The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, November 29, 1856, Image 4

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"fC f,
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I 7l
'lh Vt of Ileal.
I( (M narrow p,
Wan-red with banian tfcf
Tor Utoili li4 kCt the '"
Alxt i llwinand year;
And Hit eeaselcai Ireaa" f a world's ft
Was trcf In inf ear
Thronging, jiliu(;, hurrying by,
As If Unjf wr ouljr burn lo ait.
A'u!y klu; drew aar,
Tku) narrow paw t" tread
ArounJ lurti hung t gorgeous lobe,
And crown u on his Ua I ;
Dul Death, with l"k f wiilieiing two,
Arealed lilui, dill iid,
"In loiiiihlor dri-M inut llio k 'i; dr.r near,
For (In crowa and purple ai u.U h."
Next came, a man of wtallh,
And li' wa proud and Iw'd,
And li bore in In bund a lenjthy atrull,
Tlli(f of sums untold i
lint D-iaih, lit ciictli not Li muk,
Caitlli a liltlo tut KiJ
"Htr lliul Krull I cunnot allow,
l or Ilia g'.M of tlie rlclint i jiuilfa nott."'
Another f.illowcd fait,
And Iwuk iu lii band,
I'illcd wllli tlx fli'lira of Lpun.irivf lliouhl
'J'lut are known in ninny a lunl
Uul llitcliild of g iiiu"uuiltd to hiar
Ue.illi'i :tilrM demand
"Hero llial loik cunnot enter willi line,
For tlie br gtit tl-uli of g( n'ue it n itbin to nie.'1
J'et (tame a maiden fair,
Willi cjreo dci ply It'ijd,
Tint itiri within yu t(aiKl aweel care,
Khould you iiiih l on a tummcr nielli ;
I)ut Pruth.ere the fnile inu.d pawd through,
SnaU lied away in lijlil,
''Ileauly ie iviwor in the world," be euith,
Hut what cun il do in lb 1'4M of Dvalli
A youth a! aickly mil n
l'olluwed in tlieii'lilful m wJ,
AVb'iM heart vai filled with lo to Cul
And tbu i ally biotberbool J
lleath fell lie ceulj net quench the heart
'l'hjt lived forother' good,
'I wn,'' cried be, "lb powur of loeej
I niut let il piaa to lb reulnu iibive !"
Aoccal of MjubI Ararat.
Major Itobcrt Stuart, of llio Dii:i.di
Army, in a communication to tliu Louden
Times gives an inlorcstinj; nucnunt of tin.'
ascent of .Mount Ararat, madu ty liiuitulf
and four oliiur lilialiint'ii. Tlio purty
atarlvd on llio lltli of July. Wo giw
llio fullotving extract, wlmdi concludes llio
occouul of llio ascent :
Wraiiping ourselvca in our rug, we
passed lLo niglit as well ns could Lo ex
pected, and at peep of uuwn wo resumed
llio ascent, It certainly km toil.v'iuo mid
alow, but was, nevertheless, aatisfaelory,
l'roin mi rluvulion of about 1 1,0(10 feet
above tlio sen, wo n.iw llio nun ri.-o in un
clouded majesty, lighting up linuilianeous
ly to our view vast tracts of tl o llusiau,
rcrsian, Tuikiuli ciupirca J lliat waa a
glorious Biglit never lo bo forgotten.
About l.'-'UU feet fiolil llio fiimmit e
camo upon an oak cros lliat had been fix
ed (hero iu llio rock by IWoaor Abieh
in llio year 1815 it was in perfect pres
ervation, and (ho inscription in Itu&iaii
diameters still legible.
This was llio iiiot diflieull part c.f the
ascent, tlio obstructions were fin pi' iit , and
llio climbing at limes perilou-; but cau
tion and prcservoratico enabled us lo over
como everythini; and at 'J A. M , wu had
llio siitisfaction of atnndiii on the highest
point of llio mountain, lb re I str.iil; to
tlio hilt in tlio biio.v a kauia, or slim!
dotiblo edged sword, which wo found at the
fout of Abich'a cross. Hero alo, ns loyal
lSriintis, wo drank the health of nur he
loved Queen, iu bu.ndy. llrr .Majesty
will perhaps deign to this express,
ion of allegiance on consideiiug that here
is probably tlio first namo that lias leen
pronounced on that sol. 'tun bight since il
was rplilled by llio great pulriarcli of the
human raco ; for no record of tradition ex
ists of tlio ascenl having ever been made
before, although repeatedly tiied by nun
of dill'orent countries, both Kurcpean tuul
Asiatic, 1'rofessor Abieh made seveial
attempts but failed in all, as is proved by
the position of tho cross, by tliu toliniony
of llio natives, and eten by the testimony
of his own ciuiiitryini n.
Wo descended oil ihe Iracl.s of the oth
ers, and got back to (ho letVs about
4 I'. M.
Tho whole Mirfaco of .Mount!
bears evidence (f having be, n sal jected lo
violent volcanic action, being seemed and
scored with deep ravines. Tho nl;v
ridges that piolru.lo fioni llio miw are
cither basnaalt or tufa ; and near the sm
face we fuund tome bits of pumice, on n
ipoi which still emits a strong siilphiiroiis
Theaummit iu-elf is ncriily level, of a
triangular shape, the base being ab ni: 200
yards in length, tho perpoudieillar about
300. The hiy Iicj-1 point is ut tlu apex of
(he triangles, which points iieaily din
west ; separate fiom it by a j nn.
other point of Hourly (iiul altitud.-, nn l
tho base of tho liianglo is an elevated
ridge, forming a third eminence. Tli v
three points sl.ind cut in distinct reliif on
clear day.
The sunn-on the lop is almost dry ns
powder, and in walking over it we did not
aink inoro llian half way to our knee.
Tho impression left on my mind is thai
the iiiimnit is an extinct cater lli!lel
with snow. Wo experienced no Jillieultv
f respiration, except U-ir. soon.-r blown
by exertion than wo hou! I have been at
lower level. This cold waj intense
and though perfect cal n prevailed at the
lima at llio foot of tho cone, as w e nfier.
wards learnt, a kpen wind was blowing
from the wtt, wLieh raised a blinding
Bjist of fiua snow that frueutcj
. i i- . i . i .
A may !' nitii.''eil, our nuir-.-i
cri'it'vl no aniutl icii"Hi"il thr.jii-lioul
country , Out fun of it frm'-U'l ui where'
ever w w.i t, Il miiiouncvd a
aort of wonder to l!,9 curat aut trnvt!lir.
ea.fwaiJ ; an l ilia ICimalt nrn "f I!.iai.l
lint iniultf it ail ol j-ct -f a aj'tcUl r. Jor
to Cuiiatiuitiiiopto.
Ffoin twittered ili iraotcrof lb" inount.
Bin, tind tlit Iradilinia B-icial( d ttilli il
tliron "lionl llio IC-fl id. at I hey mo
wi;li cri)i'inul rt'iiN, I am I'Viiif d In
lliii.'i lli"t d' ;.'' "( iini ,ii' C'' tiil
tncli lo t!.i jit'i-rm iiu-n, in J .j.uljr
l:iiial''ji, Lryoi.d wlii-t U duo to a mere
rxliiliitioii of lu-rve or ni ii-el", mi l t!ii i. )
d.iuM, tell in f.itur of tur l a .i..i I
On i'ii l'uli wo a-cii.l.d I.i vcr Ar-i'u',
but tl U Lciti an nrdiii iry hftult, i!o i,t
cull for a ilitnil'd aix'Kiint, I tv ii' l
on'y o' -rrvo .rr!i i fro'ii iri o'.lii r
jt in llio tvoiM cun n finer or iunc rx-
toiisivu tiew lo obtaMii d. 'I'll! vi-tv tte
lud l!ii iixnl (nrtiniu lo enj'iy t'i ji'iP.c
lion, witli a tljiiJUj) !y udJ tkur tit-IMU-;
To mivo our n adi r llio trouMu of ro
fir ring to n azuictr, I limy atato lliat tho
ntitninil rif tb'j grcnti'r Ararat U l","'i'i
fi'i't aVivc tliu Irvid of tlm kro, and 1 1,
:)00 ubot'u tbo lain ; fn'in Lar of cono to
autiiinit may Lo nboie (i.UOO f i't.
Limit Ararat in 13,00!l fell uli0 fca
ar Jem acui 1 1. VeriC.
Lo-.vly, tliiuin" bead,
Whtr w lay lb, duwn
AVi.h the Itiwly dead,
D.o. p thy gulden ciowii !
Meekly, muihle p.i!nn,
1'old aeroM tb bieiut,
Bciilpiiiici iu while calm
Of m.brekcii mi !
Sufily, elarry eyen,
Veil your d.nkrned,
Nevttmoie to ri-o
In ii,iiiiicr.liiiie or tiari !
Calmly, rn -ecu! lin,
Vuld j-niir dewy rJ
To Ihe wan eclipro
Of this palo repose!
Slumber, aural tin l! !
No nioie il) n liven
Tbioiijjli your cell
Wouvcili (rali-tor heaven!
Stilly, klt-ii ler feel,
l!ml fioni nwy rhyme,
With Ihe ringing wri-l
Of her mlvt-r cliimc !
ll.ily smile nf Gud,
Spread thy glory mild
I'll Ictni alli tho nod
Of Ibis hlllo child!
Tub W.ti.ver. Tho wu'nut was orij;ii:a'!y iu
l'nliind i-.illrd ilia lianlmit, having bin inlro
dneul rnnii l iuiiee. lli rliuli.-ls used Iu cmioiler
llio wuhiiit illiiMicious in d senses uf llio, be.
Ciiuio il bore w hat they nulled the signuliiio of the
liend, (i.e. a f.ili.'iiil leseiiiMuuec,) llie outer green
fkiu ri-pn-iieuiiig the per rn.iiniii, the thtll within,
llio t-luill, mid the ki-inel Ihe buiu. Towaid tho
c!ne of ihe hixtu-nlh century, wabiulswcro found
to bo inure elUclivu than ciiiiium bails in tho oity
ef Anioin, which was bi-seijii-il hy Ihe Spaniard
lln n in anna loippost the iicces- iun of Henri Q.ia.
tie lo the. tliinue of 1 i.iueo. A siiiall iiiiiuU.-r o!
i.f Spun :.h Kiidivrs, disguised us I'reiieh p -aMinls,
with a curl laden with rueks lull ui'ualnil'.i', uslu-,1 e In m il lliciu. On the Rule h, ii upea
ed I'er 111. in, one of Ihn si -ks whiell was p up iso
ly left iinlail, fill (as ilipineil) fio:ii tho c.ul J Ihe
l'n neb guard, ba.-J ing tlit-uin-lves in pbltieg up
tin- eealteii-il UMlnule, weio allnrkcd by the d.
fiiis.d koliliers; then a puily uf Sp iiihuiN, whu
were at hand in aui'msh, rubbed foiw aid, sir pried
and tuoli the low il,
l'.ii i.r I'imunu llcaa.tMis. Wa are in tlie dai
ly rereipt of letters ( auun exeban;;e) hoin di-eoiii'iiji-d
and Ut)p..ti.!r:it tvivea. wba U;le ibul
tluir hii-b.oiils ruiiliiiuiLly jo.'ld U:,.l fault
with lliin, no matter h.-re bard Ibey try 1 1 pi- a.-e -,
ninl the writers ul-u n,k what tlu-y can !o til .!-,is.
fy Iho iiniea.-oiiabl in, n, und e,.nn a liillo peace
iui,l e lufm I.' Ti nil uiiiur!iin:iH wives, we
can only say You will hau In look for pra.e iu
tin- giav.t. A man who h.ibilually sc.ilils hia wife,
ami who is given lucniKuul faiill-liiidiii" ut ho.r.e,
is bejuud the -i aeli of reformatory human iu!!tt
eiie,'. A eeoldiiij wife is bud enough, hut n fault
I'm, I, IV husband ie ahvpi-lher di.-gu.-l'n mid d a
graceful: hu is an iguibie tjr:inl-a nuisance n
pest, und oii,lil to he cxt'ligualied 1 !o u bed-bag
or a h. '..'..r;i-1
rXui.isii vs.' A m i:aic.N Ciiii.h. 'I'lui Kngr'sli
gill : p, iul n or.- -.hau one-half ol her w .kin i; boms
:ii Ii) sieal iiuiii-i, nn :.ts, v.hioli lend to iKvelop.
and iui;;,,rale uu.l ripen the b ulily powers. Slie
nd.s, walks, drives, rowi upon Ihe w uti-r, ran?,
il.iueet, p!as, sing., jun:w tlio lope, throng Ihe
bail, liuiis the, uVuhj ltl lKl l,.,p, ,,, (!jt.
hulllfeoi-k,mid ullihis w'ilbuul bavin; it forever im
pressed upnii her mind that she in thereby w.istiier
her lime. She den this every day, until Ii bo
eiiMies a habit which idie w ill follow up through
life. Her frame as a natural consequence, is larger,
her 1,,-tter dev. loped, her neiv
ouaeystein in loiter mbordinat mi, bernrenyih
nioie endaiiiy, and tho lv10 onc 0f ,cr 1imj
Tu Penri i r I't i-riiiix tueo iu
bisloiv. e lu,',-l !.a . ut .1
ail liumuu
I an injure,
mid in ter n-va:, d on,, u,me 10 hmi, ,.
an liiiliiilli.ii. vei- dee. pt.ou
ll)-t 111! i.pportlllint of ,! a.r ,.1KH1 . .....
ni,.iM,.i i!ieii,:i ,,.,,"(", ;;,
U -noiiepl, ,, , tlie. miisl of Iho
" '-'r the M; U.,J piuplld,.
cemle, et imniouVy ti..i.;.; lM
me. kueM aj ,.,! m.r iuv,.ruur liMi
ve 1 lllleiid
. mi I never
reus iu ti.t
,.et el' the
iisu il, ai.,1
l- viag and
l l lliiutm-
.-K h,m in
.. .. t...,.,..s, ui.giukiul, jiaj ciuci ,
lit ilifl.nij.
t?, Two gen-.iimu in ,.-,,.,, , i, ,,!, , lp
on llie ipiesu ai wheiher afuin. le pre.twci,!
nurry a eoep'e kilo..,,; U.,, , w r,lr,Ulll
l o arid Ui atl:r they t,,,-, t.
Xavier't Ci.i:e,c, m IhaUm, klure lli-y wrie
inl'.irniid Ihai where roupie.'p.iM ui i! ,.L., lie,,
de.irii,,,' lo be ui.ilidm m.,ir ae ai.d boili are
rrlelaiils, rmh...e pr., . hoe uo Lis ut on
ia marrying tl, n.
fcT" It is not easy la ittrai-hu-n in ti c
ei ' the croyi tbat grew ia tL.- sjp't.i.
ui iruiii uiii uuy i;i'i:.i,i i
r;!'.nuii Jewelry,
l It 1 1 1 i I ' l j.K.eonbard
it.e lb. t 'iiii'm f Ji;u i; -r
ij'-bl l.i l"-ii. 'lb aMorliiKul toa.i.'. m
;.il ol lbef'l.,:iif ai II leal
Jliamon I liru. bee,
j) iii.nnd nn?,
fju'd uilr. iv liin-k-ire,' wjit liM. iu uumclr J c",
I .ml i-e ch iirljnert,
,M-'iij rur-ni'i",
li j'i ill iii'..le, Kld a"l tilri-r pent,
( Vd i ;,, iiiinl'l ornein- uU,
Curd bi-l.' Ie, pedil i-..lil,
(;,. I (jimiil, vrl, and h- liiu,
bam alnn iin;e, j
I. ad r t,n.'.tl .
u va.1,1) ol oilier guo'e tauineroue to nieu
I on.
( ull mi I r lh ni't miuiflcent di-p'ay of ever . ill Of t"i.
o. C'n.i -.i.u i;ui:,i .n,
Murl. SI. I'm-iiI eiiwl, l'.ll inJ. !
C:c!:j! Bae!w!
IIK mi.!. -rti-'iie l in coi.i..uiiy mi band ill lm
). ii. iiiu. niurv III lln-.ii t'lly, HACKS of
a ,li .1 u. 4..iiit , 'v.l..cb Will IwUbt-l iieluw o I
Hii- i hi b i-.e;l.i .ii il.o T- mi -ry. Ui.lcie fiom j
Si .1. lira I
i.on.i'Uy a i. mi ui-i.
Oirpm City, May 3, leiG.-Sy.
Wrn. C. Ecmcnt Cl Co.,
Al tint v'i tl'i'iJ, ov'''' I--"1'! "jP".
1 Hi; now nc-lv ng p-r baik "Oik" and bii
'-lulr)i u," lb" I'odowini gnoilsi
I Ml ifir.t H.-r.ii ai d ailauiuiiln- call lies,
.Ml kejt din-d app'e and p uehe.
11,(1 l,h aiiMl Ii f bble cruabed tugur,
U ceiekl. ,
M ' fie.h pea-.-hea,
II) " pef.uiia,
In I- n(J. A. rati,
C!tOCKi:ilY .J- al. iSS.WMlF.i
,',e'l d 1 1 up. and saiicen,
Ki ll ' pi ilea,
yili) ' lun.blera,
J.) " Water p.'.e!;er.
Sugar Irf'W l', te.Hi'.a, 4.C., i.0.
OILS .y I'M. TH:
I'H Li g pure b-ud,
e,,U ((ui, ln, e.l oil,
II I) ga' tliipenlilic,
.Ml gala vurnisli,
3hCI gulf lamp oil,
1 1 10 fa's laid "
t'.UOU yds bruwu ahecting,
f.iiliU " priuta,
Cliaebrd c rlloua. led liikiuu, Ac, Ac,
nil of whii b w II Ik- sold aa low as Ihey can be pur. I
chased of any n'ber liou-e ill IJiegunC'iiy. ma) l j
t PI1E auWriher bu jii.l
I. ed a liirg,-supply ol ITKNI-!;,
1 1 III', of ull ih-x r p'ious, I
in.' in pari us folluw-a
Sola, muling my and Hack walnut;
I hau.ber n"s;
IhiieuiH, with or without inarbio topi;
oili.,.. d-ks;
U,a king i-hu ra, itnfH il iu hair, carpet, and widi
i alio und woo I seals;
Dining chairs, enno aud woo l icnta;
Oli'u-e chairs, do do do
I'lii'ilieii'a do, lii ;1i dining and rocking;
lb d.ti inN, vaii, -ua kind-!
'l ubha, cricer, curd, uud dining;
Vriiin' dok-J
S.d boaials;
I'.irl, r chairs;
Heading, toilet, and woik tables;
I ai iking-gl .sses;
.Vunrc-s, a, h air, moss, und wool;
W'unb'.v' ibillli'-,;
-'!, is;
I'ap-r buii:.'inu's, of every Myle;
lh i lo lh: Cliin se liuillili.'; Iluid lampa, and burn
iiigllud; with a vanity of other urlielra too
niiineintia In mention.
IVi a-ins wish ng to pnrehase will please call and
l Xttllih.e b-r llleniscivea.
A.I kinds cl c uiilry produce tulcen In erclnmge
fur u'oods. TKOri. JOI I XSt ..
.MiirehX1-?, IPjC. 4'M
Wv. ii ui ii t'i Ei, n,
io I ,f-, ,f ii I r.- r ft
L-", 1
1 T a I, i 1 I'll" .11 .1 il I. Jt . it'i
I iiMiiiK ile.-irous ut i: tlui' cood wink tlunu w
il l well to give mo n cull, ua my whulo linio s d '
vol, d lo iho ri pairing of Clirouotiic'.er, Lever,
Uiiplex, anil lloi i.oilal
Ail assortment of Jewelry on hand.
Jewelry ma lt- tnord. r, uud repuired.
t'i ices to suit the times. I urn thankful for past
f.ivors, and Impi' lo g'vo satisfaetion iu future.
J I l.n uttd ut the nid sland, oppus.lo thuTel
e,;riiph Olli e, Oi .'(',' O.V CITY. 1 eh. J.
X.2orri3 Kioaws,
I', A R R E K A X D II A I It D Ii E S S E It ,
Miin ai, nmrhj (iiwj:7e lluUnta e- Co.'s.
Tl. It MS l)K SIIAVINO, so.
Shaviiv twice a week, on.- sliaiu oo, ha'r
H i. i. hi d on e. per in ailh, $2 00
unco a week, cue shampoo, hail-
turn ned uni-e, p-1 month, 1 So
Hair trini.neil, 2a
Hair ei.l and dr- sse.l, 50
li ivin. und hair ihcssed, 2a
,-slia i io, iitif, iiO
Oiegoa fit y. April a, l?.',li-,"l
So A.i"rcaaat3 and Slilt?cr3.
1 11'. tlRIUioN .Ml I.I.I XU Jo TIIANS-
1't lit I' 1 ION CO. Iinvo alopled the I'ollinv-
irrt I aim' of cbarg's, wh ell will bo adiiered to till
iiu.hcr not er :
Tiunspart.t-.ion of ni.'rchandi-e or produce
1 1 mil hunt lo bo il ut winks, per Ion, 1 00
Stora.,o of s am- less than live days, no charge.
' ' " over ." it less than 1") davs, 2."
" " " " l.i &. " " oil " iO j
Hu, !i n Idiii ua! h ill' iiK'Uth or leia will bo j
t hai;; d, ; er ten, Cj ,
l.lnu ( ii v, Mnv Ii), lt.'li. . j
tcp, IiOgE.
(t.-'l wiil he paid on del, very for fir and ee.bil
.' I.l His at woiks of ( iregon Mil.itig o 'Pram,
imiatioa Co. It. PllNl'LAXD, A.g't.
I inn Cay, May 10, l,-.',li.
S:i o:ir C::ikry
TV. ke.'paf.i!l as-ortmt-i.l of liREAD, Pli-IS,
, u ml I ' lV, n: whtilesale and
relull. upl'J
C J.1AM.I.V IV.1.Vf.7i.
4 vrw of Piinee A CVs best MELODE.
iV ONS u!e. M-w. Enquire nt llio
i. i.j ori:i:o. city vnvi; stoiw.
To Arrive
I I I 1 1 a few- days, direct fiom Now York,
HHMI lla .-pun cot tun,
f.nt) Hu heeMvax,
l'hl gals c Uih varnish,
a b.ils niu, for sa'e I, ,w bv
p ID ll.l.'. C I) i: ML XT A CO.
, 'aiit".uali, "5 ov. l, 1 V..
ON hand and for sale, low, for cash or pr,luce
Pui.itsA lead, chrunie trecn,
W Ink-1, a,l,
Prussian hleo
I 'k.
in oil,
chrome yellow,
blue p.iint,
Coiiiu.iv.i and p?:inaneut green
J.NO. P. P.llOOIiS.
'I T E rn-e just recsiv-ni n ipn-iti;v of DHY
no .-t every :!.ai
era Weeid ,lo IV,
pi: s a' on: nou ,
e'-e a man
! to call :.nd
.in nieuti..ii. Kur. II
their barve.-l si.p-
f.lf.1f I.V .f. HMRATB.
1 VNliiLS, aula, raisins nf an excellent nuulllv
jut. nrt'itrd and f. l salr low by
t'llll.MAN .V iVAP.NUR
, t-l d iVrrenl kieiS. f r Kt'e hv
I IIARU.IX 4. ll.lAWrfl.
T) fua-' bxi. cvy ,! ..Vssri'' Call a
New Hoe'si I
riMli: aul-tiiUr b. ju-t loft-ivrj a Utf (
X wrtiei.lor IIIIOKis, d i'l fi"in Ne oiU, (
muw l'"-h ai lb ( l "wnnf! I
l.u' ICaripH.;Aiiir.i-aB Iii.lllulioi.e,
Killiuun'a An. Ia "f lb
I it-nior rncy In Am rica jiuntion ami .tnir.n,
"I. mid und j ,"
IK k ami I'oil,"
hi 4 en I ra-lui
liip and Sleiir,
'i,r.- Vearela Cailfor. Illom ft eb.p ilia,
' Cyir. of .iii-rliir, lr'l.'M" and Hi H'j lind
I li.n-!iii' ram. I'liye n
Io.IiitoiiM ill l-.nilie,
I Manual of Km Ail,
I I j.-liir. wu III Arte,
'I a. I. in I'- hi,
; ' .Ur l(i-""H,
tnt'l ,. iiu-n ii-k,
' Ui,.Mpby, An-i'iniii'-,
1 K'lio K,
tanely ol i'uet.
! ,V.ili4ii' I'li.iox-pat't
Ji'll cop m of
and.r' f ili-r.
!I0 "
i'.'.l) "
M ii-iir.y' d.
M'tbel-r' lli. li"iinrl.-e.
)uv ' Alj'bra,
i .,ur.ljn,
II -i:i-llilre,
S'eMinail Klilorie,
ly' il
I'aili t' l'n-. Hi-lory
liwuliirb'i I'l.-I. I'. H ,
Mniin-iili' (Jwi'.'mpliy,
'l.iiilt- S. uk.-r,''
M. Amencau Hpeaker.
TbompWl do.
ATrcsh Oupptof Ctatlaucry.
II... II ,.L. .I.i,i,j... l.eltL"!f. In-roiil II'i,
Meinoraii luma. i.f nil wn, liar r.. A e , Note mid
l.e!ii r I. per, liiue'opea, I'm. &c, Ac
ltiuve, Kn'.ber, (iiiiinni d l.abela, label- a
lu.-il IMt, iu ""rt and p nl bnlllii.
wiioi.tiiiAi.i: ami hi:tail.
( IIAUI.liS I'Ol'K, 1.
OieillC'ily, Aui!l IH, lMa5.
Sew J'W?llr.
nAVIMi employed mi of the bint Workin,'
Jew-illeia on liio Pjeifm eoaal, I Bin Imw
fully prejured In iimiiufiicluie tvoiy deaenptioii of
J- weliy.
Ma-m'c Jewelry, Odd Fellow' Pma, r.iiig.
Ac, ma, It- Iu iinb-r.
Knrav.iii ii, ally dim.
Lull and te iiHcum-na of work.
u. cou.iKu nnsniva.
N. I!. I d -vole my entire ailnili-in lo repaiiing
I'ino ati-b- a. ti. 'oLLir. Ilotai.s.
Portland, Dee. 29. 19'i3-:i7lf
J t'od l.iv-r Oil, Castor II I, mid Sweet Oil, at
Hi OIlKiiO.N UTV Dltl'lj S'PlHtK.
1 I KXICA.N .Muatang l.iuiuient, U. W. Mer
chant's iiir:linr Oil, at lb
oui:i;d.n I TPY UKL'Ci STOKE.
lltl'SSK.S, ryhl and left and double, an I Ab
dominal siii;,orers, nt the
')l'UK Into Lead, raw aud burned L'liiber,
1 X t'roiii.-.Orern and Villntv, and other nint,
at Ihe . OltEliON CITY Dltl liSlOKK.
1 ) U It I-T.MI'i Iho
GtltliKli.T!i:itli .MliDICINES:
f Crat-i'eiibi'i'g Sarsnpaiilla, L'li-riueCntliulieoii.
Jiysenirry ryrup, consumptive
' P.lo Oinlmenl,
Ilc.llli Ihllera,
" Kyo L.,lion, Ac, Sw.,
To bo found nt tho iigem-v of the 1'imipnnt', at
iho OliKlio.N IT I V DIll U STOKE.
nAYM.VN'ri Pj'pcpiio Elixir w-.irrantid to
euro Ihe dvsprpsiu iu-l ri-ecived mi I for
taieui the oiu:au. ciiY viivu s to tit:.
DI!. (oiyaull's compound cvtiuct of Sutsupuritlu
uud Yellow Do-k. nl the
n-plj OKEiiOX CITY Di:l'ti STOKE.
T lt.J. Ayri-a" cclebiuted Cherry Pectoral tor
.) coughs, col ls, mill eon iiinpl. ,,n. nl Iho
OKKlioX C I l'Y DKL'ii STuRE.
T.iwiisend'a S.irsup..r lla. nl the '
OKIitiON CU V Dill ii , STORE.
SliAK lilt Sar-apiriila, ul lh-
CIAND.V Sar. upai'iila, in nnvipiuuliiv. nt tlm
IJ OKIilinN Cli Y 'DKl'O fiToKE.
1 1 L Dyseimry Syrup, Wistur's li.ilsuui ol W.M
L lien v, ut tin-
oiiEfiox city diu"; sro:n:.
US f RECEIVED ut lln-Oregon 1'itv Dm:
Store, direct fiom New Vi.iU an I Sun 1'i nii-
cisiio, a fresh supply of I)IU !S. MHUIVI. ..N
Patent .Me.lh uns, l uniilv .Mi-ili'-inea, iVC, tVc,
wliieh inU lie miltl ut air - emit til ln-y cun he
lirtictml in t'r Tcirilui'i, Cuil uu I i-Miiniiin for
yourselves ami (,el un Almnn.iu tor Is.ili. gratis.
Febrifuge. f"l- 'he cure uf ft-Vir
c , .Ve , ju-t received und forsuie
!. and ague.
ui the .
ouhuom city Ditto .stout:.
( LAN l-'.'S eelehrnted Vermiaige
uud l.'vcr
ills, ORIIliOX CITY JUt (i
TJijio ulio I5 'liS'ait Sell
CUIARMAN" & WAUXMI!, 0,,-rn Cihj,
I have the best fclcctlua of UliOVERll'.S,
limit mi:l y.'inrs, also Oils, Paints, Class, to sell
wh 'lesalc 1,11,1 retail, cheap for cash or prodmc.
Our i to, k in part consist of
liJi-0 hs citllle,
Sunn Ihs No 1 China tn;ar,
2,ili0 ' No I Datnvia "
lllOO " Saiulwi -h bland sugar,
lallll " creslied,
i'.'illl) " ussm-led can ly,
.MJ begs E. Ilojhiu syrup,
.Ml kegs nails,
111 eases piekbs,
" 41 1 pie fruits,
i do, nssoiled can fruits,
G " loniato catsup,
S ' pepper sane-,
411011 lbs sail, d tl'i-reul kinds,
S d,7. brooms,
I.arirc assoi'tmeul of Queensware, Glassware, Ac ,
UMiUU c gals, by Ilk- Iholisii'.d, -!0 boxes tohuceo,
China rice, t'aroiina do., 3t0 lbs It a, 200d I!
dried npplt-s, spiee uf ull kinds, ic, i:c. jei
Ilf.rncag and Saddlery.
! 'J'l I II un lpis'neil having opened anew
I jEV&'sa, in liL 1T'E il.l.l-l, .Marion county, O.
I ' ' 1 T., in tho Post Ollioe building, lire ready
, to ni'.niifaeture and furnish ut short notice, uud ,
, Ihe best und m,-st Hiihstiini al tvle of the craft,
lull kind of UAli.SESH and' S.lDDl.ERY
WORK, V rtiini t'am'ngt Trimminir, tj-c.
j June 21, Itfou'.-y UOOP & COOK.
j To niiu!tiiiilt!is ai:d .TI :i unfa c I li
re i-s.
I AT"E are now receiving tea tons uf ircn of tbo
! T ? folluwlng si;es :
Kiiuud irou from J to 1 inch,
i SiU,iro ' " i 10 2 "
j bar " lit to Si,
Nail rods,
I shoo iron,
Bund iron, 3..
j l'low sieel, 12;.i
' I'ur su!, at lowest market rate,
i augO C. A BERN ETHY i CO.
Co Merchants.
1TE are now rt-eeiving the following aiticles:
t T aO bb's Saina Cruz lime,
J. liydruuiie cement,
5 M planter uf paris,
32 k. gs ll.ii:,
8 " e'okea. 3 A 6 in.,
IHI " It s:on ayrup, 5 gdl.,
2 " ba- Km eutr e,
2., mala China No 1 r.iwar,
So half l,bs N Otiijar,"
5 bb via, gir.
nt3 1;. AH::r.ETiiT a co.
have a foil aso lim at o! liiHII'M n!-o Uii.ea-t;a,ifraud liuskiua.
t ail kuius 01 l.i 'i. a' a.
3 I II IH',1A .j. WAnSER.
"tlliARj Tbe htst rinrc
to pek is at the
V.' atx-a cf
A'-'-an, McJIUlay &. Co.,
.la ..Uii..1- lhoM who Wll. Wl-J
ctli ,1) alin e, at r- a.ou..b. pr.. lo cal ai.U
ia .hen, Tin)' 1'ou.i-t I- rrt"h fu"0"' 1
SiiiuMoiiM raualAwlilbairuw.
S,ne.adl,a fiiiiry b.o..,,..
i,ar)lli-5n'illia I'1"',. ' . ..
Uu.l, do d ..'dcoHdpa...
liisq iar,.w.-ot" i - .,
jitid- n nU
Jlllli '
tck -mi'-h ' lii-row
cron cut taw 7 it
do Cfl
bail iiulliue doubla
, aingl
Jiair bo!rtei d 'liblo
it in;lo
ape nil candle
H.luuiuiitine dn
tlo l.o
tin p Hie
I ol hrd .li'J-.i'
,o y furl.
iiiiiiui fuike
chin lie
Hiuilowr e'aie fi hr 10
do III by I-'
do i by 'J
window alx M by I"
ill ty J flap- lobncce
,, I ow. ai.d lu-k" ll'"'-" ,..
Shrelint Ifk, iVCA-c.
And keep consliiuily on band a Urge iiipply of
ii ii o c r: it I n s,
elothinj. hardware, and many arlxlei too nunier.
uiia In liienlioil. ,s
1 ...I A , .'I A I - It.l I tj-
Oregon Cily. Apiil '-'J1"1);
( lll'.I.S. Santa Crili l.luiejiw rrqeniuu....
t) ) lomaleby ..,.,.vn c f,
j, ;:j.i ti ai. lm.,'1 i. s i j
" Orepoa IJacon.
A tXm-M 'fmiM'
"IT'T'Kl.avu cu bind au l Tor at.-. nn n.nrai-i
ma Iniiery for gn I m.iU. whi. li tv.d Iw uld
lew fur ca b, or ua u sh i. Mune !
2 puit.iblo iniils.r. u.pVte :
I mi, ofiuurli etfuiirin b l're i. h I'.urr'.wil i
,.i,. I III i-ima. we iiliiiitr lo-Jj ,b. : well
p II, lie, pin'i hi, biu-h and oil-pal uud coilur.
inn, aaiue t'P; w illiuui puiiuii. t-.o
Ihe aaiue as above.
Together with a general aasortmenl of hands,
boiling cloths, puiley. gudgeons, wheel, coupling,
hangings fur bulling chetla, 4.C., A.C.
In oilier words, every requisite ueeeseary to Ibe
coiiiiibtion of a gr'at mill by
wti. c. i!:mi:m tVro,
Opposite the l.ui.d Olfie.
Oneous firr, Nov as, !Km.
V "Swum Abigail" and balk "Chua. Devt-ns,"
fioinSan Ernncimo, Ihe lolinwin-; good:
(;liOCi:itli:.S. . kgs E. II. syrup, JiS gals.,
20 Id.N New ilileuiis Uj.
.1(1111) lbs No. 1 China ugur,
Jiui'i lbs lal.lo fall,
200 b.ixes Eugli-li nud Aineileiin oup,
20 e.i'- pi Iruil, u-a'd,
2 i'lusa P. x: II. yeast pnwiler,
50011 lbs lubueoii, n d brail !,
100 hall luxes raia lis,
Un h'l'suiid hall bbis crushed sugar,
3 IMI !,s mil ratll.'.
CltOChi:ilY.l Cmtral Aimrtmml.
DH Y-OOOHS:mI'ii yd browu sheeting,
1000 yds sat!u"ts,
LOU') " prints,
10 piece a'p :c:i,
:l pair English b'ankets,
200 vds Cilip,'! ng,
2111) '" oililutb;
Together w ith a general assortment of ready made
ctulhiu", bod's, shiii-s, hula, eiias, nicl rarpenters'
luuis. v.i. c. I)i;mi:t .j- co ,
ov. M. Opposite 1 ie l.iud Olliee.
:inl: (:k ?,1i:k'.
m H!il. far sa'e bv
mm-: 0 :,i.i:ti:y.i:T& co.
Siiit lloccivod.
1 fplendiil 11s.-01.1111 an ol 1-.1 inly Croreiies,
2, such us t, 11, sy nip, ni-:ar. &e. : also line
uud coarse sah, i-.i uiii l.iriar.uppli-.', pea- lies,
siii,iines,it:ti'r.';.elaiiis,ea.l p-i..',ler, also 11 lu,g,
iptaiitiiy nl superior cheioot cigars, 11;, d tohaeea n!'
every hi uu I and aluiosi i-very tiling 1 be in nur
line ol business 11 I u. wbi h will 1 11 sold us low
as at uny other phi -i- in town, for ra h i r pro
duce. e7.i; ,5- xyaumui.
for a ah: v,y niAiu.r.s rorr., jr.
g PR ASS anl lion Hutls, Sen-w-s, I.neks u-.ul
SiS l.nlches, llaiumcrii und llnlebets, Axes,
Drawing-knives, liarul.-aws. Curry Cuiobs, K" r.-,-Ilrushes
and Cii iN, Cun In, Cun (. ups, Wool
Curds, ( het Han. lies, Piallcs, .r
April 21, R.1..-1II
for sai.i: hy ci:aiu.i:s vovf.,jr.
p-.-Jl'ti AU, Sal:, Co.Vec, Ttu, Syrup, Chocolate,
tv Mur b, Sal, rams, Cream Sul Soda,
Curb., Tipper, Sp ec, Ahull, Horax, Cup
pans, etc Aprii2I, IftO.'i-llf
!ti'j;is!o;)a Iius i'a;i-a !
Nl) C11AIIMA.V & WAKNllll wish Iu
1. l-.llol'orm the chuens of Oregon Cily and Iho
paleic In general that lin y have jujt received a
good us ui'in :;! of (; ROC II It I l..' V nuilahlv fur
this icusoii ol llmyear. Also, we have received a
apply "f futu-y groceiie.i, such us Farina, Sugar
Tapioca, .Inane Root, and a variety of other saich
articles tea numerous lo mention.
We have a good nssortuni.t uf FA XCY
I! OO O SI fur the hollilavs, such us raisins, dales,
ligs, bullied pie fruits, raspbarry ptcscrves, m,d a
variety of other oitielcs in this line, fix II us will
suit the greatest epicure ol tliu hind. Wo have ul
so ull hand a good assoitmeiit uf ca-idie..-, and ure
receiving a supply nearly every steamer. So ph ase
givo us a cull: we wll st II aselieup us nny house
ill Oregon. Our mo to is that a quick penny is
better iliun a siuw- shilling.
Wo are now eoiiinn-neing tu prepare ill the linker)-
for Chiis'.uias, ami shall havo u good assort
ment of cake. Wo chad ulsn keep on hand u su
perior quality of huth r ci-ucl.ers, Huston crackers,
and also Ihe sweet Yoik crackers. Please give or
ders for the above ia o ,d time. Our prices shall
be reasonable, und ihe goo !s mudo of the bast ma
terials ill ( Iregon. nov'M
ty;it!-r E'oiver for Sa!o.
npi!E ui.ileisigned would like to sell f.n,. lmlt'0
L I: mills ana1 water p .wor uu the Tualatin riv
er, about Hnce m les fr,n t.ina City, known ns
Moore", .Mills. Ii is probably Ihe best tvalur priv
ileac, llio e.xeeplioii of the great bulls of ihe
Wiheinelte, that there ia ill Oregon. I would like
to sell one-iiulf or one-fourth of my claim together
with tho mills aud water power. My object is to
gel a partner, lo euable ine to properly improve the
wuter power. JAMES M. MOORE.
r eb. 'J, IS56.
Lnud for Suit.
I OFFER to sell ICO acres of choice laud for
two dollars aud a ijuurter an acre, cash. The
land is a portion of my claim, six miles west of La
fayette, iu the county of Y amhill. Title good
Call aud see for yourselves. - "Pis no trouble to
show" the land. S. C. ADAMS,
liicn Avoca. Dee. 2ot!i, 16jj-37u"
Cli-i-maa &, Warner.
A TP.. EDITOR You will pieusn tell all our
aL feliuw-ciliztus of Oreiini that we are Mil)
doii.g business uu.ier li e oldti m, and under the
o d a..a;e that a nuubie sixK-uce ia better than a
slow shilling. We w.iut to sell goods, uud will do
so as cheap as auvo-her l.oasc ill Orcg ,n City.
e liuve euiaued our busineiw ni ileriullv. and
now hnve oa baud, aa usual, all kinda of (1RO
Vt.RFS, such us r. II anil city and country trade,
which we hope aii who hnve favored us w lh their
li'.-eral patronage know full well. Call a-a n we
w.Iid .ourb ai. C1IAR.MAX 4 WARNER.
Apr I 10, 1-..6.
TThcat Wanted.
IGHES l' C4.-11 p ic. s a d liv
Nov. 2. H M. C. VLMLXT $ CO.
I XVoiJJIn; (akct
! A TADE to order, part es furnished with ic'.a
i i L va bor.est uutic -. Ac . l,v
i anil C.HARMAX'f KARXEff
J.lSlNr;s.S CAltDS.
i Z.LAI7, TJl'XXtTLAY ii CO.,
i. ner.d i uinmiMuii Mert-hauu.and wbol.
Mile aud ruluil Deubra iu Dry Uooda, lirocant
llaldw ile, Ao i Ac.
SOeoreaT. Allan.
Archibald M'Kmlay.
Thouial Low a.
l Wm, .11.1...... I' IIS. I IwfMl.H
a a. - ,.... b, r j".-!
TLLAn7m K I N LAY t CO., Cliama,,7,
lY Orrgui'lVriilniy. MayJ.
DEALER in lliiidwnre, CroeerU, ljrOeuda
I'lulhiu, UiHil Av Shut, .Medicine, Uooka
and Slalioiu ry.
Maiii T.,Orecii Cily, April 31, 18J5-Ilf
We 0. Dement Jt o.,
T X Till 'EMS A . II uud Mail lleuli ra In Grocer'
ii. l'iovii.,li, Paiiila, Oila, Home ani
Mines, Ci. ! ery, A.e, Oppot.te the Land Oll'ice',
l,., Si Or, can Cite. Jiiiia I i'.'.
m -1 "J1,
ATTOatlxr ANU Cul'NII.Oa AT LA W i
lif.itjrlle, Yamhill County, O. T.,
WILL fai'lifully alt, ml lo all biuuuow a
Ii titled In bis prufestioual cure.
.pii!2!, -.M-Dr
HViofcca.'e if- R'lnil Dealer in (Iromivi, Product,
I'luritiout, tj-e., Main Street.
A Oner.. I Anrlinit kept up of Selected Good
C.ineiuah, December 1, Jr-35.
13. rililwain,
M imi fiiclarcr, U7io.Vii aud Retail Dealer in
tin fc coi-rca waiik, inr.iiivAtte, Ac.,
M ai n St , opposite Main S tret t Hole I,
Steamboat and joUiii.j woik attended to wild
diipiti b.
Oid-rs from Ihe country promptly filled. je7
fDrujs, medicines, Faints. Oili
nnd Syo-stnffii,
epld Main Strecl, OrejjouCity.O.T.
Wc-Uj, Fargo Si Co.'s Ixpressv
i'Wirra Orrni, Cuilnrnut, I ha Atlantic
S'ulft mi l Hurtipf, .
IIAVIXIJ inndcadvaiiliigeou
-."I, .iirrangeiiieiitu with Iho luitcd
'.vi.iStutc und Pucdio Muil Steam- h JXeZ.
ship Companies for linnsp irlalion. we are now pre
pared to forward Hold, Bullion, Specie,
Package, 1'urcrla, and Freight, to aud froin N.
Yoik, iN. Orleain, .Sail lVaiiu scn, Portland, and
principal luwna of Cal fornlu uu.l Oregon.
Our regular Si ml iniiiihly Express between
Porlliinil and San l-'ruii 'ben, is dispatched by lh
I'.ici.ic Mail Sleaiiislup LVa steamship Cohiinbia,
cuiiiccling ul Sun I'ru-icisco Willi our semi. mouth
ly Express tu AVie Yurk ami .Vcie Orlenut, which
is disputi'k' d regulaily nu llio 1st and llithof eaclr
moiilli, by Ihe mail steamers and in charge of our
own iii'-s-engcrs. Ilirou;;!! lo destination.
Our l-.vpr. s from Mew York leuve regularly
on ihe .'nil und 20th ul' each mouth, ulso iu charge
uf m, s.-i-ngers.
Tn-a-iire iiisuird in Ihe best New York com
panies, or ut Liny I' ui London, ut the optiun of
Omnia New Ymlt, No. 13, Wuifrf.; Wc)
Orleuns, No. 1 1, Exef.ange place; San Francisco;
No. 114, .Mont. out ry tucct.
J. X. II ANKER, Agent.
Ore gun City, April 21, is.j.-ltf
ricv Volamoa cf Ilia Four Reviews
anJ Elack?ood.
C;).MM".NCE wiiU N'orlh Urit'sh for May
Is,.'.",, uu I the other R. views and Uiuckiruod'
for June, f."i."i.
Tcrumuf Si!.trrijiliia Any one Review ot
111 c1.". (sal, S I a year. Hlui.-kwuud nud ono Re
view or nnv two Kevicwa, Sj.'i. '1'he four Rc
v casuad Iliad; a uud, 10. Eour copies lo one
U'lal'lSa, ,.110,
Posing.- mi ihe four Reviews und Rluekwood lo
any P. i iilViee m the I'ui ed St ilr, only B0 cvn
a y. ar on lach lUvie.v und 24 eeiiU a yeur oil'id.
Adlicss, U Scott A-co , Publishers, 54 Gold
strc l icriicr l-'ulion. New York sep8
Heading for tho Million. '
A'. J. M CORMlCli
h i ot-. r., t na.vr-sr, roi- ruMU, onr.uo.x,
A Cliolce Icelioii ot Popular Biaiks, Newa
L kV papers, Ma.-alncs and Eaiu-v Slutintiery.
A HUM 1 llie bit iks on hand will be found works
on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hit
lory, lo'iry, llogruph), Mudivines, Religion,
Secnci-, Schnul Hooks, iio'ii.mci s, Ae., A'c, Ac.
Uj 'Suh-vi ipl'ons received fur Harper, (irahani,
Codey, L-.sbc's, or Putnaiii, at a yeur, yjl
a'c free.
Uj" Sub.-ciiptinas received fur any newspaper
published in any part of the I'lilun.
Remember the I'.utikhn llouk Store and News
p. per Ag' ncy,l'ra::l street, I'oitlaiid Oregon.
fJ-;A priced catulogtio will bo published early
in April, and will be uit to any part of Ihe lerri
loiy i'lce oa appiieatiim.
Iitdics !
jJrOU will find nn excellent assortment of Dreti
ii nnd tfoi!f Ni7s'.s, Satin und Vtlrttt; also
I'liinnct Triinmiiia, Hosiery, lllores, Lncel and
RMont, Talk Cluthn, Ctmulnpanct, etc., at th
store of CHARLES POPE,Jr,
(Ma'u-st., opposite Aberuethy's store,) where mrj
bo found almost err.rylhing ill the lino of
Dry CJoods:
Such ns Prints, Giughaina, Alpacns, Merinyia,
Plaid Linnet's, Mntliiis, Saltinotm, Jeaiw, 1'laiir
neia, Sheetings, Red Tiekius, Hickory Strip,
Co.lon Hailing, ttc.
Oregon City, April 21, lSjj-Hf i
Medicines for Salo, By
1 A NDS' Sarsapaiilla, Peck's Wild Cherry Bit
i'3 ters, llatcinan's drops, Draudrelh's. pills, Lco'
pills, Perry's v. r.-:-f;;-Opodeldoc, Gum Cam
phor. CJ mil Arabic, Uritudi oil, Lobelia, Hot drops,
3d preparation, Roman eyo balsonl, oailcy r
extractor, Laudanum, Pureeorie, Oil of Pepper
mint, Essences, Compn-sjion Powdei-a, Carter
Pulmonary Hulaoni, Sulphur, Epsom Sails, fco
April 21, 18.M-llf
rpEMPI.E OF HONOR. Tualulin Temple of
X Houor, No. 1, meets every Wednesday eve
ning, ut Ihe American Hall, Forest Grove, Oregon.
Hrelbren of the Order in good standing ore in
vited lo visit tins Temple.
S. A. Dijcox, W. U. S3!
Jtisl Ilt-ci'ivi'd,
aUUic'OU Stand,' Cancmah, Jyrilih 55
& A l 4!t t Lbs. Light Brown Sugar,
.tttjy iiy 1 ,000 lbs. Chiua No.,
1,0011 lbs. llio Coffee,
15 Tons coarse suit; S00 lbs. fine do,,
3,00 i Ilia. Oregon Dacon ;
1 ,000 bushels uats, for sale wholesale or retail, by
Central Produce Depot.
CONSTANTLY receiving, fietb frnro ranch,
taLy w heat, oata, bacon, lard, butter and potaloe
Dec. 1, "ia. JOHN P. 15ROOKS.
To Iho rariurr
TTTE WOI LD .ay, call at our store:-
I f will pay you aa' well for your produce a
any other house iu Oregon, and will endeavor M you feel cj eomfuriable as we poas.bly eaa.
If.T MOCI.niVfJ for n'etu- frame, kt
7 ;ie by CHARM AX At WAK-NER.
' rpO PICK CTG RS. tie bet ebanee m at
X e;19 CltARMAX f M'ARXER'S.