1 1' 111 i M !!! ijj' A i; 111 Ml I lift 1 j! i I It i im II i pi li fe I! P In m m rVl1 i 'Ml; II IP? m v n 'lb Mk !i Hi i! ;. Vroiew l Death. , Tim number of iniUncei given where perton. have peruhcd with the cold in the region of country wet and northwest of ui the present winter, U wholly without a parallel. The hixtorjr of moot of (lie case i singular they start from given point, get lust on the prairie, and are found dead. We find I ho following melancholy account in illustration in the La Cre Republican: " We learn from a gentle man rctiding near lied Kock or Crown villo, east of Austin, Minnesota Territory, that twelve persons have pi-rUied in the now storms this winter, Utwcn that place and West Union. It is reported that two boys were petting wood with a juke of oxen, when the drifting snow fillej up the track and blinded their light, on the re turn. Ik-lioving the cattle woulJgo home, they fattened themselves 10 the sled to prevent falling ofl" when loo far frozen to help themselves on again. The cattle came boine, sure enough, but tho brave little drivers had perished in each other's arm!'' Some fifteen year ago, a maa wat driving a yoke of oxen from a tar ticuUr place home, in what is now Warren county, in this State. A driving snow storm came on, he becama bewildered, lost the direction and was benumbtd wiib the cold. In this condition he bad the pres ence of mind and precaution to tie secure ly an arm to each ox's tail, and trust to the instinct of the brutes to find their way home. In this way he was half dragged many miles, till he found himself safely conducted to the door of his own cabin, badly frozen, but safe in life and limb. Galena AJeerliier, lUlh. Rich Hlorj. A tall, awkward looking chnp just from the green mountains of Vermont, came en board one of the splendid North River boats at Albany. His curiosity was amnz ingly excited at once, and he commenced " peeking," a he calied it, into every nook and corner of tho boat. The captain's closet, the engine room, the water closets, the harder shop, all underwent his inspec tion ; mi J when he went on deck and stood in ainszcincnl nl the lever beam, the thin), nrys, and tho various 6xins," till nt last he cuulit sight of tho bell. This was the crowning wonder, aud he viewed it from every position, walking around it, got down on his knees and looked up into it, and ex claimed : Wall, rnly,this bents tho hell on our meeting house a darned sight,' liy this lime, ilia attention of the cap tain and several of the passengers was at tracted to this genius. 'How much would you ask to h t n 111 ler ring this bell I' You may ring it for a dollar, sir,' suid the captain. Well, it's a bargain, all fair and ngrec, and no backing eout.1 It's a bargain, sir,' said the captain. Our hero went deliberately ami brought a scat and took hold of the boll rope, ami having arranged everything to hi wilUfac lion, commenced ringing, slowly at first, and gradually fatter and faster till every body on board thought tho boat was on firo, and rushed on deck, scroaiuiu with ulurm. There stood the captain, and there ant the ' Vairmounter,' ringing away, first slow nnd then fast, aud two or three lap at a time. Tho passengers began to epos tulute ; the captain said it was a bargain. Hut the passengers becama urgent that the eternal clangor should be stopped. All the whilo there sat our hero undisturbed, ringing away more ways than a cockney uhiinc-ringcr ever dreamed of. At lust the captain began to think it time to stop the simpleton ; hut hi answer was : ' A fuir bargain ard no bucking eout,' nnd ho rang away for dunr life. ' Well,' nys the captain, ' what will you Inko to stop I' ' Wsll.ctp'n, I gues I shea tit lose noth ing if 1 lake live dollar and a free passage to Now York, but not a darned cent less.' 1 Well, walk down to the oflico and get your money aud passage ticket,' said the captain. Travels im Afmca. lev. Dr. Liv ingston, tho celebrated African traveller, who ha returned to England nflor seven teen years' absence, crossed the great Af rican continent almost in I ho center, from wost to cast, ha been whero no civilized being bud ever been before, nnd ha made many notable discoveries of great value, lie had great difficulty in speaking a sen tence of English, having disused it so long while traveling in Africa. Ho hud with him a native of tho interior of Africa. man, when he got to i do Mauritius, was so excited with tho steamers and vari ous wonders of civilization that ha went mad, and jumped into the sea and was drowned. A Wealthy Church. In the city of Mexico there are 150 convent.'), nnd the number of the secular clergy is 10,000. The salary of the archbishop is 130,000 a year, and the other bishop receive $.'80, 000 more. A recent valuation of the prop erly owned l the church computes it at froin f r0,000,000 to 300,000,000. It i staled that the church own one half of the house in the city. . (& A clergyman lecturing one after noon to hit female prihionrrs, said, "Be not proud that our Lord paid your sex the distinguished honor of appearing first to a female after the resurrection, fur it was only done tint the news might pnj the sner." Tioveibs yon Puxtus. Farmers and others will beed the following, what ever they may think of book or fancy farm ing generally. They will direct the at tention of their son to these Universal Rule, and commend every eae to follow them. We are indebted for most of ibem to that excelle nt manual, ihe Illustrated Rgiter of Rural Affair, every lina f which is a text in itself for more elab orate article. Never keep animals on short allowance if you starve them, iLcy wi'l surely ittrve you. Although, in draining land thoroughly, your purse may be drained, yet the full crop that f Ilu w ill soon fill it again. Trying to farm without capital is like trting to run a locomotive without fuel.- Money and wood must both be consumed, if they are to move lbs machino of the farm or of the rail. Always give the soil the first meal. If this is well fed with manure, it will feed all else plants, animals and man. If you wish to give an energetic move ment to all your farm machinery, and keep its hundred wheels in rotation, be sure not to be without a good rotation of crops. If you allow your animals to shiver, your fortune will be shivered in conse quence ; that is, the farmer who leaves his cattle to the winds, will fiud bis profits also given to the winds. Heavy carrot crops for cattle will soon return carats of gold. Did you ever hear the musical notes of a starving herd of hogs ? Extinguish by food those notes speedily, if you would avoid even more annoying notes after pay day has passed. Many a farmer, by too sparingly seeding his new meadows, has bad to cede bis whole farm. Every farmer should see daily every animal he has, and inspect it condition Weekly vi.ils, as with some, soon result in weakly animal. Sectarian Lovsns. About thirty-five years ago, there resided in the town of II., a certain Dr. T., who became very much enamored of a beautiful young lady, who resided in the samo town. In duo course of time they were engaged to be married. Tho Doctor was a strong Presbyterian, his laily love was a strong and decided Rapiitl. They were sitting together one evening talking of their appronching nnp ti.ds when Ihe Doctor remarked : 'I am thinking, my dear, of two events which I shall number among tho happiest of my life. ' "And pray what mny Ihry be, Docloi f " remarked the lady. ''Ono is the hour when I shall call yea wife for the first time." "And the other!" "It is " hen wc shall present onr first born fur biptism." "What! sprinkled !" "Yes, my dear, sprinMud." "Nuver shall a child of mine be sprin kled !" "Every child of niino shall bo sprinkled !" "They shall be, hal" "Ys my love." "Well, sir, I can tell you your babies won't bo my babies. Sa good night, sir !"' The lit Jy loft the room, and the Doctor loft the house. The sequel to this truo story was that tho Doctor never married, and tho lndy is ail old maid. A Scene in Court. Somo time ago, the following occurrence look plnce in one of our courts: Among the crowd of ap plicants was an Irishman named O'Drien, who in his own expressive words, was "wanting his paper." He was a short, thick-set man, and looked ns if ho could hnntlle n shillelagh iu true Hibernian style. His witness was a tall raw-boned son of Erin, who in being placed before the Judge, wns interrogated and answered ns follows : Judge What is you r name, sir ! Witness l'atrick O'Dcnnis your Honor. Judge Do you know O'Brien ! Witness Yes, sir. Jnvlge How long has he been in this country. Witness a little over five years. Judge Is ha a man of good moral char acter. Witness (quite bewildered) Sure, your Honor, I don't know what moral character manes. Judge Wull, sir, I will peak more plainly to you. Does O'Drien stand fair before tho community ( Witness (oomplulcly nonplussed) By my sow), I don't apprehend your mailing, your Honor. Judge (rather irritaied) I moan to ask you, sir, if O'Brien, the person w ho wants to be a citizen, and for whom you are a wit ness, is a good man or not I Witness Ok 1 why didn't you ax mo that way before ! To be sure, he is a good man. Sure and I've seen him in ten fights during the last two year, and every time he licked his man. A Cause of National Glort. Two centurie and a half ago, tho legislature of Scotland enacted that "u good and Mjficirnt scM" hou!d be erected and maintained in every parish in the kingdom, the wisdom of which enactment is abundantly demon, strated ly tho present condition of that country. 03 A St. Louis paper sys that the grasshoppers have eaten up the entire to bacco crop of Franklin county, and the last that was heard from them, they were eated on the cornet of the fences, ot-.-iii" ! every man that passed by for a chew. TJ. a MAIL LINE. Orfton City and Portland Hitilf riekt, rlA Tennis) Clark, :jT?J.Zj. J.C. AIMS-WORTH, MATfcR, U .11 run iliilv. (KullV rC4 ed.) ill lb IV- iuiumI lr!.'l trine On-p-d tt v.ry dyll o'ul"ek, t. H. ItrtumiaK, will ! P.irtlsniltl j r. a., tuoriuut; l all uiiwii jiai pout. f urfH-iglitrpN(P py a uta. f.i-u CORVALZJS TRADE. . , . COCHRAN. CASSADY & Co. , , ire now running in irimr . l llllloli, of about CO tnm biinhrn, id tho tor rllu IruJ.. Will letv C ANKM.VII un MooJ.yi, M'nlunJva. mJ I'ridavs. at 81. I. Freight chiigf-1 hy ' thip mruuremrnt." vui ;k.i.v, 1 .13 j.i 11 iu. Orf ,rin City, N ov. 8, '56. 41 if U. S. MAIL LINE. Portland aud Astoria. Tli Sfl.n.Iid Stmer VCflA. Multnomah TTTIIX eoiilinuetornniTirulrl)- between Port- lao.l slid A.toris, ri Vaucouver, twice a wxes, leaving I'orlloud on Monday and Tliunday morning of euch week for Attontt and Astoria for I'crtlsnd on Tuwlty and Friday mornings, tolK'llillg VaXCOCVM.St. IfKLKXi, ltiif ,Catii lamkt, c.', each way. F'or freight or paamgv, inp!y lo B. HOY T, Mwter, jelC OratHojf Wharf-boot, Portland. Holland sk White, (FIRE PROOF BlllCK Dl'ILDINO, ) MAIM ST., OREGON CITY, 1r F.EP eoDitantiy on hand a full assortment of JV lb followin; article both WHOLESALE and Kin AIL: DRY GOODS: A Urge quantity, consisting partly of print of all kinds, merinos, Knglisli and French alpaca, do lain, fancy and black silk, heelings, shirtings, ticking, tweed, caasinierc, cottonades, hickory., denim, drilling, satinetls, blue, black, grey, and mixed, &c, &o. GROCERIES: A well -l'cUd osMirtnient, in part consisting of sugar, coflee, tea, syrup, soap, candles, fruit, Hour, butter, bacon, qi'ce, pepper, soil, sulerstns, p powder, ink poudor, yrost powder, gun powder, Ac. CLOTHING: such a black frock, sack, and shanghai coats, of camimers, cowin. lie, ratlnet, and cloth ; vets, bull', silk, black satin, cloth, and casimere, plain and fancy ; pants, a largo assortment of doeskin, caasimere, cloth, jf am, salinct, linen, ud all other kind , bats, cap ; over aud unik-r shirts ) stocks, handkerchiefs, and eravata, and a thousand other things, such a LOOTS if snoES, women' coarse and fino boot, fine bluck and col ored eaitcrs, slippers, Ac. : men's calf shoes, liuht and heavy brogans, k p and calf boots, calf and enameled gaiters, boys' ami children's boots, shoes, and gaiter. Also, nniln, spikes, hammers, hatchets, saws, axes, scythes, steels, squares, Are., fco. IT The above goods will be sold at the lowest market rales. All kinds of produce taken in ex chxnpe for goods. Sept. 19, 1850. y W. 7. Burns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITV, O. T. IT Strict attention paid to repairing, aud satis faction to patrons warrantee. lclJ-u ' Morrison t., Let ween Front nnd First sts., i-fi. vmiri.ANn.o.T. Charpes reasonable. S. U. SMITH, March 1.1, 18.1(1-43 Proprietor. Splendid Jewelry. r. mi.llKK KOHIIINS has now on hand .V& lhn finest assortment of JEWELRY ever brought lo Oregon. The assortment consists in part of the following article 1 Diamond broaches, Diamond rings, G'old railway lime-keepers, Ladies' watches, in enameled cases, ' Ladies chatelancrs, Mosaio ear-rinf, Gold thimbles, gold and silver pens, Card cases, mantel ornament, Card baskets, pearl casket, Gold guard, vest, and fob chains, Sleeve buttons, shirt altids, Ladies brooches, and a variety of other goods too numerous to men- linn. Call nnd see the most magnificent display of Jewelry ever aceu in Oregon. g. collier Ronnixs, March 23. Front street, Portluud. Win. C. Dement & Co., jll their old stand, opposite tin Land Office, A RE now receiving per bark "Ork" and brig j. "Halcyon," ihe following goods : 1.10 boxe sperm and adamantine candles, SO kegs dried apples aud poaches, 100 buisuud li'.f libls crushed sugar, 50 cases p'ekk-s, 30 " fresh poaches, 00 " pie fruits, 10 tons G. A. salt, CROCKERY iy GLASS-WARE : 500 doz cii and Buucers, 300 " plules, S00 " tumblers, EG " water pitchers, Sugar bowlx, tea-pots, &.C., &o, OILS .VAiyiS: EUO kegs pure leud, 200 gals linseed oil, 100 gals turpentine, 50 gals raruish, 300 gals lamp oil, loO gals lard " DRY GOODS: 0(100 yds brown sheeting, 5li00 " prints, Illenched cottons, bed ticking, &c, &e., nil of which will be sold as low ns they can be pur chased of uuy oilier house in Oregon (Jily. may 17 M H. LUCAS. a. UALTON. tucas k Dalton, IIOl'SE, SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL PAIX TEKS, &c, nAVE received aud olVc-r for sale, 11)00 lbs Allanlio white lead, .1.10 gallons boiled linseed oil, 300 " raw 3i 0 " turentine, 200 " Tilden's No. 1 furniture varnish, 150 " " couch "00 " Jaan " 1000 lbs of putty, (i dot Adams 6-10 brushes, ti dot sash tools assorted, 10 aeksof leaf gold, 10 " " silver, 100 lbs of Small's assorted colors, 3 gross of camel and sable hair pencils, 5500 tl of glass, 8x10, 10x13, 10x14, 10x15. Glaivd sush,auy quantity, of the following sizes and prices: 8x10, $3,J5 per window, 10x13, 4,00 " 9x13, 4.00 " 10x14, 4,10 I0.vl5, 5,00 Messrs. L. A. D. would respectfully call the at tention of the trade and the public gyfterally to ex amine Uieir stock before purchasing elsewhere. LUCAS DALTON, June 93, 1850. Front st., Portland. Lniid for Sale. I OFFER to sell 160 acre of choice land for two dollars and quarter an acre, ca-h. Th bind is a portion of my claim, six miles west of I fayelto, in Ihe county of Yamhill. Title good -Call and see for yourselves. Ti no trouble to show" ths Und. 8. C. ADA MS. Gkn Avne, Dec. 25th. lS55-37tf Frtuls Urt'itoii Timothy ftrcd. 150 T f BUSHF.I5 iiMt reeeivod and t rale row by WM. C. VEX EXT $ CO. riTt) p'ck fan y slip, either ladies' or gntie L men'), call at aulo VII ARM AN WARNERS Xfew Soobi ! MMIE (ubscriber has ju.t received lrg as X ortiiMut of nnuKrf, d.rect from New Yoik, among which are llis Mlo iugi Abson' Hist, of Kurope.l America Iiniitutions, Hilbman' da Livaof the Siirncrs, lieuwcrmcy la Aunric. Ilatijlon and Nineveh, "Und nd Io," "l).:k aud Port," -He and Sailor," pbhip aud Hlwre," Hire Year iu Califor..;llomCyclorKlia, Cye. of L'leratur, I Egypt aud lh HoiyLand Iluchau' Fain, l'liyi'n ,'l-acluerouhl'm Ku-me, Manual of Fm Arts, j Anc'l Mi.uiul. ri.-s, lctun-aon lh Arts, t'bice !ior.iphy, Tmvels in Peru, I'eruviau Anli.juilua, Polar Itecioni. t'b"ic Etrs t, Mahan's Philosophy, A arirly of Poet. WW cop.e of r-snuYrs P'Iler, &11O ' " Iteaders, a.io McGufnys do. '210 " Webster' Di linaries, Davie' Algebra, Newmau's Uhsloric, Day' do. Parley' I'niv. History, (eometry, llourdon, Purveying, 1-gendre, Arilhmelic, Goodrich's Pict. V. H., Monleith s Geography, Lillle ptKker,'' Tliompson' do. N. American Hjieaker. ALSO, A Fresh Supply of Stationery. Day Uooks, Journals, Ledgers, Itii-ord llooks, Memoramlurns, of all sizes, Diar es, Ac, Not and Loiter Paper, Envelopes, Pens, etc., A.C F.rasT Knives, Enunve Rubber, Gummed labels, Faber'l Pencils, INK, ill quart and pint bottle. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES PorE,Ja. Oregon City, August 18, 1H55. New Jeweller. HAVING employed on of the best Working Jeweller on lh Pacific coast, I am now fully prepared lo manufacture every description of Jewelry. Masome Jewelry, Odd Jrellowa run, lungs, Ac, made to order. Engraving neatly done. Call and ace specimens of work. G. COLLIER ROflDINS. y.K I devot my entire attention to repairing Fin Watches. G. Collies Rosm.ns. Portlaud, Dec, 59, 1855-37tf TAYNE'S Alterntive, Expectorant, and Pills, J t:od Liv iver Oil, Castor Oil, and t-wn-t hi, at the OREGON CITY Dl'.l'G KTOKE MEXICAN Mustang Liuimcut, G. W. .Mer chant's Garbling Oil, at ths OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. TRUSSES, ri-ht and left and double, aud Ab dominal supporter, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. IJUKtt White Lead, raw and burned Umber, . Croine, Green and Yellow, and oilier paint, at the OREGON' CITY DRUG STORE. 1jERFU.MERY.at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. RAEFENDERG MEDICINES: GruefeubcrgSarsaporilla, Uterine Calholicon. Dysentery syrup, consumptive balm, " Tile Ointment, " Health Hitters, " Eye Ixilion, &c., &.C., To bo found at the ngeney of the Companv, at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORK HAYMAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir warranted to euro tho dvsiepsia jut received nnd for .ale at the OREGON CIT Y DRUG STORE. DR. Giiysott's compound oxtracl of Sarsapurilla and Yellow Dwk, nt the .eplj OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 0 I. II Dr. Jacob Tuwiiwud's Sarsaparilla, ul tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. DR. J. Ayre celebrated Cherry Pectoral for coughs, col ls, and coiiMimption, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. R. Townsend' Sarsaparilla, at the OKEGON CH IT Dill G SIOKH. s IIAKER Sarsapirilla, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STOKK. s ANDS' Sarsaparilla, in any quantity, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. MOFFAT'S Life Rilti-rs and Tills, Bernard's Dysentery Syrup, Wistur's Dalsam of Wild Cherry, ul tho ORECON CITY DRUG STORE. JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran cisco, a fresh supply of DRVGSIED'CIXES, Patent Medicines, Fumily Medicines, &c, ite., which will be told at luw f'ir cash at they (an be procured in the Territory. Call aud examine for yourselves, and get uu Almanac for 185G, gratis. IJERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever aud nguo, & 0., AVc, just received and for anle at tho OREGON CITY VRL'U STORE. McLN'E'.S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. IMvloilcoti. FEW of Prince & Co.'s best MELODE. ONS for sale, low, Enqniro at tho A feb3 OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. To Blacksmiths nnl JMuiuifactii rcr. XTTE are now receiving ten tons of iron of the 1 T following sizes : Round iron from J to 1 inch, Square " " lo 3 " liar " ' lJlo3x, Nail rods, Dorse shoe iron, Hunil iron, 3, Plow steel, l','.L For sule at lowest market rates. nug3 G. AltERNETIIY &, CO. To Merchants. w E are uow receiving tho following articles: oil Luis bums Cruz lime, 15 " hydraulic cement, 0 " plaster of puns, 3- ki gs nails, 8 ' spikes, 5 & fl in., 100 " Hoston syrup, 5 g.ds., 2.1 bafli Rio coiK-e, 35 mats China No 1 sugar, 25 half bills N O sugar, 5 bbls vinegar. aug2 G. ABERXETHY &. CO. Harness and Saddlery. Til E nndf rsigned having opened ucw in 1!UTTE 1LLE, Marion county, O. T., in the Post Office building, arc ready to manufacture aud furnish at short notice, and in the best aud most au'.wtantial stylo of the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Carriage Trimming. J-e. Juue 21, 18.16.-y ROOP & COOK. Wheat Wanted. HIGHEST cash price paid bv Nov. 2. M. V. DEMENT .f CO. Cnnciiiah, .ov. 25, 15U. ON baud and for sale, low, for cash or produce Paints Sl lead, chrome green, white lead, pruaaian blue red do in oil, chrome yellow, blk. do " blue paiiit, litharge, Common and permanent green puttv, glass, ic. JNO. P. BROOKS. CANDIES, nuts, raisins, of an excelk-nt quality just received and H sale tow bv CHARM AN Sc WARXER. Isi our llakrrjr "TrE ke. p a full awrtment of BUED TIES CAKES, and CANDY, at whnhle ,j rsuib apl CHARM AN f WARXER yptidiag t ake MADE to order, parties furnish with ietas on shorte notice. Ac . hv ", CHA RM 1 V $ WA USER 1) O Ott JUf Ht.H Line v.. T W l . ( i r iistvr n. ul' I'll. I R U I .f WAKER. AiLaDf av.i iiiiij i HAVE ju.t r'eived A STOCK OF NEW GOODS, sud would iuvil all "bo wih to pronnre GOOD articles at rtisouabl prh iw, to call and see thriii. They couil in pirtof th following i rrindstou . canal A. wh.-l barrow grain eradhe fncy broom grass seylhc k na(h pliia do bnh do do asaort'd colored pil 10 sq lurniw 23 teeh painted tub gnrdinrake iuo wh lrd do ,o,i Uit-ksmilh bellow do sutdi-a cross cut saw 7 It pot.ihrri'sliovtl do 6 ft hayforks niillaws7ft nunuro fork hair maltrasw doubl churns do ingl window glow 8 by 10 hair bolster doubl do 10 by 1 1 do '"b'1 do 7 by 9 sperm candle wiudow sa.hes 8 by 10 aduiiiantiu do d 10 by 12 grape brand tobcce OS bows and yokes hick lohoei-o BLANKETS, UAISE, LIXDSEYS, Shfftingi Tickt, d-e tte. And keep conatanlly on hand a large supply of GROCERIES, clothing, hardware, and many article t"0 numer ous to mention. ALLAN, WK INLAY $ CO. Oregon City, April 21, lS5tf-ly A Ilnrc t'liauce For I hose tngnijtd, or withing to engage in the I louring liutincss. WE have on hand and for ulo, the following machinery for grist mills, which will b sold low for cash, or on a short time I 2 portable mills, complete t 1 run ..rrnnr font fiittr 111.' h French Burrs, with spur whoel, 114 cogs, weighing 1023 lbs. j with spindle, pinion, bruidi and oil-pot and collar. 1 run, lame size, without pinion, viner irons the same as above. l.w..fi.A. u'iii, a imneral siitorlincnt of bands. bolting clotlia, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, couplings, hangings lorooiuiig ciicms, eve, a.c. In oilier words, every requisite neccsnry to th completion of a griit mill by W. C. DEMENT St co. Opposite the Lund Office. Orkoon Crrr, Nov 28,1855. Tiino. WF. HIGH FIELD, WATCH-MAKER. Person desirous of gelling good work don win do well to give mo a call, as my whulo lime is de voted lo th repairing of Curouomeler, Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal watvhe. An assortment of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry mads toord. r, and repaired. Prices to suit the time. I am thankful for past favors, and liopo to give satisfaction in future. LT Located at the old stand, 0i.osite the Tel egraph Office, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. BRASS aud lion Butt, Screw, Ick and Latches, Hammer and Hatchets, Axes, Drawing-knives, Handsaw, Curry Combs, llorso Brushes and Cards, Gun I-ocks, Gun Caps, Wool Cards, Cliest Handles, Plane Ac April 21, 1 855-1 tf Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. gH'GAR, Salt, CofTef, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate, P5 Starch, Salcratns, Cream Tartar, Sat Soda, Carb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop pcrus, etc. Aprii 21. 1855-llf Water Power lor Sale. THE undersigned would like to sell one half of mills and water power on tho Tuulutiu riv er, uboLl Ihree miles from Linn City, known as Moore's M.lls. li is probably the best wuter priv ilege, with the exception of the great Fulls of the Willamette, that there is in Oregon. I would liko to sell one-half or one-fourth of my claim together wilh the mills and water power. My object is to gel a partner, to enable me to proprly improve the wuter power. JAMES M. MOORE. Feb. 9, 1S5G. 43lf JUST RECEIVED, 70 bbls and hlf bbls X O sugui 30 " ' ' crushed " 4000 lbs No 1 China " 10 hlf bins Carolina rice, 15 " " dried apples, 15 kegs " 10 hit bbli " peaches, lOOHO lbs Liverpool salt, 10 eases table salt, 50 bbls Santa Cruz lime, 500U lbs manilla rope, ass'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, " " u?0) qr (lour sacks, 6 bales fillings, 1 2 case ass'd pie fruits, 1 " pickles, SO bundles wiudow sash, ass'd size., 21 pannel doors, " " 2 doz pol. grains scoops, 100 sacks Rio colTcc, 10 mats black pepper, 10 bales oaltum, 100 single and dnuhlo blocks, ass'd sizes, 0 gross P tV M yeast powders, 10 doz zinc wash boards, 500 gala S. I. syrup, 4000 lbs white lead, pure, 500 " ted " 40 gals copal varnish, 15 doz paint brushes, uss'd sizes, 15 "3 hooped buckets, 200 gals boiled linseed oil, 100 " raw " Together with a good assortment of HARD WARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which tve propose selling at price to suit the times. Cull uud see for yourselves. W. C. DEMENT &. CO., Maiu st., opposite the Laud Office. Oregon City, April III, ISiG. Furniture. r I 111 b subscriber has just weeiy-is. i r.. .'ij. a, rti a large supply ui r Lmin-f-i"- i. oi an uescrijiiiuiis, eousisi- ing iu part us lotiows Sofas, mahogany aud black walnut; Chamber eetx; Rurcaus, with or without marble lops; Office desks; Rocking chairs, stuffed iu hair, carpet, and with cane and wood scats; Dining chairs, cane, and wood seats; Office chairs, do do do Children's do, lii-li diniug and rocking; Bedsteads, various kinds; Tables, center, card, aud diuing; Writing desks; Sideboards; Parlor chairs; Settees; Reading, toilet, aud work tables; Looking-glasses; Mattresses, hair, moss, and wqrj- Wiudow shades; Feathers; Paper hangings, of ev.ry iyl; 'Kid wt flui'1 '""I-- Mi b"- rLi'ra" f COUDt'y ProdlM"e ,ak'n in "chang afrr. - , THOS. JOHNSON. Mar 22, 1856. 49(f T Who Wants a Good Saddle? Ilh subscriber, uving five miles south-west of Lafayette, in amhill county, is now carrying wi lh, business of Saddle Making in good earnest He keeps constantly on hand the beat saddles that cau be manufactured with the material at com mand in Oreiron. Tha i.h:n. . . : , .,. warranted to W on both side., and rigged out in complete style, ibeap for cash, or good trade would rtowelltopveme ,fslL Myrilop j, ,itnated on lakers ( reek n.-ar where th road crave it lead ing from Portland and Oregon Cily, "up eonntry" by Ihe way of Smith s brklge oa the North Fork of IT" I keen ererr ihmir in iL a-..ri. r, r.ridle. Msningsle. H!ter , Lines. e , ie. ' epu -.u-.mx . J. O. HENDERSON. r"poY, of d fftrvi.i VinoV, ralc hy - CUAR.MtM A. WA RSER IJUSINrS CARDS. A I1A1. WrirTTJT.AV a. sa l.. iirr.il Loiiio.is.ioii Merehants, and wliula, suls and retail Dealers iu Dry Goods, Grocs rite Hardware, tit., Sto. I George T. Allan Oregon Cily, Mny S. 1 Archibald M'Kiulay. x nomas io a. ALLAN, M KINLAY V CO, Seotifhurg, Umnaiia, Oiegno, Lower 4 LLAX, M KINLAY Co7Er jV tlreg n lemtory. May s. CHARLES POPE. JR. DK A LER In Hurdwaro, Groe.riK, Dry Good, Clothing, Boots St rihoc. Medicines, Book and SluliiiUery. Main-st., Ore;jon Cily, April 21, 1855-Itf Wm. O. Dement 4i Co., WHOLESALE and retail Dealer, in Groe. ic, Provisions, Paints, Oils, Roots and Shoes, Crockry, Sto. Oposit tho Land Offics Main St. Oregon City. Jun 1, luij. ' JOHN R M BRIDE, " ITTOHIt AND COCSSILO AT Liw, Lafayette, Yamhill County, 0. 7 WILL fuilhfully' attend lo all business (a trusted lo In professional care. April 21, 1M55-Ilf JOHN P. BROOKS, Wholctale if- Retail Dealer in Croeeriit, Product Provitiont, Main Street, ' A Cencrnl Assortment k. pt up of Selected Ciooda Caaemah, December 1, If 55. E. ZvZilwaln, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COOK AD PARLOR STOVE, trs a corre w.tae, maowA, ac, MaiuSt., opposite Main Street Hoist OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamboat ami jobbing work attended to with diluted. Older from the country promptly filled. je7 n Drugs, Ivlcdiclnei, Fainti, Oili. yj .td Dycsttiffs, ' i2 ol the OUI'.l.ON CITV DRL'G STORE, teplo Main Street, Oregon Cily.O.T. Wells, Fargo t Co.'s Express Between Oregon, California, the Atlantic Sinles ani Europe, lr i vl V! i j- ii.lii.iu maur auvaiiincoiis wKj arrangement with the Untied Zikim Mules and 1 acilic Mail Steam- sliip Compunie for lianspurtulion, we are now pre pared to forward Gold Dutt, Bullion, Specif, racKaget, rareen, ana rrcignt, to aud from N, York, N. Orleans, San Francisco, Portland, and principal towns of C'ul.fornia and Oregon. Our regulur Semi moinhly Express between' Portland and San Francisco, is dispatched by th P.u'ilic Mail Sleuumhip Ca's s'eaiiLihip Columbia, connecting at San Francisco wilh our semi-monthly Express to New York and New Orleans, which is dispute lied regularly oil the 1st aud Itilhof each mouth, by the mail steamers aud iu charge of oar own mcMieiigcrs, through to destiuulion. Our Express from New York leave regularly on Ihe 5th and 20th of each mouth, also in charge of messengers. Treasure insured in the best New Tork coin' panics, or at Lloyd' ill Loudon, at the option of shippers. Outcfs New Yoik, No. 1G, WallsL; Now Orleans, No. 1 1 , Exchange place ; Suu Fraacisco, No. 114, Montgomery street. J. N. BANKER, Agent. Oregon City, April 21, S55.-ltf New Volumes of the Four Reviews' and Blackwood. COMMENCE with North British for Maf, 1855, ami the other Reviews and Rlackwood for Juue, 1655. Terms of Subscript ion. Any ono Review of I'hckuood, Ji.'l a year. Rlackwood nnd one Re viewor any two Reviews, $"). Tho four Re views uud Rlackwood, 10. Four copie to one address, $30. Postage on tho four Reviev and Rlackwood to try Post office iu Ihe Uuilcd Slates, only 60 cent a your on euch Review and 24 cculs a year on Uiaekwood. Address, L. Scott & co., Publishers, 54 Gold street, corner Fulton, New York sepS1 Reading for the Million. S. J. MrCORMICK HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT TIIH KRANKI.IN lOOt' STOKK, FUONT-ST, POI'.TLAND, ORCCJON, V Choice selection of Popular Books, News papers, Mngmine and Fancy Slalionery. Among the books on hand will be found work on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture. His tory, Poetry, Riography, Medieines, Religion Science, School Books, Romances, &c, Ac, Stct JTSubjcriptions received for Harper, Graham Godey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at tjjll a yea,fst' azc tree, "HT Subscription nccived for any newspaptf published in any part of Ihe Union. Romembcr the Franklin Book Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Portlaud Oregon. priced catalogue will bo published early in April, und will be seul to any part of the terri tory free on application. rpEMPLE OF HONOR. Tualatin Temple of X Honor, No. 1, meet on the 1st and 3d Fri day cveningHof each mouth at I'J o'clock, at Tem p.rancc Hull, Forest Grove, Oregon. Members of the Order in good standing are in vited to visit this Temple. E. W. DIXON, W.C.T. M. Tittle, W. R. 32 ladies ! "7"OU will find an excellent assortment of Dtett W nnd Bowncl Silks, Satins aud Velrets; lo 1; j '-..: f I -. . ' ) . T ii.l WWHHll J I IHHIIIIIfQ, iu UWH.J - RMont, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at th .. . ... .... rt.iim I. store oi VviiAiii.ca iorjirfi-, (Main-st., oiposile Abernetliy store,) where my be found almost eterything in tho line of Dry tiood: Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpaeas, MeriBO V.ui.l li,,.,.,-, Mn.lni- Sillln.H . I.... Fljn- . lu.u "I .JS, lICOI-l m. neis, Sheetings, Bed Tick'jr Hickory Stripei Cotton Ratting, etc. . Uregoa City, Ape , 31) 18-lf filef-cines for Sale. By -it a ' -MUUlj X V 4.4) J ANDS' Sarsaparilla, Peek' Wild Cherry Ba ' J ters, iiaieman's drops, Brandreth'e pills, Lee'i pills, I'erry'a vermifuge, (Ipoileldoe, Gonr Cm- -LES TOPE, Ja. Bifr ' erry vcrmiinge, t ipoileldoe, winr vsni phor, Gum Arabic, British oil. Lobelia, Hot drops. :a preparuuon, Koman ey ualsom, iaueys ji extructor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Composition Powder, Carter a Pulmnnarv Balsom, Sulphur, Epsom Sails, dee. April at, 1855-ltf Jnt Received, At Ihe ' Old Sland,' Cancmah, Aprillh 'S5i 4it Lbs. Light Brown Sugar, 1.000 lbs. China No. 1, do., 1,000 lbs. Rio Coffee, 1 5 Tons coarse salt ; 500 lbs. fine do., 3,000 II Oregon Bacon ; 1,000 bushels oats, for sale wholesale or retail, bf JOHN P. BROOKS. Central Produce Depot. CANEMAH. CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, wheat, oats, bacon, lard, bulter nd potato Dec. 1,'55. JOHN P. BROOKS. To the raruicrs "f TTE WOULD say, call at car tore;-e V V will pay you as well for your produce any other h.me in Oregon, and will endeavor to make you feel a comfortable as we poanblveaa. no-:4 VHARMAN $ 1 ARSER- GILT MOl LDIMI fur picture frm. r ale by t HAR.MAN A. WARNER rilO TICK f lU ARS. ihe br.t ebsnre is sl -L apl CtlAHMA V .f WARNER'S f.'.:.