An Unexpected Compliment. Tbe ii nr.-j i i tii liev. lienry nam ic0CHor o. .jrn.uio lliurcn, iir-wiii, rcwoi-vu ycBicruar LI. own Church . Public compliment DOVl U II was uniooiteu ior. At Ibe lor- :..iUn r (). . .,..!,. vr. Deeciwr Having conciuauu lut rowing ika flmdntr livmn. wli ahnnl iAaiim!ni Lt. .... w. B .., , "m6 teal, wnen a wcii-oreuoa man sbom fifty .1 n -. rears or age and or very respectably ap ectab v an. pearsnce, arose from bit seat In tho far " corner of (lie gallery, and atanding erect wild liia anna folu.d, addroaaed (Lo rever no genueman in a louu lone. All eyva were innlanily turned upon tbe tpeaker, llio home wiu pttrfrclly aileiit, while the minister and congregntion wailed anxiout Jy lo brar wlml the interrupter of the cer. emouiua had lo any. Having aeoured ibe undivided attention of ilia audience, tbi latter individual ngnin adjresaing tbe put pit, nmJe iLe following remark tu I only i I .... c .i . tr wiobed 10 aay, Sir, ibal if your dinner, are at cood at your termom, I nhoi.ld nut object to dine with you tome day." Ai Mr. Headier did not extend tbe ex pected invitation or votichaafo to recite to the atrnngcr hit bill of fare for the day, there wiu nothing more to be (aid on that bead, and nt tho conclusion of the aorvicea the unknown epicure departed, evidently in a state of great iliiguat. JV Y Tribune. fttrThe disairccttd "Domocrnis," and the Fillmote Know Nothings of I'cnnayl- vanin are about to ooniinato Gov. Geary at their ennoiunto for Governor o report says. Gov. Geary lias been rounded on the matter, and agrees to accept tho nom inniion. W have aomo doubla as to the correctness of the report. OCT The Hard shell Baptists have a great repugnance to an 'edicnted ministry.' One of tli em recently preached in Carroll co., Missouri, and thus began: "1 am gwine to preach you a very plain sermon to-day one lhat every woman can under stand. You will find my tex in the 5 varse of ttvo eyed chapter of one-eyed John." It was somo time before the audience par cetved that he meant 1 John, chapter ii. OCT The lialtimore True Union says: "Lord's day services have of late been held by the Israelites of our city. A call i. mal fi, a iaMMnn .. .1- " v- fti- mancnt continuance of tho arrangement, Tl.!.. ...Ill !. . a . .L iuis win iPiuts mi iiiipurmnt, sicp lo ine Jew, should the arrangement prove per manent." Tna Comet ! lie Is on his way, And lining as he flies ; The whizzing planets shrink before The pectre of the skies. Ah ! well may regal orbs burn blur, And satellites turn pale -Ten million cubic miles of head, Ten million leagues of tail I " Notice. The ninth aunivennry of tho Willamette TJap- list Associa'.ion will bo hel.l with the Cluekamos chim-h, five miles north of Oregon City, neur the residence of lion. W. T. M:itlock. The exercises connected therewith will commence on Friday, tiro Srith duy of June, in; t., nnd continue over Sunday. Ample provision w.ll bo made for all who may attend. W. C. Johnson, Clerk. Okeuon Cirv, Juno 12, 1S57. XrXARRXBB: May 10th, I8.)7, nt the residence of the bride's miner, near rairneia, oy jonn reebles, j. r., Mr. V. A. Kellev to Miss F. M. Fikstes, both of Murion county, Uregon, 3T Illinois and Wisconsin paper please copy. BORN: At Buckingham Palace, London, April 14th, int., ynein vicroau or a princess the ninth cniict oi tne wueen. Land Warrants Wanted. THE UIUIIEST PRICE will be paid by the undersigned, in cash, or draft on Atlantic cities, Tor Laoi iirrauts. T.J.MeCARVER. Oregon Cky, June 13, 1857. 9lf Xn Probato Court, Jane Term, 18S7. Order for Appearance. WW. CHAPMAN, administrator of Ihe o estate of James L. Loring, late of Clack amas county, O. T., deceased, has tiiis day filed his pctitiou showing that there is not sufficient per sonal estate in the bauds of tho administrator to pay tho debts outstanding agaiust the deceased aud the expense of administration, and that it is necessary to sell the whole ef the real estate for the payment of such debt, tl is therefore order ed, that all persons interested in said estate show ecus, if any they have, on the first day of the next regular term of this court, at the office of the Judo of Probate in Oregon City, why an order eliaJI not be granted to the administrator to sell so much of the real estate as shall be requisite to pay the outstanding debts, allowances, and charge. it i also ordered, that a copy .of thi order be published for four week ucecively in The Or .egoa Aio. HO BERT CAUF1ELD, Juna S, 1857-8w4 T!!a ef Probate. Xzeentor't BTotlee. THE wadersigned, named a executors in the loot wiH and testament of Lot Wbitcomb, late f Clackamas county, O. T., deceased, have revived letter testamentary with the will an nexed, bMrieg date May 5th, 1857, from the Pro bate court of said county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims against the es tate are requested to exhibit them with the neces sary voucher within one year from thi date to either of us at the town of Milwaukie. IRENE WHITCOMB, Ex'x. WM. 8. TORRENCE, i , . WM. COLLINS, June 2, 1857. 8 Warning to Trespassers. AS SOME SEVENTEEN BOYS CAME to m premise hut Sunday, and wandered about then , leaving the bars down twice during the day, regardless of allowing the egress of mine r the ingress of other stock, this i to warn them that, as this ha been penisted in for some years, if it doe not cease immediately, they or their pa rent, or any other doing the ame, Srill bo pro ceeded agaiust at law forthwith- HEM AN S. BUCK. Oregon City, May 30, ie57. 7 LIMES jjt received and for ail by my30 F. CHARMAN. JUST received 30 bbl Santa Cruz LIME, and 20 sks PLASTER PARIS. mv23 CHARMAN 4 WARNER. "RANGES a fine lot just received and for J aaloby K. CHARMAN. Pc.cAShDlBYara,Tat, Jap.?j. WM.C DEMENT 4 CO. sfnblio Boose. .1 ITTAtING Deriuaovnllv located la Sl 0 c htn j h - jm iu i uomo iioum, wiitcn win m Kip Mwciit ""''l W lid la minm mm a aalL Mw Uhla m,U h fiirnMlml Willi Hi bent th market arTorda, and svery altn 1100 win os fivtn w u comfort or my patrooa. or llis Drug Store. JiOBT. CONNOLLY I May 30, 1857. 7lf I jjtui Andronicus. I IIAVB made arrannmenU furoaea. F'" '"f 'he " Tilua Audronicue" on a mora ULextended and improved plan. Additional rouma hart been aceurad, and 1 h.ill uow bo able to kidee, and alao furulh roonie for one or two private familie. Thankful for tho liberal patron age nerolorora oxtended lo me, I tlill eolioii a laree eharo from tho traveling public. Every at. Irniion Riven to tho comfort aud uonvenieuoo of liioee who call on me. TITL'S G. CLARK. Oregon City, May 30, 1 827. 7in6 $2,000 Beward! ITniEREAS aumo aeoundnl Y V burn our utore on Tueedav niirht lait. iha abevo reward will be Daid lo anv sua arlia arlll uish tretiiuony that will lead to Ihe DETECTION i i iiiiun oi ma peroun iruiiy or iiial ultOI0f ,uv on mha """P1 hereafter, lb careful atientioo of ailcii wile ai oireciea to tnia mailer, who deeira lo aecapa from Ilia wickad dei(n of incendiariea. WM.C. Ilk.MENT4l.Ca Oregon City, May 30, 1847. B. O. Burnett, ATT0HXEY & COUNSELOlt AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, BETHEL, POLK COUNTV, OKEGON. Experience Makes l'crfect. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goodtt WE wish to Inform our eiutomera and the publio generally that wo have now on hand, iu addition to our uiual heavy doek of Uro eerie and Dry-Good, one of lite larirut and beat- oeiecled etuck of READY-MADE CL0T1IIXG over offered in this market. tVa also wish lo av that our good an of excellent quality, and that " as cusAr AS Ar OTHER HOUSE IN OERGO.V, Portland not txctptid. Our old motto Mill trorerm our trade " Quick ales and smnll profits." Our stock of goods is now open for inspection to all who will favor us with a call. Call and sec. and let experience now open for inspection to al then speak for itself. Wo sell as low as any in tho Territory, for cash, or produce at market rates. UIIAK.MAN & W A K.N til. Oregon City, May S3, 1857. W. T. MATLOCK. W.O.JOIIhSO!. XaXatlock 4k Johnion, ATTORNEYS & COTJKSELOKS AT LAW, , c ,- . . , " "3 lI'LL promptly ntlemt Is any business which ww i ...:.... I .. .1..:. . i charge before Ihe District and Supreme Court. I ein t- . . .... tiiuee in iiigunuiu a nuiluing, immediately op- posite the Maiu Street House. Uregon City, Maruh 7, 1857. 47y Notice. T)Y an arrangement effected with the owners of JLJ Hie ferry, all persons from Uregon City wishing to visit the LINN CITY STORE, with a view lo purchasing Goods, will be furnished with a tKCK i'AS.1, UVJill AND BACK, on appli cation at the Drug Store or A reus Office. fgT None need consider themselves under the ' least obligation to trade, after using Ihe miss, un less perfectly talitfitd with Coed and price. IC. II. IJItUUUUiUiM. Linn City, May 9, 1857. 4 Cliariiiaii dfc Warner TTAVE rco'd a large assortment of SHOES, cmhraciug children nnd ladies' shoes, and Gaiters, Buskins, and llootecs s also gents' Hoots ana snoes, ana gaiters or all descriptions. ALSO. Cradles and scythes, snaths, hoes, rake, fork, spades, aud shovels. To H.nnt A STORE KUOM, situated on Main street, opposite the Main Street House quil a desirable part of town. Apply to may i!J. UliAKMAN & WAltNEIl. $10 Reward. QTRAYED from David Culver's, in the Waldo KJ Hills, wine lime last fall, a small white Indian MARE, with while eves, and flax msne and tail, and pigeon-toed, branded dimly with three letters on the shoulder, and has probably now got a con. Any person Bringing tne mare to mo, or writing to me al Oregou City and informing me wnere i can una ner, shall have fill reward. CI1AKLE8 CUTTING, Jr. Upper Molalla, May S3, 1857. 6tf Pottery. TTTE have now permanently located in Ore- V T gon, and will give our whole attention to the MANUFACTURE of EARTHEN-WARE, in which business we are now engaged, at the old Saw-mill, hal f a mile above Canemah. We are now making the best ware of the kind ever before offered in the Territory, and shall keep a constant supply, such as will enable us to fill any aina oi an oruer upon snort notice. Up country merchants and the farmer gener ally are invited lo give us a call. 8. M.HAKRI3 & BROTHER. Oregon City , May 1 0, 1 857. 5tf Sheep and Wool for Sale, Tl Y the subscriber, living six miles south of JL SUverlon, Marion county, on the Territorial road. T. W. V AV EN PUKT. May 16, 1857. 5tf Notice to Stockholder!. rpHE second assessment of ten per cent, on the JL capital slock of the Tualatin Improvement and navigation Company w mode payable to the Treasurer on or before the 15th day of June next. iiy order or JJuecton. THOS. POPE, Pree't. Oregon City, May 9, 1857. 4w6 Stockholders' Meeting. THE stockholders of the Tualatin Improvement and Navigation Company are requested to meet ai i ajriui a v.. j , ... nrday, June 13th, at 10 a. si. A full and punc tual attendance is requested. By order of Directors. THOS. POPE, Pre't. Oregon City, May 9, 1857. 4w5 100 SETS wagon boxes, for sale by WM. C. DEMENT co. CkP SPT9 l.k ttnnh ih'iI tnr mIa kv iJ WM. C. DEMENT ft. do. 2000 SEAMLESS sack for tale by WM.C. DEMENT A. co. 6 DOZ. grape-vine cradles for rale by WM. C. DEMENT & co. DOZ. polished cast -steel grain scoop for sale by . WM. C. DEMENT co.- 100 GALS, sperm oil (superior quality) for sal by WM. C. DEMENT 4 co. BETS eoopen' tools for sale by WM. C. DEMENT co. 50 DOZ. thumb latches, ebeap, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT co. 47) SETS hollow augera, for wheelwrights, for aiO l by WM. C. DEMENT co. ORRIS' PoeUeal WsrkWor sale by C. POI'E, Jr. DIARIES for 1857 for sale by C TOPE, Jr. Xfotic, urt is inform TTfE tsk plesaurs is informing oar customers ad (lit publio generally Dial tli AH ftTPir f rifl if ifnr vrvrmo Carpenters' Tooli. &c. which wo advertised lo srrivs about Ilia lot of Majr aro now litre, aud ready for delivery. They couUl, In pari, of llio following, via : Combined reaper aud mower. Thresher aud elesuers, from 9 to fl-horse power, lf........ it L...e. . ..... r ' . .-awie straw cutlers, Grnpe-viu grain endive, tiea My"v -lalhs, I raln eojilien, gra ecyllin, eylh atonti, nnmn wimw., . anviU. Collini' axea, handled, do do williouthamllrt, Droad axea, hand axea. hatcheu. Draw knivee, xcul aawe, curry combe, Wool carda.tliovele. nad. nlauUra' huee. Potato diffffen, irriudtouea and fixture. Spoke ahavea, moukey wrenchca, eaddle-bap, UW pain Iwhted link Uac chaine, 1000 lop; chaine, cliaiu piiiiiM, Mill-enw, Hal, aud lilf round hire. CANrBNTKRS TOOLi: i. 30 !! premium beuch plane. Mulch plane, hollow aud round. Hath do bead, plow. ol Ul1 llela, try, aiuuro, bevel, and mitre, """v" ,ul"i """'r11 Hand viM., n.euurin., Auwr biU, guaire, liand-aaw file, aarcn. ilaudaw, backnuwi, tinner and (ocketchiiela. BUII.OINO NATEEIAI.S: 300 keg aw'd nail, Uoora, window, wiuduw-elaa. nullv. Paint red, green, aud blue white had, f t I :i .;. . .. . .. MlrnP l,in. bull and ecrew, cupboard lock, uiuuru on, lurpentine, door lock, Smila Cruz lime, calcined ploiter, Ac, Ao. GR0CKMES: Coflee, tea, migur, j-rup, dried apple, naiHiw, pie iruiu, rice, pPier, ginger, mustard, Allpice. clove, 30U ban Livernoul aalt. 2j kill No. 1 mackerel, iic, Slo. CHOCKKBT AND 0LASS-WAHB, a general aMorlmcuL D It Y - G O O D S: 9000 pua Cotton, aawrted aixe, 000 yd bro drilU, S0O0 " dieeUng, 300 " ratineia, 100 pr3x:i pt Mackinaw blanket, w " lVi hubd blanket. Jeans, alao Clothing, and Boot, and Shoes, ,the, with cordatre (aborted), oaknm. I.r. ro. iu, blocks, and many other articles loo uuuierou 10 m'"ion. . " ou,d ,l "l0 ""' t'm Inform the farmers 0l''m ,,mt we will keep on hand constantly a Bd oarortment of agricultural implement, hav. nwde rruI18tnwuls with manufacturers in Ih East lo furnish us with such articles, and we feel eenhdeni thai we can furnish tho farmers here on ueh terms as will be satisfactory. We have now on tho way from New York a lot of Threshers and reapers, to arrive early in Hie season. . WM. U DEMENT & CO. Oregon City, May 9, 1857. JUST DECEIVED, at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York aud San t run- Cisco, a large assortment of Drug, Chemical, J'atcntand Family Medicine, all of n liich will be sold as low or lower than thev can be had nt any other place in the Territory, (country men limits will nnd it lo their interest to buy hero instead of Portland. Call and let. Oregon City, May 9, 1857. Now Arrangements. I HAVE bought out Ihe UAKERY establish ment of Cliarman $ Horner, which I have now opened under the most favorable circum stance to all old natrons, aud as many new one a may choose lo give me a call. My chop will be well supplied with LVrW, Cute, Pics, Crackers, Nuts, Can dies, hatstns, rigs, Cigars, Toys, and almost everv other variety of knick-knacks yet invented by Yunkou ingenuity all of which will be aitordcu AT TUB LOWEST POSSIBLE BATES 1 I shall occasionally receive supplies from Ihe tropicul latitudes, which will bo duly announced upon arrival. All are invited to give me a call. r KKUKKICK CIIAKMAN. Oregon City, April 25, 1857. 2 WE9TEK llOTr.l,, Morrison St., between Front nnd First at., fUKTLAaU, O. T. Charges reasonable. 8. D. SMITH, March 15, 1856-43 Proprietor. Bstrajrt I- EFT this city a few day ago a small BAY J HOUSE, live or six year old, with a blazed face, black mane and tail, branded with au X or cross on the Inn. He hud on when he left a strap buckled around the neck. Any person bringing him in and leaving him at Albright's, or informing me wnere i can get mm, snail be suitably re warded. CHARLES ST. JOHN. Oregon City, May 9, 1857. 4w5 HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL for some lime past, that MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed at the LINN CITY STORE, to meet the demands of its constantly increasing custom, l ticsc auuiuons have now been made the store is enlarged, and the stock ha just been replenished with a large assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods &c. among which are Panama Hats, Gaiters, Cravats, Parasols, Ginghams, Ribbons, Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, And a orpat deal more, At tho 'LINN CITY STORE.' Motto "Small profits and quick return." April 11, 1857. BOAT STORES, all kinds, wholesale er re tail, at UltOUGHTON'S, Linn City. GOOD black and green TEA, at BKOL'GHTON'S, Linn City. LADIES' aud gents' KID GLOVES, at BROUGHTON'S, Zinn City. Oarden Teai. EARLY May and Victoria Marrowfat, for sale by C. POPE. Jr. fctraW Critters. 4 DOZ. Straw cutlen just received and for sale by G. ABERNETIIY dr. CO. B.8. Syrtnl. KEGS, 8s and 5s, for sale by G. ABERNETIIY A CO. 30 SeUinr Off I A VALUABLE assortment of BOOKS and stationery. Teachers and dealers and all interested are invited lo call and examine. March 28, lb57. C. POPE, Jr. RUTABAGA eed-for sale by mar28 C. POPE, Jr. ii HUBARBor pie fruit seed for so! maKS v. rurt, jt. o REGON timothy seed for sale by mar2d C. POPE, Jr. 700 LBS. whit coasipore sugar for sale by roar28 C. POPE, Jr. C1HA1N PUMPS price reduced for sale by mr2 C. POPE, Jr. TACAULAY'S History of England for C. POPE, Jr. ale by DIARY and Correspondence of Amos Law reooe for eala by C POPE, Jr. 1 N assortment of Bible and Teataxnenta for 11. al at . lb Repository price by C, POPE, Jr. Harness and Saddlery. TIIEndrignedhavingopned!anew F in JlLl I r.VILI.r., Marion county, u. Tr T., ready to manururtur and ruruish al rfiort notice, and in tho beat aud inml whsfan- tial atylo of the craft, all of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and for - rmgt 1 rimming, $e. March 28, JtJi7. A. COOK. Mr. Foat'i School. mllE NEXT TERM of thi School will com. X merice on MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1657. Terms, Including board, tuition, us of books, ete., are from B3j to 950 for a aeaaioa of eleven weeks. None taken for ho than ana half of a term. No deduction made. To all tli who will cheerfully use the proper exertion to acquire knowledge, and will strive lo be gentlemanly In Iheir deportment, Ihe proprietor I pledges hinwelf thai Ihe Instruction giveu (hall nol I iw scK ouil lo any in the eouulry. I hose who wish lo pay a part of Iheir expenses by labor, oan do so. juiia v. it mr. Oregon City, Feb. 14, 1857. 44w9 Now Ooodi. TUST received by the subscribers, fj 8300 yds Msrriuiae and Cueheco prints, 17UU satinets, blue and mixed, 130 ' cotton warp, SO coil manilla rope, 194 buudlee map paper, 55 eases Kentucky rille powder, FFF.G. March ill. G. ABEKNETH Y It CO. Vonng! Improved Smut BrXilli. nillREE of these SUPERIOR amut mill A. now on band and fur sale by U. All WIN LIU Y a. CO. Oregon City, Mar.h !2l, 1857. At War with Hard Timet! HARD TIMES DEFEATED! BY aOHARMAN ic WARNER, who, In addition KJ to their usual LARGE STUCK of Dry tiooda and ti rarer ica, sr about receiving per bark Metropolis and Mat thew Vaasar, the following uew supplies, vu: InO boxes English soap, 100 " American do., araorled brands, 50 " adamantiu candle, 95 u penn do. 10 ' wax candles, assorted colon, 3000 Ih No. I llalavia sugar, 4000 ' No. 1 Manilla do. 4000 Costs Rica, Itio, and Java coffee, 100 liooce' domestic ground do. 50 dux assorted spicee, in bottles, 6 ' English ass'd sauce, 6 do do pickle, 10 ' American do da SO cases pie fruit, 50 boxes Windsor glass, ass'd sizes, 100 keg nails, all size, 600 Ih codfish, 6 hlf buls mackerel, 10 bbla lime, 1 ease tobacco, 'Pride of the Union,' 1 do do 'Commercial,' 1 do do 'Honey dew,' 1 do do 'Nulurul leaf,' 0 pros nnokiug tobacco, 6 dot tomato ketchup, 6 ' pepper sauce, 10 keg dried apple, 2 bbl plaster uaris. Together with a well-selected assortment of Dry Goods, UOOT8, SHOES, nnd reado made CLOTH I AO, which we olTer as LOW i i any iouso in Oregon, either wholesale or retail. lermecash, or produce taken in exchange at Ibe highest market rale. March 21, 1857. TUI.L nasertment of Yankee Notions at JT mh21 CIIAKMAN & WARNERS. 1AM ex. quality cigars. LJ CI I A It MAN & WARNER. 2000 L1IS. assorted candy. CHARM AN WARNER. 1 p DOZ. Oiiters. ID CHA RMA NiWA RNER. U S T R E C E a splendid lot of I V E D, CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SHOES, and Drr-Goods ot all Description. We can now fill almost any bill a fanner may call r. luiianusee. March 14. C it ARM AN 4. WARNER. m m r m rr AT nTrnnirn a -v -ww a Linn City Waking Up ! GREAT IMPROVEMENTS! THE publio are hereby respectfully informed that, beside the improvement completed or in progress at tins place such a the new mill, a plauk walk from the mill to the ferry, c., eVo., a commodious STORE has been fitted up, aud well Hocked leiA JVitf UUUUS, by the under- ignad, who la always ou hand lo aecommodato customers with almost anything they may want in the line or Dry Goods, - Stationery, Groceries, Crockery, Boots 6. S(0f, Hardware, Clothing, Cutlery, Medicines, Confectionery, Istgars, etc. d'e, All of which will be sold at the fcr LOWEST PRICES j$ Rent and other expenses being less at thi place than at Oregon City, t can and will make it for the interest of persons to trade hee,in preference to crossing the river for that purpose. Only just visit, once, ma "Linn City Store," and you ahull be convinced of this fact. D" All kiuds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. KUUEKT II. UUfJUUUTON. Linn City, March 7, 1857. 47 JONAS G. CLARK CO., Furniture Wart-Room; 28 Wuthington Street, BAH tKAMVlSUU, And 49 ana! 51 Fourth tl., bcttrrcn J and A' !., Importers, Manufacturers, Wholesale & Retail DEALERS IH EVERY DESCRIPTION OF- FUBNITUBE & BEDDING, Have now In Store the uaoisr sto'( and most complete assortment of RICH and BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE ever offered in thi State, consisting in part of Fine Rosewood, Walnut and Mahogany Parlor and Chamber bets; Sofas, Ottomans, Lounges, and Easy Chairs, Bureaux, Whatnots, Mirrors of all sizes j OFFICE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE In great variety. r3T" We are new manufacturing from our na tive wood, also from walnut and rosewood, most of our finest furniture, and can produce an article superior for strength, durability and beauty, to anything imported from the East. We have constantly on hand and are in regular receipt of full and complete invokes of Goods, adapted to tne interior and coast trade. ray- tu w hvlusalb ubalkks we would say, your orders will receive, as formerly, our careful and prompt attention. sprVjmJ Oregon Lodge If o. 5 I. . O. F., MEETS at their Hall over the Oregon City Drug Store every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Brethren in goal standing are invited to visit THOS. CHARMAN, N. O. C. SWirrxta, Sec'y. 31 JUST RECEIVED, a new supply of Rio and Java Coffee, Rice, Sugar, Hal Soda, e. nov29 C. rOr-E.Jr., Main. "TVR. Osgood's ludiaCbalagoffue.and Dr. Jones' AJ Amen-ee Cholagogoe, at the DlifGON CITY DRUG STORE. THRESHERS AND COMBINED REAPERS AND MOWERS. I 1 -e - I I 04.MI.-j(t(t-U.ALB.M. I, Bntersd seoordlng to Act of Congress In the vines oi uie vistnci vourt oi Uis united E HAVE NOW ON THE WAY Ihe above mentioned machines, aud expect Farmer wishiug anything of Ih kind would wken for. J he 1 IIUl.SHr.R9 are from two lo six horse a are of the most improved kind uow used in Ihe Slates. W oiH-r them from $100 lo $ik)0. MANNY'S COMllINEU REAPER A NO MOW Kit, which ho tak-u the premium for Iha beat combined machine now in us at all Ih exhibitions in the State during Ihe past year, w offer at (350. W'm !,. .t,.n ,i.. . .:.,. .I...,, .1.. nnvvB T I tv rrTTPPV r various sizes, together with a good assortment of enrwnlors' tools and hardware generally, inclujii.g grain cradle and scythes, snaths, aud mowing scythes, forks, shovuU, spades, hoes, dee., Ac, all of which will sell low for cash. WM. C. M.MKNT A. CO., January 31, 1857. The New UiiBluiid nntiial LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Boston, Mass., in 1343, and having a capital and accumulated premiums amount ing to oecr 81,000,000., "TjrILL- take riks iu Oregon, for a term of V V yean or for life. Dividends of profit to those Insured are declared every live years. Iu- riraiic may be eflecled for the benefit of married Women aud children, btyoiid the reach of jrrdit on of Ihe party insured. Creditors may insure Ihe livesof debtor. Kutes in Oregou will be tho me as in New England. This is tho oldest American Mutual Insurance Company, and is one of tho most reliable and suc cessful, and insures on the most favorable rate. Information may be obtained from, and applica tion fur insurance made lo, A. IIOLflROOK, Agent for Oregon. Contultinr Plwiiriant Forbes Barclay, M.D., Oregon Cily, and It. B. Wilson, M. D., Portland. uregon my, dan. ill, !.. 4i FURNITURE! AT TUB rXJRNITTJBJa BAXiSS . ROOM. (One door below L. Snow ctCo.'s, Front st.,) PORTLAXD, OREGOX. CoBstantly receiving, and on band, THE BKST ASSOliTMEXT Ever Offered In Oregon!! Having had several year' experience, I am pro pared to roll AS CHEAP AS, IF NOT Cheaper than has ever heretoore been offered on the racifio coast! BT CALL AND IXAMINS FOR YOUSSELVBS. XZ A.J. STURTEVANT. Portland, January 10, 1857. 10m JUST RECEIVED run. bark "ocean biiid," And for sale, by the undersigned, (Kfr lb Costa Kicacollce, a very wipe- JUJJ nor article, 40 kg pure white lead, pepper sauce, iu glass, yellow ochre, capera " boiled linseed oil, in tin olive ' and barrels, honey, raw do. do. do. China preserves, in jars, China sugar, no, t green peas, in tins, crushed " iu hlf bbla oysters, 11 brown sheeting. 0-4, figs, in drums, manilla rope, .'I J 3,21,2, ante currants, JJ. and 1 inch, Alalnga ramms, (layer) cast steel, almonds, soft shell, pio fruits, ass'd, in glass, walnuts, English meat Bonces, ' olive oil, (Plaguiol's) lull ilo. " cheese, in tins. ALLAN. M, KIN LA Y CO. Oregon City, December 30, 185(1. Ulnckiinilii nut! others, Look Here ! ALLAN, McKiNLAY &. CO. have now on hand a lorge and Well selected stock of liar Iron, Cast Meel, Horse shoe do., Herman do., Nail rod do., Plough do., Plate do., and intend to keep up the assortment so as to suit the Wants of customers. Give us a call, and you will find that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell "as cheap as the cheapest." Wo are constantly receiving additions to our assortment, so ns to replace what is sold. Dee. 6, '5G. Just Iteneived, TONS San Quentin suit, 101 sacks Liverpool suit, 50 bbls lime, 60 kegs syrup, 50 mats, 25 suck coll'ee, 5 bbls vinegar, 25 boxes soap, 20 bale drills, 5 " sheetings, 11 cases boots. 10 Jn.l7,'57w0 U. ABERNETIIY & CO. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, per sir. Columbia and bark Nahumkeag, the fol lowing goods : ,')UU It cotton yarn, 5000 yds bro. drill, 11 cases boots and shoes. 25 hlf bbls dried apples, 30 kege E. B. syrup, 1 0 dox lialtimore oysters, 20 " pio fruits, 20 ' fresh peaches, 25 boxes raisins. 10(J kegs nails, ass'd sizes, 10 doz glass lanterns, bcoop shovels, log chains, CVC, rzC. Feb. 14, '57. WM. C. DEM EN T CO. Oregon aud California Packet Line. flMIE following vessels will run in eon HE following vessels will run in eon nectionasa REGULAR LINEbn. en PORTLAND aud SAN FltAN-MjiLi tween CISCO: Clipper bark JANE A. FALKENBERG, Badoes. Master. Hark liIKU, W looms, CI1AS. DKVKNS, Healev, NAHUMKEAG. Williams. Ung I. il. I.UNT, Uiciiariisoi, The Hark have all been comiered recently, and are in first-rate order, commanded by experienced captains, r reighta will be carried at the lowest rates Produce aent from any part of tha eanntrv to wregon v-iiy, or lo me imn C117 work, will be re. r. . .. . ------ eeiveo ami lorwarded 11 ,,au Francisco. Aoerts t.LO. ABERNETIIY & CO., Orerun CilV. ABERNETIIY, CLAKK CO-, Not. 22, '5C-32lf San Francisco, TE WILL PAY CASH or TRADf M TV good WJir.AT at the morsel price, nol5 CHARMAN 4 WARNER. gAN DS' Samfiarilla, in any onantity, at the OKEGyN CITY DRUG STOKE. AfTi'.-.M 1 : rami'swiiiini ai i Ar'li Tr'i 7 1 year 186f), by William H. Kucnv. In ill" fieri s Bute, for tli Aoriiicru i iiirictoi .ew urs. FROM NEW YORK, A LARGE NUMBER OP them lo arrive about Ih lint of May next. do well to call early, as a uumber hav already been power, nf both kiuds. sweep and endless chain, and Afiiii St., nnwWf the I.ind OJHet, Oregon City. OREGON CITY Wholesale Prices Current. coaascTsu wkkklv. par uoons. iisnns Sc hkuioikk. Sheeting,4-4....1IJil2J N. Y.cost Drilling 12 raopi'ca. Bleached drilling I.) Wheat, pr. bu-....$l,40 " ahirting, llaltiOal do 50 Striped do l.'J PoUtoe Ac 37 Tirkini IdulliOiiioiu do (I IK) Deiiin I2J Hour $3,50 Blue drllliug 14 Com Meat, fresh 6 Plaid husey Iliu24' rai'ir. Satinet 70atl' Appl.a, Jried 16al8 Keutueky jeans... 'J.'ial.Vl'eache, dried Ill Tweeds 55ar0; " do pealed raiKT. Blue and while., J " Chili, dried. 20a25 rsovisioss. Blue aud orange I'd i ork, clear. none. Fancy Hal2, ' iocs 28a30 Furniture do 10a! I iluitis.. I.i do. wide. 121 acon 1': M. do laiues 1 Ha. Id Hotter 25 Giughauw 1 5a22; Eggs 20 Alpaca 25alill; rowtixa. Tublo d.iinask 50a75i I Iarard, pr ca $15 cloth tijalj; pr keg 1)10 Irishlineu 40a$l (hot. ciiTiiiNci. ISmall ixu $2Js3 Sheep gray pauU $ :Jj:t Buck $3u31 Satinet do. .-'luil, LEai. Knncyeass. do. ....! ItiA Bar 15 Black ciikk. do. jl.iu7;Whito lead, In oil...lL'l Red Hau'l shiits ,?l lulH cordaue. Illuu do. do, I Tin I Si Manilla, small 25 Hickory shirts 5u7 " lurgu 25 Calico do $'Jul3IIcmp 1015 SOOTS & IIIOK. 1 CANDLE. Men' kip boots Jja4; Adiiinutiue 17a40 " siier do. do.... jtl .Sperm 60u6j " line sewed il ciiurs. Boys' kip boots fyi Havana $IOu80 '"' ha'vy w'x do,$ 1 4 i'J Uennuu 8I0U25 Mens' brg's pr. dox.. g 1 7; American $20a50 ' kip hrg's pr dux.9';uj toxacoo. " calf sewed do.. $21 Pride of the Uuiou.40a45 Woineu's h'vy sli's . 1$ 13; Sun 30a3 5 " fine do. Ij,Luko's 37 .glo.Luko'a UROCKRIKS. ! HASOW CofTce Km 18' .Shovels . ;$MnU ,. $1410 ..$l2a2D ,..90a$ll .75a$l,25 10 porot Tea C0a7.r:.Spade Sugar, 110. 1 Chi'a.... 15; Axe " crimhej 2', .MiUhbhs Saleratus lOulO X cut saws.... Starch 14 lable cutlery, Syrup E Boston... I ..'Id; advance oil N. Y.cost do. S Island $ 1, 2ti; Pocket cutlery, 23 prct N O Molnsaes advance. My. Hull 21a.TOthur article of harl- TublnSalt 3u:t5 ware from 20 toSOpr . Sandwich 1. Salt Pepper , A Ili-pice Ciniiauiou Soap 2a2i' et advance. Jj.,Naila,adsixc,prk $61 4ili " horseshoe... 2 5a35 .(jOllHIli OIL. ,. 8a ll' Lamp $lH2i GKO. AI5Ktt.i;TIIV 4c Co , MERCHANTS, ORECON CITY, O. T. Abcrncthy, Claris di Co., COMMISSION AND FOItWAKUINU ME1ICIIANTS, San Francisco, Ctil., Will attend to selling Oregon produce, and fill ar dors for Goods, Groceries, eVc, at the lowest rates. The patroinge of the people of Oregon is re pectfully solicited. Aug. 9. aT03. swlOW IS by h'nuaelf, aud would roajHsutfulIy say lo hi friends and the public generally that he is thankful for past patronage, an ) will uunlimie busi ness ut the aid stand, aud will ever be reudy to how his Goods to those who may favor him with A call. Coino one, come all, both great and small, and give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine for yourselves his splendid aud select stock of DRY COOnS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH' INU, HOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Cuflea, Spices, &.O., Ac, Hats, Nails, Itrooms, &c, and almost every thing pertaining to a general line of business. All kiuds of country produce tukeu in exchange. Country friends will lind it to their advantage to give me a call. Cnuemah,SepL u. Wm. C. Ssment cTt Co., WHOLESALE il RETAIL Dealers in Groceries, Hardware, Boots k Shoes, Crockery, fed T tli.N their thank to their numerous cus tomers for Iheir p ist liberal patronage, and so licit a continuance of the same. They take plcasuro in informing the public lhat thev have now 011 hand a large and d' sirablo slock of Groceries, Hardware, liuott and Shoes, Crockery, and Boat Storet, lo which they are making constant additions from jew jew ana San Francisco, purchased for cah only, and ar enabled to sell nt lower price than any other "tore in Oregon City. Jau.31, 1857. hull I Null! ()f TONS "San Quentin" SALT, in about aw U 80 and 100 lb. bags, just received aud for sale vely cheap at ALLAH, mcl .Vii.f x f i-w. Oregon City, Dec. 6, 18iC Coffee. IF YOU WANT a realiy good article ef COF FEE, the undersigned have got 19,000 lb best "Coota Ilica.' Ccine in and look, at it. ALLAN, Mr K INLAY CO, Oregon City, Dec. 6, lb50. "1 rc ivL Dysentery Syrup, Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. j)RKSTO.N'S Sectionu! and County MAP ef OREGON and WASHINGTON. TER lUTORIliS for sale by auglS CHARLES POPE, Jr. fnA LBS. pnre Ueeawax le low by OUU ja3l WM.C. DEMENT Sl CO. MS E N C1IAII E W GOODS, MAN . WARNER'S.