Taylor gave noilot of bill concerning tbt pilatage or the Columbia River and U inspection of (lb. Starkweather gate notice of A bill to amend an act regulating the fea of ofllcen. Galea, of a bill defining the boundary lines between Washington and Wasco eountias. Brown of Multnomah, of a bill requi ring judge of prubale, auditori, and jus tioea of tbe peace to be elected annually. Smiib of Linn reported a bill from the judiciary committee, conforming the action of courta to the late act of Congress. Afternoon, Avery offered a bill chang ing the judicial diitricta. Collnrd presented Lit bill repealing tbe act la reference to tlie compcniaiion of Judges and clerks of election. . Lovejoy gave notice of a bill to amend an act relating to the treasury department, Dryer offered a resolution inking in fur. maiion of the Quartermaster General con cerning the condition of hit cah and acrip account aince the salt of government property. Adopted. . - Dryer cave notice of a bill repealing tbe viva voce ac. Smith of Linn offered a reiolution tlmt when the House adjourn, it adjourn to 10 o'clock tomorrow. Dryer opposed it for the reason that they came there to do business fur their constit uent, and he was in favor of dispatching business as fast as possible. Ho was op-, posed to procrastinating the aession lo an unnecessary length. Drown of Multnomah moved to lay the resolution on the table. Lost. Resolution adopted. - Consor gave police of bill to prevent begs running at large, December 5. Cocncu. O'Bryant presented a poti. (ion from II. N. V. Ilultnes, claiming the aeat as representative of Polk and Tilla mook, instead of N. Ford. Smith's motion to lay on the table was lost. Drain moved to refer it to a committee of three. Adopted. Peebles, Smith, and Drain were ap pointed tbe committee. Cornelius presented the petition of P. Crawford and others, viewers of Territorial ltoads, asking compensation. Drain o (To red a bill repealing the act for relocating county seats. IIoDSR. The House proceeded to the election of an enrolling clerk in place of Mr. Looney, who declined serving. Thos. B. Micou was elected. Brown of Multnomah offered a bill in corporating the VViUflmette Free Ferry Company at Portland. Lovejoy gave notice of a bill to amend the act rotating to tlio sale of school lands in Oregon. , Taylor gave notice of a bill to amend the law relating to Territorial Printer. Dryer offered resolutions requesting in formation of the Penitentiary commis sioners as to the property of the establish ment, and as to the precise location of the buildings, and as to the owneis of the land occupied. Adopted. Cnnsor gave notice of a bill to amend an act relating to roads and ferries. Dryer gave notice of a bill to amend the militia act. ,, Afternoon. Brown from committee re ported a bill requiring the Penitentiary commissioners to employ the labor of the convicts on the Territorial Road from Port land to Salem, when not otherwise en gaged the county of Multnomah te pay the expense of keeping them while em ployed on the road. On motion of Smith of Linn the House agreed lo take up the contested seat case of Clatsop on Monday next. Johnson offered a resolution calling upon the Commissary and Surgeon Generals to report soon on the financial condition of their departments. Smith of Linn opposed the resolution on tbe ground that these officers Were already busy ;n making out their reports, which the law required them to present to he Governor, and not to the Legislature. Dryer replied that if these officers had Ikept their books as tbey should, they were f course ready to report any day ; and as tbe peeple were about as much interested in this matter as the Governor, he wanted the report made to the Legislature.' Resolution adopted. Adjourned to Monday. Late from Central America. Costa Rica. A railroad is about to be con trocted from Punt Arcus to the Barranca, a di ttoes of seven miles, sod which Is considered u th wont part of ths road between Panta Arena and Sn Jon. Congress has voted $75,000 for the campaign in Nicaragua. It is to be levied on the nsual sys tern, , "proportional aesesMnenl," and it is lo bear an interest of two percent, per month, payable an nually. On (lie 27th October the Legur arrived at Punta Arena from La Union and Realejo, having on board a apecial messenger from Guatemala with despatches for tbe Government. SOO Salvadori an were embarkiog at Realejo on the Slit Octo ber, and sight vessels were waiting at La Union for SOOt Guaumalian troops, under the command of Carrara. -The Costa Rica Government had purchased the American brig Dover, and intended to convert her hits a vessel if war. Tbe Chilean Government, it is said, have offered assistance to Cost Rica, and Sr. Kscalante and ToJido left in the Joseph Ucwhtt on a apecial mis sion to Peru and Chile. Nicakaoca. The steamer Thames arrived at Asp-.awsll oa November 7th, from Grrytown. Th news is reliable, and cnlm-ly contradicts th rumor that baa bsea ia circulation at Aspinsrall lot M day, brought by a sailing vessel ti Boca del Iere, abich was, that Mm aa Juaa pver was blockaded, by lh poeion ofCasliu and other points, by Hi lnvs1srs,or Jicrtiie. r.vsry lliinjr wa quiet in ths Interior by UuM accounts, j nr-ii ' ..j u- '.! '..I. no rveissr uat i,irot-s pairu pen isuv piqut and other point. notice to Stockholders. A N IVKTAI.MI-'NT OK 10 Pfcll CENT. A en th capital stuck of lh Tualatin ltivr Navigation and Transportation Co. I hereby, by order of III Diloclors, required I b paid lo lh Treasurer,' 1IIO.Y1AS V. IIU.ilrllliK I , imi on or bsfors III Mill day f January, 1637. TTIOS. POPE, Prs't. W. V. J. Ji'iisnos, Keo'y. Oregon City, December i, 1850. 35w4 Caution. ALL rEUSONS are hereby forbidden to plac any obstruction in lh way of the navigation . .... 'i-...i...:.. i...... r.A... ...,i -n.. ii.;. .I-,. ... 01 1110 1 UaMMIM IIH.I II Bliw. lll.awai?, I pain of being dealt with according to law. lly order of th lioard o( Directors of Tualat N. cVT.Co. THOS. 1'OFK. I'res'l. Orrgun City, D. c. 13, 1SJ0. S.'iw 10 Administrator'! Xfotice. TkTOTICE ia hereby given- Hist lellrra of ad- A.1 ministration hare been grsnted to the under signed by ths I'roliato court of Clackamas county on the estate of Patrick Callahan, dece.isvd, lets of said county. All persons indebted tonnid estate are requested lo links immediate psymeiit and all having claim against said estate are requested lo prcseut them to me within Ihs lime prescribed bylaw. JAMK.S SMITH, Adm'r. Oregon City, Dec. 13, 1850. 3,"w4 Hog Wanted. IV 11,1, give the highest market pries for GOOD F'AT 110US, delivered tome alike City Market. C. ALIIKIGIIT. Oregon City Dec. C, 1S56. Itlucksttiilh mid others, Look Here! ALLAN, McKINLAY & CO. Have now on hand a lorge and Wi-U selected stock of r liar Iron, Cast Steel, Horse shoe do,, German do., Nail rod do., Plough do., Plat do., aud intend to keep up th assertment to as to suit Hie want of customers. Givs us a call, and you will find that we not only have the fullest stock, but aill sell "as chesp as the cheapest" Wo are constantly receiving addition to our assortment, so as to replace what is sold. Dso. (i, '.'16. Salt! Suit! S)f TONS "San Qucntin" SALT, In about mij 80 and 100 lb. bags,' just received and for sul very cheap at ALLAN, McKIXLAY $ CO.'S. Oregon City, Dec. G, lSoG. t'olfvc. IF YOU WANT a really good article of COF FEK, the undersigned have got 1,000 lbs. beat "Costa Klra." Com in and look at ty. ALLAN, MrKINLAX J CO. Oregon City, Dec. 0,1856. CI r rat Inducement. THE rROI'P.IETOR OF THE t'RESCH STORE in this city, takes this method lo invite the public to call ami examine his stock of G O O D 8 lie has uow on huml, and will continue to receive by almost every steamer, a fine assortment of the best quality of goods, which he is determined to ell as cheap a anybody else, if not a little cheaper. The Ladies, In Particular, are requested to pome where they will find the best and LATEST FASHIONS of Dress Goods, of every description. Ho has, and is constantly receiving, DRY GOODS, consisting in part of the following articles Cocheco, Pacific, lladley, Conestcgo, Philip Allen, Fall liiver, Mcrrimac,aud numerous other Pit I. 'I'd, all late styles; English and French merinos, Lyons cloth ; black, blue, purple, and pink alpacas, jacouet, book and Swiss iiuulin, a tine assortment of laces and edging, velvet trim ings, Ac, domestic ginghams, blue, mixed, and gray satinet, sheep's grey ami fancy cloth, Milford and Bunker Hill je ans, bleached and brown sheet ing, brown and blue drilling, denims, hickory shirt ing, black velvet, ataonfine lot of plaid dress goods, Brussels carpet, Ac, &c. Hen & Boy' Clothing. Blue, black, and brown cloth couli of the finest quality, tweed business do., black cloth vests, & fine lot of blk doeskin and satinet panls, all qualiiics and sizes, mbber jackels. gray over and under shirts, white and hickory shirts, huts nml caiia. BOOTS & SHOES men's, boys1 and youths' boots, ladies', misses', and children's morocco, goat, kid, and calf boots and shoes. It is no trouble to show goods, and ho will al ways be happy to see his customed, whether they purchase or not. .EUGENE La FOREST. Oregon City, Dec. 6, J 856. 34m7 Books for the Holidays JffgTM J,,!'T RECEIVED, among which t-JJy are T. S. Arthur' works. Shukspeaie, uALsJr G1I?T HOOKS, Tokens, Robinsou Crusoe, Diary and Correspondence of Amos Law rence, Harper's edition of Alaeaulay's History of England, and many other valuable works, hand somely bound also, a general assortment of Pock et Diaries for 1 3.ri7. For aalo by Oregon City, Nov.29. C. POPE, Jr. JUST RECEIVED, a new supply of Rio and Java Coffee, Rice, Sugar, Sal Soda, cVc. nov29 C. POPE, Jr., Main et. Oregon City' University. THE PRIMARY DEPARTMENT of this institution will he opened on the 10th INST., (MONDAY NEXT,) in the "COLLEGE" BUILDING, and for the present will be under the charge of . Me. F. JOHNSON & Miss JULIA JOHNSON. Tuition, $3,00 for a term of eleven weeks, No charge will be made for less than half a term, unless by special arrangement with the teachers. W.C.JOHNSON. , Nov. 8, 1850-302 Sec. Board of TrusTee. For Sale. A GOOD INDIAN HORSE. Piice $50. Appiyto C. POPE, Jr., Oregon City, Nov. 22. Main street. Orcgou aud Cnllfomia Packet Line. rftHE following vestels will run in con s' ,! DP'ITT AD 1 IVPU necoou on a libOlunn l I . ' u in - tween PORTLAND and SAN FRAN CISCO: Bark OCEAN BIRD, Wiooist, Master, CHAS. DEVENS, Hsai.it, " NAHUMKEAG, Williams, Brig I. B. LUNT, Richasdsox, " The Burks have all been coppered recently, and are in first-rate order, commanded by experienced captains. Freights will be carried at Uis lowest rates. Produce sent from any part of the country to Oregon City, or to the Liua City works, will be re ceived and forwarded lo San Francisco. Aoest GEO. ABERNETHY 4. CO., Oregon Citv. ABERNETHY, CLARK & CO., Nov. 22, '56-3Jif Ssn Franc sco. Hogs I Hogs! "ItlARMAN & WARNER are now ready to J receive rUKh. at their old Lnd in Oregon City. Come, farmers, biing in your hozs we will pay yon, a We promised, a good price for them, east, or trade. novl j Wanted! OATS, barley, potatoes, butter, eggs, bacon, lard, &c tat which we will pay cash or trade. CHARMAN & WARNER. TE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for Y good WHEAT at the marM price, novla CHARMAN S, WARNER. M O R at NEW GOODS, OIARMAN 4. WARNER'S. R. Og"od'a India Cholagogoe . and Dr. Joner American Cholagofoe, ai'thd OREGON ClTTf DRrf STORE. A Card. THE subscriber would Inform III Bunwraua frisudsind patrons of OUKGO.N CITY a l PORTLAND, ihath will bo nbwnt for about lw month. About III fust of February neat b will anain ri-su ii bnUacbing in th above place, when he will be happy to wall ou suy who msy waul his ssrvicss. t;EO. P. NEWELL, Tearhsr of th Organ, I'iau Forte, Dee. 0, 'H-'Mwi Meledeou, and Vooal Munie- Orcgon Lodgn 3, I. O. O. l' MEETS at their Mall over th Oregon City Drug Ktor ivtry Wdiisiluy ning at 7 o'clock. Brethren in good atanding are iuvilsd to visit. A. WARNER, N. G. Fssn. Ciiassmx, Sec'y. IVnit Tree for Halo. I HAVE now en my place, two mile est of Oregon City, a Urge NURSERY of Fruit Trees from on b three years old. They embrace ill lh ssst sslkcthwis of Fruit vr brought to this country. I will sell in lot lo suit purchaser. Pit rail nd kk my nurs. ry. whether you buy or not. AAUKC.W iiuui), Nov. 13, 180rt. 3lw5 ZaTorsory. T II AVE bow for sal at my nursery, about mid- X way between Orrgon Uly ml Alilwauai, sev eral thoussnd arrLS tbxks of thrifty growth, em brocinz all lh ciioii rsr vasistiks or rauir sver brought to Oregon. My tree re frein on to two rears old, aud for s so aud beauty are unsurpassed. I am now ready to wuit on customers, and shall be happy to furnish decs to all such a see fit to giv m a call. Com and see my nursery befor you purchase elsewhere. I hv also a quantity of pli-mb, and outst-ss for sale ORItlN KELLOGU. Nov. 8th, 1830. 3(Hf. ' The nnspnlgn Opeuetl. IJI.VVK now in my NURSER V on the 212 Muuticello Farm, Howell Prairie, Marlon co., a very large KVRSERY OP CHOICE TREES, from one to two years old, emhraoing all th vari eties of Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, dtc, brought to this country by J. W.Ladd, which 1 oiler lor nils low for cash. Those who nre especling lo purchase tree this winter, am nquesled lo com and look at my nursery before making their fiaal purchase. HjT 1 m determined te sell on rerv reasonable term. SAMUEL SIMMONS. November 8, 1856. 30tf Nluulon'a Nurserr. STANTON. Fruit Culturist, st tlie 3& Nf)KTIl-H EN D Fruit-Farm, on Sa- 22 lem prairie, four miles north east from Salem, has, for sale, the following choice (elections of grafted trees, of various ages, fiom one to three year ; vis: APPLES. Jersey Sweeting, Early Harvest, Carolina June, Sweet Bough, July Bough, Summer Queen. illiam Favorite, Red June, Red Astrachan, Sweet June, Gravenstcin, Alexander, Vall. Full Beauty, Siberian Crab, Roiwi Nonpareil, Sweet Fearmain, Sweet Swear, Waxen, or Gate, Dwnrf, Early Pennock, rail t ippio, wlitbs. Tewkslmry' Wr Rlush, Green Newton Pippin, II ubnrrlson's Nonsuch Northern Spy, R. I. Greening, Gloria Muudi, Lady Apple, Virginia Greening, Tolpy Hockiilg, Milum, Roxbury Russot, Yellow NeW'n Pippih, Wine Apple, Red Pearmain, Winter Queen, Nnwark King, American Pippin, White Pearmain, Rambo, Carolina Apple, Baldwin, Newton Spilzenbcrg, Westfieldseek nof'lh'r Doinioe, Dutch Mtgnon, Belmont, Twenty Ounce Apple, Genilen, Red Rsmunite, Red Wine Sap, I'.lne Fearmain, Michael Henry Fippiu, Black Heart, l'rund Pippin, Monstrous Sweeting, HclMower, Ksopue Suitienbcrg, . Golden Ruwet, IIoIIbiiiI Pippiu, Winter Sweet, Melon, Lady' Swcetiug, PEARS. Columbia, Louise Bonuo D. Jer., Julienne, Josephine D'Melon, Vicar of Winklield, Crosaue Bergmnot, Darborn's Seedling, Triumph D'Jein, Possa Cohnar, Rartlet, Moon's Pear, Virgaluc, Dutch Du Angeloan, San Jose, Eurly Butter, Clapp's Early. r lemisli lie auty, Maria Louisa, Fall Rutter, Early lleurre, Pound Pear, Dorinburg, lluerayanca, Chomontell, White Duoyan, Fine Gold of Summer, PLUM 3. .TcfTorson, Washington, Sweet Domson, Smith's Orleans, Cue' Golden Drop. Red Damask, Green Gage, ellow Gage, Nnmp, CHERRIES. Red Carnation, Royal Ann, Downton, May Duke, Yatischaick, Black Morello. Kentish, Black Eagle, My nursery comnris about Forty Thousand beautiful crufte of the foreroinir varieties, of thrifty growth from one to three years old. I hare also a nurscrv ol alioul rweniy xnoueanaseeuiin? wmcn I wish to sell. A. STANTON. Sulem.Oct 22d, 185C,-28n-Cm. Now on hand, and for sale by the Sub- scriuur, 100 Crates crockery, 12,500 lbs crystalized whit sugar, 12,500 " superior brown sugar, 1,800 " 8. 1, sugar, in kegs, 30 kegs Stuart's syrup, 100 boxes soap, 25 bags coffee, 10 case Prido Union tobacco, 100 dos wool nck, 1 ,500 yds red print, 3,000 furniture prints, damaged, 400 ps silk hkfi, 60 boxes Saleratua, f 1 case honey, 100 boxes tea very cheap, 300 yds tow price linsey, 130 ' carpet, 200 " merinos, 10 bales gunny bags, 40,000 lbs Liverpool salt, 30 dox brooms, 100 gross matches. GEO. ABERNETHY & CO. Oct 10, 183C. In Equity. John McLaughlin, complainant, vs. -1 on Ter- XV Vmitvrrmv ft. Alfred Pttvrrnvi Clackamat County Dittrirt Court, Orrgon ni wry. IN thi cause it appearing by an affidavit of complainant filed with his bill that both of the defendant are non-residents of the Territory, it was ordered by the Court that the Clerk make an order, and have tlie sum published, directed to said defendants ; this ia therefor directed to the said Francb) W. Pettygrore and Alfred Peltygrove, and they are hereby notified that thie soil was commenced egainst them on the 6th day of Sep tember, 155 i that the object of tho bill is to quiet the title to lot No. 6 in block No. 28 in Oregon City in favor of the complainant, and for a decree that a certain bond, touching tli aame, made by the complainant to Alfred Pettygrove on the 13th day of heptember,l43, be canceled. Tha.d delendanta are required to appear at said Court, on th first day of tlie next term thereof after tli data of thi notice, and answer the b.II, fi that th same Will b taken as rosfttaccl. In witnee whereof, I bav hereunto eub l. a) scribed my hod and affixed my cfiicial eel, thi 15th day of May, a. n. 1950. F. 8. HOLLAND, Clerk. Not. 6th, 1954 30w Meor rirm-lffew Ooods. mllE and.rignl Uk thi method of Inform- 1 Uf III PUUIIO UISJ mey Have , iu wmmm aud have purchased the entir stork end future ' sa ii u iiiti I 1'lt ....ILU. l.i II" v w -m -- - - , . fsrinrllf ud bv K. H. HOLLAND. ud hot w7 strict atisiiiioa U business la reuia the plroii of III o!4 eusUHUtr snu gain si many suw poasiule. we are conMsiiuy in rreqi, vi ..v ,l -oh ilia n ati-st earn, fss I nric and oualitr,) - - .. ,i and are eonln eul lhal our facllilies will ensblo us to ofl'sr greater induct-meut lo all who waut lh r lti,.lr nimiftV Itmn snv allisr hou.o III ill city. W have, and ar Just receiving, au inroic of DJl V GOODS, cmisistlng in part of lh following rliele Coch eo, 1'suilin, lladley, Coiietlsgo, Philip Allen, Fal River, Meiriinsc, and numerous other PRINTS II hit styles j Eogl.sh and French mcriuus, Ly. mis rloili! blank, blue. iHirnls. and nitik tlrsv-as jaconet, book, and Swiss miwhii, a Itn aawlioeul oflseossml ettglug, velvet liummngs, ac, uo meslie gio(hms, blue, mixed, and gray salinel, ehi-e p' grey snd fancy cloth, Milford and Bunker Hill jeans, bleached and brown sheeting, brown and blue drilling, denims, hii kory shirting, black velvet. l a fise lot of pUd !' goods, Brussels carpel, Ac, Ac. MEX&- BOYS' CLOTIITXG. fltiM 1JV anjl tiMMrn i-lnlll PAalS of the finest quality, Iwsed buaiueas do., black cloth vests, a Au lot of blk dueskm and snlinst pants, sit 'luaiiiii-s ml miilwir i'i-Lia. smv aver and nuder shirts, whits and hickory siiiiu, lull and cops. V V u 1 r ana b ii ii s. b meu s, nu youths' boots, ladies', misse', and cliildreu's Mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf boots and shoe. GROCERIES: P; rr... .r.n a,,,! k'.i-V laa. Ness Orh-ana. Uutavia, aud crushed sugar, East Boston, Stew art', od China syrup, salt, 10 and P0 lb. sacks, hi!. K..riMJ Mun bit. I annn liowilra. DOW- dersnd lend, cream tartar, yeast powder, aalera tils, chewing add smoking tobacco, oysters, prunes. pepper sauce, ens, spices, suucu, aim ooium uni ting, illi variety of other groovrie usually kept. i ., n nave auv a Kulrudld Aasortmcut of Book. such as th nvat approved work on Phrenology, Psychology, Hydropathy, snd Mesmerism, a op plicuble to 'all til conditions of life, and pertaining lo the prevention and cur of all diseaies also the ..Revelation of A. J. Davis, lh Clairvoyant," with all tho other works bv the same author. AIo, S T A T I O N E R Y of all kind. Also. PRESTON'S MAP OF OREGON auiTWASH- INGTON. Vm. DIEKUOUFFdst'o. D a f:nnm ..nknn.,l anH Ilia highest . . Jl WM. IHIWWW " market price paid for butter, rggs, bacon, chick, us, flour, and almost nnylhiug the farmer has for ml,. WM.D.&CO. Oregon City, October 4, 1850. y Holland sfc White, ( fikk raoor muck uuildi.nq, ) J1L4.Y ST., OREGON CITY, KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of th following article both WHOLESALE and RL'TAlLt DRY GOODS: A !. Aii.niiiv Mnna'aliitir nurtli- at nrinls af all kinds, merinos, English and r rench alpacas, de laines, fancy and black sulk, sheeting, shirtings, :l.:,. tu..l. ..JmaM. 1-ntlnni.rinM. Iiirkurva. deninw.'drilling, satinett, blue, black, grey, and mixea, ccc, oio. GROCERIES: A well tclected aKsortmenl, in part consisting et sugar, coflce, tea, rup, oap, caudles, fruit, Hour, U....n. 1 ..I, M.lapntoa atmn powder, iuk powder, yeast powder, guu powder, to. f I i I iVf ., , , f , j i" ii . i uch as black frock, anck, and shanghai coat, of - i cassimere, casainctte, satinet, and cloth ; vests, buff, silk, black satin, cloth, and easimsro, plain and fancy ; punts, . lurga assortment of doeskin, nUtl. l..Ha BHiiii,.!. tinnn. and all oilier VWWII.IVIV, .IVIII, j-"-, " "I ' , kinda ; hats, cup ; ever aud under shirts Mocks, handkerchiefs, and cravats, and a Uisusaud other things, sucll a nnnrst x. stmes. M..lt.anS Mnaraa anH Ana hnr'B. tins black and Col- K..l Cm.u.m .(.A , ui,a atr fitllM.a. licrlll and heavy brogan, kip and calf boots, calf and enameled gmtera, ooya unu ciiuuren s uoou, auosa, and galtets. Also, nails, spikes, hammers, hatchets, saws, axes, scrthes, steels, squares, A'c, Ac. ILT Hi above goous will no soiu at ins iu market rates. All kinds of nroduc taken in ex change for goods. bepLlU, lS.iti. 7 Ilnrnrss ttlakcr cV Saddler. THE subscriber has bought out the establish ment formerly owned by A. K. Post, and ii ........ loinnrr iiow carrying on Ilie.iKiW'.ao ;anooyii;ii.t. AYbusinem in all its branches the LIVERY 2'f'A IU V Wmlnt.n'..n ilia ABlal.liklim.'nt. IB alsO mnuuuurivugiug ' " .,iv v kn nn n.l.ara hnniaa anil nnrria eras lira Constantly kept for tho accommodation of the public. Horses leu at my siuuie, win mways ou ireaieu mm pi licular attention, and welt'fed. I have been con nected with this establishment foraomo four years, and am now permanently located, whero 1 shall al ways b- happy to wait on all who mar fuvor me with call. W. B.PARTLOW. The best of TI3IOT1IY HAY kept constant ly on hand. Oregou City, Oct. 1 8, 1 SSC-'i i y. Saw zmii. I WILL rent my SAW MILL, and timber for it use, for one or more yea., on very favora ble terms. The works are in complete repair; and there is an extended custom to this mill, as it run- all the dry season, as well most oi in wet season. Steady, temperate men with fami lies, can now have a first rato chauce lo "make raise.V I will sell some of my fin blooded colli on good terms. DAVID NEWSOM. Marion Co., Sept. 6, 183U. -i'-'wo We arc now .Receiving' ND have in store L 100 sack Rio coffee, 80 whole and hlf bbl crushed sugar, 30 ' ' "NO " 100 doi brooms, ' 250 boxes Eng. soap, 1U0 " candles, 1O0 II nlnM mM aivpa. Together with a general assortment of crockery, l,F,luira knAla anil aliAM. Dsiuts and oil. &X.. &e., which w offer for sale at as low price a iney can oe purennseu in vrrgon i wnwrj, - .mi n i , c ,,n . rr Will. V Uii)lo J 1 Oi vs. Oregon City, Sept. 19. T.MvTkA T.,tmp.A. SUHuawva aauiaMwa rpIIE Oregon Milling and Transportation Co. a nave esiauusneo. a i.u.iiocu i anu m me river bunk in rear of the slor of Allan, McK.nlay 4Co. ' Lumber In large or small quantities, including dressed siding and flooring, can always be had by application at the store of Oregon City, May 10, 1836. GEO. ABERtETIIY & Co., MERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, O. T. Abernethy. Clark 4t Co., COMMISSION AND FOB WAS DING MP.Bcn.l.NTS, San rranasco, Cat., Will attend to selling Oregon produce, and fill or ders for Goods, Groceries, Ac, at the lowest rate. Th patronage of lh people of Oregon is rs apectfully solicited. Aug. 2. Tor lalo. I WISH l wit four yoke of GOOD WORK OXEN. Those winding to buy work cattle avnoL! da arall In s-ive me a rati at tnv rMidaoce oa Upper Molalta, Clackanua county. j. a. nturttLiU. SepL 27. 1B56. 94wi IJRESTON'S Sectional and County MAP of OREGON and WASHINGTON TER-KITORIES-for at by aug 1C , CHARLES POPE, Jr. POCKET and Uble collery of first quel ly, lot alt Iry CHARXAN f WA .VrR. I CLOTIIIJU WAIIEIIOIBL. JJirlgor. I - 109 UATTIST T., COT. Of MRaciIA-ITS, I a tin a liifliA i v vnAXcisrn. lUPOPTrit nt avrrs variety ot ("Mil '....ut yuruiihinff Goods t alts of Porlu Drills, rlheeliiigs, lllabHeis, Hsu, iwois anu i -jj recent arrival nss rrerivo v, mie I i..r .1.. ilirsbla stvle of t'M)TII. I IHVOICW Wt ... . , . ...A It k Ids i.iaoxrr sroca vr offered in this market The Good " liinufa(riird und-r ..niLrn, tod ut lh best nutenul. we cut, largo ie, and mad la ui won uurum manner. . , . 'i-.. ., M th Montrv are lav ira loesaiuino i.i-i - -.!. m,.A iliav will find th nrici-s uirii ,,v,,, hi. ..w...-. . iOW MfV ."l - ' . , .- Lows than Ihey can ba found lswi iu in market. ...... , Purchasers may rvty on receiving ins oesi anu most saleable roods, as onrh article is giiarsniira. OltDKRM FROM I II B LUU. "i proiiipi ly and carefully mended lo. lu.wiu pairs assoriea muvj m.r ,...-, 111,000 ' aawritd fancy ud plaiiiaulilialil., 7.0IMJ " " Imeu puis, SJKIO - . " (iood)eur' rubber pants, I .IMiO Goodyear" white rubber coats, SO0 case Glyar'i long and short rubber boot, 00 miners' boots, I ,ini0 down super llauiiel vrshirts. 3U0 (nicy caasimsr oviskirt, l.liiil liVO tUU 300 hi 10 3U0 Slid 4.'.0 J50 U0U 300 1.2U0 whit shirts, hcvy hickory shirts, heavy chick shirts, Merrimack aliirts, lambs' wool undershirt, regatta underihlrta, gray lluunel undershirt, laiuba' wool drawer. bleached drill drawers, overalls, Denim frocks, country-knit wool ocks, kaatftf M liila sinl mixed cotton do.. U.00 l.OllU piece upr silk p.xel nanuavrciiicis, 100 dozen super black silk neckerchief, SOU " cambric haiidkvrehii f), 300 " rubber belt, 930 " buck gloves, 400 " buck-ill gold bugs, 1,0110 doeskin business coals, 400 black cloth frock costs, 2,000 assorted overcoats, BOO " p- coat. 3,000 silk, cloth, and vlvet vest. 20 bale blue and whit blsnksU, 50 " A iheeting, SO " drills, 30 " assorted duck, 50 case fine felt hat, 1UU " straw hat. For sal by WM.G. BADGER, ll'UUI. Plotton Warsliouse. N. 100 Battery, cor. Merchant st.,Sn Francisco. N. o goods sola ni reiau. liiasoliitJon of CoDartnorslilP. alHE ooparlnership horx-tofor existing between the subscriber under th firm of Baxtow Si 'a was dissolved by mutual consent August jo;ii, 1830. Persons indebted will pleas mad Day maul to Jo, liarstow, who will receiv all debt duo tlie late firm. , JOS. BAI'SlUtt , W. CORBY. Canemah, Sept. 0, 183G. 3 Jos. Zarstow TS by himself, and would respectfully say to Ilia 1 f,lend and the public generally that he is thankful for p:ist patrounge, and willcoiitiuuebusi- nes at lh old slsnd, and will ever be ready to .l.u. I.!, ilniulm In tllOMI who OiaV foVOr hilll Willi t cull. Com on, come all, both great and small, i i. ... ... k.r m,N iNciinr a antvnnre. mm wive mm a -o w. w aud exanuu for yourselve his splendid aud select ' DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS. CLOTH ING, BOOTS, 8 HUES, ana t rtuiyAcni, Tc. Sugur, Cofloe, Spice, A.C., &c, Hals, Nails, Blooms, Ac, and almost rery thing portsiniug to a general line of business. All kiud of country produe takeu in exchnge. Country friend will find it to their advantage to give me a call. Cnnemah.Sept. 6. Blank Books. AFP.F.SH supply, nnd fimt-rate assortment of r..il and half bound BLANK HOOKS, just received ex "Young America." Puss Book, Sheen and Tuck Memorandums, Mouthly aud ... ... ,. . ,, . l- to. Weekly Time nous, unceipi noiaa, oo.iri., and Storehouse, and Cash Copying Presa Hooka, School Writing Books, Miniature) Blank, Notes, Drafts, Hills Lading, &c An. Noisy Carrier's Book and Stationery Co., Nos. C4 & CO Long Wharf, aud 97 ecp.20-m3 llaltcry l.,San Fraucisco. U. M. LUCAS. a. UALTOK. liucas k Dalton, HOUSE, SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL PAIN TERS, Ac, HAVE received and offer for snle, 4000 lbs Atlanlio white lead, 330 gallons boiled liuseed oil, 31)0 " raw " 300 " turpentine, 2li0 " Tilden'No.l furbitur tarnish, ISO " " " coach " 800 Japan " 1000 lb of putiy, C dot Adnms 6-10 brushc, 6 dot sash tool assorted, 10 pucks of lenf gold, 10 " ' ilvr, 100 lbs of Small' assorted colors, 3 gross of cumul and mihle hair pencils, 6500 ft of glass, 8x10, 10x12,10x14, 10x15. GUtod sash, any quantity, of lh following sue and price: 810, $3,25 per window, 10x12, 4,00 " 9x13, 4,00 " 10x14, 4,30 " 10x15, 5,00 " Messrs. L. A D. would respectfully call the st tentiun of the trade aud the public generally to ex amine llnlr slock before purchasing elsewhere. LUCAS & DALTON, June 20, 1850. Front st Portland. JO 8 T RECEIVED, TO bbls nnd hlf bbl N O siigas 30 ' ' crushed " 40U0 lb No 1 China " 10 hlf bbl Carolina rice, 15 dried apple, 13 keg. " 10 hlf bbl " peaches, 10000 lb Liverpool salt, 10 coses table salt, 50 bbls Santa Crut lime, 6000 lbs manilla rope, ass'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, H " 6000 qr Hour sacks, 6 bale drillings, 13 esses s'd pie fruits, 12 " " pickle, 20 bundles window sash, s'd size, 24 pannel doors, " " 2 dot pol. grains scoops, 100 sack Rio coffee, -10 mat black pepper, 10 bales oakum, 100 single and double blocks, ass'd sixes, ' 6 gross P A M yeast powders, 10 dot tino wash boards, 500 gkls S. I. syrup, 4HII0 lbs while lead, pure, 500 ' ted " " 40 gals copal varnish, 15 dot paintbrushes, ass'd ;, 15 "3 hooped buckets, 200 gal boiled linseed oil, 1K0 raw Tiajether with a good -ortmeiit of tlARD WAKIi end CARPENTERS' TOOLS. AH of which we propose selling at price lo uit the lime. Call aud see (or yourselves. W. C DEMENT A CO., Main st , opposit the Land Office. Oregon City, April 13, 1S3G. t'rcals Ort-gosa lUinolby fceed, 1 Kf. BWHEIX jn-t received and ! AtlU low by WX. C.0EMENT4CO. J) anln iyflAAiS.i.1 f "e"'v sVRLGON HAMS anJ sIIOULDtK.-i for sal 'X) i 19 CMlXWiK. WZR. . OREGON CITY Wholcialo Prlees Current. eoasscTsu wsr.sLV. - l' iinalil IIBOI.a&. usiiii'iata Sheeting, 4-4.... flsH'IOUpr.Uvr N. Y.cost. Drilling Mi rsoncr. llleachsd drilling .l W,at, pr, bu.....Sl,00 sinning, llalfi'Oal do ,. 50 Sinned do l'. I'oUtoi-J d 50 Tickioir HaliiOuiiii d...40l if.J llenii i.'j rmnr .,; Blue drllhng H Com Alesl, flesh 8 Plaid husey .Ks'.M; rsriT. Haimel 7uUii; " dried do.I215 Koiilueky jean...2."i4.'i Prc,es,diieddo 10 Tweed 5370; " dn-ahd ruiST. ; " h'll, dred. -'; J riliiend whit 12' raovisioa. Bin snd orang I'-' Poik, rlear li"ii. Kency haltf M in Furnilur do lOol l llam 13 do. Wi.Ih.K'4 Uou I M.do la!u. 1 .'' . "'"' Giiivham ISaSi llarard, pr ... Alpaca 5ont.ll. " pr -g. Tbl dimask itiaii '''' ... 6 10 ,r??Ji.3 :k:i cloth OiaSI 1 xmall sie Irish linens 4Ujil Buck ... i.uiau. j.KA'1. m .11, .1 It .r ,...20 nnerpgia, ....... ?., . Ssllnrt no. 9-a"-1 "'i - s Fancycss. do. ...lu5. csn . Illark raas. do. t5a7' Manilla, small... ... Si Ui lUsIS ,.17a40 tUnlij Redllau'lsliiit. SMalfl " '- llluc do. do. H..IS H. mp Hickory shirt 5u7. . ciM'LX. C'.lko do ailuW Admsiilino amiTB books. .Nwriil Men', kip hool.S-Jl-jJ- super no. (to.. ..-J I unvBim , ,7 line sewed lit German SH'2j Bov.' kip boots fyl American tpiajt; .. I.--.;- Jtl TOBAI'CO. ' Mi' bri's pr. dim.. 17 Pride of tho Union.4ila43 " kip lirg s pr iim.i-.u ca.f sewe, do..S.'l Luke i W neu's h'vy .h'.l.'l- iiASiiwAsn. '7' t do. fine do.. ,..51;. Shovels . UIG ,.(.l'.'a2:i ..'Ji'silt ,75s$l,Ji uaocKant. Mpslle CofTe l-laH' A," Te It'afS Mill.su Sugar, no. I Chi'a... .MX ciitaw.... IU K-rot Salerulus lOalli advance on .v , 1 .cos. vrwuvuss , f jjlareli H l K'- " P'" Syrup E Uoslen... 1.2H S'lvaiice. a 01 (III.. r mlicle of hard en, ly ihuhiu . N O Moluise. .... war iniin v 10 iiupv . .'Inn, ' a'lvuiM. . . SJ et.Naits.ass'dsme.prkgST . Su-.'j " lioreh...Sia35 4'i Lamp f'.? ,iv. S ilt I'abla Sail ftindwicll I. Salt. 'epiier ' AIIhnc Ciniiauiou 6HaKI)i.ills.ed bod '"'- fal liTiiriientine prgall 8 Soap... , U. S. MAIL LINE Portland mid Astorln. The S.l.-n.lid Steamer ' "HQrivS Multnonvah lraiTi fTTILL oonliiiii to rim rejularly between I on. V lund and Astoria, ri Vancouver, tw icr a ..!..- 1. ...1 I Mnmliiv anil 1 hursdut wi:i:at leaving 1 ui.ian" j j .- morning, of each wek for AsIom i and Astoria for Portland on 1 ueisiny anu t nuui ....-, touching VANcouvan.ST. IIklsns, P.imss,Catii. lamkt, Ac, each way. For fre'ehl ' l"8'' apply lo K. I'1-'! 1 iaser, jelC Or at Hoyfs Wliaif-lwnt. Portland. IT. 8. MAIL LINE. Orf'or City and Portland Daily racket, mvn. Jonnie oiari, tl J. C AINSWOnTH, MAS'IEU, ill rim daily, (Sundays exccpieu,, . - -named trade, leaving Oregon City every day at o'clock, . 11. Rcluniin-r, will leave lurllandal 9 r. M touching at all inlcniiodiulo M i ia. For ircight or passage app:y on uoarn. op.... C0RVALLI3 TRADE. COCIIUAN.CASSAUY lo. - hmi .nnn no- Ilia Meamer as. a.i. ....... r ltd Inna liorlhcn. ill tllO Cor- vallis trade.' Will leave CAN KM AH on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8 A. l'"1.'1'' chamed by ''ship measurement." . 1 S COCHRAN, CASSADY fCO. Oregon City, Nov. S, '5ti. ' t''i ri'llti silt k ill,. t Morrison St.. between Front and First st., PORTLAND, U. i . Charges reasonable. S.D.S.MUH, March Ij, lSjli-43 VmymUx. W. r. Uurus, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OHEOON CITY, O.T. IT Strict attention paid lo repairing, and ti fi., r.. in niitrnna wiirrunieu. Sotiic'liiiuil Kew. WIJ, in addition to our Grocery ant Baking business, have just recuived n good and well selected slock of DUV GOODS, such a calicoes, muslins, moils de laines, sulini ltis Iweeil, 1.' .1... 1..... x A n nlsnn irood iissortiiient lll'IMUCIIT Iran"! - - . , , 11 ..I. k.,1 ilnLlinr. nnd drills. n,Kkut hand UI llUl.llvin, vm . , , , kerohiefs, neckerchiefs, Ac, all of which we war. rant to be of the best quality, and win sen as io.v as tun be bought at any other house in tho city. We say to the farmers, we call fill your bills com. plotely, which will suve you so much trouble iu running around els-where. Call and c. ,111 inirl V 1 lullfilliH. AUg. 1U. VtiAKM.1.1 J- JUtt IU'1'L'lVC'tJ, ANEW and general assortment of DRY GOODS, coiixinliiig of De Laines, Jaconet, 11 ..1. m....i, ..r..j.iirri..l Mimlio. Kiiirinrr. liuer I.UUa lllll.lil'l V,'"" ...... -- , rt n' ( lion, Habit in Ladies' hose, collar, Ac., Ac. Also, BOOKS end STATHi.-s r.ur . CHARLKjs fOPli.Jr., ang jfl Main St. What'i tho TTso of G oing Barefoot ? rtlE siibucriher has opened a boot ami snoe simp X iu this city, where inuking and mending' will be done to order on iiioht noticb. 1 ulo keep consluntly on hand ready made boot and ehoea, which I will sell on reasonable terms. Ihankful for past favors, I .till solicit reusou iblo sliar 01 patronage. Call ..id try ''"-, , I, If. 1 ' unu a Oregon City, Aug. 9, 18.i. 17inB ixrha Wants a Good Saddle? T H1K subscriber, living five mile oiith-wet of 1 .r...ii I,, Vaiiiloll countv. is now carrying 011 lh bunnies of Saddlo Making in good earnest. He keeps constantly 011 hand the best saddle that cuii be manufactured with the materia nt com mand iu Oregon. Those wishing n genuine suduie ....ni..i in ISi nn hnilt aides, and rirrred out in complete style, cheap for cash, or good trade would do well to give me a can. my snop is siiiiaien vu iil.n 1 .-!, m.iir where the road crosses it lead : 1 .. p..,ii,,i .,,.1 Wmn Ciiv. "no country" by the way of Smith' bridge on tlie North Fork of 1 amhill. IT 1 keep every thing ill the wiildlery line, as lindles, .Martingales, Halters , Lin". Ac . &o, Sept. 20-23U. ,J. O. IIKNDKKSON. Somcthinff How. ANY pTson having a Melodeon, Seraplilne, Acoordeoii, or other reed instrument, willi brukm or defective reeds, can have them rewired, by applying or lending to Chat, M. Kester, at hi renidence, two squares hack from the Baptist, Mealing House, in the North part oi Ore;on City, ilharge for inwrung linglo reej fiom Jl,.'iO tu ft i.uii l:tonab,e didu.-tiju for a greater num-. bVr; C. M. KtS'I LU. Orern City, Sept'.ni'a-r 2i, lsii-liil RUSllF,,urnb, hand, and tooth ; do hair; k,...l,.a A n for sal at the More of CHARMAN 4 WARNER. DO you want Hay Forks, Spades aii-1 Shovels f Call at Ci4R1M.Y WARNER S. nyO pick fancy 'joe,' eiUier ladies' or gentle- iauiT'H clunxAN 4 wARSzn - ;t