1 It 3 J.t 1 ! I ..If 4 .! '. if m "tt 2 '.V 3 1 4 1 4 4 ."-4 A C f L' 1 3 : .'4 Ja 1, 1 4 4 Naalear aa i'.sfriilua af Ward, wks Mnratrca nil Wlf ana ltarart llrr Ua4y.HU It-art aa RrcMtlai Ha Uara at DralkWelatl of Muracrlai aaiUnratag ill wife. Return J, M. War J, who murdered liii wife tt Sylvnni, Ohio, on the 4th cf Feb. runry last, wi ntncel ta denth atTol do oa I he Gth Inst , (lie 12ih day of June next being nmfd a tha day for llie ex ecution of the lenience. The Court, in remark preliminary to pronouncing ibo tntrnce, gave the following brief stale wont of the circumstance nf the murder: The act was done in crct and created no eliinn tut theiuddon disappearance of Mr, wara required some espluuution ; thii, you readily gave. liui your appear, nnce, and the improbability of ynur elate, monts, with other tin. urn Unce, rxcind the luspioimi of your neighbor, and led to I ho examination of your promitce, which resulted In the discovery of portion ol human Don in your tov, and, also, In no inn ailic, which had boctl deposited io (he rear of your houte. During the delivery of the sentence tbej prisoner wept billerly. The nlade r-sys that when brought into the court room " Ward was drrwd as usual, in a full suit of black, appearing much downcast, and at the Court commanded him to it:inJ up, he arose, breathing heavily, hi even fixed upon the door, and only momentari ly seeking the face of l hi Juilgo. With one hand ho leaned heavily on the chair, whilo the other hung tremblingly at his aide." ' When he had received Lis sentence, the Blade says: " Ward knolt down, and. leaning on th chair, buried his face in his bunds, weep ing anu eroanin''. lie was suitor, to rc main thus for a few moments, at the forms of adjourning court till afternoon wore, jobs throiiL'li with, when Sltenfl Sprin-'or touch ed him on the shoutdrr, and he arose, an parently much more coniiosed, and was taken to jail. CONfESSION OP WARD HOW II B KILLED HIS WIFB AND DISI'OSED OP HKR BvDI Tho reporter of tho Toledo Commercial procured on interview uuh Ward, who told tho story of the murder of his wife " iutorrujjt tuy his disclosure by exclama' tions of deep sorrow mid regret for the crime he had commit ted." , co.nfessio:. On Tuesday evening, February 3d, Mrs. Ward and myself hod some word, during which Mrs. Ward struck me on the head with a fluid lamp, also on the riyht side of tho nose, canning tho snine to bleed free ly. I begged her not to sirilie me, took I. . I f I 1 l i aa. me lamp uoin tier ana went io lt d. we rose between six ami seven o'clock on Wednesday morning. I spuke to her about the blow sho hail given mo, showing her where she had struck me en the eve ning previous, nUo the blond on the bold er nnd tick. Sho said hho wished I hnd bled to death, and picking up a stick of hickory wood, sho attempted to strike me. I warded oir tho blow, which fell upon my right thumb, laming it severely. The stick fell from her hand, and, as oho stoop ed to pick it up, I seized a flat -iron, and in tho heat of my passion struck her with it on the right side of the heud, upon and mi dur the ear, driving the ear-ring into the flesh. She fell to tho floor, exclaiming, "Oh! Ward, you have killed mo!" I dropped the flat-iron and went to her; she was lying on her side; I turned her over on her hack, and placed n rutlicnat under hor head, supposing she was only stunned. I usod all menus in my power lo restore hor, hut in half an hour she died, having only spoken onco, " 0, my Nellie," mean ing, as I suppose, her little girl. After sho was do vl, I wrapped her head in a petticoat nnd drew tho body under the led, to contual it in ensa any ono should come in. About half pait eight o'clock, Win. I. Nathan, a mulatto boy, caino lo tho door with some milk ; came into tho shop, took tho milk from him and ho left. I then went to Liba Alleii'itgrncery, bought . i e ... 1 1 .. .. i r I uuuu ui ur , in hi nun i was coin ay. I then returned lo tho houso, and after a short time commenced cuttin" ui the body. I tore llie cloihcs open from the liiroat, down. J then took a small pocket knifa ami opened llio body, took out tho bowols first, and then put them in tho stove up-m tho wood ; they bi'ing filled with air would make a noUe in exploding ; so lock my knife nnd pricked holes through thorn to prevent the noise ; then took out tho liver and heart, and put them in the stove ; found it very difficult to burn them; had to take the poker and frequently slir tliem before they could la destroyed; found the lungs very much decayed. I then took out the blood remaining in the cavity of the bojy, by placing a copper Keiue cioso to the same, nnd scooping it out wun my lunula. I then dipped por tion of her clothir.g in the ,,(,, and burnt it together, tearing if I put the blomi in the siova alono, that it might be discover. cu. I then made an incision throii 'h ihe l.iati atiim ilnH n .M. I... I . .1- .1 ......, ...... rum .me, umke nil me rib and look out the breast bone, and throwing it into large boiler, unjoin. ed the arms at Ihe shoulders, doubled ihem up and placed them in the boih r; then severed the remaining portions of the body, by placing a stick of wood under the lack and breaking the tack bone over the rame, cutting away the hV-ih and ligament with a knife. Then tried to sever the head from the body, it proved ineffectual, ndput the whole upper portion of the body into the boiler. Then took a large carving knifc and wvered the lower portion of the body, unjointcd th legs at the knee, and again at the hip joint; cut the ihighs open and took out the lone and burnt them op ; they burned very rapidlr. On Thursday night I comm-nct'j burn. lug tbe body, by placing I ho upper and New Firm New Ooodi. back portion of Ihe same, together with T'!E u,ndor,1i'f,",d1 uk "'i' method of Inform. . . ' , . , X lug tin publie llwl Ihey have taken the liowe tbe beau, In the stove. On I riday morn- uud In. jiurclmiwii ii tu, tock and fUturt ing, finding it had not been consumed, I ("""erly ud by Y. 8. HOLLAND, aaJ hop by . , " - ' iiriet attention U buauiiM to retain th ulnuK built a large fire by placing wood around f ,h( o)J eimUimt .d g.o as in.uy mora at and under It, and In a short time it wns l'""iW- i , i, W e era constantly in receipt of GOODS wlcel- wholly consumed, oxcept some small por. ed with the irrc aie.1 earn, (. to price and quality,) tions of the larger bones and of the skull. ' confident thai our facilities will enable us Ti .- .i i .1....- lo oll'r RreaU-r indue, niente to sll who want the 1 he remaining portions ef the body wore of ,lt,ir mol , , , kept in the boiler and In tubs, under the I city. Wshave.andarejusireeeiviiig.aninvoiceof bed, covered up with a corded petticoat and wero thereat tho time tho Grst starch was made on Saturday, by Constable Curtis. Hearing on Saturday evening that lb j citizen were nottalisfled with the DRY GOODS. coriitinir In part of the following articles Cuche eo, 1'acifin, Dudley, Culieelegn, I'lillip All. n, Kull Itiver, .Mfrriinuc, and numerous other 1'itl.NTS, all late styles ; Kngl sh and French merino., ,y. out cluih; black, blue, purple, end pink atoaees. jucom t, bonk, and Hwint mu.lin, a line ammnirut U. S. MAIL LINE. Ortfton CH'J and Portland Da 'ihj Packet, 1 Jennie OUrk, 'tZZui& J.C. AINSWOHTII, MANTKR, ill ruu daily, (Humlays cie pled,) iu Ihe shore, nuined liale, hating Oregim (.'ily every day stf o'eluck, 4. tt. Keturnini;, will leave Portland I 3 r.n., touching at all inu rmeiliuu- poms. t or Ireiglit or poaage apply oa board, ap U. S. MAIL LINE. Po r I In iid a lid Aalorla. The M'-ii.liil Hteainer I! Allan, McKinlay A Co., nK j"t reeeived A STOCK Of NEW GOODS, and would invite all those who wi.h to procure (JOtlU articles at resHinubl prices, te call and sea Ihem. They coiuut in part of lb ful.owiug rrindstones canal Sl wheal barrows eroiu cradles fancy brown oi. ,r gross acylhi- natln plain lirusii oo uo t)q harrows 33 leek gardi a rake do SSultnomab JeoJ. arch mad bv Mr. Curti. I nroeeodad on of laces and edginif, v-lvet Inmnen-s, &.o.. do. 0 I ... I , . . . . . mcstic (ilnzhanw. blue, mixed, and gray saiinct, Sunday morning to d.a roy the rniind, r Ll,,.,, grey and fancy cloth, Mibord and Uunkei of the b'ly by burning tho same in the "'"J'S"". twvaelied and browu theeting, brown i. n t . e .i .i- l and blue driHing, denims, biekory slnrliiiir, black .tove, cutting, th fle.hy pan of the thighs Vf u.cti tho , ,0 ,ot uf j j, fr.s-cl- in smnii tirip,tiie more readily to disnoso curpet, c. tvo. of them. On Monday morning I took up M b BO YS' CL0T1IIXO. tho ashe in small bag. sifted out the Blue, blnck, and brown cloth coals of the duct -,uhi... , uMiur. uv. uiaun viuill irww. IIIIO TTT'II.I. continue to run regularly between Port. laud and Astoria, rm Vancouver, Twicr. wkkk, leaving I'orllaud on Monday and Thuivdny mormons of each e-k fr Astoria i and Astoria for I'crtland on TurUy and Friday tiiorniuirs, lOUelllllg Va.couvks,St. IlKLKSS, Kslir.a,tTII lamct, tVc, each way. r or fn iolil or piusagv, apply lo It. IIOYT, .Mu.ter, jeld Oral Ifoyt's luif-lwnt, I'oitland. Wm, 0. Somcnt f& Co., At their eld itnnd, opmilr tht Land Office, larger piece of bono with my hands, p!ao ing tho same in my ovcr-coat poikcts, which Iicattered in various places in the fields at different limes. Also took tho major portion of the trunk nails, together wiih the hinge, nnd scattered them in dilTu.-tnl places. 1 then burned her trunk end evory vestnge of her clothing, dispos- lot of lilk doe.k n uud ntlinet pants, nil juulilie anu mu; ruout r i.'icKris, gmy over and under lurts, while and h ckory Mum, lulls und caM. IIOOTH and S II O K. 8-inen's, boys' and youtlis bonis, unties', miMes , and clnldreu uio roceo, goal, kid, and calf boots and shoe. GROCERIES: Rio cofl're, grecu and hluck tea, New Orleunt, Hulavia, and eriikhed snjj ir, Dust lloMon, Slew, art's, and China syrup, suit, 10 and lb. sacks, nans, asKoriea snrs, foap and soup powders, paw- , 7 t i .fan, Hjanu,,.T,j in, pwij, a,iU suui puwuere, pow ed Of Binall portions at a time, to prevent derand lead, cream lunar, yeuht powder, suleru- their creating loo much smoke. Tho Toledo Blade douUs the truthful. nofs of this "confession," holding that tho murder was not an act done in the heal of passion, but deliberated upon nnd calcula ted in the same spirit that her remains were horribly consumed Lattr frass Europe. By tho arrival ef th Arabia at New Vork, we hnvo dales from Liverpaol to tht 4th of April. Ins, chewing add smoking tobacco, oysters, prunes, .epper siiuee, oils, spces, starch, ami cotton tu(. ling, Willi a variety of other groceries usually kept, n e Imv also a KylfUclU Avsttiiiurut oj Books, In part as follows: Washington &kisliea McKcnzie'e Recetpls, crnls, Keligious Kucyclo)td!a, Xopolcon (c his mnrsh'ls, Hible lli.tnrv. Kollins' A ncieut History, tSketc lies and Skeletons in 4 vole., of sermons, Bonier Wars. Wickham'sSehool Reg. Life on the Flnins, fsier. Frontier Life, Uick Wil. Stevens' book of Ihe farm, Dinted Mates History, Nuluial History, Parley's Geography. Stoddard's Mental arith. 1 oners' aljribrn. Tliompson's high school and ineiitul urilluiielic Webster's and Sanders1 new series school books, Welwlers large family Dictionary, Jrviu'a cyclopedia of moral and religious anecdotes, Mechanic's companion, Railroad and lioads. Teaching. r uller s H orks. 1'nietical Landscape Giirdeninir, I!o hood of Greut Men, Archbishop, .Mereantile .Morals, Yoii.it, horse and cattle doctor, son, Fruit Culture, l.nnH Mmiiip. The electioss absorbed public attention American Debater, in lingiaiiu. iNenrly nil tbe contesit in Ihe mapping ptaie, boroughs wero brouoht to a close on Ihe 20th tilt., nod the result has proved disas trous to the conservatives. Cob-dun, Mall, llrighl, Milunr, Oihson, Lavard, Fox. Cardwcll, and many opponents of Lotd Palnierstou's administration, have b' en do. fettled. Diplomatic relations hetwren Sardinia and Austria will, it is ruid, be restored soorer than expected. Iho iNeufchalul difficullv is at lehsili also itia fair way of adjustment. Tl, n., i,..f...',h !...! . " ftv,i-.s-s.w ivi VUllUllinillll UI a I i T.l 1 n i it . . . treaty of commerco between tho Frenoh yl rrcm WV oncrij and ilttssiun governments nro terminated U"y-I,"'k!,lnlld Journals, Memorandums of all and tho treaty will soon U ..!..! . n B"d.l?i" P1P."' 5"v0Io,,cp, . jisiis auu jjouciis, siaies, wr ung Iiookh, Kc. ruins. vis. i.ii.'imii idi.'i i. -. I'l .-( I. I I i'lUUOVIVI 1 IVy V- U, i iih rauiieniion ot llie .otinn Ulies rei v F.S. GOODS en-haior..,! ,M il.. i.i..i,.. has been exchangod at Copenhagen, market price paid for butler, egy,, bacon, chick- Fiom Madrid, March 21st. it is renorted ll,,uriad almost anything the farmer has for , j. 1 I Kilo. U M 1 .f-l'l l ...... .v tn mo case oi an arrangement Orclron ci(v. 0l, . r , '" i RK now receiving per bark "Ork" and brig XV "I lalcjuu, ' Ilia loilowing goods t l.'iU boxes sperm and sdumuutine esmlles, M keen dried ajipte and pi-aches, 100 Libia mist hlf bbls crushed sugar, 60 cases pekhs, 30 " f.e.h peaches, SO " pie fi nils, ID tons ;. A. salt, CROCKERY 4- GLASS-WARE t Still dox cups and saucers, 3110 plates, 200 " tumblers, 20 " water pitchers, Sugar howls, tea-pots, Vo., &0. OILS $ PAINTS i "00 kegs pure lead, 2011 gals linseed oil, 100 gu!s turpentine, SO guls vuruisli, 300 gals lump oil, IllO irals lard " DRY GOODS I iiOOO yds brown sheeting, SHOO " prints, lilenched cottons, bed lii kinir. Ac. &c.. all of which will be sold as low as they can be pur chased of ouy oilier house io Oregon City, may 17 TfST RECEIVED at the Oregon Citv Druir J Store, direct from New Vork ami San Fran cisco, a fresh supply of DRL'CS, MEDICINES, Pulenl Medicines, Family Medicines. Ac. Ac. which will be told at low fur casti at then can ht procured in llie Territory, full aud exuiniue for yourselves, uml get un Almunuc for IHS7, gratis. J AVXE'3 Alterative, Expectorant, and Tilts, Cod Liver Oil, Ca:or Ol, on I Sweet (til, at uie UliKliON LIT I V IL'U STORE. At KXICAN Mmliimr I .innnnil II TV M.- j.rj. cnanis i.ur-.'iine un. at the assort'd colored pail painted tub vino wash boards do hoi-s blacksmith bellow do spades cross cut saw 7 It polished shovel do 6 ft Lav forks mill saws 7 ft manure fork hair muttrasses double churns do singl window gloss 8 by 10 hair bolster doubl do 10 by H do singl do 7 by 0 sperm candies wiuduw sashes 8 1 by 10 ulauinntiii do do 10 by 12 giupe brand tobacco 0 bows and vokoe lueke tobacco ULAKKKTS. DAISE, L1XDSEYS. Sltrctiiifii Ticks, de de. And keep constantly on band a large supply of GROCERIES, ololhing, hsnlware, an J many articles loo numcr ous to ineiilioii. ALLAN, M KINLAY f CO. Oregon Cily, April 21, Idii-ly XYow fiooka ! rilllE lubscriber ha just received larire as. X sorluieulof HOOKS, direct from New Vork, among which are the M owing! Alison's Hist, of Europe, Sillinion's do. Democracy In America, "Land and be," 'Sea anil Sailor," Three Years in Califor.. f'ye. of Literature, llucliuu s ram. I'liys n., Muuuul of Fine Arts, lectures on the Arts, Tnivels iu Teru, Polar Itecious, Mahun's t'hilosophv, 5U0 copies uf banders Speller, Mill ' " Readers, 2.V) " McGufTey's do. 2-"0 " Webiler's Dictionaries, American Institutions, Lives of the Signers, Hub) lou and Nineveh, "Deck and Port," 'Ship and Shore, Home Cvclopcilia, Kevpl uud llio HolyLand IjiinluerouSt m Lujjiue, A lie t .Monasteries, Choice Uioyr.ipliy, I'eruvian Antiquilie, Choice Etru Is, A variety of 1'oels. Smull agricultural works, liibles, of all sizes, ill) many other valuable books. ALSO TRESTON'S MAP OF OREGON ond WASH I.NUTON. OREOOX CITY DRUG STORE. rpRL'KSES, riiiht and lea and double, and Ab- jl nominal supporters, ai llie OKECiUN CITY DRUGSTORE. Dnvies' Algebra, iNewmau'a Khelorie, (eometry, lluy do. " Bourdon, Parley's Univ. History, " Surveying, Goodrich's l'ict. U. S., " l.egendrv, Mnnleilh's Geography, " Arilkmrlics, "Litllo Sp, aker,'' Thompson's do. X. Ameiicau Speaker. ALSO, A Trcsh BuppIv of Dtationorr. Day Hooks, Journal", Ijrtlzm, lleeor.l llooks, Memorandums, uf all sizes, Diar re, 4 c-, Note and letter I'uper, Envelopes, I'rns, &.C., Ac Erus'r Knives, Krasive Rubber, Gummed Labels, l'uber's Ptueils, INK, iu quart aud pint bottles. W1IOLUSAI.R AND HKTAIL. CHALES I'OrE, Ja. Oregon Cily, August 18, lttoti. .furniture. f plIE subscriber bus just reeeiv- TJUKK White Lead, mw aud burned Umber, T . , "riuer '"' 1 Crome, Green ond Yellow, and other paints 'W l'I.'ly ' at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. -1 U!'K of u" ;"fuou C0lll,lt-T wiih Mexico, n Spanish force will occupy somo po.tion of tho Mexican territory lo protect Spaniel) subjects. Austria has issued a new circular com- plaiiiitijj of Sardinia's continued itisullins condiit.-t. Tho Inst Russian repot tn on operations in Iho Catientiis stato that tho Uusaians hnvo received large reinforcements. The 4 lit regiment of the Cossacks nf the Don, which distinguished itself in iho Crimea, has already arrived bore, and it is eerlain ly not tho only Cossack regiment which has rec.'.ivcd that destination. On I ho whole, the Russians have al most double the forces they had lust yoar in tho Caucasus ; mid are besides Assisted by excellent militia raised from ntnonst the subjected population. The British fleet has finally left the Ros. plmrtu, thus evacuating the Turki-h wot. crs. At the 1 1 is.li elections the balance . D. & CO. y Holland & OThito, ( FIRE PROOF niiICK BUlI.DI.Nf), ) MAIN ST., OREGON CITY, TT" EEP coiulaully on hand a full nmortiiicnt nf PERFU.M ERY.nl the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. GRAEKKNI1ERG MEDICINES: Gruefenberg Sumnparilla, UteriueCulholieon. Dysentery eyrup, consumptive balm, " Pile Ointment, " Heulth Ditteni, " Eve Iition. ie.. ire. To be found ut the agency of ihe Company at Tubles, center, card, and diuicgj tins OREGON CI I'Y DRUG STORE. Writing cUks; o.dvboards; Parlor chairs; iiiir in part as followi Sofas, muhogaiiy aud black walnut; Chamber eels; Bureaux, with or without marble lops; Office deiks; Hocking chairs, duffed in hair, carpet, and with eano and wood seats; Dining chairs, cauo un l wood seats; Otlice chairs, do do do Children's do, hih dining and rocking; lleilstcads, various kinds; BUMNICAKlJsr A XsisAw, RiniiTrXco J. t.. ner..l l.om.uis.mii iM-rchanis.aiul'ii.i stle and retail Dealers in Dry Goods i 1 M Hardware, ic, ic. ' 0nv SOeorceT. Allan. Arehibald M'Kiiil.r. I bonus Low. Oregon Cily, Muy5. ALLAN. M'KINLAY tc CO., hcoltsburg, Umpiua, Oregon, Lower ALLAN, M'K INLAY A. COT Ci,.ST Oregoi, Territory. ' ''jj- CHARLES POPe7jr DE A LEU In Hardware, Grocerii br r s Clothing, U,l. .V Shnes, Medicine? t' and Stationery. M" Main-si., Oregon City, April SI, 1837-Itf Wm. 0. Domont Ol " W HOLES A I.E ,d retail Deal, ,. , Croc ies, Provisions. I'uin... on. J.1"06 Shoe. Crockery, &.. O.po.,te the Land i. a?"1 Main bt. Oregon Cily. Juil9 , JOHN R. M'BRIDE " ATTORNKT UNO CllttSltls. . iMfmjetle, Yamhill Countu. 0 T ' WILL faithfully attend to all businei. ' trusted to his professieual care M April SI, IrCT-ltf JOHN P. EROOKS. " Wholesale , Retail Denier in Crorerh,, Product Prutitivn; At., Main Street. ' A General Assorlment kept up of Saleoled GiodaL ID. SXilwain. Manufacturer, Wholesale ami Retail DeaUr U ' s- isfcWii STOVES, Tr I, corres vexHK, iurdwas. c MaluSt., opposite Main Street Hotel nni'nnv fi-rv n m ' Ptrani'joat and iubbiuir work nii.n.t..j ... di.pilch. ' ww' Older from Ihe country promptly fi,-d. je7 rf Drugs, Rlodicincs, Paints, OIIl t& the Oliki.uN Lll Y DRUG STORP seplS AJu.u Street, OregunL'ily.O.T. TTr F. IIIGIIKIELD, . y . WATCH-MAKER, ffl 1 en-nna dcvirous of tr. niiitr uu,u ,.,i, j....r, do well to give me u cull, as my whole time is do vot,d to Iho rciui riiiir of Chroao.a.i.r I.... Duplex, uud llaiiz.nitul watches. - ' An nui tn.i-nt of Jewelry on hunj. Jewelry ma le tn ord r, and repuiiedi. I W.siiit Ihe times. ma thankful for past vors, uud hoie to u ve aat:fu,-tia in future. ID' l.o.ulcd ut Ihn old kIuu.I, iiimus.te the Tat. jraphOllioc, OREGON CITlcl Feb 2 nAYMAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir warranted to cure the dvsnensia iust reeeivsil im.l r,- sale at the OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. IV Ihe following articles both WHOLESALE TR- Guysott's compound extruet of Sarsapurilla uad RETAIL : U and Yellow Dock, at the eepu Vllr.WS CITY DRUG STORE. liU Dr. Jacob luwuseinl's Sui-snparilla, at W mo D1 the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. J. Ayrea' cclebiuled Chcrrv Pectoral for coughs, col.ls, and consumption, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Of buir, silk, black satin, cloth, and casimero, plain and fancy ; punts, a large assortment of doeskin, cassimcre. cloth, jeuns, siilinet, linen, and all other L I- . L t . pnic, is not disturbed, excrni in ,hcns0 ST " ,,r vt - it., i, . o . n,i i - ."m, uim tmvuu-, uuu a iiiousanu omer "t Air. Under Secretary Ball, who is at Ihinys, ,uch as present unprovided with a seal, but thoro nmr, . is a chance (only a faint one) of his late ........ y1 , r p,,l i - - , , "omen s cuurse nnu lino uoois, line Dim un,y o nig gameo. oy ored Kuiters, slipprs, ice.-, men's culf shoes, light ...v ..wm. . i.'iiuiitn i uiimiiiuv, i anu iienvy urooans, K"P ni Americans in the Train of Royalty. A Paris correspondent writes: ''What impression must it make on the Parisian to see tho ambassador of the United Slates arrive in front of tho Tttile- rios nt tho head of a procession of sixlv carriages, while tho ambassadors of oilier tuition have nt the most two or ihreo! Mr, Mason, who was obliged to present nil, did nol'know how to acquit himself better of his onerous task than by presenting ilium cn masse, simply saying, " VourM.v jesty, mi tneso nro Americans which Ilis Majesty laughed." DRY GOODS: A largo quantity, consisting partly of prints of all kinds, merinos, English uud French ulpueus, de laiues, fanny und bluok silk, sheeting, shirtings, lickings, tweeds, enssimcrcs, cottonsdes, bickurys, denims, drilling, sutiuctts, blue, bluek, grey, and mixed, &c, CvO. GROCERIES A well selected assortment, in part consisting of "PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever March i!2 18. sugar, coflce, tea, svrun, soap, candles, fruit llour and ague. &o., &c., just received and forsale ""' i.. i ' . ' i. ' ' at Iho ORHanX CITV intra Ti .. , ""--U PI'cc, I'f i ocr, sail, suiei'lllUS. BOIID .ivu uivitu powder, ink powder, yeut powder, gun powder, tc. CLOTHING: such as black frock, sack, and shanghui coats, of cofsunere, eassincllc, satinet, and cloth ; vests, Settees; Reading, toilet, and work tables; Loukinsr-nhuweg; .Matirei-soe, hair, uioss, aud wool; Window shades; Featlwrs; I'uper bunging, of every style; Oilcloth; Chinese matting; iluid lumps, and hum ingllu.d; wiih a variety of other articles Uo numerous lo mention. Persons wishing lo purchase will plcaao call and examine fur tlieim-clves. All liiuJs of country produce taken in exchange C 49tf 1 1 cl.AALh celebrated ermiluge and Liver J.TA fills, T U J 70 V E D OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. A -upon (WFrom July 1, ld.jO, lo Jan. 13. 18o7. the export of teas lo tha U. S. from all lliu ports iu China was 10,512,459 lbs. of green, nnd 0,208,075 lbs. black total 10,. (0(1,034 lbs.; the same time in IS.'iO tho quantity was 1-1,054,600 lbs. green, nnd 10.0S 1, 775 Ihs. black total 25.030.405 lbs.; in 1855, 13,007 010 lbs creen and 4,877,227 lbs black total 21,784,137 lbs. 0-5" Southern papers chlotiicle the Das- sage of J he first train of cars the entire dis tance from Savannah and Charleston, on the Atlantic Ocean, to Memphis, on the Mississippi Rfver. Now for llie first time therein uninterrupted railroad communica tion through slavcholdin Slates from tho Atlantic to the Mississippi. Savannah is thus brought within 741 mile, or a litllo less than 40 hours' travel, of Memphis. Now to Use Pustaqb Stamps It is not perhaps generally known that by wet- linifine outsijo of tho stamp with the longue, or otherwise, nnd dampening iho letter vihere tho damp is lo be attached, me curling up of the edges rarely, if vr, eccurs. T liuriieM nitkrr & KaMIr. HIE subscriber has bouchl out Ihe est.l,i;.k. mrnt formerly owned bv A. K. Post ..( i. w carryin on the HARNESS rf . t n i v AT husin.ea in all its branches: tha 'l.lVKliv I'A RLE beloiiinii to Ihe eslablishn nt. . epl up, where horkes and carriages are constantly epl for IheacrommoilatioB of the public. Honrs left at my stable, wdl alnava be treated with oar. ticular atlention, nnd well fed. I have been con uectrd with this establishinenl for some fourvesra. and am now prnnanenily located, where 1 shall al ways be happy to wait on all who may fet or me "ha call. W. It. 1'AKTI.OW. The best of TIMOTHY HAY kept constant oo hand. Wrejoa ciiy.Oct.Ii. 1$;5-S7y. women's coarse and fine boots, line black and col. Kuitcrs, shp)ers, .Vc; men s culf shoes, light heavy brooans, k p nnd culf hoots, calf and enameled gaiters, boys' aud children's boots, times, and falters. Also, nulls, spikes, hammers, hatchets, saws, axes, scythes, steels, squares, i&e., Sta. IT The above goods will bo sold at the lowest market rutos. All kinds of produce taken iu ex cliaiiiro for gmidd. Sept. 13, 1 Soli. j (jircat IiitliK'niiii'iil. rpilE rROI'RIETOR OF A. THE FRENCH STORE iu this cily, takes this method to invito the public to call and examine his stock of GOODS. He has now on hand, and will continue lo receive by almost ovcry steamer, a fine assortment ol tho best quality of goods, which he is determined to sell as cheap as anybody else, if nut a little cheaper. The I.atlios, In Paiilnilar, are requested to come where thev will rind the best and LATEST FASHIONS of Dress Goods, of every description. llo has. and is constantly receiving, DRY GOODS, consisiing iii part of the following articles Cocheco, TacitSe, Hadiev. Coueatemi. I'lillip Allen, Fall River, Merriinac,aml numerous oilier I'M NTS. all lute styles; En-lish and French merinos, Lyons cloth i black, blue, purp'e, and pink nlpuc.is, jaconet, book and Swiss inuxlin, a line assorlment of laces and eding, velvet trim, ings, Ac., domestic giiif hams, blue, mixed, and gray satinet, stiecp a grey and fancy cloth, Milfnrd and Hunker Hill jeans, bleached aud brown sheet ing, brown and blue drilling, denims, hickory ahirt ing, black velvet, also a line lot of plaid dress goods, Ilrussels curpet, &c, oVc. Men A Hitjr'a Clothing. Jilue, blacK, and brown cloth coals of the finest quality, tweed business do., black cloth vests, a fiue lot of blk doeskin and satinet pants, all qualities and sies, rublx-r jackets, gray over and uuder shirts, white and hickorv shirts, hats and caie. HOOTS & SHOES ineu'e. bova' and vil,.- boots, ladies', misses', and children's morocco, goat, kid, and calf biota and shoes. It is no trouble to show mods, and he still .1. ways be happy to aee Ins customers, whether they purchase or not. EUGENE La FOREST. Oregon City, Pec. 6, 1806. 34m7 iTJclodcoim. FEW of Prince & Co.'s best JIELODE ONS for sale, i.ow. Enquire nt Iho lebi OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. DR. Townsend'sSarsapnrillii, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. SHAKER Snrsuparilln. at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Te Uluc'ksiiiilliw und iTlniuifat'lii rcrs. WK are now receiving tea tons of iron of the following si7cs : Round iron from to 1 inch, Squar " J lo 2 " Har " lJ.vto3xl, Nail rods, Horse shoo iron, Rand iron, DxJ, l'low slcel, lU.xJ. For sale at lowest market rates. ug3 G. ABliRNETHV & CO. To Ivlorchants. "TTTK are now receiving the loilowing articles: 11 50 bbls Santa Cruz limo, 15 " hydraulic ceiueut, 5 " plaster of paris, 32 k, gi nails, 8 " spikes, 5 & G in., 100 " Beaton syrup, 5 gals., 2.) bas Riu colli e, 2j mats China No 1 sugar, , 2.i half bbls N O sugar, a ouis vim gar. g3 G. ABERNETIIT & CO. We are now Receiving 4 XD have in siore IX. 1 00 sacks Rio cotTee, P0 whole and hlf bbls crushed unrar. 3D ' MO 100 dox bmoms, 250 boxes Eng. soap, 100 candles, 100 " glass. uss'J siies. Together with a general assortment of crockery, hardware, boots aud shoes, paints and oils, &.L Arc, which we oner for Kle st as low prices as ....j VHH vv j'uiuuou m cirpff.-n i rmtory W.M.C. DEAlENTi- CO. Oregon City, Sipt. 19. W. P. Barns, WAGOX AXD CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITV, O. T. tCT Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis faction lo patrons warranted. feb9-43 What's tho Uso of Oolng Barefoot? fpilE subscriber has opened a boot and shoe shop J. in tine city, where making ,d mending will be done to order os siiokt notic. I also keen COnstantlv nn Kn.,.l 1. i . . " Mlucnl will sell on r. n,l.l- ... ti . - . for past favors, I .till ooial a reasonable share of r....k auu lry u, jnytiow. J. II. B LAN TIED. Oregon City, Aug. 5, lajG. 17mti Wheat txr-tntol HIGHEST cash pne, pa d bv Nov. 3. WM. C. DEM EX DEMENT CO. DO you want stocking varn I We have it. aul 6 CHARM AN WARNER. ' POYS, of dalerent kinds, (,r rale by J- CHARM AX Sl . ARXER. Cnncmah, April II, isj7. ON hand and for sale, low, for cash or produce Paints Si. lead, chrome creen, white lend. "u oo in on, blk. do -litharge, Common and permanent green-puttv c!a JXO. P. BROOKS. chrome yellow, blue paint, c. riX) I'lCK CKJARS. the bert chance is 1 trl 0HARMAN f WARN KIT. Groceries FOfi SALE BY CHARLES POPE JR iRNKRS. pera. tt. CS,a, Pepper, Mo'b "pruvi, ISJ7-1BT 8 T R E C E I bbls and hlf bbls X O buzus 30 " " ' crushed " 4000 Ihe No 1 China 10 hlf bbls Carolina rice, 1 j ' dried apples, 13 kegs 11 " 10 hlf bids peaches, 10000 lbs Liverpool suit, 10 ciiFes table salt, SO bbls S u 1 1 1 it Crux lime, 5000 lbs muuillu rope, ass'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, SOOO qr llour sucks, 6 bales drillings, 13 cases ass'd pie fruits, 12 " pickles, SO bundles window such, oss'J sizes, 24 paimel doors, " 2 ilot pul. grains tcoops, 100 sacks Rio colfee, 10 inula bluck pepper, 10 bules oakum, 100 single und double blocks, ass'd sizes, 6 gloss P & M yeast powders, 10 doz zino wash boards, 500 guls S. I. syrup, 4000 lbs whit lead, pure, 500 " led " 40 gals copal varnish, 15 doz paint brushes, ass'd sizes, 15 "3 hooped buckets, 200 gals boiled linseed oil, 100 " raw " Together with a good assortment of IIARD WA RE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which we propose selling at prices to suit the limes. Lull aud see for yourselves. W. C. DEMENT Si. CO., Main st., opposite the Laad Office Oregon City, April 19, 1S36. nxoro New Goods, AT CHAIUUN Si WARNERS. TN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, J. we have just received, direct from San Fran. Cisco, a good uud suitable supply of a Good for thii Seasnn of Ihe Year, which wo offer for sale at prices which cannot'be beat in this market Our stock consists in part of 400 lls sal soda, V 50 boxes Enghh soap, 50 Chas. Hi lie soap, 20 doz corn starch, 20 cases pie fruit, Ja " pickles, 8 doz honey, 8 lobslers, 13 " oyrters, 20 hlf bbls X O sugar, 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup. 10 hlf bbls dried apples, 8 rits mackerel, 2000 lbs suck candy, 500 Cuey do. 1 case Gallipisher teye, 1 " German toys, 400 lbs almonds, . . 12 hlf boxes raisins, 6 whole boxes do., 48 pre food Muckiuaw blankets, 2000 yd. brown sheeting, 2000 ' calico. Boots and shoe of every description. 1 he above, with nor il , I. render, otir stork complete. Call aud see o. 1 em,, e,,h. CHARMAN A- WARNER. December 20, l$j6. Wells, Farjo & Co.'s Express, Biiwrrn Orrgnii, CaH'ormn, tht Atantic .Yr. nut Eumnf. II I I'lVn . . , -f-N I'.'i i i.i u m.tiie advantageous if?? nrruiigeiuenls Willi Iho Ua.led ,J,5 w.-M m i-o uuu I m;inu .uuu nicum- --frtm ihipConiounii's fort inrluluin. wo a:e now nr. pared lo furward Gold Dust, lluUion, Specie, Parka wet, Parcelt, ami l',ci!it, to nnd ftoia N Yoik. X. OrleaiH, S :ii Franc sc.i. I'ortlun.l. ,A principal iowim sal I ai lor.i.u an I Oregna. , Our regular Semi muinhly Express bitweea rortliind ami San I'luiicii-cu, is dispatched by tha I'acil'.c Mail Steainiip Co.'s s.caimhip Columbia, connecting ut Sun l'rai,ciscoviiho-.irseuii-moiiili-ly Express lo Nea York and New Orieunn, which is dispiilelied regnlurly on tho 1st nnd lu'thnf each moulli, by Ihe mail steamers and in ch u gu of oar own mcssengiii-B, through to definition. Our Kvpnss from New York loaves regularly on the 5lh and 2tlih oi each moulli, ulso in charge of iiv 8.cn:;ers. Treasure insured in the best New York com panies, or ut Lloyd's ni London, at the option of idlipj'Cr:-. Oi i riTs-New Ynik, No. 1(5, Wall st. 5 Now t)rlcuus, .n. 1 1, Exchange place; Suu I-'runcisco, No. H I, MuiitoiiKry siu el. A. II. STEELE, .fj.'eir; Oregon Cily, April 21, 18 i7.-ltf t Wow Volumes of the Four Reviews antl Blackwood. COMMENCE wiih North Rrfsh for May, 1355, nml the other Reviews uud Uiackwoed for June, 18.15. Terms nf SnWriplim. Any one Review or 111 ickwood, 15.J a year. lilackwood and one Re view or uny two Reviews, 5. The four Re views and lilackwood, $10. Four copies lo one address, $30. rosiugo on the four Reviews nnd Bl.iekwood te any Post oflicc in tho United Stales, only 80 cents a year on each Review and 21 cents a year oa UillCKWOOU. 1 Address, I,. Scott & co.. Publishers. 54 Cold street, comer Fulton, New York sei8 Reading for the Million. S. J. M COUMICK HAS CONSTANTLY ON IIANII AT TUB FRANKLIN BOOK sroim, rnoNT-BT, poiitla.vu, onuaoN, , K Choice selection of Popular B.Kiks, News--n. papeni, .Mai;ainos and Fum y Stationery. Among the bo iks on hand wiil be found works. on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, I'oelrv, iliograpliy, Mod cities, Religion,. c ence, Scliool Hooks, Ronianci s, ifce., &c, HTSiibsciiplious received for Ilarncr. Graham. Godey, Leslie's, or Putniim, at 8-1 a year, jwrl age free. ILT Suhscriiitions nccived for nnv newspaper published 111 any pai l of tho Union. neinemlier llie rranklin Rook Slore and rte'S- paper Agency, Front street, Poriland Oregon. L-tf -V Pi iced cutuloiriie wdl be nublished early in April, and will be seat to any part of the terri tory free on Application. T Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE. JR. IjJRASS and Ii.rn Butts, Screw, Locks and JL Latches, Hammers and Hatchets, Axes, Urawmj-knivea. Handsaw, Curry Combs, Hm brashes and Cards, Gun Locks, Una Cans, Wool Card., Chest Handles, Plane-. c liMPLE OF HONOR. Tualatin Temple of Honor, No. 1. meets 011 the 1st and 3d Frf- duy evening-of ouch man'li at CJ o'clock, at Tenj. IK-rancn Hull, Forest Grove, Oregon. .i.eiiibera of the Order in cood staadiiiff are in vited lo visit this femple. IV, V. DIX()., W.C.T. M. Tctti.r, W. R. .18 Ladies I BOU will find an excellent assortment of Drat M. and Bonnet Silk. Satin and Velveti; also Bonnet Trimminft, Ilo-iiery, Glare', L'leei and RMons, Table Clolhi, Connterpanen. etc., at th store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., - (Muin-st., opposite Abernelhy's store,) where may be found almost ecerylhing in the line of Dry Gtd: Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merino, Plaid Linstys, Minlins. Sattinetts, Jeans, Flan' nea, Sheetings, lied T-cking, Hickory Stripe Coitoa U ailing, etc. Oregon City, April 21, 1 857-1 tf Medicines for Sale, By CHARLEd POPE, Ja. K A NDS' Sarsupatilla. Peck's Wild Cherry Bit 3 ters, Bateinun's dro, Brandreth's pills, Lee' pills, Perry'a vermifuge. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam-' phor. Gum Ambic, British nil. Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye balsom, Dallcy'e pain extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Conisiti.n Powders? l anera Pulmonary Dulsom, Sulphur, EHom Salts, &c AprilSl, 1857-ltf Central Produce Depot. rKi xrr. C CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from raaebi J wheat, oats, bacon, lard, butler and potato. AptiU, '57. JOHN P. BUOOKA To llie Farmer "TTTE WOULD say, call at oor store;- will Dav vou as well for vour produc a any other house in Oregon, and will endeavor I make you feel as comfort able as we possibly eaa. noJ4 CHARM Ait d- GILT MOULDING for picture frame sate by CHA RMAN WARXEK '