tius bed blaukels,
Joans, alt
Clothing, and Boots and Shncs,
together with cordage (assorted), oakum, tar, ros
in, blocks, aud many other articles too uuiuerous
to nisuliou.
Wo would at the same time Inform the farmers
and others that w will ksep on hand constantly a
good aawrtineut of agricultural inipleiueftla, hav
lug made arrangemeuia with monul'uclurcrs in Iho
Kuat lo furuish us with such article, and we feel
confident that wo cau furnish the fanners here ou
such terms as will be satisfactory.
Wa have now ou the way from New York a
lot of Threshers and reuse-re. to arrive early iu
Iha aeasoB. - W M. C. DEMENT & CO.
Origan City, Slay 2, 1857.
To I lie Farm ere
WE WOULD say, cull at our store; we
will pay you aa well lor your produce as
any other lii'uau in Oregon, and will end avor lo
nuki yu feel aa coniforiablr aa ne possibly can.
DR. Osgood's In liaCholagogtie,aud Dr. Jones'
Amorii-an t'holugoirns, nl the
orofiils. Mercurial Piieejes, Cntannens Fmptiors,
Eliiomittun, Liver Ccn.plslut Btubiota
Ulcers, Dyspeptis, 1 Innil'Sg
White Swellings, Hip
. DiMssi,
. Eulargement of the
Bones and Joints, Fever Sorts,
Drrnchttis, Erysipelas, Sslt Bhsuin,
sa of Appatits, fimples, Biles, Oeneral Iisbility,
- AMD as a 1 - -
Rclsnrs lias never J et ssplslnwl tile phHo.).Ur of Jlires
n Ws kmiw Ibul the nwllisleil f.s1 is Brirt nsisnrtnl
i'lo Hie .nil-llnl.l esllil suil uflersrsnU. iy !
.isturs wllh Ibe biliary MCrrtlunt Slid otlii-r. tlttliK tntti
lylt, s n'llkv DuM. will. h. In lis to tin veinr.
tieonllios Wuisl Put i' tills t efforleil.'we km nut
'..w H I, evident. Mist If tins vital nul.l hs iII--m.I t
iiiinm Ihs iiltsmi ruriiinl mini it ranm ne wsnni-.
in.) vm unroll, ami lltsno of Ibe lly be In an
.tliisttirsl ststs. 1 lilsei nillllisi nMho system Is ileveli. oil
In vsrtiiiis furnis; sniiii llnief, nnlwantly. as In Semfilts anil
.1 her ulecnins sail eniptivs illfs-s-: or lnrrdiy, s- In
Liver Ounli'sttit. lrprKis, Bsrelllnes, suit ilecsjr nf Hie
lliincA II is evtilmit then, tl si s ins'llclno which will
;h elemenu of ths liloisl, will enr these Aeiilismbia it's
..rilim: anil nrsetli-sl eierlon lias e-lsl.llalien Uis fcot
ibsi Basis)' Bassafasilua Is IM rnilMnt. By expel
ling the very seed ofilLesse, tl reiturea to ths iMmacli Iu
I. .ne; tn the ubls dlgisitlvs apparatus, It rigor; suit to
beblutsl, IU beallhrul oharwUtr, , i '.
t'opy of t Letter aililressrd tn otir Agents In Chlogo, I1L,
showing Iu value In casts ol Fever Bona.
' Messrs. i. II. Ksao Co. I Oenilemen. I obtsltwt from
your store a bottle of SahiaV Barsupsrllla. anil was Ihgi
ronllncil to my CViC without ale en, for s wesk, oecKloneit
by s vhitent istn rrom s regular Fever Born, nf long tAasil
mg. nn my rlaiit leg. My pbysleisns silvteen nis to faavs
I lie limb ainpiitsteiT, tcylng wss the only means likely to
preserve uiy life. After u-ing bslf of the bottle, the pnln
l.rgnn to auhslile, asil by the time 1 ha I until nosrly three
bottles, I was able to trsstnet my regular bustnsss. and
IvDire I hail ths sixth buttle, I was as well anil aa
sound as ever I hsit buen. I niost eheerfullr rseonimend
it to all my frlemte as a most valuable medicine for the
ptirifloiiUvnirf Ihs bliHsh
Youis, tuost re-poeifiitlr,
Trepareil Hid Bold by A. B. & D. HAND. Whole
sale lirngiilsta, Hit, lou Futtua-au-eet, euruer of Wllllsm,
SAow Vurk.
For sale br DF.WITT, KITTLE Co., IT. JOnNSON
Co., aiirl I'KIIINOTON fc Co.Bsn Frsnolsou: ItldK
COFFIN. Msrysvlllo: K. II. MoDilNALU k Co.,8so
rauieulei anil by lrugglsts generally. ,
The itellcste structure of tbe eyelid renders It peculiar ly
sennlrlre and liable to disease. When, from any esiis It
bectitnee-anVctea. the Miner membrane rspMly Inrlsmes,
slid Ute eyelid evince ' the strongest pr,'difiiHr.ltlon to
sitrscl tn ltm.f hniiHirs from till part of the body. Hun
dreds of per. sis nf scrofulous habit are dl-flgiired by raw
ness or redness nf Sites eyellils, colnuionly eslled sore eyo.
and tortured with apprebensione nf Impaired vision, wb4
by using Ibis Halsstn, uiay sblAia aluwet Immediau reHtf
Nsw Toes, Feb. 16th, 1S&S.
Messrs. Rasps: Gentlemen,! wss afflicted with a dry
scslv eruption on my evelbls fiir flfteen years, commencing
wra siiisll styes, whl.-n gmlnalty run tosvtser. snd troa
bled nie very murh. Viirione remedies were reenrted to,
and ssvsral suiinent physli Isns prescribed fin- me. 1 how
ever received nn pennsnrnt bnnellt until I u.ed the RuMisn
Kye liHlsmit. The flr..t sppliestlon relievnl the unpletsant
fcslliig and srnniuvnis, ami in one week I wss entirely
cored. It hsd the entile good eSVct la curing a frietMi, lo
WboH 1 recommended it for sore eves. Voiirv truly,
U1UAM MC110LS. ill West iDlli ttnet
Frenered and sold by A. H. V D. HAMIM. Whole
ssle tiriigguu, Ku too FuHon-etrsel, eorour of Vi'illisnv,
New York,
Forssle by PEWtTT. KITTLE A Co., H. JO!!NON
k Co. snd KKDINOTON a Co.Ssn FranHseo: KK'B
A (tiFFIN. MsrvMllle; K. II. MrllONALU k l o, Ba.
rsincnto; slid by'lirtijrgiaugvntriil.y.
BT Da. STEKLi; af Iho Orepa Ci y Drug
Store, it at-enl for theso medic nea jyl I
To Teachers. ..
THE Trustees af OltEUON CITY DXI
VEelSlTY are Jeimusif obtaining Iheser
vicea of a fi st elaas TEACHER to takr charpe
of under th. ir conir.. in the " College
Building" ia Oregon City. Tho sphoul is tell in
a flourishing condirnKB by tho tt-acliera who havo
jusl chwed their engitfeineol, ami Iha Ruard are
anxious llul their plce ehnuhj be filled in eeso
iur iha (all tenn. . Liberal arrangv inents w II be
saaasi, aa laat a contl leschor cwnaut fas) to be
amply rewarded for hie swniicea. ,,
- - ThtwiaeesHH ut Um baUiuc for Um aocuama
dalloaof a email family, and evversj boaidrea.
Lot imntesl ate appricatioa be mad w edhcr uf
the andemgn. d.
; . ' w.cjoiivssojjr
'. ': '.T.l 'H sr?. . "
, , . . ; 1 CcIsATOHRETTE, v.
Ex Cess.
OegoaCity, Anj. I. 195
fpllE sulariker haa jual reielv...
i nil large auiply ol r'UUNl
'1 UIIK of all deMnpt'Oua, coaslst-
lug in part aa follows
tof is, uiuliogiiiiy aud black walnut
Chaiuher eelsj '
lluieaua, withur wilhoul marble lups;
I llline desks: .
Itoeking eha ra, eluflVd la hair, carpet, aud Willi
iniie and wood svalal
Dining chairs, citue und wooj seals;
UftW ehuirs, do . do do .'
I'bildreu's do, hluh din ng sud rocking)
licd.l. a ls. various kinds;
Tabk-s, eriner, card, and Jiuiiij
Writiug dasks)
8 d. boards;
l'srlor chain;'
Reading, toilet, autj woik tables;
.Matimsr s, hair, moss, aud wool;
Window shades!
Psper lisngings, of every stylet
Uilclolli; ('him so maillnm Uuid lamps, and burn
ing Du d Willi a variety of other articles loo
numerous to mention.
Persons wishing to purchase will please call and
examine for llteinselvea.
All kiwis of country prudiiae taken In exchange
for goods. lima. juiiABUA,
Mnrch 9, I8jC. . 4Utf
O 711 bbis mill hlf bbls N O sn-us '
80 " crushed " '
40UU hs No I China ."
lU'hlf bbls I'un lina rice,
1J ' ) dried applea,
15 krgs , ' '
! IU hlf bbls " peatliea,
lOlldll Ihs Liverpool salt,
10 ciiscs Isliie salt,
611 bbls 8auta Cru. lime,
511(10 lbs muuilla rope, asa'd sites,
1(10 kige uuils, " "
6111 IU ijr Hour sacks,
6 bales drillings,
IS canes uss'd pie fruits,'
, li! " " ptekJwi, j
20 btiudira window sash, asa'd sixes,
- 34 piiniiil donrs, ' "
12 dot pol ursine scoops,
ltiO sacks Itio colTee,
10 itials black pvpper, a '
10 bales oakum,
100 single and double blocks, asa'd sizes,
6 griM I & M yi'itst powders,
10 ds xiuu wash boaids,
' iUU gulsS. I. syrup,
4l'U0 lbs while load, pure,
.100 ltd " '
40 gals copal varnish,
15 dox p iiiil brushes, asa'd sites,
i 15 " 3 hooped tiucknla,
00 guls boiled linseed oil,
100 ' raw . " -
Together with a good assortment oT HARD
of which we propose selling at prices lo suit the
lliuea. Lull uuu are Tor yoursrlves.
VV. V. DEMliNT It CO.,
Main at., opposite ibe Laud UfBce,
Orrgou City, April 10, 1(157.
Medicines for Sale, By
KJ A NDS' Saraatnirilla, P ck's Wild Cherry llit-
ters, Ouieinaii'a drojw, Ur.iudreth's pills, Lee's
pills, Perry s v. riiuritge. Opodeldoc, bum Lain
plinr, Uuin A r.iliir, Briiish oil, Lobelia, Hot drops,
3d prepuruiiini, ltoinuu eye halwuii, Dallcy's paui
exlraotiir. Luu.lanuni, Puri iiorin, Oil of Pepper
mint, Easi-ncrs, l'oiii.iitiun Powders, Carter's
l uliniiuury u.iini, ?ulpliur, I,is..iii rt.ills, i&o.
April 81, ia..7-ltl'
INTow Books !
fPllF. aitbseriber has just reicived a larf-s as
L aortmenl of BUOKd, dueot Irom New York,
imoui; which are the fnl.owiug:
Mi ui's Hist, of Kuiope
AniiTicnn Institutions,
Lives nf tho Signers,
Uubvlou and Nineveh,
I) ck and Porl,"
Ship aud IShnre,"
tiilliinun's do.'
Drniocracv in Am- rica.
"Laud .indLi-e."
"Sen and iSn.lor,"
Three Y curs i u Califor.J
tlmiie Cyclopo'lia.
Cye. of Literuture,
I.gvpl aud the llo'yLuiid
Ituchnu's Phya'n.J
LiriluorotiSt'm Engine,
Manual of r me Arts,
Lectnnsoii the Arts,
TmvcIs in Pom,
Polar Iteuinus, .
Miihuii's Philosophy,
Ane'l Miiuuslrriis,
Choice llioifr. pliy, -
reruv au Antimutica,
Choice E' lis is.
vurietv ol' Poets.
50(1 cap es of Sand, rs' Sp. ller, .' ;
fOO . " " r.eaders, '
, , 2:,0 " . MvGnfley's do.
8.")0 " Webster's Di.-li ries. . '
Davies' Algebra, Newman's Rhetoric,
" Geoinelry, Day's do.
" , Uotinlon, Purlcy's Univ. History,
" Surveying, . Goodrich s i'ict. U. 8., .
" Legeudre, Monteiili's Geogruphy,
Arithmetics, "Little Sp. aker,'' j
Thompson's do. N. American .Speaker, j
A Fresh fluDDlv of Statlonorv. I
Day Hooks, Join lisle, Ledgers, llooka.
Memorandums, uf all sizes, Uiur.ea, eve, ?ioie una
Leitey Paper, Envelopes, Peus, &.c, &o. Eraser
Knives, Elusive Kulibrr, Gumuud Labels, l abel's
fcuci!s, INK, iu quart at.d pint bottles.
OiegouCity, August 18, ltl38.
S7"OU will find nn exit. Ilent assortment of Drcn
M. and Bonnet Silk; Sutim aud Vtltttt; also
Bonnet Trimming, llutiery, Ulotee, Lara and
Ribbon; Tabli Cloth; Counltrjiunet. etc., at the
store of. (JIlAIU.liS fUt'lS, Jr,
(Ma.n-at,, oposite Aberuethy's store,) where nmj
be found almost everything iu the Hue or .
Dry 4s,ods
Such as Pi inis, Ginghams, Alpacus, Mesin'si,
P.aiJ LIiuk-vs, Muslins, Suttinetia, Jeans, Finn.
new, SheeiiugK, Hed Ticking, Hickory Stripe,
Uoilou Uiiliiug, eici
- Oregon City, April 21, IB57-llf
More New O o o d
- AT CHAIiMA JI & WAttiKrt a. '
I wo huve just received, diieet Iroiu Suu i ru n
cim'O, a gmm tid suih.ble supply o( ,
Good for thin Scatnn of the Y.ta .
which We o.1r for rule at print which eainml be
beat in thia market. Our stock consists is purl ol
-. 400 Ilia sal soda,
50 boxes English soap,
", '. 50 Chan Hill's soap, I
2( dox coru siiirch,
30 eases pe fruit, .. . . '
li ' pieklca,
H dox honey,
,; ' 8 " lobsters, : . f
19 1 " oyslern,
20 hlf bbls N Ostifrar,.
4 bbls tiandwich Island syrup,
'- - 10 hlf obis dried apples,
8 tits mackerel,
SDUO lbs slick cnn.iy, "
' 500 . tancy do.
1 ease Uailipisher lays, -
'( )
, I " l.ermall leys, . ' ' , ; !
400 lbs almonds, .
12 hlf boxi-i raisius," ;f- ,
6 whole boxen do., . ;
48 pre good llaekiuaW blankela, ' -.
2000 yds brown sheiling,
8ut calico, "...
lioolsnud shoes of eeery dess tiptiori. -The
above, with .our usual assort ineuL. we tbmk
readers oar stock eotnptelo. Call s4 sew os.
Ternis cash. CHAM MAN t WARNER.
DveoH.Ur 20, ltC6. --
JCST RECEIVED, at the Or. gun City Drug
Store, dirael fnaw New York aud Sao Iran
Obca, largo assorlniet of .
"J" Drug, ." " ; -,
Patent and Family
. . ATtdieine,
all f which will be sold as low or ioe than ths
4t What) twy litre fslts-. in M TrrNtrv. 1
e .irmtrr merehaaita whN bud it Soiawir ibtarat la
buy lie re iustnad of IVtUnd. Caif aaef srev
Oregon City. Mar 9, 1?57.
TTmsr Tinn...I3'eW OOOCI.
TUB undersigned lak thia melhod of Inform
ing the public thai Ihev have lakeiLlhe house
aud have purchased lite eulire stock and futures
lonwrly used by F. H. HOLLAND, and hovs by
(trot attention t' dohiik im.... ... f.. -
of the old customers and gain as many more as
''Ti ....! nltu In rni'eltlt of UOOD8 select
.r if ou..- r- - . ,. .
ed with the greaiest care, (as tn pr ee anil quality.)
nd are confident that our laciunrsi win mi
.-..,il i.. in..,.., ineiiui to all who want ths
worth of their nwiiey lltsn any ether house In the
oily. We have, and are jusl receiving, au Invoioeof
ootisialiiig in partiif the following articles Poehs
eo. Pacific, Hadley, tiueslBgii, Philip Alien, rail
'liver, Merriman, ana numerous otner iu.iisi
-ii i..i..iti-Mi I'.nol ah and French mcriuos, Ly
ons cloth; black, blue, purple, and pink alpm aa,
j.couil, book, and Swiss muslin, a flue assortment
of laees and edging, vivci iiiiiiiiiiuus, uw
..i.i..!.M,i.i hlus. misnil. and o-rav satinet.
sheep's grey and fancy vkttli, Mil old aud Bunker
Hill jeans, uleai'liru una urowu eiieeuug, oioivn
and li!tie driHing, deuima, hickory sh liiug, bluck
velvet, also a tine lot of plaid drees goods, Brussels
carpet, 4c, &e.
men Sr boys" Clothing,
tJI,... l,t,.olr mid hrown cloth coals of Ilia finest
quality, Iweed business do., bluck cloth vests, a fine
lot or UK dofK n una tmiiuri pants, tin qiiuiiiice
.d aWna. ritliher luckets. irrsv over and. under
shiHs, while and h okory shins, h ila und cajis. '
HOOTS and II U i B men a, uoys una
yautlis' booU, Indies', misses', and children's nio
riwei, goal, kid, ami call' bmits anil shoes.
llio coffee, green sud hlaek lea, New Orleans,
Itsiavia, auiliiruslu d sugar, lluelou, Stew
art's, aud China syrup, salt. 10 and f0 lit. sacks,
nails, asaorled sixes, auip and soap powders, miw
.Irrnii.l leiid, cieaui lanar, yeust xw dor, aalere
tus, chewing iidd smoking tobacco, oysters, prunes,
pepper sauee, oils, apices, starch, und culln bat
ling, w iha variety of usually kepi.
We have also a ;
Kl-iidll ANriiMiiil of Isouka,
Iu pnrt ns follows: .',
Washington 4V Ii.sUlii- .McKeiixie'a Receipts,
cruh, Keligioua Encyclopedia,
Nawleou eV hlsmarsh'ls, Oibie History,
Itollius' Ancieut History, Sketches and Skeletons
in 4 vols., of sermons, ,
Bonier Wurs. Wickhatu'a School Beg
Life m the plains,- later,
l-'roiiiier Life, Uick Wil- Stevens' hook of I he fnrin,
son, "i j
Fruit Culture, -.
Land Measure,'
American Debater,
Mapping plains,
Kallro id und Uouds,
Fuller's Works,
I'r.ietrul Landscape,
United Hi, lies' History,
Natural History,- .
Parley's Ueographyi
SiiKldunl's Meuliil arilh.
Towers' algihnt,
Thompson's high school
uinl mental urnhiiietics,
Webster's and tundrrs'
new scries school books,
Webster's large f.unily
Dietionnry, of Great .Men,
Mnreanlils .Morula.
Irvin's cyclopedia of
moral and rvligous
Youat, hone und cattle
M'-cliuiiic's cuiupnnion,
Entail agricultural works, Diiilrs. of all s xra,
ilh many oilier vaiuuuie uooks.
INGTON. 'A Frexh Supply of Stationery:
Day-Rooks and Journal, Memorandums of all
a sa, nolo, letter, eai, and bill paper, envelopes,
peua aud peiio ls, sluics, wr ling Iwuiie, cVn.
Wm. l)IKl;f)t ik kk fc Co.
P.S. GOODS exilianu'ed and the lowliest
iiuiiket price paid for bitlier. eggs, bacon, chnli
c us, flour, und almost an) thing I lie farmer has for
sola WM. D.A.CO.
Oregon Cily, October 4, 185S. y
iir'Hl liidiit-i'iiii'iita.
iu this cily. tultes this method to iuvile the puhiio
lo cull utid examine his stock of 0 0 0 0 8.
lie hue uow nn hand, an. I will continue !o receive
by almo-d every steamer, u fins narurimeul oi the
lies) quality of gisids, whirh he is determined lo
sill us cheap us anybody, else, if not a little
'a lii- Ladit'N in iat liriilnr, . .
are requested to come where I lie v w,ll linl lite lust
aud LATEST FASlilO'S of Urese Goods, of
every desci ipiinn. -
lie has. and is constantly nceiving, DRY
GOO D" ! , cons'sliu in port ol' tile followini;
arliclea Cnclieco! Pucifin, ll.idley, Connstegu,
Philip Allen, Fall Kvei , Merriiuac,enl numerous
other PltlNTd. nil late slyles; Bltu'l sh aud
French tneriuos. Lyons cloth ; blu.k.lilue, purp e,
and pink ulpnciiH, jaismrt, Iss.k and ciw ss nuliii,
it tine usnorluieiit of laces und ed.rm, ve vet trim
ings, 6Vc, domestic ginghams, blue, mixed, mid
pray aulinel. sheep's grey aud fancy clntn, Milfnid
and Hunker Hill j. mm. bleuclie'i and broivu lieet
ing, brown und blue drilling, denims, hi.-kory shirl
ittg, hlack velvet, also a Hue lot ofplu.d drew o.hIi,
UlUKsela carpet, CvC, i&o. .
Mi ll Sc. ltiy loiciin. k
Blue, black, and brown nlnlh coals ol' Ilia I'm. st
quality, IWeed bus nc-s do , black cloth VeslH, a fine
lot of bik iliM-pkiu utt l sutitiel pauts, ult qu;iliucs
and sizes, rubbi r jackets, gruy over on l under shirts,
wh le uud hickory shins, hula an I caps.
BOOTS Si SHOES men's, buja' an.l youihs'
btsiuj, ladies', misses', Und ehildrcu's iiukuCco, goal,
kid", and calf boots and shoes, ' "
It is no troub'e to show goods, ami he will al
wa he Imppy to see h customers, wlulhcr lliey
purchuse or uol,
.. . , EUGENE La' FOREST. ' '
Oregon City, Dee. 6. IS.". ' 31m?-
; Central Produce Depot.
L CONSTANTLY receiv ng, flesh from ranch,
wheat, oats, bucoli, lard, hullei- uiid p itnlnes.
Apnl4, Ti7. - JOHN . HltOOKS.i
Tu .Xwrliivriii ulifuruiii A Oregon.
llteae seel. oils nf the cmiiirv viMling the cily o
will find it to their advanlae to
jt . Call, Examine, and Purchase frorn '
the iiiiinense stock of
J (lOl'l OJ. 107 SACSABK.NTO BT.,) - .
comprising every quality, deecription, aud variety
uf Goods in their hue uf business. ' J '
iiuoues a Wallace, " ' White Qnod; Linens,
utuiiKS a WAf.LACR, ' Lacee, Embroitteriet,
Htoiite a. w-i.lacs, ' ' MtlUmeiy Gaoie,
HUOHks a wallack, : ' Furuuhing Voodt,
Bt-oiiKs a Wallace, Hotiery, Uhtet,
uaim ai Wallace, ' Ctmbt, Brutiu, dj-c,
iii'uiits , Wallace, iHnktt bottom, dj-c,
i I'Ouks 4. waluick, , ' Perjumrry, Cutlery,
iU'uhes . Wallace. trench Fancy Good,
imuirks a Wallace, German Fancy Good;
HUGHES a WALLACE, Agent CUlTt'i CottOlt,
huuues a Wallace, " Martkalf I Thread.
105 & 107 Sacramei-lo sL, S F.
N. B. Our immense aud well-aseorted stock is
of our own direct importation.
JUST received, the lnluing uzes:
1 I. at . round.
1x3-16 aj3x, ,
l!).,0 lbs Norway oie iron.
April 4. G. AlifcRN ETHY cV CO.
t7. T. BurnSr
17" 8lnct attrntiao paid to repoinnr. nasi satie-
IkcLon ts patioos wanaoircl -' trb9-43
1LT MOULDING he picture famee, for
JU.sT RECMVED, a new aupply of Kio and
Java t'oOe, Rica, Sugar, Sol Soda, Ac.
per9 C. rOPE. Jr.. M-n St.
Drtnon City and Pnrttand Daily Patket,
V-j, , Jennie Clark,
jt "i. J.C. AI.MawOHTH, MASm,
w dl I uu uaiiy, (us.ieys exeipteo,) a the abors
nuineil trade, leasing Oregon City every day at f
'clock, t. si. Heturiilng, will leave Porllaud at '
I r. a., touching at all hilennrrlsile points.
Pur freight or paasage apply oa hoard. ap2l-tf
Slly IsIb
Bttwtrn Portland and Oregon Cily.
THE new siern-wheel steamer JfL
Wm.sIsvinu, Master, will run kelwees Portlaatl
snd O.-egon City dally (Sundays excepted), leav.
Ing PO.HI'LANl) at 10 A. M., and OKEOOK
UT Vat ' Juty.i,
U. 8. MAIL LU7Z2.
PortlatKl nnel Astoria, ,
ILL continue tn run t'ejpilerry betwei.n Port,
laud nnd Astoria, via vanonover.TWicaa
wxra, leaving Porlland ou Mou. 'J and rbursdaji
niiifiiings of each woe k for Astoria aaa) Astarisi
for Portland on Tuesday and Frida,' ssornings,
loueliiug Vancouve,St. IIelkss, ltAiii.'S'Crn
uht, esc. each way. For fnighl or Dense le,
upply to It HOYT, .Master,
Jel6 OratHoyl'a Wharf-bmt, Portland.
Nov anVrrangementi.
I HAVE bought out the UAKKIIY establUh
ineiit of Cliarman 4. It'arnsr, wh'eh 1 hare,
now opened under the most favorable eircuiu
siancrs In all old puirona, aud as many new one
as may choose lu give ine a call. .My shop will
he well supplied with
Bread, Cakr, Pies, Crar.krti, Null, Ca.
dire, liuiiin, Fip, Cigar,. Tnyi,
and nltnant every oilier variety of knick knacke
yet Invented by Vaukee ingeuuily all of
will be allotded '
I shuil imcasiunally . receive supplies fioni the
tropical lutiiudra. which will be duly anuoiiticsi
uu.hi arrival. All are invited lo give me a call
Oreiron City, April i!5, lJ7. 9
JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon Cily Drug
Slnre, direct from New York ami San Kraa
Cisco, a fresh supply of DRVOS, MEDICINES,
Patent Medicinca. Family Medicines, ice., Ae,
n-loeh tntll he told as tow (T edsA as t keu earn le
procured in the Territory. Call aud examine for
yourselves, and net an Aiuianue lor tnai, gralu.
JAYNE'3 Alterative, Expectorant, andaTills,
Cod Liver Oil, Castor O I, and Swetd Oil, at
MEXICAN Momuiig l.iuiuieui, G. W. ,Mr
chain's Gur'hng the
rilitUSSKS, rL'ht aud lell and double, and Ak-
I iliuniual supiioiters, ut the
13 U I. li W hite Lead, raw ami bururd Umber,
Creinn.G recti and Yellow, and other psiats,
PERFUMERY, ut the .
Gruefetiberg Sursupurijlu, UleriiraCalholk-aa.
' , Dysentery syrup, causuniutivo
buhii, .
. Pile l:n;nerf .
" . llenlih IJillew, .
Kye I., t on. Ac, ate,
To be lound at the ngenuv of the Company, i
HAYMAN'S Dyspepiio Elixir warranted to
cure the dyspepsia iu.'l received sad far
It. Guysott's Compound extract of Sarsaparilla
anil Yellow Dock, at the
LD Dr. Jacob Townnen.l's Kanwenrilla, st
tile . LMitAiu.i i t i i uiieuaiuno. -
U. J. Ayres' cetebiated t:herry Pectoral InT
cotiglis, col ls, ana cotiMiinpoou, atine
I t'LANE'S eelebruled Vermifuge and Liver
R. T .wiiseiid's SurKapnnlla, al the
I)l-:i(UVlAN Fehriftige, fur iha cure of fever
uud ague, &.C., &c , jtit received and ferule
ilurtifso .Uiikstr A Mnddlttr.
rpllIC eiihscriber bus bought out the eatalifsh
JL nietit lot inei ly owned hy A.K. Psit, sud Is
now carrying uu the HARNESS d SA DVLE
AY hiisiii Ks in all its brunches.; the LIVEUY
S TABLE belonsfiug to the esiablishmellt, is slss
kept up, where leaves und eurrises nre constantly
kept lor Ihciiqcouimodalioii of tile public. Horses
It'll al my siahln, w II always be irraled W'lb psr
licuiur atteniiou, find well fed. .1 have been eoa
tiecird wiili th s establishment fur some fuuryesrs,
and am now peruiauniiily locnieil, where I shall aK
ways be liuppv to wait on all who may fav ina
wilh a call. . W. II. PAI1TLOW.
The heat nf TIMOTHY UYkepi couslanl.
ly ou hand. - r --..- , ,; j-
Oregoii Cily. Oct. IS, IW-27y. ' ' .
' " l!i:iii;lli, April 11, 1S37.' '
ON hand and for sal.', low, forcssh'or pMduca
Paints oV. lead, ' . chrome irreen,
i while lead, i - . ' prussiau blue if
red do in oil, i chrome yellow, .
. V hlk. do I ' . blue paint,
I. . litharge,, . -; ., , o , ,. 'f
t.'ouiiiiou and permanent greru pull)'. glsssj.
tte. v - ' - JNOi P. BROOKS.
Furniture Ware-Room. S Washington Street,,
. ..,',." SAN FRANCISCO. , ;
And 49 and 51 Fourth ., between J and K ft:,.
Xmportera, ftXoaufactureri, '
. . Wholesale & Retail . s ' .
Have uuw iu Store lite Lasokst stocI
an I ui(Mt le aismrtiueut of RICH
cvir oileied in lb a Stale, coua.sting ia part ST
Fine Rosewood. Walnut and Mahogany)
Parlor and ' Chamber Set Sofat,
Ollnmmn, Lounges, and ay
Chair, Bureaux. Whatnots,
.Mirrmrs of all sizes ; -.
In great variety.
Wn are now manufacturing from aa
live woods, a!au from walnut aud rosewood,
of our finest furniture, and can produce aa arts!
superior firr strength, dnrab'lily an" aeaaty, as.
sni thinj imported freiti the East.
Ws have eiHistautl ou hand and are ia refslsr
nwipt of full and esmplrte invoices of tois,
sda.ted iu the imeiior anal coast trade.
would say, your eirdeas will leeeivo, as '""J1'
our careful and prompt attention. F""
'Groceries .
63UGAR, Salt, Coffei, Tea, Syrsp, CaosslsSSi
i3 Starch, Ssdenuia, (Jrwas Tartar, Sal sos,
Carb. Sala, Pepper, Spico, Ahsss, Boisnt, Caf
peras, etc. Aprs 21. Ira7-W
BRASS aad Iioo Bntts, Screws, Locks i asai
Latches, H.immera aad nalcbeta. Axe
Drswing-knrros; Handsmwo, Carry Csenoa, Ho-J
n manes ana l arcs, una uaemm, .
Csrits. Chert Hsndlea, flmm. tte "
SUA a. Kit rjaissasariiio. si too - '