( ii 9 13 H il p ii SI I 1.4 r , ft 4 I iJ 7 I , to 5?. '.ft; "4 i ' iv: lit'-' -J3. i 11 Xrtkln. MUHtMe.Th Tien Ylc A la fcaratag kiting. The New York I'iuitytino Im cmipllud totna lntretih;( fuels In (Iio following urii licit, fur which it ii reoniula ; Severul of 'our coieinjMirarie Itavin"; lately occupied ihcrruelve willi statistical rtielea, allowing (ho loss of time and nion tjr wliicb it incurred Ijr clieiiig tobacco, rooking cigar, and driuking ruin, f, desiring not to la bctiind lite ago, intend to prenrnt tho public with a few statistic i to the amount of time wliiili la wasted in earning a living. - . , Aa a general rulo may nay that mm of butlnta spend about iiiue 1nnr wrtluy in their atorni, which, willi three ijuarirr i( n hour occupied io going down town, and the tame limo in returning lionv, mould make ion hyur and a lialf er day. Tea boar and ahulf per dny fornix d.ij n in the week ia sinlylliree hour'), to which being added tweko hour fr Sunday (the wl:jl -of that day l.-iitg tinial! devoted ij iMtik. ing of the alore) give seventy. five hour per is 3,0'JO hoiu'it pi-r ntiti'iin, nnd eupposing a man to livo ll.ue score and n n jeare and devote filly of thr year (i bus iness, we have llie fearful result of I'J.i.lJOO hour in a I if limo wasted In rnrtilnj; a Jiving,' 103',0fl0 wLii.li he nihi lave lonfud at the corner grocery. Allowing fifteen minutes a limit necessary f t drink, ing a wLiky punch, o find tlutt a man vf seventy year of agr," w bu but ijx ol fifty of them in LusIiimi, tniglil , have dr:ink 790,000 whii.y punches or allowing Lalf an hour for imukiug a clgur, he might have imoked 390,000 cigars. Calculating a little let for a cLew of fol.ncco, he in-lil hare masticated 635,000 quid of t'le Iuiliau wted, tad that without diicronching iu any way oo hit prctent hour of recreation. . Looking upon it in a more literary point of view, wo thall find that in fifty yeara waited in earning a living, a man niL-U have read 2,340,000 bytnn, or he inlit (allowing a dny per vol.) have rent! 10,.V'O volumci vf rtuiiuor'a Ili.tory uf tli.i United 6tatr, or ifbbvt with a strong conl it g- tion be itiTlit have perused 0 volume of Abbott' History of Niipolunn. : If, howevor, we luppose tho inan to time Indulged in the vice of earning a living to only a limited extent, consuming only half the time w estimated in our cnlcula tion, which would be Ave and one fourth tSoura per day, and had lie dovotud the re maining five and ono fourth to iiiixcVllniie out pursuit, ho might huve hud iie follow ing list of enjoyment by the lime lm ruichid the age of seventy t . , He might have road ono vulumo of Ab bott't Lli.tory of Xapulcon. He might have rud 0,W0 vnjumr of Bonner' Child's Uiatory of the United State.'' , , ,. '; ' .- ;; ' .. He might have ung 205,000 Hymn.. ' ' lie might bavo chuwed il30 Quid of Tobacco. ,... ... i i . . ' ' He might have smoked 4'.',800 Cijars.' : He might have drank C-,000 f unchoii. He might havo had thi vd.st array of njoyiiieut and tat alt onriioil a livinp, with the consolation in hia old ago of having lived a jolly ifo and bting a'w'iior bikI Letter man. i 03 At tho end of. tho jiru'cnt year Orotna Green nnd border morrinji's will be prevented. J By an act passed ut the lnt teision of 1'ailinmrnt it is 'provided that after Deo. 3lst, lS5f), "no irregular mar riago coQirnuteil In Scotland by i!co!arn tion, acknow ledgment, or cervmnny IihII bo valid, unless one of the panics had, nt he date lliereof, In or hor tiKiml place of Tesi'Jt'tico there, or liud Invd in Scotland fur twenty ono duya next proct ding such ninn SiiNSinLK 1 orroit.-KA Inimotne young wmuw appiiuu to a pliyMciaii to r-lifv her of three ilistivMMi C(jiii;!uiiiii. w it It wnicti hiio was nlllii ud. '. ' ' 'In tho fir.t plaei'.,' mi! J kIic, 'I itx or no appetite, j What would bo tl best to tnke r.ir that V . Tor thai, Madam, vuu li"ntd luko air ml excr:iM,' ' ... . And, Doctor, I a)n'iii.-"(idi'fty nt ni;;it nnd afraid to lie ulon?. What shall I liilie jr that i' ....... ...... ; .. 'for ihnt, madiim, I ran only recommond lhat Vou take a lui-liuiul "' 'Fiet doctor. Put I hao llio blue terribly. What shall ( t.-.k. lor that f 'For that, Madam, you h.ivo Leai.lcH ta king air, esroio, and a huband, to take a nowapapvr.' ' - ' v Sviititdo doCfor ihal.' , ' fr" Not luna hiiiee a youth, older in wit than years, uficr biiu catchii''d cn ceriiiu tho pmvpr of tloil, rrplied, 'Ma, I think there'ii onu thing (.;,.) tnn't do.' 'What I. lit" eag-rlv imnii,L.d tliu mother. ' 1 Ood can't make Hill Jonea mon: anv bigger without settiiiji hi ears buck. ' (fiT Major N , upon being n,krd if he wa seriously injmid at ilia bursting of Ue boiler on a Kteiimer, replied that he a not, as he had been blon up no many timet by hia w ifo tljnt a mere tteanivr ix. ploiiou bad no edict on him whatever. fcT" The pit is die!osed ; tho future eouoealod in doubt. And yet human na ture i heedlcs of the pat and fearful of tn rut u re, regarding not the science and experience that pal ague have un veiled. ftMr. Opie aid, talking of Pyron, " Hit Voice watsuch a voice Ih devil tempted Eve with ; you fl-ared ita fascin ations lh ntonv n! you hear it." OO" The London Tinir wa first print, d by ttcam io ISH, and has kept tht vutry to hot jier trcr tin-.e. ' XJCoUaad A VVyto, ( FIK raoof Dfilclf M Uf.MO, ) j.i.v sr., oni:uox city, KEEP eowuiit! h 4 full Mwrtniml i.f il f-H.mj article Uili U IIuUjAI.K nd lit t AIL I unr (toons: K lurjs luiiitiiy, toiuitiu pi'ilv at print f all k ini, ihiriuw, EiiUli ul Ytrurh lw.'H, A l.inr, lt,,r.y 111(1 black lk, lir.liuin, lilMll:(,', t ckn.gi, Uee.li, iwinwnl, eutiwiiidra, liirkof)t, druinw. dnlliti, Mimcli, b.u, uca, (, auu limed, die., fto. GHOCKIIIKS: A well I'elcd eworlmrnl, la rt eni;lnf of tuffr, aufl', lr. ni, "p, cjiiJIm. fru'l, lluur, buliiT, bcn, "r, (; r, m.t, ileralu. ip p.wd.r.ibk ponder, )r.iwwdcr, (i.npuwdor, ao CLOW I SO: Mich Uack fr.M'k, H ' k, mid kliau;lil ro.it, uf enmctt, rax.uiilr, Itnl. i.d el.ah j vr(. biir, hk, IV k lin, rluih, n l eniNi, l mn fancy) foil", a lr '.nm.t of itokin, cm nicr. i lo.lt, jrmia, mIiim I, linu, and all oihor ku .'n) halt. ph ; ovrr aiM uud r lnrl j 'a k, ImudlificlmK aud craU, and a liiouand iHhur Hnuy-, tucli a . LOOTS S, SHOES, wumra's ruurc and line fm bl k nd col- on-il (fail, it, liji r, Ac. j nrm e.ilf liof, hhl Hid lirmy liKvana, k p and rn f b"0', calf and rn.inii Ird gii'.tcru, bj mid clulJiru'a boot, tllof a, and tjniti t. A In, iikiIj. t k, htaiMniT', liHtciicta, awa, a-, .it!,. . rcrU, Hiinr., ak. JT Hir nbiva ifoo-H will l.o ro:d at lha Inwrn niarki-l nitrn. ' All kiniia uf rolui.t Uiku In ax- cbaii'.'e lur (t.wHlf. Ml. IV, r -b. y U M. LICt. K. PALTua. I'Elt.S, A.O., HAVE rivrirrJ aiil i.tHr furtulc, 4000 A I. a. .in nli tf Imd, a.. I (;iJ"m baled IiUA'i d o.I, SO!) " r.uv " 3j0 " luii'n;'n, lii'O " TiWimi'k Xn. I furu'tiirevsrnMi, ISO couch SOU " J,ipaa ' lUu'l Iba of puny, 6 d"i Adaiiia 6-10 bru.lin, 6 huIi tO"l u'irt d, 10 picaauf Ital'.iU, 10 " dlwi, ' 100 lbs of Small' amortcd color, 3 grow of eaiiii l and table hair pencil, 5500 II of Klin, bxlO, UI3, MiU, IUxIj. Gltiii d null, any nuaulil y, of tliu following a lv and price: fill', Sl.'.'a per window, lllxlr!, .,t)D " Dxl3, 4,00 " Knit, 4,.'.0 10xj, fi.OO " Mrr. I- St. t). wnii'd rnpcolfully call ttis at taiuiiiu of lite liade and (be public grnaully to ex. amine llieiialock befura piircliaiii!( rlw-wliar. LUCAS ic UALTtlN, June 28, lbVifl, , Enuit (., 1'uriUaJ. CLOTIIIMG WARCUOl'SE. V7m. Q. Sadjcr, 109 DATTERV ST., CORNMR OP MP.ItCltASTS, SAN I'RAXCISCO, Aijty IMrOKTER ..f e ry variety of ;iuli. iiji iuit and f'nrn li ne (.iiwla ; ulto of Ducka, iJrilla, Nlicclini;, lilul.tn ln, llala, Uiml uud JJru gun, lijrrmul arrvuh linn rai'nvrd vrry b.rgo mviiicga of lli must tlii-irul.lo ttylcs uf CI.OM1 l.NCf, and it ia Ilia LAnucur aroi'K cvit ollitrrd in lliianiaik.t. 'Jin; (juo'ln at intiiiiifacturrd nndrr my onn biiii'rvirin, nnd uf I ho l.mt inulciiul, well cut, lurgj men, unci inudc iu llie inuotduiuble manner. Trudcr from tho cniinlry arc invitee to examine litis hcuvy rtuck, uud tin')' will find the prion Uiwr.n thua lliry cun bo fuund l In; where iu tho ni.iikel. rurp?iner mny rely on rirrivaig tho bent and inont pn'i nliV cniN, n r ich atltcla i tfinirantlid. UUl).;i:.S KIIO.M TllECOL'M'ltY ptompt. ly and raw fully atlcndfd to. lO.Ol'O p;iii annrtcd r.mcy coti.'inrra pants, lO.mlo , " awiinrd fminv uud plain Mil el do., 7.HO0 " " linrii pan:, 9,1100 '' ' Coidyrar'aruMH-rpaatt, 1 .0o0 (loodyeur's while rubber coal, 2.0 cimo llonilycur'a K.ujr and short robber bout, I 200 ' niia't' b'lols. -. 1 It tluzeu aupcrll.iniicl orrrahirt! 300 " fum y c.is'imore ovrmbiiti, . , 1,000 " whao hirt, .- . . UUl) " Inuvy biikiiry ubirt, ' i fiCO " livuvy cla'ck hirtrf, 3110 " Mrrriiiinck i-lrtH, U. 0 1( luiiilii. uij.il iinilti.hirta, 3 JO " r. nulla umlrrhhii:, S00 " fjrry fiunn I niidi'iliirlit, 1"i0 11 lumlii' nl ilritu rn, 2"i0) " bli'iichcd (liill drawers, 1,,'iUU ovoral.'s, oOO " Uvmiiii trucli', 1,!JII0 " ciuiitry-knit woul kocIi, , 1 ,J00 " heavy h Io and mi.eit cotlan do., 1,0110 piecea mipfr e lk picket liundkercliiu!', jno dozen miwr black ci;K ueekercliii'l, -. . SOU " cambric liam.'kabii fs, . 300 " rubber bull, . ' CIO " ' bliuk glove, 40!) bikktin K..ld lingi, . ' ; 1,000 (hiekiii huniue eontH, 400 bla. k elelh Iratk coals, 2,000 r.iwnited overcoat, " tiUO " P a cniil, 3,01' 0 silk, cl itli, and velvet vet, . ' SO bales blue mid while blanket, ' 60 A Mioelinj, ' ,M " drill, . 1 30 " amirlecl dtte!;, 1 Ml crises tint tell hals, lt.O " ati-atv liai. Tor tale by '' ' W.M. ti. UAlKU'.li, Wlio'eiiaie Clollrtvr Wiirelioie, Nu 10!) ll itterv, ear. Mereli.uit a;., Sail rraiK'nco. iN. II. No goo! a 'd nt leiail. t u s t u i: c i: i v u J :0 lib!uu.l hll'bbl.1 X I) fumt .'III " " ' euhct" 4 no HwN'ol Cliinn ' 10 hit' bills t'uriihit! rice, l. " dri.d apides, : ke,i 10 bll I. bis pa..lies, ' tOooll lbs l,ivi rpo,.l alt, " 10 eaav table nlr, . . M) bid Santa Cru li.i.e, 50'MI llm muiiillu roj.e, anu'd fiea, li'O keg null, " ' ' 6000 qr Hour rks, ... , i 6 bale drithii, 1 3 ounea u'd pi fruit, : 1 pickk, j - Si) bundle window anidi, aaa'd aitea, 24 paiiiklduom, " 8 dot iml oTaiiit Konia. 100 aaek Rio votlee, 10 niuta blac k pepper, 10 balra oakum, , 100 miilii and dmibla block, sa'd sixes, . . . 6 gnu 1" JL M yeal powders, 10 doz iiK wash board, M'O (jaUti. I. yriis 400 il while lead, pur, WO " lid " 40 gal copal varnish, 13 dot Aiiut bruuhe. a sixes, 11 " 3 hooird bucket, 2.10 gaU bod. 4 United oil, 100 raw " Tofoikw wnh a ewnl avortmrnt f If.lRD WA KtS . CAKPBS TfiKX' TOOLS. All of bi.h w pnvuMi aelbug at pneo la suit tho Iiiue. Call aud r (at yourarlrv. W.C. DEMENT CO., Mala oppwu the Laud Otfios. Oregon City, April 19, ItOti. Fnll Ore;o Tiuiotbr tl. 1 Kfi fl'HEUS iul rrs-iM an I .! X t) J low by It M. C. DLM EST 4 CO. DO vaa waal nvktn varn f W't hare it. a'ult CHAK V.i.V 4 WARXBK. ftyO pick fan.-y ahoe, elllier la lie' or j.nlle J. men's, eallal anl CJURXAN 4 V AKNLR 3. V. & HAIL LINE. Orr -un City awl J'orltuwt JJuiltf J'aclet, Tt n Tonalo CUrb, -l J. C. XI.-.nWOUTIt, MiSICt, U .,1 iiiu daily, (-"ti !) etc. ard ) iu lb abort r.imrd Ha !, b vn gfirjut t I r. ry day all uVlxk, . m llrtui. in.', will leat I' riUiid at ) r M.. li.ti. liiiij ul a I ii.l. rnicsluiB M nia. t'ur fMi'hl ot , a'.p'y na boaid. apil-tf C0aVALLI3 THADU (IK Mil AN'. CASH A l)V & Co. an la.w r.n,n ntf in irmnor av. I lllilixt, if 1i'.ii Ul Ii ii. I.urili. n, in Ih ( or .l iir ic'e Will !i. I'.tXI.MAil u M.Htday. tVrdu'xIita, and I i il.it , al B k. M. I ciilil llureed by lii ti,.,..frmenI.M Cm: lilt. I V, 1 'A USA D V - CO. Ori".'.ni 'iiy, Ni.v. n, 'i'. ilif I o r 1 1 a 11 ii a i l .1 a 1 a r I a , Tlnf .' n'i l s.e.iir , a.2 u 1 1 u 0 u t h ,'r. TTII.f. cniiii'inornnre.-.i'irlj belae n I'ort- V I. 1 1 nnd A.m. in. a ill Vanemive r, TWIi a wtix, Iravmj I'. rila .d on M1.11 lay an I I lmr-l.iy ni'.fitnii' nt culIi wr'k fir A.l irm: and Al "to fur I'cil .iml i n Tue!.iv and K1id.1v v,iu'h.k, UMielni.g Vm on t,M. 1 1 i'l ri, Itoira.Ctrn. Umlt, Ac. a Ij way. 'J-'ik ir-' .'lit or p4a,'i., aj ;'y 10 I!. Il YT, .Mier. Jelff Oral !(;. t' I; jtf-b .l, rmtland. VT. 2. Saras, . WAGOX AM) CAltltiAUi: MAtilR, o it r 0 o .1 c 1 t v, n. t. ' IT Strict all. nt'oii pa'J to n paiiinj, ami enti fact n In pat. mi. Warian'rtl. feb'J-43 ;s"r:::t i:iT;-:f.. Mo; n :.. '"''" I'ro it m t Kirat !., roRTLAXP.O.T. h.U. SMtTIf. M1111.I1 I "1, I" itl.H IVojitiriiir. JTv (J.COI.l.lKil IJOlli.l.N'S luiioonliiid tti l'n. t iu.iiinent m Jt.yi'lll.HY rver laiui'hi Io Or- 11. 'Hi -.it uvul eouila in part of Ihrfii l iwinj ili.le IJiamuui. briMibei, U'ttinnnit filial. Gold ruilway lime-keeprr, I.adiea' wulclie,in eu.meltd caws, I.adir clia:rlni ni, Aliawie ear-riug, Gold Ih mbles, kid and silrsr pens, Caid cae, uiaulvl ornament, Card basket, pearl oasltrl, Gold guard, vet, and tub chain, tlrev bnlliiiM, hiri ituds, Ijud.e brtjocl.r. and a variety of other good b o nuiutrou to men' ton. Cull slid aeo llis m.vit maulflceut dl-play of Jewelry ever sni 111 ' m-jan. G.coLMiirtnorinixs, March 23. 1'ii.ut strret, I'ortland. Backs! Bacilli fTllIE iinirrifneil liu couaomlly na band at hi X lick ii.niiiilactory in Oirton City, HACKS of all ipi.dilicuund ii , winch will be euld a low n the) can be bnii.'bt ill llio Tcrrihiry. Older fioin a dihtauo promptly attend, d tn. Wji. WUITLOCK. "Oiegon City, Mny 3, 18.1G.-lty. X7m. C. Scncnt l Co., At tiV old tlaud, opp-ullt Hit La.ti Qjice, VUR now n c iv'nr pr balk "Ork" and brig "iiulr.yi 11," llie I'o.lowiug gmala : l.'O li..erperai and adaiuaul lie canjles, JO kt j diie I n 1 p'e and p aches, 1 00 bhla ani It'f bbls cru-he J ti'ar, 50 cn-.'Kpekl.H, K0 " fieili pe I'.lie, 0 " p'e fi nils, 10 tun (i. A. rail, CROCK MY .J- Cr.ASS-TTAREt f,00 dnz ei.jM uud taucer, , . 300 " pint., . . 20f) " lm:.hlers ' t'O " water pitcher, " -Snirir bowls, tra poia, ifcc, &c. OILs'fl'AIXTSt . SOo kt'irs puni lend, .2o0 uala lin.-ie.l oil, 100 iii luijH aline, . . 50 gal v iruli.li, , n, : 300 gal lamp oil, 100 eiiI luid " .. . - DRY GOODS 1 000O yd bruwn sliccling, 5000 " print, . llleiielied eotion. bed tieltinz, i&c., ccc, all of which n .11 be mild ua low as iliey cm be pnr- chaw d at any niher hai;r in UieirniiCily. inayli I'ttiiiiturs. riMIE tnliK'i'iber Inis jiiNt reei'iv- t-r Jl e.l Inrge supply of 1'Uit.NI-? -j., '1 CUE of ull (lecr!ii on, coniLt-'KJ' ini in part a lollow Sor.is, nuiho i.iy und black Hulnnl; I'llUllllwr els;' liiuea.iH, willi or without marble tons; Olfiee !esl:n; Rocking chair, fli'ff.d ill hair, carpet, aud with cane nnd vou I seal?; Dining clu.ir, cane and won 1 sent; , Llillce cl.uir.-., iio do do Children' do, liii-h din'ng u.nl rocking; lled-dta 1, various kimb-; Tab!. , ctn'er, card, und dining; Willing di', k i; M'd.-buatil; 1'urlor el.ui.; -Settee; ': i '(.".-..-' i " Reading, toilet, nud wo;k tub!ej ! I.o tk n-jilas!'; Mnltrew a. liuir,iuoss, and wool; NVnidow shade; ,; i I'uiiilii i; I'aper liai.ginj, of every st le; Oilcloth; Cliiinw iiiattiiir;: ilnid lamps, and burn ilietlud; with a vurietv of other anblea loo ! numeioim lo nieniion. IVi wuis w.!i,ng lo purchase will plea. cull an I exjiii'iie for ihctu.elM'H. A.I kilel ol'c.iunlry proline taken in exchange forjriRHl. TilOo. JOIIN.SON. M.ireh 3'J, l(?aii, Jt)if F. II I G II I" I ELD, DM TC1I-.VA KER. ler. iiu deinoii of g, liiu "end work done will do well lo give me a cull, ay my whole lime is de Voted to tho Hparmg of ( .'lirouo.uei.er, Lever, Duplex, and lliiriioiiiul waMie. An ineoitiiiriit nf Jewelry oa hand. Jewelry inn le toord r, aiid repaired. I'rice lo Miil ihe limra. I uin Ihaiikful for past favor, and hope to r eal'sfa. tton iu fulure. llj" l.ivuted in Ih old .a ' I, nipos;ie the Tel egMphOtlnv, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. Wtio Want3 a Good Saddle ? MMIE sub-riher, living five m.les outli-wet of JL l.afayette.in Yumtvill county, i uow currying on the butanes of Saddle Making in goixl earnest, lie kceix cou.-lantlv on b unt the Item saddles that eon be manufactured with the materia1 at com mand in Oregon. Tho- wih.ng a genuine saddle warranted to fit on both des, and riL' -ed out in complete style, cheap for cah, or jood trade would do weli logive me a cud. My shot ia Kituated on Bakers Creek n. nr where Ihe mad ernses it lead ing fmm Portland nud Oregun City,"" up couulry'1 o) in way oi om.in a tirwee on in rturlO tort, of I i ambilk IT" 1 keep every thine in lb aaddlerv line, aa Grids., Martingaiea. Halters. Line, eve , Ac Ma.vu--Jjlt. J. U. llAUKUSOX. it:ir:liui:r vw. XTrE, in add lion to our Gnery and Baking il buslaiaa, bar just received a good cud well selected stock of liRY GOODS, aueh as calieor, niual.us, mou da luine. at.nelt, tweed, neinucsy jeans, ce, A a alo a good asaortiiH-nl 1 of flannel, bed t ck ui. and drills D. L.t h.ud. ke.cn ,A aevk. rrlne Ac. all of which w, war- mul lo Le t tin- bv onalus, an I 1U tell a low a a be bought al any other bne in llie citv. YV aay to Ihe farmers, e can fill vour bilk .-am. J pieieiy, anicii w.n Hit you o uiut h troutu ia run ing ar , auu el here. aud . POCKET an I tb! eulb rv of final q ial tv, for , sal by CHARMAN WARNER. ' rrcw scots 1 rPIIK nl.Ki:brr ha juM le. t ved lalf X aurlmriii of IUiuK.S, d i.t (10111 Now Vmk, ainou aliitb air lb f 4 owing: Ah.M II Ul.f iluii., Allirr ran IfUlitlllioil, Kill. man's in. l,uc of llio finm 1, liriiHicracy In Am rica.'ltah l.ia a id necb, -Land and I-. e." I"l '. k suJ Vwl," Me an I h4 lor," 'Sb.p d Minn," n,r Year l. (Vlfor . IIjiuo Cob.p .tin, Cyo. ' l.ileiatam, l.'g pi and ll.v IIo')Ennd lluel.an r ant. Ill) II , Uir tueron M ill I.n.nir, Manual of Kmo A't, Vu.i'l M'liia.l. li. , l tur 0.1 Iba .UU, Tr.ivrla iu I'. ru, l.ii,r K::i..iw, .M.,hii' riibuwrliy, ,1 li 1 ce li...r i.hy, ,'rnit an Anl. jiiilli, lioire I! 1 1 B I, V utitl u I, eta. ' ,',ltl c.p c of .ulid. i h-p- l.er, ,'.I) ' " Uea.ler, S',0 MefJn.Tey' di. .,0 'ib,ier'a )i ti.niirir. ; PavW .Mnel 'a, N'ev nniir Uliriojlo, dr. niriry, ii.y i!i. Hour !, I'.irb 'a I'irv. liiory, " HillVfJilrj, (I Ki ll ill' I'i. t. V. h., " lu'eudle, MlMllehll' ( iVuruphy, " Aniantelc, l.ltll Sp nker,"' TlioiupM.a'a do. i Auiriieaa Speaker. At.H'l, Afresh Cjntilof Etitloncrv. l)ay Itx-k", .iouii,.. lilji ln, Uceiud llonk. Memntaii linn, uf all m'e, 1'iar r. A c , Note mid l'irr lVprt Knvel.iie, reu, o., &o-l.ra Kline, 1. 1. ..ive l:n: h r, linui nd l.nhtU, rauei' Pi.a-.ii, IN E. in '' U,,A V ""tt'is. WlluUib.W.P. A.NU IlKTAIL. riiAKi.ii! roi'E, J. Oirgin City, Auguat if, Jfiii. , Jietr JeMvclli'r. TTAVIXtJ iip!i.)el "ti" nf Ih ln-'l Worliu Jl L Jew .l"t.li Ih rue.ric r".i.t, I am imw fully ptrjMie.i ki uiaiiu.a. toik tigiy decii.iuii oi J. welrv. . MuMm'e Je!ry, Odd I'tllnuV I'iu, T.lnj, AC , nui.tr In inder. Ilu'ruv i in ally d tn. Cull ua 1 . ip c iiiu nf wnrli. t;. toi.i.ir.it Roonixs, X.Tl. I d vote my entiie nil, uiioii to repairing I in H ali'lic. G. ( ui.ul ttusui.M. I'ortlai.d, Di e. 23, M.'i oTll' TA) M..1 Alterului", I.'C.or;iit, uud I'iil. I t Cod Liver Oil, Co:nr O I, an I fcwci t (til, nt Ilia OltEGUX C I I V UKt'U .STOltE. A I tXICAS Mu:onif l.imirieul, O. W. AJer. 11. chaut' GarLlmg Oil, at lb OREGON CITY bKUOSl'OUE. rprniRSKS, ri.hl and led and doublo, and Ab I duminal up;.orirr, at the . OUEUON CITY URUG STORE. 1UI.E While la-ad, raw and burned Clilher, Croine. Grern uud Y. l'ow. and oilier piinlt, ulthe OUEGO.NUTY lUtG8l(UE. I)UKiarMKUY,ntlli OUEGON CITV DIU'G STORE. It VEEEX BEIK 1 MEUICIN E.S : Gruefeuberg Sarvapurilla, Uterine Cullinlieun. M llywntery yrup, consumptive balm, " Pile Outment, 1 llenlib Jiiiirr. 1 " Eye L't nn, &e., &.., To be found nt the ngpnnv of I he Conipnnv, nt the OllEGOX C I I V Dllt'G STOKE. nAYMAX'iS Dyspeptio Eli.ir warranted to cure the dviejiaia :u.l received mi.l fur uleul llie OREUON t i l Y DIIVU STORE. TU. ( iotl'a C 'inKiuud evtrucl ui'buisupjiilla and e eiluw I I1CU, Ul Ih fcpli uk.ei;u. tirv Lir.Lu sioin:, 0 LU Dr. J.ieob 't'oWiiKi ii l' tho OREGON (UTY V' La. iij..irilia, ut I'G Sl'iiRE. Dtf. J. Ayrc' celebrated Cherry Pectoral li.r cough, enl 1. and cou-ump! tu, ut I tin OREGON U I Y DllLU STORE. D!t-TJwniemi'.s;ana;i.:rll i. t llw OREGON CITY UKL'G.ToRii SIlAUEIt Sar-njnHlIu, nl hn . . OREGON till DREG STOIU s jt ANDs' Sar-a; a: iihi, in nny ipiuiiUiy, ut llio lli;i.Gl1t.llx D11LG js TO Eli. MO H-ATS Life Biilew na l P.ll, Ceruurd's Dyaviil ry Syrup, Wisiar'i La'.baui ul W'.Id Llierrv, ut the OREOO.V CITV DRUG STORE. JUST RECEIVED at ihe Oregon City Drug .Store, direct fiom New York nnd San Krnn i.ico, a fresh mil ply nf V U I '( i S, M UDI C1X ES, l'lileut Medii ineH, I'linnly !Mi.,lie:in, o.e., &c, which it HI tic a.f oj fun; fir rasA n Itifi ran be procured iu the Jle i lei ;. Cull ami exmuinit for yourselves, uuu ,ei mi .viiiiuujc lor i-jo, grans. TERL'V1.N Febrifuge, for the cure of fever M und I'.rrne. Ac, Ac , pt-t lecrtveil nud nu ule Ac, ul the ORECON CITY DRUG STORE McLANE'S ci h brattd titiltitr fills, OUEGON tTT'Y DHL p und Liver G STORE. ?:!'l;l'!:!. FEW of I'liuco it Co's best MF.LODE ON.S for sale. l.ow. ' lin'ioire at llie A b3 ORKGON CITY URVG STORE. ' To liluckkuiitlto nud .tJaitiUuct:)- I'd'.. , "TT7"E ore now receiving leu tons of iron of the V follow. ng siyes : i r Round iriiu 1 1 .mi lo 1 inch, Square " " in 2 " j . ', . '." IUr , tg.i lo 3a. : -i Xuil rud, , , . . i JIoiko shoe iron, . . liand iron, 3i. flow ieel, lax. ... For .-ulc ul lowesl iu irki t i sle. i attga G. A IWUX ETIIY A. CO. t'j r;;crci-.nts. Yv TTE are now it-ceiviii iir- lollowai' ailicles: lil) bh's Sanla Cruz linn. 1. ". " Intlraiiae efnent, ' 5 ' pi.i.ier of i uri-s, 32 k. u ii, 8 " i ikes, 5 Sl C in., 100 " llosluli syrup, 5 jjals., 2") bas Rio eolll e, ' - ' 2. V mat Clunn No 1 PTgar, 2.i h .ll' bbla N O sugar, 5 bbla vin " ir. ang2 ' -ti. AREUXETIIT i; CO. " II IGIIES't' uusli iinei s oit tl he Nov. 2. H'.'r. C. DEMENT J- CO. 'iiiu'iu:ill, .'. ito, lS.iO. hand and for sale, low, for cash or produce ruuii ox lead. eiirome i;reen, while lead, prusaian bin clinnne yellow, blue paint, red do in oil, I.Ik, do ' ' litharge, Common and permanent ereen pnltv.c'asii ie. JXO. P. BROOKS. tTTE ar put receiving a rrnnmit v of DKY GOODS, EARTHEN WARE, and al- most erery thing el.-e a man eon mention. Farm- er. waMrda ...ol ,,.., ,i A ... k ..-.. pin about uow. .,. -"- s -"I- July 12. CHARMAN $ WARNER. -I.VNll.nutei.itr..,e.!l..n..;,. just h-ceived snd S.r mil low bv CHARMAN i: W.Vr.XER. ipOYS, of d.fl'erent kinds, far rale by -L CHARMAN St. WARNER. , , , , , dOOD gram sneks f sal, cheap, hv V t I.1 A.tf.t.t .) I'ARYER, T )ou S"' lie--p Call at CHARMAN 4- WARNER X. CltJARd T'hehe! rh iriee to pek r. at l lie Mora .f Cr..U.t.Vef WARNER , u-, w,.,i,u ivuiu ; uo naiff do h- p.iu aaitauea, Ac., lor : ai iU CHARMAN $ WARNER AUan, SIcJClDluy Si Co., HAVE Ju-l r. rue.1. a stock orxr.n-aooDS, ' and would inviio H ll who wi.li In pronure HO'iU aiiu-V st ri oon..b:o pri. e. 10 call and tea llieiik Tiny C0U--U ill pultnf III fol owing 1 grindstone cram er.idl' .i- u;)ilu i suntlit .-il da do Id h liurruwt 23 tech gard. n rui.r - do Iio do p lie pol lid bov. I bay loikt i . Ill inure fork rlinru Windi.w glu H bv 10 do 10 bv r: do 7 i y ! wiiitlnw i.!ie H by ID do IOI.yl-J runril A. wheel burrow fuuey b.o.itia plum do UA'uri'd tol.iiid pail puiulrd lull line wu.li board bl ckmiii.li' bellow crow cut euw 7 It . iio art mil! law 7 ft luir multiuakca double da Mnglf hair lii.lel d'iubl da illjl ieim cmtlV B'liiiaaal.i.e da gtaK brand lobacoo iuek titb.iceo ov l ow ami yoke ULAMiins, HAlSii, LLSDSEb, Slifetiuijt Ti ki, d'e d-e. And keep cnnanily on hand 1 n lar'e aupply of a ii o c r. ii i e s, oloihing. hardware, and many aru-lta Uo numcr ou Iu uieiuiou. ALLAN. MKIXLAY rf CO. Oiegon City, Apiil ill. iN'ni-ly f f lll'.l.f . uula Crux Li.i.a jnt received and 0 ' tor imle by j. -.3 Hi W.M. C. DEM EXT & CO. Oregon 3coa. 10001' Ho., I a etile by w.c, ii;mi:.t c-. A lliu'n !ii:n e For thw r''r.'". nr wi-h'ij to tnyagt in ' the i'lo'triii'i JJiixim. w 7E have on baud and for fa!.-, llio fo'lowpiir ma.'liniery (ul en ! m il, w uii.li mil be o!d low for ea.li, or on a i lio -l tinw nortabl iiiillN.C'.uiii'eie : I inn nf lour Irel fnur iti-H I'ren. li Rum,wiili .pur n li.'il. 1 1 1 cm, we irbii.ir loi j lb'. : Willi i-n ii lie. nini. u. b'uli and o I -1 und co'lur. 1 run. rue v..'. wi.lioul pii.iun. Other iron the utne u ubuve. Toeether with a peuernl a".rtmeut of bands boiling clolhs, .ti;h .!.'U Itfi'uiia, wheel, ooliplin J", liu: iguitf foiboll ng iiliei. c, oic. In olher word, every rermaii: nevary to the CuinulCtluU of a grat null by Vm.C.)EMI:XTA.co. Ol'poMi the Lund OlDce.' Osaoo Cmr, Nor 2d, I 'i. ARE NOW EElll-IVlNO, per brig "Sufuu Abigail" and bark"Cl.us. Deveus, finiii Run hiancn-.o, lh rol.oivinjf good: . -GROCERIES.- 1.10 kg E. lUymp, 5i8 gat., M .!il Now I Mean tin. 51,00 lb No. 1 Cbiu sugar, 501 "J Iha table Kilt, iil'O bixr Lnuh and Amriicnn soap, 20 eJ ".e fruil, um'.I, it criM P. II. y u-t powders, Soon Hm tobacco, ns d bruu.ls, 100 ball' boxes rui n, 20 bills n a I b ill bbla critthrd sujnr, 3000 II Milrralu. CROCK Ell YA General Atiortment. DRY-GOOl)S:MW) yd bioau aheoliiig, JOUO ydasutiuets, 200.) ' print, 10 piece ulp icns, 50 puiia Englltb blankets, . SOU yds cu:p.liiig, ( '. i 201) " oil clolh ; ' . Toelbir Willi a geiier.il ohoi tmeiil uf reuily mude c'oihing, b'..oi. hui, bui, eat., und ca.peuier tool. , '.V. C. Ul.Mi:. T it- CO., Xov. 10. Opo,le I le Laud Office. K'titM f'rtiz E.l;ao. : EDIX lor hale bv novlO Yil.'C. DEMENT & CO. 50 oiiU deceived. rj.'endid ii-v-:uiMueni oi 1'iini.ly Groceries, hiieb in I , xu:t, hi ar, &c. : nlo line uud eourofah, creum t:irlar, iijip'r, chili pern-lies, Kuroiues, fia-r.-, clauiii.ycai'i ixt'.vi.er, ulo u uugi nuaiili'y of t::u-rlnr el.e.ool c: .fir, and tobucco of every lirun.l end nliues: every Hani l.'einour line I Inn. ne si nil ol wl.n li will be sold H low as at any o'.l.er par in tuv. u, f.r ra- h or pio W ' C.'.lMf.l.V J- lYAltXER. Ilavdwaro l'OR SALE IIY CHARLES I'OTE, JR. ppRAPS mil Ii.m I'.ulN, Screws, I.osl;s uud JiLW Liitehen, llnniiim! und Ilutehet, Axes, llruwing-kiiives, lliind.-u-.v, Curry Combs, Horse llruhs und Cnide, (,'nn Luck. Gun Caps, Wool Curds, I 'best Handle, l'luuci. Ac ' ' Ajuil 21, la..-!ll'. Grocorioa VOR SALE BY CHARLES VOI'E, JR. (f L'GAii, Pidr, Coll'ee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate, K3 t-tareb, .Sol. rat us. Cream Tartar, fcal eoi!a. Curb lo-'a, fcjijer, Sp.ce, Alain, lii.rux, Cp ucras, etc. . . , ,. Apiiiil, l,".i-lif , a'lJO:iU W lio l CIH! Cllt'Ui't Sl'II luc .i:vi. II ARM AX & .WAUNl'.li, Premn Cih,, have Ihe best fi leciion nl GROCERIES, llwtt and itnc.t, ul;o Oil, fuinls, Giaii, to sell wholesale nini retail, cheap lor cash or proJuee. Our sloi k in p in consists of : , . (iOHO lbs colDe. . 2000 lb No 1 Clrna sumr, . 2n00 ' Mo 1 Batnviu " IOHO bandwieh Hand tugar, IjOO " crin-lieil suoar, 2a00 " at-oi'icd candy, , 60 kegs E. lionioii syrup, 51) k.'iii nails, 10 cases piekl. , " " pie fruit, ' 12 dox uswirted can fruits, 6 " tomato catsup, 5 "p.-ppiT sauce, 4000 l!,s .,. d ill rent hinds, 8 cf 17. hroonis, ' 'atye n.-s irtment ol' Q'iceuMVnre, Glas.'Ware, Ac , 10,0110 c gars, by llie il s.u:., 40 boxes lobnc o. China mv, t.,roiuii do., 301) lbs lea, 2000 lbs drie.l apples, fjuce of all kinds, Ac., Aq, . je2 W;!c men lull u-.-o, 'tiuent of lit it IT'S' A; LIS, nbo Ladies' Guiiers uud Umliins. in I- cr ull Muds n! la Ins' slmea npl9 . C.1AM.1.V .J. WARNER. In our Ialii'iy 1 TfE k. p a full a.-oitnn nt of 111! MAD, TIES, CAEES, and CANDY, ul whole,,!, and mail, up U C.'.l ..If. 1 A . WARNER. Harness auJ Siddlcry. TliE uu rsijned having ojieued anew in EU1 i'E ILLE, Marion eouuty, O. T.. iu tha IWOlKoit l.ii,l,ll. ......a.. lo nnuuf.iciuro aud furiiisli at almrt nonce, aud in Ih best aud must suliainiit.al lvle of the orafi. nil kinds of HARNESS and' SADDLERY IVOtfA', Trunk and Carrinic Trimming, d& Juue 21, IBaB.-y KOOP Sl COOK. WaltT Iov-r fur Sali. rpiIE iM.deiaiirne.l would like to sell one half of J. h unlU and water p-iweron Ihe Tualatin riv er, abcil three m Ira from Liua City, known a M-wrr's Mill. It is probably llie best water prir ilew, wuh Ihe escrplion of the treat Kali, of the W lilamotl. lhat there ia lit Oregon. I would like to sell o .-naif w eue-fourlh of my claim toother will, the Hiiil and water power. .My object is to gel a partner, to enable me to pr.ip.rly imprav the water power. JAMES M. MoORE. reu. -j, ifoo. 43.f Land for Salt-. T OFFER to m-tl 160 acre of ehoice land fo, X two dollar and a quarter an acre, cash. Th l.ud a. a poni., of my claim, eii miles west 0f L. Wyetle, iu II.eeuuuK of Yau.hilL T.,u . 77 t S C ADAMS. G.en At.j, Dec.2..ih, 1855 37tf M t rl tinz Cake MADE lo order, part es furnfciud with icli a saortest not er, tie., br ar." !T JJUxSINJJSS CAltUSr a IXM7, r.rzszr-iufl.v Co,. i.. i.i iiiir. i i on kion viri Iiuiiu. ami k ,o, anle and roiail Ural. r la Ih j Goods, Gruoria llurdwaie, &c., Ao. SOonrrro T. Allan. " Arcl.ibal.l .M'Kinler. .': 'Hioiiiu Lou. ALI.Ai, M'KINLAY A CO.,. hcoti.burjr, Ump iiia, Oregmi. Eowr i LEAN, M'KINLAY U CO., Hi'inipoe. May 5. i .. rre;,'l, 1 errili iTj. chaiile3 roi?a, ja777 DE A Mill in Hardware, Grocerie ,DryC Ck.ll.il.;.-, Hoot Si. H , .Medicines, flZ. und hlulinnery. , . Main-at., Orog.ui City, Apiil'tfl, Ifaj.Iif , Vin. C. Bcracnt A Co. WHOLES U,K und reiall I lenh rs In Groe I. IVov nou. 1'uiuia, Oil. Hoot. ,d" Shoe., CWtery, &. Oj.po.do the I.,d OlTici, Mum tit. OreguiUaly. I. . ' f June I, 85j. ; JOHN nTlI'SKIJDU, XTTOKNKY xxn' cni'Nse toa 't iaV iMjiiytltt, Yamhill County, O.r ILL fuiibfuily attend to all busiaets e. ti n-ti ll to Ins lirufrtniouul turn. April 21, lcla-Kf ' ' JOHN P. EHOOK3, , " WhuUmU ,- Rrta.l Prater in llro'rri. n, Pnduee . I'rortM,;', Qc. Main Sirrct. ' A General AH-oriiueiil k. pliipnf Selected Goedav Cnneinali, Ilrqember J, lfi.'ij, , i, y riil-Jtrala, ' il'inufarhirer, Who'.etals mid Eetutl Dealer fa COO'L A.W i'.ittJ.U Vfi'OVUV tin i. vorrea ir.ni:, lucbwxaa, c., MsinSt , opposite Main fSlrect IIot'p OREGON CITY, O.T. ' Elcnniboat und jjbbinj woik ullcujed to wlifc ditpilili. ' i .! s i a, Older from th country premplly filled, jc7 7 Crajfs, aSediciacs, raiut3, Cilsi if and Uyo-stitflo, ' nttlie ORl.GON 1 1 1 V UKl'G STORE V. .15 alu.n .street, rc;,-ouCilj,O.T. Wells, Far jo ic Co.'e Express, .1 Between Oregon, CuU'nrnia, tha Atlanlh fi'iites tint Wiiir. . . ... HAVING marie advantageous i nrrungenieni with the Un led .Slutes nud l'acilio Muil eiuuin- ship Companies fortiuii..p-.rlation, w e are uow pre pared to forward Guld Dust, Bullion; Specie', I'ueknget, I'uicel; and I'rcigU, to aud from N, York, N. Orleans, .S in Franc scti, l'ortluud, aud principal towns nf Cul fornlu alH Oregon. Our regular iSeuii inoiiilily Express hetweco) Portland ami Sim Fraiioisco, ia dispatched by th Paeiiic Muil Steumship Co.'s steamship Columbia, conneeling at fcuii Fraucwco wilh (rir acini-inonuV ly Express to New Yurk und New Oi leant, which is dispatched regularly on tho 1st nnd 16iliofeacli month, by the mail steamers ami in charge of ou own niesaeiigcia, la:onli to destination. , . i Our Kxpn-a from New York leaves regulurljf on the 5th und 20 lb ol'euuh moiilli, ulso iu char- of in sseugers, . , , ., ' Treusiiie insured in the best Xew York com- ' panics, or at Lloyd's m London, al the option of thippers. , , . i -n t O. ircKs Xev Yiuk, iXe, 1 G, AVuIl t. ; New tVleuns, No. 1 1, Exchange place ; Sail Francisco; No. 114, Moiitymiicrv ureef. , -l t.i flASKER, Agent. . Oregou City, April 2l,.l.s.")5.-lti' ., . ITe'iY Vclunios cf th3 Fear Reviews arJ Elac:r.vaca. - ', . COMMENCE v.'iili North tl'r'tt-u' for May', Id...'., luul the other ll.viewj nnJ liiackwood for J'j ne, lb. i.l. , , !. i.e. -t Term of SuSscriul'un. Anv on Review oc I'd; .ckw ood, X u ytur. lllackwood mid ouo Re view or any two Reviews, Tloi four lit. v ows and liiackwoo'J, jll0. lWr 'conies lo ou addnes, fy.UI. i a..- ' .. . ... - ,.t -i Ponngv-1 u tlifl four l!viows and rUcUwnod ta any fosl ollice in the Uni.td Stales, only SOceull n year on each l.nc.v ui.d 2 1 cciils a year oa U!::ck'0;.d, , ; f ... , AH hem, 1,1 Prurr f: rn , I'li' liihers, 54 flnli street, corner Fallon, New York " OcpB. Ecadinj iox tho Ililliou. j - .,s. J. m.cormick: HAS CDNSTAS i-LV UN HAND A T Til II I IUNUUN BOO sioun, nio.vr-iir, ror ruMi, oanuo.v, ' A Cli'.'eo R leoti.ni of fopnlnr R i.,ks, News Ia paper;., Ma.ianes and Fancy Slationery. Ann., g tho bo ks on hand will bo found works on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, l ot iry, U ogr iplij, Msd cilice,. JUligionj e once, hvliool L'ook, Knuiancis, iic., ire, Ac. ' Uj"Snbs..i:i!loiK re. elved for Harper, Graliani, Godey, L.sIicV or Puln:;m,' ul tjt a year, eoiif- ir .free. . .l HjT cnilii-crititions recoiled for a:-.v uewspapes pul, lisl, til in nny part of the Union.. " ' , . ' I.e.nem.icr llie l i.ai:!.lin llooa 1-: lorn .nud News- p :per Agency, Front stie. t. rorihiu 1 Oregon. f W A pneed ealalogiu? will be published early iu April, and will be sent to any part of the lerri-. tory free on ;.pliouiiOD.. ,:i ; .-. iu W rpiCMPI.E OF IIONOR.Tualatin Temple ol 1 JL Honor, No. 1, meet on the 1st iinj 3d Fri djy evruingsof each mon h nt f J tt'cloclt, nt Tem perance. Hail, Foiesl Grove,Oren.ia-.,. i. rK - i Mein!,eis of ihe Or lor in good staiiJing ar? in. vited to viilt t tin, Temple. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . E. W. D10,-W.C.T. M. TuT-N.n, XV. U. . .12 y?TO w ill Snd nn i xuellent uworlrnent of theft' M. nnd Ihuurt Si.'', Satins und Veltttt I alart lltnatt Tr,mu:ng, Ifaiery, Gunes, iaccjand, It.Um:, V'ai.'c Citt-U, CoiinterMmi etc., at the sl'treof CHARLES POPE, Jr., (M ti-sf., onporlt Al.ernethy's store,) where mujr be louud almost cr-ryi'ung ,u tlie uue.ot . ' . Dry Cco&t ' ' . A Such as Print, Umghaina, Aijiacas, Merines; Plaid l.ii ikjs, .Aiiolins. Suttiue.l, Jeans, Flan, ne, Bheeiing, Red T.ekiug, Hickory Stripe, Coiloa Ualliiig, t to. ... .; 1 '' Oregon City, .April 21, ISra-ltf , . ' '' Ilcdicinos for Sale, By ,', ' CHARLES POPE, J."; t " RANDS' Sarsapaiilla, P. ek's H'ild Cherry Cit S3 lers, llutemuu' drops, Urnndrcth' pills, Lee's' plils, Perry' verinifuie, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor. Gum Arable, liruish oil, Lobelia, Hot diop 3d preparation, Roiiiun eye balmnn, Ilalley's pain extractor, Lauduuiuii, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper miut, Essences, Composition Powders, Cartsr' Pulmmiary Ujlsum, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, &C. April 21, IS.-,.-)-ltf Juki Rocoivod, - " ' Al the ' Old Stand,' Canemah, April 21, '55. 4)iih Lb LiRht Bp"wn Sfl?w; " r w hV I .Duo lbs. China X. 1, do-, r 1,000 lbs. Uio Coffee, 15 Tons coarse rait . soo lbs. fine cTa, ' ! 3,00 i lbs. Oregon Bacon r ' - '' 1,W0 bushel outs, for sale wholesale or retail.br JOHN P. BROOKS. :r Central Produce Depot. '; fATVu iir '1 ' COXSTAXTL, Y reeelTlniT.'fresh fmm raaeh, Wheal, etta Ka...n l.nl k,,tt rWatoea. Dee. 1, 55. JO UN 1. BROOKS. , l Ho flie Farmer ' WE WOULD say, call at our tore;-wa wiil pay yov u wed for your produua . any other house iu O.-rgon, and will endeavor ta make you fesl as comfortable as we nonsiblyeaa. 24 CHARVAX f WARNER. ' "' ILT MOULDING for p eiure frames far ale by CHARMAN 4. WARXES PICK CIGARS, tire best rhanr is sl - rl3 CHARMAN WARNER S. ! l tl A KUAN f WARXES