Drowsy 0ruy. tr cnAiLfi XACiir. ltJ1yritb td of hurntn Uft Tbtrt i efT-irt In tut Germ Itnd Of whit vU eMl h-U and turf T IstbraiiinT Whyw,lfweastaodt Tntr k M tbjeul Um w.d world sUw . Wrtb Coi(1Ult burry, wst, and ton distress Lt lb mMiu wiu tod w, tud um ind go, And lt u Cwmiat d.i la bappiuttt I Why should wt turn tad spl lo fiintl but Wbta w br seventy yin U livt ind drier I Through eloud tad vapor sptd in priloi wst Aoehor lb ship, than ' fog upon thf stream ! Aad 11 n til tud smoke iht -long day. . With deep-dnwo wbifl, tud diiuL lb filteuluf ' btti Cuing on rtb, or on lb wreatbl it gny That eutl tbovt lln P pet w lov it tiitr. Tip ! blessed pipet ! There wtren gooJ ou etrth Without tobacco. Gin ut Unl ti.d pe, A lilll euoshine, iik) tli th'ldreo't ruirtli Wt'll ask n mora t Aud if our wealth Inercut Likt growing eora r-by If I it ! W tr glid ! Dot truublo us, th ! ma of otbr eliuiM, No nor with whistling ttira, tud effwUniad, Thai nial us Itngu'sb for lb to :.tul time. Ptruh tbt built ! Whit it b to ul Let Rusaii douriib ! Why should wt eompliiu ! An wt Iht traugcn T Work tby p'eaturt llu ! Aod lit ustmoke tud ileep-tod su.k ogt'l ! Finn at t rock lt Germany tadurt Not likt a rocket, bluing fiom Hit west ;' Jtpin ia Europe !ow, lul very tun Ob ! girt m p pet tud pesos, an-l let ui ran ! Dkcision Of Chaacter.You tuny ro member tlo mention in one of our eon versatinne, of a young man who wanted in two or ibree ytart a largo patrimony, in prodigal revelt with a number of worth lull associates calling themselves hit friend till bit meant were ribausird, wben they, of courw, tioatc J biin wi'.b neglect or contempt, lleduced to abolut rant, be on day eut out of tli bout with th iuttotion to put an tad to bit lifu; but wandering awhile almost unconscious ly, ht enmo to lb brow of a bill that tver looked what were Intel bit eilates. Here be tat dawn, and remained fixed in thought a number of hour, at th end of whiuh he sprang from th ground with a vehement, exulting emotion. II had formcJ hit resolution, which was, that nil these estate tliould b bit again J be had formed bit plan, too, which be instantly began to execute. lie walked hastily forward, determined to toi.o th th very first opportunity, of however humble kind, lo gain any money, though it were ever to despicable a trifle ; and re- tolved absolutely not lo spend, if he could belp It, it farthing of whutever be might obtain. The first thing that drew hit at tention was a heap of conlt shot out of cart on the pnvemi'nt before a houst. He offered to thovel them into a pint where they were to be laid, and wa employed. He received a few pence far tlio labor; and (hen in pursuance of the aaving part tf hit plan, requested tome tmull gratuity of meat ond drink, which wat given him. He then looked out for the next that might chance to offer; and went with indefati gable Industry through a succession of wrvilecmploymentt, of longer or shorter duration, ttill tcrupulous'y avoiding, as far u powihlo, the expeuso of penny. Ho promptly teized every opportunity which could advance hit design, without regarding the meanness of occupation or uppeeraneo. . I3y this method lie had gained, nfior a considerable lime, money enough to pur chase, in order to sell again, a few cattle, of which ho bad taken pain to tiiiileritnnd the value. Ho speedily but cautiously turned his first guint into second advanta ges; relaiucd without a tinglo deviation bit extreme parsimony; nnd thus advan ced by degrees into larger transactions and incipient wealth. I did not hear, or have forgotten, thu continued course of hit life; but thu final result was, that ha more than recovered his lost possutsiiins, aud died an inveterate misor, worth XGO.OQO. I litre always rocollectcd this, At a tingle in stance, though in an iinforinnnto and ig noble direction, of decisive character, nnd of tho extraordinary effect, which, accord ing lo general laws; belongs to the strong est form of auch a character. Foster' lis tayt. Lost Dooks of tub Biblr. The fn. lowing 10u!h, any the Toire of Israel, are referred to in tho Bible, but are now lost; the number U greater than, it gen erally tnpposed. The Book of the Wars of the Lord ; tee Numbers xi. 14. The Book of Jashur ; seo Joshua x. 13, 'i, and Samuel i. 19. Tho Book of Udo the Seer; too 3 Chron. ix.SO, an J xii. 15. The Books of Nathan the Trnphet; ee at above. The Acts of Rehohotm, in the Books of Shemtiah ; seo 2 Chron. xii. 13, The Books of Jehu the son of Hanani; tee 'i Chron. xxii. 34. The five Book of Solomon, treating nn the nature ef tree, beasts, fol, terpciitt and fisbet ; tee Kings U. V5. Knci'ttKAN Fiiancim or SEnrnxTs. Xie have bvforo referred to the extraordi nary length of time python has been known to fat without injury. Their franuies a well as thoir fastings are rather eccentric every one hat heard of tho nakewho wallowed bis llankrt, meal which ultimately killed him. A python who bad lived for yean in a friendly man ner with a brother nearly as large at him elf, wat found one morning solut. At tbe cage was tecure, the keeper were pux iled lo know bow the serpent had ecpe d ; at last it wat observed that th remaining iumai wa swollen remaiLably during lb uighl, when !bc !;omd fa breams plain enough, tbe fratricide had tuccetded iu wallowing tbt entire person of bit broth. ar It wat hi lott meal, however, for iu ton momfci ht died. A fiend inform, it that he once tow in tiiete garden rat nak of Ceylon, devour a common col uber nttrix. Th rat-make, howevr, bad not taken lb mcur of hi victim, at by no vfToit could h dispose of th lntt four inche of hit Ui!, wbich tiuck out rather jauntily fr mi the tide of hit mouth, with wry much th look of a cigar. Alter a ((iiailerof an hour, the tail began lo ex hibit a retrograde motion, and the swallow ed tna'io wasd gorged, noiliiug the worse fr hit living n-puleher, with therxcrption if ihetotnJ nudi by bi pirtner when he first suiwd him. The uut-tater, who l..lt-ly inhabited the room leading Out of the python apartment, has died cf a want of ants. London Quarterly. Parallax up a Fixed Bta. W copy the fulluwiug paragraph from tho London Globe. For tome of our readers, p-rhaps, an explsnatiun of the nutureof the discov ery mcptioned may be lucttsaiy. The parallax is tho angle formed by two Hue drawn from different points of observation. The distance between theto point and the angle formed by lb? ii'ie between them nd lb line drawn respectively from tbem lo th object being tscerlaineil, tbe purallux mty be meusur-d, nnd hence the distance of the object may bo found. Owing to the Immense dUlnncu of the fixed start their parallax ha heietofore bi in held iuappreeiably minute, and no data fur c-.lcuiating the dislaut could be atceriainod. Th tlitUculty, however, ttctiii cow to bav been overcome, and it one of the greatest dituovtrit- iu tbt bi. lory of aatrouomy : J'araUuxoa fixed Star. This impor tanl and valuable problem, which ha for so many centuries been au object ofinquiry amongst astronomer, hut brn solved by I'lofetiior Botsel, of Koniinburg. Ilia ob servations were made on the double alar, No. 01, in the constellation Cygnut, whoe diituncn he unueitaiued to be 0UU,0UU timcM the radius of the earth's orbit, or 62,700, 000,000,000 iixiy-lwo trillions seven hundred billions of miles in round mini- bers. A Mother' Influence. The solid rock whiuh turns the edge of the chisel, bears forever the impress of the leaf and the acorn received long, long since, ere it had become hardened by time and the 1 1 etuentx. If we trace back to its fountain the mighty torrent which fertilized the land with its copious streams or sweej over it a devastating flood, we shall find it dripping in crystal drops from some mossy crevice among the distant hills; to too, tho gentle feelings and affections that en rich and adorn ihe heart, and tho mighty passions that sweep nwny all the barrier of the soul and desolate society, may have tprung up in the infant bosom in tho shel tered retirement of homo. "I should have born an atheist," said John Ran dolph, " if it had not been for on recol lection ; and that was the memory of the lima when my departed mother used to tnkemyliille hands in hers, and caused mi on my ktues to say, ' Our Father which art in Heaven !' " PltOTESTAXTISM IM TtlltKBY. The Rov. Dr. Goodell givos an interesting account of the first 1'roteatatit church in the Turk- i-h Empire. It was founded on the 1 Si Is of July IS 10, and has now boon strength oned by two more. Tho three churches al Pern, Constantinople, and llass.Keiii canto together on ibis occasion. . They as sembled at l'era, where tho first church was formed. There appears to be no abatement of the rolinioua interests in either place, and the congregations are said to bteadilv increase. Fektii.uf.r for Flower Plants. Ii has been proved that, for tho generality of flowers, nnd more especially geraniums and the more delicate lilies, common glue, diluted will) a sufficient portion of water, forms a richer manure than any other yet discovered. Plants placed in sand nnd on the worst soils, display much beauty Bnd vigor when watered with this composition. Tim Ranuk or tuk Human Voicr. There are about nine perfect lones, but 17,-593,0-14,044 different sound; thus, 14 diiect muxcles, alone or togihcr, produce 10,383; 30 indirect tmtc!es, ditto 173,. 141,823, and all co-operating produce the number wo have named, and these inde pendently ef different degrees of inleimity. fT Watch making ia said lo be carried to such a degree ofperfeclion by tho Swiss, French and English, that tome minute watihet hsvo btea constructed by them, of less than half au inch diameter, and of the most perfect mechanical execution. CT The homeliest female in the world may render herself more attraotive, by the exhibition of delicacy nnd refinement, than the prettiest vulgarian that ever smiled. bZT When minds are not in unison, the word of love itslf are but the rat ll in 2 of tho chain that tells the victim It bound. 3 What did Adam aud Hve do when they were expelled from Eden I They Tuitei Cain. 05" Reading make a full man," says Dacon ; and " Fn-hion make a full wo man," :iy Punch. tr Wt should bn cautious how w in dulna in th feulins of a virtuoutindiijn tiou. It it th haadiome bro:her of anger ted bttriJ. TJ. 8. MAIL LINE. Orepon Cit'J und Portland Dally Packet, mr n Jennie Oliri, ?ir- Ac. AiMawoarH, ttAsren, ,u ruu iley, (Hun-ltye exe. ;itd j Iu Hit tboTf nama.1 iibln. k-avinif Orn C'ilv ovvry day ttf o'cloek, . M. Iteturiiiiijf, will letv Purtltnd al 3 r. ., touching it til inlvriDOillalo po nl. For freight or ptaugi apply on Ixard. tpxi-ii C0RVALLI3 TIIADE. . ,T , COCIIRAS.CASSADY & Co. IJJjGL in now rumnni Hi tinnier J. C'llMtnil, of tl out 00 loin hunlu-n, iu Iho Cor Vkllit Ir.id. Will leave C.tXKM All ya Mondivt, Wedii'Mlsrs, tud Fridays, it 8 4. . 1'raiglit i-hirgod by ' sliip ineioiiirnient." Orejon Cily, Nov. , '5il. JHf U. 8. UAIL LINE. Portland and Alorln. 11i 8iiteu li. Sleimer tt - ,laltnoinb l7iuni WU.l. cmiiiuu lo run re'Hnrly blweii run Isml mill Artorlt, Vaneuuver, twic A wrti, leaving P"rili.d ou Momluy tu.1 Tliuntdny morning of eucli lur Asinrmi iuu niorm for I'ctlMiiJ mi TuexUy ind Friilay iiioniinirt, louehing Vtcoova,iiT.Hutt, IUisiHiCath umct, c., nib wy. For fn-iir.lil or puage, pply lo it. JIOYT, Mauler, jelO Urat Uoyt't Whurf-lraut, I'orliand. W. 7. Sanu, WAGON' A.NU CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITY, O. T. IT Strict tlUiition paid to repairing, ind tntlt- ftction to patrout wirrmled. frbil-43 vi:i i:ui iiuti:i.. Morrison it-. Im'ween Krontnnl Fint ttt-, UU I'Olt TLAND, O. T . Charites ressonubl. o. U. b.tll I II, March I.i, l.il!-49 Pwprietor. Oplendid Jewelry. r. roi.l.IEU KOHIlINS hm noonhand S the lint't atturtiiwul of JEW ELK If evel uiuuk'ht lo Okri.ii. lha assortment coimisu id part of the foilowing arlieletl Diimoud liroaebo, U.anioud riujs, Gold railwty liino-keepert, Ludies' witches, in enumtltd cuts, Ladies chiteliiiert, Moiie eir-riugK. Gold thiinblet, f(old and silver ptnt, Card cues, mautel ornameuU, Curd baskets, pearl caskets, Gold guard, vest, and fubehaiat, Bleevi butliins, shin ttuda, 1 jid.r s krooclies, ind a variety of other goods too numerous to men- linn. Call and sre the most magnificent display of Jewelry ever teen in Oregon. G. COLLIER ROBBIXS, March 22. Front street, Portland. Backs! Sacks! milE undereiiriie.l hus constantly on bind it hit L nick inaaiilactory in Oregon City, BACKS of all nuulitiesaud sizes, winch will be sold as lew at the) can bo bought ia the Territory. Orders from t dutuueo promptly attended lo. ' W. WIIITLOCK. Oregon City, May 3, 1 8."6.-3y. Wm. O. Dement dt Co., At their old tland, oppotitt tin Land OJJice, i It IC now receiving per bark "Ork" and brij 2. "I lalcyon," the following gooes ! 150 boxes sperm and adainuntiue candles, 50 kegs dried apples and peaches, JIIU this and hlf bbls crushed sugar, SO cases p eklea, 30 " fresh peaehet, 60 " pie fruits, 10 Inns O. A. suit, CROCKERY d GLASS WaREi f0U dux cup., and suueers, 300 " plates, SOU " luiiiblera, SO " water pilcliert, Supir howl, tea-pott, &.C., &0. OILS .J- V AIM'S: '20U kegs pure lead, SUO guls liuseed oil, - 1U0 guls lurpeiitiue, GO gals varuiah, 300 guls lamp oil, MO mils lard DRYOOODSt titlOO yds brown sheeting, 5HU0 " prints, LIcHched cutloiis, bed ticking, &e., &.C., nil of which will be sold as low as they can be pur chased of any oilier house in Oregon City. ninyl7 Furniture. f pil E tnliscriher hui just reeeiv-('tVrASS.PK X ed a large supply of FURNl-g-gSfet 1 URE of ull dfKcriptious, cousit.cVtJit-J injf in part as follows Solus, mahogany aud black walnut; (.'lumber sets; Bureaus, with or without marble tops; Otlioe dexka; Rocking chairs, stuffed in hair, carpet, ind with cane and wood seats; Dininc chairs, cane aud wood teats; Office chairs, do do do Children's do, high diivng and rocking; lleilslcaile, various kinds; tables, cenier, card, and dining; Writing decks; Sideboarde; Parlor chairs; Settees; Reading, toilet, sod work tables; Lookinx-glassi's; MuIUi'mi-'h, hair, moss, and wool; Window shudes; Feathers; Piimr hanging, of every style; Oilcloth; Chinese matting; liuid lamps, and burn. ingnuid; wiih i variety of other articles loo numerous to mention. Pei sous wishing lo purchase will pleast call ind examine for thenuelves. All kinds of couutry produce taken in exchange for goods. T1IOS. JOHNSON, March S3, 1836. 4!Uf Time. WF. HIGH FIELD, WATCH-MAKER. Pennine ilevirous of g- ttiug food work done will do well lo give me a call, ae my whole time it de voted lo Ihe repaying of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, und Ilorixnnlitl watches. An ruwoi'tn.cnt of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. Pricee to suit the timet. 1 am thankful for past favors, aud hope lo give satisfaction in future. IT Ixvnted at the old stand, opposite the Tel egraph Office, OREGOX CITY. Feb. 3. Lors. Xeors. "lASH will be paid ou del.verjr for fir and cedar J LOUS at work! ef Oregon Hilling & Trans portation Co, R. PENTLAN I, Ag'u Linn City, May 10, 1806. To Merchants and Shippers. mm: oRtxioN milum; & trans- JL PORTATION CO. have adopted the follow ing tariff of charges, which wiil be adhered to till further not ce ; Traiurponation of merchandise or produce from boat to boat at works, per ton, tl DO Storage of tame lea than live dsrs, no charge. overs 4- leu than 13 Uavs, U.i " " j4 " " 3D 5U Etch additional half month or leas will be chargvd, per too, SS R. PENTLAND, Ag'u Linn City, May 10. ltG6. (somt'tlittttt lew. TE. ia add. two to our Umcerv ind Baking bus' nees, have iut received raid ind W'll selected stock of liRY GOODS, auch it ralk-OM, muelios, moos d Uine. aatuells. (weed. Kmiucky jeans Ae , Ac alms good Mrtuiea! J of flannel, bed lick o,j, and drill, puket hand- I kerch elft, neekerchiens. Ae., ill of which we war- I ramiOMM m M quality, a 0.1 wiU w II u knr r.. k. iw,.i.i .i . i i. I. W aay to lb farmeis, w eaa &.1 Tour bli com -- ' - J pletely, whkk will sav yoa o nioeh troabl ia raoaiog irouad hero. Call and seo. A; If. CHAMXA? WASStR. XCev Sooki I THE tuliKrlUr hu Jit rtitive t orimtiil of UOOKH, diriot from Ntw ork, tmoug whit-rt ire tin loiiowiugi Alb u't Hit. of Europt, America Institutions, Lives r tbt tiKiiere, llabylou ind Nmeveb, Sillnnsos do. lieinoeracy In America, "Land tod Le,' "Meisnd Hiilor," Uect ltd fort," tihio tad Shore," Thnt Vein In Ctlifor- Home Cyclopedia, Egypl and Ihe MolyLand LardueroiiHt'm Engine, Cyo. of Literature, L'uchint ram. rnyri Miuutl of Fint Arts, Alio t ImiiUrlet, leiur.-s on th Arm, rChoiet Uioirmphy, Travels in Peru, I'eruv an Aiitiquitit't, . :in.ice Eilit'lt, A variety of Putt. Polar Itegioue, Mabsn's Philosophy, SUU cop SUO of fender' Hpller, Headers, a.-,o ' 2.0 " MeCufley'a do. Webs'er't DietioBArlee. Div'et' Algebra, Newuiau s Ithelorie, Day' do. Puriry'l Univ. Ilislory, (jetMnetr)', h tiurilon, ' Hurveyiug, " Lcg'ndie, ' Aritiniielict, Uuodrich'l Piel. V. 8 , Mouieltli's Geography, Littlu ctrK iker,' V. American rjpeiker. Thompson's do. AL.1', A Tresli Dapply of Stationery. Tl,.v U,mk: Journals. Lrdir.re, Keeoid Books, Meinorimluuis. of all sixes, Uiariet, 1 e., Nolt ind Utter Paper, Luvelopei, Pent, &e., ate Eratr Knivee, Kraeivi liuhber, Gummed Libelt, Fibtr't Pencils, INK, iu quart and pint bottles. WUOLESALR AMD RETAIL. CHARLES POPE,Ja. Oregon City, August IrJ, lVew Jeweller. HAVING employed ont or the best Wortinar Jewellenou tin Pieifio coast, I tin now fully ptrpsreJ to mtnufaulurt every description of Jewelry. Mtsonie Jewelry, Odd Fellows! riot, Rings, Jce., made to order. Engraving neiny done. Cull and te specimens of work. g colli ek Ronnixs. N.B. I devote my tntir aiuutinn to repairing Fint Wslrliea. G. CoLLiea Uossins. PorlltnJ, Dee. 29, 18jj-o7lf JAYXK'S Alterative, Kxpecloraut, ind Pills. Cod Lirer Oil, Ciitor Oil, and Sweet (lit, at Ibi OREGON CI I'V DRUG STOKE. MEXICAN MiMtang Liuiineut, G. W. Mer chint'a Garbling Oil, at Ihe Oregon crry drug store. TltL'SSK.S, right and left and double, tad Ab dominal siipWriem, at Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. I JURE While Lead, raw ind burned Umber, . Cronie. Green and Yellow, and oilier paiula, it th OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. PERFUMERY, at th OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. GRAEFKNBERG MEDICINES: Graefeuberg Sareapariila, Uteriue Calholieoa. Dysentery syrup, consumptive balm, Pile Ointment, ' Health Hitlers, " Eyo Lotion, Ate, dec., To be found it the ngenev of Ihe Company, at the OREGON CI I Y DRUG STORE. HAYMAN'd Dyspeptie Elixir wurraated to cure the dv)ieieitt jut received nml for sale at the OREUOS CITY DRUG STORE. DR. Guymtt't compound extract of Stisaparilla and Yellow Duck, al the eepl5 OREGON C ITY DRUG STOP.F.. OLD the Ll Dr. Jacob i'uwiiseud't Sarsaparilla, at OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. DR. J. Ayret' celebiuled Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, and consumption, at Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. D R. Townseud's Sarsaimr lln, it tho OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. SHAKER Suroopirilla, it the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. s ANDS' Sunmparilla, in anyiimntity, at Iht 1. TOFFAT'S Life Ditters ind Pills, Bernard'! ItJl. Dysentery Syrup, Wistar't Balsam o( Wild Cherry, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, TUST RKUKIVED at the Oregon Cily Drug ej Store, direct from New York and Sun Fran cisco, a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEUWJJSHS, Patent Medicines, Family Medicines, Jtc, ie., which will be told at low fur eath at thy can lit procured in the Territory. Cull anil examine for yourselves, anil gei an Almanac ior ipju, gi uua. )ERUVIAN Febrifuge, fur iht cure of fever and ague. Jkc, &c , just received aiid forsaie at the OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. McLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge und Liver Pills, OREGON CITV DRUGSTORE. raio(ii!oii. AFF.W of Prince & Co.'i best MELODE ONS for sale. low. Enquire at Ihe Ieb3 OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. To Blacksmith mid HI uii u lac Hi rers. WE art now receiving ten tons of Iron of tbe following si2es : Rouad irou from 1 to 1 inch, Square ' ' I lo 2 ' liar " to 3x, Xail rods, Horse shoo iron, Band iron, 3x J. Plow steel, 12. For sale at lowest market rates. augS G. ABKRXETIIY & CO. To Merchants. WE are now receiving Hie following articles: 50 bbls Santa Cruz lime, 15 " hydraulic cement, 5 " plaster of paris, 32 kegs uails, 8 " spikes, 5 Sl 6 ia., 100 " B.wton ayrup, 5 gala., So bags Rio corTee, 25 mats China Nu 1 sugar, S j half bbls N O sugar, 5 bbls viuegar. augS G. ABERXETIIT St CO. Wheat Wanted. HIGHEST cuah pncii pa d bv Nov. 3. WM. C. DEMENT d CO. Cnnemali, ftssir. tio, 156. ivN hand and for sale, low, for cah or product J Paints K lead, chrome green, while lead. praseian blue chrome yellow, blue paint, red do in oil, blk. do M lilharge, Common and permanent green puttv. glasi tc. J.NO. P. BROOKS. "TTTE ire jiwt receiving a qnanliiy of DRY T T GOODS, EARTHEN WAKE, and al most every thing elee a man can mention. Farm en would do weil lo call and get their harvest sup plies about now, July VI. CHA RMA X d ll4 RNER. fYlNIHES, nuts, raisins, of an excellent quality J lust received snd for eale low bv CUARMAS & WARNER. I pO YS, of d fferent kinds, tie rale by J. CHARM AN A. WARNER. GOOD grail sacks for eale cheap, br CHARMAN J WARNER. DO yoa went bats, rood and eliean' Call at . CHARMAN 4- WARNERS. I -NIC l R)Th. .t . . ., 1 1 : . - -r -rc - mj glgM of CHARMAN if WARNER BKOUES.timb, hand, and loatk; do hau nt at kl0bea, JCe.. for sal al ihoerof CHARMAN f WARNER. HAVE luat received A STOCK or NEW GOODS, indweulJiuvit til Ihon "be Uh lo proour 0001) utie'et it reisom.b!l price, la call ind Idem. Tbcy eousiM in pinui in louuwiHg , . m. i l I - friudstonet einaiwwne.iuarn-. grain eradle fiuey broomt .rut scythes 4 sntlht pli'(j brush do do t-ort'deohiredptilt ID an hirruWlSJlein piinieuiMo. gird araket tint wa-ti eoirot . . Vi..rk.miili a bet swt do lio.t do tpidel pol.alied tbovell iav forks eroas eut saws 7 It do 6 ft mill saws 7 ft bail BialtraMi doubl do tinglt hair bolsters doubl do tinglt uui.ure folks ehurut window glut 8 by 10 do iu of u A 7 by 9 sperm eand.et .l,l..w uJim 8 hv 10 i.laiiiaiitiue do do III by 11 g'"P-' urauo looactw ox bows end ynkei luekt Uihueeo DLAXKt.TS, DA1SE, LlXDSEll, Shecliitei Ttrki, etc Ae. And keep eousltntly on bind a large supply of GROCERIES, elothinj, hirdwire, tud many trticle toe aumtr- us to mention. ....... ALL Ay, IT K IX LAI y v". Oregon Cily. April SI, iWO-ly f ( DHLS. StnU trut Unit just leiva OU fomltby . . j i je'.'3-lll VVJl. U. vr..Ml.uvu. Oregon Sacon. f r f l.lt.S.. lor sule bv 1 U U U W. O. D EMKNT&co. A Rare Clinncv For thou tnguped, or viihing totngagt in tltt Hourtng Uutiiitm. T TTE btvt on bind ind for etle, Ihe followmg Y V niiehinery for grul nulls, wuiett will bt sola low for cash, or on short lim I O iuiri.il, a nu a.eoniolel I I ,nn f four feit four in.'h Frni h Tturrs, Willi spur wheel, 114 cogs, we fhiiiB lntt Ibe. J with nin.ll. ninii.n. hriih and oil -pot ind coder. -r;T ., . . .,.,...! . 1 ruu. some size, wuuoui pinion, viuvi aaniM Huove. Together with a general iseortment of binds, boiling ctollit. pulleys, gudgeens, wheels, couplings, hangings for boll. ng clieis, ace, o-c. In other words, every reouuil neceseaw to th complt-tiuB of a er.it null by 0,iposit th Land Oflict. Ossoua Citv, Nov- SrJ, IBij. WE ARK NOW RECEIVING, pe' brig "Siu-in Abigail" ind bark "Chit. Doveo," from Pan Fraucinco, th following guods: GROCERIES: I'M kgs E. B. syrup, 548 gilt., SO hlila New Orleans do. 50(10 Ibe No. I China sugar, 50110 lbs table sill, 9U0 boxes English ind American trap, St) eases pi fruil, ass'd, '2 xroas P. i: 1). yeat powders, 5000 lbs lobaeoo, isa'd brands, 1110 half boxes ms.na, SO bbls and half bbl crushed sugar, 3nfl(l llw suleratut. CROCKERY A General Atnrtment. DR Y-GOODStM0 yds browu sheeting, 1UU0 ydssuliuets, 200O ' prints, 10 pieces alpieas, 50 pain Engliah blankets, S'JII yds caipel.ug, SUO " oilcloth: Together with t general issortment of ready mad clothing, boon, shoes, hats, ce;, and carpenters' i.. u-vr ncin.M'T.ten tlHllS. 11.11. V. DEMENT CO., Kov. 10. Oprmsile t le Laud Office. Aiila Cruz Maie. fA F.M.S. for sale hv OU novlO WM. C. DEMENT & CO. JTitst fi.ceoivcd. A Splendid uworiiueiil uf Family Groceries, such as tea, syrup, su'ar, &c. i also line and coarse salt, cream tartar, apples, chili peuches, sai'iliiies,ovters,claiiw,yeuat powder, also I largo quunli' of sujierior cheroot cigars, and tobacco of every brand una almost every iiung els iu our line of btsiness all of which will be told low as at any other plae in town, for cn-h or pro ee. ClIARMAX d WARNER. duee. Hardware FOR SALE UY CHARLES POPE, JR. HI) II ASS and lion Butts, Screws, Locks aud JuM Latches, Hummers and lliilehels, Axes, Drawing-knives, Handsaws, Curry Combs, Homo Brushes und Curds, Gun Lteks, tiun Cups, Wool Cards, Chest Handles, I'laue, etc April 21, ISOd-ltf Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR CJUGAR, Suit, Co.Tee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate, Starch, Suhrutua, Creuin Tartur, Sul Soda, Curb. Soda, Pepper, Sp'ce, Alum, Borax, Cop peras, etc. April 21, ihjo I tl Tlioso who !'!! I lie Cht ain st Sell . IDC iTJOsl. CHARMAN" & WARNER, Oregon Ci'y, have ihe best selection of GROCERIES, liuott and Short, also Oils, Paints, Glass, to sell wholesale und retail, cheap for cash or produce. Our sioek in pnrlcousists of tiODO luscolKe, 811(10 lbs No 1 China sugar, 2(100 " No 1 Balnvia " 10(10 " Sandwich Wand sugar, 1500 ' crushed sugar, S500 assorted candy, 50 kegs E. Boston syrup, 50 kegs nails, 10 cases pickles, " " pie fruits, 12 doz assorted can fruits, 6 " lomuto catsup, 5 ' pepcr sauce, 4000 lbs suit, d.ll'ereut kinds, 8 doz brooms, Large assortment of Qneensware, Glassware, &e. 10,000 cigars, by the thousand, 40 boxes tobacco, China rice, Carolina do., 300 lb tea, 2000 lbs dried app.es, tpice of all kinds, etc., &c, je7 TTTE have a full assortment of BOOTS & V V SHOES, also Ladies' Gaiters and Buakins, in fact all kiuds of ladiee' shoes. npID CHARMAN rf WARNER, Iu our Bakery WE keep a full assortment of BREAD, PIES, CAKES, and CANDY, at wholesale aad retail. aplD CHARMAN WARNER. Harness and Saddlery. THE undersigned haviug opened anew in BUTTEV1LLK, Marion couuty, O. T., in Ihe Post UtSee building, are ready to manufacture and furnish at short notice, and in Ihe best and most eiihelaut.al style of the craft, all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Carriuze Trimming, dj-e. Juue 21, IMfi.-y KOOP Sl CoOK. Ha lor Power for Sale. THE undersigned would like to sell one half of hi mills and w ater power on the Tualatiu riv er, about three m le from Linn City, known as Moore's Mills. It a probably Ihe best water priv ilep?, with the evv-epiioo of the great Falls of the Willamette, that there it in Oregon. I would like to tell one-half or one-fourth of my claim together with the mills ind water powur. My object la 10 get 1 partner, to enable me to properly improve the witer power. JAMES M. MOOUE. Feb. 9, 1866. 43if Land for Sale. I OFFER to sell 160 acres of choice Und for two dollan and a quarter to acre, cash. The land it 1 portion of my claim, six mile weal of Li- fa) rite, in Ihe county of Yamhill. Titlo rood Call and or for yotmelv. " Ti a Ironbl to allow tie laod. S. C Glea Avoca, Dec S5lb, lS55-37lf Wrtldias; Cake ' TADE to order, part e furnished vita ietas a.vX askonet aoticr, &e.,by al CHARMAN f WARm BUSINESS CARDS. 4 UJUT, arSXSTLAV A CO., 1 V tieuor.d i oiuiiiUMou .M.itlianla. tni Lt.i. sale tud riil Deabn I Dry Goodt, Grtttria, iiaruwiro, oo., ao. !GorgT. A Ilia. Archibald M'Kmliy. Thomas Low. Lewer Keotisburg, Umpui, Oregon, 4 LLAN, M'KIXLAY CO., OI, IX. Oregon Terrilory. MtyT CHARLES POPE, JR., DEALER la Hardwire, Orocerle, Dry c de C'lolbiug, Boots A blio.s, Medieintt, Book and hliUmery. Main-el. , Oregon Cily, April 21, 185$-Ilf Wa O. Dement V Co.. WIlOLErUI Hend retail I)eal,-re in CW. let, Pruv.eions, l'aiuis, Oil, Boots tod Shoes, Crorkory, Ac. Opposite lln Land Offit. JOHN TL WERTDE, Lafayeltt, Yamhill Ctuntv, O. T WILL faithfully tlli-ud to all busiasat t. trusted lo his professional eir. April SI. Ib55-llf . JOHN P. BROOKS, Wholesale f Retail Dealer in Grtetrivt, Pniati Provitiont, cj-e.. Main Street. ' A Ceneral Assorlmeal kept up of Selected Geods. Cnnemah, December 1, 1653. B. XrXUwain, Manufacturer, Wholetali and Retail Dealer in COOK ANU IMIILOR STOFEg, Tr fc corrta wai, iitiow.ts, MalnSt., opposite Main Street Hotel, UKKUUPI VI it, u. T. Steamboat lud jubbiug work llleoded t with dispitill. Older from the country promptly filled. jeT rt Srtuji, XvXodiclnes, Paints, Oil. fW 'nnd ye-tuifs, ' ij. ittheOUM.U.N CITY DRUG STOItE, Mpl5 Maiu Street, OregouCily.O.T. Wells, Fargo k Co.'i Express, Between Oregnn, CalUnrnia, the Atlantic. Suitet and Eumpr. HAVING inide idviniigeou prut,MtllJ,l,lM Will, III l.ik.t.,.1 Stale ind Pacific Mail Steam-1 hipj'oinponiee for linnsnoitallon, w art now m- pared to forward bum unit, uuiltan, Spetu, I'aekafet, rareeit, ana rretgnt, 10 tud Iiom N York, N. Orleuns, San Frmionco, Portland, sud principal towns nf ('al.foniia an I Oregon. Our regular Semi monthly Express belwee Portland aud r-nu Francisco, is dispatched by Hit Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 'a steanuhip CeJiiinlsa, connecting at Sua Francisco Willi our seini-inouth-ly Exprewi lo Neu York and New Oreons, which is dispatched regularly on the 1st ind lb'ihof esch nionth, by the mail steamers and in charge of our own messengers, through lo destination. Our Kxpr.-m, from New Yoik leave regularly on Ihe 5th und -O1I1 of each mouth, also in charge of messengers. Treasure insured la the best New York cem panics, or at Lloyd's ill Loudon, it the optioi of shippers. Ovrrci New Vuik, No. 16, Will at.; New Orleans, No. 1 1 , Exchange place j Sau Francises, No. 114, Muutijoiiiery slteet. J. N. BANKER, Ast . Oregon Cily, April 21, 18J5.-llf Now Volumes of the Four Rovlowt and Blackwood. COMMENCE wiih North British for Mty, ISii, und the other Reviews and Blackwood for June, 1855. Termtof Suhteription. Any one Review 01 Hl.ickwood, gid 1 year. Blackwood and one Re viewor any two Reviews, (15. Th four Re view! and Bluckwood, 8 10. Four capiat lo ont addle, $3(1. Posiugo on the four Reviews nnd Blackwood to any Post office in the Uuiled States, only 80 eenlt a year on each Review aud !i4 ceuU a year ea Blackwood. Address, L. Pcott ro., Publishers, 64 Gold street, corner Fulton, New York tep8 Reading for tho Million. S. J. MtCOIlMICK till CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT Till FaANKMN SOOI troat, raoNT-BT, ror.TUNn, oaanoN, ACboic selection of Popular Books, Newt papers, Magazines nnd Fancy Stolionery. Among the ho iks on hand will be found workt on Temperance, Agriculture, llotliculture. His tory, Poetry, ll'ograph', Jlodiciues, Religion, So ence, Mclinol Books, itoniiiiicis, &.C., A'c., Ac. D'ciiilwnplion received for Harper, Graham, Godey, Leslie's, or Putituni, at l$4 a year, foil oe ,i'e. JT Stibecriptions received for any newspaper published in any part of the Uuiou. Remember tho Frunkliu Book Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon. Of A priced catalogue will be published early ill April, unJ will be sent to any part of, the terri- . Ladies I y YOU will find nn excclleut asuortment of Dret$ nnd Bonnet Silkt, Sntint and Vtltett; also Bonnet Trimmingi, Ihtiery, Gioret, Lactt tad Ribbons, Table Ciotlit, Couutnpanet, etc., It tbt store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Main-st., opposite Abcrnethy's store,) where miy be found almost ererylhing in the liue of Dry Goods: Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Meriain, Plaid Limeys, Muslins. Sattiuctts, Jeans, Flan nels, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Batting, etc. Oregon City, April 21, 1855-ltf Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, Ja. gj ANDS' Sawapatilla, Teck's Wild Cherry Bit K5 lers, Batemau's drops, Braudrelh's pillt, Lee pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Citn phor. Gum Arabin, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d Drenarution. Roman eva balsom. Dalley's paia extractor, Landaiiutn, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Composition Powder, l.anera Pulmomry Daltom, sulphur, hpsom oatit, etc , April 21, 1855-ltf TEMPLE OF HONOR. Tualatin Tempt of Honor, No. 1, meett every Wednesday eve- u.ug. at the American Hall, Forest trove, urejo. Brethren of the Order in good stauding art vited to visit tins Temple. M. TUTTLE,W.C.T. S. A. Dixon, W. R. 32 Jnt Received, At the ' Old Stand,' Canemah, ApriI2l, 55. 4lt)l4 Lbs, Light Brown Sugar, .UvW 1.000lbs.ChiuNo.l,do, ' 1,000 lbs. Rio Collet, 1 5 Tons coarse salt ; 500 lbs. fint do-, 3,00, lb. Oregon Bacon ; 1,000 bushel oata, for sale wholesale or retail, by JOHN P. BROOKS. Central Produce Depot. CAN EM AIL . 1 CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, wbett, oats, bacon, lard, buUer and oUUi. Dec. I, 55. JOHN P. BROOkS. 10 1UC cartucra WE WOULD ear, call at our ttorej-wt wiU pay yon at well for your product at any other huuoe in Oregon, and will endeavor W nuke you fed as comfortable a we powWy ea. nu24 CHARMAN d WARNER. GILT MOULDING fur picror frm ft eal. by t HA RM AN A. WARNLt fTK) PICK CIGARS. Ih beet ehaae II P1 CHARXAN f WARfEX: