nil. Wliv, ttliul stugul liii Albany J.iur Eo No lilnf, r.otliinjf, It wits hccI. dviiiMtlv I in- ntfniK d ii. , J,i. Well, my uVur sir, on ymi I hull mainly t figlil I hn Miiiiui;ii through. l'fy ' uoiiL'iliHtii ill'1 Murrtiiji li'inwr'i Hii'l ntick III'1 ttr I V in.'.'-.lnT, till I lie CH.iimi'.'ii l "Vi r, nun Ihvu I Hunk w Cn 'iir Leliniil mimI nil lit Uu, imi txtviH K' U'-y. ) iiHicTucy i H vi'1 hi won I, itml. if yon ii-i' it iifu ii ciiiiii'Ii, rii hII ri'lil. Sick ii in inni.y 'iy,M or tell IMIII'H III I'VHIT CMUIIMI I WlHTl'll-r you mi iipiiii', lick it in; ii ilm -n I limlti-r lliin.'ll iiliiiill lllr li'llsO, Hinl Ii lie or iiiitliiii'.' kInhh ill,-i rmli, n y m iii k it in. In din nii'iiii lime ki i'i' n Hi' "l'i '""'J Ml)-'ll sufl IHI'I bolll'IH, Mll'l M-cllliy llli'lll II III) til till lIlMIIIICTHtio lnill"ll, IHI'I tneh ili'-m to oiiinil iIhtii, lii'l'l.-r nr fin fruliler. Oiift' yiii I In ilciinio'Htid Im die on a nun, it's jour own fmi!i if tun don'l rid- liin. (Curtain drop ) jy Sirvi.e will be held In llm Episcopal cliurcli by Bishop Sc.irrtui Sunday Ihe ISlhiiiai., commencing at II o'clock a.m. April 18. Notice. The annua1 meet tig of the Onco.'i I'iVe Fo ciety w.ll l- lirM it Oregon Cily the second luy in May next. April 18. lAiri., Fec'y. Nailer. Tli f"ililh anniversary of llm On fin Temp r ence Asciu'i"ii wi I lie Ii Id al Oicgnn Lily on llm I'Jili day of Muv. al It i a m. Apr I IS. (). Dickin k, Sec'y. Tor San Francisco. TIIK FAVur.ITE 8 T E A M H II I P W. L. Dai.L,Cuiii uauilor, Will leave Portland fur I la' above port on oruliout the S.'iil INST. Th pice of fright will lie i' per ion Pa-tag.- in I uliiu (311; ill Steerage $10. Apply In III Ciiplain on linril, or to LEONARD a GRIXV. Ap il9. IW-lwJ I'miluml. 3Sstra7. LEFT me about nil wcewngoa n.VY MRE, shod nil mnn I, uU in fifteen Ihii.iIm l.iuh. ii'ii or eleven year olil, mid liuv tig u little white in the lare j beside being rulluloinli!y m.irl.i d wild the harness. She wa fuinii-rly bruunlil Iro n the Saulii.ui, and hautevoial dillcrei.l tune made liar way lin k ua Inr aa Gr.bbie'a I'nui e. Any person iclunuu' licr lo me. or in nriuu.g me ol iter when auuu;, hull Ihj .u iuhly rtnumlf I. UN US IHIallNEU , Oregon City, April IS, 137. I IT HAS BEEN EM DENT TO ALL fur Mima lime purl. Ihul MORK ROOM ASD MO HE GOODS wrt v HPi'drd ut llio I-INX UlTV STUIIR, to mret Ilia di'iiMihla nf ila com nil ly i:wrr i:ng Cuad ni. "1 lunr ililiun (lave now lift ll innih- Ilia alure in i iilnrifi-d . ull 1 tin n.ork Ii.ik jn-l lii'h rrplen ulie l w III a lureuorliiiml of Oroccilrs Dry fti1, Ac, ainoiijr hiih nte Panumt IIit, Giiitrrs, Cruruti. Pnrusuh. Ciiigfi'iiii'i, liiLbimi. MurLvri I, Jl'ii-siim. I'iit, Ami u UltMT iii ai. :'t K, Ai id.- 'LLVM-li V ftlDili:.' ' Mnlio "Small prulila an I quick irluuiK." il. IK'ii. B G l)T KTOltiiS, all kind, wlml.-r-il.- r n- lull, ut IIKiH 'till ION . Linn C,t:. (H I I) liUck iirii TK A, hi Ititul Lilt IMN'.s. l. nn Cilij IaUiEa' un I i- hIk' KlU Iii.iM l;. ut J IIKOUtill ION L in, V.tij. 17AUI.Y Mny mid Viu.onu iMuni.u, lurnul. Ii l,y C. PMPIi. Jr. To (loldi'i'tt ut Lm .;iiih- omi!) i i. Ciiuxtt TiiAtvnRa'i llmcit, ( lunkmiiHx 4. 1A"7. ) "VTDTUIE . hereby given Iheri- i n ) XI in ilu- cmiiily liauMiry tu r.d em u.l mih ri. preaenieil tur p'i ineiil, uii-l eii(lijrel "Nui ji id fur want of fuu.n," pti irln uiml .'II. IK'i4. SI .i4 Till i.S. JOI'.NO.N, Tr.-in. M il .i U i-. T)f)Z. Slruw cnlltTH jnul rt'cvivel nuil for mile by O. AUHUNiiPilV &. CO. 22. B. Syr -p. REUS, 8s and .".a, bir wile liv G. ABEKNL'l II Y &. CO. 30 Iron. JUST received, the follow iug aitea : J . .V round, Ii c U . 2-i--4 3- J.;i-l(i J 3.x J, I'J.iU lb .Norway eimea iron. April 4. (i. A UK UN ETI1 Y & CO. Laud Claim (.r sale-. Till.'. iiuJimiiriied wiah.a lo blW Ink ' l. A II aiiuuie in Hie lle.hel Sch..,l J)i. ill fi'"-'i Imni a qtiurler of a in le In u ln"l.- ml ii mi,. ner from I ho llelhel eclioul liue. I will at-ll 3JU acres ill lots of SO, 4il. or Bil ucre lo auit purchaKera. Cash or cuttle Uken ill u inei.t. Tei nia eney Alan. 30.1 ncrea on Salt Creek, near J. B. llifxt'. 1 hare ulo for mli one hunJred hend of C V TLE,.Vi or b.l of tliem 2 and 3 un I kmic f llirm 4-)eur old a'.eora; tho bilaiiCJ nioCOUS and calves. Also, one DI rt'IIER, wliicli m.iy be also imd in reniov;ii buil lim; ' Vm further pr.icul.ra apply to me ut riennnt April !, I8o7-5U'4 W M. T.Yi I.OK. RUTABAGA nced-forealeby mui W C 1 -r- 11 H L B A It II or pie fruit seed for m by mur.'S U. rurt., Ji. 0 RliGO.V tiuiotliy aecd for anle by marJrt C. PoFE, Jr. 700 LBS. white oooripuie augur lor alu by murJH C. t'OPU, Jr. CH1N PUMPd price reduced -lor Rile by mrJd C. POI'K, Jr. M Al'At'i,.Y 6 llwtory ol Kn-uiid for ule by C. I'OI'E, Jr. 1) IAHV uud IWoponJeucu of An Law rence for B-iln by I- -'! Jr. MOKIUS' Poetical Worka-lor wle by f. POl E, Jr. N aworliiu-nt of Bibleaand lelniueui for L awtle kl the Ueposilory pricea by C. POPE. Jr. Selling' 05 1 A VALUABLE awoiimenl of BOOKS and etnlinnery. T.achera and deu.cra and all iuiereid are mviled to call ai.d em lie. March IS57. C. l OI'E, Jr. ItiiM-liiuil, April II. 1S57. ON hand un 1 for aule, low, forci-li or prnjuce Pun. I. 4 lead, enronw ijreeii, wlii e had, pnwueii blue ted do in oil, chrome j ehow, I lk. do " blue paint, rntargc, Coco .wn asd p-rifinieut j-reea piitly.;!aa 4V JNO P DOJK. C1(l.NTAXT K.MI'I.OVMI.NT will be given lo a eo.npeieiit Tlv.U'HEIl of tho Kiijh.ll laiilfiu,. and llm viirwua biannlieaof the niulh. enmii..., at Yuiieal'a, I'nippn county. 'Ferine lib. ml Api'licaliona niuy h. addre.urd lo the Hi renlmi ol Vonculla hch.Kil llilricl, Vonealla, U.T. March IW47-S0 n&rnoss cnJ Daddlcry. -fX Til l'i un riagiicil huving opened anew S W i.lri-il' il I I. M ... n..iu n in IIU I I Ml H'l'l'l .IIUMU.I V.M....,.. r I',, ia leaily In III .niif.icluie and furniali hi ImI noline, and ill llio beat un l iiumI aiilxliin. lul .ivlcnf Iha ei.ili, nil km la at IIAIi.M.ZS and StDDIJiltY WOttK, Trunk and Cur riurt TriiH'itiiiif de., I1..7. A.COOK. Xrobito Notice "VTOTK'E ' "by It'" ". I'hflip F.ter. B.l iiiii'-Iiuii.r ol ihe riule of J. M. H'uir, ,n. r n I luckaiiliw co.inly. .lof. ni.ed. Ilua lli;nlca pl r.'iiion to (he Pruimlc i.'niirl of Cliickutiiua county lor ll.iul MiUli-menl o: hia inlin nimniholl, end ilie I'n. i I'uealuy ul' Muy next ia fil for Ihe Inuring of llio wi ne at Or. j.:i I . UOlliCit T CAt'FIELD, Mured S I, I.'i7-oli'.'i Jmlgc of Prohule. Admiiilf.tfwtrlx'j Notice -' IKTTI.U.S i f uiliiini tiialiuu liuviug been J Milled lo I he iiiid.-iklgiicd on I lie rtlule of l'huii.ieiiy Pendolloii. deceuM il, by the Prohule couit nf I'liickumua enmity, II T., all perona in il. blid lo ta ll eilitle ure rt'ii ale.l loiiiuke im lie- ilule put ineiil, and ull h.-ioiib Iijviii clainia usfaiu t the Hume w II p.'-eut litem lur aetllcioeiit wiilnu one eur fi.mi ihieduie PHEUE PEN D ELTON, March C.I, IS.i7-u. u t Adin'x. Itfcv Ccods. "I UoT received by 'lie aulwr heia, (J b'ilIU yd Meir.iii.ic ui,d IVheco prima, 1,111) ' auiiuela, blue uuJ nil.;d, )3U cnlloii Hiiip, AO cuila in iiiillii r po, 13 1 bund ea limp p.ip. r, fi.) cueu Kiuiiii. kv nth' powder, FFF.G. .MunhUI. 0. .BEI(NI'.TIIY &. CO. Vodng'8 Improved Smut IKIills. rn.iltKE of lhc U I'i-.Ult'K limit mil I now un liiiiid and for Mib- by IS. ABKKNETUY i: CO. Oregon Cit), Mur Ii i'l, 1B.J. At War with Hard Times! HARD TIM L'i DEFEATED ! BV CHARM AN Si WAIJN'EB. who, in addition to ilicir umiuI LAItOK STUCK of I) ly ouiN iiikI (ci'occrii'e, ure nhiiit receiving per bjik .Melropnlia and Mut lliew V.ioiur, Ihe fu.l.iw 114 new auppliet, viz: lllll bi.xua Ln'ii-li eoup, lull ' Aiu.rc.ii do., UKtoited brands, SO " aduiiuiiline cuiidles, H.i " ep.'rin do. 10 " w.u cundlea, iibaoiled colors, S'MU Iha No. I Butiivia niijiir, 4i iiD ' No. I M.iiiiIIu do. 4. lull 1 Coaiu lieu, It n, and Juvs coflVe, III') lioiHe'n d. an Hie ground do. (1 d.iz iiH-irirl. d fjiiees, in bottles, C ' Mn 'ii.-h usr. il tunnies, 6 ' do do pckles, 1 I ' A UK-r cn:i do do. t Si'l piiea pie I'm I, S'l lin.c. Windsor iw, sd iizca, I IMI ki'ga nil In, all a xcs, (jilO lbs calli-h, (i till' b .1 inui'kciel, 111 l.bla lime, 1 en- tiuiKccii, ' Pi ido of ilia Union,' 1 do do ',' 1 1I0 d i Mioney dew,' 1 do 1I.1 'N.tlurul leaf,' ti gro. a:ii..kin; M.mcco, 6 .li'Z loina.o keiuii.ip, G ' pi', p.-i' nance, 111 k. gs dr I'd upp es, 'J lib .!u'er l ura. 'Po-e bcr with n well-eeb-cled assnrtmcnt of Dry t; I HOOTS, S1IUHS, and rraihj made CIA) ill LSU. ulrch e nlU r us LOW a any h-.iiK' 11 Ori'O'.n, i-'iiicr or reluil. Terms C.1-I1 nf in'il'.uc taken ill exchunire at ilie higiieat im.rkei rule. Mulch SI, lb.r)7. I.L ill-son mcnl nf Yunkee Notions ul uili'JI CIIAUMA.N ' WARN ER'S. 10 .M ex. qiu.lily c;g .r. CIIAUMAN & WARNF-li. 2000 LB". II!--"' led euliily. CHAKMAX .J- WAUXER. a I'OZ. 0sle:s. ) VII ARM AN A WARNER. UisbolaUou of Copartaership. rillJK cniuitni'rli p hercloiore existing beiwm n 1. tin. siilM'i iln ra 111. d r Ihe firm ol KHUr At. I t.'ClC wiih dis nlve.l by inutuul ooiiHeut Murch lllll, ltv7. ieious niiiebled will please muke piyuienia lo A. I'o.k, nhn will receive all debla une the Ihio firm. C. IIOOP. Ii ville. Miiroli II, 18.-.7-4!) A.COOK. Caution. VS nywife MARY ANN baa left my bed . ninl iiouid wiilmiil just cutise, I Ihrbid nil per- m,s lul ling her 011 my uocount, as I w II p;iy no d bisof her C Miiiiieliug. J. U.BOLTO.N. .Mui cb 2l, I S.,7. 49 T" U S T R E C E I V E 1) , fj a snlcudid lut of CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SHOES. mill Dry-Wood of nil I'crllion. AVo c in now fill almost uny bill a furtnor may cull for. Cull and see. March 1 4. CIIA It MA N le WARNER. W. T. MATl.lll'K. W. O. JOII.S&.N. Elatloci: & Johnson, ATTOnXEYS A COUA'SELOIW AT LAY.', And Solicitors in Chancery, "TTJ'ILL p;o:npily mien I 10 any liusiiiem which V limy be coimnilled lo their prifesionul chure b.'lore the District and Stipt eine Courts. t 111 0 111 II ghh.'lil a hu.lding, irnniedialcly op posite Iha Miiin Street House. Orcein Lily. Mur.-li 7, lhii. 4iy A T TEXT ION K VER YDODY ! Lien City Waking Up! CHEAT IMPROVEMENTS! rpHE public nrc hereby respectfully informed I -.-.l. bis.dis llic iniprnveiueuta completed or '" . ., '. -lace mch aa the new mill, a 111 progress s una , ... plank walk from Ihe mill lo ("1 &c.,-a co.nmodious SiOKK b . been niieo up, ttorked with SEW (IOODS, by Ihe under hand to Accommodate cioulers ulmast anything they may waul ill the hue ol Dnj Gwh, Stationery, Grnctriu, Cro kenj, Ilochfr Shtks, Hardware, Clothing, Cutlery, Mtdi'inet, Confectionery, Cigar. d'C. dr., All of hich will be sold at Ilia (r LOWEST PRICES I fl Iienl and other expenses being less a' this place limn at Oregon Lily, I cm and mill make it lr the interest ol rs..u lo trade he e.iu preference 1.1 ciossing Ihe r.Ver for that purpose. Ouly juat v sit, flrfe. Ihe "Lion City Store," lid Tooshiill Im- conv need nf lh fact. jjr All kiuda of Pr.-diire l.iko in exchange fur lit Ii Kit T II. BUOl'GHloN. I. un City. Mar. h 7. 1-57. 47 uTnd Warruits 1L'P.CTIA..1 BY .u.a4. V.M.C. DEMENT & CO. JU-T REi. LIVED, a new supply uf Kio and Java L'l-lT'-e, P.'Ce, Sug.r. Sa, "Vala. &.C .,,, C KOI'K ir I) I Klr.S I5j7 tcule by I ... rui tv, it Blr. Post's School. MUIE NEXT TERM of this Mchool will com X. inence oil MONDAY, APRIL 0, 1857. Teriirs, IiicIihI ng bisirtl, tuition, uan of books, Sic , ure fruin fy.l.i lo Ig.ill fur a sraaion of eleven we. k. None tali. 11 for I as tliuu one half of term. No deduct nil lliuile. Tu nil those wliu Hiil cheerfully use the proper exertion lo ucipure kimwledge, and will strive lo Imi genilemau y in Iheir deKirtuieul, Ihe proprietor ple.iges in in e.r tlml Ihe hisirucHon given shall nol he se. oud In any in the Ciiliiilry Those who wish to pay a purl of their eieii.e by labor, can do so. juiis v. rosr. Oregon City, Feb. I I, 1 8.17. 44w9 WE II WE JUST RECEIVED, per air, 1 and lurk Nuliumkcag, iha fol lowing grwal. t .''In lUi miion yam, 00(1 yds bro. dr.ll, 10 case bonis und shnes, So lilflibls.lrr.l apples, .In ke.s C B. syrili, 111 dn llu'fimnre oysters, SO '' p e Itims, SO " fr-s!i peaches, !!." botes nils ns, 100 knoa ninU, uss'd sizes, 10 do, u'ls-a Inn, erns, 8. onp sli ivels, tiirchnins, oVe., &, Feb. 14. '37. H M. C. DEMENT & CO. Sacks! Sacks! mil I-! iiiiden.iirne'1 im L-ouaiiiuilv on hand at his J. Kick ii.iiiiui.iclury in Oregon City, SACKS of ahqunl tiesmidsiz a, which will be sold as low lis Ihev en 11 Ik- hi.otlit in llio Tcirihiry. Orders from u ill. mice piouiplly u.l. ml dlo. HENRY PROSSKR. Oregon City, Junuury 10. 1H.'i7. y VTm. C. Dement St Co., WMllLKSAI.K il- ItKTAIL Dealers in Grocerios- Hardware, Boots Si Shoes. Crockery, be. rpiCNDEIt llieir lluiuka lo the'r numerous cus 1. miner fur the r p .si liberal pulronuge, and en hell a coiiIiiiuiiii. 0 ul the same. 'lhcy luke p i iisiiru 111 iiifiiiuiing Ihe public that they have now on bund u large and tl.firnhle of Uruerritt, llniilicare, Hoof and Shoe$, Crockery, and II Ml Stare, 1.1 which they are milking cons.unl uddituus front New York and Sun pr.iiicoco, pnrchaaed for cash only, and are enabled t. seli ill lower pr.c.s thuu uny other store 111 Oregon city. Jan 31, ltii7. Till' .'V lUl.llllKl iTIlltlltll LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1!,.ST0N, Mass., Orffnihd in 14:1, and having a capital und iifcu initialed premium amount h over $1,033,000., TTTILL lake risks in Oregon, for a term of V years or (or life. Dividend! of profits to those iusiir. d aie declared every five years. In surance muy be . fleet, d fur Ihe b-ncfit of married women uud clnldiuii, Uyotid the reach of credit ors of ihe pony in'iiie.l. Credilora may insure the livesoi d-b ins. R..les in Oregon will be Iha tints a in N. w EiiglniH. Tliiaia.ihe oldest American Mutual Insurance Company, uud ;s one nf the most reliable uud suo c. sslul. 11 nil insures 011 the inn-t favorable rain. In orinuiiuu may he obta.nrd from, and applica tion for iu.uruuce mane In, A. HOLBROOK, Aiienl f..r Oregon. Consulting P'lijiirian Forbes Barclay, M.D., Oregon Lilv, uu l It. B. Wilson, M. D., Portland. Origin t 'ii v. .luii. 31, 18.7. 4J j 11.1 i:tTvivi-i, -I f TONS Sun Qiienliu salt, ALxJ M4 Hacks Liviipjol a.ill, AO bbls liiili', AO kega a mp, 50 luata aiig.r, S5 eui Ks'ee, 5 hlra vinegar, t 25 bcV'-a sonp, SO bale dril.a, 5 " sheetings, 1 1 case.-, boots. Jun 17. '..iwO G. AP.EP.NETIIY & CO. i-y...i i.ikIj.- ..t, 1. 0.0. f., MEETS at Iheir Hull over Ihe Oregon Cily Drug Mure every Wednesday evening at .7 o disk. Bielhreu in gaol standing are invited to vis t. TIIOS. CHAU.MAa, W.U. C. riwm rami. Se. 'y. 31 aCS? FURNITURE! 222 AT TUB rx'RriiTTjua salss - &oonx, (One do a below L. Simw & Co.'s, Front at.,) PORTLAND, OREGON. Constantly receiving, and on band, Till-: BEST ASSORTMENT Ever Offered in Oregon!! Having hud severul years' exiicricnce, I am pro paced to hell AS CHKAP A3, IF NOT Cheaper thaii has erer heretofore been offered mi the Pucilic cuuat ! IT CALL ANU IXAMIKIt rOR VOURSKLVKS. X8 A.J. STUUTEVANT. Poilliind, Juniiary 10, lb'57. 10m Piotcctive Union. DIVISION NO. Jill OF THE N. E P.U., SALEM, O. T., w.ll keep for aula Dry (jioo(l, ;i c'i ir, Ilooln Olid Mioi's, I'roiliK'i-, cVc, Ac. In purl Ihe trade will be characterized by 1. Di'slgne lly 110 inf.. r or goods: 9. Reasonable and unifuriii prices: the child wili (ret as iniinli 'ur its 111 mcv as Ihe parent ; 3. The poor nun's Iriciid, No ennutr; 4. Tin- dishi.nnring p:act'ce of mixing good with inferior produce to make it suleuble, will be discount, i.uuced 5. Ii inn us oc nie I farmers, will generally be able lo au-w.-r ileiiianda fioai a distance, ill the art clea .ml, poiaiuea, wheat, flour, Sua. ; when not on hand, bought to order. Orders ci.ielully tided, or otherwise properly at tend d to. C. HoEL, Ageut. Saiein. Dee. 27, lf-56. 37tf What's tho Vse of Going; Barefoot ? fill IE anhscriber has opened a boot and shoe shop X in tbi 'My, where making and mending will be done lo order o.N sunaT nuticsj. 1 also keep constantly on hand ready made boots and shoes, which I will tell on reasonable term. Thankful lor past I'nvors, I si ih rail cit a reasonable share nf uutrouiige. Call and try us unvlinw. . J. B. BLANPIED. Oregon City,. Aug. 9, 1 ft.'.H I "run' VTe fci o now Receivinf AND have iu iore ii. 100 ack Rio coffee, 80 whole un l hll bbls crushed sugar, 30 ' " " XI) " 100 doz hr-Mins, S.'iO boxes Eng. aap, I 'Ml " cuud es, 1 1. (I glass, and sizes, Tng' llier wih a general asaori incut of crockery, harowaie, b"Ots and slwes, paints and oike. Ate.. Ac., wheh we i ff r lor sale at as low pricea aa Ihev can be purchased in Oregon Territory. ' WM.C DiiMENT CO. Oregon City. S' pt. 1. BliK liMiiillM ud ollicns Look -r-! LLAN, McKINLAY &. CO. have bow 00 xl. hand a lorge aud well selected slock of Bar Iron. Cast Steel, ll irrfshoe do., German do., N .iir-d da, Plough do., 1 late do, and mieud to keep np Ihe aortrrieDt aa aa t sail the wauu ol eiMomers. Give ua a call, and )'M ill Cud ihai we not only have Ihe fullest stock, but ill sell -as cheap as 'ihe i-heapesx." We are CMi-taiil.y receiving adJnsaw IS) oar aseortmenl, so aa 10 replace what is sold. Dee- 81 '58- '500 LBS. para Eeeewa fnr sale lose by jell WX C DEMENT tc CO JIMTUECEIVVD run RABK "0CKAN DIRO," Ami for tale, by Ihe vndertlgntil, PK.ff II Costi Rica eoffua, ary aupa VJ'JVjyj riorariMjto, 40 kgs pure while lead, pepper taunt, ill glass, yellow ochre, eir ' boila.l linseed oil, la llm olives " and D.imls. honey, raw do. do, tjo. China preserves, in jan, China mgar, not. 1 4. il, green peas, in Hue, crushed " iu hlf bbls oystsrs, " brown, U-4, figa, in drums, manilla roue, 31 3,24. S. aula currants, Ii. and I inch, Malaga raisiue, (layer) easi steel, almond, soil shell, pie fruits, ass'd, in glass, Walnut, Engliah meat sauces, 11 olive oil, (Plagtiiol') fun do. " cheese, in I na. ALL A N, M A IN LA Y CO. Oregon Cily, December 'Jo, lb 50. Kllllt Unlit Cf TON'S "Son Oii.niiii-' SALT. In about UJ bll and 100 lb. bags, just aud for sale very cneup hi ALLAN, McKINLAY CO.'S. Oregon Cily, Dco.ti, iB.'ili. IF YOU WANT a really good article of COF' FEE, Ihe undersigned have got 15,000 lb bl Cota Hlra." Come iu and look at it. ALLAN, McKINLAY CO. Oregon City, Deu.0, 165(1. Urfal liidiK'iMiiitiit. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE FRENCH STORE in this city, takes thia method lo Invite Ih public lo cull aud examine his sto. k of GOODS. He has now nn hand, au.l will continue 10 receive by nliiiosl evciy steamer, a fine assortment ol Ihe l.esl quality of good, which he ia determined lo sell as cheap as anybody else, if uul a little cheajier. The I.adi's in I'ai'llriiliir, are requested lo cine where they will lin.l the best and LATEST FASHIONS of Dress Good, of every drciiplion. lie has. and Is constantly receiving, u II 1 GOODS, consnling in part of Ihu following articles Cia'hcco, Pacific, lladley, L'onestcgu, Philip Allen, Fall It ver, Mrrriiuac,and nuinerous oiher PRINTS, all late styles; English and r reiich merinos, Lyons cloth 1 black, blue, purple, and pink ulnacis, iaisniet. book and Sw aa muslin, a Hue assortment uf lac aud edging, velvet trim. tugs, lie, domestic giugham, blue, mixed, and gray satinet, sheep' grey an I fancy cloth, Milford and Hunker Hill j. an, bleached aud brown alteri ng, brown and blue drilling, ucinins, hickory shirt ing, black velvet, a I.. 11 fine lot of plaid dress goods, Bruasels carpet, dec, Ac. HI cii tV II )'' Clollilng. Blue, block, and brown cloth coals of the finest quality, I weed bus ness do., black cloth Vests, a fine lot of blk doeskin and satinet pants, all qualities and sizes, rubber j icketa. gray over au.l uuder ahirts, white and hickory shirts, bats mi l cuiia. BOO'l'S Si. SHOES men's, boya and ynuihs bouts, lad ies', misses', and children's morocco, goat, k d, aud ca.f boota and shoes. It is 110 trouble lo show goods, and ha will al- wata be happy lo see his cuttoiue.s, whether they purchase or uol. KUt.rfc. 1.A l-OKKSl. Oregon City, Dec. 6, 1856. 34m7 XVew rim New Goods. THE undersigned tuke thia method of inform ing the public that they have taken the house und have purchased the entire stock and lixluree formerly used by F. S. HOLLAND, and bone by sir.ct attention to business lo retain tho patronage of the old customers and gain as many more aa possible. We are constantly in receipt of GOODS select ed with the greatest cure, (as to pr ca und quality,) and are confident that our facil lies will enable us to oiler greater inducements to all who want the worth of their money thuu any other house ill the city. We have, aud are jusl receiving, au iuvoica of DRY GOOD S, consisting in part uf Ihe following articles Cnche co, Pacific, lladley, Coiiestcgn, Philip Allen, Kali Uiver, .Merriinac, and numerous oilier I'UINIS, all late style ; Engl sh and French meriuus, Ly ons cloth: black, blue, purple, and pink alpacas, jaconet, bonk, and Swiss muslin, a fine assortment uf laces and edging, velvet Iruuniinga, &.O., do mestic giughums. blue, mixed, and gray satinet, slurp's grey and fancy cloth, Mil ord aud Bunker Hill jeans, bleached and brown sheeting, brown and blue drilling, deuinia, hickory ah rting. black velvet, also 11 fine lot of plaid dress goods, Brussels curpel, Slc, SlO. MEN d BOYS' CLOTHING. Blue, black, and browi cloth coats of the finest quality, Iweed business do., black cloth veals, a fine lot of blk doesk n and satinet pauts, all qualities aud sizes, rubber jackets, gray over and under shirts, white and h ckory shins, hats and caps. BOOTS and SHOE S men's, boys' and youths' boota, Indies', missca', and children'a mo rocco, gout, kid, and cull' boots and shoes. GROCERIES: Rio coffee, green and black lea, New Orleans, Batnvia, and crushed sugar, East Boston, Stew art's, and China syrup, suit, 10 and SI) lb. sucks, nails, assorted sizes, bonp Uud soup powders, pow der and lend, cream lunar, yeast powder, solera tus, chewing add smoking tobacco, oysters, prunes, pcpiier sauce, oils, spices, starch, and cottoll bal ling, with a vurietyof usually kept. We have also a Splendid Aaaorlmont ol Book, Iu part as follows : Washington At Ins lieu- McKeuzie's Receipts, crul, Religious Kucycloptdia, Napoleon Ai his mnrsh'l, B b e History, Rollins' Ancient Hiatory, Sketches and Skeletons in 4 vols., of sermons, Border Wars. Wicklutn' School Reg- Life 1 n the Plains, isler, Frontier Life, Dick Wil- Stevens' book of the farm, in, Uuiied Stales' History, Fril l Culture, Natural History, Lund Measure, Parley s Genfraphy, American Debater, Stoddard' Mental erith. Mapping plates, Towers' algebra, Railro'd und Uuads, Thompson's high school Teaching, ami mcutul arithmetics, Fuller's Works, Webster 1 and Sanders' l'nicl cal Landscape new wries school books, Gardening, Webster's large family l!o ho. si of Great Men, Dictionary, Arch bislmp, Irviu'a cyclopedia of Mercantile Morals, moral and religious Yoiiut, horse uud cattle anecdotes, doctor, Mechanic's companion, Small agricultural works, Bibles, of all s ies, With mauy other valuable books. ALSO PRESTON'S MAP OF OREGON and WASH INGTON. , A Freh Supply of Stationery : Day-Book and Journal, Memorandums of all s zee, note, letter, cap, aud bill paper, envelopes, pens and peucJs, slates, wr ling houks, Ate. Wm. DIliUUURFF ii Co. P. S. GOODS exchanged and the highest market price paid for butter, eggs, bacon, chick ens, flour, and almost auylliiug ihe farmer has for sale. WM. JJ.&L'O. Oregon City, October 4, leofi. y HuriMtM Tlnk-r tc Saddler. fflHE subscriber has bought nut the estahl'ah- L ment loimerly owned by A. K. Post, and ia n w carrying on the UAH a fciar aud a A uuu o cYbuin. ia all its branches: lb. LIVERY STABLE belonging to the esisblummint, is also kept up, where horaea and carriages are constantly kept for the accommodalrou of the public. Horaea lelt al my stable, w 11 alwave oe ueaiea wiin par Ocular aiieutum, and iseu Jet. 1 nave Keen con nected w.lh th.s estab. aliment frsiaiM lour year, aud am now prnnaueuily kaSaieil, where I shall at ways be happy tu wait on all who may fasor ma wit a call. W. B. PAKTLOW. The best of TIMOTHY HAY kept constant, ly en hand. Oregon City. Oct. 18, 1856-27y. MOFFATS Life Bitters and Pills, Bernard's Dysentery Syrup, Wistar's Balsam af Wild Cherry, at the oret,o.v crrr drto ptorp: THRESHERS AND COMBINED REAPERS AND MOWERS. I.IM4 AN.-li HJUi C0. L. it I. Kntered aeeordlng to Aetof Congre In the year MM, by Wii.i.iam II. In lie Ijeik ttfflosof lbs District Court of the United btalei.for lbs Northern IHililelof New lm. E HAVE NOW ON THE WAY FROM NEW YORK. A l.AP.CK NUMHER Of .1.- .1 -.: 1 ... ....I a.ryad tllNIII 11 JlffiVP IiImIIII lilt) Il I tti .M"V MCit. w Farmera wishing anything of Ihe kind would do The THRESHERS are from two lo six lwre powers, of bo'li kind, ewe, p ani rniJIea. c,a n, aui are of the moat im.ved kmds uow used in the S ates. We ulll-r them li.un 100 10 fc'...U. MANNY'S COM BIN ED REAPER ANT) MoU'Elt. winch hi. taU'ti Ilie prm um fcr h best eombined machine Uow in use al all the cxhiuilion ill Ihe SUics dunnz Ihe past year, wa oiler al (350. - Wa havoalsoon the way, to arrive about the various sizes, logelher With a good assortment of carpenter loo. liuiu.vaie g.-neran) , , .m.-u.. b grain cradles and scythes, snaiha, aud mowing scythes, folk, shov. I, rpnle. h a-s, A 0 , A'c, all ar which we will sail low for cash. WM. C. I EM1A I &- I "-, Jnutiary 31, 1S57. Af Kliinlon'a Kiiracry. A STANTON, hrtiit Cnltiirisl, ut tho Jp . NORTH-BEND Fruii-FHriii. on Su- 52 leui prairie, four miles north aasi from Salem, ha, for sale, the following ell" ce eel. c. ions of graf ed trees, of various ages, from one lo three yeara j viz: APPLES. Jersey Sweeting, Karl) Harvest, Curol il l June, Sweel ll.iugli, July Bough, bummer Queen. ilhama ravonle, Red June, Red Asirachan, Sweet June, Graveustsia, FALL. Alexander, Waxen, or Gate, Fall Beauty, Siberian Crab, Itosa Nonpareil, Sweel Pcaniuill, Sweet Swaar, Dwarf, Earlv Pennock, Fall Pippin, wtNrr.a. Tewkshury'sW'r Blush, Green Newton Pippin, Hubardsnu's Nonsuch Northern Spy, R. I. Greening, (ilura Mundi, Lady Apple, Viramia Greening, Tolpy Hocking, Mi. am, Boxhiiry Ruieiet, Yell..w New'n Pipp'n, Wiue Apple, Red Pe.iriuu'tn, Winter tlueen, Newark King, American Pipp'n, Wli le I'cur.nuiu, liainho, Caro inn Apple, Baldwin, Newton Spilzeuberg, Wcstficldseekuof ih'r Domtue, Hutch Mtgnon, Belmont. Twenty Ounce Apple, Geniien, Red Komanite, Red Wiue Sap, Ulue l eannain, Michael Henry Pippin, Black Heart, . P und Pipp'n, Monstrous Sweeting, Bclltlower, Esnpus Spitzenberg, Gulden Runsel, Holleud Pippin, Winter Sweat, Melon, Lady'a Sweeting, PEARS. Columbia, Louise Bjuus D. Jar., Julienne, Flemish Beauty, Maria Ixiuiaa, Fall Butter, Early Beurre, Pound Pear, Darinburg, Buerayanca, Chomontell, White Duoyon, Fin Gold of Summer, Josephine D'McIimi, Vicar of Wiukricld, Crosune Bnrgamot, Darborn's Seedling, Triumidl D'Jeiu, Pil Cohnar, Jiurllet, 'oon' Pear, Virguluc, Dutch Du Angelean, San Jose, Early Duller, Clapp'a Early. PLUMS. Jefferson, Red Damask, Green Guge, Yellow Gage,. Nump Red Carnation, Royal Ann, Kent ah, Black Eagle, Washington, Sweet Dumsoii, Smi.h's Orleans, Coo's Guldeu Drop. CHERRIES. Downtnn, Muy Duku, Vuiiachalck, Black Morello. My nursery comprises about Forty Thousand beautiful grafts of Ihe foregoing vaticlli, of llir fly growth from one lo three yem s old. 1 have also 11 nursery of about Twenty Thousand seedlinira which lwiahtoeell. A. STANTON. Salem, Oct. 25d, 1 8.C,-2Hii-uin. TI10 (iiiiipnixu tiii'd. 4 I HAVE now in my NURSERY 011 the Monticello Farm, Huwell Pra.iic, Mur.on co., a very large NURSERY OF CHOICE TREES, from one to two years old, embracing all Ihe vari eties of Apple, Pear, Plum, Clun y, Ate, brought to this country by J. W.La ld, which I oli'cr lor sale low for cash. Those who ule expect, n to purchase trees this winter, are r.iptcstod to come and look al my uuraery before making the.r hunl purchase. IT 1 am determined to sell on vrv reuwniable terms. SAMUEL SIMMONS. November 8, 1856. 3otf Nursery. I HAVE now for sale al my nursery, about mid way between Oregon City mid Milwaukie, sev eral thousand APfLK tkkss of lliiifly growth, nil bruclnu all Ih ckoickst vakiktiks or niniT ever brought lo Oregon. My ire. a are froin (.tie In iwo Jears old, and for s zo and heuuly are unsurpassed, am now ready to wuit oil customers, nud shall he happy to furnish trees to all sncli aa see lit 10 give me a call. Come and see my uuraery befure you purchase elsewhere. I have also a quantity of ri.tius, and quincks for sale. ORKIN KELLOGG. Nov.8lh,185G. 30tf. Orrgou aud 4 iililoi ulti rat'ki'l Mm-. milE followinr vessel will run in con .1 nectionasa REGULAR LINE be tween I'ORTLAND and SAN f It A.N 24: CISCO: Clipper bnik JANE A. FALKUNBEP.G, Baiiuks, Master, Bark OCEAN BIRD, " CHAS. DEVEVS. IIkalkt, " NAHL'MKEAG, Wh.I.iams, " Brig I. B. LUNT, Ru.tiAaiMMix, " 'I'he Barks have all been cpieied recently, and are in first-rate order, commanded by experienced captain. Freights will be carried at the lowest rater. Produce sent from any part of ihe country to Oregon City, or to the Linn City works, will be re ceived and forwarded lo San Francisco. Auzsts GEO. ABERNET11Y & CO., Oregon City. ABERNETHY, CLARK Ac CO , Not 22,'S6-32lf San Francisco. TRESTON'S Sectional and County MAP of L OREGON and WASHINGTON P.ITO R I ES for aula by auglC CHARLES TOPE. Jr. w 12 WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for good WHEAT al Ihemark.l price. aovl5 CUARMAS WARNER. II ORE NEW GOODS, at CHARM AN At WARNER'S. CJ ASD3' Sarsaparilla, in any qnsntity, at the k OJtEOO! 11 1 t'H (,'G STOKE 1 1 si 1 1 iSilil M 11 ' il' 1 II 1 .' .'.i well lo wall early, as a iiiiinla-r already been ,iM-...o c-rn 1 iv r-i'TTl'PS f aame nine, iiui 1 a .. v- . . n a7., nfjmilr lie i.via in t, wrra . ..y. OREGON CITY 7holesalo Prices Current. COKIlt'CTt.O WKlKLr. nar (iootis. hki'ii At mkuicinko. Sheeting, 4-4.... full N. Y.cost. Drilliiu 1 1 j ruouira. Beat he J drilmg IH Wheut, pr.,50 " sliiriiug, 1 1 all. Outs do 50 Striwd do I'.'J Polalnea do 37 Vk nf I4ulti 11,1 ous ao i w Ileiiina ....UJ 1 lour 4,uw I I Coru .Meal, fresh 6 .Ifia-.M; rnl'IT. ?.l,.ii.. V i.i.t, . .Iried... Blue aJi 111 11 .. Plaid liiisey..., SlllUel LT....I ....I: v i..Mi... 'J..a t..' l'euehea. dlied IU 1' weeds .55a70' ' do pealed mints. " Chili, died. 20e23 Blue and white h; raovisioNS. Blue and orange ID' Pork, clear none. . 'alley Salil mcs (Wa30 Furiiilura do lOall; lama. 15 do. w dr.l'.'l llucon 11 l. do lain. lMuli niwora. ISiii-hains'.'Ji.Iawtrd, pr ca 8 5 .lpiici .25,.hV' ' pr keg 9 10 labia d umiak 50u75! . auoT. cloih tiluSI J imall ica ?2J"3 Iriah linens lOaill Buck $3a3 CI.OIIIIMl. IKAI. Sheep gruv pants il'Dir Satinet ' do. .rji'.'j ill' hilu lead, iu oil Fancy eaaa. do. ...ljjO.'i', oaDAoa. Black . as-', do. ''a'.' .Innilla, small 11 1.1......:..' Ii.r.r.' ...13 ,121 . 25 llluc do. do. I. "hi Ik. Iciiip laia Hickory shirts 5a".: canules. Calico ih 0 'al-', Admunliue 3ia40 linoTa & snoKS. 'Sperm liOaoj Men's kip hoots S-.'l:i! ciiiaks. ' super do. di....$il; lavann ? " fine acw.d lij; S-ruian Jllhwj Bnvs' kip 11lcrica1l 8a50 ' he'vv w'xdo.'JIJiC; tiioal-co. Mens' bri' pr. doz..J 17; Pride of llio Union.40a4j " kip brg' pr doz.'j "-; 4IM1 30a35 calfsewe.l do. . !? .' 1 ; Luko's Women's h'vy h a. i:.S luauWAaa. line do tjil.'f llmveU ;i8al4 IV.'.lll.l . s.m.w ..... .... ok.irr.iiita. ) ImdeS el"1 Coffee IGalli yxes Tea 5huli. i .I'll-aas I Chi'a.... L'iS outaavra.... ' crushed I'.' I able cutlery. .Hl'JaSO ..'JOa'ali .75a$l,23 10 Ikirct Siderulus . . lOull! u Ivnuce oil N. Y. cost 1 1 iVkel ctiilory, 25 prct Starch Syrup E B.wtan... jl.-l- advance. do. S Island l,2 Mher articles of harJ- N O Molasses ware SO to 50 pr Liv. Salt Sl'i:f cl advance. Tuble Sail 3a.lJ. Nuila,us 9"! Sauilivuli 1 Suit.. 2a'.' I hoiiuh"e,.U5u35 Pepper, Allspice Cinnainoii.... Soap mil '11Z'.A i Lamp lJa2J ....llitus 'l.ins ri boil .'J Ma 1 1 i I'urpeuiiuc pr gull 8 UVO. AIIl'.lOi: J HY X Co., MERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, O. T. Abcrnctr, Claris Cl Ca., COMMISSION ANO FOKWAItliINO 5IKKCHANTS, Sun Francisco, Cal., Will slteii.l lo selling Oreg 'ti produce, mid fill or ders fur Goods, Gioeer.i , Alo , ut Ihe lowest rules. The pitroiiage of ihe people of Oregnu is re pec.fuliy solicited. Aug. 2. Iiutnicr, Lambor. Mill H Oregon .mil ng mu! I'r iiispnrtiil'on Co. X have estuhlished a LUMBER YARD on Ilia over lank iu tear ol the store of Allan, McKlulay A Co. . Lumber in large or small quantities, Including dress' d siding and 11. siring, can always be had by i.nnlicaliou al the store ol " F. S At A. HOLLAND. Oregon City, May 10, Irt.iti. Tor eti ut. I WAN I' to r. ni my n'uca forena or 11 - ..., Iro o r. I'osll Scbnil, and Iwu and a half mile frun Oregoii Cily. Their, uie live iicns well set w.lh tniiolhy, ami there v. ill be I'luul six acres lo cull vale. Fruit of ull Ihe various kinds. Good house and nut huililins. Tei in made easy. Apply soon. Jan. 2l-4llf JAS. G. SW AFFORD. Dissolution of CoparUcraihip. THE c..pailiieiship hercloiore exi.ling between Ihe Hionchhei under Ihe brill nf Bassiuw At ( o. was dissolved by mutual consent August llilh, lN'ifi. Pei.iii iiid l.t d will pi. use make pay. ment to Jos. Itms.uw, V.I10 will receive ail debt due Ihe lute linn. JOS. BAUSTOW W. LOR BY. Canemali., K5G. St J03. Earatow IS by himself, and would rcs-cl fully say to hie fiieoils and the pub ic euerully that be ia thankful fur pist patronage, an l will continue busi ness al the n. d Miami, and will ever be ready ti show his Gondii lo thus who may lavor him with a call. C.iine nne, ..'ilie all, Iwu Ii gicat and small, and give liiili a cell before purcbusiii elsewhere, and examine for yourselves his splendid aud select slock of DRY finons. PROVISIONS, CLOTIt IXU, HOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tcs, Sugar. Cnffeo, Spi es, Ac, Ate, llal,Nuils, Uroo.iis, Ate, aud alaiosl every thing rla ning to. a general lin' of b i. ness. All kind- of country pniduca lken iu exchange. Country frauds wilt lind i Iu their advaiilaga lo give sue a call Ci!iieinah,Se.l. Ii. rianl: Sooka. A Kit r.SH s V full and ha I' Uuiid BLANK HOOKS, j.1.1 rei ev. d ex " Vniiiig Amerieu." Pasa Bouka, Sheep aud Tuck Mensirai.duin, Monihly audi VA eealy Time Boo, Receipt Buika, Shipping ami Slur, hoa-e, and Cash Copying Preas Books, ScliO'l W tiling liooks. M niatura Blanks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Siu., Ate. Noisy Carrier's Bu.k aud Stationery Co., Nos. 64 Ac hfi Long Wharf, and 87 sep.20-ni3. Battery at, Saa F'raaeisca. DO you want Hay Fork, Spade anl Sh.rele Call at CI1ARMAN WARNER 9