The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 11, 1856, Image 2

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    Sl)c (Oregon Sltfliig.
v. t. ah; ratio, su rnoi-aft-To.
What HUcU Democracy Is
II will bo recollected thai a fw week
ago WB rolled'in of the lblV
H ink, ent to this ciiy by Jo Lane, or rn
c'.hor inMmli mci rnt, in which it i n- no
piuneol that ii (ihe I).iy Rook) proposed lo
dj black democracy "up in n nj ml tlo a
C'.b mini it" by priving that n "t.lgr
ain't a "bit" mm." At lb, -u tint" no nk
fd 'bo Portland Tim-, furl Crp!n or.
gnu lo enlighten t!t-:r rcui'Tii in iba ''P r-
'in" by giving tlnm an eccn'tonnl (xttnet
frs-n lids' ",reat pr r, I ; wr "f on ex.
gisi-i tijion this rtod. rn pillar of il-is m"d.
ernpnr'y. Nci'he. of these paper, ha" "
teen fit to do o, aid wo shall rnn-a qui rt
lv moke ono or fvocxtroct", to '"w wh-it
ground i taken by thi mgan (fib" pirty
in tin North, an I we wi'l lb"" quo": fiom
r. nolcdorgin of the p.".r,y in Virginia. I
t.hfii' nil 'lo'ili tho l)v B k i ndi-n-citing
what it think to be the g-n( pii'-ei.
pie of ibo'r, in trying to prove n "irg
geraint 8 wbito rinn,"jvt ll.o Virginia or
gm leadsofTin democratic progression ,i
fast that tho Day Rook I rr,i1!r nn "oil
f gy" in tb rank. Hut here cm tli
Day H jrk demons' rating the nb'im pro.
pc-dtinn, t tin t n "nigger nit.t a while mm "
"The DecUrntiini of Aniiiinn, e. nil fwlii' m.n er eri-ne, fne ' 1 r'p'a'
! iitI only an eternal trn'li. tail snet.rnil eY-.
I! I lo perveit ill d-cls's1 m,l v an Bfrt!:raf to
n' t;ro's. In linns, all ftc (,r jci1" f " fi, Ik. of
ctm -r. jin t i-etj'n-fd tei lo t. y ll.ul oil I n!, or
nil fi.Ire, n;c iqilul.
(J it im: ' iLirnr)'' nlonf, rr t! phyr'eiil
vtungi indeed in lli iifirn. t'.c r one! I' in m l
rp'illiml destitution were lield a Hit I'i'ir.r.f
of u'i'it'o'"iy, i n! the nk aii J it mn'M Mot if
m-'dern c'vi-'Tttion. Men w.-i cil'i'il on io fo tin
HiM nirirt In Afiirn to iIk Mm ' all ov.'r
li. rr llio ' liralhen ' n''!ril III' ir ;.!. m d llie
a m aii 1 rufT rin? of Ihn'r brrlLrcn. Ili"ir rnci,
tlifirown kit h niul k'n. liTimim iioi!i1mt io i n.
pur nn witli i im'T lirm!Tiof ) !'nv k:l.
n'd Ma'nyr, or w Hy liei I i 'imf. I'.vn tm
in n .purr, devoted, M'f nenliiiiff wniatl. I ft
l;fr li mi e. Iifr.liiti.-. l.rr H ni.d uHWi"; ti-ie 4
hi li -r own i'or. an I n nvd lirn'!., li"-, iln
'if il n'A c'iom iliat Cod f mluiv-l li-r i !i. in lli
fnipolfiit an I 'nip'onn, if not, in.i--. d, in Vcn' rf
furl lo tniisform uejri'i'i ke , Ih'o 1i ! n an."
Itub'fd I bow profmind I bow libi rnl !
Tbrn bbick dnmnrralri nrc to nd on! n'i
ltf rn ni-nMonaric looncn;!' in ihr-"iiiy)i-ous'f
no'. Indecent'' work f tivi!;;n;: und
rhrintiniiuinn bentben ! Ob no. Il will
bo tbi work if Rfpuljb'cin-, Kno'v Kot'i.
inj, and otliT "!,ii)ivtt.i if not Iii'lirai!"
pnplii tOo on itii.icnii f nvrcy liiJ'- tb1.
t l.iJo AoAi dcmnirats wi',1 id.v.iy b.' in
t!io line of tin ir duty, by u'n;, n"t "its
inid"narii'H lo Ji tea," but n k'thiapprrs.
nrmsd uiilt cbibn inlend nf biblm bii-
ill) lo bont ibr f;lorimiH 1 doirocrnlic id n"
into ibo kinky bead, that a "n!g::rr uinl n
wbito niati,"
Rut wbilo tlm Day Bjuk plumbs ibclf
with bavinq; nn idea tho most iinpnrtnnl
that ibo world ever Ji. covered, pn I ulitils
witli Pracotk prid.i at Inni"' db-cowrid
wbnt it imagine t be llie rail di inni raiic
cjfjj, tliP nicliinoinl I'n'i'iir.T lakes Vctoial
htcps in ad. atiei', and h i tin Know exactly
what if c"liiilpr to be the cniu prubaiiJi,
nr litmhn of proof wbiib Hnsitputi tho
bhoul lor of tho black (h inni-rncy.
fut b I n bear the Ivniniior :
'1 h I 'pmo Tnly of l!u fdiuli in the pi rxr lit can
tub ciinnoi r.'.ly mi Hie old eroun !r ef ilofrnie nml
eeiie fnrSlive yt for fW -fe't ml mtrt'.ti tnrr-
inn il where il ii hul to extend .t w'.-ie fit
known. Mu li Ir I ran Ihci re' on l!i? m -rr
i in rntui.enai i u iratil'rt oj 6 arm, tnr-n.-h reli
ance la prej.'iitinl n'i the n iii i'-i. n ill ,t Sl.iverv in
iv.-onj;, iin.l liul lor llie inHUMi- n r 1 a ' : i !il ! i
il'il. a Wc hum (ro n Men f.uilitr.
. M'( munt ftioiv that A ftie in slavery i u M iral u-.
ligiout,, nn, I pr, bjb'y. in L'encta , n lie.
e. a ury iii4ilnliuii of Nucicly. 'I'dia i ll ecu y lino
nf oiiiiiinil llnil will i ii.,!. V S'uinlii in Pniiilc ala
In mu' iHuin the do trine" of "Vule er n'it inn! Sla
very extent on. w,, iu,v tMt v-f
"Her b"ld trullie. llul the t me hii imw nn veil
hen llunr ntleriiiice can lie nn lunger pop .nrd.
'I l.e lino i-mo tlionld lci ,1 eat koboUly n..l .'tur
ly lliut linlK' limy mi.tnl.e il."
S it cuini iViini ibis armi wbiidi s'an d
lnar the bcitil of llie pnr'y, and ' di.p nn
la" io the P.iy 1.1, mui tin- mi, ail l'i
pnpvra li'irt tho 'l'imra m. l Ci .a; k,i ' or
gun that the Southern d ,nr, U li.ue smmi
ihinj; nviro tn band t!i.m mcivly pr. ;iv:
t!:nl a "n'cr nint a v.M:,i mi n." '' pj
have to 1ijvv that "J.'.Vd'i thirrni Li ;
moral, rtlhuoim, natural, an J pr,bul'y in
'A'nrala iiftf.M.7 i'i! :t;::i,vi !''
Wtll, if a southern d, n.n, rat must
con bin armor nml nn 1 ii.iko to do
oil thh, inti,t nil 0 narlh 'ni ib'iinicra: do
Ibo Mine I Why ceitainly, if tho creed of
black democracy in "ikiIwim'."
Wbal in .auoo f t the qmj on ;!,t to t
eattfu for llm gai.dor ; at. I as all black dem
csjrnts profrii to Lo sninij nn the ':o0
iUeJliott," they' are of coum.- ready to ile.
oar nny d'-h that U s,t U r. re il.eni hv
t lit-ir tnateij. The nd'.fin nin; of the
fa'ty are lianl'y f-ntiib J 'o the n.,c'.l.ili,ni
oi .en irronn gecw. Din iney may as, ,
t II - ... - 1 1 I ...
lv,r ;; I It" U-v ilne of ihe li cit'
inonJ Enquirer may ttecm to preitt
fcli.tie. nt.'.-il f..r t".n .if ll,,.,n I . ... '
Lji pio'tiio iheioitii n;hvi "ii'i a h.i'ait i
iliat will cna'jlo lit. ill to live '.iHunit woik j
iinj they will ail 1 1 j it if. ii iven to I - j
torand Chick hcMes itli: iaid lo be I
j;,)d for gosling. Wc I.Oj'O these yonn-;
gosl'n's of black d. nn craey in Or g ii un
Mi 1. 1. tan, I llivird ity lo b to i"te thai ry i mora1, rclg'.ous natural, and
r.i-enty illsliilittoti." AH that will de.
t. r ibrm fioni niakin thci trrt is ibe lack
( ' b 'aiit to make no in ;'nni nt. The o,ir
lilu i'ti -ling Chick ii! nnd ai.o;li.
rr l. iidi r liom the Albat v IIm ii'i ; J utrn
l. a "I Pi ler i!livi.:n t'l'ly whin-
in.1 ft'wiil 1 rea, ,,.i.. t ,.
I 'm, I I ,i in
. !. I I' . .1. I .. 11- .
I l ."iTllci i u, it i I . - j i i r ca 1 .
W. !' if a lii-i . I. in ...nt I, 'tliis Ii., I
;an'i bt!p it b.idc. be mu'v'' t a U Her I wiil ne'tbrr b" ' bung or u: in ill-- I, ni-l-.e.-fnein
! trmtjry," of coarse ih b!sck dem craev
Ihl JVbOllUOBl.l ai Blark Drmorrall
initial it tha fa trl(. DU for t
dUtoinilaa ef Ik Volo
(inly n f,.-w wetk a wom.ibia prcdic
lion lb 't il would not b lun I II t'm pr. -cnl
faboly 'b d tJcrttccii'llcpiirly oublbe willi the A' ol limi bcifi-r. We
might lllen l aveeid I, a id 0 VOW proc'e.l
totay tliut theru tt many liiuaiitciita In
tbn ('a'tirci cfonfff Ibew ' 9 it" of powr
wb'cli woid l bttpi tmiii Atlantic Kran
pr to rrcipi7. tbn otb-r by nl aibt, a
n twin jirodiiijiiotl of ibo "it" toi'lfr.
Li! Polyph nun, lb' y bav C it'n of ll ( in
but one eye (d ). an I of coi'fta iiru notw.
niv.:..c 'I n -I 'd' a i all u; (j a:. d by llie
itorl Af'icn. Tb,.fO pi'iii lire Loib
pur 'y Afii.Miii.'d. 'i'iny iro both "tic
gru noihi'tr." Tlion ior.l.i ibe
u V'.'o fir tbc 'mi rrr,' ii tlp.t kOii'.n inni
Wbmliiji a til" l.r-.C, Li-c iU-" ll' y urc Val
na' lc ui merc'iun l.i ', an I in'ike xci !l"nl
b'?ji of butlb'-n. Tli'i olhcr oib'p
them Uchij l!icy hall- b"tH o L'l' inter-h-.'d
in i rp'o'.iii thi-ir (vn !ii:cii, in
wbiib tl. yliini b. J lo t'D'ci.l
m. ;mo pri ju lice, 'l i t lli-y bavii finally
";!ic I ibcn-rl-e' up I9tt p'lo'i ibal uin ll-
i n r tbev loi.k n; on n n-gf", tbey undly
:itt.i;li nioio itn; otl.Tii c 1 1 b bjdy, noul
and spin!, lliuu liiey do lo tltHt of 4.11 Ai
y'u S.iXoti.
Th'-y ar boih anmljjamiiiouiH. Tin
h. I'lijni-t ure o in tin o v. (o wc are
ii f. nned but uili not vouc'i f " in liti'b,)
ivli e ibcothi r party are practijidl v . A I
our iii" Soiil'i' r i Stalin, uberu b'uel: du
irocr::cy leiim i uprrme, and tt bere oidy
n!i tl..' wi !o eii'th "f beditvu i' lilt imy
f in'.bid I, Ihu part of llm y-tcni i rapidly
ll aching out the Aft icum, and tbiruii.inj
in u li v years lo n'.iuli.Ji tbu m-:iI by
u'lloli (Jnin ii ib'iiigbt Lv oiue to buve
le ui iiiainpeil, and by which a valid right
.fid tiilut i h', posterity iii ncccs'-fiilly i l
tip it) our day. L! ilb partit-H Ore indi bted
lo thu laborii of men who tdiifl f.dli) ono lo
lliB other ax ciiciimi iiicc.'i rcitiir,t in or-b r
to nci Uilljilith the (;rral in I luWed fur
in wit, a liiviilnijnii of ihe Union, and the
Ahii'iiiii.allon of llm Anieiicini C"litiii"iit.
J 'l.ti A. I'i.v, Mulin Van lbt'Cit, and John
Va i Ibt i J.,iV( j'lel now g-jnc into ihc loci
fin o any, afli r having been brand- d fioni
bead to fool us ' negio wor! ipcis."'
Van lliiren n-scrH that llm policy of the
hhiikdrmuo'iicy will iv-idi in lb'' te.-lric'ioii
ol'bl very tiii-ion. The only way it
can biing thin uhut i by a ol iy nliitli
pi I'.iir to cm i'n on thtuat.
Mr. Apiih i' ti, who now cdiift iln I'ort
I itid (Mc) A 'in, a Illicit 'inn organ, ba
l'jr yean been ii KT'ti.' Alio!,i,iiiit, mui
",n once a. t it t-i r y of tho I' l Alioli-
lion Society. Ilenj. T, H.d!l', who is now
one of i he lead, r.s of ibo black tb m.iciacy
in M maebnsftts, onco pubibcd a violent
Aholiiion paper in Troti bucc, ll, I. Jl-v.
J. C. LivejoV, huo career in an Aholi-ti'in!.-t
iwill known, i now in ibc loco
foco ineniigeiie. We niif,hl qiio'o mole,
bill thin is elioil'.'b lo thow that "bird.-. ( f a
f. nlher flock li
ret Iter.
i rave a
liguru bead, by tbn name ol Smith, (icr
til Smith nfk;i to lead the Abolitionist,
and l),lii-ion Smith wantn lo be at tho
In ad of tho black demi'
Tiny boih bato tho RepnLlican parly
l o prove this H .' ntak'' a ft "' extracts. The
liiilnning i. I'm m ibo Ami-Slavery Slam!,
aid a hading Aholiiion paper.
"Our noik is to redeem the heart jn,,l
I'linscience i.f iho coiiln iy ; and we have to
ii'R'iic that In nit iiii'l Ihai Coin-eii't'c" Itoni
ill'' spiiit ol eninprnmise uhieh bin's In
EijitibHi'iiMKM, lint Whigerv nr )i iiiiicra-
ey. r.veiyLoily wins', it ncems lo mr. her
that, it Iheie lie any ttrgtimrtil in support
nl' llie ,h trine of 'total depravity,' it j to
b I'l'iiinl in the conoo it ii I chinneter nfonr
hen and old poli'ical parlies ; no thai
Ii il ive have in 'lo to-ila v, is to rescue the
itimcii'iicf :fi l heart of Ibn people (Yum
lie' .pii it of i oiiiiiiomise u hieh iriesinto
tie' Republican pmy, mid is siilistied."
Ti e srtinc I npi-r cmlorM tbc icniaiks of
a c it ivspuiab nt, fiom which we umbo the
ftd'owilig extracts :
I would el,,y fi nd yen niuie sul.sC'i
Ii I-, nil ! il is iiot in S' fault thai I i!o no!
I'ui tliis isii'i riiitl Ji'jiubHeaiiitni so iili.otbs
Mm ii'oeiitioa, the tnleresl, nnd the
nirans, of ihiv.o vvlni bate lailnral ttii
ileniir.s tov, aids Ansi-Sluveiy, that tbev ai d a ill not invest in Aholiiion pa-
pe -
1 feel
that the snc i ss of the Ilei til'li-
c:i'i, if po.ii.e, will bo iluir ruin, nnd
will, in its In 'numbing utu! laii-lVing inda
i tu e, letatd the moti men's for tbc alnveV
li deinptioii."
We net d not qooto fioin any of the loco
l' co oi 'ii ns ta prove that ibry dir. ike the
Republicans; etcry body knowsthia.
They are bolh ili.tinioni-ts. To prove
litis it is only necessary to refer t the slate
nienl ef W, F. rbii'ips, n lending AKdi
lionisl who siv, "Theio is no leinclv for
,,e ,W b,., j ,,e .l.-Mrut-ioa of the -,,v
eminent." Another quotation w ill midice
to show that tho Abolil.'on patty sre disiin-
'.lifticc and liberty, find and man, de
niniul lli, dissolution of ihe American
I'ntmi, and llie lormalio.i rfa northern
i-otifcleraey. in whiih al.tti hellers shall
sian I In I'. ,- th - law as f, ont, Kn,l ho Heated
as Mot,, are inai,il." !t!ou Lihrator
We Hour (jilolc from the Ricbmond (Va)
lai.jniivr, a bad rg bbick dcinot ratio
biitiuii-r nnd Snmn. r' friend lenst bo
I punVii'il and sil, ncd. iiovernmi n:,
which e u Hot -npi'icss 'ich t r n,- a their,
lilts foe I of jia m:pe. lvihrr siuli
"letches liui-t be huii'.'Or put in ihc rem
I.U'U'C or ll Soiitb tlitiui I i r i. are l
.i r-
ice io ,nia iIih I ii ,,n
A' '"uiooer aim li s millions .it. ten,
will b" fcr quit'ii-;tbf l'id n.
V now mnktf anoil ef quota'!' n f'n,
the Cb aib.ton (3. C J M-rcmy, aRtjcbaii
an organ.
Whatever difT. n-neea of opinion may
provnil np"0 olIi'T point, ll'l will B!rc
hut Mr. lrook, by bi.c'sii'.'B'innof S'nn.
mr, liBagivllto tho ''d
S 'iiill, a epcllof very inteiim cxciten-nt.
Nfcutjupcr and iirntuis late nkindlcil
their (.'''l'i,l at t'ie theli e, while fllilltll iIH
lu ii inh d it 'ahtii kat for Fcidoin,' wi'b
the piliahlo bleuliiiga of poi r Handler.
Tim vtb'b ulbiir is iint oj'i'orliiti". Ii
l'ie fl!--t pi if, Mr. Rro-kn bad liC'piire'b
tbrongboi.t ibo Stjte hh I Smith, a wider
Plij ti aiity til hi ! '-'cb' an I vote in dn
g i s (O l d t-v i r Ii tie gitrn bim. He bus,
li'lil lb'' fi V, coiidiitt' d binin If wilb good
'a t1, (.on I judgment, fltnl g'-od pirit,
l!i biter to ihc .S' tiii'e. his kpeeeb in
(,'ouit, and, filially, bi'tll'iti in the House,
Iihvb uil h.-eii iliura-teiii. il by ibcm' qniil
i'.i.H. He will be rei-icii dby bi tonaiitn.
i wiilinpi-ii mm, r nd n nt in iiiumpb
Lin k, lo coi.l'iont, and, if rie. d, c lru-t, lo
plllii-h, the ctieiiiiet pil l c:tl llttltlial ul at of
lii 'lute and the South.
Ill tile next placi il bn fOlitribtile.l
"f'fttly lo llm L'nioti of S iiitberu men in
Cor-.'ie.a. We do le t retiiemlx r any net
n l,it.ii ba been so getiernlly and blnrtily I, liom Marylan I to Tevan.nt Mr.
jamter't Castiga'.ion j and unanimity of
eiiliini nt ill Ihc pi-e lii I 'is r. iiclcd H;'oil
ih.-ir n presiiittttiven in Washington. On
llie other band, ilia f nioin deiinnciHtioii
locuiy qua iter of ibo North buvo iV-vi 1
i.ped I id miiiu I'cciiii.' of umininiiiy among
Nurile-in Rejiieiciit itiveii; and i Im result
i -, iliat lb i lines of '-c'inmi!iiii bav b. en
diuun deeper before, to tbu di-gust
of paitv linekii, and lb" "dtisfaclioll of tiuo
nt' n in tbu Sou'h. Iff rjn'ce ai any ivrnt
tchirh midit tummon ctiisf ul Ihe South,
aid fiiruhmloic) lur lUjlimj tit a srparoti
end iiuli iitinhnt popU.
Su then, the Mercury cnntrndi ibnt
R' in r (faulting Suntm r, bus "Jrtwn
thf linn of scctlanali'.m ikeprr than rr if.
fare, lothcd't'jU!.t opirtj huc'ii, (L'nion
loting iii-in,) and the tuthj'uclion of Iru?
mtii, (black di iiwcraW )wliith fwihudotct
t'n dtit'.ny of the Sou'li at a tcparntr and
iiidijtnd,nt pc.upk.'y This is udiniiiing
what e have ulwavs conti nded for, thai
ihe black democratic party ii a tcctinnitl
party, intent on sjditthi" the I'nam by a
constant hlavery agiia'itill.
Rill wo will no v tool" back to iheR'cll.
nl' n I (Va.) Enq'iircr, ilwl big gnu of m
L'e duniocracy, which in speaking of the
ditlicitlliri in Kar. nil, snys;
''We are beattily sick and diglislcd with
the canting and m tc-naiy by'ociite.s of
Yankee 'out. Thi war will enable UK to
'ft tid of t he in , or torn tho tables upon
ib, -in, and render tb.-iii n source of profit
it stead of expense, ll will enable us 'o
r-gain onr own ii:feivd from us by ma.
ny a -haiti iiaiisiie'ioii. It will enable us
Io In. ihl up our Co'it't' V bv ilu 'ci-apiutv
of li e li.iliii'ti- of h:ib C have been
piutldi r, d. ll will enable lis to eel rid nf
bo Yal keo lYi'sidciiN, and to preserve
Augl :-c?a.uti fieedotn, by ret ivitig the old
conincliii) wilb till mvlhcr country.
(Who would not rather be ruled over by
a hrly like queen Vic-, than any nasal
Ittatigid pcnllrman the Yankee land can
produce f) l will enable us with the
L'uitcd SlaM-it Smth, on one -hie, in clo-oi
alliance wi n E'lglund and Cinad.r. on the
oilier, very apeetlily to bring those long
prayer' d abarpers to their tenses, by cuti
lining tin tit to the starving voil on which
thr y were horn, nud to the thin aira'ound
l hem."
Well, well, so it seems that yon arc go
ing to fly lo the embrace if Queen Vic, if
you fail lo reduce this government to n
despotism! A suitable alliance iruly.
You were lories in the war of lbe Revolu
tion, black cckado Fedcralisti in the lust
war, and it is pcrli c ly proper for yon lo
voie'r Buchanan, and then lie vottrst Ives
to Queen Vie. 'a npmti strious.
t77 Th Ilr, oks na 1 Simirr iilTair, and tbc
Kan-its difficuliirs, very lililch ne gnirie.l by the
I lack Hepnliiicati pressi bite uiim stidieulily mite It
iud.iiueil the pt.b u- mai l i o.ili. mi l li.kcn llioa-siiii-K
f n 'I ul' th nisua, s, lo the Hliiek
l.enuli ie.itn. wbosc love ef llio I'liio:! un l en.
ervi-.tuciic.siveul I have kept lit. nt out ef tluit ac- I
cur.-1 orji.iiniiuon, uiiiieul ttie tsuimicr mu Iota
Kna-aa i'.i,aula. Ckiji.hj Wrgau
So it seems that you urn willing to ad
mil l hut by endorsing the Sumner outrage
and ihe mobbing, mui define;, and ravishim
liilainics in Ivansus, besides oilier efforts to
destroy the freedom of speech, nnd of the
press, uii'l reduce this govet nniellt to. 'ides
I'Otism, "hundreds of thousands of Union
I 'tin.;" democrats hae been lit iven out of
your i.-.tiks into the ranks of the Republi
can. Ity this a,lmi-s;o:i you saddlo all
these outrages upon ihe back of the b'ack
demicr.-itio party, ami admit that the na
tional and l'nion lovin patriots have been
tit-en out of it I Well, that is exactly ihe
I ict. 1 lie lM-cat body of real democrats
have lcfl you, and your ranks are now
made up of Abolitionists, black cockade fed.
ral whigs, negro dealers, otlic-seekers
,inl fiie (iitino disunioni-ls.
With a glial deal of iruih you can now
apply lo your party your old I'avoritn title
of 'foiling political excrement."
For a further d -criptioii of the crowd
you are in, rea l 11,-plon s se, i,-h.
Lite of Fmnoul.
Wo have received a pamphlet of 11)
pup s ( iih "les-ii ctsof the author") fioni
C. V.. Picke't, a black democrat, who has
rove I to ihe entire sads'.iction of ihe ''un
it uthed'' but now badly '-tt'frfj," that
Fremont i a desperate f l!c. We hope
Fremont won't hear that Pickett gov for
Rlichanan, it niieht make bim feel bad.
I rail.
Cuarm n and Warner are shipping a
j:? j unity ofnp,le io Calilbmu bv
tl.i er. Tbev have alreadv ,,r
j , ...
t-c'l over 4 0 bushels nt price ranging
soiiie-lni-.r r.,er f-, (10 i.,-r l,.i.l,l VI ..
learn tl at nbeiit 1 5''0 buh.d of ,,,, r c
.0 $jn Frsnci ci bv this steamer.
IMtatur Titp.
Wa l ad the pbmura of being on of a
puny of oin fifty ludiea and gentlemen of
Oifgon City and Canrmah, who were
tick' led for a paavngson board tho Jumct
Clinton, which made ber trial trip up lb"
live' lrtt .Monday. Tlie Jami's Cbii'on i
It liew bout, built by Cochran, Ca' dy Si
Co., cxprcixly fir the Yamhill trade, and
in the b'l boat lhatever run on the trade,
Sho is fitted up in (jood atyle, and i well
adapted tytarijiiigpa'.-ngerand fiop-lit
"light aide lip wilb care." li t nfiieir
urn itiftii alio aro bard to beat for accomo
dation and politeness, und they will ttiak
the Janif Clinton 0 popular boat.
Her iiucbinerv being new, of course Im r
gn utc.l vpted could not bo a-ccrtitificd on
Iter nisi nip, but in running to tbu mouth
of Yamhill, bti as but a few minutes bn-
bind ' I'ltlerprise time." Wo b ft Cano
mab at 0 o'clock, run to the mouth of Yam
bill, and into thu moti'ha hundred yards
got stuck on a bar with leu inches water,
fl'iiindcrrd around an hour ni.u a half,
backed out, and run back to Ca null by
daik. An ample dinner of the best the
country produce, was cM d up lo li e
happy giie-l', who all enjoyed
the liin hugely. Tho ofliccra of the boat,
are, Cupl., John C'ibraii ; Clctk, John
Mosinn ; Pilot, Chritophrr Sweitzer J and
Engineer, Win. Cusscdy.
The James Clinton is to bo put perma
nently on tho Yamhill trade, nnd wilt b'
nblo lo go to Dayton and Lnfuye'.te the
grcilrr pait oflho year. Wu wish her
great imcess, nnd wo have no dmibt but
the Yuiiihill people will pa:roii;.e her sons
lo cotnpi ii'itle her owners for their r 'iso
worthy Ifarls, to obviate lbe dillicultb-
lbe Yailibill people lime, hitherto h.borrd
miller for the want of .-hipping facilities.
Kcw Dos It.
L. Whits oinl others are building a
v : nail steamboat On the shore opposite Ca-
ii' inah. We undeistuii'l il i cout.-mplatcd
to place the engine of thu Iloosier in her.
.Mr. Hatch informs us that he nud J
I) Locey will build a flat boat lo b pro-
pelled by a steam enginn which will be
ready to run by tbu first of May next, and
which will make regular trip us high as
Corvallis during low water, Tltev send
for ihc machinery by this Steamer. Mr
Hutch knows tho river, and his will
"make the trip" if be has lo haul her over
the bars.
Wo havo now five boals on the upper
river, tiz: the enterprise, Cnm inuh. Jus.
Clinton, Franklin and lloo.-ier, and the
l'oiihind, which is now being taken over
the Falls, will mal-e the sixth. Tha Frank
lin has been cut in two, and will be mate
rially improved by an addition to her
length, and other i-emeib lliii;;.
In chioiiicling the bin nitig ifll.c black
smith shop In this city, we forgot lo in- it
linn the I'aet that n bifco niinlity of "Pi ck's
patent hoe.s," were -o -i-v.-r.-ly healed linn
il is feared the temper is taken out of them.
The "gridiions" we are happy 10 state,
came out unscathed.
The WcalUer.
lliotoreiiuitut llns week tbu wculier
was quite aiormy. The tain fell in tomtit'
on Tuesday tiili', and inuch of the day
Wedncsdnv. The river has iiiis d M've
ml inches.
Seal nf siovvrntuent.
Tho vole lust Monday, iu this precinct
was meagre ; lillle interest was manifested
Thu vole stood, Kug ii-.. Ciiy 911, Salem
Co, Corvallis 3. We have not beard fioni
other precinc's in the county. At IVi'it
villa the tote polled were principally (or
S,ib in. We b arn that in Marion County
tho polls wero not opened in some of lbe
precincts, and the vote was remarkably
The vote at IVtlaud, stood, Salem 67,
riogettu Ciiy (i-, Portland 5. Corvallis 1.
Under tho head of "Accumulated Fun,'
we find in the Tablo Rock Sentinel half a
column of what ibo Ivli'or thinks to bathe
very essence of wit, consisting of abort ileitis
clipped from other papers.
Take tltt? following sample which Col
Tf Vault thinks is rare, rich und racy.
UJ isn t "lorn uryer a "ii lol a IK!uw iu
Iu .own oetiimliou tStiittiman.
Al last accounts from Jacksonville, the
gras-hnjip.'-rsbitd committed fearful ravages
in that scciion, having destroyed nearly
every thing green, except the editor of lbe
Sentinel ; and it was feared from the dem
onstration they were making, they bad an
idea of "girdling" him.
11 re.
On Tmsdiy night of last week a coop
er s shop u leu miles east or this city be
longing lo J- L. Stout was- burned, ilea-.
I roving till his tools, and a lot of shin-h s.
Mrs. Stout was severely injured by running
agaiiut a slump in hasleuiui' to the assis
tance of Mr. S., tv ho was Iryi-t' lo cxtin.
guish the fire. Supposed lo have been the
work of an incendiary.
Ihe Reservation.
We bain that about 200 Klamath Indi
ans, formerly from this city, have been
sent back to their native i.Vi'Ac under charge
of goterniuent ecorl. Capt. Iled.'e
ibiided that he had nn right lo supoit
lliein on the reserve, as tbey had never
been treated ith.
tiT The d -M-emlaiits of Ahraham(hy
A-:tr) eel, biate.l the IVsOfrr with closed
dev-, on !an
Almost everybody is talking uboiit en
larging hi orchard, and . tling m.t more
tree. We nro firqucnlly where
shall go to get Iba best verielici I Licit
pring n wanted io let i"it a fev oiifelf,
and Went to several nurserymen who bad
'mlvcitisrd," when lo and behold, they
bad all aold out. We bavu incn found a
g.-nileinan, who ba never advertised bis
iiiiiery, and as imghl b" expected be lias
plenty of line tret several year old. lie
will advuriue this lull howevf r.and then wo
will abow you tho nay to hi nuiseiy.
The la.iun War la Orrtoo.
Gov. 1. 1. S ovens bus !cf; thu Dalle, and
come io I'otlbttid. He says that only about
half of ibo Ne. Perco tribe aro liolilo.
The Spokntis, Yakima", C iJ uses and Wal
la-wulla all refuse to tn at, except Iij0:i
condition that the- bole country east of
tho Cascade is abandoned by tho while.
Tho Indian now hold possession of all ibis
country ia:.l of John Day' river (about for
ty miles ea-tof tho Dalles) excepting the
Wnlbi walla, (Whitm.-iii's nation) whiehis
held by a Btrall block bouse, coiHainiiig
sotnn fifty of .Sieptoe's coimiiaiid. Cols.
Wright mid Stipioo bavo lately left the
Dalles wilb acrccof aboiil 100 men lor
this post. Tint ptincipnl cbit fs of the
friendly Nez-Peree are now in Portland
(i, n. Wool, it seems, is now "tinkering"
with sonic 5000 hostile Indiana wilt a foioe
of at least 30 in. n.
r.ccoiEiiru. We uaderatan l l'uisoil Adaini
ha finiiil eae of h's li-'ts-. wliich wont ov, rllir
falls ilt-a.l effniise. I ! was enabled lo i 'eal fy
ihe ao to il bytlicivli icli.iirs beeff wl.en putting
oufut tin- Muiti.uin.ili Lou. t. rvmeihf lossoriliv
luiiic it i repnrle I tlial A hum has lia I llie hnr
he rstr.cUtl pluccj lu a ring Ctui'ktiit Or
"Ri potl" i w rong ibis lime not yet
"plac d in n riit ir, ! but by looking in a cl.i-s
end pui.'k' ritig your moii'b, you will we
tho "ring" which ''Parson Adir.M
probably y. t pu' the 'hur" in.
We have tcc-eind a i-oinnittiiieaii' n.
badly vtritt.-'i wilb n il ink, and bung.
linuly interlined with jet b'.T.k ink ; from a
''preacher of the gospel" who claim tn
have been bully tr.-nled by bis brethren,
We decline publishing, tinl ss as an adver
list-nteiit, and then we must have llie pett
ier in adi unce
fF i lie- Uicg inni is in favor nf ingro stillii g.-
I.cro, tlio Maiel .ml lauii wus in nl it ill .U.e-
sicliii'Ciu, iii d Hilly Adnins, of the Ar.'iis is not
two removes from a u!g;er any way. Ciapiaj't
Ry a "remove"' - suppose yon nfnii a
(In v 'h lratc-1. (u are rxi'C lv tijlbl this
lime, as it is hut litllo over one "remove
or day's ride fioni here to "Dr. Czupkuya
The lu.-t Standard has tapped Delu
sion. " nnd drawn off several gallons nf
hard cider," and pieces of "coon skin" In
swallow-cd in lown.
From the Standard we leatn that anoth
er "squall" has passed over lira famous
cilv. Two drunken chaos had a knock
lion ii, co. i mm ii pisioi neni sioicu, some i
i etnt I i ...i I
shins were taken from clolhta lines, a
laree chunk of pork was taken from an ed-
itor's poik barrel, (bail luck to tho villain
who took fiaf,) and it was '-bcleived that
coals had b'-eti taken from other placrs."
A man rode round town ringing n bell
the citizens held a mass meeting, voted to
get up a vigilance committee of 50. bul
made a mistake and gave the "F.thiopi.m
Troupe" a huge kettle f "bilcd" oysters.
The Oplnlou of rt Sotithevn Mevvsvia-ntC.
The following, from the Mindett Herald,
of Louisiana utters a sentiment which we
know finds a response in the breasts of bun.
dredsof thousands, of cotiservative and
hottorablo men in the Southern Stales. It
is nil Arrnnni.iiii i,t..n fl,.,tt,M ni cAnlli.rn
I.r.-ll,e..n ...... m. !l
...I. .. i. vt'iij i , .. ii.--, loan
sense of honor and justice. We have rel
alive, acquaintances, and friends there,
who are slaveholders, nnd whose intern s
aro all identified with tho peculiar insiiuj.
lion, yet they would fcotn lo do a di
honorable or cowardly ac', to save even
their lives. The men in ihn South who
urge on tho slavery agitation, and justify
I twless villainy, are in the main, gamblers
ttul ollice seekers, who hope to live by par-
ty excitement nun w bo own nothing, and
have no particular interr st in the stability
of the government, nnd who hope, if the
Lnioti is dj-olved, that tliey will be able in
lbe "wreck of matter and crush" of States
lo steal a bag out of the U S. Treasury, or
run with some neighbors. "nt.'L'er."
r- - I
But tte can assure our friend of the Miu-
n Herald, if he wishes, lo find really
mangy dogs in tho stick-egg train" be
will have t lock for ibcm among tin-"blue
k. .!;..- ' i r ...... . r.. . I
".i':r oi" 'cam. ns,-
we will box up, and send over Chick and
I'eler. I
From the Minden Herald 1 .1
On, opinion ia. ,),., Brooke d.r ' a
and brought ihe whole Slavery canee into more d a-
ha p-trt f..r which no valid eicofe ran be otfered
ci.restiiiiatoa. lakinir all the i:,.,lm..."L-
c:r. :z?:x7:i
-ran ri. ain ! e evcused for becoming desperate in
liie hat a of lef Nation, that man iSuninr.
"ehave read Ih dbaiea in Con2rea for ma-
ILYl I " "U"l-V ndimPrt ". ' l
have tre known any man ao foully and Bocw..3.
ly M .i.d vi imed .. It, e a.m. Snmoer. F.v-
f er SN.utl.ero ; tat -sr,, from 'bW p;z.
whine Bud muiiI ill ll. unprincipled, eurk-rgg
iruiii, bus btfu beikinf at Us hcile bul the fat
lias nut Uea aiieccnlully It', llm their efsie arise
mar fioni rlu lain k'il'lf of b cool mpe.
Horny ot lab ut, llian ny il diirrvM- of opiinan
on (trine pie, J H ugl than a liom, in nur bum.
Lie op nival, a nioie unpr nc l'ltil and rickVis aii.
Blur utvtr disgiaerd III lml Chamber he
fi out lime lo unite hurled at Humner all h natira
nd wtlbt'ulliviied tlaiig) and llieu 'Vg, king ef
Haaliiu,' lien. I , lb obi broken-down 1'reai.
deiit'trrker and iucoosiaieal Kne-tssnler, liunevrr
faded to t lnni iu Willi h rmr avlid lnelie(
and III Chora lis keen filled lo every 'beat and
bar,' with lli yelp np of the little woolly .deeded
poodles from I ho houlli men who bare no mere
principle, and but liul more brain, limn the AW.
can sieves in behalf uf wliua t imid they to lujudj.
ciou-ly iuiendiiit.
"An I faulty, under I he Influence of ell lhl,Kum.
net bic iiii w.mewhst deperaU-, end burleal In
tsiUloiiM'ialid ussailanle auine iliuiiderbulla, tthie h
tend lliein lio'.tliinr in bunird ccnfu.ion j and then,
iu a lint rrw.rt of rvvrue, on of III manly num.
tier l pi up to liim ia lli reueia t'haiiibvr, fnida
linn tend it liiedrsk, writing, uasr.ncd, and ttnH
irrtat kiw:o tanei liim. ondeiful feat ! Audi
lb llie way rtouilierii Right am lo lie vindicated I
Are Hies the kind nf chump on llie rSouib, niuet
look lo for lu-r defense iu lb nalinnul bulla of leg.
iiljt on? I il by such eel of slavish degrudulit
as Ibis, t In. t lbe bluvcry of the Noutlieru tjtul ef
line tree and enlightened I'll ou i to be pcrpetu.
led I Cmilleiiioa inuy think to, and may rare at
any ii in ii she line the independence to condemn
such conduct pirl.'culaily il he be a Southerner;
bul we tell them iliat the c lijens of ihio Itcpiiblia
uie no! lobe convinced n to what is ri-lit and hij(
i wrung by bluwi, nnd arc not lo be brought lo
fiuul decision by iriife furte,
"Tins is our cpiuion of ibr Sniiiner and Druok'
affair only the half i not told."
Itourutul Catattrophr.
CA.wo.NVii.Lr., Oct. Isi. f?50,
Mr. Adams Dear Sir: On the 23d of
.September nil., l-;iiabi-ili K. Rrigg, ngtjj
13 years, nud Alary Ann Ruily, Bgnd Iflr
vv-ere droit-u-il in Cow Cn-ek, as they M(re
relniiilng bninn from school. Win. F,
Iti iogs, a hid u' ahum 19, triib a Mr. Ru.
sell and f'tii young beb' s, un.'uitook fo
i-io-s Cow Creek in a small canco. The
piny were nil full of win, and some of
llio !. commeiicrd rocking tbn caiio It
fr;g'.cn the rest, Mr. It (old ibenitode.
si t as it v.aii d,iuu toils lo r. id; so small e,
cnii thus heat ily loaded on sii-. b deep wa-
l-l. ('JO f i t deep ) Im) y hlfsb-ll
ii t a ul in an in lani ihe was bo.
tun tip, and 'be ttbtd puly in the water.
One young lady eanght Mr. lliig"H round
the Waal und came near diottnnig bitn
hut he "cceeiled in g.-lling lo shore with,
her, when he stripped oil" hi ovur-clotbes
and walked lo the end of tbu ferry boat
with n much coolness and intrepidity
ax an-
marinr r, nnd pbing. d into the stream
in scatch of bisj sister; but alio whs gone..
Al this moment Mis Yokutn rose to tho
sin face for the last lime, bul just as she
was going down be caught her and saved
ht r life. Mrs. Vaiidi-rbiish, their kind
teacher, did all in lu-r power to save them,
I'be bodies of the young Indies who tveio
drowned Weie rto cred ill ahoill an hour.
Miss Vokllni is very lo', it is feared
a'le will not suiviie. The lodiea of tha-
If.viited wen- btought lo the house of Mr.
S. S. Riggs, and vv-ere followed io their fi.
nnl resting place l y the prvnt of both
rtrU-, and other relative, besides a large nf fiends ami strange;. Tho
funeral inldie, s was preached by Rro.
Browning. Mrs. Viiitd'-ibuh and tha
young ladies of the school followed next to
A word about Mr. Riiggs, tho noble
brother of Eli.abeth. Afier he bad found
.1... I ...l.. . e i . ,
nn-uuoy hi ma timer, lie camu 10 llio
house to ti ll tho news. Ilo walked slow
ly and mournfully in and took a seat with
nut speakinv'. I saw his bosom heavo vvidi
emotion, und I was too much paralized bv
the f ar of the dr. a 'ful disclosure la ask
him about bis sister. At last 1 n-iiineij
strong h io say, ''Are they found Ho re.
plied yes J then I hero was another awful
pause, dining which his bosuin heaved
with emotions loo deep and bumin" to a!
low of a single tear; then he said; "But
they are dead !" .When they were brought
in Mrs. Uriggs fell on htr knots by Ihe
sido of the lifeless form of her daughter -Q
recently buoyant with hcahh nnd hnppl.
nrss ntitl exclaimed, "My child! oh! my-
Chill I Call! VOII KtlOnk mil, .it.n,l I. ......
mother" Xo ti-.,r,l Un.,L- ...:n .1. .
... I'""'1 "Hi aim
till Gabriel blows bis grave-openinj b!as,
liesprctlully yours.
To Uie Rfiuullcaui of Harlan County.
A Republican mass mcetinir will bo
eld at Salem, on Thursday, Nov. 6th.
1S53. Il is deemed expedient and advita.
bio to make the above call in order lo lake
preparatory steps fr ,he permanent organ-
izatton of a hpubliein party in Oreeon
and hI-o lo be b- tter able to act in concert
with the friends of Republican principles
throughout llie Territory. We notice with
pleasure that our Republican friend io
Linn County have ncbly set the ball in mo.
lion, and we feel it incumbent upon us as
U"PUb leans nf Msrinn TV....... i :.
-' svuiujr iu a.rvp t
moving. An I m view 0f ibis fact we res,.
p.ttluliy solicit all persons friendly to ihc.
cause, whether their antecedents have, been
Democratic or Whig, to come nnsndcoun-
i . . . 1
sei togetiier as to the best mode of nWm. Republican principle, among our
fill,. w Itlj. n. 1 .- .,
v. I,, vrninetiion wttn mo
-... .c ... .
"w'r Br0 lnr impOrUnt Ol).
J"C" to considered, as follows : First, to
7un'y ; -o.,d,toaP.
'01", delegate to a Territorial convention
.on centra! potnt in tho
Territory, lobe hereafter desienat.d ihi'nl
? too?r. rat- th :he R"publicans in Linn
Lou,"J establishing a Republican prest
u r diu: ,,,rou6h "Lich cn
0l,r PT''pli1 nd opinions.
UT Dr. O. W. Hlm- b;0- prerfnUj
by f,om delirermff a lecltui. wroti aool
ojv. ,n .:,,h be sa d.- I . JiT.'J ',
ctIr, J a ,r Jy,, t 1 t, m. t. ......Li
i . j' .. -, I j o i ii my te::ure,
' " " s 1 m-: wiy tl:at j -t ht t reih a5ii .'B.'t tor.-taw it?
. - ...j . .... u i