nixed, eopt so fur wa inuniresled Uy the honorable and jut notion of Ilia leg islative Assembly of Oregon upon lbs (lilijact. 1 li if not preloaded tlit be ai without faults. Thae, however, were rather llie retail of the circumstance of bii life, end were low the olFtnrinjr, of ike henrt limn of the head. ' Prompt to resent injuries Imagined or fancied, hit temper was iliurt lived, nil died with the netting nun, Ac customed to govern mrn did communities during a long life, he did not readily brook oontrol, end perhaps wm too careleas of the opinions and judgment of those whom lie considered as inferior to him. Out bis failings are buried with liim, and will be no more remrmbered, while the community that was assisted and bless ed by his cnergelio efforts, and those who knew him, will cherish tbe memory of his virtues, his lofty and atom Integrity, hit wide-sprcad philanthropy, hit generous donations in behalf of religion and educa tion bis zeal fur moral progress, and his ardent patriotism. And though we mis here forever his commanding presence, blending the sim plicity of the pilgrim with the genial kind, nese of the pntrittrch, and the dignity of n king, we would ' " No further seek hit merits to disclose, Or draw lux rra-lln from their dread abode, (7 sere they alike in trembling hope r.pose,) Tlie bosom of his Father and his God." r II. On Thursday evening, Kept. 17th, 1857, by Rev. O. II. Atkinson, Mr. Fskdksick Chasxun Is Miaa Mv M. Diixaa, all of Oregon City. ' We wish them perpetual peace and happiness. .They did not forget the printer, but kiudly sent a splendid cake to this office. "The joys of marriage are the heaven on earth, Life's paradise, the suul'a quiet, Sinews of concord, earthly immortality, Eternity of pleasures." Hept.Clh, at St. Paul's Church, Salem, by Rev. Bishop Scott (Episcopal), Mr. J. lineal to Mies Anna It. Watsun, both of belein. September 10th, by Rev. G. Ilmea, Mr. Edwin Castwswht to Mies Carolina M. Wiiitis, all of Marion county. At Jacksonville, Aug. 27ih, by Rev. Mr. Gray, Mr. Charles William to Mm. Ann Amusl. DXSDi . ., , ... r - 1 1 i In llowel I'rame, Mumou county, rf a -mU and an atl'ection of the hraiu, John P. A , only eon ' of K. K. Howell, aged 3 years, 9 inoe., and S3 days. - v ts Probate XiOtlCe. . ,VT OT1CE is hereby given that the Second Mon- 1M day in October next is appo nted for the ex- . ampliation aud ailjualmeut of the accounts of Jumea Smith, administrator of tbe estate of Pat- rick Callahan, late orClui'kainaa county deceased. , i, ItollEUT CAUK1ELD, i Sepl. 19, 1 857-23 w3 Juili;e uf Probate. , Administrator'! Notice. NOTICE is hereby giveu that letters of ad liiiiHelraliou Imve beeu grunted to the under, signed by the l'rolwle court of Clackaiiuui county ' on the estate of IVter Joliiislon, deceaeed, late of nid county. All peiwus indebted to said estate are requested hi make immediate payment, and ill pemnis having claim againat esid eebite are ' required m pnewlit tlirm to ma niiliin the lime prewribw! by lawuiniy residence iuOioyou City. Sept. 10, l57-a3w4 A. 11. STEELE. KemoVSL THE OREGON CITY DRUG STORE is re-: moved to the coiner of Third and Main Sis , i formerly lecupieil by &. Alums, V Co. ep BRICK 100,000. roRsAs 1 pl9 H'itf. C. DEMENT, 4 CO. t 4 1 Alt, aft HUS. OATS 8ACKEU. For eale by r tepl9. WM. C. DEMENT, d CO. THE C A P T I V I T Y , OF THE OATMAN G1KLS! lOR SALE AT THR aug 23-19 CITY IJOOK STORE. Kane's Arctic Expedition, ' RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, aud other interesting works, for sale at the . sep 13 CITY HOOK STORE. ' . WM. C. DEMENT & CO. Y A RE NOW RECEIVING, per bark Na "A. humkesg and brig Francisco, the following goods, all of which they oll'er at reduced prices : 150U0 lbs No 1 China sugur, 15000 ItiocolTee, " ' 100 boxes Hill's aud Colgate's aosp, " ' 00 kefrs ayrnp, 5s 4 8s gal, ' ' 40 cases pickles, 80 " pio fruiui, sss'd, 10 bbls crushed sugar, 20 cases tea, 20 neat willow baskets, 100 gals sperm oil sept 12, '57. ' - PLOWS JCST RECEIVED-25 coat steel plows-for sale by WM. C. DEMENT & CO. A Few t'ami 0 F that superior GREEN TEA just received by WM.t. liLJitni ww. CASP3 "Crumpton's Medal" Tobacco at at p 13 WM. C. DEMENT & CO.U Z( BBLS. fresh Santa Crui" LIME ; t)J S do. calcined plaster received and for sis by .- , l WM. C. DEMENT CO. To Arrive Within Tea Daya, ' DIRECT FROM NEW TORK, f( FAIRBANKS' sesles, weighing from J. U , 10UO to 3000 lbs, tL 6 Hickox's cider mills, - Blacksmith's visi-s, anviU, &e., y ,,V Mill and X-cnt suws, .,' l Drawing knives, . " '' '. .' Pruning do., . Dudding da, . ' ' Shears and saws, , 3 dot steelyards, weighing from 300 to 400, 6 44 AinT spades, 50 Ceria grindstouea, 10 doi Collius' axea, handled, 10 M do do without, ?r . baud axes for sale kiw by sep 13 . WM. C. DEMENT At CO. Stockholders' Sffeetiiir. THE aooual meeting of the stavkholden of ths Tualatin River TransportatHw & Nsvigatioa Company wdl be held so SAI L' RDA Y, OCT. 3, at It) o'clock A.-, at TAYLOR'S FERRY OflWra w.U be elccled aod other business Iroas scitd. A full and panctnal attendaaee is re booted. , TULW. POPE, Pree l. hept. 13, 1857. 32w4 sff. GALS, sperm e3 (superior quality) AW focssU by MM. C. PBXE.HT CO. rpOYB, sf dulereat kind., far sale by JL , CiUJUKAN 4 W ARNEB- E. L. BR Alll.Fr. HONKR HOLLAND. BRADLEY St CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS OREGON CITY, 0. T T7"EEP eomtsntly en band a mffn 1. general saertnient of MISCELLANEOUS and SCHOOL nOOKM alao, a fins saaortnieul of STATIONERY, d EVERYTHING ELSE . generally kept In their line of busiuees. VALL AT THSSION OS Til CITY U00K-8T0RE, Oppotilt Holmes's Brick Slori. Sept. 5, 1857. SI If SMOKERS AND CH EWERS, ATTENTION I I HAVE opened a cigar and lubncco store In this elty near the market house, where I oiler The Best Quality of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO AND CKJARS ever offered In this market, by the wholesale or retail very cheap. J have almost every brand of tobacco thiil cu be oalied for, alao the beat eigara ever ollered in this market, consisting of 10,000 Opera, 6,000 Henri Clay, 10,000 El Levillanor, 5,000 Black Sea, 20,000 La Fhre tit Aranca, 20,000 Flore tie Cubano, 00,000 City Hall alto of TOBACCO 20 ease) Sun brand, 00 Ho. Prhl of the Union, 10 Jo. You it' America, Im,s lurge assortment of nuturul leuf, with funcy clay and German cannier together with a general assortment of aB.OCEB.IBB, Sl'CU AS TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, ic, tc, as well as a vast amount and vnriety of oilier k mzz rJT jm.- mm too numerous to mention, Which I am determined to sell on terms that will justify everybody in giviug me call. I can al ways be found at my poet nearly opposite the Muiu Street House, where I ahull be pleoaed to wail on such as either wiali to buy or look at cheap aud good articles iu my liue. E. JACOBSOX. . Oregon City, Sept 5, 1857. . 9ltf If on-resident Notice Abel Eudey, Mary Husled, guardiau of the minor heirs of L V. Saunders, deeeaseil. WHEREAS, iu this cauae a bill liaa beeu filed praying s foreclosure of a morlg.ige upon Iota numbered one (I), arven (7), and eight ,u LI I. l - 1 I to;, in uiocn iiuiliuerru utile auu luia uuiu- fl,ur (4) ,,, fiva . ; aomiKrti twenty-two (US), in the town of Oregon City, in Clackumua couniv, and Oregon Territory, for the ' '""'dred dollars and intercut , und whereat al, affidavit haa been filed tlieieiu show. jng that defemlunl is u nuu-reeident : 'J tie defendant is hereby uol.iied that unleaa she appeur in the District Court of the First Judieiul District of the Territory of Oregon, on the firel day of the term to be holden iu Salem on the fin.1 Monday iu April, a. n. I8."8, and aiwwer the bill tiled iu this cause, the same will be taken fur con. k'naeu, aud a decree of foreclosure entered up. E.J. HAROI.VO.CI'k, By tlouKs IIolijinu, Deputy. . Matlock & Johnson, Solicitora fur coinpluinant Sept. 12, Jbj7., 8l'w8 Notice. WHEREAS my wife Hunniih Daniels, for merly Hannah Puiinelton, baa left my bed and board williout provocaiioii or cauae, and taken with her, without my knowledge or consent, a child one yenr old, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts eoutructed by tier, or iu any manner on her or the child's account, af- ter this dule. : A. C. DAM ELS. Clackamas co., Sept. 13, 1657. ii'iw'i , FARM FOR SALE. T OFFER my LAND CLAIM on the 1 Claekumas, twelve milea from Oregon City, on such terms as will justify any J man in pui chasing who v. ante a good claim of 610 acre, huving about SOU acres uuder fence, s good orchard, fiml-raie barn, and gxd house. Farming utensils, aud eveiylhing necessary to carry on I ho place, will be sold Willi it. lime will be giveu on part of the money. For terms, apply to J. N. Prcsvott, Oreeon City. TllOS. WATERBKURY. Sept. 5, 1857. 2llf Siatiict Court, First Judicial Dittrict, Clackamtt County, ss. Stephen M. Harris, ) t. ? Petition for Ditorce. Francea V. Harris. J THE defendant ia hereby notified that a com plaint against her haa been filed in the otlice of the Clerk uf said Court, and unless she appear and answer the earns on ti e first day of the term of said court to be held ut Salem in said District oil the third Monday of November, it will be taken as confessed, and the praver thereof be granted by the court A. HOLBKOOK, i'l'ff's Atfy. Oregou City, Sept. 5, 1857. 21w8 S E L L I N Gt OFF AT , GREAT INDUCEMENTS T AM nosv selling off my ENTIRE stock of X K EA u Y-MA VJS VLUTHIfliU, Dry Goods, lioois, Shoes, ic, dec. 1 have now a heavy stock on hand of the very bet quality uf goods, exactly suited to the wants or tins market, which I am deiermined to sell very low snd no mistake, in order to close out the concern, prepar atory to leaving this country, as my health coin Lela me to go back to France. Come one, come all, and buv. EUGENE LA FOREST. Oregon City, Aug. 33, 1857. 19tf W. S. Hntcbiai , M. S. LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFERS TO ' Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Prof. J. Kost, Prof. Coortney, La Fsyelte, Ind.j - Dr. W. Armstrong, Findley, Ohio J. Fisher, M. D.. Tiffin, J. Chsmberiin, M. D., Tiffin, Dr. B. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohisj Prof. H. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Penn. ; Prof. J. Brown, N Y.; Dr. G. Kelkvg, Milwsukie, O. T. W..D. Hutchins Balsam Wild Cherry 1 25 Jayne's Expectorant 1 25 " Altenitive...... 1 25 Ayrca' Cherry Pectoral 1 25 and a general aaurtment of ' BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all limes. Aod I am making arrange ments to manufacture my Balaam for the lungs, from the Oregou cherry. augla Szecntor! Notice. ATOTICE hereby giveu by llie underaignrd, 1 1 tesicmenlsry execuior of the estate of Tho mas McBride, tats deceased, to sll persons who sre indebted to said enisle to earne forward aud make payment and sll person having elsiuM against said estate are required to present the same with the necessary vouchers U the uiulenugned at Lafayette, O. T, within one year from ths date hereof, or be forever oarred. S. pt5. !W57-2lw4 J. R. McBRIDE. Ex'r. 0 RANGEa fins lot jott n-erived aod for sale by r. i'nAK.n AIS 50 DOZ. thumb latchrs. cheap, for sole by WM.C.DKMr.AT kco. 25 SETS hollow sogers, for wheelwrights, for Irs ( WM. v. t.i l a CO. OREGON BOUSE, CORNER Third and Water streets, J oppoalt in rerry i.anuinr. OREGON CITY. Ths traveling publie are respectfully Invited to give us a call. Ths OREGON IICUHE Is ths most pies, antly located hotel in the Territory, snd has been so altered within the last few weeks ss to mako it one of the moat commodious Houses ill ths Toirl lory. The table will always bo supplied with lbs beat that lliu Murk. i u(Tor.U. Good aecoiiiuiodaii"in for ladies snd families. Good stabliug snd feed fur horses, with proper attinilnn.'e. ITT The stagecoach to and from Salem stop at lbs Oregon House. ratcast Board snd lodging, per week $7 00 Board, without loilgiug, per week 6 00 Hingle meal SO NilIll's lodging 90 A. 8C110LL & J. B.VHM, Aug. 8, 1857m0 1 Proprietors. ' LIVERY STABLE. WE are now kei'p'ng s Livery stable In Or egon City, where HOUSED can always be obtained ON LIBERAL TERMS. We sre also prepared with excellent stables, well supplied with hay snd oats, la keep horses by lh day or week. Those who call uiion u may feel assured that every attention will be giveu to horses left iu our cbsrge. GIBSON II POTTER. " July 18, 1857. 14m3 Estate of John AXcLonghlin. NOTICE is hereby given that the subcriher ha been duly siHiiiited executor of lh will of John McLoughlin, lute of Clackamas ouunty, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are required to make payment immediately, and all persona having claium against lh deceased must exhibit them with lh necessary vouchers, within one yesr from date, to me at my residence in Or egon City, oral the office of A. Holbrook, my at torney in nid city. DANIEL HARVEY, Oregon Ciiy, eept. I J. iaa7-'.".'w4 ut. 1MES just received and for sate by I inj30 F. C1IA11MAN. heapers Thrashers. OUR Reapers and Thrashers have srriveo. Persons who purchssed of us will please take notice, and call for their machines. Also TWO 8-IIORSE THRASHERS on hand and for sale. June 30. G. ABERNETIIY & co. Grain Cradles. 5DOZ. five-fingered sup-jior grain cradles for sale by G. ABERNETIIY fc co. Boots & Shoes, s UITRD to summer wear, on hand and for leby G. AUEUNETHY & co. Tobacco. g CASES superior brands jiut received sad aa V furssle by us; 5 caws Prido Uuion, S " Alliniico, 5 " Cockude, 5 " U 1'urudise and Grane. June 20, 1 857. G. AliEltN ETH Y & co. Nails- KEGS Nails, eworted sites, for sale by G. AUEUNETHY at, co. 40 Syrup Lime. Ql KEGS eyrup; . O F 50 bbls lime i for sale by - June 20. 1857. G. ABERNETIIY & co. Land Warrants Wanted. THE HIGHEST PRICE will be paid by ths undesigned, in cash, or draft on Atlanlio cities, for Lund Warrants. T.J.McCARVER. Oregon City, June 13, 1857. 9lf ' Onr nollot 'BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE.' PTMIE old friends and customer of G. Colli ss I Roibins will be pleased to learn thnt he has se cured the services of Mr. A. V. WILSON, Pruoli c:d Walehinaki r, who will at all time be found at this establishment. G. C. Rohbius trusts that through the combined experience now employed, together wiih his untir ing exertions to pleuae, he will continue to receive the approbation uf hie numerous customers. The Jkwklhv MiNUratrruRiKO Dkpastmknt of my business is in charge of Cli AS. F. KEUHN, Practical Jeweler and KiiL'ruver, and every person who has had work of this kind done for the past live years, eau testify that he is a superior workmau. Watclic and Jewelry. Having rnudu arrangements with my bro ther, st home, who is a Watchmaker, aud enguged in tiie business lo select snd purcluise lioods lor me in Aew lurk, 1 snail nereaiior re ceive my goods Direct from the Importer Q-Manufacturcrt and will sell ss low ss any other establishment ou the Pacific coaat. G. COLLIER KOI1BINS. Portlaud, June 20, 1857. lOmS TTiVIVfi tu.niiitninllv loj-at'd In H dJEl a i'ublic House, which will be kept as such a house ought lo De arpi, t niviie ine traveling pun lic to give me a cull. My table will be furnished with the best the market uflbrda, snd every atten tion will be given to the comfort of my patrons. . Call and try me. My nous is nearly opposite the Drug Storo. ItOBT. CONNOLLY. Muy 30, 1857. 7tf Titus Andronicas. I HAVE mnde arrangements for open ing the " Titus Audrouiuus" on a more " -1 1 and improved plan. Additional rooms have been secured, snd I ahull now be able to lodge, and also furnish rooms for one or two private families. Thankful for the liberal patron age heretolore extended to me, I still solicit a large share from the traveling public. Every ut-tt-ntion given to tie comfort and convenience of those who call on me. TITL'S G. CLARK. Oregon City, May 30, 1857. 7m6 Water Power to Lease. rpiIE undersigned is ready to lease pert of ths J. Oregon City Water rower for manuiaciu'ing purpose. Da. JOHN MacLOUGHLIN. Oregon Cily, July 4, 1H57. ' 12 Garden Peas. 17 ARLY Msy and Victoria Marrowfat, for sale li by C. POPE, Jr. CHAIN PUMPS price redueed-for sale by mr28 C. POPE, Jr. M ACAULAY'S History of England fur sine uy i. nyi c, or. I) IARY and Correspoudcuce of Ann m- reuce for siile by ' (j. t HIT., Jr. 1 N sssortment of Bibles snd Testaments for j. sale at the Iteposilory prices by , C. POPE, Jr. MORRIS' Poetical Works for sale by C. POPE. Jr. D I ARIES for 1 857 for sole by C. POPE, Jr. Land Warrants URCHASED BY Jan. 24. WM. C DEMENT & CO. 100 SETS wngon boxes, for sale by I WM. C DEMENT 4. co. 2s5 T SETS tress hoops, aaa'd sixes, for sale by J W M. C. DEM EN f at co. 1AAA SEAMLESS sacks for .ale by aiUUv WM.C. DEMENT, co. 6 DOZ. grape-vine ersdles for sale by WM. C DfcMt.M at CO. 4 DOZ. polished cast-steel grain scoops for ssh by WM.C. DEMENT co. 2 SETS coopers' tools for sale by y , W(. (5. DEMENT eo. - Lxperlenco Miiks I't-ifft t. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goodt t WE wish to Inform our customers and lh puhlio generally that we hsvs no on hand, lasdditioti to our usual hssvy stock of Gro ceries snd Dry-Goods, ou of llie largest aud best elected stocks ef READY-MADE CLOTHING ever eflered In this markel, W alao wish lo say that onr goods are of excslleut quality, and that ws will sell AS CHEAP AS ANY 0TIIKI riOUSI IX 0IK00X, Portland not txcittd. Our old motto still governs our trad " Quick sales slid small profits." Our slock of goods is now open for Inapection to all who will favor us with a Call, ('all aud see, and let experience then speak for Itself. W sell a low as any ia the Territory, fur cash, or produce it markel rate. ("HARM AN 4. WARNER. Oregon City, May 23, 1857. - Notice. BY an srrsneenient effected with Iheewnersnf the Ferry, all persons from Oregon City wishing la visit llie UN N CITY STOKE, with a view le purchasing Goods, will be furnished with a FREE PASS, OVER AND BACK, oo appli cation st the Drug Utors or Argu Office. fjf Nun need consider themselves uuder ths least ohhgnlioa to trade, after using the pass, uu lea ptrftctiy latulitd with Woods mud prices, R. H. BROUGHTON. LinaCily, May 9, 1857. 4 t'linruian cV Wurntr HAVE ree d large assortment of SHOES, embracing children's snd ladies' shoes, and Gaiters, Buskins, and Bootees i also gents' Boots sud lailaudgumW'lldeo1ptious, I' AL, Cradle and scythes, snstha, hoes, rakes, forks, . spsde, and sbovvl. - - SSI. A STORE ROOM, situated on Maid street, opposite the Main Street House- quite i desirable part of town. Apply le Msy .M. UUAlOl.tit At. tVAIt.l'.lt. :; Pottery. WE have now permanently located in Ore gon, aud will givs our whole slleution le the MANUFACTURE of EARTHEN-WARE, In which business w are now engaged, at the old Saw-mill, half a mile above Canemuh. We are now making the best ware or the Kind ever before offered in Hie Territory, aud shall keep a constant supply, such as will enable us lo till any kind of an order upon short notice. Up country merchants aud the farmers gener ally are iuvilrd to give us a call. 8. m. ti.wutis OS Oregon City, May 10, 1857. 5tf Notice. WE take pleasure in informing our customers and the public generally that the AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carpenters' Tunis, dj-e., which wo advertised to arrive about the 1st of May, are now here, aud ready fur delivery. They consist, iu pari, of the following, vii: Combined reaers and mowers, Threshers aud cleuuora, from 3 to G-horse power, Hovey's G kuife struw cutters, Grape-vine grain cradles, Patent scythe snaths, Grain scythes, grass scythes, scylhs stones, Smith's bellows, anvils, Collins' axes, handled, do do without handles, Broad exes, hsnd axes, hatchets, Draw kuires, xcut suws, ourry combs, Wool arde, shovels, spades, planters' hoes, Poulofdiggers, grind-stones aud fixtures, Spokovhaves, monkey wrenches, laddle-bags, -3110 pairs twisted link trace chains, . 1000 tog chains, chaiu pumps, Mill-sew, flat, aud lilt' round file. V CARPENTgRs' TOOLS I 30 sew premium bench plsnes, , muter iflanes, nonows anu rouuus, Sukes.hada4iluws, t, . . ., Ovolo and fillets, try, square, bevel, and mitre, Braces aud bits, rules, compasses, Huud vises, measuring tapes, Auger bits, gunges, hand-saw film, augers, Huud-suws, buck-news, firmer aud socket chisels. BUILDING NATEBIALS'. 300 kegs ss'd uuils, Doors, windows, window-gloss, putty, Paints red, green, and blue while lead, Linseed oil, pirils turpentine, door locks, Strap bin its, butts und screws, cupboard locks, Santa Crux lime, enloiued plaster, Ac, 4w. GROCERIES : Coffee, tea, sugsr, syrup, dried apples, Raisins, pie fruits, rice, pepper, ginger, mustard, Allepico, cloves, 300 bags Liverpool salt, 35 kitts No. 1 mackerel, &c Sta, CROCKER r AND OLASS-tVARR, a general asaortmouL DRY-GOODS: 3000 spun cotton, assorted sizes, 5000 yds bro drills, 5000 " " sheeting, 300 " satinets, 100 prs 3x:lJ pt Mackinaw blankets, 30 11 W tins bed blankets, Jesus, slso Clothing, and Boots and Shoes, together with cordage (assorted), oakum, tar, ros iu, blocks, and many other articles too numerous lo meuliou. We would at the same time inform the farmers and others that we will keep on hand constantly a good assortment of agricultural implements, hav ing made arrangements with manufacturers in ths East to furnish us with such articles, and we feel confident that we can furnish the funnels here on such terms as will bs satisfactory. We have now on the way from New York a lot of Threshers and reupcie, to arrive early iu the aoason. W M. C. DEM ENT fc CO. On groCity, May 3, 1857. J UST RECEIVED, at the Oregon Cily Drug Store, direct from New York aud Sua Fran cisco, a large assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent and Family Medicines, all ef which will be sold as low or lower than they can be had st any other place in the Territory. Country merchante will find it to their interest to buy here instead of Portland. Call and see. Oregon Cily, May 9, 1857. IT HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL for soma lime post, that MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed at the LINN CITY STORE, to meet tbe demand uf its constantly increasing custom. These additions hsvs now been made th store is enlarged, and th stock hss just been replenished with a large assortmeat of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac, smong which are -Panama Hals, Gaiters, Cravats, Parasols, Ginghams, Ribbons, Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, And a ar.r pest, moss, At the 'LINN CITY STORE.' Motto "Small prohu and quick returns." April 11, 1857. LADIES' and genuf KID GLOVES, at BROLGUTON'S, Lmn Cily. OAT STORKS, all kinds, wholesale or re tail, it HltOUGHTON'S, Liaa City. G OOD black) and green TEA, at BKOLGHTON'S, Linn City. TUST received 30 bbls Kant Crus LIME, V nd 30 ss iXA.1 1 EK PAKIS. , m)23 . . CHARMAN 4 WARNER. TVR. Oxgd's ludiaCholagogue.aadLlr.Jone' JL Amuriean t.holagogue, at lite ATTENTION EVERYBODY f Linn City Waking Up ! GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! TIIE public are hereby respectfully Informed thai, beside the lmprevinnt oomplslej or in progress at this place such as the new mill, a plank walk from lb mill lo lb ferry, Ave, ., commodious STORE has been fitted up, and will stocked uitk NEW GOODS, by ths under- gned, who Is slways ou hand lo aeoommodalo customer wilb almost anything llisy msy want in lh hue of Dry Goods, Stationery, Groceries, Crockery, Boots a Shoes, Hardwart, Clothing, Cutlery, Medicines, Confectionery, Cigars, dc. r., . All of which will be sold at lh KT LOWEST PRICES Rent and other expenses beinc leae at this place than at Oregon City, I tan and leiH mak it for th interest of pcrsou to Irads he-e,in preference In crossing the river for that purpose. Only just visit, one; lh "Linn Olty Store." and von shall be convince,! of thie fact. (tr All kinds of Produce lakeo in exchange for Goods. ROBERT II. BROUGHTON. LinaCily, March 7.IW57. 47 At War with Hard Timet! HARD TIMES DEFEATED! BY CHARM AN fc WARNER, who, la addition to their usual LARGE STOCK of Drr Good aud Groceries, are (bout rse'eirinft per bark Metropolis and Mat. lhw Vasear, the' following new supplies, vii: 1UU Doles English soap, 100 Aimneau da, assorted brands, . 50 " adamantine caudles, " . 35 tt ' sperm ' do. 10 wax randies, assorted colors, 3000 lbs No. I llutsvla sugar, 4000' ' No. 1 Manilla do. 4000 Costa Rica, Rio, aud Java coffee, 100 s, llooee's domestic ground ' do. SO dot assorted spices, iu bottles, 6 ' English sss'd sauces, 6 do do pickles, 10 ' American do do. 90 cases pi fruit, SO boxes Windsor glsss, asa'd sites, 100 kegs nails, all sixes, COO lbs codfish, ' ' 6 hlf bbls mackerel, 10 bbls lime, ' 1 case tobacco, 'Pride of the Union,' 1 do do Commercial,' , 1 do do 'Honey dew, 1 do do 1 'Natural leaf,' 6 gross smoking tobacco, " " ' 6 doi tomato ketchup, 0 ' pepper sauce, 10 kegs dried apples, 3 bbls plaster pari, Together with a well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, and rrody made CLOTHINO, which we offer as LOW ss any house In Oregon, either wholesale or retail. Terms cash, or produoe taken In exchange at llie highest market rates. March 31, 1057. TUST RECE I V K D J a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SHOES, . . and , Drr-Goods of all Dejacrlptloua. .. We cnu now fill almost any bill a furqior may call for. Call snd ' CHARM AN le WARNER, March 14, F ULL assortment of Yankee Notions at mh21 CHARM AN & WARNERS. 1 f M ex.4qnlily cigar. - IU , CUARM AN Sc WARNER. 2000 LBS. assorted candy. -' VHARMAN ef WARNER. iU VHARMAN 4 wfiitifitt. XXarness and Saddlory. pfk Tl I E undersigned having opened anew UT iu liU'lTEVlLLE, Mariou couuty, O. T., is resdy to manufacture aud furuish at short notice, aud in the beat aud moat subatan tial style of the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Car riant Trimming, eye. Maroh 88, 1857. A. COOK. New Ooods. JUST received by llie ubecr.ber, 8300 yds Merrimsa and Coulieco prints, 1700 ' satinets, blue oud mixed, 30 ' cotton wsrp, 50 coils muiiilla rope, 134 bundles map paper, 55 cases Kentucky ritle powder, FFF.C. March 31. G. ABERNETIIY dr. CO. Voanr'i Improved Smnt XttiUa. THREE of these SUPERIOR smut mills now on hand and for salo by U. AISh.KINfc.Tlir , CU. Oregou City, Mar.'h 31, 1857. . Just Hecclved, TONS San Queulin salt, 104 sacks Liverpool salt, 10 50 bbls lime, 50 kegs syrup, ' 50 mats sugar, 35 sacks coll'ee, 5 bbls viuegar, 85 boxes soap, 20 bales drills, 5 " sheetings, ' 1 1 cases boots. Jan. 17, '57w0 O. AliERNETIIY & CO. Struw C'ntlcrs. 4 DOZ. Straw cutlers just received and for Mleby G. ABERNETIIY Jt CO. B. 8. Syrup. KEGS, 8 snd 5a, lor sale by G. ABERNETIIY 4. CO. 30 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, per tr. Columbia aud bark Nahumkeag, the fol lowing goods ; 500 lbs cotton yarn, . 5000 yds bro. drill, 10 osm-s boots and shoes, 35 hlf bbls drisd apples, 30 kegs E. B. syrup, 10 dox liahimore oysters, 30 " pie fruits, SO " fresh peaches, 35 boxes raisius, 100 keg nails, ass'd sixes, -10 dux glass lanterns, Scoop shuvela, log chains, t r.., Ac. Feb. 14, '57. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. 500 LBS. js31 pure Ileeewax for sale low by WAf.C. DEMENT it CO. MOFFAT'S Life Blller. and Pills, Bernard's Dysentery Syrup, Wistar'i Balsam of Wild Cherry, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. --, U ISajrnTtl a ,.. U a D - I rn I J .1 n CTCLiiuiiBi an "J .va rm a i 1 OREGON aud WASHINGTON TEU- liU OKII- lor sal by aug 16 CHARLES POPE, Jr. Motlino- Oar I 4 VALUABLE assortment of BOOKS and il stuiiooery. Tocher and dealer and all interested are invited to call and exam ne March 38, 1857. C. POPE, Jr. RUTABAGA seed-for sale by marSM C. rOPR.Jr. li II U B A RB or pie fruit seed r ss's t OREGON tiinothyseed for aslfbv BwrM C. POPE, Jr. 700 LBS white eossipots soger fcr al hj - .a . c- rvrx j. - Hi." 1 J'.' . , ;is ,.. jar ' OREGON CITY . . Wboleiale 7ricei Onrrnt.: COSSIOTKD WSKKLf. par ooo iis. I psuusdi sramuiNss. Hheetlng,4-4....11 JilOJ N. Y.cost Drilling K'l Blsschsd drilling U Wheat, pr. bu.....l,90 , " shining, I lilt) Oat do 50 Striped do I'.'J Potato do 75' Ticltiii'f 1 4 I It Onions de $3 00 lisiiiiis 1','i Flour 3,i0 Blue drilling 14 Corn .Meal, fresh I I'laid husey HUM, ravir. Hiilim t TllaitO Appl.s, Jiled ICsIS Ksnlui'l'v J.; s...'r.a45 Peaches, dried U Twee.le.' 55a7t d pealed r.uM'. i ' Chili, dried. 2usliJ , B tie r"f '' litt IS1 raovisioas. Illus a 1 1 v.-etii. 13 Pork, clear nn. Fanrv...... Farn; 'i.ia " nna I;al4 llama..... ,.9'lMa30 ' 16 14 30 30 w ds.l'-J Hacoii ....Ij.if'l liutter ... , 15uOJ E'gi ...,25at'.U, rownaa. M. do Isii.vV . Gingham Alpaca Tsui dnmsxk. . , Mij7.'i Hamrd, pr es.... .(jjatilj pr keg.., .815 I0 cloths..., Iriah linens ,.. ,,I0T' ciAritiNa. sixes .2,aJ 3o3 Sheep gray Pauls .' i3 Buck Satinet do. .Jf.'Ja:! Vtkt. Fsneycass. do. ...5a5 Hir "'J Black can. do. 5a7 White lead, in oil.. .I'.'J , Redfluu'l shirt $l4alH; oososoa. , . Illue do. do. l.'wIS Manilla, small 35 Hickory .hlrls 5a7- " largo. ...M Calico do 8'Jal3IKmp msta oots Jr. suor.s. ( 1 CULS. Men's kip boots $2t4 .Vlmantine J7a40 sutler do. do., ..t .penn . fine eswcU b4 v. -Af"". ' ' ' . " DovV kip bools...i..fa KAna.4 IOaHO " he'vy w'l do9 1 )3,Oertnan (11035 Men brg'e pr. do. . ft 1 7; American $10a50 kip trg s pr lox.iji.-U) - tomuw, " calf sewed do..9'.'l Pride of the Uuiou.4'ta4.'l Women's h'vy sh's.S13,Suri... liue do yij;t.uaos... oaocsaiss. - masuwas. Cofle lfl:3l,ovels J8a V Tea......... ,...C0u?5 Spade. H4ia Sugur, no. I Chi'.... l.VAxe,.... crushed '"in"" V. vv.,S Snleralns.... lOule Z cut saw. toai . Starch 14; Table cutlery, 35 poret Syrup F. Boston... 1.35J advance on N. Y-cost d. 8 Island $1,35, Pocket cutlery, 45 pre NO Molasses a.lvnoe. .... I.iv. Suit 2,a3J Olher articles of hard Table Salt 33, ' warerrom w w awpv Haudwichl.Salt.i 3a2. ct advane. . pepi-r... "r-rv'':.':. A snie i VK, " u-.. ". Ciniiemon tillaHUj - goap Ball, Lamp.. OIL. ...li2! . Jon. Barstow 1 .1. IS by himself, and would respectfully say to hi friemls aud th fublie generally that be IS Ihaukful for put patronage, and frill oontinue bust- .1 .. aud will ever b ready la aliaw hi Goods lo those who may favor him with a call. Coins one, come all, both great aud small and give him a cull before purchasing elsewhere, aud examine for yourselves his splendid and aslecl alock of ..,,,.',' ' ' DRY OOODS. PROVISIONS, CLOTH. INO, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, CoSi-e, Ppicee, Ami., Hats, 511, Itrooms. Ac, ud almoat very Uiing prtaiuing U general Hue of businea. All kiuda of ceuutry produee tLhen in exchange. Country friends will find it lo ihcir advuntago I giva me a call. , CauenialiiSepL 0. . Wm. O. Dement fc Co., . WHOLESALE ifclKTAtfc , , Dealers lnOrooerlai. Hardware, Boots St 8hoes, Crockery, fed ; . TENDER their thank to their numerous en, tomeis for their past liberal putreuago, and ' licit a continuance of the earn.; -i . ; They tak pleasure in iuformmg the miblw that thty have now ou hnd a larg and deeirabhj slMk ef tfnweries, Ihrdtsare, fleers d I as CVocry and Bmil Storet, b-svliich thsy ara Ball rruueiaoo, puli liuaeu lor cam ""7, enabled to soil at iowr prieos thau any other store in Oregon City. Jan.3l, lSi7, rURNITTJBE I AT TUB ruBJiiTiran salbs room, (One door below L. Suow 4. Co.', Front st.,) PORTLAND, OREGON. , Constantly receiving, and ea bead, TIIE BUST ASSORTMENT ; . . Ever Offered In Oregon'.! , lluvinj iiiJ soversl years exiericnce, I out pre- pared to roll - . -I AS CHtAP AS, If NOT v: .. C'i ';;cr iAtrn ,'.i't ever heretofore been offered on the Pacilio coast I C'j- tuiL anu LXAaiaa foa roussatvas. XS A.J. STUUTEVANT. . Portland, January 10, 1857. 10m Tlie "Vev Cnslaiid Ulntnnl LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, Boston, Mass., , ri Organized in liJ43, and having a capital and accumulated premiums amount ing to over 81,000,000., ' WILT, tsko risks In Oregon, for a term of years or for lifs. Dividends of profits lo il,n Inaond ra declared every live years. In- surauo may be effected for the benefit of married women and children, beyoud th reach of sredil ors of the party insured. Creditors may Insure the livosof debtors. Rates in Oregon will be lh same as in New England. This is tlie sldeat American Mutual Insurant Company, and is ons of Iho most reliable and suc cessful, and insures on the mot favorable rates. Information may be obtained from, aud npplica. lion for iusuraucs mode to, A. IIOLitJKUtm, AgeutfoJfOregon. ContuUing Pbjukiant Forbes Barclay, .M.I).,- Oregon City, and R. B. Wilson, M. V., l'oruana. iir..trnii t.nv..ian. ji. ioj. Oregon aud CullUrnla Pocket Liue. riltlE followlns vemels will run in eon X uection as a tt v L.A n tween PORTLAND and SAN 11AN CISCO i Clipper bark JANE A. FALKENBERO, Hauoks, Muter, Bark OCEAN R1RD, Wiuoin, " " CIIAS. DEVEN'3, llasuT, " ; NAHUMKEAG, Wilusms, Brig L B. LUNT. Riciusimwi, " The Barks have all bun coppered recently-, a4 are in fiisl-nvte order, eointuauded by experteuosdl captains. Freights will be carried at th lowest rater. -Produco sent ftom any part of th country t Oregon Cily, or lo lb Linu City works, will be ro. ceived and forwarded lo San Fraucieco. AoiKTs-iUEO. ABERNETIIY 4. CO., . Oregon CilV. . ABERNETIIY, CLARK 4 CO., N.,r.33,'56-3itf Sou Francis, , "iJ WILL PAY CASH or TRAUfci fcf oood WHEAT at th prie. wi CHARMAN 4 WARNER. Morrison at., Iietween Front snd First st.. i. PORTLAND, O. T. ChuiKcsreoaonabl. o. D. SMITH, March 15, 1U56-48 Preiinetpa, i; E NEW GOODS, CHARMAN st WARMER'S. I AN US' Sarsaj.aiUa, in any quantity, at th S OUEGON CITY DUUG STORE. I1AKER HarP"rilla. at the ' 1 0EGO?C1TTlRn8TOW4