m ym 1 li I. I to cloycd uj every (urn and comor with falling timber ill At it odlod much lo our embarrassment. Our purpose was fixed, and with a slow and steady pace we left tbem behind until ibo miJJIu of jho after, noon, when we commenced ibo ascent of a long, high ridge, who tull tree an J denso undcrgrowlh hid in summit from our viow. With hope of arriving, ot every few rod, at in top, from which we might have a viow of the surroundiug country mid of ibt val ley which we knew could not be n great distance from us, onward and upwind wo toiled until the. appearance of a vast lodge of steep rocks slopped our progress and told us that the top was yet in the distance. Put determining not lo bo outdone, I left the company and climcd its heights, which I found to be yet tnoro than a mile distant, a black reck of great altitude and from which wi:h joy I huiicd the settlements at the short distance of ten or fifteen miles to the norlh-wct. Far below me were vast masses of misty clouds driven ly a strong wind from the west, und cleft asunder by the peak upon which I stood, pawing to the right and left in quick succession, upon which tho golden rays of the setting sun were shiniag, looking like a vast waving seaof golJ. How boautiful, how charming the scene I faraway to the north and east, roso hill upon hill, and mountain after mountain rose in vie as far as tho eyo could reach wbilo to the south tho Oil apooya Mountains, Rogue River Valley, Siskiu Monntuin, from wbih rose tho snow crusted summit of Rogue River Peak, could plainly be seen. It was now sun down and more than a mile of rough, pre cipitous travel separated me fiom my com panions, and I was compelled to hasten down lo- juiit them, impatiently awaiting iny return. It was now dark end raining, but the idea of camping on this black rock, where there was neither grass nor water, and where the chilling winds howled like the blasts of December, was preposterous; but it w'as more than two miles to any place of encampment, tho hill was very steep almost the entire distance, and envi roned in every direction by logs, brush and rocks, to descend which seemed equally preposterous ; but at the request of the company I undertook the pilotage and im mediately commenced a rapid descent, and although it was dangerous, a point of life at every step, for it was' us dark as Egypt, and wo were Iiublo at any moment to plunge ofTbOiutj precipice, horse and all, And be dunhed to pieces, yet traveled more than a mile, but were nt last compelled lo stop for fear of dashing our brains out against some rock, und make an encamp ment on tliut sleep mountain side. We accordingly doffed our pocks and saddles, when it was so steep that horses could scarcely eland up. low hard it seemed after forcing the poor jaded beasts through so many hardships to thus s:op them when it was impossible for thcin to rest, with not a bite to cat, and not a drop to drink ; but ncsessily drovo us lo it, and ufter tying them on tho upper side of largo trees where there was barely enough ground fjr them lo stand, we groped around and found a place below a large, shelving rock where no spread our blankets and laid us down to rest, with tho cool drops of rain gently pattering us in tho face, and that too, without a drop of water to drink, and not a jjiorsel to cat, having had none sinco early in the morning prccecdins. How ever, wo wcro glad lo s'op. And when morning appeared, and brought "more light on tho subject," wo ognin resumed our journey and haslened to water, when we tried tin virtues of bread and coffee for we had been without meat fur several days; and from this forward we were out of every thing, flour, meat, sugar, coflln, all gone, w hich of courso pushed us on with redoubled energy. By the next day noon we reached the valley, having been sixteen days in tho mountains, without a road, without a guide, or any means of knowing nt one hour what was to befall us the next. Imagine our fo ling'', our thank fulness. We were proud, even tho horses neighed for joy, and as hungry as proud; and accordingly approached the first farm we saw, owned by a Mr. Jas. Cochrane, formeily of Missouri, a very liberal, wor thy and intelligent man, with whom wo re mained until tho next day, enjoying his hospitality. Long shall I remember I hat place, that day, and longer still that "good Samaritan" from whoso hands we received such kind treatment, lie lives in Lane county, fourteen miles east of Eugene City, surrounded by a fine scope of coun try and a flourishing settlement. Long may ho prosper. On the seeend day wo bid our fiend Cochrane adieu, and started for home. Passing through Lane, Linn and Marion Counties, where the large number of Well attended school -houses, the corner stone of republics, the largo farms, fine orchards and spacious dwell, ings, would indicate a state of high taste anil energy, we arrived safely at home on Monday, the eighth of September, having been gone five weeks precisely. Our fatigues aro f.it being forgotten, and I now fed well rewarded by what I aw for all the privation of the trip. And if this somewhat tedion account of it hall be repaid t ,'tli perusal by your read era, it wilt much gratify me that I have contributed by my toil to the general Respectfully yours, G. L. Woods. amusement. SWtMlNNVILLR.Pcpt., 19o7. V C-5'Jt is wi:h idea as wiih pyees of money, liios. with the Icait vahrt jensr .'ly ciroti!:;!e t!ie lutjj. CTIjc rcgou CVrguG. W. L. ADAMS, IIMTOa AMD raorsirroa. OBXPOPJ CITY; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1857. Or 1. V. Craio is aulhoriied to do any bus Ideas conuuetod wall The Argus Ofliee during- my aU'iice. W. L. ADAMS. jfJT We hnve yielded most of our ed iloiial space lo correspondents this week, and still wo have many communications laid over. We beg of our correspondents 10 study brovity. Wo wont them to come right lo the point at once, and that by the shortest possible route. Some of our frivnds aro models io this line while others are most insulferably windy. OT Much of our outside is taken up this week with incidents of mountain travel, which will no doubt prove very interesting to readers in the Slates, who may wish to get somo idea of what may bo seen by leaving the level monotonous prairies of the West, and coming to Oregon. The article w ill also pay a perusal by our borne readers. OCr Let all our friends recollect the day of voting upon the Constitution. Let no mnn be absent ; see that every man is at his post, and votes for or against tho Constitu tion, and wjmmI slavery. JTZT Trade is quite lively in this city since so many up country have quit going in Portland for supplies. Some of the Portland merchants informed us this week that people from the country above goner ally complained that they "could buy cheaper in Oregon City" than in Portland. 6tT We are sorry to say that Capt. Ry ncarson was dangerously injured a few days ago by tho fulling of a rock upon his head while walling a well. Tho rock fell some sixteen feet, a point of which penetra ted the skull to the brain. IIo is now in a fair way of recovery. dtT Mr. Francis of this county has left on our table n Tolpahooking apple weigh ing twenty-two ounces. We believe this beats anything heretofore produced in the Territory. If anybody can beat it, let him shell out. 03" We are under obligations to Mr. Meek for samples of the Melon npplf which weigh over a pound each have hitherto thought that the Gotden Rus sett was the best apple known, but we now think the Melon must como in ahead of it. 05" The lost Steamer brings the un pleasant news that tho submarine telegraph cable which was being paid out by the United States vessel Niagara, parted af ter 380 miles in length had been laid. Tho neciden. was caused by tightening the brakes so as to prevent the cable from running out too fast. While the ship was moving at the rulo of four miles an hour the cublo was running out five miles. The strain upon the cable by means of the increased friction caused it to part. It is said that this accident has not at all dis couraged the company. Indeed, enough has already been learned by the experi ment so fur, to convinco the company of the cntiro practicability of the submarine telegraph. It has not yet been decided whether the company will resume the work this fall or wait till next summer. (KT The last issue of Cznpkay's organ gives unmislakablo evidence that Delazon, or soma mnn who has a reasonable devel opment ia front of his ears, has hold of the crank at present. It steals our thun der, and fires away at tho " Ox'1 without giving us credit. As the " O.x" is moro than a match for it, we cannot complain. OltKGON BOUNDARIES. Geo. Lovejny, Chairman of tho committee on Boundaries in tho lalo Constitutional Convention, be ing at the limo too unwell to write him self, requested Mr. Applegate to put in w riting the report tho committee on Boun daries had instructed him to make, which report was as follows, (we quote from memory): Beginning en the coast of the Pacific Ocean w hero the 42d parallel of north lati tude intersects the same. Thence north erly with said line of Coast including all Islands pertaining to this Continent lying west and opposite this Slato to a point due west and opposite '.ho middle of the main channel of the Columbia river lo the mouth of Snake river. Theneo up the middle of the main channel of Snake river to the middle of the mouth of the Owyhee river, thence, Ac., as the boundaries stand in the Constitution. The commiitoe on Boundaries did not deem it a part of their duties lo proviJe for extending tho jurisdiction of the courts of the Slate beyond its limits. The ju risdiction over a marine league of the Ocean being fixed by the law of nations, and concurrent jurisdiction with the States or Territories having a boundary in com mon w ith us, can only bo established with their consent; it therefore seemed to be unnecessary to mention it in that connect ion. We have thought it but justice lo Mr. Applegate, who acied as chairman of the commiiiee, to stale these facts, so that lhe responsibility of the present ambigiaus boundaries may not be laid upon him er lhe commiiiee on beunj.vies. CO" Elders Murphy and Richardson will preach io the room under the Masonic Hall in this city next Friday and Saturday erf ning, at 7 'clock ; also on Lord's day following at 10 o'clock .t. x. OCT We have several limes alluded to the fact thai several euiiaries have been im ported Into this Territory from Culifornia to help regulate our institutions, every one of whom i a pro ilauery, black democrat. They seem tobe of lhe same type of horn bres that first invaded Kansas from Mis souri. The Salen organ says of them : "There are a number of Californium In th Territory, and every one of them so far as we know are opposing our Constitu tion and are dreadfully alarmed for fear the electors of Oregon will adopt it." In speaking of (hem in another article it says: "Does any man wish to tee the, slavery question kept up for years to come, and the scum and flood-wood ol Culifornia and other regions floating into Oregen,"ccc. If these men had been republicans, who came here to persuade our people to go for a free State, thisdriven nigger would have applied to them such terms as " abolition emissaries," "midnight, underground, cut throat, traitorous-assassins, " floating po litical disunion excrement," "piratical bluck republican imported spies, and trait ors from California and the burnt district of Indiana," " kinky.hcadud amalgama tion, disunion jacobins," and so on. But as they are euly tools of the slave power, they are merely termed " tcum and food wood," not because they are proslavery imports, but because they do not stiicily adhere to tho "time-honored usages of our party." OCT We hope our friends will send us the returns immediately after the election on the ninth of November at least on the Constitution and for and against Slavery. Hitherto our friends have been remarkably remiss in this particular, thinking perhaps that somebody else had attended to It. Wo hope you will bear in mind that "somebody else" seldom takes the troublo. This time we mean you. Will you attend to it the first thing after the pollt are closed f We want "all to speak at once this time. 00 The article ofC. from Champoeg, for the Constitution, came to hand too late for this issue. It will appear next week. Gen. McCarver had a shoulder bono fractured by a fall from a horse a few days ago. far the Argus. r. Editor According to the report of the proceedings of tho Convention to form a Constitution for Oregon, Judge Williams opposed framing a bill of Rights " becauso they were a kind of 4th of July oration, a string of abstractions of no particular ap plication or utility, but frequently produc ing uncertainly in tho laws and iiiterfming with their administration." Mr. Wnymire fuvored a bill of Rights, " because being placed in front of the Constitution the people would read it and if pleased with it, weuld read no further and swallow the balance without examina tion." Neither of tho gentlemen appear "lo attach much value to a bill of Rights, yet tho opinions they express on the subject, are pretty fair indexes to the characters of the men. Doubtless the long period Judge Williams has dictated from tho bench has encouraged the growth of a spirit nat urally arbitrary, and a bill of Rights may often be in tho way of Judicial tyranny, while it seems Mr. Waymiro honestly re gards a bill of Rights in the light Judgo Williams represents it, as claptrap inten ded as he wishes to use it, to humbug nnd deceive the people. Sinco Magna Charla was wrested from lhe pusillanimous John in the year 1215, a bill of Rights has been regarded by tho Anglo Saxon race in a light almost sacred, being that part of the Constitution of each Stato which guarantees the rights of lhe minority against the aggressions of majori ties, and protection of individuals frern the tyranny of Judges and other ministers of the law, ihe bill of Rights in many State Constitutions is declared irrepeulablo or lo endure forever. The bill of Rights beinff a declaration of the principles upon which lhe institutions of the State are to be founded not only repeals or annuls conflicting statutes, but also any provision in the Constitution itself not in accordance with it, for tho obvious reason that the bill of Rights asserts iho principle, and the rest of the Constitution like statute laws, is merely lhe machinery by which ihey are applied to facts. The Constitution to be voted upon by the people of Oregon next November, be ing mostly a compilation from other Con stitutions may not in its separate parts bo bad, but being selected by different per sons whoso partialities and tastes are dif ferent, it does not form a harmonious whole. The bill of Rights for which we are in debted to Indiana, is frequently at discord to the provisions that follow it. As an in stance the first section declares, "All men when they form a social compact are rqual in rights," a declaration however true in the abstract, is certainly disregarded in the further provisions of lhe Constitution. In the first place, all men but white men are denied all rights whatever under lhe Constitution, but as none but white men are permitted to vote, it is presumable that they only take part in forming the compact, and if iheir right are mada equal, it may be contended the Constitulion is consistent with itself let us see. In section 2 of article 2, it is declared that after 6 months residence ia Oregon, every white male citizen of the United States, and every white foreigner who has been a year in lhe United Stales, and has declared his Intention lu become a citizen, shall be a voter. Now if all voter are equal io rights, (and it it certain they have to bear an equul pari in iho burdens of the Suite), It seems to be a violation of the principles of equality to debar a portion of them from the ofllcos and honors, con sequent 10 the formation of the aforesaid seeiul compact. Yd there aro oflices of honor or profit under the Constitution lo which a simple volar is eligible. Besides additional age, residenco, Ac, required as qualifications lo oflices elected by the people, there) it one distinction modi between the members of the compact as dilliculi to determine as odious in its char ucler. Arliclo 7 section 18 declares, "The Legislative Assembly shall to provide that tho moit competent of the permamnt citi zens of the country shall be chosen for jurors." What rulo the legislature will adopt by which they will divido the Voters of the Slo'.o into classes competent and in competent to tit upon juries or how they will determine upon the permanence of the citizens does not appear, the Constitu lion does not even give a vluo to what qual ities of head or heart will bo considered competent under the Constitution. If tho compact is an agreement made by the people for tliuir own government in which it is declared they aro equal in rights, and they have reserved lo themselves the choice of their servants that they should tramel themselves with conditions somo of them odious, all of them calculated to des troy tho equality of lhe members of tho body politic, is a contradiction in terms and in fuel, and tho frnmers of the instru ment disclose only contempt for the under standing of the people, and for their ca pacity for self-government. Sections 2 and 3 of the bill of Rights, gunranteo lhe rights of conscience, and are unobjectionable, but sections 4,5, and 0 are aulhontical and should never be ad opted by a people w ho believe thut there is a God or a place of futuro rewards and punishments. For he that believes there is no Cod, nor any reward for the jus!, nor punishment for tho unjust in a future state, neither has nor can have a conscience in the common acceptation of the term. Yet by section 4 any or nil the offices in the Siato of Oregon may bo filled by men of such belief, by section 5, religion is banished from our schools and colleges, and the legislature interdicted the employ ment of a chaplain to ask tho blessings of the Supreme law. maker upon their lubors, und last nnd worst, by section 0 the Athe ist who denies tho existence of a God or a future slate, whom no oath can bind, is permitted without question, to swear away the life 'or properly of nny perton who has incurred his enmity. . a. ! .I'or the Argu: The CoasUlullou. Tho Constitution framed by our lute convention is now before us fur adoption or rejection. And it is most earnestly hoped that each voter will not only rend, but carefully and honestly examine every arti cle therein, that a correct opinion of its merits and demorits may bo formed, bear ing in mind that eah one is now called upon lo perform a duty, nnd tho manner in which that duty is performed will not only rifled himself and this generation, but unborn thousands who will either bless or curso our memory for what we may donn tho second Monday in November. The first lliing we should decide is: What is tho necessity of changing our position from a Territorial to a Slate government) If that necessity is urgent, und we are pre. pured to meet the increased responsibilities which iho chango will produce, and if we have a Constitulion presented to us for our support the adoption of which would bo a credit to ourselves and blessing to posteri ty, then most assuredly we should support it. But if the necessity is ' slight, if 'he increaso of our taxes would weigh heavily upon us, and if the wellfure, happiness and liberty of tho people do not require it, and if there bo seriously objectionable provis ions in lhe Constitulion, in the name of rea son why should we support ii? What could tho people who have tho burdens of government to bear gain! Nothing but the pleasure ef forking over the cash 10 pay a lazy, a corrupt swarm of , political demagogues that would spring forth from the earth like toad stools in a night, and equally a9 poisonous. So filled with patri otism and whiskey, their little souls would be ready 10 burst, and withull, from an es pecial regard for lhe dear people, of w hich they'd be careful to inform ihem (instance Jo Lane.) 'Tis amusing to hear iheir sil ly attempts at wise and oracular com ments on governmental affairs ; to see the betimes bluud, and anon self reliant air they mnuifest, when by chance they get through their "buck-wheat-batier" brains an idea so infinitely small that if placed in the hollow of a mustard seed 'twould be lost amid lhe unfathomable regions of space. Aow, for the special benefit of the above interesting specimens of society, we are asked to become a State. Shall wo do so f The Constitution before us in many respeots is good enough, but iu many oth ers deserves the severest condemnation. I will nlluda to a few of these. The first section of iho Bill ef rights does all it can to suppress the truth, and thereby is equiv alent lo the utterance of a falsehood. It says "thai all men when they form a social compact are equal in rights;" as if they were not equal in rights until they formed a social compact. Tne idea is not only ludicrous, but is literally false, for it is known and admitted by all fundamental law writers that the rights of man aproxi mate lo a nearer equality previous lo the formation of any compact w hatever, than after, and no social compact can affect the natural rights of any one. The objection lo it is io ibis, that one is require to vote a .fahcho&l, and while so doing snell the odor of a "nig'jtr lharP The sixth section is sufficiently liberal in 'iiJ lo Iho "lower reniolis" all whode tiiH 10 ro. The seventh section is simply silly, for by it wiinen can require lhe liul.re. or officer who Bdniiullrn the uaih 10 iaud on his head, or perform any other high fuluiin caper that he may plene, for lhe section says : " 1 u moot- annum. tering an oatli Ae. shall b" sued as may be ino.1 consistent with, and binding upon lhe concUnca of ih person to wlmm II is aa miniitered." There Is no doubt somo men would tell the Irulll, if permitted lo testify at all, a liulo quicker under such circum liineen than unv O'licT. A portion of the 211 section is put in for lh purpose of preventing lh people from Inking iron) ine ollicers of Slate- tho privilege of always having on hand as much whiskey as may be iKiceskSry lo gel up any amount ol pa triotism on J.uli.on jubilee occasions eV'o Luminous idea that. Let us now exumino that portion of the schedule in winch tho slavery anil fieo-no trro mutters aro submitted lo iho decision of a popular vole, thereby rendering the right or wrong of human slavery a trilling mulicr, and only lo bo decided by lhe will or wish of a majority, That shivery Is wrong, and a great crime, is admitted by lhe civilized world. Our own govern ment treats tho trade as piracy. Whut right or uuthority huve governments, or majorities to authorizo nnd at tempt to legalize great crimrs, such as murder, thclt. ronuery anu nunian slavery, bo tho viclium white or black ? Has God given us such authority f If so let us see Iho decree. If it come from man let us see by what authority nnd from what source II came, and who had tho power locive it. It came not Irom Heaven, God knows, nor from man for ho has no such power but from JIdl it came, with all its blackness I .li.tun.u .nut nniM. 1:11 1'hjiln nf infernal llll.i uumm '. mi... w..-.--- - - woes. Who pave the Convention author, ilv to treat this subject as if it were a ques. lion of political economy ! Where have been passed resoluiions or llio people tx nressinu iheir wish lo have human slavery darken iho free soil of Oregon! Who has seen or heard of a single petition cir culated or signed by a single soul, praying that the Consliluliouul Convention slioultl in their benevolence open the door to this (south side virw)c'wn Wn institution', that it might curso our soil with lis enerv ating and blasting elh-cts, that the poor, honest white man's labor should be made disreputable, that his occupation should ho disgraced, Hint all who uy tne Honest sweni of iheir brow eat iho fruit of their toil, should be placed side by side and eqnnljy yoked with lhe black serfs of Africa ! No, no, there have been no such petitions, no itch nra vers, let the Convention, un asked, has thrown witla open the gates of darkness, while upon their ponderous hinges grate iho wail of unhorn'nnillions Tim Convention was petitioned by our re spoctablo aud reliable citizens to put a provision in iho Constitution enabling tho futuro otalo 10 suppress lmcinpenmcc, Tho Convcn'ion acknowledged the Coiisti- tutionulitv, legality and justice tf the praver, turned round and 111 tho 21st sec tion of the Rill of rights refuse our petition and declare all such hereafter unconstitu tional. Our Convention seemed "lo weigh man's freedom in custom's falsest scales, whose 1 ail mantles the earth with darkness, until right and wrong are accidents, and Ihey grow pale (at Salem) lest iheir own judgements should grow loo bright, nnd their fieo thoughts be crimes, nnd Oregon have too much light." Let us now look nt iho provision in re gard to tho prohibition of free negro.-s, which requires us to make it unconstitu tional for them to live, breathe or have nny kind of rights, even lhe rights ofagvizly bear or vole for free negroes coming here. As to the society of negroes, anti-slavery men do not waul it, and would much pre fer beinir free of iheir company. We pro- for tho society of white people, whatever may ba lhe prcferenca of pro slavery men. There's no accounting for tastes. Now because we do not want their friends the negroes ns our boosom companions, they re quire us 10 violate every principle of just ice, religion and civilization by voting that Iheir friends shall not liee at all. Now hi the name of justice nnd humanity, what in duced tiie Convention to say uny thing about free negroes! Aro we overrun with ihem, er nro we likely 10 be ! Are ihey more troublesome than Indians ? And yet some of our citizenc love the squaws dearly; Has experience in the free States found their presence a burden lo society ? Where has tho military been used and money squandered to control them? Where have they, of themselves, ever raised turbulent and disastrous riots ! Ah, 'tis neither this norihat that made tho provis ion. What then was tho object of the Couvenlion, what was its motivo, lis pur pose in asking us to go further in intoler ance and crime to the black man than, if possible, slavery could. He is lo be treat ed as a fugitive nnd vagabond on earth, aud every one that sees him may slay him. In the name of civilization, was ever black er heathenism exhibited, or a more relent less, inlolereut and inhuman spirit mani fested by the crudest savago on eaith 1 Who gave the negro existenco but the same God who breathed life into the nos trils of the white mnn 1 Who brought him by. violence, frem his ocean-surrounded borne ! . The cruel, unfeeling white mnn. And who has, after all ibis, the meanness lo live by the Bweat of even a negroe's brow, notwithstanding God orders usall to live by our own ! . In violation of this first decree of the Almighty, many w hiles, if they can't enslave their fellow creatures and work them like beasts of burden, call upon us to drive them from lhe face of lhe earth, give them no rights, limit them, pursue them, catch, destroy and tear ihem limb from limb, bestrew the earth with their carcases and let the vultures of Ihe air pick their bones. Such, fellow citizens, nre the humane feeling! that inspire lhe breasts and fill the souls of the men who wish slavery established, be it while or black, ilia", they might have fit subjects to exercise their rage upon. But the ob ject of this free negro intolerance and per secution, what was it I Ah, was it not for the purpose of driving to the support of human slavery those of you who had too much regard for civilization and common justice to vote like a devil and too much honesty to vote a he. "t speak nol of rnen'tcrredt but of things allow'd, Averr'd. and known, and daily, hourly, neeo. The yoke thai isupon u, doubly bow'd . And the intent of lyrnny arow'd ' ' The edict of (oar) rulcn woo are grown The sees of him w ho list a throue, Aal will be er retSirj.- - . Far this the tyrant rear The chain of uf slavery. For tkii tho nn And blood ufntrlli How oa a liny ImvolUw'J A uiiitervul deluge, whiuli tiari ' Without an ark (or wretched mun'tabodt.' Atd ehU hullo flow." In conclusion, fallow citiens, permit m to appeal lo you with all iho eurne.tntw of mv nature lo "look before you leim' 9 examine the ground on which you n'i,J aud the awful depths into which you may lead your.elf, counlry and posterity by supporting a Constitution, ihough e enough in many respects, yet Is unjust tyruniml and criminal in others, Suj we, men of the ni'ieleeiith ceniiiry, tur. rounded by the lighu of civilijntioo, by the arts and sciences, by the onward strides of freedom, nnd by tho brij-hl and soften ing rays of revolution, ahull we, I say, sup port a Constitulion which provides ihst human slavery, inlollerence, persecution and tyrrany, muy undor nny c'rsumstanc es bo mndo iho rule of tho government! Let your answer be louder than reverber ling thunder do! "Or eliull we plod in thine;'"'! miiery, Hotting from tiro lo ton , from uga lo age, Proud of out trampled nature, aud so die, Ur(iionlhiii(t our hereditary raiit To llie new ruee of inborn alavet who wage War for Iheir chnin, and rather than be fret Illre.l gladiator like, aud atill engage Within lhe lame arena where we we Our fellows full like leaves of the same tree," May we answer again, no and teach tho framers of the Constitution that we are neithur niggers nor slaves, as they'd have us be; but free and independert white men w ho know our rights and how to is curo them. Leander Holmes. Yoncalla, Oct 0 185T. Editor op Arous In your issue af Oct. !)d, you invito discussion upon the merits of the Constitulion. On reading it, I made up my mind to vole against it, on account of section S of the hill of Itighti, which forbids the appropriation of money by cither house of tho Legislative Ai. sembly for the payment of any religious services in tho Legislature. I also 'object lo section 7 of the same article, respecting the right lo examine or reject witnesses of jurors on account of iheir religious belief, I am inclined to the opinion that tho ri ligious portiou of our citizens will find it incompatible with iheir consciences In en. dorse them. - Past history should serve it n beacon to warn us against ibis subver sion of iho fundamental principles of raor. ulity and religion. Although conscienti ously opposed to tho doctrines of sWi lionism, I shall vole against slavery in Or egon, nsniso against tho exclusion of free negroes, believing pro-cripiive laws of this sort impolitic and unjust. W. N. Goodei.l. Yamhill, Oct. 8, 1857. Editor Argus The annual Fair of the Agricultural Society of Yamhill ceut ly was held at Lafayette tho 3d day of October, 1857, und the following premi ums wcro awarded : For Horses. To W.T. New by, Host Stallion 3 vea'sold", a 88 Bridie. " J.L.Ferguson, 2d 11 "3 years aid, a Diploma. " D. M. Jesse, Best 2 year old Colt. a 85 Ilaller. " A. Job, 2d " " "old Colt, a Diploma, " J110. Lnughlin, " yearling Coll, a 83 Iinlitr. " J.G. Baker, 2d " " Colt, n Diploma. " " ' Best sucking" a $3 Hulter. a 2, a Diploma. " " " " Best Brnnd Mare, a 84 Uriah), i u 1. Saddle Uurse. a " " " A. Campbell, 2d best Saddle Horse, a Diploma. " W. Ilussey, Bent span horses, 84 Lines. R. Lsiighlin, 2d " " '' a Diploma. For Cattle. " W. T. New by, Rest work cattle, $5v " Meredith, 2d " " " a Diploma. " Jno. Laughlin, Heat yearling Bull, $5. " W. T. Newby 2d " " Heifer $3. For Shf.sp. " B.E Stewart, Best Lestirshire Buck, b Diploma, " " " " " ( South Dowtv Ewe,. " . ' Fruit. " R., Harris, largest Apples, (Gloria" Mundi), weight 29 oz. " " " largest Apples, (Blue Pesr main), weight 21 oz, Diploma. Miscellaneous. " J. Q. Henderson, Best Bridle, Diploma. " Nancy L. Lauglin, Best Quill, I3 The day passed ofT pleasantly, with seeming increased interest in the prosperi ty of the society. By order of Executive Committee, Agl. society. M. Crawfobd, W. T. Xewbt, J. G. Baker, John E. Brooks, Scc'y. For tht Art. .. Competition In Steast BoaUai. Since the California company talked of fnmiiKT 11 n Wn to take charire of tbesteso boating business of Oregon, I have several times heard tho matter suggested as te the practicability of starting a boat on the Portland and Oregon Ciiy reut which could make daily tripi throughout tneyear,.-- eluding the low water season. 1 1' M boat could be built I am confident, e tl,o rlvpr now is : but it would be pref erable to'improvethe rapids so thatalsrg" boet could be built than tue pre of wntcr w.uld iustify. If t lhoB sand dollars were wisely expended ia re pairing the old dam, boats properly con structed could get over as easely ssM boats now do. . This is a matter or general interest, sn should receive the consideration of all ... ri ;n tlm rales of freight, especially as all who have freight bills'" pay complain of their extravagance thosoof tho Portland and Oregon Ciiy chantt who do not own steamboat ,ould promise to urrrt "