Utah. 'i'lio Mormon gtnciil'y A ilJv ;liu idea of l ho exertion of inililnry Rrce Ciiaitul ilium. Tliey liuve unions litem shrewd lawyers unJ iJiiloinaitits, who will cuiilrivo to keep hII Monuornlom within (lie pul of constitutional law. Over the con ciuncci ft llid Mormons llio federal au thorities can exerciso lio rontrul, dii'l their moral cannot bo improved hy force of nrui. It is probable dial they will be careful to commit 1:0 uvorl act of fronton, but their juries will bo so constructed th.u due and impartial administration of jus tics will bo impracticable, Tho ides, that the Mormons cud le exter minated or expelled from llio country, or that their fanaticism will ba repressed by force, ij wholly absurd. Treason against the Constitution and laws of llio United States tnny be pun idled ; and (hi i the vxleal of tba power of llio Federal Gov ernment over tlii matter. There is nothing In the Constitution that justifies a crusade against tiolyjamiste any inore than rjja iusl Abolitionists, or Ho luauUia, or CaMaists, or even Hard Shell B.lptisls. Uut the administration does not share In thecxiravagai.t views which nro put furth on lliis suhject, and lha instruction 10 Uov. Cumming will be, to take care that the lnwa of the United State be observed in the Territory, and to exert every constitu tionnl power to secure the due administra tion of justice. EiitTn or Napoleon. A singular fact 4ias been recently developed in l'eris. Tho parish register in that city, recording the marriage of Napoleon with Josephine, '.atea Napoleon's actual birth-day not a August 15, 1709, as reported by himself, nd given in all his biographies, but ss February 5, 1708. The register of the marriuge, signed l.y Napoleon and Jose phine, is attested also by Joseph Bona pnrle, and several other member of the family. It would seem that when Nairn Icon found himself on tho wny to power, lie did not wish to Lavs It alleged against him tlmt he was not n Frenchman by birth. I lo dropped a If tier in his Italiun name (becoming Umiaparto instead of Duonapartc), nnd declared himself born in August, 170!), instead of February, 1703, "btcuuso between those dales Corsica had Iron annexed to France. The latter date, therefore, made him a Frenchman. Col. Wkud and tub Tbuth of History. An article from the Louisville Democrat, entitled " A Weapon lhal has Seen Some Service," does an ifijuslico to ono of our fraternity, which we liaston to correct. Speaking of ono of tho weapons used in the recent duel between Col. Major, of the Frankfort Yeoman, nnd Mr. (ireon, of the Commonwealth, both of Kentucky, the t'diler of the Democrut says: " Mr. Orern had tho celebrated Burr pistol' at his disposal. Tim weapons arc very similar lo each other, and aro suggest ivo of n chilly sensation of tho spine. They curry bulla comparable, in point of size, to tho ordinary linlish walnut, and would let as laro a ray of daylight through humanity hs tho most cold blooded duelist could desire. Tho 1 liurr pistol' -is tho snmo wenpnu with which Anron Hurr killed Alexander llaniilimi in 1803. The pistol was transfurred by Mr. llurrto iiia second, who presented it to n member of the Marshall f.tmily of Virginia. It was .iutd by lion. Thoinus F. Mursl.uil in hi duel with James Wntson Webb 2Ir. Welb having served a term in tht Peniten tfory, nil for tho honor of being fhot with eo classical a weapon." Tho Democrat is mistaken ns to the am ount of Col. Webb's contribution to " the Louoi" of this classical weapon. IIo never occupied apartments in the penitentiary, though he once went so far cs to get cor vidtd of a State Prison ofl'cnse for fightin" tho duel to which tho Democrat rcfou. it is a fact, of tho credit of which wo nro a littlo tenacious, that no editor or printer, so far as we know, has ever been sentenced io Slate Prison. "Whether that reflects credit upon the craft, or discredit upon our criminal courts, U n question which it does uot become us to decide. N. Y. Post. Tun RtoTS in New York. Tho Cion iott, the SpauMi paper in New Yo'k, char acterizes the lulo riots in that city ns out breaks umong the lowest of the ile. In closing his remarks, the editor snys : ''Tlmso who aro unacquainted with tho character of this people, would imagine (hat terror nnd desolation uu riot and ni umphsot through the streets of New York during the nigh's of the 4ih and Jjth of July, and Hal the inhabitants of this great city passed those niglits in fear anal trem bling. Ou llio contrary, except in the Inn ited neighborhouj of the combat, no one eras aware of the event which took place, until they read them in the papers the fol lowing morning; nnd the circulation of iicophi in the streets and square during ike two nights of tho riot, was as regular nnd unrestricted as if not the slightest ilis order existed at these very moments in tho heart (if the city. Such is the confidence which is inspired by llio good sense of the great inajoiity of A hits people, that even w e, who lito and labur almost in the very feat of these disorders, of which we have given an account, and within reach, not only of the pistol balls, but of the brick bats Unit were buried by tneconibitunts entered aud left our dwelling without the slightest misgiving; and we considered ourietvea as safe in our beds as if we were asleep in a well guarded fortress." CtT A fellow who went to hear a fish ionrible and popular preacher recen'lr, s iys that the text was, " He that hath ears lo hear, let Lim hear," which the preach er rendered, " He that halb yaha to yah, let fcimjab," Pout' IIkahs Sir Widinr S.;i,tt' 1-,-it was always the small, st in any company ho happened to bn in the lu-ud was pyr amidal, llyrou' was the same. Sir Charles Napier In his diary thus mentions hi meeting with Kyron : " Lord Uyron is si ill here a very good fulldw, very pleasant, always laughing and joking. An American gavo a very good account of him in tho iiewpnpcr, but said lib head was tuo largo in proportion, which is not true, lie dined with me t list duy btfoic the puper arrived, ami four oi five of us tried to put on hin hut, but none could ; ho had tho mnalleil head of all, and one of the smallest we ever saw. lie is very coinpiKsienato and kind to every one in distress." At ihe opening of Durns' man. suleum in 163 J, fur the interment of his his widow, the pei-t's skull was inken up and examined. Nina geuilcmtn were present, and every ono tried his hat on the skull. Only one of the nine could cover in, and that was the hat of Mr. Thomas Cnrlylc. PuifinAM Yoc.no 's Personal Annan anci:. In person he is above the medium bight, and n littlo inclined lo corpulency, lie is dressed in black cloth, nnd, although the air is very warm, ho is well wruppid up in an overcoat. His habits of life make him very sensitito lo the slightest chnngo in tho atmosphere. IIo has suffer cd a good deal in his younger days, nnd this with tho cares of his family for his children nre very refractory begin lo weigh heavily upon him. ilia constant struggles urn difficulties .with Ihe United States tS'crrs not only try his patience, but also wear his body. Ilis consuming anxiety about his object cf ambition the ettabliidiiuent of an independent kingdom, and his flbrts lo tnniniain the people in constant and implicit submission, are sufii- ciem to leave their mark on any man s physique. IIo is now fifty-six years old J and, although young looking in features, still evinces his nge in person. Ilis face is indicative of penetration and firmness. Sumc ladies think him hnnd-omu; but his lower lip, if nothing else, eminently bo. trays the sensual voluptuary. 03" Hound about what is, lies a whole mysterious world of what might be a psychological romance of possibilities nnd things that do not happen. Hy going out a f'W minutes sooner or Inter, by stopping lo speak to a friond at a corner, by meeting this man or thai, or ty turning down this street or tho other, we may ltt slip some great occasion of pood, or nvoid some iin pending evil, by which tho whole current of our lives would have been changed. There is no possible solution lo llio dark enigma but the one word, Prowihnco." Longfellow. 03" A w oman is worth a good tlenl or nothing. If good for nothing, sho is not worth getting jealous for ; if nlm be n true woman, sho w ill give no cause for jealousy. A man is a brnto to be jealous of a good woman a fool to b j.-alous of a worth loss ono; but is n double fool lo cut his throat for cither of them. Tioi long since, a noble peer in Yoikshiro, w ho is fund of boastins of his Norman descent, thus addressed one of his tenants, who, ho thought, was not speaking lo him with proper re-prcl : " Do yon know thai my nnceMoi's camo over with William tho Conqueror ?'' ('And mav hnp" retorted tho sturdy Suxon, noihiii!' daunted, " they found mine hero when I hey comcd." The nob'e lord full that ho hud tho worst of it. OO" Tho young man must find his way in tho world, mid if that involves tho duty of leaving home, which in n great majority of envs it does, then this training by con tragi should have n beneficial effect on the tuiiiJ. 9 Grain is treated liko infants. When tho head becomes heavy it is era died; nnd it is generally well thrashed to render it lit for use. 3T A sentimental young gentleman, learn'; g that ono of his female acquaint liners was about lo ascend in n balloon with an aeronaut, addressed her as follows : '' Forties r, swept girl, the task forego, And llum rue anxious trm.liKa rml ; Tlmt you will mount, full well we know, Jtiil greutly IVar you'll ne'er descend. " When angels fte a mnrt.il rits, So ni Kl, so beautiful, nnd fair, They'll woo lier iint to ihe skies, Aud keep their ingel siter tilers." These lines fell under llio eye of another gentleman friend of the young lady, who at once put the finishing touch upan them, thus: " Tint grseelrm chap with whom you fly, l'cspuo of ult jou do or say, M lun tail ii! in llio upper fky, May get you in llio ' ini'.ky way.' " &5" The following was tho bill of fare l a political dinner last summer in Cali fornia : 1st Vult soup. 2J One bi mule, w ith mule sauce. 3d A small inula stulTed. 4lh Several mules, not alulTed. fith Some fried mules. Cth Mule "outlet" mixed. 7lh Scrambled mule, great variety, very gooil. Mb l'oached mules. 9ih A Inrsin number of very jma!l mules a a Fraucaist. lOih A few mule.. 1 lib Some more muta. There w as quite number of dishes !e aideo, but lh.-y nil Contained mules, done up iu every style llio heait could with. The dinner was" intersptraed" with few crackers and bad jokes. X"cw rirralTew Cooi:, Mllli; uiidviMgiiril mini tin iiiwIimI nf ;:.iriii X il'K III" I"1'1' c I'utr lnkrll Ilia lion- mill huvv pin :lw"l Hie ivitnit iim li unit fivliirra f.imirrly u-i-d hy V. IK'I.I.AMl, nii.l liy ii cl aitriiliuii In biaiinw lo rouiiii llie i4tr -ui; nf Ilia u.d custniiirrs aud gaia as n.miy iiwis is 0ib!e, HV are cnmlanlly in rei-eipt nf COOPt srlivt eil Willi Ihe Rii u el cure, (s In pr c all I qimtity.) and aie cimR l lhal our fiicil .lira will riiuldv ua lall'i-r creator inenei inriila lo all who wmil lli avurlli nf ilieir inonry iliun any mlirr luiu.o in the city. U s have, and are jiilreeeiviiif,auiiivuicaof DRY OOOJJX, ennaiat'n? In parlnf Ihr follow ins; arllrlea Cuelir eo, lVilie, lludiiy, C'i lieslerfii, I'lnl.p All Ii, Killl liver, Merrini ii. ar.d niiim r'nia oilier I'KIN I S, all lair !)! : '.u ill uml Fieueli MieriuiK, Ly ons clii'h; liluck, lilui-, pii'pir, ami pink 'ie a. jsC'iinl, k'sik, and tiuisa uiii-lin, n tin aMirtnirnt of liiei-s and eilj ut.', Ivi-t liinun u.-s, iVo., iln. inetliu tililiiiliK. blur. Mi xed, uml t;ray tniiurl, tin ep'a gri y olid f.mcy elmli, Mil w J and Hunker 11,11 jeans, bit allied unil btowii tlin'tinj, brown and b.u drlliiui;, driiini'. hickory li rli"ir. blaek vclvrt, al-o a liuu lot of p'uij die gnals, lliux.U cuqwl, kr., &c. MEXSj- BOYS' CLOTIIIXO. tl.'ue, Llnek, nnd browi rlmh enuls nf Hie flsirst quulily, I weed biniuras do., black eloili tmi,, a fine k,l uf Ilk doe-k u nod mlniel p.nils, nil iunlilm and t'.es, rubber jickett, gray over and under illicit, wliilt and h ckory ilmis. li.iHiind caps. II U T rt and XHOE S mru's, b iys' nnj youths' Inula, Indies', initaV, uud chiliheii's niu roceo, goal, kid, ami tall bt an I short. 0 ROC 'Ell IV. S: Rio eoiTre, green and Murk Ira, Nftv Orleaua, llalavia, and crushed augar. Kart Uoslou, Steie ail's, unJ C'liiua syrup, tall. 1U uud Ml lb. mcka, n.'iilt, artorird lira, tuip and snap ponilfrt, pow iter and lend, cream tartar, yrui-l pciardi-r, aalera tut, elitwiuj iidd tniiiUiug teliacco, nyatera, pniuea, riKt taucv, oil, tpicra, atarch, uinl cutli'U bat ting, with a variety uf oilier groc. res utually kept. Wo liova alto a KpU'itdUl Assorlinciit o( Cooks, In pari ns followa: Wailiintou ii hit (jen- Mt Kriiiie's Receipts, eruli, Itriigioiw llucycluprd'a, NaHilron & liitmurtirta, 1) be Hi-tory, ICellina' Ancieut Uialory, Sketehra uud Slieletout hi 4 vnla., of trrinuiia, Buidrr Wa.-a. Wiekliuiu'a School I- l.il'a in lh t'laina, itler, Kroulier Life, Uick Wil- Stevrua' back of ihe farm, mn. Fni't Culture, Land Mi-aiire, Auieriion Debater, Mapping plate, Ituilru d i.nd lioails, 'reaching, Fullvr'a tVotks, l'r.iel.ral Landscape (jardei.iii'.', liotluHKl ol Great Men, Archbiflii.p, Alen-anl to Merals, Vuii.il, horse mid cattle Uni'ed Sli.lra' lllltory, Natural llitluiy. I'uiley'a (;i-.-graphy, Slnddard'a Mnil.il arilh. Tiiwrra' ulg- bin, 'J Iioiiip-ou't high tchool mill meiitul uri: linit-t :-", Veboter'a uud Mumhra' new telira chonl buoka, Velinter'a large family Dictionary, !rviu' cyel ipedia of limriil uu J religious anreiliilra, doctor, IMevliunic a cntnpnnioii, Small agiieullural tvntka, liililej, of all t zet, ) nil inuiiy other vuliiulla books. ALSO PRESTON'S MAPOf UKliCOX and WASH INGTON. A Fmk Supply of SLilloncrj : Dtiy-Bonks nnd Journal, Memorandum of nil let, note, kit. r, cup, uud bill pnpT, envelops, pens und pencil, time, r tinj iimika, &e. WM.DIKliDOUI'KitCo. T.S. OOOIlS rxeh.uieil and Ihe higheat niaikrt price paid fof butler, rjii, rxiciin, chick riw, lluiir, uud ulnioit anylhing ilir fnriner hut fur Kilo. VM. D. & CO. Oregon Cily, October 4, lS.'j(i. y rc:it liKjiici'iiiL'Uts. THE l'KOI'I'.tETOR OF Till: fUESCIl STORE in lies city, take lliis nielhnd lo in vile (lie puhlio to call nn.l e.iuniine hiatto. k of ti () O 1) S . lie lias now mi h.iinl, un l will eniiliiuir lo receive by aluio-t every strainer, u lin.t iin-orlineiil ol llio bel quahiy of good, which ho is determined lo ill as cheap us unybody e!ae, if nut a l.ttle cheaper. The I.ndioa, in Particular, ore requested Income where they will fin.) ihe bett aud LATEST FASHIONS of JJrcss Ooods, of every ilrMiiiptinii. Ho has. uud la consilium- receiv.ng, U K 1 (i () O 1) M , coiif'Mini; in part of tlio fniinwin nrlielea Coelncii. I'aeilie, ll.idlrv, Conrslegn, l'liilip Al'eu, Fall U'vei-, Merriiiiiie.iiii I iiuincruiia oilier I KIi NTs, nil late ttylea; l'.n,'Ull nnd French merinos, Lyons clulh ; bluek,blur, puip'r, ami pink alpacas, jacu'iet. b.ilk ii tut ijw mi iiiil-lin, a line unHorlitieiil ef lacia mid tdiu, ve'vet trim ingy, &c, d uuii-lic giugluiiii", blue, niixeil, mid (. rn y f ut i lie t . Miei p'a grey uu I finny cloth, Milford und Hunker Hill j iiiih, bleucln"! uud briran sheet iug, liron-n and lilur diillitig, deiiiuw, hivkory aliirt iug, blaek velvet, ultnn lino lot of plaid dreta goods, liiuitcls carpel, etc., &e. Motl & Uiij'S Clt')iti. D ie, black, and brown elolh coals of I lie lin-kt qiiiiliiy, lwi.nl tins lir h do , black cliilli v.sta, aliiir tot of blk ilocckin and uliuel fmiitrf, all (jualitiea a cicl M. ea, ruh'ier j lekcta. gruy over uil I under shirts', while and hickory Khinn, huta m I capa. HOOTS & SllOli!) men', bnya' unl yiiulhs' Imhi!, InilieV, ini-tii-u', uml ehildreii's uiurucco, goal, kid, and culf b"Ota aud alioea. ft ia no trouble lo show goods ami ho will ul wnyt be liappy to tee hit cutloitieis, whether they purcliaso or uol. EUfJENELa FOREST. Otrgnn Cily, Dec.O, ltf.'ib'. 34ni7 JONAS O. CLAUK & CO., Furniture Warr-Rnm, IS Wnthinglon Street, S.l.V t'RASClSVO, And -10 and 21 Fourth al., hrttreen J and K Its., SACRA. MUX TO, Importers, manufacturers, Yh!csu! iV lietail , DEALF.ltS IN EVKIIY nCSCKlPTlON OF PUENITURE & BEDDING, Have now in Slurs tho MHacsr stutk mi l inosl com.il. l nsaoitiiirnt nf RICH EHland UEAVTU'VL tUliXlTlRU ever ciicrcd in III s Slute, cuus'tting ill pari of Viic Rosewood, Walnut and M.thojmiy rarlor und Chamber Sets ; Sofas, Ottomans, Lounyrs, and Easy Chalet, Rureuar, Whatnots, Mirrort of all sixes ; OFFICE AXD KITCHEX FVRXITVRE In great variety. IfjT Wa are now manufacturing from our na tive uooda, alto from walnut and ro.-ewoo.l, mosl of our liueat furniture, und can produce an urtielu superior fur ttrciigth, diirali lily uud beauty, lo anviliing iniporled Iro u the I'.nst. I We have cnuttantly uu hand iin.l arc in regular ' -i cei'l nf full and co.'uplrto invoices uf Goo.la, j adapted to the interior and consl Inidr. I ty TO WHOLESALE DEALERS we would tav, your iirdera will receive, na I'orinerli, : our careful and prompt attention. rpr3,Vn3 Orchitis l.uil;o yio.it, I. O.O.I'., I MEETS al their Hall over the Oregon Cily I Drug Store every Wo.lnea.luv rveuinir at i 7 o'clo'k. Rrelhrcu in g.Ki I ttindmr; are iuviled ' lo vitii. FRED. CHARMAX. N. G. Gsosaa Frt.vsit, Sce'y. SI V7. 7. Burns, WACOX AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITV, O. T. UT Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis faction to patron warranted. feb3-43 Wheat Wanted. nIGIIES 1' cutli prii-ra pa U lv Nov. 3. WM.C.DE.VEXTQCO. iO you waul tikmj yarn T We have it. an in l r.lt H.l.V ,f n ARXEK. 'TOYS, of d.lTemit kiuda. Kir sale by JL CHARM AN At WARNER. flX) I'll IC CIGARS. Iha beat ehaore it at X spli 9HARU.IX t WARXXR S. U. 3. J.IAIL LINE. Off 'inn Cllij uml J'nrl'un'l Dnilij Puelel, "ZH1 Joualo Clark, irr?, Jc- ainmwoiii'ii, MAsren, v ill run daily, (ftnu lu) 110 pled,) in the anove liiinis l Ira.lr,' Iraiii.gOieji.ii City rvery duy at) n'eliwk, . M. lieliirniii, will leaa Cortland I 3 r-M., iinieliiiif al all inlerinedi.itr iio'iite. For Irt-iglit or paaaaje app'y nu Ixintil. p5l -tf U. O. MAIL LINE. Portland uml A a I o r I n . Tho Hi.'en li.l Steamer VX u 1 1 n o m a b .sT".g---. TILL enniiiiur In run rc'iilutly lielwedi 1'urt luud uud A-loiia, ri'i uncoiuer, twick a wkkk, leaving I'urtlut.d on Mon liiynnd Tliiiril..y limriiMiga of each e-k for Aalnria; and Aalnrm fur t'crt.nii I mi Turalay and Fii.lav iiiorninpi, loiii liiiig Vscoevi;a,hT. IlKLitsa, KaimklCath um.r, Vc.. raeli way. Fr fn'ihi or pawae, apply lu I!. HoVT. Mutter. jelf Oratlfuyt'a li.ul-b il, i'oillund. V7m. O. Dement Cu Co., At their o'.J itanil, oiwri'e ' Land Office, I l!E now reeeiv'ng rr bnrk "Ork"' aud brig i. '-Iluleyi'ii, ' llio following g'mlai J.'.U lioteaiperui and udaiiiuiitiae cainllrs, fit) krf diird ai p'ea ami p-.-uclirt, I H0 l.bit und hif bbU crutliej sugar, .'ill cae peklit, 3U " fie-ll peuches, f.O " p f.uita, 10 lin(i. A. tall. CROCKERY .J- GLASS-WARE t .Mill del eupi uud toucera, ,110 " plalea. SOU " luii.blrra, 2l) " water pilclters. Siijir linw!'. ira-pout, ic, Ac. OILS QPAIXTSt L'UO Lrga pure lead, Slid g.ila iu-ee.l oil, 1U0 gals turpentine, i0 gula vurniali, 3U0 gals hiinp oil, IIIO eala lata DRY OOODS t lillUU yds brown slieeling, M.UO prints, llknehrd col tout, led licking, etc., &e., all of which w.ll be wild at low as ihey eau be pur chaard of any other houte iu Oregon Cily. may 1 7 JUST RECEIVED ut the Oregon Cily Drug Store, direct from New York und Sun Fran ritco, a ft rah supply of VRWS, MEDIC IS ES, Fulfill Mr.liciiua. Family Medicines, eVC., Ac, which trill be told as low for rath as thtif can lie procured in the Territory. Call ami examine for yoiuteivca, and Ret uu Almanac fur I"j7, gratis. JAYNE'SAIlrrulive, lvpec:oraiil, nnd I'illa. Cod Liver Oil. Cuainr O.I, nn 1 Sweet Oil, at iha OltEliON CITV DltU ST'OIIK. MEXICAN iMuaiuiig l.inimeiil, G. W. ,Mei chuiil'a G'lrcliiig Oil. lit the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. rpltl'Si-KS, ti,!it anil left an.l double, ami Ah 1 duiiiiiiul Bupinrlera, nt Iln) OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 1)UKK While Lead, ruw uud binned Umber, Croine. (ireritiaml Yellow, und olhr paints, ut Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. PERFUMERY, nt iho OREGON CFl'Y DRUG STORE. G It A II FEN II ERG MEDICINES: Gruefeiiberjr Surtupitrilla, Uterine Culliolieon. " Dywntrry tyrup, cousuiupliva balm, " Pile Ointment, lleiiltli liillera, " Eye balon, A e., ie., To be found at Ihe figcm-v of Ihr Cninpnnv, at the OREGON C1I Y DRUG STORE. HAY.MAN'S )ytiepiic Ellir varrunted In cure. Ihr dvsi riwiu iusl rrrrivrd nnd for talent the OREOOX CITY DHVU STORE. Dlt. Guyaott'a coinMuiid extract ol Sui siipurilla and Yellow Dock, lit ill" epl.i OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 0 LO Dr. Jacob Ti.wmeiii'a Saiaiiparilla, ut the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. D I!. J. Ay res' celcbiuled Cherry PrcluMl li.r voiiglia, col. Is, and eoiir-iiiiipt-ou, at lite OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. el.ANE'S eeleliinled erniiriirro and Liver Fills, ORi;t;ON CITY DRUG STORE. D It. Tjwnend' Snraapnrlla, at Iha OREGON CI 1 Y Dill G STORK. 1)I:RUV1AN Febrifuge, for Hie cure nf lever und nue, Slc, &.C., juat n-eeived uud for Hale ut llio OREOOX CITY DRVO STORE. To CiUtcKslllltlla lllKl 'I'ers. .liuiiiuaclu-i "TTT'E are now receiving lea tons of irou of tho T V I'llhiwlug sijes : Round iron from ) to I inch, Square " " i m 9 " liar " li'.to3j, Nail md, Hoiko shoo iron, llniiil iron, ,'l. J. l'luw steel, For rule ut lowcat market rntes. nug 3 G. A II IvltN E'lTI Y & CO. So l&crc'oants. w E nr now receiving llio following at tides: 60 blila Santa Cruz lime, 15 " hydraulic, cement, 5 " plaster of puris, Sil keg nails, 8 " t: liken, 5 &. 0 in.. 'Ill) " ll.wtoti syrup, 5 g ds., 23 lm;rs Kin eofl'-e, So mala China No I sugar, '..) half Mils N O augur, 5 bbls vliii g.ir. nugS G. AlJERXETHr k CO. Iron. JUST rrceived, tho following sizes : J . i; . toiiiid, 14 JSli. 1X3-111 i'Aj-S.xJ, lU'.'.O lbs Nornuy Hinra iron. April 4. (J. AISEIIXETHY & CO. VJo aro now Hoccivlag 4 ND have iu ttore Xl. I IKI suekt Rin coffee, $1) whole uud lilt bbls crimlied sugar, 30 " " "NO 1 110 don brooms, 2"U bo.xca Eng. map, 100 " caudles, 1U0 " glusa, ass'J sizes, Togetlier with a general asaoiiin.-nt of crockery, hiirilvvuie, boots and tbora, paiuta mid oils, A.C., iVe., which we nft'.r lor sale at na low prices ua they cau bo puiihaaod in Oregon Territory. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. Oregon Cily. Sipt. 111. What's tio Use of Going Barefoot ? ritUE subscriber has opened a bl and shoe ahop L iu tint city, whern making and nirudiug will be dono to order us amm r nutich. I also keep ooiisluntly on huu.1 ready mude boots and alioea, which 1 will sell on reamnable lerina. Thankful tor putt favors, I still tot eil a rraaouablo thura of pulrtuage. Call and try ua anyhow. J. U. PLANNED. Oregon City, Aug. 9, 19.",(i. 17ui8 Cum-inali, April II, ON hand nn.l for aale, low, for cash or produce I'ainia &. lead, chrome preen, while h ad, pruwiau blue red do in oil, chrome yellow, blk. do u blue paint, litharge, Common and permanent rree n ptiltv. glass fce. JXO. I'. BIUMIKS. Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR SJUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Svrup, Chocolate Stah, S.il, ratua. Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Carb. Soda, Feppar, Spies, Alum, Borax, Cop P"a' ApriiSl, I8i7-llf- Iow Books ! rpiIE aubacribi r hua juat reeeivrd a lura ns JL tortuu'iit uf HOOKS, direct from New Yolk, uiimiiR uhi'tli " Hi" nd owing I .Miaou's ll.tt. of Europe Ainoreaii fnatlliilloiis, Mlliinaiis do. Iiriiincracy in Am.rica. "Land nnd Ixe," "Sea ami Sailor," Three Yrurs in Califor.. Pye. of l.ilrraliirr, lliichaii'a Faui. Fhys'n., Maoiial of Fuis Arts, Leelurisou llio Arts, Tmvelt in I'eru, I'olar Itrginna, M.ihan'a I'lllloannllV. L'vea nf Ihn Siirticrs, lliihylmi and Ninevuh, Deck an.l I'urt, ' Ship aud Kliorr," I Ionia Cyclop, ..lis, r'svut and the llo yLnnd lirdnrroiiHl'm Engine, Vtic I Miiiiualerlea, .Clmlne lliomphy, I'eruv uu Anliipiilies, l.'lmica Elrn..u, vuriety of Fuels. flUU copes ul tanUira rp.'iirr, ,',U0 " Readrw, SjO " ?lcGufley'a d.i. S.'iO " Webilrr's Dietinmirles. Dav es' Algebra, Xewmuu'a Rheloiic, ' Grmiiclry, Duy's il. " ll.iiiriluii, I'arh-y's Univ. Ilinlory, " Surveying, GiNalrieh's I'iel. U. S., " l.rgriidre, Miiitreiltas Geogruphy, ' AriiUiin-l cs, -Link-Sp. uknr,'' Tliotnpsnirs do. Ainoricau Speaker. AI.H'. ATrcsh Supply of Stationery. Day ll.mka, Jiuirnuit, J.nlirert, Heuonl lliaiks. Mrniiuuuiluius, nf nil anea, Diur ra, Ac, .Voir mid llirr I'uprr, Euvrlopi-a, I'rua, &.e., &. Erus-r Kni vet, Ertisivo Itubher, Guinniid Lulmla, Fubcr's l twili, INK, in ipmrt uud p nt bolt lea. WIIOLKSALK A.NU IIKTA1L. CHARLES F01'E,J. Oregou Cily, August Id, IH.'iU. rurniture. rpllE etiliseribor has jual rreriv-A a ,'.,,'Jw JL rd a larg-supply of FURNI-?aj!5 'i URE or uli ileacriplioua, cuiiaifl-AJ -si iug in part o followa Sofia, iiialmgiiiy uud bluck walnut) Chuiiiber trm; lliiteuiia, willi or without marble Inps; Oirier doka; Rocking nlmlrs, stuffed in hair, curpet, aud wilh eiuie and wool srula; Dining cli lira, nine ami wood scuts; Office cliuira, do do dn Cliildrru's do, hilt din'iig uml rocking; lledi.lea.la, vuriims kiml; Tables) center, card, uud dining; Writing ili-.k-; S d. boai da; I'nrlor cliaira; Settees; Reading, Inilet, nnd woik tables; Lonkiti'-gliiHrs; Mnltreta-.a, Imir.nioss, and wool; Window ahudoa; Fcallu is; FuiK-r hangings, of every styfr; Oilcloth; I Hum se mulling: lluid lamps, and burn ing tin d ; with u variety uf other nrlielea too ntimeiuua In mention. I'rianna lulling to purchase will please call and examine for lliemelvea. A I kinds ul country produce laken in exchange rorgooda. IJIOS. 4011.NHO.N. March 22, IS.jC. 4Ulf JUST RECEIVED "II bbla nn.l lilt bUs N O turns 30 ' " " crualied " 401)0 Iba No I China " 10 h;f bbls Carnhiia rice, 15 " " dried apples, 15 kegs ' ' 10 hit' bbla peuches, 1001)11 lbs Liverpool suit, 10 cures table Milt, fill bbla Suulu Cms lime, SUIIO llw inaiiilla rojie, ata'd sir.es, lllO kegs uiiila, ' " SU00 ir Hour nicks, 6 baton ilrilliii'.ni, 12 cases uiw'd pie fruila, U " " pickles, ill) bundirs window tui-h, ass'd aizes, . 21 paniu-l donra, ' ' 2 doz pid gruina tcoopa, 1011 sucks Rio cnttee, 10 isuU black pepper, lU bulra oakum, 100 single uml double blocks, nw'r) sizes, b' gri8 F & M yenat powders, 10 doz inc. warli buurds, 5IIU galaS. I. syrup, 4UII0 llu white lend, pure, COO ' lid " " 40 gula copul varnish, 15 doz p lint bruahea, uas'd sizes, 15 "3 hnnit'd buckets, 200 gala boiled linseed uil, 100 ' raw ' Tnjirihor witli -a good assortment of HARD WARE and CARl'EXTEltS' TOOLS. All nf which we propose nulling at prices lo suit the tunes, tall uuu see fur yourselves. W. C. DEMENT & CO., Main at., opposite the. Lund OlViee. Oregon City, April 10, 1557. ES o r o How Goods, AT CIIAIt.VA.N it WAIt.VEIt's. IX ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK; we have just received, iliient Irion Suit Fruu- cwo, a goon and tuil.iblo supply of Goods for this Season of the Year, which nv o.1er for sale at prices whicli cannot he beat iu Ihia uuu kct. Our ilocll consists iu part ol' 401 Ilia kuI so la, iiO boxes Eugli-h soap, 50 '" Cluis. IliU'asonp, 2 1 doz com tturvh, -.1 eases p e fruit, 15 " pickl.s, 8 doz hi.ney, 8 " lubstcrs, Vi " iiyslera, 20 hit' b ila N O sugar, 4 bbla Sunilwich Island syrup, 10 hif bids dried tipples, H riiH mucltrrel, 2000 iba alick cuu.ly, 5U0 " fancy do. 1 cuso Gaillp'sher toys, 1 ' Gorman toys, 400 His nlinoiids, 12 hif bo.xi a raisins, 6 whole hues do , 48 pra good Muekiuaw blankets, 20'JO yda l.rowu sheeting, 2t)U0 ' calico, Roots nn I Iiiks of every description. The above, with our usual ussnrlinrnt, we think ren .lens our stock cnnipleir. Cull und tea ns. Terms cash. CUAUMA X .j- WARXER. Diceiiiber 20, lS.'b". ITew Arrang-ements. I HAVE bought out Ihe BAKERY esiabli.-h-nieiil of Charman ,jr ll'urner, wh'ch I have now opened under Ihe most favorable circum stances Ui all old patrons, aud as many new ones as may choose lo give me a cull.- My rhop will bo well supplied with Bread, Ctikrs, Pies. Crachcrs, Xvts, Can dies, Raisins,. Figs, Cigars, Toys, and almost every other vniiety of knick-knacks yet invented hy Yuukee ingenuity all of which will be all'uided AT TIIS LOWEST rOSHBI.R RATKs! I shall oRc.'isionully receive supplies I'loin the In peal l.ilitudea. w liicli will be duly aniniuiiced iijkiu arrival. All are invited in give me a call FREDERICK CHARMAN. Oregon City, April 25. HS57. 2 Strayed, 17 ROM the subscriber, bring nn the North Folk . of Yamhill r.vcr.a SORREL FILLY, ihree years old, having a blan d fare, and brinj branded with VI uu the hip. The animal lift my 4uce a year or mora ago. Any iwrwo eivinc m iufonn- utinn of her wbereubouts, shall be suitably re wa'Jed. CALEU WOUDS. May 9, 1857. 4if JUST RECEIVED, a new aupply of Rio and Java Coffee, Rice, Sug-ir, Sal Sala. Sec. uov29 C. POl'E, Jr., Main st. Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. gtKASS an.l Iioa Butts, Screws, Locks and JfLV Latches. Ilummera and Hatchets. Axes. Drawing-knives, llandaawt. Curry Combs, Horse Brushes and Cards, Gun Locks, Gon Can. Wool Cards, Cheat Hindis, PhuMs. ira Wm, 0. Dement ek Co TTTItllllVll I.- i I W '..m reiui j)ra era in C... Irs. IVov ti.,,,,, I'aiuta. (j l, 'T'1' Shoes, Crockery, Ae. Ojiposl ,fc 'if ' ,MalaS..Jreg,.i,CI,y. " ''jjg, CHARLES POPE, jb ' TF,.U,EU In Ilardwurr.Grocrri,,, Drv'fi j viom.iy, i,ot, lV M,o,.a, Mcdicinoa. l-o.' uud Stationery. Maln-at., Oregon Cily, April 21, IH37, itr tii:i. MERCHANTS. ORECOX CITY, O. T. Abcrnotiy, Clari it Co. COMMISSION ANU Foil WA II IUNO Mlilt'c'lUTS, San Francisco, Col., Will alten.l 10 srlii,,, Orrg n, pr wr mJ fi drra for G.ajila, (.na-eran, Jte.. at Ihr lowet Ihe palrn-nge of llio people of WB pectfully antleited. Au J. jonw r. M-BaiDii, ATTOSNKr Un CltfNSKLoa IMmjette, Yamhill Cunhj, 0. T., ' 11.1, i.iiin nity all. n.l 0 busineu en. ti u-led in Inn profesiiuiiiil April 31, Ira7-tf JOHW P. BSOOic Wholemle f- Etta I D;i!cr h (Sracerks, Pndoe, iVorwio,.!, .j c . Ma,, sircel. ' A Crneml Asortiiient k.pi upf Selected Goods. Ciineiiiiili. March SH, IS.17. E. BEilwain, Manufacturer, W hoUeale und Rn D, , COOSl AM JMULost STOVES, Tru 1l corrna w.tur., n.tituwnE, c, MainSt., oppoajto Main Street Haul OREGOX CITY, 0. T. Sleiimhout ami j ibbing work nllcnJtd lo w'tk, dii-p.uli. OidTt from Ihr country promptly filled. j,7 n 23rusrs, IvSedicincs, Paints, Oils, at the ORI-.GON U I V UitUG STORR tepl 3 Ma ii Street. Oregiui Ciiy.O.T.'' E:mo. HIGH FIELD. MM TCII.MA KEH IVrsons desirous of g Hill LiMid work ilni.rl do well in give Hie a cull, ua my whole lime is de. Voted lo Iho lepu ring uf Chrono.iieter. Ij.i Duplex, ami Horizontal wuti-kea. An nssiu liiirui of Jewelry o:i ban 1. Jewelry ma le toord r, and repaiicd. I'licealn sun the limes. I inn lliaukfulforpat favors, uud Iiiih.- In g.ve Kitlafaetiuii in fuiure. IT L'u iilrd ul Ilir nld alan.l, nnputlte tlieTel egr.iih OtlLv, OREGOX CITY. Feb. 2. Weils, Fargo it Co.'s Expre33, Deliceen Ong-w, Cali'ornm, the Atlantic d'nlrx an I Enropr. HAVING made advantageous rSS&t 2ri j " " tJa.leu so. ii. Stairs und I'acilic Mail Strain- MJ ship Compuiiiea fortumsp irtulion, we are uow pre pared to forward (raid Oust, Bullion, Spnu, Pactmpen, Parrels, and Freight, to and from Ni T U ... 1.- ..... join, ii.wrieaus, nun g- rune. sen, rortlauu, aud principal towns nf Oil for.iia uu I Oregon. Our regular Semi niomlily Express between Potlluiiil an. I San Francisco, ia dispatched by Hie I'acilic Mall Stcam-ihip Co.'s slcumsliip Culuinb't, connecting ul Sun Francisco with oir seini-iniu'h-ly Express to iYirie 1VJ aud Xeie MWeaf,wlii:h ia dispatched regularly on llio 1st and 1 b'di of eaith nioiitli, by I ho mail aleainers and in charge of oar own niraarngvn, through to deatinulion. Our Exprusa from Nrur York leuvea regularly on llie .'uli uud 20thul'each month, also iticlur; of mi'ssengers. .Treasure insured in the best New York coin panic, ur at Lloyd's in London, ut lliu option of thip.'ers. OKrrci:s New Toilt, No. 1(5, Wall !.; New Orleans, No. I I.Exchunge plucc ; Sun Fraucitco No. 114, Monljromery atteot. A. II. STEELE, AstnL Oregon Cily, April 21, lb.",7.-llf Ecading for tho Million, S. J. M CORMICK II.VS COXSTANTI.V IIN 11.4X11 AT TIIK FHAXKI.I.V S00 SIOIlK, rilO.T-8T, roi-.TLANU, oaauo.n, AChoire B-.leclion of Popular U.wks, News paperu, Maiuzlnea and Fan. y Slaiionery. Among the bunks uu hand will be found works' nil Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hia lory, l'oelry, lllograpliv, Mu.l.cines, Rcliiati, Sc euce, Schnol Rooks, Rnuiaiici s, iVc, i&c, Slc. (CTSnbscript'oiis re cive.l for Harper, Gralmin, Godey, Leslie's, or i'utuuui, ul ii I a year, d'e free. ID" Sulircriptions received for any newspaper published iu niiy pa -l nf the Union. lteit.enilier the Franklin llnok Store and Xeffi pt per Ag. ncy, Front slio. t, I'onlaii 1 Oregon. ta"A ii iced eulalugiie will ba pablislicd early ill April, un l will lie sent to uny part of the terri tory lice o:i upplieiilicii. rpiC.Ul'I.E (F 1 i O N I ) 1 1. Tualatin Temple of L lliino:-. Nn. 1. meets on the ll and 3d Fri day evenings i," eacii innri Ii at I J o'clock, at Tciu- p. ranee lla.l. rmest (ruve, OriL'.m. Memlieta nf the Or.lor ill goud standing arc u vitrd lo vis.t tlrs I'eiiiiile. Ii W. DIXON, W.C.T. M. TtfTTi.it. W. R. ;i2 OU will find niu ,c llent assortment of Dreit und lion net SHI.. .stUnt and Ve.reli; sl Bimiiet Trimmin, Hosiery, Oloret, Laceitm A'.'Moiu, Talite Cjit'ie, Coa'nlcrmues, etc., at tits t..re of CHARLES POl'E, Jr., (Ma it'-st.. opposite Aheruethy's store,) where may be touud almost everything ill tho Hue of Dry (3od: Such ns Piints, GinghunH, A'pacas, Merinos, P.ai.l l.insejs, Mii-Hns. Saltinetls, Jeans, Has- nrs, Mieuiings, lied l.cKiug, liieaory Cotlou Halting, etc. Oregon Cily, April 21, 18,7-Uf IIcdicine3 for Sale, By CHARLES 1'OrE, Jit. A NDS' Satvapaiilla, r.ck's Wild Cherry VS lers, Ualeiiian'adro:, Ur.inilrelh's pills, Laos' pill". Perry's Vi riiiifuge. Opodeldoc, Gum t-ani-phor. Gum Ar.il.ie, British nil, Lobelia, Hot drops,. .'id preparation, Roman eye balsnm, Dall.s paia extractor, Luinlumim, I'aregorie, Oil of I 'll" mint, Essrliees, Coiiiailion fowuers, e" Pulmonary Iiul.m, Sulphur, Eun SidU, lie. flpril '.'I. I! i7-lir EltiriM M Ualiitr X Suddlcr. .jr.t. THE siibscrilvr has bought nut Ilia eai.r liieut to: niri ly own. d hy A. K. F'art. r carrvingnii Ihe HARX ESS mm ouY.7"v l?v ....:... ;.. .11 ii. l.r:.,.,.ln.- l ie Livr-i" STABLE belonaing 10 Ihe esiublisluneiit, ui als kept up, where lioree and carriujesnre '""j!"" ki pl lor IhciiccommoJatioii of Ihe public. led al uiy atubln, w.ll al avs be Irealrd with psr licuiar atirniion. nnd veell'fed. I have hern cob nectrd wilh ill s ealabliahiiieut f.somi: lS; and am now prrmaueinly located, wliere 1 ' wavs be happy to wail uu all alio roJ withaenIL W. 11. FARTLO- The best of TIMOTHY HA I kept coa - ly oa hand. Uregou Cily.Uel.IS, l.)0-..j Central Produce Depot CAN EMAIL . CONSTANTLY rrceiv ng, fresh rrom ra wlirat, oats, bacon. lard, buller anJ r-- Apnl4, 57. jwu.i r. To the I'aruiers WE WOULD say, eaU at our tlc"'w' will pay ,o a. well for yoor Y any other lui.aso in Oregon, and will i .,r..riM at ere poawNT nw- Ititr Jim ira 11;.i.-s'l n..:4 CHARMAX It : . M GILT MOt hinU tat piciunt eby CHARMAN 4k W ABNt