lion selflsh and Iwnrlleaa, in Its develop ment niercilom and inhuman, in il opera. lion unpatriotic and uaauocessful, and in it gsnerul results a mockery, a dcliibiun tnJ a snare i TeLioRAru to Cuba It U slated ilml eartias bnve beon fur romu time In corre pondence with the Cuban nml authorities for the privilege; of Iny infr n U4 egiph lino bclweon Cuba and I ha Uutt'-d Stales. It it proposed to lay a chIiIh from Ihl point or Laim Suiiio, tliu extreme) south cm point of Florida, to Havana, llm dix line being liitlo ovrr 70 miles ohout the Mme stretch at tlint across the Gulf of St Lawrence. KT Kentucky is tlm most gallant nnd cliivalrio of Siute. Hure alone in thin country or ihe world is the right of autfraH xpresxiy conceded to woman, Hy tlm ttu viisd Stuiuie any widow having a child b twecn tho age of six and eighteen year mar vote tor ncbool trustee. 1 hi" rielit was exercised a year ngn by tevorul widows in the northern pari of the Stale. I her should be railed out at the next April rluo lion in this city. Louisville Journal. I'ur tin Argus. A Pike FautSango. . sr a iRoTina riKi. Tbs ancirot hards Inspired in dsys of yore Oflwroto (if bloody dud ond horrid war, Of kings tliry wrote and mljhty warlike bun Ja Who drank tlio bluod of other desperate clan. Thou bard have gone, but left bebiud a nam That's crowned with glory and immortal fume; Were they but here to tuko in hand my theme, Pike doggerel In print would ne'er be steu. No need there ! for me to comment mo:o On mm who wrote of wur in days of jo ; My iheine hat naught to do with blood at all Those ogea wroto of of a greater ball, The grand ttjcci who prmonide Ihe itrrct, 'With boivi and 101111' the lovely ladies grocl ; The soni of Pike try hard like oilier well To scrape acquaintance with Mssouii belle. The d.iy wai set) out went a general call Inviting Piko and Poey to Ihe bull i From shops to itorei, frmn elorrs to drinking hulk, Ftst went the news, and soon tho very Mulls R-cehoed wi:h their cheera. Somu br.Kid'y grinned, Bomu laughed outright, while o'.he.'i wero elm grined To Ih ilk they had no cu h to pay their bills. And reckoning up the incouveni.nt lilt To whicti all Pike alid Pnn-y flesh s heir, Their aeody clothe, long hud ilood the wear And tear of time, but ill becuine a place Where bellei would flirt iu silks and puwdrr'd lac A few, to raise the wind, tried curds and d ee, While oilier of their couirudc hi.ncd llio prica Of ticket! a few, to uiiiku their entrance good, Secured the nocdftil dough by ehopp ng wood. The tedious horn kept lolliig slowly pat, L'nlil the wadied-fur evening cone at lust ; And with it came the belle and buxom beau, To measure i.oju, let them be fust or slow. And inch a crou d .' 'Twotihl take a Hogarth's p. u To paint tho motley group of maids and men. First eaine the brainless dandy, spruce and slim, With high heeled bouts, and liuir tiXn h i chin: Ilis lengthy locks were smoo:h'd with greatest care, And oilvd with guoe greuso, (perhaps 'twas bear.) A pond'rona watch-fob p.rue.d h a side, To which hia puny hand was oft applied To jingle whut, the rascal knew lull well, Wo fuatcned to an empty oyster pIioII ; Hii tender hundi had ucver touched the ado, Or ax, in fact he curfed tho man who mads Such imp'cnieuts, as one who 4 ughi to go Willi ciowni and vulgar tradesmen down below. He viewed the country former u a tool For I bote who make a living in the school Of politic) a sort of necessary ill, Whom pel hap 'twould baldly pny to kill. Of hook, the only one hu d ever lead Were tin h a ne'er improved the heart or head : Koine tilly tule of moonstruck lass or lad, Who'd lost what little sense ho ever had Uy being badly scorched in what they cull "The flume of puppy love," 'lis sa d were all The w orks whose contents stored bin shallow bru'n, Except perhaps some snatches fioin Tom Paine. Whoever steals his puree, robs him of trash, Tin filled with ruty nails instead of caidi ; And how he lives, li s luckless landlord knows, Who says the niscal lives on what he ones. And wiili him came a partner, nice uud trim, Whom we've enough described by puiuting him. Next camo a cncsl who seemed of d flereut mold, And if 'twas only true that all is gold That glistens not, he'd surely ''prospect'' well j The "raise" thill's in him, would be hard to tell. Ho wa a brawny, burly lo ikiuj eo !ger, Who doubtless had devoured a vast of "dodger j" Six feet he stood, with should! broud and full, Iu boots that spoiled the hide of half 11 bull ; Hit pauts were tight, nnd uew, without a mend, But short by half a yard at ueiher end ; A long-tailed blue, such as the pct said , Was worn by Grimes, before Old Grimes was dead. Bet loosely on his fruma, and dangled low, Two iuche lower than hi pants could go; A cotton vest, as white as drifted enow, Except some spots where ' backer juico" did show, Enecoueed u 1ran new shirt of cotton twill, Which, added to kid glove, made out his bill. His hair, which seldom ever saw a bruvh, Had just been oiled willi bacon grease or slush ; Hi tramp a bison's as he went, And dandies swore they could delect the stoat Of onions and of whisky 011 his breath, A Pike declared he'd go hi very death On Sal, his partner, in a reg'lar dance, Where be and Sul had even half a chance. al was a short and flit-cheeked dumpy girl, sJVbs on her toes could hup around and whirl A' such a rata, that even souplnck tried To promenade with Pike's affianced bride. jjn; describe the rest, who at the call Rushed in pi ll-mc!:, lve a glorious ball? AH shade and caste were reprere.:'d liifre, Excepting such as chose to be elsewhere. Soepiocks and dipg're. Pike nnd Poeys, all Mixed up with clwtchmen, eager for the ball, Asked soon to rosin up the bow, And let them at the grand fandango go. All hand were dreadful anxiou to b gin, And to the 6ddle screeched with horrid diu. No minstrel harp e'er rung with inch a strain ; Twos high at time, thro low, then high rga'u; Bewitching sound! no sound will e'er again Pas for such music ; rai and do-s in pain Caa caterwaul and raise a mighty din, But tbej lo Sambo' music must give is. Th music every happy guest inspired, All felt anon their pinting breast were Srej For action ; tlio poor, springy, sinking fioor Ne'er got such rapd kick and thumps before; "There was a aoond of revelry by sight," As Pike and Sal pitched in with all the r might. Th danee might easy hare gone oa till Had hot some rasesj intntl'ieed a row 1 This of crane rather disturb, d my equ.libritnn i-d. tmnVitj r. waerpli'e ft a ptf, I V-ft. A Rrmarkahlk I'eat by Santa Claus. On ClirisiiDdJ day a new and beautiful marblu pulpit was found in the Fil Usp list Church (dev. Mr, Culdwoll'a) standing in lie pluco of the former desk. Bangor tying, OCT A country editor says he has ri. ceived llm following "stop my paper :" "Dear sir, I have looked carefully over your papr for the lit-t mx months, Inr the death ol some individual liiat 1 was 00 qtiuinted w ith ; hut nut a single soul I cure Anything abnut lias dropped oil". You will pleiixa hnvo my name erased." ClRCUMoTANCKS ALTKK t'A-KS. A doll, key Indcn with nll wa oroKsing a brook. The water diluted ihe Kaltnnd lightened ihe burden. Hn coinmuuicittetl his discovery to ft brother dolikry, laden with wnol, The Int. ter triod tlm same experiment and round Ins load doublo its wotlit. (r "Pnlrick .Moloney, wbatdoynu say to lhi indictment uru you guilty or not guilty?" "Arrnli, musha, vor worship, how etui I tell till I hrnr tlm ividence I" Special Election. Bo it rewind by tho City Council of Oregon City, That a special election of the elertnra of Oregoa City be and i hereby called at th city council room on Ihe liSlh duy of 1'ebruary, a. o. ISoi, to vole for or usamtt the levying of a rpec ul lux of three thoiia.nd one huudnd dollars, lo he applied by the city council in bringing water into said city for fire piirpisesi and that ihe noli bo kept open from IU clo k n. in. lo 4 o clock p. m. of said day fur that purpose. Attest: A. ItUI.LA.MI, Ori-gon City, Feb. 0, 1 307. Recorder. . XttAZlKXaS: In Portland, l eb sclih, IH.w, by Rev. C. S Kin-lev. Mr. W'u. Davk Caiitkr, aenior prop.-j. eiorof the "Oregon Weekly 'l imes,'' to MissLou ISA A.VVA UzXFilVAUX, uli of lllut C tV. Iii Oregon Cilv, Feb. 23, by Ruv. D. E. Blaiui Mr. Ai.giuoiiT to Mrs. Cr.vTiitA AL' BMioiiT, both of Oregon City. 2XSB: Iu .War on euonly, on the 11th hist., Dr. Uavin- rouT. nged near tiU )ear. Probate Notice. 4 LL persons inleru-ird will please tek notice IX. thul the first 'I'uesduy iu Ap il next is ap. nanl, d to ui'ke final settlement with Fruiice liyon,execotr,x of the last will anil testament of bocieiy .M. 1 rvon. U:e of Cli ckuniia county, do ceased. ROllKRT CAU FIELD. Feb 2H, lS"'7lfltt'3 Judge of Probate. lVIr. host's School. pIIE NEXT TERM of this School will com l. mence on MOSDAY, APRIL 6. 1837. Terms, iucltid ug board, tuition, use of books, &n , arc from ff'.i j to S511 for a eessioii of elevi u weeks. None tak 11 for ls than one hall of a term. No deduct on mode. l'o all thuxo who will cheerfully use the proper exertions to acquire knowledge, and w ill strive to be geuMeiiiau y in their deportment, Ihe proprietor pledges Inm.cif that the iusliuctiun giveusliul! not be e .'oud to any hi the country Those who wish to pay a part of their expenses by labor, eau do so. JOHN D. POST. Oitgw City, Feb 14, 1837. 4-lw9 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, per etr. Columbia and burk Nahunikeog, the fo. lowing goods 1 ouo lbs cotton yarn, 5UU0 yds bro. drill, 1(1 cases boots and shoe, 23 hlf bbls dried apples, 3 I kegs E. II. syrup, 10 doz Baltimore oyster, 20 ' pie fruit, 211 " fresh pouchoJ, 23 boxes ruis.ns, lull ke's nails, uss'd sizes, 10 doz la- Iniiterus, Scoop shovels. loL'rhains. rVe., &(!. Feb. I I, '57. WM. V. DEMENT Si CO. Sacks! Sacks! fTWIE unrlersigneU bus constantly on baud at hi L sick ir.unuluctory in Oregon City, SACKS of II oiialiliesaud sizi K, which will be sold as low us the) can bo bought iu the Territory. Order from dutuiice promptly aUeuif. a to. HENRY PROSSER. Oregon City, January 10. 1837. y Wm. C. Dement &. Co., WHOLUEAt.K it KKTAIL Dealers in Groceries. Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c., TENDER their thanks to their uumerou cus tomers for the r p 1st liberal patronage, and so ldi a couliiiuuiicc 01 lilts same. They lake pleasure in iufoimlng the public that thev have uow oil hand a Inrgie uud desirable ck of Oroceric. lltirdicare, Uvnlt and Sioel, Crucktry, and Haul Storet, to which they are iiiukinz coustaut udditous from New York and Sun t', purchased fur cash only, and are nabled to sell at luuer pr ces than any other store iu Oregon City. Jan 31, 1837. f ff LBS. pure lieesivux for sale low by OUU j3l WM C DEMENT St. CO. The .lew lliiiilniid T0 stlnti I ' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 15,'Ston, Mass., Oi-fjinlzal in 1411, and having a capital unit accuinulutcU premiums amount, ing t over 81,000,000., "tT7"ILL toko r:k iu Oregon, for a term ef V ' years or for life. Dividends of profit to llio"o iuxurcd ure declared every five year. In surance may be ffeclrd for i lie benefit of married Wonion ami clnlilien, beyond the reocn "t ire.Uit- ra of ihe party insured. Creditors may insure the lives of oVb nrs. Rate iu Oregon will be tb me as iu New England. This is the oldest American Mutual Insurance Company, and is one of the most reliable and suc cessful, and insures ou the niort fuvornble rates. Inioifliaiion may lie obtained from, and appliea- ou for insurance made to, A. HOLE ROOK, Agent f.r Oregon. Comultine Pliyticiam Forbes Barcluy, M.D., Oreiron City, au.1 R. li. Wilson, M. D., Portland. Oregon Cuy, dan. 31, 18j7. Tor Knit. I WANT to rent my place for one or two years, one mile from Mr. Post's cliool, and two and a half mile from Uregon ity. There are live acre well set w.lh timothy, -id there will be about x acres to cultivate. Frul: alt the various kinds. Good house and out building Term made easy. Applv soon. Ju. 24-41lf JAS. G. SWA FORD. BIark:nit!i nnrf oswCro, Look Here t 1 LLAN, McKINLAY cV CO. have no on hand a lorge and Well aclrded stock of liar Iron. Cast Steel, Hork shoe do., German do., N.iilrod da, Plough do., Tlate do.. and intend tu keep up the osaortment so a to suit the wants of cufloirwrs. Give lis a eali, and yon w ill find thai we not only have ihe fullest slock, but il! sell "as cheap as the cheapest.' We are constantly rwiving additions to oar aesortineat, so a lo replace whal is so d. Dec. 6, '66. JUVT RECEIVED, a new eupplyof Rio and Java Coffee, Kice, Sugir, Si ate. novja C. POPE, Jr., Mam wt. Tor Sale. 1 GOOD INDIAN HORSE. Prie j A Ap.-'yto C. FOPE.Jr, City, . C? M ii f reet. Oreson City Vnlversity. Ms. F. JOItMiO.N 4 .Mis. JULIA JOHNSON "tlf IIX enter upon their second term, la th 1 T liunary Uertineiit of th Ore goo Cily 1'iiiverslty, on MMMM 1 . tu bt.LU.MJ DAY OF FEliKL'AUV NEXT. It i Ui the advauLig of student to enter a cany 111 1 lis term possible. A pertiun of liui m spent every week la teeth ing 111 rudnnenu or ocsl .Mctie. Tuition, per term of eleven weeks (3 00 W.C. JOHNSON. Jan. I I, 1 1 w5 Keo Hoard of Trute. Land Warrants PURCHASED 11V Jau. 21. WM. C. DEMENT 4 CO. Jut llvrclsi'ili 1 ( TONS San Queulin salt, IU4 sacks Liverpool salt, 60 bbts lone, 50 krgss)rup, 5U units sug ir, SS su'-k coifre, 6 bills vinegar, S3 boxes soap, 20 bales drills, S " sheetings, M case boot. Jin. 17, '.-..wfl O. AKERNETIIY i CO. Ort'Uois l.oduu . ilt I. O, O. F MEETS at their Hall over th Oregon Cily Drug Store every Wediieelny evening at 7 o cluck, llrelhren Iu goo I lanaiiif are Invited tovist. 1IIUS. CI1AH.MA.N, X.U C. SwKiTzxa, r-ec'y. 31 FURNITUEE! AT TUB TVBXnTOKXl S4XZS &OOAX, (One door below L. Snow & Co.', Front st.J PORTLAND, OllEGOy. Constantly roceivlng, aud on hand, Tim BEST ASSORTMENT Ever Offered In Oregon!! Having had several year' experience, I sra pre' paied to red its C 11 HAT AS, IF NOT Chtaptr than has tver heretofore been offered on the Pacific coast! IT CALL AXU rXAMIXK roa TOUSSI lvis. xil A. J. 8TURTEVANT. rorllund, January 10, lt-57. 10m Sooks Tor the Solidayt rr'r? .1 1'ST RECEIVED, among which fSLili'f ut T. S. Arthur' work.Shakpeaie, "P .'J-.v GIr T HOOKS, Token, Kohiuson Crusoe, Diary and CorresiKHidence of Amiai Law rence, Harper' edition of Macaulay'a History of btigiaint, and many oilier vatuubie work, nana somely bound alio, a general awortmeut of Pock' et Diaries for I8.V7. I' or sale by On gun City, Nov. 23. C. POPE, Jr. Protective Union. DIVISION NO.M3 OF THEN. E P.U., SALEM, O. T., wdl keep for sale Dry iood, Ciro''ii', Knot nnd hlios's, I'rortHCf, Ac, cVc. Iu part tho trade will be characterized by 1. Dewsuodly no inferior goods) 2. Ijeusouuble and uniform prices! th child will get as much lor its money as Ihe parent 3. The pour man' friend, No caaoiT; 4. The dishouoriug practice of mixing giod with inferior produce to make it saleable, will be discountenanced ; 6. Being associated farmers, will generally be able to answer demand from a distance, iu the article oats, potatoes, wheat, flour, &c. j when not on hand, bought to ordor. Orders euiefuily filled, or otherwise properly at tended to. C HOEL, Agent Salem, Doe. 27, 1SS6. 37tf JUST It E C E I V E D , MR BARK "OCKAM BIRD," And fur tale, by the undertigned, 0 l(C C"la R'cscoffeSi a very supe. UOUU rior tiriicle, 4J kg pure whit lead, pepper sauce, iu glass, yellow ochre, caper " boded linseed oil, in tin olive " and barrels, honey, China preserves, iu jar, green peas, In tins, oyter, " figs, iu drum, ante currant, Malaga raisin, (layer almonds, soft shell) Walnuts, olive oil, (PUgnloli) raw do. do. do. China sugar, noa. 1 &2, crushed " iu hlf bbls brown sheet ng. 6-4, manilla rope, 3) 3,'Jj,2, H. and 1 inch, cast steel, pie fruit, aas'd, itt glass, English meat sauces, " ' nsh do. cheese, in tin. ALLAN. McKINLAY CO. Oregon City, December t0, lboO. Sail! Nail! S)f TONS "Sun Quentiu" SALT, In about JJ SO and 100 lb. bags, just received aud for Kile very cheep at ALLAN, MclilXLAV f VU. S. Oregon City, Dec. 6, lt).')6. SJotfut!. IF YOU WANT a really good article of COF' FEE, the undersigned have got 15,000 lint, best "Costa Ulca." Coino iu aud look at it. ALLAN, McKINLAY f CO. Oregon City, Dec. 0,1856. What's the Use of Going Barefoot ? THE subscriber has opened a boot and shoe shop iu this city, where making and mending will te dono to order om snou r notice. 1 also keep constantly on hand ready made hoot and shoes, which I will sell ou reasonable leruw. 1 hauklul for past favors, I still solicit a reasonable share of patronage. Call and try us unynow. J. 13. BLANPIED. Oregon City, Aug. 9, IS.'iB. I7mii We are now Receiving1 i ND have iu store l 100 sacks Rio coffee, 80 whole and hlf bbls crushed sugar, 30 ' " SO " 100 dot brooms, 250 boxes Eng. soap, 100 " candies, 1U0 " class, ars'd sizes, Together with a general assortment of crockery, hardware, boots and shoes, paiuta and oil, Ice., c, wh eh we offer for sale at as low price si they can be purchased in Oregon Territory. WM. C. ULMbJi 1 X CU. Oregon City. Spt. 13. In Equity. John McLaughlin, complaiuaut, vs. Francis W. Peltygrove it Alfred Pettygrov. Ctackamai County Dittrkl Court, Oregon ritory. IN this cause it appearing by an allidavit of complaiuaut filed with his bill that both of the defend nils are non-resident of the Territory, il was ordered by the Court that the Clerk make an order, and have the same published, directed to said rlefendants ; this is thsiefo e directed tu the said Francis W. Pettygroveand Alfred I'eitygrove, nd they are hereby notified that thai ami waa Commenced against them on ihe 6lh day of Sep mber, 1855 ; that tlie objeot of Ihe bill w to quiet the till.' to iot No. 6 in block No. 23 in Oregon City in favo,- of the coiupl.iiiiani, and for a decree that a cenain bono, touching the same, made by the compiaiuaut to Aifiii Petlygrove ou Ihe I3:h day of Septeaibrr, 1843, be canceled. Theead detendanu are required lo apo- ar at the D.Knct Court of ihe 1st Jud eil District rf said Terr tory, lo be held at f a!em on Monduy, lb ixlh day of April, a. d. 1857, and nser the bill of complain ant, or the same wdl be taken ui confessed. la witues whereof, I have hereunto sob l. . scribed my hand and affixed my official teal, tbi 5tb day of May, a. d. IrSo. r.6.Ul)LLAXD,Clerk. Jan.3,IS57. 3ew8 DR. Oegiod' ladiaChotagogue.aadDr.Joasa' Ast'-ri -an Cho(gogue, at the CRECON CITY TFt'C 5TCRE. SSore If e w Ootli, AT CHAIN ! i (VAIflEKI. T.V ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, X we hv just rseelved, direct fmn ban rran euwo, a good and suiLibt Mippfy of Goods for this aVtaion of the Year, which we oner for sal at price which eaonot be beat in this market. Our alack oooswl la part of 400 lb sal sods, 50 botes English soap, 50 - Cha. Hill's soap, 2 ) dot corn starch, SO vase pi fruit, 15 " pickles, 8 dot honey, 8 H lobsters, 19 14 eyMsrs, 20 hlf bbls N Osoear, 4 bbl rjaadwich Island syrup, 10 hlf Lbi. dried ppl, fl rils inackersl, 9000 Ibssliek canly, 500 ' fancy do. 1 east Gallipisber toy, 1 " German toy, 400 Ibsslmond,, 12 blf bosi-s raisin, 6 whol boxes do., a 48 pis g'Md Msckiuasr blauksut, 20OU yda hrown sheeting, 2000 calko, nooUsud shoes of evsrv deecriotion. Tb above, with our usual assorlineut, w lliiek reiiiler our stock conudele. Call and se us Tenn. cash. CHAIIMAN A WARNER. December 90, 1056. Great Isidiircnieuta. rpilE PROPRIETOR OK L TUB r'RENCIf STORE iu this city, takes this method to iuvii the publio to call aud stamiue hi stock of GOODS. He I. as now on h.iud, and will coutinuetoreoeive by almost every steamer, a fiu assortment ol the best quality of goods, which b to determined lo sell a cheap as uuybody elso, if not little cheaper. Tho I.ndiea, In Particular, are requested to com where they will find th beat nd LATEST FASHIONS of Dress Goods, of very description. Hu has. aud is constantly receiving, DRY GOODS, consisting in part of Ihe following article Cvchecu, Pacifia, Hudley, Conestego. Philip Allen, Fall River, .Merriinuc,ud numerous other PRINTS, all hit sivlesj Eughsh and French merino, Lyon cloth i black, bine, purp'e, aud pink alpacas, jueonet. book and Swis muliu, Hue assortment of laces and ediriug, velvet trim iugs, Ac, domestic ginghams, blue, mixed, aud icrav satinet, sheep's grey and fancy cloth, Milford aud Buukcr Hill jeans, bleached aud brown sheet. ing, brown aud blue drilling, denims, hickory slutt ing, black velvet, also fine kit of plaid dre goods, Urussel carpet, Ac, ic. itloii dk By' Clollilng. Blue, black, and browu cloth coil of th finest quality, tweed bus tiets do., black cloth Vest, a fin lot of blk doeskin and satinet pants, all qualities and siies, rubber jackets, gray over and uuder shirts, while anil hickory shirts, hats and caps. HOOTS St SHOES men', boys' and youth' boots, ladies', misses', and children's morocco, goat, kid, aud calf boot aud ehoee. It l uo trouble to show goods, and bo will al ways be happy to see hi customer, whether they purchase ur not. EUUE.KU La rUKESI. Oregou City, Dec. 6, 1R56. 34m7 New rirra XTew Ctoode, THE undersigned take this method of Inform ing the public that Ihey have taken the house mid have purchased the entire stock and fixture formerly used by F. S. HOLLAND, and hope by strict attention to buaincw lo retain tho patronage of the old customers arid gain a many mora a possible. We are constantly in receipt of GOODS select ed with the greatest care, (a In price and quality,) aud are conlelent ihut our facilities will euablu us to offer greater inducement lo all Who waut the worth of their money thau any other house in the cily. We have, and are jut receiving, auinvoic of DRV GOODS, consisting iu part of the following articles Cochs co, Pacific, Dudley, Couoatego, Philip Allen, Fall River, Alorrmntn, and numerous other I'I!I.1S, all late styles; English aud French mcriuos, Ly on cloth: black, blue, purple, and pink alpoeas, jaconet, book, and Swis muslin, a fine assortment of laces and edging, velvet trimmings, etc, do. mesne ginghams, blue, mixed, and gray satinet, sheep's grey and fancy cloth, Mihord and Bunker Hill jeans, bleached aud browu sheoting, brown and blue driHIng, denims, hickory sh rting, black velvet, also a flue lot of plaid dross goods, Brussels carpet, See., 4-c. MEN !f BOYS' CLOTHING. Blue, black, nnd brown cloth coal of the finest quality, tweed business do., black cloth vests, a fine lot of blk doesk n and wiliuet pants, all qualities and sires, rubber jacket, gray over and under shirts, white and h ckory shins, hal and cape. a O l) T S and S tl O E S men', boy' and youth' boot, ladies', misses', and children' mo rocco, goal, kid, and Calf boot aud shoe. GROCERIES: Rio coffee, grecu and black tea, New Orleans, Halavia, and crushed augur, East Iloston, Stew art', and China ayrbp, salt, 10 and 80 lb. sucks, nails, assorted sizes, soap and soap powders, pow- ter and lend, cream turlar, yeast powder, salera- tus, chewing add smoking tobacco, oyster, prunes, pepper suuee, oils, spices, starch, and cotton but ting, with u variety uf other groceries usually kept. We have also a Splendid Assortment of Books, In part as follow t Washington ih.sGon- McKemie's Receipts, . oral,. Religion Encvclonedia. Napoleon A. his marsh'ls, Bible History, Rollins Ancient History, Sketches and Skeletons i'l 4 vols., of sermons, Border Wan, Wickiiam's School Reg- Life ou th Plains, inter, Frontier Life, Dick Wil- Steven' book of the farm, on, United Stale' History. Fru t Culture, Laud .Measure, Natuial History, Parley Geography, Stoddard' Mental arith. Tower' algebra, Thompson' high school and mental arithmetics, Wnbsler' and Sanders' new series school book, Webster' large family Dictiouury, Irviu'i cyclopedia of moral and religion anecdotes, American Ibutcr, Mapping plate, Railroad aud Road, Teaching, t uller s Works, Practical Landscape Gardening, Boihuod of Great Men, Archbishop, Mercantile .Morals, Youat, horse aud cattlo doctor. Mechanic' companion, Small agricultural works, Bibles, of all sizes, ila many other valuable books. ALSO PRESTON'S MAP OF OUEOON and WASH INGTON. A Fresh Supply of Stationery t Day-Books and Journals, Memorandum of all x.s, note, letter, cap, and bill paper, envelopes, pen and pencils, elates, writing book, etc. i,'. i .i 1 oi w i vis j. n P. 3. GOODS exchaneed and th nigheat market price paid for butter, eggs, bacon, cluck ens, flour, and almost anything th farmer ha fur sal.. WM. D. Ac CO. Oregon City, October 4, 1856. J . Harness Maker dfc Saddler, THE subscriber ho bought out th eatahl'sh rr.ent formerly owned by A. K. Post, and i o..w carry ingoa Ihe M Alt A fcS aud SAUU 1.E RY business in all ita branches; the LIVERY STABLE belongiuglo the establishment, i also ept up, when horse and carriage ar Cuiwtuiitly pt lor the ccorumodation of the soblie. Ilorar left at my stabb,, wdl nlwaya be treated with par ticular auention, nod well ftd. 1 have been coo nected with lbs seubnelnnent fur sihim, four years, and am now permanently located, wliera I aball al ways be happy to wait oa all who may favor ma ,tli a call. W.B. PAKTLOW. Tb best of TIMOTHY HAY kept cuaaunt, ly ou hand. Oregon Lrtr.Ucl. JO, Ibtt-tllf. Wanted! O ATS. barky, pouiuee, hUr, agg, bacon, lard tt , (or which we will pay easu ar trsde. THRESHERS AND COMBINED REAPERS AND MOWERS. I 'ft 4 5 MVMs.sM.'fWlj,ls Ca.AL.. r. CaUrad aeeordlng to Act of Congress In Ihe OflOTof lb DialrL-t Court of tb Lulled WE HAVE NOW ON THE WAY FROM NEW YORK, A LAltOK Nl.vib&ii u th above mentioned machines, and expect them lo arrive alioul lh first of AIy next. Farmtr wishini anything of lb kind would do kea for. , , . . The THRESHERS sre from two lo six horse power, ol both kiuds, weep and endlea cha.n, and ar of th moat improved hard now used Iu Ihe State. W oiler them from $ 100 lo 8050, MANNY'S COMBINED KEAl'Llt AND MOWER, which ha luken th premium for Ihs bs romainril macbin now iu us at all th exhibitions in Ihs Slate duiiug the part year, ws oIRr lW."hsveslBonth.w.y,tn srrive sbmit lh. same time, HOVY'S STRAW CUTTERS. o( nam sum,r will, annd assortment of carpenter' tools and hardware feiierally, including craiu cradles and scythe, susihs, anJ mowing which w will !l low lor casn. January 31, 1S57. filanlon1 Xuraerf, V STANTON. Fruit Culiuri.t, at the 4 NORTH-BKN D Fiuil-Farm, ou Sa- 22 lru prairie, four miles north suit from Salem, hae, for sale, th following choice (elections of gruf.ed tree, of Tsriuiu sgs, ftom on to Ihre year ) vii: ATPLE3. taxes. Jersey Sweeting, Early Hanreet, Carolina June, Hweet Bough, July Bough, Summer Queen. illiams tavorit, Red June, Red Asiraehan, Sweel June, Grareuetelu, 'ALU Alexander, Fall Beauty, Hlberi.irt Crib, , Rosa Nonpareil, Sweet Pcarmuin, Sweet Swaar, Waxen, or Goto, Dwarf, Early I'eunock, Fall Pippin, wiKri. Tewkihnry'iW'r Blush, Green Newton Pippin, Ilubardsou' Nonsuch Northern Spy, K. 1. Greening, Gloria Muudi, Lady Apple, Virginia Greening, Tulpy Hocking, Milam, Itoxhury Russet, Yellow New'u Pippiu, Wine Apple, Red Peurmain, Winter Queen, Newark King, American Pippin, While Pcuriuaiu, Rambo, Caroliun Applo, Baldwin, Newton Sp'tzeiiberg, Vt'esllK'ld seek uo f th'r Doinine, , Dutch Mlguon, Behiiont, Twenty Ouncs Apple, Genilen, Red Ramanits, Red Wiua Sap, Blue rvarmatn, Michael Heury Pippin, Black Heart, P- uud Pipp'n, Monstrous sweeting, Bellllower, Ksnpua Spitzenb.Tg, Gulden Russet, llolleud Pippin, Wimcr Swevt, Melon. Lady's Sweitlug, PEAKS. Columbia, Louise Bonne D. Jer., Julienne, Flemish Besuty, Maria Louisa, Fall Butter, Early Beurrs, I'ouud Pear, lJarinburg, Buerayanca, Chomontell, White Duuyan, Fins Gold of Summer, Josephine D'Melun, Vicar of Wiuklield, Croeane Bergamot, Darborn's Seedling, Triumph D'Juin, lWa Colinur, Hurtlet, Mooa' Paar, Virgiilue, Dutch Du Aligtleau, San Jose, Early Butter, Clapp's Early. PLUMS. Jefferson, Red Damask, Green Gage, Yellow Gaje, Namp Red Carnation, Royal Ann, Kent sh, Washington, Sweet Damsun, Smith's Orleans, Coo's Goldeu Drop, CHERRIES. Downton, May Duke, Vanschaiek, Black Murello. Black Eagle, Mv nursery compris-s about Forty Thousand beautiful graft of the foregoing varieties, of Ihr fly growth from one In three yeurs old. I huve also a nurservof about Twenty Thoueuiid seeding which I wish lo sell. A.STANTON. Salem, Oct. 22d, 18jG,-28u-Cnl. TIlO 'ltHIHlllH M'IH"I. y I HAVE now in my NURSERY ou the 52 MoiUicello I'm in, Howell Prairie, Marion co., a very large NURSERY OF CHOICE TREES, from one lo two years old, embracing all the vari eties of 'Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, &.C., brought to (hi country by J. W.Ladd, which I oiler fur ale low for onsh. Those who aio expecting le purchuse tree tbi winter, are requested to come and look at my nursery before making thoir final purchase. O 1 am determined to si ll on verv reasonable term. SAMUEL SIMMONS. November 8, 1856. 3utf Nnriory. I HAVE now for sale at my nunery, about mid way between Oregon City and Milu aukie, sev eral thousand ArrLr of thrifty growth, em bracing all the tiioicKST VAaiKTirs or fkuit ever brought to Oregon. My trees are from one lo two years old, and for tu and beauty are unsurpassed. I am now ready to wail on customers, and shall he happy to furnish trees to all such as see fit to give me a Call. Come and see my nursery before you purchase elsewhere. 1 have also a quantity of fluus, aud quince far sale. ORRIN KELLOGO. Nov. 8th, 1850. 30tr. Oregon and California I'ackel Line. THE following vessels will run in con nectinnaaa UKGULAR LINE be tween PORTLAND and SAN FRAN CISCO i Bark OCEAN BIRD, Wioaias, Master, CIIAH. DEVENS. HrtLrr, " NAIIL'MKEAG, Williaxs, " Brig I. B. LUNT, KiciuansoM, The Bark hava all been coppered recently, and are in first-rate order, commanded by experienced captains. Freight will be carried at the lowest rates. Pioduce aent from any part of the country to Oregon Cily, or lo the Linn (lily works, will be re ceived and forwarded lo San Francisco. -Ausxr GEO. ABERNETHY St CO., Orrgon Cite. ABERNETHY, CLARK CO., NoV 22, '56-3 f San Francisco. PRESTON'S Sectional and Comity MAP of OREGON and WASHINGTON TER RITORIES for aal by auIG CHARLES I"OPE,Jr. XT E WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for V good WHEAT at thmsrka pric. oIS CHARM AN f WARNER. MORE NEW GOODS, at CHARMAN Jr. WARNER'S. 0 REGON HAMS and SHOULDERS fornito by al9 nAnnr.n. GLASS, Qoeenworc. and CMeWery. at rl5 1 CHAM y d w-AR.teF S a, tr- t il i .1 " tf i i i t a i ii ye.r IHSrJ, by William l. Kai nv. In lb Clerk I State, fur the Northern Mitrlet of New urk. well to sail tiny, as a nuinuer nav? aireauj oeen arytliea, fork, shovel, spades, hoes, Ac, cVc-, all of . sr..,m.; Mnn St., oppotite the l.u vjet, uregon tity. OREGON CITY Wholoiale Prices Current. I'OSSKL'TKB WrEKLV. tins oootis. i oarua at asDicisaa. Sheeting, 4-4.... Sali:iiJOpr.ctverN. Y.cort, Drilling 11,! rnouues. Bleached drilling 1J. Wheat, pr. bu,.... $1,00 shirting, llalGOais du 0 SlriiMd do i?j Potutoe do 50 Tick ui IdalfiOuiona do...4Ual ill) Deiiin li'i'rwiif o.,2 Blue drilling. H Corn Meal, TresU . lOaWi rauiT. I'luid liusey. Sutinet.. nuilliei ...,v,'; uu." -1 Kentucky jeans. ..5.'o4.Vl'eaclies, dried do Ill Tweed 55a7U) 14 do pealed raisT. ' Chili, dried. 21'ufii .lUa'Jli " dneu oo i.-jau Blue and white I'd! Illue aud orange 12; Pork, clear Faiicy Hals! me Furuitiire du lllaMiHam do. wide.l2j:Uuco-n M. do laiiic 14u2,ii ruwuxa Gingham Iaa;iljard, pr ca.., Alpaca SSufill! pr kef. ..none. 88u30 15 14 ....915 ... 10 Table damask 50uT5 uor ninths tlSavltkl l.-4tnall size... ..2,aS Irish linen dOufliBuck 3u3l CI.OTIIINU. LEA'J. Sheep gray puute 8- i '' Sutiuel do. .'JJaSlWhitu lead, ill oil. Fancy case. do. ...i lu5j coauAua. Iliunk cans, do. 5l5u7..lttnilla, small D...I A,,'! diirli fit lalti " lurrro ..51) '.' . 2ft ,..S5 I lino do. d. l.alllmp 0al5 Hickory lihirl 5uij canolks. Calico do sj'.litpAdmantine 37a40 boots fc iiok. jSperin 6005 Men' kip boots8iii4J; ciuaih. uper do. do....lEH;IIavana JlOaHO 11 fine sewed (i J'ti'rinau IOu!15 Bov' kip bo,ii..'....S4'niericun t)2050 " he'vy w'x dujll 1 12 ToaAOto. Men' brg'spr. dox-.liiPrideoftho Uniou.40n4a " kipbrg'spriluz8'.'0;Suu 3035 " calf sewed do..J2l;Luko'a..... 37 Woinau' h'vy h'.tl3i iiAatWASS. fine do 5H5i-Shovrl -8814 oaoctRtts. (Spade ColTeo Ma 1C! Axes 9l2n30 Tea 50tt5IMillsawa U0a$li Sugar, no. I Chi'a... . I liZ cutsawa 75a$l,SS cruhed Hi; I able cutlery, 10 perct Salernlu 10ulb' advance on N. Y.cort Smn-h 1411'ockeloullory, 23 prci Syrup K Boston... Sl,8l'i advuuee. do. S Island 'JtiJOlher article of hM N O MohiMc . wars from 20 lo 50 pr Liv. Salt! cl advance. Tub'o Salt ;!,i4;Nttil,na'dize,prkg97 Sandwich 1. Salt.. 2a2j'' " hor.-bos...25aa5 Pepper S-i " Allspice .toILuinp $Ua$ll Ciniiamou lJ0uHn!.iiieed boil Ijf2ii2i Soap Ball'furpciitiiieprgau' $'i GEO. AIHIKXCTHY & Co , MERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, O. T. Abornetby, Olark fc Co., AMU ruHWAKtil.tO MRBC'll.tXTS, Sun Francisco, Cal., Will attend to seliiiu Oregon produce, and fill or ders fur Goods, Groceries, Sin., at tha lowest rate, The putrnitage uf llio people of Oregon I re pcctfully solicited. Aug. 2. IiUirlbor, Lumber . riHK Oregon and Traiisporlalion Co. L have established a LUMBER YARD on lbs river bank iu rear of the tor of Allan, MuK.ulay du Co. Lumbet in large or small riuantitie, Including, dreiuwd siding and flooring, can always be had by implication ul llio store nf ' F. S eV A, HOLLAND. Oregon City, May IU, 185(1 Jnat llvitcived, 1 NEW aud general assortment of DRY- i GOODS, coiniisling of Do Laine, JuConet, Hook Miishii, eroes-barred Muslin, Edging, Iner lion, liuhli in Ladies' hose, collar, Ac, Ac, Also, BUOKS end STATIONERY. CHARLES POPE, Jr., ug 10 M'B Hl- XHsuolntlon of Oopartncrablp. niHE copartneisbip heretofore existing between X the subscribers under the firm of Batow Sl Ca wus dissolved by mutual consent August 16lli, 1850. Persons indebted will plcoae inak pay iiisol to Joe. Ifurstow, who will receive all debt duo th late fiim. ' JOS. BAUSTOW, W. CORBY. Cunemah. Sept. fl, 1850. 21 7os, Barstow IS by himself, and would n.-jwctfiilly say to hie friend and the public generally that h i thankful for putt patronage, and will continue bust nee at lh old stand, and will aver be ready tu how hi Ooodi to tho who may favor him with a call. Come one, come all, boih great and small, and give him a cull before purchasing elsewhere, aud examine for jourselve hi spfeudid aud select lock of DRY OOOPS, PROVISIONS. CLOTIU INU, ROOTS, SHOES, ind CROCKERY Tea, Pugar, ColTee, Spikes, &c., itc, Hut. Nails Brooms, A.O., and almost every thing peilainmg to, a geueral line of business. All kiud- of sesuUtjl prorliice token ill exchange. Couwtry fr.end wiU lilid il to their .l vantage lo giv MM a coll. Cimemali.Sepl. 6. Slaak Books. A FRESH supply, and firt-rt aetoUneat of XX. full and he-if bound BLANK BOOKS, just received ex "Youug America." Pnsa Books, Sheep o4 Tuck Meinoronduim, Monthly and) Weekly Tune Book. Receipt Bunks, Shipping, nasi Siorehowe, and Cash Copying Pro Hook, Sobe4 Wriung books, M niatur Bliuka, Not, DrafU, Bill Lading, ico., tie. Nouy Carrier' Boik aud Stationery Co., No. 64 dc M Long Wharf, aod 97 aep. S0-m3 Battery t., Son Froacuwo. 0 vou want Hay Forks. SpeArsaed ShorcbS 1 ,f niiitVA V A WAK.SERA van , . 3