The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, November 08, 1856, Image 4

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    l.turalars at tkt l.dir.
It U Mid that four-fiithi of the novol
reading in this oouittrjr, nt llic present lime,
ii achieved by ladies. Bo Iruo ii ihii, I lint
r.ullisliers cater almost xclusiyety for the
female taste, In their selcctien of works for
issue. The consequence ii that tlx market
is flooded with high wrought picture! of
t!li life, for on claw of these ladjr readers,
iiml high wrought pictures af low life, for
another class, while tlie lardc article-ihe
nriicli which finds it way lu'o the best
families it surcharged and iniictified bj
a sickly and alonder religious sentiment
(hat ii hardly 1cm enervating than the ster)'
which forms ita vehicle. Now this ii not
very com)liinetiiiirj to I lie Indies, wo ad
mil, b'lt wo arc not to hlame fr the fact,
(ind certainly take no delimit In staling it.
There ia a fact, however, connected with
Ilia matter, which in slightly compli'men.
titry to them, or their nature. They allow
signs of a surfeit, and those, hooks aro be
ginning to be a drug in the market. This
fact will serve, we hoi, as a warning to
publishers against ministering to an un.
Iiealtlij appetite and a alow standard of
l.nle. They Imva brought literature into
disrepute by dissipating, rather than cher
ishiug, a healthy literary appetite ; andii
will lake many montha fairly to recover
from the degeneration. Now if they will
t;ike as much pains lo crowd before the
public good as they have inferior onif,
good books, sooner or later, will regain
their ground.
Tbore Is aomething in tho position of
American women which exposes them pe
culiarly lo the influences of an unworthy
literature. They partake of the national
resllemnets of mind, they are all readers,
and there is a very large clsss, especially
in cities, whe lm;e nothing to do but te read.
This lack of regular pursuits unfits thnn
lor any but light reading. They have not
the habit of application, time hangi heavy
on their Lands, and they simply neck for
tlintkind of reading which eat) bo pursued
Willi tho slightest outlay of efTort. They
cannot subsist on this kind of Intellectual
aliment long at a time, hu live on it lung
enough to insure several monster editions
and to stimulate; production to a sickening
turf"it. Thcro is unother class perhaps
larger than this u class-living in the coun
try intelligent country girls mid womon
whi, lending a tame, and, to litem, a tnitO'
lose life, grasp cngorly at such literary c.v
citemeiit, its are pressed to their tnslo ; and
si learn lo live in an nriifioiiilulmospltore,
while moving among their dully Ji(ni.i of
duties. Thnro is still another class, scat
tered every whore religions women who
wish for amusement, and who, while con
demning novels generally, will swallow a
story eagerly if it only be' peppered with
pious lessons, und salted with a moral.
Amerieun women should be soniotliing
rroro than mero Hory sw.illowera. They
hiivo roversed ihc otdcr of tilings, nnd do
vated novel rending to a pursuit. Novel,
though an important department of litera
ture, do not form the highest or most Im
portant department. They are, or should
be, incident til and suhtidary, and when his
tory, biography, natural philosophy and
criticism have fud the mind, nnd built up
within it sound wives of life, a iruo compre
hension of tho relations of events, and an
insight into human character, tho choice
of novels, for relaxation or study, will full
upon altogether a dillerunt class from that
upon which wolmvo animadverted. These
Milled Htid silly Sctious have no charms for
a healthy mind, nnd aro cast ifidu as the
most unsatisfactory chalT.
Placing to tho account of tho w omen all
tho bluiiie in the prr-misra which belongs
to them, nnd to their position all its disad
vantages and temptations, wo still havo
room to chargo the trade with alack of con
scientious consideration, in tho pursurt of
their business. They occupy nil important
post ona of the most important and res
ponsible filled by nny body of men in the
world. Headers will very generally be
what tlay make them. In other words,
people must nnd will read j and titty ne
cessarily take what is provided for litem.-
They will not drink from evil fountain
when the fountains aro dry. Honesty is
the best policy in literature, ns well as in
other pursuits : and if no higher consider,
ations bear upon tho publisher, he may be
well assured that, in tho long run, tho best
literature will pay the best. A food which
destroys the appotito will, after a whilo
render the sloward'a oflioo unnecessary,
while a wholesjmo d!t honestly adminis
tered insures steadings of consumption, and
a regular increase f hoarder. Let them
publish good novels, nnd the disproportion
between male and fenmlu reader will speed
ily le diminished. One (-rent reason why
men do not eomo iu tl,eir la,i j, .cflu.',
they do not provid food for men. Sjiring.
JiJd (Ifuss.) AV;.
FCYAM RltAl'TY. "Dean Swift pr0.
posed to la female beauty, and leave every
lady to rato her own charms. ITo said the
tax would be clieet fully paid, and very pro.
"I'oulenelle thus daintily compliments
the ex, when he compare women and
clocks the latter serve to point out tho
hours, the former to make us forget them."
"The liandards of beauty in women vary
with those of taste. Socrates ca'Is beauty
short lived tyranny; Plato, a privilege
cf nature. Throjhrttts, a sitent chert;
Theacriiusad.-liuhitu! prejudice; C.irne
'K"li'4y ktnrim; r.J Arb.totlef.
&.iul li.-t it us l! er ;hiii ail t! let-
tera of recommendation in the world."
"With the modem Greeks and ether na.
linns on the shore of lh Mediterranean
corpulency U the perfection of urm in
weman ; and those very attribute which
dl. gust the western European, form the
attractions ef an Oriental fair. It was from
the comaion and admired hpe of bis
country-women, lhat Jieuben in hia pic
lures delight so much in vulgar and odi
ous plumpnts when bis master was desi
rous lo represent Ihe 'beautiful,' lie had no
Idea of Usuty under twa hundred weight.
His very praces are all fat. Hut it should
be remembered that all hit models were
Dutch women. The hair is beautiful or
nament of women, but it has always been a
disputed point which color mt becomes it.
We account red an abomination ; but in
the time of F,lir.abclh it found admirer,
and was in fashion. Mary of Scotland,
though alio had exquisite hair of Iter own,
wore red front. Cleopatra was red haired,
and the Veniiian Iodic to th't day coun.
torfoit yellow hair."
Tarkla ('.bander.
It was said by Cibbon most truly, that
tho Tuik have been, siuco the period of
Conquest, encamped, nut settled in Europe.
They an ount to a fourth, or a third, nt
Ihe utmost, 01 the population or II10 sul
tan dominions. They are scattered in
very unequal proportions over its surface.
In some parts they form a tolerably thick
agricultural population. In others, s in
Constantinople itself, tltey nre ongngod in
the trades and manufacture of a large city.
Hut nowhere do they exercise those ex
truded operation cf skill and thought
which bring men together, cause them lo
rely on ench other, give litem the habit of
combined peaceful action, and impart to
litem tho intelligence and the energy on
which nlunn n strong commonwealth is
built up. Tho Armenians are their bunk
ers; the Jews their dealors ; tho Greek
their merchants. The very orgnnirjition
of tho people seem to havo denied them
thoto finer qualities, Loth menial and cor.
porcal, which fit men for tht superior
branches of industry.
A Turk' finger, Dr. Walsh quaintly
observes, seem all to bo thumbs; he hit no
manual dexterity for any delicate employ
ment, and his mind is ns unfit for subtle
operations m his body. The Turks neither
wnto nor print (with (he exception or bom
bnstic poetry, and more bombastic history.)
I hey do not build, but destroy. lltey
show no wish to ndorn the snil which they
inhabit, or lo connect, in any way, the ex
istence of the present generation with pos
terity. Their object in this world secma
to bo mere animal oxistetico, ns completely
as that of tho beasts of the field. Their
religious sense is deep, enduring, rxalted ;
lull it is a roliginn which (leadens ami slu
piliea tho intellectual faculties. If 'uhh't
Utwtuce 111 lonstantiiwpie.
Mutiny Anions tbo Irish Democracy.
Tho IrUh American of New York Cily,
a strong Democratic paper, says :
If an honest, hard-working Irishman is
shot down in celd blood by uno of those
foul things vomited forth from tho Jttllian.
ism of rum holes nnd the stuffing of ballot
boxes ; nnd if tbo foul thing is to be upheld
by tho Democratic party, though wo have
always been on that aide, wo can go with
them no longer. Strongly, emyhalicully,
earnestly and most sincerely do we recom
mend Messrs. Hiicliutinn and Hreekinridgn,
and their friends and supporters, to repudi
ate tho scoundrel in the most unmistakable
form, or we shall bo obliged, in tho exercise
of a solemn duty, to ndvise those who bo
lieve in us, cither nut to vote nt all in thu
approaching Presidential elcutiou, or cast
llieir voles for the enemy.
An open toe may prove a curse t
Hut a pretended friend it worn).
tjT Wo take the following from tho
Wilmington (Del.) Republican :
A Good Move. A petition praying tho
United Slates Senate, to renuoxt nf tin. inir
of Henry Clay tho publication of tho letter
of James lSuchnnnn in terra til lo llinchnrm
of "bargain and sale," is being circulated
111 our city inr signatures. 1 ins is a kooI
move olio that men nt' nil nnrtics ..limit, I
sanction, as it is dun to both tho living all!
Hie dead, that this matter uo set at rest.
03" The Legislature of Texas has appro
priated $(10,000 for the purposo of tamo-
ping nnd jilting out emigrants for Kansas.
Companies to consist of not less than GO
ench, and the amount to each company
not to exceed $12,000, to defray their ex
penses and subsistence in Kansas for throe
Tksrislc Kiot A terrible riot oeeurrrd on
I'riduy nfU ni' 011 between a Fillmore &!titig club
nnd a party f nma t tlio Serenlt'tnlli Wr,l dem
ocratic headipiurlen ill Baltimore. Two men
were tliot dead, aud some twenty o'.liers wounded,
fciverol, it ia believrd, fatally. The fight lulled
only a fttv minutes, tint tlie firing was heavy and
severe. Neither of (he men killed were enged
in the fijlil, and most of those wounded wers res
idents in the vicinity, attracted to the (put by thu
ITS' A Weitern editor wants to know whether
the luws recently enueted against corn ing conceal
ed wmimiw, apply to doctors w ho entry their piltt
ia their pockets.
Xsvica Prccivt Voua Ciiii.dsk. The most
saenlial point in cur intercourse with children is lo
be perfectly Imt to otirselve. Every other intereat
mill lo be lacrificrd to that of truth. When we
ia any wsy deceive a child, we not ouly th.iar him
a periiMoin example, but low ear own influence
over him f..rerer. Tarents cannot be too guarded
in Ulia reaped.
tar A lin ear having threat, ned ber htaband
with a '-bio up." Mj de.ireat blemmi," said ne
'corimil your remark, te paper and nad them to
NrtaTt!a.ic.-Somo impertinent f.lW, not
having ibe fear of calico beiore h evosmra, that
it a wonun quick w.tb ber feet aaelt' m,ih
her tongue alio ceuld catch lijhiaioi uou -h U
kiaJlo a l'u iu Iks muratng.
fsTlie fal'oniai it fi,aitirK- ilwu.i ....
ewhanpee: (In tidy ei :n!y. I as, at the tai."clec-
uw. t w qiw nuu.irm voles. , :mca 9S ervre
Sw the It. ptibliiMa ticket The man who rotej
for th fSueliiM tirki i ,i n. :.. ....
... - J w iu uie
eowBty srhe eannel rd and wr re.
Bplendld Jewelry.
C COlXItK lilllllN" " iarrtiainJ
(l((., nT JKWKI.KV ever
,1.. 1. littmm. 'Pie aewflittcui euaa in
lrtoflliWI"u' artalcsi
llumtmd br. Ihk,
II lintnd nn,
liuld railway nme-keepn
Udiee wairltrs, ia enamekd eai,
Iiiirt chalelaiiers, '
MMi fir.riuff-,
i;0'd tli wUea, (-old and silver petw,
Card rate, mantel ornanv-iiU,
(aid lMk u, pearl casket',
IJol t guard, vel. and f.Ji chain,
Sleeve liuttnin, iltirt studs,
f ..I l.r.y,rli.d.
and a variety of ether goodi tne numerous to men-
Call ami aes tits rriKl niisn.ficeat dipiaT
Jewelry ever av in Or. gon.
u, lul.i.:l.u uwuin.n,
March 23. ' xreet, 1'ottland.
aVcks ! iSacks ! ,
rptIK nn!fri;ii'l li eMt"iiily a liattdal hia
X wk manuuielory in ttrigoti fity, hAL'k'S of
allquahtireandsit', which will bviuld allow ns
they can be bought in the 'frrrilury. Orders from
a dialiuce promptly aikad-dlu.
Oregon City, May 3, l8:.C.-3y.
K7cl O. Dement U Co.,
At tkrir $ld Hani, tfpoiit$ Me .and OIre,
VRK new rreei;"f P" "rk" and brig
"Halcyon," the following gooda t
l.'ll bo'xM eperui and adamantine einjlee,
:,0 kegs dried a p'essiid paclie,
JIHI bkianrid lilf bbla crushed sugar,
AO cniesp cklrs,
yu " firh p.ltei,
U) " f frttiis,
in Inns Ii. A. mil,
,'i()l dm cups and saucers,
300 plate.
3itO " lumbler.
SI) water pitcher.
Siignr how's, tea-pots, ic, &e.
i:0) kegs pare lead,
S11O gala biwej oil,
100 gals turpentine,
&0 gals vaniish,
300 gib lump oil,
nU gnUlnrd '
OUWI yds brown ilteetin;,
fiilOU prints,
lib ached C"tlon. bed tic king, Ac., lie.,
all of which will be sold an low as tliey can be pnr
chaied of any other house in Oregon Cily. may 17
mllE sitWriberlias jnrtreeeiv-gTTjrjT
elalarrfiupplyof FlT.XI-gV--. ' rrft
'I L'llB of all descpptioni, consist-VB'"i3
ini in part as follows
Sofn. niohoriiiy and black walnut)
Chamber sets;
ISnreans, with or without nurhle lopsj
Oflir-e deks;
liocklng chu m, atunVd in hair, carpet, and with
cuue and wool aeats;
Pining ehuirs, cmio and wonl seats;
(lluce chairs, do do do
Cliildren- do, hitfli dining and rocking;
l!cdttail, variutia kinds;
Tallica, eenier, card, and dining;
Writing de.-kv,
1'itrlor chain;
Reading, toilet, nnd woik tables;
.Miitlrchs. a, liuir. nio j, and wool;
Window shades;
Paper haiijins, of every stylet
Oilcloth; 'biii. se mutliti;; Uuid lamps, and burn
ing Hu d ; ailh a vuriely of other articles too
numerous to mention.
Person wishing to pnrchuse will lease call and
riitniiiie fur themselves.
All kinds ol country produce taken in exchange
for good. T1103. JOHXSt ..
Mnn-h 2S. 155C. 43lf
ZiOgS, Logs.
CASH will be paid on delivery for firaml cedar
LOOS at work of Oregon Milling i; Triins-
porlalion Co. R. PliXTLA X 1, A't.
l.inii City, .M iy IU, in.ib.
Those vlio (11 iUo iicurKst Sell
y-Nttt!M.VV A- WAKXICR. Orerrnn Ciltt.
J have the best selection of GROCERIES,
litmli and .NAurj, also Ui,i, I mills, i.iuss, to Mil
wholesale nnd retail, cheap for cash or produce.
Our slock in part consists of
lilinil lm colllo,
IIIHI lbs No I China ittar,
SlntlO " No 1 lluinvia "
10(i0 " Sandwich Island sugar,
1. 'iOO " crushed sujnr,
2, 'idO 11 assorted candy,
50 kegi i:. Huston syrup,
;"0 kegs nails,
ID canes pickb.
" ' pie fruits,
l'J doi assarted can fruits,
6 " tomato catnip,
5 '' pepper sauce,
4D0U Ihs sail, diH'crcut kinds,
8 dnz hmoins,
Lai'Re aiworltnent of Qiieensware, Glassware. &c.,
in.lllll) riirata. bv Ilia iliauxauil. 411 boxea totiacco.
China rice, Carolina do., 3UI) lbs tea, SU0U lbs
dried apples, spice ol all Kums, etc , iVO. jel
Carncss and' Saddlery.
Til K ntiilemigned having 0)cned anew
in Itl' lTEVlLI.E, Marion county, O.
S'" T., in tho Post Otltrie building, are ready
to tmmiraclure and furnislt at short notice, and iu
Ihe best and most snVtaiitittl style of the craft,
all kinds of IIARXKSS and SADDLERY
WORK, Trunk and Vurriagr Trimming, (-c.
June SI, lS..G.-y KOOI & COOk.
To Blackstiiillis ii iid ,Tliiiin(iirln
"TTE are now receiving ten tons of iron of the
V ? following sizes :
Round iron from I to 1 inch,
Squar i to '1 "
liar l,vtoO.J,
Nail rods.
Homo shoe iron,
lluud iron, llv J.
Plow steel, ISI.vL
For sale at lowost market rates.
To Merchants.
TE are now receiving Ihe following articles':
SO this Santa Cms lime,
15 " hvdruulio cement,
S plaster of paris,
30 nails,
8 spikes, 5 V S in.,
SOI) " Boston syrup, gala,
2." baj Rio cofioe,
2.i mats Chin No 1 sugar,
half bhli N O sugar,
5 bbis vim gar.
Ill onr Dtikrrjr
"1TTF. keep a full assortment of BREAD. PIES,
CAk Est, aoiU'A N I) Y, at wholesale aud
retail, apli) ClRRMAN WARNER.
FEW of rrince & Co", best MELODE. i
ONS formate, low. Enquire at the I
A oj
So Arrive
TITHIN a few day, direct from New Yurk, '
llMiii Ihaaptin eottiai, ;
;viui im oeeswax,
UK) g-iW eoaeh vamiah. I
i bUa ro-in. fr ' low br I
p 19 IV ,U. C. DEMENT A CO. ,
OOD graia aaoks for sale cheap, hv
rTlO pick fancy shoes, itber raj in' or gvntlt
X m- a's, call at
New Sooks I
THE subscriber has jiut received a larje a.
aortrnenl of IIOUKH, d.raet from New Vork,
amour w hich are Ilia following I
Aheun's II Ji. of yirop, American Institution!,
Milliinau'a do.
I.Iwm iA the rti'rners.
itemocracT la Amvrica,
"Land and ,"
"K. a and tiailor,"
Three Years la Califor..
I'ye. of Literature,
ItahtloD and Nineveh,
"),-ck ami 1'ort."
hhiu and Hlmre "
Itniiie l!, rluil.-.lia.
Kgypl and the II" ) Tnr J
Lard tier ouHl'in Ku,'ine,
llnehan I- am. I ltyi n ,
Manual of Fm Art,
Anc't Monaali rii.
letiir.a on tlie Aru,
Travel in I'eru,
I'ulur Itevinns.
Climce lliompliy,
I'erurian Anniiiiia,
Ch.iice Kslra' l.'m I'lilluMihllV.
A variety of 1 oel.
butt cop es ul Mod. rs MsH'r,
f.OO " " Headers,
a.'.O Mi!iiiTi-y' dn.
ii.'.O " Web.ter's Dielionnrl
Paries' Algebra,
" Httrveyin,
Newman' Ult'loric,
IIhv'i do.
Tarlrv'i Univ. Ilistorv,
(;nodrirlt, I'iet. L'. IS.,
Mutiiellh oeiigraplty,
l.iitlo jHalii'r,''
S. American rieaker.
Thompson's do.
sr. an.
A rrcch Ccp?l7 of Stationery.
Pity U.k, Journals, fidget, Keeord Hooks,
M. In.., 1. ,,r all aites. Uiarira. 4c. Note and
letter Fuller, I jtvelope. I'ens, tie., cYcKrns'r
Kmve, Krasiv Itu!iber, liummcd iaiK-ia, t auer a
Pencil, IN K, In quart nnd p nt bottles.
t'IIAUM:.S FOl'E,Ja.
Oregon City, August IS, 1M3.
Xew Jrwellcr.
nAVINO employed ms of lite best Working
Jewelleliott the Pacific coast, lain now
fully prepared to manufacture every description of
Muson:e Jewelry, Odd Fellows' Pins, Kings,
i'c . made lo order.
Kngraving neatly done.
Call and see specimens of work.
u. toi.utui uonniNs.
X. Tl. I devute my entire alienism to repairing
Fine Wntrlir. Ii. CoLl.lta Kosbim.
Portland, Dec. 5D. 18"-C-a7lf
T A VNK'3 Alterative, Kxpectorant, ami Pills.
Cod Liver Oil, Cantor O.I, nnd Swei t Oil, at
MKXICAN Mus:oii Liuinient, O. W. Mer
chant's Caroling Oil. nt the
rpllL'SSliS, risht and left and double, and Ab
I domiiml supjiorters. at the
1)1' KK While Lead, raw and bunted Umber,
Crotne. Green and Yellow, and other painis,
GraefeubcrgSarsaparilla, Uterine CathrsVon.
" JJysenlery ryrup, consuiiiplive
- Pile O ntitwnt,
Health Hitters,
" ICye Lotion, Ac., &e.,
To be found at the ngenev of Ihe Comnanv, at
nAY.MAN'S Dppeptie Elixir oitrraiited to
cure l!ie dvsisia ptsl received nnd for
sale at the OilEUOS CIT Y DUVU STORE.
It. Gnysott'i compound cxliuct of Sursuparilia
and i ellow Diork, at the
LD l)r. Jacob Townsem!' Sarraiparilla, at
R. J. Ayres' celebrated IHierry Perioral fur
coughs, cob,. and coninnpl on. nt lite
It. Townsend'sSonoiparillii, At tha
ft ll KIlt Sarsamrilla. nt tlio
NDS' Sarsaiorilln. in nnvipmntilv, ut lha
"II OFF ATS Life Uitlera and l'ills, Ilerr.nnl's
IvJl Dysentery Syrup, Wutar's Balsam of Wild
Chetrv, at the
JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon City Drug
Store, direct fiom New York nn 1 Suit Fran
cisco, a fresh supply of DRL'CS, MEDICINES,
Puleut Medicines, Family Me.liciues, iScc,
which iritt be mid at line far cash an Ilia can lie
procured in tlie Territory. Cull Mi l examine for
yourselves, utul get an Alinunuc lor 1!-ju, gratis.
1 PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever
aud ague, &c, &c , jot received und for sale'
Land for Salt,
I OFFER to sell 1G0 acres of choice Intnl for
two dollar and a quarter an acre, cash. The
land is a portion of my claim, six miles west of La
fayette, iu tho comity of Yamhill. Title good
Cull nnd see for yourselves " "Pis no trouble lo
ahow" the land. S. C. ADA.M.-J.
Glen 4viti, l)ec.2."lh, i?."i.V37tf
Mcbttslopol lias I'tilloti !
i inform the ciuwiia of Oregnu City and the
public iu general that thev havo just received a
cood assortment of GROCERIES suituble for
this season of tho year. Also, we have received a
supply of fancy groceries, such as I'arinit, Sugar
Tapioca, Arrow Root, aud a variety of other such
articled too numerous to mention.
We have a good o.oriinuit of FANCY
GOODS for the Itolidayn, inch as raisins, dales,
tigs, bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and a
vuriely tif nther articles in this line, such us will
suit tbo greatest epicure o the land. We have al
so on hand a good iiwnrtmcnt nf candies, and are
reeeiriun supply nearly every steamer. So please
give ns a call ; wo w II sell as cheap as any house
iu Oregon. Our motto is that a quick priiny is
better than a slow shilling.
We ore now commencing to prepare in the Tin
ker)' for Chiistnins, and shall have a good assort
ment of cuke. We shall also keep on hand a su
perior quality of butter crackers, Huston crackers,
and also the swoct York crackers. Please g vo or
ders for the above iu ?ood time. Our prices shall
bo reasonable, and tho goods made of the b. st ma
terials iu t ti egon. novi t
Who Wants a Good Gaddlo ?
THE subscriber, living five miles south-west of
Lafayette, in Yamhill county, is now carrying
on the busutesa of Saddle Making in good earnest
He keeps constantly on hand tho best saddles that
can he numnuetnred with the materia1 nt com
mand in Oregon. Those winning a genuine saddle
warranted to fit on both ados, and rigged out in
complete style, cheap for cash, or good trade would
do well to give mo a call. My shop ia situated on
Baker Creek near where the road crosses it lead
ing from Portland and Oregon City, "up country''
by the way of Smith's bridge on the North Fork of
O" I keep every thing in the saddlery line, as
Dridles, Martingale, Unlters, Lines. &C , Ac.
Sept. S0-23tt. J. O. 11 UN DERSON.
Water l'owcr for Kale.
nIlE uudewisned would like to sell one half of
L r nulla and w ater power on tho Tualatin riv.
er, aboLt Ihn-e m Ira from Linn City, known as
Moore's Mill. It is probably tlie best water priv
ilege, with the exception of the great Falb of the
Walcme te, that then ia in Oregon. I would like
tn sell one-half or oue-fourth of my claim together
with lha milks and e ater power. My object lo
get a partner, to suable me In properly improve Uie
water power. JAMES M.'.MOORE.
Feb. !), IMiC 4.'ltf
"I TTE have a full assortment of Bt OTS &
? SHOES, al-o Ladies' llaiter and Buskin,
in fact all kinds of laaV' ehnea.
L5ARS Tiebe-t ehunoe tr. pcV hat the
suwacl ISMK.V.i.V d nAKNER.
Allan,. McJlInlay &. Co.,
nAVK Inst received
iuil,l iuvita all those who wi-lt tn nroenre
i tin it) article at rcasomibla prices, lo cull and
tee them. Tluy eonsiat in part of the following I
grain eradh
grass scyihui snaths do do
Ulsq harrows S3 teeb
gurd. a rakes
do lie-.
do spades
pol.shed shovel
bay forks
in inure forks
window glasa 8 by ln
do 10 by 13
do 7 by 9
window sashes 8 by 1 0
do ID by 12
canal & win el barrows
funcy broom
piaitt do
assort'd colored pal's
puinled tubs
r i no wash boards
blacksmith's bellows
cross cut saw 7 It
do G ft
mill saw 7 ft
hair mattresses double
do singl
hair bolsters double
do siu'lo
sperm candles
adamantine do
grape brand tobacco
ox bowannu yoke
liioke tobacco
Sheetingi 7 irks, ti e d;e.
And keen constantly on hand a lur-e supply of
clothing, hardware, end many articles too nutner
ous tu mention.
Oregon City, April 81, IBJiti-ly
f f BISLS. Santa Cms Lime just received and
tJJ for sale ny
Oregon Eacon.
LltS., I'.irsale hv
W. C. DEMENT V co.
.'2)Iti:ui Wheal.
1 FEW bushels for sale by
A novlO WM. C. DEMENT j- CO.
" AKaro Ciianco
For those tngmicd, or winking to tngagt in
the I louring JJitsmcst.
TXf E havo on hand and for sale, tho following"
Y T machinery for grut nulls, which wilt be sold
low for rash, or on a short time t
Q nnrlnlile inilla. culllDlete t
1 run of four feet four inch French Ettrrs, with
spur wheel, 114 cogs, weighing IU25 lbs. J with
spindle, pillion, brush and oil-pot and collar.
1 run, same sic, wiiheul pinion. Other irons
the same as above.
Together with a genera! assortment of bands,
bolting cloths, pulley, gudgeons, wheols, couplings,
hangings Tor holtuig chests, etc., a-c.
In other word, every requisite iteccasnry to the
completion of a grist null by -
Ws.ll. DEMENT & co.
Opiiosite the Luud Ollkf.
Oasnix Citv, Nov 2S, IBM.
r "Susan Abigail ' and hark "thus. JJevetu,
from San Frunciaco, the following goods:
GROCERIES: 150 kgs E. B. syrup, 5i8 gala,
2(1 hhls New Orleans do.
f.OOU lln No. 1 China sugar,
fiUUU lbs Utble salt,
011 boxes Englirh and Americnn soep,
20 eases pie fruit, uss'd,
i! prose P. v B. yeast powders,
5'Jflll lbs tobacco, asa if brands,
1110 half boxes raisin,
2D bblaand hull' bbls crushed sugar,
3(1(111 l' snlrratim
CROCKERY A General Astmrtment.
DR Y-GOOIS:jOW yds browu sheeting,
1IIIIU yds suti nets,
801'U " print,
10 pieces alpacas,
SU pair English blankets,
200 yds carpeting,
2IIII ' oil cloth :
Together with a genenil assortment of ready made
clolhiu", boots, shoes, hats, cnis, nnd carpenters'
loots. IV J. C. DEM EN T J- CO.,
Nov. 10. Opposite fie Lund Office.
bus. for rale by WM. C. DEM EN T fr CO.
Mtitlit Cruz Lime.
,? A E""-s- fur TO'e by
0) novlO WM. C. DEMENT & CO.
N our bakery we keep cotutniitly on baud
L bread, cracker, cuke, pies,
C1ANDIES, mm, raisins, of nn excellent quality
J just received and for sule low by
EECEIVEI) tip itiilie arrival of every steam
er. Don't fail to cull on
7U EUY TIliNG in tho line of Groceries,-
a cheese, ull kinds of spice, nil soda, cabon-
ale soda, saleiatus, cream tartar, ltd., are sold at
I pO YS, of difi'erent kinds, for sule by
Just Received.
A Splendid assortment of Fumily Groceries,
XL such as tea, syrup, su;ar, &c. t also fine
und coarse salt, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches,
sardines, oyster, clams, yeast powder, also a largo
quantity of superior chei not cigala, and tobacco of
every brand and almost every thing else iu our
line of business all of which will bo sold as low
as at any other place in town, for cash or pro
jjTTlRASS and Iron Butts, Screws, Locks and
JS1 Latches, llniiimeis and Hatchets, Axes,
Drawing-knives. Handsaws, Curry Combs, Horse
Brushes and Cards, Gun Loi-ks, Gun Cups, Wool
Cards, Chest Handles, Planes, lie
April 21, ISo.Vltf
JUG.R, Salt, Cofi'ee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate,
kc Starch, Sali n.tus, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda,
Carb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop
porus, etc. Aprii 21, lSj5-ltf
Jtist ncccivcd,
At the'OId Stand,' Cancmah, April Z, f 35.
:fVW 1,000 lbs. China No. 1, do.,
1,0011 lbs. Rio Cotleo,
1 5 Tons coarse salt ; 200 lbs. fine do.,
3,C0il lbs. Oregon Bacon ;
1 ,OU0 bushels oata, for sale wholesale or retail, by
To the rarmera
TTTE WOULD say, call at our store; we
1 T will pay yon es well for your produce as
anv other h.iuaa in Oregon, mti.1 will nAvn ia
make you feci as comfortable as we pomiblvean.
no;- ni.ia.u.l.i ,y n
Central Produce Depot.
CONSTANTLY receiving, freih from ranch,
wheat, oats, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes.
Pec. J, '53. JOHN P. BROOKS.
Feathers for sale bv
VTheat Wanted.
nIGHES 1' cash price paid by
Nov. 2. H'Af. C. DEMENT d CO.
Charman &. Warner.
MR- EDITOR Yon will pleas tell an onr
fellow-ciliiens of Oregon lhat wo sr fil
doii g busuaeei nuder the old firm, and under the
e'd a.lage that a nimble sixpence b better than a
low ihnling. Wa want to sell, and will do
so as cheap as any other hooe ia Oregna City.
ii e cave enlarged oar eticne materially, and
now have on hand, a nsnal. all kinda of GRO
CERIES, such as II auit citv aad coontrv trade.
which w hipe all who hire favored a w lib their
liberal patronage kaov full well. C!i .-an wo
will do oar beat. CIIARMAN Jr. WARNER.
Apr! 19. ItOG.
rt. VNE'S eetwaled Vermifugw and la'ver
rr. '.Kr.ijU.s ill! 1UI G STORE.
15Usini;ss CAitas.
2Y Guioml toiiiiiiuvion nlcroliaiii,i,rt'i ,
ale aud retail Dealurs in Dry Goods, iin....
Hardware, dire., 4c. ' ".
... t George T. Allan. '
Oregon City, Ma jr 5. i Archibald M'Kiulsy.
( Thomas Iwi.
iL Kcottsburg, L'tnpima, Oregna, r
TLrM'KiNLAY :'fcco7Ti
il. Oregon Terrtbiry. MsyJ.
DEALER in Hardware, Groceriw,Drv C,J.
CTethlns, Ilooi U Shorn, Medicine., Bool.
, and Stationery. "
Mnin-st., Oregon City, April'si,
Wm. C. tcmc&t Cl o.,
WHOLESALE and retail Dealer, Coc.
ic. Prov sion. Paints, Oil, Rnoia ,1a
Rltoe., i Crockery, &o. Opncite the Land OlC
Mum St. Oregon City. June I, ih-jJ '
ATTOawar axo cocwsslo 4T tAw'
LafayaUt, Yamhill County, O. T
WILL fulihfully attend to all buainesi t
trusted to his nrofeaaioual ears.
April 21, 1K55-Ilf .
Wholemtle ( Retail Dealer in Grorerici, Prmlarei
Protitioni, if e., iViii'e Street
A General Assortment kept op of Selected Goods.
Canenioh, December I, 185S.
Welh, Fargo & Co.'s Express, ,
Between Oregon, California, tin Atlantif
S'ntes and. Eurone.
HAVING made advantageous-
arrangement with tlie Uuitcd 53
Stute and l'acilln M,.ll ,., IfTXi1
ship Compunics for tianspurtution, we are now pre--pared
to forward Gold Putt, DutlionSneeie ,
Packages, Parcels, and Freight, to and from u'
York, N. Orleans, San Francisco, Portland,' amj
principal town of California and Oregon.
Our regular Semi moulltly Exprew between
Portland uttd San Francisco, it dispatched by tlie
Pacilic Mull Stcuinahri CVa aith.l,ln -.a
, r vuiuilioia,
connecting at Sun t mucisco vrilli our seini-inonth.
I., f r.. t I . r . .... ..HI
iy i.iiri 10 iiew jor ana lien Urleant.vh'KW
i distiatchcd rerrularlv on tlie lit nii.l lllik.r .
-. n j - - - . wm ui rgcrf.
mouth, by the mail slrumer and in charge of our
own nicsaetigeia, throiiglt to deatinntion.
Our Kxpriim from New York leave regularly
on the fith and 20th of each month, alio iT.i, ,.
of niemrngers.
1 reasure insured in the best New York com
pmies, or at Lloyd's in London, at the option of.
Omcr. Xew Yotk, Jio. I G, Wall rt. ; New'
Orleans, No. 1 1, Exchange place) San Francisco,.
io. lit, iHontgoinery street.
J. iN. BANKER, Agent.
Oregon City, April 21, lSj5.-ltf
Tiio Ctcantcr FortlanrL
Mr-r-J-jA CAI'T. A. S. MUflRAY,
W id run dully between Portland and Oregon Citv
Leaves Portland nt eiirht oYl.tclr. a. u iiu.....'. .
- . - 4.C.UIII
ing. leaves Oregon Cily at four o'clock, r. m.
i or treigitr or pusnage apply on board. p2l -Itf
Orrijon dig und Portland Daily Packet.
n Jennie Clarh.
:'i?!.ViKA J. c. AiNswottTii. MAstnn,
V ol run duily, (Sun lays excepted.) in the above,
named trade, leavinfr Orcrmn ( 'iiv even dnv i II
o'el.s'k, a. r. ncluruin', will leave Portland at
2 p.m., tmicliirlj ut all intermediate po'iits.
Jor treiglit or passage spply mi hoard.
Naw Volumes of tia Four Reviews'
end Slackwood.
COMMENCE with North British for Mayr
lHo.'i, ami the oilier Reviews and Blackwood
for June, )8.i5.
Terms nf Siiusrr.'ntion. Anv ono Review of
Ulackwood, Q'i a your, llluckwood nnd one Re
view sir any two Reviews, Q't. Tlie lour Re
v ena and liiuckwood, 10. Four copies to otm'
uihlress, IJ31I.
rostuge on the four Reviews nnd Blackwood to
nny Post ofliee in the L'niicd States, only 80 cents
a yen? on each Review and L'4 Coiila a year oir
Address, I.. Scott & co.. Publishers, 54 Gold
street, corner Fulton, New York sepH
Beading for tho Million.
sroitK, rao.T-T, roi.TLAND, onr.cox,
A Choice selection ot Books, News
papcre, Magazines and F'ancy Slaliotierv.
Among the books on hand will be found works'
nn Temiierance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His--tory,
Poetry, JJIogr.ipliy, Mcilicines, Religion
So, ence, School Doolie, Romance, &e.. See., Vc.
(rrSubseiiplloiis received for Harper, Graham.
Godey, Leslie's, or Putmim, ot t a year, ;wl
age free.
UT Siihscrintiotts received for any newspaper
published in any part of the Union.
Remember the Franklin Hook Store and News
p.'per Agency, Front street, Portland Orrgon.
!3S A priced catalogue will be piihlislied early
in April, and will be sent to any part of the terri- ,
lory free on application.
Ladies !
YOU will find nn excellent assortment of Drem
and Bonnet Silk, Satin and Velrets; also
Bonnet Trimming, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and
Riblions, Table Ctot.'m, Counterpane, etc., at Uts
store of CHARLES POPE, Jr.,
(Muin-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) where may
be found almost everything in the line of
Hry Goods:
Such as Trint. Ginghams, Alpacas, Mennoev
Plaid Liuscya, Muslins, Sattinett, Jeans, Flan-Mi-is,
Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe,,
Cotton Batting, etc.
Oregon City, April 21, 1853-ltf
Medicines for Sale, By
SJANDS' Sarsaparilta, reek's Wild Cherry Bit
k9 ters, Batematt 'a drops, Braudretir pills, Lce'a
pills, Perry's vermifuge. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam
phor. Gum Arabic, Bruiah oil, Libelia, Hot drops,
lid preparation, Roman eye balsom, Dalley's pain -
extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of repper
mint, Essences, Composition Towder, Carter's
Pulmonary Iialaom, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, Ac.
ipm ai, iajo-jtr
GILT MOULDING for picture frames, for
'lO PICK CIGARS, the bet chance i at
DO you want Hav Forks, Spad"and Slvel;
Something New.
A NY person having a Melodeon, Seraphine,
IX. Acoordeon, or other reed instrument, with
broken or defective reed, ean hare them repaired,
by applying or sending to Chaa, M. Keater, at hia ,
residence, two square back from the Baptist
Mee'ing House, iu th North part of Oregon City.
Charge for inserting single reeda from 81,50 to
S'.'.OO. Reasonable deduction for a grealiT num
ber, c. M. K ESTER.
Oregon City, September 22, 1 8 35-23
TEMPLE OF HONOR. Tnabifia Temple of
Honor, No. 1, meeta every W'ednmlay ve,
nmg, at the American Hall, Forest Grose, Oregon.
Brethren of tlie Order in good ataodio( are in-'
vited to visit thsj Tempi.
S. A. Dixon, W. TL S3
MADF to order, parties firm abed with ielaa
on short eet tweiec. Ac. hr
LSS,Qq.arf, and Cnw-k-rv. el