r and Kelsav, the substitute was BjopUid. AfttrnooH'Vk eiylit section of the Judiciary report wee taken up aim III blink la fix tlio number of ((rand jurors i was projiosed to bo filled by tlill'errnt numbers from 7 to 24 all of which were rejected. ' Logan ofTured a lubttltulo doinjj away with grand juries and providing fur exatin- ' natiuin before a magistrate iuitcaj of preienimrnl helore a grand jury. After a debate pnrticipHled in by Olney, Waytnire, Logan, Williams, Mnrple, Dee. dyi and Boise, the nioiion was lost 10 to 23. Williams niovrd to fill the blank with five and give the Legi.ini ure power to mod ify or Abolish the grand jury system lost. Dcrv.ly moved to fill with 15 lost. '' Rued moved lo strike out' the port ion empowering the Legislature lo abolish the grand jury system lot. Olnoy moved to insert 7.' , ' '. Dendy moved to insert 12 lost. ' Farmr movod to inturl 1 lost. Hristow moved 8 lot. -,. Paukwood moved 0 lost. Kinney moved 13 lost. The motion lo Gil wills 7 was adopted. Ado. 20 Heeds moiion lo limit speak ers to twenly minutes was discussed and adopted. Kolley moved to amend so as lo permit ' two speeches on a question adopted. Logan's moiion requiring llie names of the ten calling for yeas and nays to be en tered upon the record was losl. Williams offered a resolution that it is expedient lo declare in the constitution tliHt no claim whatever again! the Slute should be considered by the Legislature until sub milted to and decided upon by the Audit or of public accounts, iind ll.nl I lie Legis , lalure shall overrule the Auditor's decision by uotliing less thun a two thirds rote laid on the table. ,, Applega'.e ofTured a resolution that I he 'convention would submit the slavery ques tion to the people and declaring debate up on the same out of order laid upon the table. ... Convention wont into committee of the 'whole on the judiciary. : , . :' Olney moved to strike out the provision declaring ibe sheriff collector of taxes. -" Williams moved lo amend so as lo de clare the sheriff to be the general ministe rial officer of the county, and leave ii with .the Legislature to impose upon him such other duties m it shall see fit. ' Olney accepted the amendment. . ' Waits moved to make the term of the sheriffs office two years Logan moved . aix. Two was adopted. Williams moved lo make the term of county clerks four ycttrs loit. SliHtinon moved two adopted. ' Fsrrsr moved lo amend so as to prevent the Legislature from increasing the sala ries of judges during the terms for which : they are elected adopted. KAKMBDi ' August SOlli, by Kit. J. C. Ilannon, Mr. Situ Mascvsi, of Linn county, te Mia Jans Eliiasetii Forres, of Albany. DXBlDt T-AnginlSCtli, t the residence of A. Hood, Esq., near Oregon City, Mr. Willias lloon, aged S3 years. Mr. Hood emigrated from Belfait, Ireland, io Ambries iu 1817. "s At her residence in Marion county, August SG, of pneumonia, Mrs. Masv Csntss, aged nearly 70. Sirs. C. wan boru iu Pennsylvania, and in early life niovrd la Ohio, nud shortly after made a pro fersioii nf religion and connected herself with tin M. E. Church, iu which she lias lived a consistent - end pious member, striving to do good wlieuever an opportunity ottered, She emigrated to this country iu 1845, and lies resided liere sinco that time. She approached the Jordan of dealh culm aud untcrrified, and with the fullest assurance dial beyond it was a happy home and friends to bid tier welcome. She looked not upon death as a calamity, hut as a passport le a tatter and more exalted condition of lite. Oh, fleeting spirit, wandering fire, That long bant wanned that tender bresat, Must thou no more thai frame inspire, Aud be no moro a cheerful guest? w.e.D- E. L. BRADLEY, BOOK-SELLER & STATIONER, OREGON CITY, O. T., KEEPS coimlautly on h Ecural assortment of MISCELLANEOUS and . SCHOOL BOK8 - ,, also, a fins assortment ef ' STATIONERY, d EVERYTHING ELSE geuerully kept in his line of busmen. " ' - ' CALL AT TIIS SIGN or Till CITY BOOK-STORE, ' Oppoiitt Holmcil Brick Stort. ' Sept. 5, 1857. 21tf SMOKERS AND CHEWERS , ;. , ATTENTION! , I HAVE opened a cigar and tobacco store In this eity near ths market house, where I offer TAe Best Quality of Chewing and Smoking "' TOBACCO AND CIGARS, , ever offered io this market, by the wholesale or retail very cheap. J have almost every brand of tobacco that can be called for, also ths best cigars ver offered io tliia market, consisting of 10,000 Opera, ' t-t i.' ' .. " -6,000 Henry Clay, '- " ' 10,000 El Levillanor, ' ' . 1 5,000 Black Sea, 'I '' .' , ',; 20,000 La Flore de Aranco, '.' , ''. , i 80,000 Flort de Cubano, ,'. .. .. . t v :.'' ttt,C00 City Hallalto of TO2ACCO20 catft Sun brand, 1 60 do, Pridtoflht Union, 10 do. Young America, also, s large assortment of aatorsl leaf, with fancy lay ana Gersnaa canister i - mst ; mm , , ' tegether with s general assortment of V an o o a fti b t SUCH AS TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, etc, etc, , as well as a vast nmeont and variety ef ether , too numerous to mention, Which I am tWterniined to sell en terms that will justify srerybwiy in giving mo a calL I can al ways be found at my post nearly opposite the Mam Street Uoew, where I shall bs pleased to wait oa such as either wish to buy or look at cheap and good articles iu my boa. J ..... Oregon City, Sept 5,1857. . , .. Ullf wWAjtnenrrsi tfoHos. ' "OTICK b hereby given by lue sodenigned, ixtrmrntirT eieentor of the estate ef The me Mcllride, lata deeeosed, to ad persons who , ... ... J fnM.Mt aJ are indeotea si www mwm ' make payment ; and sU perMns hsviag elaima " agiMt said eeUM are faqsnrsd to preseat Iba soma wiih the aecessory svacbers to Uta aadeniigBexl at Lafayene, O.T, withia aaa year froes tba date keieof, or be fbreetr borrad. ' frpt5,l57;lw4 J.R.McBH!DE,E,r. FARM TOR SALE. IOrPICR my LAND CLAIM an ths CUt'kjmaa. Iwalvs milaa from Orifaa City, on such terms ss will justify r man in pnrchaaiiig who wauu a good elsiin of Oil) acres, having about ZUU aervs under lanes, s good orchard, flnit-rsle barn, and good bouse,- Karming utensils, and everything necessary ts esrry an Iho place, will be sold with it. Tims will be given an part of ths mousy. For terms, spply lo J. N. I'ivociSI, Oregon City. illUS. Y All'.llUl.llIlt Sept. 5, 1857. Sits Diatiict Court, Firil Judicial Diilriet, Clackamtt County, it. Steplieu M. Harris, 1 ss. Pililion for Diiarct. Frances V. Harris. ) TIIEdufondantis hereby notified that a com plaint against her has been tiled in the allies of Ilia Clerk of said Court, and unless shs sppear ana answsr me sums on l..e tirat day of Ids term of said court Is bo held at tialcin in said Uinlrict ou lbs fourth Mouday of October, It will bo taken ss confsased, aud the jirsver thereof be granted by ths court. A. lloLWiUOK, I'l'tT's Att'y. OreKou City, Sept. 5, 1857. 2U8 SELLING OFF ' AT GREAT INDUCEMENTS! I AM near selling on" my ENTIRE stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Dry Goods, lloota, Shoes, See., dee. 1 have now s heavy stock on hand of tho very beat quality uf gooJ., exactly suitod lo ths wants uf this msrket, which 1 am detennineil to salivary tow and uo mistake, iu order lo close out the concern, prepar atory la leaving this country, as my hsaltli coin (els ma to go back to r'ranef. Come one, coma all, and buy. EUUEN E LA FORKST. Oregon City, Aug. 32, 1857. 19if MAIN STREET HOUSE. rPH E undersigned most respectfully in X forms his friends and the public that lie hue taken the sbove-usmed house, sud, will keep il ss A First Close Hotel. Ths tablo will be supplied with ths bust tba market affords. The beds are ef the best. No pains will be sparsd to render it one of Iba mast comfortable hotels in (he Territory. Private table for evening parties. JAMES RODGERS. Oregon City, Aug. 15, 1857. 18 W. B. BatehitM, ML D., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFERS TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio Prof. J. Kost, ' Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, Ind.j Dr. W. Armstrong, Findley, Ohioi J. Fisher, M. D., Tiffin, ' J. Chamberlin, M. D., Tiffin, " . Dr.lt. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio ; Prof. H. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Psnn. ; Prof. J. ltrown, N. Y.; Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwaukie, O. T. W. D. Hutchins' lialsam Wild Cherry $1 25 Jnyne's Expectorant 1 35 " Alterative 1 25 Ayrcs' Cherry Pectoral 1 85 sud a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all times. And I am making arrange ments to manufacture my Balsam for the lungs, from the Oregon cherry. . sug!5 Strayed. A LIBERAL reward wi'l be paid for any In formation of a large pair of OXEN of the following description both ef them are red, and well matched : one of them has a motley face, the ether has a whits spot iu his fsce, with some white under his belly, and swings his hind feel when he wslks; the ear-marks sre not recollected. Alio, s small bright bay Indian HORSE, branded " N. D." on the right hip, " D." on the right shoulder, a few white hairs in his face, heavy mans and tail ; trots snd paces. Any information of soy of them left with Air. Vinson st Needy post office, or ut The Argus office, or with me at my residence near tho Methodist camp-ground en Rock ereok, Clackamas county, will be thankfully received. JOHN TUCKER SCOTT. Aug. 23, 1857. 19w3 OREGON HOUSE, CORNER Third and Water streets, J opposite th ferry Lauding. OREGON CITY. The traveliug public sre respectfully invited le give as a call. The OREGON HOUSE Is the most pless sntly located hotel io the Territory, and has been so altered within the lust few weeks ss lo make it one of the most commodious Houses in the Terri tory. . Tho table will always be supplied with the best that the Murkut affords. Good accommodations for ladies and families. Good stabling and feed for hones, with proper attendance. f3jT The stage-coach to and from Salem stops at the Oregon House. rrticis: Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Board, without lodging, per week 6 00 Single meal 50 Right's lodging.. ..i 50 A. SCIIOLL & J. BAHM, Aug. 8, 1S.)7iii6 Proprietors. Iffotioe IS hereby given that I will be at the office of tha Auditor of Clackamas county, Oregon Ter ritory, September 5, 1857, from 9 o'clock a. M. till 4 r. at. of said day, and with the assistance of ssid Auditor examine the assessment roll, to correct mistakes, if any. All persons interested are re quested to attend. J. E. TAYLOR, August 8, 1857-17iv5 Asaessor. NOTICE. ; ALL PERSONS indebted to ths undersigned are respectfully requested to make immediate payment otherwise their accounts will pass into the banda of sn officer for collection. S. MARKS & CO. Oregon City, August 1, 1857. lGtf Orrics or Sun. up Schools, ) Clackamas County, July, 1857. ( NOTICE is given that, at Oregon City, an the first Monday of September, the SCHOOL LANDS of Clackamas county will be offered FOR SALE, in parcels of ten seres or mora, to the highest bidder, provided no bid is less than twe dollars per scrs. 8ale lo take piece at 1 0 a. n. Terms of sals are, ons fourth of ths purchase money in hand, and tha remainder la three eqnal annual instalments, with interest at ten per cent, per annum from data ef purchase the interest lo be paid semi-annually in advance. Ths deferred payments to be secured by sots of purchaser, and mads payable to the Territorial Treasurer far tba use ef the common school fund. ,...... .. . v JOHN D. POST, - 14w8 ' Stpt.JSckoltCUektmnC. : LIVERY STABLE. WE are bow keeping a Livery stable is Or egon City, where HORSES ess always be obtained ON LIBERAL TERMS. Wa era alsa prepared with excellent etables, well supplied with hay sad eala,to keep horses by the day or week. Those who eall speo as may feel assured that every atteatiusi will ks givea to herses left in our charge. GIBSON k. POTTER. ' July 18,1857. Um3 - LIMES just received and for sale by my30 F. CHAKMAN. ORANGES a fine lot just received and fat nle by F. CUARMAN. t 50 DOZ. thumb latenea, cheap, far aula by WM.C. DEMENT It CO. 251! SETS hollow angers, far wheelwrights, far ,la by WM.C. DEMENT at. co. -g AfkAfk GALS. eBsrm ail (superior qtialitj) 1UM for sera by TrtfCPWrfTarce. aeeeaogqaaaaaaaseaagqaaggggiaaaMaqaaseaaassaaaseaasanssi XL Q. Snrnett, ATTORNEY 4 COUNSELOR AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, BETJII'.L, POLK COL'NTf, OIIKaON. IMPORTANT To Norllicru California c Oregon. 1MIE MERCHANTS) and TRADERS from . tliees ssclioiiaof Ids country visiting the eity 0 SAN FRANCISCO, will Cud il lo their sdvsnlago lo Cull, Examint, and I'urchatt from lbs Immense stock of t HUGHES & WALLACE, (105 cV 107 SACSAMSNTO ST.,) comprising every quality, description, sud variety ui koous in intir mis oi Diuiuess. iiooiies a wallacs, iiuonc.s a wallacs, IIUOHSS 4 WALLACS, White Good; Lint at, Lacet, Embroiderieo, Millinery Good; Furnuhing Goods, Hotitry, Glutei, HUUHKS 4 WALLACS, HVUIISS 4 WALLACS, HUOHIS 4 WALLACS, l omtii, nruihti, ?c, IIUOHSS 4 WALLACS, Yankf Notiom, cj-e., I'trfvmrry, Cutlery, HUUHKS 4 WALLACS, HUUHKS 4 WALLACS, HUUHKS 4 WALLACS, trench f ancy Uoodt, German Fancy Goodi, iivuiiks a wallacs, Agentt CUrk'i Cotton, iiuohss 4 wai.lacs, " MarikaU'i Thriadt. 105 Si 107 Sscrsmsnto st, 8. F. N. B. Our Immense and well-assorted stock Is sf our swn dirsct importation. je7m3 UUlilllvSdc WALLACE. keapers Thrashers. OUR Reapers and Threshers hsve srrived. Persons who piin-hssed of us will please Inks notice, snd csll for their mschines. Aim TWO 8-IIOItSB THRASHERS on hand and for sale. June 30. . G. ABERNETI1Y cV co. Grain Cradles. DOZ. five-fingered surierior grsin cradles for sals by G. ABKR.NETJIY & co. Boots it Shoes. CITED to summer wear, on hand and for sale by G. AU12IINKTHY& co. Tobacco. QA CASES superior brands justrsosivsd and lP fur sale by us; 5 esses Pride Union, S ' Alliance, 5 - Cocksds, 5 " B Paradine and Grane. June 30, 1057. G. ABERNKTHY eV co. Nails. KEGS Nails, assorted sixes, for sals by G. ABEKNETHY It. co. 40 8ynip Lime. Qeffc KEGS evrupi J V . 50 bbb limet for sale by June 31. 1857. O. ABERNETHY & co. Sand Warranti Wanted. THE HIGHEST PRICE will be paid by ths underaignrd, in cssh, or draft on Allantie cities, for Laud Warrants. T. J. JlcvAKVrJlC. Oregon City, June 13, 1857. 9 If Onr IQoltot BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE.' THE old friends and customers of G. Collies Rosbins will be pleased to learn that he haa se cured the services of Mr. A. V. WILSON, Practi cal Watchmaker, whs will at all times be found at this establishment. G. C. Robbins trusts that through the combined experience now employed, together with his untir ing exertions to please, he will continue to receive the approbation uf his numerous customers. . Ills J KWRLST JHANU'ACTUniNO ilKPAaTMKNT of my business is in charge sf CH AS. F. KEUHN, Practice! Jeweler and hngraver, and every person who has had work of this kind done for the past five years, csn testify that he is a superior workman. Watches and Jewelry. Having mado arrangements with my bro ther, at home, who is a Watchmaker, and engaged in the business, to select and purchuas Hoods for me in New York, 1 shall hereatior re ceive my goods Di'recf from the Importer SfManufaclurert and will sell as low as nny other establishment on the Pacific coast. G. COLLIER BOBBINS. Portland, June 30, 1857. lbm.1 Vnhtii Raima. HAVING permanently located In Oriwm Citv. whera I have onened Jyyi a i'ublic House, which will be kept as such a house ought to be kept, I invite the traveling pub lic to give me a eolL My table will be furnished with the best the market affords, and every altera tion will be given to the comfort of my patrons. Cull snd try mc. My house is nearly opposite the Drug Store. ltOCX. CONNOLLY. Muy 30, 18.-)7. 7tf Titns Andronicua. I HAVE made arrangements for open ing the "Titus Aiidronioua" on a more extended and improved plan. Additional rooms have been secured, slid I shall now be able to lodge, aud also furnish rooms for one or two private families. Thankful for the liberal patrou uge heretofore extended to me, I still solicit a Urge shsre from the traveling public. Every at tention given to the comfort and convenience af those who call on me. Titus g. clark. Oregon City, May 30, 1857. 7m6 $2,000 Beward! WHEREAS soma scoundml attempted to burn our store on Tuesday night last, tha abovo reward will be paid to any one who will fur nish testimony thai will lead to the DETECTION nnd CONVICTION of the person guilty af that act, or of any one who may make a similar at tempt herealter. The careful attention of all cit iseiM is directed to this matter, who desire to escape from the wicked designs of incendiaries. WM. C. DEMENT 4. CO. Oregon City, Msy 30, 1857. Water Power to Lease. TH E undersigned is ready to lease part of ths Oregon City Water Power for manufacturing purposes.' Da. JOHN MacLOUGHLIN. Oregon City, July 4, 1857. 13 Oarden Zeaa. EARLY May and Victoria Marrowfat, for sale by C. POPE, Jr. CHAIN PUMPS price reduced-tor sale by mr38 - C. POPF., Jr. M ACAULAY'S History of England for sale by u. roflt, Jr. IARY and Conenpondeufe of Amoa Law renee for Mia by U. t ure, it. N assortment of Bibles and Testaments for L sals kt the Repository prices by C. POPE, Jr. MORRIS' Poetical Works-for sale by C. POPE, Jr. D IAR1ES for 1857 tarsals by c. rore, it. Land Warrants PURCHASLU BY Jan. 24. WM. C. DEMENT 4 CO. 100 SETS wagon boars, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT A. co. 25 SETS tress hoops, u'd sizes, ft sale by WM.C. DEMENT at oa. OArtA SEAMLESS sacks for sale by yjJJ r . WM.C. DEMENT fc co. 6 DOZ. grape-vine cradles for sals by WM, C- D0MENT 4 DOZ. polished east elect grant scenes fc by r W M.C. DEMENT for sale C SETS ewetrsrs' sooie foe ssie br Experience) Make Perfect. Why Go to Portland lo Buy Goodi t WE wish ts Inform our customers and ths public generally that ws hsvs now on hand, In addition to our usual heavy stock sf Gro ceries sud Dry-Goods, ens ef the Urgent sud best' selsvted stocks sf READY-MADE CLOTHING svsr offered In this msrket. Ws also wish ts say that our goods are of excellent quality, and that ws will sell AS CHEAP 48 ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OS BOON, Portland not ixctpted. Our old motto still governs our Irads " Quick ssles snd small prolits." Our slock of goods is now open fur Inspection to sll who will fsvor us with a call. Call and see, snd let experience then speak for Itself. Ws sell ss low as sny In ths Territory, fur cash, or produce st market rales. Oregon City, May 83, 1857. Notice. T)Y an arrangenicut effected with Iheownsrsof Ji the terry, all persous from Uregon l ily wishing la visit the LINN CITY STORE, with a view lo purchasing Goods, will be furnished with a FREE PASS, OVER AND BACK, oaappli cstion st ths Drug Stors or Argus Office. t3T Nous need consider themselves under ths least oblignlion to trads, after using the pass, un less perfectly mtufiei with Goodi nnd pricet. R.IL BROUGHTON. Linn City, Msy 9, 1857. 4 Cbririntiu dr. Wo riser HAVE ree'd s largs sssortment of SHOES, embracing children's slid ladies' shoes, and (jailers, Buskins, snd Bootees slso gents' Boots snd shoes, aud gaiters of all descriptions. ALSO, Cradles snd scythes, snaths, Itoea, rakes, forks, spades, and shovels. To Kent A STORE ROOM, situated on Main street, opposite the Main Street House- quite a desirable part of town. Apply to May VJ. lllAUMAn at w Aitntn. Pottery. WE nave now permanently located in Ore gon, and will give our whole attention to the MANUFACTURE of EARTHEN-WARE, in which business ws are now ssgagvd, at ths old Ssw-mill, half a mils shove Canemah. We ars now making the best wars ef ths kind sver before offered in the Territory, snd shall ksep a constant supply, such ss will enable as la fill any kind of an order upon short notice. Up country merchants sud tha farmers gener ally are iurited lo give us a call. o. ni. H Auiiin or mils i n mi Oregon City, May 16,1857. ttf Notice). WE Iske pleasure In informing our eiutomore and the public generally that tha AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carpentert' Toolt, Sre., which wa advertised to arrive about tha 1st of May, srs now here, and ready for delivery. They consist, in part, of the following, vis; Combiued reapers snd mowers, Threshers sud cleaners, from 9 to G-borss power, Hovey s u-knifo straw cutters, Grape-vine grain cradles, Pstent scythe snaths, Grain scythes, gross scythes, scythe stones, Smith's bellows, anvils, Collins' exes, handled, do do without bandies, Broad axes, hand sxes, hatchets, Drsw knives, xcut saws, curry combs, Wool cards, shovels, spades, planters' hoes, Potato diners, crind-stones snd fixtures, Spoke shaves, monkey wrenches, saddle-bap, 200 pairs twisted link trace chains, , 10U0 log chains, chain pumps, ' - . Mill-saw, flat, and blf round files. ri O . ' CARPENTERS TOOLS T SO setts premium bench planes, ' Match plsnes, hollows snd rounds, Sssh do beads, plows, Ovolo snd fillets, try, square, bevel, and mitre, Uraces and bits, rules, compasses, Hnud vises, measuring tapes, Auger bits, gusges, hand-saw files, angers, llaud-saws, back-saws, hrmcr snd socket chisels. BUII.DINO MATERIALS! 300 kegs ass'd nails, Doors, windows, window-glass, putty, Paints red, green, snd blue white lead, Linseed oil, spirits turpentine, doer locks, Strap hinges, butts snd screws, cupboard locks, Santa Crux lime, calcined plaster, die, cVo. . GROCERIES: . Coffee, tes, sugar, syrup, drisd apples, , Raisins, pie fruits, rice, pepper, ginger, mustard, Allspice, clovis, 300 bags Liverpool salt, 35 kitta No. 1 mackerel, dee.. Sm. CROCKF.RT AND GLASS-WARK, a general assortment. D R Y - G O O D S: 2000 spun cotton, assorted sizes, 5000 yds bro drills, 5000 " sheeting, 300 " satinets, 100 pre 3x3 pt Mackinaw blankets, SO "101 lius bed blaukels, Jeans, also Clothing, and Boott and Shoes, together with cordage (assorted), oakum, tar, res in, blocks, and many other articles too numsious to mention. Ws would st the same time Inform the farmers and ethers that we will keep on hand constantly a good assortment of agricultural implements, hav ing msds srrsngemenls with manufacturers in ths East to furnish us with such articles, and ws feel confident that we can furnish lbs farmers here on such terms ss will be satisfactory. We have now en the way from New fork a lot of Threshers and reapers, to arrive early in the season. WM. C. DEMENT II CO. Oregon City, May 3, 1857. JUST RECEIVED, at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran oisco, a largs assortment of Drugi, Chemical), Patent and Family Medicinei, - all sf which will be sold ss low or lower than they can be hsd at any ether place in the Territory. Country merchants Will find it to Iheir interest is buy hers instead ef Portland. Call nnd m. Oregon City, May 9, 1857. IT HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL for some time past, that MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed st the LINN CITY STORE, to meet the demands of its censtsntly Increaaing custom. These additions hare sew been made the stors is enlarged, snd ths stock has jost been replenished with a large assortment of Groceries, Dry Goexl, aVc, among which ars Panama Had, Gotten, Cravalt, Paratoh, Ginghamt, Ribbmt, Mackerel, Raitint, Null, And a osfat dl noes, At the 'LINN CITY STORE.' Motto "Small profits and quick returns." April 11, 1857. LADIES' suJ (rents' KID GLOVES, at KUOUGilTON'S, Linn Ciln. B OAT STORKS, all kinds, wholesale er n tart, at JfliUt (ill ION'S, Linn City. OOD black and green TEA, at IS UO l U It TON ', Linn City. t UST received 30 bbls Seats Crux LIME, f one v sks rvMi I kk rA Kin. myS3 CHARMAN 4 WARNER. R. Osgood's ls4iaCiagc?iM,ad Dr. Janes' Asoeiictaa Utolafoeae, at tha , OREGON CITr DRtTC BTOM. ATTENTION EVERYBODY I ' Linn City Waking Up 1 GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! miltt Dublia an bsrsby respectfully Informed JL Ihst, besides the hiiprovsmsuls completed or In progress at this place such as the new mill, a plank walk from ths mill to ths fsrry, eVo., sin., s esinmodious STORE hss been fitted up, aud teell Hocked with NEW GOODS, by lbs under. signed, whs is always on hand lo accoinmodutv euitomsrs with almost anything llisy msy wsut In ths litis of Dry Goodi, Stationery, Grocerict, Crockery, Boott 6 Shott, Hardwart, Clothing, Cutlery, Medicinei, Confectionery, Cigart, itc. d'e, All uf which will be sold st the OCT LOWEST PRICES! C0 ' Rent snd other expenses being leas si this placo than at Oregon City. I cn and will make it fur ths interest or persons lo trads nes,in preierence to crossing the river far thai purpose. Only jnst visit, enes, Ilia "Linn City Store, and vou shall be cenviuced uf this fact. ' . UT All kinds of Produce taken in exchsnge for Goods. ROBERT II. BROUGHTON. Linn City, March 7,1857. 47 At War with Bard Tlmeil HARD TIMES DEFEATED t BY CHARMAN 4. WARNER, whs, in addition to their usual LARGE STOCK ef Dry Goods aud Groceries, srs sbout receiving per bsrk Metropolis snd Mat thew Vassar, the following new supplies, vist 100 b ixes English sosp, 100 " American da, asserted brands, 50 " adamsalius candles, 25 " sperm do. 10 " wax candles, assorted colors, 3000 lbs No. I Balsvia sugar, 4000 ' No. 1 Manilla do. 4000 ' Costa Rica, Rio, and Java cofles, 100 Boors's domcstie ground do. 50 dns assorted spices, In bottles, 6 ' English sss'd ssuces, 6 ' . da do pickles, 10 ' American do do. SO cases pis fruit, 60 boxes Windsor glass, ass'd sixes, 100 kegs nails, sll sixes, 600 lbs codfish, ( hlf bbb mackerel, 10 bbls lints, 1 ease tobacco, 'Pride of ths Union," 1 do do 'Commercial,' I do do Honey dew,' ' 1 do do 'Natural leaf,' 0 gross smoking tobacco, 6 dox tomato ketchup, 6 ' pepper sauce, 10 kegs dried apples, 9 bbls plssler parls. Together with a well-selected sssortment of Dry Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, nnd rendy made CLOTHING, which we orTe ss LOW ss any house in Oregon, either wholesale or retail. Terms cash, or produce taken in sxensnge at the highest market rates. March SI, 1857. JUST KECK a splendid lot of IV K D CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SHOES, and Drr-Goods of nil Descriptions. We can now fill almost sny bill a farmer msy esll for. Csll snd see. Msrchl4. CHARMAN It WARNER. F ULL asasrtment of Yankee Notions st mh21 CHARMAN it WARNERS. 10 M ex. quality cigars. CHARMAN A WARNER. OAftrt LBS. assorted eandy. JUUU CHARMAN ej. WARNER. 16 DOZ. Oysters. CHARMAN e WARNER. Harness and Saddlery. TH K undersigned havingOsued snew r In UUTTEV1LLE, Msrion county, O. Tr" T., is resdy to manufacture snd furnish at short notice, aud in the best snd moat substan tial style of the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trans snd Car riagi Trimming, dc. Msroh SB, ISiiT. . . . a. wi. New Ctoods. JUST received by the subscribers, . 8300 yds Merrimac sud Coclieco prints, 1700 ' satinets, blue and mixed, 130 cotton wsrp, 50 coils mnnills rope, 134 buud'es map paper, 55 cases Kentucky rifle powder, FFK.G. MsrchSl. G. ABERNETHY 4, CO. Voting's Improved Smut Mills. THREE of these SUPERIOR smut nulls now on baud snd for sale by G. AitKllNETIlY i: CO. Oregon City, Murjh SI, 1j7. Just Received, 1 A TONS San Quenlln salt, JLU 104 sacks Liverpool suit, 50 bbls linio, 50 kegs syrup, 0 mate sugar, SS sacks coffee, 5 bbls viuegsr, 25 boxes soap, SO bales drills, 5 " sheetings, 1 4 eases boots. Jan. 17, '57w6 G. ABERNETHY Ss CO. Straw Cutters. DOZ. Straw cutters just received sud fur tale by G. ABERNETHY St CO. B. X. Syrup. KEGS, 8s and 5s, for sale by G. ABERNETHY dt CO. 30 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, per sir. Columbia and bark Nshumkesg, ths fol lowing goods I bUO lbs cotton ysrn, 5000 yds bro. drill, 10 coses boots and shoes, 25 blf bbls drisd apples, . 30 kegs E. B. syrup, . 10 dos JSallimore oysters, . SO " pie fruits, Sfl 14 freeb peaches, 85 boxes raisins, 100 kegs nails, sas'd sliee, 10 dex glsas lanterns, Scoop shovels, log chains, dee., Set. Feb. 14, '67. WM.C. DEMENT It CO. 500 LBS. pure Beeewai ft eala low by ja31 WM. C. DEMENT It CO. A f OFF ATS Life Bitters and Pills, Bernard's 11 L Dysentery Syrup, Wietar'e Balsam ef Wild Cherry, at the UH.r-t.un t il l dkuu BiuuK. PRF-STON'8 Sectional and County MAP of OREGON aud WASHINGTON TER RITORIES- or sals by sag 16 CHARLES POPE, Jr. ellinr Off I A VALUABLE ssKKtmsot sf BOOKS snd stationery. Teachers and dealers aad all interacted sre invited te call and asamias. March Se,lS57. C. POPE, Jr. EUTABAGA eaed-fef sole by marSS G. POPE, Jr. K' HL'BARU or pie fruit esed for ea'e O REG ON tioMtby seed fsr sals by narSS 1 urr., jr. 700 LBS, sshies esssrpore ssfsi (or sale by - ajsrtt C POf B, Jv OREGON CITY Wholesale Prices Current- cossecTiiu urxxi.r. pav ooo lis. . nxvusdi msuicinxs. Shertlng,4-4....11ialS) 50pr.ct.over N. Y.ceet Drillinii raont'oa. Bleuched drilling 13, Wheat, pr. ku.,.,.810 shirting, 11 uIG Oats do 50 Striped do 12 j Potatoes do 75 Tickin?.,... Malli Onions- do (il 00 Deiiius lL'J Kl .nr $3,50 Blue drilling H On Meal, fresh I'laid husey ICu'.'l; rsutT. Sutinet 7Ua90; Applx, Jried loalS Kentucky jcaus...Sria4.i.l'eaches dried Ill Tweeds 55u7t! " do peeled . . rsiNTs. ) " Chill, dried. SOsSS Blue snd white 12 riiorisiu.s. Blue sud orange 19 Pork, rleur none. Fancy HuU, " meae..r.....8a30 Furniture do lu.i 1-1! Ilnma In do. wide.IUi Uncoil 14 M.de laiuvs Idu.'IU Butter 30 Ginghams I Sua-! Ep 30 Alpaca SSnu'O' ruwusa. Tabls damask AOaT.VIIsurd, pr cs.......IJ " cloth USaljllj; " pr keg 10 Irish linens 40u3ll ( shot. clotihno. .Small sizes 83s3 Sheep gray pauts SlJJu3 Buck 3u.li Satinet do. .j(2Ju3 LSAi. Fancy cass. do. ...f4a5 Bar IS Black ca At. $5a- White lead, iu oil...li?J RedHsn'l shirts $Ual8! o.soaus. Blue do. do. flSal&Meuilla, small S5 Hickory shirts 5ai' " large SS Calico do 80al3 Hemp lOalS SOOTS St SIIOKS. ) CANOI.IS. Meu's kip boots $.'Ji4 AJinanliue 37a40 super da. do... . $ rtpenn G0a6J " fins sewed 0J cioass, Biya' kip boots ft Havana 810a8l) M hs'vy w'xdof 14a9iennsn llOoSS Msns' brx's pr. dot. . 1 7, A mvricsn 830s5U " kip brg's pr dox..l-J0' tosacco. 11 calf sewed do..fj-.'l Prldeoflhe Uuioo.4M3 Women's li'vy sb's.8l3:Sun ,. JOaiiS " fins do o-liiLukes 37 oaocKsies. j luaowAan. Coffes alCShmrels :I8sI4 Tas C0a75:Spades. BUslB Sugar.no.1 Chi's...i LVAxes BlKaMO cruslieil M.I iinisawe vvaaii Soleratus lOslfiZ eutsaws......73ol,a Starch M.Tahlecutlory, 95 per ct Syrnp E Boston... I.S5! advenes on N- Y.ceet de. a IslaUO aiw.rocae. f N O Molnssss. 1 advaucs. ,lv. Salt SJaSJ Other articles of hsrd- Table Salt 3a.1J' wars Rom Vt UOUpr Ssndwich 1. Salt. . Wi ' ot advance. Popper JJi.Nsils,sssdstxs,pra o Allspice 40) ; bsrsesboa...35a40 Cinusmon 60aBO; oils. 8osp 8sll Lamp iMatSt Jos. Barstow TS by himself, and would respectfully say to his friends aud ths public generally that bs is thankful for past patronage, aud will ooutinus bust .i ii,. nl.l stand, sud will ever be resdy la sliow his Goods to tho4t who may favor bim with s call. Come one, come all, both great aud small, and givs him a csll before purchasing staawnere, aud examine foi yourselves his splendid and select stock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, sad CWOCJCERY, Tes, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, etc, eVo., Huts, Nails, ttrooms, etc., ana simoei every nunc, ..-.".-a a general line of business. All kinds of eeuntrf pr.Kluce taken in exchange. Country friends will find il to their advantage is givs me a oalL Cnuemah,Sept. 6. Wa, O. Dement sfc Co., WIIOLKSALB Jf KKTAIt Dealors In Groceries. Hardware, Boots k Shoes, orocKery, ko., TENDER their thanks to their nuinsrous ens. tomers fur their past liberal patranage, and so licit a continuance of the earns. They tuks plesauro In Informing the public that they hsvs now ou hand a largs and dcsirabls stock of Qroceriet, Hardware, Boots nnd Shoel, Crockery, and Boat Storei, to which they srs niuking constant additions fi-sin New Ysrk snd San Francisco, purchased for cash only, and are enabled to sell at lower prices than any other stare iu Oregon City. Jan.31, 1857. FURNITURE ! Bd3 AT TUB rvaiwxTVBJ sales coom, (Ous door below L. Suow 4v Co.'s, Front st. J PORTLAND, OREGON. Coastsntly rscsiving, and on band, THE BEST ASSOIITMENT Ever Offered in Oregon!! Having had several years' exporlouee, I am pre pared to sell AS CI1RAP AS, IF NOT Cheaper than has ercr heretofore been offered on the Paciiiu coast I JT call anu sxamink roa voiiasvLVts. XI A. J. STURTEVANT. ! Portlsnd, January 10, IH57. 10m " Th "ifw Knslnud .Tlntunl LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, Boston, Mass., Organized in 1943, and having a capital and accumulated premium amount- , . ing to over 31,000,000., . WILL take risks iu Oregon, for a term sf years er for life. Dividends of profits le those Insured are declared every live years. In sursnes msy be effected for the benefit of married women sud children, beyond the reach uf jredil on of the parly insured. Creditors may Insure the lives of debtors. Rules In Oregon will bs the sums ss in New F.ngland. " This is ths eldest Americun Mutual Insurance, Company, and is ons of the most reliable and suc cessful, snd insures on the mrwl favorable rates. Information may bs obtained from, snd spplica lion for insursncs made to, i A. I1UL.UKUUK, ' Aent for Oregon, , Forhaa Rurelav. M.f- Oregon City, snd R. B. Wilsou, M, D., Portland, .T At... T- l lO-.T A wrcgon uny, oaii. i , iw.-. Orcgou oud California Ptsokol Liue. THE following vessels will run In can- ' nectionssa RKGULAK LINEbe-JK tween PORTLAND snd SAN CISCO i Clipper bark JANE A. FALKENBERG, Badoxb, Master, Bsrk OCEAN BIRD, Wiooins, " CHAS. DKVENS, HsALsr, NAIIUMKEAG, Williams, Brig I. B. LUNT, Riohasdsou, 'Vim Tt:,.!.. huwa all htfM.n enonsred recenllV. and are ia firat-rute Order, ceimnauded by experienced captains. Freights will be carried at the lowest rates. Produce sent from sny part of ths country to Oregon City, or lo the Linn City works, will be r. csived and forwarded lo San I rancisco. AoesTS GEO. ABERNETHY CO., Oregon City. ' ABERNETHY, CLARK de CO., Kov.S2,'66-3itf Son Franeieaa,. K WILL PAY CASH er TRADE for good WHEAT at the market price. bov15 CHARMAN a WARNER. , WESTER HOTEL, Morrison st, between Front snd First sts.. PORTLAND, O.T, Charges reasonable. 8. D, SMITH, March 15, 1S56-48 Proprietor. M ORE NEW GOODS at CHARMAN 4k WARNER'S. s ANUS Sanaaparilla, is any quantity, et the OREGON CITY DKUG STOKE. UMKF.fZ SareanarilU, at tha n