(nil Meerauna. IUEI BATTLg WALK g I VICTOBIOt'f In tlio San Francisco IForald of Aril 24th It published Idler from General Walker to EJinunJ RainUjili, !q, of 6an Francisco, .di ttiiliiiff lUe urn! impor. tant events. In Nicaragua aim January hit down in April 1st. Il confirm in (.lie mala tli accounis which dura liitlwrtn teen published, and givn besides ao au count of an Hamuli inadu upon lCivaa on the morning of t ho 23 1 of March, by up. ward of 2000 of llio allis under I lie rmirna'il of Gen. Mora. After a ahurt trule, they wero repulsed with a lot of cnore than 300 in killed nnJ wouiidml, Utaidea leaving a four-pound piece, 0') or 70 English Minle muski, aol 40UU car Iridgoa iu tho hand of Urn. Walker. The latter Lad onljr i men killed nnJ 4 wounded. On lha 24 lb of March ha itatca hit whnl number of meo at about 00, of whom not mora than 300 nr lit for active aorvico '.he rest being tick anJ wounded. (Jen. Walker wriica hopefully of lilt iprospectn, and speak of toon clearing Nic aragua of bur invnderf, and jutting all liia rnemiea under Lie feet. The following is llio rja.itciipt to hi let ter, dated April 1st : "Afior the attack af the 23d, the en. emy recovered their nn riglh aullicicutly to retain their position at tho Cuatr IN quinas, about 1400 yards distant. They have gone to work vigorously, barricading in all direction, and are now occupying four points aroand this place. As I do not care about losing more moo t'juu ii abso lutely necessary, I merely occupy Rival without atlempliag te dislodge lha enemy. Their presence saejaeta W no iuoaore nienee except ia the matter beef; aud we Lave enough of other ir.cat to lust for more than forty daya. "Tho enemy give unmutukullo signs oi wchkocns aua dissolution. H.very now and then thoy attempt te drive their men up to an attack, but it is impossible to rot them within riflo range,, A vary slight would, I think, dissolve them : and. a though it may be nrccseary fur us to strike U in a short time, I delay it until smie thing d'. linile is hoard from Lockridge.' OPERATIONS O THE S.V! JI'A.M CAI-TURK OP CASTILLO BT COL. LoCKltlOOK. Col. Lnckridgo left Puint An nas on the morning of tho 22d March with tho strum fi s t . . . . rrs aeon una iicsctie, with Ii remninini force, arms, ainiiiunition, and provisions. On the 20ih ho had succeeded in sjvttitii; the Kescuoover the Mochurhn Rapids with ail the requisite supplia Tor nttn kin Cns tillo, which he did on March Out h. cniitur ing it with the los of 27 men killed and wounded, i he Cos l a Kicmi loss was 123 killed nud a large) number woundeil. Col. Lockrnlga is in cennninnri, l.tit has with him Generals flunisliy and Wheat, -1 - i i i. i i . ii msu uui. r rami .Anderson ana Major Mailt win, and 475 good mon, wiih three month' eupply of provisions, nnd plenty of arm and ammunition. The only pitiin now hold by tho Costa Hi fans is Fort San Cur ios, thirty. two miles from Castillo, at the head of the rivor. Lntkridge will make n desperate clhjrt to retake it. SAN Jl'AN OCCLTICD BY THE ALLIES, On tho 8th of April, Col. Blanco, wiih 100 Costa Ricans, took possession of San Juan del Sur, nnd fired into the boa's of the steamer Orizaba which wcro near shorn Inking in water, besides capturing one of the men. dipt. Davis, of ll-o LT. S. sloop of-war St. Mary's, sent n Lieutenant and a file of marines on shore and released him. CAPT. DAVIS WILL TAKE CA11F. OF TIIK WO MEN AND CIlll.OIIO. Capt. Davis, of the St. Mary's, having obtained tho consent of tho commanders of both armies, will send Lieut. Houston, with a detachment of marines, to escort tho womon nnd children to S'an Juan, whoro he will keep them under his protec tion. Tho Allies say they have Rivai sur rounded by 2"(H) men! and nnnounee their intention of starving Walker out. That will ba dillieult, for ns soon as he is re lieved of the women nud children ho will be more able to cut his way through them at any lime. Cholera has broken out in the allied army, nnd they nie lining largely by desertion having a greater dread of oholora than of the filibusters. tiie orrosiNa oenkkals in Nicaragua. A correspondent of tho N. V. Herald jives tho following description, 89 coming from Capt. Dav!, of tliu St. Mary's : " IIo never expected to find in tha cut. throat bandit filibuster Walker n very quiet, unassuming, close -shaven individual, sur rounded by book, nnd talking liirlit litera ture and ethnology, and in tlio allied gen. ral very obsequious yellow men, like liond wallers at Saratoga or Newport, but not as well got up, and v. ho promised any vuiiig aim every ming quilo a glibly. A prominent attacho of Walker's gov ernmenl (now in New lork) makes the following statement : "Gen. Walker takea all his reverses philosophically, Nothing disturbs, sur prises, or alarms him. lie keeps up nil tho routine of government; convening reg ularly his constitutional advisers, confer ring with thorn upon all important move ments, nnd everything moving nn wiih tho utmost precision, lie says lie ha forco of character sullicient to carry himself, and those associated with him, through any crisis, and ho will maintain himsvlf in his present position as long as there i any thing to eat within ten or twenty miles 0f the town. "Tho mass of the natives regard ihe operations of Walker ami also of the al lied forces against him with tho most sub liino indifference, apparently caring lit l Io which succeed. They are generally ready to do anything if not required to fia'ht, a they havo b.Hii engaged in that buiues for thirty-live Jtnr, as the tool of con tending factions, without any perceptible benefit, and they have been disgusted with it. Walker, understanding this feeling, does not require lliem to lake up arm. On the contrary, the Allies carry on whole, aale conscription. Their method is to visit hacienda, and seize all the males, tie their arms behind them, ami march lliem olT to join their rank. Tho consequence J they Ink no interest in the cnto-t go ing on j ihey fight with no spirit, and l. rt in squalt when tha first opportunity olW' Mtetialloa a t'.salatac. " IIj was distinguished for hi eiiiin-ut social qimlilea," read my uncle, and be pondurtd " L'niinmit sociul qualliit'! eminent stuff and notiicnaer quoth my unclomoro Vclienuntly. IIo was se man, and did nut Ulicve all ibAt was print cd, " All humbug," exclaimeJ lie ajnin J " Here, Agnes, read ihi, and a you alue you head, or perhaps I should say your heart, never murry man with " eminent aocial qualities." 14 1 do nut wi.h lo sprak ill of one who is gone," mid my uncle, more mildly ' but I knelt lhi very man, and saw Li in often lu tho bosom of bis family, s the phraae i. Abroad he aa the liui and spirit of every company folio we J, ad mired, courted. 1ut, liLe the literary uan hia quulitiss were too valuable lo be ex pended at home. They say author must not talk at home, lot they should lee a thought ! " WhonX went iiotu Le sa ex hauited worn ont hia nervti kli attired nnd iriilntej. Not ouly 1 lei Do d g lark,' but his Kifomuklu't talk sad his children must not disturb him. Sometimes, by fits, he was Indulgent but I speak of Lis daily lifa " He is a rata avit, who ia always good, natured, sikl those who iuvariubly appear so abroad, cannot, of course, be tspecled lo rtslraia therusclve at their own fire sid.s. Such delioute aervaus orgsnixatiou! " But this ia not the only ca. To ny sorrow I bare Lund it so every a ke re. There is Y.,Iik a traiu of sunshiny where ever he goes, perfectly charming, winning in Lis manner, aud benrToiencs beam iu his ryes lis heart expands at your touch. " Is ho nut perfect ) Aak hia wife or his children, or any visitors at his house that's all. Ak any oao who goes behind the scenes. "Audahol" quoth my uncle, "I am sorry ta say my exceptions etcn! lo wo. men also. liters in one manifestation is almost sure lo bo followed by deficiency in another. And the world dors mnkc sueh demands 1 Ono who would Miccced with the world must inako tccrifues for tho world. " I might nolo cases, per contra, where those who are stern nud harsh abmad are genial as the day at home ; but those nro not npropos to the "eminent social qualities." "Dojouknow I sometimes bless the newspapers for the pe.ico they gins We must all read tho papers, or we need not try to live, and those give peace and quiet ness. " I; is rather a negativo advantage, this kind of pence, but let us make iho most of it. It is brtler than nn irritaied bundle of nerves on a sofn. " It is not best to say much of having happiness and household enjoyment, ol improving conversation, anil all that. Thoy don't seem to consist with " eminent social qualities," "Tho fact is," sngily considered my uncle, nflcr a tolcmn interval of consider ation" tho fact is if somebody is eminent, somebody has to pay fbr ii." Ripe nrrait. F.rrnd made of wheat flour, when taken out of Iho oven, is unprepared for the stomach. It should go through a change, or ripen before it is eaten. Young persons, or persons in tha enjoyment of good health, may cat bread immediately after being baked without any sensible, injury from it; but weaklj and aged persons cannot cat such without di.in'' harm m o their dijestivo organs. Dread, after being baked, goes through a clianga similar to iho clianga in newly-brewed beer, or newly churned buttermilk, neither being healthy until after the change. Durini llio chance in bread it sends of n largo portion of car bon, or unhealthy gss, and imbibes a largo portion of oxygen, or healthy gas. lJie.nl lia, according to tho compulation of physicians, cnc-fiflh moro nutriment when rips than when just taken out of an oven. Il not only has more nnlrlm.nt but imparts a much greater dcirreo of cheerfulness. He that cats old ripo bread will have a much greater flow of animal spirit., than he would were ho to eat nn ripe bread. Hread, as before observed, discharges carbon and imbibes oxygen. Una thing m connection with this fact, should be particularly noticed by all house, wives; it is to let tho bread ripen where it can inhnle tho oxygen in a pure state lirceii will always tnsto of iho nir that surrounds it whilo ripening; hence it should bo placed whoro the air is pure. It should never ripen in a cellar nor in bed-room. wi:sTi:itJ iioti:i,, Morriwn t betn-ren Front .ni.l First its.. VORTLAXn.t) r V tiari reasniiuhlc. .Man-li lr, lti.".C-48 S. I). SMITH, Proprietor. U it i him Tinker & Knddlcr. rpiIK (utMrnbrr haa bought out tlis ralnlilVIi JL nwul fornwrly owned hv A. K. Poat. and i H.W corning on th III RESS and S.t DPl.E A'Vliunn. in nil ila braiK-hpa: llm l.ivi-i;v S I AI1I.L betouuing lo Iho eaiabUbmnt, ia also krpl up, whvtt horvra and earriaware corHtiutly k l lor the accommodation of ihe Dublin. Hn,. , rt at my stable, will alwava be trralrd with oar. ticular atlenlmn, and lerll fri. havr Kftn c..n nrelnl wilii thia aalablmluiir nt furaoinu fonryean., aud am nnwpennaoaiiily katpil, where Inliall al wava be happy to wail on all who m iv fmor me wnii a coll. W. It. I'AKTLOW. Tho b of TIMOTHY II Y kept cvastant. on haml. Oregon lily, Oil. Ii, UiWTy. Zow rirmWew Good. rpiIK uiiiifi-iJ uk tin iii-tli"l inform, 1 Ut me .uU. thai l!iryb-usliehui ff..rrly ud l V. H. IKM.I.AM). act hMx by .I, rt uf.nmon u kiMiniM lo rruiu lha paliian of lha old cJt"iers aud ga o a many nwr as buMilila. V are .niUiilly la rell vt (SOOIW si-Im-I. ! with Hi ("alral rare, ( la pre and quality,) and are caitil-iil ihul our fjcj.lim will tuahlu ua lui.il'cr nrrtUt iiidm inriiia lo all kIki waul llie arurih of Iheir nioury lhaii auv oilier liou in the city. M't liav-,nud are jual rei tiving, an invoice ef di: V GOODS, Coroi't'iiC in PJrt nf Ihe following artielra C.lif i-o, I'ai -die, li.iJVy, t'"Hii-jn, I'luliji All-11. 1 all Kivrr, lcrrim,l ai d nuim-mua olhrr I'ltl.N I't", all l.iUr l)lrl I'.u nil uiid 1'iaiich in. rinw, l.y on clh; llue!i, line, mh, and p nk a pum, t on, I, bonk, aid Swim nuolm, n line aawjituieut of lu' t- and til.-ui, v- Ivrl tiimunui.'a. Ve., do. mutic jiiiighanw, tilua, nnxt-d, aud gray aaliurl, !i tp'tjir.) and fancy vlnih, iluimj and Hunker Hill ftum. b i.hrd aud brown heHing, brows aud Liu drilling-, du nu. hi- kury ah rlinif. l!t-k vtlval, a'o a Sua lot of bUid Attm goud, Uruut-la caijial, Ve., 4u. MEXDOYiP CLOTHING. Biue.lUrk. i ad browi ctolli ( Ml of Ilia fiuaat uuiily. I'rd buaiuaaa do., black clatb eaala, a liao ill of l.ik d di n lUid aaliuat panU, ail iitiblir and tit, rubts-r jackria. gruy over and under abiiM, liU aiidh cksry aii:iia. balauud cuja. BUD i'ai aud X II O inm'.. a' aud youllja' bui, Udira', luiaaa a', and eliildreu'a mo ruevOi ;out, kid, and cr.lf boots and ahooa. GliOCKltlES: Rio cwlrt. friin nud black Ira, Nrw Orliuus, Uauvia, aud crub d augar. Kuat UxpUiii, bww ad'a, and Liiiua syrup, aalt, ID aud tU lb. aacka, ajila, aorird nut, ao.ip aud aoap powders, paw Juran l laud, cream lunar, Jfa.1 pudr, aalera tua, cbt wing add aiuuki.'ig tobueco, oyMrra, prunes, -f per sauce, ml', apicea, alureli, ami cAtu but' "''. vaiu-lyoC othergrocer.es uUiilly kept. W have alias kplt-udi! Aaaoi'iiorut of Books, Iu part us folmwa: Wa)iiulea ib aGuu- M.-kemle'a Raceipla, orsla, Itrligiou taicyclopedis, N'epnlMU A LianiaMi'U, ll.u.e llMury, ttallioa' Auutullliatoiy, bki Lbaaaad Skeleleae ii 4 rola., of aarnioua, B..n!tr Warn. Wickbamadoliaol Reg- Life ao tli Phioe,' ialer, Fieulier Llt'a, L)lu Wil- Htf vena' beak of lha farm, ana, Ftull Oritur, Laud Maure, Aniaik-uB Debater, Mapping plain, Knilroiid and Koatla, Teaching. Full. ra Work. I'm. leal l.andeupa (iardfuinjr, Povhood ol (irtat lira, Archbiahop, Alert-anl.to ,Maral.i, Youat, boiae and ciltlo t'niird Stulisi' Hiavory, Natural llnlory, Hurley'a (ie.jruiliy, Sloddard'a Mtuul arilk. Tiiwrra' alg bra, TbsinpMiii'a high school and inrntal arnhnislicx, Wetiater's and Sandi ra' n. w aerie vchool baoka, Walwtcr'a Inrg family Dictionary, Irviu'a cyi-liqiadia of moral and reiijiaua ancololM, doclor, Mi-clianie'a eonipnuiaD, Small ajriniltural iroik, liiblra.of allaizaa, ii nil many oil er valuable book. ALSO PRESTON'S MAP OF OKKUON as J WASH INCiTON. A Frak Supply of Stationery : Diiy-I)mk and Journal, Mcmtirandums of sll i ztst. nnle, b II, r, enp, and bill pnp'r, envslnpn, par. and pencils, alme, wr'ling liooka, Ae. Wm. DIKUDOKI-'F A Co. P. R GOODS mi hnnned and Ihe higheal market prii-e paid f.w butler, eggs, baron, elm-kens, flour, and almost anything Ihe farmer ban for aula. WM. D. Jt (JO. Oregon C'ily, October 4, lt.ifi. y HolLind Si CThlto, ( FIRF. ritOOF MRU K Dl lLni.MO, ) M.liy ST., OREGON CITY, Tr FF.P eonslanl'y on hand a full assortment nf JV Ihe following srticles bolh iVHOLKaALrJ aud KKTA1L: DRY GOODS: A large quantity, con;slinir partly of prinls of all kinds, in, riii", Kngl sli und Fn nrli ulpaeas, do lainrs, f.iney nnd black a Ik, aheetins, ahirtinfrs, licking-, lee., easaimeres, cnllonudes, hickory s, drmnis, drilling, mtinetu, blue, black, grey, and miicd, cVe., iXc. GROCERIES: A well st lfckd u-oitinent, in part consisting of sngsr, eftfTte, tpn, syrup, soap, candlrs, fruil, llour, butler, bacon, 'p ep, pepper, ault, SHlerntiis, soap puwd' r, ink powder, ye iirl powder, gun powder, te. CLOTHING: ttich lis black frock, wick, nnd fhannhni coat', of ens mere, esssim tte, aultnrt, and cloth ; vests, butr, silk, blin k satin, cloth, ami casimere, plain aid fancy; punts, a largo assortment of doeskin, enwimcre, eloih, jcuns, satint t, linen, and all oilier k lints ; hnt, cups ; over and under shirts ; slocks, handkerchiefs, and cravat::, and a thoiuand other limits, such as BOOTS SHOES, women's cour.-a arid fine boo:s, fine black and col ored caile m, alippers, Ac. ; pica's culf shors, li'ht and heavy brnans, k p and calf boo!, culf and mam. led gaiters, boys' nnd children's boots, shoes, and gaiters. Also, naili, ipikoa, hammers, hatchets, sawJ, axes, ylhis, s;eels, sruares, itc, fen. ir The ubove goods will bo sold at tho lowest market rates. Ail kinds of produce lukeu in ex change for good. Sept. 19, ItC.li. j J rent Inducements. mut: rRoniiF.Tort of Jl nn: FRESCII STORE in this oily, takes this method to invile Ihe puhlio to call and examine his flink of (i O O D S , He has now on hand, and will continue to receive by almost every tleamcr, a fine nssortmcnt ol tho best ijiialny of goods, which he is determined to sell as cheap a anybody else, if not a little cheaper. Tlio Ladlo, in ParSirnlur, are re.-im slcd to come where they will lin.l the best und LATKST FASHIONS of Dress Ooods, of every description. He has, and is constantly riceivinc, D R 1 GOO D S , eons:iin in part of tho followiug srliclrs (.'oehieo. Pacific, lladley, C'onestego, Philip Alien, Fall K ver, Merrliuac,ainl numerous other PRINTS, nil lute alylcaj English and French merinos, Lyons clolh ; black, bhio, purp'e, and pink alpacas, jaconet, book and Swiss muslin, a tine assortment of laces aud edging, velvet trim ings, Ac., domestio ginghams, blue, mixed, aud gray satinet, sheep's grey and fancy clolh, Milford and rtunker (till jeans. rilenchH and brown sheet ing, brown and blue drilling, denims, hickory ahirt ing, black velvet, also a fino lot of plaid dress joods, Brussels carpet, Ac, Ac. .Tien A Hoy's Clothing. Wuc, bluck, and brown cloth coal of Iho fincrt quality, twi ed bus nesa do., black cloth vcsla, a tine lot of blk ilocakiu and snlinet pants, all qualinea and eiiea, rubber jackets, gray over and under shirts, white and hickorv shins, hats nnd cairn. IIOOTS A. S I'll) KS men', hnya1 anJ youths' boots, ladies', misses', and children's morocco, goat, kid, and caif bcot and shoea. j It ia no trouble to show goods, and he will 1 wave be happy (o seo hi customers, whether they j purchase or uol. I rriJENE L FOREST. I Oregon City, Dec. 6, I8ib. 3 iu7 W. F. Barns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, O ii 0 O X C I T V, O. T. IT Strict ntti ntion raid to renairinr?. and salis- factiou to patron warranted. I'eb3-4,'l Wheat Wanted. HIGHEST casli pne pi, , hv Not. 3. H V. C. DEMENT d CO. DO you. waul slocking varn t We have it aul VIIARMAN 4 WARSER. I POYS, of different kind. li.rsalc bv JL CIIAR.MAN It WARN E R. TITO PICK CIGARS, the best ch.no is at II spill eilARMAX W tRXERS. U. S. MAIL LINE. i Ortm Cilv and Portland Daily racket, . , Jennie OUrk. , ,.,.! n i ,i.. .iUv,- H ill run lUitv, (Siindays i-ei-ptrd,) ill Ihe alsivi- numed Ira-lo, I, aving Oregon ( iiv en-ry day all oVksik, . at. Rcturniiirf, will leave Portland I 3 r. a., touching at all iun-muiliulc poiuta. For freight or paasage apply on board, apil-tf U. S. MAIL LINE. I'ortliMid nutl Aaiorlri. Tli Ki.leudid Steamer 'VT' SiZultnotnab TTII.l. eontintie lo run re.-iilarly brlweeii Port- lainl nnd Alo. ia, tin Vuncouver, twics a situ, tearing I'oriland on Mou luy and ThurMlny niorninga of each wek for Astoria i and Asiorm for I'crtlauJ ou TueaiUy and Friday niorninifs, lou.biiig V!foi,vKS,ST. IIklkss, l'AiMna,('rii LaiiKT, ic.. ea. h way. For fn-iiflil or pawnee, apply lo II. HOYT. Muier, jelC Orul llou'a Wlmrf-bsit, Portland. Wta. O. Dement it Co., At their o.'d itand, efifuilt tin Land Office, 4 UK now receiving per dark "Ork" and brig il. "Halcyon," the following good! l.'.U boxes -perm arid aduiiiuulino candle, :.U ken dried apple aud p. ache, . 1H(I Ibis and hlf bbl crushe.1 sugar, .',0 case pxkle, 30 frwh peaches, Si) " nie fi uila, 111 ions 0. A. salt, CROCKERY - OlASS.WAREt fiUU dui cup. aud saucer, 300 " plates, "DO " liunblers, SO " water pitchers. Kugir Iwwls, Irn pois, ic, &o. OILS .f 1' AIMS i Mil kegs pure lead, gals liuseeil oil, lull gala turpentine, fill gule varuish, 3UU gals lump oil, lliO eals turd " DRYUUODSi liUOU yds brown sheeting, iisH) " prints, lllniched col ions, bed tit-king. See., &e., all of which wdl be sold as low a lliey cn be pur chased f any other houae in Oregon t ily. may 1 7 JUT RKCF.IVEO at the Oregon City Drug Klure, direct from New York and San Fraa riaco, a fresh supply of DRVUH, MEDICINES, 1'aleul lUclicinca, ranuly .lelicines, iSC, ae which itill it mild at low fur rank a Me ran ht procured in thi Territory. Cull ami exainiue for yourselves, aud gal an Alumnae lor Inji, gratis, JAYNK'S Alterative, Expectorant, ami Pills, Cad Liver Oil, Castor Oil, and NweW ( HI, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. W. ,Mer- chant's Garcling Oil, at Iho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, rpl'.L'SSKS, rithl and left and double, ami Ab I dominal anporlera, nt the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 1l'UK While Lead, raw ami burned limber, Creine. Green nnd Yellow, und olher paints, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. IjERFl'MF.RY.al the OREGON CITY DP.l'G STORE. GRAM FEN HERO MEDICINES: GruefeubergSarsaparillu, L'leriueCulholicon. " Dysentery syrup, consumptive balm, " Tile Ointment, " 4lealth llilters, " Eye Lotion, Ae., io., To be found at the ngem-y nf the Company, at tho OREGON CI I Y DRUG STORE. HAYMAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir warranted lo cure ihe dopepsiu just received nnd for auleat tlx OREUON CITY DRUG STORE. DR. Guvsott' compound extract oOursaparilla und Yellow Dock, nt the teplj OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. V'" Ur- Jacob Townsond' Sai-supurillii, at J the OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. DR.J. Ayrcs' celcbruteil Cherry Pectoral fur coughs, col ls, nnd consumption, at Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever and iieiie, Ac, Ac, just received nnd for sale at tho OREGON CITY VRL'U STORE. McLAN Pills, OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. .llelodcon. 1 FEW of Trince & Co 'a best A1ELODE. XA. ONS for sule, !. Enquire nt the lebi OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. BR. Townseud's Sursnparill i, nt the OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. s I1AKER Sarsnparilhi, nt llm OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. To HlackMiiilii anil .TJiiiiiilarlu tits. "TTrii are now receiving ten tons of iron of Ihe I T following srres : Itnund iron from to 1 inch, Square ' " I to 2 " liar " ' 1Jn1io3x, Nail roils, Horse shoe iron, Baud iron, 3.x J, Plow steel, :h. For sale at lowest market rates. aug2 G. ABERNETHY at CO. To Xcrchant3. TT"E nre now receiving Ihe following ai tides: 30 bbls Simla Crni linio, lli " hydraulic cement, 5 " pluster of paris, o2 k. gs nails, 8 " spikes, 3 A- 0 in., 100 " Hiwlou syrup, fl ga!., 2." bars Rio coii'.-o, 2,'i mats China No 1 sugar, 2.i half bbls N O sugar, 5 bbls vinegar. aug2 G. ADERNETHY A CO. Wo aro now Receiving 4 ND have iu slore l. 100 sacks Rio cnfTee, SO whole and hlf bbla crushed sugar, 30 " " NO 100 doi brooms, SoO boxes Eng. soap, 1110 " candles, 1H0 " glass, asa'J sires, Togcllier with a general assortment of enckery, hardware, boot and shoes, paints and oils, Ac, Jrc, which wo offer for sale at as low pricee aa they cau be purchased in Oregon Territory. tt'M.C. DEMENT A CO. Oregon City. Sipt. 13. What's tho XXse of Going; Barefoot ? r"PIIE subscriber has opened a boot aud shoe shop JL in this city, where making and mending will bo done to order on shout notic-. I also keep constantly on hand ready made boots and shoes, which I will sell on reasonable term. Thankful for past favors, I still solicit a reasonable share of patronage. Call and try us anvhaw. J. It. BLANTIED. Oregon City, Aug. 9, 13."6. 17rui3 Cntirmnh, April II, 1S57. N hand and for aale, low, for cash or produce y rami lead, ehrorne ereeu, white lead, pnawian blue chrome yellow, blue point, red do in oil, blk. do u litharge. Common and permanent green putty, glass JNO. P. BROOKS. Groceries ! FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. ! CJCGAR, Salt. Coffee, Tea. Syrnp, Chocolate, Starch, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, ; Carb. So,!a, l'epper, Spice, Alnm. Borat. Cop-' pcraa, ate. .ipruvi, t,j;-itf Allan, McXinlay V Co., HAVE jut revived A STOCK OF NEW GOODS, and would invite all those who wih to procure GOOD article at reasonable prieea, lo call and sea them. They consist in part of the following i grindslone canal . wheel barrows grain cradl.-e fancy broom r ii.vili.4ai. snaths plain do brush do do asaon o coion-u puna painted tnlaj tine wash board blacksmith' bellows cross cut saws 7 It do 6 ft milt saws 7 ft hair mntlraases double do single hair bolsters doublo do single sperm caudle aduinunliiie do grape brand tobacco lucke tobacco lilsq harrows S3 teeh garden rakea do lio.a do spides fiolinhed shovels lay forka manure forks churns window glass 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 do 7 i.y window sashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 os Isjws and yokes ULA XKKTS, D I Mi, UXDSEl S, Shrctinpi Ticks, dec tVC. And keep coustaully en hand a large supply of GROCERIES, clothing, hardware, and many articles too numer ous to mention. ALLAN. 3tK INLAY 4- CO. Oregon City, April 21. !Hi7-ly SXenr Booki I rilHE subscriber haa just received a large aa. X aortioent of ROOKS, direct from New York, among which are the fol.owing: Alison' Hist, of Lurow Amer.ean Insiiluliou, Sillimuu's do. Democracy in Am lieu "Land und Lee," "Sea and Sailor," Live of the Siincrs, llabvlon and Nineveh, "Deck and Port," 'Ship and Shore," Home Cyclop, -dia, Egypt and the HoiyLuiid LnnineroiiSt'iii Engine, Auc't Mouasleries, Three Years in CaliforJ five, of Literature, Duchan'e Fain. Phys'u., Manual of i me Ai ls, Lectures on the Art, Travels in Peru, Polar Regions, Maliaii' Philosophy, Choice Uiogmphy, Peruvian Aiitiqiulies, I 'hoice F.tra. la, variety ol 1'oeta. SOU cop es of Sunders' ripcller, .Mil) " Reader, 2;,0 " MeGufTev's do. 2."i() " Webster' Dictionnrie. Dav ea' Algebra, (ieometry, " Bourdon, " Surveying, " Legendre, " Aniuinelcs, Thompaun's do. Newman's Rhelorie, I lay's do. Parley'a Univ. History, Goodrich's Piet. U. S., .Monleith'a Geography, "Liltle Ss aker," N. American Speaker. A l.so. A Xresh lupply of Stationery. Duy Hooks, .oui liulu, Ledgen, Record Rooks, Memorandums, of all sizes, Diar ea. Ac, Note nnd Letter Paper, Envelopea, Pen, 4tc, &.C Erar Knives, Erosive Rubber, Gummed Labels, Faber't Pencils, INK, iu quart und pint bottle. VY110LESALK AND BETAIU CHARLES POPE, Ja. Oregon City, August 18, 185b. rurnitore. fllllE subscriber haa just reeeiv-. X eil a large supply oi rtitiisi 1 CUE of ull descriptions, consist ing iu part as follows Sofua, mahogany and black walnut; Chamber sels; liureuus, with or without marble tops; Office, denks; Rocking chairs, stuffed in hair, carpet, and with cune and wood seuts; Dining chairs, cane und wood seats; Office chairs, do do do Children' do, high dining and rocking; Brdstead. various kinds; Tables, center, card, and dining; riling ile.-kn; Sldebourds; Parlor chairs; Seltoes; Reading, toilet, and work tables; I.ook:n!.'-i!lasses; Mallrets- s, hair, moss, and wool; Window shades; Feathers; Paper hangings, of every style; Oilcloth; Chinese mattiin;; fluid lamps, and burn ing fluid ; with a variety of other article lo numerous lo mention. Persons wishing to purchase will please call and examine for Ihein.-elves. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. TllOS. JOHNSON. March S2, lBoB. 4!)tf rUST RECEIVED, I 70 bbls and hlf bbls N O sugai 30 " " crushed " 4d00 lha No 1 China 10 hlf bbls Carolina rice, 15 " " dried apples, 15 kegs " " 10 hit bbls peaches, 100(1(1 lbs Liverpool salt, 10 cares table salt, 50 bbls Sanlu Cruz lime, SlldU lbs mauilia rope, nss'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, " " Sunt) iT Hour sucks, 6 bules drillings, 12 cases ass'd pie fruits, 13 " " .ickles, SO bundles window sash, ass'd sizes, 84 punnel doors, " 2 doz pol grains scoops, 100 sacks Rio coffee, 10 mats black pepper, 10 bules oakum, 100 single and double blocks, ass'd size, 6 gross P & M yeast powders, 10 doz zinc wash boards, 500 galsS. I. syrup, 4000 lbs white lead, pure, 500 " ted " 40 gals copal rurni'sii, 15 doz p iiul brushes, ass'd sizes, 15 " 3 hooped buckets, 200 gills boiled liusee l oil, 100 " raw Torether with a good assortment HARD WARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which we pnipose selling al prices to suit Ihe times. Cull and see for yourselves. W. V. DEMENT A CO , Main St., oppos.ie the Lund Office. Oregon Ciiy, April 10, 1S5G. ore New Goods. AT CIIAIIMA.N il VAREB S. IN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, we have just received, direct from Sau Fran cisco, a good aud suitable supply.of Goods for this Seusnn of the Year, which we offer for sale at prices which cannot be beat in this market. Our dock consists in onrt of 400 lb sal soda, 50 boxes Engli-h soap, 50 " Chns. Hill's soap, 2il doz corn starch, 20 eases pie fruit, 15 " piukle. 8 doz honey, ' 8 " lobslera, 12 " oysters, 20 hlf bbls N O suirar. 4 bbl Sandwich Island syrup 10 hlf bbl dried npples, 8 rite mackerel. 2000 lbs slick candy, 500 - fancy do. 1 case Galllpisher toyi, 1 " German toj-a, 400 lbs almonds, 1 2 hlf box, raisins, 6 whole boxe do., 4 48 pr good Mackinaw blankets, 20HK) yds brown sheetin? 2000 calico, Itootaand shoes of every description. I he above, with our usual assortment, we think render, our Mock complete. Call and se. u.. . . casn. I HAKMAN dj- WARNER. December 20, 1S56. Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE. JR. BRASS and lion Bulla, Screw, Lock and M Latches, Hammera and Hatchets, Axes, Drawing-knire, Handsawa, Carry Combs, florw Hrushes and t arda. Gun Locks, Gon Caps, Vot4 Card-, Cheat Han.lle., Plane fte 1 DUSINIvSS CAlim . wrT. - t - nm A IXAN, M'OZirLAT A CO.. IX l.euernl tomuiiasiou Mrchanta, and whole, ale and retail Dealer iu Dry Goods. Grocsri 1 Itinlsarnras A-m Aim uiunuiV va. w iv Sfieorge T. Allan. Archibald M'Kinlay. Thoma Lowe, Oregon City, May 5. ALLAN. M'KINLAY A CO., Seotlshurg, Umpoua, Orrron. Lower 4 LL AN M ' K INLAY k"co!j clianipoTg 1. Oregon Territory. May o. CHARLES POPE, JR., 'i DRM.EII in Hardware, Gmesrii,l)ry GoiJ, Clothing, Horn A Hhnue, Medicine, Uaa and Ktatioiiery. Main-st., Oregon City, April 21, 1857-Itf Wm. O. Dement A, Co., WHOLESALE and retail Dealer, in Groe-r ,.if ,,r"vi"iu""' Oil. Hoot. tnZ Shoes, CriK-kery, Ao. Oppoaite Ihe Land Offlca Main St. Oregon City. June 1, l(Ji5. JOHN R MBRIDB ATTOaSST AND OOVNSaiOa T LAW iMfiiycltr, Yamhill County, O. T., ' WILL faillifully attend to all busiosae ea. trusted to hia profeasioual core. April 81, IB57-ltf JOHN P. BROOKS, Whulrmtle Retail Dealer in Grorern-i, Produce I'rutitiont, Main Street. ' A Gencml Assortment kept up of Selected Goods, C'unemuh, March 2H, 1H37. S. XVXilwaio. Manufacturer, Whulcnale and Retail Dealer in COOK Wli PA ULOIl XTOVLS, t corpse wahk, iiardwbs, ac, MaiuSl., oppoaite Main Street Holer OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamlioat aud jobbing work attended to with, di.pilih. Oiders from the country promptly filled. j7 tr) Drutri, Modicino, Palnta, Ousu ft? and ye-tnff. ' al the ORI-.GON i.l t'Y DRUG STORE ! aepl5 Alain Street, Oregon City.U.T.' Time WF. HIOIIF1ELD, . WATCH-MAKER Persona desirous of geltinir (rood work dnnriSl. do well to give me a cull, aa my whole lime is de voted lo ihe repairing of Chronometer. Law 1 1 , I II ..I . i ' r .iipicA, auu iiuiiAoiiiai naicnefl. i An assortment of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. Prieea to suit the time. am thankful ft fnvors, aud hope to give aatiafaction in future. IX lux ated at the old aland, onuosita tUT.I. egmph Office, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2 Wells, Fargo & Co 's Express, Brlwren Orrgan, CaWnrnia, the Atlantic S'atr awl Europe: HAVING made advantageous arrangements with the United States and Pacific Mail Steam- J ship Companies for tiunsportation. we are now on.. pared to forward Gold Duet, Bullion, Specie, Package, Parcett, and Freight, to and from N York, N. Orleans, Sun Francisco, Portland, ajxt pnncipul town of California and Oregon. Our regular Semi monthly Express between i Portland and Snn Francisco, is dispatched by the -Pucilic Aluil Steamship Co.'a steamship Columbia,, connecting at Sun Francisco with our semi-tnoulh ly Express to A'eie York and New Orlean; which is dispatched regulurly on the 1st and lb'lhof each month, by the nruil steamers and in charge of our own messengers, through to destination. Our Kxprce from' New York leave regularly en the 5th and SOlh of eueb month, also iu charge, of messengers. Treasure insured in the best New York com panies, or at Lloyd's in London, at the option of shippers. OmcEs New York, No. 16, Wallet.; Now' Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange place; San Francisco. No. 1 1 4, Montgomery street. A. H. STEELE, Agent. Oregon City, April 21, 18i7.-ltf New Volumes of the Four Reviews and Blackwood. COMMENCE with North British for May, 1855,. and the other Review and Blackwood for June, 1 855. Termt of Suhecription. Any one Review or. ninckivood, $3 a year. Blackwood and one Re viewor any two Reviews, $5. The four Re views and Blackwood, $10. Four copies to on address, $30. Postage on the four Reviews and Blackwood to any Poet office in the United Slates, only 80 cents a year on each Review and 24 cents a year on Blackwood. Address, L. Scott it co.. Publisher, 54 Golf street, corner Fulton, New York ep8 Beading for the Million. J. McCORMICK UA CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT TUB NUNIUN SO0 . SIOKK, raO.NT-BT, POIITLANO, ORSOON, A Choice (election oi Popular Books, News Ja. papers, .Maifazinea nnd Fancy Stationery. Among the books on hand will be found works on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, Poetry, Biography,. Medicines, Religion, So ence, School Books, Romances, Ate, &c, &C. ITSubscripiions received, for Harper, Graham, Godey, Leslie's, or Putnam, rU 34 a year, p n'e free. CP Subscriptions receiswl' for any newspaper t published in any part of the Union. Remeni'ier ihe Fi niikli,Bok Store and N'ws-c paper Ag. ucy, Front slreit, Ponlaud Oregoevi tSTA priced ealulogu will bo published esrly1 in April, an, I will be seut. to 'toy purl of Ihe tern-'; lory free ou application. T EMPLE F HONOR. TmJutiinTemple of' Honor, No. 1, meeta ou the Isisaad 3d ri- day erenings of each inon h at CJ o'cWekat Tera p. runcc Had. Forest Grove, Oregon. .Members of the Onier in good Man Hisr,paaa.ui. vitedlo visit this Tenipie. E. W. DIXON, W.C.T. M Tt-TTi.E, W. R. 32 Ladies! 7"OU will find nn excellent assortment of Dree M. nnd Bonnet Silks, Saline and Veltett; alo Bonnet Trimmings, Hosiery, Glotet, Laces and Ribbons, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at the store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Muin-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) where msy be found almost everything in the lhie of Dry ttoodi: Such as Prints, Ginghams, A'.paeaay Merino Plaid Liuseys, Muslins, Sattiuetl. Jeans, risB neis, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe, vviiuii uniting, t-IG, Oregon City, April 21, 1857-Itf . Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, Ja. SANDS' Sarsaparilla, Peck's Wild Cherry Bit ters, Ralemau's drops, Braudreth' pill, Lee's pills, Perry' vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor. Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops,, 3d preparation, Roman eye balaom, Dalley's aaia extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Composition Powder, Carter's Pulmonary Balsnm, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, dee. April 21, 1857-ltf Central Produce Depot CANEMAn. (CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch J wheat, oats, bacon, lard, batter and potato. April 4, '57. JOHN P. BROOKS. . To Ibe Farosen TTfE WOULD ray, call at our store;" T will pay you as well for your predno aa any other home in Oregon, anJ will endeavor te, make you feel a comfortable a we possibly eaa. no24 CIIARMAN 4 WARNER. r ilt MOULDING for pietnra frasne. tot VJT tale by ill A KM AN A.IH