The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 17, 1857, Image 1

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    t '
TfWUSTki A sous will 4, furnlekei mil
n r.icrt anil 1 yiy lcn pr aftHaj, aj I
ademmre, la gingl, euhieriUreTkm Dollar e
. each ( ruo tin ml out aRet im md
W'hm the money u ml paid in advance, four
lioimre wm he rhargu if p.uU uttkin lit
On squar (IS line or Una) una buwrtlon, .1,00
iwu litwrtiuna, 4,110
" Uirw In, 8,oi)
Kacli ulwnuenl liawrtinn. 1 mi
lUtsvuable deductions ui Ukm viliu adwrtu by
in year.
Thi 'RorsiETo or Tim Altfil'S m uaf
10 illfurill til IHjb'io that lie iiaa UMI n.iai.a.1
trTZ -A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Principles of Jcftmonian Democracy, and advocating Thmde of tfflgZ
limn received for a leee merimd.
fjf No pnper dieconliimed until alt arrearage
are pom, umeee ml Lie option I7i, putiluher.
Vol. III.
No. 2't
addition uilrd la all the rNiuirrinriili of ll la.
oolily.. IIAMltIUt. IWr iitf, lil.A.N'KH,
anil other kinda, duiir lo order, mi abort notice.
yet ill very appearance of road was
For Iht Argue.
....... . I hailed with deliubt. m il nel only enabled
T.MATLOCK. W.C. J0IWS0N. VM Oil '. LUVlmr bfCOHl llfCd Ofth 1 ... ... ... I 1. 1 . ... . ..
M.U0O, monotony incident to'. c.oo application,! ' " '! "
ATTOItXEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAM'. I to study, I naturally sought sum means t : l . ,. !,.,.. .
, ... -I. ,. ji i ... .. wr not lor luaiami monot
int Suhatort 1,1 Chancery, of relief; and knowing of nothing 10 welt' ,l ,
1 TILL tirAii.nllv n Imii.I In Mt.w I..MI..M Mfl.lok I ttMiilalH In mmh..i. tl.m ..........I A I
W- I 1 - ....w.. . w.wwm'ww ww .igwMviavv I II U AVJ By
liny b coimiiitlcd to lliir nmrnaional I t r i . .
elure, bflore the ),.lf,di and Suprcin. Court. erK'" CHa.p llf nd
(Jifueiii jhiii-ld'i buiidinff, iiniiitdiiuly op-1 mouiilnin tcentrr. I determined (a forcrra
pom the .Main Hirer! IUum. .i , . , , . , "
tlio comfyrli and (ilvaiure, of Lome for
tctMn, and try their influence. To ibii
end a company wat called, and preparation!
made tor a trip acrot lb Cascade into
eatiern Oregon, with tbe double purpose
of looking at I lie country lauded to bigb
JOHN R. M BRIDE. h r iu potoral advantage and itt
ittonir aho cooniiloi it liw. heallby atmoHiibare, and of forretinir out
Ufayette, Yamhill Count. O. T.. lb lonff tulked-of RlilomrJo taliich ! ami.) In
t W truiid t I r i " ,,nvs been J'0e"1 br ! imnHgrution
of 1813, which crossed tbo plain via
wo. u. Ajcmcni a. Co.. v. .i.
TTniOI.KSA I.K aud Mail l)B.,. i r.rBKr.r.
T V ici. iwiuut:. I'aint. oiia. ti. ,a Uur company
Oregon City, .Maicb 7, 1857.
S. O. Burnett,
And Solidor in Chancery,
consisted of Dr. Jame
S boei. Crorkery, 4o. 0.jkwi tbe Land OlHc. Mollride, J. C. Woods, C. l McColloueb,
-Main St. On gou City. June 1. Ielj5. n w i i l
- ' ' II. P. Moore, mjolf, and one other person ,
CHARLES POPE, JR., from Yamhill, and Jubn Fisber and Samuol
LEK in Hardware, Crocerin. Dry Go.k)i, Gillilsad from Clackamai, all of whom ml
ClutlllilL'. Uool. Sl SIkki. Medicinea. BooU .
and siationerj-. togetner, armed and equipped and about
Main-t.,Ori!)ou City, April "1, 1857-Ilf
GEO. AKa:it.i:TIV X Co.,
, Abornotb7, Clark h Co.,
ba r rancisco, Cal.,
Will attend lo seltiiu Ori-min pro.luce, and (ill or-
the 14th of August commenced their jour
ney. Soon the settlement were led bo
hind, anJ we found ourselves in tbe Cos
cade mountains, whose Lilt, canons, leg
and rock are long to be remembered by
thousands of our fellow citizens, who, ufie
! enduring incessant toils and privations for
month amid burning and and barren
dew for (xikmI, Cro. erm, &c, at tbe loweat rutr. wastes, were doomed to see lUnir teams
1 lie pulrou iRO of Ilia o.ilo of Oregon U re- , . , ., . . , . , ,
fH.cifuliy wiligiied. 3. tliuir stock, their all, perish to lliew rugged
inounlnins leaving Utuers, inulbers tn
.'l.lfAn olari'lnrl utntr StAplitsitai Autntt
ar.,r.. iru., ....... ... 6 - I"" f -J "'6i
tillill ivn aa a nr......... wiiHOUiany laiuia muans 01 reiioi. ouuu
are ine icrrora assocmivu wuu iiieir iur
tnt k com:, iukowas. ac.
MainSt., opposite .Main Street Hotel mer history, and such tbe sufferings and
Hteanibuul aud jubbing work atleii.lrd to with
Orders fmin the country promptly filled. jeT
t f. higiiki i:r,n,
Ire W A
Prrxona d.iruue of L'.lliiu uoud work dune Hill
cio wen iu give mo a cull, aa my whole tune w du.
Timu 10 uie npuiniig oi llirunouieler, Lever,
Vufiu x, aud lluraoulul watches.
Au iisturlinrut of Juweiryou ImnJ.
Jewelry insde to ord. r, and rrnaired.
I'l'ices lu suit tlio liuirs. I am thankful for mint Suffi,n il In snv thn! ilie mniininiria. llie
hum .iv.v .w iivc hui .meuuii in luiure. i . . . , . .
W l.iii ll at Die old aland, niiuoilla the. Tel- ,rrrDr 01 """J!ni ",,u ",0 worl P"ninu
zruh vaue, VHUJOX CITY. Feb. 2. I.fili. r..H from lh Slalou to f)r....n r.
privation of the poor, care-worn immi
grants in these rugged dufifcs, that I, for
one cannot help feeling a duep sorrow
every tima I pas over their stony summits.
A I looked upon (he bleaching skeleton
of horses and cattle that aro every where
scattered along the road, I could not help
reflecting upon the amount of trouble, per
haps even suffering, brought upon'dpslilute
families by tbo death of these brules
Erurs, Xrlodicincs, Paints, Oils.
at the OUKUOM Ul yTuuVg STORE,
opl5 Muiu Slrcet, Ori'gimCity.O.T.
passed iu thrco duys, nnd tbe level land was
once more huilcJ with pleasure.
If spiice permitted I would gludly euler
JOHN F BROOKS I "'l0 retail of all Hie advantages ottbis
WwlttaU Rna.1 DtnUr in Gvoreriv, Produce, region, or give information upon auy point
i rotuioH, ij-c. A'um street. Wll, wulc, I ain familiar, that would tend
0,u,ti" Ann.ent kept upof Selected Goods . i,,:,!-- bilh. rward. Bar
n I. t I. nti luri O
sw.iiii-ninii, .uiiiuii ifi. 10.11. lit I .1 . I
- ,u" ""-""
the Cascade rane, about forty miles from
TJKIXU prruianenily loomed in Oregon Cilv. the Dalla, and is so called because of it
' uu v'nTmNG'0 c"rry ",e bu!,i"ea" bei"iJ ,Le PBM w,ere s- K-l1,rlow, E,"l-
IN ALL ITS BP 1 l,p(wtt "h" opened the read, collected
I ...II lA.n fl.A lmmi...Olll. .. O lit.... n.iiu.fl
rru i . . i i . lull Mum lliv llllfiliui liva o. tiirj i.wwus...
ihiiat w in favnr int. Willi HimI r.Mtia...tM n... & J 1
" f-" ""ejv, j . , .
exp el to have their work dime riijlit. riom mis poini you enier upon an emeus.
Thoxe who lean if UNS ul my Shop for ivo plain of high table land ou which spruce
repurs, and do not cull for ihrm wiiliin mm and sage brush are found. 1 he soil . in
Muamaui inn nine aei lor ine wora lu oe done.
nuy expect to have tllcm ld In pay chargra.
June 27, 1 857. llmld
ferior, based upon a stratum of rocksj which
in all of the litiln depressions comes to the
surface, presenting innumerable rocky,
barren spots, destitute of vegetation, ud
which continually annoy tlie traveller, and
are alike destructive of the beauty and ag
ncultural value of toe country. 1 am
forced to tbeopiuion that thi country will
never be worth anything for agricultural
purposes, for with the exception of the nar
Wells, Fargo fc Co 's Express,
Between Oregon, CalUnrwA. the Atlinlie
S'ulrs awl Europe.
. jrt HAVING made advantageous
' Ef?( arrangements wilh the United
iSrirThSl"l' und Facifio Mail Steam-J
ilnp t'uinpanies for tiunspurlutiun, we are now pre
1 pured to forwurd Gold Dust, Bullion, Specie,
l'ackw'e; Furcelt, and I'rciaht. to and from N
York, N.Urleuua, Francisco, Portland, and row strips of alluvial land that line tho
prinoipul towns nf California an ! Oregon. ... .... . .
'Our regular Semi-monthly Express between 'reams, It IS cbarac'eristic Ot the WbOle
Portland ami Sun Fraucieco, is dixputclied by the country. But era is abundant in all di-
P..n;t'i M Ci..u...ul.;n l ut.....oi.: ri l .. - e
w..uw .'-ui. uivqiiiouiu vw . no.llMlllu UIUII1UIB, 1 . II.
eennectiuir ut Sau Franciaco wilh our semi-inouib- rections, and abetter grazing country can
ly Expreaa to New York and A'ew Oi lean; which not be found. There are no settlement here
is dmpuiclied regularly oil the lat and loth or each
jiieuih, by the mail steamers aud in charge of our
own messengers, through to destination.
Our hxpreaa from JS'ew York leaves regularly
on the Slh and 2Ulh of each mouth, also in charge
of messengers.
'Jreaaure insured in the best New York com
,jMH,i, or at Lloyd's in Loudon, at the option of
, shippers.
.Omcrs New Y01E, No. 16, Wall stj New
UrJea's, No. II, Exchange plucej Sao Francisco,
;S"o.'lii Monigoniery sti'et.
A. II. STEELE, Agent
Oregpa City, April 81, 1867-1U" -
Beading for the Million.
1 " A Choice selection of Popular Books, News-
A papers, Magazines and Fancy Stationery.
A inong the books oil hand will be found works
kt Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His
tory, Poetry, Jiiography, Medicines, Religion,
Science, School lioukii, Konirtnces, Slc., ic Slc
CTSubaoriplions received for Harper, Graham,
Gudey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 4 a year, poet
, age jree.
O" Subscriptions received for any newspaper
- ptrblialied in nny part of the Union.
Ueuiember Uie Franklin Book Store and News
paper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon.
gA priced catalogue will be published early
. in April, aad will be sent to any part of tbe tern
lory free ou application.
On-t-ou Lodge Jio. 3, I. O. O. F
MEETS at tlieir Hall over the Oregon City
Drug Store every Wednesday evening at
T o'clock. Brethren in goal stsndinir are invited
I to viaiL FKED. I HARMAX, N. G.
, Geosca Peasi, Seo'y. 31
TEMPLE OF HONOR. Taalatin Temple of
ilooor, No. 1, meets on the lat and 3d Fri
day evenings of each month at b j o'clock, at Tem
prraoce Hail, FoieatGroee.Oreroa.
Members of the Order ia good standing an) in
cited lo t ia.t tba Tempie.
L Title, W. 11. JJ
nearer than the Tye, a small stream mid
way between Barlow's gate ana the Dulls.
Upon this is a fine set'lement, some good
farms, and many of the comforts and con
venience of civilization. But as a point
far to the south east, en M eel's cut off, was
our aim, the De Chute being somewhat
difficult of ferriage at the old crossing, we
abandoned the old read five or six miles
south-east of the gate, with the view of lol
lowing up the liver to the crossing of the
southern route, about one hundred and
eighty miles south of the Dalles, and from
thence east about seventy miles to the point
of destination. Having thus changed our
course, we plunged into the wide plain
without track er guide, and were traveling
at a rapid rate, when all at once we were
"taken up" by one of thoe "infernal can
ons" ao common in this region, and which
you never aee until you approach the very
verge. But by a aerie of engineering and
zig-zag windings we at last triumphed, and
were pleased with the flattering hope of
haviog a few mile of good travel, a our
extended plain of high table land lay
stretched before us a far a the eye could
reach. The steny spots before referred to
became more numerous a we advanced to
be aoulb. But from thia annoyaoca wa
(ooo escaped, for after about fifteeo miles
travel we struck tbe eld California trail
leading from the Dalle via Jacksonville
and Yreka to Sacramento, which has ap-j
parenlly been used from lima immemorial.
! Although we LaJ not (rarelc j far without,
wilh the juniper tree and sag bush, would
be quite bnautiful. The portion of coun
try already described is fsirsmnplo ofall
(hat vast extent of country lying between
tbe Dull and the Warm Spring. There is
oue exception, however, whiuh I shall men
tion. At the distance of lixty miles south
of the Dalls, and bordering on the trail to
tbe wtst, is a scope of superior land, well
watered and limbered, embracing enough
for tbe half of a good aised county, and a
nice a country at one could wish. With
the anvw capped Cascade en the west,
range of magnificent bills on th
south, while on the east and north is an
extended plain whose gentle undulation
rise and full like tbe swellings of tbo sea, it
affords a variety of picturesque scenery
tucb as (eldom groets tbe eye. If any wish
to forsake their homes, when large farms
and spacious dwellings, tbe fruit of many
year' toil, seem to promts real enjoyment,
I would advise tnem to go direct 1p this
point, as it ia In my opinion, superior to
any portion of eastern Oregon. Passing
on from Ibis prairie, and to the south of
the rang of hills before spoken of, there is
enough pood land, though it is considera
bly cut by hill and canons, for twenty or
thirty good claims, wilh an abundance of
springs and timber near by. Bnt from
thia point there is nothing either interesting
or attractive until you reach the wnrm
springs, around which the hills are mag.
nificent in tbe extreme, cut up aa they are
iuto innumerable lofty pyramidal mound,
and almost as red aa blood. But perhaps
the greatest curiosity of this region ia some
boiling hot spring, situated on the north
aide of a tributary of the De Chute out.
immediately at the crossing, and not more
than five, feet from the water, while the oth
er, tbe largest one, ia about a half mile
below, at the base of a high bluff, immedi
ately at the road, on the east tide. The
water of these springs is boiling hot, and
rongly metallic.
Hiddiug adieu to these mysterious
springs we hastened on lo tho agency of
the Warm Spring reserve, distant seven
miles, traveling in a dense sage plain almost
the entire distance. Here we were very
courteously received by the gentlemanly
aud intelligent agent, J. W. Knight, who
entertained usiuageuteel end friendly
manner. This Reserve is about ninety
miles south of the Dalls, aud is bounded on
the east by De Chute river,on the south by
California, en the west by the Caskade
mountains, and on the north by a line run
ning from tbe base of the mountains, due
east, by the Warm Springs to the De
Chut eriver, and is, in my opinion, the most
judicious location that nas been made by
the department; not ao much ou account
of lis superior advantages, as from the fact
that the bad society end vicious habits
that Are so inseparably connected with an
Indian Agency cannot influence the aette
ment so easily. The fort is situated on
the north bank of a tributary of the De
Chute, and from appearance, is judiciously
managed. Extensive preparation! afe be
ing mada for the erection of a more sub
stantial depot. There are now about three
hundred acres plowed, aixty of which are
in cultivation, all in potatoes, and judging
frm tbe present crop, tbe soil is very pro
ductive. There is also a saw mill in
course of erection( which will be complet
ed during the coming winter. Upon the
hole 1 believe it to be tbo best Reserve
west of the Rocky Mountains. None of
the surrounding country ia worth anythiug
except for grazing purposes, wilh the ex
ception of five or six sections on a little
creek south of the fort, where tbe farm
now is; consequently there nevtr can b
ny settlements near by. Here two of our
company, Messrs Fisber and Gililand, left
us and returned home, having heard some
bad stories ahout the Indian east, and be
coming doubtful a to the propriety of go
ng among thera wilh ao small a number :
hey by decreasing a company already loo
small to six men, with which number we
determined lo proceed at all bazzards, and
if possible, reach tbe point of destination.
And to that end we separated from our
friend at tba Ageney, and pursued our
The next morning as preparationa were
being made for a start, we were bailed by
ao Indian belonging to the reserve, who
delivered a note from Mr. Knight in which
he atated that from information secured
from Indian chief en the previous evening,
it would be perilous far u lo Cros tbe
river, and advised us to make a precipitate
retreat. Knowing that all tbe Indians
were a war of our approaoh, that Mr.
Knight bad constant intercourse with all
the surrounding tribes, and consequently
waa well posted with regard to tbeir real
intention respecting , and being aware
that if we were to get into an engagement
with a select band of warriors, oursparclty
of number was such a lo insure a total
defeat, If notour entiro destruction; al
though we were extromely anxious to go
on, we reluctantly abandoned the expedi
tion, and bent our course toward the foot
of Mt. Jefferson, wilh the vie of prospect
ing the leading streams in that vicinity.
Tbi being done, and nothing found, we
determined to explore the country lying
bolween the Reserve and the Southern
immigrant route, and turned our course in
that direction, finding it differing but little
from that over which we had just traveled,
unless It Is that the sand and sage become
more plentiful, and the country less valu
able far grazing. But the greatest objeo
tion to that vast extent of country anuth of
tho Dalle aud extending to tho California
line, Is tbe extreme icarcity of water.
None is to be found, except in the rock
bound canyons of the tributaries of the
Dechutes, whose precipitous bluffs seem to
bid defiance to man and beast. In fuel,
there are a few places'wbero a descent
can be made. These watering places are
sometimes ten, and even fifteen mile apart;
consequently the number of Uancheroa
will be governed by the number of water
ing places. Ilence the wide fields for pas
turage and it consequent superiority over
most other countries for grazing purposes.
But il i unfit for agricultural purposes, aud
nover can susUiu a dense population.
The Three Sisters, whose snow-capped
summits pietce the clouJs, now began to
loom up in gloomy grandeur, and a desire
to scale their snowy heights, and associate
my nam with the Muiuboldis, Fretuonts,
and Dryers of tbe mountain-climbing no
toriety, urged us on to the perilous under
taking. Hill after hill was left behind,
and aoon we stood al the baso of those
mighly peaks. It waa now leu o'clock,
and we had reached the object of our d-
sires, and nothing remained but to devest
oursnlvcs of every encumbrance and com
mence tbe nrduous task ; which was quick
ly done, and unprepared as wa were with
proper instruments, having noiiher hool
nor staff, nor anything else calculated i
the least to assist' us, we began the long
ascent, but aoon found that the smoothness
and apparent beauty of these peaks, when
at a distanoe, is a'l a humbug, for deep
canyons, abrupt ridges, overhanging preci
pices, and frowning cliffs, constitute the
leading features of tbe whole of them, al
uv'st entirely preventing ihcir ascent; and
per necessity, we were compelled to under
lake it by means nf a long, sleep, precipi
lous ridge, leading to the extreme summit
from tbe eastTT We soon got under head
way, and moved on with as much rapidi
ty as circumstances would permit, fre
quently stopping to rest for the labor was
excessive sometimes to hurl some mass
ive stone from it resting place, and send
il tumbling, leaping, sometimes three or
four hundred feet at a bound, and making
the congealed mow fly like a misty
cleud, to the plain below. Thus we weie
permitted to amuse ourselves, even amid
the most incessant toil. The general in.
clioatioo of thia ridge is about soventy de
greea and is very narrow on the top
scarcely wide enough for one to walk In
safely, and on either side it is almost per.
pendicular, so that if a person, by some
mis-step, were lo fall, immediate death
would be the oousequence. The principal
danger incurred was in passing bug rocks
forty or fifty feet in height, and almost
perpendicular, which in severul instances,
lay across our path, around which it wa
impossible lo go; consequently we were
compelled to clamber up the rough sides,
running a risk of life at every step, for
the slip of a stone would have hurled us
thousands of feet below. These we clam
bered over from atone to stone and height
to height, until three of our party, (the
other three having stopped mere than half
way down tb mountain) seated ourselves
upon the snowy crest of one of the high
est peaks in America, I having th honor
of being tbe first human being that ever
made a fool-print upon its icy summit.
And now, although I bad toiled incessant
ly, and periled my life at almost every step
in the ascent, I felt more than compensated
for all attending dangers, in that soul
thrilling gratification that I enjoyed, as I
looked below, upon tbe wide extended
fields of the grandest scenery that I ever
beheld, from grassy lawn and flowery
wood where ihe Rose, th Lilac, and Jasa
miae lend their aweet perfume to each
passing zephyr, to the endless field of
eternal mow whoa icy aspect almost made
me shiver as I gazed upon them..
Immediately to the south, and connected
with the peak upon which we atood by a
rid'e eight or nine thousand feet high, is
another mountain of equal altitude with
this one, and which, judging from appear
ance at the distance of about two miles,
is more difficult of ascent. The two
peaks, and the ridge connecting them, forms
a vast field of tjow ca tbe west, fire or
six mile in width end eight or ten in blood, and branded with American brand,
length, and that, too, of a gentlo inclina- They may be their own properly f ihey
tion porhape not more than thirty degree may be ttoh n horses but bo that as ft
to tbe summit of the ridge ) affording one may, theso lukes certainly afford the best
of the finest field for a summer excursion placo to hide stoleu property that I ever
in the (now in the world. From this mow saw. Surrounded by mountain, over
field there is a ridge leading to the ex- which civilized man, except our litilo bond,
treme summit, from tbe south west, easier has never traveled, with an abundance of
of ascent, aud less dangerous than I lie one J grass, and wilh bear, doer, and elk by the
we traveled up; and it ia to thia ridge I thousand in every diroctiuti, there I noth-
would advise all-persons to go who may log wauling lo make il a pesfccl Iudiao
desire hereafter lo make the ascent. On Heaven. These lakes are situated on the
the north tho entire feature arc more rug- top of the mountain, and number, in all,
ged and precipitous. High peak and fifteen or twenty, tome of thetn are
craggy projections, formed principally of milo in length by one half mile in width,
old volcanic matter, tear their lofty head and of considerable depth, and if there la
almost high enough to sustain perpetual any outlet to any on of them, I did not
now, and contribute largely to the wild aee It. A they afford the only water
grandour of the desolation that everywhere that is lo be found for a considerable dis-
prevails. Separating thtse bills from the tance around, they aro tbe only resort for
main mountain, there is a deep canyon, all game in that vicinity ; Elk, Bear and
n wbicu there is a beautiful little creek, Deer, flock in vast numbers to their shores.
fed entirely by the snow, of crystal clear, mid all tho labor requited to kill thorn is lo
uess, and aa cold as ice. On tbo east bido at the watcr'e edie, and await their
there is a beautiful plain, or cove, peibaps approach. It was of these Indians we
similar, though not equal, to the one on first learned that there wa no road across
Mt. Chiinborazo, where the city of Quito the mountains at thi point, and were told
now stauds. This plan contain mort than by ihetn that il would be impossible for us
tuousano acres of comparttivsly Ivl to cros, and were advised te rtreat as th
land, almost destitute of snow, and cover- ouly means ef averting trouble, if not the
d with green, luxuriant grass, and flowers loss of all our horses. But possessing a
of tho most beautiful and delicate texture, little of ibut " unconquerable," so charao
although aurrounded by (now. Immagiue tcristio ot the American people, we de-
tbe (ccne ! spring summer autumn termiiud In good Yankee style " to put it
and winter, wilh their numberless varieties through." And accordingly left our Dig.
of temperature of heat and cold, surround I ger brethren in the peaceful possession of
you, where wilh one hand you could pluck all the ir rights, and resumed our journey.
select bouquets of the most beautiful taking a due west course, hoping by fol
lowers, and with tba other grasp the lowing il, to altik the seiilemeu'.s some,
the snow of a thousand winters. I did whero iu the vicinity of Eugene City.
ibis, aud I confess I feel a oul. thrilling on- The kind Providence, good luuk, or what
tbusiasra a reverential aw, that aoared ever you may be pleased to cull it, that
above the vague and sordid things of enrlh had attended us thus fur, seemed not yet to
and pouetratud to the throne of the eternal have forsaken us, for on the evening of our
God. And as I atood upon the proud departure from the villago and about ten
summit of ibis mighiy peak, with the miles wtst of tho lakra, wo enjoyed the
bleak wind of perpetual winter howling io privilege of camping in a beautiful prairie,
my ears, surrounded by everlasting snows, of sovcral sections of superior soil, gently
towering peaks, and yawuing chasms, inclining to tbe west, aud thickly set with a
mighty rivers, and extensive plaius, vocal crop of beautiful green crass. Whortlo-
with their aweet melodies to Jthvvaht berries, of the 'finest flavor grew on the
praise, I could but feel a soul-pitying sor- prairie in great abundance. Elk grazing
row for th poor unfortunate being who by upon the prairie in such great number
early traiuing or bad associations has been that, in places, the ground wa literally
driven to the denial of tho existence of a torn up, and largo trails mada by them,
God. 1 traversed It. But alihough we hunted
This peak is 15,300 feet high. There faithfully, on the evening of our arrival,
is another, about five miles to the south we killed nothing saw nothing. 'On the
east, possessing th same characteristics, ensuing morning, however, wo saw fifteen,
and of about the same altitude, of the but wero unable to kill any.
other two, and yet two more, still further Leaving this oucampmcut, we pushed
south, equally high and majestic wilh th forward over hills, rocks, log ad brush,
three first, making, in all, five in a circle until we struck upon the McKenzi' Fork
of twelve or fifteen miles the greatest of the Wallamotie, distant from the Throe
cluster in the known world. Perhaps Sisters forty or fifty miles. This stream
there is not another place on earth, where heads at Ml. Jefferson, at th distance ef
there are such evidence of tho power of fifty miles north of where we struck it, and
volcanic action, as are presented in the vi- run duo south to this point, whor it make
cinity of these mountains. In al! direct- a bend at right angles, and pursue anal
ions, except on the south east, there are most direct westerly course to the valley.
chains, or streaks bf lava of from one to At this point it is about sixty yard in
two, and even three miles in width, from width, half side to a horse in depth, and
one I three thousand fuel iu height, nnd runs very rapidly. Crossing it where wa
from ten to twenty miles in length, desti- first approached it we continued our courso
tute of vegitation, barren and bleak. The bearing (lightly to tbe South of west, and
average height of the dwarf firs that are as we again apprcached the river we were
found there, is not over five feet, some, astonished at the appeurauce of Inrg cI-
times ten feet sometimes not more than utnna of steam rising from the bauk, which
one foot, owing to the elevation upon which we found originated in boiling hot springs,
it stands; the limbs spread far aud wide so alrongly saline as to form thick cruat
from ten to fifteen feet across, lying ul. I of pure salt on the rock with, which it
most on the ground, bo dense that yu came in contact, flies springs are situ-
cannot see through hum, and as fiat on top ated on the north bunk of th river, iinnie-
as a board, doubtless mad so by the pon- diately below the great bend, and gush out
dorous loads of snow which thy groan un. through fissures iu a shelving rock, in
dor for eight or ten months in tbe year, streams fiom one to two inchi iu diume-
After making the old grey rock resound tcr for sixty or eighty yards up and down
with the sou nd of firearms, and devouring the river, and not mors (bun ten feet fiom
an apple which I had brought from home, th water's edge allow stago. Hotter wa-
aud taking a long, lingering look, we bid tcr than this I never saw.
adieu lo its glories uud commenced the do- For tbirtocn days from tho hot spring
scent, which by five o'clock r. M. was ec- we were subjected lo the most incessant
coinplished having performed a feat in 0i in climbing steep hills, crossing can-
tbe space of seven hours, to which yens, cutting through brush, and jumping
although it waa perilous in the extrerno, I n2. Aa the rivor now pursued the
hall ever recur with pleasing emotions. course we wanted to travel, and afforded
My thirst for mountain climbing by the the only grass for oar horses, we chose it
way, something of a pistion with me Bs a dernier resort, and followed down il as
was perfectly satiated, and my only desire closely as we tould, sometimes in the hot
was now for home. A we had come to torn, sometimes ou the banks, nnd some-
this place in the first instance, not only as times ia the river, where the water was
adventurers, but also in quest of a road, ,af.sides, and even swimming to some of
which we afterwards ascertained runa fifty the smaller horses. But by diulof conlin
miles south, and as we had already travel- ued effort wa always succeeded in ever
ed one day in the mountains, aud scorned coming all difficulties. For eleven tede
the idea of retracing our steps, w deter- ouvduyswe followed down this river,
mined to cross the mountain at all haz. On the morning of the l2th day of our
zards, road or no read, lo tbe 'Willamette tedeous travel down its meandering we
valley ; a rash undertaking, which we per. determined to follow it no further, a ita
ap should not have gone Into, had il not general course now varied to the south-
been for a larg trail, running westward, west, add accordingly took to the moun-
pparently much used, which we supposed tains, wilh the hope of finding some divid-
ing ridge, leading to the valley, thereby
affoiding us a more easy and speedy travel.
But unfortunately, these mountaius, unlike
any other I hav ever traveled ia, seemed
to have but few, if any, general ''divide,"
but are so cut up by hills and deep canons,
without order or regularity, that it is almost
impossible to cros them. And then, too,
the fires that hare prayed upon them hm
cruised tbe mountains to sow portion of
the Willamette valley, but which, in fact,
was only an Indian trail leading some
twenty five mile west of the "Sister" to
some large lakes, which w aw from lb
summit of th peak. Her is large vil
lage ef Indians, who are apparently very
comfortably situated, hav larga number
of fne horses apparently of (American
i'.' i
f it