Tits Mammoth Cavs. E. Murium it furnishing the PorUntuurh Journal with a if rie of interesting nicki about ill Mum moth Cave of Kentucky. lie eeyt the lam estimate of iho Cave gave 220 avenuet, 47 domuf, 8 cataraoii, and S3 ;in ; yet all it not discovered, and centuries nmy elaute before il will It full exploreil, if such a work it ever accomplished. The floor of tne cave it covercu oy inreeortour teet oi .t I 1 I m m . m dirt, yielding about three po'indt of nitrate of lime to I ho bushel ; and tueli it the con dition of the atmosphere of tho Cave, that the dirt, after being lixivated and ihrown back from tho hoppers in the cave reim- pregnaki at fully in three- year at it wat before lixivation. Thut the tupjdy Uinx. hauilnble. Glauber and Etom ta'ti are abundant in tome apnitmenttof the cave. Pvbblct, cbulccdonv, including goodct lino 1 with cryilala, flintt, fibrout tulphale of I lime, cryiiilizd carbonate of lime, oolite, chalk, red and gray acre, culcnrotit tpar, gypsum, and tod a are found in the Cave. Tiid Abrison Trial Changs of Ven ue Allowed. Judge Carter, ofCincinnnti, Inn granted a change- of venue to Duller county In the cao of Arrinon, who it to be tried for the murder of Mrt. Allison. The Judge, in giving hit opinion, alluded to the trial of Arrison for tho murder of Mr. Al- Jison, and taid the verdict of the jury wa euch that it was scarcely possible to con ceive how any twelve men with one grain of tenso divided amongst them could have arrived at it. How to Drteut Muhdkrers. W. D. Torter wriics tolhe New York Herald that the following method will, in many cases, detect the perpetralort or a murder: "Il it well known that all objects are actually painted or impressed en the retina of the eye. Should a person die by a violent death, the objects before the rye at Urn timo, remain iinpronsel on the retina. If the covering of the eye is scraped down 'thin, and a powerful magnifying glass ap plied, this imago will he distinctly seen. J his wus I tho first dUcovei y ef th'a dnjuor- 'reolvpc. this;" Any scientific physician enn do A Remarkable Year. Mr. E. Merriam write lo the New York papers that The present year linn been reinarkublo Tor long continuance ol intense col J in win ter, and fur the lung eoniinuunce of great .heat in summer. Meteorites have been more numerous ihan usuul this year in many parts of (he globe, but earthquakes 'have been tar less numerous than for many years past. There is nothing on our record for sixty- eight consecutive years, either in cold or lieni, as to inleiiMiy and lui duiution, which equals that ol the ycur 1650. X2T A few years ago an intelligent gen tleniiii) had a contract to toul a hundred shade trees, lie took the precaution to mark the north stile of each tree, and to plant the same side nofih when it was rtrnnspiHiitcd. ny thin can fulness he save ! the life of almost Ml that lie moved. In ithis hemisphere, the sun shining upon the southern half of a tree cnsluully, stinm- lates the growth of the libera on that con- .-siderably uhove .tlie oilier, ao that in many 'caseslhe animal ling.i are much larger on this than on riu- other. Stsanok Occusrsncs. Something very inru- liar is reported to have occurred on F,a Kidge, in X'ncvlu csuiity, Tenn., a few weeks ago. A hone and low so the story goes which a fanner w;n uting in his field, sunk and disappeared in the e irili, Ueav.ng a hole to winch no bottom hus yet been found, and in which the farmer himself came near lulling. Ilia neighbors were called to the place, who by means of ropes, li t him down in search of the horse nnd plow, tu tin depth of forty or fifty feet, but the further he went Iho larger the hole appeared, and he called to his friends to pull liim up, wliioh they did. Several unsuccessful at tempts were afterwards made to fathom the hole. The horse tud plow have "gone the way of all the earth.' Tlie Psooreis or Lire. Men rejoice when the sun is risru j they rejoice alo when it goes down, while lliey are unconscious of Iho decay of their own lives. .Men rejoice on seeing tuo face of a new scawu, as at Hie arrival of one greatly desired. Nevertheless the rerolutiou of one season is I he de cay of human life. Fragment of drift-wood meet ing in the wide ocean continue together a little space; thus parents, wives, children, friends and lichen, remain with us a short time, then separate, and the sepuraliou is inevitable. No mortal can escape the common lot ; he who mourns for depart ed relatives has no power to cause them to return One standing on the road would readily say to a I of number or persons passing by, 1 will lollow you. Why then, should a person grieve, when journey ing tlie sams road which has bon assuredly trav eled by all our forefathers) Lifu resembles a cata ract rushing Auwn with irresi-tiblo impetuosity. Knowing thatths and of life is death, every right minded man oucht to pursue that wluoh is con nected with happiness and ultimata bliae, Dub- fin Uuictrtity M igazint. Americans Navigatino the Rivers or China. n-We perceive by a letter from Canton that a com pany ol Americans are about building a couple of stcamera to ruu on ths rivers ol Uims. lh;s is a new idea, and something that must bo productive of great good. Ths Chinese aro a commercial peo ple anq are much given to trade, cheating tnd oth er civilizing habits, Tho rivers of China are pe culiarly adapted to steamboat navigation, and then look at her canals, one of which is nearly is wide is the Hudson, and as long aa tin Ohio river. The Empin is full of people, full of towns, and full of fabrics. These must make steamboating unusual, ly profitable. We hare an idea that the Amcri. pan Steamboat Company will make a fortune. They have no competitors, and for a long number of years will nave a monopoly or the bus mess. 014 Uee Wales. From the Missouri Statesman. "HBNHT lLAY WHIGS, COME TO OUE Rescue !" Yes, the Henry Clay Whigs lire cajlej upon by the Buchanan dema gouges to come to their rescue ! Ia it not remarkably strange that men who, for a q uarter of a century past, have denounced Mr. Clav and the Whiff narty for all that was thominahla and hetradax. ahould now have the impudence to far to insult the Old una vvnigs at to asa mem to contradict the whole of their past Uvea by aupporling ,h, tppnn4 worklon Phrenolo Democrat! ! Have the Whijjt forgotten Psychology, Hydropathy, and Mesmerisni, as ap the manner in which, for twenty yearain plicahle to all Uji conditions of life, and pertaining Misimiri thairnn hpl ..f thi nsrtv crush. . , rt . - ;l- ,Lnm "iieTeuiuone w a. t. ii, ine lairrovani, ea them to the earth-proscrib.nR them wi(j 4 b() Mherworkby th. Mroe .nriorJ from every office, and gerrymandering the aim. STATIONERY of all kinds. AIo, Biatesoas to prevent the forty thousand PRESTON'S MAPOF OREGON and WASH "Whigs in the State from having even one INGTON. Representative in CWrets 7 llave they w- DIERDORFF 4 Co. forgotten bow they reviled and calumni- , , w r ,J ,. . . , . ated Mr. Clay, charging htm with king an Aboliliowt, a traitor to his country, a aii-rifrrr, a Mrr.:! t, a g:-nh'rr, a 5jV bath-breaker, a perjurer, and a monarchist, who triuniileil under hit fuel (he constitution and (he luwi lie was black-balled and caricatured, alnndered and denounced, all round the Uuion ; and now the part)- which outrxged the moral tento of mankind by the- atrocity of the libels they uttered auniiikt hit character, are prat'tntr about the glorious and immortal Clay, and for the purpose of liumbiiffjring Whijit out or their volet, are thudding crocodile tcart over hit cravel vve propose to lit trie I .. . a people tee the scandalous manner in which tome of the Democratic papers atte mptrd in 1844 to blacken Im name by the publi cutioo of the vilnt caricature, and forlhit purpose we ask attention to i he following outrinjrotis and Inwulllng piece oi tcauda Hiul falsehood : From Hit Illinois Sltto Register, Aug S3, 18-14 3 CO O to Henry City, I lie liv ing personification and embodiment of Whig prineiles. Whig tddress, IN 1777 born) in 1805 quarreled with Col. Daviess, of Ken tucky, which led to hit fimt duel ; In 1808 he challenged Humphrey Mar hull, and fired three times tl hit 111! ART. I a 1825 he challenged the great Jo h n Kin but tlie dulph, and fired once at his hi art, ned without effect; in 1837 he plan CILLEY DUEL, by wa MURDER WW perpi and a wife made a ao. In 1841, wh yoanuld, and gr ded, it under 50(10 BONDS TO KEEP ich y del tin 39 m A ted, nl 65 hta Ian pe he ace! At the ago of PERJURED himself lo re a seal in the United Stat enate 1 In 18'J4 he made in iuft ui burgain with John Quincy A arm, by which he BOLD OUT for i $0000 a year OFFICE. He ia alto well kn own aa a gum- cu S o d bier and Subbuth political princi cisely and exao the Hattford e frderuliata; o equal righ privileges luwsitch privileg he iui feroei Alge in t deed b I o breaker. His pies are pre tty those of o n v e u tiou ppoard to Is, equal fc equal artered CI; also laioa o u I mi ps heir of o d!l CONSTITUTION AND LAWS. Henry Clay Whigs I read the above and murk its infamous revilings against one of the greatest and best of American states men. Mink iis atrocity its maliguity und baseness. Ought not a copy of it lo be bold before the face of every lluclianan demagogue in the nation whenever he be gins lo prate about "the great Whig party and the "immortal Clay t tSfThe Paria correspondent of the Button At latatuies that at a recent ball in the Tui!eries. four or hve Americans bocame intoxicated, sua forced tneir way to tne emperor s table lit nipper, ma king a great uprrar. Tho Emperor was a good deal aatouinhtd when be discovered who they wore. L' T OF LETTERS remain'nit in the Tost Office at Oregon City, Sept. 30, 185G. Al.bilt Cuthuriue Millard O S Mulls Isaac Merrill Eniret McKiuley J S 3 McMclleu B V Pattersou W M Dr Read Jus Ross J no E Read C A Sayers Renj G Speuce Thos F A Thompson David Rev. Tlialets Martha Thares Win AllreeES Bryant C W Coffey J no 3 Carpenter W Curienter W II Chiles Jno W Downer Jos llowd J no Draper Jos Deschenes Ilenrii Fin ley Nancy .lackson Phebe M Sangwith Chas Weston Geo W Wesheim H Zummolt Jno JOHN FLEMING, P.M. Mann Cynthia 2 .Moody Henry Miller Alary New Firm New Goods. rpHE undersigned take this method of inform L ing the public that they have taken the house uud have purchased the entire stock and fixturea formerly used by t. S. HOLLAND, and hope by strict attention to business to retain the palronaga 'I1 old customers and gain as many more as i"i, We are constantly in reoelpt of GOODS select- ed with the greatest care, (as to price and quality.) and are confident that our facilities will enable us to oner greater inducements to all who want the worth of thoir money Ihan any other house iu the city. We have, and are j ust receiving, an invoice of DRY GOODS, consisting ia part of the following articles Coche- co, I'acihc, lladley, Uonestego, Philip Allen, fall River, Merrimac, and numerous other PRINTS, all late styles ; Luglish and Freuch merinos, Ly ons cloth; black, blue, purple, and piuk alpacas, jaconet, book, and Swiss muslin, a fine assortment of laces and edging, velvet trimmings, &c, do mestic ginghams, blue, mixed, and gray satinet, sheep's grey and fanay cloth, Mill'ord and Bunker 11:11 jeans, bleached and brown sheeting, brown and blue drilling, denims, hickory shirting, black velvet, also a fine lot of plaid drew goods, Brussels carpet, ecc, ace MEN a- BOYS' CLOTHING. Blue, black, and brown eloth coats of the finest quality, tweed business do., black cloth vests, a fine lot of blk doeskin and satinet pants, all qualities and sizes, rubber jackets, gray over and under shirts, white and hickory shirts, hats snd esps. BOOTS tud SHOE S men's, boys' and youths' boots, ladies', misses', and children's mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf boots and shoes. GROCERIES: Rio coffee, green aud black tea. New Orleans, liatavia, and crushed augar, East Boaton, Slew- art's, and China syrup, salt, 10 and 80 lb. sacks, nails, assorted sizes, soap and soap powders, pow der and lead, cream tartar, yeast powder, ealera- ,u. chewing add smoking tobacco, oysters, prunes, pepP' ce, oils, spioes, starch, and cotton bat- t)..l,did Aturtmsat of R..L. he prevention tad eure of aU diseases alao the GOUUS exchanged and the gn market price paid for butter, eggs, bacon, chick- .,. flouTaodTlmoa anything the farmer has for aie. WM. I CO. Oregst) CHy, Oct'ter I, Hi. y Yaatkltt t'.t. Airtcalinral Hot In y. Tho annual Fair of lliii tuulvty will b held La Fayellt O.T. on Thursday. Ooloberi'Jd. IN.'iil to winch llit clliunt of Yamhill t'u. are generally iuviled. The publiotrt rilerm to primed cata logues (ti in uourt noust lu La ruyutte) ufarli vies lur rxuiuiuuu pxo, at. Maitin Olds, Ttit'l Lt Fayette 0. T. July 81, 1S56. DISS: In Ihia city on last Monday, of the whooping- cough, Jsuxs Kumund, infant sou of .I.N. Hanker, tq , aged Hues moiitlia lacking llirei days. "Tluici fortuu.il! I who of ihat frugili mould, The precious porcelain of human clay, llreak with the lint full : lliey call ne'er behold Tlie loug year liuk'd with heavy day ou day, And all which niuat ba borne, and nover told." Dissolution of Copartnership. nil IE cuparluerliip hcreloluie tsiiing between X the lulwcriberi, uiidcr I he firm of 8. .Maim 4 Co., will be diwHilved on II I lUtli of tin present moiilli (October,) Ib.iO, by mulnal eoiuenl. All pertona indeblrd lo taid firm will please make py meat before closing up and all peiauns having ac oounui against l'ia aume ahould preaenl them before Un expiration or tin tune api-cifirri. SAMUEL MARKS, ' 8AUL MARKS, ASI1EK MARKS. Oregon City, Oct 4, Is5G. 25w2 Tor lalo. I WISH to nil four yoke of GOOD WORK OXEN. Thoaa wuliing lo buy work cattle would do well to give me i call at my reeidenci on Upper Molello, Clackamae county. J.T. WINUF1KI.D. 6ept,37,18SG. 34wS Xffotico. AS my wife NANCY has left my bed tnd XI. board without just cauie or provocation, I hereby forbid any person harboring or Iruatinr her on my account, aa l win pity no Uebis of her con trading. ilEMl HENRY II. FLEMING. Sept. SI, Jo0, 24w3 Wm. Holmoi tk Co., ( F1BE PROOF 11 KICK BUILDING,) MAIS ST., OREGON CITY, KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of the following articles both WHOLESALE and KblAIlii DRY GOODS: A large quantity, consisliug partly of prints of ! kinds, merinos, English tnd French alpacas, de antes, laucy and kluck silk, sheetings, shirtings, lickings, tweeds, casaimeres, coltouudea, hickurya, denims, drilling, talinella, blue, bluck, grey, and mixed, sc, ecu. GROCERIES: A well selected ussorlmenl, in part consisting of sugar, coffee, tea, syrup, aonp, caudles, fruit, Hour, bulter, bacon, sp'ce, pepper, sail, aalerntus, soap powder, lua powder, yeast powder, guu powder, lo, CLOTHING: such as black frock, sack, and shanghai couts, of cssa.mere, eassinelle, satinet, and cloth J vests, bull', silk, black satin, cloth, aud casimere, plain and fancy J punts, a large assortment of doeskin, cansimerc. cloth, jeans, satinet, linen, and all other klnda ; huts, cais ; over and under ahirta ; stocks, handkerchiefs, and cravats, and a thousand other thiugs, such as BOOTS a SHOES, women't coarse and fine boots, fine black and col ored gaiters, slippers, &c. ; men's culf shoes, light and heavy brojrana, kip and calf boots, calf and enameled gaiters, boys' and childreu's boots, shoes, aud gaiters. Also, nails, spikes, hammers, hatchets, saws, axes, scythes, steels, squares, &e., ceo. JJ" The above goods will be sold at the lowest market rates. All kinds of produce taken in ex change lor goods. WM. HOLMES, B.H.MALLORY, A. HOLLAND Sept. 19, 185b'. y We are now Receiving- AND have iu sloro ICO sacks Rio coffee, 80 wtiole and hlf bbls crushed sugar, 30 " " ' N O " 100 doz bnioins, 250 boxes Eng. soap, 100 " caudles, 100 " glass, ats'd sizes, Together with a general assortment at crockery, hardware, boots and shoes, paints and oils, &c, &o., which we offer for sale at as low prices as they can be purchased in Uregon Territory. WM. C. DEMENT 6c CO Oregon City, Sept. 19. Fresh Ors-gou Timothy Seed. 1 PV BUSHELS just received and for tale XUU low by WM. C. DEMENT $ CO. To Arrive "fXriTHIN a few days, direct from New York, TV juuu lbs spun cotton, 500 lbs beeswax, 1 00 gals coach varnish, 5 bbls rosin, for sale low bv tep 19 WM. C. DEMENT 6l CO. Seed Wheat I HAVE 1500 bushels clear white WHEAT, entirely free from smut, which will bo a very desirable article for those wishing to sow wheat this rail. It can be bad at my barn for $1.00 per OUbliet. WJ1. JJAKLUW. Sept. 20, 1S5G. 23-wl Blank Books. A FRESH aupply, and first. rate assortment of IX. full and half bound BLANK ROOKS, just received ex "Young Americu." Puss Books. sheep and 1 uck Alemnrandums, Monthly and Weekly Time Books, Receipt Books, Shipping and Storehouse, and Cash Copying Press Books, School Writing Books, Miniature Blanks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Arc, &o. .noisy carriers douk and stationery (Jo., Not. 64 & 66 Long Wharf, and 97 sep. S0-m3 Battery at., San Francisco. Administrator's Ifotiee. "TOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned was appointed by the Judge of the Probate Court in and for Clackamas county, O. T., Ad ministrator of the estate of Andrew Jackson Cut ling, late of the county of Clackamas, O. T., On the 14th day of Aug. 1856. Therefore all persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment ; and all persons hsvinz claims sgainst said eatate must present the same to the under signed at his residence in Molalla. Sworn to aa the law directs. JAMES OFFICER, Sep 20, '56. 23-w4 Administrator. Saw asm. I WILL rent my SAW MILL, and timber for its use, for one or more years, on very favora ble terms. The works are in complete repair: and there is an extended custom to this mill, aa it runs all the dry season, aa well as most of the wet season. Steady, temperate men with fami lies, can now have a first rate chance to "make s raise." I will sell some of my fins blooded cattle ou good terms. DAVID NEWSOM. Marion Co., Sept. 6, 1856. 22w5 SONS OF TEMPERANCE. "Oregon Di vision No. 8 Sons of Temperance" meets ev ery Friday evening at 7 o'clock, at their new Hall over the Drug Store. IT -Members of oilier Divisions sre invited to at tend. R. S. BROUGHTON, R. S. Aug. 23, 1856 19 O vou want sto-.-king yarn T We have it. an!6 CHARM AN 4 WARNER. oRbE; REUON HAMS and SHOULDERS fertile a 1 9 CHA RMA N 4 WARNER. Lumber. Lumber. THE Oregon .Milling and Transportation Co. have established a LUMBER YARD on the river bank ia rear of the store of Allan, McKiolay A Co. Lumber ia largi or small quantities, including dressed siding and flooring, can always be had by triplication at the store of r. S A. HOLLAND. Orerm City. Msy 10, l56. McLANE'-S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pi. C'REOCN CITY DRl'G STOHE. Dissolution of Copartnership. rpllE eoparlueiship heretofore esisliug between X the tuiisuribers miner ins linn oi uasstow a Co. wss dissolved by mutual oonsent August Iblh laiti. Persons indebted will please niaki psy- luent to Jos. liarstow, who will receivt all debts duo the late nun. JOS. BAR8T0W, W. COHUY. Canemah, Sept. 6, 1856. SI Joi. Bart tow 18 by himself, and would respectfully sty to his friends and tilt public generally that hi it thankful for post patronage, lint will coutiuue busi ness at tin old mud, tud will aver be reidy to show his (joous to those who may favor linn with I cull. Lome one, corns ill, both great and small, and fivi hull a full Ix-furi purchasing elsewheis, tnd eiamini for yourselves his spleudid snd televt slock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS and SHOES, Tel, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, ice, &c, ll.ils, Nails, llroums, Sin., tnd almost ivory thing pertaining to a general Inn of business. Cnneinoh.Sept. b. raim for Sale. A FARM of C IO lent of land in Yam hill couutv, aix miles west of Lafayette, is oflered for tale. There aro 80 acres in culnvutlon, and 150 acres in pasture an orchard of 20 bearing apple trees. The place it well wa tend ind timbered, tnd lias Iwo wells or excellent wuler, good buildiugs snd out-houses. Tin land Is is good as there is in Oregon or the world, tud ill location makes il as good n stock farm as then is In tho territory, r arming utensils and stock will be sold with the place, if desired. The clsim it well stocked with cattle, horses, and hogs, and can be had on reasonable terms. IT Inquire at Tut Aiuvs Office, Oregon City, Just Itcct'lvt'd. 4 NEW and general assortment of DRY- iV UOOUS, coiisuliiig of Do trainee, Jaconet, Book Mnslin, cruas-bsrred Muslin, Ldging, Inser tion, Bablein Ladies' hose, collars, Ac., im. Also, BOOKS snd STATIONERY. CHARLES POPE, Jr., sug 16 Main St. SoniL'tliiiig New. WE, in addition to our Grocery and Baking business, have just received a good aud well selected stock of DRY GOODS, such is slicoes. muslins, mous de lainea, aatinells, tweed, Kentucky jeans, &c , & e. also a good assortment of flannels, bed ticking, and drills, pocket hand kerchiefs, neckerchiefs. Ac. all of which we war rant to be of the beat quality, and will aell as low ss can be bought at any other house in the city. We say to the farmers, we can fill your bills com pletely, which will save you so much trouble ia running around elsewhere. Call and see. Aug. 16. CHARMAN 4 WARNER. GOOD grain seeks for eale cheap, by CHARMAN WARNER. rpo pick funcy shoes, either ladies' or gentle JL men's, call at au 1 6 CHA RMA N $ WA RNER'S. POCKET and table cutlerv of first quality, (or sale by CHARMAN $ WARNER. DO you wuut hats, good and cheap? ("nil at CHARMAN 4 WARNER S. Tl RUSHES, scrub, hand, and tooth; do hair; JJ paint brushes, &o., for sale at the store of CHARMAN $ WARNER. CLOTHING WAUEIIOVSE. Wm. a. Badger, 109 BATTERY ST., COR.NKR OF MKItCHANTS, SAN FRANCISCO, IMPORTER of every variety of Cloth ing uud Furnishing Goods ; also of Ducks, Drills, Sheetings, Ulunhels, Huts, Moots and liro gans, by recent arrivals has received very large invoices of tlie most desirable styles of t. I.Ultl ING, aud it is the larokst stock ever offered in this market. The GooJs are manufactured under my own supervision, and of the best material, well cut, large sizes, and made iu the most durable maimer. Traders from the country are invited to examine this heavy stock, and they will find the prices Lowes than lliey can be found cltewhero in (he market. Purchasers may rely on receiving the best and most taleuble goods, its each article is guarantied. OKDJiliS FROM THE COUNTRY prompt ly aud carefully attended to. 10,000 pairs assorted funcy cassimere pants, 10,000 " assorted funcy aud plain satinet do., 7,1)00 " " linen pants, 2,000 ' Goodyear's rubber pants, 1,000 Goodyear's white rubber coals, 200 cases Goodyear's Ion; and short rubber boots, 200 " miners' boots, 1,000 dozen super fluunel oversliirts, 300 " fancy cassimere oversliirts, 1,000 " white shirts, 600 " heavy hickory shirts, 500 " heavy check shirts, 300 '' Merrimack shirts, 6(10 lambs' wool undershirts, 300 " regalia undershirts, 200 " grey flannel undershirts, 450 " lambs' wool drawers, 250 " bleached drill drawers, 1,500 " overalls, 300 ' Denim frocks, 1,200 " country-knit wool socks, 1,500 " heavy white and mixed cotton do., 1,000 pieces super silk pocket handkerchiefs, 100 dozen super black silk neckerchiefs, 200 " cambric handkerchiefs, 300 " rubber belts, 250 " buck gloves, 400 " buckxiu gold bags, 1,000 doeskin business cools, 400 black cloth frock coats, 2,000 assorted overcoats, 600 " pea coats, 3,000 silk, cloth, and velvet vests, 20 bales blue and white blankets, 50 ' A sheeting, 50 drills, 30 " assorted duck, 50 esses fine felt lists, 100 " straw hats. For sale by WM. G. BADGER, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, No. 109 Battery, cor. Merchant St., San Francjsco. N. B. No goods sold at retail. 18ui3 GEO. ABERXETIIY tl Co., MERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, O. T. Abernethy, Clark tit Co., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, San Francisco, Cal., Will sttend to selling Oregon produce, ind fill or ders for Goods, Groceries, A.c, at the lowest riles. The patronage of the people of Oregon is re- 'pectfully solicited. Aug. 2. So Merchants. WE are now receiving the following irtioles: 50 bbls Santa Cruz lime, 15 " hydraulio cement, 5 " plaster of paris, 32 kegs uails, 8 " spikes, 5 A 6 in., 100 ' U nion syrup, 5 gala., 25 bags Rio coffee, 25 mala China No 1 augar, 25 half bbls N O sugar, 5 bbla vinegar. iug3 G. ABERNETHY A CO. To Blackaniillit and 71anulucta rert. WE in now receiving tea tons of iroa of tht following aizes : Round iron from to 1 inch, Square " lo 2 M Bar - 1Ji1o3i, Nail rods, Horse shoe iron, Band iron, 3 J I. Plow steel, 12iJ. Fur sale at lowest msrket rates. augS G. ABERNETHY A CO. DR. Osgood's I odisCholagogue, end Dr. Joaes' American Choiagogne, at tho OPfXW UTT rprs STORE. What's the Use of Oolnr Barefoot? rpilfc, subscriber has opened l boot and shot sh X iu this oily, where making aud mending wil be done lo ordrr on siiost kutil-i. I also keei constantly on baud ready made boots tnd shoes which 1 will sell on ressnnsbls terms. Thankful for past favors, I still solicit i reasonable shsrs pilruutgi. Call aud try us tnybow. J. B. BLANPIED. Oregon City, Aug. 9, 1856. 17m6 TlfE an lust receivinr t ouanlilv of UR V GOODS, EA R THEN WARE, tnd tl most every thing tlst t nun otn mention. Farm in would do well lo eall and get their harvest sup plies about new. July VIAK.VA.y 4- H.lrt.Yttt. Cor. 3d 4 WalersU.oppo.lie Ferry land'r, OREGON CITY. The traveling publio in respectfully Invited to give us I call. Tin OREGON HOUSE ii the ms4 pleasantly located lloiel iu tht Territory, and has been so altered within the last few months is to make it one of tin most commodious. Ths table will always be supplied with Hit best III tt the maikel atfurdi. Good accommodations for ladies and fumihes. Good stabling aud feed for horses, with proper at tendance. UPRENGEK It BIllNK. June 28, 1856. 6m To Farmer. UR REAPERS and THRASHERS btvi arrived. Call toon, if you wish lo gel out. Wt have 3 eight-horse thrashers tud cleuuers, 3 reapers and rakers. JulyS, 1jU. U. AUhKNKl tll' atu, M. si. LUCAS. K. DALTONi Luoai 4i Balton, HOUSE, SIGN, & ORNAMENTAL PAIN- j r. Ks, etc., HAVE received and offer for sale, 4000 lbs Atlantio white lead, 350 galloua boiled unseed oil, 300 raw 300 " turpentine, 9t0 " Tilden'iNo.1 furniture virnish, 150 " " - coach 200 " Japan 1000 lbs of putty, C ds Adams 6-10 brushes, 6 dot sash tools assorted, 10 packs of leaf gold, 10 " " silver, 100 lbs of Small's assorted colon, 3 gross of camel and table hair pencils, 500 It of glass, 8x10, 10x12, 10x14, 10x15. Glazed sash, any quantity, of the following tlzet and prices: HxlO, fi,'Ji per window, 10x13, 4,00 " 8x13, 4,00 10x14, 4,50 " 10x15, 5,00 Messrs. L. &. 1). would respectfully call tht at tention of the trade and the public generally to ex amine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. LUCAS & DALTON, June 28, 1856. Front si., Portlaud. Bv Bark Ocean Bird. RECEIVED June 4th the lollowmg GOODS, tnd now selling rapidly it a small advance. 15U kegs syrup, 50 boxes candles, 50 hf bbls N O sugar, 10 bbls crushed " 13 doz brooms, 20 ' buckets, 50 gro matches, 10 bbla cider vinegar, 15 cases tobacco, 35 " shoes, assorted, 25 grain cradles, 1 thresher and separator, 1 reaper and raker, 12 straw cutters. Juno 7 GEO. ABERNETHY & CO. Barness and Saddlery. FA THE under rT I" BUTi'EV V""T.,ln thePoi Til E undersigned having opened tnew bvlLLE, Marion county, O. ost OHioe building, ire ready to manufacture and furnish at short notice, aud in the beat aud most substantial style of the cruft, nil kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Carriage Trimming, fe. June 21, 1856.-y ROOP A COOK. Those who Stll fhti Clicupi'tt Sell Iho Id OKI. CHARMAN & WARNER, Origin Cihj, have Iho best selection of GROCERIES, limit and Shot; also Oils, Puints, Glims, to sell wholesale and retuil, cheap for cash or produce. Our stock in part consists of 6000 ibscolTce, 2000 lbs No 1 China sugar, 2000 " No 1 Ualavia 1000 " Sandwich Maud sugar, 1500 " crushed sugar, 2500 " assorted candy, 50 kegs E. Boston syrup, 50 kegs nails, 10 cases pickles, " " pie fruits, 1 2 doz assorted can fruits, 6 " tomato catsup, 5 " pepper sauce, 4000 lbs suit, different kinds, 8 doz brooms, Large assortment of Qiieennware, Glassware, &c, 10,1100 cigara, by the thousand, 4U boxes tobacco, China rice, Carolina do.. 300 Hie tea, 2000 lbs dried apples, spice of all kinds, ate, Ac. je7 For Bale. I WILL SELL my situation on tht bluff atOregon City at a very low rate. I have a good dwdjing house, stable, aud out buildings, with about 100 choict fruit trees of the best varieties, in in enclosure of eight lots, all of which Will be sold low, as I have purchased prop erty in another part of the city. May "4, lMOU Otf W. W. HULK. Main Street Bonse. I HAVE leased the MAIN STREET HOUSE, and am now prepared lo ac commodate the traveling public. Every attention will be paid to the comfort of man end beast. Charges reasonable. I shall always be found on Hand by these who choose to patronize me. J. M. BACON. Oregon City, May 3, 1 856. 3tf JUST RECEIVED, 70 bbls and hlf bbls N O sugar, 30 " " " crushed " 4000 lbs No I China 10 hlf bbls Csrolina rice, 15 " dried apples, 15 kegs " " 10 hlf bbls peaches, 10000 lbs Liverpool salt, 10 cases table salt, 60 bbls Santa Cruz lima, 6000 Iba manilla rope, ass'd sizes, 100 kegs nails, " 6000 qr Hour sacks, 6 balca drillings, 12 caaea ass'd pie fruits, 12 ' " pickles, 20 bundles window sash, iss'd sites, 24 pannel doors, ' ' 2 doz pol. graina scoops, 100 sacks Rio cotfi-e, 10 mats black pepper, 10 bales oakum, 100 tingle tnd double blacks, ass'd sizes, 6 gross P At M yeast powders, 10 dot ziuo wash boards, 500 gals S. I. syrup, 4000 lot white lead, pure, 500 " red " " 40 gals copal varnish, 1 5 doz paint brushes, aas'd sites, 15 "3 hooped buckets, 200 gals boiled linseed oil, 100 " raw " Together with a food sssortmsnt of HARD- WARE and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. AU of which sre propose selling al prices lo suit the timet. Call and aee for yourselves. W. G. l)fcME r , Main St., opposite ths Land Office. Oregon City, April 19, 1856. PRESTON'S Sectional and County MAP of OREGON and WASHINGTON TER RITORIES for tile by i"gl CHARLES TOTE, h OREGON CITY Wholesale Prices Current. nsr uooim. ) uauus A atuicmts. Sheeting, 4-4....1Isl21 lOOpr.cUrer N. Y.cost. Drilling I" j' raouict . Uleachad drilling 1.1 Whttt, pr. bu.....$l,00 thirling, IJilO Oala do 40 Striped do I '.'J Potatoes do 74 Ticknij ...Halo Onions de 6ds75 Denins 1 5 Flour -J0 IIIim drilling H Cora Meal, flash 9 Plaid husey..,..l6s,.Mj rsurr. Satinet 7Ua0u " dried do 12al5 Keulueky jeaus...25s45 I'e achat, dried do Id Tweeds 55i70i ' do pealed mints. i " Chili, dried. 20t2S lllus tud Hhite )f raoritioat, lllus ind ortugt 12 Pork, clear none. Fancy 8a I ' moss. 828a30 Furmturt do 10tl4;llaint. ,15 do. wide. 121 Bacon 13 M. do laiues Hn'.'S: rowiira. Cioghamt 152'.';IIauird, pr ta $15 Alnscn 25ali0 pr keg 10 Tablt dumtsk 6Ha7.V shot. cloths fi5.tl Small siies 2,s3 Irish linens 40ufti;Uuck SMsSt CMTIIIKO. LIA9. Sheep gray pants S'.' J.i.1 Bar 90 Satinet do. .fj'.' JiSlWhite lead, in oil.. .121 Fancy cist. do. ...Ua5( onsosot. Illack esse. do. 5a7:Manilla, small 25 Red flun'l shirts $Usls! " large .....25 Blue do. do. 1 1 5a 1 8 Hemp lOtli Hickory shirt 5u7 csaoiss. Calico do. ... . 8'-'al2 Adininliue 37t40 soots A siidks ,Snerni COsu'i Men's kip boots$.'JsJ' ciosss. suer do. do.. ..JU Havana 8j40ar30 fine tewed 6 1 : German il 0a2A Boys' kip boat (t-J; American 20a50 " he'vy w'x do$l J:i2 toiscco. Meus'brg'spr. dot.. (1 1 7. Pride of the Uuioa.40i4.1 kip brg a pr doz.t'.'0un 30ai)5 " calf sewed d o.. ft J I Luke's 37 Womeu's h'vy ah 'a. SI 3)' Hsauwiaa. fine do 1J 1 5; Shovels !$8al4 naoctaiat. iHusdes I4iI6 Clfes 14tl6!Aet $l2a2n ei 50tt5 Millaawt OOitls Sugar, no. 1 Chi'a.... II X euttiwt 75al5 crushed 16 I utile cutlery, iu peret Saleratut 10albK- tdvtnet on N. Y.coet Starch 1 41 Pocket cutlery, 95 prot Syrup E Boston... $I,2H( tdvtnet. do. s Islaud yiWther article! or htrd- O Molasses J ware from 20 to&Opr iv. Salt 3a31) ct advanct. ble Salt 31a4.N'ails,aas'daizet,nrkg $8 Sundwlch I. Salt . . 3u2,; liorteslsse...25a35 epiier 3il( oiu. Allspice 4(1 Lamp $1 JaJtf Ciuiiamou OOaHU Linseed boil $Ws2 Soap lOalliTurpenliueprgtll $1 U. S. MAIL LINE. Portland nnd Aatorln. The Splen lid Steamer Mnltnoman TTILL continue to run regularly between Port- V land nud Astoria, tin Vancouver, rwioa A ersjeavinir Portland on Monday and Thursday mornings of euch week fur Astoria ; and Astoria for Portland on Tuesday and Friday mornings, touching VNCouvia,ST.IItLSNs, UsiMia.CATH- UMIT, Ac, each way. r or ireignt or passage, apply to It. HUY I, Master, jclG . Or at Hoyt's Wlmrf-boat, Portland. Cltlzel, Line of Klcamert. t!. si PORTLAND. Capt. Muaasr, ENTERPRISE, Capt. Jamikson, Will run in connection, the Portland leaving PORTLAND daily (Sundaye excepted) fur Ore- lion City it 10 o'olock, a. a., the Enterprise ma- r. . . . .urn,,., ,iu ling senil. weekly trips 10 ttinrALiiia, leariui 'AN EM AH ou Mondavi ut 6 o'clock a.m., ind Thursdays at 2 r. M. IT All freight for the above lint will bt receipt ed fur tl Hoyt's Wharf lloat, Portland. ALEXANDER 8. MURRAY, ARCHIBALD JAMIESON. Feb. 16, 1856. 44lf Vamhill Trade COCHRAN, CASSADY Sc Co., under the name and style of the 1'amA'ff Comvanu. art now building a steamer of about 30 tons burthen at Canemah, expressly for the Yamhill trade. She will be ready to run some time iu June. COCHRAN, CASSADY cu. r m,.. a e M if vrriniii villi rturi u. B. ZVXilwain, Mnnnaetunr, Whuletale and Retail Dtaler in COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, Tra a corrta wasi, hardwasi, ac., MtiuSt., oppoaile Main Street Hotel, OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamboat tud jobbing work attended to with dispitch. Orders from the country promptly filled. je7 n Droijf , ZtZodiclnes, ralntt, Oili, f-y and Bye-stuffs, J at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, sepIS Main Street, Oregon City, O.T. WESTERN HOTEL, Morrison St., between Front and First its , MSL PORTLAND, O.T. Charges reasonable. S. D. S M ITH, March 15, 1856-48 Proprietor. W. T. Barns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITY, O. T. IT Strict attention paid to repairing, aid etlie. faction to patrons warranted. feb9-l3 ZvXorris Thomas, BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER, Mile it., nearly oppmitt Hulmet 4) C's.'s. TKRMB Of IHAVINO, ItO. Shaving twico a week, one shampoo, hair trimmed once, per mouth, 3 00 once t wees, one snmjo, nair trimmed once, per month, Hair trimmed, Hair cut and dressed, Shaving, and hair dressed, Shampooing, Oregon City, April 5, 1856-51 1 25 25 60 35 50 Time. WF. II I OH FIELD, i WATCH-MAKER. Persons desirous of getting good work done wnl do well to give me a call, aa my whole lime it de voted to the repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, ind Horituntal watches. An assortment of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. Prices to suit the timet. I tm thankful for past favors, and hope to give satisfaction in future. IT Located at the old stand, opposite the Tel egraph Office, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. To Merchants and Shippers. T MK OREGON MILLING & TRANS-. POUT ATI ON CO. have adopted ths fojkiw. iug tariff of charges, which will bo adhered to till further notes : Transportation of merchandise or pjoduct from boat to boat at works, per Ion, tl 0O Storage of tsme leas than five dajts, no charge. over 5 At less than 15 dsys, 25. M " ' 15 Sl 30 50 Each additional half moutk ol I i will be oharged, per ton. ' R. PENTLAND, Ag'l. Linn City. May 10, 1B5L Cniioiiiali, Nov. 35, ISM. "N hand ami far eale, low, for cash or product J Paints dr. lead, white lead, red do in oil, blk. do ' litharge, chrome green, Prussian blue chrome yellow, blue ptint, Common and permaneifl green putty, glaa JNO. P. BROOKS. Ice. Wedding taken MADE to order, parties furniahed with lets on (honest notice, &e.,hy sPn nun i.vf ir.if.vcr?