l)c (Oregon CVrgttG, t. nm, iuitoi ami raursir.To. ORSOOPf CITY; SATURDAY, MARII 81, 185 (fCT It will bo recollected I In, t Mr. I'll . ridge of Tennessee submitted a resolution to Congreson vlie loth of Inst D-cumber, condemning ilia African slave trade o a ' LorriJ and inhuman tr.ifhV, sloping lo lliQ moral lentiim-nta of ihe eii!i 'hti ncd tKtrtion of mankind," nixl that any "nc'ion on the prl cf Congress li-jjcbVi g or c n tiiving at ilia legalizing" ol tho infiic " would subject (La United State lo the reproach oiid txcratin 'f ll civ-iludnd christian popl throughout ilio wnild." resolution pawed by a vole if 152 yen, Ij 57 nays. The Nw Yoik Day Uok, lo which wo lutvo frequently alluded at a vi-I-nt locufo co IibcI, conic do n uj'oii E hent'c,') fur ottering the rerdution, am traitor" open ing up" r atrocious crusade vgaiuit th' .South." A (let publishing Mr. Ether idg ' resolution, it ay : " We publish it for the cpecM b'tieKt or our SuiiUturn friends, ami, at the )iniv time, solemnly ask lhr-in how we ar to make head agmt ilua ulrocto'u crusade s;ilnit tin South, whin they themselves not only harbor traitors In Hair midst bu ' actually honor them wiih a cnt in the national Legislature! The mover of thin iufin"tis resolution," die. " Now, can il be possibly, or is it in the liu'uro of things pos-ible, iliat bt inginjj these negroes here, 1 wrong? Can ll b' wrong lo transform rude and brutal aavii L'e into useful and happy Christians 1 Cr can it lie right to carry lhoo negroes back t i Afncn, 10 transform Cnii-tun bcinys 111 to running, cmi-hi-tia Isnviigca? "Ye the " civilized world ay " yes, any the toadies nml lacquey of kings ami Hii-to crals "yea," say the tt,lio., rs of Kuiop ran oppression all t!,oio w hu desire l preserve nrtihcinl distinctions among those dod has mndu equal "ye," '"' 'he dc. bided and dcVnuched Abolitionists, and " yes" gays moral and humane Mr. Ethe ridge ! Out Ihia ii only one sidu of the case, though it ia abundantly sullicieiil lo ruiiviuce any anno mini Unit astupcnJuou imposture i prai licid soincw here." Wo have before showu '.hat many prom. inent locofocos nre avoucd ilUuuioiiis', and we bclicvo that every one of ihe &" men who voted against tliu Elhcri'lgc reso 1 01 ion was n locoloco, whilu the Duy Book ainhlushingly advocates the revival rf I lie slave trade lis true democracy. Well, there must bo a " revival" of nouio kind in thu luenfoco chtircli, or it w ill yun gu in. The returns of thu lust tlcciin, t"g ilinr with ihedct'eut of Forney, li.is ciuikJ the ovcrsocra to report with .iiin that " Mi tu t been a tlighl dcenanc in our numbers." Tho Day liuok by advocutinj; thu "re vival" of tho slave trade, has not forfeited its sent at the communion table of h chinch; indeed, wo huve aeon no intima tions that it lias ever been " admonished" by any of itk brother editors. Wagniisi'llcr, Lebo, and Mcnear, who lolled n locofuco cauein, have been burnt in rflljjy , read 0111 of tho party, kicked out of it, and cuffed out of it, betides bring siinrlid at, and apit tipol), by tho ttholu editmial corpse from tho Pennsylvania!! down to Czap'a organ, whilo ilisiuiionists and slave pirates aro sound membors of the church! If ihu editor of tho Duy l!ook had been guilty of iionuig a caucus iur nnniiniiiin a consta ble for the Eiio Points piccintt, lie would linvo became n football for every locofoco to kick at, but as ho is only fur declaring .piracy a huiiianu calling, ho ia not at all aubjeet lo bo dealt with in tho modern democratic organization. Well, the doc trine of the Day Hook ia the only cordis tenl locofocoim thero is, iifier all. ll liar nionira well with tho old Calhoun doc trine- of "Slate liyhts," will tho doctiine that " African Slavery is a humane, moral lid Christian Institution," m nho the kqun'tor sovereignty d'.ttiiiio that "Tho people of tho Territories tdmll have khivo ry if they choose, in ."pile of 1 hu U. S. Ciov ernnieiit, and the world. " J I' are to buy negioe, what is the diilVrenco nlioiher wo buy 1 1, jin of Wise or tho King of Daho luey I V ill aoino mail veined in locofoco olhics te.ll us ) To us il does aeem a per .u 1.. II 1 . .... i' oiminn iu hu i-i)iiineiniii 10 pav ist $5(1(10 for " a good sound nigger" when as jjood an article can bo bought of thu King if Dahomey for $.)0. It somo how or other doun'm seem to accord with tlio doc tnna of" Proe trade," " individual rigl U," ml also with L-gislation upon a p.,,p T basis and tho equal rights of mankind." fXrOn tho -lib of ihu present month, John Applelon of Maiuo was lo take charge of the Wellington Union, n sole tditorand proprietor, in place of IVo'Cu's old favorite. It is said that Appleton is a particular favorite with Riichanan, and has lila eulira confidence-. This is tho laiiid Applelon who edited ihe Argus in Maine, of whom e have lul occasion (0 speak as a rroeauo aooiiiioiu.-i. no was once tho secretary of tho abolition society in Portland, Me., a 11 J was uotcd for his hos tility to thu South. Like all ajio.stutes, he is said to bo now peculiarly bitter against Lis quondmn brethren, and can swallow as much wool as Wise himself. He ought to be promoted by the party, and his am biliou and talents have nt last placed him where he can exert a widir influence for black democracy thsn be proliablv could as overseer on Wist' plantation, the only poat, excepting as cdi'ur of tho I'nicn, he ii fit for. Over tka I alt. Ve have to rrcord another mrlanc' accidfnt tbit wctk, which taaadJd two mora lo th lit of prrns who bare al ready lo.t their lives around lh Polls at this tity. Tba aleamer rorllanJ came ocr the Fulls on Inst Tuesday afternoon, with Cpli.lii Arthur Jamin, and Alexaii d -r lUU, a deck band, ou board, who, f courso hive not b-en hearj of since. Tlie I'urtl.mJ had I. ft the baiu of the woik on the nher aide of tho river, whiro ahe h id leeri to unload her freight jual brought J ,n from Yamhill. Tho regular engi. netr waa on tbi aide of tho river attend ing to repairs of the rudder which li-id i.'ivi-n way whi'o up the river, and which Iwd U- 0 la.hcd with ropea for temporary ut. I l.c engineer for the time "at Dut.b Pete, a fireman. Wben the boat tinted off from the Mills her rudder be enme unmanageable, and the went broad kide upon the breakwater, her stern slew ed 11 rou nd, and ahe went over stern fore- mo,t. Just at this jnnctuie, Dutch Pel ) jumped ovciboard lno tho bain, but wa carried over tho brcaknuter, when be caucbt bold of a snw.log tint was fast, and Iir was soon roped out by persons in the mill. Tho boat darted with great rapidity down tho shute toward tho fulls, stern foremost, br engine woiking nil tho time. !(foro the reached tho Lrii.k of the fill, Jamison and Del! jumped otr. Tha boat iu going over tho brink cf thn fails, broke in two, and whislled. She was torn into ton thousand fragments, which soon came drifting past the city. Her pi-lot-houso ennio down almost entire, con taining trunk', clothing, bedding, guns, and other articles which wcto nearly dry, shotting that it escaped br ing submerged in making the frightful pas.mgo. D'Hli men who lost their lives were ting le. Caj tain Jamison lias two brother here, ono of whom runs tho Enterpiise, unJtl.e other w.i cngit.ecr on Ihe Port land, but was on this aido of the river at tho time of the accident. The ono who is lost is tho same person we mentioned n year ago, as having periled bit lifo with I,i 0 White in rescuing a boy that wn about going over the fulls in a skiff, lie was noted for co dnos nnd intrepidity in time of danger, nud, by his steady habits, industry, and honesty, ho bad won the conlidi nco of all who knew him. We kiiieerely ayinpalliio with his alllicted brothers, who havo met with nil irrepara ble loss, far from home, in a strange land. Jt-t?' We nro informed by a gentleman of this city that ho has written lo n fiietid who proposes to come to Oregon, and ro- qti' sted him to bring out an oil mill. Tie probability is that an oil mill will be start ed in Ihe course of a year. That wo ought lo have one in operation within tho tit xt twelvemot.lh, wo can easily demonstrate From tho best data wo can get at, our Ter ritory is coimiming not less than four thoiisund gallons of linseed oil per annum at mi aggregate cost of at leust nine thous and dollars. This is a small item of ex- pensn coinpnred to what is sent out of the country in cash for aalt, sugur, iron, brooms, per, farming utensils, and a hundred other things that wo ought to produce at home ; but it is worth saving. Dcaides, oil could ho manufactured hero for the Cal ifornia market, and, nt present prircs there, enable thu manufacturer liar a to pay two dollars or more per bushel for flax seed. From our own observation, llax does ro maikahly well, and our land will turn oil' at n moiK ruto yield fifteen bu-buls of seed to the aero. This at two dollars a bush il would give n return of thirty dollars per acre, rather inoro we think than can be made from a win at crop. Now, what wo wi-h to say is, that as wo shall havo tin oil mill in operation, 'e shall need iho where with to supply it. Inordir to have this, we must begin to raiso seed. Will all our farmers' get a little seal nnd tow thi-. sprii'g ! Try to sow nn acre, if conveni ent ; if nt, sow a lillK-, and let uj bo ready for the oil mill. Ji" We me under particular obligations to Miidi of our friends as have been suc cessfully engaged of Into in extending our circulation. Wo still have room for more, ami wo would lik lo book the names of sevcial hundred who have been intending lo lake it anon. Our present volume close in threo weeks more. Just hero wo would like to say lhat thero are many men who have now been taking Tho Argus nearly two years, who have never yei pain us a cent. v e nr6 now actually in great need of iho money. Wo have borrowed and paid interest in order to be lenient on our subscribers. Dunning we hate, and wo havo never yet sent out bills lo our kubscibors, as most publishers have, 'l'his of course is tho same as dun ning. Uur patrons know what they owe US and vv never coiilJaoo why a debt can. uot he paid without any duiininj:. Many of our putroiis have paid us up promptly, o-..ues umi.k ineir intiuence lo procure us new subscribers. Wo aro getting along finely, (or would be, if wo conld c-t our pay,) but we would liko lo du better still. : We aro now priming ( things considered! by for the cheapest paper in the Territory, and no man can fail to get his money back who takes it and paut for it. 0" We have neither seen or heard of a Table Rock Sentinel for many wek. Will aome of our correspondents at Jack. I .onville infcrn, u, where it wa, w hen last ; seen, whether it wa on ' gno.1 8ra." or , not, and whether it had a bell on 1 I f f a undaratnu'J that there Ulvg oKl a the Land Office at SaUm, wliitu I accounts for tht"Jlajr in issninj patrnU, Col. CSardorr was abused by Ctapkay a agent aa being the cauaa of this "delay," when tli blockhead knew that Col. 0. bad no control over the matter; bnt lie thought bis readara knew no better, and It was a nice opening to abuto Gardner, and vh;tal himself with the country pople at a faithful aud vigilant democrat, and thu apologize for having hit fullier-in law ap pointed in Uar liter's place. If no patent coma for the next ten ytara, we khtll hear no mora complaint about "delay iu issuing as lorg aa the Land Office is in the fm ilr. If Fremont bad been clroted, we ,i10U, lJ8Ve had the Angan stables awrpt out of every unclean thing that now hold rdlico iu the Territory, besides being aura of a Pacific Railroad, which would have enriched every lundholJer iu Oregon. At it ia, we mukt grin and bear it through nn other long gloomy four yeari of iniarule. We do not wih to U understood as inti m it'mg that there are do ofliciuls who do thrir duty. Wo believe thero nrn somo, and a faithful public servant wo honor even if bo is a black democrat. Jiut we know it to be a fact that an a general thing, any official who dare lo be a gentleman, will soon be kicked out of the locofoco party. Wo w ill imianco Col. Gardner and Col. Kelly, whoso oi.ly fault have been that they wero not entitled lo be called very dirty dog. Cznp'i rgan nnd all the other locofoco paper bavo been literally howling for tho lust year, on account of derelictions of poatinasters and mail agent by way of detaining innils, robbing mails of money, and other delinquencies loo numerous to mention, and this paper at Salem iay "we nord a change, anything for a change, even to a Clack Republican administration." Well, after nil this fuss, what is done! Czap's agent says ho finally ferret out ono mail robber, who has been at his old tiicks a long time, and becauto ho is a lo cofoco official, he covers up the whole mat tcr, and agrees lo kcop dark for a certain consideration, instead of handing the- vil lain over to the law, as bo was bound to it.. Tl.11.. I ;u tin,t ..!.. fV.lin left in office to steal oilier people's money, intend of being removed nud placed iu the penitentiary, where he, and tho scoundrel win "ferreted him out," ought lo be. "A Mlow feeling makes one usonJruui kiud"! Tho best that can be sai l of this whole transaction is, that it is a fair exhibition of tha policy of locofocoism in Oregon: Negltxl duty, get your salary, steal all you can, conr up and hide for one another, and t lion whip the ''floating political excre ment," as Czap's organ calls the hard handed yeomanry, up to thn polls to vote a "clean (f) detnocralio ticket' Ry iho way, wo had like lo have for-g'nt-11 lo invito tho "floating political ex crement" to call at the Laud Otlico for their bherp skin. iT Tho last Advocate comes to band with an article headed " Personal," taste fully displayed by heavy ink scrawls cir cumventing tho wholo concern. Tho ar- tide is nothing more than tho ejection of n lit'.lo chronic bile at tho writer in our paper two week ago, clearing up tho charge mado against J. Y. Bell. Now we aro Ht n lo-s to know whether " bro. Pearno" made thoso heavy ink-marks about Iho nrtielo merely far ihe purpose of culling our attention to it, or whether hn was so ashamed of it tltnt in the copy he sent to us, ho determined to dip his fin ger in tha ink and cxpungo it, by blurring it over. In our wonted charily, wo prefer lo think it was (or the latter reason. " Bro. Pcarne" charges our correspon dent with much loos-eness of style, ccc, but does net attempt 10 point out but one discrepancy in his statements. Hero it is: "Ho says wo sta'ed that "Mr. Bell's letter reads, the Prot. Moth. Ministry," A-p., while the quotation from tho Advocate of Dec. COih, which ho gives in support of his allegation of falsehood, sayi, " He (Mr. llell) represents," etc Now " bio. Pearno" are you not asham ed if that silly quibble 1 Lt'd not our correspondent giva your remark about him in tho paragraph you quoto from, en tire, verbatim ct literatim? Afterwards, in speaking of the matter, bo casually uses "reads" for " repreenU," nnd you proceed to make, a silly criticism upon it, nsAlwrvrrsinnof fad, just as though the " rrjwntatiou" of an nrtielo was not founded upon tho " reuing" of it. Why, " bro. IVarne," thi is certninlv nicer work than splitting the hundred and first hair on the head of regularly-combed Ilard-Shcll ed orthodoxy. Ry the way, wo like the plan you have bit upon to have your editorial read Hereafter when you write anything inter esting that you wish your readers to no lice, just make big ink mark arouud it. It will probably cause it to bo read, where as it would otherwise escape notice. Wo shall not retort upon you for charr ing car with being "utterly devoid of elf respect' because we published lhecommu nication aforesaid. Our creed doe not al. low us to return railing for railing, beside we are out of ammunition for small came just now. OCT The Court House at Lafayette was sever! week aince burnt down by an in cendiary. The records and paper Wong- - , " uoumJ' ""- JnlvTfroied hi paper from the Court Houee to an o'lir buildinc. HabbtrWs. We learn that ihere is cona'ant dealing (till going on in and around Salem. Sev era! store have been broken into aud valuable iu the way ef money and liquor abstracted. From their ' hankering" for liquor, we preaume thi must be ihe ain gang of scoundrel that have been harbor ing around the rt of government, steal ing " poll looks," "election returns," nnd " r ibbing country pl office of money." I: teems bard lo catch the villains, for aa soon a one i " ferreted out," the tni chief I cvprtd up through " politkul and fain i'ij eontidrra lions." ST A long lime agi we saw notice in the Advocatonnd Standard that we were uliout to start a paper mill in Oregon City U' have searched diligently in every nook and corner, where we thought a pa. per mill would be likely to be reared, but we have sern none, nnd heard of none, neither can we find anybody who lias. Now we believe a paper mill could be niado to pny, and we of ourio ought lo have one, but we tee no sign of ono yet. Will tho Standard and Advocate give us a little more light about the paper mill ? (tt'" We learn from "one of em" that tho locofoco wire-puller in this city have already made out a full "democrtio ticket" for the coming election. All that remains lo be dono it to go through the form of a convention to ratify il, nnd the motion of an election in June. We havo not yt learned whether tho "nncircumciscd" bad any band in getting up the t'e'let. We preaume not, however. Their business is to vote tho licket, not lo muke it. jCxT Will the Postmaster at Sulm plcaso to bear in mind lhat lie violates iho law regulating Li duties when Le tend back The Argus wo send lo Cznp' orgnn, marked "Refusod." The paper is " paid for," and we feel particularly anxious thai he should read our strictures on tho con duct of transgressor!', notwithstanding he still persists in his silly refusal to exchange vi e harbor no malice lowarJ tho poor crea ture, and we shall endeavor lo reform him whilo tho lamp bold out lo burn," by sending him The Argus, with nn occasional truct on "7Vie Sin of Lyinj" OCT The Missouri Democrat, Renton's organ, in fp"aking of Judge Doolittle, tho Republican Senator from Wisconsin, says : "The Wisconsin U. S. Senior. Judiro Doolittle, is a ready, elomirnt debator. a man of unflinching integrity and of Ihe ugliest moral character, collided with largo experience nnd varied leurnine. Mis election will do honor to tho party nnd lo the noble Slate he (s to represent, lie has always till within iho last year or two, act ed with tho Democratic purly, and he now A3 ever, hold.i lo the true faith of the falhcrs of that parly. Willi Douglas and llio authors of iho Xebruska iniquity, he has no sympathy." The Democrat tell the truth exactly when il says that Judge Dooliitle, as n lie publican, "holds to the true faith of the fathers of the democratic party." The fact ia, on of tho lending men in the black democratic party, told us Inst year, that Jctfcrsonian democracy was nothing but rwnow nothtngisin. liy this ho meant to say that "democracy now isn't what il used to bo." Exactly so. It will bo recollected that wo published an nrtielo from a Buchanan paper in Lou isville, Kentucky, lust summer, in which General Jackson's bones wero dug up, and sacrificed ou tha alter of modern domoc racy. OCT W'o nro under particular obligations lo Creely for that Triliuno Almanac. It contains a fund of statistical information that renders;! exepedinstv valuable. Yamhill, March 10, 1857 Pear Adams - I notico in your issuo of Jan. 3d a piece bended "Slavery nnd Free dom,' over tho signature of J. E. L., from which he appears to he just awakened to a full consciousness of Iho danger of Or egon's being doomed to tho curse, the withering blight, of slavery. I nm lad, very glad, that ho has been roused from his sweet dreorns and premature hopes of re curity. And I hope he can realize the fact that a few word rightly Fpofcctl in dun season are often proJuotivo of great good, and nlso thut an inadvertent slip of the tongue, an arrow shot in the wrong direc tion, often creates irreparable damage. Therefore wa must think before we speak, '00k beforo we shoot, lest Ihe shaft in tended for iho enemy should light in our own camp. 1 he cnsis is fast approaching Ilia: will cither proclaim Oregon a free State or a land of boudage, and much re mains yet to bo done. It is necessary that wo should be united, that we should know and understand our enemy. I can assure my friend J.E. L. that it ain't "Pikers1 against whom wo sound tho tocsin of war; our foe is more subtile : it conceals its real intention for no other purpose than to lure tho friends of freedom into the belief that there is no danger. Therefore I caution our friend to judge more leniently of the poor Tikers not that I feel aggrieved my. self, or that I am in any way offended. I have long been aware that we are regarded with a jealous eye by the friends of liber ty. Why it should be so, I know not, un less it is because we are so unfortunate a lo bail from a land that hai been from time immemorial infatuated with a !i:t!a worJ and a little song commencing, Imocrry a our principle, AIliJi I Alih ' ' It ami Bolh o'eWe, Allah! Il ' lo oar iry What th m lo Ih. body, A I'.h ! A !I.h ! ! ..uu iur a. mtrfr'T ! Allah' i'l.L Not being able to appreciate the bcautt and A!ia:! cxci Henry of the sublime little piece, I learned no more. But, howover, I think that our friend will readily tee that the war I not against the Piker or the, people of any particular Suite. Rut it I against the 'locofoco" eenerully, and I Lope in future lie will hoot that way, for it i "moself " he it is talking about when ho apcuka of Pikers, yet I don't Inow thut I nm 107 lens ciou ubout it. But great care khoiild be taken to avoid iho natural jealousy of hu man oat 11 re there is a strong teniiment in man, a secret tie that bind him to the laud of bis bi'lh, though that land poa lea nut ono bright onis, I bough it be a land of tyranny and oppression from which be wa forced lo flee, still he holds sacred tho memory of hit native laud. "The anvago lovn hla native shore, Thoe-itli rude llie soil and dull ilia air'' ; Then wt-ll miflit sou uf 1'ikt sdore ''i'lie land which nature fonm-d to fair." Now, my brother Piker, you will (oiin bo called on to vote for or ngainst slavery, nnd I nk of you to be ruled not by avarice, but follow the promptings of your hearts, their dictation will be just. Look nt the circiuiistiir.ee which surround Oregon, aud o-sk yourselves, Would it flourish better with slavery than without it I Your an swer must be, No. Again, look at the difficulties Attending their tiansportation hither; upon the high sras they me as free as any man, and any vessel suspected cf having slaves on board is liable to bo boarded by Revenue cutters, ihe enrgo treated as contraband goods, ihe crew as pi rules. To attempt to bring them across the pluius would be almost equally as per ilous. A I'iklr. Fur tht Argus. Capt. Arltonr Jainle.o. Tho melancholy nnd sudden destruction fjf the steamer Portland on Tuesday last, is most deeply deplored as the cause of the awful denth of her master, Aktiiur Jamieson. Of him, it enn bo sai l, with nbsolutc truth, be lived without nn enemy, and died mourned by nil. No ono who knew him, nnd few among us wero better known, could fail to esteem and love Lint, and honor ihe amiable nnd excellent quali ties that compostd and ndonied his char acter. With three brothers bo enme to Oregon from Scotland several years ago, and their live here since have been marked with the sterling integrity which' is characteristic of iho best of their race. One, the youngest, died three years ago, beloved by all who knew him ; tho oldest is the present popular master of tho En terprise, and the other, though regularly employed on board the unfortunate " Port- and," was providentially engaged else where, nt the time that Arthur met his un timely fate. While wa giieve that he' tho young, iho strong, the cherished," has fallen so early in the wrary paih of life, nnd deeply sympnth'za w ith tho sur vivors iu their bitter fraternal sorrow, we rejoice in his manly and honest virtues, and especially in that generous In roism int always marked his character, and thai promoted him, only a few months since, close by tho spot whore the broiling, angry waters engulfed him, lo risk his own liTe to save the unwary boy whom ho rescued from imminent death. Alas! that no friendly arm was nenr enough or strong enough to save tho gallant hero iu hit hour of fatal peril. n. Lebanon, March 10, 1857. IF". L. Adams, Esq. DeaiiSik: 1 writo for information. You may not bo aware that there is a gun eral talk here among the hushito faction of tho ''black democracy" thn' there nro men. sures on foot lo unite the Republicans and Whigs with the bushites at the com ing ehetiiiii, in order lo overthrow the Siar.durd or Leland drmocracr, which is now understood lo ho the nucleus of ihe proslnvery or negro-worshiping party. If any of you have been selling us out lo the bushi'es, w-e would like to know it before the title papers nro made out. A IvErrnLtcA.N. "A Republican" is informed that the members of our pnily are all fret-nun, and not liable to be put up in the shambles and ''sold'' like locofocos. If there is any liffe rcrce on the free State question betw een ihe two factions ef the democracy, iu favor of the "Salem faction," we would a thou sand times prefer A union with that party to a union with tha other, if indeed a un ion should be necessary. We understand that Judge Willicins.Delazon Smith, Gro. vcr, Nesmiih, Waymire, nnd Consor are all 8tron!r free State men. while nn it,- other hand Avery is said to be a worshiper of wool. Let the friends of freedom watch; what we say unto one, wo say uuto all, watch! Nebraska Hems. An Old Mas and His Sox Froze. Au old gentleman, 50 years of age, and son. aged 15, by ihe name of Foe, recent ly from Cleavland, Ohio, started on a claim hunting excursion, from this place, the first of this month. When near the head waters of tha Nemahaw they were over taken by the tremendous tornado of 'he 2nd inst. Possessing iron constitution and ereat courage and energy, they manned to weather the atorm until Wednesday morning, when they set their pocket com pass and tteered their course for Nebw ka City. Their matches wero wet. and their provisions were frozen so hard it was impossible lo eat them : thev traveled 10 , , - - , days w ithout food, when they became ex-1 ha.it.,l n,l 1.. . .1 1 1 ' nausted. and lay down on the snow to ret. i In a short time'lhev found iheirhan,'. nH 1 feet were frozen, and, to use their own words when they struck them together1 they would rattle like icicles. Thev then ! cut off tbeir bf ots, at the tame time cut- i linj their fect rerv bd!y, nnd raw I'd ?n their band and knee ix miea t North Branch of the Little Nemahaw, fnt mile wet of Delaware City. Thtr'(lnd. ing a d.rfi-rud thnnty, they lay dowg j die. Mr. T. II. Dunbar, 'while hunting passed near the shanty, and hearing noise, went in and found them mora dead than alive. Ho toon got assistance, look them to his father' house, and inatsnlU all band were nt work to tave tin m they were kept in a largo tub of cold w. erfirfivo hotin; they were then plteaj iu a conifortallu bed, and every pouibla cute taken of them. Tho whole famir watched the unfortunate men all nioli, Thn next nmriiing they were removed to' Delaware City, where they were all ctr. ed for until Monday last, when they wrr brought lo thi place by Prof. Sand, ft is a remarkable fact that after being four day without food and nearly frozo to death, the beautie of the country attract, ed their attention ; they even aelecud claims whilo crawling on their handi and knees, some five miles west of Delaware City. And while the flesh was dropping from their feet, their whole topio of conn sai ion wa the beautiful location tnd ir. rounding advantage of Deluware City,-. Xebraka City A'cics, Lee. 13. ('Ak Benton' Ootnloa ef Mw Uitaw4, In a lecture recently delivered by Col, Benton, nt Truinout Temple, Button, h said : "I have spoken in the presence of all this, and for a higher purpose than I bad defined myself 10 have been mado for for the purpose of helping lo snv wlm our forefathers established. " I hnve traversed Now Knjfatid forty days of tmvel nnd sojourn among ber peer. pin spcuniu 10 innse.', IttlKIIltf lo llldf viduals enjoying hospitality both at ik family table and at tho company feast one subject always uppermost in my thoughts, anu I have qualified myself le speak upon it. I hnve qualified myself 10 apeak of the loyalty nf tho pem.le. and ran bear witness to their ciril as well at to ihcir sociul feelings. New England is endeavored to be ninde the cause for the segregation of iho Southern Si stee lier disloyalty to iho Union, and designs npon tho slave property of the South uinking it n measure of self defense in th South 10 w ithdraw from the Union. I cao speak for New F.ngland on ibis point. SI10 is sound to tho core on tho integrity of the Union, and ju-t and fraternal to the rights nf tho South. I speak of the maw not of the individuals w bo constitute lue exceptions. " Foi-s lo tho Union nnd lo. the Soutlr are here, but too few to rule ibe mast, or to give chaiaeter to iho mass, or to give, un easiness to the slave States. All are against th extension of slavery by break in; laws nnd compromise, nnd in lhat I tut no bi Iter than Hiey ; but few, very fev they tell nio not five per centum of the population would disturb the relation of mast r and slave in nny place where that! relation exists by law. "Asa community, New England is loyal to tho Constitution, to the Union and lothe rights of ihe Sviuth and ibis every Southern mun may see as well as myself, if ho would come, like me, nnd see furhinw self; and from experience, I guarantee himn pluisantaiid hospitablo reception if ho comes." News fiom the Atlantic States. Tub Indian War in Oheuom. In ther Senate, on the 31st of Juiiuary, Mr. Hal commented in severe terms 011 the conduct of Guv. Stevens in proi liiming martial law, and arresting the J u 'ge of the Fed' eral Court of Wellington Territory. He was opposed to placing n single dollar in tho hands of sncli a man, and though that i 1 thn days of the Roman suprcmecy no outrage equal 10 ll.is was ever perpetra ted in the most remote provinces of ikuf ompire. Debato followed respecting tha policy pursued towards the Indian tribe on the Pacific const. Amendments were then ngreed on, appropriating nearly $"00,00(1 for the rvstoratina and inainton. anco of prnce, etc, in Oregon and' WasH ington Territories. A most mysterious and appalling mur der was committed at No. 31 Bondalreetl New York. The victims was Dr. Harvey Burdell, a well known dentist, who w found dead in his room, his body Icing pierced wiih fifteen wounds, and his neck showed cvidrncis of strangulation. Tk motive for tho murder does not appear have been plunder, as none of the prop erty nf tho deceased was taken or his pa pers disarranged. The Coroner bad cpro, menced to investigate and examined sev era! w itnesses, but nothing was elicited that could positively implicate ap.y one iu) the porpetrator of this most fpu trap.sai ion. Bits of correspondenca between Geuer al Scott and Secretary Jefferson Davis, re cently communicated to Congress, bae been mado public. They foreshadow the opening of a budget w bicb, for the credit of the country as well as for the parties concernud, ought to bo suppressed. Both) of these gentlemen have sufficient ability to bo very abusive to each other. Tbeir friends would much rather give them the credit of its possession than wilnos its ex ercise. The Central American Treaty was re committed to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, by a vote of fee to one. Thi in dicates its rejection by that body, as a two thirds vote is required to confirm it. Such a proceeding cannot fail to complicate the relations between Great Britain and this country. Gen. narney has recommended active hostilities against the Indians in Florida. ti, t..,, ..i..:. ...... ,k. !, aaxre mica, nu.iv.rs aimo luni o . , - ., . .. V.ar were concentrated in the woods near iNew , 11 1 Smyrna, and that Gen. Harney had callra fr niore troops for the purpose of sur- rourrtiing them. " 0 Every homo cn earth should w rn'riaturc of L.v?n.