"Ml 'Ml $1 I"' Stljc rcgou Clvgu 9 W. L. A DA Mit SUIToa AND raufSUTUS. OKJOOIY PITT I SATURDAY, OUTUUKH 10, 1857. tJ)T I. W. Casio is authorised Is do any bus. lucej couucctsJ with Tit Argus Offics during dijt bsenct. W.L. ADAMS. TUS Constitution, We itiall vole against tho Constitution for many gooj reasons. Ws coniJof it hugs viper, with poisonous fangs in its held, legion of egg in in belly, an J WI sting in iu tail. It ii now coiled up, labeled from head to tail with democ racy, trying to charm lite people to take it into their bosom, when it will instill iti polon into tie body politic, and rondo r it Ai completely paralysed as under tlie odi oui principle of caucui sovereignty. That it has soma excellent qualities real Lining scales of pure silver, glittcuing in tbe bulk of its snaky coil, we concede Indeed, who would be expected to take thiog into his bosom, that at first sight die . coversd itself to be all viper, scaly, hissing, and slimy I As it is now " on exhibition," to be examined preparatory toonr accept ance at an annual cost of some thirty or 'forty thousand dollars, let us be as sbrowd and cartful as horse jockics at least, who are very careful not to get " bit" in bar gain. In examining the thing, let us be gin tbe work with its head, and, like the Yankee buyer of horse flesh, suppose w "open its mouth" to b'gin with. After its jaws are fairly iqueszed open with a stick, what do we aeet la article I( sec. ht, we read : " We declare that all men, when they form a social compact, are equal in rights." Do you ace the direction in which that fang is designed to dart I It ignores all natural, unalienable rights inherited by man from his great Fathtr. It acknowl edges no rights outside of conventional compacts. The great fact enunciated by our forefathers, that "nil men enjoyed the unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," and thai "govern ments are institute! among men to secure these rights," is purposely lost sight of by this Constitution. "All men are equal in rights when they form a social compact." Broad philanthropy, indeed I Then five Yankees and two Missourians from Oregon, finding themselves shipwrecked on a deso late inland, desire to form a "social com pact." The five Yankees being shrewd, and having the bulance of physical power, and viowing thomsulves as of a "superior -race" to Missourians, conclude to live an easy lifo, and subject the Missourians to thoir government and make servants of them. The Missourians would be apt to object to this, but the Yankees would only have to point them to the constitution of Oregon, for which they had perhaps voted, to show them that it was only such men as formed a social compact that wore equul in rights, and aa the five Yankees hud very shrewdly concluded to "institute a govern ment" for themselves and had left tko Mis sourians outside of the compact, they were in precisely the same position in which Judge Taney viowed the inferior races at the time of the Revolution leno, solitary wanderers, outside of social compacts, destitute of all unalienable rights, and liable to be preyed upon by any force that was adequato to their subjugation. To be sure, these poor Missourinns might quote the declaration of Independ. enceasasolemn asseveration by their fore fathers of the existunco of these rights, as well as the piratical character of all 41 governments not instituted among men toseoure" them, but the Yankees would only have to point them to the fact that Breckenridgo, Vice President of the Uni ted States, stated in a stump speech at Iay ton,'Ohio, last summer that " the Declara tion of Independence was a political ab straction," also that Douglas said " it was only meant ,'o Apply as bcttrctn us and the people of Gnat Jirituin," and John Pctitt declared in tbe U. b. Senate that it was 'a self-evident lie." The Yankees would, of course, inform thrm that the Oregon Constitntion was fronted !y modern demo crats, on purpose to harmonize with the doe trine of lireclenridgc, Douylas, and Peiitt) three distinguished democrats ; and as the Declaration of Independence was a " self evident lie," cr a mere" political abstract ion," and was only " meant to apply as between us and the people of Greet Brit, ain," and not betwoco Yankees and Mis sourians, therefore, there was nothing in the Declaration of Independence, nothing jn the Constitution of Oregon, mid really nothing in the Bible, to prove that an " in ferior race" should not become subject to their superiors in number and physical force. Ws have now looked into the mouth of this venomous reptile, and shown it to pos sess a Cing, poisonous and terrible. We aball in due time proceed to dissect the belly, and drag out some of the "armed Moors," who like those secreted in the belly of the "Divine art uf Pallas" to open lbs gates of Troy to the hungry Grecians, are waiting to ruth out and "eat up the people's substance." The first section of the first article of this Constitution ought to be enough to damn it with any enlightened roan, and sink it se deep in Ocean, that a Kanaka couldn't raise it by diving. The Commodore arrived on Monday. The nei fiora California is unimportant. XiT There has been a terrible wailing around the Land Office in this city lately Guthrie "weeping, and refuting to be comforted" because a petition Las been deposited in Jo Lane's breeches' pocket signed by Judge Williams, Deady. Gov. Curry, Harding, Grover, Smith, Nesmitb, and t'itnpkay's agent, with perhaps few other oath-bound members of (he midnight caucus ccmpirstnrs at Salem. The peti tion is said to sk Uuchanan to hand over the keys of (he Receiver's Office in this city to A. L. Lovejoy (a man tho seat of whoso fanta is full of splinters from the mourning bench of caucus sovereignty). Now this is a matter which we care no. thing about, consequently we shall make ne objection to this strict observance of tbe " lime-honored usages of our party," in removing an eld callous-kneed devotee for a new convert, who is yet able to show a fair crop of splinters from the mourning- bench of "driven-nigger caucui sover eignty." Tbe facta are simply these : The clique has concluded that to " save the Union,' Lovejoy must have the office, and that " Outhrii mutt go heme to tee hit uncle." The wail that goes up from the Recciv, cr's Office at midnight is said to sound like this "I wish they'd le t tht Un io n tilde!" Without Siumk. If we should point out all the falsehoods of locofoco papers in this Territory, we should have little space for other matter. One of the most bare faced and shameless we have noticed is that of the Occidental, which publishes the two following resolutions, and aaya tiiey were passed at a Republican meeting in Ohio: "Jtctoleed, That while we deeply op pose the necessity of the shedding of hu man blood, and the destroying ol human life, we should rejoice in a successful slave insurrection irhica vould teach slave-hold' ers the wrony aud danger involved in the act of slave holding, and tbe numerous out rages which slavery necessarily inflicts up on Us victims. liesolved, That the slaveholder should be made to dream of death in his sleep, and to apprehend death In his uisli aud teapot ; fire should meet biro in his bed, and poiaen should meet him at his table; and the si lent angel of death should everywhere be invoked to affright him in the midst of his murderous slaveholuing rovelry. Now, the fact is, the Occidental would have perpetrated no greater fulscheed if it had claimed to extract these resolutions from the Bible, for no Republican meeting in Ohio or any other State ever had such resolutions before it. Such silly efforts at making nigger rotes, show how that paper appreciates the intelligence of its readers, most of whom we presume would have be lieved it if the Occidental had told them it was a part of the last will and testament of Henry Clay. JfiT The Occidental and Sentinel have already read out all free State democrats from the black-domooratio party. The former paper, in winding up a jubilant ar ticle on the advantages of slavery here, says: " But one obstacle prevents its realize' lion, and that is that ugly monstrosity, re publicanism, aims tree slutcism, alias ab olitionism," Here all free State mea are ranked as abolitionists. But let us hear the Occi dental further " The attempt of the Free State men to appropriate to themselves tho honored name of Democracy, reminds us of an an ecdote which was told during tbe famous Hard Cider campaign, when Gen. Harri son was elected. A skunk (commonly known as polecat), becoming ambitious and desiring to cut his old companions aud get into bolter company, went one day to l lie Uen ot a raccoon, and introduced Inni self as one of that species of animals. The coon was somewhat sceptical as to his pedigree and said to him : ' You don't look like a coon, you don't talk like a coon, end I'll be d d if you smell like a coon ! " So with Frco Stale men ; they neither talk, act, nor smell like democrats, and tho imposture they would practice upon the Democracy is not less excusable than that the skunk attempted to play olT on his connship. I hey had better take tbe naino of Republicans at onco, for their creed and their associations will never permit of an other name." So, then, a man to be an orthodox dem ocrat has got to " smell like a democrat" that is, we suppose, he must smell like a "niyyer." (Wonder if Hall would fel lowship Hibbcn f ) We have heard a great deal said about "stinking democrats," but we had no idea that tho "smeir would be made a teat of fellowship. The idea, although original withjba Occidental, is a "piou3one,"and, if tho rule is strictly enforced (which we hope it will be), it. won't unchurch half as mnny locofocos as a man at " first blush" might suppose. S. K. Barlow, Esq., known all over the United Slates as the man who open ed the wagon road across tbe Cascade moua tains, and discovered the boues of the an cient Mastodon Maximus on the banks of the Willlamette, has just returned from a trip to tbe head waters of Clackamas, and brings a specimen of anthracite coal, which he has discoveied. We have the sample in our office. Tbe same coal has been discovered en Rock Creek in this County, and we expect we shall soon have an abundance in onr market. GO" The Standard is supporting the Constitution precisely as it supported Jo Lane. "Good Lord, Good Devil, Amtn.' Clo. nut." I Bkactikii. Co.NsisTK.il v, It will be recollected by all our readers that Jo. Lane in his I'ortUnd speech last Spring, as in deed in speeches in other places in the Territory, charged that the reawm that the war debt was not paid was that the "Ulack Republicans had majority in Congress." The loco foco papers in tbe Territory gen erally were buy in circulating the same calumny, and informed tho dear people that when the "democruti" had a majority they would i in mediately pay the ludi. an war debt. Nov the bluck democracy have some twenty-six majority in the House, and two thirds of tho Senate ; but all at once the important discovery is made that black democrat will not pay the war debt, even with the help of Jo. Lano, utiles we adopt our Constitution. So sooms to talkDelazon in a speech published in the Times. Hear him: "I Lave already alluded to eur five mill ion war debt. Now, air, I have very faint bopesofthe payment of that debt bv Con gress prior to our adinissiou into the Union. The opposition to it is strong, aud I fear wil be effective, but admit the Slate into the Union with senators aud representatives, and it will change the feelings of Congress toward the country. Congress will feel that here is a young sister entering the Union, and will be disposed to exercise a liberality towards u that it will never ex ercise towards a Territory. You need aud mutt have a Stale representation to counter act a thousand adverse iurluences to your just claim." What confidence cat) Democrats have In such jsnus faced demagogues t Mori In posted Emissaries. Tbe last issue of Cznpkay'a orgaii contains a very silly, wishy-washy letter in favor of slavery in Oregon, by one Pickett, a new comer from California. This picked is the same man that wrote a pamphlet containing abuse of Fremont, and which was so over done and run into the ground, bat a Culi fornina told us even the black democracy in California were ashamed of it, and left it on the hands of its author, who had his labor of writing and expense of printing for his pains. This makes the fourth or fifth emissary that tho slave interest has sent in from abroad to help regulate our institutions. How much money has been shipped in, remains to be found out, but we have rea son to believe that many thousand dollars have been deposited in proper hands to be used for the pro slavery cause. We should like to know if Shuck of Yamhill ever had a tender of money as an inducement to sell out to the pro-slavery party. Czapkay's organ thinks that its present subscription price is entirely too low whereas the fact is, the price is cer tainly kigh for a sheet that has no brain capital invested. The editorials of that shoot (excepting perhaps now and then one liko tbnt stolen from the Albany Evening Journal or some abolition paper) have been the samo in substance for the last five a, t .11 1 years, iuey nre principally mnuo op oi "the time. honored usages of our party," "democracy, democracy, democracy,'' " Dryer's corduroy articles," " 'What about the Pen Yan affair?" "sorts," "sore heads," " bolters," " the time-honored usa ges of our party," " Algerino Leland," " democracy," " pizzarinctum," " time honored usages of the democratic party," " floating political excitement, and the great democratic party," "Parson Billy, and tho great democratic parly," " whito hairs in a ring, to save the Uuion," " Air goose Adams, and the time honored usa ges of our party," etc., ic. The above, with a very few variations, have constituted the bulk of the editorial of that sheet for the last five years. In fact we presume that its editorials, liko ad. vertisoments, might easily bo altered to suit the occasion from week to week with out distributing tbe matter. A mallet, sbecp's-foot, and pen knife, is all that is needed to fix up throe columns of edito rial in about fifteen minutes. It looks ridiculous to be sniviling about the cheapness of such a paper. OCT Persons who visit this city on busi ness ought never to go away without first calling at Bradley's Book Store and buy in I some useful books for the family. It would indeed be a fine thing, if those who spent their money for poisoned liquor, would invest it at Bradley's book storo. We have noticed several poor fellows (some of them we are pained to say are heads of families) in town lately, who, in passing along the streets, thought nearly every building " tuck a sheer on 'em." Wo would merely suggest to such friends, that the next timo they conio to town, instead of taking "a sheer" on tbe grocery, they take " a sheer" on tho book store, and car ry home something to please the wife and little ones. This being done, and, our word for it, the children will 'smile on them, the wife willsmilo on them, fortune will begin to smile on them, and trouble, disease, poverty, and the Devil, will soon bo found to have " tuck a sheer" the other way. 03" The Portland Times calls the Re publicans of Miunesota " white negroes." We are truly sorry we cannot reciprocate the Compliment by calling all the driven nigger democracy whits men. OCT TLe Mormons have all left Carson's Valley, California, and gone to Suit Lake by order of Brigham Young. Their farms have been purchased by newly-arrived Immigrants fie in tile States. tlT The Yamhill llxpresuututive who has gone into the proalavery party, has an other long letter in the last Standard, which conclusively proves the poor fellow to be demented. He sooms to be under tht in fluence of a disease that approxinatea very closely to the delirium tremens. It is fill ed up with silly falsehoods, extracts from speeches of free negroes, the Occidental, Frank Martin's letter, and the assertions of poor Piorce in reference to the treasonable designs of the Republicans. In rebuking Leland for not believing that tho Union will bo disotved if Oregon is a free State, the poor shivering creature rolls up the white of his eye, and with the sweat start ing from every pore auks" What proof do you want ? Can you hear it thunder f Can you see the red forked lightning paint ing death on the sky 1" We should be glad if some personal friend of his would climb up and rig a purchaso on his long ears, that are now drinking in such terrible " thunder" iu tbe " sky" and turn them downward low enough (o catch a littlo of tho " thunder" uf his outraged, sold, and betrayed constit uents, who are calling upon him in "thun der" tones to " resign." JtW Czapkay 's agent still refuses to ex change with us. Wo shall scud him now and then an Argus, hoping that tho whole some moral principles we advocate may have some effect in checking the poor creature's progress on the downward road be is traveling. We should send him the paper regularly, if he had brains enough to comprehend all we priut ; as it is, wo think about one paper a month is as much as suoh a blockhead can digest. OCT We have just received the Oregon and 'Washington Almanac for 1858, print ed by S.J. McCormick, Esq,, the enterpris ing proprietor of the famous " Franklin BookStore" at Portland. The work is got up in a stylo that docs great credit to its publisher, aud contains a fund of statis tical, historical, biographical, and pictorial information, that renders the work invalu able to every Oregonian. The Almanac is worth a dollar, but we presume it can be bought for about a bit. The fact is, Mo Cormick sells nearly all kinds of books cheap. 03" The Steamer Elk, designed for the Yamhill trade, made her trial trip to Cliain poog last Thursday. She is said to per form admirably, having made tho tho trip from Caiicmah up in 131 minutes only fivo minutes inoro than tho best time of the Enterprise " Fonos' " description ef the trip next week. OCT" Were the prs-sluvory party found occupying common ground with the re publicans, on any question, who docs not know that tbe Statesman would recognize them only as republicans!" Occidental Messenger. Of course the " Statesman" would, and, nccording to yonr own system of reason ing, will prove yo to bo a "black repub lican, alias a free soiler, alius an abolition ist," because you now "occupy common ground with us in opposing the Conjtitu tion and the " Salem clique." " That Slate (Ohio) is free negro, and there is no use grieving about it." I'M land Times. Of course, you ought to bo the last man to " grieve" about negroes being " free." 05" The Second overland ranil from Sun Antonio to California has arrived. Tho first trip was made to San Diego in thir'y-fivo days, and tho latter in thirty. . 03 Wo havo had warm showery weath er for more than a week. Grass has start ed finely, and the prospect for an open winter is good, according to all the eld signs. We hope our farmers will nil sow every sere of wheat they possibly can du ring this month, after haviny soaked all their seed wheat in blue vitriol. 03" Tho Occidental has received the following letter from one of his negro worshiping subscribers. It is not only a fair sample of pro-slavery literature, but comports well with wooden mold-board plows, prairie schooner wagons, nig; hoes, axes, and olhcr samples of the fine arts generally, we used to have in West Tennessee. It will be seen by the letter that the greaser who wrote it, like many of his brethren in these parts, is not able to raise tbe tin to pay for tho delectable Oc cidental, and we presume he hasn't money enough to pay his honest debts : Augus tho 12 of 1857 Mr editor of tbe Occidental messenger I Now tak the opportunity of sending of yo a fiew lines to In form yo that I Wishes your paper dis continued As i bav taken hit for a short lim I Wish ye to sen i me a fiew lines Two let me no what yo charge Me for the time i bav taken your paper and i will send yo the Chang I hav receive the 7 No P O no mor at presant. 03" Lady Franklin, with the assistance of a few friends, has tilted out a steamer for another Arctic expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, or rather his. remains, as all hopes of ever finding him or any of his party alive have long since been aban doned. The object is to satisfy a burnin desire in the breast ef the widowed lady, and in the heart of the world, to know something more of the fortune that befell the explorer, and, if possible, to bring home his bones to rest on his native soil. The steamer Fox, commanded by CapL Mc Clintock, sailed from Glasgow on the 8th of July last. As the steamer shoved off; and started upon her perilous voyage, Lady Franklin with a vast coticourso of sympa thizing friends, stood upon tho rocky bights above, waving il many a God speed, and lifting many a prayer to Iloaveii for the success of the expedition ; to which wo ro spoud in Orcgou, einon! and nmenl! 03" The overlund immigration to Cali fornia this season is estimated by the Cal. ifornia papers at twenty-five or thirty thousand, more than two thirds of whom are women aud children. Cum I lbs Drlvi Mutrrs lata Nutilrcltim Htiualler MoverrtiiBiy a Wsutnalile litres y.ll Opposition to tho extonsion of slavery, aud the total exclusion of slave holders from the territories of the Union, wo till know to bo the life and soul, the main url- cry in tho heart of bluck republicanism, or abolitionism, and that iho opposite are the grounds upon which tho pro slavery party stands. They believe that the territories, being common property, nil nlikn uro en titled to citizenship upon it, ami that no power on earth has a right to exclude any portion of tbe people of the Union fnun such soil because of tho character or des cription f tlnir properly. How stand the free state democrats! Where aro they to be found ! With the pro-sluvcry dem ocrats! No. They say on this subject the republicans are right, and nr acting in conjunction with them to muko Oregon a free-soil state Eryothcj are black re publicans they hove deserted the demo cratic army and gone over to the enemy, and are now their coadjutors, inhaling all the sweets, nil the odor of freo negroism, and now wear the budge of disloyalty and disunion. r " We hold that if a man bo a democrat he cannot niTilinto with the enemies of de mocracy. No two tilings can bo more dis similar than the principles of the republi can and democratic- parties. Those who are not for us must bo against us. When we see the gun pointed nguiust us, we would manifest a foolish inditd-rence to our safety to wait until wo saw tho flash of the burning powder before we took measures for protection. The free State democrats havo placed lhcmclves in an attitude of hostility to us, and wc shall treat them as much enemies, as wo would a man, a lory, who would basely go over to tho forces of tho invaders of our country iu timo of war." Occidental Messenger. For tht Argus. Ma. Editor The Constitutional Con vention has at length ended its labor?, and requires the peoplo to pronounce upon its progeny the second Monday of next month. Three several years had the people de clined to gratify the hungry office seekers of Oregon by forming a Slate government. Rut last winter a scheme was concocted to obtain by fraud what had so often been refused to n direct application. Circumstances fuvoied the success of their schemes. Congress had made, some changes in the times and places of holding District Courts in the Territories. The Legislature of Oregon intentionally omit ted to remove the inconveniences the change imposed upon litigants, though fully empowered by tho organic law to do so. Those interested in tho payment of tho expenses of tbe late Indian wars by Con gress, were assured that the additional rep. rcsentatien in that body to which wo would be entitled as n State would insure the payment. To those whose fears were excited by the Died Scott decision that slavery would be introduced among us, it was said, by forming a State government only could they prevent tho evil. But the most forc ible argument, or at least that which pro duced most votes in favor of the conven tion, is in the 0th seotion of tho authoriz ing act itself. It declares, " The delegates to said convention shall ho allowed such compensation as shall be hereafter appro piated by Congress for such payment," thereby implying a falsehood and for a fraudulent purpose. Wishing to deceive the people into the belief that Congress paid the expensos of State conventions, and that they could allow tho convention to be held without expense to thcrnselvos aud reject tho Constitution if they did not like it afterwards. Tho principal actors in getting up tho authorizing act, being also tho manogers of the Convention, they have produced an in strumcnt in porfect keeping with tbe mode of obtaining the authority to do so. In order to cheat the people into its ad option, the Constitution has in it some good provisions copied from the Constitutions of other States. The Constitution of Indiana being the favorite. It also makes some changes in the administration of county affairs, and has some features peculiar to itself, which at another time I will notice. But none of the provisions adopted from the Constitutions of the States secures the rights of individuals more amply than they are now enjoyed by us through the ordinance of 1787, adopted by Congress for eur government. None of the changes proposed in our administrative system are forbidden by tbe organic law, and may if thought improvements be put in force by he Territorial Legislature, without the people takiog upon themselves the burdens of a Stale government in order to test them. While it initiates no new development of tbe Democratic idea, it omits many things necessary to good government in a country like Oregon, which in many re spects presents distinctive features in sur face and people to the Atlantic States. I cannot for my life see what present advantage can result to the people from adopting the Constitution except the ad diliooal representation in Congress if they are willing to pay $100;000 o enable loino two of tho Sulcm faction to go itQ Lane to Congress, and think will pay they can ratify the Constitution; If not, not' But for those who framed it, iu prsvig ions are admirable, it creates fthamberof offices which thoy expect to mouopoliw, Il fixes the capital nt Salem, and make such nn apportionment of rcprrsenmion iu the Legislature as will keep it i,eref what more do they wib 7 A Tub Siiiftinu IIuks of Lipk. Lifo has for an observer, such a quick succession of interesting and amusing adventure, ilm jt is almost inconceivable ho should ever feel dull or weary of it. No on day reiem bles another. Every hour, every minute opiB new stores to our experience, snj new excitement to our curiosity. We ar always on the eyes of the morrow efsoroe surprising event. Like tho moth, we art forever (lying towards a stnrj but with this difference, that we attain it ; and, If sometimes we find that the halo which we fancied a glory is but some deceiving mist at least, we have learned a lessnn. If we look upon life morely as humble students wo shall not feci any great bitterness tt such disappointments. It is only when we hug our ignorance to our hearts, that'we are, and deserve to be miserable, when we embrace tho cloud' that we lose the goddess. But, if w open the eyes of Iho mind, and determine u, bo neither wantonly stupid nor inattentive, an enchanted world begins to lUe from chaos, Tho expect oven of the room in which we sit grows live with a thousand unsuspect ed curiosities. We discern that the mest ordinary person is invested with noticeable characteristics. If we design to look but for five minutes at any couimonplacs thing, we become aware of its peculiar beauty ; and (hero is not n bird thut wings through , the air, nor a llowcr that blossoms in ibe garden, nor an insect that crawls in tho depths of tho earth, nor a fish that swims in the water, but has its own singular and delightful story. Charles Dickens. XrXA&RXSS: "f Uy ltv. (leo. C. Cliunillor. Mr. Wiutr V. May to .Miu Viruisia 1'. N',itus, all uf Ihit co. I iS'V OK 1.ETTEU3 reniuliilnir in ilio Pol A J Office nt Oregon City on Iho iiUth of Sep tember, 1S07. Anderson Cliartri Allen Luruyi-llo Itrighuni S O lliown Win llr.MW Juliu llrowu Isuao Ik'oler Kriinklin llarnrs C'ulcb llnulli Charles II liolmid Kiuiicls I teen James Tunnell Win 3 C'liililera Tlum U Crockett II M 2 Clink lli'iij t'hanpJl Lyman Depiiest A M Hun is Anderson Evreaid Mr Kmbree Win W Ewiuj Francis F Kruzier David G Kord N Gnnsinilli N X lirceno II K Ile.tges J K Ilockeromilh OeoU Hutchison S II Ingles Dcwit C Juinet Jawph Lake Juiuen A lamina or Oeleua Morford Mn A Alcipx Ituchel Miller Allan P iMunloo John M M'Murruy Torrenrv M'Douguld Kunald Newdy Nusli Jonathan M Ourien Jjiius Olds Daniel O Oilesby 8 It Vowcrs Edwin 1'ooller T V l'adbfrg Henry Koed Dr ltaymond Henry C Ross I'hos Kuinionil Piorre Spectator Oregon Tevis Jumna Taylor D II S Torrance S II WiUun John J J Winters R.ibert Wulay Jolin SCuimvalt John J. FLEMING, I M. PACIFI0 UNIVERSITY, Forest Urove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rev. S. H. Marsh, A. M., President, Ilov.U. Lyman, A.M.,iVo. Mathematics. riNIE collegiule year, consisting' of'oiie' term or -L nino msnilu, will commence on the first! Widnesday of November. It is tho design of lltia Institution tot lunvitHia (borough and comploto collegi.ite education. There is a Librury of 1000 volumes for the use of tho students Applicants for admission to collego must hare a knowledge of the common English branchi'i, and havo studied the ancient languages so farsata havo read portions, of Cesar uud Cicero and ids Greek lieadnr. The tuition fee Is $33 per annum. Students fitting for college, as well a others widhinr to pursue collegiuto studies without enter ing upon the college course, will bo uuder llie in stiueliou of the college touchers. The full term of 1 1 weeks in the preparatory deirtuient commences on Iho 2d Wednesday of September. Tuition, 8 per term. Tualatin Academy, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rnv. Cushino Eells, Principal. The fall term will commence ou the first VeoV nesduy of November. Tuition iu the common branches, g6 is ilk higher bruuehes, per quarter. 2liy For Sale at the CITY BOOK STORE, alllE following works . Magio Staff, by A. J. Davis; Great Iron Wheel, by J. R. Graves; Dred, in 2 voln, by liarriet Beeeber Stowe ',: The Home Cyclopedias, of the World's Progress, " " Useful Arts, ' Europe, " Geography, " Kino Arts and Literature, " Biography, &c. Oct 3- Probate Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that James Officer, AM administrator ou the estate of A. J. Cutting, lute of Claekamas county, deceased, has rendered his accounts for final settlement to the Probsts court of said county, and the third Monday iu Oc tober next is appointed for the adjustment of Ike same at Oregon City in said county. v KOIiERT CAUFIELD, October 3, 1 857-25w3 Judge of Probate. Estate of Robert Moore. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersignei have been duly appointed executors of lbs will of F.obert Moore, late of Clackamas coonty deceased. All persons indebted to said estate sre required to make payment immediately, nni,.i..;n..i.in....;ii.i .m A Miate moat pre sent them with the necessary vouchers to us at lbs residence of R. C. Crawford in Una hit, wiu"- ooe year from date, or they will be forever Darren. K. V. IKA" f OftOp D.J. SCHXEBLY, JOHN T. APPERSOX. Oct 3, 1857. 25w4 Administratrix's Notice. OTICE is hereby given that letters ma- minixtmiinn hin Imm-u rrauted to the under signed by the Probate court of Clackamas coonty on tbe estate of Geone Irvin, deceased, late d eooDtv. All Dersons indebted to said esimw re requested to mke immediate payment, ana all baring claims against said estate ars ""J"" to present tbem to ma withia one year from" data of this notice at mr residence rod"'"! riTer. MAKI A an Sept. 2S, 1S57-24M Adm'i. J- IMES just received sod fe sale kj J mv30 F.CHAEMA-V i