bol, iliv t'i l I'M Mtf'H nl si!e ,!,iun uno liuir. such Loat witlit bo niailti prufi'itbl iiivexini'Mit to Iter ouer, and source ofgrtiii to slil'er. Sulimitiiii"; them fe w llioiigliii to all whom it may concern, I would like it if other would n'ne tbo Lull a roll. CoMl'ETIIH, Wilamkt IIiver, Out. 8tli. Mr. Abou: TIih nu Su-miier kuld ih "Elk" nifi'l luir furt trip up ye.trrilu to Cliainpocir, und n liirneil lo tin. bho full kum up u ill'' nioi twiigwin PxpectHtliuni In ipdl Ac, nnvinj iii'iil tho bst "1 rid I rip time" tit it t wo ever mail oil the upnr Wil niift. Shn mad the run from Cuitems to Cuitiniioi'i in 131 niinem. nnli 5 iniiiet morn limn 1 lie Enterprise Lcsi time Sho I lilt cxpresli for thn Butvil, Clioin pong ami Vnmliil trod. She n 05 fi. Issig, 17J ft. uil, kU-ril liwel, anil propeld ti a pair ov riiinu ecli IU inclirt UM ol4fl. alrok, tiirniiij; 10 n. liwfi. Mie 1 kulku Intcd to kari 00 or UU tuna. Iter I111I won bilt bi Mr. Lambert mid Mr. McCourt, kabin hi S'.v'iiZ''r (part Oner) and niashrn eri by Mur and Murvhul (purl oner.) Tho innjor part in und in Btiivil, Champocg and thu I'rencil pi an. L. L. bwoiiaer, an cxperipiiHt up river atunvbut-man, wil in ol tirobubiliii be cliui'ii fur lu-r kaptn and pilot, nnd Moror Marshal the Enginer, whour also kompetcnt tniler tin. Iha nr nl prnklikal tcinpcrans men. Thf im Stemrr win build with ilelii aa wot mani fested on her npioch at Hihil and Chain pocjj, bi ihu reports of kanon, and loud chera. Even King Alkohol mad tevernl ntemptH in tho mviiiii;; al Chnmpc-cg to muster hi loterinp; fora to cher ua, but Ii'ih men mixkoiintrud hi orders and hia fori mad a v.ig-zag clmrj ou ua with fist, club, boot or eni thing, and konsiderabli interupted our march lo our suppers hwich war prepured nt Mr. Steven'. It being dark, it was difikult to recogniz the king' troops except by l ho odurov ther pcrfum eri, nnd rctrograd mshiins. However, wo "mad the rill" wiihont aui serins duinaj, notwithstanding liter "or cum holing of nnd changing ov kots, nnd sovoral ov the kinj'a mon wer left lying on thn protind. Tho kiiif; hospital (toward neglecting ihf proitraicd nnd wounded, thn wcr be for morning, by tho inmieii ov hevetili dews, resiistttilod, nnd not a soul 10 he scon in tho morning on the field ov ball (cheering.) It U not (iin)frefjiient nt that pirn for the kind's I ronjis togrl jmo such mistakes. Ther nr utlior Stonier. Imt of them tt ahal hav tin no' is if it is dtrnird. L'rs n't Usual, Fonos. At Bethel, 011 lust Lord's day, Mrs. Tai.itiia M. Cotton, or consumption, formerly from Mis souri. tJJ" M isonri pipers please cony. Look HercTTnenda 4 LL (hose n lio ura inileliled to nio ore most 1- rnsjiocl ally inviud lo t:le up their aecounls ly ('lirislinan, as I im pri-.iirni lo leave fur France. fcl'UKNH La l-'OKKST. Onxoa City, O.t. I", 1S.",7. 2Ttf $1,000 Eeward ! rilllE reward will hp p;i'd for informalion I I lull will lend In the ili'leelion of the K'un drrl wlii fiinl 1 1 10 Coiirt-Hininv ill Origin Ciiy two weeU incc. SAM1, MILLKR, A. U. IIOLCO.MII, Oct.ilier 17, lPIiT-BTif Co. Vom'rt. Caldron Eet'les F from MxUcu lo tixty Ral'um. At 0 MILWAIX'3. BV or !iir of liie I'rubaie court of CUcknmas rouiily tlit' foJlnvvitifj jirpirly, belonging to thf oxtutc t)f R. .Ii -; t M ore, will be mild at public :ile on SA TL'UD.VV, llicHwr 1XST., on ihe pre miKUB of Hib drrenwd, in LINN CITlr", vii : Nine hind of Cuttle, fuur of jcu'it are Coiex, A Jut of Hoffn, One. Siih Swl'lle. and tine Maui do., Twn Wutrlics. on' of vh'r'i is gold. A credit of six inoiulis will lie given on sums over $10, by giving approved wearily. Sulu to commence at 10 o'clock on Ruid 'day. D.J. ISCU.NKIII.Y, KI.XAl.l) riUWFOltD, J. T. AI'PKKSOiV. Linn Cily, October 17, 1H37. 27 w2 Notice ! I WILL SELL TO THE HIGHEST BID der, oh the second Mondnv of November next, (the drfyof election.) nt McMlSXVlLLE. O.T., on three and six months ttnie, 40 Town Lot and 0 Jive acre Lots. Those wisliinii to locate near the McMinnville College, would do Well to attend. W. T. NEW BY. McMinnville, Oelob r 17, IS57. 27w3 PACIFIC! UWIVERSITT. Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Kev. S. II. Marsh, A. M., President, Rev, 11. Lyman, A.M., Prof. Mathematics. nnilE colleffialo j'enr, consisiin" of one term ef nine Iliuilion, nio euiiiuieueo uu me luai Wednesday of November. It is Ihe design of this Institution e furnish a luoi-ougli and complete collegiate education. There is a Library of lUOU volumes for Ihe use of the students Applicants for admission to college must have a knowledge of the common Euelish branches, and have studied the ancient languages so far as to have read portions of La.sar and Cicero and the Greek Reader. The tuition fee ia $32 per annum. Students fitting fur college, as well as others wishing lo pursue collegiate stLdies without enter ing upon the collegu course, will be under the in struction of the college teachers. (The fall term of 1 1 weeks in the preparatory department commences on the 2d Wednesday of September. 1 union, n per term. Tualatin Academy, Forest Grore, Washington Co., Oregon. Rr.v. CcsniNO Eells, Principal. The fall term will commence on Ihe first Wed nesday of November. Tuition in the common branches, $G in the higher branches, S per quarler. 2Cy For Sale at the CITY BOOK STORE, THE following works Magic Stair, by A. J. Davis; Great Iron Wheel, by J. R. Graves: Dred. in U vols, by Harriet Beecher Stowe ; Th Home Celop-.iia", of the World's I'rojress, " - L'seful Arts, " Europe, " Geography, Fine Arts and Literature, " Biograpi.y, &e. Oct 3. LIMES just received and for ule bv my39 F. CHAR A KM AX. SHAKER iMTOparill. Ihe OREGON C ITY DJUT. STOKE- RARE CHANCA MIK suUcriUr eli'vra fur salt hit rstidenca lu Vrrtoa City. There art Iwa full Iota, well fenced, Willi bear' ilif fruit tries, and shrubbery of Iha must dexra tile kiuua, lor. tlitr Willi a slabla aod Well. Tha houMt i ou and a half aturiea, well p!u tared, Willi aavau rooms, uauiry,eloaala, draia,and calUr. Tha location la on of Uia moat desirable ia Iha cily, sy of access, and couiniaudiug a baautiful view ol Ilia river. I'oswatiou will ba riven In February. 1'ries -.(IUU or li'HI for Ilia Iioiim and on lot. Approvad scrip will ua r.tsived In pay al 4U I..H.. - 'i ll.iviiv Pol'l.! OVIIIR UN UUIIUr. luvrtn" Oreuou Cily, N, ut.2S, 1867. 2wH AliOTHER CHANCE. fTIIIU siibeciib. r offers fur sal III following JL. pioHny, iiainei) 1 city lt, a disirabl location, 1 valuable Aineiieau bona, U nieliMji-om, 1 skill, with nars and roil, I lady's aaildla, 3 genl's suildles, U sliol iruns. The abut will be sold for cash, or for approved scrip at iu cents ou Hie dollar. THOMAS POPE Oregon City, Sept. 20, 1657. 218 Notice THE undersigned design leaving Oregon for Iha KUitra in Fibruury. Persona having claims to collect, or desiring purchases lo be made, in any f the Northern or n client Mulss, can have Ihmr business transacted by applying to ma befui I leave. THOMAS POPE, Oregon Cily, Sept. 3(i, 1 8.17. 24w8 FOR SALE, A SET of secm,dh.ind TJX MAN'S TOOLS J.X. and MACHINE completely Oct. 3, IS57. E. MILWAIX. Wt'halvr'a) I'liabrlducd DICTIOXARY Revised and enlarged edi tionfur sale al I he CITY BOOK STORE. Uayurd Tnjlor'a -1YCLOPKD1A of Modern Travel, and J Swan'a Three Years' Hesidcnc on the North West coast for sal al Ihe CITY noOK STORE. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. T Ti. BLAXriED would inform Iha public (J that ho has now ou hand a laruo and well seleeted stock of reailvmada HOOTS and SIIOK3, which he offers fur sale unreasonable terms. Also, It attr-proaf I'attt Blacking. MAKING AND REPAIRING- Done to order, on short notic. Augnst 8, 18 S7. 17 y LINN CITY STORE. milE subscriber would respectfully inform the J pulilie that he has lakell ihe store lately oc cupied by Mr. UHuvnin-ox, al LIXiN Clt J , with lie design of continuing Iha cm.'i'sil itleri'liaiidiiiO nusincw. will keep always on haud i good assortment of GR0CERIE3, MEDICINES, Crodvrif. Hardware, Clothing, Root) and Shoes, timeit oncri, Ligars, Stationery, d'c. The above will a!wuy le offered at the LOWEST PRICES! For Cash or Co'intnj Product. 3T Tlease call and see fur youisclve. fTi THOMAS BAILEY Linn City, Sept. 28, lSi7. 24 tiooil Whont Wonted, TOR which Ihe hilicsi market price will be X paid in cash or Irani', nt the Sept2t). LI NX CITY STORE. Probate Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Second Mon day in October iuxi ia anno nled for the ex nm nation and a'liustuieut of the accounts of Jellies Mn, III, adinuiMrulnr of Um estate of I at- rick CuHuhiin, late of iMaekainas county deceased. KOHEUT CAUK1ELD, Sept. 1 9, 1 857-23w3 Judge of Probate. . RcmovaL rpilE OREGON CITY UUUG STORE is re L moved to thu corner of Third and Aluin Sis., formerly uceupied by S. Marks, A: Co. sep 19. BRICK 100 FRSSy,. H'iV. O. DEMENT, 4 CO. sep 1 9 BUS. OATS SACKED. For sale by Wh. V. DEMENT, 4 CO sep 19. THE CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS ! FOR SALE AT THE aug 83-19 CITY BOOK STORE. SEane's Arctic Expedition, T) USSKLL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and other XI interesting works, for sale at Ihe sep 12 CITY BOOK STORE. WM C. DEMENT & CO. ARE NOW RECEIVING, per bark Na lumikcaz and brig Francisco, the following goods, all of which they oiler at reduced prices: I0II11O lbs No 1 China sugar, 15000 ' Rio coffee, 100 boxes Hill's and Colgate's soap, 100 kegs syrup, 5s 1 6s gal, 40 casts pickles, 30 " pie fruits, ass'd, 10 bbls crushed sugar, SO cases tea, SO nests willow baskets, 100 gals sperm oil. aept 12, '57. PLOWS JCST RECEIVED 25 cast alec) plows for sale by WM. C. DEMENT & CO. A Few C'aaei F that superior GREEN TEA just received To Arrive Within Ten Days, DIRF.CI FROM NF.W YORK, 10 FAIRBANKS' scales, weighing from 1000 to 3000 lbs, 6 Hickox's cider mills, Blacksmith's vises, anvils, Ac, Mill and X-cut saws, Drawing knives, Pruning do., Hudding do., Shears snd saws, 3 doz ateelyarda, weighing from 300 to 400, 6 " A me' spade, 50 Beria grindstones, 10 doz Chios' axes, handled, 10 " do do without, 5 " haud axes ; for sale low by sep U WM. V. DEMENT & CO. CASES s.p 12 ' Criimpton's Medal '' Tobacco al W M. C. DEMfcNT CO -S. TfE WILL PAT CASH or TRADE for 1 T Rood lib AT at llie market price. iktI5 CHARM AN 4 WARNER. IJ aftf GALS, sperm oil (superior qoalitv) J. WW forsal by 1 WM. C DEVEST & CO. 'HOYS, of dinerent kinds, for sale by JL CHARMAN & WARNER. IIOMKR IIUUI.AMU. BRADLEY & CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS OREGON CITY, O. T TJ"EEP eomlaully on Iiand 'Jiljtn JV general aortineal at jW MISCEI.I.ANEOIS tndsXJUr ICIIOOL UUOHil alo, fine asaorlinenl of STATIONERY, 4 EVERYTHING ELSE generally kept in their I n of busiueM. t'ALI. AT TIIV SlosorTIIS -CITY IiOOK-STOItE, Ojipetiti llulmti't Illicit Stan. . pl.5, IS57. " 2 1 If SMOKERS AND CHEWERS ATTENTION I HAVE opened cigar and lobacco slore In this eily near th nnrkel house, where I oiler The licit Quality 0 'Chewing and Smoking TOUACCO AND CKJAIW ever offered In Ibis market, by the wholesale or retail very cheap. I hive ahnoat rry brand of lobaceo that can Im called for, also th best cigars ver offered in Ih s market, consisting of 10,000 Oxra, 6,000 Henri Clay, 10,00(1 El Ltvillanor, 0,000 lilack Sea, 20,000 La Flore dt Araneo, 20,000 Flore de Cuhano, 60,000 City Hall also of TOBACCO 20 cases San brum!, 00 do. Pride of the Union, 10 do. Young America, also, a large assortment of natural leaf, with fancy clay and (ieruiau canister ! H S JO M 9 together willi a general aaiorlment of as.ocxjs.xs 8, SITU AS TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, Lc, dc, as well as a vast sinouut and variety of oilier loo numerous lo mention, Wh'ch I am determined lo sell on terms that will justify everybody in giving me a call. I can al ways be found at my post nearly opjiosii the Main Street House, where I shall bv please;) to wait on such as either wish lo buy or look at c!ieap and good articles lu my line. E. JACOHSON. Oregon Cily, Sept 5, 1857. 8llf Notice. TTTIIEREAS my wife Hannah Daniels, for- V inerly Hannah Pctinelton, has left my bed and board without provocation or cause, and taken with her, without my knowledge or consent, a child one year old, I hereby give notice that I will not be rrfpoiifible for any debts contracted by her, or in any manner on her or Ihe child's account, af ter this dale. A. C. DANIELS. Cluckamua co., Sept. 1 3, 1 857. Siw3 OREGON HOUSE, C10UNER Third and Water streets, J nnrHMita th Kerry Landine. OREGON CITY. JtJL The traveling public are respectfully Invited to give us a call. The OREGON HOUSE is the most pleas. antly located hotel in tho Territory , and has been so altered withiu the lust few weeks aa to make il one of Ihe most commodious Houses in Ihe Terri lory. The Initio will slivays be supplied with the best that the Market atlurda. Good accommodations for ladies and families. Good stubling nnd feed fur horses, with proper attendance. The Btano-coach to nnd from Salem stops al the Urcgott Home. micas! Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Hoard, without loJging, per week 0 UO Single meal 50 Night's lodging 50 A. SCHOLL & J. HAI1.M, Aug. 8, 1857ni6 Proprietors. LIVERY STABLE. fT7E are now keeping a Liverv stable In Or V egon City, where HOUSES can always uc ouiuiuea ON LIBERAL TERMS. We are also prepared with excellent slobles, wet! supplied With huy and oats, to keep horses by the day or week. Those who call upon in may feel assured that every attention will be given to horses left tti our charge. GII1SON' fc POTTER, July 18, 1857. 1 41113 Estate of John IrXcXiOughlin. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber Jl hu been duly appointed executor ol the will ol John McLoughlin, lute of Clackamas county, deceased. All persons indehteJ to said estate aro required to make payment immediately, and all persons huving claims against the deceased must exhibit them with the neccssury vouchers, withiu one year front date, to me at my residence in Or egon Cily, or at the office of A. llolbrook, my at torney in said city. DANIEL HARVEY, Oregott Grty, Sept. l!i. J57-'.'aw4 Ex'r. Titus Andronious. I HAVE made arrangements for open in ir the "Titus Aiiilronicus" on a moro yt-U,exlended and improved plan. Additional rooms have been secured, and I shall now be able to lodge, and also furnish rooms for one or two private families. Thankful for the liberal patron age heretofore extended to me, I still solicit a large share from the traveling public, fcvery at tention given to t'te comfort and convenience of those who call on me. TITUS G. CLARK. Oregon City, May 30, 1 857. 7m6 Water Power to Lease. THE undersigned is reedy lo lease part of the Oregon City Water Power for manufacturing purpe. Da. JOHN MacLOUGHLIN. Oregon Cily, July 4, 1 fc!57. 1 2 Garden Peas. I7ARLY May uiid Victoria Marrowfat, for sale li bv C. POPE, Jr. CHAIN PUMPS pric reduced for sale by mr28 C. POPE, Jr. fACAULAY'S History of England for X1L sale by C. POPE, Jr. I) IARY and Correspondence of Anna Law rencefor ealn by O. I Ul r.t Jr. A N assortment of Bibles and Testaments for Bile at the Repository prices by C. POPE, Jr. M ORRIS' Poetical Works for sale by C. POPE, Jr. D (ARIES for 1S57 foraale by U. roi'E, Jr. Xsand Warrants )URCII..SED HY Jan. 24. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. 100 SETS wnpin botes, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT co. 25 SETS tress hoops, ass'd siies, for sale by WM.C. DKMK.i T otco. 2000 bEAMI.ESS sacks forialeby WM.C. DEMENT A. co. I)OZ. rri,M..vini end It for sale bv U WM. C DEM EN T Jr. co. r( BBLS. fresh Santa Cruz" LIME; tJJ 5 do. caleiwd plater received and for sale by WM. C. DEMENT CO. DOZ. thumb lalchc. cheap, for sale by 3 W WM.C. DEMENT At co. OS SETS hollow auger, for whewrighl, for Q s' (7 WM C. DKM EXT dr. e 1. 1, iiiuin.fcY. Public IIouuo. HAVING ueiuiam utiy One-oil ( iiy, whrr I h iM.ale. in iiv opeiud!L! i'ublio House, which will Im kept as such a hsus ought lo be kepi, I invite I lis traveling poli tic to gitu in a call. My IsMs will be furnished Willi tli best Ih I arlonls, and every alien, lion will b given lo Ilia Comfort uf my patrons. Call and Iry mo. My hoiias is aloii(sideof Dr. MeUughiiu's. KollT. CONNOLLY. May JO, m.'i7. 7lf I'roluitit Notice. VTOl ICE Is herrby given thai Jamc Ollicr, i.1 adiiiiniilralor on Iliv estate of A. J. t lilting, lute of Clackamas county, deceased, has rendered his accounts for final aelilenisnl lo Ih Probalo court of ss d county, and Ih third Monday iu Oc tober uext is apfsj.ulrd fur the adjustment uf Ih saint at Ore.'ou in said county. . UOI1EKT CAL'FIELD, OctoUr 3, 18j7-'J."w3 Jude of Probate. Estato of Robert Mooro. "Vro riCE is hereby given Ihal Iho undersigned Xi have been duly appoiuleil eieculor of Ihe will of Kobert Moore, late of Clackamoe county, deceased. All s rsons indebted lo said ratal sr required lo inak payment iinine diutely, and all persons hav jiu claim against said eslata mnsl pre sent Ihem with th necessary vouchers to us at Ih residence of It. C. Crawford in l.inu City, within ou year from date, or Ihey will b fon-ver barred. It. C. CRAWFORD, D.J. SCHNEHLY, JOHN T. A1TERSON. Oct. 3, 1857. 95w4 Adtninistratrix's Notice NOTICE ia hereby given Ihat tellers of ad ministration hav beeii grnnlcd to the under signed by th Probate court of Clackeinaa county on Iha eslat of George Irvin, deceased, late of so d county. All iersun indebted lo said estate aie requested lo make iinmrdiat payment, and all having claims against said estate are requested lo present Ihem to me within on year from III d ue uf this notice nt my resident on Pudding river. MARY ANN IRVIN, Kept. 50, 1 8.17.244 Adm'x. Non-resident Notice. Abel Eudey, r. Mary I lusted, guardian, of th minor heirs of L. W. Maunders, deceased. WHEREAS, in this cause a bill ha been filed praying a foreclosure of mortgage upon lola numbered on (1), seven (7), and eight (tf), in block numbered nine (9), and lota num bered four (4) and five (5) in block numbered Iweuty-two iu the town of Oregon Cily, in Clackamas county, and Oregon Territory, for Ih sum of four hundred dollars and interest , and whereas an aflidavit has been hied there. n show ing that defendant Is n noii-resident t The defendant is hereby notified Ihat unless she appear in Iho District Court of Ihe First Judicial District of the Territory of Oregon, on the first day of the term to be holden ia Salem on the first Monday in April, a. n. 1H."8, and answer the bill filed iu this cause, the same will be tuken for con fessed, and decree of foreclosure entered up. i: J. HAIIDINO.CI'k, Ily Homer Holland, Deputy. Matlock & Joiinsox, Solicitors for compluiuant. Sept. l'J, 1S57. Hind W. X. XXutcbins, M. D., LAFAYETTE, O, T. REFERS TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio j Prof. J. Kost, " " Prof. Courtney, La Fayelto, Ind.i Dr. W. Armstrong, Findley, Ohio; J. Fisher, M. 1)., Tiflin, J. Chamberlin, M. D., Tiffin, " Dr. II. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Tenn. ; Prof. J. Iirown, N. Y.; Dr. G. Kellosg, Milwaukic, O. T. W. D. Hutchins' Jlalsatn Wild Cherry $1 25 Jayne's Expectorant 1 jj5 " Alterative 1 25 Ayrc' Cherry Pectoral 1 35 end a general assortment of lOTANlC MEDICINES kept at all limes. And I am making arrange ments to manufacture my llulsani fur the lungs, from the Oregon cherry. aug!5 SELLING OFF AT GREAT INDUCEMENTS! T AM now selling oh" my ENTIRE stock of X READY-MADE CLOTHING, Dry Goods, Roots, Shoes, Ate, &c. 1 have now a heavy stock on hand of tho very best quality uf goods, exactly suited to the wants uf this market, which 1 am determined to sell very Ion and no mistake, 111 order to close out Ihe concern, prepur atory lo leaving this country, as my health com. pels me to go back to France. Come one, come all, and buv. KUGIi.N li LA FORKS!'. Oregoti City, Aug. 21, 1857. lUlf ('Illinium & Wnrutr HAVE rco'd a large assortment of SHOES, i.inliNiiifV r.liiMr.,,'a imrl litiliou' alinM. nn.l Gaiters, Biihkins, and Hootecs; also gents' Hoots and shoes, aud gaitera of all descriptions. ALSO, Cradles and scythes, suullis, lioos, rukes, forks, spades, and sltovcut. To Sent A STORE ROOM, situated on Main street, apposite the Main Street House quite a desiruble part of town. Apply lo Mnv 83. CIIAUMAN & WARNER. Pottery. WE have now permanently located in Ore gon, and will give our whale attention to the MANUFACTURE of EARTHEN-WARE, in which business we are now engaged, at the old Saw-mill, half a mile abovo Cuncmuh. We are now making the best ware of the kind ever before ottered in the Territory, nnd shall koep a constant supply, such as will enable us to fill any kind uf an order upon short notice. Up country merchants and tho farmers gener ally are iuvited to give us a call. B. M. II AKK1M K Oregon City, May 1 B, 1857. 5tf Administrator's NotiCO, NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted to tho under signed by the Probate court of Clackamas county on the estate of Peter Johnston, deceased, late of said county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them le me within the time prescribed by law at rny residence in Oregon City. Sept. 10, Ib57-23w4 A. II. STEELE. IT HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL for seme time past, that MORE' ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed at Iho LINN CITY STORE, to meet the demands of its constantly increasing custom. These additions have now been mads Ihe store is enlarged, and the stock has just been replenished with a large assortment of (sroevrica, Dry (soodi, Ac, among which are Panama Huts, Gaiters, Cravats, Parasols, Ginghams, Ribbons, Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, And orT nr.AL Hoar, At the 'LINN CITY STORE.' Motto "Small profits and quick returns." April 11, 1857. LADIES' aud cents' KID GLOVES, at IJROUGHTON'S, mn City. OAT STORKS, all kinds, wholesale or re tail, at IIUUL'GH ION S, Linn Cily. GOOD blsck and green TEA, at IJROUGHTON'S, Linn City. FUST received 30 hbla Santa Crui LIME, and 20 ska PLASTER PARIS, rovjl CHARMAN 4 WA RNER Win. C. Dement CL Co., WIIOI.IiliAI.B tie ItUTAII, Dealeri in Groceries, Hardware Boots & Shoes, Orockory, Itc., rnlCNUER their thank to their numerous cus L miners for Ihalr p it liberal palrotiugo, aud su llen a continuance of the same, They ink pleaiuro in Informing the puhlio lluit llioy have now on hand a large aud di-sirabl stock of (Jroeerir; Hardware, Uuof and Shots, CrneUru, and llvat Starts, lo which lhy nr making cnnsluill auuii.ons nom .ow iei aim San Francisco, purchased for cash only, and are enabled lo awtl ut lower pricn than any olher store lu Oregon Ciiy. Jan. Ji, m.. I.'sperieiK'u .Uaket I'fi fttl. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goods J TITE wish to inform our customer and Ihe I V nulil'O trenerallv Ihat we have now on 11,11111, III atlllllioil 10 our iisiiiii Heavy hk;is ui kiu- ceriesand Dry-(ioods, 0110 of the largest aud best- , . , . 1 ,.- r ? . selected stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in this market. W also wish lo sny that our good ar of excellent quality, aud that w will sell AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN ORK00.V, Portland not excepted. Our old motto slill govern our trade " Quick sales and amall profits." Our stock of goods is now opcu for inspection lo all who will favor us with a call, ('all and sec, and let experience then speak for itself. Wa sell a low aa any In Ih Territory, for c ish. or produce al market rate. ( IIAU.MAIN CC VAU.Lll. Oregon Cily, May 23, IS57. Reapers Thrashers. OUR Reapers and 1 brasher have arrived. Persons who purchased uf us will please lake notice, aud call for their machine. Also TWO MIOKSE THRASHERS on hand and for sale. June at). G. AllEK.NETll Y & co. Grain Cradles. DOZ. five-fingered superior grnin cradle for al by G. ABERNETHY & co. Boots & Shoes, s UITED lo summer wear, on hand and for sale by G. ABERNETHY & co. Tobacco. fj) g CASES superior brands just received and Atl " " fur sale by us ; 5 cases Pride Union, 5 " Alliance, 5 " Cockade, fi " I) l'aradi'o and (irnne. June20,lb57. G. ABERNETHY St. co. Hails. KEGS Nails, nssnrled sires, for sale by G. ABERNETHY &, co. 40 Syrup Lime. Work KEGS syrup! Olr 50 bids lime t for sale by June 20. 1R57. O. AUERNUTHY & co. Land Warrants Wanted. THE HIGHEST PRICE will be paid by the undersigned, in cash, or draft 011 Atlaulic cities, for Lund Warrants. 1 . J. mcl;ak r.K. Oregon City, June 13, 1857. 9tf At War with Hard Times! HARD TIMES DEFEATED! BY CHARMAN & WARNER, who, In addition to their usual LARGE STOCK of Dry Goods nsul Groccrlc, ar about receiving per bark Metropolis and Mat thew Vussar, the following now supplies, viz; 1(10 boxes English soup, 100 " American do., assorted brands, 50 " adamantine candles, 25 " sperm do. 10 " wax candles, assorted color, 3000 lbs No. 1 Balavia sugar, 4000 ' No. 1 Munilla do. 4000 ' Costa Rica, Rio, and Juva coffee, 100 Booee' domestic ground do. 50 doz assorted spices, in buttles, C ' English uss'd sauces, fi ' do do pickle, 10 1 American do do. 20 cases pie fruit, 50 boxes WiiuNor glass, ass'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, all aizes, CI10 lbs codfish, 6 hlf bbls muckerc), 10 bbls lime, 1 enso tobacco, 'Prido of ihn Union, 1 do do 'Coimnerciul,' 1 do do 'Honey dew,' 1 do do 'Natural leaf,' 6 gross smoking tobacco, . 6 dot tomato ketchup, 6 ' pepper sauce, 10 kegs dried apples, 2 bbls plaster pari, Together with a well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, ROOTS, SHOES, arid rendu mndt CLOTHING, which we oiler as LOW as any hoiiso in Oregon, either wholesale or retail. Terms cash, or produco tuken In exchange at the highest market rates. March 21, 1H57. Harness and Saddlery. Til E nn lersigned having opened anew in HUTTEV1LLE, Murion county, O. T., is ready to manufacture and furnish at slim I notice, uml in Ihe best and moat substan tial style of the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Car rince Trimming, ij-c. Muroh i.'8, lbi7. A. COOK. New Goods. JUST received by the auliHcr.bors, 8200 yds Merrlmuc and Cocheco prints, 1700 ' satinets, blue und mixed, 130 ' cotton warp, 50 coils munilla rope, 121 bund'es map paper, 55 cuses Kentucky rifle powder, FFF.G. March 21. G. A BERNETH Y it CO. Sli'HW Culler. DOZ. Straw cullers just received and for sale by G. ABERNETHY &. CO. XL B. Syrup. KEGS, 8a and 5s, for sale by G. ABERNETHY It CO. 30 500 LBS. pure 1 lees win for sale low by jail 1 WM. C. DEMENT & CO. MOFFATS Life Bitters snd Pills, Bernard's Dysentery Syrup, Wistar' Balsam of Wild Cherry, at the UitMiUiH HI I UUUU DIUlit!,. IJRESTON'S Sectional and County MAP of OREGON and WASHINGTON TER RITORIES fur sale by auglG CHARLES POPE, Jr. Selling; Off I A VALL A CLE uimoitment of HOOKS and stationery. Teachers aud dealers and all interested are invited lo call aud examine. March 2d, 1807. C. POPE, Jr. UTABAGA Ked-for sale by maras C. POPE, Jr. It 1IL UAKH or pie fruit seed for sa's 1 mariiS U. POPE, Jr. 0 REGON timothy seed for sale by mar C. POPE, Jr. 700 LfSH. whit coseipore 'agar for sale by mari C. POPE, Jr. f) SETS coopers' loola fur sale by . .... Kt.,i 1 at w. DOZ. polished cast -steel grain scooptfcr sale by W.M. C. DEME.Ni'4 co. Iff r , , V . .. 1. Vnl.n. . , .1 mh2l CHARMAN 4WARNER'S. ANDS' arsaparilla, in anyqnantity, at the OREGON CITY Wholosale Prices Current. coiCTD wkkklv. par 000 us. 1 iiaius It. hiuiuink. Khecting,4'4....1l Jil?j'50pr.ct.over N. Y.cust Drilling I'.'i raontca. Illeachad drilling II) Wheat, pr. ba...,.)l,25 shirting, I lalli Out do 05a7i Striped do I'.'J Potatoes do 75 Ticlt-n". Halo On ons do $'J Oil Deuiiis IS J Flour 17 ,00 Blue drilling H Corp Meal, fresh t Plaid htisey Hio2l.' ratir. Kutinel 7Ua!Hl Apples, Jiled lCal8 Kentucky jeans.. .254. "1, Peaches, dried IU Tweeds 5570 " do pealed raiKxs. f " Chili, 2025. fllueand while li' raovisiud. Bin aud orange 12 Pork, clear none. LV.w... H..I-), Ilia RJ.II Furniture do Ilia 1 1 Ham 2if do. W.lte.lVJ ll.lColl i" M. do laim. IHallll llulter 4" Ginghniii 1522 Egg 37 4 1 ut..!:!! eiitt'iira. Tabl damask oOaT.') Hawtrd, pr ca... -I.. 1.. r. Oil nr luir.. Viu.iiv... .vv" v s. 1 Iiishlinen 405H? a"T, clotiiino. .Small sizes.... Sheen cray punt 82Ja3.Buck .62ia3 Satinet do. .$2Ja.-l L... J.'. II, ir Bluek coss. do. j(5u7 White leod, luoil...l2J Redflau'l shirU 81lal8' Coausua. HI 110 do. do. 8l5alS .Manilla, small 25 Hickory shirt Su7 " largo ...25 Culico do gOal'J lump 1014 .OOT & IIIOK. , CANULSS. Men' kip boots $ i iJ Admnnline 3337 super no. ao....ij4 fiwnu w- fine ewcd Hi' ciosa. Boys' kip boot $2 Havana glOaSO " h'vy w'x dogl J i2,()'rinun SI0a25 Mens'brg's pr. do...? 17 American $2050 " kip brg s pr iiot.iy .u To,:. ' calf sowed do.. Of 1 1. Pride of tha Uuion.40a4S Women's h'vy li.H3.Siin 30a35 ' fine do $15.1.uke tl OROCtnltS. 5 MAR0WARE. 'ofTee 14ul5 Shovels it?14 G0a75Sade H416 Sugar, no. 1 Chi'a.... 1 3. Axe $I290 crushed 21 Millsuw 00a$U Sulerulu lOalliS cut saws 75a$ 1 ,25 Starch M Tuble cutlery, 25 perct Syrup E Boston... $1,20' advance on N. Y.coK do. H Island ,au 1 ocs.01 ouuoiy, y. v. K. .... .. ..l.....nM I U .iloiusses I,iv Suit 2a2J Olher article of hard Table Salt 3a3J ware from 20 lo 50 Vf Sandwich 1. Salt.. 1 J i2 cl advance. Pepper ,...JJ2 Kails.nas'Usiici.prK o AllKpiee.... Ciunamon. Soap ..40 horseshoe... 3540 ..liUaBO, oils. .. 8ull Lamp $1 k Orosou and California Packet Lliso. TIIE'WIowing vessels will run In eon- rj, necllona-a REGULAR LlNEIie.J tween PORTLAND and SAN FKAN-iaLaS 1 Clippc'r bark J.VNE A. FALKENDERG. Uauuer, Master, Bark OCEAN BIRD, Wiauiss, " " CHAM. DEV'ENS, 1Ibai.t, " " NAHUMKEAG, Wtt.UAds, Brig I. B. LUNT, RiciiAiiosox, " The B irks have all been coppered recently, and are in first-rate order, commanded by experienced captains. Freight will be carried nt th lowest rates. Produeo lent from auy part of the country to Oregon City, or lo the Li 11 11 City works, will be re. ceived and forwarded to San I' ruticisco. Aocnt GEO. ABERNETHY it CO., Oregon CitV. ABERNETHY, CLARK & CO., Jwv.22,'5(i-32lf San Francieco. The yew i: 11 a I a ml Tliituul LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, Boston, Mass., Organised in 1843, and having a capital and accumulated premiums amount ing ti over $1,000,009., WILL take risks In Oregon, for a term of year or for life. Dividends of profit to .1 t .1 u.. .I..fl.,ril Avrv rivo veur. In UIUW ,UJU1LW BIU w." ---- j- surunce may be cll'eolrd for Ihe benefit of married Women and children, beyumi tne reacu 01 :reii. ura of the parly insured. Creditors may Insur the lives of debtors. Rate in Oregon will be til ame as in New England. ...This is the oldest American Mutual Insurance 'Company, and is one of the most reliable and uo cessl'ul, and insure ou the most fuvorabl rate. Information may be obtained from, and applica tion for insurance tnude to, A. IIOLBROOK, Agent for Oregon. Consulting rhynicians Forbes Barclay, M.D., Oregon Cily, and It. B. Wilson, M. D., Portland. Oregon Cily, Jan. 31, 1857. 4i Jos. Darstow IS by himself, and would respectfully ay to his friend and the public gouurally Ihat he i tliunkful for past patronage, and will continue busi ness at the old stand, and will ever be ready lo show his Goods lu those who may favor him with n call. Como one, come all, both great and small, and give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, und examine for yourselves his spleudid and select stock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTII liQ, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spioca, &o., &c, Hat, Nail, Brooms, &.C., and almost every thing pertaining to a general hue of business. All kinds of country produce tukou in exchange. Country friends will lind it to their advantago to give me a call. Ciuiomnh.Sept. 6. 7 FURNITURE CSfea AT THE rURNITCRa SAIiZ!3 ROOM, (Oue door below L. Snow St Co.'s, Front t.,) PORTLAND, OREGON. Constantly receiving, aud on hand, THE BEST ASSOKTMEXT Ever Offered in Oregon!! Having had several years' experience, I am pre pared to rell AS CIIKAP AS, IF NOT Cheaper than has ever luretofore been offered on the Pacific, coast! ILT CALL AND EXAMINE fun VOUSSELVK. XI A. J. STURTEVANT, Portland, January 10, 1857. 10m Our itlolloi 'EY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE.' rpilE old friends and customers of G. Collkk A. UosniNS will be pleased to learn that he ha se cured the service of Mr. A. V. WILSON, Practi cal Watchmaker, who will at all lime be fouud at this establishment. G. C. RobbiiiB trusts that through lb combined experience now employed, together wiih his untir ing exertions lo please, ha will continue to ruceiv the Approbation uf his numerous customer. The Jkwki.hv MAM'rAcruai.vo DapsaTM rist of my business is in charge of CIIAS.F. KEUHN, Practical Jeweler snd Engraver, and every person, who has had work of this kind don for th post fiv year, cm testify Ibat he is a supwior workman. Yl'alclic und Jewelrjr. Having mado arrangemente with my bro Ihcr, at home, who is a Watchmaker, and Affl engaged iu the business, lo select and purcluus Goods for m in New York, I shall hereafter r ceiv my good Direct from the Importers SrManufaeturtrt and will sell as low aa any other establishment on the Pscific coast. G. COLLIER LOliBlNS. Portland, Jan 20, 1857. 10m2 M ORE N B W GOODS, t THARMAN WARVF.R'S. ' OUANGFd a fine lot jimt re..eiTd and for y r CHARAJT. 815 81V 15 :u 1 1 I k it I 'nib I ftp f k ?;t;' p p V k I $ t rv!' 1 f; if S 'tii, I li hi I , ii'ft i1' t. -ft- 1