. Ckscb.4 rsrtslralLa. 1 Tbara art two kind, of perspiration, aentiblo and inteniibli, Winn w art dropi of watar on the aurfact of tha body i lbs mult of rcitl or subsidence of fever, tbtl i tfnsiult perspiration, perspl ration reeognizod by lha wmi of sight. Bui when prijnrat:on it ao gentle that it cannot be delected in tba shape of water drop, whan no moisture can be full, when it it known to 01 only by a ttrmln softnett of ilio tkin, Hint ia intension perspiration, and ia ao genii that it may be checked to very considerable extent without special injury. But to use the popular language which cannot la mistaken, when a nun ia aweatitig freely and it l tu'Menljr checked, and (he aweat ia not brought out again in a very few momenta, audden and painful dii ne, it a rery certain result. What, then, checki perspiration! A draft of air while we are at rent, after n creise, or gutting th clothing wi t, and remaining at rot while it it ao, Culling out of a warm bed, and going to an open window or door, hna been the death of muliiludei. A lady henrd the cry of fire at midnight; it waa bitter c"IJ; it waa ao near, the flame illuwinr-ted her chamber. She left the M, hu'stt I the window, the cold crill ed her for a moment. From that hour un til her death, a quarter of a century Ja'.or, the never saw a well omj. A young lady went ta her window in her night clothe, to look for something in the street, leaning her unprotected arm on the stone ftindow sill, which wot damp andcnU. She brcamo an imulid and will remain so for life. fair Ihoinaa Colby being in a profuse awcat one nigli', happened to remember that he had left the key of his wine cellar on ihe parlor tutle, and fciirinj: his servants might improvo the inadvertence and drink some of ins wine, ho left his bed and walked down slairs; the sweating process wn checked, from which he died in fuw days, leaving lix millions of dollars in iL'iiolish funds. His illness was so brief and violent that he had no opportunity to make Ins will, and Ins immense property was divided among five or six day-luboieis who were lin nearest relatives. , Tlio grunt teuton we wish to impress on Ilia mind of the reader, is this : When you are crspii ing freely, keep in motion until you gi-l to a good (ire, or to some jilneo whero you ore perfectly sln-hered from any draft of uir whatcvi r. IMCi Journal 0 Health, JO I AKK bTAI.NSOVTOF LlNKN. SlaillS -caused ly acid can he removed by welling Hie pint and laymg on H tome sail of wormwood; then rub wilhoul diluiiii" it with more water. n. .: . . vm, no u;i m site siuinru pan soma ,cihIh!i ; llion scrape some sonp inio ao suft water to niakn a lather, and boil tho linen till tiiestimt disnppenrs. Hecentslsins of fruit mny bo removed by holding the linen tighlly siretchrd over a tub, and potiringhot wafer over the pnrt i His may lo Uuiio bufore any to ip has lieen applied to it. As soon as Ihe slain is inndo on Inble linen, Ac, rub on il com. nmn tuble salt before it bus timo lodry.' Tho salt will keep it dump till tliecluih i.i washed when tiio aluin will dinppcnr ; or wash tho stain lightly when tho cloth is removed. Piiuorum Tin: 'I'hue Way. A cor respondent of lbs Taunton Onzette writes Jioin Berlin tho following account ofllrs game ns praoticed among llio Germans ; "Iloro, when a couplo ewhanjre philupw nut, llio object of each is not mainly to bo the first to pronuunco the common word ut their next meeting, Imt willi tho chan;o tho sport has no! yet bei;un. Tha after object is lo draw the other mio aeooptinjj aotno oiler, and if that is done, llio "i.hilo. '(una is spoken and a lot foil required. To illustrate it betler by example : A and II exchange phi1opanns at a pnrty, ana 111 a lew days nfti-r A calls upon l nt his or her Jiouse. A, instead nf wailing to ba asked in, entors before the invitation j ifollercd a chair, takes a seat upon ihe sofa . :r n .1 . . ' . ' 11 u passes me Duller to A at the lahle, A lakes cheese instead, an J so on, always ta kinjicaro tonooept nothing, but in s quiet way enueavoriiig to force ibo other pnrly .u'nio acceptances of aomo ofl'oron his own aide. If at that visit either is successful, he immediately says 'philopmna,' but if both should be always on their guard, the thing winy pow 011 to a stibsitienl occasion. Uie reader will instantly ,ca how prcfera- siiu tuis meiiiou is to our own, where often times Ihero is a rude haste exhibited to be The nrNt to spesk, and where the pon nas 11 iear, on ins minU it generally un successful.' ViHotxu IUttkb Rkrad. -Onetoncup fill of riue boiled in water nitb a litiu ,it noiore 11 is qtuio soft add a teaoupfnl ,,f mux j aRer taking it from the lira nir in a s:i)a, piece of bulter in order lo separate the grains of rice. In the morning aIJ two beaten egt, a little mort lliau a pint of milk, an.l as tnuck list than a pint of Indian meal as you havt Pt'rr the piut of milk, and two tablespoonfuls of flour. This Utter will fill uo s.juare pans. Bake one hour. A wor dtlkiuut break uud fast cake The Homtsteud. 05" It ia with a faJed beauty as with a clock: tha mora the face Js enameled, the wort clearly Jo we sea the prioress of I'mc. OCT I here ia a morning coming when Episcopal Isnism, and Methodism, and Con gregaiioualism shall bo abolished, and all shall stand on the tea of glass and warship him that siltoth on the great white throne. I belong to the church of that morning, like that aaying of Whitfield's Faihir Abraham have you gofEplcopa Hans up there V'Ut ve you got Motho. diets up there Y 'Sol'. 'Have you got Independents V 'No !' nono but Chris tiant my ton I'Pr. Tynj. Ejuht Kinds or Worn. The obt. note women poet lo tea In a bandbox. The patient woman rott't an ox with a burning g'att. The curious woman would like lo turn a rtinbow over to see what there wat on the other tide. The vulpar woman it like a spider ai tempting to spin UK. jnecautinut woman wrnet promis es on a slate. The envious woman kills herti'lf in endeavoring to lace lighter than her noighbor. The extravagant woman burnt a wax candle in looking for a ludfor match. The happy woman died in a deaf and dumb asylum years sco. A ' Novel Co.idenmd. Moonlight night shady grove two lovers eternal fidelity young lady rich young man poor very proud very handsome u re to make a fortune old folks in a rag swear eternal vengeance young Pilks won't part die first pathelto scene moonlight ajtniii rope ladder young In. dy'a window opens fl:ght escape pur suit capture old folks relent die- young folks get married movo intn the old mansion have little children. much happiness. Finis. 03" "Did ye vote yesterday, Ijithncl r" "Sure 1 did, according to t'je instruc tions. "An' whnt were tho instvnciions." 'Di'ln'l you hear their, J 'Vote tarly and often.'" Providence Journal. Modern Definitions. Love A little worM within itelf, intimately counccled with shovel and tones. Proems of Time A peddler coins thrnuol) the land with Wooden clocks. J'olilician A fellow that culU all his knnwledno from borrowed newspapers. Itifjid Justice Juror on a murder case fast asleep. Friend Ono who lakes your money and then turns you out of doors. 1 ntriot A nmn who hot neither prop erty nor reputation to lose. llnncsly Obsolete: a term formerly ued in ihe cao of a man who had paid for ins newspaper and the omit on his back. Ini'eni-ndunce Omiiiu liflv thousand dollars wliiuh you norer intend to pay. CO I.iberaliiy makes friendi of enemies : I ... - ' I , M . . ' out pnue innxca enemies ot iricnos. . 00" Printers are like patient wives wiih dissipated husbands they aro used to set ting up. 0 5" A man turned his son out of doors lately, because he wouldn't pay his house rent. A striking instance of pny.rcnt-nl a:lccliou. " My son," said an old lady. " how must Jonnh have felt when llio whalo swallowed him f Down in tho mouth," was tho vounu hopeful's reply. 00" Erskino cave n v9rv livehi illustra tion of tho text, '-Union ia strength," when lie s iid of a place whtrn he hud slept very ill, I luil iftho fleas hui bi en unanimous. they woulJ have lifted him out of bid. Holland & Whito, ( FIRR PHOOF IIIIICK BUU.DI.N'0, ) MAIX ST., OREGOX CITY, I. I'.Lr roimtanlly ou hand a full nssorlment of J I., ine lollowina aitic es bol i W Hill. I 'Si I I' aim llc-t AlL: DRY GOODS: A large qitnntlty, consisting partly of prints of all kinds, merinos, Euglinh and French ulpncas, do laines, fancy and black silk, sheetings, shiriin-;.", tickings, Iwee.ls, cawimeivs, coltonudes. hicL,.pv. deuinw, drilling, iiuliiiells, blue, black, grey, and GROCERIES: A well selected assartnieiil. in nart enniiln nt uKiir, .inn, iru, eyrup, soap, eantlles, fruit. Hour, butter, baeon, spxe, pepper, suit, euleratus, soap powdi r, ink powder, yeast powder, gun puwder, 40. CLUTUIiSG "ll(,n " black frock, sack, and shainrhni coala, of . meal, cusonieue, suunei, and clotli vesl, bull', silk, bluck sutiu, vlath, and oasimere, plain and fancy ; pa 11 Is, a lurire assnrlmeiil of doenliin. cnwiiniere, cloth, jeans, satinet, linen, and ull olbir s.n.is; inns, caps j over ain( under shirts ; stocks, i.aiiunerouieis, auu ciavau, aim a lliousuud oilier Hung", such as BOOTS if- SHOES, women's coarse and flue boots, fine black and col ored gaiters, dippers, oic; men's calf shoes, light and heavy browns, kip and calf boots, culf and eunmiled gaiters, boya' and children's boots, shoes, and nailers. Also, nails, spikes, hammers, hatchets, saws axes, tcyihca, steels, squares, 0:0., lie. IT The above goods will be sold at the lowem market rates. All kinds of nroduo lake 11 in v chsnee forgoiuls. Sept. I!), IS.1I1. ' WC a. DALTUS, Lucaa fc Balton. HOUSE, SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL PA1N- TCKS, ic, HAVE received and offer for sale, 4000 lb. Atlantic while le.,1. 350 gallons boiled linseed oil. 300 ' raw 3i'0 turpentine, 2taJ ' Tildeu'No.l fiiruilurevaraish, ISO " ewek 200 ' Japan ' lOdO lbs of puny, 6 doi Adarns 6-10 brushes, 6 dos sush Its, Is tssorttd, 10 pack, of leaf gold, 10 " " ,!., I Cull i , show" 100 lb. of Small', tmotln colon, 3 gnissof camel .ndssbie ha.r penciks 5a00 il ol hum, fxin, (l,ia, l(i4, lOxlo l.lsitsl b, auv cuuuiiiv. a! il.. r..it prices: txl0. j per wiudow. lOxtJ, 4,00 ' 9x 1 3, 4,110 10x14, 4,50 liKli, A.00 Mesn. I. & D. would reswtful!. .,n il. .i. tentiou of the tr.de and the publre generally lo . suninsi uieir scors oerore rmretiasinr ersewhere. LUC Ad ot DALTON, JunogS. 18oo. Front .. Poitland. rpO pirk fan. y shorv, oiiber ladits' or gcntle X rra'.. rsll t am? rff.!Jf.v.i.V . ir.iR.yERS. J. V. S. MAIL LIXJ2. Orroon Cily and Portland l)aili Packet, . Jennie Clark, fr,-rr-VJ.-j, J.C. AINSWOIITII, MAhrKS, ill run daily, (Sundays rxccplod,) iu the above named lra.lv, leaving Oi em 11 ( iiy vcry day at) o'clock, . M. Ketiiriiin.',ill leave Fortluiid si 3 r. ., touching si all intermediate points. For freight or pssssge apply nil board, apil -tf C0RVALLI3 TRADE, r ..1f!M COCHRAN, CASADV k Co. ji-.-.'j4.j are now mini nt' (lie strainer JF. 1 Ihllou, of about GO ton. buith.-n, In tho Cor vallis trnile. Will leave CANF.M A II vtt Mond)s. Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 A. u. Irvielit charged by ''ship measurement," cam ha x, cassa d r a co. Oregon Cily, Nov. H, 'iC. ilif U. S. MAIL LliW. Portland mid Astoria. The Cii'i ii.li.l steamer mwi , ft Multnomah "ITriLL continue in run regularly hetwe.-n I'ort. v V land and A.ioiiu, tin Vancouver, twice a H'krk, leavinff Portland 011 .Mon lay mid Thuril.iv inuniiiifi of cacli wek for At"ria uud Amorm for I'crllnnd on TucmIiiv and Fiidav niorniaira, louwliing VAXCocvK,fiT. Ilci.r.sn, Hiimkr.Catii UMt r, (Vc, cui'h wuy. For Iriilil or putaiii'e, apply lo u. 1KJVT, Mu,trr, je!6 Ornt Hojl'a Whnrf-haut, Portland. W. P. Barns, WACOX AXO CARRIAGE MAlillR, OREGON C I T V, 0. T. CT Strict attention paid to rciuiriuir. and nilii. fict:on lo pilroiw warrr,td. fi-b3-l3 Morrixin at., hetwnen Front and First its.. l'ORTLASD. O.T. Uiiirrmreniin ,,!,',, g, ). SMITH, ircli 13, '.tj-iG-H Proprietor. Bpleadid Jewolry. Jj O.COI.I.IKIt ItOlililN'Slwenoaronliand f.i the fine.-t awKirlinent ol' JLU'tXItY ever bi'ii;lit to Oregon, 'i he uwortmeul cunisla in part of the foilowiui; arliclcs i Diamond broaches, Duinoud nuj", J old railway lime-keepers, Ladies' u atclirt, in enameled cases, Ladies ohateluueni, Mowio ear-rings Gold lliimblea, sold and silver pens, Card canes, mantel oriinmeut, Card bankela, pcurl Pimkeb, Gold guard, vest, and fob uliaiua, Kleeve buttons, nhir: sluils, ladies brooches, and a vuiiely of other goods too numerous to men tion. Cull and see the most magnificent display of Jewelry ever Ken in Onuou. u. coli.ifr nonrtixs, Muroh 29. Front street, Portland. V7m. C. licmcnt & Co., At their old itand, ojp'Jiitt the Land Office, AUK now receiving per bnrk "Ork" and brig "lliilcyon," I lie loliowiu (foods : JTiO boxus Dpunn and aduinuulino caudles, 50 kco dried apple und peaches, 1U0 Lb. sand bit bbls crushed sugar, SO cuse p ckles, 30 " freh peaches, sU " pie Mills, . Ill Ions U. A. "nil, CROCKERY Ci.lSS.tlMSi:: iiflO diiz cup and saucers, 200 plnlrs, 5.00 " tumblers, illl " Water piluhoi's, Rug.it howls, iiNi-poln, &c, io. 0iS JMA'2'S: SIOO kejre puru lend, 200 Rils busied. oil, 100 (,'uls lurjientiiie, 50 guU vuniiub, 300 g.ils lump oil, inl) iral" lurd " DRY (1 OO US: 01)011 yds bmwn sliecling , 5000 " prims, lilenched cillons, bed lii kinir. &c Ac. all of which will be sold as low as they can be pur chased ofonyolher house ia Oregon City, may 17 Furniture fTMIE subscriber litis inst reci'iv.-. L ed a large supply of FUl!NI-fV'v.' '1 CUE of all descriptions, lunsift-O "iijr in part as follows Sofas, mahogany unJ black walnutj Chuinbcr sris; liui eaus, with or Wilhoul marble Ioim Olfice desks; Kucking chairs, stufTrd in hair, carnct. and with cane uud u uu.l seals: Dinini; chairs, rime and wood seals: Ollico chairs, do do do Children 'a do, high dining unJ rocliing; Hi'dsliads, various kiiiuV; Tables, ceuler, curd, and diningj Writing desks; Sidi boards; l'arlor chairs; Seltces; Reading, toilet, and woik lubics; Lookiu-glanvs; .MattreMSs, hair, moss, uud wool; Wiudow sbudus; Feathers; I'uper lmu)(inf,-s, of every stylo; Odcloth; Chin. so nialiiu.'; iluid lamps, and bunt. ing nu:u ; with a variety of other article, too numerous lo mention. Person-- wishing to purchase will ideas. ell,.,,.l exumins lor themselves. All kinds of couutrv nr,.rhip i,.l,... : t for goods. TUOS. JOHNSON. llJ.ireli B', IPSO. ,1!)lf W. F, inoiiKiur.n. KM TCIl. At 1 A- vv PA) it - . . - - ... r, .v. I ersons Ili'SirollS or rr.'llnur .1 I do well to give mo a call, as my whole lime is dc voted lo the lepu riug of Cl.rono.iieter, Lever, Duplex, and Iloriicnlal Hatches. An assortment of Jewelrv on hand. Jewelry mado to ord.-r, aiid repaired. Puces to suit the ii,es. I a,,, thankful for past luvors, a:id hope to give satisfaction in future. ILT Located ut the old slnml, o.,,iie the Tel eSK'I'h Otfi,c. OREGOX CITY. Feb 3. Who Wants a Good Saddle ? rpll b subscriber, livinj; five miles south-west of X Lafayette, in Yamhill connly, is now carrying on lbs business of Saddle Making in good earnest! He ki era constantly on hand the lu st .,,,1.11... nianiiiuciiiri im Ine nuiei ;., s ut Com mand in Oregon. Those wi.li.ug a genuine saddio wurranled to til on belli sides, and ri,.e,i ni , complete style, cheap fur cash, or good trade would do well In give me a call. .My shop is situated on Bakers Creek Hear where the road crosses il lead ing fium Portland and Uregou Cily, "up country'' by ihe way ol Smith's bridge on the North Fork of I amliill. i, "iT ' t"'S' 'verJ' ,,,:ns '" saddlery line, as Undies, Maningaies, Halters, L ues, A0 , c Sept. 20-2.Hl. J. O. HKNIJERSON. &e. l.auil iir snl. OFFER to sell iGi) acres of choice land foe two .lunar, .nd a uuarlrr .., Mj. -i . i ' i Ud .. a porn,,., of my c.'uim, s, mil,., iof U- er, u-onrfii Tl ",,"""1 0a" m""li "u' l'" 'uyetlo, iu the county of Ysml.ill. TV. ZlL !,? ttU 1,0 ,Vll! ' J C-t Iheirharvesl sun. and lor e... . K... . .! , . . "- uu irounie 10 the land. St: 4l)t 1 wien ., ?, I i. e. .'.,!li, lSi.VSTlf C S)4ii:iiktiia Hew. "IE, in add.non to our (insert and Bakinir I T buwncas. hsve just ree ire, wwl ....1 well seeded rtovk of i(Y GOOI )S, K.h ealKs mo.n., ,.,, d umt, M,,niit,, Kenlnekv irn. A . . .1 . "ru kercli e Beekerc.i.e c , ' rt ha! li rsniio k. . ... u . ' " of Wl :ch wcwar. I -J asi.abeboucln.at an, oil1Fr house W e say 10 ihe farmers. - e.in , ,-r4rtely.-s.Kreb wdl -srr ,00 m dl sell as W iu t!-. 'i'V - 1 I ) bil is com. M Jnr bil Auc lb. CUAKMAX WARXFtr m W r H'li iv . ,,. . i . 'I: 1 JJ I New Books ! rililR sulocriber liiu just received a largs . I J. sortmetii of BOOKS, direct from New York, amoiijf which are Ihe following 1 Aliu'a Hisl. of Europe,! American Iiifilluliona, Siiliinsn's dn. Uvea of lli Miunura, Democracy in America, ll:ih Ion and Nineveh, "Land and Lee," "Deck au.l Port," 'Met and Hailor," 'Sliiu uud Kliore." Thrie Vfari in Cslifor.. Home Cyrlopedia, I'.'syi'l uud the Ilolvt.niid 'yc. of l.ileratuie, Hiidian'a Fain. I'liya'u.J I.iirilneron8i'in L'ujjine, Jl.muul ul l ine Ail', Lei'iun ton tlio Arts, Truveln In 1'eru, I'.ilor lti'i;ioin, Muban's I'lnlwiopliv. 111c 1 Aioiiuauriie. Cliuice DioKrupliy, i'eruvian Aiiluiiilks, l.'liuina Etra. la, A vurirty of J'oeti. iilil cop 1 1 u paiidi r 5n0 " t"uMer, Keadera, I 2.10 " M.nfTeya do. I 2.M) Websler'a Dictionaries. I Davies' Al(rt)ra, iNewman'a Khetorie, " lii'oinelry, Pays do. " Duunlon, I'urli'y'a Univ. llialory, " hurveyiin;, (.'oodrich'a Hid. V. 8., " Leei-iidrc, Monieith'a (Jeography, " Arilliniellca, "Liltle Hp-aker," Tboinpton's do. . American Speaker. ALSO, A Fresh Supply of Stationery. Diiy llooke, Joumuia, Le'lircra, Koi'oid liookt, itleinoiiin.liiiiia, of ull aixea, Diuriea, i c , Note and Letter Par, Fnvelopea, IVm, tie., 6lo. Krat-r Knives, KniKive Rubber, Uuninud Labels, Faber's Pencils, IMC, in quart and pint bottles. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES PorE,Js. Oregon Cily, August Id, 1(3j5. New Jeweller. nAVIXG rmphiyed one of the bent Working Jeweileis on the Pacific coast, 1 am now fully preputed to iimuufuclure cvory description of Jewelry. Masonic Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Tins, Rings, &e made to order. Kngruviugr neatly done. Cull and see tpi-cimens of work. U. COLLlKlt RORBIXS. X. B. I devote my entire ultcution to repairing r me " uiciie. u. LOU.lt KOBSINS. Porllund, Dec. 29, 1803-oTtf JAYXIi'S Alterative, Expectorant, Cod Liver Oil, Castor Uil, and Sw and Pills, Sweet Oi . at the UltliUUX CITY DRUG STORK. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, G. V. chant's Uarulinir Oil, at tho ,Mor ORLGO.N I'lTY DRUG STORE. mRL'SSES, rUhtsnd left and double, and Ab- jl. uoumiui Bnpporiers, at ine OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. "I JURK Wliile Lead, raw and burned Umber. a. c at the Cronw, (ireen ami Yellow, and other paints, illlli'lll IV f'I'I'V 111, IT, . ' WVlWi I.- PEUFU.MKttY.at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. r It A K'F FX BERG MEDICINES.. X GracfeiibeigSuniapuriliu, Uterine Culholicon, Dysentery syrup, consumpiiv naiiu, " r.le Ointment, " Health liillcrv, " Fyc I.tion, &c, &c, lo bo found at the ngency of Ihe Company, at uutiwj it i UKuU STORE. n A Y.MAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir wariunled to iMire tho dvapepsin jint renrired find for a.oai me ukuuux uil Y VKUtl UTORL!. DR. GnyHoll's compound extract ol siuisuparilli and Yellow Dock, ul the epj OREGON CITY DRUG STORE i.i: ir. Jacob lowuwnd s Snrnnparilla, ul mo uucuu.i Hit 1JUUG iiURE. T!t.J. Ayrcs celebiated Cherry Pectoral lor cougns, coiuB.nnii consumpiiou, at Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. DR. Tuwiwend's Sanup::rillii, OREGON CITY I at tho DRUG STORE. QUAKER Snrapiiilla, at llio O OREGON CITY DI DRUG STORE. SANDS' Karsnpaiilla, in nnv quantity, at Ihe oia:oi)N city b:tuu stork. I Uf I'Al S Lifo Uitu rs and l"ill, Cer..ard's II L Dysentery Sjrup, Wislar's Ualsaui of Wild wnorry, Ul inc. OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. JUST RKCF.IVF.D ut the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran. Cisco, a flesh supply of Vlll'OS, MEDICIXES, I'utent Medicines, Family Medicines, ovc, dec., iiicii inru ue euiu low jor cash as llity can he prucurnt in the Territory. Call und exuuiine for yourselves, nua get an Alinanao for lrt5G, gratis, 1 PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for Ihe cure of fever aud anno, tie., &.B., just received and forsule at tho OREUOX CITY URL'U STORE. Mi f.ANK'.S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Piili, OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. IfSIotlvoiis, FEW of Piiiice & Co.'s best MELODE ONS for sale, low. Kniiuiro nt tho A b3 OREGOX CITY DRUG STORE. To lllucksmiiiis ttii illuiiufavlii rcrs. WE are now receiving tcu tons of iron of the followiiiir sizes ; Round iron from to 1 inch, P(Uaro I lo 2 Hur Nail rods, lJxto 3xJ, Horse shoe iron, Band iron, 3.x J. Flow steel, lilx L Fur sale at lowest market rates. a"ga ' . AlllXNETHY &. CO. . To TiScrchaats. "WEfr,e,""w nc'"lt the following ai tides: II 50 bh.'s Santa Cruz limn Santa Crux lime. lj " hydraulio ceiurnt, 5 '' plaster of putis, Kegs nails, o 1110 sijikcs, 5 & 6 in., B.wton svrun. a it .Is . 25 bass Rio cofP-e, 25 mats Churn No 1 sitear 2i half bbls N O sugar, 5 bbls viucrar. r2 (.;, ACERNETHY & CO. -w,n..r.a.3f Wantea. niu.iioi casn prices pa d bv Nov. a. It M. c. VEMl VEMEXTfCO. t aiM iiuih, ftt,T. 23, 1S30. S-s. VI I 1 . ( I ' nan" 'or ale, low, for cash or produce Paints Si lead, chrome irreeu, white lead, red do in oil, blk. do ' litharce, pmssiau blue chrome yellow, blue paint, Common and permanent creen puttv, Mat JNO. P. BROUKS. TTTE are lust reeeivinc a nin-.tln- r nov ' UVV.UJ' ' " 11 ARE. .lid al. ttlHMIt HOW. Jnlv l- rrripviv ' tMff..IA d WARNF'- V XDi l, nms, raisins, of just received and l'. r sj.', exceiieiilniolit. Cll' MAN WARNER. 'V.,of d.ilVreut kinds. St sal., by - CHARM AN Si, VA R VRNER. WJ b':a sa. ks f.u- sle ehear.. bv '-I'-ili.HAX i EARNER. ya tn,'.V 1 " I eheap? Call .t CHAR AX 4 H". RXEfis (H.AU-Thbe. ,,.w , ,. . - 31 r " r. n t: k "M. scrub, had.an j i n fs r-:n brnshe.. e.. .,!, J.Vl' MAJilUXi varToi. Allan, XtZcKlnlay i Co., nAVB Jat received A STOCK Of HEW (lOODS, and would luvila all those who wbh to procure UU( l) arliclM at reasonabls prl. es, to cull and see them. 1 hey conit in partof the following grindstones canal A wheel barrows ((rain cradles funny brooms grass scythes aV snaths plain do brush do do SHwiri'd colored pails Itlsq harrows 23 teeb painted IiiIm gardin rakes tiuo nh boards do noca ui.iesanuiii s oeiiuws do spades cross cut sawa 7 It poUbrd shovels do 6 ft bay forks mill sawn 7 ft nuiuura forks hair iiiatlrannes double churns do single wimlnw glass 9 by 10 hair bolsters double do 10 by 12 do single do 7 by 9 sperm candles window sanlies 8 by 10 adamantine do do lObylj grape brand tobacco on bow and yokes lueko tobacco BLAXKKTS, DA1SK, LIXDSEYS, Stinting! Ti' Hs, dc it c. And keep constantly on hand a large supply GROCERIES, clothing, hardware, and many articles too nuiner ous to mention. i ALLAN, XT K IX LAY CO, Oregon City, April 21, lbiO-ly A Rare t'luiiico For those engaged, or wishing to engage in the t louring Business. TTT have on hand aud for sale, the following I I machinery for (tri.it mills, wlncb will bt sold low for cash, or on a short time 1 3 portnhle mills, cmnpieio : 1 run of lour feet fuurinch French Purrs, with spur wheel, 114 cogs, we ching Itliii !bi. j with spindle, pinioii, brush and oil-pot aud collar. 1 run, snme size, without pi mon. Oilier irons the same us above. Togelher with n reueral assortment of bands, boning cloths, pu.leys, gudgeons, wheels, couplings, hangings for bolt ng chesls, &o., etc. lu other words, every requisite necessary to the completion 01 a gr.it mill hv Wn.C.'PEMEVr &co. Opposite the Lund Office, Oseoon City, Nov 2b, Wob. Hardwaro FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. RASS sad lion Units, Screws, Locks arid Latches, Hummers and Hulchels, Axes, Drawing-knives, liaudsuH'S, (lurry Combs, Horse Brushes slid Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cups, Wool Cards, Chest Huudles, Planes. Ac April ill, lb5i-ltr Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES rOPE, JR. f3 UGAR, Suit, Co.'i'ee, Ton, Syrup, Chocolate, Starch, Saliratiis, Cream Tartar, Sill Soda. Curb. Soda, Pepper, Sp'.co, Alum, Borax, Cop peras, etc. April 21, lHj5-ltf Q lioso Iiu ti rl;; C licapt st Sell llio Jloot. pHARMAX & WARNER, Orwn Cil,,, V nave llic best se ection of UROLKRI I S Uuots and Shuts, also Oils. Paints. Glass, to si: wholesale and retail, cheap for cash or produce. our siock in part consists of tilKKI liiscolleo, 21)00 lbs No 1 China siuar, 2000 ' No 1 Batnvia " 1000 ' Sandwich Maud sugar, IjOO m cruslirrf sugar, 2.100 " assorted can.iy, SO kegs E. Ronton syrup, SO ki'.fs imik, ID cuss pickles, " " pie fruits, 12 dint assorted can fruits, 6 " tomato cnisup, , 5 " pepper sauce, 1 4000 lbs salt, d lltrcnt kinds, 8 doz brooms. Liirpe ossnrtmetil ol' Queenr-wnre, filassw.ire, do i,"ou ciL'ars, by llic t hous ind. 40 bmrs i,.l,nn China rice, Carolina do., 3tll) lbs leu, 2000 llw uneci 11pp.es, spice ol ull kinds, &c, &c. ie7 11 t, have n lull assortment of Hot I TS . I t SH'JICS. abo I.ndiea'Cnil.rv.M.I 11, ii, i.ic, an kiiius oi la, ins' slines. t'll!) CI1ARMAX ij. IVARXER. In our Biitoi r WE kei p a full nssoitnu nt of BREAD, FIKS, CAK ICS, and CANDY, at wlmlesale aud """i. api VIIAR.VAN it- WARNER. Etarnoss and Saddlery. rilE un lersined having opened anew in liUTTEVILLB, Marion county, O. l.. Ill llio I osl union bill tllnrf. nr. rca, , to manufacture und furnish nt sh, ll'l Ullllf.1.. MMfl ill the best and mnsl siilistanl al slyle of the craft nil kinds of HARNESS und' SAnm rrtv WORK, Trunk and Carriage Triiiiminir, it-c. June SI, Ibob.-y ROOP Si COOK. Water Power for Sale. THE undersigned would like to sell one half of hi" mills and water noiveroii th,. Tnl,.ii., er, about three in les from Linn Cilv. kunu-n . Moore's Mills. R is nrubuhlr H.n h..t ,,., :.. ilege, hiUi tho exception of tho great Falls of the Vt illumctte, that there is in On 'iron. F u-niiM to sell one-half or oiie-fourlh of my claim toa-lher w:t the jnilla and water power. Mv ol,i,.,?t i. i ;t a parlner, to suable mo to pu pcr!" improve the water power. JAMES M.'Mo'ORE. Feb. 9, lbjfi. 43 if T U ST RECEIVED" O 1 0 bbls and blf bbls N O sugut 3 " ' " crushed'" 4000 II No 1 China 10 hif bh!s Cundina rice, 15 " " dried apples, 1j kegs . 10 hll bids ' peaches, 1 00011 His Liverpool salt, 10 cases table salt, 50 bbls Santa Cruz lime, JilOO lbs manilia rope, asa'd .i.es, 100 kegs uaila, ' JOUO qr (luur sucks, C bales drilling, 12 cases uss'd pie fruits, 12 " " pickles, 20 bundles window sash, ass'd siies, SJ l panncl doors, .i 2 doi p,i grains scoops, 100 sacks Rio coffee, 10 mats black pepper, 10 bales oakum, 100 single and double blocks, ass'd sizes, ,J '. P&M yeast powders, 10 dm zinc wash boards, 500 gals S. I. syrup, 4000 lbs white lead, pure. VVV IIU " 40 gals copal varnish, 15 dozpiiutbruslies, ass'd sizes. :UU gals boded linseed oil 100 raw ..' Torether will, j . . . WARE end WfS, . n.cn we propose M;Iilljr at . AH tunes. Cull aud see fo, yourselv" suit the W.C. I"" . Main in -lMENT & CO., -regon Cn .Aprirffi.,U,L"BdinCe- -ri, o.Bu TiaioViij: s,.4.j. , s,' 11 ust Received. L Ll tT'T.'" A Crocerie,, as.t.v ,.,rr. :: ..r ":,Kn .'das i0 CHAR. VAX 4- WARXER. . any m-Se n" tVediiiiiy a,r, 'orte''T fU'uUW ..onest mac. Ae ,v CHARM AX 4. WARXCR Gi r you want stock,,,, Tsrn , v, fc chakMax 4 irAKyE TO BUSINESS OAKDS. 1. General tuiiiiiiuuiuii AUrulimii. .! and rotnil Dealer. In Dry OooJu 1 Hardware, io., ic. ("oc"'t Geores T. All.. Oregon City, May 3. Archibald M'Kiu'l.y. 1 nomas Low, , AL.i,, WKl.l,AY A. CO. Lo. - .-iMij, uuipipia, uregou. A LLAN, M'KIXLAY V CO. Cht J. 1. Oregon 1 eiritnry. Mayj. CHARLES POPRra" DF.ALER In Hardware, Groceries IW Clolhing, Roots i. Shorn, MedlciunJ ok aud Hlationery. ' Uw Main-st Oregon City, April 1, 18:5i,f Win. O. Dement Ol n T WHOLESALE and retail Deal,.,, Jr. lea, Provision., I'ainlsi oil. . Shoes, Crockery, Ae. 'oZffi! of .tuiust.u,igocity. uu7l,"r JOHN R. MBRIDB. ""'"' "HD COtlNIKLa. .. . LAW Lnjiiyrttt, Yamhill County, O T . imiiniiiy am mi to all busiae-.. trusted to his nrofessioi,,.! M April 21, ltjjj-ltf . - JOHN P. BROOKS" ' Wholesale A- Retail Dealer in Groceries, P,J Procisiom, .J c, jiam Slrci A General Assortment kept up of Selected Goods .oi,ci(juii, I'eceuiocr 1, leaa. D. IrXilwain. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer i. v""' " 1 'U STOVES, WN 4 COPfSS WAKE, IIASHWASI. In MaiuSt., opposite Main Street Hour ntrnntf m-rv r. '1 v j 1 j , u. j. Steamboat uud loubimr work ,,.. . . disp.,tch. ' ew.uj Uiders from Ihe country promptly filled, je7 Drufjs, IVIodlcInes, Paints, Oils. i and Bye-atuff, ' ' iil ntllieORl-GON CITY D11UG STORE wpl a Wu.n Street, Oregon Cily, O T ' Wells, Pargo ii Co.'s Exorcsa. Brlwcrn Orm, Cali'nnim, tlte Attantia is'nlet mil Elirnpr. HAVING made advunlarr rtpi arruugeiiients with the lUrrf Sr SzXZ States and Pacilic Mail Suam-ifi . it-k inp 1 uoiiuiiie lor nansporiaiion, we are iijiv Dte I'ared to forivurd Guld Dust. U:,lli Packages, Parcels. 11 ml Frri?hl, to and frwn n' York, N. Orleans. San Franc sen. Portlai.,1. ...A pruu:ipal towns of I'ul forma au l Orei'on. ... u, .-. ,, IIHIiiiiiiy t,xpn- bewa I ort.and und San t ran. isco. is diuairU,l k .1.. Pacilic Mail Sleurn.-hipCo.steiiiiisliiDColnmN connecling ut San Francisco with o-.ir seini-uwalh' ly Express lo A'eio lor andXeu Oi lr mm. whioU is dispulc regularly on lh 1st amflb'ihof eanb month, by the mail sli -'tners and in clwrgo of our own niessonga.s, thiongli to ijc'linalion. Our Kiprcss from New York leaves regularly on the Sih aud 20th of each mouth, also iu clurja of m. 'Sseiigeis. Treusure insured in Ihe best New York coirl' panies, or at Lloyd's in Lou lou, ut the option of shippers. Oi rrcKs-New Yoik, No. IB, Wall st.; New Orlci.li., No. 1 1, Kxchangu place ; San Francisco, No. 114, MontoMiTy sireot. J- N. RA.VKEn.iaf- Oreff.ni Cily, April 21,1 H;,a.-1 tf Now Vcluiceo cf tha Four Raviewa and Elickwood. COMMENCE wiih North Br Tsh for May, 1S.', and the oilier Reviews and Uiackwoud for June, lc.lj. ; 1 enns ol Sulserinti-M A nv mi. I?nvl.Hr nr ni.ickwood, 1 a year. Ulackwood and ouo Re viewor any Iwo Reviews, $.). The four Re. views and liluckwawd. ft 10. Four conies to mis add rem, 830. Fusing... on the font Reviews and Block wood to any P,.st office ill Ihe Uni.ed States, only 80 ceuts a year mi each Review und 21 Cents a year on ll:. ...i i " uiiiin w oou. Address, I, Scott & co.. Publishers. 54l tiolii street, corner Fullon, New York sen8 Reading for the Million. ' S. J. M COIlMICiC HAS CONSTANTLY ON IIANI AT TIIK FRANKLIN IOOK SIOIIS, FRO.MT-I1T, ruKTLVNII, ORIiOOH, Ch.iice s.'leetiou of Poisilar U siks, News V. paper.., Maauiiies und Fancy Slutioner)-. Ainung tho books un liund'wiil hn lonml on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, Poetry, liiorrruphy, Medicines, Reliirioa. c.ence, School Honks, Roniancis, &.!., Arc, 4c. ly.Subarl'IWioilS received for H:.-,.r Cri.lum. Codcy, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 84 a vear. oast. age Jree. ' " l.r Subscriptions received for nnv nswsrttner published in any part of the Union. iicutemiier the frrauklin Rook Store and News ijier Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon. OSfA priced cutulortio will ho nuhlivheil esrlv in April, and will be sent to any part of tho tern lory free on appliculion. lEMPLE OF 110NOR.-Tuahtin Temple of -1 Honer, N.,, J, meets on the 1st und 3d Fri day eveningsof cacli nioiiih nt fi o'clock, at Tem perance Hull, Foiest Grove, Oregon. Members of the Order in good standing are in vited to visit thisTemple. E. V. DIXOX, W.C.T. M. Tcrri.E, W. P.. 33 -. Ziadios I 7"OU will find nn excellent assortment of Dress--H- nnd Bonnel SiUn, Satins and Velrets; also Wmnct Trimmingt, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and RMons, Tabic Cloths. Counlernanei. etc.. at tlis. store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Ma;n-6t.. OHDOsite Ahm.lhv'a ol.,ra ul,j.rM matf be found ulmosl everything iu the line of Iry (s'uotls: Such OS Prints. Gimrlinma A!r.4 Manilla. Piaid Linstji, Muslins, Suttiiietls, Jeaus. Flan- neis, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Batting, clo. Oregon City, April 21, 1855-ltf Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE. Ja. 3 A NDS" Sureapatilla, Pick's Wild Cherry Bit ters, lialeniun's pills, Perry', vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cara puor. Cum Arabic. Briiis.li oil. Lobelia. Hot drupe.1 3d "reparation, Roman f j e balsom, Dalley's paiu' extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Psnperi' mint, Essences, Cempusitlon Powders. r"'Mt Pulmouary B!nm, Sulphur. ,, April 21, ia.55-i" . -rnSwlts,. Jnl n-t'eivd, At the' OH Stand,' Canemah,April2, '55. 4i ft rffc i Lba- Li8nt Brown SagT P.WW i,Pkj lbs. Chilis No. 1, do, 1,000 lbs. Rio Cott'ee, 13 Tons course salts 300 lbs. fine da, 3.00,1 lbs. Oregon Bacon j 1 ,000 bushels oats, for sol.? wholesale or refill, by; JOHN P. BROOK Central Produce Depot CANEMAIL CONSTANTLY receir ng. fiesb frm- ranch, '-' wheal, oats, bac, lard, butler trd potstoes. Deo. 1, 'S3, JOHN P. BROOK To 1 1.. f . J.urustTf-9 "VE yoa,D ca" r store.-se pay you n well for your produce as other fcoLfe jo Oregon, and will endeavor If roa feci as comfonabie u sre possiblvean. - 4 CIIAKM iy 4 WARNER. IL'l i I" MOLLIXXG lor netiin. fmm. tai l by CUAKAIAi WAKNEB PICK CIGARS. Ihe W.-t chsr.ee i. .1 r': CJA.V.I.V .j WARXIK S. mprsij,