The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, June 27, 1857, Image 2

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    bondmen and bondmaids lo b bought, and
held for a possession nnd nn inheritance
for llieir children after thorn, wr lo le
of 1 he heathen round about ilium. Over
their brethren lliey were nut lo rule with
rigor. Our Southaru ay.ioin in Uriel
conformity with this injunction. Men of
our own blood nnd our own ruci', wherever
born, or from whatever clinio limy come,
re free and equal. We have no castes or
daises etiionjiiit white men no 'upper
tendonr or 'owr tcndoin.' All are
t quail."
The preliminary assumption, that the
persons here culled " bondmen nnd bond
maid" were ilavet, rnny pass unnoticed
now, since we shall presently exmnino
attempt lo prove it. Wo wish Iho attention
of (he render lo Mr. Stephens! claim that,
however tho continued cxiste uc of a do.
graded or Pnriiih cattt it essential to South
ern society, lhi cssto does not consist of
white men.
(Hera we mutt charitably caution tLc
Inexperienced nnd unreflecting reader not
to bo misled by a superficial examination,
or by mere outsida appearances, however
epecioui. Y,ltn, titling at the hospitable
board of a Southern gentleman, you ico
standing behind the host'a chair a person
with light complexion, straight hair, thin
lip, and prominent nose, and bearing, in
all those characteristics, a marked resem
blance to tho host himself, you must not
conclude, meroly on the ovidenco of your
eyes, lhal this pereon is white, or that he
is of the ruce, Hill less of ihe blood, of tli
host. The host knows more about that
matter than you, a stranger, possibly can ;
and good breeding requites you to acjui
esce in the decision which (he host and his
family have already made, that however
this while-fooKn person may teem to ro
eemble a man and a brother, Le is really
only an African and a nigger.)
The assumption of Air. Stephens then is,
that after you have carefully sifiod from
the Southorn population those who sccin to
be white, but are not tho remainder are
not only free, but equal; divided neither
into "castes" nor "classes." Let us look
at it.
"We have repeatedly heard from the lips
of Southern people, and often seen in books
descriptive of Southern life, the express
ions, "poor whiles," " mean whites, "
"crackers," and " sand-hillers." How
comes it that such expressions aro used at
all t What do Southern people mean when
they use thcint And what fact in South
ern life do they indicate and dtcribo ?
The last published expression of this
sort which lint como to our notice U iu the
London Daily News, purporting lo be n
latter from " An English Traveler" among
"Tho Southorn States of tho North Amer
ican Union," and dated Jan. Gib, 1B37. It
is as follows :
'' Through (he central portion of the
State of Mississippi, thai which lies on each
aide of the road from Columbus on to
Jackson, as soon as one leaves the prairie
land, twenty-five miles from tho former of
these towns, ono is treated to pine forest
a discretion, with occasional dashea of
ewamp by way of variety. Tho population
is scanty ; and the houses, such ns they
nre, for tho most part are inhabited by that
most wretched, most cadaverous, most
thinly-clad, most lean, most haggard, most
woebegone, forlorn, helpless, CioJ-forsnken-looking
portion of the human rnco the
Foor, niggerless whiles of the slave States,
have ninny varieties of the genus homo,
nd many varieties of the. misery to which
he is at all times liable, but I think 1 have
Dover seen men in whom hope, energy, nnd
courage, to nil outward appearance, seemed
ao utterly extinguished as in these. Their
attenuated frames, hollow cheek, (ireloss,
expressionless eye, drawling, feeble ac
cents, spiritless movements, and ghastly
complexion, spoke either of a nee degen
erated beyond redemption or of tho ex
tremity of physical misery. 1 never met
ono of them without going away with the
feeling that I had just seen a man on
.whom either famine or fever had done its
worst. Their position is certainly most
demoralizing and disheartening. They nre
despised aliko by negroes and planters.
They manage lo draw a wretched subit
erco from a palch of Indian corn around
thoir log cabins, but they will not work for
others, ns this watiM put them on a level
with tho slaves. Those who can muster
up enough money for tho journey, invari
ably mako their escape, to I ho Western
wilds ; but a great number, cf course, nre
compelled to stand their ground, atidfjel'
along as best they can. Society they have
none. There ore among thein none of the
hearty enjoyments of existence ; none of
tho pleasures, frivolities, naieiies of peas
ant life in all F.uiopean countries. They
are generally far removed from nil neigh
bors of their own rank ; they cannot asso
ciate with the. negroes ; they chow, spit,
'loaf," and die, melancholy, taciturn, sur.
ly and sickly. With these passing re
marks, let me drop the eurtain on litem.
They are an unpleasing vision. The
world lias for years been ringing with the
wrongs nnd miserius of the Turkish rayah
and the Irish peasant. I have seen a good
deal of both. Iu physical comfort the
rayah occupies a position of which ' p6nr
whites" hardly dtvam; in lightness of
heart, in tho joys of the mind, the Irish
pcasaut is king iu comparison. "
The statement of this English traveler
fully corroborates Mr. Stephens's atata
turnt respecting tho entire separation be
tween the class called " w hite men" and
the opposite clivs black, yellow, and w hile
who are groupeJ together as " uiggcra"
or " Africans ;" it also explains those mys
terious southern phrases above mentioned
''poor whiles mean whites Crackers
and Snnd hitlers ;" we w ill theriforo as
sumo it to be authentic information, and
regard in that light its statements ad.
ditioMaHo what Mr. Stephens lias told in,
and also iU statements coulrarj to what Mr. 1
Stephens Las Iu! J us ; namely, first, that
the poor whitea " ennnot associate with the
BrToes," aqJ next, that " they art deapis-1
ed alike by negrois and planters." A full
corroboration of both these stntement, and
a full explanation of I he reasons of them,
may b found in tho admirable and philo
sophical work, entitled "Despotism iu Am
erica," by Richard Ilildreth. Meanwhile,
we have found, not only that the assumed
'equality' of the while peoplo of the South,
and their fredom from class distinctions,
are entirely without foundation in fact,
but ihsl tho Honorable Alexander II. Ste
phens has found a dcliberato lio nacessary
to the plauiib'o statement of his case.
We now come lo the region of argu
ment. Having taken for granted, through
fourteen pagea, tho propriety of slavery,
Mr. Stephens now undertakes to prore il,
and appeals, for that purpose, first to the
laws of nature, and next to tho laws of
God. Through this investigation wo will
follow him in another article.
Eljc rcgou &vgu0.
ORnaow CITY:
SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1837.
3T D. W. Casta is snlhnrued lo da uny bus
iness eouuectril with His Argus Office during my
absence. W. L. ADAMS.
I JL L. -II - .. I -.
XT Thero will be a celebration in this
city on the Fourth by the Sons of Tem
perance, the Cold Water Army, and the
Sabbath Schools.
OCT Tho ateamships Commodore and
Republic reached Portland, the former on
Saturday and the latter on Sunday 1a.iI.
We arc under obligations t Wells,
Fargo it Co. and J. W. Sullivan for ainplo
files of papers.
fjr Tho first number of the Occident
al Messenger," the new " democratic pro
slavery paper," printed by an "association
of gentlemen," and edited by S. P. Hall,
a newly-arrived stranger frem a " furrin
land," has como to hand. The paper is
printed in largo type, and its mechanism
is good enough. We have examined the
paper carefully, and have laughed over
it till our vest hasn't got a single sound but
ton left on it. It may not be a luughablo
subject, but, nevertheless, like the Irish
man who laughed when he saw the corpse
of his mother shipped back to " swale Ire
land" iu a box marked " bacon," we hare
laughed at the efforts of our new fiicuds
to dress up and label the loathcsomo car
cass of African slavery in a manner that
might tonipt the nppotites of Oregoniaus.
Whether it is owing to the bungling man
ner in which the subject has been handled,
or to tho oxtrome rottenness of the car
cass, which, even being " let alone," emits
an odor which, liko tho ofl'enco of Ham
let's uncle, is " so rank it smells to heav
en," we presume that most of the renders
of this sheet will conclude with us that,
from the Corvnllis experiment, " tho more
it is stirred the more it slinks."
Now wo haven't the most distant idea
of insinuating aught against the right of
Avery it Co., or any disciples of Drighmn
or the King of Dahomey,. in Oregon, to
raiso money, buy a? press, and send on for
an t'lilor to publish a paper devoted to ad
vocating slucry, polygamy, cannibalism,
or even tho revival of the alnva trade with
the king of Dahomey direct. They would
have a full and unquestionnblo right to do
so, and out of the 2000 democratic editors
in tho Union, wo doubt not that at the
chink of $1000 in "yellow boys" per an
num, 1 300 applicants at least would start
up willing to engago under cither of these
gentlemen and devote their talents to ad
vocating whatever their employers put
ihern at, as "soundly democratic, nnd in
dispensable la a salvation of I he Union."
Hut while wo nre disposed to admit the
full right of nil sects nnd parties to publish
papers, and freely advocate as distinct doc
trines, slavery, polygamy, nmalgamaiion,
Gerrit-Smilh. abolitionism, a 'revival of the
slave trade, and fire eating disunionism ns
ndvocutcd by prominent locofocos in ihe
South, or whether they mix all these 'isms'
into one grand conglomerated hotch-potch
und pitch the craw ling compound into an
omnibus sack and, after labeling it " de
mocracy," fling it across the back of some
lecherous, sniveling Yankee, fresh from a
grog-shop in Chickopee, and start him out
peddling it as a sort of " Union-saving"
prophilacticum ; we somehow or other are
always possessed with a sort of idea that
a paper started in the nineteenth century,
to advocato these isms under the full blazo
of gospel truth, and the light of civiliza
tion, amid the rattle of machinery, and
the merry song of untold millions of free
laborers pushing along tho car of k
provemcnt aim rapiuiy rising in tnc gener
al march of progression to a dignity! po
sition that the God of heaven intended
they should ocenpy as the peersif nobles
and princes, we say that some ho
other we have gat tho idea inat such a p
per, advocating a return-to heathenism,
ought to bo at least lively, crank, and spi
cy, if not able. Wfaen a man comes
among us openly advocating an institution
which converts man into a beast, loads him
with chains, tears him from tho bosom of
his family, anj puts him up upon the auc
tion block as a chattel, to be bought and
worn out without the hope of a reward
other than that Lis Father in Heaven
shall crown him with merely to minister
to the cupidity and avarice of such men
as Legrte an institution which JegraJrs
iho poor white free laborer almost ' 'he
level of tho slave, corrupts tho sons and
daughter of the wealthy, debauches their
morals, and diives idem lo an idiotic im
becility, besides paralyzing industry, re.
larding improvements, reducing the prlca
of real estate, fostering ignorance, and
plunging a whole community into a tor
menting fear of insurrection and murder
such a man ought to Le able to drivo a
lively quill, and make a paper that lias at
least the one redeeming quality of being
"spirited," instead of being filled up with
stolid columns of prosy nonsense, bald,
faced assertions, and stupid falsehoods,
grinning hideously through a black nnd
flimsy gossamer, and making even a pro
slavery greaser almost ashamed to bo seen
with the nigger organ sticking out of his
breeches pocket.
In looking carefully over lbs columns
of tho Mtssenger, we see nothing to dis
linguist) it from black democratic papers
generally, ether than an open declaration
of " what it would be after, " rather than
the ground-hog and hermaphroditic policy
that Las characterized the conduct of
Cznpkay's organ and its tail the Times.
The Messenger, is lo bo an out and out
nijrger ergan. It fills its columns with re
pealing over nnd over again the editor'a
opinion that Slavery would bo a fine thing
for Oregon, besides a few groundless as
sertions which show the editor lo be very
poorly posted iu politics. All of his opin
ions are amply refuted by the opinion of
aunt Peggy, w ho "don't believe in no such
thing." Besides, aunt Teggy's opinion is
based on ampin historical and slntiatical
evidence, while this editor'a opinion we
fear has no other basis than the salary
he receives. Stop his stipend, and he
would probably leave forjCalifurnia again,
with a very poor opinion of Oregon ians,
as well as an opinion that niggerism
" wouldn't pan out."
We think the whole concern will wink
out in a short time, and be buried in the
tomb in which the skeleton of Mat loon's
Expositor is now being shuffled about by
worm, and ita soul will either enter Avery,
or take up its line o( march In black ob
livion 11 where all the bad darkies go."
" Hvrocnisr of Negro Worshippers.
A negro named John Uedman wns ex
posed to sale ncluully put under the auc
tioneer's hammer in St. Clair county,
Illinois, on the 18th inst., because lie had
dared intrude himself as a resident, in a
community thick grown with noisy de
clairucrs of tho Institution of Slavery.
By n statute of 18-")3, passrd by a repub
lican Legislature, any negro who rests the
sole cf his foot upon the free soil (!!!) of
that rnnclified commonwealth, far the pur
pose of remaining ten days, whether bond
or free, forfeits his freedom, and may be
sold, ns other slock, in tho shambles, to the
highest bidder." Corvalis Messenger.
Now the truth is that Redman wns not
put up for salo " under the auctioneer's
hammer," and the "statute passed in 1953,
was not passed by "a Republican Legis
lature," but by alocofoco Legislature, as
every political stripling knows. In 1853
the Republican party was not organized in
a aingle Stale in the Union, and the lo
cofocos had a large majority in both
branches of the Illinois Legislature. Ev
ery Whig and every free State democrat
voted against ihe act of 1803, if we re
member rightly, and its passage was pure
ly a locofoco triumph. Rodman would have
been sold under this inhuman statute, if a
white man had not volunteered to pay ihe
jail fee and other expenses, tome sixty odd
dollars. So much for the uncertain'y of
locofoco papers.
S. M. Harris fc Brother have left in our
nflice n beautiful stone pitcher, just the
kind of a one adapted to tho wants of a
cold walcr ofllce. It was made of clay
discovered in this city by these enterprising
workmen, after spending much money in
experimenting upon clays in different parts
of tho country in endeavoring to find that
which would mako stone ware. We are
truly glad that they have succeeded in their
enterprise, and that we shall have in the
course of a few months an article manu
factured at homo which is hardly excelled
in any country.
OCT Flour in San Francisco has gone
down to.53,75 to $11,00 per bbl. Bacon
has gone up so that our buyers are paying
from 1 i lo 1 Sc.
0OAn interesting communication in
reference lo the Tualatin River Improve
ment is crowded out this week. We learn
from it that Ksq. Humphrey will visit
Hillsborough ihe first Monday in July, to
opriapks for subscription. The improve-
will bo completed. Let the fii
f the enterprise taka held of it.
k xio...i ayeue..c.i .in, iaie men
TT T? I.SI..1l- t-.- 117k-
ber of Congress from one of tlie mountain
districts of Virginia, has been appointed
Governor of Washington Territory. J. P.
Anderson declined the appointment
Dentistry. Attention is called
vertisemcnt of Dr. Millikcn in t
ean C. Schaum, a French tailor
died in Salem last week, Thursday, from
the effects of a dose of arsenic taken thro'
(WThe body of Mr. Bell, who was on
the Tartland at the time it went ever the
Falls, was recovered this week.
03" A vast quantity of correspondence
on hand, some of whinh will probably be
" excepted. " . i
In JE1 ularlNl
indsv's hco, aiirV
The following letter, which we clip fmni
ihe Suniinel, contains tho latest news from
ALTiinusK, June 0th, 14A7.
Ml. Euitob Sir: The whole Dem
ocratic ticket in Josephino County was
elected on Monday last, except M.i;. Uiirk-
well. Ha was defeated by Dr. W. U.
Walkins, by about 150 majority. While
I would say nothiiiir lo the disparagement
of Dr. Watkins' personal character, I am
bound lo say thai Ins election ought to lie
considered a digrace lo Joephino county.
Ever since he came amongst us, he ha
been known a a warm admirer and enthu
siastic defender of Seward, Hanks ic Co.,
and their higher law and union sliding
principles. However, as ha is probably,
the only black republican elected to the
Constitutional Convention, he will be able
to do but little harm. Lane is about 100
ahead of Lawson official returns not in.
Business mntters are more lively on our
various mining streams than has been the
case before in three years. Yours,
Jacktoa Cooaly.
The Sentinel gives the official vote of
Jackson county as follows:
Lane, 3. D., C81 Lawson, Ind
033 Willard,
424 Dyer,
408 Birch,
Joint Hep.
For Convention, 533 Against, 180
03- O. L. T'Vault, only son of W. G.
1" Vault, editor of the Sentinel, died nt
Jacksonville, on tho 7th inst of the billioua
fever. The deceases' wns junior partner in
the Sentinel office.
3T We learn from the Jacksonville
Sentinel that II. II. Brown, the newly
eleetod member to the Legislature from
Jackson county, killed a Chinaman on the
8th inst. by kicking him. Brown waa su
pervisor on the road, and whi'et working,
the roads, he had some altercation with
" John," a very lean and diseased Chi
naman, during which hn "supposed" the
man was in the net of drawing a knife,
and gave him a kick in tho side which re
sulted in 1. is death in nbout twenty min
utes. The Sentinel says the evidence
given on Ihe examination of Brown be
fore Esq. Huffman, went to show that the
homicide was accidental, nnd that 'death
ensued ns n consequence of a diseased
heart and lungs.
Portland, June 23, 1S77.
Friend Adams From ihe Times of
last Saturday I cut the following:
"At the election of October, 1S53, in
Ohio, it is notorious that in open flagrant
und palpable violation ol the express lan
guage of their Constitution, th negroes,
in nearly all the strong abolition holds,
were permitted lo vote at tho expense of
the perjury of ihe judges who permitted
and sanctioned it. In the Dayton district,
Mr. Vnllandighatn (democrat) is contesting
the election of Campbnll (repuplican) upon
this ground, nnd has conclusively proven
enough negroes to have so illegally voted
for Campbell to defeat his alledgcd elec
tion." I send it to you thinking it might escape
your notice, and ask you to post us up ns
to tho facts in the case. ' I send it to you
knowing that you are always able and wil
ling to untangle the most kuotty coils of
black democratic fulsehnods.
Yours, J. V.
Our friend is informed that Cambell was
elected over Val'ntidingham in the 3d Con
gressional district of Ohio by 10 majority.
We will givo n little light upon
the negro-voting business by publishing
the following, which we clip from Con
gressional debates of the 8th Dec. ulL :
"Mr. McMullin inquired whether free
negroes did not vote in Mr. Campbell's dis
trict, or something to that effect.
Mr. Campbell I believe one negro vote
was given in my district. That was cast
by a man who was not authorized to do so
under a decision of ihe Court, and he vo
ted for my opponent, Laughter.
Mr. Campbell sent to the Clerk's desk a
paper, which was read, signed by the per
ron just referred to, named Anderson,
claiming the right of suffrage, because,
among other things, he was three quarters
white, the remainder being made up of Af
rican and Indian blood ; and further, that
his father was a brother of ex-Gov. Wilson
Shannon, Excessive laughter.
Mr. Giddings called his colleague to or
der for casting an imputation on a colored
constituent, by representing a brother of
Wilson Shannon to be his father, Renewed
Mr. Campbell My colleague will please
excuse me. I was driven to the necessity
of referring to this fact by the number of
questions propounded. Let the gentlemen
on the other side decide whether the Shan
nons are white men or not, Laughter. "
It will be seen bv the abora that the
"nigger" who has furnished
so much
cipital for ihree penny black democratic
sr in, was a mulatto, one eighth Af
one eighth Indian, and three fourths
, and, like most mulattoes, was rg-
escended from a full blooded loco-
following in the footsteps of his
illustrious sire, voted the locofoco ticket.
There are hundreds of "niggers" in Ohio
with probably less African btaod in their
veins than Anderson, who, by a rigid con
struction of the Ohio law, are debarred
from voting. In fact a man under this law
can hardly pass inspection at the polls un
less he has a pretty white skin, and we
very much doubt whether all the Portland
editors could do so. The law msy be un
necessarily severe, but that is between the
people of Ohio and these locofoco dsrkita.
As still further piouf !bl "l lggers" yen.
erally vote tho locofoco ticket, wo will in
stance the Alexandria precinct in Louisi
ana, where a majority of the votes cast at
the last election vert neyro roles, and erery
one of them voted for Buchanan. At ihe
Five Points In New York city, which is
skilled principally by negroes, I'illinorn 13 votes, Fremont 17, and Buchanan
670, showing conclusively that ihe niggers
in mass voted the locofoco ticket. We
also recollect that the Louisville Journal in
speaking of the " niggers" in Indiannpolis,
(Ind.) thought they must bo "Buck nig
gers" because tho most of them joined in
the locofoco procession.
Now wo don't pretend lo say that cither
law or public sentiment that excludes theso
children of locofoco ancestors from all the
privileges of citizenship, merely because
their skins are a little "yallcr," is either
humane or christian, but locofocos have
passed tho laws, nnd locofoco editors are
very busy in appealing to the prejudices of
greasers, nnd all wo ask of them is to ac
knowledge tho truth, that the great majoii
ty of these " voting nigger" are locofocos;
and " came honestly by il."
Ed. Argus As the sentiments of good
nnd public men nre treasured up in the
memories of the people, and aa the authors
of the two following toasts are aiill in our
midst, we beg to call public attention lo
thorn for the foundation of displays of pat
riotism on the ensuing 4th. They were
delivered on July 4th, '40, as per Specla-
tor July Otli, 1HJU.
Toatf No. 1 . " As this day is a celebra
tion of Ihe independence of the UnitedSiates
nt Amnripa. nnd the stars nnd strines. wirfi
the golden cnglo at the head, ns a tokoa of
liberty so may Oregon continue rom
year to year to celebrate tho same; nnd
may the day speedily arrive when she
shull be added lo the brilliant number of
stars nnd tho great republic not nshaimed
of her legitimate Son.
Toast No. 2 "May the time soon
come when the Lion and tho Unicorn may
cense to go about on tho North American
continent seeking whom they may bite."
We cheerfully give place lo the forego
ing gems which our correspondent has just
"dug up," for the ssnie reason that wo
once gave tho history of n certain "leather
medal" heir-loom which belonged to the
nppnrtenenccs of our office when first wo
enme in possession of il. Tho authors of
the " toasts" were undoubtedly locofocos,
as none other than a locofoco con hi have
got n aingle idea, in a single sentence, so
tangled up as to have christened Oregon as
a "the" and a "son." It is in perfect
harmony with 'squatter sovereignly,' and
locofoco principles generally.
Freedom anil Slavery.
G. Q. Cotton, formerly of Georgia, wri
ting to the St. Albans Messenger, from
St. Louis, furnishes the following illustra
tion of the influence of slavery on the pros
perity of the State. His letter was written
previous to the late city election in St,
Louis :
" A farmer from the East was travelling
in tho Western part of I'iwa, seekirg a lo.
cality. Ho came al length to a farm that
pleased him. It had a comfortable house
and barn, was well wooded and watered,
and a part of it was under cultivation.
Thero were between five and six hundred
acres. The proprietor told him that if ho
would take the whole, he should have il
for iwenty-lwo dollars per aero half cash
down, and half in one year. The price
nnd terms suited, and the traveller said lie
would accept in case ho did not suit him
self better in a few days. Ha travelled
five or six miles further, nnd came lo a
farm of nbout the same size, but hotter iu
several nsprcts. The buildings wcro bet
tor, and a larger portion of tho land was
under cultivation. The owner stated that
if he would take the whole he could have
it for six dollars and a quarter per acre.
The bargain wns struck at once, and the
deed was prepared in due form ; and ns
the former commenced reading it to the
purchaser " in the town of county of
, State of Missouri," " stop," says
the purchaser, '' is this Missouri ? 'Yes,'
says ihe proprietor, "my farm lays direct
ly on the lino of Iowa." " Well, I'll not
have it at any price my wife nnd daugh
ter would never come into n slave State to
live I'll go back and lake the farm I spoke
for on tho other side of tho line." It was
in vain thai iho proprietor answered him
that there were no slaves in that region
not one in tho county. Now if ihe case
had been mine, I should havo purchased
the farm in Missouri, under the firm con
viction that in five or ten years, the State
would free itself from slavery ; and I
would have added my voica and vote to
accomplish that result."
Free soil bears a premium of about four
to one against slavery, aide by side. It
is not possible for Missouri to hold out
many years against such influences. The
same writer remarks that St. Louis is free
soil, and tho State fast becomiog so. He
lately met a South Carolinian, who had
served as captain in the invasion of Kan
sas lost year. He had come down the
river. " Last week," said he, " I started
to return to Kansas got as far as Jeffer
son city, and found nine hundred abolition
ists going on ihe boat it was too much
for me, and I returned to this city."
DO" The siege of Rivas lasted from the
21st of March to the 1st of May, and the
stock of provisions on hand when Walker
capitulated did not exceed three davs' sup
ply. The enemy had conce ntrateJ a large
force around the place of about 4,000 men,
while Walker's whole force, according to
Gen. Henningsen's report, counting wound
ed, sick, and native troops, amounted to
447 men of whom 173 were in the. hue
pital. Gen. Walker maintained hi dig
nity throughout, and, though reduced to a
mere handful, he and his brave men did
not deign to enter into negotiations with
the enemy by whom they were surrounded,
but marched out of ihe town they had so
gallantly defended, with all the honors of
war. No surrender !" wis the word to
the !t.
"TmiQui'sTinN or fiuviir in On
onn We will publish communication,'
pro and con on ihe question of makin
Oregon a Slave Slate, but in all casts ihev
must be published over the real name of
their authors. We believe this discussion
outthl not lo bo anonymous." Ctaplau',
Organ. '
KT We are glad to see that Umpqu,
county Las elected Jsse Applegtie sod
Levi Scon lo ihe consiiiuiionnl convention
and James Cole lo the Legislature, evr
their blaok democratio opponents,-. The
members elcl nre Repulilioans. , . ,
1. O. U. F.
The night Worthy (JrsnJ Logi t , .
pemlfnt Order of Oil J Kfllos-, f OrMoeTii
hold its next annual communioilioa is tin tilt tl
Purllsml, oil the bib of July next. 7
W. P. lies,,
June 20, 1857. Grand Kseretiry.
The snnnul meeting of the L!nn county Dibit
Society will bt held in Iht eourt-huuti it Albssv
on Ihe Pill day of July (second WedaestUy) it
1 1 o'clsck . at. Addreawi will bt uptcltd trass
Kev. Mr. Roberts and Ksv Mr. Condon. All (i.
vorable to the catiav art requested to attend.
liy orJer of Directors. ,
. iotl s,"d, IW.
Julia Dsaxuws. Sen y.
Tho ninth anniversary of the Willamette Bib.
list Association will bt held with the Clackamas
church, five miles north of Oregon City, near tot
residence of Hon. W. T. Mutlock. Tlie ttrreats
connected therewith will cominenct on Friday
the Stith day of J uno, inst., and continue over
Sundny. Ample provision will bt made for all
who may attend. W. C. Joiiksos, CM.
Oskuos City, June 1!2, 1857.
In Clsckamna county. June 23d. bv Ret. ft. Ir
Atkinson, Mr. Jon It. Cosua.t, Isle of Obis, ki
Miss Catiusini A. Sciirr, late of Illinois,
tJT The happy bridegroom inadt aa admin.
bit beginning in his new relation by tnckaitg
dollar lo Hit printer. Long ir.ay lit and bit be
loved wavn I
In Fort!and, June 23d, by the Rev. Mr. Eat.
ledge, Mr. (isoaoa A. Cumin to Mias MiiautT
Elizabeth Williams, both of thai eity.
At (ilea Avoea, Yamhill e unly, no tlie Slant
June, (i. W. Lawson, Ksq , to Mist Misr Evauss
Davis, both of I'tnland.
On Tuesduy, June 9th, at hit residence ia
Clackamas county, i'sANCis Masit, of typhoid
(From riaecr county. California,)
Will perform all Operations on the Teeth.
Orrica Between Allan, McKintay tc Ct'e
and Abernelhy & Co.'s. Oregon Cilj, June 27,
- took at Tills I -
THE advirtii-ement 1 inserted In The Arrui,
oin-riiij; my land and -personal estate fomle,
is reeul'ed. -'.,r reasons perfectly saiiafaclory It
myself, lha!l N)T SELL.
Yours, respeetftillv,
June 27, 1S."-II W. WILLIAMS.
Notice to Stockholders.
rpiIK 3d instalment nf 10 per cent, on the cap.
JL iu! slock of (lie Tuatalin it. Trans. oV I.
Co. is required lo he paid to Ihe Treasurer en sr
bolero the iUth July next.
Ity order of the Directors.
J. V. J. Johnson, Sec'y. June 27-Ilw4
ZJotice to Stockholders.
THE 4ili inslulmeiil of 11) rwrcenl. on tlie cap.
ilul slock of the Tuah'in It. Tiuns. & Nir.
Cu. is n-qn'red tu be paid lo the Treasurer as sr
before Ihe lUlh August next. '
By order of the Directors.
THUS. rorE, IWt
J. V. J. Joiixsok, Sec'y. June 27-1 lwg
BEING permanently located in Oregon City.
I nm prepnreH to curry on the liusiuen el
Those who favor me with their patroiugf, may
e.xp.ct lo have their work done right.
Those u ho leave G UNS at my Shy for
repiirs, and do not call for them witliio i
months of the lima set for Ihe woik to beta,
may expect to huvo them sold lo pay clisrgn.
June 27, 1857. Jlml8 .
the beat-seleeted stock of
Fancy Dry Goods BooJa & Shoes,
ever ofTered in this market.
Deing about lo close np his business, lie wm'J
call tho particular attention of all pnreliaseis Mi
tho above noliee. lie, can assure customs" Ihit
he now oilers tht beet inducements for tin is"-"
nienl of money by those who desirt to parchtu
goods of an excellent quality, and
His full stock will ba sold without reserw,
cost prices, and all closed out just its soon si
sible. Oregon City, June 27, 1857-11"
To Northern California 4 Orcjo"-
these sections of the country iitiiiar Ui: city en
will Und it to their advantage to
Call, Examine, and Purchase fro
the immense stock of
(105 & 107 sAcaAaTO.sT.J
comprising every qnality, deecripu'oa, aaAr"1
of Goods in their liue of business.
White &ei. 1
tatf. Emirttdma,
farniihi'g CsssA
Combs, Bnth-'W
Yankee itin;
Ill-Oil FS a, WALLACE,
lit Oil IS k WALLACE,
Frenek fiarv
r"" ' o-i.
103 & 107Satrasaenl-,S-,' .f
N. B.-Our immeaat and weJl-rd '
of oar two direct impart than- p
Administrator1! Wotit.
IIEREAS, Mter. of admin..-
t then grauted by ,oe ""r-mtifT.
court of Clark.mae county, Oregos J"
the nnoWpted usos tie eeatt of Gr
late of aaid eounly, deceased iherrM.
sons having cliims or demands "Piaa
estate, art requested lo present thesJ.
necessary vouchers, wiihio year Ire"
ter the date of this oolice ; and all p""
ed loth said aata-e alt requwtrd
d iatt payment to me. at my rrKoence m ,
bioeut nver. toe mils south "I ftsjfj,
Owr;-. Joist II, !:"-! I