1 ' .'t rVJI tVaki-a I'lulie. ' Now (UuUnKU a a'ce yuung men, Aa any In tU town j And IVbe luted li.m vrry dr Dul on account of lilt being tbi'ipd to walk for living, lis never rculd moke hiuixlf gie able to Id Mr. (lid .Mil. rua. Her parents ii rilvd A nolln r .he should w.d A rich i.ld iiur iu lh place; Aud old Itromu frnpimtly declared, f Iia1 ri'hei than hare h o JjuJi n marry t.-u!wu While, he'd sooner ku.ck lur ou Ilia head. flirt I'lirU't hratt was brave at..l strong, She f.-ar d ni pire n'a fruiu ; And f.r Reuben White o b.ld, - Ho lis. lwi heard lu my inula limn flf'y l:in- Dial, Willi llie ejcrptlmi t VI,e, he d dti'l . e a for all III lace of Brown. Now I'hclw fl.-bWii ai.d Reuben bite lleteriuiui-d llcjr would marry ; Three wecka .'. In A Tuesday nulil They alurlid fur oil paraoii Wrl-ir', drt-r-mined lu bo unit, d in the holy bond, rf matrimony, though it was Irrincnloui dok, auj ruined liU the Old Harry. II, il ('ajilaiii llrown w.u wide asute j llv loaded upliiagiiii, And Ihrn pimiiaJ the levin; pair. He overtook 'ein nln-n they'd g"t ii'-out half way lo Ihe paraoii'a ; :id Ihcu Itcubcu and I'iithe MurleJ to ruu. Old IU :u linn tuk a ill adly aim Towaid young Reuben's head, Hut, I'll ! 'iwaa a bleeding thame, lie made a miitake, and ahol hiann'y daughter, and hail llie uuaprakable anguuii of soring her drop down stout dead. Then anguish filled young R. uupn'a heart, And veng'-snc crsed Ina hram ; Mr drew an sw.'ul jack-knife nut, And plunged il iu'.u lrw u ah ml fifty or titty limes, to that il iu vi ry doubtful alwU hii com ing ti jiaiii. The briny diopi fooni Itrulxn'i e; ta In ..rrriita urtd down ( He yielded up l!ie.iuat aud dird ; And lliu melancholy, hcartn tiding ni.-l'.cr Irr tuliiatca the h alory of Reuben, I 'heir, uud l.k' miitold Captain llr.mu. The r.niuri'.tnnnl Vrt.e Utns. I III! I iM-lulM lllli'lU III Wlllcll 11.11 lite roil iticlri in lliu 1'urlnmii-nt of lhn I'nitul Mat., mi l tlio personal oliciiltilor which anmcliinc. Pillow them, nre Lolic vai by iho irraclit pcnctalioni o bo iifivulli a, m.'l uly ricrntly hrnnlit lo n citltiiiiiatiiig uiul by I bin. S. Iliouk' lifi' ( r. b.t i-r, iii uii lliu Ic ail, fac, uym iinJ buily of i-ui-lor Cliur h Simmer. Tiiia (miy ilir Iluilj"- Iiom torii) t n iui.lk. I- il' y yi.-nrs tiyii, cxi ilir;,' ilcbnlct olli-n cnjuil tit u rr tilnr kUl.d til) liiit HI lliu lubliy of the lbmsuuf Ki'lirtNtiitinivcu. 'I'hu I'omlint- rinta aliiiped, u t'ui't uuh foriii' il, buttlu liulilur npi oitili -il mi I lliq Im'llu hiti"lit iiiiJ n poi U'i q'liie in ilio iy iifMinlaiy J I it r-tt mill Ihll'a l.ii'u in I.niiilgii. In cur. ci1 rnt Tt m of llii "liitoiiu'ti!, we r wnl to our rui'li'M tin' I'lllna in ',iini,i Ii,ciuimI I'lillll ill'! XrW Voik Kvi'llill I'uil of I 're. I.'ltli, laJ.'i, into lliu Aiiiiiinl Jbiur fur Hfid. "(:l Kliliy Inst, tlio W, l ;no n Li ib, ruie of llie ri'ir.'.sei)l!ilivcs of IViiuy Knuia, un J llie bailrr uflliu lliiaiui Kiity, ami J. M. Nicli Im.ii uiicof lliu ri-prcH'iitaiivi'i, ol flhiM l.niil, mi't iii ihi! Conresi lobby ub Mil 1 n'li't k, licn l.rib iniiiKvliad ly' citllnl .Nicliul.n n liar; ninl llirn tijiuii iniiiinli' tilclv cuiiiint liciil tuiL' of llio Insl foliylil Jul ill the lililiaN of CiMireK imtiil Hl:,'i!i-lll. 'I'hu fijbl CDlitinllr.l till tlio sity liiiiilli imiinl, win ii l.rib b:., re- :i itiil mil b blown Hi ill tiMli il Ii'iii fi din iifjiiin firing liU innn. lie irutriu-li 'l tin lihl, fallinj nfirr iiiuliiiijrn li iblc bit. In lln rnun I hiili I'lulnl tbi' li ;lit, lioe wlm Inn lri 1 1 i tn ti'l bed liitn In n ni'ii, b"u li bo diil nffr n ct 1 1 1 :i I of uno bnnr an I srvcu trcil liiiliutix. lliu eninl'ittiililH were bnlh very tmieli bi'iit 'li." ImiuIuh ily ( ii imiil'. I.OSSI..1 OF Till! rilH.V II A KM IT l.N TIIK ... f'niMi:A. 'Mm Mutiitctir pitblishi a com plete list of tlio losses of the I'irlii li unity in tlio Mast, which, it mutes, in compiled from returns sent lo tlio War Di prr'im lit. Tim list include nil Iusscr, Ciotn the dis embarkation of tlio troops in Turkey lo the Mining of the treaty of pence in Pmis. 'Iho return includes' the several .stall' and beultli ofliners, nnd tho alnioiiein and pas tors iilliuhed to the expedilioit. Tltu lestilu urn as follows : lieiieral Slall'lillieers 1 ( SlitlV Ollieei-s -Ji) . Military Inlt ndrrle f I lllicei s 1 ,.jh Niiii Cnii'.uii.ssioiied Ollieera -l.loj 1'iivntca A(I,ho: A inuit foiiniil.il, lo it of killul. The wounded are not nieiilinneil, but it is cun aiderably Us than has getu rally hniin p resented. Never before ninco lli.i unino of war beau w its there o tu rible a 'aii-hti r fur !ieli trilling cause, und with o small a gain. Tiiiikk TiMts Maiiiiihu' A Mr. Cno (laribmi was brouiiht before the pnliee couit of Albany on a charge of bigumy, in having iiiaiiiiil ihreo w ives. Hut on ex aiiiimtlinn of lliu cuso it appears that the Maluto of limitation, three year, bad r x .ired befnro llio lOinplaiul wua made. Hu' iiid ihere was no bigamy bolwcen the luurriii'e of iho first nnd third, beeiuise ihe lirsl wilo died Wfnro ihe date, of the third inarriage. Third, there no bigainv bel'een the Second and third iV, because lliu muiii.igo if the .ecoiid wifj was void, beciiuso it was consummated while his fnl wil'iiwat Hl'M liiing. So Mr. liariisoii, til ihniigh three limes married, was no! legal ly guilty of bigamy, and wua discharged. A GiJoti One. The following is report H lo us at having happened in liihtol county ; A witty clergyman being acexsteil bynn IJ ae.iiiaintaaeeol' the name of Cobb, re plied, "I don't know you sir." "My rame is Cibh," n j. 'ined the mail, who wan ubout half a, a, i.vrr. "Ah, Mr,'' replied : he eh-r. -jmsn, "yon have tj nuivb run on j uU I J.Ja'l ?. r the c ..'' KuhaaarUa niaUa(. A ri'l'" of hard conerei, iifnr fiovrn rir'a Inlaiid, in (ha liatbor of New York, la liuW llll'lc-r"i.i duliiulition, by jiliiilil iirncktof ktihintniie b!ttlniff wnlmiit Lor tnj. 'J h rii'ge named iJianiond Iteef la DOO feet lot,;' nn I 10 wide, Iho water u 10 ,i;l iIicii mi it ot low oaiur ; iha reel it lo U redued IJ f-et, bluing 2 'J fuel dejilli uf water, ot lw liJu. TliKCotitra' I, Ii r.iliffl it tkfl by Muaar. llii.iv.lib Kioeld f. .r i:IO,ioii, nJ lhre it fery pr.ii,(.-Ll of idraa control lor afromi.li.liiri their ol.jM, willi firomj.li lu lu iii.d I". -'I'-o tin cntit.i'tert ut la. la I lo the .r ui ' uf i!ronn' pointed a- like", and (iile.l with powder, ' r. ai on l!i fe of lli'i reef, and are din- i-li;iri"d viiih a L'-il-n.ic baltrrv. The w. i-i.tof ib.1 iiUfiticitiiilieiit column of w.itcr, when iho liiutt I Uich:ir(!Cil ttaisu in imike llif fxj.anaive forco of tlio portder m l prmerfullyori the reef ill downward itirec'i'in, nn I Irtt'jra'ly, thereby riWiig mini .li.inleraliii It Willi rapidity. Sumo of ur (''it.'tnpor.iriet call tint b!ttt tlio "l'aia ley IIIh.i," instead of I ho VaiUy after Cut. I'iiey, who firat npplied it nino ytara ainta to remove concrelo alinnlt in the river Thmtiee. M nut. Muillfirt fimt introduced it, wo Lelivvu in'o the country, niiJ lie ob tained a j it: lit f.r it, ulihougli, at we thru p 'inuJ out, I Iik invention vvat itiiloold. 'Hii. nyI. in of Mihtiiaririi) bl.i-tin,.' it ono ofiho mot! u..ful invetiiioiia tier discover . .I, f.irrei)iuiinfconcrtitelioaIi in n.ivi.i Uo river nud daibari its vnluo i but ! (iinnin to ba j topcrly oj'prcciated, Sci ihline Amtriain. Rr.LHiio and 1'in.iTfs. If politics nro to bad that r. ,'j'iout men and minutcrs can not li)in!u in thi'in without detriinclit to iheiiik' Iua and their holy cause, there is to iiiti. !i ihe inure r. uson for their refurnuilory o. k. M"-l of tlifsu person? nlio are liotk (d ihat niinlslers nil! cccavjiinlly "pnath polilicc," or apply great religions principles to the n.'.iniiiUt ration tf tlicgoverniiiuiil, or rxcanso clergymen iiiuiiifot an interest in in 'mi! and teli'oui rUPKiiiint upon which political par Ilea nro alaomwui.-il, aru usually p'Tviiu of vi.iy billu religion or very bad public connnoiilv loth. Men whose pol i'ies will iinl bear lliu lett nf Chrisliun prin. ci; are very apt to scuff ut any tuggr tiun tfc"uipaii oii ; nnd men liosu rc lii' jii ia a hoiLsed tip Sabhalli idol, never lu b) llion 'lit ol or regarded on n wnckmiv or npplii d lo nny of iho biiinevi of life, iitplotibtvilly will luivo a holy hoiror ol iii ikin ridigmn a practical thing Life Pi.NiIL'I.aii Cni.M-lliKM'E. Wo 'sited a few days ng.j a spot rendered aouiowluit tiieinorublein liaving been llio icetio of a duel between two of Kentucky's clival rous sons. Thn poiilioti of llio duelists. about tighter n paces, was luaiked by two tree, o:te of which bears the initials of "tie of iho party's- cnlire name cut into the baik; llie other beats only ihe initial of tlio hist name of tho other paiiy. The trie under which the pnrly alood who was killed isd' nd, having, as wo are credibly iiif riiied, gradually decayed fiom that lime. The oilier treo is singularly typical of iho coiulili'iii of the aurvivin pnrtv. who in now nn iiiinntoof a lunatic n lum, standing, ns it docs, w illi tho lower branch es full of life und verdure, while its top is dead nnd leafless. Gcurgttvtai (J). C.) Jiiurnul. P J John A. llumiltou relates a remark ma le by bis illustrious father, Alexander Hamilton, which ling in tho car of tho trui -hearti d like a voice from llio land of orient ns w i ll as glorified spirits, I lo s ivs that, ns his father was returning to his mine iu the count ry, the hut time he (cent Iiuy, a fiicml, Mr. Iloyd, who lived on the way, rodo with him. After expressing his opinion uf on cerium cvrnls then brewing, (ending lo endanger Iho Union, he paused a moment, nnd then in a deep and solemn lone, ns ho .struck his huiid on tho kneo of his friend, ho said, ''lloyd, to brtak this I Hum would break my lit art ."' Ivtxo Fiitt a "Cock Taii.." Davis has only ono fault ho sets loo high n val ue on "distilled liitt(irs." This habit lias reduced Davis to seedy trowscrs and gen eriil.ship. On Monday last, 1 av is was "dy. ing f.ira coek tail," but ns ill luck would havo ii, he bad not tho necessary funds to reali.o his desires. Davis thought over the mallei, und then made a rush fir lied, nn .lid's. He entered llio hnr-rooin with his hair streaming out behind like a comet : "For I leaven's sake, littnd mo a glassof li.iior eoiin'i v man just fell dovvii in Stitlo slreot nnd cut his head open so that bis life is' despaired of." 0'j Astroiii. liters expect tho appear ance, this yea', of tho conicl called Charles V., so named from liaving, according; to s.-iino historian', caused that monarch to abdicate and retiro to tbe Convent of S', Just. It is llioiihl to bo tho identical wandering star which appeared in Qfi, iu 1195, and in 0S.1. lis return was fixed for ISH, but it failed lo appear. 17'" A Mclhodist minuter in the West, n-lin I've.l on a very Miiall sa'ar, vvaireallv tronli'ed at one lime lo jet hi quarterly ins alliiK nt. , t last I. .1.1 the pivmg trusten thai he must have hi. money, as li a family w ore tutoring lor the want of the n Tfi.-ir . of li:. '.Moii. vl" renl.ed the. atpw-ar,!- "v in nr. .,t. for moncv ! 1 tlmiicht vou nreaeh.d i'or il. o.wl ol'iil!" ' "Siiiil. !" r-,!ird Ihe iniiiia'ep, I can'l eat aoula. and f I could, il would take a thouaaiid auch asvoura U, make a decent meal." T Gen. Quitman is reputed to have s.tid a pood thing r.n ,hp morning of the batlle of Monterey. Ho was observed lo go into Ihe field in full uniform. A friend remonstrated with bim, urging that be would make a very eonpicuous mark for the enemy. The page of ancient and modern Lis'.ory are challenged lo produce a nio'e h-roic reply than h made: '-The more ba" aimeJ at i;ie, t.'ic lots will be lir.c!' J j! ipv nun !"' XV To ncrttt'u the lenk'tli of the day , , , .. . , .. ... ,i.,h an 1 iilj-nt, any tune of the year, double Ihe lima of the auri rt.in?. which trivet the i ,t fii. ,.i .1,1 a,, I ,'n il.l il,i liinenf lentil ofthoni.l.t, and double the limeoi njiui oi . - tlin", w li ic-Il give the length of (he day. :hU i. a little method of .'doing the .l.in," tetiin ThI whiclt few of cur readcri lime been aware f XeT "Moth'-r'aaid a litilu boy. "I've got aitcll bad lu-a lache, and aore til rout, too." "Have you, my d.nrl aska-l ti e n oh'-r; "well, you ahould havo co:nc'.(.' iV 'i.'." no matter, " retorted the tlirewd urchin, "I'vo go 'cm, . Iheydun't hurt me. Tax IN C.i maim, lu the village of Irnlfurd, Canada West, tho taxoa are tight ihUllii'jt awl uincjirnceon every pound, or nearly two dollar on every five. So ny the I.ondoii Free l'rt: Iu London, C. , the lax is only tiro thillin'jt and tevtn pmee on tbe pound, or about twclveo cents on every dollar. Xr.v Kinx. A stnal! carbine manufac tured cu n now principle is on exhibition in Albany, N. V. It can bo loaded with Iweiiiy balls in ten seconds. No caps, no priming, no powder aro required except lhat which is er'iilaineJ in tho ball. Tho ball is n patent loaded bull, on llio Minio principle, nnd is peifeclly water j. roof, 00" Tbo Inarriao of Prince Frederick William, of Prussia, with tho Trinccst Pioyul cf Cnirlaml, it is now stated, will tako plnco on tho first of September, 1857. tjuern iclorin and I rince Albert aro ex pected lo visit llerlin con to participate in the tnarriagn ceremonies of Princess Lou ise aud llio I'rinco ltegent of Iiadeli. Ti: IUih-Wasii. An infusion of tea, when nut looalrone, ia mi d lu be very useful in preventing the hair fulliiijj oil: The but plan ia lo pour boil- ui; water ou llio Icavi-a afli r tliey have been uned for u iiii-ul. In ten or twelve houra it mny be diawui.ir, aud pluccil in a bottle lor ue aa rnui n d. A tiib!e-iKjonfiil of any perfumed a; irita lii.iv be ud.li d lo every half pint of llio Waah. It alnuilJ l.e npplied to the Mjalp vvi'.h a piece of Bwnge, or a vory ill briiali. A tilth- glycerine ini.xed with it, awm-era Ilia ptirpiwe of oil; itaolleiuivoiinillni corrcelrd by Iho H'rfuincl aprlta. W Uf the ei hi papers ill l.tineuater county, I'emmlvuuiu, .Mr. Ilikliunan'a riaideuco, liveaup port Krciiiotit, two lIiK'hunau, and ono Fillmore. Vm. C. Cement 6l Co., At thrir old stand, eiMife li Land OJRrc, V III-' now irciivlng p.-r bark "Ork" and bry 'llulryon," the following goods : l.'iO boxes sperm and adamantine candles, kenu (hip I nop'rs and p uclies, IltU bbiauud hlf bbls crushed sugar, fill cases p'eklea, ,'td " licsh pouches, Ml " pic fruits, 10 ti.naO.A.sall, CROCKHKY IlLASS WAIli:. film doz cups and saiiL-urs, 3(10 ' plates, a0 " tiunblein. SO " water pitchers, Sugir Iiow-Im, tea-pots, i&c, &c. OILS ,. M.V7.y. 'Ml keg I'uro leuil, "Ull Rills llllsi e.l oil, IUII gals liirpeutiiio. Till gals varaisli, .1(111 gain lanii oil, u0 L'.'il-s laid " DRY HOODS: COCO yds bruwn sheeting, .'idOO " prinlw, Jlhurhrd cutlons, bed ticking, &c, sX'C., e., bcp'ir- all uf whn-h w ill be sold us low as thev call chusid of uny other houso ill Oregon L'ily. may 17 rnrnitnro. riMin suliscrilici- has jut receiv-zjej- I. e.l tt luiire auiM.ly of l l KM-fx-s, e.l tt luige Miiiii.l y of IT'R.M 1 I KE of all descriptions, comas! nig in part us follows Sofas, mahogany nnd black walimt; ChllllllliT sets; lliui-aus, w ith or without marble tops; l l!i.-e desks; Rocking chairs, PtulH d iu hair, carpet, uud with cane uud vvoo.l beat.; Dining chairs, cane uu.l w ood scats; Otliee cliaim, du do do I'liildrra'a do, hih dining and rucking; llij.l.ft Is, various kinds; Tables, renter, ear.l, uud dining; Wrilinjr desks; SliK boards; I'arler chairs; Scttcea; Reading, toilet, and vvoik tubles; l.oukin-glasses; Malln-sms, hair, moss, and wool; Wiuduw shuilcsj Kent hers; Taper liungintp, of every style; Oilcloth; Chinese matting; lluid lamps, and burn ing llu'il ; with u vuricly of other articles too numerous lu mention. Tenons w ishing to purchase will pleaae call and examine for 111. -in -elves, All kinds of country produce taken in exchange forgoiMk tuos. Johnson. Ziogs, Logs. CASH will ho paid ou delivery for Brand cedar LOGS ut works of Oregon .Milling cc Trans portation Co. K. TE.NTL.V.N H, Ag't. I.iau City, Alay 10, tH.,li. Sacks ! Sacks ! f fill IC iinilersigne.l lias constantly on hand at h 1 sack u. .inula, lory in (ir..i.iii i'iiy, SAi'KS . an qii.iiniesaul nn, w hich will be sold as low they can be beucht ill the Terrilorv. Order, from a distance promptly nttuid.d to. ; Wvi. wnrn.i.rk- Oregou City, May 3, 1 Seti.-lly. KELLY'S rrivnte Boardia? House, t'Pwu.- Il..lmea l'...a I-ire-nrool build ing. OKUUOX CITY, O. T. IU l liargea reasonable. ,'v. 3.6in. Splendid Jewelry. G. COLLIER KOliT.IN'S has now on hand the h'nest assi.rtmeul of JEW ELK Y ever brought to Ore.ri.ii. 'The assortment eou.iata in part of the foil.. wing articles: I'lamoud In-eaches, D amend rings. Gold railway lime-keepera. Ladies' watches, in enameled cases, Laities cliatelaiiera, .Me&aic ear-rings. Gold thimbles, cold and silver pena, Card eases, mantel ornaments, Card baskets, pearl caskets. Gold guard, Teat, and I'obehaiue, Sleeve buttons, shirt atuds, I.ad.cs briMM-hes, and a variety of other gno.N Uk uumerouslo men- lion. Call an 1 we the most majnjlcent display of Jewelry ever en in On-ron. G. COLLIER ROniUNS, Front atreet, Portland. March S3. Iu otir llukcrr AT K ,k,T 1 f"H assortment of HUKAD, VlYS, . -...... i.fi ath jm.i. i rMTv vr . , to MELOHE- L n. torm tow. Enquire t tbe I TIov Eooln I rpllE auWib-r ha. jiut received a lurya aa. I of lilHthi d.rtwl fl0in Nrw Vulk, nioinr lnrli are llie following: Alwn'a Dial, of Kuro,IAmeriean lunlilutiona, Jiu iiv,.f ,),. m.r.. H,,IIM)U' d.i. il.ivea ..f Iho Nnrn. r., , irmoerary hi America, ll.ibv Ion and Nmetih, j Ztfjfi 1 -j j,,,, y,.ur, , c'ulifur.. Homo Cyclopedia, ("ye. of l.ilerattire( I.' '.pluiulliia HiiHr.nnd lluclian'a Kam. I'liya'n. l.'inlii'r on Si'm llnine, ne't .Mtmaal.-ri. I'h'.'ee Uio.r. pliy, IVriivinii Amiiiilii. a, li.'ice 'lr l, ; Munnul uf 1 in Aria, I l-ctiiriaon the Aria, ' Tmvela in IVru, olar lie.'iiiin, .M.ihan'a 'lu!ow n!iy, vnrh'ty of I'ncte, .10(1 copeaif Mind. IV ru !ler, fiiil) ' " Iteaih-ra, !.-,() ' M. flnle-y'a du. '.'.'.0 " Wcb.li-r'a Dietiunnriea. Paviia' Algi-hra, iNewmau'a llli'loric, (ieoiiwlry, l'J)'' do. " ll .ur lori, rmli-y'a Univ. lli.lury, " Purvey in', (Jimilriih'a I'i. t. I'. S., l.ereudlc, Muiiteilli'a lleoamphy, " Anlhinitxa, -l.itllcSp.aker," Tlioii:pa..n'a do. Auit-ricau Speaker. A l.sof A rrcsh Supply cf Stationery. , Uiy ll.iul.a, JiiurnuK, Jj .Iim, Itci-uul ll.ixka, Mi'uioriin.luii.a, of nil i.c, )iar ia, A c, .Nulo i;uJ Letter Taper, IJiivi-lop.-, IVna, iic, 4t Krua-r Kuivea, Jir.inive lUibber, liiitiii.ud l.ulicla, l'ubcr'a I'cncila, IMv, in quart und p.ul butllca. WIIOLESAI.i: AMI RKTAIf,. CH AIll.KS l-UTK, Ja. Oregon City, August If, lfcuj. Mow J v wiillcr. UAVINfi eni.oved one of the beat Working JeWelletion the 1'ac.fic, co.ial, I uiii now fully prepared to nitiiilifa'.turc every tloscriptlon of Jewelry, Masonic Jewelry, Odd Fellows' I'iua, Hings, Arc, iiiadn to nril.T. Kueravinj n, ally done. Cull uud aco ipcciiut-11 of work. ii. cui.i.ti:i uoiiiilN.s. X. 1!. I d -vote my entire iitn uiiuii In repairing Fine Watches. 11. (.'ollif.r Uobuins. l'ortlund, Dec. 23, MS-Klt r A YNK'S Alterative, Kp"c!oriiut, und Tills. Cod l.in-r Oil, Castor O.I, nn I Sun t li!, at Ilia OltKUOX CITY DIlL'i; S'I'DltK, U. W. .Mer- clianl's Caroling Oil, nt tli9 Oiti;i;uN CITY UltL'G STOItn. rPUl'SSKS, right uud li-.l uud douolo, uml Ab L doiiiiual anijorters, ut tho OUKGIU.N' CITY UKL'U STORE. T)l'I!IJ While Lead, raw und lurnid I'nili. r, A. C'rom -. (jn-f ii ami Yi -llmv, and other piiula, ut the OltKUO.N CITY OKI '; STORK. I DEKFfMKItY.nl tho I I ni'i.'i:iiv ri'i'i- tii'i-e M-mnp .jr.. ' . . . v ... ... vai I'hvi. mv.iui Cl UAICFKNIiEliO MKDICINES: T liruelenberjSursaparillu, LterineCatlioliion. " Dysentiry tyrup, consurajitivo balm, " Tilu Oliitinenl, " llnlllt Hitters, " Kye lition, iVc, &.o., To be found at the tigejii-v of the Cinnpany, at tho OUKU'iN 11 TY DKCG S'l'OKK. HAY'MAN'ri Dyspeptic Elixir warranted to cure the- lvs.c.siu just received nnd for sale ul tho OULGO.t CITY DltL'U STVltJC. Dll. (.iiysutl'a c.iinpouudextiuc: of tjuisaparilla uud Yellow Dock, ut the eepli CiliEtiON CITY DP.lH STOT.E. OI.IJ I'r. Jaeoh 'I'l.wnsen.l's Samip.irilla, ut tho OHKSOX CITY DUL'U STOHH. "IVll. J. Ayrcs' colebnile.l Cherry IVet.iral f..r J coughs, eoMn, anil eoiisiunpituii, at the OltEtiO.N CITY DKUG STORE. Tjv.-uscnirs Sarsamr,ila, at tlio OREliON CITY Ultl O STORE. CJ1IAKE S irsap irilla, lit Iho OREGuN CITY Diltifi STORE. SAXDS' Sarsnpai ilia, in nnvqiiantitv, ut tho OREGON CITY l)Rl'G STOKE. - rOI-'FAT'S bilo Hitlers and Tills, llrr.iar.Ts jM. Dysenltry Sjrup, Wttar's Ilalaaai of Wild Chcrrv, at the OR ICON CITY DRL'G STORE. ,1 I' ST RECEIVED at the Oregon Citv Drier ciscn, a fresh supply of DltUtiS, MliDWINES, Talent Medicines, Family Medicines, A.C., tVn., w hich will be told ua hie for cash an they can hi procirtd in the Territory. Call uud examine for yourtcives, and get uu Aiinaniic lor iMjti, gratis. TjERf VIAN Febrifuge, for llie cure of fever uud ague, &c, -c , just leceived and forsalo ut tlio URMOX CITY UUi a STORE. 1 :u!d for S;ik. I OFFER to sell ICO acres of choice land for two dollars and n quarter an acre, cash. Tin laud is a porli.;ii of my cluim, six miles west of La fayette, iu the county of Yamhill. Tiile good. Call and see for yourselves. " "f is no tronl.lo to sliovv"-ihelniiil. B.C. ADAMS, Glen Avocii, Deo. 2.1th, lt.15-37lf Sobustonol l::is Fallen ! 4 NI) C'HAU.I'.AN & WARNER wish to I iV. i'.iform the ciatons uf Oregon City and the public ill general that 111. y havo just received a good ashram-ill of GROCERIES euitablo fur this season of the year. Also, we have received u supply of fiu. y groceries, such as farina, Sugar Tapioca, Arrow Root, uu.l a variety of other audi articles too numerous to mention. We have u good assortment of F.l A" C Y G 00 1S for the holidays, such as raisins, dales, f'n;s, bottled pie fruits, raspberry preserves, and u variety of other uilielcs in this line, mii Ii ns will suit the great, st epicure of the bind. Wo have al so on hand a good assortment of candies, and are receiving n supply nearly cvciy steamer. So ph ase give us a call; wo will sell us cheap as any house iu Oiegon. Our inolto is that a quick penny is belter lliau a slow shilling. Wo are now commencing to prepare iu the T.a kery f, .r Christmas, uud shall have a good assort ment of cake. We aliall ulso keen on hand a sa- ''erior quality of biitl.r crackers, Eostou crackers, aud also the sweet 1 oik crackers. Please give cr- ders for the above in good time. Our prices ihall i be reasonable, aud ihe goods made of the best ma j teri.ils iu Oiegon. uovtM Who Wants a Good Saddle ? rpiIL s.ilkrrilier, living five miles south-west of i.ataveue, in l ouilallroui 'y, is now carrv n-r on the busiue of Saddle Mak-iur in good eariicsL Ha kerras constantly on hand the best saddle that can be manufactured with Ihe matcrin's nt com mand iu Oregon. Tho-e w ishing a genuine saddle warranted to li; on both sales, and r:"ed out in euinplctealy cheap lor ea.li. or good Irade would do well iii give me aeail. Mvshop ia situated on l.akers I reek near where the road crosses il lead ing tiom Portland and Oregon City, "up country" by the way ol Smith's bridge on tlie North Fork of Yamhill. it r I keep every h.n-r in the saddlery l:ne, aa Bn.ilcs, M.iningalea, Hatiers, L nes. Are", Are. Sept. ;i)--J.lir. J. o. HENDERSON. M'alor Power tor Saliv 'in t. uiiiieraignej would like to sell one half of i .1. b a nulla and water power on the Tualatm nv- I er. about three m lea from linn i".tv. I More'a .lil',a. It ia pro'jal.ir the best water prir-' ileo, wilh the excemion of th .w.i r.n- 1 Willamette, lhat there i in Orrgo. I mould like : fr. -'! ... lf . - .L t , ! n . ...r..,-. . Ki. ... . J xl " - "' i-"j improve ti.e wa-er power. J VMES M Vi ul' " ..... u ' '"-'O.... r eo. j. i - jo. xii ' 4J-f , , ,. mm ...a.cb lau aMirrm..n r e. ..'T . -n i-T " 4ur,mnl of Bi OTS 4 CHARM AX $ iYARXER. - ili T! ti l . , AUan, McKlolay 4t Co., AVK i"" reiiiveil a s'wck n MiWaoops, and would invito all lliort who wi h lu pmeure (.()( l aitii-'e at Mion..hl pri.-ra, In call and I are them. Tiny eon.i.t in purti.f Ilia lui:owuij i i (frinJ.toiiea eaniil K win ol barmwo I erain eraill a fancy binmin (;rtta-lli.i amtha p'aiu do ' bnwli 'do do aMil'deoUid pile 1 1 W.i I,arnwa23ltc:i eanilrU luU gurd. n lukea du ho. du ipad'-a pol .hrd aliuvt la yiiin wa-.li hoards bl .eli'initli' bellowi cruu cut siitti 7 tt do li ft mill ini" ft bail iiiutttuM-a doiihlo i.) single buir bolatcrt ilouhlu do hii'Io perm caudle hay lorlia laaitiro fu.ka chin ua window gluaa S bv ID do III bv I.' do 7 i.y II wiuduwsa.liea H hv HI bilaiiiaulilie no du IU I.y J-J tiap. brind lo'jaeco o bows and vokea luckB loliac-o JJLA.KI:iTS, J.ISF., L1.DSFY!, tihertiunt Ti-'ki, ifv if-i. And kep pon.luuily ou hand a lar ;e mpply of (7 It O V E It J Ii 6', clothing, hardware, and many articles tuo ntiiner- oik lu ineiilion. Al.I.AX,MKl.I,AY j-CO Oregon City. Apiit L'l, f.1il-ly f IH'.I.S. Santa Cruz Lime jual received and fnraale by jrJ3.10 WM, C. DEMn.N'T & CO. Crcffon Bncoa. 1 A A A LUS., f.-raule I.y 1UUU W.C.UKMKXTiVco. tluypliau Wlual. J I-:V bti-hi-la P r anloby novIO ll'.lf. C DKMKST J- CO. A A Kit l-o li:i!ii e For thoae en;iijid, or whhiny tu ewjatjt in the fjuumty Lwimsn. . TTTE hove on hand und for rule, tlio following V machinery for grUt niiHs, which will bo told low for cash, or on u Hun t tune i i! Murtnble mills nuiVle : I run of lour feel four in -li From-h Hurra, with spur w heel, 1 I I cn;;, wc;gliitig lO-'.'i Iha. J with .-! iiille, i.ini. ii, brnsli nnd oa-not uud co.lar. 1 run. same size, without pinion. Other irona the same us above. Together with n general norti iei:l of bands, bulling cloths, pulleys, gudgeons, wheels, coupling", hangings for bolting chesta, ivc., Ac. In other wurila, every rcipiiaito necessary to the completion of a griil mill I.y Wn.C. DEMENT Si. en. 0;..oi'o the Land Olli.e. Oiikuii City, Nov l', 1 :.. 1irK ARE NOW RECEIVING, per l.ng V "Susan Abigail'' und burk "Chas. Dcvctis," from San I runcisco, the lullmviiig gooili: aROCEIHES:i i kg" E. lU-yrup, 5&S sulf., yt) bids New Oilcans du. r.C'IIO lbs No. 1 China sugar, 5000 lbs tnl.ls salt, JM boxes lhiL'!i-h uud Amoricnn soap, 0 cases pie hail, usa'd, ii fstom T. v. II. yeast powders, SoOO lbs tobacco, n.-sil btutiJs, 1U0 half boM-s rals'us, SO bbls and hah bbls crushed sugar, 3"(lll ll.sMilrratus. CROCKERY A General AumrUnent. Dll Y-UOODS: .1000 yds brown ahectiug, I l(ill yds satinets, -OlIO '" print.), 10 piecea alpaca, SO pairs Englii-a bUnkcis, 200 yds carpeting, 200 " oilcloth; Tojelhcr with u general ussorlnicut of ready made clothing, beol.s, shoes, hats, caps, niid carueutcrs' tools. YM. C. HEMES T CO., Nov. 10. Opixisito I ie Laud Offiro. .IRIJSIl OREGON TIMOTHY sEED-.IO bus. lorsalc by II .1. C. DEM EXT .j- CO. K-i;il;i i!i.; HJiiif. T.R1.S. lor ni'e I.y nov i 0 11 .!. C. DEM EXT & CO. 50 IN our bakery we keep con.-tantly ou hand bread, crueller, eak.-s, pies, tv;-e. C-.7.li.i;.t.Y J- WARXER. CANDIES, mils, i-aisins, of an ogeedent quality jus; nctived and f..r sale lo.v bv CIIAR.M AN WARNER. OrangC3 I) F.CEIYflD iiisui the urrivul of every steum t cr. Doa't f..il to call ou C7.1 EM A X it IV.l RXER. 1f EUY THING in tho lino of Groceries, J as cheese, all kinds of spice, sal ai.da, cabon ate soda, buleruttis, cream tartar, tie.. are sold at novi-l CllAHMAX tj- WAIlXEIflS. rilOYS, of dli'.'crcnt kinds, fr sale by X CIIAH.MAN i. WAKNEI1. S'ust iiioceived. Vpi'.en,lid assortment t.l Family Groceries, such us tea, syrup, tutar, &c. ; also line and course suit, cream tartar, apples, chili peaches, surdinrs, oy.'lcrs.chini.-i.jcast powder, also a large quantity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco of every bran I .-.ml almost every thing tso in our lir.o of business ull oi' which will be sold as low us nt any other pla. e in town, for cash or pro duce. CHARM AX ij- WARS EH. Hardware I'OR SALE IIY CHARLES POPE, JR. gJUASS nnd Ir.ui ilutls, Screws, Locks und MJt Latches, Hammers and Iluli-liets. A i-es. Drawing-kuives, Ilundsuwa, Curry Combs. Ib.rse llruslirs and Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cups, Wool Cards, Chest Handles, Tlunea. c ApiilJl, lrjj-ltf Groceries FOR SALE RY CHARLES POPE, JR. (jl GAR, Salt, Coii'ee, Tea, Svrttp, Chocolate, U Stur.-h, S.der.ittis, Cream 'Tartar. Sal Soda. Carb. So.ia, Tip; er, Splcc, Alam, Borax, Cop- r..u, ,,u. .-vpi-u.-t, I u Jn K.'lv., -1 the ' OH Stand,' Canemuh, April '21, '55. tslu? hU- r-ie,lt nrou" s"sr. .09H l.tluu !U. China No. 1, do.. 1,000 ths. R'.oCo.'K-e, ' 1 5 1 oils coarse salt ; 500 lbs. fine do., 3,(10:1 lus. Oregon llacon ; 1 ,000 bu.-hels t ats, fur sale wholesale or retail, bv JOHN P. nilOOKS. ' To Hie fiii-iiicrs E WOC LI) say, call at our store: we will pay you na well for vour nrrt,. any other house in Oregon, and will endeavor to nuke you feci as comfor-able as we possibly cud m.-'4 CHARM AX if- AR.ER.' Central Produce Depot CAN EMAIL rf'IONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, wheat, oats, bacou, lai d, butler and potatoes Dfc- - JOHN P. BROOKS. a! S Mi lbt- 1'"tlll--' fur sale by ?''( T. JOII.NSO.N. t.Wlieat Wanted. I I u,'"- I casn pne, pa.d bv x L t,T- '- " ' V. C. DEMEXT d CO . ' Channaa & Warner ' -aj rn ruin...n ... . J L fellovr.cil lie r ofOonP " C?r J...... u... .. "'e ai.ii . . . ""?-. ,hl "!'' ".M-nce is better than . stow ,t. j n,. Kmt lo ,i , . " "a-u io . eu goa.j. an,i aa clean as .mv other boa, n i r-:. i i , - : , . ..5..u. v. " e have enlar.-ed our busiuess m-iteriallv , '"mess materially, nnd ' nave on band as usual, all kinds f :nn. CEKIfS.sach w l k u su-icity and conntrv trade, j u ..K-h we hope ail who have favored us w ih their ! Smm At.l 19. In. ' T r 1 1. JU'SINKSS 0A1MJS. i (. iii-r.il i tiii ..i.ii.ii M. icliui.ia, uiiU ahola. aile aud retail liral -rt iw Jry (iooda, (Jro.-er.ta, llnidwaio, iVo., Ao. I r.i-orcnT. Allan, Ar.l.ilinll M'lvi1. Oreg' ttCity, Mi y 3. I 'I liuiuoa Low. 'ri......- I ' 4 I, I.A.N, M'KINI.AY & CO. 4cni iltiir;. L'iiiajtia, Orrgun. Tl.l.AX.M KIM. AY & COTllmTT. U Orc..uTonl. ry. Slay 4. CIIARLES'POPS, JR., DEALER In llarilivrp,Gri-rri.,, Dry Ko.,1, Clolh.il,', t..-a At Sln.a, .Mr.liciliea, lUxit un. I Stall.. nerv. M.iin..,Oi(von City, April Sl, Iruj-Iif V7m. 0. Dement Ci Co ' TV.t 'LEMA LE i.. rs-t-il I iraler. fJroc. ha, 1'n.v .imm, Taiuta, Oil., Hoots and SIhm-b, Crockery, A.-. I iK tc ,e Lbm, ()ir,c Main Kl.llr.gon City. June I, niy ' jonirnriiBiiiDB," ITTOI.VH AND CoUNatLOt A T LSW, hifaytlf, Yamli.H Cunty, OrT., QILL faith u!ly nil. nd lo all busiuett en- V V ll li.le.l lo ma piulc ofcaaiuuul care. April . I, ljo-Lf JOHN P. BROOKE Ykidrde i- R'ta l Denier in tlrneern t. Product', Pruririurn, J-., .Vein Mrctt. ' A General Auorluient k. pt ujiof Selected Gooihe Cuneinah, Deceuihcr I, le55. CI A. liFJEI) & CO ccratura to Fellow? .' lU'd .J- Co., drill-rain Drugaand.MedieiiM'i Hooka and Siiilioarry, Tuinta, .l, Ae, Pafin. lur littentinn paid lo cuiiiKiuuJiiig lllcdicima. Salem, Nov. '.' I. 3Jf Vclls, T'arjo k Co.'s Express, Uetrccn Orrow, Cttliiornitt, the Atlanlie, S'ulra mil F.nropf, 4 r-. HAVING mudcudv'uiitui.'coui ? urruiigciiirnla willi Iho I'u led pS,k i-.riisia'. s mid Tacilic .Mail St. am- i.iiij.anie. .ii tniiip .rlatioii, we arc uow pre pared lo forward Until llnrt, ttuttion, Kpecie, Pitt liizei, Puree!; and Erri-ril, u and from N Yoik, N. Oilenns. S.iii Fniicucii, Portland, and priui-ip.l linv us ol Cul fornia un I Oregon. Our regular Semi monthly Etprcaa Ivlireca Tolllaud uml San Francisco, ia di-j.atclicd by Ilia Tiicilie Mail Stcnin-hip Co.'s alrain. hip t'oliunbia eaiiiirctin? ut Sun l'r.ineicn with our semi-month.' ly Express lo A. ir Fori and A'eir Orlennt, which is diip.itchcd rcgiil.uly un the Island Ib'ihofeach moiilh, by the mail sic uuers and iu charge of our own niemr-ngerr, tl. rough tu il.-stin itio i. Our llxpr. : from New York loaves regularly ou lliu Sth aud -Oili of each mouth, also ia charge of m.ssrnger. 'Treasure insured ill the best Jv'ew York coin panics, or ul Lloyd's in bi.uioii, ut Ihe option of sh'p;icr. O. ireits Nrw- Viuk, No. lfi, Wall a!.; Now Orleans, Nn. 1 1, Exchange place; Sau Franciaco, .No. Il l, Moiil';t-iikrv stiect, J. N. liAXICET., yi'enl. Oregon City, April U, l-jj -111' n B!l3 Etoamcp Portland, .'.--;r- - C.M'T. A. S. Ml ttK.y, Vv i.l run liuily l.etw e -ii Portland ami Oregon City. Leuvcb Porllund ut eight u'cl..ck, a. il. Return, ing, haves Oicg.ui City lit four o'clock, r. X. For height or pa.-Ki'o apply on boaid. np'21-llf U. S. MAIL LINE. Oreym City uud 1'tu -timid )itily Packet, i aVcanio Clar'a, -.-.-. T-.-.yV. J. C. AI.NSVVlt.lTll, MASTER, U ill i u. i daily, (Sun. lavs c.xci pled.) in the above nr.me I l:n,c, Ii living ' 'iTg. n City every dav ut 8 o'clock, I. M. Ileliiniiiig, will leave Portland at 3 p. si., lunching ut ull int. rinedi.-itc points. cor Ir.-iglit or pussaue a; p y mi Uuurd. npvl-tf Um Vclur.03 cf tho Four Reviews end Ehokvoofl. COMMENCE will North Brll'sli for Sfay, ls.'.l, nn I the cilii-r Ucvicwa und Blackwood lor June, Terms cf S:i!mrr::,tijn Any otte Review or r.lackuon'.l, y-1 a year, lllackwood nud one Ke- vievv i r uuy Ivvu Reviews, The four He vIcwb und liiack'.vuud, SIO. Four copiua to oue ad.ires.-., fs.'lil. Post age ou il.e four Reviews nud Ul.a-kvvood to any Test oliicc ia tho fni cd Slates, only bO cents, n y. ur i a i ach Review uud iU cents u year out li.acluvood. Ail.!r ta, I.. Si iirr vC Co., Tublithers, 54 Gold street, coiner Fulton, Ni w York seor) Reading for tha Million. S. J. M. COHMICX HAS CONST .VNTLV UN II VMI ATTIIK I'll VNKL1N D00K StOIlK, FKONT-HT, ror.TI.INn, UUKCiON, A Choice a -lection of Popular li.sika, News- i. pajicrs, .Mie;u:(iurs anil I- ancy Stationery. A inu; g Iho l,c .ks mi hand will bo found works mi TcnipeniMer, Agiii-iiliare, 1 lorliculliirf, Ilia lory, IVtiy, Elgijplij, Mc.llcincs, Keligiorr, Sc'cnCi,! Scli'iol no-.k.-., I'uaiaiiG.-n, etc., &c., &c. tTSi!hs,-ript'oi)s received for Harper, Gralium, Godcy, L-.slic'.", or Tutiiitin, at 91 a )-our,;os(. age ' '- 3 t Sub crij.tious r.c.iv-fd fur any newspaper published m uuy put t of the fnloii. Reaiein'ier llie Franklin Hook Slore and Nevva p.tper Ar ncy, Front street, Torilaud Oregon. t3"A priced catalogue will be published early in April, un,! will be scut to any purl of tho terri tory free ou application. Ijadios I ROU will find an excellent assortment of Drest m. m,d Itjn.-iet i'ii'.U, Satins and Veleett; also Unmet Trimming, Hosiery, G'oref, Laces and R.btoiit, Table Ciut.'m, Cuiinterjianc, etc., at the store of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Maln-st., opposite Al.eruethy's store,) where may be l'ouud uiinost ererijthing ill tho line of Ui-y diood.: Such ns Pi-tnls. Gwgliams, Alpacas, Merinos, Plaid Linsevs, MiiTlins. Sattinotts, Jeans, Furn as's, Shceiings, lied Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Hatting, i to. Oregon City, April 21, 1 355-1 tf Medicines for Sale, By CUAKLEjj POPE, Jr. B ANDS' Sarapariila, Peck's Wild Cherry BsK lers, Uatcman's drops, Br.indroth'a pills, Lee'a, p lls, Perry's Vermifuge, Opodeldeo, Gum Cams, phor, Gum Arabic, BritUh oil, Lobtlia, Hot dropsk Ud prepa.-ali.iii, Romau rye bulsom, OaUcy'a paiia extractor, Luudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, toniKition Powders, Cartel's. Puhnouury Bals--m, Sulyliur, Epeotu Salts, &cu April :, lsjo-lif I I-T MOULDING for picture frames, fo :e ny CUARMAN &.VVARNEU- rllO PICK CIGARS, the best chauee iaat . -i- npIB CHARM AX $ WARXERS. DO you want Hay Forks, Spades and Shovels' Call at CHARMAX .J- lYARXERS. Something Wew. 4 XY person having a Melcdeon, Serapb'ne, Accrdcon, or other reed instrument, with broken or defective reeda, can have Ihem repaired by applying or sending to Cbasi M. Keater, at bis residence, two squares back from tbe Baptist Mee'ing House, iu the North nit of Oregon Citv. Charge fur inseftinj sin?!.- reeds from HI.50 to Ueasoiia'j.e dwduh.n for a greater nora C. .M. K ESTER. bcr. Oregon City, September Si, ltjj-S3 PtMPLE F HONOR. Tualatin Temple of 1 Honor. No 1 mi. m VV..Ur . err. . . "?.ot U.e Ameri.sn Ha l, Forest Gnwe, Oregno. brethren uf the Order iu rood aUud.uff are Ul- I. TL TTLH, W.C.T-32 ...l lu; ; sToiiL. I ' LASS.Vi.er.i.mr... nd Cr-kerr. at a; i t t ::iAR)HX$ If 1..VCV V