' t RllLIOiD JUBILKI. Til) KOllo Of Vir ginia ara liijjhlv mid justly dulighicd with the completion of the Virginia itud Ton neue III i I road lo Itrisiol. 1'lia pieri from dial section fully reflect lliu fW-liiij;, and tome of ihem contain nrnpte dccrii tiona of the ceremonies by which tlio event was celebrated at Bristol. The tVtursburjf JSxpretl call it ilia grandest festival of tlio kind that bai ever taken place in Virginia, and any i "We uy it wiu tba grandeit, ami il ought to hare been the L'rannVtt, for it whs in commemoration of the consummation of the most Important schema of inicriwil i lit provemi'iit tlmt has over been constructed in I till oiaia. A work that connect the threat Southwest wlih thn Atlantic one that bringa Tennessee within twoniy .fnur hour' rida of tido-wuter onu ihnt Iihh subdur-J thu everlasting mountains, cross ing, il does, both of I hn great chains in our Slate and one that forma a ino-tim. portnnt link in tho grout chain of improve ment which must uliiinately stretch il iron band to the golden ahorea of tbe far off Pacific." fc" Tin monument to the Pilgrim Fa thers, proposed to bo creeled by tho I'll, grim Society at Plymouth, it to bo from a dptign by Hilling, and tho diuieneioiii an followt: The wholo monument will bo about K0 fect high, and 60 feet at the base. Tbe ttatuo of Fuiih will be 70 fuel high, and tho ailtiug figure 89 fed high tlius milking it in iniigniiiido tho gresUsI work of the kind in tho world, whilct ns a work of art it will be a aubjuct of prido to every American citizen. A couiribiitinn of 25 cents each from the Atnericnn peo ple ii proponed. A neat engraving of tho monument will be furnished to each sub scriber. OiT California, by the votes cast in the State, is the eleventh in the confederacy, but taking the population, is only the twenty-founh Slat in the Union. This is caused by there being morn full grown men in proportion to population than in any other State. The Cniiforninns are disposed to grumble at this condition of ruluirs, becau'o it reduces the influence of (he State in ihe I'Jecloral College, wheie it hut only four votes ; but they can alter the condition themselves much innro readily than the Constitution can do it for them. Instead ol running away from their wives an tho Atlantic Slates, ns imiuy of ihem oo, they should lake tliciu with tliem, and thus contribute lo destroy tho iiiciiuulily Avhich exists between thft voting population of Ihe State and its representation. Vltilu. CCT Mr. G. W. Drown, whoso oflicooClho IIothIJ of Freedom was destroyed by the liordcr ruffians at the sack of Lawrence by direction nf Jmlgo Lecontpte, is back in Lawrence with a new office. His paper will be reissued in a few d-iys. Nroraska.-TIio census of Nebraska has just been taken, and it shows a population of 20,716, ard 4.HUU voters. 1 hu popu (ntion has increased over and onc-loiii'ili fold in a single year, and tlio number of voters is nearly three Uwes grctricr than in 1855. Annexation of Canada. Tho Itami Ion (C. W.) Bumier says: "Mr. Douirc, the candidate to represent the District ol' Do S.tlubciy in the Legislative Council, ha declared himself in favor of the annexation of Canada lo ihe United Slates" Can it dk TftOfi 2 An old gentleman, who has dabbled all his life in stntVitics, says he never heard nf more than one wo man who insured her life. Ho accounts for this by the singular fact of one of tho questions on every jitsumnce paper being, "What is your ajiol" Jt3T A cockney at the Falls of Niagara, when asked how he liked the Fulls, replied 'They're handsome quite so ; but they don't quite answer my hexpectations; be sides I got thoroughly vetted, and lost my 'at. I prefer to look at 'em in an liingrav ing, in 'ot weather and in the 'ouse. Important Ukasb. The Czar has sig tixliied tbe day of his corronation by pub lishing a most important ukose, which con tains an amnesty and lays the foundation for great reforms. The following points are contained in it; A civil and mili ary medal for nil those who took part, directly or indirectly, in the war. Freedom from military service for four years throughout the Empire. A most equitable assessment of the poll tax. The Emperor accords an amnesty lo the political offenders of 1820 and 1631. All the Jews of tho Empire are freed from the special burdens of the Tecruitment that still oppressed them. The children of solders that were- brought up by ;be State, and as such formed part hitherto of the army, in which they were bound to serve at soldiers, are all restored to their relations. Disunion at Baltimosi. Tbe editor ef the Dalu'more Patriot treata tha fuiliau of blovia ting Sout!) Carolina orators who scream for disun ion, precisely as they ought to bo treated. lie aye: "We have not th remotest idea that the peo ple of the Seuvh will permit themselvet to be bitten by this tarantula of disunion. It it, we admit, a capital subject Tor the display of cheap heroism, but it pitiable otverthelesa, tnd when the farce and the fustian are over and the eurtaia drops, men will wonder at the great difference that exists be tween words and acts." NirLts. The intelligence from Naples it deep ening in interest, and a collision or revolution is probable. It it said that Ihe place or rendezvous for tha English and French forces it Ajiccio. Tab) naval movement, together with an announce ment that in Consequence of the attempted eva- of Russia in connection with tht settlement of the Beasarabian frontier, tht English fleet had been ordered to remain in tbe Black Sea, hid an effect upon the money market, which earned bus iness to b Tory flat A , eport wat also circulated f pnbabla difficulties with Austria, whose military ageata m Lornbardy, Tuscany, aod Parma are sta ted to have thrown into priaoo thirty-one tcers aad men ef tht British Italian Legion oo their re tort home,afer their dttcbarp from firu, tl" Tilt til. Uwi, Evening New lays i "ns understand Ihnt lha Fremont men In Itiis eily art hard at work miking trriiwiiieim for tirni,jliig out t complcli r remunl electoral llcket In Missouri, The linnet of III tl.clori ire nearly pirrcd, tml Ilia whole ihiug will ba tut ill lew lays prebubly before another werk." TT Tht Democrats of llio'fh r.l Distrlc,!, Mast.( nominated Die llua. Itufui ( liuul for Id prmu It live to Congress. M r. Choalc declined (lit uom iuitiun. Osbat l'r.iiirTuj r rT. I'undi e spirting eorreHndtnt has fuminhej that humorous sheet with Ihe following i 1'aMy Hoofs, the celebrated prdi-slriaii, but belter known at Lords' and tha various commons iu Iht neighborhood of Loiidou, is the " 'Aninier- smith Antelope," 1 still carry Ing on hit Herculean feat of walking rouud a My lu full dr.-M one hun dnd timet In out hundred Mnwcutlvo duyt. lit It now in his second week, and looks as fresh at when he first started. Thert arc bets lo t consii crolilo taiounl tlmt Puddy will never bt able to complete hit arduous undertaking. Whut inuket il all Ihe more difficult la the fuel that t frtdi la dy it tubatiluted every duy. Il has been obxrved that the dresses of these various ladies, lusleud of decreasing, are actually gelling biyger tnd bigger almost every wtek. W hat tht tizu, therefore, will bj before tht ninetieth, much leit tbe out hun dredth day it completed, tlio most t-luslie imagina tion maps, like ou overstretched piece of India rub ber, in Its valu efforts lo comp: ehtnd. It it sit feared that (hero will bt no open acv lurge enough iu the vicinity of Ihe metropolis to admit of tht ex periment, as soon at it lint expaudej lo it fullest dimensions, being fairly tried. In Iht meantime, however, l'uddy displuyt uncommon pluck. Hit unfailing good humor and chrtrfulneM under hit trying lubors, such ts wtuld txhuusl Iht oldest and wtrsl paid postman of 81. Martin's It (irand, wiut smiles of approval, even from hit fairest ramparli. n e wirti the brave fellow every success, and shall, from weektt week, mukt a point, ortevernlpoiutt rulher, of recording Ihe onward march of hit Iron tipjied bluchrrs and iiadauiiled persevcrtnet. IS i nere are certain exeunt; epochs iu a wt man's life, tlmt are never forgotten such it ftr in stance, Iht first time tho carries t parasol, Hit fi:tt lime she receives a valentine, Iht firtt lime she goes lo an evening party, tht first time tht wears a velvet dress, nud the fiitt lime tht putt ou Ihe wedding ring. PlRECTIUM ToSroHTS.MKMO.MTUC MANAGEMENT or r irrarus. I. Iii cjri)iii(f a gun over tho shoulder ou full cck, be care I id uut to point the uiuzxie at tlie gsmokeeper t toes, lor fear of blow lug Ii s nraius out. J. buuiiuwucr should be earn, d in i dank, or if loose in ihe pocket, should not be mixed with match- es. At i rule no sportsman otielit lo smoke. 3. Jiefore blowinir ilenu one buirrl of i trun. it n auvisuoie 10 see tlmt tlie oilier it not landed. lo ascertain thit, look iusido, and let olfa cap nun your mo. 4. 1 he practice of drying powder ever the fire in a frying pan should be discouraged. Many ac- ctueiit nuve result, d irom it. 5. Always shut Ihe eyes before firing. u. i ever curry a loaded cmi ul full cock hor- iiontally, when u friend it wulkmir before veil, un- less you ure sure of the thickue&t of his cordu- roys. 7. Ii I bird should rise between two tnorlsmen in I turret Hue, both oie'lil not la lire at tace. 8. If a cruck should be nhserved in your barrel. lie it lirmly Miind w.lh a bit of tirinj, for fear of aceideutt. Viozcnct. Clackamas Co. Ri-unullenn Meeting. Thf) peojild of Clucknintu ceunly with uui rean 10 past political ilitlerences or divUiuin, who aro oppsr-d ta the repeal of thu Missouri Compromise, to the policy of tho present ndimniM ration, nnd in favor of restoring the Federal government lo the principles of Jcfli rsoniun Detnucracy aro reqtifsted lo meet in mass meeting at tho con i L hnuse of tuid cotiniv, on thu 2!)ih of ihn present month, for tho purpose of or gauizing n liepuhlicnn party in said county RISrUDLlCANS. ZVXAKRIBD: Aujiisl 2Slh,by Kev. T. 11. Smatl. Mr. Tm.sus PARi'Kii.of Lane couiitv. to Miss Maroaret A. Mc.Mii.ler, of Marion. October 1-ltli, bv Rcv.T. If. Small. Mr. Wn.M. T.avoiiead lo Miss Elizadhtii A. Creel, both uf Salem, U.T. Books for the Holidays rtT J US i KIXKlVEO.among which :.7are T. S. Arlliur's work.SIint,n.,n lOLJr GIFT HOOKS, Tokens. Itohinson Crusoe, Diary and Correspondence of Amos Law mice, Iluiper't edition of Macnulay'i History of Kngland, and many other v.iluuble works, hund- soniely bound also, t general lworlment of Pock et 1 )iarfet for 1 8."7. 1' or sulo by OngonCity,Nov.29. C. TOPE, Jr. JUST RECKIVED, a new supply of Uio tnd Juva Coffee, Rice, Sugar, Sal Soda. ic. iiov29 C. POPE, Jr., Main at. Oregon City University. THE 1'KIMAUV DEPARTMENT of tin's itmliltil ion will be opened on Ihe IOtii IST. (MOMJAY WISXT,) ill the "COLLEGE" LLILDIAG, and for the present, will be under Hie charge ol Sfs.F. JOHNSON & Miss JULIA JOHNSON. Tuition, $5,00 for a term of eleven weeks. No charge wil1 he mode for less linn half a term, unless by toccial cirun;ement with Hie teachers. W. C. JOIliNSON, Nov. 8, 1S5G-C0w2 Sec. Hoard of Trustees. For Sale. A GOOD INDIAN HORSE. Prica $50. Apply lo C. POPE, Jr., Oregon City, Nov. 22. Mam street. Ort'gon and California Line. Packet THE following vessels will run iu con nection as a RK'iULAR LINE he- tween PORTLAND and SAN FRAN CISCO: Bark OCEAN nint). Wiogini, Master, ' CHAS. D EVENS, 1 1 ealcy, " " NAHUMKEAG, Williajii, " Drig I. B. LUNT, RiciMRDsox, The B.irkt have all been coppered recently, and are in firat-ruta order, commanded by experienced captains. refills will be carried at the lowest rater. Produce tent from any part of the country to Oresron City, or lo the Linn City works, will be re ceived and forwarded lo San Francisco. Aoejiti GEO. ABERNKTHY & CO., Oregon Citv. ABERNETHV, CLARK & CO., Nov 22,'56-3Jlf 8an Francirco. Hojst Hogg I CHARMAN it WARNER are now ready to receive POKK at their old tti-nd in Oregon City. Come, farmers, bring in your bos we will pty you, at we promised, a good price for thein, cash or trade. nov!5 Wanted ! "V ATS, bar.ey, potatoes, butter, eejt, bacon, J lard, &c, for which we will pay eah or tradt. CHARMAN 4. WABNKR. TtTE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for at ihe mark-l priee. V good Wll EAT at the mark-l priee. BIT 1 5 charman tf wai:ni:r. Mr E NEW GOODS CHARMAN L WARNER'S. Orruau l.odtfu Hit. S, I. O. O. '. MEETS at lli.ir Hall nvtr Uit Oregon City Drug Hlon every Wednesday evening il i u Caen, ureiureu IU goon landinir tr Inviltd visit. A. WARNER, N. O. I-urn. Cuaiman, Kev'y. Fruit Trees fornl. IIIAV1C now on my plirt, two m let east ef OreiionClty, a larga NUltSKKY tf Kruit '1 rem from tue U three yeirt old. They tuibriee II Iht iKtriKLtoTioNt ef l-'ruit tvtr brought to thit country. I will tell iu loll lo mil pup-haaert. i'liate call and no mv uurn-rv. whether veu buv or hot. ..... AVIlllL-ltT 1 1 ...,. " ANDKUW IIOOU. Nov, S, 1850. 31w3 Nursery. T IIAVIJ now for salt at my nursery, about mid X. way between Oregon City and Mil auk ie.se v- erai inousaiid trrtl TtKKt or tlirifty (trowlh, tin urucin r all Ihe ciioii kst vaiirtiki or fiuit tvtr hroiighl lo Oiecon. My Ireea trt from nnt lo two years old, and for t to and beauty art unsurpassed. I am now ready lo wail on eustoiiitrs, and shall be huppy to fiirmsli trees lo all such at tee fit to give me a call, t ome and tte my nursery be Tort ytu piirchaso tlsewhert. I have also a quantity of H.UMt, snd qiiincis for sale. 0KR1N KELLOGG. Kov.Slh, 1850. 30lf. Tito Cuospniuii Opened. I HAVE ntw in my NUUSEilV on the 32 Montictllo I'arm, Howell Prairie. Marion co.. s very large NURSERY OF CHOICE TREES, from tin It two yean old, emliraclnj til Ihe virl- etiet of Apple, Tear, l'luin, Cherry, aVo., bronjht to this country by J. V, Ladd, which I oiler for tale low for c.udi. Those who nie expactinj to pnreliose (reel thit winter, are rnuestej le come and louk at my nursery btforo inakiug their final purchase. ST" I am determined t sell on verv reason aulo tonus. SAMUEL SIMMONS. November 6, 165G. 3utf Slnatou'a Nursery. A STANTON, Fruit Culiuriet, at tho NORTH-BEND Fruit-Finn, on Sa- 2 loin prairie, four miles north east from Salem, has, for sale, tltt following choice selections of grafted trees, of various aget, frtin out to three yean ; APPLES. ivuMCa. Jersey Swelling, Williams' Fuvoriit, Red June, Red Antriichan, Sweel June, CruveiuUin, Altxtudor, Waxen, or Gate, Dwurf, Karly Penuock, Full Pippin, Early Harvest, Carolina June, Sweet Bough, July Bouch, Summer Queen. Fall Betuty, Siberian Crab, Ko Nonpareil, Sweet Pearmain, Sweet Swaar, WINTSI. Tewksbury'a W'r Blush. I Hubsrilin's Ntntuch Ureen Newton Pippin, Northern Spy, Uoruiiie. R. I. Greening, Gloria Mundi, Lady Apple, Virginia Greening, Tolpy Hocking, Milam, Koxbury Russet, Yelluw New'n Pippin, Wine Apple, Red Pearmain, Winter Queen, Nwark King, American Pippin, 1 Intch Mieuon. lleliiionl. Twenty Ounce Apple, ueniien, Kod Itoinonite. Red Wine Sup, hlue l earmain, Michael Henry Pippin, I'luck Hurt, 1' und 1'ipp'u, Monstrous Sweeting, Jlcll.lowcr, fcsnpue Sintieiiherff, Wliila 1 earinain, Kambo, Carolina Apple, Baldwin, Newton Spilzenberg, Westficld seek nof'lh'r (jtlden liusset, Holland I'lppiii. " inter Sweet, Alelon, Ludy't Swetting, PEARS. Colnmb'a, Josephine D'Mclen, Vicar or Wiukfield, Crotana Bergamot, Darborn's Seedling, Triumph D'Jeiu, Passa Colmar, liarllet, Moon's Pear, Virgalue, Duich Da Angelean, Sail Jose, Karlv lliitler. Louise Dunne D. dir., Julienne, Flemish lauty, Maria Louisa, Fall lluller, Early lleurte, I'ouud Pear, I luruihiirir, iiuerayauca, Chomoutell, W hue Duoyan, Fine Gold ef Summer, Clapp'a Early. PLUMS. .TeOemon, Washington, Sweet Damson, Smith's Orleans, Cue's Goldon Drop. Red Damask, Green Gage, Yellow uuxe. Namp, Red Curnation, Uoyal Ann, CHERRIES. Duwntnn, May Duke, Vauscliaick, Black Morello. Kent tli. Black Eagle, My nursery comnris-t about Forty Thousand beautiful grafts of Ihe foregoing varieties, of thrifty growth from out lo three yeara old. I hava also a nurscrv ef about Twenty Thousand seedlingt which I wish' to sell. A. STANTON. Salem, Oct 22d, 185G,-2Sn-v'm. Now on hand, and for sale by the Sub- ecnDer, 100 Cratea crockery, 1:2,300 lbs oryslalied white tugar, 12.500 " superior brown sugar, 1,S00 " S. I. tugar, in kegs, 30 ket Stuart's syrup, 100 boxes soap, 25 bags collet, 1 0 caset Prido Union tobacco, 100 dox wool socks, l,5n0 yds red prints, 3,000 " furniture prints, damaged, 400 ps tilk hkft, 50 boxes SuletatuS, 1 case honey, 100 boxes tea very cheap, 300 ydt low price linsey, 130 " carpet, 200 " merinos, 10 bales gunny bagt, 40,000 lbs Liverpool salt, 30 duz brooms, 100 grots matches. GEO. ABERNETHV & CO. Oct. 10, 1856. In Equity. John McLaughlin, oomplaiuant, VI. Francis W. Pettyarove it Alfred Pettvsrove, Clackamas County District Court, Ortgon !fVr ritory. N this cause it appearing by an affidavit of complainant filed with bit bill that both of tht defendants ire nou-retidenti of the Territory, it wot ordered by Ihe Court that tho Clerk make in order, and have the tame published, directed to said defendants ; thit il thtrefoit directed to the tuid Fraocit W. Pettygrove and Alfred Peltygrovc, and they are hereby notified that this suit wot Commenced against Ihem on the 6th day of Sep tember, 1H55 ; that the object of the bill it to quiet the title to lot No. 0 in block No. 28 in Oregon City in favor of the complainant, and for decree that a certain bond, touching the same, made by Ihe compiainant to Alfred Pettygrove on Ihe 13th day of September, 1843, be canceled. The ta d defendants are required to appear at said Court, oo the first day of the next term thereof after the dale of this notice, iud answer the bdl, or that the same will be taken as coiiftsecd. In witnett whereof, I have hereunto tub- c, I. scribed my hand and affined my official teal, thit 10th day of May, a. d. 1&5G. F.S. HOLLAND, Clerk. Not. 8th, IS5G. 3Uw8 Notice to all whom it may Concern. ME-jSILS. Sprenger & Shunk. late of the Ore . gon Howe, would retpectfiilly requett Uut II knowing theroselret le be indebted le them, would come forward ind settle it their residence, Oregon City, enquire ef J. N. Preecotfc SPRBNGBU & SHUNK. Oregm Ci'T, Oct 18, '56-7-4. DR. O.good't IndiiCholigogue.indDr.Jenet American Cholagnoe, at tlie OREGON CITY DKVG STORE. ! Now rirm Now Ooodi. rpiIE undtnigned lakt thit method of inform X ing Hit public that Ihty ban laktn tht litis and have purchased tha tnlirt slock lud flturet formerly used by t . 8. HOLLAND, and hnt by tiriot attention lo business le retain Ihe pilwutgt oi tnt oia easterns ind gun as many inert as ptstlOlt. Wt ire eonsltnlly In receipt ef GOODS stl.tt. tJ with Ihe treale.t tare, (at le urict aad qualitv.) nd art Confident lhal our facilities will enable in te ollrr greater iuduormsnti le all who winl tht worth ef their money thin my ether house in the city. Wt have, and irt jusl receiving, in iuvoictof DRY GOODS, etiisisling In nirt of Iht following articles Coehe. ee, Paeilic, lladley, Coutsle(;o, Philip Allen, Fill lliver, .vierrunan, and uuineroui ether I'RIN Is, all lull styles fcuglish ind hrtnch merioet. Lv oiu cloih: black, blue, purple, ind Pink alaocat, jacontl, bovk, tnd Swiss muslin, a Gut usoruneol of laces tnd edging, velvet Irimmingt, tVo., dt mestie ginghinw, blui, mixed, ind gray satinet, sheep's grey ind fancy cloth, Milford ind liuuktr till leant, bleached ind brewn sheeting, brown and blue driHing, deuimt, hickory slurtior. bltck velvet, tlso I fioo lot ef pluid dreaa goods, l)rusali carpel, ext., Oio. MEX if BOYS' CLOT 111 NO. Blue, black, and brown cloth coats ef the finest quality, tweed business do., bluek cloth rests, t lint lot of blk dotskin ind minet pants, all quahllte aud sizes, rubber jackets, gray tver ind under tlnrts, wlult ind hickory shirts, liats ind ctpt. Ii U l) T S ind SHOE S-men't, boys' nnd youths' boots, Indies', misses', and ehildrtu't mo- rucce, goit, kid, md calf boutt ind those. QROCERIES: Rio coffee, greea ind bltck lei, New Orleans, liatavia, and crushed tugar, r.sst Umtts, Slew. art t, ind Chint syrup, tall, 10 ind Ml lb. socks, nails, escorted sues, soap ind soap powdert, pew dtr and lead, crtini turltr, ytist powder, iileri- lus, chewing add smoking tobacco, oysters, pmnet, ptpier since, tils, spices, starch, ind cotton bal ling, with a variety of other groceries usually kept. w e nave out Splendid AasDrlnieaf of Bftjka, inch ns tht inont approved workt ou Phrenology, Psychology, Hydropathy, ind Mesmerism, it ap plicable It ill Iht conditions of life, tnd pertaining lo the prevention aud cure of ill diseases also the ,,Rovelutieut of A. J. Davis, the Clairvoyant," w th ill the other workt by the tame tultior. A I.e. STATIONERY of ill kinds. Also, PRESTON'S MAP OF OltEOON tud WASH INGTON. Wm. DIERDORFF A Co. P. 8. GOODS exchanged tud the higheet mirktt price mid for butter, eggt, bacon, chick, tns, flour, iud ilraest anything ihe farmer hat for tale. WM.D.&CO. Oregon City, October 4, 18S6. y Holland & White, ( FIRE PROOF nRICK BUILUINfl,) MAIN Sr., OREGON CITY, KEEP constantly en hand a full assortment of Iht following article! both WHOLESALE ind RETAIL: DRY GOODS: A large quantity, consisting partly of prints ef all kluds, merinos, F.ngljdi ind French alpacas, do lainea, fancy and black tilk, sheetings, shirtings, lickings, tweedt, cassimeres, colttuadet, hickvryt, deuimt, drilling, tatiuettt, blue, black, grey, end mixed, ifcc, &o. GROCERIES: A well aelccted assortment, in part consisting ef sugar, collee, tea, syrup, sosp, candles, fruit, Hour, butter, bacon, spice, pepper, tall, aaleralus, soap powder, iuk powder, yeast powder, gun powder, .o. CLOTIiyO: inch aa black frock, tack, and thtnhai coats, of cassimere, easstnetle, tattuet, and cloth ; vests, buff, silk, bltck aatin, cloth, and caaimtrt, plain and fancy ; punts, s largt issortmetil of dteskin, ciHtimert. cloth, jcaut, satinet, linen, and ill other ktnda ; lints, caps ; tver ind under shuts j stocks, handkerchiefs, and cravats, and a thtusmd other Ibiugs, such it ROOTS 4- SHOES, women's coarse nnd fine boots, line black ind ool ored gaiters, slippers, dc. ; men's calf thoet, light ind heavy brogant, k p and calf boots, calf ind enameled gaiters, boys aud children a boots, thoet, iud enters. Alto, naila, spikes, himmen, hatchets, sawt, ixet, scythes, ttetlt, squares, &o., &a. O The above goods will be sold at the lowest market rates. All ktuut of produce taken ta ex change for goods. Sept. 19, 1 Sob. y Harness Sinker & Saddler. THE subscriber hit bought out the ettihl'sh ment formerly owned by A. K. Poet, ind ii now carrying on Hit HARNESS ind SA DOLE- fK business iu nil Its branches 1 the LIVERY STABLE belonging to the establishment, Is alst kept up, when hornet ind carriages nre constantly kept for the nccommojttion of tbe public Horses left it my stable, will always be treated with par ticulir t.letition, and well fed. I havt been con nected with thit establishment for tome four years, and mi now permanently located, where I shall at wave be happy to wait on all who may favor me with a call. W. JJ. PARTLOW. The best of TIMOTHY HAY kept constant, ly on hand. Oregon City, Oct. 18, 1856-27y. Saw Mill. I WILL rent my SAW MILL, ind timber for itt use, for one or more years, on very favora ble terms. The workt ire in complete repair; and there it in extended custom to thit mill, as it runt ill tht dry season, it well it most of the wet ttawu. Steady, temperate men with fami lies, can now have a first rate chance te "make raise." I will sell some of my fins blooded eittli ou (rood terms. DAVID NEWSOM. Marion Co., Sept 6, 1856. 22w5 We are now Receiving' AND have in ttort 100 sacks Rio Coffee, 80 whole and hlf bblt crashed sugar, 30 o KO " 100 dot brooms, 250 boxct Eng. soap, 100 candles, 100 " gloat, ut'd sites, Together with a general sssortment of crockery, harchvaie, boots and shoes, paiutt and oils, &e., &c, which we offer for tale it as lew prices it they cm be purchased in Oregon Territory. WM. C. DEMENT & CO. Oregon City, Sept 19. lumber, Lumber, THE Oregon Milling md Truusporiition Co. have established a LUMBER YARD on the river bauk in rear of the Here of Allan, McKinlay &Co. Lumber in large or small quantities, including dressed tiding and flooring, can Slwaya be had by application at the store of F.S & A. HOLLAND. Oregon City, May 10, 1856. GEO. ABERXETIIY tfc Ct., MERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, O. T. Abernethy, Clark tfc Co., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, San FranciKO, Cal., Will ittend to telling Oregon produce, ind All or der for Goods, Groceries, etc., at the lowest rates. The patronage of the people ef Oregon it re spectfully solicited. Aug. 2. For Bale I WISH to tell four yoke of GOOD WORK OXEN. Those wishing to buy Work cattle would do well to give me a call (it my residence en Upper Molalla, Clackamas county. J.T. WINGFIELDi fpt 27, 1 856 S4w5 PRESTON'S Sectional and Cennty MAP ef OREGON ind WASHINGTON TER RITORIES for tale by aofl6 CHARLES POPE, Jr. "DOCKET sad table cutlery of first quality, lor ! X sale by CHARMAN f WARNER. CLOTIIIJU tVAIlLIIUl'Mi:. Wo. O. Badger, 109 HATTiir it., coaxr. or nr.sciu.iTJ, A SAN Mi SCI set), il&SjIMPORTPR of averjr variety ef Cltilu Dulls, Shtelingt, Ulikkeis, litis, iou ind lire, gant, by recent srrivtli has receivad very l.rge invoice ef the most desirtble Kylet ef 1 1 .0 III ING. md it it Ihe laiusit trues ever elfered la this market. Tha Goods ire manufactured under my own supervision, tnd ef ihe beet mittritl, we cut, large wtet, nud mwe la Uis roost durible manner. Traders from tht country are Inviltd le tstmlne Ihit heavy slock, iud Ihey will fiud the prices lowsi lliaa Ihey can be luuud else hart In tht market. Purchasers may rely en receiving Ihe beat and niw saieaoie ffoous, as eacn anirie is puaraui.ifl. OKD1.I1H FHOM TI1ECOUN1UY ore.nrK ly and carefully aiiendtd lo. lu.uuo pain eorlrd fancy eaasimert pantt. 10,000 " issoried fancy ind pliiutalintlde., 7,uou " " linen pantt, 8,000 - Guudyear't lubber panU, 1 .000 Goodytir't while rubber coats. catet Goodyear's lunf and aboit rubber boots, 200 miners' boots. l.iiOO dois'u niier flannel evershirti, 300 " fancy csetiintre evirtkiilt. l.OiKl while sbirtt, liOO heavy hickory third, MM) heavy cln-ek thiru, 300 Merrimack thills, BuO lambs' wool uadershlrtt, 300 ri-gatu nndrrshiru, !00 w tty lUnuel uiidtrsbirts, 430 " Vaiuba' wool drawers, 200 " bleached dull drawers, IfiOO " overalls, 300 " Denim frocks, 1,200 " eountry-kuit wool toeks, M00 " heavy wh.lt and mixed etltun de., 1,0 JO plecei super nlk pK-kel htndkerchitlt, 100 doien tiier black silk utckerchitft, 200 " Cambria handkerchiefs, 300 rubber bells, 2.10 buck gloves, 400 " bue Uu gold bugs, 1,000 doeskin btuautst coats, 400 black elolh frock coats, 3,000 sssorttd overeoett, 600 " pel coilt, 3,000 tilk, cloth, and vtlvtl vests, 20 baits blue and while bliukilj, 50 " A theciiug, 50 " drills, 30 " assorltd duck, 50 cases fine ftlt litis, 100 " ttrtw halt. For salt by WM. G. HADGLIt, Wholesale C'lolhiuj Warehouse. No 109 Battery, cor. Merchant st.,8att Francises. W. 11. No goods told it retail. Idml Dissolution of Copartnership. THE copartnership heretofore existing belwten Ihe tuuscribert under Ihe firm of Baiitow II Co. waa dissolved by mutual content A u just IGth, 1b60. lersuus indebted will please make pev mtuttejot. llarsiow, who will receive ill dtkts duo the late linn. JOS. BARSTOW, W. CORBY. Cinemih, Sept. 6, 1856. 21 Toi. Bars tow S by himself, iud would respectfully say to hit friendt ind the public cenenlly lhal he it thankful lor put patronage, an I will continue busi ss at the old stand, and will ever be ready lu mow hit liotdt to those who may favor linn with call. Conn ont, come ill, both treat aud small. and give him a cull before purchusiut; elacwheie. aud tiinnnt fur yourselves hit splendid and select slock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tet, Sugar, Coflee, Spices, Stc, tie., Halt, Naila, iiroomt, Si.il., and almost every thing pertaining te a geueral lint ef business. All kiudt tf country produce token in exchange. Country friends will lind it lo their advantage le give mo a call Cnncmah.Sept. 6. Blank Books. AFRESH supply, and first-rate aatorlnv-nt ef full ind half bound BLANK HOOKS, just received ex "Young America." Past Bookt, Shtep ind Tuck Memorandums, Monthly and Weekly Time Bookt, Receipt Hooka, Shipping nd Storehouse, tnd Cith Copying Prest Itookt, School Writing Bookt, Miniature iilauka, Neltt, Drafts, Hills Lading, &o., Ao. Noisy Carrier's Book and Stttionery Co., Not, CI & 66 Long Wharf, ind 37 sep. 50-m3 Battery oL,Sin Frincitce. at. a. LUCAS. i. dalton. Xucaa tfc Balton, HOUSE, SIGN, .fe ORNAMENTAL PAIN TERS, 4.O., HAVE received and offer for sale, 4000 His Allintio white lead, 350 gallons boiled linseed oil, 300 " aW 300 turpentine, "00 ' Tilden'sNo.l furniturtVtrniih, 150 " " coach 200 " Japan " 1000 lbs of putty, 6 dm Adams 6-10 brushes, 6 dot tasli tools issorted, 10 packs of leaf gold, 10 " silver, 100 lbt of Small's assorted colon, 3 gross of carnol and sable hair pencils, 5500 II of glass, 8x10, 10x12,10x14,10x15. Glazed tosh, any quantity, of lbs following sites and prices : 8x10, J.l.-'S per window, 10x13, 4,00 " 9x13, 4,00 " 10x14, 4,50 10x15, 5,00 Messrs. I At D. would respectfully call tin at tention if the trade aud the public generally to ex amine their stock before purchaKinv; elsewhere. LUCAS die UALTON, June 28, 1856. Front at., Portland. rl) 8 T RECEIVED, 70 bbla and hlf bblt N O tugar, 30 ' " " crushed " 4000 lbs No 1 Chins " 10 hlf bblt Carolina rice, 15 " dried ipples, 15 kegs " 10 hlf bbli " peaches, 10000 lbs Liverpool suit, 10 casei table salt, 50 bblt Santa Crdx lime, 5000 lot manilla rope, ase'd sired, 100 kegs uails, " 5000 qr flour sacks, 6 bales drillings, 13 cites ut'd pie fruits) 12 " " picklet, 20 bandies window sash, sts'd tixer, S4 pannel doors, " ' 9 dos pol. grains sceopt, 100 racks Rio collee, 10 matt black pepper, 10 balei oakum, 100 single and double blocks, ut'd sizes, 6 groai P &. M yeast powdert, 10 dii ilno Wash boards, 500 gals 8. 1, syrup, 4000 lbt white read, pure, 500 " led " " 40 gait copil varnith, 1 5 dot paint brushet, Iss'd sizes, 13 "3 hooped buckets, 200 gals boiled linseed oil, 100 " raw " ' Together with a eood aseortinent of HARD- WA RE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. All of which we propose selling at prices to suit the timet, call aud tee for yourselves. W. C. DEMENT A. CO., Main tt, opposite the Lend Office. Oregon City, April 19, 1356. I'retli Or-4'svu Tl mollis- Keed. 1 K A BUSHELS iost received and for tale XOU low by H'Jl. C. DEMENT 4- V DO yog want sioekin j yarn 1 " e have it. aulS CIUHMAN- d WARN EH. OREGON ilAMSaiidSliOWLDERSfortale 1 I t hj HJ CHARMAN t WARNER. '- !!J'!J?jejgSai OREGON CITY Wholesale rricei Current. oavooooa. I oat'oe 4, Mteiemia. Shetling, 4-....llil!?i ICOpr.eUvtr N. Y.cott. Drilling i'A rsosvea. liicacbej dr llmg U Wheat, pr. bu.....f 1,00 " shirting, IJilbOaii de 40 Sniped do I'.' I'ouioes de 40 Tickiu-f Uslb Onions de St75 Utuins II Hour ;',50 lllut drill mi UCurn Meet, flash 6 I'lud Imsey Ifii','4; fteiT. Satinet 7"s'JtK dried da 1!.I5 Kentucky jtini...2.'ii4.r Petebeo. diitd de 1 A Twttdt 5lU; " dopealtd raiKTt. i CbHi. diied.k'biitf Blui and while 19 Mormons. Blue and ortngt 12 Pork, fleer none. Fancy ftal " rmss t-JbaJO Furuiluit de..,....IOil4 (lime.. do. wide. 1 21 Daeou. M. de linn.......MsVi, rownn. Uiiiithiim Ua2 lliurd, pr ei flS Alpaei S5al,(i: pr kef $10 libit dims SdiT.V iiiot. clotht C5sSlmall alet 9?li3 Irish linens 4Ut$l lluck 3t31 CLOTIIISU. 1 I.SSV. Sheep grey pints $?la.1 llnr 90 Sitiuet de. .JVJ4.1 While lead, lneil...U'l Fancy east. do. ...$li5' coatiAoa. Illack eats, do. t5i7'Miiiilla, imill 25 Ked fl.u'l shiitt ft Hi l large 95 llluo do. do. I ja IS Hemp lUali Hickory ihirlt 5i7 cisolss. Cilico do t'Jml. Admintiue 37t40 soon i imill. -Mpeiin lOtlii Men't kip booUt'.'jsJJ CKiaii. ' ttqwr do. do. ...St Havana f I0i0 fine sewed t.) German $KiaS5 oy kip booli $J American f'JOtiO " bt'vy w's duStla'-l toiacio. Mens' brit'spr. dot.. 9 17 Prideof the Uuion.40i4A kipbrg sprdoi aj .'OWun 3Us.15 ealf tewed do.. fc.'l Luket 37 V emeu's h'vy th t. a 1.1; Hiiuwtas. " fun do lj Shovels :8al4 oaocsaua. ;.Spadct $I4iI6 (Tee MalC Axes fil'.VJll lei OutS Milltaoi th'atlt agar, no. I Chi'a... , 1 1 X cut sawi. 75af 1 ,25 rushed IB tahle cutlery, III per el Silenlm IOiIG! tdvtoce on N. Y.cott Slirch 14 Pocket cutlery, 25 prel Syrup E Boston... 11,20: idvince. do. a Island 90 Uther article! of htrd- NOMnlweee i are from 90 te 50 pr .it. hall 3a3l el advsace. Table Salt 3,a4 Nailt,as.'dsiici,prk8 Sandwich 1. Salt.. 2.V4 ' lierecilio...25a35 Ptptier 3ii) oiu. Allspice 40iLamp f Ia(3 Cinminen ItOiUOi Unseed toil $2a24 Soap I (.'ill, rurpeulineprKoll 04 U. S. MAIL LINE. rortlnatJ antj Aelorla. Tlie Splendid Steamer IS it 1 1 n m a h WJ I LL conlinut te run regularly between Porl- land and Astoria, tie Vancouver, twici a wssk, leaving Portland on Monday md Thursday mornings uf etch week for Astoria i and Astoria for Ptrtlind on Tuesday ind Friday memingi, touching Vancouvsi, St. Ilstsss, Uaimxi.Catu lamit, dec, etch way. For freight or passage, apply to K. nui I , Aiuier, jel6 Oral Hoyt'a Wharf-bout, Portland. U. S. MAIL LINE. Ortjon City ami Portland Daily Packet, 1tJa." Tani oiam, J.C. Al.NSWOKTH, NASTER, ill run daily. (.Sunday! excepted,) lu the above named trade, leaving Oregon City every day all o'clock, a. at. Ueturniii,', will leave Portland at 2 r. si., touching at all iiilcrmodiule poliita. For freight tr passage apply on board. ap2l-lf Yamhill Trade. COCHRAN, CASSADY Sc Co., under the name iud alyle ef tlie Yamhill Company, ire now running Ihe tteimer J. t iilllDII, of about 60 tout burthen, built ex pressly fur the Yamhill trado. Will leave C A MI NI All ou Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, it 8 1. H. Freight ohargtd bv "ship messurement" COVUKAN.'CASSADY CO. , Oregon City, Nov. 8, '56. 51 tf ui:i.ri:ui hotel. Morrison st., between Front nnd First its, PORTLAND, O.T. Charges reasouablo. S. D. SMITH, March 15, Irt.'.U-lo Proprietor. W. r. Burni, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, O n BOON C I T V, 0. T. IT Strict attention paid te repairing, and talis fiction lo patrons wtrranted. feb0-43 Souicllilag New. WE, in addition te our Grocery and Bakinf business, have just received a good and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, tueh u calicoes, muslins, mous de lainet, salinelts, tweed, Kentucky jeans, dVo , A c. also! good itmrtmenl of llinneli, bed ticking, and drills, pocket hind kerchieft, neekorcbiefi, tVe., ill of which wewir rant lo be of tho belt quality, and will tell at low it cau be bought at my other house In the city. We tay to Ihe farmert, we can fill your bills com plelely, which will save you to much trouble in running around elsewhere. Call and ice. A113. 16. CHARMAN i WARNER. Just Kccelved, ANEW ind general issortment ef DRY (iOODS, consisting of Du Lainet, Jaconit, Book Mnslin, cross-burred Mtitlln, Edging, lnnr lion, Bablcin Ladies' bote, cellars, &o., dec. Alto, BOOKS ind STATIONERY. CHARLES POPE, Jr., ang 16 Main 8t. - What'a the Vie of Ctolnff Barefoot? riMlE subscriber hat opened boot tnd shot shop X lu thit city, whem making tnd nteuding Will be done to order on shout notick. I also keep constantly on hand ready made boott and shoes, which I Will tell on reasonable terms. 1 hankrul for past favors, I still solicit a reasonable alien of patronage.. Cull iud try us anyhow. J. B. BLANPlED. Oregon City, Aug. 9, 1856. 17in0 Who Wanti a Good Saddle ? alllE subscriber, living five miles south-west of . Lsfsyette, in Yamhill comity, is now carrying on tht business of Saddle Making in good earnest. lie keeps constantly en hand the best inuulci that can be manufactured with the matcrialt at com mand iu Oregon. Those wishing a genuine saddle warranted to lit en both sides, and rigued out Irt complete style, cheap for ctih, or good trade would do well to give me I call. My shop it tituated on Makers Creek near where the road crosaee il lead- in" from Portland ind Oregon City, "up country" by the wiy of Smith'i bridge on tin North Fork of 1 onihill. ID I keep every thing in tht taddlery lint, is Bridles, Martingales. Halters, lines, Ao , Ac. Sept. 20-23lf. J. O. HKNDERSON. Something' New. ANY person having s Melodeon, Seraphine, Acoordeon, or other reed iiudruiucnt, with broken or defective reeds, can have Ihem repaired by applying or sending lo Chas. M. Ketter, at his residence two aijuarc back frum tho Baptist Meeting House, iu the North part of Oregon City. Charge for inserting single recdt from $1,50 ta 82,00. Ucuonabie dedu.-tion fur a greater num ber. C. M. K ESTER. Oregon City, September 22. 155-23 BUL'bii ES , scrub, baud, and tooth do hiir paint brushes, ice., for tale it tht ttoee ot CHARMAN $ WARNER. DO yon waul Ha,y Fotk, HuauVtand Shovels! Call at CHARMAN d Vft.Y'S. GLASS, Queens-ysre, and Cckery, at apiD CHARMAN . WARNER'S riV) pick fancy shoes, either hvdies' ot genlli, JL UH-n't, call at I.H4 CHARMAN 4 WARNRR t). I. 13